key-rk · 3 months
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Turtle doodles :)
I really need to get into other versions of the turtles, cause I've only seen the 2012 show and 2007 movie💀
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skltlz · 7 months
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my friend @barkhyde got me into tma..Uhmmmm... this freakish thang
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damnamour · 11 months
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random luznhoa gifs: 02/?
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free-my-mindd · 1 year
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peitalo · 2 months
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Annalise from the sketchbook
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9116 · 1 year
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2023 Miami GP | FP1 May 5, 2023
© Mark Thompson
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x-aven · 12 days
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servospawn · 11 months
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lmaonade · 2 years
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ardourie · 4 months
Anti trans laws are still being passed under Biden 🤷‍♂️ Trump is just loud about his white supremacy, at the end of the day the US government wants to keep the precarious status quo. Trump isnt gonna cause the sudden collapse of the USgovernment if hes elected. If people looked at past policies of Biden and even his current policies (not what hes saying for PR), Him and Trump agree on pretty much everything LOL. Im simplifying of course but thats the reality, both men are racist, lgbtphobic, oil-lobbying scumbags. Just because Biden makes u as a white person feel a sense of "normalcy" bc he talks better than Trump and knows the right words to use doesnt mean hes any different than Trump in any way. Besides making white people feel safer of course.
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murdrdocs · 8 months
that song where it’s like “i’m off two shots of the hennessy” is soooo hobie core
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mymymy03 · 2 months
💗💗Sometimes babygirl is a third time world championship winner in a Redbull 💗💗
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hermitsandcrafts · 1 month
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cosmictulips · 2 years
Reaping What You Sow :: Harvest Blessings (PAC)
hello! Star Cadets! it's been a hot minute. I hope you're all doing well. it's harvest season =D. and I wanted to do a little pac for you guys while I got a decent grip on my classes.
the reading is very simple, it's simply what is coming to you by the end of this year. harvest season if you didn't know is from... mid-september ish to the end of november. so it's fall essentially lol. I just like to call it harvest season because it's the time of the harvest! lol and it's fun to celebrate what spring and summer have gifted us as we walk into the arms of dying autumn and lonely winter.
so! choose a harvest. come sit, and be grateful for what this year has bestowed upon you. and what you have yet to recieve.
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Pile 1!
The Knight of Cups, 04 of Pentacles, 03 of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, The Devil :: Adventure, Idyll Hours, Uncertainty
My dearest Pile 1's. you are reaping what you sow. quite literally. a lot of you worked hard this year. you have been working hard. some of you, almost obessively. I can't tell you for certain that the road is going to be a lot less bumpy from here on out. but what I can tell you is that you're going to be jumping into something worth your while.
You are accomplishing much in terms of material gains. money, stability, and in some sense, relationships. I feel like this year has had you guys tightly by the neck, and you were forced to focus on your goals. to reimagine what you wanted and most importantly how you are going about those goals.
Now, I want you to know that something big is coming your way. and unfortunately, it's going to require your patience. you may hit a bump in the road just before it comes to you, so note this as your heads up. when that disapointment comes, use that fire. because that final push is going to get you to that sweet reward.
and this is something worth waiting for. pentacle energy, and that massive capricorn energy that is brought on by that Devil swears by it. pentacle energy is slow moving. so if you are looking for a sign to keep moving, this is it.
this pile is the literal definition of reaping what you sow. working through the spring and the summer for the beautiful fall gains. to enjoy the coldness of winter knowing that you have put your heart and soul into the rewards.
Your prayers, your dedication, isn't going unheard. tested? sure. but nothing worth having comes easy. and a lot of you learned this this year. and a lot of you are going to be getting helping hands soon as well.
your advice comes from the Trees. Adventure as in, living wild and free. Idyll hours, they tell me you need to take some time to take care of yourself. rest a little bit. and uncertainty. the fog will lift eventually. it's okay to be lost right now. you may not see the rewards, but they are coming for you.
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Pile 2
The Emperor, The Lovers, Knight of Wands, Page of Swords, 07 of swords, 09 of Swords || Uncertainty, Resilience, Journey
My dear, dear Pile 2's. this message is a bit mixed. for some of you, it's a very and I mean very long time coming release. the sweetest, most heartbreaking release. for others of you, it's a painful, bittersweet moment.
but for both of you it's a new beginning. it's a new passion. it's finally letting go of what doesn't feed you. it's fighting the hand that gave you poision. it's letting go lockets of old memories. it's freedom. plain and simple.
for some of you this is coming in the form of a new lover that will heal you in some way. for others, it's loving yourself enough to walk away. it's finally putting that desire back into your heart and moving on.
there's also a lot of clarity coming in. no surprises here. you know something is changing and some of you are fearing it. but do not. fearing change will only make things harder for you. You need to let go so you can step into your Emperor energy. so you can find that fight. that passion again.
Anxiety is riding high for you. and it may continue to do so as you step fully into your power. but change isn't meant to be easy. you're finally being given your chance to shine and you might be worried that you'll mess it up.
But don't be. you've been training for this. things may move quickly once you decide. and that's on purpose. move with the passion you haven't felt before. don't give that anxiety that time of day anymore. it no longer serves you.
your advice comes from the mountains. Uncertaintiy for the path ahead. but do you think the mountain crumbles to the winds? it would never. do you think the mountain can see the very stones that make its base? no. it only sees the direction ahead of him. he only sees what he needs to see and trusts the foundations he built for himself.
resilence. stand the test of time. stand against what has worked against you for so long. you are being thrusted into your power whether or not you are ready.
journey. it's okay to make mistakes. branch out if you must. there are others like you. a mountain is never alone. you are not as alone as you think. reach out and see who takes your hands.
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Pile 3
Strength, the Sun, The Tower, Justice, the World, 08 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, 05 of Pentacles :: Music, Strength, Grounded
there was a LOT that wanted to come out for this pile. a lot of you need to know that you are more powerful than you think you are. I feel like, some of you may have related to pile 2. and if that's the case, welcome.
but, for those of you who didn't click with pile 2 and are just here cause ya wanted to read it :: this message still applies.
the Harvest is quite literally, giving you the Harvest. it is giving you the strength that you need. the confidence, the silence from the chaos. there may have been some relaizations this year. and some of you really came out of your comfort zone. and for that, you are being celebrated.
and for those of you who really struggled, you are getting relief. this could be in the form of a new job for a lot of you. a raise, a new friend, something new in general is beginning for you. and it's all coming to you because you are ending a cycle.
something is ending because it has to. this doesn't have to be a painful transition. to me, this feels like a mindset. the way you perceive something is going to change. this could literally be a physical change like I mentioned.
but, I see you guys becoming stronger and people taking notice of that. I see you having more fun, and enjoying what life really has to offer. it feels like a brand new chapter. like something you guys almost gave up on is coming to you.
I don't think it's romantic, but it can be. I think..if anything this is more about you finding your home in the universe. finding where you belong, who loves you and just how successful you can really be. and this time, YOU get to make the choices.
Your advice comes from the woodland creatures. Music to inspire you by. listen to the mundane and find the magic in it. laugh with the wind and listen to your heartbeat. you are alive and just as much a part of the ecosystem as everyone and everything else. show the world what you have to offer.
strength & grounded. to be strong with your roots and to not fear the storm that you have faced and may faced. to know that you can go home if you must and retreat into yourself. to know that being emotional is okay and that you are stronger than what you fear. You know you can accomplish anything because you have. you are strong because you needed to be. you are soft because it is your act of defiance.
when your roots are deep.... as in, when you know who you are, you won't fear no howling wind. no predator. nothing will shake you. you are stepping into your power. unfathomable, unshakeable power. and nothing will stop you now.
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deerlottie · 18 days
did my shot in less than 10 mins 😎
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