#We All Need Fluff
foxsoulart · 5 months
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isjasz · 6 months
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[Day 174]
You aren't alone
In these trying times I decided to not do angst tdy actually we need some fluff
They get hugs🫂
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emry-stars-art · 7 months
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Neil covering Andrew up again, but make it sweet this time
[And the follow up]
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ssentimentals · 11 months
mingyu + first morning together
mingyu wakes up due to prickling sensation and it takes him full ten seconds to place where it's coming from; when he does though, he can't help but smile contentedly. the weight of your warm body half-draped on his chest turned his arm numb and there's also a tad bit of moisture on his shirt, which most definitely is your drool. he looks at your sleeping head and only huffs affectionately. all in all, it should be concerning how he doesn't mind it, not at all.
'babe,' he whispers, testing how deep in sleep you are. when you don't move and inch and continue to sleep peacefully, he tries again: 'baby.'
he gently caresses your face, smiling at the cute way you scrunch up your nose. this action makes him want to plant thousand of kisses all over your face, but he holds back with a great restraint because you were tired and deserved a good sleep. god, he is so done for. understanding that you're not going to wake up, he carefully extracts himself from under you and gingerly moves out of the bed. your lips form into a small pout and inside of him little five years old girl is squealing of your cuteness - yeah, he's got it bad. with his stiff body from sleeping in the same position, he moves to the guest bathroom, not wanting to disrupt your sleep. he tiptoes around the house even though he knows not even the loudest storm will wake you up right now. this thought crosses his mind and then he feels incredibly blessed and lucky to know you that well, to know this kind of information about you that is not in the open, the one you can learn only if you are close. when it comes to you mingyu is so greedy - he wants to know it all, more than anyone else. he wants to be close, so close, the closest to you, wants to embody himself so deep into your heart that it will take a shape of his name. sometimes the intensity of his desire scares him, but he reminds himself that it's okay to be greedy sometimes and he is greedy only when it comes to you.
quickly going through his morning routine, mingyu then moves to the kitchen, humming familiar tune under his breath. it's crazy how different he feels now from how he usually feels when he wakes up alone; usually his mind is filled with thousand and one thoughts and his mood is rather stagnant, while right now he wants to sing and jump and happiness fills his soul to the brim. his chest feels tight just thinking about how this is your first morning together, how there'll be many more mornings like that, when he'lll get to wake up by your side, watch you sleep, get to cook a breakfast for you just like he's doing now. mingyu is a grateful guy, he knows a blessing when he sees one, and having you wake up with him is a blessing. he thinks of the way you adorably whined before going to sleep, how you two giggled in front of the mirror in the bathroom while brushing your teeth - his most sacred, intimate fantasies of domestic life came true in just one evening with you. smiling from ear to ear, he doesn't even notice how he goes from cooking one dish to another, head in the cloud with thoughts about you. you, you, you. how you cuddle to him while sleeping even if it's too hot, how you frown when he moves his arm away, how your body molds into his and fits perfectly like you two were made for each other - and you were, mingyu is sure of it. so lost in his head, he doesn't hear approaching footsteps and gets frightened when you clear your throat, calling his name softly.
'god, you scared me babe-' he stops, turning around and seeing you. mingyu blinks, taking your appereance in again and then whines loudly: 'how can you stand there looking like that?'
your adorable confusion at this only makes him whine more. 'babyyy,' he lets out, sounding like he's in physical pain.
the t-shirt in question, that's oversized even on him, swallows you up whole and hangs off your one shoulder; coupled with your sleepy look and pouty lips, it's the image that has his knees growing weak. you blink at him, smiling lightly as you approach for the cuddles. which he immediately gives, because there's nothing in this world that he won't give to you willingly without you having to even ask. basking in his attention and soft kisses on top of your head, you turn your head a little, huffing a small laugh: 'what's all of this?'
mingyu blushes, hiding his face in your hair. 'i made breakfast, but i didn't know what you will feel like eating now, so-'
'so you made enough to feed a small tribe.' you finish for him, looking over everything on the table. lifting your head to make eye contact, you mumble: 'baby, that's too much.'
cradling your face in his hands and holding it like a precious jewel, mingyu leans in, pecking your forehead, eyelids, nose and then lips. 'nothing is too much when it comes to you.'
he sees the way your eyes light up at this, how you try so hard not to blush but still avert your eyes, smiling shyly. this soft happiness that radiates from you is enough to send his heart hammering away and it takes everything in his willpower not to scoop you up in his arms and carry you back to the bedroom, breakfast be damned. 'go wash up, i'll make tea,' he whispers, planting one kiss on your temple.
'let me go then,' you chuckle, pointing at his arms that hold you like a vice.
'only for you to wash up,' mingyu grumbles fakely, earning a giggle from you. 'be quick!'
'don't eat anything before me!' you shout, rushing to the bathroom. 'wait for me!'
mingyu bites his tongue in order not to shout the 'i'll always wait for you' answer. he still whispers it to himself though, because it feels godo to say it out loud and because it's true. he'll always wait for you.
a/n: what a better way to come back from hiatus than with mingyu fluff? hope you liked this one! check out my other works here - nini
tag list (hi, hello, i am back): @smalliechelle @jaetaimjadore @yeow6n @a-wandering-stay (let me know if you want to be added!)
also this blog is mainly for seventeen, but i'm thinking of adding other groups here (like ateez), so if you don't want to be tagged in works for them - let me know!
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tenjikyu · 7 months
why is the eren jeager tag full of smut it’s legit so damn BORING 😭 i’m going on looking for quality content and dick/pussy is SHOVED INTO MY FACE. ffs do you not want to just hold the poor dude? idk man. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE SHITTY MODERN AU ISTG
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the-witchhunter · 7 months
DP x DC: Of Cooking and Ghosts
Danny is a single father. Dani is now physically her actual age making Danny, at the tender age of 20 the father of a 4 year old(5 in a couple months)
Danny moved to Blood Haven. He's got a decent paying job, lives in a decent neighborhood, and his schedule allows him to take Dani to and from school. It had been a bit of an adjustment, but he and his daughter are doing alright. There's just one problem...
Danny can't cook
Danny never learned how to cook and frankly he can't just keep eating fast food and takeout. His parents weren't the best cooks but at least his dad could make flapjacks that didn't come alive and attack them. Hell, he missed going over to Tuckers and getting fed by Mrs. Foley, because that woman could really cook. Danny needed something homemade, surely cooking couldn't be THAT hard...
Dick was quite alarmed to find smoke coming out of his neighbor's door as he came back from walking Haley. His instincts kicked in, leading to one officer Grayson bursting in and putting out a small grease fire much to the chagrin of his neighbor, Danny. Dick invites Danny and his daughter Dani to his place down the hall while the smoke clears out. So Dick makes them the one food he knows how to make
Turns out neither of them are the most robust of chefs. Dick calls Alfred and gets some recipes to try and him and Danny make plans to go over to Dick's place and learn a couple. Dani likes to "help" aka play with Haley, and Danny and Dick bond over learning to cook and eating just a bit healthier
I rewatched an episode of Sweetness and Lightning and am still on my Romcom bullshit. So Danny and Dick get a meet cute and then learn how to feed themselves. Frankly I'm not sure how or if secret identities and ghosts work into this, i just am feeling sappy and wanted something cute. Could be romantic, could just be friends, could be found family, idk
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justn0t · 15 days
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Early evening nap
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soaring-trash · 8 months
@antlereed just some stupid sketches but it proves the concept 🤷
Imogen would most definitely spit take
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and then laudna would be like “jesus darling are you alright”
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q1ngqve · 3 months
I can't stop thinking about Jing Yuan being very dominant, but in a soft way. Like insisting on dates or paying for things even though you say you've got it. Soft dom Jing Yuan. I'm in love.
he knows you’ve got it! he knows you can provide for yourself! but ugh he just wanna do it for you, you know? makes him feel amazing when he sees your eyes light up in happiness each time he offers to do something <3
i do think his love language is gift giving and words of affirmation, heavy on the gift part … so spending lots and lots of money on you makes his heart flutter
non sexual soft dom jing yuan also gives you so so many kisses!!!! he can’t help but worship you by kissing your body 😭 you’re just so perfect in his eyes! also the type to encourage you to wear whatever you want, smiles lovingly and reassures you that he’ll take care of you whenever you’re anxious
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
“Your son just kicked me, Miss Luthor-Danvers.”
Kara looked over to the couch, where Lena bad stopped reading her book, which now lay propped on the dome of her stomach. She looked absolutely exhausted, with dark circles beneath her eyes, marring paler than usual skin.
The pregnancy was taking its toll on Lena, but just as difficult for Lena was the order to remain on pelvic rest, as were the Herculean caloric requirements of gestating a Kryptonian child on Earth. Lena Luthor was the type of woman who grew more fatigued from orders to lay up in bed, and Kara had to practically bat her phone out of her hand to stop her from answering emails at all hours of the night.
Kara swung out from behind the kitchen island, carrying another smoothie with a carefully selected mix of fruits, vegetables, and protein powder.
“Blegh,” Lena said, as she choked down a gulp of the stuff. Does it have to be so sweet?”
Kara didn’t answer. Lena looked haggard by her own usual standards, but to Kara, she was the most gorgeous thing she’d ever seen. Yes, she was pale, but there as a rosy glow in her cheeks and though she sighed and complained and groused, rarely had there been such joy in her eyes. One of Kara’s new favorite things was catching Lena unawares, finding her smiling at nothing and cradling protective arms around the new life coming to being within her.
After she gulped down the last of the thick, gloppy shake -which Lena had given the appetizing name of ‘nutrient slurry mark one’, she turned halfway on the couch.
“There he goes again,” said Lena, sighing.
Kara reached out with a trembling hand, resting it gently on the warm curve of Lena’s skin. She went quiet for a moment, forcing back the tears. Thinking about this overwhelmed her. She’d never dreamed she’d really have this, much less with the most beautiful and kind woman she’d ever known. A soft twitch against her palm made her grin from ear to ear.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying this. I’d like to get some sleep.”
Kara chewed at her lip for a moment.
“What if I try singing to him?”
Lena raised a sharp eyebrow.
“Alex gave me an article that says that babies can hear us while they’re in the womb.”
Lena’s head fell back against the cushions.
“Do you know any lullabies?”
Kara swallowed, hard.
There was a pause, as Kara worked herself up, pulling the words from the lost days of her youth, across an ocean of stars beneath a far distant sun.
She more spoke than sang at first, until her voice grew into something soft and light, like a rare flower opening its petals to greet the sun. By the time she really began to sing, Lena was smiling, listening intently.
Kara dug deep in her memory for the words to the traditional Kryptonian lullaby, a promise from a young mother to her child lost in the wilderness, an invocation to come home safe to loving arms before the reunited in the final verses.
When Kara finished she looked up and saw that Lena was fast asleep, her hand now resting atop Kara’s as it rested on Lena’s belly. Tenderly, Kara drew her hand back and, with practiced ease, raised Lena in her arms and carried her back to the bedroom, another Kryptonian verse flowing softly from old memories, and the eventually they slept, until sunrise.
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Have a taylyn animatic in these trying times
This took so long
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yunholuvrr · 11 months
we all need love masterlist.
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summary: you just finished your junior year of college, snagging an unbelievable summer internship in seoul. But after your supervisor and his friends invite you into their circle with open arms, your heart gets caught between a rock and a hard place named yunho. you don't think you can get through these 12 weeks without someone's feelings getting hurt.
pairing: yunho x fem!reader
genre: workplace au, fluff, romance, angst, eventual smut, hurt/comfort vibes, non-idol ateez
warnings: explicit smut, depictions of anxiety, struggles with identity, toxic relationships, more warnings per chapter ~ let me know if anything else should be added
current word count: 23.5k
note: my writing is so rusty and this is my first series on here, but i hope its okay even if cheesy! most of it's written in advance so I'll try to update as frequently as possible
chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, chapter five, chapter six, chapter seven, chapter eight, to be continued...
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Automaton au Sun gets a nice lil shirt as a gift
Bc i feel bad for making him go through so much trauma
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gyusbambi · 10 months
towels; choi beomgyu
genre: beomgyu x reader, fluff, tiny angst, this is kinda like a part 2 / epilogue to band-aids
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there he stands on your doorstep, his clothes all drenched from the heavy rain. his wet hair stuck on his forehead as he looks through them. instantly his round brown eyes meet your teary ones, which he doesn‘t notice at first. instead beomgyu just smiles happily, the rosiness visible on his cheeks.
”what are you doing here?“
your tone is filled with worry when you see him slightly shivering from the cold rain. too shocked and surprised by his sudden appearance at your house, you keep staring at beomgyu instead of telling him to come inside.
soon your head fills with questions, making you forget about your upsetting situation before beomgyu arrived. what caused him to come to your house when he was having a busy day? did beomgyu actually walk all the way here in the rain, without an umbrella?
”you sounded off when we were texting.“
you‘re lost for words and your mind goes blank. soon you feel your heart soften and you want to let out all of what you‘ve been keeping inside today. beomgyu‘s answer is so short and simple and it still makes you feel so loved.
thankfully, you‘re able to pull yourself together instead of breaking out in tears in front of him. rapidly, you reach out for the sleeve of his zipper hoodie. as soon as you grab it, you pull him inside before closing the door behind him. surprised by your sudden movements, beomgyu smiles even more when you take his zipper hoodie off of him, leaving him in a simple white t-shirt.
”you‘re stupid. why would you do that?“, you hit his shoulder as he lets out a chuckle.
”to see my pretty girlfriend.“
”you‘re gonna get sick now.“ when beomgyu finally spots the worried frown on your face, he also notices the redness in your eyes. and he‘s thankful that he came to you. he knew something was off.
it‘s true that he was having a busy day, helping his brother moving houses. the whole time beomgyu kept checking his phone, waiting for your texts. soon his brother got annoyed by beomgyu not paying attention instead of helping him carry the boxes. however, beomgyu was quick to notice that something wasn‘t right with you. soon he got too worried by your short and cold responses, which made him run off to your house. it happened to start raining heavily when beomgyu had only left.
instead of asking you what‘s wrong, he decides to lighten up your mood a little.
”lovesick, yes.“ he grabs his chest with a fake painful face, which causes you to let out a small laugh. after hearing it, beomgyu feels a lot more relieved.
soon you drag beomgyu to your bathroom to dry his wet hair with a towel. as you do so, he looks up through his hair, admiring your concentrated face. a little smile appears on his lips when he thinks of how you always take good care of him. it doesn‘t take you long to notice his lovingly stare. when your focused eyes meet his admiring ones, you can‘t help but blush and look away quickly.
although beomgyu finds your shyness adorable, he wants to look into your beautiful eyes for longer than just a second. therefore he stands up suddenly, causing you to stumble back a little. his hands quickly grab your waist, pulling you closer to his body.
surprised by the sudden closeness, you forget how to breathe for a second. next you feel your cheeks glow and turn into a darker shade of red. when you look at beomgyu, you notice that the slight rosiness is still apparent on his cheeks.
although beomgyu and you have been dating for a month now, you still get nervous from his touch. every time he looks at you for a little longer than you expect, you start multifunctioning. whenever he grabs your hand you feel it get warm and sweaty. and when he would pull you in for a kiss… you swear your heart felt like exploding out of your chest.
of course beomgyu is aware of the effect he has on you. that‘s why he decides to purposely tease you about it.
”you‘re not gonna dry my hair?“
”oh… yeah. i‘m doing that, gyu.“
you thank yourself for not stuttering like an absolute idiot, as you raise your arms to continue drying your boyfriends hair with the towel in your hands.
but it doesn‘t end here. next thing you know he leans in a little, his eyes focused on your shy ones.
”nothing. i‘m just looking at your pretty face.“
”s-shut up.“
”you know i can‘t shut up, y/n.“
you laugh at his statement before you ask the question you‘ve been wanting to ask since you saw him on your doorstep.
”you really came all the way here?“
”of course! why wouldn‘t i?“
”because you were busy… and also it‘s raining really heavily.“
”i‘m never busy when it comes to you. i‘m always here with you, silly.“
sometimes you don‘t know if you deserve someone like beomgyu. someone who loves you endlessly. all this time, he‘s always been by your side no matter what. whenever you‘re going through the worst day ever, his appearance makes you forget about it all. ever since the beginning, both of you can understand and feel each other without talking much. like today, when beomgyu didn‘t fail to notice that you weren‘t feeling good, although you didn‘t tell him a single thing about your day.
you try to fight back the tears, not because you‘re embarrassed of beomgyu but because you wan‘t to explain it all to him without your voice breaking constantly. beomgyu encourages you instantly by taking your hands into his and brushing his thumb over the back of your hands.
”what‘s wrong, love?“
“my parents-”
beomgyu knows how your parents‘ constant arguing made you feel anxious and overwhelmed, both of them complaining to you about the other. therefore he holds your hands even stronger, as you continue explaining everything from today.
”and on top of that this stupid exam is coming up and i barely had time to study for it. oh and you know what else? y/f/n ditched me today for her other friend. and-”
suddenly talking about your miserable day turns into talking about all the annoying things that happened to you this month. however, beomgyu keeps listening, his eyes focused on your expressions. in fact, he‘s glad you‘re telling him everything and he can‘t wait to make you forget about all of that by bringing back your joy.
when you‘re done he pulls you into a big hug his hands patting your back, as you wrap your arms around his neck and rest your forehead on his chest. it doesn‘t take beomgyu long to make you feel better with comforting words. besides that he keeps making stupid jokes here and there making you laugh loudly. satisfied by your laugh, he smiles happily when he feels you hit his chest playfully.
”…and about that exam, just don‘t go to school tomorrow.“
”if you say you‘re sick you can retake it right?“
”yes but i‘m not even sick.“
as soon as a smug grin forms on beomgyu‘s face, you know you‘re doomed. he looks at you with raised eyebrows and starts pulling you out of the bathroom.
”not yet.“
”no, beomgyu, wait.“
next thing you know, you find yourself in front of your house, running in the rain. you didn‘t expect beomgyu to actually force you out and stand under the rain with him.
as shocked as you are, you start laughing as you see him laughing like a maniac, taking your hand to jump in puddles. beomgyu and you continue to mess around under the rain, laughters filling the empty streets.
when he notices you shivering, he quickly pulls you into his arms.
”oh no! y/n got sick!“, he gasps jokingly which only makes you smile and look at him, deep in thoughts.
even on rainy days there’s happiness. as long as you have beomgyu on your side.
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tapakah0 · 7 months
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#I've read it.#**** you just read fluff chaos and little amount of angst and here BUM#It took me almost 2 hours to read just one chapter I don't know why but no regrets at all#With all these emotional ups and downs#I have one novel that I hold on the very top of the angst stories (I haven't read that many books#stories and fics and can judge only withing that little I have)#but if mnmc keep going like this this I need to widen my place on top...#I've cried over Mojo again#The same scene and here we go again. how.#And then this one SORRY I CAN'T PUT IT INTO WORDS#The way they triet each other#they both go through hell#All little details about their emotions#Their differences yet so many similarities#I don't like the angst is placed out of nowhere but this fic was BORN IN ANGST#I WANNA BITE BIG MAMA'S HEAD OFF#FOR THE GOD'S SAKE LEON KILL HER FRIEND#YOU WANTED LEO JUST TO BE SAFE BUT WHAT'S THE MEANING IF HE'S NOT#AND IT'S SO DARK IN THEIR CEILING THAT LEON COULDN'T EVEN SEE WHAT'S GOING ON WITH LEO#SO MANY THINGS HAPPENED AT ONE TIME#I DID COUNT WITHOUT JOKES HOW MANY TIMES I DID CRY DON'T JUDGE (I AM HARD TO CRY ON SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T CATCH MY ATTENTION I GUESS MY AT#ENTION IS CAUGHT WELL ENOUGH) 4 TIMES. 4 F***ING TIMES#FOR THE GOD'S SAKE I WANNA SEE CLICHE WHEN THEIR BROTHERS JUST BOOOM CRUSH EVERYTHING AROUND ON THIS AIRPLANE AND SAVE THEIR BROTHERS I WAN#A A CLICHE#I DON'T WANT IT TO BE THE END OF THE STORY WHEN LEON DIES HOW HE WANTED FROM THE VERY BEGINNING#I AM NOT OKAY OVER THE WAY HE TREATS THESE KIDS#OR LEO SUDDENLY A BOOST OF POWERS AND TELEPORTS THEM#ANYTHING#JUST NOT DEATH#AT LEAST NOT LIKE THIS
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soullessseraphim · 23 days
For our souls
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