#Whumpy anime fandoms
silversanimewhump · 1 year
Silver’s Anime Whump Gifs Masterlist
*fandoms are in order from Whumpiest (top) to least Whumpy (bottom) based on what I remember of them, every anime I have ever made gifs for should be here*
Banana Fish
Takt Op.Destiny
Towa No Quon
Black Bullet
Project Scard: Scar on the Praeter | Praeter no Kizu
WorldEnd: What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?
Akudama Drive
Legend of XianWu
Sirius The Jaeger
B: The Beginning
Descendants Of Darkness
Nightwalker: The Midnight Detective
Yona Of The Dawn | Akatsuki No Yona
The Case Study of Vanitas | Vanitas No Carte
Laughing Under the Clouds | Donten ni Warau
Hero Mask
Dances With The Dragons
Classroom Crisis
Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova | Arpeggio of Blue Steel
Dantalian no Shoka | The Mystic Archives of Dantalian
Psychic Detective Yakumo | Shinrei Tantei Yakumo
Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited — Hyoubu Kyousuke
Weiss Kreuz
Night Head 2041
Night Head Genesis
Millionaire Detective
Akame Ga Kill
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
Huntik: Secrets And Seekers
Alderamin On The Sky
Raven of the Inner Palace
The Legend of Galactic Heroes
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tare-anime · 7 months
Finally I finished reading Eyes Only the english translations.
The highlight of this book for me? Endo and Lin's commentary 🤣🤣🤣👏👏
It is very interesting to see that I get the impression that out of all Forgers, Endo loves Yor the most (but it's highly probable that I'm biassed. Duh!!)
I mean, we know that Endo loves strong female - fighting heroines. Especially if we look at Endo's previous works. Like the two serialization: Tista and Gekka Bijjin. Both has strong female heroines as the leader. And then, his one shots also featured female leads. Perhaps only his latest one shots: Ishi ni Usubeni (the one with Medusa kid which later become Anya's prototype) and I spy (the prototype of spy x family) that featured male character as leads.
No wonder Endo can creates so many amazing female characters in spy x family. (Not that the sxf male characters are bad. Far from it!)
But it warm my heart when Endo shows that Yor was the longest he took in creating the character design. (And I also notice that Endo loves to draw Yor in so many cute outfits and accessories 🥰 and also seems to get hurt the most for my whumpy needing souls delightment #ahem)
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At the same time, the badass yet cute and naive Yor is the one character that he got trouble the most to develop!
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I still remember back then, when we were still at chapter 38-39 ish, Endo did have more breaks than usual, chapters that is focuses on side characters like Damian, Bond, Yuri, Sylvia (short mission), Frankie, all that make the small fandom fans 'restless' for the "too many fillers chapters"
And then there was a tweet of him telling the fans to be patient, because he was planning something.
And then, BAM!! Chp. 43 dropped. A Franky and Yor chapter, that end with Yor getting a call from Shopkeeper. Yes, the chapter we just got the anime episode (ep. 29!)
The small fandom at that time was going ferall over "Garden" name drop. And keep chanting "Yor arc Yor arc Yor arc Yor arc!!"
And then BAM!!! We got one of the best arc ever: Cruise Arc.
With that one gorgeous Yor ilustration that make the small fandom around the world decided 4-6th April to become Yor's day. On the spot.
It's one amazing experiences, ngl.
So if one asked me whether Yor has been pushed to the back, I dare say no.
It's just writing an interesting assassins plot is difficult.
Especially in a story where everything is grey.
WISE is described as the "good" guy who tries in all their might to stop the war. (But are they really? Why are they snooping around inside other country? And why are they badmouthing Ostania?)
SSS is described as the "bad" guy cause they oppressed their own people and manipulate young energetic talent as Yuri to serve them. (But what if it is needed to keep 'peace' from the rebels which of course can be found everywhere in a freshly stopped war country?)
A good story can work with two opposing sides going head to head.
But then there's Garden. Where are their position? A story about three way "war" can be difficult to tell, overly complicated, and too much. On one side, Garden can't be the "good" side because they murder people. But they can't be "bad" either if the people they murder are the bad guys. However who to tell which one is good which one is not?
And most important, how to make Yor as a protagonist that is not a villain.
That's hard.
So, judging from the past experiences (when Endo took more breaks than usual), plus this amazing detail analysis by @itsmaferart, I dare say Endo is cooking another Yor or Garden centric arc, after the Eden and SSS vs WISE.
I have high hope for this. 😁😁😁😁
So we shall wait and see.....
Tldr; I think Endo loves Yor. He is preparing for something awesome for her. and I'm not complaining. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Here today to talk all things whumpy is the brilliant @whumpcereal!
It’s great to have you here! Let’s start with a fact or two about yourself  like your favorite color or favorite animal? 
My name is Kay, and I’m a high school teacher in my 30’s. Besides whumping unsuspecting gentlemen, my hobbies include reading a lot, belting out showtunes, cooking for people I love, hitting up new bars and restaurants with friends, and traveling. And since you asked–and as a teacher, I hate unanswered questions–I’ve recently realized that orange might be my favorite color, and I love gorillas. 
What does whump mean to you?
 It’s the sort of pressing-on-a-bruise feeling that is wrapped up in watching someone suffer and then be comforted. It’s the need for vulnerability and human connection. It’s watching Prince Philip get chained to a wall and not understanding why you find it so magnetic, but you do, haha! 
How did you find the whump community? What made you want to join? 
I was writing for the Newsies fandom (I know) during the pandemic, and one of my favorite authors tagged her epic work with “whump.” I clicked the tag on tumblr, and I found @lonesome--hunter’s Ezra almost immediately; I fell down the rabbit hole and never came out. After Ezra, I spent a good long time with @ashintheairlikesnow’s Danny and then @galaxywhump’s Wren. I realized that a lot of what I was putting in my own writing could be classified as “whump,” but I wasn’t sure how to join in the fun. I lurked for a while and then beta-ed for @darkthingshappen before I got brave enough to post my own stuff. But part of what motivated me to start posting was just how supportive and welcoming the whole community is. On AO3, you can get tons of hits but almost no real engagement; with whump, that’s totally different. It makes my little dopamine receptors ping. 
The whump community is amazingly supportive! Do you think your view on or the way you consume whump changed since you joined? 
 I am definitely a hurt/comfort gal. I can’t do the hurt without the comfort, and I need my whump to be strongly oriented in the characters’ feelings, whether we’re talking whumpers or whumpees. I struggle when a character is just getting the shit kicked out of them endlessly; I want them to have some relief, even if the relief is bittersweet or painful in its own way. I also find it easier to whump an OC than I do a fandom character, just because if they’re mine, I can build the kind of backstory that makes the whump reasonable. 
And your favourite whump trope?
 I do like noncon. Whump is a genre where I’ve really been able to explore scary things that have happened to me, and when a whumpee has an honest (and not needlessly gratuitous) nonconsensual experience, I gravitate toward it, especially if they’re allowed to explore the aftermath and how it makes them feel. I also love a mute whumpee–probably because I watched The Little Mermaid too many times growing up. Something about the helplessness of being trapped in your own body and at the mercy of others–hey, whumperflies! Captivity whump too, especially anything in the BBU. The BBU was one of my favorite discoveries when I found the community. It provides such rich opportunities! 
Captivity whump is so good! Would you mind sharing a favourite piece you've written? (the following pieces may contain non-explicit nsfw references)
Ooooh. Well, I guess I’ll choose one from each of my series. For Jack, my first and forever whumpee in Behavior Modification, and his caretaker, my wish-fulfillment fake husband, Joe, it’s this piece with their little girl. It’s something that I wrote in basically a single stretch one afternoon last summer, and I’m proud of it because it shows both how far Jack has come in his recovery and how much everything he’s gone through is still affecting him. It also shows how fierce of a protector Joe is, even though Jack’s got strength of his own. Plus, Hallie, their little girl, was super fun to create. She’s a feisty little thing, and I liked the idea of looking at such a dark, violent system through a child’s eyes. 
For The Kennel, it’s this piece which immediately follows my boy Will after his best friend Tommy is forced to assault him. It’s got the aftermath of noncon, plus it includes a lot of world building for my scary whumper, Doc, and his particular set-up. It really sets up the horror of the situation in which Will and Tommy have found themselves and also emphasizes the stories of other whumpees whose stories I’d love to explore (Justin and Tony, I’m looking at you). Plus, it gives Annie–who’s technically the caretaker in this story, even though she’s been abused herself–a chance to think about how she’s been raised and the way her father treats people. My favorite moment is when Will just breaks down completely, because we haven’t seen him do that yet. It’s a human moment, and he’s feeling so much less than human that it’s almost cathartic. 
And then, honorable mention to this piece where I crossover my two stories and let Jack help Will as his post-rescue counselor. I had so much fun with that reveal! 
Oh wow, I love the Kennel piece! You’ve broken my heart with Justin and Will! Would you like to share your writing routine  with us?
 I’ve actually been riding a bit of a block lately, but typically, I am an evening writer. No drinks or snacks, but usually movie scores that match the mood of what I’m writing. On good nights, it’s big blocks; on others, it’s just a sentence here and there (that’s been where I’m at lately). I try to write a little every day, but again, it’s been rough lately. Being a teacher at the end of the year is just as hard as being a student, haha. 
I can only imagine! Are some things easier for you to write? Anything you struggle with writing?
 I have an easier time writing recovery than I do straight whump, which is sometimes a bummer, because the whump community doesn’t seem to like recovery quite as much. So, I’ll pour myself into a recovery piece I have big feelings about, and then it won’t get quite as much traffic and engagement as when I’m roughing up the boys. I am very careful about how I write noncon. I think I do a decent job, but I try to approach it from a place of sensitivity to the person who is suffering versus engaging through violence alone. That can take a lot of time and thought and big feelings. 
And is there anything you're working on at the moment? 
I do have a fantasy crossover miniseries with Jack, Joe, and Ivan and @oddsconverts’ Josh and Felix that I’ve had a really fun time working on. I need to write a little intro before I post it. I need to go back to Jack and his intimacy consultations at WRU, and AU AU Joe and his reaction to the Drip. Poor Will and Tommy are in desperate need of attention; I need to get Will sold away so all the drama can increase. Maybe during summer vacation? 
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today? I am only funny on accident. Just ask my students. ;-) 
Do you have any writing advice you’d like to share?
I’m great at giving advice to others, but absolute shit at following that advice myself. For instance, write for you. Don’t write for hits, likes, reblogs, etc. Just write what you want to read. Write as often as you can. During the pandemic, what got me back into writing after years of thinking about it was trying to write a little every day. Find you some writing friends who will get excited with you when there’s something you can’t wait to write about. 
Finally, would you like to give a mention to some of the amazing people in the whump community?
I already mentioned some of my favorites, but shout outs to @hold-him-down (whom I was lucky enough to eat very expensive risotto with this spring and whose Leo is one of my very favorite whumpees), @peachy-panic (58 Days is one of my VERY favorites), @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump (whose Wyatt has my whole heart), and @squishablesunbeam (I mean, Jesse? Come on!). My first friends in the whump community were @darkthingshappen (creator of my Benny baby), @oddsconvert (whose series are all so beautifully written that I can’t choose a favorite–she even made me like vampire whump–and who is my wonder twin forever), and @sparrowsage (go check out his new stuff!). 
Thank you so much for joining us, @whumpcereal ! It was a pleasure to have you here! 
And to all you lovely folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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oliversrarebooks · 10 months
I've been writing this blog for about a month so it's as good a time as any to introduce myself.
My character's name is Oliver, but I go by Demyx. My pronouns are she/they and I'm a fandom old.
I've been writing fanfiction for a long time, much of it whumpy or hurt/comfort, but only got started writing whump with original characters recently.
Writing is my main hobby, but I also enjoy video games and keeping up with seasonal anime.
My current main series is the rare bookseller and the vampire auction, telling the story of a quiet, bookish man and the reclusive vampire who buys him at an auction.
Trope Loves:
Vampires, witches, faefolk, merfolk and the supernatural and weird
Mind control, hypnosis and conditioning
Memory manipulation
Sickfic and hospitals
Lab and experimentation whump
Non-sexual intimacy
Characters with anxiety disorders
Kidnapping, restraints, drugging
Hope and making the best of things despite it all
LGBT+ characters and themes
Androids, cyborgs and cyberpunk dystopia
Minor whump
Eye whump
Excessive bleakness or edginess
I love to get asks and may respond to prompts, time and interest permitting.
Thanks for reading!
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metalheadmickey · 6 months
weekly tag wednesday! 💫
thank you for tagging me @darlingian & @energievie 🩷
which character from any media would you like to have as a father?: stealing chani's answer because no one could possibly top bob belcher 🍔
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?: as someone who used to work with exotic wild animals who were rescued from the pet trade and needed to be re-taught how to act like wild animals, i'm not gonna answer this one. i know some wild animals are more amenable to being pets but sorry i hate fun!!! 😇
what is your Chinese takeout order?: veggie lo mein or chicken fried rice
what's your favourite emoji?: 🌸 this guy but also 💫 this guy.
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?: we have a library and i'm obsessed with it, i wouldn't trade it for either of the others. it's a silly little room but i love it in there. it used to be a deck and the previous owners closed it in and made it part of the house, so the floor and ceiling are a little slanted. but i'm in there all the time in my cozy chair.
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?: hehe rugrats
what was your tumblr like when you first joined?: my old tumblr from 2013 was like a horny aesthetic blog with a little bit of fandom stuff and music stuff. the fandom and music stuff i reblogged was like carefully curated though, in keeping with the aesthetic. what a pain in the ass.
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?: i've been trying to think of something for like 20 minutes so i'm gonna skip this one lol
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?: if i was dropped in supernatural i could make my way around that huge ass bunker without even thinking about it, which is so embarrassing.
what is your favourite piece of art?: i always come back to hero and leander by rubens 🌊
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?: yeah, it's gray and it has a ram's head on it and says "fortune favors the brave" lmfao. my husband got it as a christmas gift from a coworker a few years ago and i've stolen it. 🐏
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave?: lately i'm really into whumpy hurt/comfort
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?: i carry a bag sometimes, it's a black leather backpack. i just looked and there's not much in there because i don't carry it very often. maybe the tylenol is weird?
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?: ah man, maybe lip? that feels like the obvious one. some enemies to lovers action. how fun would it be for those two to fuck it out?
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?: AUs! this fandom made me an au guy.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?: i think he tries! i think he wraps his arms under his butt and lifts him a little and staggers for a second, but it's easier when it's a piggyback ride. 🥰
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?: carl or debbie! probably debbie tbh.
tagging @howlinchickhowl @gallawitchxx @whatthebodygraspsnot @heymrspatel @whatwouldmickeydo @gardenerian @deedala @rereadanon @ardent-fox @softmick @michellemisfit @creepkinginc @sam-loves-seb @palepinkgoat @ohkate @too-schoolforcool if you guys wanna play 💚
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whumpy-gems · 9 months
It seems that my blog has gathered some attention since I started it a year ago, thought it was time to officially introduce myself.
My name is Gem! I am a very active member of the whump community. I write, chat and post videos about anything I find whumpy. I have a bit of a preference with my whump.
I like when the whumpee and caretaker are both male. Platonic relationships are preferable, but I don’t mind a bit of romance here and there.
My life can get busy because of school, so I may periodically take a hiatus from posting. But it won’t stop me from liking things I see!
Fandoms and (Eventual) Master list under the Cut.
Fandoms: I mostly post about Asian dramas. Especially ones with good bromance and whump. But I have some anime’s I want share eventually. 😁
Whump tropes: Angst, Hurt/comfort, kidnapping, overuse of magic/powers, Non whumper whump (natural disasters, sickness, situations gone bad…), Gunshot Wounds, Stab wounds, Seizures, Panic Attacks, Happy Endings, Sickfics (Emeto and fever are all good), Fainting/collapsing, Enemy turned Cartaker, COMFORT, Poison, Broken Ribs… basically all the physical whump with the comfort after! A little sprinkle of emotional whump is always great too.
Master list:
To be added
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whump-captain · 7 months
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I can't believe there are so many of you guys and i'm so happy to see it! (◡‿◡)
Because it's such a fun round number, I'm gonna celebrate it by taking
🎉 whump art requests! 🎉
Initially 5 of them for 555 followers but maybe more, depending on how the month shakes out (I've never done requests before, so I don't know what to expect lol)
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Request a character, a concept, a style; whatever you like, as whumpy as you want, from a portrait with some bruises to the aftermath of whipping. Comfort is fine as well, but it will likely come with at least a little bit of hurt!
Will not draw: sexual content, child whump, pet whump/BBU, emeto, gutspill, dehumanization/animalization, humiliation, shibari, anthro or mecha. If I refuse a request, that is final and at my own discretion. I might also refuse requests that I believe to be above my skill level (i've never drawn anthro in my Life for example) and in those cases I will be open to negotiation.
If you're requesting a character that's not mine - either your own OC or a fandom I'm not familiar with - please send some references! Facecasts, picrews, character sheets, screenshots, whatever you have.
How long the request will take will depend on the complexity but in general there will be no set deadline.
I will post the finished work on my blog and likely share it in discord servers. I can @ your blog in the post or leave it anonymous, up to you. If you'd rather the work not be shared for any reason, let me know.
DM me to request! We can have a chat about the further details there.
Available slots: 5/5
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rockingrobin69 · 8 months
get to know me tag game
Thanks @littlewinnow for tagging me!
Three Ships: drarry, obviously; lamen, most ardently; victurri, although I don't really participate in fandom.
First Ship: oof, I don't remember! I can tell you that the first fic I ever wrote was about Seamus. His mum wanted him to become a Death Eater, I think?? It was mostly teenage angst, as I was, well, a teenager, and - yeah.
Last Song: Fresh Feeling, Eels. guess I need all the good vibes.
Last Movie: we watched Indiana Jones 5 because I'm a huge phoebe waller-bridge fan!
Currently Reading: Very invested in @unleashed-fest, although my severely-shot attention span isn't allowing very fast progress. What I read so far was BRILLIANT.
Last Thing I Wrote: *whispering* a fic for unleashed! Also I'm doing flufftober, a short, soft thing for every day so far (and SO impressed with myself for STILL going at it). Here's a link if anyone's interested!
Currently Writing: god, I, er. There are so many wips. My main goal is to get back to my WHUMPY fic, imperfection, but that might take a while.
Are you named after anyone? nope. I will say that one of my names means grace or beauty, and my mum was very worried about naming me that because she was scared of - irony, I guess. (I'm not very graceful. 😂)
Favorite Subject in School: probably English literature, although I carried on with biology in the end.
Do you have kids? No. I'm at an age where everyone's asking about it, and I still don't have an answer!
When was the last time you cried? not a very good crier. Still learning to be a bit more gracious with myself.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? hmm. I don't think I do. Also, and it's very sad, but I cannot fib to save my life - every time I try I start laughing uncontrollably. People know I'm full of it by the time I crack a grin. For example, I got through three sentences about the 'wolf fish' I'd seen in the med sea before losing my breath laughing.
What sports do you play/have played? none? I love hiking, walking, swimming, dunno if that counts as 'playing'. I did do a bit of gymnastics? Could do the splits till I was about 14. Now, I can barely move, haha.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? their mood.
Any special talents? I'm very good at certain board games, does that count? Also at making up things - backstories, animals, (bad, bad) jokes, songs. Story-teller, what can I say.
Where were you born? not where I grew up 🙃
What are your hobbies? reading, writing, hiking, animal spotting, pointing at randomly delightful things all around me, noticing the world, etc.
How tall are you? I'm 5'5 or 165 cm
Dream Job: ooh. Maybe running a b&b with my partner by a large body of water (or a small one, I'm not picky), writing in the backroom or something. He's got the hospitality experience, and I've got - patience. And I love talking to people!
no idea who did this already but waving at @phoebe-delia, @basicallyahedgehog, @crazybutgood and @getawayfox.
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whumpofalltime · 10 months
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What stands out as the Whump Of All Time? Only you can decide!
While you're welcome to vote for your favorite, your mutual's favorite, or on vibes alone, we encourage you to check out the propaganda and links below the cut - it's a great way to discover new content.
Our inbox is still open for propaganda, so submit away!
(gif set)
"Daniel gets repeatedly put healed and comes back worse, then goes through withdrawal, finally having a breakdown. The ensuing hug reverberated around the fandom world."
(video [start 18:47])
“Noragami has been getting more popular as of late…and it’s time for fans to show their love! Ep9 (and tbh, many other parts of this anime) are also incredibly Whumpy, but this scene is the one most will remember. The WINDOW SMASHING scene! It’s the turning point of the show, when Yato COLLAPSES, revealing how much PAIN he suffers due to Yukine’s misguided bad behavior 👀 We see Hiyori, freaking out, rolling him over and realizing how bad it is, calling his name and getting hurt herself by the blight spreading over him. We see the GUILT and FEAR in Yukine’s face as he’s confronted with the consequences of his actions, as they wreak havoc on the man who took him in and gave him a second chance. This scene is iconic! Even someone who hasn’t seen the show would get whumperflies from this episode 👌” ~ @silversanimewhump 
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whump-side · 1 year
Whump Challenge
I got tagged by @whump-captain to participate in the challenge. If you see this and want to participate, feel free! Don't by shy~ 1. Favorite whump trope(s)? Anything that'll make a whumpee bleed from the side. Shot, stabbed, you name it !
2. Least favorite whump trope(s)? I'm really not into whump with a whumper or pet whump. 
3. Top 3 whump scenes and why? No.6 episode 11. Oh man, this whole episode goes so hard, if you know, you know Detective Conan Chapter 251-254. I remember obsessively rereading these chapters as a 8yo kid No third place because there are 100 scenes fighting for the 3rd place in my head so I'll leave this empty
4. Top 3 characters to whump and why? Lance from Voltron. I love goofballs getting whumped. The switch between their goofy personalities to just pain, yes. Kaeya from Genshin. If anyone has good whump fanfics, please send them this way. This man is a walking whumpee Can't think of a 3rd character so I'll say my OC Birb 
5. Favorite fandom for whump (show, series, etc)? Anime/manga, animated show (Voltron, Avatar, in these kind of styles where adults look like adults) or Webtoons 
6. Do you prefer written or watchable whump? Watchable but I also enjoy written 
7. Do you also like hurt/comfort? Hell yes ! 
8. What do you think the difference between hurt/comfort and whump is? Hurt/comfort : gentle pat pat to soothe the pain Whump : stab stab to do the pain 
9. How would you explain whump to someone who’s not familiar with it? Angst but add pain, blood and injuries to it. 
10. Is there any old whump you particularly enjoy? (say, pre 2000?) It's gonna be 2000 exactly : Mulan. The moment when she realised she got hurt by Shan Yu. 
11. Why do you think you like whump? Good question it's always been there since I was really young. 
12. When did you realize you liked whump? Never, as mentioned before, it kinda was there all the time. 
13. Favorite posts with whump (gifsets, picspams, etc) ✨Art✨ 
14. Are you “out” to people in real life? My bff know that I love "angst" especially when it's bloody. I think I told them once that I found the whump community, but I'm sure I didn't say the word whump specifically 
15. How did you find the whump community? I was probably looking at "injured" or similar tags until I think I found an anime whump gifset and connected the dots when I saw the tag "whump" 
16. Any unusual mediums you like for whump (plays, music, vlogs, etc)? Stock photos. With enough imaginations, lots of things can be whumpy. It's like using a filter but with your brain. 
17. Any meta about whump you’ve been dying to share? None that I think of at the moment. 
18. Whump fic(s) you’d love to see? I'd love to read some Thoma whump from Genshin Impact. Haven't check now if there's something new with him 
19. Whump you’re looking forward to? (Maybe something teased or something you haven’t seen yet?) I am well fed with whump at the moment 👌 
20. Top 3 favorite whump fics? Oh god. I never save fics and then regret it when I want to read them again. The Purity of Sin by IcyPanther. I red it in one sitting before going to bed and then I realized it's 4am when I was finished There was a fanfic with Lance getting pneumonia while being stranded with Shiro and I can't find it ;-; A fic with my fem!Hawkle and Fenris my bff wrote me a few years ago 👌
21. Tropes you think are overdone? Whumper/Whumpee and captive whump. Let whumpees be hurt by nature in the wild far from any humans for a change. 
22. Tropes you think we could use more of? Environmental whump or whump without a whumper. 
23. Favorite sites/archives for consuming whump? Tumblr, AO3, Pinterest, Youtube 
24. Have your whump preferences changed recently? If so, why? Recently nothing has changed, but I'm always down to explore new tropes. Like I did with a tiny whumpee some times ago
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whumperofworlds · 2 years
After a while, decided to make a masterlist for my stories, fics, and OCs here, along with reintroducing myself in the whump community, now that I'm active again!
I'm @writer-of-worlds, AKA WoW, she/her, 29, with a whump sideblog, and I am a sucker for kidnapping whump! I also love rescue whump and angst in general, along with many other tropes that are too many to list LOL. I'm a writer who writes original stories and fanfiction (my main Fandoms are Super Smash Bros, Fire Emblem, and Final Fantasy 1) so expect some whumpy goodness from me! I also sometimes make prompts or silly whump jokes!
I hope you enjoy your stay here and happy whumping!!
(Preferences, squicks, masterlist, etc under cut!)
Used as bait
Parting Words Regret
Hostage Situations
Medieval/fantasy whump
Whumpee x Caretaker
TROPES I DON'T USUALLY WRITE (will reblog/write them if it's really interesting, though!):
Major character death
Pet whump/BBU
Domestic abuse
Permanent physical injury (scars are fine!)
Animal whump. Anthros and nonhuman whumpees such as werewolves and vampires are fine!
Minor whumpees. Emotional angst with minors are fine, just don't like torture in general towards them.
I WILL NOT WHUMP ANY OF THESE OCS/CHARACTERS (so if you send an ask about them being whumped, I won't answer it, sorry! ^^; Emotional angst is fine: just don't like to outright torture them!):
Taika (Final Fantasy I OC)
Sylvando (Dragon Quest XI)
Hendrik (Dragon Quest XI)
Chestnut (OC)
Egan (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles OC)
Keiko (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles OC)
Any minors, OC or canon
NOTE: All stories, including other stories from asks, oneshots, etc, are tagged #my whump stories
Hook, Line, and Sinker (COMPLETED) (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8)
You're Mine (NONCON AND NSFW WARNING!) (WIP) (1 / 2 / 3)
Decedents of Chaos (WIP) (1 / 2 / 3)
300 Followers Special: Whump Collaborative Storytelling
WoW's Birthday Whump Event
Birthday Whump Event AO3 Collection
knuckles-and-knives (Drusus and Keme whump RP blog)
I now have a Whump Discord server! It's called Whump World! (Exclamation mark included)! If you like an invite, let me know!!!
NOTE: After some thought, I decided to not bring any discourse or anything like that here (unless it's to inform about someone who could potentially be dangerous!) Only thing that will come up is my vents. If you wanna block those tags out, block #wow vents and #vent
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hiiii! You are a god for this fandom Ty for your service ! I don’t know if this has been asked yet but is there any fics where Crowley is hurt by holy water? Or like, anything holy really. Sorry if this is too broad!
Hello and thank you! You might find some fics that interest you on our #holy water tag, but here are some fics in which Crowley is injured by holy water or a holy weapon...
Lemon to a Knife Fight by ChiseHatori (T)
Crowley is injured by a blade infused with holy power. Fortunately, he has an angel by his side to stitch him back together again. Hurt/Comfort, Fluff.
Sip By Sip, Drop To The Ground by Whumpy (G)
As panicked eyes locked upon his own leaking a liquid he wished not to see, he could only feel peace. Pain not daring to allow itself to take over, the room was dark now.
Dark despite the many candles that burned.
The feeling of darkness overcame him, and so did the unwelcomed consecration.
Or: Mysterious Tea comes from somewhere.
A Matter of Trust by Bookwormgal (T)
It struck without warning. Intense and sudden.
Cold. Hot.
It was a paradoxical agony. A sharp and piercing cold that drained away all strength. A white-hot heat that scorched and burned away. Both radiating out from the source. A holy blade now buried deep between his ribs. A holy blade piercing into his True Form.
As unexpected and unwanted as the Archangel lurking in the darkness of their waiting cottage. The one who stabbed him as soon as he opened the door, the attack silent and abrupt.
Cast Away by fractalgeometry (T)
One of the fascinating things about the Earth is how it's always changing. Animals, plants, people, places, it all shifts day to day, year to year, century to century. Usually, the changes are interesting.
Usually, the changes don't involve the ocean turning holy.
Usually, Crowley isn't living on an island.
Singularity by 29Pieces (NR)
Crowley is captured by the angels. No one seems eager to speak up against the torture happening right there in Heaven. No one but Aziraphale. But who’s going to listen to a mere principality? Pre-Apocalypse, a goodly amount of whump, hurt/comfort.
A Labour of Love by SageSloth (T)
When the leaders of Hell find out that it was not Crowley who bathed in the Holy Water and lived they seek him out to take their vengeance. The only one who can stop them is Aziraphale, but when Heaven offers him the chance at redemption he makes a mistake which comes at a cost. Now the angel must find a way to save his friend, even if that means going to the birthplace of pain itself to get him back.
- Mod D
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haich-slash-cee · 3 months
Welcome to my blog about hurt/comfort and whump!
I focus more on the meta of hurt/comfort and whump - observations and thoughts, as well as articles, memes, and such.
I also reblog posts about fandom, horror, medical info, and such. I will talk about social justice. Also satire, gallows humor, and body horror. Occasional reblogs of a cool animal picture or whatever I think is interesting.
Here’s an intro post (from 2019), where I explain “hurt/comfort” and “whump”.
My About/Index/Tags page has an ongoing list of posts, resources and links. These include: my meta and speculative posts, articles around whump and h/c, surveys, writing resources, papers, fandom, reviews, and misc links.
Notable things include....
A 50 year history of hurt/comfort and whump in fandom discourse. A very long post I put together. (Currently, I have not updated since 2021 ish.)
The Pain Fandom - Fansplaining.com article by Maria Temming on whump and hurt/comfort, which myself and others were interviewed for.
Cheers and see you around on the next speculative whumpy post!
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
For the ask game!
1 - What kind of whump is your favorite to write?
18 - Do ever rely on magical cures or deus ex machina to resolve whumpy situations?
21 - What fandom would you like to write whump for, but haven't done so yet (due to not knowing it well enough, etc.)?
from this ask game
1: What kind of whump is your favorite to write?
I'm not sure? This febuwhump is the first actual time I'm writing especifically and consistently whump, but the most fun so far have been like, post whump? Like, the treatment, the comfort, or just the poor whumpee alone with their thoughts by themself after a tough session :) Yeah, I think that'd be aftermath whump
18: Do ever rely on magical cures or deus ex machina to resolve whumpy situations?
Not really? I've tried using magical cures before but uhhhhhhh. Idk if it was because the magic system wasn't really fleshed out and I was just playing around or if it was because it's not my kind of thing, but figuring it out was pretty hard and it still haven't worked out for me. Not sure how I could use deus ex machina to resolve a Situation, tho
21: What fandom would you like to write whump for, but haven't done so yet (due to not knowing it well enough, etc.)?
Not really sure. I've never written for a fandom before XD but I have an idea in the back of my mind and I kind of want to write a whumpy fanfic for the TenSura anime
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convenientalias · 2 years
Blorbo to rate: Nam Seon-ho please! 💙
Tumblr media
I'd like to justify a few of these responses:
Seon-ho can be scary smart on occasion but there's also his instinct to charge blindly at a situation so I rate him in the middle.
I may have hot takes about Seon-ho but all my hot takes are brilliant, okay???
In general I do enjoy Seon-ho being angsty and having a bad time etc etc HOWEVER putting him in a WORSE situation having a WORSE time than in canon is really saying a lot. I would say even my angsty fics, and other angsty or whumpy fics in the fandom, do not tend to be worse than canon. For one thing he usually doesn't die
Seon-ho may be a chronic insomniac, I can't remember evidence pointing one way or the other. I do not believe he pets stray animals. He once killed a horse.
Part of me says, "Seon-ho face consequences? for what, he's a perfect person who has never done any wrong ;) he can murder and betray as much as he wants" but on the other hand, Hwi calling Seon-ho out for shit and domming him is a great vibe too so the feeling is mixed.
Thanks for the ask! Seon-ho is the best blorbo.
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silversanimewhump · 2 years
Whumplovers Collaborate:
Whumpserver for all Whumplovers
There are extensive opt-in writing and art sections
So you can treat the server as solely a Whumpwriting server, solely a Whump-art server, or solely a hang-out server if you so wish (:
You can join here
More info below:
The main hang out area features: —Qotd —Server games like Jackbox and trivia —A large OC community  —A growing rp community  —Age restricted nsfw channels —Fandom clubs for: DC, Marvel, Anime, Tolkien, Star Trek, Star Wars, Video Games, and Atla
The writing section features: —Writers qotd —A writing competition/game —Sprints (with Sprinto) —Opportunities for collab writing —Chances to share your writing with others —Channels where writers can help each other with their writing
The Whump-art section features: —Art vc for streaming —Artists qotd —Art events —Channels for showcasing your art (Whumpy art, non-Whump art, gore, and age restricted nsfw channels) —Channels for helping others with their art/receiving help with art —Channels for sharing resources/helping other artists find resources
I know it may seem like a lot, but it’s not as bad as you might think Everything is well-organized and clearly defined
If you like hurting fictional characters, this is the place for you (:
Feel free to ask me any questions you may have
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