#Uriel V
zeeckz · 3 days
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2-dsimp · 1 month
I bring you more silly drawings, also sorry if I’m spamming you. I just really like your guys and your art style is super cute.
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Hermaeus Mora: Are you saying our entire relationship was based on lies?!
Miraak: Not our entire relationship. Just the stuff I said.
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justanothergaymess · 2 years
Trying to learn TES lore was a clear mistake. Getting over how much fucking lore there is is one thing but once you get a decent sense of the timeline, events, factions, geography, and people, you are left with the realization that the writing is even more racist and orientalist than you could have ever fathomed from just playing Skyrim and Oblivion
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uniquezombiedestiny · 2 years
you are so neat. id let u free if u were an abno :]
omg thank you..!! :)
if i were an abnormality id like to be zayin. i dont really like to hurt people. also if i could passively breach itd be really fun! oh and you probably wouldn't get in trouble for letting me out too. best of all the worlds!! ^v^
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qapsiel · 6 months
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@ravmalakh ;; cards against humanity (still accepting) Gabriel said: "They’re really bad at stand-up comedy."
                                  "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN." There's a little bar with a stage that hosts something called an open mic night every Thursday. It has been Gabriel's idea to come here, in fact, and now he's complaining even though Castiel has the time of his life. "Did you hear about the dull pencil?" the man on stage asks, waiting for a second. "It was pointless." Castiel laughs out loud and looks at his brother, who doesn't even smile. Maybe he didn't understand the joke. "A dull pencil doesn't have a pointy tip," he explains, "but pointless also means without purpose."
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ms-katonic-of-tamriel · 9 months
Skyrim's MQ Boss wasn't meant to be Alduin
Read a rumour/fan theory the other week that Skyrim's boss was never meant to be Alduin, but instead Uriel V who'd somehow managed to not die in his Akaviri invasion centuries prior after all, but was returning with an army of dragons, having unlocked the secrets of his dragon blood and mastered the Thu'um.
And that makes the game make SO MUCH MORE SENSE and SO MUCH MORE COHERENT.
It literally changes everything.
First the Civil War now actually ties in directly to the MQ, because Titus Mede has no intention of surrendering, and the Legion are therefore opposed to the threat... but Ulfric might actually be allying with a mighty warrior who's promised to reinstate worship of the Nine, can more than deal with the Dominion and might want his former provinces back once he's ascended the Ruby Throne. Suddenly the Thalmor simultaneously look a lot less all-powerful and rather more nuanced, because now they're acting against a genuine threat to their people. Perhaps they even help you fight Uriel because they'll take any ally over the Septim who'se going to devastate Alinor and commit full on war crimes on them.
And suddenly your Civil War choice MEANS something. Because you are also picking the game's ending by making that choice - side with the Empire and defeat Uriel, or side with Ulfric and place Uriel on the Ruby Throne.
And of course there's those on both sides who don't agree with their leaders - Stormcloaks who think Uriel's a power-hungry madman and Legionnaires who think actually a returned Septim who is also Dragonborn has a better claim to the throne than Titus does. The Civil War questline on either side could involve dealing with dissidents... or joining them, which also paradoxically means you could pick a side then make the other choice in the main quest. Maybe persuade Ulfric Uriel doesn't have his best interests at heart and persuade him to help you off him. Or persuade Tullius he'd be better off supporting the true Dragonborn.
The Dark Brotherhood questline also suddenly matters, because here's an assassination contract on Titus Mede. Do you take it or turn traitor and sell the Brotherhood out to the Penitus Oculatus (earning the Wrath of Sithis as a result). True white knights can of course opt for the more traditional destruction of the DB.
The Greybeards and Blades get more interesting. Arngeir's neutrality in the face of the canon civil war is entirely to be expected - he's a monk not a warrior, and the destruction the Thu'um could wield in any mortal war is a good reason to fight in none of them. But here's a war involving two Dragonborns. How should they react to that? And here's the Blades lacking a purpose for years with no Dragonborn, and now two come along at once. Uriel might have a tempting offer for them. Meaning actual consequences for not killing Paarthurnax - they go and side with Uriel for self-protection if you refuse to do it, and take Paarthurnax's location with them, meaning you need to get to the Throat to try and save him from Uriel's dragons, and a real risk of failing.
Bend Will suddenly a much more key Shout because you need to learn it as part of the main quest so as to deprive Uriel of his dragons so you can get to him and kill him. Of course, every time you use it, you get that bit more power-hungry yourself, and once you've freed a dragon from Uriel's control, there's the option to free it or enslave it yourself. The dragons do leave in peace once freed, but of course you now have wild dragons out there who could be a risk further down the line. The Greybeards approve of you freeing them, but the Blades prefer it if you just kill them.
And finally, there's the third option. The Evil Bastard option. Maybe Titus isn't a legitimate emperor, but the true Dragonborn doesn't have to be Uriel. Maybe you want the throne for yourself. There's a route to that too. First off, there needs to be an actual vacancy, so you need to join the Brotherhood and off Titus. Secondly, pick a side in the Civil War - the Empire is easier, but it's possible with the Cloaks. Take Skyrim for the Empire, off Titus via the Brotherhood, deal with Uriel, and a grateful populace crown you instead... or persuade Ulfric to turn on Uriel somehow, off Titus via the Brotherhood, drive the Empire out of Skyrim, deal with Uriel then move into Cyrodiil to take it for yourself. You also need to have been using Bend Will to acquire Uriel's dragon army - mandatory for the Stormcloak side, also useful for the Empire route if part of your pitch is dealing with the Thalmor. You need Legion support to be Emperor and Tullius is hard to persuade - but gives in very easily if you've Bend Willed enough dragons.
Any allies you made among the Thalmor get thrown under the bus if you pick this route, obviously. Or do they? Accepting Thalmor assistance makes defeating Uriel easier, but they have more on you too. Meaning if you go this route, you need to throw them under the bus somehow, or they manage to get word to Ulfric/Tullius that you assassinated Titus as part of the DB and stop your reign before it even begins.
OR there's the other Evil Bastard option. The Blades can nullify the Thalmor and are happy to take care of this... but only if you kill Paarthurnax. In other words, suddenly the game's choices all become very very relevant.
That's the game we could have had. Sigh.
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2ndprinceofdarkness · 3 months
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He's my silly pookus <3
Read light-bringer v v v
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Podcast Díra playlisty
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Uriel Kopýtko core
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2-dsimp · 2 months
I offer the name Salsan for the incubus boy
Thanks to everyones kind suggestions we’ve now gotten a name for our incubus boy o(≧v≦)o
When he’s not in disguise his real name is Uriel
But when he’s wearing his wigs he goes by Soren/Salsan…Yes he’s got another wig just in case he needs to stalk you without you noticing since he’s a bit paranoid of you having to interact with any other Incubus’s failing in the same subject of seduction like himself.
He’d hate to even catch a whiff of any of their natural allure on his dreamie. Not on his watch you were his. Your sweet dreams were his alone to monopolize and he’d be damned if anyone else tried their luck with his willing darling.
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orv-quotes-tournament · 11 months
ORV Quotes Tournament Round 1
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Plain text under the cut:
Ch 516: The Oldest Dream, V: [Your ■■ is ‘Eternity’.]
Ch 188: The 73rd Demon King, VII: [The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' doesn't wish for your death!] In the distant night sky, one star desperately blinked at me. [The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' doesn't wish for your death!] Yes, you can stop now. Uriel. [The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire'…] Thank you.
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camelottree638 · 3 days
Ineffable Family - Family Is (Snabies and Archangel Siblings)
This is a sort of AU crossover video mixing @kedreeva's Wiggleverse (Aziraphale accidently hatching shapeshifting snake kids from ping pong balls after a prank from Crowley) with the Archangels as siblings continuation including Lici Loud (as a nod to her uncle Lici and a tribute to Lilith) as a GaBee (Gabriel/Beelzebub) child and cousin to the three sniblings. And Muriel as a babysitter who was basically adopted by Crowley after Aziraphale left before the Snabies came. Azirafather is always concerned about his children's warmth and knitts sweaters for AnJ, who easily gets too cold in autumn (all three are a bit sensitive to the weather due to their snake heritage). -- The Wiggleverse is based on this story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/204... Archangel’s Guide TO siblings is written by @MatchTeaAndOtherDelights: https://archiveofourown.org/works/521... Thank you for the inspiration! The falling leaves are from Easy CG Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGjeX... A big thank you to @okariaonb for helping me with the kids' personalities, parts of their character description were written by her!
- Adam is not related to Lucifer anymore but considers him and Lilith as his aunt and uncle. They are a bit awkward around each other after Lucifer gave up on his plans to destroy Earth, but they get along well enough.
---- Freddie is unconventional, rather hyperactive, he's trying to figure out who he is in the family. He is the youngest but also the most organized of the three. Because he is not sure about his own place yet, he tries to have a plan and backup plan for everything around him.
Jane is a dreamer, she tries to take more after Aziraphale's side, dreams of being all kind and angelic, though she also has Crowley's unruly side that she doesn't fully accept yet. But dancing helps her to cope with her feelings, to express them (though she unfortunately takes after the angel side of the family a bit too much in that regard and has no real sense of rhythmn). She is very curious and likes solving mysteries like in her favourite  detective stories. Despite being the middle child, she was to first of the sniblings to discover her human form as a toddler.
AnJ (Anthony Jr, the nickname is a nod to Aziraphale's pet name "Angel“) is the sweet bean! Very playful, sort of naive and clumsy as well, very emotional (which is why it's so difficult for him to control his powers and abilities in his human form!). Though he is the best of his siblings when it comes to flying because uncle Gabe and aunt Uriel trained a lot with him and cousin Lici. He is the oldest, but prefers to let Freddie take on the leadership role.
Lici (named after uncle Lucifer's nickname and Lilith (who was resurrected, which seemed just as impossible as an angel and a demon physically having a child together)) is Gabriel and Beelzubub's child. Her animal aspect is a bee. Close to Beelzebub's flies but still her own beeing. And a bit softer and fluffy that a fly, which is ironically from  her angel side, despite Gabriel really trying to not appear as soft. She has Gabriel's eyes which she mostly keeps hidden to better blend in around people. Personality-wise Lici takes a bit more after Beelzebub, being fascinated with occult magic, but having Gabriel's very serious work ethic. She has a strong bond with her cousin AnJ because they both love their animal form, though Lici is comfortable as a people-shaped being and in her animal form. She has wings as a girl, too, but flying is easier as a bee. And as a bee it is fun to be little and unnoticed when she investigates with Jane on their detective adventures.
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Which NPC is the best overall character?
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darabeatha · 3 months
the rules are simple! post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people ). please repost, don’t reblog!
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Current Muse:
Constantine XI (fgo)
Ashwatthama (fgo)
Vlad III (fgo)
Jason (fgo)
Camazotz (fgo)
Arjuna (fgo)
karna (fgo)
Odysseus (fgo)
Edmond Dantes (fgo)
Robin Hood (fgo)
Billy the kid (fgo)
Sherlock Holmes (fgo)
Daybit (fgo)
Tezcatlipoca (fgo)
Charlemagne (fgo)
Moctezuma II (fgo)
Duryodhana (fgo)
Ritsuka Fujimaru (fgo)
kukulkan (fgo)
tlaloc (fgo)
Saito Hajime (fgo)
Nitocris (fgo)
Moriarty ruler & archer (fgo)
Nero Claudius (fgo)
Castor (fgo)
Asclepius (fgo)
Antonio Salieri (fgo)
Morgan (fgo)
Baobhan Sith (fgo)
Barghest (fgo)
Oberon (fgo)
Arash (fgo)
Gilgamesh caster & archer (fgo)
Arthur Pendragon & alter (fgo)
Henry Jekyll and Hyde (fgo)
L.ucifer (fgo)
Want to write:
TO BE HONEST; right now I'm pretty chill but I definitely want to write an angel! Gabriel or Uriel or Michael
Have written (in Tumblr & other platforms):
(I'm not going to list all my f.ate muses bc that would make the list super long so I'll mainly focus on characters from different fandoms, if they are all on the same line its bc they were inside a multiuse)
Norton Campbell ( Identity v )
Aesop Carl ( Identity v )
Espresso cookie ( Cookie run )
Zhongli, Xiao, Kazuha, Diluc, Albedo, Kaeya + more ( Genshin Impact )
Giyuu ( kny )
Tsurumaru Kuninaga ( Touken Ranbu )
Heshikiri, Ishikirimaru, Kasen, Nagasone, Ookurikara, Shokudaikiri, Mikazuki ( Touken Ranbu )
Doppo Kannonzaka, Gentaro (as guest muse) ( Hypnosis mic )
Samatoki ( Hypnosis mic )
Akutagawa, Chuuya , Ranpo, Fyodor, Dazai, etc ( bungou stray dogs )
Cain, Shylock, Mithra, Lennox, Nero, Oz, Bradley, Chloe, Faust ( Mahoyaku )
Would write again:
Norton Campbell ( identity v )
Aesop Carl ( identity v )
Tsurumaru ( or any of my other touken ranbu muses )
tagging: Y O U
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birdo-is-here · 7 months
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yooo look a silly
now that we’ve met them technically here’s Azrael’s (they/it/xe) reference :) won’t lie im v excited for this one they’ve been very fun to develop on in that lil o brain of mine
you may be asking why do we get the Azzy reference before the Uriel reference even though we met Uriel oh so long ago dearest Birdo?? and my answer for that is uuuuhhhhhh definitely not favouritism at all nuh uh (tbf i also don’t have many ideas for Uriel’s reference just yet)
you may also notice within the haze you notice that Azzy’s robes are quite different to a typical angel (hell all of them is quite different to a typical angel actually,,,) and my answer for that is they are just Built Different (there is an actual reason technically but i cannot reveal that yet for spoilers my boilers)
but yeah angsty preteen/teenage not-boy moment, not unlike a thirteen year old <3
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morihaus · 11 months
new emperor diagnosis. uriel V absoLUTELY did not make people forget about the empire's shabby response to the camoran usurper. the brief history of the empire is biased and talks about him as "one of the great warrior emperors, only 2nd to tiber" for ??? for what? conquering a bunch of islands with his massive legions? not doing his homework on the conditions of akaviri weather? eagerly ordering for colonization before more troops because he was so over confident??? dying and ultimately wasting everyone's time and money on his vanity project??? yeah im sure that showed all those local lords who doubted the strength of the empire man
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