#Wither rose alliance analysis
allay-uxini · 28 days
So back in Empires season 1 when Sausage was starting to get possessed and corrupted by Xornoth he had that dramatic split from the Wither Rose Alliance which was when the roseblings felt Sausage was too far gone for saving. Then Sausage went back to Mythland and built these dark buildings which was meant to be big turning point in the narrative where Sausage has gone fully evil and there's no turning back with the buildings cementing that, and yet the buildings he decides to build are a tower and a blacksmith.
Let me repeat that again
The first thing Sausage did when he stopped being allies with the wizard and the tinker was build a tower and a blacksmith
Sausage never stopped loving those two, it's a shame they never realised that until it was too late.
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tinapaysmp · 1 year
The life series is starting again and I am very hype about it, but I've been making a bunch of Empire s1 headcanons and notes for the past week.
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scribbling-dragon · 2 years
what is UP my friend (internet stranger) you (i) came to the right place (your askbox) as i have in fact watched half of the empires s1 series and am making my way through the other half atm! here's v brief analysis off the top of my head from those i Did see:
- gem! WANTS to do good. find it easier to just keep things peaceful around herself and her allies (mainly fwhip and sausage, and also pearl but that's less so i would say). peaceful.. meaning that there's no active fights.. except against xornoth that one time. beyond her relationships with other kingdoms (mostly positive, as she's friends with almost everyone), she has ambitions to grow her own magic and create a school to teach it to others. overall a very "i care about everyone but mostly my allies" character who genuinely tries to do good when she can. side notes: she is twin sister of s1!fwhip, this has canon confirmation iirc; she is good friends with scott despite a few more dramatic s1 events that normally would turn another character against him
- joel. hey man he does not do lore. he mainly builds and it's pretty epic. marries lizzie, can't actually see or hear xornoth mostly so pretends/insists he doesn't exist but in a "you guys are crazy there's no demon" way. honestly that's about it i can't lie .. he's good allies with jimmy but is always making fun of him
- pearl.. i love her. she's literally a girlboss tbh. genuinely so cracked at pvp, 1v1ed a player who was oped for a Long time, v v v cool buildings too. she is very connected to her land and farms, pretty much to the point her soul is bound to it. her strongest relationship is with sausage, and even when he gets corrupted she sticks by him when she can and tries to keep him from Evil evil. kinda sticks to herself a little bit tho, which might be her fatal flaw imo. there's sausage and then there's her kingdom... it's all she has
- jimmy OH my god is SO fun to watch. he's like a bit of a loser but i mean that so affectionately and he has this really fun lore with his cod head?? anyway this guy is just trying to rule his kingdom but he goes so far in gestures that he forgets the meaning of the place i think. he wants to do his best tho despite some people (cough cough fwhip and sausage) antagonising him a lot. lizzie is his sister and joel's his best friend, and tbh things just Happen to this bewildered man. bit silly. big fan.
- katherine!!!!! v soft style lotsa flowers, she collects heads and many find this ominous. in reality she just has a lot of friends and allies. hard worker, tries to keep life alive and fulfill her role, petty when she needs to be but can justify everything she does tbh. cool af imo
- joey ayy this guyyy.. loveeed his pov he just wants to kill people tbh. had an altercation with lizzie and another with katherine and another with the whole damn server. hints of friendship with shrub i think.. she wants him to be better. he was always this evil. he's mostly isolated in terms of allies (besides i Think gem?? a little) but is always Interacting with people yknow? social but in a "not this guy agai- AH FUCK" way. one sided romance with xornoth but if you ask me he always wanted to kill the others so.
okay that's where i am up to hope this helpssss also -> wither rose alliance (fwhip gem sausage) are the best frfr. source: trust me
ty ty! character analysis <333
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floweroflaurelin · 2 years
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Roseblings!! Why if it isn’t my favourite pair of morally ambiguous twins. (I was thinking about @yb-cringe’s excellent character analysis the whole time I was drawing this, if you’re wondering :P) Plus with Gem we have the entire Wither Rose Alliance! Bonus side-by-side of the pair so you can see the family resemblance ❤️💜
I’m honestly still really sick, but it seems like my taste and smell might be slowly coming back, so that’s exciting!! Being slammed by the constant fatigue and aches though—even though these are quick to do I’m getting slower and slower. They’re a great way to keep my mind off being so ill but I might have to start posting less frequently, we’ll see 😷
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
I'm the anon who reccomended Sausage's POV to you a few months ago, I'm absolutely delighted you've got into him and the Wither Rose Alliance and am enjoying your posts about them So Much, your headcanons, analysis and appreciation posts are all so spot on!!
Aww, thank you! I'm still doing my catch-up on him, I'm constantly in awe at pretty much every part of his whole deal honestly. He's a super entertaining guy and such a skilled creator as well as a fascinating character on Empires. The editing...the storyline...the way he sets it all up...there's something about that part especially that just really appeals to me. I feel like he truly follows through on his arcs, instead of just leaving it off when the angsty or action-packed part ends, and that's such a rare thing to see out of any writing nevermind roleplay. Thank you very much for the rec!
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angeloncewas · 3 years
Welcome to my unnecessary over-analysis of the current mystery - who is Harpocrates?
The number one problem we have is that we don't know how literally the name is meant to be applied. Harpocrates is the Greek god of silence, and while that could point to any number of people (Callahan who doesn't speak, Dream with his information, even Wilbur), there's also a distinct possibility that Harp is only named as such because they're a secret member.
That being said, here's what I think. (/rp)
It's not Hannah or Puffy. I do think Puffy will likely end up joining and that Hannah suits the rose motif, but Techno called Harp a "he" and while he might've slipped up, it felt more like a revealing mistake than a concealing one.
I don't think it's Callahan (though it would be awesome) or any of those sorts of members (i.e. Syndicate George) just from a meta standpoint. (I'm super on board if it is though lol)
This is where I get more into speculation. When I was thinking about this, my reasoning for it not being Dream was that Techno said Harp, "hasn't even shown up for our first meeting." The way he said it seemed to imply that Harp could've come, but chose not to. Something that is impossible for Dream, since for all his power he is in fact trapped in prison.
What I forgot though is that this is a thing Techno does. He frames situations comedically, like boo-ing Ranboo for giving him his sword back even though that's literally what he wanted. For that reason, my argument falls a little flat, but I still feel like Techno would be rather hesitant to invite someone whom he knows craves power into his "we're all equal'" circle. The way he presented the code names seems to imply that each person chose their own, which by extention would also mean that it can't be Dream, since they haven't spoken (but again, Harp could be an exception for secret's sake).
I don't think it's Wilbur for a lot of the same reasons as Dream, with the added extention that Techno seemed to not actually be Wilbur's biggest fan last time they talked about him (though his love for Phil could probably negate that) and the fact that Phil spoke with grief rather than some sort of secretiveness or anticipation about Wilbur (he might still join, his revival seems inevitable, but I don’t see him as Harp).
I doubt it's Karl, because while we're aware of his time-travel powers, no one else is. Things could change, but thus far it sort of runs alongside the main storyline and Karl is off doing things in Kinoko Kingdom. Karl has never been anything to Techno other than the guy who kept dying on November 16th.
So, after all this nay-saying, who might it be?
What I found interesting is that Phil is named after a god, while Techno is named after a hero. Now, if Niki does become Persephone, this point is null and void, but I thought it made sense that Techno would give Phil (or let Phil pick) a name that is objectively higher-ranked than his. He respects and looks up to Phil.
Harpocrates is a god instead of a hero as well.
Harp's seat is also to the right of Phil and Techno, which is a position of respect/honor. It would theoretically belong to Phil if Techno was the leader, but Techno and Phil share the spot at the head of the table, and therefore whoever ranks beneath them would sit to their right.
(But Angel, it's not that deep! - I have a memory of Phil giving Techno the head seat and Techno beling like "no, we'll share it" but I couldn't find it so I might've made it up. Oh well, I push forward anyway.)
This all is why my best guess is Foolish, followed by Eret.
Foolish is already canonically a god, meaning he fits in with Phil and Techno thematically and it wouldn't be out of character for them to know of him/already respect him a fair amount. He has never shown a particular interest in government (L'manberg was already caput by the time he showed up) and he has no distinct alliance other than to Puffy, as her adopted son. Harpocrates was Egyptian before he was Greek, a very distinct attribute in a god, and Foolish has spent his entire time on the sever building an Egyptian-style temple far away from the central conflicts. He has a recently-developed solid vendetta against the Egg, and he honestly would be easily recruited.
Against this theory: he is technically a member of Snowchester
Eret meanwhile has expressed an increasing indifference toward their title as king and has considered stepping down. They told Phil that moderate amounts of anarchy were alright a while ago. They (somewhat accidentally) have aided Techno before, in wither skull farming. They, while on a redemption arc at the moment, have the tendency to choose the most successful route; being a part of the Syndicate would give them real power, instead of simply acting as a figurehead. It's also been said that they admired Wilbur and now Wilbur's father and ally have created an organization - I see a world where Eret was convinced that they can do more good overall inside of it than out. The Syndicate didn't mention Eret during their meeting for some reason, despite their concrete status as head of a government.
Against this theory: the taxes
(So yeah there's my schpeal. Time to go touch grass or something ig.)
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
may i make suggestions for the empires playlist?
Tongues and Teeth by The Crane Wives is a good song for Xornoth and Joey and Sausage. its got like "you knew what you were getting into" vibes
Obsessed With You by The Orion Experience also fits Joey pretty well
Dam, Damn by Päter is also a good Xornoth song, but more focused on him terrorizing Jimmy and Shelby
I just think Lotta True Crime by Penelope Scott is a Lizzie song in any context
ex best friend by suggi is a great song for the ex-wither rose alliance
Word Spins Madly On by The Weepies could be a Pixlriffs song (what with his candlelight vigil)
To My Enemies by Saint Motel has Sausage vibes
you can ABSOLUTELY make suggestions. i was inviting suggestions. i am so happy to see suggestions. and you made a lot of suggestions for me to think about! now i've gotta turn on analysis brain,,, i'm going to put this under a cut because i need to ramble on all of these song ideas
ALRIGHT. first. tongues and teeth. it's a song i really like already! it's an interesting choice for xonorth i think...? it would give the demon a very, very specific sort of characterization, as i always interpreted the singer of that song as... almost regretful that she feels as though she will hurt anyone she gets close to? both regretful and bitter at the idea that someone might try to change her ("i am not a vessel for your good intent"). so applying the characterization of that song to xonorth creates a really interesting character for him, mr. "love, hate, same thing". i like this in concept. i will think about it a lot
it's also worth noting before we go on that at least part of that sense that this person is resentful of being treated like someone she isn't and regretful that she's hurting the person she's singing to comes through in the performance; lyrically alone it's a lot more "hey loving me will hurt you". the performance of the song is what suggests the more emotions to it. so WHO KNOWS.
obsessed with you is next. and, may i say. you have very good taste. orion experience good. i don't have much to say to this one other than "the idea of this being a joey song is very funny to me, even if it's accurate", because this song is just. it's so bouncy and bubbly. and also a little stalker-ish. joey are you okay,
....another interesting choice in my mind is you saying that dam, damn is a song for shelby and jimmy being tormented by xonorth, because if you take the lyrics really literally, that can absolutely work! it just requires taking the lyrics of the song almost entirely literally. my instinct listening to this song is that the demons are metaphorical, not literal, but if they're literal, they definitely fit the scenario you described.
i am going to propose that this is still a shelby song, actually, like. just straight-up a song for her. trying to build her new life after running to this dimension. no longer taking chances. (holding back the parts of her that are still hurting.) especially this verse:
Got a team of builders gathered round Got a little sunshine in my town Got a lot of time since shit went down I ain't gonna take no chances now Not now, not now
so yeah. definitely a shelby song. also a good song throwing it on all my playlists now i like it a lot.
lotta true crime is another song i already knew. (continued good taste.) it's a bubbly song about a kinda dark subject matter, which i think fits lizzie pretty well. i also like for her how the lyrics are pretty strongly stating that the singer doesn't believe that killers are somehow smart or better than other people, they're just full of themselves. this feels like a lizzie sentiment to me. good song. quietly goes to throw this on a third life playlist somewhere,
ex best friend doesn't have many lyrics but. the almost mournful and betrayed nature of the lyrics. yeah. ex-wither rose alliance. man. this is one i don't have much to add to other than "it fits i think".
alright. so. the world spins madly on is an interesting pix pick. it's a song about a destroyed relationship, but the song itself sort of fits in the sense that pix is on his messy redemption arc (redeeming himself for something he considers himself to be his fault). songs like this do sort of fit his vibes. and, if you subscribe to the immortal pix thing? "the whole world is moving and i'm standing still" i see. and that first line hurts a lot. and thanks, now i'm hurting.
like, okay, this definitely works as a pix song. you have to do a little interpreting but it definitely works as a pix song, it just also hurts me. it's a song about the world moving on as you try to cope with something that's gone and hurting you, and if you take this to be about the dragon fight, about the mistakes pix has made? yeah this works. interesting song choice i can see it i can see it.
okay. and finally. your song choice that's hurt me most. to my enemies by saint motel for sausage. i don't... i don't think i need to actually analyze this one to make you understand why i am now crying. let me just post some lyrics.
To my enemies Those were the best days of our lives When our hate made us feel so alive So wrong it's right So wrong it's right, all right
I still miss the pain It's never felt the same You took more than my dog when you ran off with my dog (Did you know that? Did you know that?)
Blood and sweat and tears We learned each other's fears and God, I'll miss the way you cry Did you know that? Did you know that?
thank you SO MUCH for all of your suggestions these are excellent!
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Elarion’s Depiction (An Aaravos Arabic Poem + Book 3 Analysis)
This is a take debunking most common interpretations of Elarion’s poem. Most commonly, the fandom perceives Elarion as a human girl. Which, to be honest, I thought was the case, but was not. So, I will clear it all up.
For those of you who have seen Season 3, you already know. But either way, I wanted to show the relation between what had been expressed in the poem, and how it relates to what we saw in the third season. [Link to the original translated Midnight Star poem]
Right away at the beginning, the setting had already been established from the first stanza throughout. It uses words such as “seeds,” “roots,” and “flower,” among many. This earthly diction signifies that the setting is in earth. The setting is also established through the imagery from the grimlike diction with the words “night,” “deadly,” “death,” and more.
The poem has a main striking feature: its emphasis on Elarion’s struggle. We notice right away that Elarion is referred to as a person with she/her pronouns. Alongside that earthly diction, it would be speculated that “Elarion” could be a human mage, particularly connected with the Arcanum of Earth. The tone written on “Elarion” and her relation to Earth is shown as nurturing and protective, as seen in the first stanza:
Elarion, seeds trembling
Lying on the ground on an icy night.
And in the cold
[She] withdrew her roots
Challenging the sting of the deadly winter.
Also from line 6 of the poem implies this theme of nurturing:
Elarion, and her blooming flower,
I believe that the idea of “nurturing” the Earth would be greatly connected to the Earth Arcanum, since it is a source of Primal Magic, which is why this initially gave me the impression of Elarion having been the first human mage. But there is more.
In addition, the poem declaring Elarion’s connection to Aaravos easily leads to the speculation that “she” could possibly be Aaravos’ former lover. But, that is not the case in line 11:
Elarion, the frightened foundling
Elarion is referred to as a foundling, meaning “an infant that has been abandoned by its parents and is discovered and cared for by others.” And it fits perfectly, as that “carer” would then be Aaravos.
Now, this would imply that Elarion was orphaned. To clarify, this is not to be mixed with the Orphan Queen, since Elarion emerged 2,000 years prior to the events of the series, while the Orphan Queen emerged 300 years before. [x]
So this is where it gets interesting. Going back to the first stanza again, we note the diction pertaining to the cold via the words “icy,” “trembling,” and “winter.” And in the second stanza, the phrase “her blooming flower, afraid of wilting, darkness and death,” heavily implied that the cold caused Elarion’s life to slowly deteriorate.
Starting to sound familiar? If not, think of the reason why Ziard and his followers came to practice dark magic. His home was falling into starvation. What could possibly the reason for it? A dark, grueling, winter. Crops and food sources were barely surviving under the dangerously low temperatures.
To put it simply, Elarion was a city. This means that the author of the poem decided to use personification to refer to Elarion. Think of how throughout history, countries and places have been referred to as a male or a female figure. And Elarion was personified as a “motherland,” hence the use of she/her pronouns as identifiers. Now, I know the term motherland is defined as “one’s native country,” whilst Elarion was not. But you get the idea of the personification aspect.
Returning to the poem, the diction of earth, alongside the indication of suffering under the winter was a metaphor for a famine, synonymous with starvation. The people of Elarion were dying of hunger. Ziard, within any means necessary, searched for a way to save his people. The “spark” on line 9 alludes to his newfound use of dark magic.
The mood on the second stanza exudes a feeling of shock, especially on line 10 that states, “And so the eyes of the hungry dragon flared,” indicating Sol Regem’s anger due to the human use of dark magic.
...But why refer to Elarion as a “foundling?” was the author pitying Elarion due to its weak and fragile state, or that it had been a relatively new city? But then it wouldn’t really have made sense since Elarion rose a thousand years before humans began using dark magic. So we’re not so sure as of now.
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Stanzas 3 and 4 are self-explanatory. Elarion sought help from the Startouch Elves, but had ignored their pleas. The reason for that might not only be because of the Elves’ alliance with the dragons, but the fact that Startouch Elves have a “detached, big picture of the world,” meaning they had an objective view of what was happening and cared less of what occurred on Earth. This also possibly meant that the Startouch Elves didn’t save Elarion because the deemed it as insignificant in the eye of history, or “the big picture.” [x]
And as we all know, all but one turned back on Elarion, which was Aaravos, who donned Ziard his staff and the art of dark magic. The concept of dark magic is notably referred to with fire-like imagery with the words “spark,” “fire,” “light,” and “black flame.”
Also on the following two lines, note the words “light” and “night” juxtapose each other. As if saying that Elarion, once a kind and flourishing city, skewed their morals by accepting dark magic.
Elarion, and her blinding light,
Embraced the great black flame of night.
...And what would Elarion’s “blinding light” possibly mean? It is a metaphor for something for sure, but what it means isn’t clear (I’d appreciate comments if you have theories on this one!).
Recall the pattern with the use of diction pertaining to darkness. Some irony can be noted especially on where Elarion was written to wither and suffer “in the dark” (Stanza 5, line 23), but then was written that the city “embraced the great black flame of night” (Stanza 6, line 28). As if saying Elarion suffered “in the dark” against its will, but now embraces dark magic by accepting Aaravos’ gift.
Right after Elarion pledges loyalty to Aaravos in the last stanza, notice lines 32 and 33:
Elarion, black-eyed child,
her twisted roots spread deep and far,
See “black-eyed child” on line 32. Again, the author of the poem vividly personifies Elarion, giving “her” physical attributes. But since Elarion was a city, that couldn’t be literally possible at all. Or is it? ...Well, the phrase is most likely a strong metaphor for when one uses dark magic. A prime example:
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Of course, this “black-eyed child” isn’t only referring to Ziard, who, is presumably from Elarion himself. Sol Regem did briefly mention that Ziard had followers (see Book 3, Episode 1). So instead, Elarion being referred to as a “black-eyed child” could collectively refer to all those who practiced dark magic— presumably all of which came from the city, which was the birthplace of dark magic.
Moving on to line 33, we see the earthlike diction appearing again through the phrase “twisted roots.” Toward the end of the poem, those roots have been twisted. The word twisted is a connotation not just referring to “twisted roots” in a literal sense, but really refer to Elarion corrupting its own values for dark magic, hence the term.
A quick note: remember how I mentioned in the beginning of the post about Elarion and the theme of nurturing, and how the text implied that “she” was the “first human mage?” Because it is true. Elarion was the birthplace of where humans were able to use [dark] magic.
In addition, Elarion’s “roots” were first introduced in the beginning stanza. The roots may be a metaphor for Elarion’s capability to live and withhold itself. As though saying, “the city was once weak; but with its roots ‘spreading deep and far’ through dark magic, Elarion’s strength had increased tenfold.” As such expressed in the last three lines of the poem:
The humans’ might
sparked by the light
of Aaravos, her midnight star.
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
more empires songs from Me <3
I Was An Island by John Allison Weiss is another ex-wither rose alliance song
You're an Ace, Kid by DEMONDICE could be a jimmy song.... where he was corrupted from the hero of the land to a killer of the dragon
Perfect Isn't Easy from Oliver and Company has tremendous Scott vibes in any context
Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown has Jimmy energy in that he's trying to hide his own (perceived) weakness from his many enemies
me, vibrating intensely: excellent. my evil plan to get people to recommend me music is working,
i was an island is. a really good song, thank you for this recommendation, i love the song. anyway. analysis brain broke a little bit. "baby come back, you know i don't wanna be free". i am staring intensely. oh no. them. this hurts. oh no. them. a song about not trusting other people until they had each other, and then losing each other... the wither rose alliance was always a time bomb but DAMN if i don't wish they weren't because. friends. good friends. i miss them. good choice.
okay. so i really like you're an ace, kid for jimmy and his constant attempts to prove himself. he's so insecure about his own weaknesses and so determined to prove himself as strong. it is exactly the mindset he had going right up to the dragon killer. like. this chorus.
You're an ace dealt back on the rebound Know that if you wanna be a diamond star Ya better step up! Next rough patch, cue the re-wound mode Dakedo akiramenai, my soul (my soul)
The road to freedom can't be seen by downcast eyes So raise your gaze up 'til you're ten feet tall And shake your fist at the sky! Refuse to die or let them make you small 'Cause they love just to see you convinced You're just a "brick in the wall"
this is a really good jimmy chorus. i like this a lot. jimmy, convincing himself to do things that are bad ideas in order to make himself seem big? this song is very excellent for that. this is a really good pick. very good choice thank you
see and then now for perfect isn't easy, i'm just going to laugh and agree. that's a scott song alright. "perfect isn't easy, but it's me." yes, scott, good for you,
and man. you really hit it with the jimmy songs. this entire first verse of boys will be bugs is such a strong jimmy vibe that i'm not sure i have anything else to say other than. yeah. this is jimmy! this is him!
I eat sticks and rocks and mud I don't care about the government And I really need a hug I feel stupid (stupid) Ugly (ugly) Pretend it doesn't bother me I'm not very strong but I'll fuck you up if you're mean to bugs
that him! that the cod boy!
more really excellent song suggestions! thank you so much!
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