#Yukei Beats
cerastes · 5 years
Alright, now that I got some time, a More Complete Update than the other day’s brief one:
HEY PAISANOS, so, I got like two or so months to go before I am gucci. As all of you know, I fucking hate academia so I am happy to almost be done with it for the foreseeable future. I am also not doing more therapy work and have been able to start getting experience in what I want to do, more on the industrial side of things, though I’ll likely end up doing private therapy at some points anyways. Thing is, I’m Good rn.
I’ve stopped drinking! Well, not entirely, but I only drink socially now. No more downing liters and liters of alcohol on the daily. It’s helped me drop a lot of weight, bwahaha.
I got Toasty (my best friend, if you remember him from streams) fully weebified so now we are super watching anime together, it’s been pretty cool introducing him to stuff like Nichibros and Higurashi.
Speaking of? I still fucking love Higurashi dude it’s so good. I rewatched it recently.
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Please watch Higurashi, especially season 1, it was made with a budget of three pocket lints but it still bops, it fucking GOES dude. 
Also watch Angel Beats.
Speaking of The Japanese Animes, I’ve not been up to date with SHIT my dude, just been watching Oldies I Missed But Are Supposedly Good, like Anohana. Anohana good.
My thesis is going good! Already did the experiment, it went well, just gotta properly analyze the data and I will be ready for my thesis defense in around 2 months! AIMING FOR THAT PERFECT SCORE MY GOOD PROSTITUTES.
Fire Emblem Three Houses is a fucking home run. Golden Deer best route, I fight for Australian Rights while God Shattering Star plays in the background. I name my Male Byleth “Kakashi” and Female Byleth “Marypoppins”.
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here’s mymans Lysithea, play Three Houses, pretty fucking primo.
BLOODSTAINED WAS FUCKING GOOD, THENKS, I WAS SCARED MAN, I FEARED IT WOULD BE ANOTHER MIGHTY NO.9 OR YUKEY LAYLAY HIEEEEEE it delivered, IGA still can make a fucking good game, play Bloodstained for the love of fuck play Bloodstained, primo IGAvania experience, you will shit blood from your nostrils due to how damn good it is.
Please look at this smile:
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Well shit I dunno what else I gotta talk about specifically, but yeah, I’m not back yet, I’m gonna show up here and there with unspecified frequency to drop a post here and there but I ain’t back BACK yet.
To be frank, I was bedridden for three weeks because I overworked myself into an acute bronquitis, lol, so my doc was like “hey what the fuck man do things you like” and I was like “but I gotta Perform...!” and she was like “you gotta fucking reward yourself or you’ll break down so do things you like” so I was like “ok I’m going to unleash a chastity belt post on tumblr” and here we are! So yeah remember to take breaks instead of not taking breaks because if you don’t take breaks, you break.
SO yeah just give me two months and we can fuck around again like the good ol’ times of 2018 and prior.
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omisali · 4 years
(FREE) Don Toliver x NAV x Travis Scott Type Beat 2020 ~ "NO REASON"
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serendipitykpop · 6 years
scared to love
Pairing: wong yukhei x reader
Request: Hello can u pls make something like u are the new generation of smrookies. Lucas sees you and u bith started like each other but do nothing because afraid of the managers (happy end maybeee) (sorry if its complicated English isn’t my main language)
“Practice is absolutely hell,” You panted and collapsed onto the floor. You sprawled out your arms and legs as you stared up at the ceiling.
“It is, but you make it tolerable,” Yukhei grinned, standing above you. You chuckled and nodded, feeling the same exact way. You rolled over onto your stomach while he sat down in front of you, crossing his legs.
“So what are you in the mood for, for dinner?”
He hummed, thinking about it. He then shrugged, nodding towards you. “You choose. I want to treat you out today.”
“Woah, that’s new. Why are you so nice all of a sudden?”
“Don’t get used to it,” He teased and flicked your forehead. You groaned and sat up, holding it in pain.
“Whatever. I’ll take this chance now because I’m positive it’s never happening again.”
“You got that right.”
The two of you laughed and stood up. He threw you a towel, so that you both could rid yourselves of sweat.
“Let’s stop by this restaurant a little down the street I found this morning.”
“What does it have?”
“I don’t know, food?” Yukhei shrugged. You shook your head and laughed. You packed up your things and followed after him to where this restaurant was. You fooled around and teased each other as a way to pass time.
You and Yukhei have known each other since the day the new generations of SM rookies were announced. You were sitting in the corner by yourself when this goofball saw you and decided to join you. You were taken back by his sudden appearance, but as soon as he said one of his jokes, you were instantly hooked. That and his smile because you just couldn’t resist. Since that day, you always met up together, practiced together, ate together and hung out together all the time. You were practically joined at the hip.
“I know. You don’t have to say it,” He sighed and hung his head. You inhaled sharply before turning to him.
You looked at him. “Stop, I know what you’re doing.”
“I’m sorry,” He cooed and glomped onto you as you sighed. You flicked him on the forehead before patting him on the head.
“I guess you’re forgiven considering you’re paying for my food.”
“But now we have a problem.”
“Yes, right.”
“Where should we go then?”
He shrugged, swaying the two of you back and forth.
“The usual place?”
You both twisted in the direction of the shop, then looked at each other and smiled.
“Let’s go!” Yukei exclaimed, grabbing hold of your wrist and pulling you along. You groaned, stumbling after him. You greeted the late night workers who only grumbled as a response. You ordered your usual and went to save a spot while he ordered. “Let’s save that place for another time.”
“Don’t worry about it. We don’t really have to go there though. I don’t mind just eating here, you know?”
You raised an eyebrow at his outburst, causing his eyes to widen. He cleared his throat and returned to his usual self.
“Let’s just eat.”
“Sure,” You shrugged it off while he was cursing at himself. Though, it was long forgotten as the two of you teased each other.
“That was so good!”
“Nothing beats late night dinners with my best friend,” You laughed and nudged him.
“Right, best friend.”
“Yeah,” You awkwardly laugh, scratching the back of your neck. You cleared your throat and looked the other way. You groaned, not believing you said that to him. “Uh, well. I’m that way and you’re that way.”
“See you then.”
Before he was given the chance to answer, you had already started walking towards your house. You let out a sigh of relief before your breath hitched from the sudden appearance of the boy beside you.
“Ah, yeah. I didn’t want to leave you walking home by yourself since I would feel so guilty for not at least walking you home.”
“Oh? But you’ve never done this before. Could it be that you like me?” You teased, expecting for him to go along with the joke even though there was a tiny part of you that wished he was serious.
He shrugged and smirked. “Hm, maybe.”
Your eyes widened and you turned away. The walk home was very silent as the two of you had the other on your minds.
“Well, here I am.”
“That was too fast of a walk,” He grumbled.
“Oh, nothing! I’ll be on my way then, goodbye. Sweet dreams, Y/N,” He raised a hand to wave as he turned to leave.
“U-Uh, yeah. You too. Sweet dreams,” You called out to him and giggled.
The next day, all of the rookies were gathered into one of the practice rooms to be informed of how things worked around the agency. The employee droned on and on about the rules while everyone listened intently. However, there was one rule in particular that caught the attention of everyone, especially you and Yukhei.
“There is absolutely no dating. Otherwise, you’re out,” He sternly said. You and Yukhei met each other’s gaze, then looked away just as fast. The meeting ended shortly after and you two slowly walked to each other, but didn’t meet eyes.
He cleared his throat and you looked at him, only for him to look away. You sighed and shook off the rule. You grabbed onto his hand and pulled him to your usual practice room.
“Come on, where is the Yukhei I know?” You teased and poked him in the side. He turned away, trying his best to hide his smile. You chuckled and he let out a groan, giving in. He tackled you in a hug and apologized for being weird. You smiled and shook it off. Though, you somehow managed to lose your footing and the two of fell onto the ground. You laid side by side on the ground, laughing loudly as you teased each other back and forth.
Even though you had fallen in love with Yukhei and couldn’t date him because of the dating rule, you were happy to at least be by his side.
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kaiowut99 · 6 years
The One With the Yukey/Tanya Fisticuffs
(My Subbed GX Masterpost)
tfw you finally finish finalizing an episode you wanted to finalize a month ago
Apologies for taking so long on this one, guys! It’s been a hectic month, lol.  In case you need a refresher with 36, check it out here as we continue with the aftermath of Misawa’s loss, where Tanya decides she needs another strong man--enter Judai.  It’s a neat episode thanks to Tanya’s use of Amazoness Death Arena, a Field Magic which lets them scuffle in spirit form and answer the question, “What if a fight broke out in the middle of the duel??” Poor Misawa, though. :’(
Part of the delay was squeezing in some time to work on the few fixes I had for this episode, including yet another strapping issue for our poor Burstlady.  Full list below the cut, per usual.
Enjoy, folks! I’ll finally be posting 36 with 37 on NAC tomorrow--I have to revisit 36 to reencode the preview per renaming the Death Ring to “Death Arena”--and then moving to get started with 38 as we face a freaky fishy guy.  Should be fun!
As Tanya and Judai shout “Duel!”, the split-screen between them replaces the shots of Tanya and Judai with a premature shot of the field a frame before the split-screen is completely gone; I fixed it by taking both sides from the frame before and masking it in place on each side there.
As Tanya and Judai reel from using the Death Arena after Clayman’s destroyed by Swordswoman, Tanya’s Swordswoman is reversed and shown as a Normal Monster on her Disk; I slapped my proxy on and darkened the card, then adjusted as she moves before it’s offscreen as her Disk is raised.
When Judai summons Burstlady, her shoulder strap is missing yet again; I added the straps in every frame as she moves with Photoshop, then masked it into the video in Sony Vegas.
A repeat of #2 after Swordswoman beats Sparkman, where Burstlady is also shown reversed on Judai’s Disk and I’ve right-side-up’d it; I’d actually worked on this fix first, then noticed it happened earlier too with just Swordswoman, so I went back and added it lol.
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