weirdwyvern · 17 hours
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Tim Wilson (American, b. 1970, Newport News, VA, USA, based Brooklyn, NY, USA) - Stairway VIII, 2023, Paintings: Oil on Paper on Linen Panel
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weirdwyvern · 17 hours
chilchuck going "sorry leave me outta this one. i cant fight" but then hitting literally every precise shot with an arrow or projectile he ever made in the story INCLUDING PIERCING A RED DRAGONS EYE BY THROWING A KNIFE WHILE LEAPING AWAY my bro is a rogue with dex 20 and wants no one to know biggest liar in history
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weirdwyvern · 17 hours
✨ Please reblog the polls to make them reach out to as many people as possible, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people listen to the music with an open mind 💖 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll's conclusion, check the original post for an update! ✨
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weirdwyvern · 19 hours
I have a lot of thoughts and opinions about what different Monster Hunter monsters would taste like/what their culinary uses would be. Here are some of them
Mizutsune: Very juicy due to high water content, but relatively bland. The head fins are delicious when fried, taking on a surprisingly floral flavor. The fur is resistant to stomach acid and should not be eaten, despite popular claims that it's good for "cleaning the stomach."
Basarios: Requires highly specialized training to prepare due to the various harmful compounds Basarios can produce. The flesh is tough and sinewy, requiring extensive tenderization before it can be considered edible. Conveniently, the pelt is fairly easy to fashion into a makeshift oven. Eating the mosses and lichens that grow on Basarios is not advised.
Yian Kut-Ku: Like chicken, but vaguely worse. The flesh has a distinct, spicy kick to it that makes it ideal for jerky. Thanks to its shape and high heat tolerance, the lower beak can be fashioned into a cooking pot in a pinch.
Zamtrios: Good enough to keep people coming back for more, despite Zamites being arguably safer to hunt. The flesh is delicious when fermented, but acquires a very pungent aroma. Makes for wonderful fishing bait.
Khezu: Rubbery in texture and putrid in stench. The flesh supposedly improves in taste when fermented, but the smell becomes even worse. Not a meal for the faint of heart…or for anyone with an arrhythmia, as the flesh can retain a noticeable electric charge even when cooked. Because of their interesting conductive properties, Khezu parts are generally better suited for use in engineering than in cooking.
Congalala: Solidly mid-tier as far as taste goes. People usually eat the flesh medium-rare to take advantage of its mildly hallucinogenic properties, but restaurants are not allowed to serve it as anything less than well-done due to safety hazards. As such, it's gained a bit of a reputation as a "rich man's food," since the main consumers are those with enough money to commission Hunters.
Hermitaur: Absolutely delicious, no notes. The only challenge is cracking through its tough exoskeleton without damaging the soft meat within.
Nerscylla: Offers a flavor that is oddly hard to describe. The abdomen typically cannot be consumed, as the organs responsible for producing poison/sleep agents tend to burst upon death. What comparatively little flesh is left to work with tastes best when fried and seasoned.
Volvidon: Poor-quality in taste, but high-quality in texture. The tongue is considered a delicacy in some places, but care must be taken to neutralize any remaining paralytic saliva when preparing it.
Brachydios: Inadvisable. But not impossible.
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weirdwyvern · 20 hours
I hate when people say ohhhh your pets only love you because you feed them. as if that wasn't the first form of love any of us felt. get real.
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weirdwyvern · 20 hours
I recently had surgery, and at the time I came home, I had both my cat and one of my grandma's cats staying with me.
- Within hours of surgery, I wake up from a nap to my cat gently sniffing at my incisions with great alarm.
- I was not allowed to shower the first day after surgery, and the cats, seeing that The Large Cat is not observing its cleaning ritual, decided I must be gravely disabled and compensated by licking all the exposed skin on my arms, face, and legs.
- I currently have to sleep with a pillow over my abdomen because my cat insists on climbing on top of me and covering my incisions with her body while I sleep (which is very sweet but not exactly comfortable without the pillow). She also lays across me facing my bedroom door, presumably on guard for attackers who may try to harm me while I'm sleeping and injured.
That's love. 🐈‍⬛🐈❤️
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weirdwyvern · 20 hours
the moon and the prince katamari damacy ost
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weirdwyvern · 20 hours
hands on the wall foaming at the mouth screaming and crying about how Surf's Up (2007) is the greatest movie ever . to think, i loved it as a kid, BUT WATCHING IT AT 19 YEARS OF AGE???? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THE MOVIE IS SO GOOD i know JOY
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weirdwyvern · 21 hours
IG : @emperorofmischief
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weirdwyvern · 21 hours
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Backyard relaxation
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weirdwyvern · 21 hours
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snail collection. which one’s your fav? 🐌
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weirdwyvern · 2 days
“let’s run away together” trope fucks me up bc it’s almost always doomed. but what if it’s not this time.
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weirdwyvern · 2 days
i love that seals are carnivores and then they always look exactly like that:
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weirdwyvern · 2 days
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weirdwyvern · 2 days
Let us suppose that the "average" horse would have equal proportions of all these parts. The degree to which each part in this poll deviates from the "average" size (20% of total) will determine how large or small that part of our horse will be (i.e a horse with only 10% in Legs will have legs half the size of the average horse).
I will draw a picture of the horse we make!
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weirdwyvern · 2 days
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weirdwyvern · 2 days
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Abandoned Tori Gate found in Japanese Tunnel
Such gates are used to mark the entrance to sacred grounds or gods' territories. "The tori gate symbolizes the division between the sacred and the profane, and is considered a spiritual gateway between the physical world and the spiritual realm."
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