#Was that Dazai was in love with Oda. It was like it's not even coding anymore it's just so thereeeee
sskk-manifesto · 3 months
Sometimes I forget why I ship odazai, then I watch Dark Era again and go “Oh! It's because they're canonly in love with each other! Cool 👍”
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lazyflower48 · 8 months
I love how despite the show being called Bungou Stray Dogs, most of the characters are either cat coded or canonically cat people OR they just dislike dogs.
And as a cat person myself, I absolutely adore this little detail (I love dogs too ofc, just prefer cats a little more)
The protagonist is literally a cat. (Okay yes, he's a tiger. Close enough lol)
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Dazai was referred to as "a burnt black cat" by Oda. And he's also a cat person with a very obvious dislike for dogs.
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The strongest gifted is LITERALLY A CAT.
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Then of course there's Fukuzawa- the biggest cat person in the series. And Ranpo is also one of the most cat coded characters in the show (he's just as lazy as a cat)
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Kyouka being the most adorable cat person
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And then there's Haruno and her obsession with cats, specifically, Mii-chan (Natsume). Also, love how cat girl is just a...CAT girl. (We don't even know her name)
There's Akutagawa with his dislike for dogs (imo, he's also very cat coded. According to a CD drama, he hates baths. If that isn't very cat like, then I don't know what is)
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Lastly, Chuuya being one of the few dog people in the show is so funny to me.
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Maybe Chuuya is the true Bungou Stray Dog amidst all the stray cats.
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rosalinesurvived · 6 months
I need to bring up the Gaiden Gang in contrast to the Buraiha Trio in regards to the prevelant esteemed gentleman x feralcore genuis ship mould in bsd but!! In regards to Ango too because those are his trios! Where Ayatsuji and Dazai are wickedly clever jerk-ass exploited detectives who’s faith in humanity is shaky and changes for their friends and Tsujimura and Oda are their trusted companions with fresher outlooks on life (and lowkey enablers).
Dazai and Ayatsuji, of course as stated above, vast amount of murders, prodigies, two billion killed/138 murders, 312 extortion cases, 625 fraud cases etc etc/homocide detective/demon prodigy blah blah blah traumatised kids with weirdo rivals looking for a reason to live (youngest port mafia executive/detective since seven years old) anyways
Tsujimura and Oda are the most fun for me to analyse together though. Her mom taught Kyouka’s parents how to transfer Demon Snow to their daughter! Tsujimura hardly knew her mother but she was still willing to go and fight for her, try and get understanding and justice, but all of it never matters in the end because that’s just how parents are. They leave you some day and Mizuki gained her mother’s gift: Whoever Mizuki wants dead, her Shadowling would kill first, thus allowing Mizuki to bond with Ayatsuji without Another unconsiously killing Mizuki.
She was so fresh to watch in her bloodlust for her mother’s justice, like Oda was for revenge against Gide. Keigo was killed before she could get to him unlike Oda and Gide though and so she lives while he doesn’t. Her moral code is never shattered and its such a penultimate relief that she never does spiral like many other characters. She motivates Ayatsuji to have an interest in humanity again, away from his Homocide Detective status, in a way Oda never fully did for Dazai, she lives and gets to grow and mature.
As for Ango, he grew to love the Buraiha even though they had their positions and rankings and he himself was a spy. He grew so attached to them despite it. How, with the Gaiden Gang he never had that layer of secrecy, as Tsujimura’s chilly mentor and Ayatsuji-sensei’s helpmeet he could be more close and far without that torment of lying. He could never get close to anyone after Oda’s death but he told Tsujimura that her strange, dangerous ability was a gift from her mother, Ayatsuji trusted him to assist in his fake murder, Ango trusted him in that Ayatsuji wasn’t the criminal. It’s never clear in Gaiden how much is Taneda’s interferance or just Ango himself, but its clear that Ango’s position and respect in the Special Abilities Division gives him better stability and control over things.
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tomato-turn · 10 months
hiii im very interested in hearing your bsd hcs...
@someonebeatmetotheseusernames thank you for the motivation that I lacked 2 months. Here's part 3...!
Bsd Headcanons Pt.3!
1. Dazai, ironically, is a very good cook. You'd doubt it, though. He'd mix 2 complementary flavours and yet it'd be great! (Kunikida approved!)
2. Dazai had braided Chuuya's hair when he was asleep.
3. Atsushi loves hot baths. Since he had only gotten cold icy water from the orphanage, he cherishes it. He stayed there for so long that Kyoka had to call out to Atsushi to check if he was alive. (Tiger coded fr)
4. Dumb, newly found, fresh out of lab, young Verlaine. And his caring boyfriend, Arthur Rimbaud.
5. Chuuya really hated Dazai back in 16. He hates the facts that he and Dazai are really alike (canon), and after the whole sb, he avoided Dazai other than talking to him about work. And of course Dazai was really confused. Although after some months he came into the old speaking terms with him. He just needed some time for himself.
6. Skk must've had some embarrassing moments together that they completely avoid talking to each other.
7. Chuuya's really unpredictable, according to Dazai. Not his reactions but his movements. For Chuuya, he never gets why people say, "Dazai is cold and unpredictable." Sure he's cold and a bitch but not unpredictable at all the times. He even acts like a kid and can be bubbly at times.
8. Dazai has a void feeling near his heart. He hates it. Joining PM only worsened it. But at ADA, it has been far better, although the feeling is still there. gnawing and very close to his heart, he fear that it may eat it. He feels nothing and everything at the same time. He hated feeling nothing, and yet he hated feeling everything. It is a disgusting feeling and really nauseating.
9. Since Oda drew for the kids, he drew a lot for Dazai, too. And dngo is no exception.
10. (Fem Skk!) either Chuuya or Dazai loved pastels. It can go both ways.
11. Kaiji and Nikolai gets along really well. (Better not to ask questions.)
12. Dazai relates to 'my ordinary life' a little bit too much.
13. The flags will and will not say, " Chuuya should be the next boss, not that idiot Dazai!"
14. Chuuya hates staring competition with Dazai. Not only would he lose, but also the more he stares into Dazai's eyes, the more he feels weird and sad. This applies to Oda as well but he usually wins.
15. Glasses!Chuuya because he'd look amazing!
16. Dazai limps a lot, but over time, it got better. He still does, but it's rare. Usually, it's Kunikida or Chuuya to notice first.
17. Akutagawa had broken into Atsushi's and Kyoka's apartment ,saying that he had a nightmare about Atsushi and to fight him. This scared the living daylights of Atsushi and Kyoka. Until Atsushi persuades him to talk about his nightmare. (which he does reluctantly) and they all sleep together comforting Akutagawa (which he never asked but doesn't dislike it either)
18. Higuchi's new policy, " No Akutagawa? Then his sister is an Akutagawa, too!"
19. Nikolai bites people. For the fun of it. You can see the bite mark on Fyodor's arm. And Sigma's too.
20. Nikolai, Chuuya, Dazai, Ranpo, Tachihara, and Tecchou are some people who act according to their impulsive thoughts.
Thank you! And happy read!
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amethystroselily · 2 years
Dazai’s relationship with Kunikida is so interesting actually, because its kind of entirely built on lies and there’s always this weird emotional distance there, but also… that doesn’t seem to be a bad thing in the context of their relationship? Like, it almost seems to be out of respect and affection on Dazai’s part, if that makes sense.
Also I think that relationship stresses the fuck out of Kunikida but he still cares about Dazai (and does find him quite impressive and almost charming in the light novels) , but it might honestly be very comforting from Dazai’s perspective. They have this consistent jokey rapport with each other that usually never actually gets too close to genuine vulnerability or intimacy. Dazai can be whoever he wants to be with Kunikida. Kunikida’s not stupid, but he is a little bit naive and gullible at times, and Dazai’s a good enough liar to pull off any facade he wants. He can be a good person with Kunikida if he wants to be.
And while I don’t think he entirely agrees with Kunikida’s ideals, I do think he respects that Kunikida is so dedicated to them. (Maybe it reminds him of Oda? Or well it’s probably more like Dazai finds people having strict moral codes novel and endearing, because he also seems fond(?) when Hirotsu, Chuuya, and Ango express basic empathy or loyalty.) I think being that close to such intense righteousness makes him feel like he himself isn’t as I guess… hated by righteousness? Even if he has to lie a bit to get there.
People always compare it to his relationship with Chuuya and say it’s lacking in comparison or that it’s better. But honestly I think they’re two equally important relationships that serve two different purposes in Dazai’s life. I’d say his relationship with Chuuya is a lot more intimate and a lot less comforting. Kind of like how you can love someone without fully liking them. But not exactly. They know just a bit too much about each other and were pitted against each other just a bit too often as teenagers for it to ever be a truly positive relationship. But there’s definitely some deep affection and understanding there, and they both hate that.
Although I would also argue that Kunikida has expressed just enough emotional vulnerability throughout their partnership for it to be kind of uncomfortable for him in how one sided it is. Like Dazai knows so much about him, but Dazai’s an enigma to him. I think that’s what Dazai likes about their relationship and what Kunikida finds annoying about it.
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
୨⎯ "what Halloween costume they would wear" ⎯୧
Note: in some of the scenarios the character will have a s/o
Feat. Fukuzawa, Yosano, Atsushi, Kunikida, kyoka, dazai, mori, higuchi, Elsie, oda, ango, Fitzgerald, poe, lovecraft, Twain, fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma, natsume and Shibusawa
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ᓚᘏᗢ he wouldn't wear a costume
ᓚᘏᗢ if he has a cat then it will have a tiny costume, probably like a tiny pumpkin, tiny pumpkin cat
ᓚᘏᗢ if his s/o wants to dress up for Halloween then he won't appose
ᓚᘏᗢ if he was asked too choose his s/o costume then you know it will be a cat costume, no exceptions
Akiko Yosano:
⛨ would dress up as a sexy nurse
⛨ would make their s/o other look like a realistic dead body too scar all the kids 🥰
⛨ sexy nurse and sexy patient couples costume
Atsushi Nakajima:
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ he will just turn into a tiger and call it a day if he doesn't want to do anything for Halloween
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ kitty lost its tail nooooo :'(
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ would dress up as a rich person
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ I have no idea what he would dress up as
Doppo Kunikida:
✒ doesn't do Halloween
✒ definitely doesn't dress up
Kyōka Izumi:
❀ a cute little bunny or something
❀ I don't see her as celebrating Halloween
❀ but maybe she would after going into the ada
Osamu Dazai:
⛐ yeah a fucking car and weird lines is a perfect representation of dazai
⛐ 100% would wear a costume
⛐ couples costumes 24/7
⛐ the two of you would go as gomez and morticia addams
⛐ annoys everyone at the agency about the fact that he has a partner to wear a couples costume with
Ogai Mori:
☵ fuck it he gets a water emoji code
☵ would only dress up to go trick or treating with elise
☵ would dress up as a vampire or the phantom of the opera
☵ if he has a s/o then he will joke about drinking their blood if he wears the vampire costume actually drinks the blood
Ichiyō Higuchi:
⚔ couldn't find a gun so a sword it is
⚔ would absolutely LOVE to do a couples costume
⚔ she would wear some cute costume probably
۵ she would dress up but idk what she would dress up as
۵ maybe like a princess or something
۵ or maybe jesse from breaking bad
Sakunosuke Oda:
☆ dresses up only for the kids
☆ would adore a couples costume, nothing too scary tho
☆ he would love to do Emily and Victor from Corpse bride
☆ don't scare the children
Ango Sakaguchi:
⌨ too busy doing his word 😒
⌨ he probably wouldn't do it but he gives off Victor vibes yk, idk why but he low key does
F Scott Fitzgerald:
$ dresses up as money
$ or wears a suit made out of diamonds
Edgar Allan Poe:
✍ would probably dress up as one of his protagonists
✍ or would wear his raccoon thing (yk the thing he wore in the sleeping card thing)
✍ Karl would also wear the cutest costume ever
✍ also tiny pumpkin
Howard Lovecraft:
๑۞๑ he just pulls out his ability and terrifies everyone
Mark Twain:
> would dress up a ghost
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ didn't want to dress up
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ somehow Nikolai forced him too
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ has rat face paint on
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ dressed up as a rat
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ in the sewer sitting on a thrown surrounded by rats
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ I think he might have got too carried away
Nikolai Gogol:
⚁ obviously would
⚂ idk what he would dress up as, maybe a clown....
⚃ a killer clown (literally)
⚄ would run round holding a knife chasing kids and adults alike
⚅ "almost" stabed someone
♤ again, someone who was forced by Nikolai
♡ was forced to dress up as a jester so he could match Nikolai
♧ never showed his face in the casino
Sōseki Natsume:
=^..^= third cat person
=^..^= would turn into a cat and call it day 2.0
=^..^= would dress like a skeleton
=^..^= even more emo
=^..^= emo cat boy
Tatsuhiko Shibusawa:
◇ would dress up as sans or a skeleton just for the shit of it
◇ would probably dress up in something spooky for fun and scar all the kids
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note-boom · 1 year
Ah, right, another thing that hit me this episode is just the parallels between Kyouka, Dazai, and Yosano. I'm sure this has been said before but hear me out...
With Kyouka and Yosano, it the way they grew to resent and hate their abilities and their own selves for what their abilities did to the people they loved or wanted to save, even though Kyouka's ability definitely was death-coded and Yosano's was life-coded. I mean, firstly, they found hope in the ADA which is just....*clenches fists* and secondly, it also tells me how the actual message of their stories isn't really "hey, this is only good for insert death/life" like they thought but more that it's what you do with that ability and how you see yourself and how maybe nothing and no one is really coded as evil or perhaps even if it is that doesn't mean it cannot be redeemed and just -
And with Dazai and Yosano, it's just the way they witnessed someone they loved die that finally broke them in their own ways. For Dazai it was Odasaku dying because the latter was grief-and-revenge stricken because of what the PM and Gide did. For Yosano it was how her soldier died because he was too traumatised by the war and what Mori did. Something about Oda and the soldier's deaths being from the way they saw life becoming cheapened, meaning that they saw their own lives as not really worth living...and how that managed to break something in Dazai and Yosano and propel them to get out of their situations....
Also. Just. Yosano and Kyouka finally saw the value in their lives and grew in a wonderfully positive direction. Dazai, you're doing AMAZING but you're still suicidal and so stupid...
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
okay this is a long and specific request (sry just a random thought)
Dazai X Reader (with teleportation ability)
background story
Y/N (16 at the time) was a half time worker at the ada but was very often at the PM (btw she didnt tell that they worked in the ada) because she was Chuuyas younger sibling (only by one year) and looked at Koyo like a older sister. she was the one that trained Gins assation skills. She was also kinda close to Dazai, and was bestfriends with Yosano. But since she was 16 she had to go somewhere to study, so she decided to study somewhere in Europe to study coding or something and got in. But while she was there she needed a job so she went around and looked for a job and she found a good paying job but ofc it was a trap that was setup by Nikolai cuz he just wanted to. But somehow she was able to become Nikolai`s student and Sigmas bestfriend in the sky casino. She did finish studying and all that before becoming a DOA member. Years later (21 years old now) went back to Yokoami because Fyvodor was able to get arested. She finally got to catch up with everyone both from the pm and ada (but left out that she joined the DOA) Even though she was with everyone she was alot with Dazai, so Yosano and some other ADA memebers gets curios over this and the do some thing random you decide.
the plot and the request
the reader wants to quit the DOA but feels bad about it beacause she has been with them for a long time so its hard for her (but ends up leaving before the end)
Dazai x reader
pls no NSFW or smut
chuuya and Koyo finds out about dazai and reader (not happy chuuya)
looks : 155 cm, Ginger with a white streak of hair, no specific e/c, loves baggy clothes but dosent wear all the time
personality : kinda like Oda but a bit more expressive and lower chanse to get angry than Chuuya but close, loves Cheese, chocolate and cats. Dislikes killing for fun, horror movies, rats (fyvodor PTSD) and creepy people (cough* cough* Mori cough* cough*)
the rest is up to you or if you want to switch something do it
its ok if you dont want to do this :) hope you have a wonderful day/night
Hiii!! Lemme give you a medal first for the longest request ever that I've received xD 🎖And I will try my best to write this! 
Btw, I changed a few parts! Reader is 19 when she meets Nikolai because it is canon that Sigma appeared from the book 3 years ago and reader wants to leave the DOA. She also catches up with the PM and the ADA, but it isn’t mentioned in this fic.
TW: Mentions of suicide, Dazai, killing, slight mentions of Fyodor’s philosophy
BSD Manga spoilers below!
Dazai x fem!reader 
Should I stay, or should I go?
If you were asked to describe what you were feeling now, it would be a mess.
This whole ‘mess’ started when you left Japan at the age of 16 to study coding. A brilliant student and a prodigy at the subject, it was no surprise when the most prestigious school in Europe accepted you into their coding course. It was a bit hard to fit in at first, but later on you had made friends with everyone in your class, and you also were the top student in the year level for coding.
But you had to leave behind your friends and family. You were honestly a bit sad when you had to leave your older brother behind, but he had urged you to go for the scholarship, even when you could tell that Chuuya also didn’t want you to leave. You also had a hard time leaving your friends in the Port Mafia and the ADA, especially Yosano since you two were best friends, but they all encouraged you to follow your dreams and accept the offer.
The person you had the hardest time saying goodbye to was Dazai.
Dazai, the suicidal maniac of the Port Mafia. He normally put on a goofy and annoying personality, but his eyes were blank, as dead as the bodies that he had killed. Since you were Chuuya’s younger sister, he naturally took an interest in you and teased you for your height, however, your personality made him intrigued. Dazai then befriended you and often hung out with you when you two had time.
It wasn’t long before you caught feelings for him. His wit, his charm, his cunningly smart mind roped you in, and not to mention he himself was quite the handsomer. You were on the verge of confessing to him, but you had moved to Europe afterwards. Your feelings then evaporated, but the residue was still left in your heart. 
The last time you saw Dazai was when you went out for drinks with him. He knew; of course he knew about your scholarship. Dazai had smiled at you and wished you luck, but his eyes didn’t quite match his smile. You were too preoccupied with the thoughts of a new life that you didn’t realise how painfully Dazai looked at you.
Moving to Europe meant expensive living standards, and expensive living standards meant that you had to find a job to get enough money. For three whole years, you were working at a lot of part-time jobs since you were a full-time student. The money you earned was enough, but it didn’t stop you from being stingy.
One day, you were scrolling around on the internet when you found an advertisement for a part-time coder at a programming agency. The pay was quite well for a part-timer, and you could definitely use some extra money. Without hesitation, you called the number and arranged for an interview to take place.
However, you had walked into a trap. Your ‘employer’ was a clown who went by the name of Nikolai Gogol. He tried to kidnap you to use for one of his missions, however, when he saw your teleportation ability, all thoughts of using you for his mission were gone. He then offered you then and there to be your mentor, or else he would kill you then and there and make it seem like nothing happened.
Even if you were suspicious of him, you were in no place to refuse. And so you started your life as a Decay of Angels member.
Hacking, travelling, killing enemy groups, exchanging information, these had grown to be the norm for you. You were trained well, and you could handle yourself in the missions you were given, but it was mostly thanks to your teleportation ability. Without it, you would either have been burnt alive or sliced into pieces or decapacitated.
Over the course of 5 years, you had grown quite close with Sigma, and Nikolai proved to be quite a good teacher and older brother figure. You were glad to have made new friends, but you hated your new life. Every single detail of it, and especially the Russian man who was the mastermind.
You wanted to leave.
But you knew it was no use. Even if you could escape with your teleportation ability, Fyodor could merely track you down and send someone to assassinate you. The demon always saw through everything behind those cold, amethyst eyes of his, and you were no exception.
Until 3 years later.
“Fyodor was arrested?”
You and Sigma were currently enjoying a break in his office. It was evening, and the sky was a beautiful pinkish hue. When he had casually stated the statement, you had jolted a little. Someone as careful and as cunning as the Devil himself getting caught?
Sigma nodded. “It’s all part of the plan, remember? When Fyodor is in prison, we’ll have to wait one month. After the Armed Detective Agency receives an award, then the plan will truly begin.”
The Armed Detective Agency.
Those three words, uttered with the utmost casualness, conjured up a storm of emotions within you. Memories from 7 years ago came swirling back, of you solving cases with Ranpo and going out shopping with Yosano. How sometimes, you would feed stray cats with Fukuzawa, or just hanging out with some of your friends. Your hand unconsciously curled up into a fist at the thought of what Dostoevsky had in plan for them. You leaned forward.
“What about the Port Mafia?”
“The Port Mafia?” Sigma looked at you curiously. “I’m pretty sure Dostoevsky has laid plans for them as well. He isn’t the type to forgo any possible threat.” He took a sip from a glass of water.
“Why do you ask?”
“I was just wondering,” you replied. Sigma waited for you to speak more, but when it was evident that was all you were going to say, he didn’t press. You stood up, stretching, your face betraying no emotion.
“I’m pretty tired, so I’ll go to bed early. Good night, Sigma.” You said, yawning. Sigma only looked at you with more curiousity, but he didn’t judge. He nodded back and bid you goodnight, and you teleported into your room.
The Armed Detective Agency, the Port Mafia, Yokohama... they’ll all be doomed. Now is my chance to escape and help them!
But out of nowhere, a second voice came into your mind.
Are you sure? You know how close you have gotten with Sigma. And Nikolai; he was the best mentor that you’ve ever had, no? It would be a shame to suddenly leave them after everything you had been through together. And what about all the people you’ve killed? Do you think there’s still a place for a sinner such as you in the world?
Dostoevsky’s mocking laughter echoed in your head. The memory of his cold, violet eyes resurfaced, as well as his smirk that was only befitting for a demon like him. You pinched yourself, the pain keeping you awake and alert.
Shut up. Your philosophy means nothing to me. Yes, even though I am a sinner, it doesn’t mean that I can’t find a way to become a better person. I’m going to leave this place, and returning to my friends and family.
Fyodor’s smirk widened.
Go ahead. Try to.
Deep down, you knew that he was correct. You were always one to get too attached to people, and when the time came, it was too hard for you to let go. Only someone with enough intelligence was able to persuade you to bid farewell, to accept the change and to move on in life.
Such as Dazai.
“Ne, Dazai-kun. Say that there’s this person who is in a crime syndicate. They know that what they’re doing is wrong, however, they also find it so hard to leave because of the friendships they made in the organisation. What would you do if that person were you?”
15-year old you and Dazai were sitting in Bar Lupin together. It was a quiet night, with no people, no cars, no noises. Just peace and tranquillity.
“Hmmmmm...” Dazai pondered, tilting his head like a curious child.
“I would probably commit suicide! This situation sounds so tough to be in, and it definitely would torture me mentally, so why not end everything before it gets much worse?” He grinned, yet despite his excited tone of voice, his left eye was as dull and lifeless as before.
You blinked. “I’m serious, Dazai. What would be the best way?”
“Mmmm.... it’s a case of ‘logic vs emotion’.” You tilted your head, surprised to see that Dazai was kind of serious.
“Logically, it would be the best decision to stay. Criminal organisations are ruthless to the ones who try to leave, and the relationships made in the syndicate would’ve all been for nothing. After all, nobody dares to disobey the big Boss.” Dazai flicked his glass with a finger. A ping! sound filled the air.
“Buuuut, in my opinion, I would leave. Afterall, things do get boring quite quickly when you’ve gotten used to it, and not to mention that those ‘friends’ could become backstabbers in a second. So my advice would be to leave the organisation and find something to give you a will to live. Or, as the old saying goes, ‘follow your heart’.”
You pondered for a moment.
“But you know what’s cooler? Leaving without a trace and suddenly reappearing on the enemy organisation! That would be something to laugh about! Imagine the looks on their faces!” Dazai said excitedly, spinning around in his chair.
“I should probably do that! Ne, Y/N-chan, you would be my accomplice, would you not? And even if we fail, at least we would be able to die alongside each other!” He leaned forward, lips curled up into an eager and childish smile. Your cheeks felt hot for a moment, but you made yourself look passive.
“Unlike you, I’m not a suicidal maniac. So, thank you but no thank you.” Dazai drew back, a pout on his lips.
“So mean, Y/N-chan.”
He was right.
You hated every single second spent in this organisation, and it had slowly drained away your will to live. Even when you had made friendships, you knew it was a matter of time before the own organisation would betray you. And the hurt you would feel then wouldn’t be twice as bad as the hurt you would feel if you leave.
You recalled Dazai’s eyes; dull and lifeless with no spark of life in them. That apathetic-ness had only increased as time passed by, each day growing duller and duller by the moment.
Just remembering Dazai’s name awakened a blazing fire of emotions in you.
You had thought your feelings for him had died down, but they were just buried, not completely put out. The love you had for him burned strong, stronger than it had ever been before. Even if you knew that he probably didn’t love you back, even if he had just regarded you as a friend, it still didn’t stop you from feeling this way for him.
You straightened up. Quiet apologies spewed out from your lips, each thanking and apologising to Sigma and Nikolai for being your friends, and how sorry you were that you were leaving them. But you were following your heart.
With one last exhale, you shut your eyes and disappeared. 
Omg I’m so so so sorry that this was so late!!! 😭😭😭 School was giving me a lot of hw ;-; but I’m glad that I was able to finish this. Tbh I’m not that proud on how I wrote this either, and I’m very sorry if I didn’t write it well!
@catzlivedforbsd @ashthemadwriter @i-just-like-goats  @pixyys 
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thesoleilla · 10 months
okay this is a long and specific request (sry just a random thought)
Dazai X Reader (with teleportation ability)
background story
Y/N (16 at the time) was a half time worker at the ada but was very often at the PM (btw she didnt tell that they worked in the ada) because she was Chuuyas younger sibling (only by one year) and looked at Koyo like a older sister. she was the one that trained Gins assation skills. She was also kinda close to Dazai, and was bestfriends with Yosano. But since she was 16 she had to go somewhere to study, so she decided to study somewhere in Europe to study coding or something and got in. But while she was there she needed a job so she went around and looked for a job and she found a good paying job but ofc it was a trap that was setup by Nikolai cuz he just wanted to. But somehow she was able to become Nikolai`s student and Sigmas bestfriend. She did finish studying and all that before becoming a DOA member. Years later (21 years old now) went back to Yokoami because Fyvodor was able to get arested. She finally got to catch up with everyone both from the pm and ada (but left out that she joined the DOA) Even though she was with everyone she was alot with Dazai, so Yosano and some other ADA memebers gets curios over this and the do some thing random you decide.
the plot and the request
the reader wants to quit the DOA but feels bad about it beacause she has been with them for a long time so its hard for her (but ends up leavinf before the end)
Dazai x reader
pls no NSFW or smut
chuuya finds out about dazai and reader
looks : 155 cm, Ginger with a white streak of hair, no specific e/c, loves baggy clothes but dosent wear all the time
personality : kinda like Oda but a bit more expressive and lower chanse to get angry than Chuuya but close, loves Cheese chocolate and cats. Dislikes killing for fun, rats (fyvodor PTSD) and creepy people (cough* cough* Mori cough* cough*)
the rest is up to you
its ok if you dont want to do this :) hope you have a wonderful day/night
Dazai x F!reader: falling between stools
A/N:Thanks for the request lovely anon! Sorry for how long it has been sitting in my askbox lol- but now that my break is ended I finally wrote it! I hope you'll like it anyways!
You felt like you were constantly falling between two stools - No, three stools now. You knew this couldn't last. You had to make a choice. But your friends were as scattered around the board of enemy organizations as could be! You couldn't bare leaving even one of them... yet you had to make the choice. The weight of that burning pile of lies wasn't bareable anymore.
You had to leave at least one. Of course, you were going to keep some kind of connection with the PM due to being Chuuya's little sister; but you could manage having connections from the PM all while being in another organization; so the only question would be which?
Which friends were more precious? Those from the ADA or from the DOA? You couldn't just rank them like that! It was ...inhumane! Yet... it was the logical solution. And it's not like being inhumane was a new thing for you, sadly. You had been in the Agency for the longest time. It was time to send your farewells to the DOA.
And there you were, thinking about all of that in the ADA's office. Thankfully, everyone had gone home long ago so no one could witness the mess your face was making as you kept debating with yourself on who to betray. Yet, it was better not to take that risk so you headed home-
"Boo!" There he was. Of course Dazai had to be standing just next to the door, in front of a window from where you were pretty sure he could've seen everything.
"Uhm... good evening?" You awkwardly laughed, hoping he wouldn't question what he, let's be honest, probably witnessed.
"Why are you still here? I thought such a lovely lady would be home by now, bella!" Dazai playfully said, but you knew he had noticed everything. He knew what was up. Yet, he acted like he genuinely had no idea. What was he doing?
"Let me return the question. Why are you standing in front of the agency this late?" You tried to play it cool. I'm not gonna say it worked, I'm trying to do my job as a reliable narrator here, I don't wanna get fired...
"Avoiding the question I see..."
"NO! I just fell asleep working! Not that you'd be able to relate to that." You were trying sooo hard to make his mind wander off somewhere else. Not that it worked though Will I get fired if I'm too mean or too dishonest? This job is so hard I'm quitting goodbye I don't wanna be a narrator anymore I'm traumatized the author is torturing me I'm stuck in their attic please help
"How dare you try and mock me! I thought we were close! How could you!" He dramatically gasped and acted, but you knew it was nothing serious, and this banter made you cheer up a bit.
"But seriously, what were you up to? Let me guess, did you find yourself in yet another enemy organization while you were away?"
Right on point. As always. But afterall, he was the only one who already knew about both your ties to the PM and to the ADA, due to his own ties, so...he'd understand your situation more than anyone.
"Your guesses are too close to reality sometimes. Scary. I like it." You laughed as you said this, trying to keep a straight face. God this was supposed to be a serious moment! Author don't bring out the chainsaw please I swear it's not my fault!I'm a good narrator! Yet... you couldn't help but feel good in his presence, changing your normal behaviours... you weren't supposed to laugh at times like this! And this is going to get me killed ahhhhh
"Anyways, I wouldn't let a lady go home alone this late!" He said, as he confidently took your hand in order to lead you out of the Agency's building. And lead you out he did as he was running through that building.
You felt warmth spread all around your cheeks as he did that, your brain soon overwhelmed from the heat rushing so close to it. "Don't pass out Y/N, Do NOT pass out", you kept on repeating to yourself.
"Would you mind letting me accept your proposition before making me run through the halls?" You managed to let out between your needed gasps for air. Fresh air... how nice it must be to have that...can't relate this basement doesn't really have fresh air
"And would you mind being honest with us? Or at least with me?
Uh oh. Honesty certainly wasnt your forte, especially considering you were a port mafia executive's little sister, yet most of your coworkers were unaware of it. But...Dazai knew almost all of these secrets already. Would it hurt if he knew just one more?
And so... you told him. Everything , from all the organizations, to the atrocities they made you witness. As you were both walking towards who knew were, you shared everything, something which you had never been able to do.
You knew that realistically, this wasn't safe, not in the slightest. Yet... yet it felt safe, talking about it with him, right here, right now.
And...he wasn't even answering. But the strangest thing was that it didn't bother you in the slightest. It felt as if you were just writing in your diary... except it wouldn't leave any trace. Which you were quite scared of, considering your past in ennemy organization.
Except of course...Dazai's memory. You thought this would scar him forever, but considering who he was... he had probably seen way worse. Which only made you feel even more comfortable in his presence.
Progressively, the buildings you were passing by got more and more familiar. But you were so focused on your talking, that you let him lead the way to wherever you were going.
Until...you finally noticed it...he was leading you... to yours and Chuuya's meeting point! At which you were supposed to see him 20 minutes ago. Oh your brother was going to be pissed by how late you were... especially when he'll see who brought you here. Maybe you'll start to understand what my life's like as a poor narrator;;
"Y/N! You're twenty whole fucking minutes late! What the fuck were you doing?"Chuuya yelled at you from across the street right when he heard your voice. That was until he saw you... And the man you were with.
"And...What the heck is this mackerel doing here with you?!" Dazai was grinning ear to ear when you finally noticed what his plans were. Which really wasn't a pleasant realization.
"Well Chibi, I'll have you know that if it weren't for me, your poor defenseless little sister would have went home alone, in this dark of a night! She could have gotten kidnapped!" He put his hand on his heart, taking a dramatic tone, which your brother certainly didn't like.
"You know she could have just...teleported away, right?" Chuuya laughed, pointing at Dazai jokingly.
"But if she did that, could I have done this?" Dazai grinned as he suddenly kissed you, making Chuuya run across the street to throw his fist at him.
Well this was going to be one hell of an explaination to make, and you weren't looking forward to it
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A/N: Thank you for reading! I'm so sorry this is almost a whole year late, but I'm finally doing my damn requests now! Sorry for the wait!
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cousticks · 6 months
silly little headcanon that got way too long and detailed as i typed it out alert:
basically pre-being picked up by mori, dazai, who was bored and lonely, got into the habit of reading every single dystopia/post-apocalypse book he could get his hands on, no matter the actual quality, and strategize his way through thinking how he'd survive that wasteland and/or overthrow that government in the unlikely event it happened and he didn't kill himself immediately (he accidentally invented several methods that would go straight onto the geneva convention if he told anyone about it... he was just being a little silly <3). once he got into the pm and even afterward, one of his primary Bonding Methods was just randomly throwing out the question, "if you were living in an apocalypse with an environment like x and a government like y and you had z amount of supplies, how would you survive them?". he and mori got really into this (mori was extremely kind of sad when chuuya came into the picture and dazai became more invested in playing this game with him). no abilities allowed because that makes it too easy.
anyway. very silly. dazai was pathologically unable to stop himself from laughing at chuuya's face whenever he debunked one of his ideas. he even did this with akutagawa for reasons that remain unknown, though he never failed to use this as a 'learning opportunity' and ruthlessly criticize aku's lack of strategic thinking.
to dazai's eternal resentment ango is actually one of the best people to play it with, and oda was... not that good. he's a himbo, your honor, he doesn't get this stuff.
ANYWAY. in the ada he uses it to teach the kiddos tactics and also have fun/be nostalgic. fyodor is vaguely offended dazai never offered to play with HIM. kunikida and ranpo love it but kuni will never admit it (he's kind of bitter that he can't use doppo poet to cheat code his way through everything). fukuzawa got weirdly invested the one time he played it. yosano doesn't really like it because the idea of treating injuries in such unsanitary conditions gives her hives, but naomi is actually pretty good at it! etc etc
hey did you dig into my childhood inner psyche bc planning what i'd do in apocalypse scenarios was one of my hobbies as a child. except mine usually ended in leading a biker gang so they were rather fantastical.
anyway. i really really like this hc and your takes on how good the other characters are at dazai's game. he was exactly the right type of weird little kid for this. dazai 100% would have played this with hirotsu while they were walking into suribachi. I think gramps would have been pretty good at it, too. he's survived many mafia bosses now, i think an apocalypse goes with his morning tea.
i agree with ango being really good at it too, and oda... not as much. the man is meant to exist around other people whether he likes it or not.
funnily enough i think ranpo would be painfully bad at it. he can read other people, but as far as actual survival skills? someone help him. please.
little thought games like this kind of go in line with Dazai being based off the No Longer Human novel, as well. one of the things that stuck with me the most from that novel are some of the word games Yozo played with his acquaintances, namely the game of opposites. (If you haven't read it-essentially, it was a debate over what the true 'opposite' of a concept was. ex. what is the opposite of a flower? you could say rock, but that's still an element of nature, where metal is something man-made, and is not so delicate, so the opposite of a flower could be a metal block, etc. i've played it with friends before, its quite fun). i could see Dazai (character) himself playing that as well. Weird kid inclined towards thought experiment games. I like this a lot
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jenoutof10 · 2 months
Thanks for answering my ask before. If you don't mind me asking (again), can I ask, who are your top 10 favorite characters (can be from books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......
HAHHA don't worry these asks are fun and i enjoy them so don't apologize for giving me a good time. i do apologise for taking such a long time w these asks, im actually horrible at articulating my thoughts (which is why i am not a writer HA) i think i might be forgetting some characters, or maybe i just dont have alot of faves
1. itoshi rin (blue lock)
i feel like he sticks out like a sore thumb here but he's very much no. 1... something about him being an antisocial introverted hater with abandonment issues, but also has skills to back up his arrogance and (besides all the hate he lets fester within him) actually has a pretty healthy lifestyle.
2. itadori yuuji (jujutsu kaisen)
everything about yuuji is so inherently GOOD and it both interests + pains me to see him being put through all these trials and tribulations of a dark shonen mc 😭
3. gojo satoru (jujutsu kaisen)
i think, like rin, what makes him so interesting is that he has this arrogant and disrespectful personality but then again he's literally the strongest so you cant do jack shit about it. but on the other hand he's this playful goofy (incapable) teacher who spoils his students. i also love OP (to the point it dont make sense) characters.
4. dazai osamu (bungo stray dogs)
i find his inability to be truly happy in any universe fascinating.
5. tachihara michizo (bungo stray dogs)
if i explained it would be major spoilers for s4 and s5 of bsd so i'll just say that his contribution to the plot in the recent seasons really did it for me. the jump from s1 to s4 was a KICK.
6. mikage reo (blue lock)
he's a sopping wet sock. i think this is what people call a gap moe... this perfect, highly capable and charming individual turns into the most pathetic instance of man when his best friend leaves him.
7. giorno giovanna (jojo's bizarre adventure: golden wind)
his birth origins are alr wild. his stand is wild. his battle strategies are wild. his ending is wild. he (alongside jotaro) is probably the least expressive but his personality is so unique lol. a lil rascal.
8. kita shinsuke (haikyuu!!)
its been a while since anyone has mentioned haikyuu for me but kita remains as one of my fav characters LOL i think he's just very refreshing since the cast is full of hungry teenage monsters eager to win and he's almost like a breeze of calm HAHA. the inarizaki team is also very dear to me bcs theyre packed w such cool and strong characters that interact dynamically lol
9. tsukumo yuki (jujutsu kaisen)
honestly, she was the most interesting female character in jujutsu kaisen (for me) until gege decided to trash her. her appearances from todo's flashbacks to her in shibuya were all so badass, plus shes a good example of a character type i really like that radiates strong-confident-fighter aura but isnt really the brooding/dark type... but fun! ykyk. (oot but i REALLY wanted yuki at #9 bcs of her name LOL, realistically she wouldve been at #7)
10. raiden ei (genshin impact) + raiden shogun
again, another insanely OP character that it doesn't even make sense. her lore is crazy. the second raiden quest was what got me hooked (best story quest ever lol), i honestly can't pinpoint what it is from that quest since its been a while but it changed my whole perspective on her and i've been a raiden fan since. a combination of design, personality, lore, and strength (and additionally the raiden ensemble)
honorable mentions:
kaedehara kazuha, zhongli (genshin)
higashikata josuke (jojo's bizarre adventure: diamond is unbreakable)
lelouch lamperouge (code geass)
oda sakunosuke (bungou stray dogs)
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wakanai · 6 months
i know oda is the blorbo of all time if im remembering correctly, but what's your top 5 bungo favs?
omygosh!! An ask from you??
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Sure!! Hmm.. tbh besides Oda, I haven't really thought about it that much. But I'll think hold on
******************** (pending) *******
5 bungo favs (besides Oda 🤭)
BEAST Atsushi
: ugh. something about how he is literally how Atsushi would be like if Atsushi was in the PM. There's just something that attracts me to him. Like most characters in BSD, he isn't evil and doesn't enjoy the things he does. He's deeply traumatized. He has a shy-kind personality but is placed in the PM where he's made to be a murderer. Interestingly, he isn't as obsessed with BEAST Dazai's approval as Akutagawa was with Canon Dazai (maybe bc Dazai liked Atsushi more? idk..) But BEAST Atsushi has sm going for him and I'm curious about his life after BEAST. I'd like to see more of it ❤️ (don't even get me started on the fanarts of BEAST Atsushi meeting lit. anyone in the Canon world).
2. Verlaine
: This bad boy can fit so much trauma inside him. What makes humans human? What makes him worthy of human dignity when he's just a bunch of codes? Honestly his thoughts and existential crisis is tragic. The fact that he wanted to raise chuuya in the countryside too 😭 and how he helped Chuuya save the world because deep down he knew one person who he thought deserved to live. How he hasn't moved on from said person. How he trains PM assasins to become weapons for the Port Mafia even though he's gone through the same thing. How he (both metaphorically and physically) isn't in the light because he's literally been rotting in a basement for 6 years. No friends. No family. Nothing outside that interests him. With no purpose other than teaching because Rimbaud used to teach too. No one in the mafia can reach him emotionally. He could be like BEAST Dazai tbh. I can see it. Except rimbaud is dead so Verlaine just decided to.. stay in a basement and rot. Someone bring him out of there please 😭😭
(also in another version of BSD I thought of in my head, I gave him a sort of backstory so that increased my personal attachment lol)
And speaking of the guy Verlaine misses...
3. Rimbaud
: This guy... has so much love to give. Idk much about his past but he was a government spy. As I've seen others mention, He may have had to abandon family members for his job. By the time he met Verlaine, he must have been so lonely that he decided to pour all his love into this one partner whom he intended to be with forever. So. Dang. Selfless. Got betrayed by Verlaine. Still went to hell and back for him. Also Verlaine disliked him while he was still alive so there must have been so many moments where he got hurt by Verlaine (like that one birthday gift 😭) but he still kept trying to be a good friend and doing everything to make Verlaine happy. Even when he got amnesia, Verlaine was the one thing he remembered. He didn't even expect Verlaine to apologize!!! Like?? Instead HE was the one who apologized for not understanding Verlaine. He held no grudges whatsoever. My gosh. That's true love right there. He gave Verlaine his all and expected nothing in return. Even when Verlaine betrayed him or didn't appreciate him or was mean to him, he cared sm. Even in his dying moments, his main concern was Verlaine. ouch.
Besides that, he's VERY cool. His ability slays (literally) and his long black hair is just 😫✨
Rimbaud should've picked me instead. I would've treated him much better than Verlaine did 🤭🙄 /j
4: Mori Ogai
OHHHH~ controversial character alert ‼️
Hehe alright. *cracks knuckles*
I initially didn't have much feelings for Mori. I thought he was a pedo and hated him as a villain (cause of how much of a threat he was and what he did to the characters) but I also didn't think about him a lot. And it was hard for me to grasp his character.
Thankfully though, the BSD fandom made me change my mind after a while 🤭
@the-boss-of-the-port-mafia made this amazing compilation of Mori analyses that made me appreciate him more.
also my tumblr bestie @plinko-mori helped me understand him <3
Long story short, tumblr made me realize 2 things:
a. Mori may not actually be a pedo
b. He's more emotional than he lets on
^^ This description was made by Asagiri himself 😶
anyways onto my rambling abt Mori 😭
I like him. I think he's badass. He's giving anti-hero vibes ✨ and he's also tragic in a way because he's doing what he thinks is best for Yokohama and the PM even if he has to be ruthless about it. At heart, he has good intentions. He hates war. He hates needless violence (he disliked the previous bloodthirsty boss; suggested that his death would leave to even more violence during the guild arc; has not once been shown to enjoy committing violence for kicks and giggles; etc). He manipulated Yosano because he thought it was the optimal solution and would result in them winning. He planned Oda's death because again, it was the optimal solution and would result in the mafia winning + less casualties. If there's a conflict, Mori is the guy who will pick the fastest, most convenient solution even if it means getting his hands dirty. He'll always pick the lesser evil with no hesitation.
While characters like Fitzgerald/Dazai/Junichiro would sacrifice the world to save their loved ones, Mori would sacrifice his feelings/loved ones to save the world (not that he's extremely attached to anyone. this guy is very lonely lol. His face when he told Koyou that she could leave the PM and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it shows just how much he's resigned to losing people.)
That being said, it does hurt him when he loses people.
This post by @hina-has-no-life explains very well his regret towards Dazai and Yosano 😭
In BEAST, he didn't have to play the role of the mafia boss hence, he showed his softer sides and treated Atsushi like a son, even admitting that he regrets not being able to help Dazai.
so..yeah. There's something interesting about a villain who forces himself to ignore his emotions for the sake of doing 'the greater good.'
Yes, Mori is manipulative, makes millions from exploiting people via the PM, has done many bad things, will continue to do bad things --but he does have a heart (even if he constantly ignores it lol).
It's also worth mentioning that apparently the management in Yokohama is so bad, the Port Mafia (a literal criminal org) is the one responsible for keeping the crime rate in check (considering bsd Yokohama gets bombed like every month tho, Ig that checks out 😭)
Anywy. Mori. yeah, he's shades of grey (the darker side). Like Dazai, he can act like a silly uncle sometimes. His backstory is so cool with lots of potential.
From military doctor (holy hell. military doctors in history are usually involved in a LOT of shady things) to an underground doctor (uhm. how and why?) to finally, the boss of the Port Mafia.
so interesting. and so much potential.
The quote, "I must be cruel to be kind" suits him quite well.
About the mafia though - I do wonder what he does being filthy rich 🤭 besides the constant ignoring of emotions, I'm sure he must have some greed or ambition in there. That makes him even more nuanced imo.
and last but not the least:
Mr. Bungou himself
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this man, I-
***if I had to insert every single analysis of this guy that I like, my PC would crash LOL***
I won't elaborate too much since Ikyk hehe 🤭
I hated Dazai at first cause I felt he was overrated. While watching the anime, I was annoyed that Dazai seemed to be able to solve everything and that no one could defeat him and that he was presented as this 'untouchable figure' of sorts. I'm like, 'WHY DOES HE KEEP WINNING' as if he's omniscient or something like a deus ex machina 😭
overtime, I grew to like him tho (mostly because of Oda LOL 😂)
his character is interesting (especially in the LNs. I think he's more nuanced in there than in the anime).
I like how he's clearly hiding his heart from everyone around him. He doesn't open up to anyone. Doesn't reveal his plans unless he deems it necessary. manipulates team mates in certain situations (ex: what he did to aku and atsushi). continues to act like a jerk (messes kunikida's plans for fun; belittles akutagawa, etc.)
He's a manipulative jerk with little empathy for strangers but he's trying to fight for the good side. he's trying to save people. he's trying to be better. (and he is actually being better).
Reminds me a lot like Jouno tbh haha.
he's also a little menace with a dark but goofy side to him.
In the BSD rewrite fic I have in my little head, I like to imagine PM Dazai as somewhat like Mahito from jjk. (In the sense that he's an absolute nightmate, truly the "Demon prodigy" whose "blood is blacker than the mafia" but who also has a very childish feel to him).
Ik it's implied that Dazai did in fact commit atrocities like killing innocent people, killing mafia suboordinates who were subpar, torturing people, etc. but I'd like to see more of that. I'd like to see PM Dazai actually hurting someone the audience cares for and being evil instead of it just being told to us by the narrator/other characters.
Like yes, we got bits of his 'evilness' in SB, Dark Era and BEAST but Ig I just want more of that on focus 🤭
like, don't just tell me 'His blood is blacker than the mafia.'
Make me FEEL chills from reading him; make me think, 'oh this kid is really a devil spawn. I hate him' before moving onto dark era and making me surprised that 'dang. i never thought i could feel bad for this dude.'
idk it's prob just a preference I have. 😅
Same with the PM too. I wish we got to see them doing more of their exploitative work to better understand it when characters describe them as 'the demons of Yokohama' or something along those lines. Cause from season 1-3 (of the anime), they kind of...felt less threatening? Season 4-5 was quite a ride though.
The face of BSD. Mr. Bungou 🤭🤭 I think he's a very cool and interesting character. I want him to cry lol.
I want him to LOSE IT in the main manga before the series ends and see what happens.
RN, he's bottling up a lot and is using different masks. It would be interesting to see him being himself more.
aand that's all hehe 🤭😄
Honourable mentions:
✨Adam ✨
"N" <- interesting because despite being who he is, he apparently genuinely cared for his younger brother, Murase. I just find those kinds of things interesting ig..
Also it is with great shame that I confess..
I haven't finished reading Stormbringer yet LOL 🤪🤡🤡
(but I did read some spoilers 😂😭)
so if there are any inaccuracies regarding that, please feel free to correct me <33
******* end ******
Idk I just wanted to share this cause it's funny and (kind of) related.
But a bsd tiktok account I follow used to be named
(yes the fandom is insane 😂😭)
but recently, they changed it to
Ngh~Beast Atsushi~H-Harder~
and I found that funny for some reason lol.
anywy thank you for the ask!!! I hope you liked it hehe 🤭❤️❤️❤️❤️
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One thing I don't understand about Dark Era - could Odasaku's gun wound have been treated or the bleeding been stemmed somewhat ? Even if not, he was someone Dazai genuinely loved, so why didn't he try to save him out of sheer desperation and stubbornness ? Didn't he bring any paramedics with his troops ? Was it because at that moment, Dazai gave into the 'everyone I love will suffer and die' mindset ?
I don't think it was because 'Oda would have a poor quality of life even if he lived', because that's an incredibly illogical, selfish and dumb excuse to not save someone - even a physically and mentally impaired person will experience happiness if treated well - my mentally 4 years old, cognitively highly impaired 28 year old cousin is so happy when we read him picture books and take him places - he got head trauma as a kid, yet his family still raises him lovingly - and that is true love, not some ' they'll suffer unless dead' bullshit.
Dazai continues to dedicate his life and actions to dead Oda's wishes, so I'm pretty sure he'd have done his best to save him, or atleast save some DNA from his bones or hair so that he could someday re - form him through futuristic DNA and embryo technology.
After all, the Hunting Dogs can get body mods that turn them into literal superhumans AND keep them alive - that HAS to involve DNA / RNA modification to be an enduring change - as a former biosciences student, I can tell you that DNA is the code for forming all the proteins and enzymes that handle body and brain structure and function and natural anabolic steroidal hormones like testosterone or cell - multiplying hormones and cell growth hormones. {In slight detail if you want detail, keep in mind this is 1% of the full highly complex story : Enzymes control the rate and amount of ATP formation (ATP is our energy store) and breakage (ATP breaks = energy released for body functions). Enzymes copy specific DNA segments called genes into mRNA, and each mRNA code piece attaches a specific tRNA which creates zones for attachment of a code - required amino acid from the pool in the cell liquid, and the mRNA - now linked with a tRNA-amino acid complex for each piece of code on it - goes inside the cavity of a big rRNA structure called an 80s ribosome, which combines the amino acids into structural proteins or specially folded functional proteins (enzymes) : therefore master enzymes formed by DNA control the rate of protein and other enzyme formation, therefore the rate of energy formation and release, nutrient transportation (transport proteins in the cell membrane), cell growth and maturation cuz hormones cause cell maturation and hormones are also tiny proteins formed by the DNA segments read by the hypothalamus of the brain.}
So what do you think ? Why did he let Oda die then ? As others have speculated, does he plan to resurrect him through the Book / DNA tech after all ?
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aroacehanzawa · 1 year
So the other day you made a post about the new bsd episode and you were talking about your dislike of Dazai in Meursault, particularly his whole "godzai" portrayal and his moments with Sigma; I was wondering if you could elaborate a bit more on your thoughts about that? Tbh, I completely understand when people say they hate Dazai being written that way, I don't like it at its worst either and I'm not trying to justify the writing or anything, but I'm trying to hold out hope that however Dazai and Fyodor's game concludes (probably thanks to Sigma and/or Chuuya's intervention) will make it all worth it. Like there's definitely way too much bullshit that goes on (the heartbeat thing, the coded language, deus ex machina time-stopping cat girl that only Dazai can circumvent, etc) and Asagiri pushes it too much sometimes, but I think the idea of it, of how ridiculously insanely smart Dazai & Fyodor can be to the point of stupidity and endlessly one-upping each other, is meant to be built up that way to drive home Dazai's point in chapter 77 about how only people "beneath" them so to speak can make any kind of change -- again, probably Sigma and Chuuya.
And as for Dazai's relationship with Sigma, imo that's really important because in contrast to Dazai's godzai moments, Sigma is what's keeping him still humanized him right now. Like Dazai is clearly mentally slipping back to his older, darker mindset being around Fyodor, his intellectual equal and someone who brings out his "inhuman" tendencies, but Sigma on the other hand he flat-out said reminds him of Kunikida and Atsushi, the people who influence him positively, and he wanted to save his life, aka Sigma helps keep Dazai's promise to Oda to save people/orphans alive. It gives some much-needed levity to his godzai moments, and especially in the most recent two chapters, the way he interacts with Sigma imo shows how much growth Dazai has had, even with being in Meursault and everything he's done around Fyodor. He acknowledged to Sigma that he's just an ordinary human and not a god, despite his intelligence, which is something he never would have admitted a while ago... that's why I wanna believe that even with all the bs he's done so far vs Fyodor, his character is still moving in a positive direction. Though I know it can still be really irritating and not feel that way because of how short the chapters are and everything moving at a snail's pace and how many years we've been dealing with Meursault Dazai lol.
Aaskdfjfkdd sorry for the rambling but I just have a lot of feelings about this, I hope it all made sense. :' ) Again I definitely understand your irritation though; I myself just read 55 Minutes for the first time, and as much as I love Dazai, that novel.... is by far the worst of his "godzai" moments lmao, it was far too much even for me and pissed me off a lot 💀 I have more hope for how this current manga arc will end, though.
Sorry this has been sitting in my ask box for AGES so "the other day" more like a few weeks ago 😭
But thanks for the message and don't worry about rambling, you have some great points! Honestly i just didn't really know how to elaborate on my thoughts and feelings on godzai other than what i've already mentioned here and there, and it's pretty much what you said, like the heartbeat thing, the coded language, the catgirl (that i completely forgot about because i don't really pay attention to the new chapters oops)
I do agree with you that it's like Dazai is slipping into his old, darker mindset around Fyodor, but it's frustrating to see that after knowing about his character development.. and also, how much of that is actually Dazai and Fyodor being their little dynamic demon duo together, and how much of it is just poor writing to use Dazai as a plot device?
Like one of my favourite Dazai moments was when he made a mistake in the helicopter when looking for Fyodor during the cannibalism arc, because it showed him being human and being fooled like a human. But more importantly we then saw him recruit Fitzgerald's help, which was a great moment of collaboration and shows just how much even Dazai needs to rely on others, and how good the outcome was.
It felt like a step in the right direction for Dazai's character, and we definitely see him appreciate how human it is to work together and rely on others, based on his conversations with Fyodor in Meursault. So it just feels a bit empty to have him show all of this development and still be treated like a pawn for the narrative who magically knows all the solutions or the outcomes in advance.
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tomato-turn · 11 months
Bsd head-canons!!
Part 3!..
1. Dazai had cooked and fed it to the agency. People were shocked that not only its edible, it's even tasty. Probably the best they ate! (Its Kunikida approved! )
2. Dazai had secretly braided Chuuya's hair when he was asleep.
3. Atsushi loves hot baths! Since in the orphanage he got only stale and cold water, he cherises it! He has stayed there for quite a long time that Kyoka has to make sure he's not dead. (Tiger-coded!)
4. Dumb, newly-found, fresh-out-of-lab, Paul Verlaine. And Arthur takes care of him! Like, yes, just yes.
5. Chuuya hates to see Dazai in himself (which is canon). After sb, Chuuya kept quite a distance to cool himself down. Dazai was really confused. He can't read Chuuya like others.
6. I'm a 'skk had embarrassing moments' believer. Like ain't no way I'm going to believe in their chemistry they had no sasunaru ep. Dazai gets mostly flustered. Meanwhile, Chuuya finds it revolting or confused.
7. Dazai genuinely thinks Chuuya as a dog. He's loyal to anyone who gives him even a tiny bit of love. He'll even be loyal to them even after betrayal. Dazai hates and admires this fact that a person this broken has the will to survive, to live, even if life has been nothing but unfair to him.
8. Chuuya honestly gets confused when people say that Dazai is 'cold and unpredictable' because for him, he understands him quite easily, and God knows where he gets this much energy to annoy him. He's cold at times, but not always.
9. Dazai has some type of void inside of him. It's really near to his heart, and he hates that. Joking the pm only worsened it. But at the ADA, it was nearly nonexistent. But it's still there gnawing and so close to his heart that he fears it might eat it. The feeling alone is nothing and everything at the same time. It's just numb, too much numbness. He hates feeling empty, and he hates it even more when he feels too much. It's nauseating. He wants to throw it out.
10. Since Oda drew for the kids, he also drew for Dazai (he asked) and Ango, too.
Welp! That's for today! Thanks
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moneflower · 1 year
Of Voices and Songs
Part I: BSD Characters and Casts
They say first impressions are important, but what if it were to be skewed or influenced by an outside force. This is especially true to actors and actresses who played specific characters people like to associate with - and even more so with voice actors.
So here’s my run down of thoughts, odd associations, and observations while watching Bungou Stray Dogs for the first time. First up is a character by character outline to help organize some thoughts. By voice actors this time around focusing on the ADA and PM.
Dazai (Miyano):
This was unexpected because when I first heard him I was like “Light is that you, please tell me you left your notebook,” and clear enough it was replaced by a suicide manel - kind of ironic if you know how Death Note ended. But my god, I can only envision Mario now. Miyano range is insane. 
Atsushi (Uemura): 
Is it kind of sad I thought of Grisha Yeager first. The contrast between a sweet little boy to unhinged man confused the heck out of me whenever Atsushi showed up. There was a little bit of Porlock from Moriarty the Patriot, too, but at least it didn’t give me that shock factor.
Ranpo (Kamiya):
What can I say, this one was an easy one. Between Levi and Yato it was clear Ranpo was closer to Yato’s personality than the stoic badass man we all know and love. They’re all lovable characters, by the way. 
Yosano (Shimamura):
You know what I realized: most of the JVA from BSD is also in big series like AOT or JJK. Annie, trapped in an ice stone for most of the series, got the sleeping beauty treatment - woke up when shit was about to get real. Even snow white got more screen time than her. We don’t talk about Dead Apple here. It was nothing more than a fever dream. 
Kunikida (Hosoya):
As always, Danganronpa holds a special place in my heart: Kazuichi, that dude wasn’t my favorite, but he did know how to leave an impression. I think his JVA starred in Death Parade, but I’m not sure. If so, then the Death Note saga did come full circle. Don’t forget Reiner, another blonde who was traumatized. 
Chuuya (Taniyama):
This doesn’t come as a surprise, but Jean Kirstein - another ginger. Honestly, I can hear bits of the PM executive whenever he raises his voice. Maybe they can get along. Or, what if, hear me out, he became him when he was trapped in Poe's book. Living that AOT life I see, bet it’s no different from his usual job. 
Akutagawa (Ono):
I mean, our boy Floch is here along with Yuri Briar, and now I can’t unsee it. Don’t Yuri remind you of another dark-haired Russian man. It’s sad that his character info can be used to describe both of them: ‘Yuri is popular with girls due to his face, but they leave when they discover his personality.’
Tachihara (Hayashi):
If you can consider the PM as a gang affiliated group, then Mikey from Tokyo Revenger is here to stay, this time as the deurtologist of the group. Similar to Dazai’s role but different in subtle ways. 
Higuchi (Seto):
Well, the protagonist of Death Parade is here: Kurokami, along with another strong female lead: Nobara Kugisaki. I feel like female characters are underutilized at this point. *Sighs*
Kouyou (Koshimizu):
This is going to be a short one, but Kallen from Code Geass, an interesting mix I see.
Mori (Silverstein):
A bit different from the rest, but all that comes to mind with his English VA is ‘that osmanthus dude who used to be a god.’ I don’t personality play Genshin impact but the people around me do, plus, there’s the memes how can we forget that. 
Oda (Suwabe):
Here comes a controversial reaction: for some reason, I wheezed so hard during Oda’s and Dazai’s farewell scene when he was giving his last words. All that came to mind was: “Sukuna this isn’t you.” 
“Undertaker, has your background story come out yet? The fandom needs answers. Was this it all along.” 
Sorry I just thought of a random scenario where Oda isekaied into JJK and now was Sukuna because he had enough of this ‘good guys never win’ type of crisis or Black Butler as a shinigami because he didn’t want to relive being human again. Two equally tragic possibilities, but that’s the beginning of a series for writers.
A/N: This is what I get for being an auditory learner, catching some odd things that otherwise most people wouldn’t have noticed. For your information, I watched all of these shows un
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