Special Agent Leon S. Kennedy Personnel File. #2476986675
•Dr. William Birkin.
•Dr. Annette Birkin.
•Dr. Alex Wesker.
•Dr. Albert Wesker.
Dec. 17, 2015. U.B.C.S Sgt. Nikolai Zinoviev was sent out to [REDACTED] in the territory of Siberia, Russia. Upon arrival, Sgt. Zinoviev was informed of movement picked up via radar and accompanied a group of Umbrella trained soldiers to track down the source.
Once arriving at the location, Zinoviev was met with a deep gorge separating the flat snowcapped land from the dense forest. Zinoviev and his men rappeled down into the gorge, and were met with a gruesome sight; in the middle of the gorge laid a man, roughly late 20s/early 30s, lifeless.
The man bore B.S.A.A. standard issued clothes and gear. Both left and right legs had been taken out by a large caliber sniper rifle, lower right arm bore a open-compound fracture and left arm had been dismembered from the elbow down. A half-inch diameter hole is present in the man's head, most likely shot execution-style.
Sgt. Zinoviev recalls approaching the deceased and kneeling down to look for any identification when the eyes of the deceased man reacted in response to Zinoviev's flashlight.
According to Zinoviev, this was his cue to call in a helicopter and transport the barely conscious man back to base. His actions proved to be justified, as the man was miraculously saved by the men and women of Umbrella's medical team.
Umbrella's IT department recovered body cam footage from the man's gear, revealing the events leading up to his discovery.
The man is revealed to be Agent Leon S. Kennedy, a survivor of the 1998 Raccoon City Incident. The body cam footage shows Kennedy deployed on a "Mission" with B.S.A.A special forces, only to be shot down and executed by B.S.A.A Captian Chris Redfield in response to a "Betrayal".
Umbrella's North American branch searched Kennedy's name through official databases, only to be met with the same line in every file; "Status: Deceased. Died in Combat."
We have reason to believe the B.S.A.A does not know that Agent Kennedy is in fact alive and highly aware of his situation.
Agent Kennedy expressed hatred and malice towards Captian Redfield and the B.S.A.A. and here at Umbrella, we plan to help him utilize that hatred. END FILE.
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crimescrimson · 7 months
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U.B.C.S. Platoon Leader Mikhail Viktor in Resident Evil 3 (2020)
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dayzforo · 2 years
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¿Buscas algo de acción? Seguro que pasarás el rato entre risas, balas y sangre. Podrás terminar el día con una buena jarra de cerveza y ¡Una dosis de tu banda de Rock favorita!
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youmissedone · 5 months
After stumbling her way through multiple corridors in the dark, seemingly abandoned hospital she had woken up in, Rain finally came across another soul. "Oliveira...? That you, man?"
Things had gone so bad so quickly on this mission that even a seasoned soldier like Carlos was a little bit in shock. His platoon was given such limited information going in, and granted he'd forced the issue by jumping out of a helicopter before they'd reached their ordered drop-off location, but... Geezus, this was bad. Training for the U.B.C.S. was pretty standard military training, with a side order of here's how to handle panicked civilians affected by various biological agents. "Agents." Carlos wished he'd gotten a lot more clarification for that term, because he never in a million years expected it to be crazed, virally-infected human beings.
His experiences dealing with guerilla warfare in Brazil in his youth had conditioned him to some extent on how to deal with full-on combat breaking out in the middle of civilian streets, but... this... This was something entirely different. No matter how radicalized people became, they still had instincts, senses of self-preservation, or some kind of morals or stakes that could be appealed to to some degree to get them to stand down. These people... it was like they had rabies or something that affected their brain function. They just kept coming, regardless of the imminent danger to their lives. Regardless of being told to stay where you are or I'll shoot.
Yuri had fallen first. Bitten by one of those things, and then... well, he became as crazed as they were. It was some kind of transmittable biological agent, Carlos had determined, though he didn't know how to protect against it. It seemed to be a lot like rabies in that the sufferers would eventually become uncontrollably aggressive and seek to bite others to transmit the pathogen.
The rabies virus, Carlos knew, had mechanisms to make its host more aggressive in the final stages, when the host was dying, so that the virus would be passed on through bites and other contact with blood or saliva and not die with the host. Maybe... this was something similar? He could only speculate, because his employers were mum about the details, especially after he'd reported Yuri's demise. As soon as he began radioing back that any of his group was infected... Umbrella went radio silent on them. That was when Carlos knew he really had a serious problem on his hands.
Nikolai had been the next to die, taken down by dogs infected by whatever this was that was killing people. Apparently it wasn't limited to human hosts, but also affected dogs, cats, birds... you name it. Carlos had done his best to try and protect him but... it was too late. Now he found himself trying to track some kind of supply drop he'd seen be delivered by helicopter after his last radio. He wasn't entirely sure it was to do with his platoon, but it was something, some form of communication from Umbrella, and so he felt compelled to check it out.
He'd zeroed in on the Racoon City General Hospital, but as soon as he entered the place, he knew something was very wrong. It was empty. And silent. During a crisis? During a life-and-death biohazard situation in which people were being bitten, scratched, torn apart, and literally eaten alive... the hospital was... empty? That made no sense to him. Cautiously, he held his semi-automatic rifle at the ready as he moved methodically through the building, looking for whatever had dropped from that helicopter. He'd found nothing thus far, until he turned a corner and-
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"Ocampo?" Carlos said, immediately lowering his rifle upon seeing his friend and Umbrella comrade. He was glad to see a familiar face, but even so, his brow furrowed. "They didn't tell us they were deploying Sanitation as well," he mused, before looking her over, taking a couple steps towards her. "Are you alright? What happened to you?" She really didn't look good, if he was being honest. Then again, nobody was looking great right now, given the situation here.
He tossed his rifle behind him to his right side, leaving it hanging by its strap as he took out a semi-automatic pistol. "Here," he said, offering it to her along with a couple of magazines. "The situation's gone to hell in the city. My platoon was overrun within minutes. I'm all that's left. Umbrella's not responding to my evac calls. We're gonna have to fight our way out."
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d10nyx · 3 months
here's a drabble of u.b.c.s carlos finding you injured during the outbreak :3
cw: 18+ content, fem!reader, carlos is a horrible flirt but he's cute so it's okay, oral(f!recieving), masturbation, fingering
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You're holed up in the storage room of a store, trying to find something to help treat your injury - not that you had any clue of any first aid procedures. You hear the door open as you're fumbling with some bandages, your eyes shooting up in the direction of the noise in a panic.
No zombies, though. Just a guy. His eyes scan the area before they fall on you, his gaze dropping to the injury on your thigh suspiciously.
"You infected?" He asks, taking a few cautious steps towards you, his grip on his gun tightening slightly as he approaches.
"No... no, I got sliced on a broken window when I was escaping a building."
"Ah, that's a relief. Wouldn't be right to have to shoot a pretty lady like you." He says with a grin, lowering his weapon before walking right up to you and setting his gun down. "Let me have a look. You ain't stopping any bleeding wrapping it like that."
His kneels down in front of you, taking a look at the gash on your thigh. He reaches behind you to grab the stuff you'd collected to (poorly) treat your wound, picking up a disinfectant so he can clean you up. "Not normally my style hurting ladies, but... this might sting a little."
You wince as he begins to clean your wound, but a strong hand wraps around your thigh to keep you steady. He has you all cleaned and bandaged up in no time, settling his hands on your hips as he remains kneeling at your feet. His hand shifts along the waistband of your jeans, pausing at the button.
"You know... normally I save this kinda thing for girls after I take 'em out for dinner, but. Well, I think we could both use the stress relief. You in?"
Realistically, you know you should say no. The apocalypse isn't exactly the best time to get down and dirty, and you're not sure there's a more embarrassing way to die than having a zombie rip your throat out when you're getting head. But there's an insanely handsome guy on his knees in front of you, and this could be your last day on Earth, and a little self-indulgence isn't going to hurt anybody, so you nod.
He wastes no time after seeing you nod, pulling down your jeans and underwear, shooting you a toothy grin as he comes face-to-face with your cunt. He's a fucking tease, though, because he just drags his nose along the inside of your thighs for a moment, ignoring your pussy as he sucks hickies into your soft skin. You make the prettiest sounds, so he really can't help himself as he hastily opens his trousers and pulls his cock out, fisting it as he leans forward to press an open-mouthed kiss to your clit.
He uses the thumb of his free hand to part your swollen lips, groaning as the sight of your slick dripping from you. He dives in, greedily tonguing at your hole while his nose constantly nudges your clit. His beard rubs your thighs so deliciously, and you start to think friction burn might be a blessing. Your hands find their way to his fluffy black hair, gripping onto it as you buck your hips towards his face. You feel him smirk into your cunt, peering up at you through his brows. Smug bastard.
He sucks your clit into his mouth, flicking his tongue against it as he fucks two fingers into your pussy, curling them until he has you keening. "There we go. Found it. You gonna cream my tongue, pretty girl?"
He starts fucking his fist more desperately now, your moans spurring him on as he feels you clenching around his fingers. He nips at your sensitive clit with his teeth before suckling it again, rubbing the pads of his fingers against your sweet spot until you're gushing all over his face. He keeps stimulating you through your orgasm, stroking his cock leisurely before he cums with a grunt, coating the floor between your feet.
After you've both recovered a little and redressed, he stands up and drapes an arm casually over your shoulder. "Hey, if we both get outta this alive... any chance on me getting your number?"
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love-toxin · 1 year
ok bc im in an RE mood (and replaying the games in anticipation of the remake) I may be having thoughts of being Jill and Carlos' cute little crush that they're constantly competing over and playfighting about 😵‍💫
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either you're a fellow U.B.C.S soldier who followed Carlos and Tyrell on the mission into RC or a STARS member that's close with Jill and having to escape her same fate, when all three of you meet and they lock eyes with each other, they both know that it's on. they may be in a literal hellhole, but why not have a little fun before they might die?
if you're a longtime friend of Jill's, she treats you like you're one of the most special people in the world. she talks so highly of you to other people, both when you're not around and when you are, and she's so overprotective of you even if you're a trained officer like herself. once they figure out what (or rather who) Nemesis is after, she's even more protective over you as one of her last comrades from STARS and does just about everything she can to keep the BOW away from you and locked on to her instead. unfortunately for her, that means leaving you under Carlos' care more often than not, but meeting back up with you and having you fuss over her after she's played the hero is just too good to pass up. plus, there's no way in hell she's letting you fight that thing alongside her, so even if you try to she's usually locking a fence shut behind her or slamming the underground shutter closed before you can even think of chasing after her. which, though annoying for you, is the perfect recipe to have you worried and mooning over her every second that she's gone, right under Carlos' nose.
if Carlos is more familiar with you, then he's just plain flirtatious all the time. he certainly doesn't make his affection for you a secret and especially not when Jill's around, cause he knows you and he wants her to see you get all warm-faced and shy or flirt right back at him like it's an inside joke. he probably makes a point of throwing you a "honey, I'm home" when you two rendezvous and even a cheeky "sorry, gotta get back to the wife/husband" when he and Jill have to part ways. he pesters you endlessly with nicknames too, to the point that you probably joke about him not even remembering your real name--but teasing is one of his love languages, along with acts of service as well, which he shows in RC by checking your weapons for you and refilling your magazine without you having to ask. he mostly does it when you're not looking, both because he doesn't want to be interrupted and because you would catch him loading you up with his own ammunition even if it leaves him a little short. he'd rather you have the means to defend yourself than have to scrounge, and potentially put yourself in danger--that's not happening on Carlos' watch. ever. both him and Jill have lost far too many people to let that happen to the bright, beaming little ray of sunshine that might be the last good thing that exists in this wretched world.
it definitely changes depending on how you present yourself, though. because Carlos is much more comfortable flirting openly with you as a female and the opposite goes for Jill--she's still not much of a flirter, but those lingering touches on the arm or especially grateful "thank you"s and "I couldn't have done this without you"s hit a little differently if you're more masculine. if you're on the feminine side, she's more friendly and honestly a little shyer with any sort of praise you give her, although she's much more likely to offer you her shoulder to rest on or a hug to ease your worries. whereas Carlos, if you're on the masculine side, treats you less in a bro-way than he does his other male friends, which makes it immediately obvious to anyone that knows him that he's got the hots for you, while people he's only acquaintances with think he just doesn't get along with you. obviously, if it's just around each other, they do whatever they want--although the two of them individually are a lot more confident depending on how you present, but if you're somewhat neutral, then it's pretty equal.
as far as the actual competition goes, the rules are pretty fluid. if you flirt back? that's a win. if you compliment one of them? extra point. hug them when you're reunited, fuss over their injuries, or tell them "you'd better be careful, don't you dare die on me"? that's more than enough of a triumph for one of them to grin smugly at the other or brag about it while they're talking to each other over the radio.
if they don't come to declare a winner throughout the events of RC (by which they mean neither or both of them got a kiss from you) then the competition doesn't stop there. when they get back to normalcy and spend some more time together as friends and rivals, they come up with new ways to try and win you over. it's not just because they both like you, it's also because you're a welcome distraction from all the psychological and emotional torment they have to deal with from that day, too. they've both already tangled with PTSD before that and it doesn't get any better with Raccoon City under their belts, but your smile always makes it better. sometimes it's only you that makes them feel better.
so what's the best way to do that when you're not around or available to pay attention to them? play-wrestling.
"alright supercop, don't make me go easy on you."
"oh, you're gonna wish I go down easy."
they can barely keep the smiles off their faces whenever they get into position on the exercise mats in Jill's new apartment, knees bent and palms up as they ready themselves for a match. "it's childish and a foolish waste of time", that's probably what any of their higher-ups would say about two ex-soldiers who are considered some of the strongest agents in America, but it's one of the few ways they're able to cope in the aftermath. and despite Carlos clearly having a size advantage over her, Jill's much faster and more agile--which of course means that they're evenly matched more often than not, and it usually only stops once one of them cries uncle or they're interrupted. if you're ever the one that stops by when they're doing so and ask them what the heck they're up to with a giggle, they just share a knowing look and give some vague half-answer as they let their grinning faces speak for themselves.
but of course, just by nature of this little game, they can't keep it up forever. the post-event relief after surviving Raccoon City won't last a lifetime, at one point the two of them will need to move on with their lives and find a new path to venture, even if it means splitting apart from each other. and eventually one of them or neither of them are gonna win with you, but that thought in itself sobers the two of them up more than they anticipated it would. obviously they knew that there'd be an endgame, but it's been so fun spending the time together and becoming such good partners that neither of them want it to end. if the three of us could be together forever, then I think I'd be happy for the rest of my life. the two of them share that sentiment, but what about you? what do you want? they know now that they're happy to spend their own lives together, both as friends and as partners, but would you even consider joining in to such an odd, confounding relationship?
it almost breaks their hearts when they finally, finally work up the courage to ask you, and you just look between the two of them and ask if they're pulling a prank. you would've just laughed it off at once but they seem so serious, and when they double down and explain themselves more it's terrifying to see you look so confused at what they're saying. even moreso when they realize you're taking them seriously, but the only thing you have to ask is: "why me?"
"don't get me wrong, I...I love you both, more than life itself, but why would you pick me? I can't even begin to compare to either of you. you're just....incredible."
of course, knowing how much of a romantic Carlos is, he's probably the one going in for a kiss before that compliment even finishes leaving your mouth. with a hand around your waist and warmth coursing through his body that sends shivers through yours at the contact, you don't even flinch when Jill follows it up with one of her own; a little gentler, but still firm and promising even when she pulls back. and if that's not enough to show you what they mean, well, they've got even more ways to prove their affection for you, maybe in the same vein as all that play-wrestling they love to do....if you catch their drift <3
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flwrrrton · 3 months
Do you have any more head cannons for krauser? It's kinda strange to think about someone like him being young, but ig he was at some point 😂
First of all: sorry for late reply bro. The study depths are killing me—
I can't say much about my Krauser hcs. It's just like everyone else's: he comes from german military family etc...
But i have something to say about his family members tho!
Have you seen the "Biohazard 4D: Excecutor" movie? (year: 2000)
If not, watch it! You're missing out on a lot!
So there was a character named Claus, the head of the U.B.C.S squad, which was sent to Raccoon City. And that dude shares A LOT of physical similarities w Krauser!
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Some people theorise that Claus was Krauser's prototype. But i headcanon them as...
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(Jack looks a bit younger there, but i think that added some sparkle)
I think that Claus would be the older one, cuz... I see Jack as that one younger sibling who always misbehaving xD (But with age he became very strict and disciplined, ofc)
It seems to me that due to his age, Claus joined the military a little earlier than Jack, which is why Krauser jr. often set him up as an example of someone to look up to
Aaaaand since in previous post we were talking about teen Krauser
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Claus would be just a normal (maybe even quiet) kid, while Jack was very popular punk dude at his school
Oh yeah, they'd be studying in one school, but in different classes
They'd have a noticeable height difference!!
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Jack would have heard about the B.O.W for the first time after the death of his brother in Raccoon City. He would doubt that everything was really like that, even despite the terrible injuries on Klaus's corpse. But after that he began to take the army more seriously in order to justify the honor of his brother... And to be able to protect himself too.
Thank you for reading!
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Good evening all employees, After many requests a suggestion box has been added to all umbrella facilities, once a week these suggestions will be picked out randomly and read through by me. Sergei Vladimir, CEO of U.B.C.S, partner and shareholder to the foundation. What this will not be is a place for tomfoolery or shenanigans such as the time an Umbrella employee (who will remain unnamed but he knows who he is) sent me a C4 as a birthday present. This is a suggestion box, not a Joke box people.
-S. Vladimir
(However knowing the employees at this foundation you will all make a mockery of this)
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laraine654 · 6 months
Random headcanons about RE: Nikolai, Mikhail and, Sergei. With their s/o.
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-you are the first person to not ask about his eye. To say he was shocked when you never asked is an understatement. After you two where three months into the relationship he told you what happened and asked why you never said anything about it. Your reply is what made him fall even more in love with you. "I didn't want to upset you. Or bring up anything that would make you uncomfortable." No One had ever worried about his comfort or upsetting him, unless they had seen or been warned of his temper.
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-you are the first person to agree to cuddle him.(I headcanon Mikhail as being very into cuddles. From cuddles as being seen as something not manly or out of character for a soldier.)
-Mikhail never mentioned cuddles or hugged you for longer than a minute or so. He was worried you'd say what others had said to him, "no! Shouldn't you be working out?" Or "you're the one who wanted to be a soldier! It's your fault you're so stressed!" But you never said that to him. One day when he came home from dealing with unruly members of U.B.C.S all he wanted was to cuddle you to relieve the stress. When he walked into the bedroom you could see that he wanted something. After he changed into his pajamas you decided to ask, and after you telling him that you'd never judge him he finally said it. "Kroshka, can we cuddle?" You immediately said yes. For the rest of the night you both cuddled, you laying on your back as his head layed on your chest and playing with his hair. (I love this man. He deserves so much love.)
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-You were the first person to ever show him kindness. When you first met Nikolai he was badly wounded; a bullet wound to the shoulder. You both were able to get away minutes before Raccoon City was nuked. After that you both closer and closer until he asked you to be his girlfriend. Of course you said yes! Before meeting you Nikolai had never been told thank you for anything.(I also love this man)
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greenteasnoothie · 11 months
Lil Drabble about Nicholai with new nurse!reader? How would he flirt with her when he’s injured in a mission and she gets super flustered lololol
(please add touchy foreplay + smut if you’re comfy with it tytyty 💖💖)
Nicholai X Nurse!Reader
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A/N: I did not think Nicholai simps were a thing anymore, but I’m so glad they are. ALSO I’m sorry this took so long I haven’t really written smut before and I’m a little nervous that this sucks (sorry if it does)
Paring: Nicholai X Nurse!Fem!Reader
Content mentioned: blood, wound/injury, Pet Names, cream pies, cum.
lmk if I missed anything!!!
Wordcount: 1.5k
(This is a little bit before RE3 btw <3)
You were recently recruited as a nurse for U.B.C.S. and were placed in Platoon Delta.
Since you were recruited your sergeant has taken a liking to you, at one point he even said you could just call him by his first name.
“Nikolai is fine when it’s just you and me sweetheart,”
You didn’t think anything of it, I mean he’s your sergeant he knows better than to start a romantic relationship with one of his own platoon members anyways…right?
Later followed by your arrival a mission set for your Platoon.
To say the original plan for the mission went to shit would be an understatement, most of the team is wounded in some way, you’re fixing wounds left and right.
Luckily everyone’s wounds so far are nothing very serious.
That was until you found your Platoons Sergeant hidden behind a wooden board that was up against a big rock with a pretty nasty wound.
You quickly kneel down near your sergeant getting a better look at the wound.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to fix this wound in the open like this, it’s too dangerous,” you say in an almost whisper but still loud enough for Nicholai to hear.
“We’re going to have to go to the rendezvous. I’ll call into the radio,” You stated.
“You really want to get me alone with you huh” Nikolai teased.
You ignored your sergeant's comment hoping that he didn't notice the pink tint that is starting to form on your cheeks as you pick up your radio, and radio in that you are taking your Sergeant to the rendezvous and fixing up some of his wounds before going out to the field again.
You both get into the rendezvous which is a mini old shack, you set Nikolai up against one of the walls and you grab your supplies quickly.
You first try to fix the wound while his pants are still on just to save time but it didn’t work.
“You're going to need to take your pants off so I can clean, and fix the wound properly.” You stated.
Nikolai chuckles, “shouldn’t you at least go to dinner with me first?”
“Very funny, now c’mon we don’t have all day,” you say to him clearly now getting annoyed.
“Aren’t you a nurse? You know how to take a pair of pants off,”
You are fuming, for god sake he can bleed out any minute and he’s being stubborn about taking his pants off.
Still you reach down to his belt and undo it, discarding his tactical gear to the side to make things easier.
Then you undo his fly, soon followed by you pulling his pants down to his knees.
Nikolai watches you intently soon cursing himself for it because seeing you undo his belt and pull the zipper of his fly down so naively is giving him a hard on, I mean he didn’t think it would be that obvious which was stupid for him to think, because soon as you pull his pants down it was extremely clear by the tint in his boxers that he had a boner, you ignored it or at least tried to as you face got super red.
You fix up Nikolai’s wound, soon covering the now fixed wound with some bandages.
“This is some impressive work,” Nikolai compliments as he eyes you up and down seeing you blush from the complement before he unexpectedly pulling you close to him by your waist, so close to the point you can feel the warmth of his breath on your neck and face.
“I think you deserve a payment of some sort, don’t you think?” Nikolai says almost breathlessly as his hands that are still holding your waist start to wander under your shirt.
Your breath hitches as you feel his hands travel under your gear and shirt to your bare skin, you quickly reach your hands to his wrists, “Nikolai we can’t be wasting time doing this!”
“I’m sure everyone will be fine if we’re gone for just a extra couple of minutes,” Nikolai chuckled.
“But shouldn’t we-“ before you can finish Nikolai pulls you in for a kiss, you both keep the kiss going until you pull away for air, you don’t even have a full 10 seconds before you are getting pulled in again by Nikolai for another kiss. Nikolai’s hands wander every part of your body as the kiss continues, soon followed by Nikolai sliding his tongue in your mouth.
The kiss is soon ended so your shirt can be pulled over your head, Nikolai gropes your breasts and leaves love marks on your collar bone as he moves his hands down to unbutton your pants.
Soon all you have on is your bra and panties, Nikolai joins you (of course with your help) so he only has his boxers on.
You get pushed down to the floor of the shack as Nikolai towers over your form, his dick straining against his boxer’s as he notices the mini damp patch on your panties, god he was making you this wet.
Nikolai knelt between your thighs as he goes down to your face to kiss you once again as he moves one of his hands to the inside of your thigh slowly trailing up towards your heat clearly teasing you and making you more needy for his cock by the second.
“Please..” you practically beg.
“Please what?” Nikolai says almost mockingly
“Please just fuck me,” you basically whimper.
I mean how could he deny such a pretty girl as he tugged his boxers down to his knees as his cock springs out.
Setting his body between your legs as he rubs the head of his cock against your slit soon sliding his tip into you keeping his cock there for a second to let you bask in the sudden stretch until he grabs your hips in a bruising grasp and rams into you letting out a grunt as you let out a a gasp from the sudden roughness. Nikolai tightens his grasp on your hips to the point where it almost hurts but you could care less as he thrusts his cock into you mercilessly, constantly hitting your sweet spot making you see stars.
“I-I’m close,” you gasp out as Nikolai’s pace is leaving you breathless.
Nikolai grunts In response as he is also close causing his pace to become more sloppy, but still thrusting into you deeply, your legs are shaking uncontrollably from the pleasure.
Your spongy walls tighten around Nikolai’s cock as you get to your release letting out a pornagrapic moan.
Nikolai continues to fuck you maybe even harder and faster now aching for his own release, as you get overstimulated by the pleasure as his thrusts feel more intense.
Nikolai thrusts deep and hard into you one last time as he releases inside of you, he slowly pulls out of you, his cum leaking out of your cunt, as you both catch your breath.
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crimescrimson · 1 year
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Resident Evil Characters & Their Deaths (U.B.C.S Edition): Murphy Seeker | Mikhail Viktor | Tyrell Patrick | Nikolai Ginovaef
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acidh2otoby · 1 year
Can't Let You Go
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Carlos Oliveira x Male!Reader
Warnings: Injury, death, angst
Won 2nd place from this post.
You didn't expect to spend almost four days trying to survive and escape a zombie infested city but that's what happened. You were a U.B.C.S. soldier and your platoon was sent in to save people but that didn't work out. As far as you were concerned, the only people alive were you, Carlos, Tyrell, Jill, and Nicholai.
You and Carlos had started dating a few months back but kept it completely secret due to most people still not being the most supportive of gay people. The confession and dates and such were done in the privacy of either yours or Carlos' apartments. You loved Carlos to death and would do anything for him and you knew he'd do the same, even if you weren't dating.
Carlos had informed you and Tyrell about what he found in Nathaniel Bard's office in the hospital and wanted one of you to go with him and one of you to stay with Jill. You decided to go with Carlos since Tyrell looked like he could use the break. That was unfortunately the last time you both saw Tyrell.
The underground lab was full of zombies but you both managed but ended up nowhere near getting a vaccine or anything. You both found yourselves helping Jill fight the monster Nemesis from a control panel. Then chasing down Nicholai since he stole the vaccine Jill made and was about to leave the three of you to die.
Carlos had gotten to him first and put up a fight but Nicholai managed to get the upper hand and knocked Carlos out. You tried to attack him with your knife but that also didn't work out. Nicholai shot you in the abdomen, you fell backwards and tried to stop the bleeding by forcefully holding the bullet wound.
Your hearing and vision became somewhat of a blur and you heard a few gunshots near you until you felt someone grab you and hold you. The person held you tight and was saying something but couldn't hear it at first. Your vision cleared a bit and you saw Carlos, he looked scared and a little tired.
"Hey, (Y/N). Can you hear me?" Carlos asked, cupping your face.
You nodded before coughing up some blood, Carlos put some pressure on the wound once he saw where it was.
"Listen, you're gonna be okay. I'm... I'm gonna get you out of here, I'll take you to a hospital and everything will be okay." Carlos said, his voice becoming shaky.
"Carlos..." You muttered, knowing that none of that was gonna happen. "Stop lying..."
"I'm not. Come on, I've gotta--" Carlos tried to pick you up.
"No, just go." You said, pushing Carlos away a little.
"I'm not leaving you here." Carlos said, still trying to pick you up.
"Carlos, there isn't time." You said before coughing again. "Just go, please."
Carlos began to protest again but you stopped him by kissing him, making his full attention go to you.
"I love you, but I'd love you more if you'd go and find someone better for you." You said, trying to smile.
Carlos shook his head before Jill grabbed him and started pulling him away. Carlos kept saying stuff but you were too tired to listen or watch.
Things went silent after the helicopter left, it was just you all alone. You didn't know where Nicholai went off to but because of how silent it was, you were assuming he died or managed to get away. The sun was starting to rise and you had just enough strength to find where the sun was and watch it rise before nothing. No more pain, no light, no sound, nothing.
You were gone.
Carlos and Jill were still in the helicopter but had found a place to land and stay for a little. They had been quiet since landing but they both knew why. Jill was the first one to even say anything.
"I'm sorry." Jill said before sighing. "I'm sorry for everything."
"It isn't your fault. It'd be one thing if you made the virus but you didn't." Carlos replied, he wasn't the same since he left.
"That (Y/N) guy, he a good friend of yours?" Jill asked, she didn't see much of you except at the end.
Carlos was just about to say "Yes" but stopped himself and decided to just be honest. "A little more than friends. We, uh... we were boyfriends." Carlos said, avoiding eye contact with Jill.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Jill said, she sounded like she was about to cry.
"No one knew. We kept it a secret because we didn't wanna risk either one of us getting hurt." Carlos said, shrugging a little.
Jill didn't say anything after that, she felt terrible about everything. Carlos was grieving in a silent way but he was still upset. He didn't know how he could move on, or even if he could.
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slifarianhawk · 8 months
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Chapter 27: What I Lost
As we returned to the base, Albert sat me down. Arjuna and Nighthawk raced up to greet me and Wesker.
"My lady, are you alright? Thank you for keeping an eye on her lord Wesker." Arjuna said, bowing gently.
"Yeah, boss, you gave us quite the scare there. I was quite worried we were going to have to shatter you out with a chisel." Nighthawk said candidly.
"One, you should never chisel me out when I'm in that state. At that point, I'm a dangerous B.O.W. Second, you should have made sure our V.I.Ps were secure, which I saw you do. Now, where is Ms. Gionne?" I asked.
"She is upstairs in her room, my lady. I shall fetch her later, for now, we have Dr. Cordell and his wife tied up how you ordered." Arjuna said.
"Good, now lock down the containment unit and only let me and Albert in the room, and Excella, you, and Nighthawk can watch Arjuna," I said, sighing in a relatively uncomfortable way.
It has been a very long time since I had tortured someone. Not since Sergei commanded me to torture some random traitor who leaked the location of the Russian facility to the local authorities. Now that I think about it, that is probably how Chris and Jill probably found the place. Same as Albert.
I froze the memory of the blazing pain that pierced my chest. Albert noticed my grimace and placed his hand on my shoulder.  I turned my head to see his signature. I quickly jerk away. His smirk dropped and a look of concern grew on his face.
"Tabitha are you alright my love." He asked grasping my chin and pulling me towards him.
"No, I'm not. Let's go to the decontamination chamber. I'll show you there."  I pulled away again a little more forcefully.
We walked through the base to the containment chamber. I was saluted as I walked past my many agents. Albert followed close behind me. When we arrived at the decontamination shower, I dismissed Archer and Nighthawk and locked down the decontamination showers.
"I know we have not been back together very long dearheart, but I've felt the same about you since our wedding day. You are the only person in the world who I could love wholeheartedly." Albert said pulling me into his arms.
"I know. It is just Vladimir still has his claws sunk in my heart. For years upon years, I heard how much you must have despised me. The years of constant rape, experimentation, and manipulation led me down a dark path." I said moving away and turning on the shower.
"I know Tabitha. I was in the same boat, William called me and told me you had died. That it was Sergei. I should have found you sooner." He said unbuttoning his shirt.
"I have something to show you, my love. One of the abilities of the angelis virus-infected is cell manipulation. I use it to hide things about my body. Call it vain or whatever but I can't stand the sight of these." I said stripping my clothes off and black shards of silica fell off revealing extensive scarring from the U.B.C.S. tattoo removal to where Vladimir carved his name into my flesh. The hideous burns along my legs and a massive gash along my right eye. The most prominent one was five puncture wound scars near my heart.
Albert snarled at the sight and pulled me back into his arms falling back into the shower. His sunglasses were on the floor smashed as if they had been stomped on. My head laid close to his heart and it was racing. I felt Albert's chest rise and fall rapidly.
"Albert, are you alright?" I asked quickly rolling to face him.
His eyes were full of tears and glowing ruby red. he placed his hand on the scars above my heart, "These were caused by when I shot you. I'm pissed with that damn bastard for all this, but I can't forgive myself for what I did to you."
I quickly kissed him. I poured my love into the kiss using my strength to lift the both of us into a sitting position me straddling his hips my chest pressed into his. The warm water caresses our bodies gently as I release the kiss meeting his gaze with my own. 
"We have a lot we will have to work through but give it enough time my love and we will be the unstoppable force we were before, so no need for those contractions, my godly king," I said wiping the last of the tears from his eyes.
"What I Lost was nothing compared to what you went through, my dearest lotus flower," Albert said his blazing red eyes meeting my chilling blue.
"What matters now is we rebuild our relationship my beloved Albert Wesker,"  I said stroking a few wet pieces of hair out of his eyes.
"You are right my treasured Tabitha Wesker," Albert said pulling my head back into his chest.
I blushed feeling his thick member through his silken boxers. I tried to push him away but he held me close and smirked.  His cock slowly hardened.
"Albert here?" I asked shyly.
"Why not dear heart I know you locked the doors and it's not like there are any windows in here." He said biting down on my neck his teeth sinking into the junction between my neck and shoulder.
I gasped as he quickly shoved two fingers into my mouth.
"Shhh, my sweet lotus you would not want your agents to hear now would you, my love," He said with a dark chuckle leaving his throat.
He released his bite and blood trickled down my shoulder. A light smell of blood permeated the air. I didn't know how bad the bite was I just knew Albert was quickly lapping up the blood. His sadistic side was showing. When the wound sealed up Albert pulled his fingers from my mouth.
"My lotus I am going to ravage your pretty little body. I want to make you beg for release dear lotus. I will make you cum all over my face." He said laying me on the floor of the massive shower. he lifted my legs onto his well-defined shoulders and lowered his head down into my folds.
With a simple quick movement, Albert's tongue was on my clit flicking it side to side, "I will show you how much you mean to me dearheart."
He shoved his two fingers that were in my mouth deep into my pussy. He lowered his head back down resuming his original actions. Panting, I gripped his hair and lightly pulled at it. His tongue rapidly licked my clit making my vision hazy.
His fingers danced about inside my tightening snatch, curling up and grazing that spongy textured spot. I stared up gazing upon my godly husband's smirk as he added his third and fourth fingers.
I bit my lip, suppressing the moan that was starting to build in my throat.  I was in bliss I didn't even notice Albert's other hand reach up for my perky nipples. With a swift motion, he pinched and rolled my left nipple between his fingers. I gasped at the pain as it drove me closer to the edge. My tongue started to hang out as I moaned out losing control of my vocal cords.
"That's my lotus. So adorable making lewd sounds and faces. Such a beautiful slut and it is all for me. Now cum for me slut, let me taste your lovely juices, pet."
His usage of my old bdsm name drove me over the edge. He made me feel amazing and like Sergei's touch was never there. The coil in my lower stomach snapped and I came all over his fingers and face.
"Good pet," Albert smirked pulling out his fingers and licking them clean. He lifted me into his arms and cradled me in the hot water of the shower.
"You know, this reminds me of the time Anette almost caught us at the neighborhood pool shower." I chuckled lightly.
"Well, now we have a new memory we can share, my precious lotus," Albert said setting me down and pumping shampoo from the wall dispenser," now close your eyes, relax, and let me wash your hair."
I laughed and smiled kindly pumping soap into my hands."Then let me wash the cum off your face."
Yay, some soft fluff some sensual moments and some easy dirty fun. Next chapter we will be dealing with decently dark content and gore just for a heads up. I hope ya'll have a great day and continue to enjoy Resident Evil: Arch Angel. My name is Silfarianhawk and I'm not so far away
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georgie3116 · 2 months
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RE// MCU - Black Widow: Nemesis
> Please enjoy an excerpt of my Wattpad FanFic. This excerpt comes from Chapter 3 when Jill Valentine finally meets the Black Widow. Find a link to the full (in progressed released story).
Jill began to crawl away the smell of gasoline filled her nose and she's only free of the wreck just before the car explodes, more pain shot through her muscles as the explosion pushed her into the road.
Jill looked up in horror as the creature continued to walk through the flames of the inferno, the plastic wrap covering its face began to melt away and Jill swore it would be a sight that would remain with her for the rest of her life.
Its face was a living nightmare a contortion of inhuman flesh, a giant mouth, and oversized teeth
"Hey, fuckface" a female voice yelled distracting the creature from its original prey.
Suddenly a rocket was launched in its direction which the creature catches with its tentacle that protruded from its arm, annoyed it threw the explosive into a car with ease as it narrowed its gaze recognising the red-headed Avenger perched on the roof of a police car with a very big rocket launcher aimed at it
"AVENGER" the creature growled with anger, this B.O.W had been infected with a primary objective 'Kill S.T.A.R.S’ but also a complex threat assessment matrix and unfortunately for Natasha Romanoff it recognised her as a threat to its objective and its existence.
Before the B.O.W can react against her she fires another 'her last' rocket at the creature catching it right where the Black Widow had aimed it to go, the creature collapsed in a flaming heap keeping it down for good, at least that what Black Widow hoped.
Natasha ran to the woman laying in the street discarding the now useless rocket launcher, Jill stared up at her rescuer in awe, an Avenger here in Racoon City, the infamous Black Widow had saved her life
"You- you're an Avenger" Jill stuttered her words, she mentally kicked herself for being such a gibbering mess in front of her all time favourite hero,
Black Widow gave Jill a small smile, but Jill couldn't help but notice that the red heads smile never reflected in her eyes
"The names Natasha Romanoff and I'm saving you" Natasha placed Jill's arm around her shoulder so that the injured S.T.A.R.S officer could lean on her for support,
Jill had to admit the woman was a lot stronger than she looked "Come on let's get you some place safe" she painfully raised Jill to her feet, the two women quickly fled the scene although Natasha quickly looked back at the burning body of the B.O.W in the street 'And stay down' Natasha Romanoff thought to herself.
Chapter 4
LOCATION: The Streets of Racoon City
"Whe-, where are we going" Jill asked as the red-headed Avenger continued to carry her, Jill's proverbial knight in shining...Kevlar?
Natasha doesn't answer Jill's question instead she moved quickly with the S.T.A.R.S officer hanging over her shoulder for support and looking back occasionally to ensure that they hadn't been followed
"I think we're in the clear" Natasha let go of Jill allowing the woman to catch her breath "I hope so" Jill gasped clutching at her hurting ribs, a series of loud gun shots caught both of their attention, a loud explosion soon followed.
Black Widow suspected that it was the U.B.C.S officers she had sighted earlier, given the cops experience with Umbrella she decided that it might not be a good idea to tell her that unfortunately they were going to have to work with the Umbrella mercenaries.
"I saw some soldiers a few blocks down protecting civilians from the Zombies, hopefully they might have somewhere we can find sanctuary for a while" Jill nodded it was a good idea, she quickly became aware that she had been staring at the beautiful Avenger,
Jill felt mortified at herself for being so rude "Let me guess you want a picture" Black Widow smirked causing Jill to cringe
"Sorry, but I've always wanted to meet an Avenger"
Natasha's lips formed a thin line, she didn't like the 'almost celebrity' status that came with being an Avenger and certainly didn't feel like she deserved any admiration, Stark on the other hand lives for the attention, she however was no hero
"Hey, I'm a person just like you" Natasha insisted although it was a lie, she hadn't been a 'person' for a long time now.
"I don't think there's anyone like you Ms Romanoff and for what it's worth you're my favourite Avenger" Natasha smirked at Jill's attempt of flattering her, she didn't need to bother the officer with details of why no one in their right mind should idolise her.
Jill painfully straightens her aching spine stretching her sore arms "So... are there any other Avengers coming to the rescue?" Black Widows gaze dropped slightly
"No, I'm afraid not. The others are currently held up in Wakanda, news of the attack won't reach my teammates in time to come to our aid" Natasha Romanoff was different from her team, the Wild Card, the outcast, the mystery.
However, Natasha Romanoff had proved time and time again that she deserved her status as one of the founding members, since her method of ask questions first, punch later made her the ideal Avenger for S.H.I.E.L.D to pass this mission off onto
"That's a shame, I could sure do with a Thor or a Hulk right now" Natasha smirked again, her smirk was as sharp as glass
"Yeah, you and me both" Natasha supported Jill again as they made a beeline towards the sound of gunfire.
"Everyone, follow my men!" yelled a male voice most definitely a soldier Natasha thought as she made a quick assessment, he certainly had the build of a soldier, but his hair made her pause a complete fluffy mess on the soldier's head,
she wondered if the hair was an intentional fashion statement or just poor upkeep.  
The soldier suddenly took notice of the two women 
"Hey ladies its not safe on the streets!" he yelled and seeing that one of them was injured he approached to help, that was until he noticed that one of them was the Black Widow 
"Oh wow, we had no idea an Avenger would be in the city" both Natasha and Jill simultaneously rolled their eyes.
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russellwynn · 8 months
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T-03 Testing Facility
Dr. Del Rosario & U.B.C.S. 1LT Nelson — 1997
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Carlos Oliveira x Female Reader Fluff Spoiler warning (end of Resident evil 3)
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In the aftermath of Raccoon City's chaos, amidst the ruins and the relentless pursuit of the undead, there existed a bond forged in the crucible of survival. Carlos Oliveira, a valiant soldier of the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (U.B.C.S.), found himself entwined with a resilient survivor, [Reader], whose determination matched his own.
In the dimly lit confines of a decrepit warehouse, Carlos and [Reader] found temporary refuge, the echoes of distant moans of the undead serving as a constant reminder of the peril they faced. As they caught their breath, [Reader] tended to a wound on Carlos's arm, her touch gentle yet firm, her gaze unwavering despite the chaos surrounding them.
"Thanks," Carlos murmured, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of gratitude and admiration. In [Reader], he found a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, a reminder of humanity's resilience in the face of unspeakable horror.
[Reader] smiled softly, her fingers lingering over Carlos's wound for a moment longer than necessary, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken bond that had formed between them. "We're in this together, Carlos," she replied, her voice steady despite the tremor of fear threatening to consume her.
Their moment of respite was short-lived as the sound of shuffling footsteps grew louder outside, signaling the approach of yet more undead. With a shared glance, Carlos and [Reader] braced themselves for the inevitable onslaught, their weapons at the ready, their resolve unyielding.
As the first wave of creatures burst through the warehouse door, Carlos and [Reader] fought side by side, their movements fluid and synchronized as they dispatched their foes with ruthless efficiency. In the heat of battle, their proximity drew them closer together, their shared struggle forging a bond stronger than any words could convey.
Amidst the chaos, Carlos found himself awestruck by [Reader]'s bravery, her unwavering courage serving as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times. Together, they fought with a determination born of survival, their trust in each other unwavering as they faced the horrors of Raccoon City's downfall.
As the last of the undead fell, the warehouse fell silent once more, the echoes of their battle fading into the darkness. Carlos and [Reader] stood amidst the carnage, their breaths ragged, their bodies weary yet triumphant.
"We make a pretty good team, don't we?" Carlos remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice as he turned to [Reader], his eyes alight with gratitude.
[Reader] smiled, her heart racing with exhilaration, her gaze meeting Carlos's with unspoken understanding. "Yeah," she replied, her voice soft yet resolute. "We make a damn good team."
And in that moment, amidst the ruins of Raccoon City, Carlos and [Reader] knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, their bond forged in the fires of survival stronger than any obstacle they may encounter.
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I hope you liked my first blog, I will be doing more of these in the future. Be free to ask any request you want, I will be happy to do them.
And good night/morning/afternoon to you my loves♡
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