#Vassili Schneider
meltinghun · 6 months
A real gentleman ; Joseph Descamps.
summary: Joseph and Reader never got really along until something changed.
warnings: genderneutral!reader, enemies-to-lovers, idiots in love!!, Y/N mentions lol, just kiss already.
author's note: Hi! I wrote this bc I fell in love with Mixte 1963, and when I looked up for ffs, there were NONE, so I said, 'I'll take one for the team' and came up with this. Please keep in mind that I'm not a writer and english is not my first language, I'll appreciate it if you can point at any errors. <3
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The chilly breeze hitted their faces, making them close their eyes momentarealy due to its force, breathing in the smell of wet soil mixed with the freshly made bread from the bakery a few houses down the road.
The day looked very promising; today they woke up a little bit earlier than usual, using the extra time to finish in advance some english homework assigned for the next week and even strarting a big upcomig proyect due to the end of the month, hearing the weatherman in the radio as a background noise, announcing that it was going to be an unusually warm day of autumn.
Everything seemed perfect, the subtle orange hue of the skyes illuminating their face as they walked and the soft rumbling of cars passing by the principal street made them feel like a character of one of those romantic movies they dearly love watching, a thought that felt reinforced when every leave they stepped on made a perfect crunch sound. A soft greeting left their lips when they walked past one of their neighbours who was heading out to work like many other people did at those hours.
It truly felt like a peaceful morning.
'You seem lost in thought. Are you daydreaming about me already?'
Until it wasn't.
They dedicated a slight scowl towards the person who dared to interrupt their peace and inhaled a big breath of air before answering.
'Not even in your greatest dreams, Descamps.' They made a condescending gesture with their hand. 'Now leave me alone, yeah? I was perfectly fine until you came with your annoying presence.'
A booming laugh abandoned his throat. 'Don't act so disinterested. I know you couldn't live without my annoying presence even if you wanted.'
Joseph Descamps. He was a classmate of theirs that took an interesting liking towards their persona, or how they liked to say, a liking towards making their life miserable.
Since the start of the year he took every possibility to annoy them out of their mind, it started with some snark remarks insulting their way of doing certain things and it slowly progressed to petty acts, such as slighty tugging their hair when passing each other, hide their belongings when they aren't looking and even blocking their path by standing in the entryways, smiling down at them while demanding a 'password' that changed every day. Just petty acts meant to be a pain in the head.
He was everything they couldn't stand: a bully with some serious narcissist tendencies who, on top of it all, loved to get a rise out of people by pushing their boundaries and provoking them in any possible way.
But even with that horrendous description, Y/N couldn't avoid that rare feeling at the bottom of their stomach whenever he was close. At first they thought that it was a reflect of how disgusted they truly felt by his persona and the gross acts he usually did, a few weeks later, that feeling was accompannied with their heartbeat increasing when they noticed that he was invading their personal space, but chalked it up as just being nervous of his tall frame hovering them like some sort of prey, that made total sense on their head. However, some days later, he did something that made them realise what they truly felt for the boy with the patch.
It started to rain towards the end of the day, exactly 15 minutes into their english class and the frustration was clearly palpable, it was so unexpected that nobody could've predicted it; what it seemed to be a passing grey cloud turned out to be a massive downpour, Y/N started to complain with their friends about how it was a shame that they chosed to use the new sweater their grandmother knitted for them and how sad it was that now it would get ruined under the relentless rain. When the class was over, they noticed how Joseph went outside the building running and disappeared behind the school gates. They thought it was really weird, but they knew better than to expect something coherent from him. Minutes passed and it seemed like the temporal was getting worse so a few people decided to just suck it up and walk under the cold rain, sighing for themselves and rapidly lamenting once more the lost of the sweater, they prepared to follow the steps of the brave mass of students when a breathless voice interrupted their movements.
'L/N, wait!' A disheveled and completely soaked Joseph made himself seen, his shout drawing attention to the both of them.
'What do you want now, Descamps? I'm already late to home, I don't need you keeping me here any longer than necessary.' They stated with a confused frown, curious as to why was he there but trying to mask it behind indifference.
A smirk made its presence on his sharp features. 'I know, but I couldn't just let you go like that under the rain, that wouldn't be so gentlemanly of me, don't you think?' From behind his back, he pulled a blue umbrella and extended it to a dumbfounded Y/N.
Was that really happening right now? Did the most annoying person they ever met just ran under the rain to bring them an umbrella? And not only that, but he somehow managed to get one with their favorite color, too. Did he just called it to be a mere gentlemanly act?
It might as well start raining cats and dogs.
They opened and closed their mouth, being left without anything to say for the first time, a half-hearthed chuckle interrumping their messy train of thought.
'I heard what you said about your sweater and how sad you would be if it got ruined.' They swore that their heart would get out of their chest for how hard it was beating. 'And I didn't want you to get heartbroken for it, so I thought that you could use one of these.'
He closed the distance that separated them by taking a few steps, reaching out for their free hand and making them hold the umbrella, the contact between their fingertips sparkling a something deep inside each other.
'I know we are supposed to not like each other, but let me be nice to you for once, please.' His eye shining with an intensity they couldn't explain. 'Don't worry, we can keep hating us tomorrow.' When he saw that they wouldn't object, he turned around and began walking outside, getting under the rain once more.
Feeling the heat creeping on their face and having found their voice, they asked out loud.
'How did you know?' His head turned around enough for them to see his face. 'How did you know that it's my favorite color?'
They knew that it could've perfectly been a mere coincidence, something insignificant that shouldn't be overly analized, but something told them that it wasn't like that. They really hoped it wasn't. And it was confirmed when he flashed them another one of his infamous smirks.
'Sometimes I listen to you more than i should.'
Since that very moment it's been really difficult to fight the involuntary smiles that made a way into their face when he unexpectedly tries to integrate them to a conversation by asking their opinion on a subject, or the feeling of warmth that invaded their chest everytime they made visual contact and let's not forget how everytime they both "accidentaly" brush hands Y/N had the extremely rare need to interlock their hands with him.
But after all, he was still Joseph Descamps, the attractive cocky idiot who is always up on some trouble that he himself seeked out.
'...-ou cold?'
They blinked repeatledly with confusion written all over their face, the taller boy smiling down at them for being able to catch them distracted.
'I asked if you weren't cold.' He repeated the question slower, a soft look on his eye. 'You are shivering'.
If he didn't pointed it out, they wouldn't noticed that, in fact, they were shivering. The chilly air becoming colder than before making them lowly insult the unstable weather of the so-called "unusually warm day", having only a thin cardigan that didn't do much to help.
'It's nothing. The school's a few blocks ahead, and I can take a little bit of cold.' Grumbled under their breath, only to sneeze some moments later.
The boy snorted while shaking his head before swiftly taking off his coat and placing it on their sholders. 'You are not going to catch a cold, or at least not on my company.'
'You are being awfully nice to me lately.' In a slight moment of braveness, they blurted out the question that was tormenting their head. 'Are you flirting with me, Descamps?'
An incredulous look got settled in his face, and they regretted saying it immediately, wishing to come back on time to stop themselves and save them from the embarrassment. Did they read the signals wrong? Was he only trying to become their friend? Was he only being nice? Was he...?
'Yes! Thank you for finally noticing it, I was starting to think that you were cruelly ignoring my advances.' A beautiful and dashing smile was sent in their direction, the biggest they ever saw him smiling.
And it was because of them.
A shaky sigh left their lips accompanied by a nervous laugh, not realizing they were holding their breath, with equally shaky hands coming up their head to accommodate their hair on a jittery action.
'I... I didn't know, really. I had a slight impression, but I thought that I was imagining things.' They cleared their throat in an attempt to regain their cool and collected personality. 'So, when are you taking me on a date then?'
The slight quiver on their voice was noticed by the still very amused boy, who took mental notes on how cute they looked flustered and to try to do it again in the future when given the opportunity.
'Would you accept if I asked you to skip school with me and have a date right now? I don't think I can wait any longer.' He asked with a playful tone, typical of him.
They let out a snort. 'I would tell you that you are crazy if you think that I would do something as risky as that. But lucky for you, I'm free today, so meet me at the cinema at four o'clock.'
'Then I shall see you there.' Replied between soft laughs, not believing that this was really happening. 'Some recommendations for this poor soul?'
The open gates were a few meters ahead of them, the other students that hanged outside throwing curious and shocked looks on their direction when they noticed the much larger coat that lied on Y/N's shoulders and the flustered smiles on their faces.
'Yes, the most important thing, don't you dare being late. If I get there and I don't see you, you can even forget that we know each other.' He brought both hands up in the air in a sign of redemption. 'I'm serious about this. You'll regret it if you do.'
'I wouldn't even dare thinking about it, I'll let Magnan take my other eye before screwing my opportunity with you.'
Their eyes widened at the hidden seriousness of the statement and the simplicity with which he pronounced it, the sincerity of it all making their heart race like crazy. Slowly nodding their head while trying to gather their thoughts.
'Well, it's settled then, at fo-...'
'Four o'clock sharp, I couldn't forget even if I wanted to.' He made a pause, regaining his usual playfulness. 'Should I bring you flowers? I want to be a real gentleman with you.'
'Okay, now you are showing off that you know how to flatter someone, shut up.' Rolling their eyes with a smile, they started walking toward the gates, leaving him behind. 'And I like camellias, for your information.'
'I only wish to flatter you, nobody else!' He said loudly, making people start to whisper about the supposed swear enemies.
'You don't want to know.' Was the only thing they said, accompanied by a slight shrug of shoulders.
Trying to bite back a bigger smile they waved him off, getting closer to their friend group with each step they took, all of them looking the exchange with incredulous eyes, silently begging for an answer as to what just happened.
They never before wished that the day would end up sooner.
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yvjnslxt · 6 months
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naomiswonderland · 6 months
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A week had passed since Michéle’s brother had punched the boy who had played a joke on her. Of course she felt anger and embarrassment when water soaked up her entire school clothes but now that her brother was on the brim of getting expelled and her classmate had possibly lost an eye, she only felt utter guilt.
Her mind was clouded with all the possible outcomes that could come with her brother getting expelled. Would she even be able to keep staying at her new school? Would her parents also blame her? My god, Jean-Pierre will hate me forever! She thought when suddenly an arm wrapped around her shoulder.
“Morning!” Simones smile was brighter than ever that it could even make her feel a little better. “Morning Simone” Michéle replied but her voice came out different than she expected. “Oh my, are you still thinking about that dumb boy? It’s been a week, everyone’s already forgotten all about him.” She reassured her friend although it didn’t help much. “I’m not really concerned about him but more about my brother.” Michéle dragged her feet to school which she dreaded more than ever, her teachers and classmates all assume that she’s stuck up and gets a free pass because of her uncle now. Way to start off the new school year.
Can this get any worse? She thought to herself. “Don’t worry. I’ll always be by your side.” Michéle smiled, at least one person was making her feel less awful. As soon as the two friends entered through the school gate it was chatter all over the place. Yet the real talk of the school would enter minutes after. There he was, Joseph Descamps with an eye patch covering his left eye. It was dead quiet while he walked towards his friends, not missing a single glance at Michéle. She felt intimidated and scared although she was convinced he wouldn’t try doing something to her again because of her brother.
For a week she had been trying to reassure herself that he had it coming and that it wasn’t really her fault in the first place. She pressed her lips together tightly, her brows furrowing as she glanced at her friend once more, a similar expression on her face as well. Arm in arm they walked to class silently even though Simone tried to change the topic from time to time it was no use.
Time had passed and Michéle was sat in Latin for her second period. For the whole day she had been glancing at Joseph from time to time, even though he pretended not to notice he shared her glances a few times which left Michéle embarrassed and scribbling on paper, pretending to do something. “I’m so not ready for pe in third period. My bruise is so big! You cannot imagine how embarrassing it’s gonna be if people notice.” Simone whispered. “I don’t think it matters that much. That’s noting compared to Jospeh’s eye.” Although Michéle hadn’t intended for her reply to sound funny , Simone who felt absolutely no remorse let out a small cackle which caught the attention of the teacher.
“Is something funny?” Mr Douillard asked with an irritated tone which left the girl’s shaking their heads profusely. “You can stand outside if my lesson is boring you two!” He demanded and pointed at the door. Good, got in trouble once again. Michéle shut her eyes tightly as she and Simone left the classroom to stand out front. “He really needs to tone it down a bit. So dramatic!” Simone exclaimed in a louder tone than necessary which made Michéle alarm her to keep her voice down. “We have thin walls here, he can still hear us!”
Not a second later the door opened and left Simone and Michéle wide eyed. Had he really heard them?! A tall figure with his hands in his pocket appeared in front of them. It was Joseph. His eyes landed on the red haired girl as he stood there for a few seconds, watching her play with her fingers. Michéle averted her gaze as he walked past them, his shoulder intentionally bumping into Michéles smaller frame. “Watch it!” Simone yelled in an angry tone. “Who does he think he is?!” But Michéle knew that he was angry and was probably going to let his anger out on her…
It was during break in which Michéle noticed her brother looking nervous and sweating profusely. Yes, today was his disciplinary hearing. “Are you even listening?“ Simone asked. “Huh? What?” Michéle looked at her friend that was sitting across from her. “No, sorry what were you saying?” “Ugh, I was talking about the new movie that just came out!” Simone’s voice faded into the background as she scanned the whole school yard but her brother was nowhere to be found. Then she saw Joseph walking to the bathroom, even though it seemed normal something was odd about the way he walked nervously looking around. As soon as their eyes met she knew something was wrong. Before she could do anything the school bell rang. “Simone you can go first, I’ll be running a little late, okay?“ “What? Why?” “Just go.” She said and ran to the boys bathroom as the yard was getting emptied.
Her hand reached for the doorknob when the door suddenly opened with a mischievous laughing Joseph. His smile disappeared once he saw Michéle standing in front of him. “The hell do you want?” His gaze was filled with anger and disgust. Gosh, he really hated her. “Oh, did you wanna go in for a quickie?“ he smirked but was met only with Michéles confused face. “Is my brother in there?” She ignored his weird statement and tried to look past his shoulder before the door closed. The only thing she could see was a broom locking a door and few faint yells. Panic set on Michéles face as she put the pieces together. “Did you lock my brother in the toilet stall?!” She yelled and tried to push past him.
“Oh no, leave my brother alone!” He mocked her voice as he blocked her way into the boys bathroom. “Stop it! Both of you!” Michéle and Joseph looked at Mr Bellanger who would definitely not let Michéle in or get into the bathroom as well. “Have you lost your mind? Fighting like this on the school yard!” “But Uncle, my brother-“ “I will be seeing him in the teachers office for his disciplinary hearing. Don’t make this any harder for him, Michéle. His options aren’t looking too good right now.” Michéle looked at him, brows furrowed as she felt the guilt she tried to suppress resurfacing and swallowing her whole. Suddenly the three of them heard a commotion in the bathroom and then a loud yell. The door opened and an angry Jean-Pierre was met with three surprised faces.
“I’m so sorry, Mr Bellanger. I was.. locked in the bathroom stall by this idiot! My Jacket, it’s ruined!” He stated. “Am I late? Do we still have time?” Michéle had never seen her brother this distressed before. He was usually so put together calm and rational but now she was causing him trouble. “You can wear my jacket and you two better get to class right now!” Her uncle exclaimed as she made her way to the gymnasium with Joseph.
“You’re horrible!” She stated and gave him a dirty look which he did likewise. He suddenly stopped in his tracks and grabbed the girl by the arm, yanking her back to him. His finger pointed at his eye patch. “I’m horrible? Look at what your fucking brother did to my face!” He said, his tone angry but he didn’t yell. “All because of you.” He whispered. “You started it!” She yelled and tried to push him off of her. “I felt bad in the beginning but now I realise you completely deserved it!” She retorted which only made Joseph tighten his grip around her arm.
“Let her go!” A voice appeared behind the two of them. Michéle looked past Joseph’s shoulder and met eyes with Laubrac. A wave of relief washed over her as Joseph let go of her and she quickly made her way over to her classmat. “Well if it isn’t the foster kid and the deans niece.” Joseph smirked, putting his hands back into his pocket.
a/n: i’m really not sure if this was written okay and I hope you guys like the idea! I really wanted to ask you for ideas but I thought I couldn’t keep you guys waiting any longer. Im really open for any visions and stuff that you guys have just comment them or put on my ask thingy (I’m not even sure I have one tbh). Just bombard me with some ideas I’d really like that<3 i hope you guys liked this
tags: @ssnowville @
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girlystories · 6 months
something that kinda seems to bother me is the lack of information of Voltaire high. for example, no fandom wiki, no tags, no interviews, ect.
that's really disheartening for a fan who especially wants to include themselves in a fandom that doesn't exist. what I've been thinking, is to make a wiki page on fandom website.
if anyone would like to help with any information, my messages will be open.
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clubartaesthetic · 5 months
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i-windir · 6 months
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MIXTE1963 , — i recently watched it n im so surprised that this french serie were so good , as a french person i rlly appreciate it! i made some searches for helping people to more understand the serie , for having the historical/ political context , (also made this post for encouraging people to write abt it) i hope that Mixte 1963 became more famous and i’m so sad that there is literally no fandom , btw for the future i will make maybe fanfic, hcs idk if it’s interest people lol . ++ im soo sorry for my english, im french 😔
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the serie take place at St Jean d’Angely a little rural town near La Rochelle.
the 11 girls came in because there is no enough places at the others high schools, and the others school near Voltaire high are expensive.
*Annick explain that in the 1st episode to Miss Couret.. when they almost to be fired after the accident
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Laubrac the foster kid
The public Assistance was created by the French State, consisted principally at the WW2 to help the families to give up their child by the fault of war context, financial problems, or death of the family…
this publication have more detailed informations
The reason why he is hated by some people is because the Assistance’s children are adopted, they don’t have their real parents/families they are considered as : «Batard » which mean a child with no family, at the 20th century’s and before that was a shame to be adopted or coming from The Public Assistance.
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Simone the foreign girl
She is a pied noir and her family too , it mean that her family are french but moved to Alger ( capital of Algeria ) due probably to the french invasion or the Algeria war,
The pieds noirs were hated for multiple reasons but principally they were blamed for the Algeria war who caused the fall of the 4th Republic.
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maybe i will add more things 🖤 hope u likes it
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riaraa · 6 months
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No Angels by bellarkyy on AO3
A Mixte 1963/Voltaire High fanfiction about Michèle Magnan and Joseph Descamps
Joseph becomes obsessed with Michèle after she is the reason for him losing his eye. But, instead of hating her in the way he expected, he is beyond attracted to her. She won't leave his mind no matter what he does. And as he witnesses her begin her journey of figuring out sexual pleasure, he is happy to insert himself and help her out.
Michèle is drawn to Descamps, has been since the moment she saw him. He is tall and broad and once he has the eyepatch on, his attractiveness becomes exponentially more. With being around so many boys, something about her has changed and she doesn't know how to describe it other than feeling hot all of the time. And, one boy in particular makes her feel like she is burning: Descamps. When he offers to help her discover what true pleasure is despite their past, she can't deny him.
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olivexii · 2 months
⁀➷ ┄─ ˑ V . ☆ ──ㅤ Knee Socks
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Joseph Descamps x reader
Chapter 5
Warnings: Smoking
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
“How’s your exposé coming along?” I asked the two girls as we walked to school.
“It’s alright. We haven’t started writing yet but we picked a theme, so that’s something!” Simone replied, “How’s yours? What was Descamps like?”
Michèle remained silent, listening.
“He was alright. Upset about his eye but, he was alright.”
“He didn’t start anything did he?”
“No, he was actually nice. He worked for a bit and tidied everything up at the end.” The two gave me a look of suspicion when I said that.
“He definitely wants something from you.” Simone exclaimed and Michèle nodded in agreement.
“No he doesn’t.”
“What if he does?” Asked the blonde girl.
“What could he want?”
“I don’t know, but keep your eye on him Y/N.” Simone said as we neared the school gates.
I grumbled a response that they couldn’t hear as we headed to class, Simone pointing out yet another cute boy in the corridor.
During first lesson, Annick came running in late, blonde hair untidy and her pretty blue dress wrinkled.
“Miss Sabiani, how kind of you to grace us with your presence.” Bluebeard called to her with the intention of embarrassing her.
As Annick looked off to the side, I curiously followed her gaze, turning my head until my eyes landed on Pichon, who was smiling back at the blonde girl. Cute.
Unsurprisingly, Descamps catches my eye as I start to turn my head back to the front. I’m guessing he could feel my eyes looking towards him as he turned to face me as well, a soft, rosy pink colour coating his cheeks as we made eye contact
I quickly turned to the front after meeting his gaze, embarrassed, now focusing on the teacher and Annick.
As Mrs Giraud was distracted with reading the late note she was given, I heard Descamps’ voice call for Pichon.
Pichon stuttered out a response nervously, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying, I was too nervous to turn around and look at the two incase they caught me eavesdropping.
“You’ve come to class looking like that?”
“I’m sorry, I had to run.” The blonde at the front of the class replied, trying to catch her breath.
“Well you should leave earlier shouldn’t you? One hours detention.”
“Do you object?” The teacher leaned towards her, late note still in hand.
While Sabiani protested against Mrs Giraud (earning her multiple hours of detention.) I turned to look at Simone on the right of me, her doing the same. We both rolled our eyes at the stubborn teacher and waited for the class to be over.
Not much else happened for the rest of the day, just a lot of eye rolling and sighing out of tiredness.
Descamps had come up to me at break, telling me that we were going to his after school to work on the project, and that he would wait for me outside of my last class.
“We need to get the Camus books from my house before we go to yours.” I told him, putting on my cardigan as he held onto my satchel.
“It’s on the way anyway.” He replied, handing me my bag back.
“Thank you.” I mumbled, throwing it over my shoulder.
We had not talked about what had happened last time we saw each other. We were both nervous to bring it up.
“My ma also wants to know if you’re staying for dinner” Descamps broke the silence, hands slumped into his pockets.
“Uhm- I’ll have to ask my brother when we get to mine.”
Suddenly his hand grabbed my arm, moving us over to the right as a car sped past us, the breeze blowing my hair into my face.
“Prick.” Joseph grumbled as he tucked my hair behind my ear before looking angrily at the car which had now sped away.
“T-thank you.” I stuttered, looking up at him as he started to walk again, leaving me stood there blushing. I ran after him to catch up, my legs not as long as his.
We didn’t speak another word until we got to my house, just awkward eye contact and the grazing of our arms as we moved out of the way of passing cars.
“I’m going to go pack the books, can you ask my brother if I can stay at yours for dinner please?” I told the tall boy as I opened the door.
He just nodded and followed me into the house.
“You took long walking.” Michael said as he stood up from the couch, walking towards us with a bottle of beer in his hand.
“Yep, I’m going to pack books, we’re study at Descamps’ tonight.” I said, pulling my cardigan and shoes off before running up the wood staircase.
“Okay…” Was all I heard from Michael as I got further away, his conversation with Joseph fading out as I entered my room.
Quickly I grabbed a bigger satchel, placing the books that Joseph had put away yesterday into it.
As I slung it over my shoulder I leant down to look at my self in my vanity mirror. My hair was out of place and my face was still red, either from walking or Joseph tucking my hair behind my ear.
I ran my hand through my hair, trying to tame it as I sighed, mentally preparing for the next few hours.
“Alright, let’s go Descamps.” I said, running down the stairs and slipping my shoes on.
“Be home before the street lamps come on!” Michael said as he turned to sit back down on the couch, papers sprawled over the floor messily, probably his homework.
“Yes I know. Come on Joseph.” I huffed, grabbing him by his jacket and walking back out onto the street.
“You’re in a rush.” He chuckled, shutting the door behind him with one hand, his other gripping onto my bare arm that was holding onto his jacket.
“I’m tired and want to sit down. Now can we hurry up and walk to yours?” I complained as I let go of him.
He laughed in response and started walking. We walked a few steps before he realised he was still holding onto my wrist, quickly letting go. I mentally pouted at this, crossing my arms in an attempt to warm me up as the autumn breeze ran through the streets.
“You’re cold.” He stated, looking at me before pulling a packet of cigarettes and a silver lighter out of his brown jacket.
“No I’m not.” I replied, bringing my arms closer to me, “I just left my cardigan back home, I’m fine.”
“You’re shaking.” The boy carried on, lighting his cigarette and taking a drag.
“I’m fine.” I stated again, my pace quickening. I just wanted to sit down in a warm house.
“Here.” He stopped in his tracks, cigarette in his mouth and lighter in hand as he pulled off his brown jacket, revealing his deep green jumper.
I didn’t reply, only turning to look at him.
He pushed the jacket into my arms, “If you die of hyperthermia, I won’t get a good grade on this project .” He chuckles and puts his lighter into his trouser pocket.
I pouted at him, putting my satchel onto the pavement and fitting my arms into his jacket. It came to my mid thigh, the arms length covering my hand completely.
“You look like you’re drowning in it.”
“Shut up. You’re abnormally shaped it’s not my fault.” I sigh, picking my bag back up.
“YOU’RE the one thats abnormally shaped.” He took another drag of his cigarette and turned to carry on walking.
“You’re like what, 187cm? That’s not normal for someone our age.” I followed him.
“Excuse you. Anything under 170 is not normal for someone our age.”
“Okay. No need to be mean about it.”
“I’m not being mean, I’m being honest. There’s a difference.” The boy turned his head to me, one hand in his pocket, the other holding the half burnt out cigarette in his smirking mouth.
“Okay fine, just unlock your door Descamps.” I grumbled as we reached his front door, happy that I could finally sit down.
“Say please.” He held the key in front of me, one hand on the door nob.
“Please unlock your stupid door Descamps.” I repeated.
“There we go. See, I have a good influence on you, teaching you manners.” He smiled as he opened the door, discarding his cigarette in a white ashtray that lay on a nearby table.
We both took our shoes off, placing them by the table and closing the front door. I kept his jacket on, not sure what to do next as I awkwardly stood in front of him.
“My room is this way.” He pointed out as we walked towards a white door. He took his green jumper off, the white shirt underneath slightly riding up.
He threw the jumper onto a brown chair and jumped onto his bed, hands behind his head and legs resting at the end of the bed.
I stood still, not knowing what to do as the boy closed his eyes.
On one side of his room there was a big window, the shelf nearby holding a few plants (pothos specifically) and a collection of vinyls.
I curiously wondered over, placing my bag by the window as I stood on my tip-toes to glance at his collection.
“Here.” I heard from behind me, the bed creaked and he walked up to me, reaching above me to grab the music. As he did so his chest touched my back, and my breath hitched in my throat.
I took the opportunity to look up at his face. Small dark freckles dotted his cheeks and his brown hair was tousled.
Joseph stepped back, not looking down at me as he turned and carried the collection to his bed. He lay back down and brought his arms behind his head again.
“Knock yourself out.” He said as I stood still, admiring him, “Why are you just stood there? Don’t be so stiff, sit down.” The boy grumbled and sat up.
Quickly I walked over and sat on the edge of his bed, looking between him and the vinyls. He just looked at me back, his hands on his lap.
I could still feel his gaze on me as I looked through his music collection slowly.
“Françoise Hardy?” I asked, looking between him and the record in front of me, “Really?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong with her? She has a good song, released last year. I forgot the name…” He tried to recall, “the one that goes, et les yeux dans les yeux?” He hummed, and pointed towards his eye, as if that would help him to remember.
“You like Françoise Hardy?” I asked again, smiling.
“Yeah… what’s wrong with her?” he questioned, head titled to the side and worry etched on his face, eye brows knotted together. He looked sort of cute. Almost like he couldn’t brutally bully half of the people in our class.
“N-nothing!” I exclaimed back, “Just figured you for more of a Johnny Hallyday kind of guy.”
The boy just looked back at me, confused as his head tilted more, his body leaning more on his hands and towards me.
“You know, the ‘French Elvis.’”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He replied softly, looking back down at the vinyl in my hands.
“Françoise Hardy however, me and my ma love her.”
“You’re so unpredictable Joseph.” I laughed, suddenly feeling hot under his gaze. I took off his brown jacket and slung it over a nearby chair.
“So, Camus?” I said, picking up my bag from by the window and going to sit down with by back leaning on his bed, books laying in my lap.
“If we have to.” He grumbled in response.
Papers were sprawled all over his bed when his mother entered the room.
“Joseph?” She whisper-shouted, before walking into the room and realising that we had both fallen asleep.
Joseph lay on his side, his head resting on his arm as his other one dangled by the side of the bed, holding the back of my head up as I was sat, legs crossed and books still sprawled on my lap.
His mother sighed before exiting the room, “Teenagers these days are so interested in their school work.” She sarcastically stated.
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
A/N: sorry for not uploading in a month, two deaths happened so I had a lot to take care of 😭
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themuseparadox · 4 months
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VASSILI SCHNEIDER (french, canadian)
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filmap · 3 months
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Le Vourdalak Adrien Beau. 2023
Chapel ️ Prieuré du Sauvage, 12510 Druelle Balsac, France See in map
See in imdb
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itgirls-n-wannabes · 2 months
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Vassili Schneider, Robert Semjonovs and Liam Kelly photographed by Dominique Issermann for Numéro Homme
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yan-yangs · 4 months
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idontlikemonday · 5 months
Something I think is funny is that in a lot of fanfictions I read, Descamps is 18/19.
In the show, he is in 10th grade (the first year of high school in France), so he is 15/16.
I don’t know if it’s just a mistake made because of course the actor is older or if the character is aged up to not make it to weird for the people reading it.
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naomiswonderland · 6 months
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I am this close to writing about him in an au because whenever I search him up, everything’s in French and I can barely understand bits of what’s written. I was so upset when I found out he was just a side character.. I love michele and alain but I literally started the show because of him!! :(
would’ve loved to see more of him and I wish they’d make a season 2..
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villain-connoisseur · 5 months
thank you to the warm response to the previous post! ya'll talked me into doing it, so here we go!
the Mixte 1963/ Voltaire High story is going to initially be a Joseph Descamps x OC pairing (fake dating/enemies to lovers) but the end game pairing is going to be Jean Pierre Magnan x OC. I'm hard at work on the first chapter so I will probably publish it in three sites: here on Tumblr, AO3 and MAYBE...Wattpad.
For the time being, let me leave you with a snippet of a manip I created for the story.
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Alrighty, I'll post again when I have another update regarding this. Thanks again for the response and I hope to see you if and when it gets published <3
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clubartaesthetic · 5 months
♡ "If you go, I'll stay
You come back, I'll be right here
Like a barge at sea
In the storm, I stay clear" ♡
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