hiddenpxpercuts · 2 years
@ofxscavengcrs (queenie)
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newt was a little nervous about seeing someone that he knew before coming to Washington D.C. it wasn’t because he wronted them or anything of that nature, it was the fear and anxiety of them not remembering who he was. “queenie?” he asked nervously. 
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freedomforthewin · 3 months
“Well, my philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice.” —Newt Scamander
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blcknwine · 2 months
My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice.
-Newt Scamander
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kaitlinamberxo · 2 days
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“My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite fictional muses — 16/100: Newt Scamander
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donniexv · 29 days
☆ FANTASTIC BEASTS ; Will we die? Just a little
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" My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice. "
⥼ ✖
" Well, of course. Now everythingg makes sense. "
⥼ ✖
" You never met a monster you couldn't love. "
⥼ ✖
" I know that you've suffered.. "
⥼ ✖
" People are easiest to read when they're hurting, "
⥼ ✖
" I don't think I'm dreaming... I ain't got the brains to make this up.. "
⥼ ✖
" Funny how historic days seem so ordinary when you're living them. "
⥼ ✖
" Who does this law protect? Us? Or them? "
⥼ ✖
" Do you know what its like to have no one? To always be alone. "
⥼ ✖
" He knows what you were born as, not who you are "
⥼ ✖
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ablueboombox-be · 1 year
worrying means you suffer twice
newt scamander
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writerseclipse1 · 6 months
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"my philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice."
fantastic beasts and where to find them
ೃ⁀➷ newt scamander
to be posted!
ೃ⁀➷ theseus scamander
to be posted!
ೃ⁀➷ tina goldstein
to be posted!
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disclaimer: the works and writings present belong to me but the studio upon which these characters were created belong to their respective creators.
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elysiancapital · 6 months
I was looking back at notes on Daniel Pink's book When: The Scientific Secretes of Perfect Timing and came across the "Pre-Mortem" approach. I couldn't remember what this was, but I remember having gotten excited about this approach when I first read it, so I looked it up again.
To contrast, post-mortem is like an autopsy where something is inspected to determine why it died.  The shortest summary I found of a "pre-mortem", is to ask yourself before something is started "If this process results in poor outcomes, what will have been the causes?  What can we do now to ensure better results?"
Now, I'm not trying to promote negative doom & gloom thinking here, but in my approach to this exercise, there were three things that immediately came to mind that I could address.
Given how quickly I could recall these things that I knew could be an issue, it was apparent to me that I had been stressing about them already and just hadn't taken the time or responsibility to face them head-on. I can't remember who said it first, but the quote "worrying means you suffer twice" was apparently popularized by Newt Scamander in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. With this in mind, I see that doing a post-mortem exercise is also super helpful in the sense of making sure we make a plan to address things that we may be stressing over with or without a plan.
Another way of looking at this concept is to make sure you address the weak points in your plan to make sure you cover the downside of the operation. In a famous example, when Sir Richard Branson (founder of Virgin Group) started Virgin Airlines, he negotiated with Boeing so that within the first year, he would be able to return the airplanes for the full purchase price.
In summary:
Pre-Mortem Approach: A proactive strategy involving envisioning potential failure scenarios before starting a project or process. Ask yourself "If this fails, what would have caused it, and what can be done now to ensure success?"
Proactive Problem Solving: Engaging in a pre-mortem exercise helps identify potential issues or weaknesses in a plan. Addressing these concerns beforehand prevents undue stress and allows for proactive problem-solving.
Address Weak Points: Emphasizes the importance of addressing weaknesses in a plan or operation to mitigate potential downsides.
Avoiding Unnecessary Stress: Recognizing that worrying without taking action leads to unnecessary suffering, and conducting a pre-mortem or post-mortem exercise aids in developing a plan to address concerns rather than dwelling on them without resolution.
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newt-and-salamander · 3 years
Worrying means you suffer twice – Bold of you to assume that I didn’t perfectionate the Art of Worrying to a point where I am in a state of constant sorrow, so technically I only suffer once.
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silvertonedwords · 2 years
36 and 10 😍 #newtina!!!
unconsciously searching out each others’ hands while sleeping
(If you want to send me more, try here, here, here, or here. It’s helpful if you send the actual prompts because I have a few numbered lists going and that gets confusing.)
Tina starts awake out of habit. It may be a normal auror’s reflex to be alert within seconds of waking, but the truth is that she began to do so long ago, when a little sister sleeping in the bed beside her might’ve needed something.
A scan of her memory settles her back into the sheets and loosens her grip on the wand that always stays nearby. She is at home, and there is no sign of any disturbance that warrants such precautions.
What, then, she wonders, had woken her?
Her hand, she notices, has drifted in sleep to the blankets beside her. But Newt’s side of the bed is empty. She might’ve guessed, for the blankets have not been formed into a suspiciously Newt-shaped cocoon. He often tangles them so effectively that she has to tug on the edge of a blanket and press into his side for warmth. His hand will then reach sleepily to tangle with hers, or his arm will loop around her waist and tug her closer. She suspects that they have both grown to love the little ritual.
Newt’s absence is not, in itself, strange. He sometimes slips out of bed in the night to check on the menagerie, or to make a cup of tea if he cannot sleep.
She often jokes that it’s a good thing she married someone so used to moving silently around creatures, so light a sleeper as she is.
Attuned now to the dark, quiet room, she hears faint breaths and the rustling of clothes. He must still be in the room. “Newt?” 
She hears him sigh. “I didn’t want to wake you,” he says.
Something in his voice is a bit off, a bit strained. 
Tina shoves the blankets and drops her feet onto the floor. The night is damp and cold, and the carpet rough on her bare feet. Her eyes have adjusted enough to make out a splash of red hair beside the fireplace, and she sees that he is sitting on the rug before it, with his arms wrapped around his bent legs. “You didn’t.”
She pads over to him and settles a hand on his shoulder. He starts with the touch at first, but then his shoulders relax, and he slides a hand onto her calf. Still, his mind seems a thousand miles away.
“Newt?” She threads fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck, and suddenly he has turned and pressed his face into her thigh, his hand gripping her leg like an anchor. She sinks to the ground beside him and gathers him into an embrace. “Why didn’t you wake me?”
“You need sleep,” he says stubbornly, his lips brushing her neck. 
“I don’t leave until Monday.” 
He takes a ragged breath.
“I’ll be fine.”
“You can’t know that,” he protests.
He lifts his head. “You almost died last time, Tina. You almost—“
“I know, I know.” She touches his tired eyes.
“I’m not saying that I—I know you have to—“
“Shh.” She hates this more than anything, the pain she knows her absence causes him. “Wake me, please. When I’m here, I—always wake me.” He presses his face into her neck. “And if I’m not here, I don’t know, go get the niffler and let him into the silverware drawer so you remember how to laugh.”
Newt slides his hands up her back, the callouses rough and warm through her cotton pajamas. “He mopes, you know. The last time we were in New York, he properly scolded me for leaving you behind.”
Tina laughs.
Newt’s arms tighten around her. “I’m worried,” he confesses.
“Me, too. I’m—“ she finds herself fighting off the tears gathering in her eyes, and then reminds herself not to be a hypocrite, “—I worry about you, too.”
She pulls back so that they can see each other and brushes his hair from his eyes. “Mm.” She gathers his hand in hers, familiar as it is in the scars and callouses and the gentle way it curls into her touch. They are still for several minutes, their hands tangled.
“Come on.” She stands and tugs him with her. “Let’s go check on everyone downstairs, hm?”
He stops her with a gentle tug. “Promise you’ll be careful.”
“I’m always careful.”
She settles a hand on his face, smiling when he covers her hand with his. “I promise.”
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finleycannotdraw · 4 years
what would you say to your future self?
I don’t know, actually, but probably something like this:
“Hey, this is Past!Finley, and whatever pointless thing you’re stressed about now, it’ll work out.”
Then I’d remind myself of some songs that matter to me right now and tell myself to FaceTime my best friends because no matter when your present is, you ought to live in it.
I’m gonna keep thinking about this, of course. Thanks for the ask!! :)
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hiddenpxpercuts · 2 years
@grcycosmcs (Jedidiah)
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“Did I miss something because the town seems odder than usual.” Newt replied. That was what he got for spending his entire day and night in his apartment with his books and this ‘Netflix’ thing he learned about from his muggle friends. “I was kind of cut off from the outside world with something called Netflix.”
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moondustmarauder · 5 years
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newton artemis fido scamander - newt - fantastic beasts 
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"Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it's a plan!"
- Newt Scamander, probably
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hopefulcovets-blog · 5 years
@hopefulaspires || Tina
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“ Tina. ” Newt’s fingers, SCRATCHED from his creatures ( one finger still bleeding through its wrap ), reach to touch her hand, then intertwining their fingers through each other. Her touche is so WARM, so gentle. When they are close like this, he feels as if he is HOME. But, now more than ever, he wants HER to feel like she’s home; safe. “ The nightmares you had last night ... I’m worried they’re getting worse. ”
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sailorbowie · 6 years
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"My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice."
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