#Yes the lamb is meant to be Angelina
fda-certified-cryptid · 5 months
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janetbrown711 · 3 years
Can I have a one shot with this Wakko's Wish Headcanon: Lavender is Yakko's favorite color because their mom used to sing Lavender's Blue (Dilly Dilly) as a lullaby for him when he was younger, before Wakko and Dot were even born. And when he became their sole guardian, he'd sing it in the dark, long after he thinks they've gone to bed. Wakko and Dot never tell him they know he does this, because a) they like hearing him sing, and b) they know deep down Yakko needs it, even if he can't tell them why.
Yakko thought his mother’s singing voice was the sweetest sound in the whole wide world. 
Her voice was soft and low, and the words she sang would reside in your chest and give a sense of peace and calm that would linger with you for the rest of the night. Her lullabies were like... a lighthouse shinning next to a calm sea. Yakko knew there was no danger, but her lullabies made him feel all the more safe. 
However, if he had a particularly bad nightmare, he knew he always could rely on her sweet singing voice for comfort. 
“Yakko..? What are you doing here sweetie..?” Angelina rubbed her eyes as she opened the door to her bedroom, and gasped when she saw Yakko was holding his teddy bear and crying. 
“Oh honey...” Angelina scooped him up in her arms and rubbed her cheek against his. 
“I-I ha-ad a b-bad d-dream,” He hiccuped. 
“I know sweetie, come on. Let’s get you back to bed,” The queen kissed his head and slowly walked him back to his room. 
“I-i saw y-you a-and d-dad a-and- a-and-” Yakko tried to explain, but choked on his tears. 
“It’s okay sweetie, I’m here,” Angelina said, opening the door with her free hand. “You’re safe now.”
Yakko didn’t have it in him to reply, so just nodded and hugged his mom tighter. 
With careful maneuvering, Angelina made her way back to Yakko’s bed and slowly set him down, though he clung to her arm tightly, so she sat down next to him. 
“Deep breaths dear, deep breaths,” she instructed, and he obeyed, slowly regaining control.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked softly. Yakko thought a moment before he shook his head. Angelina nodded and slowly wrapped an arm around him, and Yakko curled into a ball, resting his head on her lap. Angelina instinctively began to stroke his ears softly. 
“Do you want me to sing you a song?” She asked. Yakko nodded. Angelina nodded, and thought for a moment, before selecting. 
“Lavender blue, dilly dilly, Lavender green,” She sang. “When I am Queen, dilly dilly, you shall be king.” 
“Who told you so, dilly dilly, who told you so? T’was my own heart, dilly dilly, that told me so.”
Yakko smiled a little. He didn’t know why, but his mother always embraced those lines the most. 
“Call up your men, dilly dilly, send them to work. Some to the plow, dilly dilly, some to the fork.”
Angelina smiled back down at him, and Yakko sat up, and leaned against her arm.
“Some to make hay, dilly dilly, some to cut corn. While you and I, dilly dilly, keep ourselves warm.” 
Angelina scrunched up her nose and nuzzled it against Yakko’s, who giggled tiredly at the gesture. 
“Lavender’s green, dilly dilly, lavender’s blue. If you love me, dilly dilly, I will love you.”
“Let the birds sing, dilly dilly, let the lambs play. You shall be safe, dilly dilly, out of harms way,” She said, slowly putting Yakko into a sleeping position on his bed. 
“I love to dance, dilly dilly, I love to sing. When I am Queen, dilly dilly, you shall be King.”
Yakko yawned as his eyes began feeling heavy once more. Angelina stood up and pulled the blanket up and around his shoulders. 
“Who told you so, dilly dilly, who told you so?” Angelina asked. 
“I told myself, dilly dilly, I told me so,” Yakko finished, accepting his fate and closing his eyes once more. 
“Goodnight, Yakko,” She kissed his head. “Sweet dreams.”
Yes, Yakko was confident nothing on this earth could comfort him more than his mother’s sweet singing voice, especially when singing his favorite lullaby. 
He loved his parent’s love story, and the Lavender song just fit it perfectly. His mother had taken their love into her own hands, going against the evil queen’s wishes. He thought it was very brave. 
It was safe to say his world was shattered when that voice was taken away from him. 
He couldn’t sleep for weeks after the attack had happened. Visions of his destroyed home, his hurt mother, the stomping of angry men, the gunshot, and Dot’s cries were engraved in his mind and haunted him when he tried to sleep. He tried to hum the lullabies to himself, but they only made him cry more and more, the guilt only weighing more and more on his back. 
He missed his mother more than he could bear to say. 
However, time went on, and Yakko had a duty to protect his siblings. When the orphanage closed two years after the attack, he found himself scouting out abandoned buildings they could live in constantly. He’d get Wakko and Dot happy with the new environment, but would constantly be on the lookout for any of the new king’s men. The stress and exhaustion had nearly driven him insane, but seeing as it had been two years, Yakko saw no other alternative and began to hum to himself Her lullabies to himself, long after his sibs were asleep. 
He’d pace around the abandoned building for a bit, before taking a deep breath and humming to himself, allowing himself to sway to the hypnotic rhythm. In truth, they worked like miracles, and Yakko was usually able to relax enough to sleep with his sibs before too long. His longing for his mother to sing to him never quite went away, but it didn’t make him cry like it used to.
 Like a lighthouse over storming seas...
“Yakko!!!” Wakko jolted alive with a shout, and if they had had a bed to fall off of, Yakko would’ve. 
“Woah, woah, Wak, are you okay?” He asked his trembling younger brother, who was looking around the dark building in a panic. Dot bolted upright too, confused and scared now too. 
“Y-yakko? I-i- I-i...” Wakko couldn’t get a sentence out. 
“Deep breaths Wak, it’s okay,” Yakko said, realizing what had happened. 
“Wakko?” Dot tilted her head and hugged her rag doll tightly. 
“It’s okay Dot, he just had a nightmare,” Yakko sighed and rubbed his brother’s back, but Wakko chose to instead hug his brother tightly as he trembled. 
“F-fire...” He said shakily. 
“It’s okay, Wak. That was years ago. You’re safe now,” Yakko assured. 
“So much Yakko- so much,” Wakko began to cry, and Yakko hugged him tighter. 
“Deep breaths Wakko, deep breaths,” he instructed, before doing it. Wakko copied his older brother’s motions and soon regained a sense of calm, but was still obviously anxious (as was Dot now, for that matter). 
“Are you okay now?” Yakko asked. Wakko nodded slowly, but he couldn’t look him in the eyes. Yakko bit his lip. 
“How about I tell you another bedtime story, huh? Would that help?” Yakko asked. 
“You already told us two earlier,” Wakko shook his head. 
“Sing us the song!” Dot gasped in awe of her own idea, but Yakko blinked in confusion. 
“What song?” He pressed, and Wakko and Dot shared a look. 
“Y-you hum a song to yourself a lot. When me n’ Dot can’t sleep, it helps,” Wakko sniffled and wiped his nose. Yakko blinked. 
“Oh,” was all he could reply. 
He hadn’t expected that. 
“Will you sing it Yak? Pweeaaseeeee,” Dot pleaded with puppy dog eyes. Yakko hesitated. 
On one hand, of course. His sibs needed help going back to sleep and if all it took was a simple lullaby, then obviously, he should do it. 
On the other hand though... he wasn’t sure he was ready for that. He hadn’t gotten himself to sing the actual song yet, only ever humming the melody. He was nervous that he didn’t know the words, and if he didn’t know the words that meant he had failed somehow and damaged his mother’s memory in an unrepairable way. It felt like killing her all over again...
He looked at his siblings once again, taking in how nervous and tired they looked. They both clearly needed it...
“Alright, fine,” He sighed, and Dot cheered. Yakko rolled his eyes as he switched places with Wakko so he was right in the middle of his two sibs on the blanket pile on the ground, and he wrapped an arm around them. He waited for both of them to get comfortable against him, and he took in a deep breath and prepaired himself. 
“Lavender blue, dilly dilly, lavender’s green. When I am king, dilly dilly, you shall be queen.” 
Instantly, he saw a wave of relaxation wash over his sibs’ faces, even though Yakko’s voice was nothing like the angelic singing of their mother. He was much more nervous about it, and he could feel a lump in his throat he was desperately fighting off for Wakko and Dot’s sake. 
“Who told you so, dilly dilly, who told you so? T’was my own heart, dilly dilly, that told me so,” Yakko closed his eyes too, and for a moment, he could remember Her singing it to him, clear as day. 
“Lavender’s green, dilly dilly, lavender’s blue. If you’ll love me, dilly dilly, I will love you,” He sang, becoming more and more comforted by the words. 
“Let the birds sing, dilly dilly, Let the lambs play. We shall be safe, dilly dilly, out of harm's way.”
Yakko hoped anyway. 
“I love to dance, dilly dilly, I love to sing. When I am Queen, dilly dilly, you shall be King.”
“Who told me so, dilly dilly, who told me so? I told myself, dilly dilly, I told me so,” He finished, feeling a sense of pride at the slow and calm breathing of his younger sibs lying against him. For good measure, Yakko continued to hum the song to himself, not having the energy for the full song. It was exhausting to be a street orphan, after all. 
He knew it didn’t matter anyway. He knew the words, and was passing on his mother’s traditions to his younger siblings. He knew that wherever his mother’s spirit was, she was smiling down on them.
He hadn’t failed to keep his promise to her yet.
Yakko was a good big brother. 
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
The Lion and The Lamb
Draco X Gryffindor!Reader
Part One    Part Two    Part Three    Part Four     
Part Five    Part Six    Part Seven
Summary: Now that you two had to face other people and interact, knowing what happened... can the two of you do it? And how will it work even if it does? 
A/n: This part is SO CUTE and I love it. I hope you guys know that this is far from over... I was serious when I said that I would rewrite the entirety of the series. I hope you guys are staying safe and stay tuned I have big plans for our confused lovers. Let me know what you think! ((Also, guys, please sleep and do your school work--don’t make me mother you))
Tags: @un-limiteddd @geekysimmerthings @coffee-addicti @ilikestuffproductions @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @dolphincommander @bisexualbumblebeesstuff @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg​ @queenfeatherwings​ @fanficflaneuse​ @go-whovian-universe​ @spicyshenanigans​
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I woke the next morning, still by the window, a letter on my lap and Penelope nowhere in sight. There was a familiar green seal on the parchment.
A fresh layer of snow covered the grounds of Hogwarts, it was almost enchanting. Stretching, I took my blanket and the letter and sat on my bed. Hermione was absent from her bed. I could only assume that she had gone down to breakfast.
Opening the letter, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and blinked through reading it.
You should be asleep, not writing to me. Ask Madam Pomfrey for sleeping potion if this continues.
I can only imagine that you are talking about how the antidote made us feel and then how we feel about another. I understand what you mean—and when have I ever made fun of you? We should look into it. I can ask Snape. He might know.
I know you’re scared, but you’re also a Gryffindor, courage runs in your veins. Don’t forget that no matter what happens. You are strong and stubborn and a real pain in the ass sometimes and now isn’t a time to just throw that to the wind. They hit, you hit back harder like you always have—at least with me anyway.
I wrote to your mother already. She’s right you do worry too much. 
Yours too,
I smiled at the letter and folded it, tucking it under my pillow with the others that I had from him as well as the one I had from my mother. I would have to find a safer spot for them soon. Maybe I could jinx a box or something...
Knowing it would be colder today, I threw on an extra sweater over my uniform and grabbed my scarf that had been retired for the summer and fall until now. Sometimes I missed living in a warmer climate all year round when the coldest it got was maybe freezing.
Not thinking about much other than getting to the Great Hall on one piece—and Draco’s advice about living up to Gryffindor courage— I hardly noticed that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all waiting for me in the Common Room. My eyes met Hermione’s as I silently questioned her about what was going on. A few straggling students quickly scurried away as they watched the scene unfold.
“How much trouble are you in?” She asked softly, fear in her voice. “You’re not expelled, are you?”
The boys, looked to me concerned, with the same fear that Hermione had.
“What? No,” I backtracked. “Of course not!”
The three of them visibly relaxed.
“Is that what you guys have been worried about? Why you waited for me?” Part of me was touched that they did still care about me, despite what happened last night.
“Well, you were gone for hours, we weren’t sure what happened.” Ron defended Hermione. “Knowing Malfoy, we thought sure he’d get you kicked out.”
“No, we didn’t.” Hermione clarified. “They did. I did try and stay up to talk to you, but...”
I gave her a soft smile, letting her know that it was okay.
My eyes met Harry’s and my mood shifted as we stared each other down, both giving away nothing. There were accusations behind his eyes and threats behind mine. I dared him to say something.
“I’m not kicked out. I’m not in trouble—neither is Draco for that matter. You don’t know anything about him, and I really don’t want to hear it from either of you. I will tell you what I can if you want to listen. If not... not a word.” I threatened softly.
Ron and Hermione nodded, and I looked to Harry for his response.
“So, you two are on a first name basis then?” Harry remarked.
I gave a curt nod, narrowing my eyes.
“Are you two dating?” Ron asked, sounding innocently curious and disgusted. 
“Well, we never really reached an answer to that...” I frowned, thinking.
Were we dating? Is that what this was? Surely it had to be more than what a boyfriend and girlfriend meant. Didn’t Draco mean more to me than that? My mother’s suggestion of Consentire Animi Pace, the bond of two souls in an effort for peace, made a bit more sense. Draco was right, we’d have to look into that later.
“Where were you last night if you weren’t getting expelled?” Harry asked—demanded.
“With Draco,” I answered coolly. “Anything else?”
Hermione raised an eyebrow and I knew she had a lot more questions for me, but not in front of the boys at least. There had to be a time that I explained it all to them and how long Draco and I had been at this. From the outside I guess it did look very sudden.
Hermione fell into step with me as we made our way to the Great Hall with many other students who—not that I noticed—stared at us more than usual. Well, stared at me more than usual. Harry had just won the first task not too long ago and he was getting the normal amount of over attention.
“So, what happened!?” She asked excitedly, trying to whisper. “I need to know!”
I recounted in a low voice Draco and I’s adventure over the few hours: McGonagall’s office, the Astronomy Tower, my mother’s letter. I left out some details of the two of us that were only meant for each other. Hermione asked to see my mother’s letter later and I was hesitant to hand it over.
“No, I understand, it’s not meant for me,” She nodded, not looking sad at all. “I just can’t believe that you and Draco actually kissed in front of like everybody.” She whisper yelled. “It’s all anyone has been talking about!”
I got really red and looked down, sheepish.
“How bad is it?” I questioned, my eyes darting around the halls to other students—I met curious stares, some gaping at me, and some wishing that looks could kill.
“Not too bad I think,” She encouraged, “But then again I don’t know why they’d tell me about how they felt.” She shrugged. “But what was it like? Kissing him?”
I smile ghosted my lips as my cheeks grew warm. I could see Harry and Ron stiffen as they overheard the question.
“Not here,” I hissed, giving her a sharp look.
“To think, you being with a Slytherin, a Malfoy!” She laughed.
“He’s not so bad,” I defended softly, my voice and thoughts trailing off.
The Great Hall, to my relief, was not all staring at me as we entered. Instead everyone was quite calm and talking about a lot of different things, a main topic the Yule Ball. Part of me dreaded it, but then again... maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Taking a seat, breakfast was served—magically. On my plate was biscuits and gravy, fruit, and hard-boiled eggs: my usual. Ron eyed the greyish sludge as he did every morning but said nothing. I suppressed a smile and began to eat. Comradery began to fall over us as the meal went on and George and Fred sat with us.
“Who knew what all it took was a kiss to shut Malfoy up?” Fred snickered, as did George. “Nice work Y/n.”
“So, you guys have been kissed!?” I smiled brightly turning to them. “That’s great!” My cheery dispositions faded to a glare.
I leaned across the table toward them, narrowing my eyes.
“Remember that I have access to where you sleep,” I threatened, a bright smile on my face.
“Good lord she’s terrifying, they do belong together.” George muttered under his breath, his joking tone gone as he looked at his breakfast.
I sat back smugly as the twins began to argue with Ron over using their owl. 
“So . . . you lot got dates for the ball yet?” George asked.
“Nope,” said Ron.
We all exchanged looks. Hermione grew red and looked down, the twinkle in her eyes that she knew something, but refrained from saying it—she had a date. A smile stretched on my face as I thought of who it might be, my suspicions landed on Krum. Good for her.
“Well, you’d better hurry up, mate, or all the good ones will be gone,” said Fred.
They continued to talk of dates and Fred stood, asking Angelina to the ball, to which she said yes. Good for him too.
My mind drifted off to Draco. Would we go together? Should I hope for that? What would he think? Would he not want to because of all the attention it would attract? Surely his father would find out who he went with... could we risk that?
“Her nose is off-center,” said Ron when I finally tuned back into the conversation.
“Oh, I see,” Hermione said, bristling. “So basically, you’re going to take the best-looking girl who’ll have you, even if she’s completely horrible?”
“Er — yeah, that sounds about right,” Ron said, his ears going pink. Hermione huffed, clearly annoyed as she stood.
“We’re going to be late.” She snapped.
“We have plenty of time,” Ron complained.
“Well, I’m going now.” Standing, she grabbed her bag and stack of books. “Are you ready?” She turned to me, a softer note in her tone.
“Yeah,” I nodded looking at my half-eaten breakfast. “I need to look for something in the library anyway,”
Hermione was still livid as we walked down the hall toward the library. I smiled and left her to her thoughts, mine again drifting back to Draco. I didn’t notice him at breakfast. I hoped he was up and eating.
“So, are you and Draco going together?” Hermione asked as we strolled through the shelves of books.
“I don’t know,” I answered truthfully. “We... we have a lot to figure out.”
I pulled a book (An Extended Guide to Souls) hoping it would give me what I was looking for. There were a few others that the librarian had suggested that I look into, but I couldn’t find one that seemed the most promising: Harmony Through The Ages: Souls and the Magic Behind Them.
“What’s with all the soul stuff?” She asked, looking at my book stack.
“Something my mother said...” My eyes trailed the books looking for the final spine. “Thought I’d look into it.”
“About you and Draco?”
I gave her a look and she went quiet again.
“Not that I don’t want to tell you,” I explained quickly. “I just don’t know what to tell you without... I don’t know. Talking to him about it first? This is... so much bigger than I thought Hermione and I’m kinda freaking out,” I confessed.
“You’re not alone Y/n,” She encouraged. “Whatever is going on, you’re the most capable to figure it out. I’ll be there, and even if they don’t like it, so will Ron and Harry.”
“Thanks Hermione,” I relaxed a little bit. “Where is this stupid book!?” I yelled at no one in particular.
“Use a Summoning Spell,” Hermione suggested.
Humming, I pulled out my wand, twirled it once, and looked at the title again before casting the spell. The book flew into my hands.
“Oi! What stupid buffoon just—”
My eyes met livid blue ones, as I hid slightly behind it, trying not to laugh.
I couldn’t find the book because Draco had it.
“Sorry?” I felt my face going red as his anger turned to disbelief and faded.
“I’m... I’ll leave you two to it then. Don’t forget, class starts in fifteen minutes,” Hermione stammered and quickly made herself scarce.
“You could have just asked for it,” He huffed, coming over and taking it from my hands. “Contrary to popular belief, I do respond well to manners,”
“I do believe I apologized,” I smirked, looking up at him.
He was so close; I could feel his warmth as his robes brushed against mine.
“So, you did,” He mused, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “But I’m afraid that I simply cannot hand the book over,”
“And why not?” I demanded, watching him circle me as predator did prey. “
I’m reading it of course,”
“Oh, so you’ve learned to read? Wonderful,” I teased.
His calm teasing demeanor fell through as he smiled and rolled his eyes. He didn’t give me the book, however. He looked at the other ones that I had gathered.
“You think these might have answers?” He asked thoughtfully, picking one up and adding it to his pile.
“Hey, those are mine,” I grabbed it from his pile and added it back to mine. “And anything might help.”
“Am I not allowed to carry your books then? Is that not what I’m supposed to do?”
Oh, he was toying with me and he knew it. My fists clenched as I struggled between wanting to punch him and kiss him and then wanting to do both.
“I don’t know,” I drawled. “I don’t see any other guy offering... well not at the moment anyway,”
He narrowed his eyes at me, and I knew that I had gotten under his skin. I gave in, maybe too easy, and reached up and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
“You’re the only one I’d ever let carry my books,” I affirmed. “They’re very important to me,”
His cool exterior softened as he grabbed the rest of my stack as we headed out to the hall. The few students that were out in the hallway gaped at the two of us, but with a look from either me or Draco, their attention diverted elsewhere.
“Good job on the Summoning Spell,” He noted as we walked along.
“Thank you,” I smiled. “Maybe though, we look at this stuff together?” I asked, almost embarrassed—even though it was stupid to be sheepish at all.
He nodded lost in thought. We paused in front of the Divination’s stairwell, knowing that this is where we parted ways.
“Y/n?” He asked, his cheeks growing red as he looked at the floor.
“Yeah?” I nudged him softly, a reminder that he was okay, and I wasn’t going to yell at him.
“I... well...”
I waited, an amused expression on my face as hope and excitement fluttered in my chest. There wasn’t much that could get him flustered like this and I really wondered what it was, I had two guesses, but I waited anyway.
“I’ll see you at lunch?”
Oh, come on you stupid boy ask me out already.
“I’ll see you at lunch Draco,” I fought the urge to roll my eyes and took my books from his hold.
“I... yeah,” He flashed a quick smile and started the other way down the hall towards his first class.
I rolled my eyes and dragged myself up the stairs for another lesson on “The All-Seeing Eye.” It was going to be a long hour.
Draco was all out of sorts in his first class. He barely payed attention to Professor Flitwick all hour. He couldn’t stop thinking about the look on your face after he had about... never mind that... for taking his book. His ager short circuited around you.
And the flippant comments you made, they were no different than before... but you were different from before, and so was he. And he knew then that you two had shifted from jeering to... flirting.
He didn’t know how to flirt, he never had reason to, but there you were... looking at him through your eyelashes, quipping with him, trying to make him jealous—not that it worked.
And why were you the only one he couldn’t talk to properly? He had talked to plenty of girls before and not once did he stammer or stutter or feel nervous about anything, and now... well,
now he struggled to ask you to be his... was girlfriend the right word? He thought it was too dull to describe you, but it would have to do for now he supposed.
“Mr. Malfoy!” Flitwick called. “What is the purpose of the Muffliato Charm?”
He blanked. Sitting up straight, he ransacked his mind for an answer.
So that no one overhears us, your voice whispered in his head. It’s just for you and me.
“So that no one overhears,” He stammered out, recalling after your hint. “It creates a buzzing in the person’s ear so that they can’t overhear a conversation.” He finished confidently.
“Very good,” Flitwick narrowed his eyes and continued to go over the method and wand movement behind the charm as Draco tried his hardest to keep paying attention.
Taking my seat next to Neville, I gave him a soft smile as Trelawny began her lesson on the planets and stars.
“Tell me, Ms. Y/n, when were you born my dear?” The professor came over to our small table.
“Late February,” I replied, flipping through my notes and the charts I had revolving around my birth and the stars.
“I see, a water spirit resides within you. Like the sea, both beautiful and foreboding. You must learn to control that my dear,” Trelawny warned. “And... I see another. A sea and a shore... one cannot exist without the other...”
My cheeks grew warm as I scribbled down what she said, thinking that was another thing to look into.
“So... you and—Malfoy,” Neville stammered.
Part of me wanted to snap at him like I would Harry, but I remember that Neville had always been kind to me, and I had no reason to attack him.
“Looks like it,” I nodded, skimming over the book in front of me trying to multitask. 
“Is he taking you to the Yule Ball?” Neville was now flushing and stuttering worse.
My eyes snapped up as my eyebrows quirked. What was it with the guys around here today? I wasn’t that intimidating... was I?
“Not that I—” He stumbled. “I just— you’re really—”
I smiled and let out a soft laugh.
“It’s okay Neville, don’t get so worked up.” I soothed. “And I don’t know. He hasn’t asked me yet.” If he even is, I thought in vain. “You should ask Ginny,” I smiled warmly.
Neville nodded and looked down. I took a deep breath and sighed as we worked together through the rest of class, my thoughts elsewhere.
Part 9
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