#Wet lettuce
renegadesstuff · 4 months
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He knew right away that something was wrong 🥺
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muchcelebrated · 6 months
It’s the way she doesn’t cut him off as he talks about the life they could have in the Pacific Islands even though it must hurt her so much because it’s exactly what she wants but she believes it’s not possible. And it’s so deliciously angsty because I think she lets him so she can hold the words close and imagine and dream of what could have been in the little time she thinks she has before she dies.
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closetnerd62 · 5 months
Ohhhh… yeah… THIS is gonna be a comfort episode
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Armageddon to wet lettuce: The phrases that defined 2022
Agence France-Presse, 5 December 2022
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PARIS — A year of extraordinary upheaval, from the war in Ukraine to catastrophic natural disasters, AFP looks at some of the words and phrases that have defined 2022.
With the war in Ukraine and increasingly strident threats from Russian President Vladimir Putin, the specter of nuclear warfare is stalking the globe for the first time in decades.
"We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis" in 1962, US President Joe Biden warned in October.
Experts warned of the most dangerous situation they can remember, with fears not limited to Russia: North Korean nuclear saber-rattling has reached new heights, with the world bracing for a first nuclear test since 2017.
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At 6:30 p.m. on September 8, Buckingham Palace announced that Queen Elizabeth II had died, bringing to an end the longest reign in British history and sending shock waves around the world.
For 10 days, Britons paid respects to the only monarch most had known, following a carefully choreographed series of ceremonies.
The program of events, famously codenamed "London Bridge", set out in minute detail every aspect of the protocol -- down to BBC presenters wearing black ties.
In the event, she died in Scotland, meaning special provisions came into force -- Operation Unicorn.
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World leaders and negotiators descended on the Egyptian Red Sea port of Sharm el-Sheikh for the latest United Nations summit (COP27) on tackling climate change.
After a fractious summit, widely seen as poorly organized, a deal was clinched on a fund for "loss and damage" to help vulnerable countries cope with the devastating impacts of climate change.
Behind the institutional-sounding name lies destruction for millions in the developing world.
The COP summit was hailed as historic but many voiced anger over a lack of ambition on cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
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The chant screamed by protesters in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman arrested by the Tehran morality police.
Protesters have burned posters of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and women have appeared in public without headscarves, in scenes scarcely imaginable before the uprising.
The demonstrations have lasted 3 months and appear to pose an existential challenge to the 43-year rule of the clerical regime.
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The tiny blue tick (it's actually white on a blue background), which certifies users on Twitter, became a symbol of the chaos engulfing the social media platform in the wake of its $44-billion takeover by Elon Musk.
The mercurial Tesla boss announced that anyone wanting the coveted blue tick would have to stump up eight dollars, only to scrap the plan hours later.
A month on from the takeover, Twitter's future remains up in the air, with thousands of staff laid off, advertisers leaving, and its "free speech" platform hugely uncertain.
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In an historic ruling, the conservative-dominated US Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 "Roe v. Wade" decision that enshrined a woman's right to an abortion.
The Supreme Court ruled that individual states could restrict or ban the procedure -– a decision seized upon by several right-leaning states.
Protests erupted instantly in Washington and elsewhere, showing how divisive the topic remains in the United States.
The overturning of "Roe v. Wade" became a critical battle in the US mid-terms in which candidates in favor of abortion rights won several victories. 
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One of the "words of the year" in Britain and Australia, the phrase refers to doing the bare minimum at work, either as a protest against your employer or to improve your work-life balance.
The trend, which has sparked debate about overwork, especially in the United States, appears to have surfaced first in a TikTok post in July.
"You're not outright quitting your job but you're quitting the idea of going above and beyond," said the post which went viral, drawing nearly a half-million likes.
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As Liz Truss approached the end of her chaotic and short-lived tenure as British prime minister, the Economist weekly mused that her effective period in office had been "roughly the shelf-life of a lettuce."
The tabloid Daily Star leapt on the idea, launching a live web cam featuring said vegetable -– complete with googly eyes -- next to a picture of the hapless Truss.
Her premiership lasted just 44 days and featured a mini-budget that collapsed the markets and generated extraordinary political upheaval. In the end, the lettuce won.
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Environmental protesters seeking to draw attention to the role of fossil fuel consumption in the climate crisis hurled tomato soup at Vincent Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" painting at London's National Gallery in October, touching off a series of similar stunts.
Since then, activists have smothered mashed potato on Claude Monet and glued themselves to works by Andy Warhol, Francisco Goya and Johannes Vermeer.
For some, the campaigners are heroes bravely drawing attention to the climate emergency.
For others, the attacks are counterproductive and lose force by becoming commonplace.
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Protests erupted in China, initially over COVID restrictions but later widening to broader political grievances, posing the greatest threat to the Beijing authorities since 1989.
The demonstrations became known in some quarters as the "A4" protests as protesters held up blank A4-sized sheets of white paper in a sign of solidarity and a nod to the lack of free speech in China.
© Agence France-Presse 
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miasbraindump · 1 year
twitter said it best
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before-i-woke-up · 1 year
~1:37am~ I'm in a basketball league called "Lettuce Ball" where the basketball is actually a head of lettuce. My playing name was "Kale Malone" and the lettuce was super wet.
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forasecondtherewedwon · 6 months
So much happens in "Wet Lettuce" that I have failed to acknowledge what an insane thing wet lettuce is to call someone. If this is an elsewhere-recorded Victorian insult, I don't even want to know. I prefer to think Jack just has a Tumblr-ready vocabulary. And I watched that episode on a Wednesday. Fucking Wet Lettuce Wednesday. Beside myself.
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cashmere-caveman · 8 months
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My Country: The New Age, first and last episodes & Hanif Abdurraqib, For The Dogs Who Barked At Me On The Sidewalks in Connecticut (text/audio) image descriptions in alt
#damn imagine if hui-jae was well written beyond like episode 7 or so. wouldnt that have been something.#just saying but if they had actually leaned into the parallels between these three instead of doing ... whatever weird comphet stuff we got#it couldve been so good!!!! or even if they had just let her keep her fun gender!! but no :(#im so glad hui-jae is busy being the occasional third in hwa-wol and mun-boks marriage while seonhwi raise goats in seo geoms village haha#anyway. enjoy yet another half assed post abt parallels and heartbreak in the parallels and heartbreak show <3#also do urself a favour and check out the whole poem hanif abdurraqibs writing is insane#my country: the new age#mctna#han hui-jae#nam seon-ho#seo hwi#caveweb#actually no i still have sth to say. like im not even mad that theres comphet im just angry its so bad like??? what was that#that wasnt even half assed that was like quarter assed at best#also the hui-jae / seon-ho axis is so tragically underused#like i respect that they just fully made them both hwisexual but couldnt we have at least gotten more than some crumbs#they went from vaguely friends to bitchy antagonists to i dont even think of u at all and thats honestly so lame#tension of a wet lettuce leaf. seon-ho was the one who made the first step towards friendship in ihwaru and he also warned her abt his dad#and wingmanned hwi (took hui-jae to see hwi kick ass) like in the beginning he was the one w the people skills!#and u are telling me apart from one extremely unbelievable attempt at a love triangle w the 'last drink' scene u never did anything w them?#like so much of my grief w this show hinges on the fact that there shouldve been more Good Times before everything went to shit#to make it hit harder bc imagine the beef if seon-ho and hui-jae had been actually good friends before he betrayed hwi#them seeing each other at court as the king and queens respective confidantes wouldve been so much better like !!!#wait actually i need to stop here i can feel myself getting hangry i need to eat lunch but imagine. imagine#the good timeline where hwi just got to be fully bisexual and there were more divorce flavours than just hwi/seon-ho and hwi/bang-won...#solarpunk_future.jpeg#nam seon ho#han hui jae#<- thats just bc i never fucking know what the consensus on the romanization of everyones names is#i personally go w the hyphenated method but lots of ppl write each syllable separate and ive seen the kpop variant (written tgt) used too
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fattributes · 2 years
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Wet Burrito
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renegadesstuff · 4 months
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The forehead touch 🥺❤️‍🩹
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muchcelebrated · 6 months
Maia Mitchell’s tears are paid actors in episode 7. The way one perfectly drops as they touch foreheads?!
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She is the prettiest crier I’ve ever seen.
Gif credit to @myladyofmercy
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lettuce-tv · 2 months
ok I turned it on
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marleysfinest · 6 months
to be absolutely honest if I do not babygirlify that man then who will
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miasbraindump · 1 year
Me @ the BRITS this year:
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It's a shitshow
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ezzier13 · 5 months
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Rewatched 1998 and 2019 cats back-to-back, the latter is so painful. Anyway have some home-made memes!
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lucaswarmhotchocolate · 2 months
haven't been able to cook something rlly good or eat my favorite foods in the way that I like them recently and it's doing horrors for my mental health. I would honestly settle for Kraft mac n cheese and dino nuggies rn (I don't like Kraft brand mac n cheese and much prefer homemade but that's ridiculously expensive and dino nuggies are fine I guess but I prefer something crisper like popcorn chicken or McDonald's nuggets)
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