#Yall are my followers Beloved
majorproblems77 · 7 months
Be me
Brainstorming some ideas when I came across this
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50 people decided, hey this chick is kinda neat. Ima follow you now.
Like you put 50 people in a room and you get a pretty crowded room. Like. You guys wanna listen to my random ramblings, hyping about my PRECIOUS BABY BOY SKY BELOVED, and read my stuff?
Ahhhhh, this is amazing. Just thank you :D
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cewwart · 2 months
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thanks so much for 1k followers!!! ♡
sigma!!! with!!!! braces!!!!!
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dawnthefluffyduck · 3 months
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Drawing from class two weeks ago, prof was introducing us to photoshop because not everyone had used it before, so those of us that were already familiar with it were goofing off lol
Small update; I have recently been given courage to come out and say that this blog will be temporarily put on hold. I'm not falling behind in my studies per se, but they've become such a massive source of stress that I can't focus/don't have time to draw for myself lately. I can confidently say my mental health is the worst it's been since last year; guilt for not talking to people and for not being more active on here is eating me alive, so I think it's best if I take at least one of those pressures off of myself.
When I'm back I'll likely have some classwork to show off, and maybe if the stars align, some personal drawings too haha. Until then, I'll still be somewhat active on my alt (@dawntheduckrb) and might even post some doodles there, so feel free take a peeksies if you want :D (posts are all over the place there though, so don't follow if you don't want dash clutter lol)
Sorry for any worry I caused; see y'all in May :)
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
i am a construction worker defender, they are so wet cat coded they are just some silly tiny guys doing their job and being overworked, leave them alone :(
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celestesparlour · 10 months
[simparg, argincel, glitterduo (god i love that name i just found that out through a reblog of my posts and its so CUTE) / editorincel thoughts]
i am so Ill i am crazy. i am crazy thinking about their dynamic. i really love this fandom's interpretation of them, and i really want to delve more into it, especially like parts of their canonical personalities — ive been daydreaming a lot about how simpbur would take the relationship in general.
like he had always been characterized to be controlling in some form, with reasons that explain that he was just taught this way? i have a huge feeling that his incel-like misogyny just adds to his need for a structure of control and worship in a relationship; its most specially interesting that i like to headcanon he always tried to embody these two ideas and switch between them; it was just more so easy for him to be on the controlling end since yk. in misogyny's faith, he just thinks that makes sense
ITS JUST IDK. i feel like he would find his relationship with argbur in some way confusing because 1. argbur is a man or at least how i hc him, nonbinary 2. argbur is something non human that he cannot comprehend fully, something that he cannot just wrap his finger around — so a part of him thinks and wonders like, which one is which? which roles do we have here hm?
because the mere Idea of simpbur trying to insert unhealthiness in their relationship since hes religiously followed a structure of control that serves as a formula for all his relationships, bc hes not used to healthy connections in his life vs argbur desperately trying to get pieces of normalcy after the path his life went down on, and so in turn tries to seek the normal and healthy kind of love in their relationship, bc he misses the healthy connections he had — is so RAGAHAHAHAHAYAUIWHEJSOWIAJWJDLAKAJWJDKAKSKWKAHANANAKWJAJSBS makes me Fuckijg Insane i might write a fic about it IDK
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becauseplot · 2 months
The Oldest Story
woe, ordem paranormal au enigma twins angst be upon ye. this is a drabble that came to me as i was falling asleep last night and i've cleaned it up. might still make edits to this throughout the day but who knows. spoilers for my fic Relative, and tw for angst and character death.
qsmp x ordem au created by me and @factorialsotherfandoms. yknow. just for the funnies.
Bagi was born just three minutes before Cellbit. There were three minutes in her life where she existed without him in the world. Even when their parents died and they were separated, she held onto the notion that he was still out there, living, like a good luck charm tucked in her pocket. As she got older and her life smoothed out, she… No, never started to believe him dead, but in the few efforts she made to reach out, to track him down, the paper trails always ran cold. She had waited too long. She had lost her chance. She was forced to accept the fact that she would live the rest of her life with nothing of her twin brother but that good luck charm tucked in her pocket and that quiet sense of reaching in her chest. Besides—she learned that there were plenty of other horrible things in this world that were worth her worry.
The fact that they did find their way back to each other probably should have meant something. She at first thought it cruel (she had already dedicated her life to the Order at this point, she didn’t expect to reach the age of thirty, and now she finds him?) but also kind, in a way: they could try to make something, with the time she had left. 
In the end, though, it was just cruel. He got dragged into this deadly game despite her best efforts. (It was going to happen either way, she knew, but God. God.) They weren’t perfect, and she abandoned him and he abandoned her when they most need each other but they always found their way back, no matter the rift. They always fell back into each other’s orbit, stretching themselves across the caverns, reaching, reaching, fingertips brushing, I’m here, I’m here, twin star, twin stem, twin blood, my twin, I’m here.
…The creature, though killed, has left them both a bloody mess on the floor. Ten feet between them. They crawl. Red trails behind them, sand slipping through the hourglass. Cellbit’s body gives out when he’s just inches from her but Bagi manages to close the distance anyway, grabbing his outstretched arm (reaching... reaching…) and dragging the two of them together. She pulls him into her bloody arms, matching death-rattles in their lungs, and cradles his face. He looks especially thin with how pale he is. He hasn’t been eating enough. Neither of them have. She holds him and looks into his eyes until they’re nothing but balls of glass sitting in his head. His chest has fallen still.
Six minutes. There is a total of six terrible minutes in Bagi’s life where she is without her twin brother. The only mercy granted her is that it is six minutes and not a second more. 
“Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story.”
– Richard Siken, War of the Foxes
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radioroxx · 9 months
every day i yearn for all the early sb content where it was just greggy and his animatronic family. every day i yearn for shitty uncle monty. everyday i yearn for awesome aunt chica and even more awesome aunt roxy.
i feel like i have not seen a good post of them in AGES where did they go,, why are you hiding them from me
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antisocialgaycat · 3 months
Someday tumblr is going to be gone, or I will, and that's ok. It's sad, yes, but at least I will have known you. At least I'll still be able to quote terrible posts with my friends, at least I'll be able to look back and remember all these people who are closer to me than anyone I knew before. This site has gotten shit, but at least we've been here together. At least I met you.
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tv-fucker · 2 months
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I forgot I ever sent this to Cloud but yknow what, I'm keeping this as my headcanon.
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kadaverk1nks · 2 months
You should stab us and fuck the wound~
oh you'd just love that wouldn't you baby? but the question is of course, where do i plunge my knife in? the abdominal cavity? hmm, no. higher. in such a way that the tip of my cock kisses your pretty heart every thrust~
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doodlebloo · 2 years
I tried so so hard to write a Halloween fic this year but I got so busy, this was all I got done. It's around 1k words, enjoy!
(Or you can read Last Year's Fic which is much longer and much better <3)
"You look stupid."
Ranboo grins. "Yeah, I know. My outfit is just- Really, it's just awful."
Tubbo rolls his eyes, smiling. "Fuck you."
Ranboo has half a mind to tell Tubbo to stop moving so much, lest his face paint smudge before it's dry. If the black and the white muddle together, he's going to look less like Ranboo and more like a bath bomb.
"This wig is itchy," Ranboo says instead. "I hate it."
"Well, I offered to bleach your hair blond and you said no," Tubbo shrugs as he begins to lace up his dress shoes. "I guess you'll just have to deal."
"I still can't believe you dyed your hair like mine for this costume."
"I didn't. Mine's split brown and blond, not black and white."
"Still," Ranboo shrugs.
They wander over to the arm of the couch that Tubbo is seated on, snaking an arm around Tubbo's waist.
Tubbo squints at them. "What?"
Ranboo smiles. "Your hair looks good like that."
Tubbo's cheeks flush as he grins. "Narcissist."
"Yup," Ranboo agrees, fiddling with Tubbo's tie. "You know me, always just- Just totally in love with myself. Can't get me away from the mirror these days."
"I know, I know. It's become a problem. You really- Hey, what the fuck."
Ranboo stumbles back as Tubbo shoves at his shoulders. "What?"
Tubbo begins unbuttoning Ranboo's shirt from the bottom. "This is wrong."
"I- What?"
"The buttons. I never button my shirt right. Yours looks way too neat to be me."
"O- Okay, I- Alright," Ranboo agrees, gently prying Tubbo's hands away. "I'll- I'll re-do it, then."
As much as it pains them, Ranboo re-buttons the shirt all wrong, leaving gaps and holes and crumpling the edges.
"There," Ranboo sticks out his arms as he spins. "Better?"
"Mm," Tubbo replies. "I'm pissed that it looks better on you."
Before Ranboo is forced to come up with a reply, he hears the familiar pitter-patter of Michael sprinting across their hardwood floors.
Tubbo runs to meet Michael at the living room's entryway. "Michael!"
Michael bounds into the room, jumping into Tubbo's arms in a burst of soft downy feathers. "Bee! Lookit!"
Michael flaps his arms up and down, sending another flurry of feathers into the air. Ranboo coughs as one gets stuck in their throat.
Tubbo gently guides Michael's arms back into a resting position. "Hey, how about we save the flapping for later tonight, yeah?"
"Okay," Michael agrees. He squirms to get out of Tubbo's arms.
Michael's chicken costume is round and fluffy, shedding feathers every time he takes a step. Ranboo knows he'll be the one cleaning up the mess later, but he can't bring himself to be upset about it when Michael is so obviously thrilled.
"Boo, you shirt," Michael points out as he toddles over. "Buttons all messy."
"That's true, that's true," Ranboo nods, stooping to Michael's level. "I'm dressed like Bee tonight, and he's dressed like me!"
"And we're gonna act like each other all night," Tubbo adds as he packs their to-go bag.
Ranboo raises a brow. "Are we really doing that?"
Immediately, Tubbo's posture changes. He hunches in on himself, wringing his hands. "Um, I mean, yeah, we- We can do that, if- if you, uh, want."
Michael giggles.
Ranboo stands up straight, putting his hands on his hips and adopting the squeakiest voice he's able. "Alright, I'll do this for you just this once. But when we get back, I expect fifteen stacks of diamonds in exchange!"
"What, no accent?" Tubbo teases. "Weak."
"You weren't doing an accent either."
"Yeah, well, that's 'cause I can't do one."
"...What- But you just-"
"I do an axe net!" Michael chimes in. "See? Bawk bawk!"
Michael begins clucking like a chicken, flapping his arms and strutting around the room.
Ranboo applauds politely. "Good job, Michael. You sound just like a real chicken, and you look like one too."
"Um, a chicken looks- it- uh!" Michael exclaims, scrambling over to Ranboo's side.
"Chick- Um, a chicken sees-es more... More colors than even people does!"
"Wow," Ranboo widens his eyes in awe, despite having been told this fact dozens of times already. "Is that true?"
"Mhm! And they- they take a bath by, uh, rolling around in the dirt." Michael giggles at the thought.
"Wow, that does sound like you," Tubbo hoists Michael up into his shoulder. "Maybe you're part chicken, Michael."
"Mm-mm," Michael shakes his head. "I'm a piggy!"
"So true," Tubbo replies, and Ranboo nods in agreement.
Ranboo ruffles Michael's hair. "Ready to go, little chicken?"
"Yeah!" Michael cheers, squirming on Tubbo's shoulder. "Tricky treat!"
"What about you, Ranboo?" Ranboo asks Tubbo, crossing his arms and grinning. "You'd better be ready to go, or I'm gonna divorce the hell out of you."
Making for the door, Tubbo flutters his eyes. "Oh, Tubbo, my dearest Tubbo, anything for you. Shall I count the ways thou-st enchanteth me? Shalt I-"
"When- when have I ever said 'thou'?" Ranboo wheezes, shutting the door behind them.
Tubbo shrugs, jostling Michael enough to make him giggle. "I mean, when haven't you?"
Ranboo rolls their eyes. Michael and Tubbo head off while Ranboo locks up, sticking their spare key under the potted plant by the door, just in case.
There was a time when that would be an unsafe practice on this server, when it'd be asking for someone to hurt them.
But tonight, spooky as it may be, Ranboo is able to take his family out to celebrate Halloween with no fear in his heart.
Ranboo slips the key under the pumpkin and checks his comm, which has been flooded with messages from loved ones. Up ahead, he hears Michael babbling about how chickens are descendants of dinosaurs, sees Tubbo taking the stairs two at a time to excite him.
Ranboo takes a deep breath, and sets out on Halloween night, running to catch up with their husband and son under the light of a pale crescent moon.
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wintersera · 6 months
and also i have a week until my first semester is finished WE CHEERED :D so i’ll have a lot of time to pick writing back up (as in seriously writing eheh)
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stick-by-me · 8 months
how many new follower stickers do you have to do at the time of me asking? i admire the dedication and personalization of each one!
Thank you so much! I'm glad y'all appreciate them, they're super fun to do :] And at the time of you asking? Oh gosh golly XD. I have 7 prepped and ready in the queue and 14 more I need to investigate/pick out right now.
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freeing this rant of mine from my bestie's google docs comments because I FEEL SO STRONGLY ABOUT EL'S HAIR YOU GUYS so. youre welcome? i didn't feel like editing it to make sense so 😭😭 HERE YOU GO GAYS pls rb w thoughts i wanna know what my people think
essentially i feel like el's hair is very obviously a metaphor for her relationship with herself and her autonomy like. yk sHE chose to have her longer hair and she liked it and she had the byers bowlcut reflecting how she was taken in by them as part of their family now and how that was a big part of her identity at the time in cali esp since she lost hopper and hawkins etc. and the bullies were throwing spitballs in her hair aka spitting on her authentic self and then it was forcibly removed by her abuser and she was paralleled to her younger self who had a shaved head and was in the midst of her trauma which like. so many implications of that. but anyway by the end her being more comfortable with her hair shows how she sort of resolved her trauma within herself and you can see the way that hopper holds her head like 🥺🥺💕💕 he sees the trauma but also still sees that it’s still her and and and-
anyways all to say i think she would love to grow out her hair again because it’s her choice and it’s a choice she was deprived of in childhood and and 😭😭 it’s symbolizing her having autonomy again and not that she needs long hair to love herself bc we definitely saw her grow from not thinking her without hair was pretty in s1 to by the end of s4 sort of growing into it and being more confident in her body bUT the point is it’s her choice and she loves herself either way and now gets to decide what she wants to do with her body because she finally has autonomy and control over her own body and dbshjsjdjwjwjw
thats all. thank you goodnight
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solomiracle · 3 months
gonna admit that the reason i get so surprised when ppl are just like "i love your blog 😊" and other sweet/genuine words is bc most of the time my followers playfully bully me 😭😭
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pointsfortrying · 4 months
If anyone is ever interested in learning more ab or getting into tumblr rpc's, holds out my hand forever,,,, we can be so so silly as a treat,,,,,
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