#What snacks did Grover pack
notebookqueenofnarnia · 5 months
🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️
🕯️ Manifesting 🕯️
🕯️ Cool People Who 🕯️
🕯️ Like to Discuss 🕯️
🕯️ Cool Things and 🕯️
🕯️ Don’t Just Lecture Me 🕯️
🕯️ On Their Not Fun Nonsense 🕯️
🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️
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www-jungwon · 5 months
no one asked but heres my (definitely unpopular) opinion on the pjo series bc i have many thoughts.
#☆゚elena’s rambles#as in many#starting off#i think i put my expectations up too high for this series im so sry#like the movies were so bad i js went oh pjo show? oh produced actually by rick riordan? oh disney+? best show im ever gonna fcking watch#and then proceded to forget the actors are 14yo children who js started their careers#NO HATE AT ALL#i actually think theyre doing pretty good#but the WRITING#omfg its not giving#like if the actors were rlly experienced i think they couldve worked with the script better but its so unfair to expect that of them#bc the script is not. it#like give my bro aryan some actual lines man#“im gonna pack the best snacks” HUH#he doesnt have a character 😭#like what happened to grover my total sunshine happy satyr loyal friend WHERE IS HE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HIM#and theres no percabeth 😭 like the series is trying to move sooo fast but then were 3 episodes in and they JUST stopped hating each other#huhhh like theyre the entire foundation of this series change my mind#im crossing all limbs hoping theyll have chemistry tho bc if not this show is gonna bomb im SO SRY#but the medusa thing did not give. like everything js feels so rushed#so with a mediocre script#plot#and pacing#its all falling to the literal children#and dont get me wrong like#percy is good#theyre all good#but after reading the books consuming sm content of them its hard for them to feel like the characters yk i think thats whats making it#worse for me bc otherwise i would prob js enjoy it wo overthinking#anyway pls dont yell at me its js my opinion ik its gonna be v unpopular based on what im seeing
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audhd-nightwing · 5 months
percy jackson ep3 live reaction
yesss the attic it looks perfect
the voice crack on “hi” i’m cackling
“oh geez” HES SO PERCY
annabeth immediately i love him.
percy’s gf requirements: has to be willing to push him down a flight of stairs without hesitation
let percy understand the horses PLEASE
“i chose you” i thought it was gonna be like ‘because you’re my best friend’ but nah he is just suspicious of grover dang. “i trust you” DAMN HE REALLY LYING HUH. poor grover totally believes him too. good thing he earns his trust back eventually and remains his best friend forever
“i’m gonna pack the best snacks” HE IS THE BEST KIND OF FRIEND
why tf are there lobster traps in the cabin. WHERE IS HIS BED???
“i think they’re canadian maybe? or from chuck e. cheese i dunno” he’s literally my favorite person ever
“these are… interesting”
thalia’s tree :(
when do they tell percy that grover was thalias protector 🤔
“the most powerful being in the universe’s best idea to save his daughter’s life… was to turn her into a tree?” YEAH FR GET HIS ASS PERCY
bro really does not know how to read the room 💀 “she met a pinecone’s fate” dude she is talking about her dead friend/sister-figure. grover’s literally like “wtf man”
how tf did they get a taxi from long island to the city bro
“i’m sorry to hear that” UR THE BEST ANNABETH
why is grover singing… THEATRE KID ENERGY
“our voting system’s broken” hgjfhdhd
BIG OOF ????
the autism makes decisions so hard very real
“they smell fear” “that’s bees” EXCUSE ME? BEES WHAT NOW??
damn dodds that’s brutal
“perhaps the most formidable demigod child alive” i adore how they make 12 y/o annabeth so fucking powerful. like i really really love that they do that cuz ppl always talk about how powerful percy is but not how powerful annabeth is
defeated by shitty evacuation skills smh
…we’re lost in the woods, somewhere in new jersey
“i didn’t even know they had forests in new jersey” king. what.
ahhh i wish they just made them 13 i really cannot see them as 12 year olds
annabeth IMMEDIATELY knows it’s medusa lol
thinking abt how sally used medusa’s story to teach lil percy that appearances aren’t everything and “not everything that looks like a monster is a monster”. very interested to see what they do with her in this version of pjo
“and i definitely trust my mom” percy is such a momma’s boy i love it
i hope they don’t make her evil pls pls pls. SHES NOT EVIL SHES AN SA VICTIM. “a survivor” :(
“the gift the gods gave me is i cannot be bullied anymore” yes 🙌
girl really said “it’s not a gift it’s a curse” as if she was there 💀 ilysm but clearly the story you’ve heard isn’t what really happened
“so did i” :( she was a worshipper of athena
“i wasn’t like you, i was you”
ANNABETH “that isn’t what happened” GIRL YOU WERENT THERREEEEE
you tell them medusa !! her and percy get matching “i hate poseidon” shirts
team #trust issues
oop. yeah fuck poseidon.
okay yeah i really like this characterization of her. like a good person with a skewed moral compass. or at least good intentions but not great actions
leetle snakes hiss hiss
annabeth watching percy defeat alecto… she literally has heart eyes hehe
you tell them grover!!!!!!
oh he really did choose grover because he trusted him aw :,)
“i am impertinent” ily
the song 💀 this is why they are besties
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loves-frogs · 5 months
In honor of my serious need for more character scenes and goofy moments in the PJO show I give you... A missing scene from episode 3 I think would be fun!
Missing Scene
After Annabeth gets off the bus, Percy convinces Grover to sneak out the window with him and get more snacks.
They sneak into the gas station behind Annabeth's back and cheerful music plays inside.
PERCY: Aw yeah they've got the blue ones!
GROVER: (In the background) tin cans!
Percy and Grover go ham, sneakily gathering snacks and staying out of Annabeth's line of sight.
GROVER: (Patting his pockets) Wait, Percy, we've got a problem.
PERCY: What? Some kind of monster?
GROVER: Annabeth took all the cash.
PERCY: I thought we split it evenly!
GROVER: Well... We did...
PERCY: Then I guess we've gotta get ours back
Percy and Grover start tailing Annabeth. Percy is about to get the money from her pocket when she pulls a knife and stops him short. Suddenly they're frozen, face to face.
ANNABETH: (Gestures to a security mirror thing) I saw you coming. (Gaze lowers to Percy's armful of food) Is that the last pack of blue Droidos?
PERCY: Uh...
GROVER: (Sneaks the money while Annabeth is distracted) Percy, Go!
Annabeth chases Percy and Grover through the isles. All are clearly having some fun. Somewhere during this, Percy runs into a fury, who sniffs the air menacingly. Soon they all arrive, panting, at the counter with like $120 worth of road snacks. Cashier raises an eyebrow. All three smile sheepishly. All return to the bus.
Later, Percy is opening the Doritos to share (Grover takes a piece of the bag. No explanation, just eats it and doesn't notice Percy's weird look.) When the fury attacks he drops his chips in the chaos.
Percy, Annabeth, and Grover watch as the bus crashes away.
PERCY: I can't believe she made me lose my Droidos.
ANNABETH: (As they all turn to leave) At least you got some.
GROVER: Ok what the heck are Droidos?
PERCY: do demigods not have Droidos?
ANNABETH: No, we do. You know those yellow triangle chips? We only ever get the red bags?
PERCY: (helpfully holds up triangle shape with fingers) the blue ones are the best.
GROVER: Are you guys talking about Doritos??
Percy and Annabeth make horrified and confused eye contact.
ANNABETH: definitely not
GROVER: cause like... That's a really common type of triangular chip. Doritos.
PERCY: must be something different
ANNABETH: maybe it was off brand
GROVER: if you say so
(Annabeth and Percy pull each other aside)
PERCY: So... Dyslexia?
ANNABETH: Duh, I'm a demigod too. What, do you have seaweed for brains?
PERCY: Sorry oh wise one, I guess you didn't seem like the type
ANNABETH: Whatever. Let's go. (starts moving faster, then pauses) We will never speak of this again
Percy: Fine by me.
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the-pjo-analyst · 2 years
Chapter 10 -  I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus
Theme of the day: Foresight
Foresight can basically have two meanings: prudence or provision for the future, and being able to see the future. There was a bit of both in this chapter!
We get a look into what the trio packs for their quest, including items that Chiron/CHB provides. They get useful provisions like ambrosia and nectar for wounds, mortal cash and drachmas for all their regular and godly transactions. Percy has very few possessions with him at the camp, as was already mentioned when he moved to cabin 3, so he just has basic essentials. Annabeth has a cool hat and a wicked dagger, but also a book bc a girl’s gotta stay entertained somehow while stuck traveling with two boys across the country lol. Grover has his items to disguise himself as human, a reed pipe for his goat magic except he only knows two (2) songs, and lots of snacks for the long roadtrip. Although most of all this gets destroyed at the end of the chapter sjdkfhs. But just when you think Percy is going out their weaponless, he receives good old Riptide! Whoever enchanted her must’ve been like there’s a kid who’ll use this in the future who can’t keep pens on him for the life of him and they’re probably the realist person in this series. Did Percy a solid lol.
The Hermes shoes Luke gives to Percy, at face value, is foresight on Luke’s part. Seemingly, he wants them to help Percy in someway on his quest. I completely forgot about the shoes tbh, but they’re an important part of the plot later on lol, and a clue to who the traitor is. Because they’re programed to drag the wearer into Tartarus when they enter the underworld and deliver certain godly attributes to a certain Titan. So ig the shoes are Luke’s foresight, just not in the way we might initially expect. Although he definitely didn’t have the foresight that Percy wouldn’t be the one wearing the shoes lmao. Should’ve thought about how a son of Poseidon can’t take to the skies! I wonder if Luke’s awkwardness in wishing Percy good luck was bc he knew that he shouldn’t care, but did anyway. I’m not a Luke apologist in anyway, but he’s such a complicated character that he’s fascinating to analyze lol. And the way Percy admires him!! It’s so cute. Makes the betrayal so much more tragic ;A;
There’s lots of foreshadowing this chapter. Besides the shoes, Kronos is mentioned, Medusa is indirectly referenced, the hints with the Furies saying where is it, and Prometheus is also mentioned although he’s not officially introduced until book 5. I’ll even include the tourist that takes a picture of crazed Percy fleeing the bus in the list too lol. There might be others I missed.
Backtracking a little, I know Grover meant well when talking about Sally, but I wouldn’t tell someone that they should be grateful when a decision or action results in abuse in some way. Like yes, Sally having the foresight in keeping Percy around someone that could mask his demigod smell was a good thing in the long run, but they both suffered from it. I don’t blame Sally at all, because all she wanted was for her son to survive. And who knows what she herself had to deal with when Percy wasn’t around. Maybe he was around for the worse parts and it’s just not narrated. Maybe it wasn’t the best decision per se, but the other options were either Percy dying or Percy growing up without a father and a mother, so 🤷🏾‍♀️ Can you imagine how he would’ve felt if Sally just left him at camp as a small child. Like they still could’ve kept in contact but Percy probably wouldn’t feel good about it. We might’ve gotten a different story if that was the turn of events. There would be no blue in Percy’s life! Like.... what would Percy be without his obsession for the color blue??
Anywho, it’s late and I’m ranting 😂 I’ll end it with a pondering over what exactly Chiron heard in these prophecies he keeps mentioning 🤨
Small things:
I’ll never get over when we found out Riptide is a girl and the Sword of Summer proceeded to flirt with her lolol
I can’t tell whether Argus is winking at Percy for his pizza joke or charmed by the preteen flirting lol. The very first Percabeth shipper xD
Have I mentioned I love their banter lol
Once more, we get a glimpse into Percy’s extreme loyalty. He can never leave a friend behind 🥺
I had a realization that Hilary Duff’s “So Yesterday” only came out a few years before TLT did and I don’t think I fully comprehended how old this book is until now sjdfhskjdf
Previous: Chapter 9 - I Am Offered a Quest
Next: Chapter 11 - We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium
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aangelinakii · 3 years
first dates with them.
for : percy jackson & the olympians
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percy jackson !
percy really likes you ,, and i mean really ,, so he wants to do something really nice for you, but first date resources at camp are kind of limited so he wouldn't be sure at first. would def go to grover for some brainstorming and advice. but i think in the end he'd settle for something cute but simple ,,,,,,,,, a picnic by the lake ! he'd grab a mat or blanket for you guys to sit on and get some snacks for you to share. when you imagine a picnic, you probably see a pretty mat and a cute basket filled with fizzy drinks and pretty pastries. but percy has limited resources right ?? so it was more like ,, scratchy mat but it's the thought that counts , crisps and sweets and half-assed sandwiches from his backpack. but you two end up chatting and having a nice time, eating , sharing stories ,, and watching the sun go down behind long island sound
annabeth chase !
unlike percy, annabeth knows what's good. like she sorts out a top tier date. however, she's really shy and defiant of her feelings , so i just know she'd take you out and be like " it was nothing, i thought you deserved something nice,,,,, not like i thought you did it's just–" . children of athena are really good at planning things, and annabeth certainly knows how to plan a fun date. tbh i think her ideal date would be curling up by a small fire with some books, and reading to each other, maybe talking about your favourite books and stories. idk if you like that stuff ,, but she'd try to merge your interests into one thing, but make it so it's chill. like if you're into sports, i can see her setting up something with a bunch of different sports so you and her can just play around without actually following any rules , and then afterwards when you want a break she'd follow up with water and reading to you :((
nico di angelo !
i feel like nico would be quite awkward when it comes to sorting out dates. like he'd be constantly worrying if it'll be good enough for you, and if you'll have fun , if you'll want a second date , if you'll ever speak to him again afterwards. nico probably gains feelings by shared experiences,, so , in the end , he wouldn't plan much, just take you out to a place in camp a little further off from everyone else so you can just,,,, talk. it would probably start off kind of tense , both of you a bit shy , but soon you'd both loosen up and start laughing and almost crying etc etc etc.
jason grace !
i think that in relationships, jason is vvvvveeeeerrrrrryyyyyyy passionate. as in,, all he wants is the best for his s / o and he's determined to make that happen. and even for a first date, he wants to make it special and memorable. he'd probably organise it so he has help from a bunch of creatures and demigods , who are watching from behind a cabin or tree trunk to see how all their hard work pays off. in the end ,,,, he's got a small table and two chairs, with a ( only slight stained ) white table cover , and ofc a little candle in the middle. and you'd just talk and eat as if you were at a real restaurant. after each serving ( eg drinks , starters , main , dessert ) some naiads would come in and out of the forest with your food. and thennnnn after your food ,, he took you to the beach for a nice walk :((( but then you kept hearing footsteps behind you so you'd turn around, and no one's there ,, but then jason would turn around and like all the naiads and his friends are there following you guys so he mouths at them to bugger off or something along those lines
leo valdez !
tbh leo doesn't know what he's doing. he's,,,,, let's say inexperienced with this stuff. i mean, you've seen him ,, khione , thalia etc . none of it has really worked out,, but you're different. he's is absolutely determined to make this good,, but he doesn't know how. so , naturally , he asks jason. but what jason says is too much effort ,, so leo opts for something simple. i can see leo packing a bag with snacks and soft drinks, and taking you to the forge at a time when no one else is there so he can make a ring for you ,, and once he's made it and it's cooled down , he'd take you to the top of half - blood hill so you can eat and drink and chat whilst looking over the rest of camp
piper mclean !
piper would be incredibly shy ,, like it took her so much courage just to ask you on the date . but she doesn't want to make you plan it because that's not the gentlewomanly thing to do ?? so she'd be worrying about it , whilst also acting like she's totally cool about it. but i think in the end she'd go for something chill , like stargazing and story-telling. stargazing becuase , one , everyone loves it , two , the stars from half- blood hill look really beautiful. story- telling would involve many stories ,, cherokee stories that her dad and grandad had told her when she was younger, greek stories , funny things you've experienced , childhood stories ,, and it would be really sweet
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Percy Jackson X Reader -Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
CHAPTER 10: The Wheels On The Bus Goes Skrt Skrt Skrt
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It didn't take me long to pack. I didn't have anything at all, which left me only an extra change of clothes and a toothbrush to stuff in a backpack Grover had found for me and Percy. Both having nothing to carry we decided to share a bag. The camp store loaned us one hundred dollars in mortal money and twenty golden drachmas. These coins were as big as Girl Scout cookies and had images of various Greek gods stamped on one side and the Empire State Building on the other. The ancient mortal drachmas had been silver, Chiron told us, but Olympians never used less than pure gold. Chiron said the coins might come in handy for non-mortal transactions—whatever that meant. He gave Annabeth, Percy and I each a canteen of nectar and a Ziploc bag full of ambrosia squares, to be used only in emergencies, if we were seriously hurt. It was god food, Chiron reminded us. It would cure us of almost any injury, but it was lethal to mortals. Too much of it would make a half-blood very, very feverish. An overdose would burn us up, literally. Annabeth was bringing her magic Yankees cap, which she told us had been a twelfth-birthday present from her mom. She carried a book on famous classical architecture, written in Ancient Greek, to read when she got bored, and a long bronze knife, hidden in her shirt sleeve. I was sure the knife would get us busted the first time we went through a metal detector. Grover wore his fake feet and his pants to pass as human. He wore a green rasta-style cap, because when it rained his curly hair flattened and you could just see the tips of his horns. His bright orange backpack was full of scrap metal and apples to snack on. In his pocket was a set of reed pipes his daddy goat had carved for him, even though he only knew two songs: Mozart's Piano Concerto no. 12 and Hilary Duff's "So Yesterday," both of which sounded pretty bad on reed pipes. We waved good-bye to the other campees, took one last look at the strawberry fields, the ocean, and the Big House, then hiked up Half-Blood Hill to the tall pine tree that used to be Thalia, daughter of Zeus. Chiron was waiting for us in his wheelchair. Next to him stood a surfer looking dude. According to Grover, the guy was the camp's head of security. He supposedly had eyes all over his body so he could never be surprised. Today, though, he was wearing a chauffeur's uniform, so I could only see extra peepers on his hands, face and neck. "This is Argus," Chiron told us. "He will drive you into the city, and, er, well, keep an eye on things." I heard footsteps behind us. Luke came running up the hill, carrying a pair of basketball shoes. "Hey!" he panted. "Glad I caught you." Annabeth blushed, the way she always did when Luke was around. I looked at him with a frown. "Don't look at me like that. I had to find out from the others you're going on a quest." he glared. "So much for the option you won't die at." "I would've told you if you were at the cabin when I got back. Now what's with the shoes?" "Just wanted to say good luck," Luke told Percy. "And I thought... um, maybe you could use these." He handed him the sneakers, which looked pretty normal. They even smelled kind of normal. Luke said, "Maia!" White bird's wings sprouted out of the heels, startling me so much, Percy dropped them. The shoes flapped around on the ground until the wings folded up and disappeared. "Awesome!" Grover said. Luke smiled. "Those served me well when I was on my quest. Gift from Dad. Of course, I don't use them much these days...." His expression turned sad. I didn't know what to say. It was cool enough that Luke had come to say good-bye. But here he was giving Percy a magic gift.... It made me a bit jealous. "Hey, man," Percy said. "Thanks." "Listen, Percy..." Luke looked uncomfortable. "A lot of hopes are riding on you. So just... kill some monsters for me, okay?" They shook hands. Luke patted Grover's head between his horns, then gave a good-bye hug to Annabeth, who looked like she might pass out. The three went to Chiron about stuffs while Luke and I had a staring contest. "So Percy got a present and I only get an I don't know... a hug? Here I thought I was your favorite." "What made you think you are?" He laughed and ruffled my hair. "And no you don't get a hug." "Suddenly I'm not coming back." He smiled and from his back he pulled out a sheathed knife. "I meant to say you won't get only a hug. I noticed you're not a fan of swords. So, I made this my self. I am no Hephaestus child but hey..." He handed me the knife. The sheath was plain colored with a metal chap and locket, it had chains attached to the locket where I could probably put it on something to make sure I bring it with me. Pulling the knife out of the sheath, its knife was around 15 inches. On the blade, Ancient Greek was engraved on it. I think it's my name and the other side is his. "What is this?" I grinned. "I don't know. I ran out of good ideas! I swear I looked up some of Plato and Socrates for that." "And you settled for that?" I laughed. "I am going to take that back now." "Hey, that doesn't mean I don't like it. Thanks." "It's celestial bronze... Half of it at least." "Half?" "I'm sure Chiron won't appreciate it. It will harm both us and humans." "So... It'll hurt both side?" "Yup. And I'm not sure but according to a Hephaestus kid but it's supposed to glow when its near something." "Its not glowing now." "We never said no backsies. I'd like it back now." "I'll take good care of..." I stopped to think of a name and almost immediately remembered a perfect one, "Sting." "I would ask but I already know." Luke shook his head. "Be careful with Sting. It---" "He. Sting is a he, thank you very much." "HE, is lethal. He it can kill us, others close to our kind and normal humans." "Oops I accidentally stabbed myself." With a worried look he pulled me in a hug, "And whatever happens. Put your safety above all. No need to be the hero. If you die in this quest I will get the lord of the dead revive you or kill me." "Ew how sentimental." "Be careful... okay? All of you. Promise me that." "Fine, I promise. On the knife, I'll come back not dead, with everyone." After Luke was gone, I placed the knife on my waist. I went back to Percy. "Okay, that's extremely cool," I heard him say. "What's cool?" I grinned standing behind Percy overlooking his shoulder. "My new pen." He showed me his pen and uncapped it only to show a sword. "I can't loose it no matter what! Its called Riptide." "But what if a mortal sees you pulling out a sword?" Chiron smiled. "Mist is a powerful thing, Y/N." "Mist?" "I just keep hearing that over and over can someone finally explain?" "Yes. Read The Iliad. It's full of references to the stuff. Whenever divine or monstrous elements mix with the mortal world, they generate Mist, which obscures the vision of humans. You will see things just as they are, being a half-blood, but humans will interpret things quite differently. Remarkable, really, the lengths to which humans will go to fit things into their version of reality." Percy put Riptide back in his pocket. For the first time, the quest felt real. We was actually leaving Half-Blood Hill. We was heading west with no adult supervision, no backup plan, not even a cell phone. (Chiron said cell phones were traceable by monsters; if we used one, it would be worse than sending up a flare.) I had no weapon stronger than a knife to fight off monsters and reach the Land of the Dead. "Chiron..." I said. "When you say the gods are immortal... I mean, there was a time before them, right?" "Four ages before them, actually. The Time of the Titans was the Fourth Age, sometimes called the Golden Age, which is definitely a misnomer. This, the time of Western civilization and the rule of Zeus, is the Fifth Age." "So what was it like... before the gods?" Chiron pursed his lips. "Even I am not old enough to remember that, child, but I know it was a time of darkness and savagery for mortals. Kronos, the lord of the Titans, called his reign the Golden Age because men lived innocent and free of all knowledge. But that was mere propaganda. The Titan king cared nothing for your kind except as appetizers or a source of cheap entertainment. It was only in the early reign of Lord Zeus, when Prometheus the good Titan brought fire to mankind, that your species began to progress, and even then Prometheus was branded a radical thinker. Zeus punished him severely, as you may recall. Of course, eventually the gods warmed to humans, and Western civilization was born." "But the gods can't die now, right? I mean, as long as Western civilization is alive, they're alive. So... even if I failed, nothing could happen so bad it would mess up everything, right?" Chiron gave us a melancholy smile. "No one knows how long the Age of the West will last, Percy. The gods are immortal, yes. But then, so were the Titans. They still exist, locked away in their various prisons, forced to endure endless pain and punishment, reduced in power, but still very much alive. May the Fates forbid that the gods should ever suffer such a doom, or that we should ever return to the darkness and chaos of the past. All we can do, child, is follow our destiny." "Our destiny... assuming we know what that is." "Relax," Chiron told me. "Keep a clear head. And remember, you may be about to prevent the biggest war in human history." "Relax," Percy said. "I'm very relaxed." When we got to the bottom of the hill, I looked back. Under the pine tree that used to be Thalia, daughter of Zeus, Chiron was now standing in full horse-man form, holding his bow high in salute. Just your typical summer-camp send-off by your typical centaur. I took Percy's hand and we gave each other a reassuring nod. I wish us luck. Talking whilst at camp drained me. I apologize if I won't be much help. You have stamina? So you aren't a bigshot all powerful god? Without you and I as one. I am nothing. I have given you my everything.
Argus drove us out of the countryside and into western Long Island. It felt weird to be on a highway again, Annabeth and Percy was sitting next to me as if we were normal carpoolers. After two weeks at Half-Blood Hill, the real world seemed like a fantasy. I found myself staring at every McDonald's, every kid in the back of his parents' car, every billboard and shopping mall. "So far so good," Percy said. "Ten miles and not a single monster." She gave him an irritated look. "It's bad luck to talk that way, seaweed brain." "Remind me again—why do you hate me so much?" "I don't hate you." "Could've fooled me." She folded her cap of invisibility. "Look... we're just not supposed to get along, okay? Our parents are rivals." "Why?" She sighed. "How many reasons do you want? One time my mom caught Poseidon with his girlfriend in Athena's temple, which is hugely disrespectful. Another time, Athena and Poseidon competed to be the patron god for the city of Athens. Your dad created some stupid saltwater spring for his gift. My mom created the olive tree. The people saw that her gift was better, so they named the city after her." "They must really like olives." I interjected. "Not you too! You know what? Forget it." "Now, if she'd invented pizza—that I could understand." "I said, forget it!" In the front seat, Argus smiled. He didn't say anything, but one blue eye on the back of his neck winked at me. Traffic slowed us down in Queens. By the time we got into Manhattan it was sunset and starting to rain. Argus dropped us at the Greyhound Station on the Upper East Side, Percy and I didn't let go. Taped to a mailbox was a soggy flyer with Percy's picture on it: HAVE YOU SEEN THIS BOY? He ripped it down before Annabeth and Grover could notice. "They could've at least gotten a better picture." I smirked which caused him to roll his eyes. Argus unloaded our bags, made sure we got our bus tickets, then drove away, the eye on the back of his hand opening to watch us as he pulled out of the parking lot. Grover shouldered his backpack. He gazed down the street in the direction Percy was looking. "You want to know why she married him, Percy?" I stared at Percy then at Grover. "Were you reading my mind or something?" "Just your emotions." He shrugged. "Guess I forgot to tell you satyrs can do that. You were thinking about your mom and your stepdad, right?" Percy nodded. I missed my parents of course, but I had Luke and Grover to talk to which made me less lonely. Percy became an outcast when we got to camp and had no one to talk to. I squeezed his hand and gave him a smile. "Your mom married Gabe for you," Grover told him. "You call him 'Smelly,' but you've got no idea. The guy has this aura.... Yuck. I can smell him from here. I can smell traces of him on you, and you haven't been near him for a week." "Thanks," Percy said. "Where's the nearest shower?" "You should be grateful, Percy. Your stepfather smells so repulsively human he could mask the presence of any demigod. As soon as I took a whiff inside his Camaro, I knew: Gabe has been covering your scent for years. If you hadn't lived with him every summer, you probably would've been found by monsters a long time ago. Your mom stayed with him to protect you. She was a smart lady. She must've loved you a lot to put up with that guy—if that makes you feel any better." I knew what Percy was thinking. He was thinking of the fact we'll get his mom and my parents. How we'll save them all. We got restless waiting for the bus and decided to play some Hacky Sack with one of Grover's apples. Annabeth was unbelievable. She could bounce the apple off her knee, her elbow, her shoulder, whatever. I wasn't too bad myself. The game ended when I tossed the apple toward Grover and it got too close to his mouth. In one mega goat bite, our Hacky Sack disappeared—core, stem, and all. Grover blushed. He tried to apologize, but we were too busy cracking up. Percy pulled me to a corner, after excusing ourselves for a bathroom break. "You finally going to tell me about this quest?" "The truth is," He started. "I don't care about retrieving Zeus's lightning bolt, or saving the world, or even helping my father out of trouble." I gave him a look that reassured him to continue. "The more I thought about it, I resented my father for never visiting me, never helping my mom, never even sending a lousy child-support check. He'd only claimed me because he needed a job done. All I cared about was you and my mom. The underworld god had taken her unfairly, and he is going to give her back." "Percy, we don't even know what's going on. Yeah, he might have her. But what is there's another reason? We don't exactly know anything. I don't even think my parents are with him." "Well, no matter where they are. We will get them back. The least I could do is get them back." He rested his head on my shoulder. "Don't "You will be betrayed by one who calls you a friend," "What?" I froze. "Percy... I would never---" "You will fail to save what matters most in the end." "What are you talking about?" The rain kept coming down. "The rest of the prophecy. Y/N, I don't want you to betray me. Please... don't." I could hear his voice breaking. "Of course I won't. We'll get this quest done. We won't loose anyone and we'll get our parents. Don't worry." I hugged him. "I will stay with you. I won't leave and I won't betray you." "Hey Bonnie and Clyde, we need to go." Finally the bus came. As we stood in line to board, Grover started looking around, sniffing the air. "What is it?" I asked. "I don't know," he said tensely. "Maybe it's nothing." But I could tell it wasn't nothing. I took Percy's hand and started looking over my shoulder, too. I was relieved when we finally got on board and found seats together in the back of the bus. We stowed our backpacks. Annabeth kept slapping her Yankees cap nervously against her thigh. As the last passengers got on, I immediately clamped my hand onto Percy's knee. "Percy." It was Mrs. Dodds. Older, more withered, but definitely the same evil face. I scrunched down in my seat. Behind her came two more old ladies: one in a green hat, one in a purple hat. Otherwise they looked exactly like Mrs. Dodds—same gnarled hands, paisley handbags, wrinkled velvet dresses. Triplet demon grandmothers. And I was now sure, Mrs. Rudolph was one of them. They sat in the front row, right behind the driver. The two on the aisle crossed their legs over the walkway, making an X. It was casual enough, but it sent a clear message: nobody leaves. The bus pulled out of the station, and we headed through the slick streets of Manhattan. "She didn't stay dead long," Percy said, "I thought you said they could be dispelled for a lifetime." "I said if you're lucky," Annabeth said. "You're obviously not." "All three of them," Grover whimpered. "Di immortales!" "Who knows maybe they just want to play?" I said nervously. Annabeth gave me a look of irritation, "Not now," she said, obviously thinking hard. "The Furies. The three worst monsters from the Underworld. No problem. No problem. We'll just slip out the windows." "They don't open," Grover moaned. "A back exit?" she suggested. There wasn't one. Even if there had been, it wouldn't have helped. By that time, we were on Ninth Avenue, heading for the Lincoln Tunnel. "Maybe a nice chat would help?" "They won't attack us with witnesses around," Percy said. "Will they?" "Mortals don't have good eyes," Annabeth reminded him. "Their brains can only process what they see through the Mist." "They'll see three old ladies killing us, won't they?" She thought about it. "Hard to say. But we can't count on mortals for help. Maybe an emergency exit in the roof... ?" We hit the Lincoln Tunnel, and the bus went dark except for the running lights down the aisle. It was eerily quiet without the sound of the rain. Mrs. Dodds got up. In a flat voice, as if she'd rehearsed it, she announced to the whole bus: "I need to use the rest-room." "So do I," said the second sister. "So do I," said the third sister. They all started coming down the aisle. "I've got it," Annabeth said. "Percy, take my hat." "What?" "You're the one they want. Turn invisible and go up the aisle. Let them pass you. Maybe you can get to the front and get away." "But you guys—" "There's an outside chance they might not notice us," Annabeth said. "You're a son of one of the Big Three. Your smell might be overpowering." "I can't just leave Y-- you guys!" "Don't worry about us," I assured him. "Go!" His hands were trembling. But I took the Yankees cap and put it on. And he simply vanished. Mrs. Dodds stopped, sniffing, and looked straight at a spot. My heart was pounding. Apparently she didn't see anything. She and her sisters kept going. "Maybe if they approach us, I could try talking? I really was Mrs. Rudolph's favorite..." I stammered. "Yeah stage is yours." Annabeth answered. The old ladies were not old ladies anymore. Their faces were still the same—I guess those couldn't get any uglier— but their bodies had shriveled into leathery brown hag bodies with bat's wings and hands and feet like gargoyle claws. Their handbags had turned into fiery whips. The Furies surrounded us, lashing their whips, hissing: "Where is it? Where?" The other people on the bus were screaming, cowering in their seats. They saw something, all right. "He's not here!" Annabeth yelled. "He's gone!" The Furies raised their whips. "Don't!" I stepped in front of them shaking. "H-Hi Mrs. Rudolph. W-What could you need?" Annabeth drew her bronze knife. Grover grabbed a tin can from his snack bag and prepared to throw it. To our surprise the bus jerked to the right. Everybody howled as we were thrown to the right, and I heard what I hoped was the sound of three Furies smashing against the windows. "Hey!" the driver yelled. "Hey—whoa!" The bus slammed against the side of the tunnel, grinding metal, throwing sparks a mile behind us. We careened out of the Lincoln Tunnel and back into the rainstorm, people and monsters tossed around the bus, cars plowed aside like bowling pins. Somehow the driver found an exit. We shot off the highway, through half a dozen traffic lights, and ended up barreling down one of those New Jersey rural roads where you can't believe there's so much nothing right across the river from New York. There were woods to our left, the Hudson River to our right, and the driver seemed to be veering toward the river. The bus wailed, spun a full circle on the wet asphalt, and crashed into the trees. The emergency lights came on. The door flew open. The bus driver was the first one out, the passengers yelling as they stampeded after him. The Furies regained their balance. They lashed their whips at Annabeth while she waved her knife and yelled in Ancient Greek, telling them to back off. Grover threw tin cans. It was as if I didn't exist which was kinda offensive. "Hey! I'm also here!" I yelled pulling out my now glowing knife and helped Grover. "Hey!" A voice from the door way echoed. "Percy you idiot! Run!" I yelled. The Furies turned, baring their yellow fangs at him. Mrs. Dodds stalked up the aisle. Every time she flicked her whip, red flames danced along the barbed leather. Her two ugly sisters hopped on top of the seats on either side of her and crawled toward him like huge nasty lizards. I don't know how but I managed to parkour my way to avoid them and get to Percy in no trouble. I raised my knife and stood in between of them. "Perseus Jackson," Mrs. Dodds said, in an accent that was definitely from somewhere farther south than Georgia. "You have offended the gods. You shall die. I suggest you step away from him Y/N L/N." "I liked you better as a math teacher," he told her. She growled. Annabeth and Grover moved up behind the Furies cautiously, looking for an opening. Percy took the ballpoint pen out of his pocket and uncapped it. Riptide elongated into a shimmering double-edged sword. The Furies hesitated. Mrs. Dodds had felt Riptide's blade before. She obviously didn't like seeing it again. "Submit now," she hissed. "And you will not suffer eternal torment." "Nice try," I told her. "Percy, look out!" Annabeth cried. Mrs. Dodds lashed her whip around my sword hand while the Furies on the either side lunged at him. I managed to keep one of them and parried with her using my knife., which turned out to be Mrs. Rudolph. "I hate to admit it but you were my favorite teacher. Why go mean now?!" I struck with the hilt of my knife against her, sending her toppling backward into a seat. I turned to see Percy had sliced the Fury on his right. As soon as the blade connected with her neck, she screamed and exploded into dust. Annabeth got Mrs. Dodds in a wrestler's hold and yanked her backward while Grover ripped the whip out of her hands. "Ow!" he yelled. "Ow! Hot! Hot!" Mrs. Rudolph came at me again, talons ready, but I dove in and got in range to swing Sting at her and she broke open like a piñata. Mrs. Dodds was trying to get Annabeth off her back. She kicked, clawed, hissed and bit, but Annabeth held on while Grover got Mrs. Dodds's legs tied up in her own whip. Finally they both shoved her backward into the aisle. Mrs. Dodds tried to get up, but she didn't have room to flap her bat wings, so she kept falling down. "Zeus will destroy you!" she promised. "Hades will have your soul!" "Braccas meas vescimini!" Percy yelled. I wasn't sure where the Latin came from. I think it meant "Eat my pants!" Thunder shook the bus. The hair rose on the back of my neck. "Get out!" Annabeth yelled at us. "Now!" I didn't need any encouragement. Taking Percy's hand, we rushed outside and found the other passengers wandering around in a daze, arguing with the driver, or running around in circles yelling, "We're going to die!" A Hawaiian-shirted tourist with a camera snapped my photograph before I could recap my sword. "Our bags!" Grover realized. "We left our—" BOOOOOM! The windows of the bus exploded as the passengers ran for cover. Lightning shredded a huge crater in the roof, but an angry wail from inside told me Mrs. Dodds was not yet dead. "Run!" Annabeth said. "She's calling for reinforcements! We have to get out of here!" We plunged into the woods as the rain poured down, the bus in flames behind us, and nothing but darkness ahead.
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UwU Haha this is what the knife looks like since I'm not sure if I describe it that well... Omg I just realized my brother changed the chapter title lmao -kookie-doughs
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Just imagine it has your name on the blade.
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000
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mochideleche · 4 years
You can’t keep away from fate | CH5
Pairing : Percy jackson x demigod!reader
summary : The daughter of destiny- literally, along with inevitability, compulsion and necessity. Being the child of a primordial goddess doesn’t really assure you a quiet calm life but when you return to new york after five years of being shipped off to boarding school, your once mundane life says goodbye.
contents page
You found yourself sat on the porch of the big house that night, watching the setting sun and the few campers that mr d had rallied to help him pack the strawberries into crates to sell. Of course it was nowhere near for the strawberries to be in season but when you have a god on the farm, that doesn’t really matter. You found it rather funny how despite being a place kept secret from most mortals, a place were the monsters and gods existed, the camp had a rather successful strawberry business which seemed so out of place to you. 
Coming form a completely different country, you were surprised to find that you had been able to fit into camp half blood quite easily. Many campers were from surrounding states, the furthest was an apollo camper who had previously lived in canada but now stayed all year round. 
You had even became friendly with Clarisse and that was saying something since she practically wanted to beat up anyone who even breathed in her direction, but after she saw how you single handedly stole the flag, you had her respect and that was rather commendable according to annabeth. 
Speaking of annabeth, you two had become extremely close, you would even go as far to saying best friends. Apart from percy and her siblings, you noticed that she didn’t really seem very close with any other campers and as chiron had asked her to show you the ropes, the amount of time you spent together was enough to result in you two becoming inseparable.
You even had a few sleepovers where annabeth would come to the big house and you’d sneak down to the living room to watch old movies on the tv and sneak snacks from the kitchen. It was the most normal you had felt in weeks- considering you were at a training camp filled with children of gods and had a forest filled with monsters and giant scorpions. 
You heard the creak of the floorboards to your right and turned to see percy. He was dry now, in a new change of clothes- his orange camp shirt, jeans and sneakers and small smile made its way onto his face as he approached you, “hey”
“Hey” you replied, watching him take a seat next to you. 
The two of you sat in comfortable silence as you watched the sun bathe everything in a golden tinge, the greek buildings that scattered the green looked as if they were glowing.
“So when were you planning to tell me about you little nature powers” percy mocked, wiggling his fingers at you making you laugh.
“Surprise?” you said.
“Uh-huh” percy said unsatisfied as he crossed his arms and turned to you. 
“What does ananke have to do with the elements anyways, can you do fire too?” 
you simply click your fingers and a flame ignited in your palm, percy’s face was filled with amazement, “awesome” 
you chuckled, “my mother was there at the beginning of the universe. Apparently her and chronos- the god of time, not kronos the titan” you explained briefly as a shocked look appeared on percys face, “were the ones to create the world and in the myths it says that their “serpent coils intertwined” -something like that, and that created the universe- earth, heaven and sea”
Percy looked confused, “your mum was a snake?” 
“I don’t think so, but it’s just a myth,” you waved your hand dismissing the story, “But since she basically was there at the beginning of the world, well i guess she took part in creating water, earth and air” you shrugged. “But that’s just a guess, i could get my powers from my dad’s side, his father was a demigod and his great grandfather was too, so there’s a lot of gods in my ancestory” 
“So fire could be from Hephaestus?” Percy questioned.
you shrugged again, “I’m not really sure but it could be”
Percy nodded, “are you related to poseidon then?” he looked down at his feet, awkwardly kicked the stones around, “since you can- you know, control water”
“Oh- no,” you said, your eyes widening understanding at what percy was hinting at- or was he hinting at that? Did he like you? Your face began to heat up, “My great grandmother was a naiad” 
Percy let out a breath, he looked relieved, “oh okay” 
a small smile was on your face, did he like you? 
“So you get anything else from your mum? Like being able to read the future or like spin really well” 
You burst out laughing, “Spinning? oh you mean because of the spindle- oh gods no, i don’t know how to spin” Your mothers symbol- a spindle, in your opinion, it was probably one of the most lamest godly symbols you could have.
“well you’ve got to be connected with the spindle somehow” percy reasoned, “maybe if you prick your finger on it you’ll sleep for a thousand years” 
you laughed even harder, “last time i checked i wan’t sleeping beauty, and a thousand years of sleep? doesn’t sound too bad, i think i’d enjoy that”  
“Not until your true love kisses you” Percy snickered, looking at you from the corner of his eyes, “so if you ever did end up falling into eternal sleep, i’ll be right there to kiss you awake, princess”
You heart began beating incredibly fast as your cheeks heated up, “oh- really?”
“mhmm” percy hummed, sending you a smirk. oh how you wanted to slap it right off his face.
you recomposed yourself and straighten your posture, “too bad, i’d never wake up then” 
You laughed as percy’s face dropped, he began to pout “hey!”
“I’m joking!” you said between laughed, leaning towards him and placing a hand onto of his, “even if you did kiss me, i’d rather sleep for a thousand years anyways” 
Percy cracked a smile, “can’t blame you”
You allowed you laughter to die down, as percy put his hands behind him and leaned back. you two were sitting close enough so that when he did, his right hand was situated just behind you, his arm brushing your side. 
You turned around to look at percy and he had a soft side smile on his face as he stared off at the camp below you, his dark hair falling into his eyes. 
“And what do we have here?” a voice called. 
You and percy immediately turned to your right to see mr d standing there with his arms crossed and sending you a suspicious gaze, completed with a raised eyebrow. 
You slowly inched back from percy to make the scene seem a little less scandalous as he began talking “ We were just-”
“Being lazy peter johnson?” mr d chided, and confusion suddenly washed over you.
Percy had sat up, retracting his hands from he porch, “Lazy, I-”
“when you really should be helping out in the strawberry fields with the order, such a prideful boy- you complete 3 quests and you think you’re some primadonna” mr d rambled.
you sighed, thank gods he was getting angry at something else and not the fact you and percy were at the big house alone- together. 
you could see that percy too, was relived as he just smiled instead of getting angry at the fact that dionysus was shaming him as much as he could. 
“-strawberries don’t just grow out of nowhere and neither do they get picked out of thin air- What are you still doing here johnson! the crates aren’t going to load themselves!” 
“Right, i’ll be right there” Percy mocked but mr d didn’t seem to sense the sarcasm in his voice and the pot bellied man huffed,
“You better be Johnson,” and with that he turned around and rounded the porch out of sight. 
You couldn’t help but let a scoff of laughter out and percy turned towards you with a sly smile and a raised eyebrow. 
“Well i guess you better go help out” you giggled and percy rounded on you.
“How come he didn’t tell you to help?” he questioned. 
Percy was right, mr d hadn’t even batted an eyelash in your direction or even acknowledge you were there. 
You leaned in and covered one side of your mouth with you hand, “he’s scared of my mother” 
You were certain this was correct, you remembered on the first day when mr d saw you standing in chirons office- you had never thought a god could look so scared. 
He hurriedly welcomed you then backed out of the room as quickly as he had entered. It was common knowledge that your mother was an awfully powerful being, no doubt she could take on any olympian god and win. She was also in charge of the fates of the gods- being the goddess of destiny, and not to mention the fact that she had been there at the start of time- anyone would have all the right to be intimidated by her, even the gods.
Percy nodded like he understood, but still thought it was no good reason that you didn’t have to do labour, “no fair” 
You shrugged, “wanna bring it up with mr d?” 
Percy smiled, “all right, you win” 
The week was up, you were miserable. Despite only being at camp half blood for such a little time, you felt like it was your second home. Now you’d have to leave- your friends, your room in the big house, percy. 
Gods you felt miserable that morning, your dad had sent for a driver to pick you up and bring you to the airport. And you were the most miserable standing at the top of halfblood hill, saying your last goodbye to everyone. 
Chiron reassured that you were to camp back to camp halfblood, but even though you trusted this, it still didn’t stop you from trying not to cry. 
“Promise you’ll message often okay?” Annabeth was saying, hugging you closely, you could hear the tightness in her voice. 
“I promise” you said, stepping back and smiling at your new friend. It was no surprise that you and annabeth were as close as ever. You were surprisingly very similar. You both liked to study, enjoyed reading, had an admiration for beautiful buildings and you both liked to annoy percy. 
“I’ll miss you Y/N” Grover bleated, wiping at the tears in his eyes, “you’ll come back, right?” 
you nodded, although you weren’t exactly sure when this would happen. 
You hugged grover who immediately began to sob, “who will help me write my pipe compositions now?” 
you patted grovers back as you reassured him that there were many campers who would be willing to help him and he slowly stepped back, nodding his head and trying not to chew his shirt out of anxiousness.
Then there were percy. he stood with his hands in his pockets behind annabeth and grover, he was doing his best not to make eye contact with you. 
Annabeth noticed this and grabbed grovers arm, “we’ll wait at the big house, percy” and grover began to protest but annabeth pulled him away before he could continue. 
Percy watched them go down the hill with slight panic- his eyes were wide and his hand made it’s way up to rub his neck. He turned to you. 
You gave him a sad smile and walked towards him, “so i guess this is it” 
He nodded, “but you’re coming back right?” 
You took a breath, you wanted to say yes but with everything going on, you weren’t sure if you’d make it back to camp, “i hope so” 
the tension in the air was suffocating you. None of you were saying anything but you knew that both of you had plenty to say. You had spent many times with percy alone before- which often got you two in a lot of trouble and caused many rumours and teasing among the campers, but now it was the most awkward thing you had ever experienced.
maybe it was because you didn’t know how to say goodbye. 
“I’ll miss you” percy chuckled, “but maybe now i’ll be the best sword fighter in camp again” 
You smiled, chuckling at the memory.
It was the very first time you had sword practice, you decided it would be best just to go along with the lesson as you didn’t want to seem like you were arrogant and felt you didn’t need to be there (which was kind of true since you were a very good swordsman) 
The instructor had asked you to get into pairs, you had slight anxiety since many of the campers there were unknown to you at the time but you felt a hand on your shoulder,
“Wanna pair up?” Percy asked and you were extremely glad he had offered.
You nodded your head as he handed you a sword from the rack. 
You stood about two feet apart, swords raised and ready in stance.
“You ready?” percy asked and you nodded.
Then he lunged.
You saw this move coming and blocked the strike with no problem, then you tried to hit him from under his guard but he parried that too.
Seems like you were evenly match.
A smile made its way on your face, “Not going easy on me then?” 
Percy chuckled, “ sorry princess but you’re not fooling me, i know you were trained straight from the womb so there’s no need to go easy on you” 
You raised an eyebrow, “well then i guess i don’t have to hold back anymore” 
And you drove straight for percys chest which he had momentarily left exposed. Unfortunately, he dodged out of the way just in time and proceeded to trying to skewer you. 
The second you and percy had initiated combat, everyone’s eye were on you, even your instructors. You weren’t aware of the fact at that moment but annabeth had informed you after. All you were aware of was the fact that percy was trying to stab you- but you weren’t going to make it easy for him. 
When you finally sashed at his hand, he retracted his sword but it was too late as you had kicked up your leg and sent his blade flying. 
From that moment on, everyone in camp knew not to mess with you.
You stared at Percy, his sea green eyes looking everywhere but you. They kept shifting around nervously, on the grass, on pelius, on the big house, at his shoes- but not you. 
You grabbed his arm, “riptide” you said, your other hand out flat. 
“Uhm-” percy shuffled around in his pocket and brought out his pen.
You uncapped it and it extended into his sword, “does it work as an actual pen?” you questioned an amused smile on your face.
“Oh- uh” percy stuttered, understanding what you wanted to do.
He took the lip of the pen and looked at it, then at his sword. He then proceeded- almost as if he had no idea what he was doing, to attach the lid to the hilt of the sword. Riptide shrunk back into a pen. 
“Brilliant guess” you said, taking the pen from percy, “you sure it won’t- transform back midway and decapitate your arm?” 
Percy shrugged, “only one way to find out” 
you placed the tip of the pen on his forearm, it didn’t chop it off so you thought it was safe to continue. 
And you wrote out you number in incredibly neat print onto percy’s tanned skin. 
“You’ll call me right?” 
“obviously,” percy smiled, “even if it does mean risking monsters showing up at my apartment.
you rolled your eyes, “just hug me already”
Percy chuckled and wrapped his arms around you. 
You breathed in his scent, the sea. Salt water, not fresh.
“I’ll miss you” you finally replied to his first statement, your voice sending vibrations through percy’s chest which increased as he laughed.
you felt his heart beat as well which you were glad was beating as much as yours. 
You finally stepped back and began retreating, “Goodbye percy”
he stayed still, lifting a single hand to give you a small wave, “see you later, princess” 
And with that you turned around, walking away from camp half blood, not knowing when or whether you’d see the son of the sea god ever again. 
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meterokinesis · 4 years
Whumptober Day Two
Read it on AO3
Here, have some unbeta’d PJO angst
The first time Annabeth Chase saw Luke Castellan, she thought he looked like Sleeping Beauty’s prince. She had always preferred Belle over Aurora, but Prince Phillip was kind and funny and slayed dragons. But Luke wasn’t going to let her hide away in a tower, instead he gave her a dagger, looked her in her eyes, and told her she was brave.
No one had ever called her brave before. Smart, creative, stubborn, yes--but never brave. It was the sort of word she could find herself growing to love, along with these kids who were just like her.
Luke was from Connecticut and was what Annabeth’s step-mom called a “yankee.” He wore a UCONN Huskies sweatshirt that was two sizes too big and had definitely been stolen. While Thalia avoided talking about her life back home--all they knew is that she was a child of Zeus and she was from California. Sometimes she muttered a name in her sleep, something about a Jaden or Jacob. But Luke was full of stories.
Luke liked to talk about ghosts. He always said that it was because Connecticut was the most haunted state, but Annabeth thought that was just the way he was. One night, as they all huddled around a small fire in their Ohio safehouse, she finally asked.
“Why do you like ghost stories so much?” She demanded, interrupting one such story.
Luke pondered this for a moment, but the smirk-y grin on his face told her that he already knew.
“If we ever want to know anything about the future, we have to know about the past. For gods, it’s easy to mix the two up. But people like us--demigods--we have to be careful. We need to know the pitfalls of every demigod who came before us, because we’re destined to repeat their mistakes. I like ghost stories because they’re easier, but the meaning is the same.”
Annabeth listened, enraptured. Thalia glanced up at the pair and chuffed a laugh, then went back to cleaning her sword. She thought Luke’s stories were childish, but Annabeth thought she was just scared. Not like Luke. Luke wasn’t scared of anything.
“Annabeth, do you know what hubris is?” He asked, catching her attention again.
Annabeth frowned, wracking her brain for an answer. “It’s that thing you eat with pita bread right?”
Luke smiled, but didn’t laugh at her. He never laughed at her.
“No, it’s something all demigods have. It means a fatal flaw. All of us have something that will lead to our downfall if we let it. Like, Icarus flew too close to the sun. Arachne thought she was better than Athena. We’re mortals playing an eternal game.”
“Quit philosophizing. It’s getting late, we should all go to bed,” Thalia chimed in, setting down her sword with a clang.
Annabeth kept looking at Luke. “What’s your hubris?”
Luke didn’t look at her when he answered.
“I don’t know.”
 Living with Luke and Thalia was like camping, except with more people asking them if they were homeless. They found a disposable camera and took photos of all three of them--”just in case,” Luke said.
It all got worse when Thalia got injured. They were in New York, right near Weschester County. From the way he stood and the set of his jaw, Annabeth could tell it hurt for him to be here. Even when Luke talked about Connecticut, he never talked about his family. But now he was buying them Metro-North tickets to Westport, and his hands only shook a little when he handed them to the conductor.
Annabeth leaned against him during the ride, and only when his hand came up to stroke her hair did she drift off to sleep.
Annabeth hated it in Westport. Luke’s house was a lot like her dad’s on the outside, big and fancy. But while Annabeth’s step-mom had a cleaning lady come in every Tuesday, Luke’s house looked like a hurricane had torn through it. And Luke’s mom was scary, but a different scary than monsters. She was like a ghost in the body of a person.
She only had to stay there for a few hours, however, before Luke was tugging her hand and yelling at Thalia and they were on their way out the door. By nightfall, they were at their safehouse in Rhode Island, right by the beach.
Luke went to get firewood, claiming some ocean air would do him good. Soon, it was just Thalia and Annabeth, setting up capm in silence.
“Why did we leave?” Annabeth finally asked. Thalia just grimaced.
“He met his dad,” she said simply, “and it didn’t go well.”
Annabeth nodded, and they finished their tasks in silence.
The Hunters hated Luke, so Annabeth hated them. It was that simple. Thalia seemed to agree, so Annabeth felt no remorse leaving them behind. The three of them were a family, and they’d always be that way.
Grover wasn’t necessarily part of the family, but he was like the kid-next-door who’s always hanging around. He was jumpy and snacked on tin cans and let Annabeth touch his horns when she asked. Within a day, she decided she liked him.
He found them in Vermont, up in the mountains where Annabeth’s dad used to take her for Christmas break. He told them that he could take them to a camp where demigods lived and trained. The trio huddled in the corner and voted, all in favor. So they went, just like that.
Camp Half-Blood wasn’t the same without Thalia, but she didn’t expect it to be. The first few nights, she stayed in the Hermes cabin with Luke. She had top bunk and he had bottom, because he promised to protect her if anything tried to attack her in the night. She believed him, of course. Why wouldn’t she?
The night Annabeth got claimed, the first thing she did was look to Luke, not to her new siblings. She’d still see him, of course, but she’d have to move to the Athena cabin and couldn’t do activities with him anymore.
He gave her a tight-lipped smile, and whispered, “Go.” Lip trembling, she nodded and walked away from the campfire with her new siblings. But no matter what, Luke would be her family.
The first time someone broke her heart, she went to Luke. When she won her first game of capture the flag, she and Luke celebrated with a smuggled-in cake from Dairy Queen. When she decided she wanted to be an architect, Luke offered up his laptop and helped her look at colleges.
When he was sent on a quest, she helped him pack. At ten, she was getting lanky and awkward, but Luke didn’t care. He still tweaked her nose and gently pushed her around like he always had. She watched as he left camp, waited a full five minutes, then turned back to the Big House to go ask Chiron when she could go on her own quest.
When Luke came back with a dragon’s claw, a scar, and something scary in his eyes, she said nothing. Instead, she grinned wide and hugged him tightly and told him everything that happened while he was gone. He ruffled her hair like he always did, but his movements were hollower now.
When Annabeth first saw Percy Jackson, she couldn’t see how this boy was supposed to save them all. She told Luke as much, but he just laughed and continued on with cabin checks.
“You never know, Annabeth. People can surprise you.”
When Percy received the prophecy, Annabeth bounded into Luke’s room, rambling about the quest she would surely be picked for and this boy who was nobody and somebody all at the same time. Luke just nodded as she talked, rustling through his chest. Finally he withdrew an old UCONN Huskies sweatshirt, one that would probably fit him perfectly now.
“Here,” he said simply, handing it to Annabeth. “It’s yours now.”
Wordlessly, she nodded and hugged it close. It would be too big, she knew, but it was a piece of her family. And that was all that mattered.
Annabeth clutched the sweatshirt in her hands as she cried, trying in vain not to let the teardrops stain the old photographs. They had been taken with a disposable camera, the date in the corner from five years before. He was gone, of that she was sure.
In just one day, her knight had become the monster. And now it was her job to solve it all.
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cameronspecial · 5 years
Sent From A Goddess (Ch.6)
Pairing: Demigod! Tom Holland x Demigod! Reader
Summary: (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is the daughter of Poisedon, and for twelve years she was all alone. Growing up at camp without any family and watching people she is closed to come in and out of her life has caused her to close up. So she made a rule, the only people she is allowed to be truly close to is her brother, his family, Chiron, Tyson, Annabeth, and Grover. When Tom in his brothers come around, will he be able to break that rule?  
Word Count: 1 203
A/N: I just realized that the timeline makes no sense in my story, so I am just going to clear things. (Y/N) and Tom are 17 years in 2018, so they are born in 2001. I made a mistake in the first chapter because I am horrible at math and didn’t know where I wanted this story to go just yet back then, so from now on they are born in 2001. BTW, sorry this was so late, I was just really busy and had really bad writer's block. I am planning on updating every week from now on.
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*For the previous chapters check the tag sent from a goddess or my masterlist*
“Tommy, did you find the bracelet that turns into the sword?” (Y/N) asks Tom as she packs some clothes into her suitcase. Tom looks up from her laptop, which had been made by one of the campers so that it cannot be tracked by monsters, “Yeah, I had to ask Clarissa for it. I didn’t think she would give it to me, but surprisingly she did.” (Y/N) nods her head and continues to pack more of her stuff into her blue suitcase. “Here (Y/N/N), I got the money and drachmas. I got a little extra just in case you need it. Is there anything else you need me to get you?” Percy inquires while putting the wallet in her backpack. “Thanks. Yeah, could you get me my stuff in the bathroom, please?” asks (Y/N). “If it means more space in the bathroom then yeah. I will get right way for you little sis,” Percy tells her. “You know we were born on the same day right!” she calls after him. Tom chuckles from beside her, “Now, that you finished ordering your brother around, let me show you what I found.” (Y/N) finishes what she was doing and goes to sit beside Thomas on her bed. “What did you find Detective Holland?” she interrogates him. “Well Detective (Y/N), I think this might be about you. Look at this article that I found,” Tom turns the laptop towards her and she reads the title of the article.
Margret (Y/L/N), the heir of (Y/L/N) Enterprises, just gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl.
Below the title shows an adorable newborn baby, who was sleeping peacefully in a hospital bassinet. “That definitely looks like me when I was a baby,” (Y/N) whispers to Tom. “You were so cute as a baby what happened?” Percy teases from beside (Y/N) while looks over her shoulder. “She’s not cute anymore because she is now sweet and pretty,” Tom breathes under his breath. That made her cheeks heat up and made her feel so nervous. She looks away from him in a shy manner and continues to read the article. She had finished reading it when she said, “Can you book the next flight to LA?”
(Y/N) held a passport in her hand as she waited in line for check in with Tom. “Have you ever been on a plane before?” Tom inquires. “No, but once Sally was planning on taking Percy and me to Disney world. We never got to because she got busy at University, so we had to cancel the trip,” she replies. They finally got to the beginning of the line, checked in, and then went through the security check. After they went through all that process, Tom and (Y/N) found themselves sitting in the terminal waiting room, 3 hours before the plane was meant to take off. They talked for a while before Tom realized that they should have already been boarding the plane. “That’s strange. We should have already boarded the plane by now,” he ponders out loud to himself. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are sorry to inform you that flight 346 to Los Angeles has been delayed by 6 hours,” a voice says over the PA system. A wave of groans is heard throughout the terminal waiting room. (Y/N) looks around, “What should we do now?” Tom thinks for a little bit before he responds to her. “We could go get some food. I saw a Nando’s on our way over we could go get some.” (Y/N) had never tried Nando’s before, so why not? “I guess, I could try it,” she says as she starts grabbing her stuff.
“Can we please have medium spice half chicken, some pita bread, fries, olives, and two bottomless drinks?” Tom orders. The waiter nods his head and goes to place their order. “The medium spice chicken isn’t that spicy, is it?” (Y/N) questions with worry in her voice. Tom puts his hand on her shoulder in a reassuring way, “It’s not spicy. You will be okay.” Once the waiter places their food in front of them, they both dig right into the hot chicken. After she bites into the chicken, (Y/N) started fanning her mouth to show that whatever she just ate was spicy. Tom finishes chewing then starts laughing at his friend, “It’s not that spicy.” All she can do is glare at her friends as she continued to fan her mouth. “Can you please get me some milk?” (Y/N) requests to a waitress who is passing by. The waitress comes back with the milk and as soon as it was set on the table; (Y/N) grabs the milk and starts chugging the milk as fast as she can. Tom’s eyes widen in fear that she might drown in the milk, “Slow down, (Y/N/N), you might drown.” She set the empty glass of milk on the table and just continued to glare at Tom from across the table.
They had paid for their meal and decided that they were going to get some snacks from the convince store. “Aww, look how cute this stuffed bear is. It looks like Winnie the Pooh,” (Y/N) comments as she puts the bear back onto the shelf. She goes to get something else in another while, so she didn’t notice that Tom was standing behind her looking at the bear she had just put away. They both walked out of the store with their purchases. They found their back to the seats they had been sitting in before they went to go get their lunch. “I got some sprite, some kit-kat, pretzels, a donut, and some gum,” (Y/N) list as she pulls each item out like she is at a show and tell in Kindergarten. “Well I got a twinkie, which I’ve never tried, a box of Jaffa cake, Starbucks cold Frappuccino, and the stuffy you found adorable for you,” Tom list off just like (Y/N) did. She couldn’t have felt more excited and bashful at that moment. She had never felt butterflies in her stomach until that moment. “Aww, Tommy, that is so sweet. I think I am going to call him PJ for Winnie the Pooh Jr,” she says. She takes the adorable stuffy that he was handing her and gives him a peck on the cheek.
They still had three hours to kill, so they went back to having a nice conversation together. “I think I am going to take a little nap for a little bit,” (Y/N) informs Tom. She puts on her sweater and rests her head against his shoulder. She has only been asleep for a few minutes when Tom had decided to lay her head on his lap, so she can be more comfortable. He gently plays with her hair with a small smile on his face. He knew that she is probably not ready to be in a relationship with him, but he didn’t care. As long as he could be friends with her, that is all he wanted because if she is happy then that is all that matters. He would always be there for her so that she will never feel the need to shut herself out ever again.
SFAG Taglist:  @tmrhollandkay  @embrace-themagic   @whereartthouwakanda@smexylemony@bookgirlunicorn@mysteriouslydelightfulwolf@thequeensardine @mildlybad @loxbbg @superheros-and-others @yellowcanarys@allofthebitters @3blue-dreams3 @oceantostars @leelee–thebaek @awkward-record @escapetheshackles @youtubehelpsmesurvive@spideypancakes@greenarrowhead @nuyapudding@deadass-fandoms  @cutiepiemimi13 @lilahdinhh@kittycake574 @spiderrrling@hollymollymomsravioli@nightwingbunny @justanotherfangirl2015 @everything-s-comin-up-aces @wayfaring—-stranger @crazyfreaker @majalissa @mountainsforwords
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 7 years
My brother and nephew both have their birthday in just over a week, so tomorrow Mom wants me to help her shop. I can’t give them myself, because of the traumatic rift that would take too long to explain....and honestly I don’t understand myself beyond “sibling rivalry curdled to something nasty”. Still this shopping will be tough.
Not with my brother, you understand. By the time he was a teen he was already fussing over the stupid gifts we gave. Getting him to tell us what to give did no good when two days before the day he would tell us “Oh, remember what I asked for? I just bought it so never mind” leaving us with a wrapped gift to get rid of. Gift cards half the time led to “Oh, I don’t really shop there anymore.” So Mom will just give him money.
But my nephew....
It used to be so easy. Despite my brother vowing to raise him to hate me (see the sibling rivalry thing above) the little fella and I bonded right off. We’d play with his blocks or come up with games (the spin and stop game, the touch your head game, etc). I’d read to him (Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb was his favorite) and we’d act out what I read or he’d run his fingers along with the words. I’d use the Grover puppet I got him and have him laughing himself silly. He’s autistic and back then non-verbal, only slightly more so now, but he was so bright with a great sense of humor. He just got each other.
Not that his parents liked that. They would come interupt with his iPad or snacks if they heard laughing or whatever. They weren’t to keen on anyone gainning his affections, to be honest. My parents said it was similar with them. His parents would get sort of jealous of even them, the kid’s grandparents, if he seemed to enjoy himself too much.
The point is, I knew my nephew so well I always got him gifts he loved. Just pay a bit of attention and you could tell what he’d like.    
I don’t know him now. It’s been years banned me. He must have so many new interests I have no idea about.
Mom sees him every few weeks but she doesn’t know. She isn’t very observant about people stuff to begin with and was never much for playing with kids. She can’t ask him what he’d want because his language ability makes that too difficult a question for him to answer.
And then there are all the things his parents won’t let him have. 
Last year Mom gave him a tiny trampoline for children his size. His parents wouldn’t give it to him because you have to use it outside. My sister-in-law hates the outdoors and doesn’t want him outside, despite the huge yard. Anything that needs to be used outside will be confiscated.
He is not allowed to draw or color because “he might make a mess or get dirty”. So any crayons, paints, markers, coloring books, or even things like Play Dough will be confiscated.
Toys that make noise or move are absolutely not welcome. If batteries can be removed they instantly will be, and if not the toy will be put where he can’t get to it.
Books they used to say they wanted...before he was born. After that they did not like us reading to him because “he doesn’t understand” or later, just because they hated to hear the same book more than once when he wanted it reread. When they were told by experts to read to him when he brought a book to them, they packed almost every single book away where he couldn’t get at them. We still give him books but I doubt they ever get read since Mom says after I got banned he stopped wanting anyone to read to him (he used to love it!)
DVDs are out, what with a Wallace and Gromit cartoon getting me thrown out if their house!
We gave my nephew a camera made for toddlers, because he used to want to play with my camera. I used to let him handle mine, to the anger of his parents that he would break it (It was MY camera, and if I let him break it it would have been MY fault, but for someone so tiny he was alwaya extremely careful). They would not let him have the camera. Of course, since taking a picture of my parents outside my brother’s house triggered my being forbidden from returning and nearly got my camera smashed, I’m not so surprised anymore. They REALLY hate cameras more than I thought.
Anything where he might need the help of an adult to learn how to use it is out of the question. So is anything that might take two people to play with. He’s  pretty much alone while they read and play video games.
I miss him so much and feel so horrible about not being able to be there for him. I can’t even send a birthday card or it will be thrown away. I try to pretend he doesn’t exist because it hurts so much and there isn’t a damn thing I can do to change the situation. And no, I can’t appologize to my brother when I don’t even understand what I have to apologize for.
So now I have to somehow think of something to give to a little boy I no longer know, with super fussy parents, and I need to do it without letting the fact I’ve lost him (and my brother) get me too miserable.
Any ideas?
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notebookqueenofnarnia · 5 months
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joongie-smiles · 7 years
Adventures in Marine Biology
Note: So on tumblr there are a whole bunch of funny and not so funny posts and some are theoretical or “what if” or headcannon posts and there are some that I like and would like to write stuff based on it. So from now on I will be writing these “tumblr post fics” (or TPFs) and I will try to credit the OP if I can find out who they are. 
Websites used: 1
From: this post by @darkerpercy
Character(s): Percy Jackson
Warning: I know nothing about college life, or marine biology, Pecy being made fun of by a sea turtle, total fluff and humor (I hope, am I as funny as I think I am?)
Percy goes to a college close to where Annabeth is going to college they fell into Tartarus together, they’re never going to be apart if they can help it
He works really hard to get good grades in at least those classes required for his major
Which isn’t really that hard because he’s pretty good at those classes
It’s actually interesting and he understands it
He likes to tell anyone who will and won’t listen some interesting fact he learned in class
“And did you know that the tusk or horn of the male narwhal is actually an oversized canine tooth. The tooth pierces the left lip, growing throughout life up to 10 feet long. This fancy oversized tooth is jam-packed with nerve endings and grows in a left-handed helix spiral. Oddly, about 15% of female narwhals also have tusks. Some of the first narwhal teeth (or tusks) to reach Europe were touted as being the horns of the mythical unicorn which is totally a load of bull but the buyers didn’t need to know that-” (1) “Percy, I’m glad you like your classes but we’RE IN THE MIDDLE OF FIGHTING A HELLHOUND!”
Though he does sometimes need one of his mortal friends to read him a hard part in the textbooks or proofread his papers
He would ask Annabeth but she also has dyslexia soooo
And yes he makes some mortal friends he hangs out with in the dorms and gets together for pizza and blue soda
He introduces Annabeth to his small group of friends and she likes them especially the one who is majoring in architecture
Some of the seven Leo are a bit surprised
“Sorry I can’t, I’m meeting up with some friends to this cool pizza place they just opened near campus.” “You have friends?”
His professors are more or less understanding of his ADHD and dyslexia since they’ve had students like him before (and it’s a smaller college) so Percy doesn’t get the same unfair treatment he did with the other schools when he was younger
Of course finals week is Hades 
He barely survives
It’s worse than fighting the chimera
“-and still have three exams to study for and a project. And don’t even get me started on the oral report!” “Percy, why are you talking to Buford?”
But he survives thanks to all the support of his friends and family and his mom’s blue cookies
And blue soda
And pizza
He almost gets a cavity 
But that’s not the point
He passed with good grades and eventually he graduated 
Everyone was so proud of him
Sally was clutching to her baby and sobbing in happiness while Paul was snapping picture after picture
“Don’t tell me you got the part where he stumbled on his robe.” “I got like 5.” “Good, we’ll print it out and frame it.”
Only a couple people could go to the graduation that weren’t his family so only Annabeth and Grover went with Sally, Paul, and the baby. Annabeth was beaming with pride and Grover was cheering.
“You see him? That’s my best friends. Did I tell you he’s my best friend? Cause he is. THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND! WHOO GO PERCY!” “Grover, don’t scare the mortals. Grover, sit down-”
But she eventually stands up too and cheers because “Oh my Gods, Seaweed Brain is graduating from college”
And Tyson went too. He was crying and cheering at the same time and would add on to what Grover was saying.
“PERCY, MY BROTHER! SO PROUD!” “Oh, Tyson, dear, hold up the baby so she can see better.”
Tyson really likes Sally Jackson 
But who wouldn’t?
They have a graduation party at Camp Half-Blood and of course all the demigods from CHB are invited and so are the demigods from Camp Jupiter and Rachel Elizabeth Dare and his family.
And, needless to say, it’s EPIC
After a little over a year he gets a solid, well paying job at an aquatic center in New York and he LOVES his job 
He likes meeting all the aquatic animals and talking to them everyday
He keeps his powers in check for the most part except when he wanted to have some fun with the baby seals
If he didn’t like the names the animals had he would give them special nicknames
“Hey, Percy, did you feed Mackenzie yet?” “Who is Mackenzie? Oh, you mean Mrs. Blub.”
And you bet he knows every single animals’ name, favorite snack, AND favorite toy
He’s nicknamed the “Fish Whisperer” because he can just looks at the animal and BOOM problem identified
His coworkers are kinda freaked out by this but no one else can do what he can so they’re keeping him
And because he’s funny and a great guy, everyone mostly likes him
Though he is a bit weird
Some of his friends try get him to smuggle them some free entrance tickets
But he doesn’t because he loves his job
But he’s not opposed to discounts
He especially likes the dolphin shows
He loves being apart of the show and showing off how amazingly talented the dolphins areAnd he makes sure they enjoy it too and aren’t uncomfortable 
He loves and cares for all his animal friends
And they love him too
They like to call him “Our Prince” or something like that
Except for an old sea turtle Percy calls “Old Grumpy Shell”
He calls Percy “Fish Breath
”“Percy, would you mind giving Clarence his food?” “Ugh, fine. Oh, great, you’re still alive, Old Grumpy Shell.” “You should lay back on all those cookies, Fish Breath, you’re almost twice your size now.”
But all in all he loves his job and is so happy that he chose to study marine biology 
Next Up: Letters to Hunter
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