#Xiaolin Temple
bobauthorman · 11 months
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Someone who hasn't seen Xiaolin Showdown, describe what's happening.
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gravity-what · 1 month
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“We think we must have got him mixed in with the produce and sold him off as a grapefruit”
I’ve been spending all week thinking about @writerkatsblog ‘s headcanon about Chase coming from a farming family and being sold to the Xiaolin Temple and the implications that has for ‘Omi Town’.
Do you think Hannibal knew about Chase’s past? Do you think he built Omi Town and Omi’s fake backstory around Chase’s own history? Do you think he was mocking Chase here too?
Anyway. I made myself sad this week with thoughts of baby Chase.
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Guan: This is my wall of inspirational men Raimundo: Is that a picture of you? Guan: Yes. I’m big enough to admit that I’m often inspired by myself
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cauterisen · 7 days
also let me just say that i do like dashi a lot, even if i do think he was a whole mess for letting things get as bad with wuya and chase as they did AND leaving the xiaolin dragons to clean it up 1000s of years later
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Kimiko: What are you doing?
Jack, standing on a table: I live here you know. I can stand wherever I want, thank you very much.
Kimiko: …
Jack: …
Kimiko: Where’s the spider?
Jack: Under the Chair
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weirdwyvern · 2 years
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Xiaolin Showdown background aesthetic, “The Demon Seed” (part 2!)
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aspureasamelody · 1 month
Imagine Master Fung holds a sort of parent-teacher conference at the Xiaolin temple.
Daddy Bailey and Momma Bailey come to check on how Clay's doing, Toshiro comes overjoyed with the chance to gush about how much he loves his daughter, Raimundo's extended family that he mentioned comes
And Omi is sad because he's sure no one's going to come for him
But Chase Young shows up, having invited himself, partly because he knew Omi was going to be sulking about no one else showing up for him, and partly because he has so many complaints about the temple curriculum for his little one
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silentauthor96 · 11 months
Random Xiaolin Showdown Headcanons: Language Edition
Everyone at the temple is multilingual, but they speak English since it's their only common language (at least at the beginning of the series)
Clay speaks Spanish and Raimundo speaks Portuguese, so they end up making a bunch of inside jokes based on their own hybrid of the two, and they are the only ones who understand what any of it means
Kimiko also knows Korean because she keeps up with all the latest pop culture trends. (Side note: Kimiko absolutely has k-pop star style. We love her for that)
Everyone learns Cantonese & Mandarin upon arrival at the temple. Kimiko has the most trouble with reading and writing, and is very much over learning new character systems tyvm
Raimundo learns how to swear in everyone's languages. He also can't spell in any language (he's of the opinion that if you can understand what he wrote, 'correct' spelling is irrelevant)
Omi picks up idioms in other languages much faster than English. He maintains that it's not his fault the English ones just make less sense.
Kimiko and Omi learn some of Clay and Rai's Spanish/Portuguese hybrid, mostly just through listening to random conversations, but then realize they can't communicate in either language on its own. (Of course they realize this after they insisted on going off on their own to collect Wu in Spain, and nothing around them sounded familiar. They completed the mission using a translation app, but they don't tell the guys that part.)
Eventually Jack can more or less understand monkey vocalizations even without holding the staff. No one is surprised by this revelation
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rosy6maple6mothman6 · 28 days
So I just finished xiaolin showdown: I wanna talk about it. Spoilers.
I really liked the show! I knew I would thanks to childhood memories of it but I think it holds up alright even today! Imma break it down in what I Did like and what I Didn't like (I think Imma make a different post talking about the Wu). This is longer than I thought it would be. I'm sorry.
What I liked
The Wu themselves, love me magic shit even if they get repetitive at times(fr there are like 4 that just give the power to fly).
I fucking love Jack Spicer and Clay Bailey. They are my boys do you hear me! Love how Jack just won't quit and how Clay is just so painfully Texas. My bois
Love the magic in general! How all die of the main characters get to master their element and get special weapons and gear to help. Wish there was more time to flush all of it out tho ,but hey what can you do(other than post head canons).
Dojo Kanojo Cho
Just his name is fucking amazing, and I did like some of his jokes
And his powers were cool! I wish we could have seen the limits of his shapeshifting powers.
I did like wuya and wish we could have seen her do more witchy things.
Chase Young was also very cool.
I also like panda bubba's design and I kinda wish there was more of him. I wanna do things to him DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT
I already said this BUT I just love how all of them got individual weapons that I don't think were Shen Gong Wu? I think.
Master fung and dojo... Had a very odd relationship. I'm 90% sure they were at least fucking by how dojo acted when he went to a different temple and after that it was just very. Weird.nit Bad weird but still.
Wish we could have seen more of their families. kimono's dad was fucking adorable. I want to fuck her dad
Also Love le mime!!! I also wanna fuck him, I am not taking. criticism at this time
I also liked Jermaine and wish he could have been able to join fully or show up more.
Over all love this show.
What I didn't like
How they treated Jack. Idk man I just thought it was weird how the heros tournamented him so much? Like ya he's a ass but like, y'all are the heros why are you acting borderline worse than him???
I also kinda wish he could have officially joined the xiaolin side, I feel like they alluded to him switching multiple times but then he never does and I think that was a waste.
Idk dude he deserved betted
Also didn't like how he started out at Least semi competent but then just became a pathetic joke? And not even fuc pathetic. He's not a wet dog he's just pathetic.
I wish we could have seen Raimundo's family if not just a sibling or his parents, just something.
Fuck Clay's dad. Not in a hot way. I hate him.
Omi had such an ego. Like dude, please stop.
I really wish we could have seen more of Fung and Omi's relationship. I kinda wish it was more father and son rather than teacher and student since it seems like Omi lived there his entire life.
I also wish we saw more of Fung being badass. I feel there was a lack of that.
I'll say it again, there are a bunch of shen gong wu that kinda just repeat? And some Wu that don't seem like they should be categorize as Wu? Idk I'll make a different post about it bc there a lot to say.
Le mime was cool and I want to know more about him.
I want to know more about almost everyone honestly.
Give Me Their Backstories. Please
This is all I can think of ATM. I'll add more later probably.
Thank you if you made it down here. Let me know what's your fav and least fav about xs.
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phantamic-moriori · 3 days
Xiaolin Showdown art😹
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(Image 1 was provided by help from my friend _____)
My Xiaolin Showdown oc Bashe, she protects the SGW in the xiaolin temple and can turn into a giant snake bc of the sash thing around her waist
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.... And likes Jack Spicer just a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit
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2/22 is cat day! Do you have any kitty Omi headcanons?
Apologies for the late reply! I have 3, actually. 😀
1. I think 😺 Omi enjoyed being groomed by the warriors, though to save his pride he pretended to be affronted by it. Because it's freely given care and affection. Something he doesn't get a lot of in the temple.
2. I think 😺 Omi probably went to sleep better alone, but whenever he woke up, he'd either have some of the warriors surrounding him while being asleep, or he'd be with Chase. I think waking up with comrades around him was probably something he missed upon going back to the xiaolin temple.
3. I think 😺 Omi almost certainly ended up eating meat at least once as a cat. I base this on the fact that cats are obligate carnivores, and while he wasn't with Chase for very long, he was young enough I think he would have given in to his new form's needs.
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gravity-what · 5 months
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🎆Happy New Year! 🎆
Please enjoy a new chapter of the Heylin Omi AU! Aka: Chase and Omi’s first meeting.
Also please enjoy Keiko gushing about Chase’s very cool magical costume change~ (as always Keiko’s design is courtesy of @godtierwallpaper )
(Lol This poll was little help in determining exactly what to do with Chase’s Showdown outfit so I ended up choosing Option 3 for his ‘Master Monk’ outfit while Option 2 is his ‘Dragon’ outfit for flashback showdowns…(if they happen))
Some additional bonus content regarding the Showdown outfits under the cut:
(After the events of the story)
Jermaine: He what?
Chase, to himself: A what?
Jack: Dude did you miss it?! His whole outfit changed!
Jermaine: Man I was in the middle of a showdown! Please tell me you got a picture!?
Keiko, pulling out her phone: OBVIOUSLY!! I got tons! I had to make sure I could send them to Kimiko!
Chase, to himself still: A…magic girl???
Master Fung, clearing his throat to get the young Dragons-in-training attention: One day you too may reach a high enough level in your training and achieve such… ‘transformations’.
Keiko: Wait…does that mean you have a magic girl transformation Master Fung?!
Master Fung: Um….😳. I believe it’s time for you all to get back to your training-“
Chase, appearing next to him, smiling like a shark: No no. I think we should let them see your ✨magic girl transformation✨Fung. Let’s play a-
Every monk in earshot: NO!!!
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Do you think there were in universe signs for Jack being a Xiaolin dragon?
I always thought he was meant to be one. And when Chronicles came out with Ping Pong, I was even more hoping he would eventually get to be good.
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Vlad is a most welcome addition to our team... but he is the last one, right? I mean, just how many dragons-in-training can there be?
The way this line is written and delivered definitely implies that, even though Vlad was clearly not a permanent addition, there are other dragons-in-training that were supposed to join the team that Omi didn't know about, just like he didn't know about the other three in the first place.
There were little hints here and there that there were theoretically more dragons-in-training, but it was never seriously followed up on.
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As for Jack, there were multiple instances that hints that he's not as firmly evil as he likes to posture himself as.
Hannibal himself reads Jack as "a single generation from good," every season finale has Jack team up with the monks to fight against the current villain, Jack's been invited to the temple multiple times and he turns them down for flippant reasons like the "bathrobes" instead of being deeply opposed to it. In the alternate timeline, he lives with the monks already.
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Good Jack shows that there is a part of Jack that always believes that good prevails no matter what evil does, which even builds into Jack's motivation for being evil at all. It also shows there's a part of Jack that really likes Dojo and the monks.
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"The Apprentice" opened up a whole can of worms where Jack genuinely tried, and only stopped because he didn't think anyone was genuinely trying to accept him there. He's shocked and doesn't know what to say when he unequivocally learns that Omi really did believe in him and truly wants Jack there with them no matter what the other monks think about it.
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And there are small implications that Jack might cosmically belong at the temple, in the grand scheme of things. When the timelines are coming back together, that's where Jack's deposited.
Sadly, in season 3, basically all character development and character arcs were dropped and regressed to make the leadership competition work. So it definitely wasn't about to continue anything the earlier seasons started with Jack.
But I'd say you could argue there were possible signs, yeah.
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goldenheartstudios · 9 months
I wanna talk about Xiaolin Showdown's iconic betrayal scene
  Disclaimer: I would have said that this post has spoilers for the show.. but does it still count if this is a cartoon from 2003? I dunno
  Anyway, time to indulge into my hyperfixation once again
  You see, there are shows that do something which can be seen as an interesting twist for that era. It can be seen as something special, iconic, recognizable, because of the way it was presented and the idea that it brought up
  Even if there were shows who did that idea before, the show can still make it into something special that can bring a twist to its episodic structure it showed from the start
  For me, Xiaolin Showdown brought that special twist with its introduction with Mala Mala Jong
  For a show that seemed like an episodic lesson-of-the-week kind of cartoon, it showed its attention and care for continuity by telling us that they kept track of which Shen Gong Wu belonged to which, and by providing us a cool looking villain that was defeated in an interesting way
  And, well, what made this thing even more special was the introduction to the first arc of the series that brought a full-on twist to its episodic style, being also the first arc that needed a short recap at the start of the episodes
  The betrayal arc
  Which is something that I want to analyze
  First of all, what makes it interesting is the fact that Raimundo, a protagonist, willingly sided with the bad guys. No mind control, no corruption, and not even possession
  It was his choice to join Wuya, which made it on more impactful when he chose to do the right thing in the end
  Secondly, his betrayal is also interesting because it seems that what led to it was something simple, but you can actually go deeper into it
  If you think about it, its possibility was hinted from episode 5, and what led to the betrayal is a series of circumstances and motives
  Let me explain
  At the beginning of the show, each monk got their special episode, where they get to fight their own showdown and show more about themselves. Omi got episode 1, Clay got episode 2, Kimiko got episode 3, and Rai got episode 5 (episode 4 showed a Shen Gong Wu that was useful in defeating Mala Mala Jong)
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  In his episode, Raimundo showed a desire to be active, ingenuity, arrogance, bravery, and most importantly, his reaction to failure: irritation, frustration, crossing his arms, deflective/defensive behavior, and closing himself off from others
  He’s the kind of person who avoids showing vulnerability by keeping a lot of his emotions inside and showing tendencies of self-isolation, especially when he’s experiencing failure. One thing to keep in mind is that he later on showed determination of proving himself only after Fung went to talk to him, who he helped him redirect his frustration and energy to something productive
  In episode 8 we get to see more of his bravery, heroism and even self-sacrificial tendencies, by facing the Sapphire Dragon on his own in order for his friends to have a chance to escape
  And aside from hints of his kindness and care throughout every episode (up till episode 11 at least), episode 9 clearly showed his care & brotherly behavior from his worry that he had towards Omi being lost in New York
  Although, episode 11 showed him being annoyed at both Kimiko & Clay, and how his frustration can lead to him wanting to distance himself from others
  All of these are important elements for the season finale
  Now let’s go to episode 12. The monks having to run away with their Shen Gong Wu is a direct conflict with Raimundo’s traits & beliefs: he hates staying still, he has a tendency to be heroic, he doesn’t like to feel defeat from the enemy and most importantly, he has a strong desire to protect others
  So him staying away from an enemy that he only heard how strong he is, an enemy that was endangering Fung & the other people from the temple, was not an option in his mind
  And just like in episode 8, he went to face the enemy alone in a desire to protect
  And naturally, he was punished by this
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  Honestly, I really like this moment. In other shows, the character could have been appreciated, praised or even rewarded for this act of bravery (My Hero Academia being an example of that), because this is an heroic act, right? Because the character went to face an enemy, when others were running away and trying to think of a way to defeat it while people were in danger
  Here, this was not rewarded. It was rightfully seen as reckless, because being a hero is not just about acting. It’s about doing the right thing, it’s about knowing when it’s the best to act on instinct, and when it’s the best to take a moment and think on how you can help
  Intention is not enough, as you can have the best intentions and still endanger the ones close to you
  Master Fung was right not to reward him for this
  And naturally, Rai doesn’t understand the reason at this moment of time. Because in his perspective, having the heart of a hero is enough, having the bravery to act in times of crisis and help others is enough. He still has yet to learn that you have to first think of a plan before acting, that a hero needs to be brave and wise
  This situation is understandable on both sides. Master Fung sees the flaw in Raimundo’s act and doesn’t reward him for it in order to prevent it to become a habit, and Rai doesn’t yet understand what he was missing in his action and sees this as being unappreciated, as being a failure
  And just like episode 5, he reacts to this failure like the last time: deflection, frustration, and isolating himself from others
  As he walks off, Omi tells the others to leave him be, as this is Rai’s journey for self-reflection
  Which frankly, was a mistake on the other’s (particularly Omi’s) part
  And we know this because of episode 5. Because, Rai only worked on learning and bettering himself after Fung went to talk to him, otherwise he would have still been closed off from others. This showed that Raimundo needs someone to talk to him about the situation in this state, to provide him direction or to give him support. The fact that no one went to talk to him probably led to his thoughts and frustration intensify, which was a factor to his betrayal
  Honestly, if the other monks went to him and had a conversation like Fung did in episode 5, maybe he would have striven to become better and prove himself 
  But I don’t say this to imply that the other monks are at fault for this. They didn’t know that this is what Rai needed, they didn’t even know how to handle this situation (as Rai seemed to reject them when they tried to support him), and Omi genuinely thought that he needed to reflect on his actions alone
  (And they did go to talk with Rain when he left frustrated in episode 18, possibly showing that they learned from this instance)
  I would also like to think that Fung was aware of Rai’s isolation tendencies, which is part of the reason why he asked him to stay when the other monks were getting their new training. He probably didn’t want Rai to be alienated from the group, and this could have been an opportunity to get him motivated to become better, by reaching to his competitive nature
  But to be honest, this was a mistake on Fung’s part. Raimundo saw this as mockery instead of encouragement, and Fung should have gone to him or intervened when Omi (unintentionally) insulted him
  But I could also see that in Fung’s point of view, him trying to reach out or talk to Rai could have made things worse, because unlike episode 5, Fung was the reason why he felt like this. So Rai would have either not listened to whatever he said, or he would have taken it as negative
  Only his friends could have done something in this situation, but Omi already butchered it up, so what was left for Fung to do was to give him space. After all, Raimundo was not obligated to stay if he didn’t want to
  If you think about it, Fung is an interesting character, for being defined by action and inaction. The feeling that he gives me is that he’s someone who tries and wants to help, but he’s unable to, either because of circumstances or by personal beliefs
  And we do see how Fung’s beliefs contribute to Rai’s betrayal. After Raimundo gets more annoyed because of Omi’s comment, he decides to leave this unpleasant situation and go to a familiar place that he sees as a positive one: Rio
  We see how his tendency to close himself off causes distress in him. He doesn’t know what to do with his feelings, and his choice is to stay in a place all alone while searching for something to help him relax, in this case being Rio’s sight
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  And this is when Wuya comes in
  I do want to comment that it’s possible for this place to be a recurrence for Raimundo, where he goes to relax or take his mind off of things. This could explain why Wuya was able to find him that fast, since she did go inside his mind
  Now, this moment of temptation seems pretty straight forward: Wuya offers him stuff he likes, and he chooses to betray his friends for that stuff. But from all we’ve seen so far, I would say that there was more to this temptation for Rai
  First of all, he’s all alone. His friends are not beside him, and he didn’t get any direction for his feelings. And as we’ve seen in episode 11, it is possible for him to emotionally distance himself from his friends when he’s frustrated or annoyed, so it would make sense that right now he’s at odds with them
  Second, he’s in clear distress. At this moment, he’s in search of an escape, for something that will make him get away from this unpleasant situation. So the offer of getting things that make him happy is even more tempting for the kid’s mind
  And third, which is the most important fact, he’s in search of appreciation. All of this was caused by the feeling of being unappreciated, so Wuya offering him this and talking to him likes she sees something in him seems like a glimpse of appreciation, of understanding
  And because of circumstances, this was enough to make Raimundo side with her
  But this was not an immediate decision, not at all. I actually think this decision was made after he got the Reversing Mirror
  Now, I do want to comment on the fact that he didn’t change his outfit in the showdown, which could be interpreted that he sided with Wuya at that time. But I don’t think that’s the case
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  You see, the beauty of this show is that it has a lot of details and subtlety that can be interpreted however you want, or if you see them they come off as a nice reward. The outfit change in showdowns is one of them
  My personal interpretation is that it depends on the person’s perspective. On some occasions, if the person thinks that they need a special outfit for the showdown (example being some showdowns that are related with cold weather), then they will change into something fitting with what they have in mind. But otherwise, they will change into Xiaolin robes if they think (or feel) they’re on Xiaolin’s side
  In this case, Raimundo keeping his casual clothes shows that he was not on Xiaolin’s side. I would like to believe that he was unsure on whose side to be, and he decided that he will choose at the end of the showdown
  And well, I think Omi’s comment after the showdown helped him make a choice. That choice being Wuya’s side
  I don’t want to make it seem that Omi is the cause of this, because this was a matter of circumstances. With all of the other factors and conflicted emotions he’s been through, Omi’s remark made him realize that, at this moment, he doesn’t want to go through the trouble of proving himself to the others, while getting more annoyed and frustrated in the process
  He wanted to take the easy route that offered him an easier life
  And this route was Wuya’s side
  So yeah, this betrayal may look simple, but it’s a cause of circumstances, mistakes and a kid’s unhealthy coping mechanism, that being his tendency to close himself off from others
  Also, I want to make it clear that you can have other interpretations for this! You can see this moment however you want, and it can be different from the way I see it, which it’s valid and great! And honestly, I don’t think the show planned it to be something deep in the first place haha
  The fact that I can personally interpret it as something like this is one of the reasons why I love this show so much, and it’s why I seem to get back to thinking about this cartoon from 2003 so often
  So yeah, this was my ramble about Rai’s betrayal
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Screw this *pixelizes your immortal warlord and his 'good version*
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weirdwyvern · 2 years
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Xiaolin Showdown background aesthetic, “Shen Yi Bu” (part 2/2)
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