armed-ruebarb · 1 year
I picked up HSR the other day and this Gepard guy just feels like Crick in another font
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crapmagak · 2 years
Engage Drip Marketing: Framme
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Well, looks like there’s no telling when these characters are gonna drop. Seems odd, but oh well. 
Today we get Framme, finishing up the starting Dragon Guardians. We’ve seen quite a bit of her already, so there isn’t too much information. Still worth checking out though. 
Again, these tweets were kindly translated by twitter user SatsumaFS
In her intro tweet…
Framme is a 33rd generation "Dragon Guardian", protecting the Divine Dragon in the Holy Land of Lythos. She is Clan's younger twin sister, and is more confident and energetic than him.
Then the cutscene tweet…
Framme's self-introduction. Although she's a Dragon Guardian, it seems that her admiration for Alear is more like the idolization from a fan than loyalty.
"I'm also a 33rd generation Dragon Guardian, Framme! I'm Clan's twin younger sister.
I've been waiting super long for you to wake up!"
She says "anata-sama"(あなた様) which is super respectful. Like Your Holiness or something if localizing.
In terms of first impressions, I was pretty indifferent at first. But now she’s reminding me of Mae from Echoes a bit, and she was one of my favorite characters. Still, not a fan of the whole “Alear fangirl” thing. I get that it makes sense in lore, but avatar worship always leaves a sour taste in my mouth. As such, she could very easily go the way of Edelgard for me. Hopefully she’ll have fun supports with other characters, though.
Other people noticed this earlier, but she and Clan seem to be the Cain and Abel of this game, at least in terms of colors. Personality wise, they remind me of this duo archetype in the older games; the young, mild mannered, and male mage, and his more upbeat, outgoing, female counterpart. Think Boey and Mae, or Azelle and Tailtiu. This time, though, they have a sibling dynamic, which is a fun way to shake up the formula.
I’m also fairly sure Framme will get an emblem ring too, though it is hard to say. If I had to guess, it’d be either Lyn or Ike. Framme uses asian based martial arts, and of the fe lords Lyn has the most asian influences in both design and fighting style (though Corrin also fits this criteria, I’m positive she’ll bond with the manakete of this game instead). Ike, on the other hand… to be honest, I have a hard time seeing who else of the major characters he could bond with. And fist fighting and using an ax kind of go together, a bit… Again, mainly having a hard time thinking who else he could go with. And Clan does bond with Micaiah, so there's also that.
Now it’s time for our crit clip…
Framme's starting class is Monk. A war monk that heals allies with staves. They also are adept at self-defense from Qigong training.
It should be noted that Framme is just a monk, not a war monk. None of the kanji between either word are the same, and there are specific terms for various warrior monks in Japanese, like Yamabushi. This means monk is probably a base class, with something like war monk or grandmaster acting as its promotion. Though, that does make me curious if we’ll get a more combat based fist classes, like brawler.
Edit: So, I didn’t catch this at first, but Framme’s class is specifically called Monk/ Qigong. Qigong is a form of martial arts which focuses on using “qi”, which is a type of life energy in certain spiritual beliefs. It certainly makes me curious. Earlier, I assumed states like Dragon, Cavalry, and Mystic detailed stuff like weakness and how terrain affects movement. Qigong is interesting. Will there be special anti qigong weapons, will monks and brawlers have an easier time moving through certain tiles? Or are these things terms for certain class families? Either way, I find myself eagerly waiting for the inevitable Famitsu article that clarifies how classes will be handled.
As for the clip, there's a surprising amount to chew on. We actually see a bit more menuing from Framme. From this, we can see that staves still have durability, while weapons don’t. She has two scrolls,  training and iron body arts respectively. A good deal of stats when selecting a weapon are shown as well. Before that, though, we have something really meaty, an option called “Chain Guard”.
What is chain guarding? Honestly I can’t say, but none of the other characters are shown to do it. Perhaps it’s a unique ability among martial arts classes. Seems like the kind of thing a famitsu article will cover though.
We also learn that fists have a weapon advantage over bows. While some have proposed a weapon triangle of Bows < Fists < Tomes < Bows, I think something else is going on. Both bows and tomes are gray, while fists are yellow. As such, I think it’s more likely fists beat bows and tomes, acting as an anti range weapon. Another thing of note is that she doesn’t double the archer. This can be explained by the weapon being a training scroll, which specifically doesn’t allow follow up attacks. Sadly, it seems like Framme isn’t a very combat focused unit, though, considering she couldn’t even kill her foe with a crit. Hopefully this is just the result of the training weapons being so weak, or poor Framme may find herself trapped in the heal bot mines.
Now when it comes to the map, there are some spicy things I took notice of. First, both Alfred and Celine are able to use their engage forms in this chapter, making me wonder if the concept is introduced here, or earlier. When Framme attacks, we also get to see a look at one of the walls, with large windows. They’re probably not important, but it's still a pretty sight. What really caught my eye, though, was a good chunk of empty space on the maps left side, with a stairway nearby. Seems like the kind of spot either new recruits or enemy reinforcements would enter.
So, to wrap things up, we have all the starting dragon guardians now. While the avatar worship isn’t great, they seem like a solid starting party. As for what comes next… I’d say Alfred and the crew we see in the windmill chapter are a safe bet. It’ll be interesting to get looks at characters outside of these heavily shown three, that's for sure. As for when we’ll see them… I have no fucking clue. Maybe we’re alternating between one and two characters a week, but at this point, only the social media managers know.
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maomao-words · 4 years
Inspiration hit me a few days ago and all I felt like doing was write for the MLQC fandom! (=・ω・=)
So here I am! I will hopefully post some of my other writings soon too!
But for now, I hope you enjoy these (●'◡'●)ノ
MLQC Boys as Bodyguards: (Victor, Lucien, Kiro and Gavin)
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Weapons: A handgun equipped with a silencer and a katana which has your initials engraved on its black handle.
Background: Victor is the top ranked bodyguard known in the high society. Your family had to go through a prolonged battle of wits and money with numerous other important figures just to be able to hire Victor as your bodyguard. Dominating and commanding, Victor’s distinct aura screams authority and power for all who lay their eyes on him. Just his name is enough to deter countless of those who were planning to harm you. Those stupid enough to still risk attacking with Victor at your side simply dug their own graves and were not even able to get any information on your whereabouts, let alone spill your blood.
Fighting style: Victor does not mess around. His words are the law and the law you shall follow. He has been handed the duty of protecting you and he has no intention of wasting his time on indulging you in your risky adventures and whimsical decisions. He gets to decide everything that concerns your safety and all you have to do, in order to continue surviving, is to obey his orders. An advice? Do not attempt to rebel against him. It will only result in him convincing your father to leave you in charge of several business-related projects that will bound you to your office for no less than six months.
With his intricate network of acquaintances and allies of important and powerful figures, it is only rarely that Victor gets to fight directly in order to protect you. Victor is highly skilled in predicting threats and eliminating them before they even fully manifest. In those scarce moments where an enemy is powerful enough to get near you, Victor is considered as the last and ultimate defense line. He likes to execute his attacks silently and calmly. One shot to the heart will quickly seal the deal, save Victor’s efforts and protect you from needless scenes of blood and violence. Many enemies have mistaken the handgun as Victor’s main weapon, disregarding the katana as a mere ornament, and focused most of their manpower on disarming him. This mistake is what usually leads to their complete annihilation. Victor’s katana which he carries with him at all times is in fact his cherished lifeline as it is efficient, practical and does not run out of lethality.
Off duty: Victor’s off duty routine is not that far from his day to day habitual activities. He remains in full control of all things and does not seem to recognize the real meaning of being off the clock. The one thing that does change, however, is that Victor gets sweeter and gentler with you. If you have been an obedient master for the past few days, Victor will make sure to reward you with a taste of his cooking which you absolutely love.
With Victor at your side, just sit back and relax since danger is no longer a possible happening in your world. I do hope however that you are ready to pay the “price” of this absolute safety as Victor is not cheap by all means.
Weapons: A sniper rifle with a high-precision for ranged attacks and a handgun for close combat.
Background: Lucien is the bodyguard you cannot read most. At days, you even wonder whether he is really on your side or simply lurking in your shadows to eventually kill you. His eyes betray none of his thoughts and his hands, cold yet tender as they wrap around your waist to guide you through dangerous situations, seem to be always covered in blood yet somehow still feel as gentle as a feather on your skin. Lucien is a riddle that you are ready to spend your whole life solving, even if the chances of winning are close to none.
Fighting Style: Lucien mostly prefers to situate himself in the shadows of the roof a tall building and strike the enemy with one shot of his rifle from a distance. Lucien is known to dislike close combat; a fact several of your enemies sought to exploit only to discover that Lucien is as merciless with his fists as he is with his rifle. He just dislikes getting blood on his suit and would prefer to avoid that.
Mysterious and charming, you will not be able to get your eyes off of Lucien no matter how much his actions scream treason and suspicion. Because no matter how much his plots and schemes seem to be leading you to death, he will always appear at the very last second and gets you out of harm’s way, with a gorgeous smile in tow. Lucien’s existence is like a deadly poison to you, and you are just addicted to him.
Off duty: Lucien’s role in your life extends from a talented bodyguard and assassin to your own personal butler. He takes care of delivering and managing all the important papers and documents sent to you and even offers his own advice on different business-related matters. He also manages your personal schedule and private affairs, from meals and sleeping times to clothing choices and hairdresser appointments. Lucien is a highly qualified aid so do listen carefully to him. You will not regret following the plans he draw. Despite it all, however, there are also moments where Lucien seems to open up to you, moments where his eyes, usually two bottomless voids of blackness, suddenly clear up and his smile gets softer as he gazes at you cooking or playfully petting his cat. Those moments, although scarce and rare, are your most cherished possessions and you won’t exchange them for the world.
With Lucien by your side, you must get used to courting danger. Just never question why you are enjoying hell as you keep on dancing with the devil.
Weapons: A mini laptop and a dagger with a golden handle with your initials engraved on it. He also carries a handgun in case of emergencies.
Background: Kiro seems to be your best friend who just happens to also be your bodyguard. Right from the start, Kiro seemed to win your heart in a blink of an eye and you formed an inseparable duo ever since. Thanks to his bubbly personality and sunshine-like smile, you just can’t help but smile and giggle whenever you are around Kiro. Nevertheless, despite the numerous years you spent by his side, you are still startled by the drastic changes Kiro display when it is necessary for him to activate his bodyguard mode and discard his tender smile and gentle touches.
Fighting style: Don’t be tempted. Kiro’s lovely smile and gorgeous looks are nothing but a deadly trap for those who wish you harm. Kiro will not hesitate to use them to his benefit, attracting them before slicing their throats with a cold smile on his face. He usually takes care of all threats as soon as they start to bud and before they even reach the range of a kilometer close to you. With his trusty laptop in hand, Kiro will manipulate, hack and destroy whatever he deems dangerous. Your villa’s top notch security is also established and managed by Kiro, so rest assured, no intruder will be able to set foot into your backyard without being shot or electrified to death.
Off duty: Once his job is finished, Kiro will turn back to his sunshine self in a blink of an eye and will turn to you with his twinkling eyes and jumps on you, asking for a bear hug. Kiro’s off duty routine mostly consists in eating unhealthy snacks, watching hero movies with you and challenging you in silly video games. If the coast is safe enough for you to leave the house, Kiro will definitely accompany you to movies, to attraction parks, to zoos and to basically wherever you wish to go. If there is any sign of danger, Kiro will coop up with you at home and keep you entertained all the while keeping an eye out on you and making sure the threat that is forbidding you both from having your usual dates is dead and buried before the 12 hours mark even passes.
I hope you like sugar and fluffy sweets because that’s how life will taste like with Kiro by your side. Ah, but don’t forget! Even teddy bears have sharp claws!
Weapons: A handgun and a mercenary knife with a silver handle that you personally picked for him.
Background: Gavin seems as the calm, collected and detached type of bodyguard at the start. When he first started working for your family, he simply performed his duties to a perfection, protected you to the best of his abilities and then completely detached himself from you as soon as he was off duty. You initially thought that he was uninterested in building an actual relationship with you and respected the distance he drew between you. But as time went by, you discovered that, contrary to your assumptions, Gavin was just too clumsy in his attempt to get close to you and ended up cutting you off instead of bringing you to him. This awkward yet sincere confession came from a very red-faced Gavin as he lay on top of you trying to shield you from bullets. His clumsiness managed to win you heart and your relationship started to change for the better ever since.
Fighting style: Gavin is a proficient all-rounded soldier. He is perfectly capable of tracking and hunting down enemies, leading and coordinating between security teams as well as shielding and protecting allies. Gavin is sure to secure the safety of his client regardless of the threat he faces. He prefers close combat as he is highly competent in hand to hand battles as well as street brawls. He is also extremely skillful with his gun, using it mostly to secure an escape route for you in cases of ambushes and, in extreme situations, shoot down any threat on the spot. Gavin does not kill until he deems the situation necessary. He values human life and continuously encourage you not to hold grudges and not to consider the world as a mere violent and bloody realm.
Off duty: Off duty, Gavin’s more laid back and boyish charms come to the surface. He likes exercising in his free time and welcomes you with open arms if you come to him for private self-defense lessons. Gavin also enjoys playing video games with you and does not hesitate to let you win just to receive one of your hugs as a reward. When it comes to his butler skills, however, he is at the same low level of Kiro. He once attempted to bake a cake for you, ended up burning half of the kitchen’s ceiling and was banned from getting close to a stove for the rest of his life by you.
Just get used to the feeling of safety because Gavin is willing to risk his life for you. So let him spoil you.
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raeynbowboi · 5 years
How to Play as Violet Parr in DnD 5e
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To be fair the Invisible/Force Fields power combo is a surprisingly common trope, so you can also view this as how to plays as the Invisible Woman Susan Storm among other characters with this power set, I was just introduced to Violet first, and I’m a bigger fan of Disney and Pixar than I am of Marvel.
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First up for Race, we’re mostly human but genetically mutated. It’s never made clear how supers came to be, but it seems to just be a genetic mutation, so Violet is a Variant Human. Variant Humans get +1 in two stats of their choice, we’ll choose DEX and INT. Luckily for this build, we only need 2 stats to be as maxed as possible so the rest can be dumped in the trash where they belong. Variant Humans also get to pick up a free feat, and here are your best options: Defensive Duelist - While wielding a finesse weapon, when an enemy makes a melee attack, add your proficiency bonus to your AC. A high AC means stronger forcefields which means fewer attacks are going to hit you. Also, because Abjuration Wizards get Spell Resistance which not only improves spell saving throws but reduces damage taken from spells, this melee-exclusive dodging aid is a fantastic option to further capitalize on her forcefields by reducing the odds of spells working on her and on melee attacks getting past her defenses. The only drawback is that Violet does not canonically use any finesse weapons. However, if your DM is willing to handwave the finesse requirement by letting Violet use a shield for this feat, it could still be in character for her. Fade Away - Okay, this is a Gnome exclusive feat but it works very nicely for her. Immediately upon taking damage, Violet will turn invisible, allowing her to run away or recuperate herself. As Violet’s invisibility is a little harder to incorporate into her build, this is a great way to give her another route to becoming invisible during combat.
Medium Armor Master - Only if you have proficiency with medium armor, you no longer have disadvantage on stealth checks which is great for an invisible girl with a knack for stealth. Your AC increases by an extra +1 when your DEX is 16 or more.
Moderately Armored - You gain proficiency with Medium Armor and Shields if you don’t already have it, and +1 STR or DEX. Not necessary if Violet takes a few levels in Cleric, Fighter, or Paladin.
Shield Master: You can use your shield to push enemies away, add your shield’s AC bonus to DEX saving throws, and Uncanny Dodge becomes Evasion.
Violet isn’t above defying her mother and sneaking on the plane, but then later on, Violet is the one advocating for following their mother’s instructions and doing as they’re told. Thus, I’d label her as Neutral Good. She does what she thinks is right, which isn’t always following the rules, but not always breaking it either.
For background, City Watch has been my standard go-to for super heroes. However, she’s dealing with a secret identity and is technically a criminal since super heroes aren’t currently legal. Secret Identity variant Charlatans get proficiency with Deception so you can bluff to your boyfriend that you’re totally normal and Sleight of Hand so you can sneakily take evidence about criminal activity.
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The Class Weirdo
Let’s get this out of the way first, you are an Abjuration Wizard of at least 14 levels. By 14th Level you get temporary hit points equal to 2x your Wizard level + your INT mod when you cast an Abjuration spell. News flash, Mage Armor and Shield are both Abjuration spells. Literally any time you raise your AC, you’re getting an instant, automatic base 33 temp HP points, and 45 if you go maxed out Wizard. But more importantly, at 14th level, you not only have advantage on resisting spells, but when they do hit you, they deal resisted damage, leaving only melee attackers as a viable threat. Trust me, you want to be a 14th level Abjuration Wizard. However, there are a few other multiclass options to consider.
Cleric     Protection: Your Wisdom score won’t be very high, but then, you’d mostly use your Cleric levels to pick up non-damaging spells like Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, Warding Bond, Spirit Guardians, and Guardian of the Faith. You pretty much get handed the Protection Fighting Style, and Radiant Defense which gives you or an ally radiant armor that, when struck for the first time, deals 2d10+your cleric level radiant damage. Too bad you need to be 14 levels in Wizard, so the absolute highest this can be is 2d10+6 for anywhere from 8 - 26 damage. You also get proficiency with Medium Armor and Shields, which is important.
Fighter     Psychic Warrior: You tap into your inner reservoir of psychic energy. With augmented defenses, you can reduce any damage you or an ally takes by 1d10. You also get mage hand but big woop you already picked that up as a Wizard Cantrip.
Fighting Style Options:     Defense: Increases your AC by +1     Interception: Reduce damage meant for an ally within 5 feet by 1d10, however distance can be discussed with your DM.     Protection: Impose disadvantage on attacks meant for an ally within 5 feet.
Paladin     Redemption: You can punish those who take violent actions against those other than you in radiant damage equal to the damage they just dished out with your Channel Divinity. At 7th Level you can take damage for your allies, but by 7th level, you’re a little out of luck, since that makes 21, and is therefore not viable. Also, Paladin requires CHA to multiclass and Violet is awkward and insecure.
Rogue    Okay, so this one doesn’t offer shield proficiencies, but on the other hand, it does offer Uncanny Dodge, which becomes as good as Evasion with Shield Master. You also get Expertise so you can be unbelievably good at Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Deception, or Investigation. There’s no real recommendation here, as none of the Roguish Archetypes really seem to scream “yo, this is so Vi”, but Rogue is still a useful class to consider for her build. However, I suppose the best is Inquisitive as it lets her detect lies and makes her better at perception and investigation out of combat to find clues so she can solve crime.
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As an Abjuration Wizard, Intelligence is the #1 priority. It’ll provide us with more temporary hit points when we use our Arcane Ward. Dexterity determines our AC. This can be one’s knack for dodging attacks (as was the case with Itachi) or it can be the deciding factor for how hard your defenses are to bypass. Considering a multiple ton robot had to drop its entire body on Violet multiple times to break her shield, I’d argue her shield must be pretty durable, so a high AC is in order. After that, we’ll pick up Constitution. While it’s fair that Violet herself isn’t super tough, her high CON stat could be seen as an extension of her force field powers. After that, the other three can land wherever you want to put them. This is one Fighter who doesn’t care about having a high STR stat, and Violet doesn’t need WIS or CHA outside of multi-classing.
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Name: Violet Parr Race: Variant Human Background: Secret Identity Charlatan Alignment: Neutral Good Class: Psychic Warrior Fighter (4)             Abjuration Wizard (16) Base Stats: Strength: 8 (-1) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 10 (0) Charisma: 8 (-1) Saving Throws: Strength: +5 Dexterity: +5 Constitution: +8 Intelligence: +5 Wisdom: 0 Charisma: -1 Combat Stats: HP: 132 AC: 19 Speed: 30 Initiative: +5 Proficiency Bonus: +6 Passive Perception: 16 Dark Vision: 0 feet Proficiencies:   Athletics (Fighter)   Deception (Charlatan)   Insight (Fighter)   Sleight of Hand (Charlatan)   Stealth (Variant Human) Skills: Acrobatics: +5                   Medicine: 0 Animal Handling: 0            Nature: +5 Arcana: +5                         Perception: 0 Athletics: +5                       Performance: -1 Deception: +5                    Persuasion: -1 History: +5                         Religion: +5 Insight: +6                         Sleight of Hand: +11 Intimidation: -1                  Stealth: +11 Investigation:+5                Survival: 0
Equipment   Leather Armor   Shield
Damage Resistances:   All Spell Damage
Paladin Feature: Fighting Style   Interception: When an ally creature within 5* feet is attacked, use your shield to intercept 1d10+ Proficiency Bonus amount of damage.
Spell Slots 1st (4) 2nd (3) 3rd (3) 4th (3) 5th (2) 6th (1) 7th (1) 8th (1)
Violet’s Spellbook*
Wizards can learn ore spells than this, but we’re only focused on shielding and invisibility spells. Even her teleportation spells are a reflavored way for her to disappear and reappear somewhere else.
Cantrips                          2nd Level                            5th Level    Blade Ward                     Blur                                       Arcane Hand    Friends                            Hold Person                         Hold Monster    Mage Hand                     Invisibility                              Intellect Fortress    Message                         Levitate                                 Wall of Frce    True Strike                      Misty Step                             Wall of Light  1st Level                        3rd Level                              6th Level    Feather Fall                     Counterspell                        Globe of Invulnerability    Mage Armor                     Magic Circle                        Guards and Wards    Pro. from Evil & Good      Nondetection                   7th Level    Shield                               Protection from Energy        Teleport    Ten’s Floating Disk     4th Level                                8th Level                                              Greater Invisibility                Antimagic Field                                              Mord’s Private Sanctum                                              Ostil’s Resilient Sphere
Action Surge: Take an extra action once per rest.
Bonus Actions: 
Second Wind:  Recover 1d10+4 HP once per rest.
Abjuration Savant: Spend less time and money copying Abjuration spells. Arcane Recovery: Recover 8 or fewer level 5 or lower spells on a short rest. Arcane Ward: Get temp HP equaling 2x Wizard Level + INT Mod on first use, and 2x spell level on subsequent uses until you finish a long rest when you cast an abjuration spell of 1st Level or higher.  Defensive Duelist: Add your Proficiency to your AC against melee attacks. False Identity: You have a legally recognized second identity as a super. Improved Abjuration: Add your proficiency to checks for abjuration spells. Interception Fighting Style: Reduce damage on allies by 1d10+6 within 5 feet. Projected Ward: Your Arcane Ward can shield other creatures within 30 feet. Psychic Armament: Reduce damage of you and others within 30 feet by 1d10 Shield Master: Use your shield to push, add your Shield’s AC to DEX throws. Spell Resistence: Advantage on spell throws and take resisted spell damage. Telekinetic Hand: Cast invisible Mage Hand without components.
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Between your high AC and your Arcane Ward bolstering your Temp HP, once you start getting to higher levels, your actual HP bar will hopefully start to see dwindling instances of being reduced. Pair her with a dedicated healer, and your team should be nice and secure with her around. How do you feel I did building Violet Parr? Would you build her differently? And as always, I take requests.
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tsipasce · 4 years
Same Difference, Ch.09
A/N: FYI, this part gets a bit violent. No domestic abuse or anything like that, just a good ol’ fashioned fight scene. Anybutts, hope y'all enjoy~
Chapters: 01  |  02 |  03 |  04 | 05  | 06 | 07 | 08
AO3 | Fanfic
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Nanami began walking down the now-familiar, winding hallways from her tea break to return to the lab. She wasn’t ready to examine the feelings she’d had after her spat with Overhaul, especially the ones that caused her such sadness at the thought of not seeing him again. In the back of her mind, she knew whatever she was feeling could simply be the result of successful manipulation on his part, but it didn’t change the relief she felt knowing they’d continue working together. Hoping to push away the thoughts before facing him again, she decided to focus on her efforts to find a suitable class for self-defense. Sure, Hitomi had a point in that it would at the very least be a confidence booster, but Nanami felt like she needed more.
I know Kurono said it was a cheap shot in a 1 vs. 30 battle royale, but still. * BANG* If Overhaul, ~*killer extraordinaire*~ can get injured like that, * BANG* I might as well be a sitting duck. Nanami concluded, remembering that she had involved herself in a world much more dangerous than she wanted to acknowledge. But where in the world am I gonna find * BANG* a class that’ll * BANG, BANG* teach me how to survive a fight to * BANG* the * BANG, BANG* death? * BANG, BANG, BANG* Ok, what the hell is making all that noise? Nanami thought now annoyed at whatever had been interrupting her train of thought.
Following the sound, she found the source of the noise: a very large man beating a block of concrete in the training room as though his life depended on it. She watched for a moment in amazement as his fists covered in heavy, metal gauntlets wore down one block of concrete after the next, ignoring the traditional workout equipment. He stopped for a beat, sensing her watching him from the doorway.
“Hey, doc. What brings you here?”
“Hi Rappa, it’s nothing, just heard a lot of commotion and wanted to make sure everything was alright. Don’t mind me!”
Shrugging, he continued training, now moving to weightlifting. Man, this is nothing like the classes I sat in on. I wonder what kind of training you’d have to get to be this proficient… I wish I could… Oh, duh. Nanami thought at the epiphany.
“Hey, Rappa, can I ask you a question?” Nanami asked, with a plan already in mind.
“Who’s gonna stop you?”
“True. Have you ever tried teaching anyone?”
“A couple times, but most don’t last too long. They lack the warrior spirit.”
“So… if someone did have this ‘warrior spirit’, you’d consider taking them on, right?”
“It would be a dream come true, to trade blows with another man, hellbent on victory! They’d have to prove their mettle, but nothing would bring me more joy!” He exclaimed and she could tell he was already daydreaming about the next fight.
“Well, what if there was a person that was hellbent on victory and had a true warrior spirit... but they were a woman. Would you train them?”
“Impossible.” He responded immediately.
“What makes you say that?” Nanami queried, a bit miffed at how sure of his answer he was.
“They don’t have it in their nature. Besides, we yakuza have a code of chivalry. I could never fight a broad.”
“Even if said broad could kick your ass?” Now she was pissed.
He laughed heartily, “The day I meet a woman like that, will be the same day Mimic can keep his mouth shut for more than 5 seconds. Or when hell freezes over, whichever comes first.”
“Well get ready for 5 seconds of bliss and Satan in some long johns because that woman is here.” Nanami said with a renewed sense of resolve.
“Nothing, I’ll talk to you later, Rappa.”
“Uh… Ok, see ya later, doc.”
On the remainder of the walk back, Nanami practiced her proposal in her head. She knew it might be a hard sell, but she was determined. Bursting through the door, she saw Overhaul focused on his laptop, going through some data sheets. Aw, he looks so peaceful—no, snap out of it. Back on task. Nanami chastised herself, though she was happy knowing she’d be able to see him like this regularly since they’d done their version of making up earlier. Focusing on the task at hand, she spoke confidently,” Overhaul, I need to borrow one of your bullets.”
“Who do you need taken care of?” he turned to her, a serious look in his eyes.
“Wait what?”
They exchanged looks of equal confusion, before realizing what the other meant. “Oh no, no, no—I don’t need anyone ‘taken care of’, I want to take care of them myself—but not like that…”
“It would be clearer if you referred to them as the Eight Bullets or Eight Precepts of Death in the future.”
“Oh, yeah that sounds way cooler.” She stated matter-of-factly.
“Tch. Of course, it does.”  He said turning and she could tell he was grateful in his own way of the compliment. “What do you need them for?”
“I don’t need all of them, just Rappa. And I want... no, I need him to train me.”
“Why do you need him to train you? It’s you and I who share the same quirk…” He trailed off at the last part.
“Oh, don’t be jealous, it’s just that I... I want to learn hand-to hand combat. I want to protect myself. I need to. You were right earlier when you said I’ve entered a world that prioritizes violence. It’s not that I want to prioritize it myself, but I know it would be naïve of me to be unprepared.” She replied resolutely.
“Of course, I was right.”
“That’s what you got from that?”
“However, I fail to see how this benefits me. Technically speaking, you have yet to rectify the power imbalance between us; you being able to completely negate my attacks is… problematic. Making you stronger would border on foolishness on my part.”
“So, you plan on attacking me in the future?”
“No, but the point still stands and the question remains: what do I have to gain from this?”
Nanami’s resolve did not waiver. She had the answer to this one, “An ally.”
His eyes narrowed at her, almost cautioning her to use her words wisely, but he continued to listen, pushing his laptop to the side. “Go on.”
“I wouldn’t serve you or be an accomplice, nor conspirator to any crimes. However, I will not plot against you, attack you without proper provocation, and if you’re in a bind like tonight, I will be there. In addition to this… I’ll tell you how I was able to negate your attack. It’s still a working theory, but I’d be willing to share and practice it with you until it’s fully proven. I can teach you, but only after Rappa has trained me and you teach me a defensive move using Overhaul. This way, we will be equal, for the most part.”
He stared at her searchingly, considering her proposal. After letting her squirm for a bit in suspense, he responded,” It cannot interfere with our organization’s daily dealings or our work in the lab.”
“Of course.”
“Then it’s a deal.”
“Also, could you talk to Rappa for me? You know the whole chivalry thing…” She trailed off hoping he would catch her drift.
“You’re just full of requests today.” He said, slightly annoyed as she raised her brows waiting for an answer, “He will comply. You may have to prove yourself, but he will comply.”
It was decided that Nanami would be tested by Rappa a week from the day. If she wasn’t sure about the nature of the test, it was certainly made clear when Rappa explained in a way only he could:
“I’ll take it easy since you’re a woman. If you can make me surrender, I’ll teach you.”
Such a generous soul~ Nanami mused to herself after pushing through the fourth lap. She didn’t expect to become a prize fighter in a week, but not getting winded just by going up the stairs at work was a good start. She’d kept somewhat in shape and had grown up doing club sports in school, but nothing she could think of that would constitute a “warrior spirit”. Looks like we’re gonna have to get creative with this…
Checking her watch, she realized she had just enough time to make an important call before her next appointment. “Hey Miki, how’ve you been?... That’s awesome, I’m doing alright myself… Hm? No, no we’re still on for dinner Thursday, I just had a favor to ask… Could I join you for some freerunning this week?... Nevermind why I’m breathing so heavy! Can I come? ...Thank you, Thank you, Thank you—I’ll see you at the station by your place. Bye!” The phone clicked.
She wouldn’t become a master in a week—maybe not even an intermediate level fighter—but at least she could have a sliver of a chance at winning Rappa over. With her plan coming together, she pushed for another lap, a little more confidence in her step than before.
A week came and went, now Nanami stood in front of her closet, unsure of what to wear.
“What do you usually wear to a fight anyway…” She pondered, remembering what every fighting person she knew wore on a regular basis. Rappa wore jeans and a t-shirt, “If I can’t sleep in jeans, how the hell am I supposed to fight in them? Next.” Overhaul wore business attire, “The man’s an enigma, not even realistic to compare wardrobe choices there…Wait.” Nanami had an epiphany. Her fighting style, if she could call it that yet, wasn’t much like either of theirs from what she knew. Deciding it would be smartest to wear what she’d been training in that week of preparation, she got changed and hurried over.
Rushing her park job, she sat in her car for a beat, trying to catch her breath. She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t been a nervous wreck anticipating her “trial by fire” today. Even with a plan, it would be hard to predict how she’d react in the moment when her safety was on the line. After rejecting her quirk and consequently, her body, for such a long time, it seemed like an impossible task to lean on it completely, to trust it, but what choice do I have? Nanami asked herself with equal measures of resignation and resolve. Deciding it was do or di—nope, gotta use a better phrase. We are not speaking the possibility of death into existence. Not today. Deciding it was now or never, Nanami took a deep breath, centering herself as she worked up the nerve to exit her car and march to the base and down to the training room.
Stopping in front of the entrance, she exhaled deeply once again, pushing the large door open. Upon opening it, she saw Rappa rotating his shoulders and stretching his arms. She gulped heavily, remembering his quirk, Strongarm, would soon be used on her. Focusing on her opponent, she hadn’t noticed someone else standing in the corner by the door.
“If you focus any harder, you’ll pop a blood vessel.” Said a familiar voice, startling her from her thoughts.
She put a hand to her chest, trying to calm down, “Oh my gosh you scared the shit out of me… and leave me alone. Everyone has their own way of preparing, I’m just… figuring mine out.”
“That and your sparring attire.” Overhaul responded too quickly for her liking, giving her a once over.
Defensively pulling her tracksuit closed, she gave him a look,” Did you come to roast me or root for me?”
“Neither. I am merely here to supervise. Whether you win or not is none of my concern.”
“Aaaand this is why I didn’t ask you to train me. If you need me, I’ll be stretching over there, ref.”
Nanami rolled her eyes, making her way to what she figured would be her side of the arena. The training room was large with two sections; one part took up a third of the room, hosting a myriad of traditional gym equipment and weights. The other part which was the arena, took up the remaining two thirds and was outlined on the floor in white with room on the sidelines for observers …and sassy referees. Nanami thought, remembering his dig from earlier.
Removing her tracksuit, she donned black leggings and a matching, sleeveless workout top. It was sleek and formfitting, maximizing her range of mobility. After she completed a couple toe touches, lunges and back stretches, Rappa took a step forward into the ring, “Alright, you know the rules! I’m making it easy on you by only asking for a surrender, but I won’t hold back.”
“I wouldn’t want you too. Let’s do this.” Nanami said, her game face on and her voice confident in an effort to override the doubts she had in her head.
“Now that’s the spirit! Come at me, doc!”
Getting into a stance, Nanami made a B-line towards Rappa, sprinting at full speed. He braced himself in a defensive stance, ready to attack when she came within striking distance. He was wearing his mask, but she could feel how serious the mood of the room had gotten. Just stick to the plan, it’ll all be ok, she said, steeling herself from further doubt. Focusing, she saw the second he was readying himself to take his first swing. Just then, she slid and dodged, slapping her hand firmly on the ground as she slid, sending a ripple in the direction she was headed, a pillar forming. She then slid past the new structure, extended her arms, and grabbed onto the pillar to swing herself back in his direction at full force. Keeping both her feet together she surprised him, landing a solid kick to the face. She followed through as he staggered, and she landed, rolling to minimize the impact. Before she could appreciate the look of surprise on Overhaul’s face, Rappa had recovered. Her refresher course on parkour with Miki had paid off and she had a few tricks up her sleeve.
“Now that was good. Give me more!” He exclaimed, punching the ground, barely missing her head as she dodged. Nanami had been fast, but Rappa was much more agile than he looked. She’d done some research on his quirk, but no amount of reading could have prepared her for the reality of it. Though it probably wouldn’t have seemed threatening if it had belonged to someone else, it suited him perfectly. He didn’t just have a quirk, he had a set of skills and used it to amplify them. Even without the added power, he was a force to be reckoned with.
Before she had the chance to think too much, he struck again and again, dodging becoming more difficult with each blow. Deciding to act, she erected more pillars.
“Putting up a wall for protection won’t gain you a surrender—come and fight me!” He warned, charging towards her.
“Who said these were for my protection?”  Nanami responded as she ran. She launched herself to gain enough momentum, bouncing between the pillars, she managed to land a punch to his side, just beneath his ribs, earning her a grunt. Now more confident, she went in for a second attack, this time she was going to aim for his chin, hoping to knock him out. In this movement, her lack of combat training caused her to make a grave error: she was wide open. By the time she saw Rappa winding up for an uppercut, it was too late to react. He landed a solid blow to her abdomen before grabbing her like a ragdoll, tossing her clear across the room and into the wall on the opposite side of the arena. Her back hit the wall with a thud, and she gasped for air as the wind was knocked out of her. She was certain she’d broken a rib or two. She fell on all fours, heaving as she grasped at the broken parts of her rib cage. She coughed up blood, accepting the consequences of being hit in real combat. When she expelled more of the red liquid from her mouth, she could’ve sworn she saw Overhaul reflexively lunge towards her. Without thinking she raised a hand motioning him to stop whatever he planned on doing, the other still clutching her side. Looking over to him, her expression must have relayed her determination. He took a step back, his face expressionless once again.
Reaching under her shirt to the affected area, she felt for a moment and healed herself, the sound of bones cracking back into place echoing throughout the room. She rose again, steadying herself as she took up her stance once again, “I’m not done yet.” Nanami gritted.
His mask was now ripped from her previous blows she could see a large smile forming. “Now that’s the look I want to see. IF YOU WANT VICTORY, COME AND TAKE IT WITH YOUR FISTS!”
Nanami charged forward, landing some solid blows as using her ability to manipulate the arena to her advantage. Though she’d used her quirk on their surroundings, she’d yet to use it on her opponent directly. Deep down, she was still too afraid to use it in that way. The only “fight” she’d ever used it against someone was when Overhaul and her first met, but really it was just a means to escape. Even in the face of danger, she found herself more afraid of losing control like she had all those years ago. As she hesitated, Rappa landed another solid blow, this time to her shoulder, dislocating it. She managed to stifle a scream of pain, but she knew this was bad. Before she had time to heal, he was charging towards her once again. She had enough mobility to dodge some of his blows, but not all of them. She couldn’t heal herself quickly enough to keep up with his attacks. He landed another to her ribs, a fist to her back and a knee to her abdomen. Rappa was enjoying himself and she was becoming less and less sure that he remembered this was a duel to a surrender and not to the death.
Completely forgetting where she was in her panic, an immense sense of danger crashed over her, the adrenaline taking over giving her tunnel vision. Judging by how he wound up, the next blow could have certainly killed her. She braced for impact, no longer thinking strategy and then… nothing. All she felt was the gust of wind that came from his fist stopping near her face and his breath on the back of her hand. Focusing her vision, she realized she had her finger pointed, mere inches from his neck and Rappa was frozen in his place, careful not to even clear his throat. Nanami hadn’t realized it, but her eyes were almost black and her face that of a cornered animal. She would have obliterated him had he not stopped short, an experience he wasn’t quick to relive a sixth time.
A smile slowly crept back across his face and Nanami was snapped out of her trance by the sound of jovial laughter. “I surrender, doc. THAT WAS GREAT! The look on your face right now, it’s perfect! I’ll see ya Thursday for training.” He boomed before shaking her hand that was aimed to kill him mere seconds ago. “I gotta make my rounds, but I’m looking forward to working with ya, doc. You’re one tough broad!” He said as he continued laughing to himself, exiting the room.
This whole place is just a dozen different flavors of crazy… I almost killed him, Nanami thought to herself, happy to have passed his trial, but terrified at the possibility of repeating “the incident”. Losing control scared her more than anything, but deep down she knew in order to master her quirk, she would have to take the risk and use it first. One step at a time, Nanami reassured herself, quelling the effects of the traumatic memories.  In reality, she knew whatever training he could give her would far surpass any of the self-defense classes she was going to settle for before. She wasn’t just going to be confident; she was going to be prepared. Just as she was riding the waves of her victory, the adrenaline began to wear off and the pain came washed over her like a tsunami. It left her breathless for a moment and all she wanted was to cry out but couldn’t as she felt one of her ribs pushing into her lung. Now laying on her back, she focused on moving the arm that wasn’t dislocated to her side, repairing her ribs and internal organs.
As she sat up to kneel on the floor and heal her shoulder, she heard footsteps coming towards her. “You’re going to have to get quicker at recovering if you plan on standing a chance the next time.” He said, looking down at her exhausted form still seated on the floor.
“I know.” Nanami sighed, reflecting on her sluggish reflexes with a bit of disappointment.
He stood in place, examining her for a beat. Suddenly something white entered her line of sight. Lifting her gaze, she saw his gloved hand extended to help her up, though his face was turned away. Quickly brushing off her surprise at his gesture, she patted her palms on her sides, before clasping his hand. He lifted her up with ease, and had she not already tempted death once today, she would have jokingly asked for a piggyback ride. Now standing close, their hands remained clasped between them longer than she expected. Craning her neck to make eye contact, she could tell he was thinking, his gaze unwavering with an emotion she couldn’t name. Just as she was about to get lost in those golden eyes, he spoke “You smell terrible.”
Ah. The ~emotion~ was in fact just stank face. Should’ve known he’d say something like that... She thought as her face dropped into one of exasperation.
“That, my very rude friend, is the smell of victory, so take a big whiff.” She retorted, moving past him, flipping her hair as she sashayed over to her bag to collect her things.
“Still wreaks… however, your performance was impressive, for an amateur.” The last part added as though it would break the very laws of nature itself to award a compliment without a catch. “See you tomorrow.” He remarked, leaving the room.
Her back was still turned as she zipped her bag, trying her best to hide the small smile that rested on her now proud face. “See you tomorrow.”
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
Skyrim/General Fantasy OC Ideation: Tamitayo’s Buddies
I’ve mentioned before, I think, that one of my signature OCs (Tamitayo the dark elf/black dragon in a dark elf form) is actually based on the character I played in some of my Skyrim playthroughs that I got particularly attached to; after doing runs as an orc and argonian, my dunmer playthrough got particularly appealing to me because of the narrative resonance of a nord prophecy heroine being one of the dark elves so oppressed and mistreated in Skyrim, and a personality of sorts emerged in my playthroughs as well.
however, while a lot of Tamitayo’s personality and abilities are a direct translation of my time playing in Skyrim, not all of them are. Put simply, I like to do a little bit of everything in Skyrim, from being a combat monster, to a deadly spell apocalypse, to a werewolf/vampire lord hybrid, and do it all REALLY well. an undead summoning, spell-slinging, deadly warrior who excells at pretty much whatever i currently find the most fun to play. while that’s good for gameplay, it translates pretty poorly into a written narrative; a character who is good at everything, while fun in a powergaming way, lacks narrative hooks to really figure them out or come up with ideas for how they typically perform.
So, and I have done some ideas with this in the past that haven’t really gone anywhere, my idea was (and still is) to split up my preferences in gameplay into several characters, with their roots in the Elder Scrolls setting, but designed so that they can be adjusted to fit other settings as needed; D&D, my sci fi fantasy AUs, and whatever else feels right.
In rough order:
Tamitayo: The most established of these characters, she’s a spellsword barbarian type; in TES setting, she’s a dark elf from a fairly obscure sub-culture within Morrowind’s outer reaches and is an outsider to established Imperial culture. Short-spoken, terse and very forbidding in demeanor, she’s explicitly based off Conan the barbarian, both in general personaltiy and her world-weary disdain of the civilized world’s own cruelty. She’s, ironically, a sorceress type: she specializes in destructive combat magic, with some more defensive abilities. Probably makes use of Bound weapons, and mainly uses fire/explosive magic. Likely to wear furred robes and make use of armorskin spells (in the form of magical war paint) as her primary protection, but does make use of her family’s traditional malachite armor in times of great need.
Outside of TES, the assumption is that she is actually a noble black dragon who is mostly confined to the form of a dark elf. This may be a matter of some curse she can only temporarily escape, or a matter of preference. Either way, she’s still the same character (And its just taking the implications of being Dragonborn to its logical conclusion). In D&D proper, she’s most likely a druid or, if that’s not elemental destruction enough, a wizard. She’s compelled to establish a territory and defend it, and thus she’s actually something of a benign warlord; finding chaotic territories, defeating rivals and persuading others to be allies, destroying all malicious threats, and establishing herself as a heroic empress over it all.
As a refresher on her appearance, she’s a very tall dark elf (7ft+) with a fit, fairly defined hourglass body; huge hips, massive breasts, and a fair amount of muscle throughout. Her skin is black (with a bit of a blue tint??) and usually covered in magical war paint. She likes to dye her hair, but the exact shade isn’t defined.
Rogha: Based on my more combat-focused playthrough styles, she’s an orc warrior through and through, with an emphasis on being an extremely skilled craftswoman with a powerful knowledge of enchantment. Very much a strategic planner despite seeming to be a meathead; give her time, and she will WRECK YOUR SHIT with gear designed to exploit your weaknesses. Makes heavy use of electrical magic, necromancy for allies and soldiers (recycling the dead is just common sense, she says). Probably a fairly jolly woman, and very polite. A bit of a stickler for being nice, with a bit of a knight templar-ish view on punishing evil. She’s very community minded, and views smashing bad guys as just another job; think something like Bismuth from SU for inspiration.
Narratively, it may make the most sense for her to mainly focus on having abilities that buff her allies (transforming them, making them bigger/stronger) and functioning a bit as a team support who then wrecks the enemies. a total combat monster, who rages and slaughters everything in her way. As an orc, she adjusts pretty well to pretty much any setting that allows for orcs.
Physically, she’s HUGE; my most muscular and amazonian character, she’s not particularly defined but she is extremely bulky and buff, with arms larger than most people’s torsos. Might have a bit of an old school Gaelic warrior vibe in terms of her design, depending on what cultural associations feel the most right for her. (For example, she’d be of Irish descent in my main AUs.) Mega buff and bigger than the other two here by a wide margin. probably uses a lot of weaponized shields or oversized gunswords that shoot like cannons. (Maybe a wereboar, too?)
Raxlila: A combination of my Argonian character, some more subtle character styles i didn’t actually use but find interesting for narrative ideas, and some vague ideas from WAY back of a dinosaur girl OC. She’s based on some more sneaky skill sets: she’s an alchemist brewing up potions for any conceivable situation, an archer who takes out armored foes from afar (and probably uses crossbows; automatic crossbows and similar weapons, in less TES-canon set ups), makes a lot of use of stealth and acrobatic dodging, and prefers lighter armor. She can makes use of illusion magic (invisiblity, messing with people’s minds), and is also a skilled healer. She’s interested in summoning, but only the theory, and she is also fairly good at using ice magic for combat.
Very fast (Despite her considerable curves, she can get a LOT of velocity in her leaps), she’s a rather indirect and tricksy person; she’s great at fooling people and pulling off diplomacy and schemes in equal turn, and prides herself on walking into pretty much wherever she wants. Tall but not unusually so, she has more crocodilian traits (though she’s more feathery than most argonians, otherwise) and prefers things wet: she’s VERY curvy and thickset, edging a bit towards an overall broad body, though her huge boobs make her look hyper all over.
I have this idea that she doesn’t cast spells; she distills spells in advance as potions, powders and other one-use effects, or works them into special gadgets she can reuse; explosive arrows that create a freezing effect may be a common tool. She’s not making healing potions, but distilled restoration spells. in more sci-fi scenarios, she may be a gadgeteer who specializes in weapon systems, and is generally more about theory; she’s able to do the manual work of putting them together, but it involves a LOT of trial and error, and she works best with people to handle that on her behalf.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
Combat Mode-Rhel’a Nelhah
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★★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆- Strength
 ★★★★★★★★☆☆- Offense
★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆- Defense
 ★★★★★★★★★☆- Speed
★★★★★★★★★☆ -Accuracy
★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ -Stamina
★★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆-Teamwork
★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ -Stealth
★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆-Close Combat
★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆-Bladed Weapons(Swords, Daggers ect)
★★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆-Blunt Weapons (Staves, Staffs)
★★★★★★★★★☆-Ranged Weapons(Bows, Guns, Chakrums)
★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆-Traps, Setups
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Rhel discovered at a very young age he had a talent for healing.    After arriving in Thavnair his adoptive grandfather found him tutors in the healing arts and Rhel flourished.  When Rhel began his journey through Eorzea he did so as a conj then later took the mantle of the White.  He excels in healing and his allies will find even some of the most grievous wounds mended with a swiftness they never thought possible.  
Later after taking up Dancer he became quite skilled with the Chakrums. The whirling blades finding their marks almost as easily as his healing spells.  It is just as common to find him using either discipline in combat.
Swift and agile on the field a foe often finds him difficult to pin down.  If they do however his only recourse are the few defensive spells of the White or the staff itself for protection.  As a Dancer he does not fare very well if his enemies close the gap between them.
Teamwork for him is moderate.  He has difficulty trusting others easily due to the way he had been treated when he and his mother fled their home in the shroud as well as the constant “friend” attempts to get close to his grandfather to learn his alchemical secrets.  He also is not very good at tactics on the field so he rarely has things set how hed like.
–Any lasting combat injuries?–
Rhel has minor scars from the times an enemy has gotten too close but for the most part he does not have any serious injuries.  He does have a nasty scar running down his back from an attempt to shield a person from a foes attack but thanks to having other healers nearby it was not as harmful as it could have been.
–Fighting Style–
commander /  duelist / honorable /dishonorable/ would have others do their fighting /  stealthy  / long-ranged/ melee / technological / sorcery / superhuman abilities /  has fought in an illegal tourney / a lover of fighting / a hater of fighting  / cowardly /  reckless / strategic / uses underhanded tricks(sometimes)  / renowned for their skill / trained (magic) /  untrained  / keeps skills secret / won a battle / lost a battle / ruthless / merciful
╳   flaws
moody | short-tempered(sometimes particularly with those who ignore is advice | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
♔   strengths
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | loyal
Tagged by: @clearsundays​
Tagging @mai-takeda​ @elevensuns​ @lizard-grandma​ @hakai-zonapher​ @thorstyrh​ @captainkurosolaire​ and anybody else who wants to
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★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  strength
★★★★★★★★☆☆  —  offense
★★★★★★★☆☆☆  —  defense
★★★★★★★★★★  —  speed
★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆    —  durability
★★★★★★★☆☆☆  —   accuracy
★★★★★★★★★★  —  agility
★★★★★★★★★★  —  stamina
★★★★★★★☆☆☆  —  teamwork
★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  stealth
★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  close combat        
★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ —  bladed weapons ( swords, dagger/s )
★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  blunt weapons ( club/s, staff/s )  
★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  ranged weapons ( archery, gun/s )
★★★★★★★★★★ —  superpowers / abilities
★★★★★★☆☆☆☆  —  traps/setups
★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  medic
– ––– Overview ––– –
Summy uses mostly uses the arcane to fight, but she does have some training in close-quarters and occasionally uses gadgets. She tinkers, but it’s not normally combat related inventions. Her style in a one-on-one isn’t typical from your standard mage.
She isn’t afraid to go into close-quarters and brawl with someone if she feel she can get the surprise with it. There have been a couple occasions where she’d form a dagger with her frost magic, then blink in and stab them. Since she isn’t the strongest physically, she makes due by being quick and hard to hit. That doesn’t mean she can’t take a hit though. She’s gotten obliterated enough times that she’s grown more durable just by sheer experience, but that doesn’t mean she’s as durable as the people who wear armor.
Most of the time she isn’t fighting one-on-ones, as she’s still in the military. When it comes to fighting with a unit, she typically stays in the back, launching barrages at enemies and using the natural utility that magic offers to support her allies. Especially if she feels she can’t get a hit in over all her allies, she’ll just try to support and protect them until she can get a better position.
 – ––– Fighting Style ––– –
bold what applies.
commander (when needed) /  duelist / honorable / dishonorable /  would have others do their fighting /  stealthy  / long-ranged /  melee / technological / sorcery  / superhuman abilities /  has fought in an illegal tourney / a lover of fighting  / a hater of fighting  / cowardly /  reckless / strategic / uses underhanded tricks  / renowned for their skill / trained /  untrained / keeps skills secret / won a battle / lost a battle / ruthless / merciful
– ––– Traits ––– –
╳   flaws
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny
controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar
impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry
greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive
spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
♔   strengths
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave
patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky
intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous
merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming
cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | loyal
Tagged by: @gwenya
Tagging (If you feel like doing it): @lady-proudmoore (I GOT YOU THIS TIME) @theodorebennas @juliette-kingston @darbiebot @mremaknu (pick one) @garethlyons @thalsianiii @lady-rian @cypris-thalsian @the-real-arcanist-val (pick a toon)
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thefateweaver · 4 years
Strength Of: Amoranthi Fa’tiel-Yve’ra
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★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  strength
★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  offense
★★★★★★★★★★ —  defense
★★★★★★★★★★ —  speed
★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ —  durability
★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ —   accuracy
★★★★★★★★☆☆ —  agility
★★★★★★★★★★ —  stamina
★★★★★★★★★★ —  teamwork
★★★★★★★☆☆☆ —  stealth
★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  close combat        
★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  bladed weapons ( swords, dagger/s )
★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ —  blunt weapons ( club/s, staff/s )  
★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ —  ranged weapons ( archery, gun/s )
★★★★★★★★★★ —  superpowers / abilities
★★★★★★★★★☆ —  traps/setups
★★★★★★★★★★ —  medic
– ––– OVERVIEW ––– –
Highly adaptable and skilled in magic, Amoranthi is quick in both his wits and his fighting. Though he is not strong, he makes up for it by being clever and honing his mastery of magics. His main trait is being a healer, which allows him to keep others fighting and protect himself as needed.
His fighting style is fluid and focuses more on turning enemy aggression against them; his particular way of fighting mostly includes defensive moves that deflect an enemies incoming attacks and takes advantage of the small window of time they are staggered. In this time, he will usually use enemy pressure points to weaken them and finish them off with his magic.
The only weapon he will usually use is his staff, something he has come to have a fair bit of practice with. He flows and spins through the battlefield weaving his way around enemies and healing allies.
He has the large bite mark of a shark on his right arm, nothing too drastic. He also has a scar that crosses his nose, but is unrelated to combat.
commander /  duelist / honorable / dishonorable /  would have others do their fighting /  stealthy  / long-ranged /  melee / technological / sorcery  / superhuman abilities /  has fought in an illegal tourney / a lover of fighting / a hater of fighting  / cowardly /  reckless / strategic / uses underhanded tricks  / renowned for their skill / trained /  untrained / keeps skills secret / won a battle / lost a battle / ruthless / merciful
– ––– TRAITS ––– –
╳   flaws
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
♔   strengths
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | loyal
Tagged by: @hitaniaaxehowlyvera
Tagging: ANYONE WHO WANTS TO DO THIS! First post, so...not much of a following :3 Feel free to use this at any point, even years down the line if you wanna say I tagged you!
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pacifistofpatience · 5 years
Best fighting Partners (Other then a brother/brother pair)
((OOOHHHH MMMYYY GOOODDD, OMG, Why did I do this to myself??? How did I do this to myself??? I was just thinking about how Sans and Pappy would work well together and??? Something happened???? Something crazy happened and now I have wayyyy too many thoughts!!!!
A Very long thing below the cut))
Sans and Pappy
Both dodging experts, Sans moves as if dodging is effortless and Pappy has a fluidity that matches a dancers! They trade off on taunting their opponent in order to get the attention on themselves (in Pappys case- because Sans tires out very easily. In Sans case- because Pappy tends to let himself get hit more often seeing as his HP is a little better (And the dumbass will try to take more of the brunt of it)) 
Sans is great at reading faces to know which skeleton they’ll attack next, and if necessary can and will pull Pappy out of the way of a hit. While Pappy- who can’t read faces but is great at body language- will likely jump in front to hit the attacker first if they aim for Sans when he’s down! 
Nether are against playing Dirty as well; Pappy will go against the usual RPG style fight they have going and jump in for attacks when you least expect it. Sans dodges and will fuck with the menu screen when it becomes apparent their attacker is going in for a full on dusting. 
*The only issue here is that Pappy is still very much a Papyrus at his core, so the second he sees his opponent really dragging he may... falter a little bit.  Pappy can and will start pulling attacks, hell he may even mess up some of Sans in the hopes that he can tire them out.  This is where he really needs Sans to take over. because Pappy can fight and fight and fight but there’s gonna be a point where the final hit needs to be landed and he just... can’t... He won’t! 
(*Pappy Still believes in you! 
*Good thing Sans doesn't... )
Black And Sky
Both are very precise fighters. Sky tends to go for speed and fast hits where Black plays it for the long con, dodging and avoiding the opponents until he can land one perfect hit! So together they work as a team to tire their opponent out with Sky's constant attacks, while Black waits for an opened opportunity to land the final blow, all the while distracting the opponent from landing any serious hits on Sky by throwing in a stray bone attack here and there. 
These two are the most likely to take their opponent out ASAP. There’s no  teasing, no second chances when it comes to them. The moment they decide Someones an enemy worth fighting is the moment their death is decided. 
The best option at this point is to just give up (Or, as Black might say “Now’s you're chance to lay down and die”, and, for once, Sky agrees with it) because no one is getting past them. They won’t let anyone hurt the people they care for, the friends they have, and they most certainly wont let anyone dare to hurt their brothers.
*But if One really needs them to be off their game, take out their brothers first. Sky will be far too overcome with grief to really think about whats happening. And Black will be blinded by such white hot rage (And the guilt of, once again, not being able to protect what he considers his whole world) that both of their attacks will become sloppy. Heck! If someone plays their cards right they may even be able to get them to hit each other 
*This is when they really need the other. In a lot of ways they’re very similar in both personality and actions and they are very aware of this. So seeing the other, and checking to see when and how they're getting sloppy because of the grief will really shake them out of their spiral and remind them exactly who they're fighting for now. There will be an afterwords here-- if not for them, then at least for those that are depending on them.
(*This may be the end for them...
*But they're filled with Determination!)
Papyrus And Boss
These two don’t even need to share a look when they’re fighting together. Both- as much as Boss hates to admit it- work on a very similar wavelength which is pretty much hit them hard, hit them fast (And Do Not Hurt Them Too Much!! Boss!!) Both of them are great at controlling their attacks so that the only one that gets hurt is the enemy. And where Boss can sometimes get riled up when the right words are chosen, Papyrus is right there to reel him back in!
Boss also hates having to watch someones back while their fighting but --despite knowing the other him is Soft- he knows Papyrus is perfectly capable of handling himself while Boss jumps in head first. Heck, Papyrus is probably the one watching his back if the enemy is particularly strong!
On top of that these two, when fighting, as very much in competition themselves! So they will be trying to one up each other during the entirety of it! So! Good luck to their enemy!! Because there’s no way they’re not going to go all out!!
*Boss is smart, but he’s very easy to rile up if you know what buttons to hit. Make one insinuation about how Papyrus seems to be holding up so much better, or- if you really want to hit him where it hurts- tell him how much smarter the other him seems. Maybe in the grand scheme of things he was some sort of Mistake of the universe. I mean, how the hell could every other Papyrus be so great and then there’s just... him! He will get pissed.
*And, despite the fact that both know they're fighting against a common enemy Boss may to swipe at Papyrus a little, which in turn causes Papyrus to start scolding him, which only Riles Boss up more!! This may go on for a little bit, but the second the enemy takes a serious hit on either of them it shakes them both out of it and they’re back to working together! (Lets just hope that hit doesn’t involve one of them dusting!)
*The competition may also devolve into them trying to look cooler at times, and they may start trying to show off instead of... you know... focusing on the battle at hand. Sure this may seem like the perfect time to strike! But in reality they're not even breaking sweat! They just... don’t see a reason to when this fight is so easy!
(*You thought you were in for some fun~
*But these two don’t feel like playing anymore)
Red And Rus
Opposites of Black and Sky. When Red is fighting he doesn't need a mirror of himself showing him all the ways he could fuck up (Or how he already is one) What he needs is something that he wants to fiercely protect. Someone similar to Boss is exactly what will light a fire and really get him off his ass. Rus, on the other end, really doesn't have to do much. Hes not a fighter in any sense, and is actually kind of terrified of combat. But where he might not be able to land a hit, hes a great target. 
So maybe Rus would look like the weaker link, best to dust before going after the real issues right? That’s if you can catch him. Rus isn't just going to lie down and die if there’s no escape, he knows how to fight. And, thanks to Black refusing to leave him out in the world without knowing some self defense, he knows exactly how to take an enemy down in seconds.
*These two are the most likely to run without checking if their opponent is really down though, so if one can catch up to them and start the whole thing again an enemy will eventually get to Rus, and Red-- with what little stamina he has-- isn't going to be able to handle too many rounds. So waiting them out is the best bet.
*Of course, that’s if they can last. The more tired Red gets the more likely his attacks are going to hit Hard. And if someones not exhausted by the end of it then they have to be some sort of fucking god. 
*Even if one does get to Rus- and has him-- there’s still nothing stopping Red from dusting both of them. Sure, he knows Rus might be able to get out at the right moment, but he also knows that if the situations that dire then neither of them want the enemy to wreck more destruction... They’re both willing to risk life and limb to keep them from getting any further... Even if it means losing a good ally in the process.
*and sure, Dusting Rus will send Red into one hell of a frenzy that one might survive... But dusting Red only buys you time.
(*The air is cold around them...
*You feel like you shouldn't have come here...)
Christ, Its hard to Pin down Mars and Jupiter, because they’re best when they’re fighting together.  Jupiter does not enjoy fighting with anyone that isn't his bro, and Mars would rather get out of there as soon as possible as long as Jup is in no immediate danger but for the sake of this I would have to say...
Rus and Mars 
Neither want to actually kill their opponent, and while that does make the battle a little harder it also... somehow makes it easier? Because now that they have the same idea its only a matter of getting their opponent down, which is relatively easy when you have to realty bending skeletons on your side.
Mars works on keeping their enemy on their toes! Jumping head on at them with a siege of bone attacks that are always near misses! While Rus-- now confident that he doesn't have to do any lasting damage-- attacks from behind... maybe even playing a little dirty himself.
They both have perfected the art of getting a few quick hits in and then just.... disappearing. They didn't run away, not when there’s so much on the line, but they do know that the paranoia that comes with waiting for an attack is just as good as the hit itself. A lot of the battle is them playing around with the enemy instead of actually going in for any hits-- sure they know they don’t want to kill the enemy! But the enemy doesn't know that! So making sure the enemy tires themselves out without ever having to really jump into the heat of battle is better. 
In face, at some point their enemy is going to feel a lot less like this is a fight and... instead it feels like more of a Hunt
(And two predators are lurking right in the distance)  
*Maybe an enemy can use they're unwillingness to kill to their advantage. Maybe, if they're lucky, they’ll get that one good hit in (because Mars is still a little brittle from the famine in the underground, and Rus is very... rusty in his fighting) but nothing will be able to save them from the moment after. The moment the enemy really shows that they truly have no remorse for the things they've done...
*... Well Mars may have never wanted to remember what the feel of flesh tearing in his hands felt like... and maybe Rus wanted to forget a lot of the bloodshed that happened in the Underground...
*But neither of them were really known for being very merciful way back then, anyway... so whats one more time... if its for the good of others? 
(*You don’t know where they are, you don’t know where you are
*But the smell of coppers in the air... and you feel a sharp pain in your back)
Jupiter and Sky (And Black, And Papyrus, and...)
Jupiter is the Swiss army knife of tag team fights! Sure he’s kind of big! And a little slow, but he can still asses a situation quick enough to know what weak points he has to cover and then work from there! He works with others weakness instead of around them, making for a great partner in times of desperation! 
Although, if needed, he would rather have Sky by his side. Not only does it take the pressure off of knowing he won't be the reason a Papyrus gets dusted if things go awry but Sky is very good at not underestimating both his opponents and alleys! Sky is very much aware of Jupiter weakness’ as well, and will fall into step with the big guy
*The only one he would probably never voluntarily choose to fight with is... the original Sans! Not only are they just wayyy too similar! But Sans is... kind of weird around Jupiter which may have something to do with how closely their timelines overlap. Both would be too focused on each other (Sans waiting for Jup to snap and just rip their enemy to shreds, and Jup being terrified that he will do that... and just prove Sans right about how much of a monster he really is) They’ll be too preoccupied with each other to notice when the enemy 
*There’s a lot of push and pull on both ends. Because Sans refuses to believe Jupiter is anything like him, so he’ll start doing things a little out of character just to prove their not! And Jupiter will be trying to work around what he believes Sans will do but will stumble when Sans doesn't just!! Do!! It!!!
*But!! There is a silver lining!! Because Jupiter is crazy fucking strong, he’s got a lot of EXP built up over the years and he knows how to use it! So with that little extra bulk he can take a good amount of attacks until he goes down! And as long as Sans keeps dodging and doing his thing I’m sure they will eventually fall into step ( one where Sans can come to terms with the fact, if only for the moment, that maybe they really are a little bit of the same) and take down their enemy quickly
*looks like you came here for a bad time, friend...)
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Settle in folks, here’s a story from my most recent gaming session, it’s pretty long but it was such a transcendent moment I have to share it with all of you. Due to length I’m going to try to put it under a cut.
So a bit of background information. We are playing a Kingdom Hearts game and have been for… A while. We can’t quite remember exactly how long. It’s a custom system of the DM and my design (THAT I WOULD LOVE TO SHARE BUT CAN’T GET DISNEY OR SQUARE TO TALK TO ME ABOUT IT).
Our PCs:
Lonnie Clawford, a snow leopard from Zootopia, with an affinity for Ice, and focused on Power abilities (like Terra). Lonnie is functionally immortal in combat, kind of anxious, and grew up in Zootopia’s foster care system until she was like 12 and was picked up by our Master. Played by @thepioden​
Lydia, a young woman from The Corpse Bride (in our defense, we knew it was Tim Burton and forgot it wasn’t Disney until we finished the world) with an affinity for Moon (blame Saïx) and focused on Speed abilities; her combat style focuses especially on aerial tricks and abilities. Gravity is a suggestion at best for Lydia, she’s a hopeless romantic (“MISSION OF LOVE” is a common refrain from her), and she grew up an orphan on the streets until she was about 5-6 and was adopted by our Master. Played by @tsukidoesthething​
Polaris Caelestis, a young man from ??????????? (likely a Final Fantasy World; we didn’t learn my last name until halfway through the campaign so far) who was found as an infant by their Master in the void between worlds (earning him the nickname “Space Baby” from his friends). He has an affinity for Thunder and is focused on Magic abilities. Pol has spent the most time with his Keyblade, tends to try to solve every problem with his knowledge or magic (earning him the nickname “Mage-Wrists” from his friends), and he tries to be a Fixed Point for his friends. I play Pol.
By this point, we have journeyed through so many worlds. Atlantis, The Rescuers, Wall-E, Princess and the Frog, Wreck-It Ralph, Secret of Mana’s Japan-only Sequel, Zootopia, Corpse Bride, Treasure Planet, The Incredibles, Monster’s Inc. And we have ended our first ‘lap’ in Chrono Trigger. We arrive in the bleak, dead, post apocalyptic future, and pick up Robo/Prometheus as our companion. Together, we visit the remains of human civilization, lightly perform a few miracles for the survivors, and end up making our way up to Death’s Peak. All the while, an oppressive feeling of despair, desolation, and Darkness is mounting. At the summit, we find ourselves face to face with a Lavos-Spawn. A horrible tick-like monstrosity the size of a bus that at least in our game was ALSO a variety of Heartless.
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So, it’s already not looking GREAT for us. As the boss fight begins, our DM starts this music:
Our DM hands us each two notecards taped together along the edges; on one side was a Whisper of Darkness, and the other was a new keyblade (with some flavor text) the Darkness forced us to use.
Lonnie declined to share the Whisper of Darkness she received, but she was forced to use Shattered Steel: 
“If someone has to take hits, let it be you, because you deserve them. Maybe you will be remembered fondly if you keep real heroes alive. Better to spend yourself until you’re battered, broken, and shattered, than to let them see what you really are.”
It lightly corrupted her heart with Darkness if she gave or received a buff, which she does automatically when she stands next to an ally.
Lydia heard this Whisper of Darkness:
“Your mother would have lived if you had not abandoned her and run to spare your own petty feelings. You always have, and you always will flee when you fear pain, and it will always harm those you claim to love and protect.”
And she was forced to use Broken Wings:
“Only unburdened hearts can soar. When you think about what you could have done differently, you only drown in doubt and loathing; cast it aside, and the guilt and regret hang around your neck like unseen weights. Better to give up the skies before you crash, broken, to the ground.”
It lightly corrupted her heart with Darkness if she went into the air or used an ability while aerial.
Polaris heard this Whisper of Darkness
“You spout the tenets of hope, desperate to distract yourself from the ugly truth. Your identity is staked upon it; if there really is no hope, no redemption, then you yourself are a cruel lie to those around you.”
I was forced to use Endless Night:
“Light brings not hope, but casts how much is lost and beyond relief into painful clarity. You cannot heal all wounds, and insufficient healing does more harm than good. Better to do nothing, and turn away from a night you cannot dispel.”
It lightly corrupted my heart with Darkness if my MP pool changed.
With each boss fight thus far, our DM showed us an “Information” notecard that gave a hint to the boss fight’s gimmick.
This one was completely redacted out in permanent marker.
Needless to say, the boss had abilities that forced us next to each other, knocked us aerial, and drained our MP. On top of this, our characters could not communicate.
It was bad.
We fought futilely for a time, and I did crit the bastard with a melee attack to the face, but after we dealt about 100 damage, the boss rewound time and healed itself to full. We were on the ropes; I had nearly been knocked out, Lonnie had nearly been halfway corrupted, and Lydia … well she was actually kind of the MVP but it was still Not Great.
Prometheus spent most of the fight trying to get our attention and was very concerned about how atypically we were behaving. He pulled us back, out of the fight and out of the worst of the boss’s aura. Prometheus started playing some recordings of his creator, a Professor Ashtear (likely a descendant of Lucca, but our DM created the character from whole cloth). As the recordings played, the music swapped to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvEJSvgl9Us Our DM’s delivery of the below was quite frankly superb.
“Okay, diagnostics are complete; everything’s in the green. Ready to go offline and get some upgrades?”
“Professor? I have a concern.”
“What’s up, 66?”
“I understand the mission and I will assist to the best of my capacity, as always. However, my calculations all project that I am insufficient for the role I have been given.”
“That’s what all this preparation is for.”
“Acknowledged, but am I not a sub-optimal model for integration? A military unit such as a mobile defense platform--”
“--Wouldn’t have what you have. It’s nothing in the numbers, 66, it’s something you’ve got to feel in your heart.”
“I am a robot. I do not possess a heart.”
“You don’t think so? I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe one day you’ll understand, but in the meantime I guess you’ll just have to trust that you’ve been chosen for a reason. Do you trust my judgment?”
“Of course, Professor.”
“Then believe in my trust in you. Fate has a way of putting us all where we are supposed to be. And if you have doubts, check in with me, or Lumie, or the people you’ll be helping. You won’t ever be alone. Not really.”
“Acknowledged, Professor.”
“But not really understood, right? Hm, maybe a good first step would be to give you a proper name... I think I’ve got just the one. See you again when you wake up, Prometheus.”
 “No. I appreciate the thought, Prometheus, but we can’t cut out the groundwork we’re laying for short term gain.”
“But if we do not take any measures to accelerate our action plan--”
“I’m under no illusions. The work ahead of us will exceed my lifetime. Even optimistically, I will never live to see the fruits of our labors. Neither will Lumie, nor any child of hers or grandchild. The world’s going to get worse --a lot worse-- before it gets any better.”
“...Regretfully, I have reached the same conclusions. You are not perturbed?”
“Of course I am. I’m a problem-solver. It’s what I do, and I’ve always been very good at it. To be confronted with something like this, where there’s no possible way I can see it resolved? Especially when it’s so important? It’s a bitter pill to swallow, some days. But I’ve come to peace with it, because I know my efforts won’t go to waste. What I do now, I do to fling a light into the future. Every step I take is one that Lumie can follow forward. She can take what I’ve started and advance it a little further. The rest, we can entrust to you, and to those who come after us.”
“Future generations may not be as capable as you are. How can you be certain that they will know how to use what you will leave behind?”
“I can’t. All I can do is have faith. I won’t be the last good man in the world. Where there’s life, there is always hope. Besides, you’ll be there to tell them what I’ve done, right? Our legacies live on in the hearts we influence. If I know that, through you, my example will continue to guide and inspire --even if it’s in ways that I can’t expect or imagine-- then I can rest easy in the knowledge that I’ve done all I can do.”
“Understood, Professor. I will remember.”
“Registration complete. Administrative access and privileges have been successfully transferred to Mistress Illumina Ashtear.”
(coughs) “Excellent. Thank you, Prometheus. When you go down, would you mind sending Lumie up alone, first? There are some things I want to make sure to tell her before I say goodbye to the rest of the family.”
“...As you wish, Professor.”
“Something on your mind, old friend?”
“Regret. If I had returned to escort you here sooner, your condition would not have degraded so acutely. If I had prioritized repairing the medical facility over stabilizing the foundation, Mistress Illumina might have had time to treat your symptoms or cure them.”
“Maybe. Or maybe we’d have lost a promising young mind to that mutant attack that we’ll need in the future. Maybe the building would have collapsed, and all the functioning medical equipment would have buried Lumie and me both. Or maybe all of that would have worked out and we would have learned that there was nothing that could be done for me anyway.”
“Those are only negative hypotheticals. There are an equally infinite number of positive alternatives, and the only concrete data I have to analyze is from this negative outcome.”
“Listen to me, Prometheus: we all make mistakes, believe me, I know. Heated words regretted, or necessary words left unspoken; time not spent, or misspent. Things we’re not proud of, and can’t do over, and good intentions that don’t work out the way we thought they would. But what do we do when we break something?”
“Attempt repairs.”
“And if we can’t fix it, make something new from what you learned. The only way a mistake leads to a wholly negative outcome is when you choose not to face it. It can hurt. Sometimes it can hurt like hell, but that pain will shape you, whether you acknowledge it or not. It can slow your hands from doubt, or it can guide them with purpose.”
“I do not understand, Professor.”
(coughs) “That’s alright. You will, one day. For now, let me just say this: don’t forget me, but don’t let me haunt you. Keep moving forward, Prometheus, even if you stumble. Be who you are meant to be and do what you’re meant to do. Live on. It’s all I’ve ever hoped for you.”
As these recordings wrapped up, Prometheus turned and addressed the monster directly, (DM’s robot voice is exquisite), and the DM swapped the music track to his leitmotif from his original game:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaUNpJAgD4w
“I understand. You are not the creature that has taken so much from this planet. You are its offspring, leaching from our remains as you prepare to invade another world and repeat this heinous tragedy. Defeating you will not restore our resources, or the people we have lost. It will not save our planet; it will only spare a host of strangers I will never meet. And I understand now, that this is a worthy cause.”
“I am a robot. I was not designed or built for this battle. I still have reservations about my aptitude for the role and responsibilities I have been given. I have no statistical evidence to prove that I can prevail. But fate has a way of putting us all where we are meant to be. I have no compunction in my code to fight this battle, but I feel an imperative to achieve victory. It is irrational, but I understand it. Logic and concrete analysis compel me to doubt. My belief in those who chose to invest their hopes and dreams in me instruct me to ignore the odds.”
“I understand now. I am Prometheus, and I am alive. When we prevail over you, I will take what I have learned down off this mountain, and I will get back to work. I will let myself feel loss. I will let myself hurt, and I will grow to be more than I have been. I will continue on, as I know those I have left behind would want me to. I am alive. Their memories are alive in me. There are still people I have to protect. This world is still alive.”
The Professor’s voice sounds one more time. “Where there is life, there is hope.” A woman’s voice answers. “Where there is life, there is hope.” (The phrase echoes again and again, on down through the generations. Finally, the whole host of voices, Prometheus’s among them, rings out in a shout.) We were offered the opportunity to roll an Insight check to join in. Lonnie and Pol rolled first, and we BOTH got nat 20’s; with that, he didn’t even make Lydia roll, and we three joined our voices to the chorus: “WHERE THERE IS LIFE, THERE IS HOPE!”
With this, the DM said we were fully healed, the corruption to our hearts gone in an instant, and the DM instructed us to open the sealed notecard-packets. On the back of the corrupted keyblades were new purified (and mechanically magnificent) ones for each of us (also with flavor text).
Lonnie received Resonant Glass:
“No one voice can sing a chord. If I fear I am unworthy for the melody, then let me be the harmony. If I doubt the character of my soul, let me raise my voice with those that know me best, that I may hear my heart resonate with theirs.”
Lydia received Reclaim the Wind:
“Hopes and dreams have ever been the wind beneath our wings. If I sin, then let the hope to mend what may yet be righted and lift my face to the skies --not to avert my eyes, but to pursue the dream of my better self.”
Pol received First Light
“Not even the brightest star can light the void alone, and a beacon saves only those that pursue it. If my spark must pass before the Darkness, let it seed an ember in the hearts of those that chase the Dawn, a reminder that every night ends.”
 Prometheus addresses the boss one last time before the fight begins anew: “Now, Spawn of Lavos. (Dukes up) Prepare for termination.”
It was electric; we all could perfectly visualize the moment. I think we all had tears in our eyes at one point or another.
The DM changed the music one last time (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWSB3qL5qs8) and showed us an Information card about how we could disable the boss’s temporal rewinding. Furthermore, any Dual-Tech/Team Attack we performed with Prometheus would automatically critically hit.
We kicked its spiny ass.
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Job Classes I made for the two timelines I created for The Depths of Time like an impulsive dummy
Since @sunneflower said they were interested.
I decided to include the Elsword job paths these were inspired by. This is mostly spoiler free!! Mostly because I kept everything purposefully vague since, while I did solidify the premises for these two timelines, I don't have a lot of the actual STORY fleshed out other than the beginning and tidbits here and there.
Anyway, on to the job paths (gonna do a cut because this post is actually really long)
Destruction Timeline – a timeline where the El Search Party was defeated and only a handful of them remain (though I haven't included what happens to who all that much), fighting a losing guerilla war purely to ensure their survival, unable to help the people they swore to protect.
Elsword (based on Immortal): Execution Knight/Blade Reaper/Hel’s Emissary
Elsword decided some people didn’t deserve a second chance and that he would dirty his own hands to ensure they never caused trouble for the world again, honing his sword skills until he could wield two smaller blades with deadly accuracy.
Aisha (based on Aether Sage): Storm Magician/Hurricane Eye/Vengeance Seeker
Aisha channeled her power into creating storms of unmatched magnitude to easily take care of the hoards the El Search Party found themselves facing off against but after escaping capture with Ara, she started to push her friends away, becoming cold and distant.
Rena (Based on Anemos): Assault Ranger/Cyclone Striker/Maelstrom
Rena found her abilities in combat to not be enough to protect her friends and asked the wind spirits to help her be faster and stronger so she could become the tip of the spear so to speak, plowing through even the strongest enemies with power to spare.
Raven (Based on Rage Hearts): Scale Taker/Dragon Fist/Wyrm Soul
When Raven came across a dragon, he decided to attempt harnessing that power to protect his friends and created highly durable armor from a dragon’s scales and refining his sword to be as sharp as dragon claws. He redesigned his Nasod arm to be able to harness flames equivalent to a dragon’s breath.
Eve (Based on Code: Ultimate & Code: Esencia): Code: Revival/Code: Assimilation/Code: Ragnorak
Eve focused on the revival of her people but she realized that humans and Nasods could never peacefully coexist. Rather than despair, she came up with a rather unorthodox solution to the problem and pursued it with single-minded determination and vigor.
Elesis (Based on Bloody Queen): Judgement Knight/Purgatory Blade/Vindicator
If Elsword is the executioner then Elesis is the judge and jury. Determined to right the wrongs of the world, she makes sure those who hurt others cannot escape punishment, never doubting the righteousness of her actions, with an unpredictable but precise fighting style.
Chung (Based on Centurion & Comet Crusader): Shield Guardian/Phalanx Cannon/Victory Herald
With the hordes facing Hamel and then his friends, Chung focused on strengthening his defense as far as he could push it. He created a phalanx-like set of shields he commands at will, as well as providing friends/allies with support with his long-range attacks and plethora of buff abilities.
Add (Based on Dominator): Splinter Tracer/Void Watcher/Fenrir’s Master (as in the wolf from Norse mythology)
Early on in his research into time travel, Add discovered the existence of alternate timelines and created portals that allowed him to send drones into those other timelines to monitor them. With the El Search Party, he’s a wild card who’s only known loyalty is to himself yet he has made himself an invaluable ally despite their inability to trust him.
Ara (Based on Shakti): Little Wisp/Holy Revenant/Spirit Harbinger
Ara partnered with Eun to better defend her friends and find her brother but when she woke up in Lu and Ciel’s fortress having escaped capture, Eun was gone. Left on her own in a way she never thought she would be, she desperately tries to hold out hope that everything will be okay.
Lu (Based on Innocent (Ishtar)): Final Ruler/Eternal Shadow/Genesis (Rapture)
Lu set to regaining her power and through an unexpected twist of events succeeded much sooner than she had anticipated and is now the sole ruler of the demon realm.
Ciel (Based on Catastrophe (Abysser)): Final Ruler/Eternal Shadow/Genesis (Entropy)
Ciel takes being Lu’s shadow literally and becomes her left hand, performing tasks most would stay far away from to ensure their success and survival.
Ain (Based on Richter & Herrscher): Lofty: Warrior/Donner (means thunder) Essence/Blitzkrieg
Ain doesn't manage to catch himself in time and falls to the Dark El. He becomes a demonic deity similar to the demon god Scar was trying to summon in Lanox.
Rose (Based on Minerva & Prime Operator): Novice Hacker/Signal Echo/Cyber Wraith
Rose arrives to Elrios and finds herself in conflict with Nasods. She manages to capture some models mostly intact and reverse engineers ways to get into their program and shut them down without causing any damage to their physical structure. That way she can repurpose them.
Laby (Based on Eternity Winner & Nisha Labyrinth): Shadow Child/Twilight Mist/Midnight Specter
In an effort to protect herself from the world, Laby learns how to fight. Because people scare her, she often finds herself in the shadows, cast off to the side, and she becomes comfortable there. She learns to use people's tendency to overlook her to her advantage.
Nasod Timeline – a timeline where Nasod technology is a common fascination among the people of Elrios, almost like mythology in the modern world, and many have at least dabbled their toes in Nasod technology, and some are able to utilize it (though not to the same extent as in the past).
Elsword (Based on Knight Emperor): Wandering Knight/Honorable Sellsword/Gladiolus
While Elsword did advertise his services as a swordsman so he could get out and see more of the world he loves so much, he still insists on doing the right thing, upholding the values of a knight just like his sister would.
Aisha (Based on Aether Sage & Metamorphy): Saber Magician/Elemental Duelist/Arcane Fencer
When it was still just her, Elsword, and Rena, Aisha witnessed a duel where one party wielded a rapier and, despite thinking of swords as barbaric beforehand, she became fascinated by the precise and quick movements that were so similar to how she directed her magic.
Rena (Based on Twilight): Ambush Ranger/Spectral Hunter/Supreme Predator
With the El Search Party having been ambushed too many times during their journeys for Rena’s liking, she decides to beat their enemies at their own game. She perfects her abilities and becomes better than any enemy ever could be.
Raven (Based on Furious Blade): Arsenal Taker/Weapon Master/Gilgamesh
Raven refused to lose any of his new friends and in their battles, he found his sword skills to not be enough. Not wanting to use his Nasod arm, he began carrying multiple weapons on his person and soon it grew until he was carrying an arsenal all his own that he was more than proficient with.
Eve (Based on Code: Sariel & Code: Esencia): Code: Constellation/Code: Pulsar/Code: Andromeda
Eve woke up in a lab instead of her capsule but she escaped and found herself in the wilderness, completely alone, as the only Nasod remaining in Elrios. She wandered, without much of a destination. On her journey, she was inspired by the powerful beauty of the stars in the sky and set her mind to finding a way to mimic that in her abilities using condensed El energy.
Elesis (Based on Empire Sword & Flame Lord): Wing Knight/Flame Empress/Nike (as in the goddess of victory)
While perfecting her sword and fire skills, Elesis came across designs for wings made from Nasod technology and wondered if she could turn the wings into blades that could be directed. The only problem being, while she was decent at following directions, she was unlikely to ever understand the calculations she was plugging into the apparatus, let alone actually make her own additions to it but luckily when she met up with the El Search Party they found someone more than willing to help her add blades to her set of wings.
Chung (Based on Centurion & Fatal Phantom): War Guardian/Iron Battalion/Unlimited Armory
Not wanting to get trapped should he find himself in a situation where he couldn’t use his cannon, Chung set to mastering any weapon that was similar enough that he could learn it in the short amount of time he had. With some help, he developed a piece of Nasod technology that would allow him to summon to his aid any weapon he wanted as long as it was connected to his device and he set to creating his own artillery that he could summon to any location.
Add (Based on Doom Bringer): Empty Tracer/Nasod Mimic/White Star
Not much is known about Add beyond his inability to speak and that he can create particle projections that mimic the abilities of any Nasod he has come into contact with.
Ara (Based on Apsara & Shakti): Little Lance/Ouroboros/Amphisbaena
Ara decided one spear was not enough and, with Eun’s help, developed a unique fighting style using two spears and created her own secret arts: Phoenix Secret Arts and Serpent Secret Arts. She honed her new fighting style until she was faster and deadlier than ever before.
Lu (Based on Catastrophe (Timoria) & Diangelion (Iblis)): Shepherd’s Crook/Steeled Ka/Osiris (Lotus)
Lu wanted to work as a team with Ciel, but it was difficult coming up with something that worked the way she wanted it to with their clashing fighting styles where she preferred to get in their enemies’ faces and he preferred fighting from a distance. She stubbornly continued to work with Ciel until the two of them became unstoppable.
Ciel (Based on Innocent (Chevalier)): Shepherd’s Crook/Steeled Ka/Osiris (Duat)
Determined to protect Lu, Ciel decided it was best to attack from range, picking off the targets she missed in her sweeps but Lu wanted to work more as an equal force than leader and support. So, Ciel worked with her to adjust their fighting styles to be more in line with the team dynamic she wanted.
Ain (Based on Bluhen & Herrscher): Lofty: Reflection/Doppelganger/Ersatz (means replacement)
Ain was never drawn out of the rift by Elsword’s presence so a copy of him was created to fulfill his purpose. Ain is alone, searching for the El, when he comes across Eve and the two of them team up to achieve their individual goals.
Rose: Metal Heart/Optimus/Prime Operator
I decided this route worked REALLY well with the overall vibe I was going for for this timeline, so I decided to slap it in instead of making a whole new Rose route (making everyone else was hard enough).
Laby (Based on Radiant Soul & Eternity Winner): Wonder Child/Sparkle Champion/Heracles
Laby wants to help people and see all the world has to offer her but she also wants to protect everything she's come to hold dear. Not wanting to lose another friend, Laby asks Gaia to teach her to fight and teams up with Nisha to do that.
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breakingarrows · 5 years
Replaying Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
[This was originally published on VerticalSliceMedia.com in 2018 and is republished from the latest draft I have]
Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies is a surprising game in that it not only carefully balances arcade style gameplay with a somber narrative but that the narrative itself reaches so deep into certain themes of war and aspects of the gameplay reinforce that. Playing a silent protagonist who only goes by the callsign Mobius 1, the weight of the story is not yours to bear but instead falls on a man relaying the story of his childhood and his interactions with the enemy during that time.
Since Ace Combat 4 is not focused on the reasons behind why wars are started (that is reserved for its sequel: The Unsung War) we are presented with the very simplest of details at the outset. The Erusians invaded ISAF territories and expulsed them from the continent. Erusia was aided by perverting the Stonehenge installation, a series of giant cannons designed to shoot down incoming meteors that threatened the continent in the past, and repurposed them as long range anti-air weapons. ISAF was eventually forced to retreat to an area labeled North Point but not before many battles were fought on the continent, one of them witnessed by our narrator [First video at the bottom of the post].
In all wars civilian casualties are an inevitability, but to many never evolve beyond numbers on a data sheet or total given during a news report. However, just as what was once abstract is made real for our narrator, so too is the data made real for us as we begin to follow this young boy’s life during the war.
 Who is responsible for the death of his family? The first answer would be the aircraft with the yellow 13, as it shot down the aircraft that destroyed his home. Or was it the fleeing aircraft that flew low over civilian territory? We see in the image the pilot ejecting safely with a parachute deployed. Whether he is ignorant of his effect on the boy’s life or knows the destruction he just caused doesn’t matter. Just as civilian deaths are reduced to data so too are soldiers and their armaments. Are the commanding officers above these pilots responsible for the collateral damage? Do the nations engaging in war have a duty to those displaced and killed by their activities? These are the questions that came to mind while replaying Shattered Skies, and I fear it does not serve a fulfilling answer to them.
 Mobius 1, the player character, reigns destruction that outmatches any other singular pilot in the war. However your own capability to kill and destroy is never shown to affect non-combatants in a negative effect. The only time civilians appear during a gameplay mission is when you protect two commercial airliners carrying defectors to ISAF territory, and when you liberate the boy’s city of San Salvacion and hear broadcasts of reporters on the ground describing their view of the battle. You as the player character are untouchable, both in the air and morally, even if ISAF is clearly responsible for some civilian deaths as shown by the introduction.
 Mobius 1 occupies a blank slate upon which not only can the player project their own morality and beliefs but so too can those who exist within the world. Your allies pin the hope of victory on your presence while the enemy curses it. Yellow 13 praises your performance in battle and regards you with respect as an honorable pilot.
 Both Stonehenge and Yellow Squadron make appearances in missions prior to your ultimate confrontation against them. Stonehenge appears as a sound of destruction that rips the skies above you, forcing you to fly at low altitudes in order to escape death. This happens a few times when your mission places you within range of the installation, before you finally get to fight and destroy the cannons that loomed over all operations due to its circle of range present at all briefings prior to its destruction. Yellow Squadron appears early on to chase you off the map, being impossible to hit and constantly locking onto you while you try to escape. After they appear as more of a passive force during certain dogfights, though still invincible. Tasked with protecting Stonehenge, Yellow Squadron fails to do so and show up after its destruction in order to fight off your group. Having gained enough experience through the previous eleven missions and with Yellow 4 wounded and needing a replacement engine, you are able to shoot her down easily. Yellow 13 makes his only audio appearance here, asking if anyone saw Yellow 4 eject. She did not.
 Having Stonehenge make its presence known through attacks despite being hundreds of miles away really builds up both its capability as a super weapon and also as a shadow over any mission taking place within its range. When you see the map grid during a briefing and notice that the mission area is within the dotted line you know your mission will most likely require you to fly low to the ground in order to avoid being blown apart by Stonehenge. This fear makes it so satisfying to finally confront your phantom threat head on and immobilize it and eliminate its threat for future missions. Likewise with Yellow Squadron, they appear as targets that severely outmatch you. Unable to land a hit, you are depowered in their presence and have to make adjustments in future missions to not waste time attempting to land a shot and instead focus on other, lesser pilots. Shooting down Yellow 4 is both an accomplishment because it shows how far the player and Mobius 1 have come since the initial confrontation, it also undercuts that victory with sorrow at the loss of someone who has never been shown to harbor ill will or malice. Yellow 4 simply desired to protect Yellow 13, who likewise prided himself on never losing a wingman, until now. Our respect, and the young boy’s burgeoning love for Yellow Squadron undercuts any victory over them and turns it into a complicated weave of emotions.
 Yellow 13’s portrayal throughout the game goes against traditional villain and instead is more of a rival pilot. Even then that stereotype falls short since he is not obsessed with Mobius 1 but instead awaits the ultimate confrontation that will lead to his death with open arms. With the loss of Yellow 4 and the constant turnaround of pilots in Yellow Squadron, his attachment to this world are gone. Even the two children he watched over turn against him. One night, the barkeeps daughter is caught planting detonators for the resistance and flees. Yellow 13 catches her, confirming she was responsible for the sabotage he so detested that caused Yellow 4’s death. The young boy is nearby, and appears yelling, “Get out of our town fascist pig!” at Yellow 13. Clearly hurt by this betrayal from the only two he had left, Yellow 13 allows them to leave. Whether this is due to their tender ages or because of his own disgust at Erusia, which is only increased by the Erusian tactics during the defense of San Salvacion: placing AA guns atop hospitals.
 Despite his hatred for the Erusian forces for occupying his town and disrupting peace, and his hatred for Yellow 13 for the cape crash, the boy continues to follow Yellow Squadron after the liberation of his hometown. By this point the boy has long abandoned his plan to confront Yellow 13 about his part in the family’s death. Yellow 4 scared him off previously, and now without her he sees Yellow 13 suffering from the same loss he himself did. The boy can’t bring himself to confront 13 now, after learning so much about him, after being cared for by him, and after seeing him suffer familial loss in war too. In an early scene the boy is shielded from the cold night by a Yellow squadron jacket, most likely placed there by their ace pilot.
 Yellow 13 ultimately gets the fate he wanted, death at the hands of a pilot better than he. The dogfight takes place over Farbanti, the Erusian capital and penultimate mission of the game. Victory is all but assured with the capture of the enemy capital, but in rides Yellow Squadron, ever loyal to their duty to serve Erusia even if it means embracing death. Mobius 1 shoots each one down.
 A theme I didn’t realize until this playthrough was that of memories, and how speaking them is enough to keep them alive. This is first mentioned by the boy when he recalls how Yellow 13 spoke after Yellow 4’s death. After Yellow 13’s death, the handkerchief that is buried represents both Yellow 4 and Yellow 13’s lives and the memoires the barkeep’s daughter and the boy have of them. These memories are kept alive even still by the framing device of the game, the letter being written by the now grown boy to you, Mobius 1. By writing this letter he kept the memories of Yellow 13 alive, and by playing the game, you keep it alive as well by watching and participating in it. While it may not be a true story, it still effective at portraying personal tales during a meaningless war.
 A lack of identity in Mobius 1 is used to speak directly the player. AWACS makes a request that you provide a victory on his birthday, the airbase you’re protecting want to relay their thanks to you personally, and allies get emotional when you’re put in danger. These voices aren’t directed at the character of Mobius 1 since it doesn’t exist. Instead they are directed at you, the player, in order to gain your sympathy and make victory not something to be viewed distantly but something you actively achieved. Video games consistently do this more often than any other form of media due to their interactive nature, but not all are as successful as Shattered Skies at making the player engage with the gameplay in order to win not just because it is how you progress but because it means victory for your allies.
 Despite being restricted to dots on your radar and voices through a radio filter, friend and foe alike have a human weight to them. This is continually built upon over the course of the four hour campaign, and culminates in the final mission as you shoot down each plane in order to hopefully keep your own friends alive. You quicken your pace as the ground forces take losses and audio plays of their battle in a place you cannot reach. Instead, you make your way through small spaces and destroy generators in order to open up the final missile silo and eliminate the final threat to total victory. Throughout the mission the strongest tracks of the game play: “Rex Tremendae,” “Megalith -Agnus Dei-”, and “Heaven’s Gate.” [Second video at the bottom of the post]
This final mission is a great end to a surprisingly emotional arcade flight simulation game.
 I have always had an emotional connection to this game since I first played it in the early 2000’s. I am very happy that it continues to hold up nearly 17 years later. Yellow 13 has a wonderfully somber story and I hope it continues to live through the retelling and replaying of Shattered Skies for years to come.
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zukimoba · 3 years
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🌟Lesson 1:
📕Zuki Moba is designed as an entertaining fighting game with multiplayer mode and focuses on teamwork. So the play styles is defined by a set of special abilities, First let's find out about Kinght:
🛡Knight (Knight) : This is a character with comprehensive craftsmanity, the attribute indicators are all at equilibrium. Knight is also the character chosen by many players, because of its mobility and balanced attributes. Knight can take on multiple positions in the squad when participating in the battle.
🔎Specific point in game is Visual, flexibility in gameplay, as well as new tactics and graphics. Zuki Moba will give you a new experience when playing.
🌟Lesson 2:
☘️The highlight of a game is the character, Zuki Moba has a complete and balanced character system. Let's find out about Beast character:
🌪 Beast (Fighter) : ability to deal damage from a distance, move quickly, blink or dash, the attacking character is the main role in dramatic matches. With super-strong attacking power, this is the leading character in the team to attack opponents. With such a strong attacking power, the main disadvantage is that the defense is quite weak, need to coordinate well with the supporting characters.
💥Zuki Moba is a MOBA game with new and attractive graphics, Zuki Moba's graphics are not reminiscent of fierce battles like traditional MOBA games but give players a healthy sense of entertainment with cute chibi characters. Let's try it together.
🌟Lesson 3:
♻️Zuki Moba is the first MOBA game built on the blockchain. What makes the game stand out is the characters. Let's find out about Witch character:
⚜️ Witch (Magician) : Ability to grant beneficial effects on allies, or provide protection, Characters can create magic and attack opponents with magic. Characters use remote attack by magic are therefore very weak against melee characters.
💫The flexible gameplay is also a strength of Zuki Moba. Players can choose different game modes that match their abilities and mood. There are currently three game mode: Practice Mode, Melee Combat Mode and Conflict Mode.
🌟Lesson 4:
☘️Zuki Moba has five main characters. They are five characters you'll choose to join in the game. Let's find out about Healer character:
❄️Healer (Priest): Healer has skills that support team, this characters are very popular in teams. Healer can heal teammates and supports them very well.
☄️Zuki Moba Requires not only skills, but also thinking, tactics and coordination with teammates to bring victory. So choose the right character for you and join in the arena.
🌟Lesson 5:
🌏When in the battle of Zuki Moba. Characters and players become one. Choosing the right character is very important. Let's find out about Tanker:
🔥Tanker (Defender): Ability to intercept & disable enemies, this is the kind of character who specializes in defense, which is a shield for the entire team. The character has weak attacking ability, but compensates for good defense
✨To be able to win battles in Zuki Moba, gaming skills are an important factor, but one determining factor is teamwork. Group fighting is always more effective and fun than alone. #ZukiMoba #NFT #GameFi #Metaverse #NFTGame #PlayToearn #BSC #Binance #Smartchain #MVB #MVBIII #ZUKI_10USDT
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ganymedesclock · 7 years
Voltron Character Study: Lotor
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[read more analyses like these here]
Zarkon’s son, notable tactical mastermind, and, apparently, someone with really nice hair. The writers really did deliver when they promised a complicated character.
We know relatively little of Lotor besides that he’s considerably withdrawn from the empire, preferring the near-exclusive company of his mixed race generals. While we have yet to see him and Zarkon actually interacting with each other, Haggar comparing him to Zarkon once, even in a rather offhanded manner, made him immediately angry- and Haggar also seems to see fit to follow him.
It is incredibly likely that Lotor is half-Altean given he was able to activate the beacon on the ship stuck between realities, as well as his overall appearance.
Other than that, it seems rather clear Lotor’s trying to work behind the empire’s back.
Fight Smarter, Not Harder
What definitely can be said about Lotor is that so far, the empire has operated exhaustively in terms of “when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” Which makes sense- the galra empire has the biggest hammer in the known universe for the last ten thousand years. Their only real issue is that an even bigger hammer has turned up- Voltron itself- and no less, in the hands of people who have the good sense to not try and solve all their problems by smashy smash.
Zarkon’s defeat, however temporary, is the ultimate failure of that hammer thinking, and Lotor, in one of his very first spoken onscreen lines, outlines it perfectly in his opposition to Throk:
“Your technique is flawless, I’ll grant you that. But you must realize your repetitive attacks are getting you nowhere.”
“And in the end, your aggression is your own undoing.”
Lotor, eloquently and very mockingly, tears into his father’s strategy, while, more subtly, outlining his own.
“You must realize your repetitive attacks are getting you nowhere” is the first part: Lotor is someone who constantly reevaluates opponents and situations. If the response is not exactly what you thought it was, then you need to adjust your models, whether or not it works out in your favor. 
Lotor takes nothing for granted- when Voltron seems out of commission his immediate response is to set a trap and prod them until all five Lions come out. If he prevails too easily, that’s evidence something is afoot here- because these are the soldiers that defeated his father, and Lotor hates his father, but he knows that Zarkon is too dangerous to get shown up by a bunch of chumps.
So that’s one of the central tenants of Lotor’s philosophy- pay constant, excruciating attention to your surroundings and adjust or replace anything that doesn’t work or doesn’t get you there fast enough.
The other side of it is: the whole ‘victory or death, we are a Culture Of Warriors’ schtick ain’t your friend according to Lotor.
Lotor is plenty outspoken in his challenging of the empire’s regard of any kind of compassion as proof of weakness. He’s keenly aware of the empire’s culture and attitudes, and yet- despite being a talented orator, to Lotor, this seems to be his hill to die on. We see Lotor pushing this attitude of mercy in audiences that it will not remotely endear him to.
Lotor’s first act onscreen is to betray his own cunning strategic edge and the incredible teamwork and precision he and his generals share. Without anyone even knowing he was on the fleet, Lotor identified Throk’s plot, had the generals surround him, and then arranged a public challenge that Throk, by the very culture of the empire that Lotor is so aware of and so willing to challenge, really could not have backed down.
Lotor basically crucifies Throk as a warning to the empire at large that despite his unorthodox policies, he’s not to be trifled with- but at the same time, he spares Throk in the public eye, something that serves both practical and moralistic purposes. Practically, killing Throk on the spot would create a martyr in the eyes of his followers. Sparing Throk appeased most of them. And when Throk is ultimately taken out- it’s certainly not anything that can be traced back to Lotor himself.
But from a moralistic perspective, that Lotor so utterly disarms a potential opponent and then spares him is a very bold challenge to Zarkon’s assertion- and one that the empire operates on- that mercy is weakness. Lotor’s devastating outfoxing of Throk is supposed to shake up the audience, many of whom were potentially supporting Throk in a bid for the throne.
Lotor basically walked in, said “I can take one of the highest-ranking and most powerfully interconnected people here out of the picture that quickly, like I’m not even trying. Do you really want to call me a weakling?”
And this is something really interesting about Lotor- an awful lot of what he does cannot really be chalked so easily to purely self-serving or purely altruistic. It’s usually some of both. Even Lotor’s stance on mercy seems to have two components to it.
On the one hand, Lotor keenly understands the machinations that drive rebellions. To Lotor, it’s not a coincidence so many people are crawling out of the woodwork to fight the empire- because those people were always there. Zarkon has created an environment that people just plain can’t tolerate. They’re in deplorable conditions dying like animals and being killed for the amusement of an upper class of imperial soldiers who are themselves sticking to their caste because they’re aware that their position is not that much more secure than the people below them.
Lotor knows that tearing people down builds resentment. And more importantly, he knows that Zarkon has given him a golden advantage in that Lotor doesn’t really have to be the best person or an ideal person- he can be the lesser evil and people will go for that. Because their other option is Zarkon- and once again, Zarkon is unlivable.
Playing the nice guy card even when it doesn’t in the short term get him what he wants- continuing to spare the people of Puig even when their leader doesn’t choose to join him- is going to pay off. Because Voltron right now is desperately trying to coax in allies and a lot of these planetary leaders are scared for the sake of their people. They’ve been living in awful situations (“I’m so glad I put on my best tarp”, anyone?) and it stands that not all of them are going to be feeling brave and heroic and ready to fight the empire.
Some of them would just rather the empire was a little more agreeable, and a little bit less of a boot on their windpipe. If maybe they didn’t have to fight- if they had a shot at negotiation.
Word is going to spread that Lotor is reasonable in a way Zarkon isn’t. And just that- being reasonable- suddenly changes the game. I think there’s an incredible thematic parallel to this with Lotor stealing the second comet and seeming to build... basically, an anti-Voltron.
Because Voltron isn’t just a weapon, the way Zarkon sees it. Lotor understands the other side of Voltron- it’s the beacon of hope to a downtrodden and enslaved universe. It’s a symbol- an incredibly powerful symbol.
And Lotor’s fighting Voltron not just on the military front, but the symbolic and interpersonal front.
Lotor doesn’t attack Puig to show them that resisting the empire is futile. Lotor’s spiel to the leader of Puig is basically making a point that Voltron won’t protect them the way they’ve promised- but Lotor, with his superior reach and resources, is making the claim that he can.
Lotor is challenging Voltron on who’s the real defender of the universe.
The fact that he’s so attentive and focused on small details in his environment stands out because Zarkon basically threw away everything that wasn’t direct military supremacy. We do not see Zarkon as a diplomat. We don’t really even see Zarkon addressing his populace. Civilians look up to Zarkon because he’s a symbol- but at the same time Varkon betrays a fundamental understanding of what Zarkon actually stands for.
Zarkon is basically passed into public awareness as a generic everyman that the empire supports because they assume his priorities are theirs. He’s like an Uncle Sam figure- treated as an abstract of the empire, when, in actuality, he is a person with specific policies and actually someone whose specific policies are very easy to disagree with. Despite the size and weight of his authority, he’s fundamentally on shaky ground because he’s not really, in practice, the person he was revered as.
Lotor, on the other hand- Lotor is actually a politician. He’s a diplomat first- and when he attacks something, that’s just one tool in his arsenal. Lotor ultimately is someone who makes a plan, identifies an end goal, and will then take whatever route actually works for him, and much more than combat, Lotor knows people.
Even his actual fighting style, both in a craft and on foot, has a distinctly psychological angle. He isn’t just talking off his own morals when he says Throk’s aggression was his downfall- Throk repeatedly trying to hammer at Lotor’s defenses wore him down because Lotor’s style of evasion and parrying is very minimal energy- Lotor dodges by inches at best and parries strikes juuust far enough to not get stabbed.
And the dismissive air to that style just further angers an opponent like Throk, the same way having the Lions of Voltron get shown up by a single, puny fighter waves a big red flag in front of Keith’s face. Even a more levelheaded adversary gets mad, because- it’s right there! One shot and he’s dead! You just have to get that one shot in.
There are a lot of layers to how Lotor operates and what he does because Lotor is keenly aware that everything he does makes a statement- that any engagement with a potential enemy, rival, peer, or even ally sends messages and other people will read them.
The authentic side
But how, exactly, is Lotor so keenly in tune with the plight of downtrodden people? Because something repeatedly asserted with Lotor is he has clear preference of company and it is not the empire at all. Towards Haggar, towards Throk, towards even the idea of Zarkon, Lotor is dismissive and manipulative at best, and far more often, outright scornful.
The generals- seemingly the only people Lotor really completely trusts- are all mixed-race galra looked down upon by the main empire, and in the eyes of said empire, Lotor fraternizes with them to a truly improper degree- fighting alongside them.
The standoff with Haggar over the fate of the galra general Haggar sent after him, Raht, illustrates I think a significant side of Lotor:
He is not as free, or as happy, as he pretends to be.
Lotor is ostensibly a member of the imperial elite, but in practice, he’s an exiled son and it seems until very recently, Haggar has been quite content to keep him on as short of a leash as she can afford. Which is about what we could expect: he’s Zarkon’s son, and with Haggar as the sole exception, all of Zarkon’s close interpersonal relations seem viciously possessive in nature.
And even if the general public doesn’t know it, Lotor is very likely an “unacceptable” mixed-race galra himself, and Lotor’s clear proclivity and interest towards Altean technology would suggest he knows it quite well.
Lotor has not been raised as an elite or groomed as a legitimate heir to the throne. He has been, in some regards, a prisoner of his father’s empire, very likely for most of his life.
This has fueled a far greater understanding of, and empathy towards, victims of the empire- the people of Puig, other mixed-race galra who were rejected or overlooked- over the soldiers themselves.
Unfortunately, as it stands, being able to empathize viscerally with people’s suffering because you’ve spent most of your life being trapped, frustrated, and upset yourself does not usually make for an enlightened soul. And this is where the real twist comes in with Lotor’s character.
Because Lotor would really love to be nothing like his father- in another time, another situation, he’d probably love to be a perfectly altruistic figure and a pure diplomat.
But he can’t afford that... because he is also terrified, desperate, and embittered.
All of Lotor’s generals, when we see them, are very bitter. Ezor’s ebullient personality often waxes very facetious indeed- she acts bubbly but she enjoys tripping people up, hurting them, having power over them. Zethrid wants to prove herself powerful and dangerous and thrives for being able to strike back and dominate people who themselves try and dominate her, first. Narti’s power bodes absolutely no negotiation. Acxa, the most inhibited, still has her coldness and haughty anger.
And Lotor fits in perfectly in that regard. His smooth charisma only hides so much. When cornered, when confronted, when caught off-guard, what slips is gritted teeth and raised hackles. When Haggar sends people to follow him he lashes out, hard, fast, and very harshly and snarls at her for insinuating he’s anything like his father.
Lotor’s whole strategy betrays a distinctly cynical worldview. He has an exquisite understanding of unhappiness, pride, vindictiveness and cruelty, but also, in contrast to Zarkon who was self-assured to a degree of pure hubris, Lotor tends to turn tail and run as soon as the situation isn’t in his favor. He fights and plans like someone whose victory is never given unless he can think of a way to profit off of any of the most likely scenarios.
He’s smug, but never actually smug enough to not worry. Because he worries constantly. We really only see Lotor acting safe and satisfied when he feels like everything is accounted for and as soon as he can’t track a variable then he isn’t happy.
And Lotor’s fighting style often hinges on multiple opponents attacking him- tripping them up and making them hurt each other. He gets rid of Throk by playing Haggar, another enemy, against him. It’s brilliant, but a style and worldview that only really makes sense by someone who feels that most of the time, they are surrounded by enemies and in an environment that wants to hurt them.
It’s a strategy we see echoes of in Shiro and Slav both- but on Lotor, he’s had his entire lifetime to perfect it.
Because ultimately Lotor isn’t playing this game because of altruism. He’s playing this game because like so many other people in the universe- he can’t live like this any more. He’s been about as controlled, restrained, forced down, as he can tolerate.
Lotor wants power, and he’s much more dangerous than Zarkon, because Lotor doesn’t want power because he thinks he’s entitled to it or some other elitist posturing.
Lotor wants power because he sees this as his only conceivable way out of an abusive environment. He doesn’t have Zarkon’s laid-back certainty, and he’s not content to play the slow inexorable villain. He’s the type to set up forks where he wins either way because he can’t afford a single loss at that juncture. 
He negotiates, but negotiates at swordpoint because he’s ultimately, not in a position to think beyond what his life experience and almost certain abuse has taught him: that with the exception of a tiny cluster of safe people, anyone he gives the opportunity to will try and hurt him.
Ultimately, Lotor is desperate- and right now, Voltron is something standing between him, and escaping his abuse- and that’s a nasty place to be in, because Lotor isn’t going to hold anything back.
In Summary
Lotor is a highly intelligent and perceptive individual whose behavior is intensely multifaceted, and part of it very deliberate because he’s very much a politician and diplomat trying to send specific messages with his behavior.
However, at his core, Lotor is a curious mix of empathetic and calculating- he can relate very intimately to the victims of the empire and seems to genuinely want to do better for them, but he can relate because he feels trapped himself and ultimately, he desperately wants to free himself, and that desperation makes him both highly tenacious, cynical, and belligerent about achieving his goals.
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nintendotreehouse · 7 years
Exploring Skyrim Part II: Combat Skills and Comrades
In our last post (here), we covered the basics of archetypes, skill trees, and perks in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game. Next, let’s dive a little deeper into skill trees that are specific to combat and touch on how nice it is to get by with a little help from your friends.
Combat plays a huge factor in your character’s survival, but your approach to combat matters as well. In this respect, the game reminds me of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game. I love trying to figure out creative ways to outsmart my enemies in that game…like encouraging a Moblin to pick up a Bokoblin and use it as a club, or bringing a Cucco into combat to trigger a fierce flock of fowl that takes down my enemies for me. In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, on the other hand, violent antics with chickens will incite an entire village to attack you!
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First strike! Spare no one in guard-bowling.
Yet the point still stands—the combat of this open-world adventure is deep and varied—thanks in no small part to its extensive customization options.
Do you want to engage your enemies from a distance with fire and arrows? Charge in and go toe-to-claw wielding massive weapons and shields? Send allied followers into the fray to fight on your behalf? Cause a little chaos by pitting your enemies against each other? (Troll versus hargraven, anyone?) Lead giants into a hostile city? (Good luck collecting that bounty now, guard commander!) Whatever you’re looking for, when it comes to combat, Skyrim has you covered.
Getting Physical
There are six main skills to consider on the physical combat front, each with its own skill tree of perks:
Heavy Armor
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While there’s a huge variety of weapons to use, warhammers are some of my favorites.
Two-Handed focuses on weapons that require both hands to wield, such as massive axes, warhammers, and greatswords (all generally things that make your enemies go “squish”). While attacks are slow, blows are powerful and deadly. These weapons can also block your enemies or cause them to stumble (the Block skill tree can help this). Using these weapons takes stamina, so strategize your power blows and perk selections accordingly.
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Sometimes enemies just have a bone to pick with you.
One-Handed focuses on weapons you can wield in one hand, such as maces, swords, and daggers. (In your other hand, you can wield a second weapon, a shield, or use magic.) Attacks are generally faster than those of a Two-Handed counterpart, and these weapons can block too. The Master Sword is a one-handed weapon, assuming you’re lucky and get it from an amiibo treasure chest or find it somewhere during your travels. It looks great paired with the Hylian shield, but it can be paired with other off-hand gear as well.
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Today’s blocking technique could prevent you from being tomorrow’s barbeque…whether from dragon fire or magic.
Block is all about shielding yourself from physical and magical damage either with a weapon or a shield. As you master this skill, you’ll find your blocking gets more effective, and as you work your way up the skill tree, you’ll be able to better bash your enemies, barrel through them, or even slow time to block their power attacks.
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My arachnophobia strongly approves of killing giant spiders from as far away as possible.  
Archery is pretty much self-explanatory. Work on this skill tree to hit things with sticks from afar, gain keener eyesight when aiming, steadier hands, or a more powerful draw that may even stagger your enemies. Archers are my personal favorite, because I like sneaking up and sniping people for bonus damage over clubbing them over the head (with a high enough sneak, you can do that too).
Heavy Armor affects how you move and fight in heavy (as opposed to light or cloth) armor. This armor type offers more protection from attacks. The down side is that heavy armor is… well, HEAVY. It can take up more carry weight and drains stamina while running or fighting. However, perks in this tree address some of these negatives; allowing heavy armor to weigh nothing, adding a chance for deflecting damage back at enemies, etc. Heavy armor may slow you down, but there is a perk that can help with that as well.
Smithing is all about crafting and improving your gear. Since this falls under the crafting umbrella, we’ll provide more detail in our next article, which dives deep into crafting-focused skills.
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Make sure to hop into the skills menu each time you increase your overall character level.
Feeling the Magic
If you are more into the arcane aspects of battle, there are six skills and associated skill trees to explore. Enchanting adds magical effects to weapons and armor. This falls closer to crafting, which (as mentioned) will be discussed in the next article, but it’s worth keeping in mind as you explore your magical prowess (or lack thereof).
Combat-wise, each of these skill trees are based upon a distinct school of magic:
Illusion manipulates the mind of your enemy. Some spells cause enemies to lose the will to fight, flee in fear, attack others in a frenzy, or even render the caster invisible. While none of the spells in the School of Illusion deal damage directly, Illusion is formidable when skillfully used against almost any enemy in Skyrim. It’s a great supplement to other schools of magic or characters that focus on stealth.  
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Summoned creatures don’t just look cool, they can bring serious attack power.
Conjuration governs raising the dead and summoning creatures from different planes of existence. Masters of this school find it easier to cast Soul Trap, summon creatures (such as atronochs) and reanimate corpses to fight on their behalf, and conjure ethereal weapons. While Conjuration is largely focused on combat, this school favors enlisting others to fight on a mage’s behalf rather than on dealing direct damage. Note that most Conjuration mages can only have one Summon or Reanimation at a time, though masters of this school may gain the perk to have two simultaneously.
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Enemies might use magic as well. Some enemies have no chill…though this one has plenty!
Destruction harnesses elemental energies like Fire, Frost, and Shock to damage enemies. Mages who focus on Destruction can choose to specialize in certain elements for extra damage. Each element specialty has a different cost, with Fire taking the least amount of magicka to cast, and Spark taking the most. Each also has a special perk which can affect nearby enemies with low health. Mages specializing in this school should be advised that, because certain enemies may be resistant to different forms of magic, diversification might increase your chance of survival.
Restoration exerts control over life forces. As the name implies, this school specializes in things like healing and magical wards. It also deals in rapid restoration of magicka, and allows greater effectiveness against undead enemies.
Alteration manipulates the physical and natural properties of the world to your character’s will. This school of magic offers a range of defensive effects as you advance on the skill tree, such as Mage Armor, Magic Resistance, and Spell Absorption. You can even learn to breathe under water! The Alteration skill tree’s Paralysis spell is really the only offensive spell in this school.
While they’re all quite different, these schools of magic synergize well, and you can always train with the mages at the College of Winterhold to hone your abilities.
Strength in Numbers
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Followers are great tanks and/or damage dealers. They also make handy pack mules for loot.
I’ve focused on physical and magical combat here, but regardless of your style of combat, “it’s dangerous to go alone,” so enlisting a follower may increase your chance of survival. Fellow Treehouser James found that having followers actually played nicely into his character’s personal narrative:
“I wanted to create a mage who wouldn’t ever do anything herself, but just waltz through while others did the work, so I made a full illusionist / conjuration character. When I fought little guys, all I did was toss a few spells of Calm into the room, take what I wanted, and walk out. With the bigger enemies, I let my atronachs do the talking for me and blast everything out of the sky… It felt nice playing magical ruler of the universe, bending everything to my will but those pesky dragons.”
Keep in mind, though, that your followers might grow on you… As Mary from the Treehouse recalls,
“When my first Follower, Uthgerd the Unbroken, died in the field, I felt so terrible that I carried her body all the way back to the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun! I even went back to visit her grave from time to time to make sure she didn’t become a vampire, or undead. On the bright side, she must have added me to her will, because I had full access to her house after that, and it came in very handy having a place to sleep and store items well before I was able to buy property! Thanks, Uthgerd! Sorry about that troll!”
Maybe a little heartbreak’s just part of the Skyrim experience. But on the flip-side, your character might find love as well, and marriage partners in the most unlikely places! Mary had that experience too, and her choice of husband really changed how she played the game:
“I selected Marcurio, a mage that lived in the Riften tavern. His magical abilities complimented my character’s archery and magic perfectly. After I started seeing a lot of NPC characters being permanently killed during dragon attacks, I stopped taking the husband with me. Unlike in a Zelda game, where death can appear sentimental—almost romanticized—in Skyrim death can be horrific! I couldn’t stand the thought of seeing his corpse in the environment forever.”
There’s lots left to explore. We’ll get into plenty more in our next posts, so please stay tuned!
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It’s a huge, open-world out there…so get exploring!
—Lindsey N.
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