#You've just done it again
yuoic · 1 year
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metamorphesque · 5 months
Only 3 months after completing the long-planned ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) by forcing out Armenians, the indigenous population with a history of over 3000 years and, thus, having successfully carried out yet another step of turk-azeri multi-stage strategy of the (second!) genocide of Armenians...And yet, rather than be held accountable for the above-mentioned, azerbaijan recently won the bid to host the United Nation's climate summit next year.
REWARDED 3 months after carrying out an ethnic cleansing! It's funny how the world is so selective about which war crimes must be reprimanded and which ones— rewarded.
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harboretum · 7 months
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Sea witch
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lunelicmoone · 1 year
i'm not paranoid, i'm a realist.
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sskk-manifesto · 5 months
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I'm fully convinced that here Dazai was laughing himself off because of Akutagawa's dramatic way with words 😭😭😭
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doodleodds · 2 years
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Me? Uploading a Halloween comic on November 18th, almost four whole-ass weeks late???? Yeah that’s uh. yup. yeah
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Thanks for reading! :) <3
#persona 5#p5#akira kurusu#OUGH OH MY GOD ITS FINALLY. DONE. I AM LOSING MY MIND#if you've been following me for long enough: yes! this IS in fact the comic i mentioned that i was making last year.#Fun fact! This is also! The Third Draft of said comic!!! i have redrawn this thing THREE FUCKING TIMES#as a result you may notice that i uh. a) gave up on coloring this thing. no way in HELL am i coloring 30 pages. im not...strong enough#you will settle for simply having monochrome colored panels and you will LIKE IT!!!!! >:OOOOO#and b) gave up on backgrounds! yeah fuck that lmao. i am never drawing people in the monabus again and mementos can kiss my ass!!!!!#i just want to draw my silly little characters & not their environments#and you may also say: sophia. by halloween they are already in Sae's palace. why isn't goro with them and where's haru?#and to that i say shhhh suspend your disbelief. akechi is in mementos carving pumpkins to avoid trick or treaters.#and also haru isn't there because i cannot draw 6+ people in a cramped space yet!!! my art skills are Just Not There Quite Yet :(#so she's staying home and handing out fullsized candy bars to kids. that's where she is while this is all going down#'does akira know it's akechi down there?' :) that's up to you! but i WILL say that I was thinking about Akeshu when i wrote this so. :))))#ANYWAY if you read this far in the tags im so sorry lmao. thanks for sticking around! Hope you had a happy halloween :)#hopefully i won't disappear for long this time. idk im just gonna start uploading other bullshit art in the interim between comics i guess#probably some fire emblem shit. we'll see. we'll see. anyway bye!! till next time!
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artbribery · 1 year
Danny calling John Constantine a “discount, hyped-up voldemort wannabe” and complaining that “at least voldemort didn’t make that much paperwork for the ministry”
A list of why the insult is legit, maybe written by a spite fueled Danny, the soul tax collector, helped by Clockwork who wrote the file he’s getting his info from probably:
Manipulate, Mansplain, Manwhore
Bad habits
Soul splitting (!!!)
Involved in some weird shit
His house could kill you
Tax evasion
Mother dies and father resents him for reasons (in some version, or an orphan at some early point, either way)
Magical, special lineage connected to cunning
Dark arts knowledge
Met a lot of Ghosts but most don’t like him 
But not really
Many contacts and connections everywhere
Killed people
People die around him (Different things)
Problems with the Government (mood but also >:( )
Grave robbing (implied? it has to have happened, i can’t believe otherwise)
You know what, a lot of crime in general, what the heck?
Asshole (should’ve been higher on the list honestly)
Gets a blood transfusion from an enemy and becomes stronger
Protected from mind control (Lucky)
Probably called you-know-who by someone at least once
Smart (???)
Changed his name and joined a band (So to speak)
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bruhstation · 7 months
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special thanks to these pez dispensers for accompanying me during my stay at the hospital. glory to canada
#theodore tugboat#theotug foduck#theotug george#theotug emily#stanza halifax#<--- don't expect this to be a big AU in this blog because TUGS is the main focus regarding boats. I just wanna draw gijinkas#senjart#sorry for not answering the asks guys. I got admitted into a hospital since tuesday and just got released yesterday (laugh track)#anyways about the show. theodore tugboat am I right#like I've said before it doesn't hit me as hard as thomas or TUGS#like it's not as character heavy as ttte#or as worldbuilding heavy as TUGS#but it's like.... a really fun relaxing show. super good even#I'd usually roll my eyes at overly nice protagonists but theodore is an exception. he is my friend. my pal#maybe it's just my affinity for shows with talking vehicles but erm.... robert cardonna you've done it again#the show doesn't have big explosions or bombastic events unfolding#the episodes have this very quiet and soft narration by danny doherty. no loud sounds or weird wacky silly sound effects in a bwba fashion#also everyone is nice to each other in this show which surprised me lol#because I've grown accustomed to the british-style verbal battles between sudrian engines#and the typical blink-and-you-miss-it dark comedy quips from top hat and zorran#theodore tugboat: what a peaceful day at halifax :) we talked about our problems properly and learned more about the world#TUGS: what a peaceful day at vaguely san francisco :) only 2 trampers died instead of the usual 5#I recommend it if you want a show that's easy to digest and easy on the eyes/brain#some episodes have characters that should've been switched to make it make sense#like harbour fools or even bumper buddies#I eventually got used to it#and there's not much worldbuilding going on. not my hugest complaint since it's still a cute show#there are also a few inconsistencies here and there... not to mention the episode order that kind of confused me#the side characters haven't grown much on me but I guess it just doesn't hit me YET#it's still good. I'll give it an 8/10
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arthursfuckinghat · 3 months
Update: The walk of shame back to camp, I think he's pissed off for needing to bail me out of jail 😔
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
Note of acknowledgment to all of you still following me and reading but scared to interact because of the smear campaign and anonymous attacks that can happen if you interact with my blog. I know you're all here and I appreciate you. I'm glad you're still reading.
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mewtwo24 · 5 months
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Something about Hua Cheng's expression here is killing me--I know this is supposed to be a delicate moment of reassurance but the pure hater energy radiating off of him is just immaculate
#tgcf#hua cheng#xie lian#hualian#words cannot express how much I love hua cheng being a hater#hua cheng in this pic is that energy when you keep spamming the A button when an npc you don't like won't stop talking#like his face when lang qianqiu keeps going on and on about his parents meeting an untimely unjust and grisly end#is so 'it was hundreds of years ago and it wasn't even gege's fault for fucks sake grow up'#'leave my goddamn wife alone he raised you with love and diligence'#'you had your bloody revenge what more do you want. figure it out far away from us.'#spoken like a true ghost king who slaps eming every single time it expresses a single inconvenient emotion he has#every day i have to resist the urge to gush about hc he's just hilarious and peak every single time i love him#no notes just banger after banger after banger#that's the face of a man who was orphaned as a child and clawed his way through life to survive and keep his loved one alive + well#a bastion of unmoving strength for 800 years#unmoved by the whining of a young man born with everything and mourning the loss of his innocence way past his expiration date#10/10 hua cheng you've done it again#hc said 'oh? a traumatic life event? we have several dozens of those git gud'#and honestly i mean that with no malice i just feel like lang qianqiu is old enough to start parsing the world in a more nuanced way ;;;;;#as much as xl thought lying to him was the best outcome hc was right--the truth d o e s matter--and not just to absolve xl#its also about giving lang qianqiu closure and moving on. about qi rong facing the consequences of his actions#so much of what is wrong with the heavenly court is the obsession with maintaining appearances over being sincere#and so much of what hc adores about xl is that xl was never really interested in those empty words and empty sentiments#he truly wanted people to prosper and live well no matter the cost to himself
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thecindercrow · 1 year
I get why we all disliked his character by the end of season 2 (good writing, acting, and character development), but fans who are still so angry with Nathan and SO against him having a redemption arc here in season 3 perplex me so much. Realizing your fuck-ups and bettering yourself by finding the positives in the people and life around you and in turn helping those people to do the same are surface level themes of the show, and instead of engaging with that you’re going to roll your eyes and say the show should just abandon Nathan by the wayside? Another frequent theme is the ways we mask our insecurities and how often those defenses are actually damaging to ourselves and the people around us. Which, again, is prominent in So Many characters, but you just choose not to care when it's about Nathan? You watched Jamie's and Rebecca's (also well-written) whole turnaround stories but don't think Nathan deserves or could have the same thing, huh?
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love-bokumono-fics · 2 months
We've got another scant week of fresh crops, so I'm taking it upon myself to assign some completely voluntary homework:
Writers: Your assignment this week is to open up one of your WIPs and write seven new sentences. Not edit seven sentences. It's far too easy to open up a document, make a few edits, and call it writing. Particularly if you're stuck in the mire of writer's block. But write seven, whole, brand new to the story sentences.
If you don't have any WIPs, then challenge yourself and try to write a Seven Sentence Story. Challenge yourself to see what you can convey in a limited space. See how far you can really stretch one sentence by making it a run-on to end all run-ons.
Readers: Your assignment this week is to leave comments. Either challenge yourself to leave a seven sentence comment on a story, or leave comments (of whatever length) on seven different stories. Whether you find new stories or go back into your bookmarks and history to comment (or re-comment) on a favorite story is up to you.
For Extra Credit: Do both! Writers, don't forget to encourage others in the fandom. You know how much a comment can mean to you, imagine how much it might mean to someone else. Let's remember that fandom is a community, and creativity flourishes in encouraging environments. Readers, step into the shoes of a writer and try a Seven Sentence Story. I don't care if you've never written anything creatively before, or you think you can't write. It's seven sentences, it won't hurt you to try. Even if you never share it, that's a story you made that nobody else could have. Rejoice in that!
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me watching another D20 season: hmm I wonder who the bad guy/the overarching enemy of the party is
Brennan Lee Mulligan thwacking me over the head: The. Bad. Guy. Is. Al. ways. Capitalism.
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Person whose gender was directed by Todd Howard and published by Bethesda
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zebratimw · 2 years
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