#Watch S2E6 before reading this post
I hope Tom Hiddleston is finally free of being under contract to Big Mouse.
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noneorother · 7 months
The grand unified theory of Good Omens S2, Hangs on a double meaning - Answering why .5 + .5 = 25 lazerii *The end?*
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l The end?
Welcome to the end of the Bonkers Meta Series featuring your favourite Art Director/Clue detective. This is it! I'm going to wrap up this series as well as I can with what I think really happened, the final 15 and why Crowley says the things he says. Meta, Spoilers, Beware! All that. “Armageddon only happens once, you know. They don't let you go around again until you get it right.” 
If you've read my Metatron post you'll know that I thought there were *at least* two time loops with tweaks to achieve different outcomes, seeing as we seemed to be presented with two versions of events a lot of the time, two similar lines of dialogue, double meanings for lines etc etc. If you want a really good recap of a lot of the Clues that have already been compiled already you can go through them here. Yesterday I added my own : The columns in front of the bookshop get stained by a demon, and the stain stays and goes. But why do we care?
Here's my final thesis using the context I'll put together below :
The Metatron is changing the past and the present on earth using the book of life. He's forced a time loop of the last few days at least 50 times over a period of (realtime) months to get the outcome he wants : the separation of Aziraphale and Crowley to allow him to complete the second coming. It only worked once. Let me explain.
1) Not time skips, but stitched loops
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My theory about the columns goes like this : a demon touches the right column in the attack on the bookshop, and dirties it. The problem is, in every episode we get multiple versions of the column that are dirtier or cleaner. Why? Because a demon has been touching that column in *more or less* the same place and getting it dirty over time, but the effects on the bookshop only layer every loop and reset, instead of being erased. The layering aspect is super important and I'll get back to it. For now, if we take it that the column gets dirtier over many loops, we now know what we are seeing : a bunch of different time loops stitched together to create a sense of time moving forward in a way that we can understand the story, but that skip forward and backward through the loops. Cleaner column = earlier loop. Here's discussion about clock hands if you want evidence, some even saying the hour hand seems to be going backwards in the first episode or the last, or even that the minute and hour hands must be backwards to make sense. If we think of time skipping ever forward and actions getting deleted (as some have said), then clocks going backwards makes no sense. But if we think about it as a time loop where things and actions are ever being tweaked and changed, then OF COURSE the times won't make sense anymore. People don't show up at the same time if they don't do the same thing they did before. The biggest time discrepancies I've seen in a single scene are A) Crowley's phone and watch being an hour apart in S2E1 and B) Inside the bookshop between Gabriel's fly flashback in S2E6 and him and Beez holding hands, there's an hour difference on the clock. I think that by the time we get to very late loops, some things are happening up to an hour later in the day. A simple example we are shown up top is the Eccles cakes. They are there in the first part of S2E1, but then they are no longer there somewhere along the way. In the first loop we see an ordering action/receiving Eccles cakes action, which takes *longer* than just not doing that and going straight to the shop, so that loop will be slightly later. It gets infinitely more complicated the more loops you are looking at, and we have at least 50 of them. How do I know that?
2) A 25 lazerii miracle
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If we know that effects on the bookshop are cumulative and don't reset (because columns), then let's try this idea on for size : Aziraphale and Crowley have been performing the same half miracles on the same spot for 50+* loops, and each times they are layering and getting stronger. .5 demon + .5 angel = .5 angelic miracle x 50*ish loops = 25 lazerii miracle goes off in heaven on the latest loop. Shax then confronts Crowley in his car about a mighty miracle, so we're in a loop here where we've layered quite a lot, but not the last loop because he still has the original glasses/ *but also* Crowley's sideburns are long. Compare it to the scene directly after, and how sunny and bright it is. We're in a later loop and and earlier loop simultaneously.
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3) Crowley's been testing So I've been searching for a *reason* that Crowley wears a turtleneck in S2E2 and thren new glasses and changes sideburns, and he seems to be up to some pretty crafty spy stuff, seeing as 1) he seems thrilled by it, and 2) he won't shut up about it (How will our hero cope? Jane Austen, nasty piece of work, master spy) There's also this Clue :
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Crowley has a secret, as we know everyone with their hands deliberately in their pocket does in the series. I think Crowley knows before Aziraphale that something is wrong, because he's getting little snippets of memory and feeling, and so he's going off to try and change things about himself, the Bentley and the shop to remind himself in the next loop and leave himself clues or change outcomes if he fails to escape. In the early loops it seems like a fun spy mission, but by the end he's pretty tired and jaded that he doesn't seem to be making any headway on his own.
It *also* explains him throwing books and canapés on the floor in the bookshop to see if it changes in other versions. The problem being that Gabriel keeps cleaning everything up and reorganizing the titles to Crowley can't tell if it's his system or not. (lolsob)
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It makes this line seem like he can't fit the loop pieces together anymore, and is trying to make headway without any information, rather than a pre-fall reference.
And this line probably much later in the loops (New sunglasses, long sideburns) :
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Okay so! To recap : Everyone gets reset every time, and they make different choices because of past and present edits. But, most heavenly and hellish things don't obey earth laws, and therefore things like miracles start layering, and memories start seeping through the loops. (Point 4 is optional but absolutely hilarious, so I'd like to think it's worth speculating about)
4. The flaw in The Metatron's plan
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There's a huge flaw in The Metatron's plan however, and it's that Heaven and Hell don't work like earth does. He's spent so many loops trying to get the result he wants, that he doesn't know that something crazy is *also* happening in hell. Every loop, Shax is emptying out the legions of demons until they barely have enough low level lackeys to go up at all. Hell is understaffed because no new people come into hell in the loop from earth, and they're sending all the demons that aren't subject to the reset into battle. This isn't a negotiation, it's a montage.
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So the attack on the bookshop isn't one attack, but waves, and the waves get less powerful each loop. Stitched loops would also explain why Shax now hands Crowley his mail again in the last attack after *just* handing it to him on the park bench, like, 4 days ago in an earlier loop.
I don't have evidence for this directly, but if The Metatron put Maggie together with Nina successfully only in the last few loops, then she's fighting in the bookshop only a few times, and doesn't invite the demons in any other times, which might be why the only evidence is the column, and not books being ruined. But, it might also explain why the demon Eric gets discorporated a bunch of times in a row, he's doing it later and later in each loop. (These are kind of contradictory thoughts, I know.)
5. Aziraphale realizes too late. When I wrote part 4 of this series I was pretty awed by the fact that Aziraphale managed to figure out the Metatron was rewriting things after only hearing him say ONE LINE of dialogue. However after more thought, I think that he's been getting close to the truth a bunch of times by communicating with Crowley in previous loops. In each successive loop he tells Crowley later and later, and it's been getting them reset as punishment each time they figure it out together. By the end they barely communicate at all, because they can feel the danger. Watch his reaction here, in what we can assume is a *very late or last loop (because of the time on the clock)*
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He stops himself from interrupting and telling Crowley something important he's just realized : that he's seen Gabriel and Beez get together before. "I know what this means..." 6. Saraqael is helping both sides without them knowing We see Saraquael helping Crowley immediately with the trial when she finds him in heaven. Why would she help Crowley without having ever met him before as a demon? The exchange of "Crowley I remember you, we worked on the Hosehead nebula together" and "I meet a lot of people, (*he doesn't say* I don't remember you)" is a code. They are both trying to communicate what they remember like spies on a bench in St.James park. Who recognizes who, who's trying to stop this madness. Maybe once Crowley gets to heaven this time he's seen multiple trials with multiple endings, and Saraquael has seen them too, I don't really know. BUT she's also communicating with Aziraphale at one point. Look at Saraqael in this scene again about the 25 lazerii miracle. She *remembers the book slap* and then the *looks* at Aziraphale in regards to Gabriel.
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Yeah Gabriel, IT NEVER F*&?%ING WORKS IN ANY LOOP SO STOP DOING IT. - Saraquel, probably. Are Saraqael and Aziraphale testing later/earlier in the loops as well? Is this when the miracle was weaker? Who knows! 7. The Metatron job offer was many, many offers
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It's really hard to tell with all the pieces of the puzzle moving around, but I think I can count 7 job refusal loops by Aziraphale in the last fifteen minutes. Here's a summary 1) Chinwag with Crowley in the room 2) We should go for a walk instead, here's a coffee 3) You don't have to answer immediately 4) Go tell you friend the good news (This is the important one), it's the last one where he tries to convince Crowley to come with him 5) I need to take care of my bookshop 6) The Metatron puts Muriel in charge of the bookshop, but Aziraphale wants to take something with him 7) Aziraphale straight up runs out to Crowley with "I think I-" 4, again) The Metatron takes him out of the bookshop. "Ready to start"?
Trying to screenshot all that would be insane, so just go rewatch it with all this in mind, and look at how the lighting changes inside of the bookshop and the jump cuts to different angles, and how his face resets every time. It's HEARTBREAKING. 8. The argument
I'm so blown away by the acting and writing (as well as the art direction) in this show, and it all comes to a head in the final argument. Many important lines have double meanings in series 2, because everyone is trying to speak in secret code to not get caught. Especially in the final loops.
In the last loops, we have an Aziraphale who is moving ever closer towards accepting the Metatron's offer, with the straw that broke the camel's back being he could restore Crowley as an angel**/save him; and Crowley who is moving ever farther away, by having to hide all of his Clue gathering, and confiding less and less to Aziraphale in each loop.
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Check out the double meanings going on in this whole exchange if you consider that they are trying to save each other using secret codes neither one of them can hear. It's so shattering. Especially when you consider they've probably made it to this argument at least twice, and Crowley convinced him the first time. Why do I say that, you ask? 9. No Nightingales
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Because I think Crowley remembers a loop where A Nightingale Sang was playing when they kissed, and Aziraphael didn't leave, but he knows they aren't in that version anymore. 10) I'm a demon, I lied. I'll probably post more abut the secondary characters because Shax, Furfur, Michael, Uriel and Nina etc all have roles to play, but for now, this is it.
----------------------------------------- Thanks so much for reading the gigantic post. If you disagree with my thoughts, or think this is terribly wrong, that's totally fine! I won't be offended. Without a real season 3, everything is just ether. Fingers crossed. I'd also like to thank The Ineffable Detective Agency, @embracing-the-ineffable, @cobragardens, @indigovigilance, @yowlthinks and more for inspiring me and feeding my brain with posts. *Loop numbers could actually be 25+ if you think that .5 demon mircales + .5 angelic miracles pour register as 1 whole miracle in heaven, I just didn't want to go into that in the main review. **The Metatron's meddling in the past seems to me trying very much to highlight to Aziraphale how *good* and righteous Crowley is, despite being a demon, in order to convince Aziraphale that joining him in heaven is a real possibility, and he should push for it.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 7 months
ofmd s2e2 rewatch where i pause to jot down my thoughts and other random shit
not quite a reaction post, not quite a liveblog. this post is gonna be unpolished and messy bc this is the only way i know to process my emotions abt these episodes enough that i can actually start talking coherently about them.
s2e1, s2e2, s2e3, s2e4, s2e5, s2e6, s2e7, s2e8
did not notice the first time around that buttons is sleeping with his legs sticking up resting against the side of the ship. king.
oh god the face stede makes after he breathes out all wistfully is so pained... ogughuhg heartbreak......
why is the groom cake topper dirty ed were you kissing it. ed. edward.
hNNNG ed pushing the painted bride figurine closer..... im gonna throw up
like i can literally feel the tears burning in his eyes. the way his chest starts shaking with sobs but he's managing to keep the sobs in for like one more second. he's trying so hard to hold it in and i've cried like this before and it physically HURTS
also oughg the song. run from me baby... run my good wife... run from me baby..... you better run for your life........ ED THINKS THAT'S WHAT STEDE DID!!! RAN AWAY FROM HIM!!!!! and he thinks that was stede running for his life bc like, he thinks he's inherently monstrous and unlovable and hnnnnnnnnngggg. ed teach go to therapy challenge.
the crew responding to zheng's wake-up bell is so relatable. me when my alarm goes off at 6am
ok so the running bit where stede's crew has never heard of China before. is kinda weird to me. and honestly it kinda runs back to what zheng said in the last episode "one thing i've learned in my time here: you people know so little" about nobody knowing how valuable indigo is. like the show is portraying your average caribbean pirate as really ignorant and only like, ed stede and fucking ricky are on par with zheng yi sao. and i mean knowledge doesnt equate to intelligence so like the indigo thing i didnt really bat an eye at but when it was played for comedy with olu not knowing how to pronounce china i was like... hm. but the season's just started so maybe im reading too much into it but idk. it's a weird writing choice to me.
loving how at the start of last season the crew almost mutinied bc stede was a soft captain but now roach is out here embracing how all of them are "tender as hell."
love how lucius and pete have their romantic reunion chat just. fully in front of an audience
stede looks. so upset. watching lupete kiss. this man misses his boyfriend so fucking bad
lucius not even trying to hide how much he Does Not want to be stuck with stede in towels
also hi the sky in this scene is so pink. it was blue when buttons was doing tai chi so i guess this is sunset. day one complete.
buttons confirmed sea witch one of the best scenes in s2 so far. intrigued by auntie saying "i have looked for you far and wide" like are there other sea witches and auntie only wanted buttons?? or is buttons literally the only sea witch in the world. i want the lore.
ed. eddie eddie edward. ed my beloved babygirl. i would fuckinggg die for you
ok but also there is literally no way frenchie didnt see ed when he walked in like ed is standing Right There. i love when directors do stuff like this tho it's so funny to me. "ok joel just walk in there and pretend like you dont see taika standing literally right in front of you"
just noticed ed was polishing the handle to the wardrobe (the main wardrobe) right there. he's tidying up. getting his affairs in order before he— *i break down into inconsolable sobbing*
i wont like tho it was very funny to me when we finally got this full scene and ed's "and no more stede" turned out to be "no more izzy." very fun for me
god i LOVE when we get pirate code shit. none of these rules ever make sense it's always just whatever works for the plot's sake. "that's the code of the sea: the new first mate always kills the old first mate. it's always been like that" i don't think it was literally ever like that i think the writers decided that making up this bullshit rule would add drama to the situation. it's like how pirates can win duels by rendering their opponent's sword inoperable (as if pirates ever had like ritualistic duels). or next episode when zheng yi sao is gonna kill them for mutinying against ed. i love how all the logistics of the plot are always some handwavy-bullshit bc the show just Does Not Care about this shit. this is the ed and stede show and everything else is just superfluous set dressing
we were all fixated on lucius living in the walls none of us predicted that it could be izzy living in the walls
"start with his leg see where it goes" frenchie what does this MEAN
archie thinking jim was asking which leg to cut off and just. answering the question genuinely. is so fucking real lmao me too girl
archie when izzy's leg starts gushing: aye yai yai!
stede telling everyone in laundry abt his whole romance with blackbeard. and stede telling zheng and auntie abt blackbeard when he thought they were just soup sellers. you KNOW stede's been telling literally everyone he meets abt how he's looking for his beloved ed.
lol ok but cuba was not written on the map in the one shot and then stede says "oh, hang on, he might be in cuba!" and it cuts back to the map and he underlines the word "cuba" which somehow mysteriously appeared on the map while stede was chatting. 10/10 no notes
also GOD do i relate to stede so hard sometimes. it did not even occur to stede to ask lucius how he's been until lucius points it out and then he's like "oh! right! how are you??" and he does genuinely care but he was just so absorbed in his own shit it did not occur to him to ask. like. ohhhh baby does that hit home
LLOOKING OVER HIS SHOULDER "oh, yeah. now you care?" AND THNE SHAKING HIS HEAD AS HE WALKS AWAY god i LOVE this soap opera
ok but buttons looks very confused when auntie says "i see you've adopted the humble form of a man" and then she hands him the book abt shapeshifting. like did she know that he doesnt know how to change form or what.
auntie asks buttons to bless their travels. anyway this is how stede somehow didnt get everyone killed in e1 despite the fact that they were at sea for a few months and he had no idea what the fuck he was doing.
LOVE auntie's little... yell? whimper?? before shuffling away nervously. incredible performance.
also the spellbook thing is in chinese. pretty cool how buttons knows how to read chinese.
ed jumpscare 2!
love how irl frenchie using the wrong hand for that throat-slitting pantomime would be unimportant but the show acts like that's something that could actually give frenchie away bc they need to really nail home the fact that Ed Is A Fucking Genius
another thing ed is: INCREDIBLY HOT. he is being intimidating and evil to frenchie rn and i am very very into it.
obsessed with archie casually picking some random gore off her hand
also obsessed with how jim is just poking at izzy's leg. they learned how to butcher animals as a kid tho so i guess they're not really grossed out by severed body parts lmaoo
also also obsessed with how izzy would absolutely have not survived this at all. i love this show
list part 2:
ok im sorry but "he's our dick" does not feel earned to me. like they use that fantastic shot of the whole crew in episode 6 last season but what's crucial abt that shot is izzy isn't hanging out with the crew. he's sitting away in the corner monologuing abt how he thinks maybe ed might not want to kill stede.
i do think it's significant tho that jim wasn't there for izzy at his worst aka threatening to withhold rations for laughing at him. like they weren't part of the vote to mutiny against izzy. but frenchie was and frenchie was like "start with his leg see where it goes" which does not seem like he's really that invested in keeping izzy alive.
also it's weird how we don't see fang at all for this bit with hiding izzy in the walls. like he would be the one i'd expect to have the strongest connection to izzy bc he knew izzy before the show started and he was hugging and comforting izzy last episode.
anyway imo jim keeping izzy alive is more abt them missing when they were on the ship with olu and the whole crew and the ship was like a family, not necessarily abt feeling loyalty to izzy specifically. i could be wrong tho who knows.
one thing i do know is that it is VERY important to point out how jim is struggling really hard with everything, archie is not. she wasnt there for the co-captaining era at all and she seems to be rolling with everything like it's all expected. this includes the wedding raid and ed pointing a gun at her last season and stuff. even now she's mostly just confused by why jim is bothering to try and keep izzy alive. but she acts like the amputation and the violence are all what she expected.
yay kissing!! with the shit stuffed up their nose and covered in blood and jim still holding the leg GOD I LOVE THIS SHOW
hnng when archie says "you have... hope" jim's jaw tenses and they visibly swallow after the word "hope." god jim is going through it
"the wooden demon boy that thirsted for life" god i love this game of telephone that the show is playing with pinocchio it's so fucking funny
archie definitely still says a few syllables after "no i was cleaning up blood" while jim was leaning in for another kiss but none of it forms a coherent word. relatable.
ed's "ohhhhohoho. ohoho" is so funny to me. this man is so jealous that other people are getting to kiss ppl they like but not him.
hm archie and jim are not actually kissing when we cut to the shot of ed standing in the stairwell. i imagine this is an editing goof or something
jim and archie pulling away like two kids who got caught kissing under the bleachers during gym class or something. incredible. one of jim's nose plug rags is mysteriously missing now. i think archie ate it.
ed shushing frenchie. nothing to say here but "i need him carnally"
"take the fuckin leg" ed does NOT like mess!!!
"he was your friend" well jim. he might have been ed's friend. but he had a very strange way of showing it.
why does it sound like ed has spurs on his boots
also. i want to know about auntie's filing system. ahead of it's time, you say?? tell me more. hi my name is jess and i love sorting things
ah yeah olu mispronouncing china moment
olu and zheng are cute tho ngl
roach is having an orgasmic experience drinking soup. very relatable.
love that stede called the broth "insane" like fics so often get stede's voice wrong bc he will randomly say casual slang in a way that contradicts his general s1 vibe of stuffy frilly rich guy. but he's more like your average dad whose general grammar when speaking is pretty outdated but he's also trying to use slang to fit in with his kids
oh god stede is trying so hard with lucius it is giving SUCH awkward dad vibes. "when i was young and edgy" and "mr. cool" STEEEEDE
"my spicy little rat boy" im so sad that lucius hates that pet name bc this is the funniest thing black pete's ever said
aw nooooo the way pete jumps when lucius yells at him :(:(:(
yo wee john has like a wristband with all these sewing needles and shit stuck on it that's such a cool costume detail
the first thing izzy says after waking up is "my leg" and in my head im hearing it in the spongebob meme voice
first: very funny how ed responds "yeah!" like, laughing about the whole. amputation thing. and then secondly i am obsessed with "up in Leg Heaven" he is so fucking quirky. i love him.
"have you come to take the other one" yeah you'd probably enjoy that huh izzy.
love ed's dangly earring. gender.
smthng abt how izzy is instantly exhausted and dismissive when ed tells izzy to take the gun vs how ed was also bored and dismissive when izzy said "i have love for you." idk if there's anything there im just making tenuous connections in my head rn
help. ed clenching his fists when he's standing with his back to izzy. he really wants izzy to do it but also even deeper than that he really doesn't he wants to live
izzy starts to laugh the same way he started to cry last episode with like a really loud sudden gasp of air. also he laughs so weirdly jesus christ
also jesus this is so fucking dark. i mean obviously but im fucking reeling right now from ed trying to get izzy to kill him and izzy's response is just "do it yourself you fucking pussy." fuck.
more thoughts on this scene here
"i loved you... best i could" i actually dont have a lot of thoughts abt this at all aside from it just seems like a weird thing for ed to say. idk. i have a few metas abt this saved that ive been meaning to read so maybe that will help me deconstruct this but i think i'd need more time to figure out why this line feels weird to me. it could literally just be that i dont like blackhands at all but idk. probably not gonna unpack my feelings for a while tho bc in terms of everything i want to dig into from these 3 episodes alone this is at the bottom of that list lol
love how ed tells frenchie "go live" right before he steers them into a storm and tries to doom everyone on the ship.
"two messed-up kids probably" i know this is one of those things that some viewers are just always gonna have a problem with but it's so fucking funny to me how stede is like. never seeing his children again. and is like "yeah they're probably traumatized by how i was a bad father. well that's for mary and doug to deal with!"
lucius winking when he calls stede quite the fuck-up. i love this snarky gay
anyway for how fucked up the vibe is on ed's ship at least they weren't playing human puppet or making people catch rats with their teeth
shit this is longer than the last post. anyway list part 3:
ok i completely forgot abt this scene where the crew back on the Revenge is talking in the hallway before they go confront ed but i think it's rlly interesting how jim is the only one who says anything abt how ed's sudden cheery mood is NOT a good thing. fang is like "do we think he's better?" and jim's like "fuck no!" and frenchie's like "idk he seemed pretty calm to me." like this is so fucking juicy to me. jim knew this wasn't "better." i think this is because jim kinda gets it. they know what it's like to be told you're only meant for violence. and they know what it's like to want something softer. last season i probably wouldnt have said jim understood ed's suicidal tendencies but the way jim KNOWS that this isnt better makes me wonder if they understand this, too.
altho when they go outside and ed is like "it's a bad storm! and i took the wheel! and im gonna fire into the mast! we're all gonna die!!" jim yells "what do you want, you piece of shit!" (in spanish) so maybe they dont get the suicide bit of it. but they did understand that ed wasn't better.
oh ed's voice in "what do i want?" is so whiny and sad. babygirl is fucking going through it. good thing the rain is hiding his tears ahaha. ha.
"all love dies im just hastening the process" objectively this is fucked up but also it is so funny to me that he's like "i got dumped so now nobody else is allowed to be happy and in love." he broke up all the couples at the end of s1 and he raided a fucking wedding. babygirl i love you. you are so unwell
VERY RANDOM THOUGHT and i would have to go back to last episode double check but i dont think any of the background crew are women?? it's just archie??? which kinda bums me out a bit like i dont only want female rep in the main cast i want to see random background women too. i could be entirely wrong abt this tho just in this scene i only see dudes in the background
anyway archie being like "alright i guess we're fighting" bc this is archie's normal. archie is just kinda resigned to her life being shit.
stede crossing out "dead" and circling "alive" is so fucking funny to me hfjkhdjvgdfjk like. manifesting.
but also he does kinda manifest that in the next episode doesnt he?? he loves ed back to life ahaha oh god oh fuck *starts sobbing*
"looks like he's gotten back into arson" okay and??? wee john's an arson enthusiast also, cmon lucius dont judge a man for his hobbies
stede's fucking face when he considers what lucius said abt "maybe his time with you is the best it's gonna get for him" like i think he tries to think abt it and just. cant. he cant fucking accept that. god im gonna throw up.
i cant get over how archie is like. yeah bro it's fine. it's cool just kill me im not gonna hold it against you.
jim's like "YOU WERE GONNA DO IT ANYWAY!!" and ed's like "teehee yeah :3 u got me"
oh bro some of the random background crew people just fully go overboard huh. damn. rip those guys.
ok so im choosing to believe that izzy fired a lucky shot there bc the man couldn't even shoot himself point blank in the skull but im supposed to believe that he got ed right in the arm from the other side of the deck in the middle of a crazy storm and the ship rocking like crazy and izzy's probably suffering from like, insane amounts of blood loss?? i dont buy it. i mean it doesnt matter at all but i think he was trying to hit ed's general torso area and if ed didnt have his arm held out izzy would've missed. like i said tho this makes no fucking difference. it's just a fun little headcanon hehe
love how ed laughs like an absolute maniac here. babygirl u are so unhinged.
wait it's fucking wild how in the middle of all this we to cut to auntie putting the map back together and then we see that zheng is bringing her fleet over land. anyway this is foreshadowing obviously but like considering the song choice and cutting this between ed's suicide attempt and then the crew mutinying. is a choice. and idk why they made that choice yet.
it is a pretty dramatic reveal tho. i didnt appreciate that the first time but holy shit. she's just pulling her ships all the way to the caribbean. girlboss.
and then the mutiny. the relief on ed's face hurts me so fucking much
other thoughs about this scene here
so first of all. auntie saying olu can be allowed to clean up random hairs around the desk and zheng being like "there's not that much hair" girl you know you're lying. her hair is so long and so gorgeous and you KNOW random strands end up making scary-ass hair spiders if somebody doesn't regularly sweep things up
second of all: olu pretending there's a carrier bird with a messege for zeng to give her a break is SO CUTE. OLU. OLU YOU ARE SUCH A SWEETHEART.
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trashboatprince · 8 months
Could I mayhaps request aziraphale and crowley for "forehead kisses" and "nudging into the crook of your partner's neck"?
Time for more fluff in these post s2e6-times.
On with the fic!
Aziraphale could tell that someone was looking at him, but he really wasn't in the mood to acknowledge the person who hadn't stopped staring at him since he came through the door. He really wanted to finish this book and he only had a few more chapters left.
There was a sigh, followed by another, then another. Each one getting louder and more annoyed, and Aziraphale finally looked up, his mouth a tight line as he narrowed a stare at the demon on the couch across from him. "What?"
"I'm bored and tired." Crowley replied, from where he was sprawled on the couch, head and one arm dangling over the armrest of it.
"I can see that. Why not pester the shopkeepers around here, I'm sure Nina would like for you to make yourself busy and get lollygaggers out of her shop. Or Maggie would be pleased to have someone to talk about bebop to. Muriel might be around here somewhere, they could probably use the company. Or you can go upstairs and take a nap."
Crowley groaned and rolled over, flopping onto the floor in a heap of long limps and red hair. "Nooooo, don't wanna go outside. Don't wanna go upstairs either. 'Sides, Muriel's out and about doin' whatever it is that they do when not here."
He rolled over once more, now on his back, looking up at Aziraphale. "I wanna cuddle."
"We can after I finish this book, it's hard to read when my lap is filled with a squirmy demon such as yourself. You can never sit without moving about, can you?"
"Nope." Crowley sniffed. "What if I changed?"
"Changed?" Aziraphale turned his attention away from his book to watch as Crowley's body shifted and changed, becoming long, thin, and coated in scales of black and red. "Ah, that's what you meant."
Aziraphale sighed, turning in his seat and patted his lap. "Fine, but only this once, I really want to finish this book, alright?"
Crowley nodded and slithered up, his long body lazily wrapping itself around Aziraphale. Not enough to harm the angel, but just tight enough that he wasn't going to slip off so easily. His big, snake head tucked itself close to Aziraphale's neck, snout trying to bury itself into the collar of his shirt.
Aziraphale smiled and started to pet Crowley's scales as he turned his attention back to the book on his desk. But before doing that, he turned and planted a small kiss right between the snake's eyes. "No funny business, alright?"
"Got it." Came a reply, before there was more bumping about until Crowley was finally settled, face hidden against Aziraphale's neck and shoulder.
The angel rolled his eyes, returning to the page he was on, fingers still petting smooth scales.
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starring-movies · 4 years
Killing Eve: Episode Analysis
Season 2, Episode 4 - Desperate Times
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This episode begins with Konstantin taking Villanelle to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. They go to the art museum and Konstantin takes Villanelle and he stands in front of a painting of Adam and Eve by Cornelis van Haarlem, called ‘The Fall of Man’. Villanelle doesn’t really pay attention to the painting but in the shot she is positioned standing in between Adam and Eve, in the place of the serpent. This imagery puts Villanelle in the equivalent place of the serpent, in Eve’s life; she is tempting Eve away from her normal life, as well as away from Niko and her life with him, in the same way as the serpent does. This placement of Villanelle in the shot, in between Adam and Eve in the paining, also visually shows the audience how Villanelle is driving Eve and Niko apart from each other by coming in between the two of them.
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Instead of looking at the painting of Adam and Eve, Villanelle is more taken by the painting of ‘The Corpses of the De Witt Brothers’ by Jan de Baen. This is firstly where Villanelle gets the inspiration for her next kill. However, Villanelle being attracted to this painting (rather than ‘The Fall of Man’ that Konstantin is looking at) also symbolises how she knows that her kills and the exciting showmanship she uses when she does them, is what she can use to come in between Eve and Niko (just as she stands between Adam and Eve in the painting) and also what she can use to help her to tempt Eve away from her life (like the serpent).
The song playing just before this scene (when Konstantin meets Villanelle on the bridge at the Leidsegracht canal), and when Konstantin and Villanelle first go to Rijksmuseum is ‘Remember’ by Unloved. The lyrics are:
“Remember me?
Remember them?
Remember that?
That was then,
This is now,
I'm just saying”
The lyrics of the song reflect the majority of Villanelle’s aim in this episode - she is trying to get Eve’s attention and for her to remember her, as she thinks that Eve isn’t interested in her now that she’s got The Ghost.
The lyrics also illustrate Villanelle’s motives for how she carries out the Amsterdam kill. She knows Eve is intrigued and interested in the style and flamboyancy that she uses in her kills, so through the Amsterdam kill she’s trying to provide all of this for Eve to get her to “remember” her.
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For the Amsterdam kill, Villanelle dresses up in a dirndl dress and wears a pig mask. She wears the pig mask because she tells Konstantin “you know he’s into farmyard animals”, and so she knows the man will be intrigued by it. She also wears the dirndl dress, which is a traditional German dress that was originally worn by peasants or servants. The word dirndl is a diminutive of the German word “derne”, which originally meant “young woman” but in modern usage has come to mean a “prostitute”.
The origins of the dirndl dress, as well as it being the colour pink (often associated with being a very feminine colour and often a colour for children, but also suitable for the pig theme), shows how Villanelle is cleverly using her costume to make herself seem vulnerable and for her target think that he is superior and in control.
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After the Amsterdam kill, Villanelle asks Konstantin “can we go home now?”, to which he replies “home. What do you mean ‘home’? Where is that exactly?” and Villanelle says “I’m going back to London”. Through this exchange we can that Villanelle obviously considers London, and therefore Eve, as her home now.
The central positioning of Villanelle in the shot, the sofa, the blue wall panels behind Villanelle (like the blue windows behind her in the psychological evaluation scene), the colour choices, the glass table, Villanelle’s hairstyle and her outfit are all very similar to the psychiatric evaluation scene from S1E2. The mirroring of the two scenes implies that Konstantin is again evaluating Villanelle and deciding if she’s okay to work, which is further emphasises by Konstantin’s positioning in the scene - he’s stood to Villanelle’s right (out left), in the same position where the psychologist was sat in the psych evaluation scene (and therefore taking the place of the psychologist in this instance).
It’s also a reminder that Konstantin does care about Villanelle and is constantly monitoring her to check that she’s okay. It also indicates that Konstantin is concerned about Villanelle’s ongoing obsession with Eve, as the last time Villanelle was evaluated was when Konstantin was worried that she was being affected by her memories of her relationship with Anna.
While Villanelle is waiting for Eve in a house, on the opposite side of the street to where her kill took place, Unloved’s ‘Her’ is playing. Over the scene we can hear the lyrics:
“I gave my heart to her.
She has my heart”
The lyrics of the song show how much Villanelle loves, or thinks she loves, Eve. As well as this, it also illustrates why Villanelle is so upset at the end of the episode, after Eve doesn’t show up the the crime scene - she feels like she’s given her heart to Eve and thinks Eve has just moved on from her to The Ghost.
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When Eve and Hugo are talking outside of the takeaway chicken restaurant, Hugo says to Eve “I got this job for exactly the same reason as you did” and Eve asks what the reason is, which Hugo says was so “I didn’t die of boredom”. This draws yet another parallel between Villanelle and Eve as in Villanelle’s speech as Billie in S2E6, Villanelle similarly remarks that “I’m just so bored”.
During this conversation Hugo also asks Eve “do you like watching her or being watched”, to which Eve replies that it’s “both”. This applies to both Eve and Villanelle as they both like to pursue each other but also like to be pursed, they both like to be the cat and the mouse at the same time.
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Yet another parallel between Eve and villanelle is that they both have also resorted to taking substances as a result of being involved with each other. Eve smokes a cigarette with Hugo, which she says she hasn’t done “since college”; and Villanelle takes drugs, which she never does and initially calls “rat poison”.
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The scene where Villanelle is choking the girl in the club toilets after she’s taken the drugs, is shot using the same angles as when Villanelle chokes Rhian in S3E8. The choice to use the same angles for the shots link the two scenes through Villanelle’s relationship with Eve. In the club scene Villanelle is choking the girl because she’s upset and taking out her anger from Eve not turning up; and in the scene on the Tube platform with Rhian, she’s choking her to protect Eve.
The parallel between these two instances also serves to show us the progression of Villanelle’s own feelings of killing. In this episode she is willing to kill the girl she is choking for no reason other than she cut in the line for the club toilets; but in contrast in S3E8, Villanelle is visibly upset by having to kill Rhian and is only doing it to protect her and Eve from being killed by The Twelve.
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When Eve is preparing to interrogate The Ghost, she is wearing the “sweater attached to a shirt” from S1E5 and has her hair out at first. The sweater and the hair out reminds us of Eve’s encounter with Villanelle in the kitchen in S1E5, however she then ties her hair up in a bun - perhaps showing that she may have lost a little bit of interest in Villanelle, as she goes against what Villanelle told her to do in S1E1 and does not “wear it down”.
In this scene we also get Eve contrasted with Villanelle. They are both looking at themselves in the mirror, however, Eve is the more emotionally strong one who is chasing another assassin and preparing for an interrogation. However, Villanelle is shown as the emotionally weak one, looking at herself in the mirror after a night of taking drugs, and is crying because she thinks Eve doesn’t care about her now.
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Villanelle also smiles as she is crying in the mirror. This might be because she realises that she’s finally feeling something. She said to Eve in S1E5 that “I don’t feel things”, she says in S2E6 that “most of the time, most days, I feel nothing”. We are also reminded of this in S2E7 when Eve asks Villanelle “you don’t feel anything?” and Villanelle replies that “I feel things when I’m with you”; so this moment of Villanelle looking at herself crying in the mirror could be the first moment that she truly realises that she doesn’t feel things but she really does feel things when she’s with Eve (and so this is why she starts smiling) - for her to be genuinely crying and to be actually feeling something over Eve (that isn’t just lust or obsession) is probably a revelation for her.
You can read my previous Killing Eve posts here:-
First Introduction to Villanelle
First Introduction to Eve
S1, E1 - Nice Face
S1, E2 - I’ll Deal With Him Later
S1, E3 - Don’t I Know You?
S1, E4 - Sorry Baby
S1, E5 - I Have a Thing about Bathrooms
S1, E6 - Take Me to the Hole!
S1, E7 - I Don’t Want to Be Free
S1, E8 - God, I’m Tired
S2, E1 - Do You Know How to Dispose of a Body?
S2, E2 - Nice and Neat
S2, E3 - The Hungry Caterpillar
S2, E5 - Smell Ya Later
S2, E6 - I Hope You Like Missionary
S2, E7 - Wide Awake
S2, E8 - You’re Mine
S3, E1 - Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey
S3, E2 - Management Sucks
S3, E3 - Meetings Have Biscuits
S3, E4 - Still Got It
S3, E5 - Are You From Pinner? [Part 1]
S3, E5 - Are You From Pinner? [Part 2]
S3, E6 - End of Game
S3, E7 - Beautiful Monster
S3, E8 - Are You Leading or Am I? [Part 1]
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
Hey Queen, so I was rewatching season 2 of AOT, and obviously, I saw the amazing Reiner and Bertholdt betrayal scene. I couldn’t help but imagine how that scene would play out in the Twilight Blue universe. May I ask for your headcanons of the Twilight Blue universe? I’m also really curious if Mikasa and Reiner would get back together since they teamed up in the manga to defeat Eren. Thanks!
Hello my dear. Thank you so much for the wonderful Ask! Here’s hoping that your weekend has started out great so far. The S2E6 scene is legendary on its own through the nonchalant way Reiner revealed his & Bertolt’s true identity to the Islanders. In the Twilight Blue Universe, it would be a lot more impactful on both Mikasa & Reiner emotionally. The following (super long) headcanon would be what I envision had happened & also, the possibility of them getting back together again in current canon timeline of the manga.
Read on more for your reading pleasure!
ReiKasa Fic AU Headcanon #4
Universe: Twilight Blue (Note: for this headcanon, the epilogue never took place & the only person who is aware of ReiKasa’s secret relationship would be Bertolt. There's some BeruKasa moments too.) Rhythmic muse included in the links below!
* After the end of Twilight Blue, Reiner & Mikasa had been seeing each other in secrecy. Bertolt would frequently and naturally be the one who provides an excuse for Reiner’s occasional disappearances and he’d also be the one who actually help to switch Reiner’s kitchen or laundry duties so they would coincide with Mikasa’s turn making it easier for the couple to sneak in more alone time together.
* Their relationship continues even when they both enlisted with the Survey Corps.
* Mikasa & Reiner have several secret rendezvous spot(s) : i) the library, right at the secluded area of the fitness books section, ii) the nearby forest for an early morning run, iii) the kitchen storage room. When they've been reassigned to the SC's old headquarters, they frequently snuck into an old attic up in one of the older towers.
* Mikasa can be seen staying longer whenever Eren & Armin hung out with Reiner & Bertolt. It never escaped Armin's perceptive observation that Mikasa seemed to be more sociable only around boys like Reiner & Bertolt.
* During one of their secret trysts, Reiner promised to Mikasa that he'd bring her back to his home in the future to introduce her to his family. He even mentioned this in secret to Bertolt, which the latter protested immediately, arguing that Mikasa would have a horrible future in Marley if they ever take her back with the Founder. She would become their POW or worst, a breeder for the military due to her Ackerman blood. Bertolt reminded him that there are no possible future for them together.
* Since they've been keeping their relationship a secret, Reiner still is flirtatious around the other girls, much to Mikasa's envy. But she wasn't openly expressive of her feelings, therefore only Bertolt was able to tell when Mikasa is bothered by Reiner's behavior around the other female cadets.
* Bertolt would be the one to remind Reiner that he's being overboard but when his best friend apparently 'forgotten' that he's dating the top cadet, Bertolt eventually became the person that offers Mikasa the voice of reasoning.
* Reiner's apparent crush on Krista wasn't taken well by Mikasa. Reiner told her that it was all an act so no one would find out about their relationship. But it didn't hurt Mikasa less everytime he tries to flirt with the petite, beautiful girl right in front of her. It also didn't help that all the other cadets had been gossiping about how Reiner & Krista make a perfect couple, much to Ymir's annoyance as well.
* Bertolt began to spend more time with Mikasa alone, where he also shared with her of his secret feelings for Annie. They both bonded over having to keep their true feelings to themselves. At this point, Mikasa had already see Bertolt as a brother figure, just like Eren and Armin. The other cadets, however, began to suspect the nature of Bertolt & Mikasa’s relationship.
* Connie was the one who suggested that Bertolt & Mikasa had been 'tumbling in the hay' during dinner, when they were running late that one time from cleaning the stables. The way they both blushed & kept quiet only stirred up more rumors, much to Jean & Reiner's annoyance. That same night, after their evening roll call, inside that tiny attic space, Reiner, once again, reminded her on why there would be no other men that could make Mikasa feels the way he does. Part of him was being possessive, part of him was jealous.
* One incident where Mikasa fell off a tree and twisted her ankle to help a stray cat, actually almost caused a rift between Reiner & Bertolt. Reiner only then realized that he had hurt Mikasa's feelings the instant he felt envious when he saw Bertolt carrying the injured Mikasa in his arms. Bertolt asked him, "Why would you care about her?", causing Reiner to recognize that he hasn't been fair towards Mikasa ever since they began dating.
* Bertolt had to remind Reiner that they were not supposed to be attached to anyone on that island but they both know that it was already a line they had crossed.
Reveal & RtS “Say Something”
* The day before the emergency discreet meeting with the top SC officers had also been the last time Reiner & Mikasa had been intimate with each other.
* The night Hange revealed the SC's suspicions of the duo's true identity, Mikasa found it difficult to accept & she had secretly been hoping that their suspicions were untrue.
* When their squad arrives in time to rescue Reiner, Bertolt & the others in Utgard Castle, Mikasa had been worried about Reiner's injury but the way Reiner & Bertolt had been avoiding her gaze somehow confirms her worst fear.
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* On top of Wall Rose, Mikasa had been dreading the moment that they're waiting to apprehend the two of them but Reiner's sudden mental breakdown pushed them all to the point of no return. Her hands had been shaking & she hesitated. Their objective was to apprehend them both for questioning, partly because she desperately wanted to talk to Reiner & to get his explanation.
* To say that Mikasa was disappointed that their suspicions were proven true would be an understatement. She was beyond devastated.
* Mikasa actually only wanted to hold Bertolt down so they could apprehend him. But Reiner pushed her off the wall, and this is because Reiner knew that Bertolt & him had to shift and he didn't want her to be caught in the transformation blast.
* The moment Reiner's psyche reinstates back to his Warrior alter, he had temporarily compartmentalized his existing feelings for Mikasa but his heart wouldn't allow him to do so.
* When the SC were chasing after Reiner, Bertolt & Eren, Reiner's heart ultimately broke the moment he heard Mikasa called him a plague of humanity in vain. His heart bled when he'd heard a Titan grabbed Mikasa & he'd heard her screaming in pain but he had to pretend that he felt nothing when it happened.
* Their relationship was as good as dead at that point and the end of the road for both of them, which was a premature, unspoken decision on both sides.
* The whole time when the SC were present during Hange’s introduction & briefing of the Thunder Spears, Mikasa’s brain had been thinking about Reiner the whole time & her feelings were hurt even worst than before.
* She knew they had no choice but to kill them & it didn’t make it even easier for her. It still hurts her to have to use that last Thunder Spear on him. She was still angry at him the whole time Hange was threatening him to explain about the place he came from, their mission & that mysterious letter for Historia. Never she’d expected that it would be the last time she’d ever see his face.
Post-Reveal  “It’s Not Goodbye”
* During her imprisonment for insubordination, Mikasa became depressed not only for the fact she now knew that both Eren & Armin have limited years left of living due to the Curse of Ymir, but it was also because of her guilt towards having to watch Bertolt being eaten alive by Armin’s raw titan form and also for a fact that Reiner would also be dying before Eren does.
* When Eren & Armin went to Reiner & Bertolt’s old room to clear their remaining possessions, it was Armin who told Mikasa that he’d kept them in the old attic instead of throwing them away. Mikasa kept Reiner’s old shirt that still has his scent on it from the storage & actually hid it under her pillow. It helped her through her difficult nights.
Time-Skip (Current Canon Timeline) “Love Story”  | “Tainted”
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* Within that four years, they both had never stopped thinking about the other. It hurts Reiner so badly that he couldn’t allow himself to reminisce all of the beautiful moments he had with Mikasa and could only subconsciously thought of the last moment he’d ever saw her face; her sending an explosive projectile down his Titan’s throat.
* Mikasa had not talked to anyone about Reiner or even once mention his name within that four years. No one knew why she would seclude herself in the attic of one of the headquarters towers every other Saturday.
* Only Sasha knew of Mikasa’s secret relationship years later by accident as during one night, she had overheard Mikasa tossed and turned around in her sleep, calling out for Reiner’s name, her asking why and how could you in her sleep. Mikasa would later wakes up from her nightmare & hides herself in their shared bathroom, crying in the shower.
* The first time she sees Reiner’s Armored Titan again in Liberio, she couldn’t hide the disappointment on her face. She couldn’t even look at Reiner’s direction at all & she realizes that seeing him again still hurts her.
* She was genuinely concerned of Reiner’s safety after the Rumbling was initiated by Eren. Later on, when they were reunited through the Marley-Paradis alliance, all those old memories came flooding back. They both had grown physically & mentally older but the love, it has always been there. The moment she saw his sleeping figure, by gods, she had never known how much she’s been missing him.
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* It pained her so much when she saw him being pummeled by Jean because of Marco’s death. Not even once he retaliated or defended himself. She’d never stopped worrying for him the moment he saw him immobilized inside his Titan form at the docks in their confrontation with the Jeagerists. Yet, not even once had she spoken to him directly ever since they were reunited.
* The first time they’ve ever spoken to each other was on the Hizuru steamer en route to Odiha. While Connie was busy tending to the injured Armin in the Medical Bay inside the ship, she helped clean Annie & Reiner’s wounds. “I miss you so damn much.” Were the first words he’d ever spoken to her after four and a half years. She pretended that she didn’t hear him at all.
* She avoided him on the steamer and even when they’re all gathered in the communal area to strategize, she’d spoken to everyone directly, even Annie & Pieck except him. Reiner also saw her observing the conversation Armin was having with Annie on the decks from afar and pulled her into one of secluded hallways to talk & to break the cold silence between them.
* She pushed him away and locked herself inside one of the unoccupied rooms as Reiner knocked on the door from the other side, kneeling and begging for her forgiveness, begging her not to shut him out. Mikasa hated herself even more with every tears that she had shed for both Eren and Reiner.
* Later that night, once they’ve docked in Odiha, Reiner knocked on her door once again to tell her that if tonight is the last night he’d have alive, he just wanted to apologize to her & he just didn’t want to have anymore regrets. 
* He begged and he pleaded, “I just wanted to be able to look at you in your eyes and tell you how very sorry I am for all the hurt I’ve caused you and there hasn’t been a day that went by without you on my mind. A part of me died a little bit each day since the day I left Paradis.”
* It took several swings of her fist against his chest, a slap on his cheek and a whispered, “I hate you” from her lips before it met his in a reawakened hunger. Old feelings and sparks reignited between the two former lovers. Inside a tiny bunker room on the Hizuru steam ship, two separated hearts reunited as one once again, so as their bodies.
* Now that Marley is in ruins & her mother is most probably dead, Reiner believes that he no longer has a home to return to. Mikasa disagrees & argues that he still has Gabi and he’d always have a home in her heart. Reiner realizes that if he ever survives their last stand against the Founder in Fort Salta the next day, he’d only wanted to spend the remaining time that he’d still had left alive with Mikasa, raising Gabi & Falco together.
* Right before they both dropped off from the plane to take down Eren’s Founding Titan, Reiner made one last promise to her: he’ll never leave her again & they will both return home together.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the above & thanks again for sending in this fun Ask, @xrocketmanx! Take care & stay safe.
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pointnumbersixteen · 3 years
A Head Cannon Biography and Character Analysis and of the Captain, Part 3: the Military and a Start of My Explanation of Why the Captain Is Probably Actually the WORST at Being a Captain Even Though I Love Him
By a narrow margin he would have missed being old enough to go off and fight in WWI. While I sometimes enjoy thinking about baby-Cap lying about his age to go fighting in the trenches and ending up in over his head, it’s unlikely he did, as he doesn’t have any campaign ribbons for it. Also, his enthusiasm for the idea of fighting is the kind only borne by people who have never done any. Plus, his face when they present flashbacks in s2e6 of the ghosts watching Pat die shows Cap being one of the most shocked and horrified of the group. It was probably his first time actually seeing a person die a violent death, whilst at the very least Fannie and Thomas both died violent deaths themselves and the rest of the group had watched those two die. If he’d served in WWI, he wouldn’t have had that reaction; violent deaths would have been commonplace to him.
A bit more rational progression: he likely went to whatever type of higher education was appropriate to his social position and future career- I like to think Oxford as Ben Willbond went to Oxford, but that’s just a preference and quite possibly not the most appropriate one, I’m not sure how to research that one, maybe a military institution is more likely- and then was commissioned as a lieutenant in the army as an artillery officer (from his uniform insignia) when he was finished. And stayed in the army until he died. And with years and years of trying to conform, ever since he was elven years old, he became institutionalized to the military, the identity he’d been faking became the identity his psyche was attached to.
But, unfortunately for him, despite doing his best, he probably sucked at it. Being a military officer. I say that with the upmost love. I adore the Captain. But he just didn’t measure up. As head cannon: I imagine he made a good artilleryman. He has good planning skills, attention to detail, and is punctual (see s2e4), which are many of the traits needed to be a good artilleryman (the last is more important than one might think, the artillery failing to be punctual was a major reason for many infantry deaths in WWI, it probably would have been stressed afterwards, in the inter-war period). Most of the rest is understanding the equipment and geometry, both of which can be taught. Being successful at the mechanics of the position probably got him to Captain.
What he was not, however, was a good leader of men. Reddy Weddy is mostly talked about for the romance-that-sadly-wasn’t with Havers, but it showed not only that, but how ridiculous Cap was in real life as a commanding officer. He was a joke. Granted, that’s something I suspected all along, before Reddy Weddy (and I’ll get to the Reddy Weddy flashback analysis in a bit). I spent 4 years in the military, granted in the US, most of it as an NCO, but the US army and the British army, at least, are similar enough that it was easily spotted. There are two big things.
First, he doesn’t have an appropriate officer’s baring. He doesn’t have a commander’s poker face. He fakes it well in neutral situations, but outside of them… when he’s annoyed, he’s standing in back rolling his eyes, when  he’s nervous or frightened, his hands are worrying at his pointy-stick, when he’s upset, it is blatantly readable on his face. Proper officers don’t do any of that. You’re supposed to read nothing but confidence and control looking at a proper officer, and maybe a bit of grim stoicism in bad situations at most.
But secondly, and far more telling: he died a forty-six year old captain. I went ahead and checked the UK army website to make sure that it worked the same as the US for this one, and it does. In both, an officer starts out their commission as a second lieutenant, and the progression to first lieutenant and then captain happens more or less automatically over the course of the next three years, provided that the person is remotely competent and doesn’t commit any major infractions. Then promotions to major and higher are competitive. Someone has to think you have promise for you to end up a major.
Putting this on a timeline for a moment, he probably joined the military at 22 or 23. Twenty-two if he went to some sort of military institution with a commission obligation right after. Twenty-three if we’re kind to him, say he went to Oxford, and we give him a year to roam around Europe, as young men from well off families sometimes did, before he joined up. If we’re especially kind to him, he can spend a bit of that time in Berlin, which all through the 1920s and into 1933 when the Nazis took over, was the center of gay culture in Europe, as, while Germany had the same laws against homosexuality as everyone else did at that time, the Berlin police had a policy of more or less not enforcing them. Let him get his feet wet with a little homosexual activity before chickening out and stuffing all of those thoughts back deep down into the box he keeps them in otherwise. Let that be where he caught a glimpse of what was clearly the old-school gay porn that he described in the Byron episode to Pat (‘I don’t think it’s that sort of movie, mate.’). But I digress. Let’s be kind to him and say he joined at twenty-three. He’d have made Captain by twenty-six. 
And then he would have gone the next twenty years without a promotion. No one thought he had promise.
Forty-six year old captains are nonexistent in the US army anyway. The oldest captain I ever met was thirty-four and that was because he’d changed branches from infantry to communications (my branch) after he’d been injured in multiple roadside bombings and was no longer medically cleared for infantry, and had to go through all the schools and training and required service slots for career progression in commo. Generally speaking, though, if you’re not at least being looked at for major after roughly eight years in, you get out and find something else to do, or are nudged out. ‘Thank you, but your services are no longer required.’ Even being a forty-six year old major would be a sign of career death. If you’re not at least a lieutenant colonel by that age, something went wrong.
However, given he would have joined up in the relatively early days post WWI, when that war was still fresh in people’s minds and not many people were enthusiastically joining the military because of it, just for lack of warm bodies, they’d have probably let him stick around even if his career was dead and buried. He’d have been forty-ish at the start of the war, but it’s extra telling that he made it through the entire six-ish year war without a promotion, too, even when due to the need to stand up more units and promote men to replace those who had died, promotions were plentiful.  
 I feel like my ‘cap sucked at the army’ argument is going to be met with either ‘well, obviously’ or strong objections. Maybe both. There will be a blow-by-blow of the flashbacks in Reddy Weddy in a couple of posts to back this conclusion, after my analysis of Cap’s attitude towards war, after both are spot edited, stay tuned.
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e6 Live Blog
“The Monster Uprising”
Sorry this is later than usual. I’ve been having some personal issues lately that have been rather time consuming. But anyway yall ain’t here for that! So let’s get on with the episode. As always, I’m watching from the perspective of someone who has read both the manga and web comic
Once again, picking up right where we left off! Suiryu finally makes his fighting debut. He’s been introduced like what, 3 episodes ago? But honestly idgaf about him nearly as much as
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MAX MY BOI I KNOW HOW THIS ENDS FOR YOU BUT I’M ROUTING FOR YOU ANYWAY. Oh god I gotta say, I forgot Suirya has a couple nightmare faces yikes. Also, I love how the Sea King keeps having an impact on heroes so long after his defeat. First Prisoner during the alien invasion, then Max and I know in just a bit Snek too. What a villain. Jeez, the mildly ominous music really isn’t subtle about making Suiryu out to be antagonistic, yeah? Also, this is the most we’ve heard him talk so far- Suiryu’s voice is exactly what I imagined I love it. MAX NO ITS OK I LOVE YOU ANYWAY AND SUIRYU IS A DICK ITS FINE YOU DID GREAT
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is the sixth episode this season and i STILL pause every time Zombieman is in the intro. Even his tiny silhouette at the end. just
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Ok ok back to the action. Genos makes a good point and I wonder that, too. Saitama broke his limiter through sheer willpower right, like thats crazy but also not THAT crazy. Is he REALLY the only person EVER to have done that thus far (aside from probably blast)? Thankfully no monster ever has otherwise we’d surely know about it. Is Saitama really just THAT insane? Its not even like he had an extreme desire his whole life, he just beat some crab guy and snapped one day? OH OH GENO’S PHONE OS RINGING MONSTERS! MONSTER! MO N S T ER S ! aw wait no go to the monsters hey
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OH WAIT NEVERMIND THIS IS OK SNEK SNEK S N E K OK I actually really like him?? He’s like they show’s resident butt-monkey but also just a good guy.
OH HEY THAATS DIFFERENT!?!? Wow ok so in the manga, it just happened by chance that the cheering in the stadium was so loud that no one heard the monster evacuation alarms, but here they’re setting up Bakuzan preemptively as an asshole who actively disregarded the alarm and everyone’s safety (although he kinda has a point?). Because the way he acts later on is clearly not evil enough already? I feel like that’s unnecessary but it doesn’t add or detract from anything really so whatever I guess?
FUCKIN KEK DAVE. Top tier humor ffs the random mundane name joke will never get old fite me ooh Oh good god OK Choze’s face is also terrifying oh no. Dude you don’t need a monster cell you ALREADY LOOK LIKE ONE but OK
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YASSS GENOS SLAY YAAASSSSS He finally wins a few rounds WITHOUT losing any limbs! IM JUST! SO EXCITED TO SEE HIM FIGHTING YASSS WAIT NO GO BACK HEKK so much jumping around is making this more difficult to maintain any semblance of coherency asdfghjk
HAH you know what? When I was rereading the manga and came across face ripper, I thought to myself he looks like he would be some tan/ olive/ pale purple color or something so I bet the anime will be like HAHA RED BITCH. and looky here. I’m catching on finally. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Genos my boy my son you are such a bad ass and I love you hhhhhhhhhhhhhh HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAA AWAKENED COCKROACH AWAKENED COCKROACH ALREADY FUCK THIS EPISODE IS HAPPENING FASTER THAN I ANTICIPATED HECK HECK THERE GOES MY HEART RATE I THOUGHT I WAS PREPARED ALAS I AM BUT A FO O L
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HAH I think this is anime-only too?? I dont remember it Why is this so funny what the fuck?? “Dark Hell Killing” Juijitsu omg calm down you absolute edgelord literally half of that name would have been sufficient.
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FFFFFFFFFF The slowly building intense music just cut off like- I was so distracted by Bakuzam’s freaky murder face i forgot this happened DAMNIT SAITAMA i NEED my LUNGS to BREATH but no i LAFF and then the silence in the stadium turns to TRIUMPHANT MUSIC as if that was some valiant victory and THAT SOUR FACE FACE FUCK IM DEAD ITS TOO GOOD IM DEAD
Aw Tareo Sweetheart its ok noooooo also side note don’t they also mention Metal Bat is hospitalized? Hey! HEY! TALK ABOUT MY OTHER SON WE DONT EVEN SEE HIM FOREVER HEY oh oh I spoke too soon my b my b
Well shit it’s Shiny vs Shiny jeezus. I don’t have a particular issue with the coloring of Genos’ arms and such but this is just very noticable- Roach could’ve done without the SHINE. Eyyyy a complimentary Sonic for all yall SOS fans out there HAH “No matter it’s still fatal” r u sure about that child r u sure
AAHHH THE WIFE AGAINNNN yo I have A Lot Of Thoughts ™ about the females in OPM that I think I’ll make a separate post about because of the inevitable backlash of Super-S’ design.
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OH FUCK COOL SHOT COOL COOL OH FUCK THAT WAS COOL TOO OUT OF NO WHERE hey wait was that supposed to be the Hell Storm attack? WHAT REALLY. AW MAN I was getting hyped about how that would look cmon
Super-S with messed up hair is perfection just saying
Also, Tatsumaki is the definition of Yandere and its terrifying jeez.
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Terrifying, but also this. HEK
Oh weird dude seeing the Madhouse animation in the middle of season 2 is weird  not jarring which is good because at least to me that means JC staff is keeping up well enough but still weirdddd
“Everything about you disgusts me” me too snek DONT LISTEN TO HIM HES A DICK
((((((((((((((((((((ew amai mask go away)))))))))))))))))))))
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ok post credits scene i have an idea of what it might be and I’m shaking in my seat but hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Good Episode GOOD EPISODE OK so my least favorite thing easily was the cop-out on Fubuki’s Hell Storm attack but otherwise my favorite thing was??? I dont know?? Like this episode was a lot of build up for next week’s episode but also so much happened anyway?? I loved seeing Genos in action and also BDSM Wife AND OROCHI AND GYORO and also also I know a lot of people have an issue with the existence of the tournament thing in general but I don’t mind it because its hilarious honestly and all of the happenings otherwise feel well balanced enough sooooooooo yeah I’m SO PUMPED for next week like bring me THE S CLASS BRING ME BRING 
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feliciasink · 7 years
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme originally from Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things I have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on my blog.
Hey you all, I’m so sorry for being absent these past few weeks. I haven’t been in my writing mood for a couple of months, but I been completely absent the past few weeks… So I’m gonna give you a recap of how these past 3 weeks have been for me…
So I started the week, 3 weeks ago, with going back to my speech therapist again. Yes, I stutter and yes, it will never go away completely… No big deal for me, but the techniques I learn there, help me in my daily life. I also went to the doctor’s for the pain in my right calf muscle.. He didn’t see anything, gave me painkillers and said it would go away… I got a bit irritated again, because it was blue, swollen and that’s the answer I almost always get.
School that week wasn’t very excited, I didn’t have a model so I had to train on my exercise head again. Did break my own record in doing a perm. We have to roll a complete perm in an hour max, and I did it in 50 minutes, my record was 52 =]
Thursday I had my last Taekwondo training before my exam on Friday. It was good to go over everything I had to do like kicks, techniques and walking my daeguk. Afterwards we went for a drink in town. It was really fun to socialize with the group and build my friendship with them. They told me the sweetest thing!! They said I was a really good and fun addition for the team =] To hear that makes me feel really good. I’ve lived in this area for three years now and still haven’t got any friends. So it really did do me good =] I’m happy to have found that group of people and really like them =]
So Friday was the big day for me. My first Taekwondo exam. It was really tough on my stamina hahahahah… I did make a few dumb mistakes. Like with the sparring part, I don’t have any protection yet, so I kicked against an elbow, it hurts like shit, and guess what… a minute later I kicked with my other foot against the other elbow.. So it gave me two very blue feet, a few bruises on my arms and shins and the worst part to tell you guys… Before sparring I had to show kicking techniques on pillows my friend [she’s a black belt] held up. But she held up two for a jumping kick and because of my calf muscle I calculated my jumped kick to land on my left leg. But in the heat of the battle I had to do a double jumped kick aaaaaannddd landed on my right leg… So I have a tear in my MCL- or more commonly known as my inner knee ligament [just found that out last Tuesday by the way] – I felt it snap and had to spar after that… whoops… But all in all it was worth it and I passed!! Check out the picture above!!
That weekend we visited mu aunt and her wife. I was sore, bruised and tired, but most of all sad… It was the first time being there and Simba not greeting us… She was their dog and child.. She was 14, but 4 in spirit… I got the news while doing groceries the weekend before. It broke me, I grew up with Simba. Think about it she was 14, I’m 24 years… So that was a weird and emotional weekend….
After this busy week it got boring and painful… I couldn’t go to Taekwondo for a while [that while ain’t over yet, sadly] and that made me miss my friends and my two occasions of getting out of the house in the week… It also screwed my schedule.. I just got used to working out twice a week, and that made me feel good.. Now that’s gone for a while and that makes me sad and restless.. I feel stuck in my house, especially with my knee… So no Taekwondo, a lot of job hunting and school this week was with my exercise head again. This wasn’t for the fact I couldn’t find a model, but because we got a colouring demo and a test run with water mixed with a hair mask on our exercise heads…. It was a lot of information, but exciting to start colouring other’s hair =]…
Then the real fun began.. Hello to having a fucking fever for four days =/ it was good for my bingewatching as you can see from Thursday through Sunday hahahahaaa… So that wraps up the first two weeks…
So last week was kind of exciting for the family. On Monday my father-in-law got a new pacemaker. That’s always a tricky thing in my opinion… But it went very well and he’s doing better after having the surgery.. So the rest of the week was me limping, me job hunting, me doing a mini makeover with a haircut on my model [and she’s going for another haircut and a perm in april woohoo], me giving my father-in-law a haircut after the hairdresser didn’t do a great job and asked me to do it. He was happy with it and so was I. I haven’t had training in cutting a man’s hair [will cover it in the second year] and he was my first male haircut =] I’m glad I can learn from the saying ‘Monkey see, monkey do’ hahahaha..
Today was a slow day. Had a tough night sleeping.. Because of the stinging pain in my leg and my bf woke me up twice. He couldn’t sleep so the first was because of the light of the TV [my mask had slipped from my eyes] and the second time because he felt like eating Oreo’s and ripping the package. And I can guarantee you, plastic ain’t silent xD So I had a tough time falling asleep again after the Oreo incident and that kept me up for 45 minutes again… Finally fell asleep and got some more hours luckily.. But I’m still tired as shit and so today wasn’t a very quick day… Watched some Grimm episodes, prepped some review posts to finish them – hopefully tomorrow – and made fresh tomato soup… Guess what.. I forgot my soup veggies =/ the most essential ingredient… So I had soup with meat and pasta today and will buy the veggies and add them tomorrow hahahaha… I am glad I finally caught up with my blog again and have the motivation to write my reviews again… Not in the same speed as before, but I’m getting there..
So I hope you have had a great time and will have in the coming week =]
XoXo Felicia
So because of all of the above, no posts since my last Sunday Post =[ But I’m trying very hard to do some posts next week and catch up with my Top Ten Tuesdays. I hope I can do them all, but I’m not going to promise anything. My game hasn’t been good the last few months and it’s taking me a while to get it back. I hope you will forgive me for posting so little, but as I’ve explained in the Life section of this post, life ain’t easy these days…
Coming next week – in no particular order of reviews or memes and such:
#73 First Year.
#74 Non-Heir.
#75 Apprentice.
#76 Caraval.
TTT#21  Ten Underrated/Hidden Gem Books I’ve Read In The Past Year Or So.
TTT#23 All about the visuals: Top Ten Favorite Graphic Novels/Comics or Ten Comics on My TBR or Top Ten Favorite Picture Books.
TTT#24 Top Ten Books I Wish Had (More/Less) X In Them.
TTT#25 All About Romance Tropes/Types.
TTT#26 Ten Books I Loved Less/More Than I Thought I Would (recently or all time).
Most Anticipated Releases January 2017.
January Haul.
January Wrap-Up + February TBR.
I did do a lot of reading these past few weeks. =] Good books will keep you reading on hahaha… So I finished Carve the Mark on January 29 and The Tales of Beedle the Bard on February 4. Since then I’ve read The Gender Secret and The Gender Lie by Bella Forrest, Haven by Katherine Bogle from a review copy, Caraval by Stephanie Garber and First Year, Non-Heir, and Apprentice by Rachel E. Carter. I’m really excited by and in love with The Black Mage series by Rachel E. Carter =] It’s sooooo good!!!!
My next reads will be Candidate, and Last Stand by Rachel E. Carter, Passenger, and Wayfarer by Alexandra Bracken and if I make it this month The Gender War by Bella Forrest… The Gender Secret series is also really, really good!!!
Goodreads Reading Challenge 2017 Update: 18/100 books
The Backlist Reader Challenge 2017 Update: 9/50 books, 0 reviews yet
What are you reading??
Monday Jan 30, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E11: Ted
Monday Jan 30, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E12: Bad Eggs
Monday Jan 30, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E13: Surprise (1)
Monday Jan 30, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E14: Innocence (2)
Tuesday Jan 31, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E15: Phases
Tuesday Jan 31, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E16: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Tuesday Jan 31, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E17: Passion
Tuesday Jan 31, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E18: Killed by Death
Tuesday Jan 31, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E19: I Only Have Eyes For You
Wednesday Feb 1, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E20: Go Fish
Wednesday Feb 1, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E21: Becoming (1)
Wednesday Feb 1, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E22: Becoming (2)
Thursday Feb 2, NCIS S2E1: See No Evil
Thursday Feb 2, NCIS S2E2: The Good Wives Club
Thursday Feb 2, NCIS S2E3: Vanished
Friday Feb 3, NCIS S2E4: Lt. Jane Doe
Friday Feb 3, NCIS S2E5: The Bone Yard
Friday Feb 3, Brooklyn Nine-Nine S2E2: Chocolate Milk
Monday Feb 6, NCIS S2E6: Terminal Leave
Monday Feb 6, NCIS S2E7: Call of Silence
Monday Feb 6, NCIS S2E8: Heart Break
Monday Feb 6, NCIS S2E9: Forced Entry
Monday Feb 6 NCIS S2E10: Chained
Monday Feb 6, NCIS S2E11: Black Water
Monday Feb 6, NCIS S2E12: Doppelgänger
Tuesday Feb 7, NCIS S2E13: The Meat Puzzle
Wednesday Feb 8, NCIS S2E14: Witness
Thursday Feb 9, NCIS S2E15: Caught on Tape
Thursday Feb 9, NCIS S2E16: Pop Life
Thursday Feb 9, NCIS S2E17: An Eye for an Eye
Thursday Feb 9, NCIS S2E18: Bikini Wax
Thursday Feb 9, NCIS S2E19: Conspiracy Theory
Friday Feb 10, NCIS S2E20: Red Cell
Friday Feb 10, NCIS S2E21: Hometown Hero
Friday Feb 10, NCIS S2E22: SWAK
Friday Feb 10, NCIS S2E23: Twilight
Friday Feb 10, NCIS S3E1: Kill Ari (1)
Friday Feb 10, NCIS S3E2: Kill Ari (2)
Friday Feb 10, Grimm S4E1: Thanks for the Memories
Friday Feb 10, Grimm S4E2: Octopus Head
Friday Feb 10, Grimm S4E3: The Last Fight
Friday Feb 10, Grimm S4E4: Dyin’ on a Prayer
Friday Feb 10, Grimm S4E5: Cry Luison
Friday Feb 10, Grimm S4E6: Highway of Tears
Saturday Feb 11, Grimm S4E7: The Grimm Who Stole Christmas
Saturday Feb 11, Grimm S4E8: Chupacabra
Saturday Feb 11, Grimm S4E9: Wesenrein
Saturday Feb 11, Grimm S4E10: Tribunal
Saturday Feb 11, Grimm S4E11: Death Do Us Part
Saturday Feb 11, Grimm S4E12: Maréchaussée
Saturday Feb 11, Grimm S4E13: Trial by Fire
Saturday Feb 11, Grimm S4E14: Bad Luck
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S4E15: Double Date
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S4E16: Heartbreaker
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S4E17: Hibernaculum
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S4E18: Mishipeshu
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S4E19: Iron Hans
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S4E20: You Don’t Know Jack
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S4E21: Headache
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S4E22: Cry Havoc
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S5E1: The Grimm Identity
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S5E2: Clear and Wesen Danger
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S5E3: Lost Boys
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S5E4: Maiden Quest
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S5E5: Rat King
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S5E6: Wesen Nacht
Sunday Feb 12, Grimm S5E7: Eve of Destruction
Tuesday Feb 14, Grimm S5E8: A Reptile Dysfunction
Wednesday Feb 15, Grimm S5E9: Star-Crossed
Friday Feb 17, Grimm S5E10: Map of the Seven Knights
Sunday Feb 19, Grimm S5E11: Key Move
Sunday Feb 19, Grimm S5E12: Into the Schwarzwald
Sunday Feb 19, Grimm S5E13: Silence of the Slams
With the bf:
Tuesday Feb 7, Last Man Standing S1E1: Pilot
Tuesday Feb 7, Last Man Standing S1E2: Last Baby Proofing Standing
Tuesday Feb 7, Last Man Standing S1E3: Grandparents Day
Sunday Feb 12, Last Man Standing S1E4: Last Halloween Standing
Sunday Feb 12, Last Man Standing S1E5: Co-Ed Softball
Sunday Feb 12, Last Man Standing S1E6: Good Cop, Bad Cop
Sunday Feb 12, Last Man Standing S1E7: Home Security
Wednesday Feb 15, Life in Pieces S1E1: Pilot
Wednesday Feb 15, Life in Pieces S1E2: Interrupts Prison Breast Movin’
Thursday Feb 16, Last Man Standing S1E8: House Rules
Saturday Feb 18, Last Man Standing S1E9: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
Saturday Feb 18, Last Man Standing S1E10: Last Christmas Standing
Saturday Feb 18, Last Man Standing S1E11:  The Passion of the Mandy
Sunday Feb 19, Last Man Standing S1E12: Moon Over Kenya
Sunday Feb 19, Last Man Standing S1E13: Take Your Daughter to Work
In case you’ve missed these:
Sunday Post #26. January 29
Sunday Post #25. January 22
Sunday Post #23 & #24. January 8 & 15
#72 The Diabolic.
TTT#20 Top Ten 2016 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To (But TOTALLY plan to).
Sunday Post #27 & #28 & #29. February 5 & 12 & 19 The Sunday Post is a weekly meme originally from Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News.
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magiccatprincess · 7 years
This is for @mindsebbandflow‘s new giveaway, and let me tell you I wasn’t sure how to express my love for my favorite character. Although by now, I’m very sure that my followers can guess which boueibu character is my favorite.
Ryuu has been my favorite ever since I first watched the show, and even before. He stood out to me in all the promotional material as well. By now it was just his pinkness or.. The adorable factor that caused it, although... What's not to love?
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I’ve taken this as an excuse to rant about my favorite character so prepare yourself for a long post dedicated to Ryuu Zaou and my love for him.
Also included: - Headcanons - Speculations - Some pics - AU ideas (sponsored by me and @fillyrika) - LOTS of ranting, I mean it when I say this turned out long.
Ryuu is adorable, there is no denying it.
His Looks His hair is bright and looks so soft, and he's got big, bright, brown eyes that really go well with all that pink. I have a bias for him with his hair down, but he's had his hair plenty of ways which I all enjoyed, look at these! 
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I'm sure there's probably some I missed. I love those two from the posters too. Look at how bright they are. And Ryuu really knows how to accessorize. I like that he has earrings, and wears headbands, plus the fedora looked really nice on him too.
His outfits from what we seen range from stylish (season 1 ep 7, staff said they picked the outfit from a fashion magazine) to cozy. (season 2 ep 8, sugary ioryuu poster)
I think he looks a lot younger with his hair down, which is probably why he wears it up. Can't be a womanizer if you look like a kid after all.
Personality Enough about his looks now. On to his personality. Ryuu is playful and fun. Reckless, bold, impatient, loud, charismatic, cheery and sweet. He often acts without thinking, and always speaks his mind. Those don't always go well together, and it led to him hurting Yumoto's feelings in season 2. It was never addressed, mainly because Yumoto himself didn't address it.
Still personality but some speculation and headcanons join in now ^^
But there's also some things Ryuu doesn't say. Those things are noticed through his actions. Ryuu has a strong, needy desire to be liked. Not just popular, but liked. It's where his people pleasing tendencies come from. That combined with how he dates around, leads me to think that Ryuu wants to feel wanted.  
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Did I mention that I LOVE how one of the first thing Io noticed about Ryuu, was that Ryuu is a huge people pleaser and does anything to be liked?! Because my feels!!
And judging by how Ryuu reacted how Io was leaving the defense club in season 1 episode 6, I think kiddo has abandonment issues.
The source of it? Well in novel 1 we find out that Ryuu is raised by his grandma and not his parents. This leads me to believe that  
Considering that Ryuu lives with his grandma and not with his parents, I headcanon that his parents left him with her, not when he was a baby, but when he was old enough to understand that his parents left and didn't come back for him. But he wouldn't be old enough to be able to understand that it was his parents' error. He'd think they left because they didn't like him. Because they didn't want him.
So from then on Ryuu started to do everything he could do, to get people to like him. And when he discovered dating.... Well Ryuu is a softy. He likes romance, those trival realistic moments, like sharing coffee with a girl, or when your shoulders brush when the train shakes. Dating lots of girls makes Ryuu feel like he's wanted.  
Plus he's a fluffy romance lover!
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Another thing that's amazing about Ryuu is that deep down he doesn't always feel like he's amazing. That's what we found out in season 2 episode 6.
"I'm an idiot who only thinks of getting with girls." -Ryuu Zaou s2e6
Me and Io shared that appalled tone because D: !! Kiddo no! You're amazing and I love you. And of course I ADORED THE SUBTLE LAYER OF WONDERFUL ANGST!!!
There's more than meets the eye with Ryuu. He's not the smartest and he knows it. But he's a social butterfly and good with reading people. I was honestly surprised by his good analysis on the Beppu twins. So was Io for that matter.
I think that Ryuu is a very good liar/actor, because he knows what people want to hear. We've seen him do it with Wombat in season 1 episode 11, making up the word 'lovetivity' and saying just the right things to get Wombat to agree with him.
Another thing we learn about Ryuu in season 2 is that he can draw. At least chibis XD and in the otome game, when we see Ryuu's room there's this framed picture of a man in fashionable clothes. Now I doubt that Ryuu would frame a magazine clipping. So... What if he designed that himself?
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Headcanon: Ryuu goes to study fashion design in Tokyo. Not only that but he ends up going to the same college as Akoya where they end up being roommates.
I can also picture Ryuu becoming a fashion designer when he's older.
I headcanon that Ryuu's grandma owns a bakery, and she helped Ryuu make those chocolates for Io.
Some talk of the side material. Well I love Ryuu in the otome game. It gave us lots of gems like that picture of Ryuu's room. This adorable pj pic
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Thanks to @vashtijoy for giving me that keychain I still treasure it! That game also gave us that wonderful ioryuu route. I still love reading @intra-fiducia‘s translations of that game, and the ioryuu friend end. Plus there is that wonderful post about how ioryuu are in the game.
I didn't actively follow the conquest club's manga, but I enjoyed that it showed that Ryuu being good at those machine grabby game things, to win stuffed toys. He must have had lots of practice thanks to winning toys for his dates.  
The novels are a treasure, not just for how they portray the characters but also because of the more serious plot. I already talked about the first novel so I won't do it again. The second and third novel aren't translated though, but a bit from one of the first chapters makes me think that Ryuu may be the result of an unplanned teen pregnancy.  
Someone told me about how shippy the third novel is, and I can't wait to find out more about that!
There's that comic thing, which I adored, mostly because of my ultimate brotp! Pink Bros! I love the comic in which the pinks work out together, and how Akoya worried about telling Ryuu he was leaving. Those to became close friends and I love it! I love how Akoya grew to care about Ryuu and- Akoya is good at reading people too! I bet he understood that Ryuu has abandonment issues and worried about telling Ryuu that he was leaving.  
And their friendship was still in a fragile new place for him too.
Now I LOVE the Boueibu manga, it's still going, but that ioryuu chapter made that thing priceless! How ioryuu have their first real fight in it! Io worrying about Ryuu getting a cold and putting a blanket over him. And that face kiddo makes when Io says "Stay at my side forever!" Amazing! Amazing! Amazing!
It's no secret that I enjoyed the boueibu stage play. Aramaki portrayed Ryuu so well. Captured his fun spirit and his cuteness, and looked great while doing it. Aramaki spoke like Ryuu, walked like Ryuu and sang like Ryuu. It's scary! He even moved like Ryuu! The play is filled with so many wonderful moments as well!
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Relationships with others
I'm not joking, this ship brings me so much joy. The way they look at each other, how they sound different when talking to each other. How they'd blindly defend the other against their peers. Io's protectiveness is so great! And that they're opposites but admire each other's differences. They're so proud of each other! I'll say it again I love protective Io.  
There's so many wonderful ioryuu moments, all of episodes 6, both in season 1 and 2. Those posters, their duets. God I love Sync a Think!
I've made many separate posts about ioryuu so I'll leave it at this for now.
There's akoryuu/pink bros. My ultimate brotp. In my recent fanfic Pink Blood, I made them discover that they're actually related in canon universe. All because Akoya's father had a one night stand with Ryuu's mom. I've loved this BROTP since I started planning my fanfic In the Name of Love, and have been in love with it ever since.
They're also related in several of the AUs I created with @fillyrika. Such as: - Mermaid AU - Fairy AU - Magic School AU - DC Villains AU - CPS AU
And they have a sibling like bond in - Brothel AU - Slave AU - Monster AU
Then there's also Enryuu, season 2 give me a thing that I had kinds hoped for but didn't expect to fall in love with. I kind low-key shipped enryuu before, because the smut would be steamy. (get it Fire + water) But now it's a strong brotp as well. There's several GREAT fanfics for this brotp as well. Like the fic where En stop Ryuu from being bullied, and the one where enryuu wear matching skirts ^^
I have lots of Ryuu merchandise too, I'll share a pic of it later ^^
And I've reached the point were I call Ryuu my son so much, that my mom started calling him her grandson.
Now this post turned out very long, so I wonder if you're still reading this. Sorry about this, I feel like I still have things to say, but I can't think of more right now. At the very least I got the chance to share some of my thoughts on kiddo.
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littlenurarikuo · 6 years
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{Out of Sake}::Okay!! I am happy to say that I went through 4k+ posts on this blog and changed or added tags. I have been feeling a bit off due to a virus but luckily I’m feeling much better and will be able to be online a bit more. I’m fixing the pages and stuff on this blog since I really love this muse and want to bring him back even stronger than before. I know the fandom is p much done, the series ended a while ago but I love it so much and it will always hold a special place in my heart. 
Not to mention re-watching/reading the series feels so good right now. Currently on S2E6, I love the fact that we got the ‘past arc’ animated. It’s just so beautiful!! When Nurarihyon saved Youhime, when he won and became the Lord of Pandemonium. I love it!!! I’ll still be working on pages and tags and stuff so my RP activity will be slow but we’re good to chat if anyone is interested. :D <3
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