unqualified-therapist · 8 months
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Headcanons: (this is just me projecting more because it was a lot of fun last time)
Leo has ADHD and a lot of head trauma 
And because of that, he will not remember a singular thing the group says 
If they want him to remember something important they have to tell him and then text him a reminder
And then text him another reminder to mark the day on both his calendars (he has one on his wall and his phone)
If they miss a singular one of these steps he won't remember and then he will blame them
“You never told me this!” is a sentence that leaves his mouth often
Leo gets overstimulated very easily which sucks because he’s an extrovert 
He wants to spend time with his family all of the time but if too much is going on at once he’ll break down
When the boys were younger Splinter tried to force them to wear clothes and all of them hated it
Donnie hated denim he said it made his skin itch and if it was too tight he couldn't breathe
Leo used to hate loose-fitting clothes
If any fabric brushed up against him he would get irritated 
But now tight clothes make him want to crawl out of his skin
Raph can’t wear harsh fabrics they make him feel restricted and he hates that
Mikey hates the feeling of tags touching his skin
I mean don’t get me wrong they all hate it but if any tag touches Mikey’s skin he will start angry crying
Mikey and Leo have a lot of the same vocal stims
And sometimes they will say the same thing at the same time and repeat it back and forth like parrots
Raph will be hanging out in his room and he’ll just hear his siblings yell “yippie! AAAAAA” over and over again
And when someone says something funny Leo will repeat it over and over again
It doesn’t matter that the joke isn't funny anymore he’ll repeat that joke for the next week
Raph’s vocal stims are usually simple it’s a lot of grunting/coughing 
And sometimes when he’s really frustrated he’ll scream
And god forbid the group listens to a song together because they will sing a specific lyric until the day they die (or until they listen to a new song)
And even though Donnie loves his siblings a whole lot if he has to hear them sing “I’M LIQUID SMOOTH COME TOUCH ME TOO” at the top of their lungs one more time he’s gonna snap
Leo taps his fingers and feet when he’s thinking and if you try and get him to stop his brain will short circuit 
When he was younger Splinter tried to stop him from doing it and Leo screamed at the top of his lungs
He never tried to stop him after that 
When the boys get excited they’ll flap their hands
Mikey will often jump up and down and run in a circle 
And Leo will rock back and forth on his feet or he’ll hop from foot to foot
When Donnie is overwhelmed he rocks back and forth and bites his nails
And Raph can’t sit still when he’s stressed 
He often paces back and forth while scratching at his skin
When April saw the boys messing with their hands she got them fidget necklaces 
Leo cried when April gave it to him (it’s one of his favorite things in the world)
In return, Donnie makes her a lot of fidget toys 
Because if she’s not constantly moving she will lose her mind
The twins can pick just about any lock
When they were younger they found a lockpicking kit and fell in love 
They have regular competitions to see who is faster 
Leo can’t hear out of his left ear
After everything he experienced in the movie, I would be surprised if he could hear at all (I mean come on the poor boy got tossed around like a hacky sack)
If the group whispers around him he will yell at the top of his lungs “what did you say?”
The combination of ADHD and hearing loss makes him very loud 
And his family has to constantly remind him to keep it down 
Leo will hide his more serious injuries from his family and when they ask him about them he just jokes around
He dislocated his shoulder twice and just popped it back in like it was no big deal
And when Mikey asked him why his arm was in a sling he told him “oh my shoulder is a little fucked up don't worry about it”
When his family confronted him about this all he said was “I thought it was normal”
Raph almost fainted when Leo said “wait y’all didn’t start to lose your hearing at 15? That's weird”
And they all know he’s fucking around because he’s the medic he knows that it’s not normal to dislocate and relocate your shoulder and then go about your day 
And that’s what worries them
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ssseriema · 1 month
i love ur minute designs so much when i see u draw him i jump around in a circle and go yippie! yay! wahoo! minute art! yay! i want to crunch on it so bad
thank you anon!!!!! with the current arc you can probably expect some more minute art ^_^
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originemesis · 3 months
@high-seraphims emily stop watching porn without me xxx
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"... No I'm just, overlooking some, things. It's a privacy matter on behalf of someone else. So I'm sorry I can't really show or talk much about this. Sorry Adam." She said as she is trying to expertly swing around the topic.
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"Yeah, that's just about it. How about we go out and you can show me your latest harp skills? Hmmm?"
While she's swinging around the topic, he's casually swinging himself around to circle her and the orb like he'll catch a sneak peak through her wings if he keeps pacing around restlessly. "Aw, lame sauce. Guess you could say you're really hard-hittin' those private matters, huh?"
Stopping just shy of grazing the orb with his robe, he settles down if only briefly to hit her with rolled eyes and an unenthusiastic "yippy" at the prospect of having to get through a harp session with her. "I could just JUMP for joy right now-" But on the 'leap' he does no such thing...save for his wings springing up and bumping the orb as they flutter with his so called uncontained 'excitement'.
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"Oops- my bad."
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hellonoblesky · 2 years
YIPPIE YIPPIE (im jumping around you in circles like a dog) YIPPIE
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rae-unbeloved · 1 month
waves!! jumps up and down!! hiii!!! runs in circles!!
Actively yippie-ing!!! Squealing!! Hiyaa!!! :3 skips around!!
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OH Dipty!
In the forest, Dipty and Monty are gathering flowers for lunch. They hear a strange noise coming from the willow tree. They flew terrified but Dipty was a brave fairy.
“Monty, I want to see what it is, ” she said as her wings twinkled.
 “ No, Dipty, what if it’s a beaver? He’s going to eat us” Monty said, shaking
 “ We won’t fly down, Promise Monty” 
“ Fine” said angrily
As both the fairies fly close to the floor but not down they see a sheet covering some strange creature. They refused to fly down so they waited until the creature itself showed itself.
 “ A BABY '' screamed Dipty, she flew in circles very excited. Monty was not excited but disgusted about the creature.
 “ Can we keep it Monty? Oh boy. Oh boy. Pleaseeee” she yelled desperately. Monty looked at Dipty with a confused and disgusted face. Thinking of choking her because absolutely not will he take care of this ugly creature.
 “ Are you insane, we leave it here so the bear can eat it.” He said proudly. 
“ Monty we can’t leave this baby here, I promise to take care of it” she said
“ I said NO, now let's go back home” Monty took off 
All I  wanted was to take care of the poor critter. Some humans had left it there to survive on its own. Monty said humans were bad people and if we bring the baby with us it might turn against us. Us fairies hate humans, all they wanna do is tear our home apart but I have a good feeling about the baby in the woods. While making la cena I came up with the best idea ever. We ate the flowers that night and I was peacefully waiting for Monty to go to sleep. He fell asleep in the cozy mushroom. I decided I was going to bring the baby and hide it from Monty. It can’t be that hard. Humans do it. I take my leaf  bag with some essentials just in case I see a beaver. I fly my way hoping the baby is still there and no bear has eaten him yet. I finally arrived where the baby was and BOOM he’s still here. I jumped and danced happily knowing the baby was safe. He's pretty heavy. It will take me all night to take him home. OH GOLLY. 
The sun was almost coming out and I was finally home. The baby was so heavy. Heavier than the rock we planted yesterday. I gave the baby  some strawberries and enjoyed it. I hid him underneath the banana tree and covered him with the leaf until Monty went to find some fruit for the day. I was pretty tired and wanted to sleep next to the baby until I heard Monty yell,
“ Dipty, WHERE ARE YOU?” 
“ I'm right here, behind the mango tree” I quickly flew near the mango tree
“ Where were you all night?, I didn't see the firefly that you use” he said confused 
“ Oh, I went for a walk” I said 
“ Late at night? But you don’t like to go alone” he said confused 
“ I wasn’t alone” she smiled but quickly faded away when she realized what she said. 
“ Who were you with then ?” curiously he said 
“ I was with my umm bumblebee “  nervously she said 
“ Oh okay, well off to cut some fruit I'll be back before the sun goes down. “ monty said 
“ yippy , see you later monty” I said, I Dipty hugged him goodbye and waited until he fully left.
Once I wasn’t able to see Monty I quickly went to check on the baby. It was bold. That’s silly. I made a hat from some banana leaves and flowers. It was making some weird noises. LOUD noises. It was what humans call crying. That's a weird word for llorando. I heard Betty ringing our beetle so I quickly went to check but first I covered the baby. I opened the door for my amiga.
“ Hola Betty “ I said happily 
“ Hola Dipty, have you heard that noise? Everyone wondering what it is” she said concerned 
“ What noise? I haven't heard anything” I  said nervously 
“ Dipty, que es ese sonido ? What are you hiding?” she said questioning me 
“ nothing, Betty NOTHING” I yelled out “ Fine, you can look but please please dont tell” 
“ I won’t tell, twinkle promise” she said happily 
“ twinkle promise, Monty doesn’t know about it so please shhhhh” 
“ I said twinkle promise “ she smiled 
I took Betty to the banana tree and took the leaves off the baby.
“ TADA” I yelled proudly 
“ IS THAT A BABY , HUMAN A HUMAN ?” she yelled confused 
“ CALLATE” I yelled scared “ Calm down please” 
“ Wha- wha- Why?” she looked concerned 
“ It was alone and it needed help “ i said 
“ Let me calm down” betty kept walking back and forth
“ Please be quiet” I said 
“ I don’t know what made you do this but I'll help you” she said proudly 
“ OH BOY OH BOY, Thank you” I said, jumping up and down
The baby did something nasty and we had to carry out water buckets to bathe the baby. It kept smiling at us. Made us both very very happy. We found it was a girl. We decided to name her “Twinkie”, I still can’t imagine how a human would leave their own baby, they really are horrible people. Human grown ups are really really bad. 
“ I thought you were getting fruit” I said terrified 
“ I came home early, Dipty was is this doing here” he repeated again “ I should go home” said Betty, flying back to her house
“ Dipty, answer my question” Monty said 
“ I didn’t want the bear to get Twinkie” I smiled nervously 
“ Twinkie? You gave it a name” Monty said 
“ She is a good human. Adult humans are horrible. Please trust me” I said 
“ Fine Dipty, but you'll take care of it” he said, I smiled and hugged him so tight 
The door beetle was ringing and I saw many fairies outside our home. What if they come to take the baby away from me. I was so so scared.
“ We came to help” said Betty 
“ OH BOY OH BOY, THANK YOU GUYS” i yelled cheerfully 
Everyone helped out to take care of the baby, Well she’s not a baby anymore she’s what humans call 4 years old. She helps us so much on getting stuff done. We love Twinkie. I love Twinkie so much. 
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4lorne2 · 2 years
In bed, thoughts swirling. Words spoken racing through my head. Interactions revisited over and over again.
I’ve done this many times before, but not quite like this. It’s less butterflies in my stomach and more buzzing in my head. It actually might be too much, talking with you.
I couldn’t focus on the tennis match after our interaction yesterday. Couldn’t see connections or patterns, just awash in the swirl of my feelings.
And what are these thoughts that swirl in my head. They’re corny and cliche. They flit by and exasperate me. I dismiss them with a sigh, but can’t discount their existence. Being a stay at home father for our kids. Rehearsing a story of our meeting on social media to tell to others. These aren’t things that I want, but apparently I desire them. They bubble up to the surface and I pop them. But that they’re there at all is mildly exasperating. I don’t actually think it’s that I want these things. I think they’re cultural ideals. I think that they’re romantic possibilities that swirl in my head because they’re the more obvious facets of what love makes possible. I think less relevant than anything is the fact that you inspire them in me like no one else. I’m not going to have these hallmarks of a “normal” romance, but the pleasure and shame of wanting them for an instant is gripping in its own way. It’s just the way my mind spins and jumps in circles like an excited yippy dog. It’s deeply strange and uncomfortable, but also enthralling.
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srhlsx · 4 years
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master | ch. 7 | ch. 9
impliled nsfw at the end.
“Um, a what?”
“A social appearance.”  Oikawa repeated over the phone, slower this time, like you were a child. It was Friday night and you were currently spread out on the couch, your dog resting his head in your lap and watching your every move. You played with his ears a little as Oikawa continued to talk through your phone. “I think we need to, like, be seen together places. Like a couple.”
“But I’m literally in my pajamas already,” You grumbled, annoyed at the idea that you’d have to get ready when you were only moments away from complete and total relaxation.
“That’s okay, take your time getting ready. I’m always fashionably late anyways.” 
“We in the real world call that being rude.” You told him, hearing a gasp on the other end that made you laugh a little. You groaned as you got up and started shuffling up the stairs to your bedroom. “What time can I expect my chariot?”
“Well, I don’t exactly have a car so we’ll be walking, but I can be over in twenty minutes.”
“Okay, the front door is open just come in and hang out, I won’t be ready by then.” You said, looking in the mirror and picking at your hair. You’d expected to be cuddled in a nest of blankets all night, so preparing for people to actually see you was going to take a minute.
“Ah, beauty can never be rushed.”
“Shut the fuck up, Tooru.” You laughed.
“My girlfriend is so-” You hung up on him before he could finish, setting your phone down on your bathroom counter and grabbing a few things from the cabinet beneath.
You brushed out your hair that had been drying up in a messy bun since you’d taken a shower after dance club this afternoon. It wasn’t horribly messy, so you decided you’d lightly curl a few pieces just to tidy things up and look a bit more presentable than you currently were. 
You were finishing up a layer of mascara when you heard the sound of barking, followed by a boyish shriek you could only place with your fake boyfriend. A second voice laughed at his expense, telling him to fucking calm down. You agreed.
You called out down the stairs, still wrapped in your robe so you didn’t want to greet Oikawa and whoever he brought with him in such little clothing. “Make yourselves comfortable! Anything in the fridge is fair game!” You heard a muffled Yippie! - which could logically only belong to Oikawa and shook your head.
You finished up in the bathroom and then went to your closet to decide what you were going to wear. After checking the current weather on your phone and seeing that it wasn’t going to be terribly warm, you went with a simple outfit of a pair of black jeans and a cute maroon shirt that tied in the front. You shook your hair out a little bit while you gathered the last of your things, making sure to unplug and turn off what needed to be.
Hobbling down the steps with one shoe on and attempting to get the other one on as well, you were greeted with the excited pitter-patter of your dog’s feet on the tile floor. “Yes, my precious king, are those boys being nice to you?” You cooed, leading him between your legs to the kitchen where you suspected the boys were waiting.
You rounded the corner to see Oikawa and Iwaizumi waiting, Oikawa sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter with a bowl of fruit in front of him while Iwaizumi was leaning backwards against where the sink was. Oikawa turned dramatically in his seat, gaze landing on you as you led your massive dog into the room. “He’s a terror, (y/n).” He said, “He only listens to Iwa!”
“It's not a competition, Tooru.” You reminded him, intentionally ruffling his hair that you knew he’d spent time getting into that perfect swoosh. 
“Not the hair!” He retreated from you. “You wouldn’t like it if I messed up your pretty hair! Ugh, let’s just go.”
- - - - -
The ‘social appearance’ Oikawa had in mind was in fact a very crowded Seijoh party. You’d been to many before so you knew the drill, but this time it was like rolling up to a club and going straight to the VIP section. Being on Oikawa’s arm was like parting the Red Sea, everyone got out of the way and everyone was looking. Good thinking doing your hair. 
You had easily found the other third year volleyball players, Matsukawa and Hanamaki, who were in the middle of what appeared to be a very intense drinking game. Iwaizumi motioned that he was going to go get drinks, and Oikawa yelled that he was going to go “harass whoever was playing the shitty-ass music.” You nodded and moved to stand next to Matsukawa.
“(Y/n)!” He greeted happily, slinging an arm around your neck and pulling you in for a side hug you weren’t expecting. Guess we are at that point now, you thought. 
“Hey, Mastu.” You greeted him with a smile, giving his stomach a few good pats as you wrapped your arms around him to return the hug, he shimmied a little bit to the music that was playing making you kind of dance with him. You had to yell over the music to greet the other third year, “Hi, Maki~” He waved absently as he was extremely focused on flipping the cup in front of him. 
You jumped at the feeling of something cold touching the skin of your arm and you immediately looked over to see Iwazumi holding out a red cup to you, amber liquid sloshing over the sides from being filled too high and getting jostled around. “It’s pretty shitty,” He commented when you went to take a drink. You shrugged, not being overly disgusted but also not impressed with the choice of beer at the party.
“Thank you,” You practically yelled in his year, gripping his arm when you got pushed and fell into him. Iwaizumi shot a glare over our shoulder and suddenly a little more space cleared up around you. You were downright impressed, “Damn, I should’ve partied with you guys a long time ago.”
“Pretty sure I’ve been telling you that since last year!” Mastukawa yelled over the music, his words slurring ever so slightly.
The music changed halfway through the current song, and while a loud chorus of boo’s echoed in the house, you immediately started cheering when you heard the deep bass beat start up. Your eyes widened when you looked over and saw Matsukawa was also letting out a yell of excitement over the song choice. He pointed to you when he saw that you too recognized the song and started gesturing wildly as the two of you began to rap along to the lyrics.
Oikawa popped up a moment later, slinging an arm around you and looking very satisfied with his choice in music. You grabbed his face in one hand and continued to sing the lyrics to the rap song, seeing the impressed look on his face as you knew all the words. 
“Her ex a real buster, her friend a real swiper, my bitch a real boss, your ho ain't nothin' like her,”  You sang along to the words, motioning wildly as Matsukawa did as well, making a bit of a performance out of it and having a good time. You looked around at the others and noticed that Iwaizumi was doing his best to look bored, but you had caught that he was also mumbling all the words of the song - you’d have to give him grief about that some time.
It’d been a while since you were actually able to enjoy yourself at a party like this. When you’d come with your boyfriend in the past, you usually had to hold back and be able to drive the two of you to your home afterwards. He always claimed that since it was his last year, he should be able to let loose. Now, you were the one who got to have all the fun. 
- - - - -
You unlocked the front door to your house, getting inside quickly to grab your dog by the collar so he wouldn’t jump or bark too much at the two figures that followed you. You led him straight to the back of the house and had him go outside, knowing he probably needed to relieve himself and run around anyways. When you went back inside and shut the door behind you, you called out to Iwaizumi that he could bring Oikawa to where you were and just toss him on the couch.
“He cannot go home like that,” Iwaizumi mumbled as the two of you followed Oikawa who was giddily stumbling around the sidewalk as you all walked home. “His mom will kill him.” 
“You guys can stay at my place,” You offered, waving him off when he gave you a questioning look. “I’m sure you noticed my parents weren’t home earlier. They never are. It’s not a big deal.”
Oikawa mumbled something along the lines of how much he loved you and Iwaizumi, not making much sense as his head hit the pillow of the couch. He immediately curled up into a fetal position, hugging another pillow and humming happily when you covered him with a blanket. You were pretty lucky he wasn’t a sloppy drunk and instead was a happy drunk who just so happened to get really tired, really easily.
“Good night, Sleeping Beauty.” You laughed, swiping his hair from his face and giving him a peck on the forehead before standing up straight and going back to the kitchen.
Iwaizumi handed you the glass of water he had been drinking from and you took it graciously, downing a big gulp and letting out a dramatic ahh as you set it back down. You smiled over at Iwaizumi who stood looking at you. “Tonight was a blast,” You said. “I haven’t gotten to have fun like that in a while.”
“You looked like you were having fun,” Iwaizumi nodded, a very small smile forming on his face. “You looked really pretty, too. I uh… meant to tell you earlier.”
Your eyes widened a little as you looked down at your fingers drawing circles in the condensation on the glass of water before you. You felt a small blush creep onto your cheeks and you hoped you could blame it on the alcohol you’d consumed, but you knew better. You hadn’t even finished one drink. “Thanks,” You mumbled shyly.
When you looked up again, you locked eyes with Iwaizumi and felt a jump in your heart which hadn’t happened before, ever. He took a sudden step forward, raising his hands to either side of your face, and pulled you flush against him as his lips crashed onto your own in a searing kiss. His lips molded against yours, sucking your lower lip as you stared at his closed eyes. You lost all breath in that instant, completely melting, and had he not been holding you so tightly against him you might’ve collapsed. 
He pulled away just as quickly right before you could move to kiss him back, breathing heavily, his eyes wide. You didn’t realize you had grabbed onto his shirt and immediately let go, the wrinkles staying in place for a brief second before settling.
“I’m sorry, that was wrong.” He said out of breath, running a hand through his short hair, eyes wild.
“It’s okay,” You said, barely above a whisper. “We’ve been drinking all night. It’s just the alcohol...”
“I stopped drinking hours ago,” He said immediately, looking down into your eyes with such intensity you almost fell backwards. “Are you drunk?”
You looked back at him. “No.” You answered truthfully. He stared at you for a moment and you dared him with your eyes. Do it again.
He didn’t hesitate and immediately went to grab you, this time one hand on your waist and the other tangling in your hair. You reached up and threaded your hands through his hair to pull him closer, closer, closer as his lips burned against yours. You bit at his lip and he immediately opened up to challenge you for dominance in the heated embrace, he easily won when his hands gripped at your ass and lifted you against the counter. You gasped a little, caught off guard, and he took advantage by taking control over the kiss.
You shouldn’t have been surprised that like the rest of the muscles on his body, his tongue was strong and dominating in its force. He overpowered you, tilting your head as he pulled at the hair on the back of your head and stepping closer so he was looming over you even as you were seated up on the counter. You could only take brief gasps of air into your lungs when you shifted your heads to the side, still trying to win the losing battle your mouth fought against his. He was exploring your mouth with reckless abandon, no thoughts, just pure desire. 
You lifted your chest to press against him, moaning softly when his lips moved away from your mouth and trailed down your neck. His lips pressed hot, wet kisses against the skin and sparked the feeling of warmth to spread down your spine and straight to your core. His tongue dragged slowly against you after quick, light bites. He didn’t stop in one place too long, to your disappointment, careful not to leave any trace of himself on your smooth skin but still taking enough time for you to know that he was savoring every taste of you he got.
His hands traced gently over your sides, moving down from being tangled in your hair and landing right above your hips. His fingers squeezed at the flesh, not hard enough to bruise but enough to make you squirm and shift around where you were seated and brush up closer against him.
You reached down and tugged at the waistband of his pants, earning a grunt from him that only spurred you on more. “I-Iwa. We could go upstairs,” You told him, breathless but unsure if you were assuming too much from him. 
“Hajime,” He mumbled into your neck, then pulled back from his onslaught and looked you deep in the eyes before speaking again. “Lead the way.”
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goldendiie · 3 years
20 for the ask game?
here’s four seperate paragraphs instead of sentences, because a lot of my sentences tend to make no sense out of context... sorry that some of them are from fics i havent even published yet, i’m just excited to share some of this stuff
1. “Half of his mind begged to refute his new curiosity. Curiosity killed the cat, his denial screamed, but it was met by the slow reply of his aching need to know, satisfaction brought it back. A crossroad. Take the risk, jump off the cliff… or be left to wonder.” (Third Blink, Chapter 2).
2.  Fillmore took notice of him, and raised a hand in greeting. Sarge gave a little halfhearted wave back, before entering his shop. Like a sucker punch, memories came flooding back all at once: “You’re very strange to me, Sergeant. You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met,” Fillmore had said, their first night together. Sarge snapped out of it a moment later, shocked with himself. Why was this all coming back now, of all times? That all happened decades ago! He briefly looked outside to find Fillmore where he had left him, still gardening and humming away. (Third Blink, Chapter 9)..
3. Sarge looks at him for a long while. He’s changed: no longer is he the round-faced teen he met in the summer of ‘67. His features are longer, older, with dark circles under his eyes and long peacenik hair falling over his shoulders. “I don’t know,” he finally says. He laughs out loud, scrubbing a hand over his face. "Sorry, I...”. (Oceans, Chapter 1).
4. The following years crawl by at a rabbit's pace. The war ends, and everyone seems to forget. They take off their beads, their flowers, their freedom, and move forward in life; getting married in traditional weddings, getting traditional jobs with traditional salaries. Yuppie replaces Yippie, arcades replace activism. Abbie Hoffman is dead, Jerry Rubin is a millionaire, and Fillmore's youth is over. (Revolution!).
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dirbobfosse · 5 years
just made myself cry thinking about how boris knew for a fact that his dad would kill popchyk if he saw him in the house and literally took a beating to make sure he got out. do you think he tried to bring a dog home before? like, he found a stray while walking home in one of the many shitty towns he lived in and found this filthy little stray no bigger than a full grown cat and it looked close to death so of course boris couldn’t help but to bring her back home, even if just to get her fed (1)
and warm and then let her go. so he takes her home, bathes her and feeds her, let’s her take over his bed without a fight and she’s instantly his favorite little thing on ‘the planet of earth’. he is able to keep her for 3 days before his dad comes stumbling home, completely plastered while boris has her in the living room. before little boris can even excitedly show his dad his new friend, his dad is yelling and cursing at him for bringing a filthy animal into his home, scolding him for thinking he wanted another mouth to feed before killing the poor thing. boris cries his eyes out that night for the first time in a long time. then when he meets theo in vegas and he brings him home to a tiny, yippy dog that circles boris’ legs and begs for attention that he doesn’t hesitate to give him, boris is almost moved to tears because he instantly reminds boris of another little creature who he had loved with his whole heart. boris knows better than to love things too strongly, but he swears he would protect that little dog with his life. anyways, i’m gonna go cry over boris and his love for animals and all the shit he probably went through. (4/4 i think) sorry this was so long, i got carried away making myself sad and thinking about boris.
anon you wanna go there on a perfectly peaceful wednesday night ....ok...first heres a ficlet abt this based on a random sad thought i had  
and yeah this is definitely something i think about a lot... its sort of a microcosm of boris’s tragedy, which imo is his loneliness. boris hates hates HATES feeling alone, and at the same time, is alone more than most people ever are. from the time hes a little kid!!! so hes had to get used to it, his least favorite thing in the world. and when the rare opportunity presents itself, when something comes up that might free him from it, he jumps headfirst at the chance. theres a reason he became so close with judy despite not knowing a word of english. theres a reason he converted to islam (”such nice people!”) so readily after moving to indonesia. theres a reason he gloms onto theo literally immediately. and just like hes had to get used to being lonely, he’s had to get used to all of those opportunities blowing up in his face.
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nevermindthewind · 6 years
more than you could ever know
post 3x10 (yippie kayak)
“You would think that after experiencing a real life Die Hard situation, the last thing anyone would want to do would be relive it on the silver screen,” Amy comments from the couch. “One hostage situation is enough for any day, let alone Christmas. Don’t you think?”
Jake gasps, bringing a melodramatic hand to his chest as the other pops the disc into the DVD player.
“Babe. This may be my only actual Die Hard experience. I have to know how it compares to the real thing.”
“Oh right, of course,” Amy nods, going along with Jake’s rationale. She pulls her favorite blanket off the back of the couch and onto her pajama-clad legs, tucking it around her thighs and feet for optimal warmth.  Once settled, she reaches an arm out and waves him over to her little perch. “Come ‘ere, John McClane. I wanna cuddle with the biggest badass in the NYPD.”
“Ooh, that’s me!”
The blanket combined with her thickest sweater and socks help soothe her frozen bones, but it’s Jake’s happy little smirk that makes her heart feel warmer than she’s been all day. He clambers up from the floor and quickly crawls onto the couch, laying so his head is in Amy’s lap and facing the screen. Without thinking Amy begins running a hand through his hair, brushing it the way he likes it while the other hand rests on his side.
A contented sigh escapes from Jake. “That feels nice.”
“It’s the least I can do after you literally risked your life a mere couple of hours ago,” Amy says with a shrug. “Besides, I could use the extra body heat after freezing my ass off in that stupid polar plunge.”
She can feel Jake shake his head against her leg. “I still can’t believe you actually willingly went into the ocean. In the middle of December.” He chuckles to himself. “Not gonna lie, I thought you’d dip one toe in and chicken out.”
Amy grimaces. “Well....”
Jake rolls over so he’s facing her. “I knew it! You didn’t really go in, did you?”
“No, I did!” she protests. “I mean, at first I chickened out. But when I saw your texts I had to get in to tell Rosa and Holt, so I ended up in the water after all.”
“Awww. You risked hypothermia just for me?” Jake asks, his eyes lighting up in a way that makes her want to cry a little bit. “Ames, I’m touched.”
Amy leans down and kisses the tip of his nose. “I’d risk hypothermia for you any day, babe.”
A few weeks ago she might’ve held back a line like that, thinking it was too much too fast. But the blush that creeps across Jake’s cheeks as he smiles up at her tells her he didn’t think it was too much at all.
As the opening credits of the film roll onto the screen, it hits Amy that tonight could have ended very differently. Instead of spending Christmas in her apartment, they could’ve been in the hospital -- or worse.
Oh god, Jake could have died tonight.
Her chest tightens, her eyes prickle at the mere idea of coming home to a Jake-less apartment.
Of course, it’s at this exact moment Hans Gruber shoots at the real John McClane on the screen, shocking her back to reality. Amy jumps so violently she sends Jake flying off her lap.
“Damn, Santiago. If you wanted me to move you could’ve  —“ He trails off upon seeing tears in Amy’s eyes. Instantly his gaze softens. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
She shakes her head as she wipes her cheeks. “Nothing. I’m fine.”
“You’re crying,” Jake points out, his voice laced with concern.
“Am not. My eyes are allergic to...something.” It’s the worst excuse in the book and they both know it. Jake simply takes her hand and rubs circles with his thumb.
“Come on. Talk to me,” he murmurs.
There’s a part of Amy that wants to hold back, to be her stubborn self and repress the slightly delayed panic she feels rising in her chest. It’s what she would have done before. It’s what she’s always done. But Jake’s being so sweet, and his eyes are filled with genuine concern. Maybe it’s okay to open up for once.
“It -- it’s just you could have died tonight,” she says quietly.
Jake furrows his eyebrows, clearly confused. “Yeah…” he says slowly. “I didn’t, though. I’m right here.”
“But you could have.”
“Ames, we kinda risk our lives on a weekly basis. I mean, this situation was a little more intense than usual, but still. We’ve both been through way worse.”
Amy begins picking lint off her blanket, not quite looking Jake in the eye. “I mean, yeah, we’ve been through life threatening situations before. But this was the first time something this serious happened since, well, since we started dating,” she admits. “I don’t think I realized how scary it would be. When I saw those texts on my phone I...I’ve never felt anything like that before. I was so scared. And then to find out you literally had a gun pointed at your head?” A shudder runs through her entire body. “It was just a lot.”
Jake wordlessly lifts himself off her lap and pulls Amy into his arms. She curls into him, relishing the familiar feeling of his hoodie against her cheek.
“I’m sorry I scared you,” he says, kissing her temple. “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know,” she murmurs into his chest. And in that moment, in the comfort and safety of Jake’s arms she almost says it. She almost says the one phrase that’s been running through her mind for weeks now, the three words she knows to be true with every fiber of her being. But just as she starts to open her mouth, she pulls back. Not yet. “I just care about you a lot, that’s all.”
“You do? I care about you, too.” Amy peaks up to see Jake smiling down at her, a hint of disbelief etched in his face. Good god he’s adorable.
“Of course I do. You’re the best space heater I’ve ever had,” she teases, bopping his nose with her index finger.
Jake playfully narrows his eyes. “Oh, I see how it is. You’re just using me for my amazingly hot bod.”
“You caught me.” She shrugs before cradling his cheek and kissing him softly, hoping her actions speak louder rather than her words. Hoping he understands exactly how much she cares. Based on Jake’s dazed expression when they finally separate, he does.
He squeezes her shoulder before scooting back down to the couch, this time pulling Amy with him and enveloping her in his embrace. There’s a shift, a barrier that’s been wordlessly broken down and swept away along with her fears. Jake must feel it, too. He pulls her closer, wrapping his arm around her middle before planting a kiss in her hair.
“Merry Christmas, Ames.”
“Merry Christmas, Jake.”
They never spend another Christmas apart.
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occasionalfics · 6 years
Dog Days (Steve X Reader)
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For @memyselfandmaddox​: “could you do a soulmate with steve that they meet somehow because of my dog maggie? The little runt that she is would so run away from me and priss her way over to steve demanding he pick her up and love on her. When she runs away from me she looks both ways to cross streets and only uses the sidewalks. MISS 16 YEAR OLD MAGGIE IS BASICALLY DEAF AT THIS POINT SO CHASING AFTER HER SCREAMING HER NAME DOES NOTHING.”
A/N: I’m a big Tattoo fan so...that’s where I went with this. (It doesn’t hurt that Chris Evans’ tattoos are...a huge turn on js) Also how have I never gotten a soulmate au request until now?! This was too fun! I want more! And maybe I deny Infinity War but I don’t deny Civil War so I wanted to put this at a point when Steve, you know, wasn’t a fugitive.
Warnings: None! Just another super cute one!
Words: 1,398
It was 2011 when you woke up with your first tattoo just above your wrist. You liked the simplicity of it: three black circles, one inside the next, with a simple star at the center of the smallest circle. It looked like a bullseye, with no color or words.
The only problem: you hadn’t gotten a tattoo. Your bank account proved that, since there’d been no transaction or even an ATM withdrawal to serve as evidence of a possible drunken mistake. Plus, you’d been sober the night before, so there was no way you’d gotten that tattoo of your own volition.
The only explanation: your soulmate had been born. Which presented a whole new issue: your soulmate was a lot younger than you. The thought made you shudder with disgust and curse the universe for doing this to you - because what else were you supposed to do? All you had was this mark that would constantly remind you of what was to come, even if you dreaded it.
So you told your friends and family that you had gotten the tattoo intentionally. It was easier to explain its sudden appearance than it was to tell them you’d finally gotten your soulmate mark well into adulthood. The only living being that knew the truth was your little pooch Maggie, who, to the best of your knowledge, didn’t know anyone that could actually communicate with dogs. Your secret was safe...for a while.
Two years later, you were walking Maggie down a busy street in the heat of the day - she had little booties on to keep her paws safe from the concrete - when the little monster somehow got out of her collar and sprinted away.
“Maggie!” you called, trying to keep up, but then you remembered something that made your heart sink: Maggie, in her old age, had gone deaf. She couldn’t hear you or oncoming traffic, though she might be able to feel vibrations from engines and car horns - if only she wasn’t wearing booties.
You went into high gear, following her as fast as you could. Despite her age, she was still a spry little girl. She kept up a ridiculous pace, somehow beating you even as she stopped at red lights and looked both ways across intersections before dodging across crosswalks. All you could do was follow her path, breathing harder and harder as she went. Clearly, she had a mission, even if you didn’t know where that would take either of you.
She headed into a small cafe, pushing past a couple as they came out onto the street, and you rolled your eyes. Maybe she couldn’t hear anymore, but Maggie still loved the smell of coffee. But you’d noticed that she’d passed quite a few cafes on her mad sprint, so you didn’t know why this one was special until you went inside.
There she was - the little yippy monster was sitting politely at the heels of a broad-shouldered blonde man in a pair of slightly baggy jeans and a plain blue t-shirt that was almost two sizes too small. You hardly noticed at first; you just watched Maggie’s tail wag at an alarming rate. She barked up at the man to get his attention, and when he looked down at her, she stood on her back two legs and panted for his attention.
“Maggie!” you called, even though you knew she couldn’t hear you. Even if she could, she’d probably ignore you anyway.
The man bent down as if he hadn’t heard you either, smiling at Maggie as she jumped and barked at him. He put his hands around her tummy and picked her up, laughing as her eyes went wide and white and she licked his hands frantically.
“Maggie - you little rascal!” you said, stepping closer to him to try to get your dog’s attention. She didn’t cease her licking, but the man did chuckle.
“So you’re Maggie,” he said, then he turned to you. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to steal your pup here.” He tried to hand Maggie back to you, but she wriggled in his grasp and cried.
You rolled your eyes and tried to pull her from him without being rude, but Maggie didn’t like that at all. She went to nip at your fingers, so you pulled them back and yelled, “Hey! Who do you think you are, lil’ miss?”
The man laughed again, and when you finally looked at him, you stopped. Everything stopped, actually. Maggie stopped moving and the baristas stopped working and the people around you stopped talking - all in the second it took for your wrist to itch like crazy. You thought the man looked familiar, too, so you stared at him until his laughter ebbed.
Maggie went about licking his face - his strong jaw and sharp nose, and without even realizing it, you were kind of jealous. But you reminded yourself that you didn’t know this man, and that he was still holding your dog one way or another.
“She really likes you,” you managed to say without making a total fool of yourself. You tried to pet her, but Maggie completely ignored you. Her tail kept wagging as she made herself comfortable against this man. When he pet her, her tail went faster.
“Well, I like her too,” he said. Then he made sure he was supporting Maggie with one arm before dropping the other. He held his free hand out to you and told you, “I’m Steve.”
Without even thinking, you held you your arm with the soulmate tattoo to shake his hand. “(Y/N),” you said, almost automatically getting distracted by the light blue of Steve’s eyes. They looked familiar, too, but you couldn’t remember why. But damn, was that tattoo itchy. It’d never been itchy like that before.
Once you pulled your hand back, you instantly scratched the tattoo, which pulled Steve’s attention to it. You watched his brow furrow and his head tilt and suddenly - you knew who he was.
“Oh my god,” you whispered. You moved a little closer, so you didn’t alert too many of the other patrons around. “You’re not...Steve Rogers are you?”
He didn’t answer at first because his attention was still on your tattoo. “Is that…” he started, but he never finished his question. He reached his fingers out until they came into contact with your wrist - which sent huge waves of sunshine-y warmth up your arm. He must’ve felt it too, because his breath caught at the exact moment that yours did.
“What...was that?” you asked, looking at your wrist, then back at Steve.
He scrambled to hand you Maggie, who cried at the loss of contact with Steve. You held her close as he brought his opposite wrist to your attention. There, in the same place your tattoo was on your arm, he had one that was just the outline of Maggie’s name, but it was in the same font that was printed on her collar tag, which you’d had custom made by someone on Etsy a few years ago.
“Maggie’s your dog?” Steve asked, like he didn’t already know.
You nodded. “And you’re...Captain-”
He hushed you and looked over his shoulders, searching the room to make sure no one was paying attention. Before he spoke again, he gripped your free hand in his and pulled you outside, over to the furthest table possible. You sat across the table from one another with Maggie walking over the metal grate freely now, even though you knew she was supposed to be on the ground.
“Yes,” Steve said. “I’m...Steve Rogers.”
You looked at your tattoo. It wasn’t a bullseye after all. It was his shield without the color. It’d come late because, for almost seven decades, he’d been close enough to death to be kept from you. The Universe hadn’t been playing a trick - it’d been keeping you from years and years of disappointment, until Steve was brought back into the world.
“So what was it like?” you asked. “Waking up with this name on your wrist and having no idea who Maggie was?” You managed to smirk at him before you planted your chin on an upturned palm.
Steve smiled, too. His ears and cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he looked at the table, then at Maggie. “Confusing at first,” he answered. “But...not so bad.”
Global: @infinityblogger @welcome-to-my-daydreams @hopefulblazetriumph @httpmcrvel @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @sunigyrl @yeahbutmarvel @mysweetcookie99 @ourdreamsrealized @tinyfistwarrior @punkrockhufflefluff @lady-thor-foster @nerdywitch @dreamerinfinity @demonspawn2468 @blackpantherimagines @pensysto @memyselfandmaddox @acciorinn @the-resal10 @untoldshortsofthefandoms @j-marvel-memester @vinyloider
Steve: @girlwhoisfearless @mrsdeanwinchester19 @multi-fandom-imagines8 @ineffabl-y @warriorsacrifice @pensysto @marvelous-super-soldier @cherrysfandom 
Drabbles: @athorable-and-deanlicous @esoltis280 @pensysto
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I Want A Pet
"Can I have a pet mommy". Your six year old asked, pulling on your shirt. "Boomer, you know the rules". "Ask Daddy". You pinched his cheeks. Boomer took off running down the hall to the basement. Juice was down there cleaning up after he's gaming crew left. "DADDY, DADDY". Boomer squealed. "What does my son want". Juice picked him up . "I want a pet Daddy". "All my friends have them and I want one". "Boom thats alot of responsibility, are you ready for that"? Juice asked him. "Yes Daddy". "I promise to play with it and feed it and water it and clean it and make sure it doesnt make mess". Boomer rambled, counting on his fingers. "Ummm, I guess". "As long as you take care of it and its something reasonable like a dog or cat". "Okay Daddy, thank you". Boomer jumped down and ran back up stairs. "Yippy Yippy". "I can get one Mommy". He celebrated. "Yay for Mr. Boomer". You kissed his head. "Can we go now"? He looked at you with puppy dog eyes. "Alright". You huffed out. "I'll be in the car". He dashed outside. Going to the basement door you yelled "Juice we are leaving to get a pet". "Love you". "Love you too". "Dont go crazy". You both laughed.
Walking in to the pet shop, Boomers eyes went wide at all the animals. He couldnt decide where to go first. He pulled you to the reptiles. "Mommy I want a snake". His face was on the glass container. "No, that is a big fat no". You scrunched  up your nose. "Ahh mom". "Come on lets look at the bunny rabbits". You picked up a fluffy white, with a black circle on his left eye. "He's cute". "Nah, he's to hairy". Boomer shook his head. "Then what kind of animal do you want"? "Something cool". He took off to the birds. "You want a bird"? "Can they talk to you"? He asked as he looked at the cockatoo. "Yeah, if you teach them". "No, they might tell my secrets". He giggled. You rolled your eyes at your son. "I know what I want". "I want a lizard". He took off again. "Ummmm". You followed right behind. "Here, this one". "He looks soo cool". Boomer pointed to a bearded dragon. "Your Dad will not be a happy camper". You thought about it. "Okay if you want it and promise to take care of it, then you can get it". Boomer jumped up and down, hugging you. "Thanks Mommy". "Lets get this thing home and show your Dad, he with flip". You said as you got the attention of the sales man.
On the way home, Boomer couldnt stop talking about his lizard. "My friends are going to love him". "Have you picked out a name for him yet"? You asked, turning into the drive way. "Yes, his name is Killer Croc". "After Daddy's and your's favorite movie". "Thats cool, but why not something alittle less.... psycho". "Daddy and you named me after Captain Boomerang". "That was your Dads idea, I had no say in that". "Why didnt you".? "I lost a bet and just leave it at that". "Can  I ask why"? As you helped him out of the car. "Cause he has scales and he's like a little crocodile. "He's so cute". Boomer rubbed Killer Crocs head. "Okay lets see how your Dad handles him". You both walked in the house, Juice was sitting on the couch. "Daddy look". Boomer ran to Juice with Croc in his hands. Juice looked at Boomer bugged eyed. "I said a dog or cat". Juice got up. "He really wanted it".  You said. "So you say no, that thing is dangerous". Juice pointed at Croc. "He's not Daddy, and hes not a thing, hes my son". Boomer smiled from ear to ear. "Your son, oh god". Juice pinched the bridge of his nose. You laughed. "Tell him his name Boomer". "His name is Killer Croc". "Why, would you name him that"? "He's like a crocodile and I like it". "Okay okay, if Killer Croc gets out at any time, hes gone alright". Juice warned Boomer. "He wont, I promise". Boomer sprinted off to his room. "Why would you do this to me". Juice turned to you. "He's happy, what could I do". "Did you see that face". "I know hes happy, but that thing scares me". Juice wrapped his hands around your waist. "His name is killer croc". Juice mocked you. "Also your son has secrets and he wants to know why he was named after Captain Boomerang". You said as you walked into the kitchen. "Crap". Juice sighed, with his hands on his head.
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iammarylastar · 7 years
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7. Hurricane.
Another day driving to the safe house. Jack was all but safe. He could explode at any time. He tried to speak with Shade. He made the first step but she refused and had maintained a stubborn silence since. He could see her red eyes, circled by black lines. She must have cried and faked to sleep as much as he had. She nonetheless kept taking good care of Anna and had a few words with John.  But nothing with him. Not a word nor a glance. And it was killing him. He had made his best to give attention to Anna those last two days but he had felt like he had done all wrong.
How could he switch into a father in such a short gap? What could he do or say to bond with this cutie little girl?
She had come to him a couple of times, asking for stories or play games but he had stayed mute and blankly, ignoring which behaviour could be more appropriate.
How could he a damn father?
He has seen disappointment and sadness in Anna’s eyes each time he has failed to act like any normal human being would have done with a kid.  He could have ripped his own skin off, blaming himself to be such an idiot, he knew chatting with little ones, laughing at their jokes, tickling their chubby sides. But he was too impressed by this tiny person, knee high to a grasshopper. His daughter.
The night has fallen, Anna is asleep, her head resting on the pillow he took from their last room. If he was unable to interact with his child, he knew at least to have her safe and comfortable.
John is chitchatting with Shade, he asks for random things, she answers with yes, no or grumbles.
“He really hadn’t sent you any news from Berlin? Any? ”
“Jack you should have given news. At least a proof of life to Shade or your family.”
“You know the rules John. Any contact with family is not allowed. Safety measures.”
“I know that. But there are ways to keep contact. I managed to stay in touch with Molly in my day.”
“I kept contact with Lucy at the beginning.” Jack barely admits.
“You… what?” Shade explodes.
“…” Jack finds nothing to answer.
“Jack, tell me you’re kidding me.” John whispers.
“Lucy was just back from her abduction! You know about it! You saved her!” He tries to explain.
“I know that! But you could have left a message for Shade.”
“I was worried about my sis! I thought Shade would wait for me. I thought she loved me!
“Fucker!” Shade bursts into tears of rage. “You kept in touch with your fucking sister and NOT WITH ME ?”
“Lucy had been abducted and almost killed by terrorists! I’m sorry to care about my family!”
“I was about to be your family! You wanted to fucking marry me ! " she cries.
"I would have asked you when I came back! But you were gone!”
“She was pregnant Jack.” John says quietly, tryinĝ to calm everyone down before they wake Anna up. “ You should have asked about her.”
‘And how the fuck was I supposed to know?“ Jack’s voice cracked in tears.
"By asking for me!!” Shade yelps between her cries.
“You’re doing it all wrong Jack.” John whispers.
“Fuck you John!” Jack violently hits the steering wheel.
He swerves the car, his sight is blurry with tears and he barely can focus on the road.
“Jack, pull over here!” John orders. “Stop that fucking car! Now !” He barks when seeing his son keeps going.
Jack slams the breaks and almost jumps out of the car. He's overwhelmed, his brain is fucking with him. Though he’s trained to endure the worst tortures, this was unsustainable. Shade. Anna. He realizes he fucked it up. Totally.
Jack screams in frustration; he needs to punch something, he needs the pain to bleed out. He grabs his head between his hands and crouches down.
“Jack.” John says, hopping out of the car. “Jack get back in the car.”
John grunts and bits back another scream.
“Get in that fucking car and take care of your girl. Stop your bullshit and fight to have your family back.”
Jack glares at his father. Who’s he to tell him what to do with his family?
“Jack. Don’t mess it up like I did. Do you want to live with regrets like me? Get into the car and talk to her. She needs a hug.”
“We’re not a hugging family John.” He retorts sharply.
“Do your best son.” John pats Jack on his shoulder.
Jack sighs, stands up to his feet and walks to the car.
“The things I’m going to do for that kid.” John proudly says. Then mumbles to himself, getting behind the wheel. “Yippi-kai-yay motherfucker.”
“Shade…” Jack whispers, shifting to sit closer to her. She lifts her eyes up to meet his. Her face is drown in tears, her makeup is flicking under her eyes, turning her beautiful features into a huge mess.
Jack wraps her in his arms, hugging her the tightest he could, rocking her against his chest.
God it feels so good to have her against him.
She buries her face in his neck and keeps blaming him.
“You left me Jack. You left and never came back. I wanted you to know your child… but I was so mad at you…” Jack cups the sides of her face and gently brushes her cheek. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He wants to kiss her so badly, he wants to get her rid of all this sorrow.
“You should have looked for me.” She grabs the collar of his shirt and clung onto him, desperately needing his touch.
“I’ve been missing you so much. Where have you been?” She lets out in a sob.
Jack kisses her forehead. Her skin under his lips throws shivers down his spine and he can’t help but kissing her again and again. He peppers kisses all over her face, his hands roaming over her neck and shoulders, then back to her face.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…” he says again and again, feeling his chest is likely to explode.
Shade melts under his touch, her hands stroke his neck and quickly grab the back of his head.
“Hold me tight.” She begs him, pulling him into a searing kiss.
Their lips parting, their tongues dancing together like they were used to, their hands exploring each other’s body, quickly stroking deeper and deeper, Jack and Shade melt into each other, making up for lost time.
Jack leans over Shade as he attacks her throat, his hands pulling her impossibly closer to him, guiding her thigh up around his waist.
Glancing in the rear view mirror, curious to know where these moans and wet noises come from, John argues:
“Wait wait kids! When I said she needs a hug, I didn’t mean do porn on the back seat! Jesus there’s a kid laying there!”
Jack rolls Shade over him, his hands guiding her waist to straddle his lap. Sliding his ass down the seat, spreading his thighs open, Jack growls when Shade presses her folds on his shaft. She grinds herself on top of his jeans, literally eating his mouth. Jack combs her hair back, and pulls her in a deeper kiss. Shade can’t fight the moans that escape her throat, her wetness multiplies as Jack bucks his hips up to meet hers.
“For God sake, kids! Couldn’t you wait a minute? We’re arrived at the motel. Please get a room!” John frowns as he witness what a dad doesn’t want to. Though it makes him happy to see those two finally make up, he’d rather run away before he sees too much.
Still kissing passionately, Jack and Shade extend their arms towards John and flip the bird at the same time. And resume their strokes.
“OK. I got it. Come on old man, save that little girl from the hugest nightmare ever.” John hops from the driver’s seat and walks to the back of the car to pick up the sleeping little girl. “Let’s go to bed princess. Your mom and dad obviously need privacy to ‘talk’. I hope you always wanted a baby brother because another McClane is in progress.”
He kicks the back door shut with his hip and can’t help but smirking. “Have fun kids!” And walks to check in for two rooms.
Pulling back, Shade starts working on Jack’s belt and quickly yanks both his jeans and boxers down his knees, Jack grunts loudly as his painful hard cock jumps free on his lower belly. Capturing her lips once again, he roughly tugs on her shirt, ripping off half of the buttons. Shade tilts her head back as Jack trails wet open kisses towards her breasts, he knows being her weakness.
“I want you back, Cupcake.” She whispers in his ear, nibbling at his lobe before licking the back of his neck which usually makes him lose his mind.
Jack sneaks his hands under her skirt and grabs the hem of her undies he tears to the side. Staring up at her green eyes sparkling with lust, he guides her ass up to line her dripping core with the head of his cock.
“I want you now, Boo.”
He slams her ass down on him and they both cry in pleasure, their faces twisting under the delicious feeling of their body united as one.
After a first primal release inside the car, they run hand in hand in the motel room John has left open and free for them. They spend the rest of the night forgiving each other’s faults and misunderstandings, hearts and souls devoted to each other.
Jack shows her how professional and skilled he is in witness-protection, never leaving an inch of her body exposed, only focuses on her safety. Shade for once sleeps peacefully, vulnerable but relaxed, uncovered, but with Jack’s large body blanketed around her.
Thx to my wondeful bêta @tigpooh67 @kenzieam @frecklefaceb @badassbaker @oddsnendsfanfics @beltz2016 @bookwarm85 @angelswannawearmyredshooz @beautifulramblingbrains @singingpeople @jaicourtneyseyes @jaihardi @writingismyhappytime
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overwatchsmut · 7 years
Hello love! I wanted to ask for a kind of out there request, with whoever you choose! Maybe an imagine where the s/o protects their guy or defends them in some way? Usually it's the other way around 😂anyway love your blog ❤❤❤
Thank you for your request! When reading this, I couldn’t help but picture the scenario I wrote with McCree ~ Its really angsty so I apologize if I went the opposite direction with this than what you wanted (⌒▽⌒)♡
You’d been McCree’s partner since your entry into Overwatch, his marksmanship and your head-to-head melee fighting style was beyond compatible on the battlefield; the two of you were so perfectly in sync, you were unbeatable. 
Your melee fighting allowed you to be face-to-face with the enemy, a way of distracting them long enough for your trusty cowboy partner to roll in and shoot them; he was always able to predict your movement so when he shot, it was always a precise hit, you never once felt scared when he shot in your direction, you trusted him with your life.
Off the battlefield the both of you were merely friends, or at least that’s all he seemed to want from you; unlike many of the people at HQ, he never tried to make a pass at you or even remotely flirt with you. You’d never admit this out loud or to him, but you were in love with McCree.
The more you talked to him the more you wanted him to flirt with you, the more he’d pat you on the shoulder and say “good goin’” the more you wanted him to grab you and hold you tight muttering the four words that tops all; you were just a love struck kid hopelessly falling
After a successful mission, McCree had invited you out along with many of the other men members, ‘cracking open a cold one with the boys’ he’d call it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Any opportunity to be with him or even be around him was enough, loving him like this was good… right?
As the rowdy men around you drank their beer, you found yourself slowly loosing your train of thought as you sipped your water; is there really a spot for me in his heart.. or is this just unrequited love.. will this always be just this? When the night came to end everyone went their own separate ways, since you and McCree lived close to one another, the both of you walked home together.
Although McCree displayed himself as a man that could hold his liquor, you’d known him long enough that when he opened his mouth, everything poured out like an uncontrollable waterfall. As the both of you walked he was silent, this was surprisingly different and it worried you; was he not as drunk as you thought?
As he continued to walk in front of you he remained quiet almost like he was listening to something, when you’d attempted to speak up, he’d swung himself around, pointed his gun in your direction and fired; you listened to the sound of someone behind you spat out.. you recognized the sound, he’d shot someone dead.
Turning around, in front of you lied a dead talon agent, McCree’s reflexes had shot the dead man clear in the head; admittedly you were discouraged that you hadn’t heard him, yet even in his now semi-drunken state he’d protected you. By then when McCree figured the close was clear, he’d placed his peacemaker back into the holster and let out asigh of relief “Well that’s about as much excitement for today” 
As he spoke, you noticed something coming toward the both of you in your peripheral vision; another talon agent had cocked his gun and prepared to shoot him. Time seemed to stop them and without a second thought, you’d placed the palms of your hands on McCree’s chest and launched him away from the bullet; the adrenaline inside of you was pumping along with your terrified heart, all that mattered then was protecting him.
Time seemed to unfreeze itself when McCree’s reflexes kicked in and he’d shot the last agent, rushing to his feet he’d grabbed you and you’d let out a cry of pain as he touched you; the bullet from before had pierced your side and blood soaked itself into your shirt. 
You were weak then, unable to hold yourself up anymore McCree placed you into his arms, looking at you he was angry “Why would you do that, are you crazy!?” You showed him a weak smile as you touched his right cheek with your hand “Because I love you, you idiot.. i’d do anything to protect you, you more to me than just a partner, your the only man I’ve ever loved. How could I just stand there and watch that happen? You mean more to me than my own life.” 
By then you were crying, all your pent up emotions were tumbling out and there was nothing to hold it back; you loved him and you had to tell him, you just had to. You were unsure if you’d been injured to the point of death, but the burden of keeping it in without telling you hurt more than the literal gunshot in your side.
McCree’s heart was racing out of control, the previously drunken man was now fully sober, he held you in his arms and brought you close. He didn’t respond to your feelings, not yet at least, the only thing that mattered to him in that moment was finding you some help. 
With you held firmly against his chest he’d taken off running toward the HQ, you listened to his heart beat and you felt his shaking hands, he was scared. In fact, McCree was beyond terrified.. something he’d hadn’t been in years, it was then as he ran with all his might toward base that he’d realized he’d loved you.
The idea of loosing you was far too much for him to bare, how stupid he’d felt then, how he hadn’t cherished you or held you properly and kissed those succulent lips of yours.. even something as simple as holding your hand was his biggest regret in that moment. 
“I’m gonna get ya some help darlin’ just hang in there” he’d muttered into your ear; you were loosing a lot of blood by then barely hanging on to your consciousness, you did not want to die.. but if that was your fate, you were happy, you’d told him how you felt and prevented him from being in your position.
When he’d arrived at the healing bay, he’d practically busted through the door screaming at Mercy to help you. As the lights of the operating table shone upon your body, you could feel it getting closer and closer, it was warm and welcoming, where you going to die then?
You could hear the faint conversation of McCree and Mercy, their voices were muffled and you could barely make out their conversation; “I’m unsure if she’ll pull through Jesse, she’s lost a lot of blood, possibly internal bleeding, but my team will do what we can” Mercy voice was full of concern, she’d known you pretty well by the amount of injuries you’d racked up, even considered you a friend.
“God dammit they have to!” Jesse spat, he wasn’t mad at Mercy, more so mad at himself for allowing this to happen. “Oh my, Jesse don’t tell me, your in love!?” Mercy’s tone was surprised, Jesse’s toned changed “Why do you think they’re the only person I’ve never been forward with? I wanted things to be right this time, no more one night stands, I want them more than anything, so I tried to be patient… tonight I was-”
 It was then that one of Mercy’s medical staff placed a mask over your nose and mouth and put you under, you needed to hear what he was gonna say.. you needed to, so you fought
When you finally came too, you’d looked around and noticed you had a nasal tube connected to your nose and an IV in your arm; McCree was hunched over the side of your bed, holding onto your hand, he was asleep. 
You brought your other hand over to his head and gently brushed his hair out of his sleeping face, you wondered how long he’d been here and telling by the black circles under his eyes, he hadn’t slept; as he sat there fast asleep you couldn’t help but admire how handsome he looked
You stopped pulling your hand back to leave him in peace, to your surprise he’d sudden spoke “Keep goin’ it felt good” with his eyes still closed he smirked at you taking your hand; he’d placed it back onto his head and you let out a soft laugh.
“How long have I been out?” you asked as you continued to run your fingers through his long brown hair. “About two weeks,” he muttered reaching his hand up to yours and intertwining the both of your fingers together “.. when you got shot, I thought you were gonna die, everything inside of me told me ‘you can’t let this happen Jesse you just cant’ i’ll admit it, when I first got partnered up with you I thought you were so beautiful, the idea that fate had brought you into my hands made me wanna jump out of my boots and scream yippy ka yay.. but you were so different from everyone else I’d been interested in before, you’re so strong physically and mentally.. even with that strength your so humble and kind.. I thought I wasn’t good enough so I gave up on it.” 
He then proceeded to sit up and look you in the eyes, “You pushed me out the way of a bullet and got yourself injured because of it, I put you in danger… you even told me that you loved me after it was my fault.. when I saw you lose all that blood I was terrified because I knew that I loved you.. I love you so much I can’t even believe it myself..” 
He reached out and grabbed you, he was making sure to be gentle as you were now in his chest, he embraced you softly “I want to be with you, I want to hold your hand and sing folk songs and make smores.. I wanna support you and do things you want to do because they make you happy.. god I just wanna hold your hand so badly..” 
Looking up at him as he gazed down at you, he never looked as serious as he had in that moment, “I owe you more than I can ever repay you, so please take me as I am, I promise to protect you and love you with all of my life” he then pressed his lips onto yours and thus your life with him began
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