#but then duel links felt like making Johan available and well
kaiowut99 · 6 years
The One With the Yukey/Tanya Fisticuffs
(My Subbed GX Masterpost)
tfw you finally finish finalizing an episode you wanted to finalize a month ago
Apologies for taking so long on this one, guys! It’s been a hectic month, lol.  In case you need a refresher with 36, check it out here as we continue with the aftermath of Misawa’s loss, where Tanya decides she needs another strong man--enter Judai.  It’s a neat episode thanks to Tanya’s use of Amazoness Death Arena, a Field Magic which lets them scuffle in spirit form and answer the question, “What if a fight broke out in the middle of the duel??” Poor Misawa, though. :’(
Part of the delay was squeezing in some time to work on the few fixes I had for this episode, including yet another strapping issue for our poor Burstlady.  Full list below the cut, per usual.
Enjoy, folks! I’ll finally be posting 36 with 37 on NAC tomorrow--I have to revisit 36 to reencode the preview per renaming the Death Ring to “Death Arena”--and then moving to get started with 38 as we face a freaky fishy guy.  Should be fun!
As Tanya and Judai shout “Duel!”, the split-screen between them replaces the shots of Tanya and Judai with a premature shot of the field a frame before the split-screen is completely gone; I fixed it by taking both sides from the frame before and masking it in place on each side there.
As Tanya and Judai reel from using the Death Arena after Clayman’s destroyed by Swordswoman, Tanya’s Swordswoman is reversed and shown as a Normal Monster on her Disk; I slapped my proxy on and darkened the card, then adjusted as she moves before it’s offscreen as her Disk is raised.
When Judai summons Burstlady, her shoulder strap is missing yet again; I added the straps in every frame as she moves with Photoshop, then masked it into the video in Sony Vegas.
A repeat of #2 after Swordswoman beats Sparkman, where Burstlady is also shown reversed on Judai’s Disk and I’ve right-side-up’d it; I’d actually worked on this fix first, then noticed it happened earlier too with just Swordswoman, so I went back and added it lol.
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