brokenyouth · 7 months
trying to feel better by telling myself that my crush possibly overhearing me telling someone that i don't hate him i just talk about him bc it's fun to gossip or whatever bc i was trying to downplay and hide how much i actually do like him is mr darcy coded actually
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nakanotamu · 11 months
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sturnellaneglecta · 1 year
Rarely does the news ever lift my spirits on a mediocre day but today it sure did!
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quirkwizard · 2 months
What do you think Class 1-A's action figures would look like in universe?
Non-quirk related question haha. What do you think class 1A's barbie-ken taglines would be? Not sure how to frame the question but for example for Tokoyami it could be, "This Ken is gothic" or for Ochako it could be, "This Barbie is on cloud nine" (due to her quirk)
I mean, I'm not sure if there is much to say on that. I feel like any taglines for actions figures would just be pretty generic, but I can talk about action figures.
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Sato: Comes with a series of small snacks that you can feed him to cause him to bulk up and you pop open the stomach to get them back.
Koda: Just a simple figurine of him with a bunch of small animal models that you can play with as well. Comes with a button to play animal sounds.
Mineta: Orbs on the head are removable and the toy comes with arms that catapult the orbs forward. Possibly with a pointless target pad that no kid will use.
Sero: His tape dispensers can be pulled out like a rip cord, letting the action figure pull itself to whatever you put the doll on. Filling them with regular tape did not work well with test audiences.
Aoyama: Armor is made of a super reflective material that shimmers and has a flashlight in the belt to replicate his beam. Also comes with a lot of costume variants and accessories at Aoyama's instance.
Hakagure: Like Aoyama, her toy is very reflective, almost like a giant prism that gives off colorful lights when put up to any light. A stocking issue made it a hard to find collector's item for a time.
Ojiro: The tail can be curled up and then released, causing the action figure to fling forward. This curling can be used to make it hang on stuff as well. His tail also comes with "kung fu action grip", because of course it does.
Denki: Comes with a bunch of flashing lights and sounds for his electrical attacks. Has a swithcable head for his regular face and his low power face, much to Denki's chagrin. Batteries are not included for some reason.
Jiro: Definitely has some music aspect for it's main gimmick, like being able to use her jacks to plug your MP3 player into it to play music on it or having recordings of her songs on it when you press a button on it.
Kirsihima: Either has a bunch of plates on it that you can put on him to harden him up or you push a button to pop them out of the toy. Had issues in production because of how dangerous the hair spike was for kids.
Mina: Has an action figure with a lot articulation. It's main feature is a goo that comes with it that kids are suppose to put in and fire out of the toy. They fill it up by removing head and pouring the goo in, much to Mina's horror.
Shoji: The main feature would obviously be his arms. They'd either work like super stretchy arms or have a much of attachments that a kid could connect and stack on top of each other to add on whatever organs they want.
Iida: This figure with a set up buttons that can kick the legs forward, able to demolish any stack of cups that you happen to set up. He happens to be bundled a lot with overly complex, Ingeium themed cars, much to Iida's confusion.
Tsuyu: Has a lot of suckers on the hands and feet so you can stick it to surfaces. The tongue can be shoot out as well to grab onto stuff, kind of like those sticky hand toys. Yes, it is water proof and a popular bath toy for young children.
Tokoyami: Probabley has a standard figure with Dark Shadow with larger versions of it being sold separately. The parts of Dark Shadow can be removed and put onto Tokoyami for his armored form. It has a glow in the dark feature, without a doubt.
Shoto: Comes with fire and ice attachment to simulate shooting it out of his hands and feet. The scar was on the wrong side of a better part of it's run and it's occasionally bundled with Endeavor toys to help increase Enji's poor sales.
Momo: Her costume had to be changed on the figurine in order to be sold in stores. She comes with a massive amount of accessories to have her wield, along with little facts and tidbits about them. Momo demanded that her toy had some educational merits.
Katsuki: Probably has some spring power launcher in his arms that you can use to fire out plastic darts. Definitely has something that screams out catchphrases like "Die!" and "I'll kill you!" that would have to be rewrite and recorded several times to get them published.
Uraraka: Has a button that makes her hands glow like she does when she uses her powers along with has wench systems like Sero for her grapple hooks. Probably has a weird spin off line based around it, like Uraravity's Space Adventures featuring the Alien Queen Pinky.
Izuku: The most popular and with the most variations, though the standard ones glows with a button press, has spring shoots for the boots, and an spring in the hand to fire plastic air blasts. Sometimes comes out with special versions that come with other Quirks he had.
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teacup-crafter · 1 month
Okay I'm sad to have to do this but :(
This is my original song, My Special Company. (a Sherlock & Co. fansong)
I don't know what the quality sounds like it was wonky to upload
But I can definitely tell you I'm not happy with the results.
Unfortunately I have to give up this project, just... Leave it be for now
Because I'm not in a position where I can use any other instruments than what's available to me on walkband, I can't work on this stuff too loudly. and because my horrible awful "MoDeRn" phone doesn't have a headphone jack- I can only use bluetooth headsets with my phone. AND THE BLUETOOTH HAS LIKE A 1 SECOND DELAY. HORRIBLE AWFUL NO GOOD.
I'm not able to play around on instruments the way I want, and I get way too anxious working on this that I'm just. Not making progress.
So I'm leaving My Special Company here, and maybe someday I'll make a better version. I don't even remember what exactly it sounds like, I just remember that I definitely should have re-recorded the piano part haha, I had a little "twinkle" thing planned idk if it's in there
One last thing- you may notice a few references from adventures up to and including Blue Carbuncle, you might wonder why I didn't include other references- that's bc I started on this song around cardboard box pt 1. Yeah 😭
Lyrics under the cut. Arguably the best part of this. In fact just ignore the MP3 file and just read the lyrics /j
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A, 221B
Sherlock, Mariana and my little Archie
The thunder comes!
A thousand feet marching
To the sound of BIG DRUMS
The clouds part
and the sky bleeds,
as I meet you
Get me involved with ming pottery
And soon I realize I don't wanna be free
From this life, and your mind
As we go and we do it all, ooh-oh
Adrenaline and tension,
Brilliant comprehension
The thrill of the seek
And their shocking redemptions
Tell the listeners about this lovely place-
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A, 221B
Sherlock, Mariana and my little Archie
221A, 221B
The listeners hear all that we seek
221A, 221B
Stay tuned until next week
Faked deaths, faked murders
We keep it short
No matter where he goes
He's got my support
Suicide, still alive,
Though our shoes didn't make the fall
I can't deny that twinkle in your eyes
Is what I think you'd call "sensory delight"
To go out with the boys?
Or stay? Well, I choose you, ooh-oh
Adrenaline and tension,
Brilliant comprehension
The thrill of the seek
And their shocking redemptions
Tell the listeners about this lovely place-
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A, 221B
Sherlock, Mariana and my little Archie
221A, 221B
The listeners hear all that we seek
221A, 221B
Stay tuned until next week
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A, 221B
Sherlock, Mariana and my little Archie
221A, 221B
The listeners hear all that we seek
221A, 221B
We're keeping their attention, stay tuned until next week
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A is where I wanna 221B
It's where I'll always be
Hope it was enjoyable. Fun fact: for so long whenever I started a new paragraph on my notes app the 1st word suggestion would be "EX-PLO-SION"
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psychangels · 2 months
Could you write a Peppermint and Chai talking about their crushes to each other? Just the two hanging out, maybe Peppermint’s painting Chai’s nails, 808’s on his lap purring, and they were just talking. Maybe Chai brings up something Macaron did for him, and his pale skin flushes a little, and he’s all like, “He’s so sweet ☺️.” Thats what makes Peppermint go “🤨”, and Chai would hurriedly backtrack himself, but of course Peppermint has to calm him down because she also likes someone in their friend group. And that’s how the two would fanboy/fangirl over their respective crushes, feeding into each other’s delusions of love lol.
well...this isn't exactly what you asked for. more of a slightly angsty, argumentative situation. felt like it would fit them better
The hideout is full of chatter, as Peppermint and Chai talk about nothing in particular. How their days were, work stuff, and whatnot. 808's curled up in the latter's lap. She purrs as he absent-mindedly pets her.
"Where'd you get that new pin from?" Peppermint asks, gesturing at it.
It's a pin of a stick of butter on a butter plate. There's text on the plate that says, "Butter late than never!"
Chai grins. "It was in a gift basket Macaron got for me! There was a bunch of other pins, too. I haven't decided what to put them all on yet. It also had Snickers, Doritoes, a pack of picks—and! A new MP3! So now I can listen to whatever whenever I want again!"
"Oh! That was nice of him."
"Yeah..." He blushes as he stares off into the distance. His smile becomes wobbly. "He's so sweet like that."
There's a pause.
Peppermint quirks a brow.
Eyes widening once he notices the look she's giving him, Chai sits up, ramrod straight. He grabs onto his scarf with the hand that's not now clinging to 808.
"I—I mean—it was! Super nice of him! Haha!"
His brow is furrowed. The smile on his face is strained and too big. There's a certain panicked energy in his eyes that Peppermint knows well.
"Chill out," she says with a huff. "I'm not judging. Just...surprised."
"I'm chill! Chillest guy in the room!" He purses his lips, looking away. "And...good."
A moment passes.
"Not like you'd have room to, anyway, with your crush on Korsica," he mutters.
Peppermint smacks his arm, her face heating up. "Hey!"
"What? It's true!"
"Yeah, well—I don't get all lovestruck like you just did!"
"Bullshit! Literally just the other day you were fawning over her! There were cartoon hearts floatin' around your head and everything!"
She glares at him, crossing her arms.
Okay, yeah, maybe she was. It's not her fault Korsica's so pretty.
Chai smirks. She flips him off. He just does it back—so she gives him the double bird.
With a huff, he asks, "When are you gonna ask her out, anyway?"
"Wh—whenever I feel like it! When are you gonna ask him out?"
"...Never," he replies with a shrug.
She gawks at him.
808's ears twitch. The expression on her face shifts, looking more somber.
Peppermint can't tell if it's because of whatever feelings she's getting from their connection, or if it's because he's not petting her anymore. She's more inclined to believe it's the former, though.
"What's with that look?" "What do you mean never?"
"I...mean...never? I'm not gonna tell him." He shrugs again. "I can live with what we've got. 'Sides, I can always just daydream."
"That's..." Sad. Kind of concerning. Fucked up. Hellish. Relatable.
"...The smart thing to do? Thanks, I know!"
She rolls her eyes. "Shut it. That isn't even close to what I was gonna say."
"What were you gonna say, then?" "That that's..." She sighs. "...Relatable." "You're not gonna tell Korsica? Ever?" "No. Maybe. I...I dunno. I've thought about it, but..." She sighs.
Peppermint wants to. She's planned out exactly where she'd invite Korsica, what outfit to wear, exactly what to say, what sort of gift and flowers to get...everything she'd need. But every time she goes to do it, she backs out. It just never seems like the right time.
His brows go up. "Oh." "...Why're you surprised?"
"I just figured you'd come up with this whole plan to ask her out, and then she'd be so amazed by how thoughtful and smart you are and say yes, and then...I dunno, you'd makeout or whatever."
Peppermint's eyes widen. "...You think she'd say yes?" "Well, yeah. Why wouldn't she?" "Because she doesn't like me. Not like that." "Sure she does. She's just not obvious about it like you."
"...Okay, first of all, I am not obvious about it. Second of all...how would you even know?"
"'Kay, one: Fawning, cartoon hearts, all that shit. Two: she looks at you the same way. Just discretely. I've seen it, like, twenty times."
"Really...?" "Yeah." "Huh."
There's a pause.
"So you gonna ask her out?" "...Probably. But...if I do, you have to ask Macaron out." "What? Why?" "Because he likes you, too."
"...Don't fuck with me like this, Peppermint," he says, eyes narrowing.
She huffs. "I'm not!" "Are too!"
"Ugh. Just...think about it! He gave you that super thoughtful gift basket, didn't he? And he's always smiley around you. He laughs at all your bad, dumb jokes."
"Yeah, but that's just, like...a friend thing. And he's smiley around basically everyone, he's just a friendly guy." He purses his lips. "And he laughs because they're funny! You just have a bad sense of humor!"
...Okay, so he might be right. About the first two things, anyways. But she doesn't like how Chai's just accepted that it won't work out.
"Well—you still should." "Why? So I can...embarrass myself? Nah. No thanks." "How would you embarrass yourself?"
"He'd say no, and then it'd be all awkward and weird. And I'd have to try and dig myself out of the grave I had dug for myself, but it'd be too late for that."
"How do you know he'll say no?"
"Because—" He shuts his mouth. His gaze falls. Face hardening, he continues, "Because he just would."
She frowns. "What if he didn't?" "What?" "What if he didn't say no? What if he said yes?"
"Then—I dunno. We'd...makeout, or whatever. But he'll always say no. And I'm never gonna tell him. So it doesn't really matter what'd happen, because nothing'll ever happen."
"It could happen if you just asked him out."
He groans, tilting his head back. "Why are you being so stubborn about this? Shouldn't you be worrying about asking out Korsica?"
"Well, no. Because you're not going to ask out Macaron." "Dude. Stop being stupid." "I'm not being stupid!"
"Yes you are!" he exclaims, throwing his hands up. "You're acting like we made some kind of...pact! Which we didn't! And I don't wanna be part of whatever pact you're trying to make!"
They glare at one another.
808's gaze flicks back and forth between them, her eyes wide.
"You worry about you and Korsica," Chai says, "I'll worry about me."
After a moment, Peppermint sighs. She crosses her arms. Her gaze falls.
"...Alright." "...Cool, cool."
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horsetailcurlers2 · 8 months
do you have any outlaw queen headcanons? (robin lives au)
yes for sure! i’ve admittedly been on my swan queen vibe for a while (so i might be a little rusty at this lol) but i am nothing if not a multi shipper and this is perfect timing bc i have been thinking about OQ lately.
-in my perfect “robin lives” AU, the zelena-is-marian arc never happened lol but for narrative purposes let’s say zelena just had a redemption arc, robin was not killed, and everyone is safe and happy and storybrooke is settled and peaceful with no magical antagonists.
-robin and roland move into regina’s house eventually and it is…. quite the adjustment. he has spent at least a decade living in the woods and sleeping on the ground for one thing. and unlike everyone that came over during the first curse, he very much does not have 30 years of built in knowledge about modern technology. he is absolutely hopeless with it all. it took regina two months to teach him how to use the coffee maker. he only knows how to put on his two favorite channels in the tv (do NOT ask him to put on netflix or even put in a dvd). and he flat out REFUSES to use the microwave. regina finds this all to be some combination of exasperating and adorable. henry just finds it absolutely hilarious.
-as robin settles in and gets more comfortable in storybrooke, he discovers the things he likes about our realm. he loves the music. naturally, robin really likes classic dad bands. like the avett brothers and stuff. he’s always asking regina to help him play their music on his “magic song thingy” (an mp3 player). he also loves the nature channel (sorry if that’s a little on the nose haha). i also think he’d have a fascination with reruns of old family sitcoms.
-he makes her more social. not in a forced way, i just mean that he makes her feel a lot more comfortable going to public social gatherings. it’s a lot easier for her to be around all her former subjects when robin is there with her. and he’s kind of a social butterfly so she lowkey loves seeing him in his element. a lot of her discomfort also comes from thinking that nobody actually wants her there or that they all still hate her so he definitely helps assure her that she is wanted and he encourages her to spend more time around people so she can see for herself.
-sharing her space is very difficult for regina at first. she’s always been a very solitary person (aside from her relationship with henry which is a completely different thing) and every time she’s had to share space so intimately, it’s usually been because it was forced upon her. so she is very grumpy and irritated when he first moves in because he keeps leaving things out of place or because he snores in his sleep or “breathes too loud”. eventually they work it out and she learns how to live alongside another person and she learns to make space for robin while still keeping some for herself.
-he LOVES post it notes. he thinks they are the handiest modern convenience after indoor plumbing and electricity. he leaves an excessive amount of notes for her all around the house- on her vanity mirror, on the refrigerator, on the dashboard of her car. sometimes it’s practical reminders (they’re out of bread, he will be working late, he’s handling dinner that night) but usually it’s just something very sappy about how beautiful she is or what a good day he wants her to have. it’s ridiculous and cheesy and cliche but she can’t help smiling every time.
-the charmings host a lot of the big family gatherings at their farmhouse, but regina’s house is also a hot spot for family dinners (see my regina headcanons about how she secretly loves hosting). they have monthly family game nights at mifflin street but regina has actually been banned from playing. she is confined to being the score keeper or the game master because she gets WAY too intense and it kind of ruins it for everybody else.
-somebody with as much trauma as regina is bound to have some nightmares. the first time they share a bed for not so scandalous reasons, he is so startled and freaked out by her nightmares that he falls off the bed and onto the floor. they aren’t bad all of the time, and a lot of nights she doesn’t even have them. but when they’re bad, they’re pretty bad. once he catches on to what’s going on, he’s exceptionally good at helping sooth them.
-roland LOVES living with regina and henry. he thinks having a big brother is so cool and he is obsessed with “helping” regina in the kitchen. he also really loves the “magic moving pictures” on the tv. at first, it’s an adjustment for him because he misses sleeping in a tent with his papa’s merry men, but he still visits camp very often. regina also puts some of those glow in the dark plastic stars on his ceiling and he LOVES them bc it feels like he’s still sleeping under the “outside ceiling” as he calls it.
-robin’s main love language is gift giving. it seems a little contradictory with the whole “robin hood” thing but it is not materialistic at all. it’s just in the sense that he is thoughtful and perceptive and he likes giving things to the people he loves that show how deeply he knows them. it’s very novel to regina, who has never really received a gift from anybody except for daniel (and henry of course). she mentioned her favorite novel once offhand, and he bought her a beautiful first edition for christmas months later. it’s also the little things: her favorite flowers when he comes home one weekday evening, her favorite candy when he swings by the grocery store, stopping into her office to surprise her with a coffee the exact way she orders it. she’s never had somebody who is just so clearly always thinking about her and prioritizing her in such a way.
-i go back and forth on whether or not they would ever get married (mostly because regina has so much trauma around marriage and they are already in love and living as a family anyway). ultimately though, i think that they would. the idea isn’t so scary to her when it comes to robin (plus at this point she’s had quite a bit of therapy) and it’s what she’s always wanted- to be married to the person she really loves and to have a peaceful simple life surrounded by people who love her.
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iii-days-grace · 6 months
biggest timeline lore post yay!
workin on the mediverse playlist and vibing with some story!
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[currently playing - 'Graveyard Dancing' by Destroy, Rebuild Until God Shows]
@in-death-we-fall the Joesday stuff is clicking & Paul is here, and everyone is uhh. getting along happily? hard to tell.
tags from this post
lets break em down
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so there are a few big chunks of story so far, fortunately one of my special interests is taxonomy and i have a fetish for project management [1].
basically two main eras:
- a youngish high school + summer camp setting [late teens/twenties]. most of the aesthetics here are from that part of the setting, which has a lot of ~magical stuff beyond the heart of camp.
and! an undead hospital drama, including Nurse Jim from the camp health centre.
most of the events concerning the aesthetics described in this paper [I'll lean into it, eh] take place at the summer camp through Nurse Jim's adventures leading camping trips with Mick.[5]
[5] tbh, that does kinda let me fold those two jobs into one - it seems pretty cromulent that the health centre would assign someone like Nurse Jim on long trips
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#1. joey-Wednesday high school dirtbag era ft piggly wiggly [alternatively: joeypaul emo shit ft that annnoying-ass fucker in his little fag hats. [that's roughly where we'd be with this song]
#2. [few years later] summer camp that kicks off the core general events at the ~undead hospital
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@custer-mp3 the sexy experimentation we all love! also i loved the idea of head(s) in jars thank you VERY much
@in-death-we-fall do not worry joey and weds are in the hospital too, I'm just lookin over their resumes rn haha. they have a umm spotty work history yknow? like they just ghosted, you know, yeah? Weird.
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my pet project with @ims0vain that is watering my crops and healing everyone's bruises <3 fit Nurse Jim and kids and probably some sad stuff but also lots of fluff.
general Scrubs-inspired hospital drama theme, but jd's Dr. acula is like, a real guy probably
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mick and Jim [Bubbles and Biscuit] leading camp trips out at 2. [the general summer camp AU].
And in a more magical direction,
we have the wild magic realm of black metal where Mick is compelled to do gay shit[4]:
ft a fey realm of eerie, black metal wasteland and a faggy dream pop valley ova dere ridge?
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[2] will wiesenfeld aka geotic, post-foetus, and probably others. the valley of the fairies is another beam of magic in the world, along with the Nurse Jim fluff stuff, since i wanted something to balance and contrast with the [NECRO I SAID THERED BE NECRO].
BUT YEAH. i found will's music on tumblr years ago and it's been a longtime favourite and a bedrock of my post-rock landscape.
[bonus faggy atmospheric tiny desk from Will, i saw someone comment that Baths [2] was 'pretty boy black metal' and after seeing blackgaze [markus Lantlôs in particular w his dream-pop projects] [3], well. [3]
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[will wiesenfeld/Geotic, Vice 2017]
i really wanna make this world a cozy home for you all too, haha. right now I'm just cradling everything really gently in my hands.
[3] idk if lantlôs is gay or anything but his pic there ...
the juxtaposition of the metal (post-metal) thing with the softboy glitter umbrella is certainly something though haha
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[from Metallum]
[4] probably with Jim yknow. but the possibilities are open. even for a greasy metalhead. loser [affectionate].
[1] eh. im autistic what can you say. also btw im enjoying putting my posts together like little citation projects haha. hashtag enrichment
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 4 months
hey!! I absolutely LOVE your writing so much and was wondering if you could give any pointers on planning out a fic & scenes & splitting chapters up etc.?? (Sorry if you’ve already answered this haha) I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY
Hello!!! Thank you so much :3
As for fic planning...it depends on the fic for me, really.
Sometimes I fly by the seat of my pants with like. One (1) line of notes. One time I literally woke up in the dead of the night with an ENTIRE fic planned out in my head and frantically typed it into my mp3 player's calendar and the next day wrote it all out and posted it. (Fic in question was My (Un)Actions Haunt Me)
Other times it's...
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^That XD For one scene. (Early notes rom Shattered Minds btw)
When it comes to splitting up chapters, I've had more practice with that in the fic I cowrite with Lolling - Burning Thistles. We don't pay attention to how long the chapter is, we decide that if there's a natural ending, then that's where we end the chapter. Sometimes this results in a chapter with four different POVs with like 25 pages each XD Other times it's a single POV that'll probably be like...10?
Lolling actually introduced me to typing out my notes and splitting up scenes/chapters that way - really helped with getting my thoughts straight.
^That has also really helped with my Hunger Games AU. It's a fic with LOTS of planning needed, and making a complete outline for it is a saving grace XD
Though with me it's never "complete" because my notes are the barebones of the fic. The flesh gets put on when I actually write it.
For instance, I hastily reworked the second chapter of HG AU to flesh out the family dynamics of Apollo's family - including Phoebe, Asteria, Perses, and Hecate.
As a treat, here's a snippet :3
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Grandma Phoebe beloved <3
i still haven't figured out where i could put Koios grr...i've put a pin in that for now
Pro of planning everything out: You can change what you've already written quite easily. :D
Con: Sometimes that change is drastic so you gotta painstakingly go back through everything and rework it RIPPPP
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foolshoujo · 28 days
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@enshijou asked:
the moon is ever radiant and full, both foreboding and peaceful as it lingers within the sky. a little bit of time has passed, simultaneously feeling as if it has been months since they last had the opportunity to have a little heart to heart. slowly ascending the staircase leading up to her room, he unveils a silver mp3 from his pocket, its luminescent screen a warm greeting as it is powered on from its rounded metallic side. this is the very treasure that keeps all of their memories safe, preserved from time’s grasp, filled to the brim with all of their favourite songs and miraculously, storage space left to spare. taking a small moment to compose himself, deep breath taken before gently knocking on her door. ‘ i’m sorry, it’s me. i’m not dead yet. ‘ a comment made in jest, evocative of the fate that lies beyond the horizon. ‘ would it be alright for me to come in ? i thought maybe, if you had some time, we could listen to some music if you didn’t have any other activities planned. i could also see what’s in the kitchen and make us something nice to eat with some tea. i have heard that the blends mitsuru keeps safe in the pantry are really nice. ‘
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XXII ███ BRIGHT CRIMSON EYES LAY UPON the moon in all it's glory. how large it is, how full. an oddity to her now to see it & not expect the raising of weapons, the steady of hands. preparation for a mission to fell whatever shadow that rises up from the depths that are housed within tartarus( or perhaps somewhere beyond ? ). no, today is a day for rest. there are no monsters to slay, no tears to shed, no towers to climb. just a moment of reprieve for however long it lasts.
the window is closed as the chill fills the room, hot air is blown into cupped hands to warm them before grabbing a small throw blanket from her bed to drape about her shoulders. a knock on her door pulls her toward to twist the knob to see a familiar face. ryoji, holding up a small mp3 & face marked by that sly little grin. one so innocent & honest. " what happened to eerily disappearing into the night ?" a laugh as she ushers him in. trusting fully her safety with that whom used to be naught but her little invisible friend within the dark hour. the boy who grew within her soul alongside her for those ten years, now standing beside her an equal. he a shadow, yet not. her a human, yet not. once he was merely her shadow & she was merely his vessel. to have him beside her once more let her feel at east, a completeness she could not explain. it's akin to when she stands besides her brother. ryoji, pharos, the thirteenth shadow---- whatever face he wore, she knew he was apart of her as much as she was now apart of him. " sorry it's cold, had the window open while i was studying.
but, we don't need to rummage around for some tea. i have some here & a kettle ! " she gestures him to sit at the table as she opens her closet, a little area filled with small kitchen gadgets that could all be used so long as one has a plug & a sink. perfect for dorm life. a kettle, a portable stove, a plug in pot, the works. with the kettle plucked & two mugs she turns around & shakes them in her hands for the less than dramatic reveal, " taaah daaah ! haha ! i'll fill it up at the sink & turn it on."
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melsie-sims2 · 10 months
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"This place is really shaping up," Theo commented to the owner. "I'm definitely gonna have to come back for a laptop next."
"That'd be awesome!" Joel replied.
"Are you planning on expanding soon?" the redheaded romance sim continued. "You could sell mp3 players and cell phones, maybe even remote controlled cars for kids. It'd be great!"
"Yeah, yeah, it's all part of the plan... as soon as I earn enough simoleons," Joel grinned. "We can't all make 1,000 simoleons in one rotation just by playing pool and woohooing everyone."
"Haha, right, that's true," Theo smirked.
"That wasn't a joke," Joel replied.
"Oh, well, either way... I love what I do, that's what matters," Theo shrugged. "So, you gonna ring me up, Bright?"
"Yes, right this way," Joel said.
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heymrspatel · 1 year
Macy's Tag Game Tuesday! ✨
i was tagged by the queen herself @celestialmickey and also by @mishervellous @energievie @thepupperino @creepkinginc @gardenerian @deedala @ardent-fox @sleepyfacetoughguy @metalheadmickey and @xninetiestrendx 💙
name: julissa 🩵
age: treinta y dos for a few more weeks ⏳
what country do you live in? usa (derogatory) 🙃
how many blogs do you have? 2
how many blogs do you follow? 176
are you a hugger? yessss! but only if i really want to hug you haha! if i do and so do you, i'm going to squish so big and comfy! 🫂
summer or winter? ideally, in between? i thrive in jacket weather. but, winter! i do love the snow ❄️
coffee, tea, soda, or something else? coffee please! ☕️
something about you that might surprise people: i cannot for the life of me come up with an answer for this. people, i'm so tired. actually, i can sleep anywhere at any time if you just let me get comfy. 😴
if you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would it be? line art of a small bouquet of flowers 💐
would you consider yourself a private person or an open book? it depends on the situation/topic/person, but normally pretty private 🤫
do you believe in soulmates? in some sense, yes! it's the only way i can think of rationalizing some instant connections i've felt. especially when you haven't even seen someone. instant spark. gravitational pull. i need to know you. i want to talk to you always. you make me smile just by existing. it's a wild feeling! 💙✨
would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? so incredibly introverted. 🫣
tell me something good that happened to you recently: i put in time off for the week of my birthday so i can be at peace alsdkfj ✌🏼
and finally, say something nice to yourself: you're kind and creative and caring. even when your brain lies to you. 😌
i'll tag @whatthebodygraspsnot @whatwouldmickeydo @gallawitchxx (tumblr give her back to me!) @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @lingy910y @y0itsbri @pinkmatter-mp3 if you would like to play, if not i'm jus giving you all a flower 🌼
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12colors · 1 year
Episode 1, Part 1 - Teams arrival (v0.1)
This is just 1st draft of the script, so there arent that many details.
=== Episode 1 ===
Chris: Welcome to total drama, all'n'awful, where we will be redoing first three seasons with even bigger cast, which will be made out of Generations I, II and IV. Why it doesn't include Generation III? Cause they died! Hahahahaha!
*Cheff rolls his eyes*: Not really, they jus- Chris: Shush! You are ruining it! Anyway, here are the contestants. *Talks to a headset* Drop 'em Boys!
There is a big plane above, with the cast inside. The doors open and everyone falls out. Chris: Don't worry! They had parashutes there!
That was true, but almost nobody wore them, except for: Cody and Sierra (Sierra was expecting that, so she secured cody and herself just in case... But she used like 8 on Cody), Owen (AAAAAAAAA PLANES), Cameron (Jo equiped it on him to make fun out of the fact that it's too heavy for him), Axel, Zee (Yooo, free stuff!), Priya (she knew it) Those who didn't, landed in water, except for Dawn, who used a shortcut and got to the land dry and without a scratch. Those who had parashutes also landed on the beach. *Complaining etc.* Everyone gets out of the water and Chris announces: Hey, I brought all of you to fight against each- Priya: Yeah, everyone knows the formula, even Zee.
Zee: Formula? are we cooking something? Owen: Are we gonna eat something? Heather: The game is always the same. At the end of each episode there is voting-based elimination- Sierra: But not always. There are exceptions
Heather: Ekhem... Person with most votes is out, and the Final Two fight for Milion dollars Chris: Nope! This time the reward is 10 Miltion Bucks! *Shock. Even in people who werent interested at first like Gwen or Duncan* Chris: Shut it! Now we will be splitting into teams. There will be 6 of them. To what team you go will be based elimination order from previous seasons. Let's start:
Chris: Wild'zekiel, Team A. Walk over there *Chris points at his far right, contestants' far left.* Ezekiel seems less feral. Looks like he finaly got the terapy he deserved. But still has some Leftovers. Chris: Eva, Team B.
Eva walks up to the spot on the left of Ezekiel Chris: Noah, Team C. Noah goes where he needs too and shares some looks with Eva. Chris: Justin, Team D. Justin walks to his place. Chris: Katie, Team E. Katie goes to the spot to Justin's right Chris: Tyler, Team F. Tyler takes the final spot. Chris: Izzy, Team A. Izzy: Yo, Ezekiel! Glad your hair is finaly regrowing. Chris: Cody, Team B. Cody slowly walks up to his team's spot, but keeps the distance from Eva Chris: Beth, Team C.
Beth goes there, where she needs. Chris: Sadie, Team D.
Sadie runs up to Katie, Screaming and they hug.
Chris: No! I said Team D! Not Team E! Sadie is sad, and goes to the correct team. But she isn't sad for long, because she sees that she is in the team with Justin Chris: Courtney, Team E. Courtney goes there. Chris: Harold, Team F. Harold goes there.
Chris: Trent, Team A.
Trent goes there.
Chris: Bridgette, Team B.
Bridgette goes there, but hides behind cody. Eva doesn't care Chris: Lindsay, Team C.
Lindsay gasps, runs up to Beth and They are very happy. Noah sighs, saying: „Great...” Chris: DJ, Team D. Sadie: Yay! DJ! Chris: Geoff, Team E. Geoff is quite happy, as always. Chris: Leshawna, Team F. Leshawna seems quite happy with her team, as does Tyler and Harold Chris: Duncan, Team A.
Duncan goes there, not impressed or anything.
Chris: Heather, Team B.
Heather was the fist one of her team who got close to Eva. Eva is listening on her smartphone. (haha, no more mp3's. Now smartphones are the thing)
Chris: Gwen, Team C.
Gwen is as happy as noah is. Chris: Owen, Team D. Owen high-five's DJ, Justin and Sadie Chris: Blainley... Sorry... Mildred >:), Team E.
Mildred is just as happy of her team as Courtney is.
Chris: Sierra, Team F. Sierra: Noooo! Cody! (Cody is in Team B) Leshawna whispers to Tyler on the side: She goes out first.
He nods. Chris: Alejandro! Team A. Alejandro walks up to his team, smiling... He smiles outside. Chris: Ms. Blah Blah. Shut Your yapper and go to Team B.
Staci stops talking to Millie and goes to her team.
Chris: Dakotazaurus-Rex. Team C. Dakota goes to her team. Noah and Gwen share a look. They aren't dissapointed. Chris: Beverly, Team D. Owen High-Five's B.
Chris: Dawn, Team E... Oh... You are arleady there... Alright Chris: Sam. Team F.
*Sam stops playing on his 3BS*: Wha... Oh... Okay. Sierra: Yo! Is that Pocketed Monsters Platinium? Sam: Yeah. They are way better than Pearl or Diamond. Sierra: Not even talking about their NonTendo Swap remakes. They both laugh a bit, and Chris Continues
Chris: Brick, Team A.
Bricks walks up to his team, and Tries sharing a handshake with Duncan, Failing.
Chris: Anne Maria, Team B.
Anna: Wha- Oh okay. *She walks up to her team* Heather: Wow! Your hair looks... Gorgeous! Anna: Thank you! But yours could use a bit of Conditioner Cody: Yeesh
Heather pushes Cody away, he Lands at Eva. She doesn't care and continues listening to her music.
Chris: Finaly single Mike!, Team C.
Mike: I 'm not single! Singular? Maybe.
Chris: Jo, Team D. Jo walks up to her team, complementing DJ and fist-bumping him.
Chris: Scott, Team E.
Courtney and Scott: What? No!
Chris: Zoey, Team F.
Zoey welcomes her teammates. Get's either ignored by Sam and Sierra nerding out about NanTendo, or getting death stare from Leshawna
Chris: Lightning, Team A.
Lightning: Oh Yeah! A is for Sha-Avesome!
Chris: Cameron, Team B.
Cameron isn't really sure about his team.
Eva is Eva, Cody and Bridgette are being bored to sleep by Staci, Heather is mad at Anne. So he just goes there, but with a bit of distance. Chris: Caleb. Team C.
Caleb just walks up to his team, thinking.
Chris: Axel, Team D.
Axel walks up to her team. Starts a conversation with Jo.
Chris: Nicole, Team E. Nicole: Okay! Hey, team.
Mildred: BTW, Your career was nothing compared to mine. Good thing it ended. Nicole was to shoked to speak.
Chris: Scary, Team F.
Zoey welcomes Scary Girl. She might regret that.
Chris: Damien, Team A.
Damien goes there.
Chris: MK, Team B.
MK: Ugh...
Noah: Your team not-so-great too, huh?
MK: You bet. But at least we are not Team A. Just Look at theese guys.
Noah: Yeah.
Chris: Wayne, Team C.
Wayne: Hey!
Mike: Hey.
Caleb: Hey~
Noah: Jesus Fucking Christ.
/*Caleb Confessional
Well... Playing „Justin” didn't do much for me last time. And based on that reaction, I have to change strategies.
Or I could just try playing it safe and get Lindsay and Beth like Justin did. Oh. Of course I know them. I watched the show. Duh. Well... It might not work for Lindsay anymore... Hmmm *Thinking noises*
Chris: Raj, Team D.
Raj goes there.
Chris: Ripper, Team E.
Ripper tries making fun of Dawn, which fails, because she wasn't listening, and just responded with „Huh?”
Chris: Zee, Team F.
Zee: *Sips his soda* Hey Lauren. We are in the same team.
Scary Girl: Yeah! This is going to be so much fun! *She looks at leshawna, zoey backs off a bit* Chris: Chase, Team A.
/*Trent Confessional So Yeah... Half of our team are jocks... Would Izzy count as a jock?
Chris: Emma, Team B.
Emma goes there.
Chris: Juliet, Team C.
Juliet: Well, this is gonnna suck. My whole team are just weirdos. Maybe except for Caleb.
Chris: Millie, Team D.
Millie goes there.
Chris: Bowie, Team E.
/*Bowie Confessional
Well... My team might not be the strongest... But I will survive.
And Raj's Team is strong, so he will be fine too.
Chris: And Ending on Priya, Team F.
Priya walks up to Leshawna, Harold and Tyler confidently: Hey guys.
Harold: Hey.
Tyler: What's up!
Leshawna just rolls her eyes.
/*Priya Confessional
Well... To survive, I need allies. And Leshawna, Harold and Tyler are good enough for allies, and weak enough to fuck up, and get eliminated instead of me. Maybe I could even get to Sierra and Sam?
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florbelles · 6 months
cw flops thoughts under the cut (this is a joke)
there is no universe where i could viably justify sile in-character letting him go through with the ascention because she has already lost literally everyone EXCEPT for those currently around her (nessa included she's with them by then) she's ever been close to and so the second she even gets a vague "lol btw you'll be destroyed" inkling she is going to shut that the fuck down absolutely not (would love to claim it's because she has a moral interest here but she does not) BUT
gnashing my teeth over that lowkey bc yeah yeah good for her this bitch actually wins and gets her Good Ending for once in her long long existence (sorry baby) and yes that warms my cold cold heart and if i think too long about the fact that this is the only life where she is fighting tooth and nail to live instead of a determination to take the world down with her i'll have a fucking meltdown but i am who i am so naturally what i spend my time thinking about instead is that she would never be able to stay with ascendedstarion as a partner she would not be who she is if she was someone who could live with that imbalance in a relationship (she would not want it in reversed roles either at this stage in her life, hashtag growth) so while she would stay his ally and sort-of friend once he has his three days of sulking because morality has never been the obstacle for her there and she and minthy probably still sneak into his parties for the next few decades (if i decide to metagame and just say Uh They Assumed She Was Dead and call it a day since it wouldn't occur to sile to leave anyone alive on purpose which i. probably will i will allow myself SOME indulgences) that would be that on that but!! while that's not their Canon End and it's not her canon #Winning end i 1) think their dynamic would be objectively fucking hilarious and 2) it's still kind of. a good ending for her in the way that her actual ending is because look on paper playing consort and seizing power and control dot mp3 was always MEANT to be her future that's quite literally what she was raised for and trained for and the endgame of her life as essentially a glorified courtesan before her family fell and no she never wanted that for herself. no she's never been good at sitting still no she's never been good at doing what she's told and while she's an excellent leader she is too intemperate to be an excellent ruler and she has always known that she NEVER wanted that constraint but she also always knew it was realistically what was in store for her in spite of all of her small rebellions and public scandals of self-sabotage. and maybe maybe maybe if she stands still long enough to hear her inner voice creep up (she has spent the last decade doing her very best not to give it the chance) maybe it wasn't mercy or pragmatism or compliance that led her to take the blade her father handed her and slaughter them. maybe she already knew she'd never finish it and turn it on herself because maybe this was the only way she could ever actually live the life she wanted maybe it was the only way she could ever escape her fate and maybe her sort-of uncle did her the greatest service anyone ever would when he led that coup. and now she's not that nineteen year old girl anymore she's not a spoiled noble brat anymore she's been the one in control now for ten fucking years and she is never giving that up for anyone or anything so she looks at the life she was meant for with whatever is left of her best friend and says no i won't do this for you i won't be this again. haha. :)
(obvs Bad Ending~~ or whatever would be she does cave and she does become exactly what she was always meant to be and fate came and swallowed her whole Even After Everything and she's the beautiful woman with everything and nothing again, now eternal, which also holds its appeal for my diabolical self but that's a character choice she would never make AFTER a character choice she would never make so. very far removed from anything i could viably do without betraying her characterization integrity)
but again this is all for naught because she actually just Wins and Gets Everything She Wants in this life. enjoy the rest of your human lifespan. bitch
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midsummereve1993 · 7 months
Could you a mick mars where reader is pregnant with there second child and there eldest who is five is asking how she got pregnant and where does babies come from
Sorry this took so long to write, I had it in the works and then my grandma for sick, and then I lost her, so I'm just now starting to get back on track
@saylorsaysstop @mick-mars-appreciation-blog @valeriiecameron @love-on-mars @jd-mp3 @la-undercover-latina
Where do babies come from
January 5 1996
Summery fluff and mentions of pregnancy and the birds and the bees.
A/n please let me know what you think about this, just so I can get feedback on my stories
Mick walked into the kitchen to see his daughter irelyn sitting at the table drawing as he saw his wife at the stove cleaning it as he walked over and placed his hands on her baby bump and gave her a kiss on the cheek making her laugh, "good morning baby she said turning around to kiss him on the lips before heading over to there daughter. She was currently pregnant with their second daughter and she was due in March and he couldn't be happier, Mick never gave much thought to having more children because he had three adult children and one grandchildren and another on the way.
But that all changed when he met kimber 1988  and irelyn was born two years later, kimber had Complications with her first pregnancy and they both decided not to have anymore kids but last year they found out they were expecting again and this pregnancy seems to ok with no issues or complications, his three older children adored there sister and are excited for another sibling to join the the family. "Daddy can I ask a question," six year old irelyn said, coming up to her dad and sitting in his lap, "sure baby anything Mick said smiling. She was at the age where she liked to ask questions and mick and kimber loved to see her learn, "where do babies come from daddy because mommy is pregnant and sissy stormy is pregnant too she said making mick eyes grow wide at the question. 
"Um well baby he said trying to think of the words to say that was appropriate for a Six year old, he saw his wife laughing her butt off. "Daddy answered my question, "how did mommy and sissy storm get the babies in them and how do they get out? irelyn said looking at both parents. "Well mommy has a special seed that she plants in the ground and daddy comes along and waters the ground, "so u sprouted from the ground cool she said making her parents laugh. "Yes baby you did and then we went to the field and picked you up and brought you home, "so you are picking my sister up from the field.
"Yes sweetie now why don't you finish your drawing? Mick said as he watched as his daughter walked to the kitchen table before looking at his wife, "so planted in the ground baby she said laughing as Mick gave her a glare. "It's what I thought of in a panic, "haha I can't imagine you going to a field and picking out a baby, she said, trying to picture him doing that. "Haha funny baby, "I can't imagine myself either so let's just leave it at that he said giving his wife a kiss as they walked over to their daughter.
Irelyn never asked again but the thought of mick going to a field and picking babies made her laugh each time, on March 17 1996 they welcomed their second daughter Scarlett ann into the world and their family was complete.
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callofdooty · 1 year
Okay Kip, I know you said it was Keegan who was "Numb" by Linkin Park, but it is SUCH a Logan song.
Don't know what you're expecting of me Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
Is that not just Logan bitching about Rorke choosing him to be another exorcist? (What I've decided the name is for whatever the Federation made Rorke into. Yeah it's a play on words.)
All I want to do Is be more like me And be less like you
Hello? Logan wanting to be Logan again and not what the Federation tried making him?
But I know You were just like me with someone disappointed in you
Also this is just me adoring the HC that Logan reads motherfuckers like a book and does so with Rorke.
(Also: I Hc that Logan likes Linkin Park a bit too much, so that's why this is happening lmao. Motherfucker has an Mp3 player with all their songs.)
GOD you are so right. I was thinking that while typing the comment (tbh it's such a good song to fit so many characters LOL) but pairing it with Logan after the game.... The angst. THE ANGST.
Logan fighting for his own autonomy and freedom against all odds, the many ways such a concept can go is sooooo fucking fascinating. Many thoughts. Many. Many thoughts.
AND YES, I can see Logan being the kind of person to just. Observe. Looking beyond what most people take upfront.
And I very much relate HAHA, Linkin Park's music is so, so good. Honestly Logan + Linkin Park songs is such a good combination too. Like if I was to list a few (all from Hybrid Theory/Meteora bcs I'm most familiar with them):
Breaking the Habit (if he's rescued by the Ghosts after some time perhaps); In The End (Maybe for him, Rorke and Hesh?); One Step Closer; Lying From You; Figure.09; Hit The Floor; Don't Stay; maybe even Point of Authority.
AND HONESTLY THERE'S SO MANY OTHER SONGS! Even from different artists (Diluted and Override by Slipknot come to mind ESPECIALLY.) (Maybe even Purity if you want to get into some severe Horror elements)
Or even this bit from No Life (link will take you straight to the section I'm talking abt):
"I can't remember, I don't understand Is it malice that makes you this way? Carry it with you 'til someone forgives you I laugh 'cause there's nothing to say You can't begin to consider the palpable hate In the air when you're here None of us wonder what weather you're under You're making it perfectly clear"
The Exorcist thing also makes me think of No Nature by A Lot Like Birds (the pure seething rage in that song is delightful honestly)
If there's one thing I absolutely love doing, it's assigning songs to character LMFAO Got my brain buzzing like a beehive and I love it
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