Hello! I wanted to ask about your guild. I've been looking for an RP guild (with a bit more storyline than going to the pub with your friends). I'm new to MMO RP, but would like to improve. I saw one of your characters (a draenei named Mishun), liked the guild name, and looked it up. I was wondering if your guild is accepting new members. If so, my bnet is Awen2006#1900 and my character name is Inárah - would you want to meet me in-game? If not, then no worries and thanks for your time.
Hello! I will admit to chuckling really hard right now. You found us through a character that has existed for less than 24 hours!
We might consider some new members, though to be honest, right now the guild is exactly 2 people, my husband and I. We play mostly in the evening when our 4 year old is in bed.
Feel free to check out our website, House of Silverthorn for more info. The more in depth infor can be found under Codex.
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First Day
For the Memory Prompt of the November writing challenge, Mac Prompts. Thank you to @devsash for allowing me to steal their character, Anas.
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Niqi swept away the days scraps and dust as she cleaned up the shop. Glancing over at Anas’s table, she grinned wide. Who would have guessed that less than a year ago, she would have met the man who had become a brother to her. 
February of the previous year, outside Larson Clothiers:
Why in the fel am I so nervous? It’s just a job, I can do this. She took a deep breath and walked up the stone ramp to the door. She pushed the door open and stepped in the door. It was warmly lit with candles and the woman who would be her boss was standing there looking non-plussed. 
“You are on time for the door to open. Barely. I expect you to be here early from now on. The shop opens promptly at 9 am. You will be ready for the first customer if they walk in as soon as we unlock the door. Is that clear?” Wynne stared at her, completely unimpressed.
“Yes, Miss Wynne,” Niqi stammered. She looked around, unsure where to go. Wynne pointed roughly to a tired, old work table in the corner. At the next station, a tall, slender Kal’dorei man sat working silently. She watched him for a moment, impressed by the steadiness of his hands and the precision of his stitching. 
Moving over to her new space, she set her bag down on the table and pulled out her tools. She set them down as quietly as possible, not wanting to disturb anyone. Next she found her apron and put it on, tying the sash about her waist into a neat bow. She carefully placed the needed items into the pockets and stashed her bag in the corner. 
She sat down and waited, expecting to be told what to do. After a few minutes of silence, she squeaked out, “Miss Wynne? I…what would you like me to begin with?” Wynne’s head shot around and the man at the next table winced slightly. 
He raised his head and offered Niqi the most genuinely kind smile she had ever seen. His silver eyes shone out of his deep purple skin, though there was a hint of something there. Exhaustion, worry? Niqi shrugged it off. “My name is Reianas, but everyone calls me Anas. You’ll be working with me.” He set down the fabric in his hands and stood slowly. Her eyes went fully round when he reached his full height which was shocking compared to her tiny frame. He offered her a bow and she curtsied to him in return.
“Niquisse Greythorn, My Lord Anas. I hope you will find my skills useful,” she couldn’t help but smile back it him. It was plain to see that there was nothing forced about his easy manner. “What can I do first?”
He chuckled. “Well, you can start with just calling me Anas. And that will depend on what you can do? Simple stitching? Full patterns? Embroidery?” 
“All of those, My L…um, Anas. And I am currently studying methods in creating lace. But I would not count on that just yet.” She giggled a little. “I didn’t quite get a consistent pattern. It’s pretty hard!”
He laughed aloud at her declaration. “Indeed it is! Well. For now, how about you let me see your skills in proper spacing.” He moved to his work table and picked up a gown that was mostly complete. “Twenty pearl buttons down the back, including the button holes. Can you do that?”
She beamed at him. “Absolutely!” She gathered the gown from him and started towards her station. “Um…the thread you used on the rest would be?” She looked up at him sheepishly.
“Right here,” he grinned and reached over for it. Handing it to her, he settled back down in his chair. He picked up his work and resumed his silent attention to a sleeve in progress. Niqi tipped her head to the side, curious, but went to work at her own place.
Laying the dress out, she pulled a measuring tape from her pocket along with a piece of chalk. Carefully marking out the spacing, she held it up and lined up the two sides. Pinning them together, she laid it back down and marked the other side the same. “How’s this?”
He turned and looked it over, “Very good, Niquisse. You can go ahead and start on them.”
“Anas?” Her tone was soft, happy.
“You can call me Niqi, if you want,” she offered. He smiled that same way at her and nodded.
“Okay, Niqi it is!” He turned back to his work. 
Niqi let out a relieved sigh. Maybe this would be ok after all.
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The amazing @capriciousr made this for me for the Twitter #WarcraftDolls event started by @nighte-studios. If anyone wants to dress up my sweet little ballerina and tailor, please do!
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Old Injuries
A wonderful friend wrote a piece on how Dæsin injured his leg years ago. I wanted to wrap it up a bit, bringing him to safety.
The first part is here!
A heavy thump was the only thing Dæsin heard as the world around him started to spin. He  turned and saw three green skinned male orcs in front of him. Snarling at them, he took a few steps back, his fur bristling. The pain from his leg warned him that his best course of action was retreat. He roared at them, sending a torrent of wind, pushing them back. They shielded their faces at the onslaught and when they looked up, he was gone.
From the shadows, a large white cat emerged. It’s form blurred and straightened until Dæsin’s broad form stood next to his saber. Lurching forward, he pulled himself up into the saddle. With a quiet whisper, the large cat bolted in the direction of the encampment. 
Moonlight streamed into the window next to the bed. The large kaldorei male shifted on the bed. His sharp hearing was able to pick up on the whispered conversation just outside the door. “He lost too much blood getting back here. I had to make a choice.” 
“And the leg?”
“Whatever caused that, took a large portion of the muscle. I was able to attach it at different points, but it’s not going to be the same. I can heal damage. But I can’t fix things that are missing entirely. I have not the skill nor the support here for that.”
“Will he walk again?”
“Perhaps. Once he learns to use it this way. I don’t know for certain though. I’ve never left a leg in this condition.”
From behind them, a quiet baritone interrupted their conversation. “I think I will manage all right.” He chuckled as they turned to look at him. He was leaning heavily on his staff, his skin clammy. One of the women grabbed his arm and moved him back to the bed. 
“You need to rest. You lost a considerable amount of blood. We’ve heal your wounds, but give yourself some time. Rest.” The young priestess was gentle in her words, but her tone left little room for debate. She carried a glass of water to him and handed it over. “May I ask you something?”
Sipping slowly, he nodded. “Of course.”
“Why didn’t you stop the bleeding before heading here?”
Dæsin chuckled, the sound rumbling in his barrel chest. “I tried, but me skills in healing myself are somewhat lacking. And I had a few orcs close behind me. So I didn’t..” he grunted as he shifted his legs up onto the bed. “Didn’t want to take the time. I wasn’t ready for another fight.” He sighed and leaned back into the pillows. “So how bad is it, really?”
The green-haired kaldorei woman grimaced. “I can only tell you that it will hopefully function. I am not certain about long term. The muscle was just gone. I cannot repair what is missing entirely. Elune did not grant me that grace.”
Dæsin’s large hand found her forearm. “Do not blame yourself. I am alive and can walk. This..” he gestured to his leg, “is just as much my fault as the crab that did it. I was not paying attention to my surroundings.”
“Anelise said you rescued her from them. Alone. I would say you are very brave. She found you passed out on your mount. Brought you to us so we could fix you up.”
“She’s a good woman. Send her in when she’s available. I should like to thank her for finding me.” 
“Later. Rest now.”
He nodded and allowed himself to drift off under the watchful eyes his people.
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Unexpected Meetings - Part 1
A collaboration with @tindomielsilverthorn
(Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7)
Somewhere near the Jasperlode Mine, Elwynn Forest, Late morning
Mehe straightened from the remains of the kobold which had attacked him, his dagger disappearing back up his sleeve. The shadowed cloak streaming from his back stirred slightly despite the absence of the wind as he peered at the Void energy clinging to his skin with a mixture of annoyance and worry. It was beginning to fade gradually back to his usual pale complexion, but it discomfited him nonetheless.
A gentle voice can be heard from behind him. “That was nicely handled.” A pale skinned Kaldorei smiled, hoping she did not startle the Ren’dorei. She pushed a long silver lock of hair from her face as she finished carefully skinning the wolf in front of her. “You’ve impressive control.”
Mehe whirled around, dismissing the Shadow at once. The cloak vanished abruptly as he stared at the woman, his expression carefully blank to mask his shock and unease. “How long have you been there?” he asked at last.
“Oh, long enough to see you dispatch that hideous thing.” She pointed at the dead kobold. She tipped her head to the side as she wiped off her skinning knife. “I am sorry if I startled you. Please, let me start over. My name is Tindomiel Silverthorn.” She stood and bowed before him.
Mehe’s eyes flicked towards the knife in her hands. He took a step back, placing himself out of its reach. “You’re alone out here?”
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Unexpected Meetings - Part 2
A collaboration with @tindomielsilverthorn
(Part 1 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7)
Stormwind city, mid-day
The flight was, to Tindomiel’s mind, far too short. The gryphons took a sharp turn, looped, and landed in the city roost. Tindomiel slid from the saddle and moved to the front of the large creature. She laid her brow against its beak, whispering her thanks. Taking a few steps forward to make room, she waited for Mehe. Her body was once again slightly rigid as she shifted her bags and skins into position.
Mehe’s gryphon landed smartly behind Tindomiel’s. He climbed off and lightly touched those soft feathers one last time before turning to the Kaldorei woman. Noting her tense posture, he deigned to comment on it and instead inclined his head. “Thank you for the ride. Shall we?” He gestured towards the city.
“Yes, please. Where is his shop?” she asked. She very much hoped it would be somewhere away from the crowds. Although, that would likely draw less business. Shaking it off, she stepped towards the exit.
“He works with Larson Clothiers in the Mage Quarter.” Mehe set a brisk pace towards their destination, keeping his head down. His watchful eyes slid from person to person, silently analysing the state of their clothes, weapons and where they kept their money bags.
Tindomiel stopped suddenly. “Did you say Larson’s?” She seemed genuinely shocked.
Mehe stopped as well. “Yes. Why?”
“That’s where little Niquisse found a job recently.” What a coincidence, she thought. I wonder if they know each other.
Mehe’s eyes narrowed. “Who is this Niquisse?” Anas had not mentioned her. To be fair, Mehe rarely stayed to watch Anas work in the shop. He preferred not to be underfoot.
“She’s a sweet, young Ren’dorei girl. She’s engaged to be married to my nephew.” She smiled happily at the idea. That meant the young one had at least one kind person working with her.
Mehe’s expression darkened. A Ren'dorei? With Anas? He whirled around and bolted in the direction of the shop, not waiting to see if his companion followed.
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Unexpected Meetings - Part 3
A collaboration with @tindomielsilverthorn
(Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4 / Part 5) / Part 6 / Part 7)
Lion’s Rest, Stormwind City, afternoon
Mehe sat on the wall behind the memorial to the fallen human king, facing out to the sea. He gazed at the sunlight reflecting off the surface of the water with a contemplative air. His anger had mostly faded though the hurt still remained.
Tindomiel walked up to the memorial. She looked around, and not seeing him, she almost moved on. But she felt the tug of pain nearby, so she decided to go down to the lower area behind. As she rounded the corner she spotted him. Unsure if he would speak to her, she decided on something a little unconventional. She had been trying to learn a Thalassian love song for Ælithil and Niquisse’s wedding. She thought it would be a nice surprise. So she walked out to the edge, looking out over the water. Though her voice was clear and a beautiful, her pronunciation was a complete disaster.
Mehe’s ears twitched. He blinked at her in surprise, but did not interrupt her song.
She finished and sat down, watching the water below.
Mehe peered at her out of the corner of his eye. “What language was that supposed to be in?” he asked at last.
Tindomiel laughed. “I guess that answers my question then. I need work on my Thalassian, don’t I?”
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Unexpected Meetings - Part 4
A collaboration with @tindomielsilverthorn and @fae-of-the-people
(Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7)
Back At Larson’s, Stormwind City, Late afternoon
Niquisse finished off the work on the hem of the gown. Lifting it up, she shook it out and held it up for Anas to inspect. “Is this what you were hoping for? I gave it a bit of embroidery in just a few places for interest.”
Anas smiled. “Just so. Good job, Niqi!”
She laid it out on the work table and double checked for loose threads and any other things that might be out of place. Once she was happy with it, she hung it up for Anas’s client to see when she arrived. She started to pick up his sketchbook, but changed her mind. Reaching under the counter, she pulled out her own and flipped to an empty page. She retrieved a pencil from her pocket, sat down in the corner and started to draw.
“Designing something new?” he asked, carefully marking the fabric he was working on with a piece of chalk.
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Unexpected Meetings - Part 5
A collaboration with @thebiganvil​ and @tindomielsilverthorn​
(Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 6 / Part 7)
Back at Memorial Park, Late afternoon
Forosuul watched as his beloved wife walked away from the strange Ren'dorei. He stayed hidden, not wishing to worry her. He’d gone out into Elwynn earlier to find her after his business in Stormwind was complete and had found her talking to this void elf. He’d hung back, observing events, and followed them back to the city. When the void elf had moved on Niquisse, he had nearly intervened, but seeing Tindomiel handle the situation had made him think better of it. Now here she had apparently become instant friends with the man. She is uncannily good at that, he mused. He was still the Patriarch, however, and he had to assess potential threats to his House.
Forosuul came out of hiding, walking up behind the seated Ren'dorei slowly. As he got closer, he unfurled his wings, allowing their tattered shadows to fall over the brooding elf.
Mehe still had a few stalks of peaceblooms in hand when the ominous shadow fell across him. He tensed at once, his sorting forgotten. “What do you want?” he asked in a steady voice.
Forosuul folded his wings back once more, making his way to one side of the Ren'dorei, careful not to get too close. “Normally, you understand, if someone threatened a member of my House, I would just deal with them. However, my wife seems to like you, so you get a chance to explain yourself to me.”
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Unexpected Meetings - Part 6
A collaboration with @tindomielsilverthorn and @fae-of-the-people
(Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 7)
Meanwhile, back at Larson’s, Stormwind City, Late afternoon
Anas smiled at their customer. “You’re a friend of Elis’s? How is he?”
Niquisse went back and started carefully pulling bolts of fabric. She selected a few colours to compliment the newcomer’s hair and skin.
“I’m his mother actually. He is well, living in Dalaran at the moment. My husband likes shades of blue,” she said to the small elf. Niquisse nodded, putting away the pinks and violets. She moved to Anas’s area and found three bolts of different blues, along with a soft yellow and a rich brown.
Anas blinked. “Oh! It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma'am!” He bowed respectfully. Niqi, seeing this, curtsied to the woman. She wasn’t sure who they were referring to, but Anas seemed to think that made her important enough to bow to.
“Just call me Lea,” she stated softly. “Oh I love those colours!” she added excitedly. She felt like she was young again.
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Unexpected Meetings - Part 7
A collaboration with @tindomielsilverthorn
(Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6)
Larson’s Clothiers, Stormwind City, Evening
Niquisse pushed her sapphire locks back from her eyes. Frustrated with it, she grabbed a length of ribbon and tied it back. She folded the cloth back onto the bolt and set it on the rack. Then she turned to find the broom to sweep up the floor.
Anas hefted the bolts of cloth, carrying them to the cupboard. Kneeling, he began to stack them carefully inside once more. “Long day today, wasn’t it?” he asked.
Niqi nodded. “I’m still trying to process it all. Did I really sell one of my designs?” Finding the broom at last, she started sweeping up the scraps and bits of thread from their workstations.
“Pretty sure you did.” Answer chuckled. “Well done!” He set the final bolt inside before standing up and stretching a crick in his back.
She blushed a little. “I couldn’t have done it if not for you. I wouldn’t have shown her my book.” She tipped her head to the side, looking concerned. “Are you all right, Anas?”
“I’m fine.” He grimaced, rubbing his forehead. “Just tired.”
She furrowed her brow. “I can finish up. If you want to go up to your room.” She very much felt responsible for a lot of it.
Anas smiled. “It’s okay, I’m–” He broke off at the sound of footsteps.
Mehe appeared unexpectedly in the doorway. He paused, his gaze flickering between Niqi and Anas though his expression remained impassive.
Niqi moved out of the way and tried to focus on cleaning. Her ears drooped a bit as the whispers started slowly, just a bare hint at the back of her mind. “I’ll finish the sweeping and go. I can wait outside until Ælithil arrives,” she murmured.
“Y–you’re back early, my love,” Anas stammered. He shot Niqi a concerned glance.
“Hmm.” Mehe stepped inside, his gaze focusing on Anas. “Had a run in with a bloody demon hunter earlier.”
Niqi looked up, curious. She started to speak but thought better of it. She scooped up the sweepings and emptied them into the wastebasket.
Anas paled. “Mother Moon.” He stepped towards the Ren'dorei, taking his hand. “Did he hurt you?”
Mehe shook his head. “It was about your friend over there.” He did not look at Niqi as he continued. “He seemed to think I was threatening her.”
Niqi’s eyes went wide. The words came tumbling out of her, desperate to make amends. “I am so sorry, My Lord. I never meant to be so much trouble! Was it Lord Forosuul? He can be so scary, I am so, so sorry. Please, forgive me.”
“I’m no bloody Lord,” Mehe said sharply, rounding on her. Anas squeezed Mehe’s hand and shook his head admonishingly. Mehe glanced up at Anas before taking a deep breath. “Forosuul was very angry, but it’s not your fault,” he said, his voice returning to its earlier neutral tone.
“I… I’m sorry. Gilræn taught me to address everyone with the proper respect.” She swallowed hard. “I… meant… I meant,” she looked at Anas, her eyes slowly shifting from their usual pale blue towards violet. “I meant no offense, Sir.” She stammered.
Anas frowned, releasing Mehe’s hand. “Are you okay, little one?”
Niqi slowly shook her head. She backed away into the corner. The whispers grew louder, more menacing. There’s nothing you can say that will make this better. You don’t belong here. You know this…
“Breathe, Niqi. Just breathe,” Anas said soothingly. Mehe watched her silently through narrowed eyes. Niqi squeezed her eyes shut and breathed in hard. The first breaths came far too quickly.
Mehe sighed, shaking his head. “Is this really what you taught her?” he asked wryly, glancing at Anas. Niqi managed a slower breath this time, and another. Her now purple eyes snapping open, to stare at Mehe.
“She’s nervous,” Anas said worriedly.
“I can see that.” Mehe moved towards her, raising his hand, palm up. “I won’t hurt you. Give me your hand.”
Niqi looked to Anas and back to Mehe. “Anas?”
“You can trust him,” Anas said encouragingly. “Mehe taught me all I know about the Shadow and the Void.”
“All right.” She reached out tentatively, placing her hand in his. “Please. It’s so loud.”
Mehe closed his fingers gently around her hand. “Focus on your breath,” he said calmly. “Feel your lungs expand each time you inhale. When you exhale, let go of your fear and feel yourself relax. Do it slowly.”
Niqi took a slow ragged breath. She let it out slowly, her eye shifting between the two men.  Taking another, she seemed to calm a little.
“That’s it.” Anas nodded, smiling at her.
“Close your eyes and concentrate,” Mehe said. “You’re safe here.”
Niqi closed her eyes. She let herself slip into a slow rhythm, shuddering a little as she pushed it away. After a couple of minutes, her body relaxed, her shoulders dropping down into a normal position.
“Good.” Mehe glanced over her. “How are you feeling?”
“Better… thank you.” She opened her eyes and looked at Mehe confused. They had nearly returned to their customary colour. “I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean to… I thank you for helping me, My Lord.”
“I’m no Lord,” Mehe said, though the earlier sting in his voice was absent this time. He glanced at Anas. “I thought you’d taught her better than this,” he said not unkindly.
Anas grinned sheepishly. “Only the basic breathing exercise.”
“Fair enough.” Mehe looked back at Niqi. “The basics are damn important. Never forget them.”
Niqi nodded. “Yes, Sir. I will practice.” She smiled at him warmly. “I…If I am not to call you that, Sir. May I ask how you would like for me to address you?” She winced. Gilræn would be very disappointed in this. There were no exceptions in his mind. Not even your mate, he had told her.
“My name is Meheaaris.” He released her hand. “I’d better keep my distance before your oh-so-amazing Lord Patriarch Forosuul decides to pay me another damn visit.”
“Mehe!” Anas said chidingly. “She’s only just feeling better. Don’t upset her again.”
Mehe raised an eyebrow at Anas. “I’m damn well not trying to upset her, but I’m probably going to hear about it from that bloody demon hunter anyway.”
Niqi winced, her ears lowering again. “Please, Meheaaris, Sir. I will tell him you helped me. Lord Forosuul is protective of his family. If I tell him you were nice to me, he won’t be angry with you.” She looked up at Anas, hoping that was the right thing to say.
Anas nodded at her, smiling. “See? Niqi will speak to him. It’ll be okay.”
“Niqi?” Mehe glanced at her curiously. “Is that your name?”
She smiled again, warm and genuine. “Niqi is what friends and loved ones call me. My name is Niquisse Greythorn.” She straightened herself out and curtsied low. “It is an honor to meet you My Lo… Meheaaris. Sir. “
“Greythorn?” Mehe’s eyes narrowed in recognition. “How unexpected.”
“You have heard the name?” She blinked.
“Who hasn’t?” Mehe asked wryly. “I was under the impression there weren’t many of you left.”
“There aren’t, Sir. Myself and Gilræn are the only ones left.”
“Hmm.” Mehe peered thoughtfully at her before glancing at Anas. “I’m getting in the way of your work. I’ll go upstairs.”
Anas blinked. “It’s okay if you want to stay here for a bit. Niqi and I were just tidying up.”
“Please, stay. I won’t bother you. I’ll just clean up quietly, Sir.” She returned to her tasks.
“Don’t call me Sir.” Mehe looked around. “Anything I can do to help?”
Niqi winced again, “I’m sorry.” She looked to Anas, gesturing that she was completely at a loss for how to behave. “I still need to hang up the gowns there and put away our sketchbooks.”
Mehe nodded. He stepped towards the gowns, picking them up carefully. “Where do you want them?”
“You really don’t need to, Mehe–” Anas began, but Mehe shook his head, smiling at him.
“If I’m to linger here, might as well be of some damn use.”
Niqi watched the Ren’dorei a moment. She shook her head to stop from staring. She didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. “That is very kind of you. Thank you. There’s a few hooks on the wall there to the left. Anas usually has them on hangers and then hung from the hooks so they are beautifully displayed.” She beamed at Anas. She really was so happy to be there still. She turned to gather up the sketchbooks.
Mehe nodded again. He began to hang the gowns up, his taloned finger raised carefully out of the way of the fabric. Anas stepped closer to help him. “Are you okay, my love?” he asked in a low voice. “Still angry with me?”
Mehe shook his head. “Can’t stay angry with you,” he said softly, holding up a gown on a hanger to Anas. Anas accepted it, placing it carefully on the hook.
Niqi watched the pair as she stacked up the books. She put Anas’ stack on the shelf under his work table and moved to put her away. She smiled at the two men, thinking how sweet they seemed with each other. Taking off her work apron, she hung it on the hook by the door. “Lady Tindomiel never did come back. I was hoping to see if she needed something. She’s so pretty and I would love to put her in something more grand. She dresses so simply.” Niqi tried to keep the conversation light, even ground for the three of them.
“She wasn’t doing too good,” Mehe said, throwing Niqi a troubled glance. “Your Patriarch had to whisk her away.”
Anas blinked. “What? What happened to her?”
“I think she hit her limit.” Mehe handed another gown to Anas. “At least her husband will look after her now.”
“Hit her limit? What’s does that mean?”  Niqi looked at Mehe confused. She’d only met Lady Tindomiel once before. “She seemed all right when she left here…”
“Probably had to deal with too much happening today.” Mehe tapped Anas’s arm gently, still holding up the gown.
Anas took it, his brow creased with worry as he hung it up. “Will she be okay?”
“I think so.” Mehe grimaced. “Though Light knows how she can bear having such a bloody bad tempered man for a husband.”
Niqi replied softly, “Maybe she sees a side of him no one else does.” She bent down and picked up some chalk from the floor, placing it on her work table.
“Hmm.” Mehe handed over the final gown to Anas before straightening. “I’m going up,” he said, placing a hand on the tall Kaldorei’s arm. “I’ll see you there.”
Niqi chewed on her lip for a minute. “Meheaaris?” Her voice was gentle, hopeful.
Both men turned to regard her curiously.
“I…” she blushed, suddenly self conscious. “Thank you for your help. I know that wasn’t easy for you.” She fidgeted a little, bringing her arms around herself.
Mehe nodded. “I apologise for scaring you earlier.” He squeezed Anas’s arm gently before making his way to the stairs without waiting for her reply.
“Thank you,” she whispered to his retreating back. She picked up the various wastebaskets and dumped them all into the largest. She set everything down and suddenly ran over, giving Anas a hug about his waist.
Anas blinked in surprise before gently placing a hand on top of her head. “What is it, little one?”
She sighed. “I am just so glad to have you in my life. You’ve been so kind to me. And I, well, I just wanted you to know.” She looked up at the tall man and smiled. “I hope you don’t mind.” She pulled back a little, sheepish. “You don’t mind, do you?”
“Not at all.” Anas smiled, lowering his hand. “I like having you around as well, Niqi.”
She beamed. Releasing him from the embrace, she picked up the trash bin. “I’ll take care of this. Go be with your mate. Ælithil will probably be here soon.” She nodded towards the steps.
Anas nodded, smiling. “Thank you, Niqi. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He gave her a bow before heading after Mehe.
She watched him start up the stairs. She put out the trash and put all the bins back in place. Dousing all the candles save the one at base of the steps, she locked up and sat on the ramp outside. Taking out her sketchbook, she stared at her half finished design, wondering what Anas would do from here.
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The Ruins of the Greythorn Estates - Just after the Scourge Invasion of Silvermoon City.
The pale elf stepped through the ruined gate into the courtyard of his family property. He had not been here when the Scourge rampaged through the western side of the city. At this moment however, he couldn’t be sure if he was grateful. 
Each step crunched under his feet, the crumbled stone that had once been the walls, now littered the ground. Reaching down, he picked up the remains of a flower, trampled, but still possessing a hint of the beauty it once held. With a sigh, he continued through to the main house. Azrine’s body was the first he found. She had been such a noble soul. Her proud features set in marble smooth skin. She’d had such a fire in her. He bowed his head before moving on.
In the kitchens, the staff was scattered about. Their tortured faces still looking up for help. They had tried to block the door with the tables, but judging from the claw marks in the shattered wood, the undead had torn through with little effort. 
Working his way through to the library, he hung his head. So much of the family work, ruined. Setting the flower down, he lifted a small table onto its feet. Below it, the body of a small dog. They leave nothing living in their wake. Destruction and pain is all that is left behind. We should have been safe here. His thoughts were bitter, anger welling up slowly. 
Jaetos was the next. Hunched in a corner, a ragged tear across he length of his face. Gilræn knelt and brushed the white hair back, trying to see the man’s face in his mind. The ache in his chest was beginning to grow tighter, as the numbers both grew…and fell. A loud shuffling behind him made his head whip around, long white hair swirling. 
A bright flash of blue seared from his hands as he created a lance of ice. Hurling at the shuffling form of a ruined elf, he cursed under his breath. They are starting to rise. I need to finish. Where are the others? I must find them. He dusted himself off and moved down the halls, his pace quicker. 
Creaking from a window drew his attention, the sound of wood dragging against stone along with it. Turning his head, a glow began to appear at his fingers. Bringing his hand up, he prepared to fight, but found only a broken shutter. He allowed the spell to fade as he approached the family’s private rooms. Two more servants and the form of a young child were crumpled in the corner of the hall, the tray of food scattered about, untouched.
Gilræn spotted Perden amidst the corpses of several slaughtered undead. His sword was buried in the skull of the closest one. He gave everything. At least he gave it back to them.  Casting a quick spell, he created an ice barrier in the doorway and sank to the floor. His blood was pounding in his ears, as his mind fought to come to terms with what this meant. They are gone. All that’s left is to set the pyre. 
He sat there, allowing himself the briefest moment to grieve. What struck him next was the realization that the soft sobs he was hearing were not his own. Looking around the room, his blue eyes found the source. An armoire had been shoved to the corner, the bed against it was piled high with random furniture and tattered clothes. What had first appeared to simply be wreckage from the fight, now proved itself to be a form of protection for someone. 
Reinforcing the spells at the entrance to the room, he pushed himself up. Piece by piece, he removed things from the bed. Slowly he pushed the headboard to the side, clearing his access to the doors of the large cabinet. The lock was smashed inward, all basic attempts to open the doors failed. Placing a hand to the wood, his fingers began to shimmer. Ice crystals formed at the tips and spread across the grains. A matter of moments later and the panel was a glittering white. One good hit and it shattered like glass. 
Her scream tore through the air. She was curled in on herself, trembling. Her eyes were wide, filled with horror. “NO!” She screamed. “NO! Please! Light save me, no!” His several times over great granddaughter. Tiny Niquisse, barely over one hundred years of age, reduced to a ball of pure terror. 
“Niquisse….shhhh. No. It’s all right. It’s all right child. Come on. It’s Gilræn. Your cousin.” He winced a little at the lie, but it was necessary to keep his secret. He crouched down in front of her slowly. Reaching out a hand, he tried to coax her out of the armoire. “I am here. I will keep you safe. But we must be away from here.” 
Niqi pulled herself further into the corner, making herself as small as possible. She shook her head, her eyes darting around. “Ann’da said to stay here. That I was not to move until he came to get me. I have to wait for Ann’da.”
At this, Gilræn shoulders fell, his eyes going dim. “Niquisse, your father…your mother…” He was cut off by the sound of scratching and thumping on the ice. “I am sorry for this, but we must flee. Now.” He lunged forward and grabbed her up into his arms. As he stood, her eyes found the form of her father on the floor. Realizing it, Gilræn pulled her face to his chest. “Niquisse, no. Don’t look. Close your eyes and do not open them until I tell you otherwise.”
“But…Ann’da! You have to get Ann’da!” she cried out. Gilræn said nothing and placed a hand against a rune on the wall. With a shudder the stone slid to the side and he squeezed through. He pushed it closed with his back and hurried down the passage. Carrying all that was left of his family, he quietly prayed that the other end was clear.
They stood in silence as the flames licked over the walls of the place Niquisse had called home for her entire life. Her face was streaked with tears as Gilræn stood behind her, his hands on her shoulders. Despite the heat pouring at them, she felt cold. The world was suddenly all wrong. The illusion of safety had been ripped from her, never to be replaced.
“Come. We should find you some clothes and a pair of shoes. We will take a room at the inn and you can have a bath.” Gilræn pulled her arm gently to get her moving. “This will all be a memory soon.”
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A Lesson in Love - Part 1
A collaboration with @tindomielsilverthorn
(Part 2)
~ Portal Lake, Stormwind - Morning~
Near the far end of the lake, a pale Kaldorei spread out a large blanket. Once she was satisfied with it, she went to her bag and pulled out a few books. Digging around, she found a pencil and placed it to the side with some blank parchment. Reaching behind her, she grabbed a basket and started to retrieve fruit, cheese and rolls from within.
“All ready for today then?” a voice said behind her. A Ren'dorei man emerged from the shadows near the city wall. The cloak of darkness streaming from his shoulders melted away as he stepped towards the woman. “Bal'a dash, Tindo.”
Tindo smiled wide as his form blurred into her sight. She spoke in a lilting form of Darnassian. “Mehe, welcome. I am! I hope the setting is acceptable?” She watched the cloak fade, fascinated.
He inclined his head. “I like this part of the city.” His Darnassian was smooth, very much like his native tongue, though the slightly drawled vowels hinted at a linguistic influence typical of northeastern Kalimdor.
“It’s peaceful. And I like being out under the trees.” She gestured for him to join her.
He sat beside her, peering at the books with interest. “I read the book you gave me.”
She made a small plate for herself, smiling up at him. “You did? What did you think?”
Keep reading
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A Lesson in Love - Part 2
A collaboration with @tindomielsilverthorn
(Part 1)
Mehe made a face. “What? No, I bloody don’t.”
Stifling herself a little, she took a breath. “You do! He has warned caution on me about this more than once. Because they are Not something to be trifled with and dangerous.” She sighed. “You two seem to have a bit in common, even if you don’t yet realise it.”
“How do I have anything in common with him?” he scoffed.
She frowned. “Mehe, forgive me. I meant it as a compliment.” She smiled warmly. “You are both fiercely protective of people you care about. The number of which is fairly small. You have skills to accomplish that and will stop at nothing to ensure the safety of your mate.”
 "Anas means the world to me. I’d do anything to keep him safe.“ He grimaced. "I’d ask for his hand, but I don’t think that’s the custom with most Kaldorei, is it?”
 She looked him in the face. Holding up her left hand, she indicated the thin silver band wrapped around her finger. “Customs do not mean you cannot do what feels right. If you wish for his hand, ask. I have a feeling his answer would make you very happy.”
“You think so?” Mehe smiled, warm affection blossoming in his chest at the thought.
Tindo giggled happily. “That. That right there! Hold it! Don’t let go of it. Because it’s what binds you both together.” She looked at herself realising she had left herself wrapped in Shadows. With a quick wave, she dismissed them. “And if you decide to go through with it, I might know someone who would perform the ceremony.” She winked at him with a smile.
 "You… you really mean that?“ a familiar voice asked somewhere behind them.
Mehe started. He glanced over his shoulder at the tall Kaldorei man standing behind them. "Anas? What are you doing here?”
Anas stared at him, wearing a shocked expression. "I sensed you. Came to check on you,” he said faintly.
Tindo smiled up at Anas. She closed her eyes slowly, bowing her head to him. “Hello, Anas. Come, join us?”
Anas bowed to Tindo, though his gaze never left Mehe.
“Yes,” Mehe said simply. “I’ve thought about it for a long time.”
Tindo stood and moved to where Anas was standing. She took him by the arm and tried to lead him to sit with his mate.
Anas allowed himself to be led numbly. “You… never said anything,” he murmured.
Mehe nodded. “I know it’s not your custom, dalah'surfal. I damn well didn’t want to offend you by accident or something.”
Tindo pulled Anas’s hand down, working him down to a seated position. She picked up her books and moved them out of the way. Sitting quietly, she watched the two men, smiling.
Anas shook his head. “I’m not offended,” he said softly, his silver eyes wide.
“No?” Mehe grinned. “Well then, I suppose I should ask you properly.” He reached out, taking Anas’s hands in his own. “My dearest Reianas Starmane. Will you marry me?”
The Kaldorei man’s ears twitched, a gasp escaping his lips.
Tindo whimpered happily as a tear rolled down her right cheek. The beauty of this moment was overwhelming.
Anas’s breath came out in a sob. He yanked Mehe into his arms and buried his face in the Ren'dorei man’s purple hair, too overcome with emotion to speak.
Mehe chuckled, hugging his mate. “Is that a yes then?” he asked, drawing back slightly to peer into Anas’s teary eyes.
Anas nodded. “You’ve made me… so happy,” he choked out.
“Mother Moon, bless them both,” Tindo whispered softly. The smile on her face was framed with tears of joy.
Mehe smiled. “You’ve made me very happy too, dear one.” One of his tendrils curled up to brush away Anas’s tears. The others coiled gently over the tailor’s shoulders, drawing him close enough for Mehe to kiss his lips.
Tindomiel brought her hands up, a silver and golden shimmer building around her fingers. As it grew, she moved her hands around, forming it into a brightly glowing orb, sparkling stars falling from it. She took a breath a blew the orb out of her hands above the heads of the two men. She closed her fingers and then popped them open, causing the orb to explode into a shower of Elune’s holy light. Tiny sparks of light fell on their hair and shoulders.
Anas drew back. He blinked at the sparks in Mehe’s hair before glancing at Tindo. “Thank you,” he said, dipping his head.
“You have an actual Starmane now,” Mehe chuckled.
Tindo smiled wide. “I couldn’t resist. It was a perfect moment that only needed Elune’s blessing to set it in place.”
“It seems our lesson got derailed, Mistress,” Mehe said with a grin.
Looking at Mehe, she laughed aloud. “Mehe, it got derailed a while ago. I don’t mind at all.”
“I wish I could make this moment last forever,” Anas whispered.
Mehe smiled. “Tindo said she’ll perform the ceremony.” He nodded at the woman.
“I could do it right now or we could set a day and you could bring the people closest to you in. The people you wish to witness the blessed moment.” She smiled warmly. “I think little Niqi would want to see this at the very least.”
Anas nodded. “Yes, that’s what we should do. Niqi has to be there. I’ll write to Shuvi, my father…” He grinned widely.
Tindomiel pulled out a coin purse and handed it to Mehe. “I’m giving you my gift early. And it is a wedding present, so you can not refuse it. Take this and buy whatever you need to dress your finest.”
Mehe accepted the purse with a nod. “Thank you, Tindo.”
"I can make our clothes.” Anas smiled. “I already know what you’ll wear.”
"Can you manage?” Mehe peered up at him in concern. “You already have so much work to do.”
Tindo smiled. “Somehow I suspect he will find the time for this.”
“Tindo’s right. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He peered down at Mehe, his eyes warm. “You’re going to look so handsome, my love.” He pressed a kiss to his mate’s forehead before climbing to his feet. “I need to get back to work and tell Niqi. Oh, Mother Moon, it’s like a dream.”
Mehe smiled at him. "Be safe, dear one. I’ll drop by later.”
"Yes. I’ll be there.” Anas grinned. He bowed respectfully at Tindo. “Elune be with you, Sister. Thank you so much for this.”
Tindo bowed to him in return. "Mother Moon watch over you. And it was nothing. All I did was listen. Now go! Get back to work before you get in trouble.” She smiled happily at him. “Tell Niqi I said hello.”
“I will!” he called over his shoulder, already hurrying towards the gate.
“You were right. It did make him very happy.” Mehe smiled.
Smiling back at him, she bowed her head. “I just had a feeling.”
“Honestly, I didn’t think he’d say yes. I don’t believe anyone in his family ever married.”
“No one in mine ever had either. But, things are different for some of us.” She looked in the direction of the shop. “And if you could feel his joy the way I could, you would not believe it. I think I’m going to float on that high for a while.”
“Really?” He chuckled. “That’s good. I love it when he’s happy.”
“Really. And you?” She laughed brightly. “You are almost there yourself. Though I am getting a little bit of shock and stunned from you as well.”
“It’s a lot to take in.” He grinned, shaking his head. “Did the love of my life just agree to be my husband?”
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✌ - a memory of a relative
Loud thumps preceded the door flying open as the azure haired child ran through the small house to her mother. “Min’da! Min’da! Look!” The woman turned to her pushing her deep blue hair from her face.
“What have you got there, my little Sel’de?”
“It’s a bug! And its butt lights up!” The tiny girl held her hand up proudly and opened it, allowing the insect to lift into the air. It immediately began to glow, a brilliant purple shining from its underside. Celebsilmare laughed at her daughter’s exuberance.
“Lilybeth, that is a firefly. And they can be very hard to catch! I am impressed.” The young Kaldorei beamed up at her. 
“I have a special way, Min’da! Like this!” She turned towards the firefly who had landed on the windowsill. She wrinkled up her nose and a tiny shimmering bubble appeared around it. 
“Lily, no,” Celebsilmare exclaimed. Her face was filled with terror. She wrapped her daughter up and swept the orb into her hand. “Lily. You mustn’t let anyone see that you can do that. It is not allowed. Do you understand me?” The urgency in her mother’s voice made Lily’s smile fall, but rather than tears, it was replaced with curiosity.
“But why?”
Celebsilmare sighed, her face softening.”Because a long time ago, it was considered too dangerous for our people. If someone sees you, they may make us leave. Forever. You could never see your friends again. Please, my little one. Never do that in front of anyone else. Only here, inside the house. Promise me.”
“All right, Min’da, I promise.”
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✂ - a vivid memory
Eliân flipped through her notes, turning the pages slowly. She was bored as hell, sitting in the inn. Everything had been quiet since Mire’s death. Everyone in the family was grieving and no one had given her a job to do. So out of sheer boredom, she pulled out her old logs. Running a finger along the edge of the page, an impish grin crept across her features. She’d found the very one she was looking for. Forosuul’s first full mission with her. The first time she saw what he hid inside.
The estate was smoky, the damned Lord of the house insisting on the fires blazing at all times. They had crept in, the main house eerily quiet. The mission brief said to remove the Lord and his son for attempting to assault the King. Though they had been stopped, they had bribed their way out of the Stockades. 
As they approached the main hall, they heard voices, low and rumbling from one, irritated complaints from the other. Forosuul signaled for Eliân to go to the left as he banked right. But the intel was bad.
They opened the doors, expecting to find the men alone. Instead, the hall was filled with guards and armed nobility. This wasn’t as simple as it appeared. These men were gathered to overthrow Varian. All eyes turned to the two SI:7 agents and weapons were drawn. Eli looked over and saw her partner’s eye narrow and an expression unlike any she had seen before took over his face. His body shifted, at once straightening, yet moving like a coiled snake about to strike. A different man stood across from her.
Faster than she could blink, he was on them. One by one they fell, his attacks vicious. He cut down one after the other. She attempted to jump in and join him, only to meet the edge of the dagger in his hand. Searching his face, she realized he was killing without exception. Lifting a foot, she jammed it against his leg and propelled herself into a back flip, widening the space between them. He made to move on her, but was brought short by a guard attacking from his side. His attention divided, she took advantage, giving him some distance.
She carefully moved back, pulling herself into the shadows of the room. She scaled up to the rafters and watched the carnage below. His efficiency was unparalleled. When he finally stopped, not a soul breathed but him. She applauded him from above, amazed. “Well, I think you will do as a fine partner,” she said. “We’re gonna do just fine together.”
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Altered Reality
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@metagenesis @meadowsong-raven Since you both asked the same one, here you go!
Kalimè and Ælithil experienced time skips as the result of an accident while Lilybeth was pregnant. As a result, they have memories that no one else has which they refer to as their “other life.” Did these memories really happen? Or is it all in their minds?
She pushed the door aside, peeking her head in. The room was quiet, he wasn’t there. She stepped out from behind the bookcase at the top of the small set of steps. Stepping down one, two, three her footfalls seem cacophonous on the stone floor. Wincing, she looked around to be certain she was alone.
He never let them in here, his sanctum. All around were shelves and shelves of books, arranged neatly. She crossed to his chair which was tall and simply shaped. The wood was ornately carved with intricate runes and sweeping curved panels on the side. As she carefully clambered herself up into it, she ran her fingers along the stone top of his desk. Books and instruments that she did not understand were arranged, allowing for space to work in the center. A candle was set to one side, though in the dim space, it seemed to almost be an afterthought. 
A few bottles of inks were present, along with a very simple quill. A tool quite different than her mother’s. This was utilitarian; no beautiful plume on its end. A well made brass tip and wooden handle. She reached out for the scroll on his desk, wondering what it might be.
“Kalimè Silverthorn,” his voice boomed behind her. “What are you doing in here?” The look on his face left her blood cold. He stood between herself and the steps, leaving her no room to simply leave. 
“I’m sorry, An’da. I just wanted to see…” Her ears drooped as the child crawled down from her father’s chair. 
“Sel’de. You know better,” Kalithil replied, crossing his arms. “You know you are not allowed to enter this room. To bed! Go!” Her small feet hurried past him as she scurried from the room. “You could undo everything,” he whispered, lifting the scroll. Unrolling it, his found his notes on the most recent chronomancy attempts. “You could undo it all, Sel’de.”
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