#Tuna constantly gets hurt/sick
spacexseven · 1 year
tuna I have a mini yan concept that has been ITCHING my brain and I need to tell u now now now
yanderes who poison their darlings. not enough to kill, not even enough to notice: just enough to make you sick. they love you so much, they're so OBSESSED with you... but they also hate you. you're so independent, so stoic, so resistant when they try to get you to love them; to rely on them and submit to them. so, they decide to make you *weak.* they just wanna see you all pathetic and needy soooo bad, begging for them to take care of you </3 which of course, they will delight in.
just a few drops of this in your food and you'll be out of commission for the next week, and they'll have you all to themself <3
ggahshsghaaa just... having a yan that's soo obsessed with taking care of you <3 that wants to take a strong, independent darling and make them pathetic <3
I feel like this is a major dazai and fyodor thing. maybe jouno too.
- 🩹
cw: poisoning, yandere characters
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it works perfectly when a yandere likes you for your stubbornness, for the bite in your words—it's who you are. but sometimes, it gets too much.
dazai for instance, as someone so desperate for you to reciprocate his affection and love, would hate how standoffish you can be. it was cute the first few weeks, but now, he just wants a moment where you're compliant and unable to stop him from coddling you and spending every waking moment by your side. it's not all that unusual to you, either, dazai has always been excited and happy to nurse you when you're sick, and this is just another one of those situations. sure, there's no real cause for your sudden bouts of weakness, but you're too tired to think about it too much, and dazai keeps you pretty occupied.
fyodor generally doesn't want you to be so rude and curt with him. he's doing you a favor, by protecting you from the ugly world, and now, he's helping you stay home and not risk your life outside with all those ability users running around. this also helps him hide his doa-related crimes from you if he wants since you're constantly bedridden and unable to do anything else. it is a funny thought to see fyodor caring for someone when he's already so sickly, but he comes in to check on you every few hours and he may even tell you that your weak state is a result of mingling too much with ability users (apart from him, since he's only using his to carry out god's will). you don't have to believe it, and you probably won't believe it now, but when it comes to the point that you're constantly ill and exhausted of how sick you are, you're willing to do anything to stop it. of course you know it's fyodor; you'd be a fool not to know, but if pretending that you agree with him stops him from poisoning you so often, you'll take it.
jouno resorts to this as a worst-case scenario. he doesn't want to hurt you, but you just don't listen! regardless of whether it's a civilian/villain/hunting dog darling, he only uses this if you really refuse to heed his warnings. jouno knows all about the dangers you're exposing yourself to on a daily by leaving his side, and since you won't take care of yourself, you leave him no choice. i think the poisoning thing is also a way for him to keep a handle on you. since all the hunting dogs are tied to the military by the monthly checkups that kill them otherwise, jouno decides to use a similar tactic on you. unlike the other yanderes here, jouno would make it clear he poisoned you. he even tells you that only he has the antidote, and if you want it, well...you'll just have to convince him that you deserve it, no? i can see him upping the dose for when you're particularly getting on his nerves, and so on ^-^
it makes things easier because you can't blame them for keeping you in either, since they're not stopping you themselves, right? even if you're convinced it's the yandere who's at fault, causing you harm, you have no evidence. they're exceptionally good at hiding it, (especially since we're talking about dazai/fyodor/jouno).
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10 Natural Remedies for Common Dog Health Issues
It is bad enough when you or your kids are sick, but how do you know when your dog is sick? Obviously they cannot talk but you can look for the signs and symptoms they may be exhibiting. If serious enough it may warrant a trip to the vet. What if you cannot afford an expensive vet bill or even the treatment, medication or afford to stay home to keep an eye as they recover? If the symptoms are mild to slightly moderate, you can use these natural remedies to aid in the healing process. Of course, if your dog is seriously hurt, crying in pain or not breathing definitely get them to the vet ASAP!
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So, let's begin.
Here are the Ten Natural Remedies for Common Health Issues of Dogs
What comes to mind when you think of this condition? An elderly women wincing as she climbs stairs? She may avoid walking long distances due to the pain in her knees. The same can be said about dogs.
Arthritis is a degenerative disease of the musculoskeletal system limiting a dogs activities to avoid the pain and inflammation.
It is prevalent in older dogs, but younger dogs may be susceptible depending on their breed. You may notice they aren't as active, reluctant to play with younger pups, wince when getting up or avoid jumping on the bed or in the car.
Currently, there is no cure but I am sure they are close to a breakthrough.
If your dog struggles getting on the bed, on in the car, you can use a ramp or stairs to relieve the stress on their back.
A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and beta-carotene work to calm the inflammatory response in dogs. The following are nutritional powerhouses:
sweet potatoes, pumpkin, blueberries, peeled apples, cantaloupes, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, spinach, kale, collards, salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, chicken and turkey.
Some great supplements to add:
Omega 3 oil, coconut oils, flaxseed, fresh ginger root, turmeric, cinnamon and parsley.
Other natural measures include:
a warm bath, using CBD oil, hot or cold compresses and quality hip & joint supplements.
Lastly, dogs can take herbal Arnica tablets (nature's Tylenol), hemp oil and salmon oil for their joints.
Depending on your dog's pain level and progression of the condition they may need traditional medical intervention.
You can discuss with your vet if NSAIDS, Gabapentin, Trazodone, Amoxicillin, Glucosamine and Meloxicam are the right medications to help relieve the pain and inflammation of arthritis for your dog.
Allergies are the top reason dogs are euthanized because it is too expensive to treat and rarely works.
Is your dog constantly scratching? It could be allergies also known as sensitivities to dust particles, pollen, medications and insect bites. Beside itchy skin you may see hot spots on your dog’s skin, anal gland issues, digestive problems and chronic diarrhea. The truth is giving your dog Benadryl suppresses their immune system leaving them vulnerable to cancer, viruses and bacteria.
Some vets recommend expensive prescription dog foods to treat allergies but contain hydrolyzed protein (MSG) - found to be a harmful ingredient that exacerbates your dog’s allergies and clinical trials show it is not effective.
Fun fact: these prescription dog foods are full of starch known to aggravate allergies and include cellulose (sawdust) fillers which are low quality and do not help the issue. Talk about adding insult to injury!
You can make an appointment with your vet for allergy testing to find the culprit.
Once the allergen is known, you can begin to treat the symptoms with the remedies below:
Bovine colostrum contains PRP (Proline Rich Polypeptides). PRP improves allergies by creating helper T cells and suppressor T cells in the immune system to reduce inflammation caused by histamines.
Bovine colostrum has natural antibodies that are passed onto their calves against pollen and fleas. They work in unison with the immune system to let it know the allergies are not a threat and to calm down the reaction (reduces inflammation). The same thing happens when you add the colostrum to your dog’s diet.
Dosage is ⅛ tsp per 25 pounds. Best to give on an empty stomach mixed with yogurt or broth daily for 30 days then as needed.
Mushrooms have immune modulating properties called beta-glucans that bind to specific immune cells to change the immune response. It prevents inflammation, auto immunity and allergic reactions by targeting, trapping and removing foreign substances like viruses and cancer cells.
As a result of adding to your dog’s diet, their immune system becomes more active and powerful without the side effects of traditional medicines.
Not all mushrooms contain beta-glucans. Look for the highest content at least 30% or higher with a low starch content.
These following mushrooms have the highest content:
Reishi, Shitake, Cordyceps, Turkey Tails and Maitake.
As always, never give your dog raw mushrooms.
Cook or dehydrate the mushrooms first.
Dosage: 400-500 mg for a medium sized dog 1-2 times a day.
Quercetin is a phytonutrient, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and natural antihistamine found in fruits and vegetables like broccoli and apples. It works to stop histamine causing allergies.
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Quercetin supplements have more concentrated benefits especially when combined with bromelain (enzyme) that give it a boost.
Give on an empty stomach.
Dosage: 8mg per pound.
Nettles contain histamine and stimulates the body to protect itself when exposed in small dosages to build immunity against allergies.
Look for products containing Quercetin that boosts the anti allergy effects.
You can dry the leaves, make a tea, sauté and add to the dog’s food or as a tincture. For a tincture 2 drops per 10 pounds.
Can use the tea on itchy skin and as a rinse for itchy eyes.
Baking soda is an effective and cheap remedy to calm itchy inflamed skin. Make a paste with 1 TBSP of baking soda with enough water. Put on the itchy area and leave for a few hours then rinse. Great for itchy paws.
To use as a spray add 1 TBSP baking soda with 8 oz water in a spray bottle, shake and spray on dogs skin as needed.
Licorice contains glycyrrhizin acid, a substance with a codeine-like effect. More than just candy, it relieves inflammation in the digestive tract, helps remove mucus from your dog’s respiratory tract much like allergy medications but without the side effects.
To find the right dosage you will need to work with your vet since it varies depending on your dog's issues.
The starting dosage is 12-20 drops per 20 pounds of dog weight.
Fresh Aloe Leaf gel contains enzymes that heal itchy skin and reduces inflammation, but only if the leaf is fresh.
For an added cooling benefit, put it in the refrigerator before applying.
Once cooled, slice open and scoop out the gel then apply to itchy areas.
Don’t use the yellow goo - it’s a form of latex.
Probiotics use living bacteria to set up shop in your dog’s gut.
Did you know that 90% of a dogs immune system is in their gut?
Probiotics protect and reduce the bad bacteria, viruses and fungi in the gut therefore, reducing inflammation and autoimmune responses.
Research is still ongoing but promising results show it reduces allergies to almost removing them.
Look for soil based probiotics (they survive the trip through the digestive tract) with 1-5 billion CFU’s (Colony Forming Units).
Supplements are the easiest way to provide the benefits. Make sure the bottle shows all the ingredients.
Best when combined with prebiotics (indigestible beneficial fibers) which makes probiotics more effective (feeds good bacteria to gut).
Follow dosing instructions on the bottle.
Omega-3’s are essential fatty acids aka the “good fats.” They work to calm the dog’s inflammatory responses.
Look for properties like Eicosatetraenoic Acid (ETA), Eicosatetraenoic Acid (EPA) and Stearidonic Acid (SDA). All three work to reduce itching and scratching.
Found in Hemp Seed Oil (SDA), Ahiflower Oil (SDA) and Green Lipped Mussel Oil (ETA & EPA).
Vomiting in dogs is normal and often a result of something they may have eaten.
Just like humans, dogs may experience indigestion after eating too much, eating bad food, consuming too much or being exposed to a virus or bacteria that can produce an infection causing diarrhea and vomiting.
What to look for is a loss of appetite and weight loss.
Pancreatitis and Giardia are more serious conditions requiring a trip to the vet.
It is best to treat vomiting and diarrhea with a bland diet.
Think BRAT: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast.
Keep it simple.
Cooked white rice with boiled chicken is easy on the stomach while producing energy and nutrition. Pumpkin, sweet potatoes and bone broth are healthy yet effective foods too.
You can give them regular dog food in small amounts. They may not eat right away but try again a few hours later.
Make sure they are drinking plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration which is a more serious problem.
Diabetes and Obesity
Both are linked together because canine obesity often leads to canine diabetes.
Complications of both are heart disease, arthritis, liver and kidney failure to blood clotting problems.
You may notice your dog drinking excessive amounts of water, changes in their appetite and possible vomiting.
Type II diabetes can be controlled by incorporating high fiber and low fat foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables into their diets, portion control and plenty of exercise.
Type I diabetes in dogs is managed by your doctor, an insulin regimen and diet.
Female dogs that are not spayed have an increased risk of Type II diabetes.
Fleas and Ticks
Fleas and ticks cause itchiness and discomfort due to the flea saliva containing allergens. Excessive scratching can lead to hair loss and other skin problems like dermatitis. Apply topical solution to your dog’s back once a month. You can also use flea and tick collars.
Heartworms, Roundworms, Tapeworms, Hookworms and Whipworms
Worms are contracted from being in contact with other infected animals by sharing food and/or water bowls.
Symptoms depend on the worm species.
Roundworms produce a large round belly causing digestive upset such as diarrhea, weight loss and loss of energy.
Heartworm causes pneumonia, coughing and lethargy. See your vet for vaccine information.
Kennel Cough
Kennel cough is either a viral or bacterial infection causing inflammation of the dog’s voice box and windpipe (respiratory system) making breathing difficult at times. Contracted from other animals and most common in large dog communities.
See your vet for vaccine information.
The C word. Cancer is devastating to dog parents. It has become prevalent due to dogs being exposed to more carcinogenic substances.
Look for unusual odors, lumps, drastic weight loss or long lasting changes in behavior.
Unfortunately, there is no cure but the silver lining is dogs have a much longer life span thanks to medical treatment and advancement.
Most common cancers among canines are lymphoma and mast cell tumors.
Treatment ranges from surgery to chemo and radiation.
A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals are known to provide some relief to some dogs. To treat the pain, vets may prescribe narcotics to ease the pain.
Broken Bones
Result from a fall from substantial heights or being hit by a car and quite traumatic for both dogs and dog parents.
The obvious signs to look for are wincing in pain with movement of limb, exposed bones, bleeding, limping and crying.
Treatment ranges from rest, a castor splint, surgery, metal implants to amputations. The best thing for your dog is rest during the healing process.
To make them more comfortable use a memory foam bed, restrict movement and shower them with love. Most will wear the cone of shame to prevent licking and tearing out the stitches.
Pain meds at regular intervals keep your dog comfortable, hydrotherapy is proven to strengthen the affected area once the cast is off or stitches have healed and given the ok at their 6 week checkup.
To keep your dog from boredom due to limited activities, you can find a good bone for them to chew.
To aid in the healing, you can feed your dogs calcium rich foods, pumpkin seeds, bell peppers, lean meat like chicken or turkey, sardines, and fatty fish.
So it all adds up to this: dogs are family and when they are hurting from illness or injury, we want them back to their normal crazy self as fast as possible. The best thing you can do for your dog is provide lots of love, kisses and attention during their recovery, follows your vet's instructions, and do your best to treat them with natural remedies.
In addition to showering your dog(s) with healing vibes, you can treat them to MuttLee Crew's Holistic Dog Treats. Made with superfoods like salmon, blueberries, honey, oat flour and more good stuff. It's more than a treat...it's a way of life.
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moved2usagiiboo · 3 years
Def; Daydreaming is the stream of consciousness that detaches from current, external tasks when attention drifts to a more personal and internal direction. 
Synonyms; Trance, fantasy, Hallucination
Chifuyu x fem!reader
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Minors DNI, thank you.
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You were stunning, enticing, gorgeous. You were a angel sent down from heaven with the job of blessing young men's hearts. You shined bright like the rays on a sunny day.
You were his everything and yet you weren't his. As a matter of fact, he barely knew anything about you but you have him wrapped around your delicate finger. He was whipped.
Chifuyu met you one day, when he had been tasked with a mid-day coffee run for him and his co-worker. He walked into the café, the smell of coffee and pastries engulfed his noise, it was a small cat café not too far from where he worked. Nothing more than a five minute walk, Chifuyu heard cats meow and purred as they rubbed against his pants.
He bent down rubbing the head of the nearest cat to him, he lifted the cat up cradling it as he walked towards the menu.
"Hi! Welcome to Neko-Sama, what can I get for you today." You beamed at him from behind the counter with the softest smile. Your voice rung in his ears like a soft melody, your smile made heat rush to his face in an instant.
You had your hair in pigtails with pink and white cat ears, and a frilly maid costume draped over your body. You shuffled your body feeling Chifuyu's eyes look you up and down eyeing your attire.
You were adorable.
You stared at the man with cat like eyes, you catched your eyes with his before turning away and giving an awkward cough to clear the air.
"Wow, Tuba doesn't really like anybody..." You drifted off, "Much less let people hold her, you must be a great guy!"
"Tuba?" He questioned earning a small meow from the ginger cat that was in his arms nuzzling his head on his arm. "O-Oh! Well, I do work with animals, that's probably why." He chuckles softly petting the cat.
"That's amazing, I got this job here to work with animals. I adore cats, they're just so cute." You practically squealed, "Sorry! M'rambling" You looked down with a slight your ears slightly red from embarrassment.
The only thing that ran through Chifuyu's head was how adorable you were. Would it be weird if he asked for your number? You both just met, but he can't help but want to know more about you.
"N-No, no, not at all. Honestly, I thought it was cute..." He says the last part ever so softly, tightening his grip on the cat due to nervousness. The cat bites Chifuyu's hand in response jumping out of his arms, "Oh.. Guess I pissed him off." You both laughed at the cat as you watched him lick himself in spite.
For a split second you both lock eyes, you turn your head down to the iPad on the counter before beaming a smile at him.
"So! What can I get for you today?"
Ever since then Chifuyu has found reasons to make his way to the café. His co-worker caught onto him leaving work to bring back coffee and various snacks, one day he asked him about it.
"I like the coffee." He plainly replied, he would repeat this phrase over and over not only to those who asked about his constant ventures to the café but to convince himself that it wasn't because he wanted to hear your voice and see your face.
Totally not because he hopes that his constant visits would bring upon something. Something more than small talk as you prepared his drink, he convinced himself that he didn't want to be the reason you smile everyday.
You weren't running through his mind, he couldn't be in love with a girl be barely knows.
But the way you blush when he gives you small compliments, it's just too cute to ignore.
Over the course of a few months you and the man got closer, you learn his name and he yours. You were both around the same age, 23, you still being in college working towards your degree and him owning a animal shop.
One day, on a cold winter evening Chifuyu found himself at the café once again. So far he has been to Neko-Sama almost everyday. Naturally, being the animal person he is, he has created a bond with the cats there. Especially Tuna.
Tuna meows the loudest whenever Chifuyu is in the establishment, that's when you begin to prepare his drink. His order changes with the season, as any good barista does, you remember his orders for each season.
Being that it's winter you prepare his drink, a medium peppermint hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. You found it cute how a grown man would order such a cute drink.
"Good evening Chifuyu-san." You smiled placing his drink at his regular table. He takes off his coat setting it down on the seat next to him.
"I told you to drop the formalities, we're the same age Y/n." He sighs, softly thanking you for preparing his drink. He blows the steam away before taking a sip.
"I can't help it, you just seem so much older " You giggle before sitting next to him on the booth couch.
"Should I call you Fuyu' from now on?" You tapped your chin with a hum pretending to think.
"Do what you want, dummy Y/n." He mutters, hoping you're unaware of the burn on the tip of his ears.
Tuna jumped his way onto the seat laying on Chifuyu's coat, his purrs nothing more than a background sound as you and Chifuyu indulge in a conversation.
"And look at this, the new cat is so playful," Chifuyu chuckles pulling his phone out, "Look, she basically destroyed this toy we gave her." He shows you pictures of the cat along with the aftermath of her playtime. You giggle as he swiped through his phone.
This wasn't your fault. You could barely see the screen because of the glare from the lights, you shift your body closer to him. Chifuyu freezes as he feels your clothed breasts push up against him as you stare at his screen unaware of your actions.
"You okay?" You ask staring at his face, cupping it with your hands. His whole body locked up at your touch, his face was bright red with sweat heading down the side of his temple. "You're burning up!" You half screen putting the back of your hand on his forehead, "Are you sick?" You frantically ask while gripping the man's face.
"M'fine.. Just" He trails off, looking at your glistening lips, "Dizzy...."
"Fuyu, you idiot. You need to go home when you don't feel well..." You sighed, "Come on let me walk you home, my shift is over anyways."
Chifuyu waited outside feeling dizzy off of your touch, his head throbbed and his heart pounded. Maybe he was sick.
"Sorry it took so long, Tuna didn't want to go in his cage..." You sigh locking up, you looked at Chifuyu and worry spread across your face. Chifuyu's chest heaved up and down heavily, he looked out of breath as if he ran a marathon.
You quickly take off your scarf and wrapped it around his neck, he softly gasped at the sudden action.
"Let's get you home, yeah?" You lock arms with him and following him as he walked to his apartment. You missed the way his face got brighter as he smelt your scent on the scarf. You said your goodbyes telling him to take medicine and get a good night's rest.
He kicked off his shoes and stripped down on his way to the shower feeling lightheaded, after his shower he took his medicine like you told him to, he wasted no time getting into his bed not before grabbing your scarf and wrapping it around his neck. He ignored the cries of his cat as he tried to drift off to sleep trying to forget the throbbing pain in his head.
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ミ❣️That night he couldn't sleep, maybe it was the throbbing pain in his head or the nauseous feeling he'd get everytime he would shift his body.
ミ❣️Or possible it was the fact that everytime he closed his eyes he saw you, your smile, heard your voice, felt your touch.
ミ❣️Your hands were soft, oh so plush.
ミ❣️And your lips, the way they glistened due to the lip gloss you would constantly put on for worry your lips would dry out.
ミ❣️He couldn't forget your whines and pouts when he would call you, "dummy y/n" a nickname you acquired after spraining your ankle slipping while trying to give Tuna a bath.
ミ❣️The way you would stick out your bottom lip, your eyes would shine as if you were about to cry when he had to leave early...
ミ❣️You were adorable, his perfect little angel.
ミ❣️He drifts off daydreaming about every aspect of you that he loves, its a innocent little crush.
ミ❣️He begins to drift off about the way you dress, those pink cat ears that jingle everytime you move. That slutty maid costume that barely covered your ass. Those adorable stripped thigh highs that covered your thighs, pushing up the fat to the uncovered part of your upper thighs.
ミ❣️He nuzzled his flushed face into the scarf engulfing his nose in your sweet scent. It smelt like the fragrance you would constantly wear...
ミ❣️What was it again?
ミ❣️Fuck, he can't think straight trying to remember the name of your perfume makes his head hurt.
ミ❣️But thinking about how you would bend down he would get a full view of your plush cheeks made his cock hurt.
ミ❣️The way you would shake and sway your hips with each step you took.
ミ❣️He isn't in the right headspace, his mind has drifted away from his body. He's long gone, he lost all control of his actions.
ミ❣️Chifuyu is needy, the thoughts go right to his cock. His length twitched with every memory of you.
ミ❣️When did he pull his pants down to his knees?
ミ❣️When did his breath become broken and eratic?
ミ❣️He doesn't know how he ended feeling his dick through his underwear, how he began to fist his dick, all curled up in a ball, trying to release.
ミ❣️His other hand pulling the scarf closer to his nose to take deep inhales.
ミ❣️Chifuyu's voice becomes audible as soft groans leave his mouth.
ミ❣️Nothing more than pre-cum dripped from the tip of his angry cock as he aggressively jerked his hand up and down the length of his shaft, gripping it harder trying to get friction.
ミ❣️He just needed to cum.
ミ❣️It wasn't working. He spat in his hand, rolling into his back. He pr sses his thumb onto his tip. He hissed in pain as a electric jolt shot through his body.
ミ❣️His proud cock standing tall as he moved his hand up and down while simultaneously slightly thrusting his hips upwards. He clicked his tongue in annoyance when it just.. wasn't working.
It wasnt you
ミ❣️Chifuyu pulled his pillow from his head, shifting his position once more, laying back on his side, putting his cock onto the surface of the pillow. He slowly humped his pillow, grinding his dick into the pillow.
ミ❣️He found himself wondering what you were doing right now, if at night you played with yourself.
ミ❣️No, no, not that. He wondered how well you would take him, if you'd scream his name, begging him to go faster, calling him all sorts of names,
ミ❣️ They would sound so pretty coming out of your mouth
ミ❣️As he claimed your pussy as his spraying your insides with his cum.
ミ❣️Nah, you were too innocent for that... You were the type of girl to blush when somebody accidentally touches your hand of gives you a compliment.
ミ❣️If anything you would fail to understand why your core was heating up, desperate to feel something inside you but not understanding the meaning.
ミ❣️That's it, you'd come to him crying asking for him to help you feel better.
ミ❣️He groaned at the thought of him placing his hand around your throat while tongue fucking your mouth. You would struggle to kiss back as he roughly explored your mouth with his tongue. Your knees would buckle from the pleasure. He would pick you up, holding the back of your knees, gently grinding his hard cock against your sex.
ミ❣️He would treat you like a princess.
ミ❣️Laying on your back as you hurried to take your soaking panties off, your slick juices leaving a single string that was attached to your panties, proof that you were wetting your undergarments like a dirty slut.
ミ❣️Your face would be red as you shamelessly tell him in the softest tone.
ミ❣️"Want you so bad Fuyu'"
ミ❣️Fuck, his thrusts became more erratic, his knuckles turning white from his tight grip on his pillow.
ミ❣️Yeah, you'd call him by his nickname as you begged him to claim you, ruin you.
ミ❣️He imagine him sinking his fingers, he'd start with one not wanting to hurt you. Your tight untouched cunt tightly squeezing his finger. You would already be a moaning mess, Fuyu was talking all your firsts.
ミ❣️Your slightly loosened sex would take in another finger. You would try your best to muffle your slutty moans as he fingers your soaking pussy. You'd cover your mouth with your hand as his finger curled inside of you hitting that spot that made your toes curl and eyes widen.
ミ❣️You'd moan his name, begging him to stop. It felt weird, felt too good, something was coming.
ミ❣️He'd give you your first orgasm with his fingers, you had drool dripping from the corner of your mouth, your face was red. You were already so fucked out on his fingers.
ミ❣️He felt his cock twitch with these thoughts. He mindlessly began to fuck his pillow into the mattress, his body now on top of the pillow as he grinded on top of the pillow.
ミ❣️He'd have you suck on his fingers tasting yourself as he began to eat you out. His tongue slipping in and out of your slit, naughty slurping sounds emitted from the room as he throat fucked you with his digits that were once in your pussy. His nose would occasionally hit your lip causing you to arch your back pushing his tongue deeper inside you.
ミ❣️You love being eaten out huh? Love it when daddy fucks you with his tongue. Such a dirty little thing.
ミ❣️All the dirty things he could think of seeps from his mouth, while eating you out. He'd bring you to another orgasm with ease.
ミ❣️"Y/n, fuck, m'gonna cum" Chifuyu grunted out in a out of breath voice, he felt his cock spurt out his cum into his pillow, yet he wasn't satisfied.
ミ❣️He leaned back onto his shins, his knees pressing into the bed as he lifted the pillow up, slipping his cock into the pillow cover.
ミ❣️He wasn't done yet, your pussy would be twitching, eager to take his cock. You eyes would be begging him to fuck you into the mattress.
ミ❣️"Gonna fuck my princess dumb." He muttered out to nobody as he thrusted upwards into the pillow. His thrusts were shameless and aggressive as he pounded his pillow like a dog in heat.
ミ❣️His moans were loud as he muttered filthy things about you.
ミ❣️He would slip his cock into you, kissing away the tears from your eyes.
ミ❣️His cock was just too big, his dumb baby couldn't take it. The stretch hurt. Daddy made it fit though. Daddy will make you feel so good. Pretty girl.
ミ❣️He'd let you adjust waiting for you to give him the okay, he would start of slow, giving you small thrusts to get you used to the size of him. Deep passionate thrusts that said how much he loved you.
ミ❣️You would have the most beautiful moans and whines, he could listen to them all day. He would kiss you and your body till it bruised.
ミ❣️You'd beg him to fuck you, he would do just that. Slamming his hips into yours causing you to scream out his nickname, one of his hands would be on your thigh squeezing it oh so tight getting a good grip for when he pulls his cock out and slams your bodies into each other, fucking you senseless. While the other kept your mouth busy, occasionally taking his fingers out of your mouth to kiss you deeply bruising your lips with his.
He'd watch your every expression.
ミ❣️"Your pussy was made for me, look how well you're taking it. Doing so good"
ミ❣️Your eyes would cross as your tongue rolled out, you'd pants and beg for him to slow down. You didn't really want that, no, not when he was making you feel this good. The way you would arch your back, grind your hips into his, wrap your arms around his neck and grip his hair as you moaned louder with each thrust told him everything he needed to know.
ミ❣️You wanted more, you're greedy aren't you?
ミ❣️"My pretty little cocksleeve"
ミ❣️Chifuyu felt himself getting closer to his high, but he wanted to cum with you.
ミ❣️No, you weren't here.
ミ❣️His hand would make it to your clit giving it a soft slap before his thumb rubbed it in circles. You'd start cursing because of how good it felt. Telling him you wanted more, how you were about to cum, how much you wanted him to cum in you.
ミ❣️You would adore it, he knows it. You'd be such a cum hungry slut for him, no matter when or where you'd want him to cum in your tight pussy.
ミ❣️"Fuck, fuck— so good, Y/n— yer' pussy so good" Chifuyu cursed out as he imagined you creaming his cock the same time as he slammed his dick in you once more before spraying your insides white with his cum. Your body would shake as you had your final orgasm feeling so full.
ミ❣️"Fuck... Fuck, fuck, shit, fuck!" Chifuyu cursed out realizing what he just did, he felt a wave of guilt as he felt his dick go limp after fucking his pillow to the thought of you like a madman.
ミ❣️He rushed into the shower, almost falling off his bed in a panic mode. He tried to wash it off, tried to wash off the sin of moaning your name while he fucked his pillow like some highschool horn dog.
ミ❣️He hoped you'd forgive him, he prayed you would.. You couldn't ever find out what he did, you'd label him as a pervert.
ミ❣️Maybe he was one.
ミ❣️He couldn't look himself in the mirror, too ashamed to face himself.
ミ❣️Chifuyu threw the pillow away before curling back in bed chanting soft apologies to nobody. He'd wrap his body in his blanket nuzzling his face back into your scarf as he drifting off final able to sleep.
ミ❣️The next morning you didn't understand why Chifuyu refused to make eye contact with you...
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It was supposed to be a short drabble.... 500 works max 🤧🔫 anywaysssss
@baji-kuns hope you liked it 🙄 #Chifuyu'sAHoe
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moment-in-sparks · 3 years
How Stephen Strange Falls For You | Marvel Headcanons
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Male Reader Genre: Fluff Warning(s): None? I think? Maybe the tiniest bit of angst? Can you even call it that? IDK
A/N: My first headcanon with him was kind of before he was the magical Doctor Strange we know today, so as an apology, here’s a headcanon that features a more recent Doctor Strange!
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You just moved to a small apartment in New York City and desperately needed a job
Honestly, if it weren’t for your kind neighbor—bless her soul—who referred you to her workplace, you probably wouldn’t have found a job
It was at a grocery store, but you were grateful nonetheless
At least you could finally pay your bills and be able to eat enough meals
Understanding that you needed lots of connections to survive in this city, you figured making a few acquaintances wouldn’t hurt
Lo and behold, the store you were working at had an opening for their delivery services
You figured it’d give you the chance to meet people, and the extra pay wouldn’t hurt
So you immediately take the job before anyone had the chance to
Wong enjoys his tuna melt a lot
He goes through several of them each day
Usually in just one sitting
Strange is just perplexed as to how he doesn’t ever get sick of them
Naturally, this means he has to go out of his way to buy more for Wong
He is so tired of having to come back to the grocery every other day to stock up on them
He had more important otherworldly matters to attend to
Like constantly monitor other beings 
Wanda and Loki I love yall so much but what have you guys done
He tried telling Wong to get them himself, but the conversation just went
“Someone needs to stay and guard the multiverse”
To which Strange replied, “I can literally do that myself”
Wong just blinked, staring at him for a few seconds before meekly replying “...You could use a break”
Eventually, Strange’s patience wore thin, and remembering that they were in New York City, having someone deliver your groceries for you wasn’t unheard of
How he didn’t think of it sooner boggles him and he starts treating it as some kind of breakthrough
Time in Kamar-Taj really taught this man that the little things in life truly make it better
Like taking the first sip of coffee in the morning and it’s just the right temperature,
The crunching sound the leaves make when you step on them,
A warm shower after a long day,
And how you, a complete stranger, would constantly ask him about his day without fail
Honestly at first, he just found you annoying since normally, people just mind their own business
He was sure that when you first met, you were confused and speculating about his life due to his clothes
And you kind of were
I mean, you expected to be greeted by a butler
Since the “townhouse” which was actually the sanctum looked so fancy and seemed like it would be owned by someone who has amassed a large fortune over the years
Yet you came face to face with a man who you assumed was in his 30s
Wearing a blue robe and… a red cloak? 
The first thought that came to your mind was that maybe a costume party was happening
Or that he had children to entertain
Honestly you inquiring about his day was somewhat of an accident
Yes, you wanted to make connections through your job, but not by awkwardly asking others how their day went
You just randomly blurted it out while he was trying to get the money to pay you
“So… how’s your day been?” You ask him in possibly the most awkward voice ever
When you did, he was shocked, but you didn’t really catch that as he still seemed to look at you with apathy
Ah yes, eye contact, wonderful
You had to avert your gaze as you couldn’t stand the awkwardness
Even though he replied with “Okay,” you weren’t really sure if that was a response to your inquiry or it was him expressing that he had finally taken the money out from his pocket
This basically went on for a few weeks and has become quite the routine for you
However, you slowly begin to find your footing and shake off the awkward feeling just by talking
He had also begun tolerating your presence—back then, during the first few days, he would just slam close the door immediately after giving you payment, 
Sometimes without even saying goodbye or a thank you...
He does tip you generously though DOCTOR MONEY COME THROUGH
But now he actually listens to you when you start explaining your day to him and the things you experienced in New York
All of which were attempts to encourage him to tell you about him
Strange couldn’t help but appreciate your presence and your efforts to get him to talk
The closest thing this man has to any human interaction is probably with Wong, and we all know how serious he can get at times
Even though Strange barely says anything back to you after bringing his groceries every other day to his doorstep, hearing your excitement kind of gives him a warm, fuzzy feeling
Whenever you would recount your experiences, you always seemed so giddy and excited since you had never been to a city like New York before
It was so infectious that it managed to get through to Strange
Honestly you reminded him of a golden retriever
Back then he would dread the day when the delivery guy would come in, but now he just had something to look forward to
However, since Strange doesn’t say much, you begin to think that maybe he doesn’t talk because you keep talking his ear off and not giving him the chance to speak
Even though he was one of your regulars, he was the only regular that you hadn’t gotten to know more
Your other regulars had begun being more cordial and friendly towards you, telling you stuff about their lives and sometimes offering you a snack or two,
But you still knew nothing about Strange other than the occasional wise words 
Or possibly references you just didn’t understand
So you decide to just shut up and let him talk for once
Holding the box of groceries in one hand, you ring the bell and come face to face with him again
After sharing hellos, you share a little bit of your day
“What about you? Anything interesting today?” You ask him, making sure to cut your story off to give him enough time to speak
Strange noticed how you seemed to be more reserved than usual, and even though he wants to reply, he doesn’t really know what to say???
Like, does he say, “Oh you know, the universe has just started branching off but there don’t seem to be any great anomalies at the moment?”
So he just stood there in typical fashion which was
Drum roll...
Complete and utter silence!
You slightly pout and instead take the chance to take a look inside since the door was already wide open anyways
You briefly see a grand staircase in the middle and a bunch of seemingly display cases upstairs, 
Your eyes just widen in excitement, "This place seems cool! Is this a museum?"
Strange doesn’t really know what else to tell you so he just says "Yes"
"Then why aren't you guys ever open?" You asked, since you would usually deliver groceries in the morning or afternoon and not once have you seen others coming in or out
There was just complete silence between the both of you
Strange slightly cringes, and speaks up again, "Actually, no we're not”
He proceeds to take the box from your hands, “I’ll just be taking this and... Bye bye"
And closes the door in your face
"Uhhh, you- umm, you forgot to pay me?"
You continue these interactions for a few more meetings,
And now you two were pretty much back where you started
Just awkward pauses peppered all over your interactions
You thought to yourself, maybe you should return to carrying the conversation yourself
At night, Strange is just constantly pacing around in his quarters, understanding that something was wrong 
He just doesn’t know what to tell you about him
One night, he just begins piecing things together
He thought that maybe you staying away might be for the best
He’s dealing with threats from a multiverse that he doesn’t fully understand himself
He wouldn’t want to put you into any real danger
But the idea of never seeing you again,
How you would always greet him with a smile,
The way your eyes shine and light up in excitement as you recount your day,
And how you would always stop yourself to hear him clearly whenever he spoke,
It angers and saddens him at the same time, making him clench his fists
He abruptly stopped in his tracks, brows furrowed, obviously deep in thought
He rested his chin on his right hand, his elbow supported by his left hand
No, he’s just feeling that way because he doesn’t want to lose the chance of being your friend
In his words, “He’s a fun guy to be around”
That’s all there was to it
So when you told him that you got promoted and won’t have to do any deliveries anymore,
Why did it feel like he just got stabbed?
Why did his chest suddenly feel so tight?
Why did it hurt him so much?
As much as he tried to deny it so many times, 
Deep down, Strange already knew the answer
Maybe he was way past the point of no return
Because he’s already fallen for you
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Maybe pregnant hcs for Todoroki, Iida, Shinsou and Amajiki???💓💓💓💓💓
-Ohoho!!!! This right here just melts my hurt. Even thinking about it makes me weak.Plus a little heads up, everyone is having daughters cause I’m weak to the knees with the thought of these four and their babygirls so be prepared. Hope I don’t disappoint.💖💖💖
*All characters are aged up so around the ages of 20-25 and up*
Todoroki Shouto
-You and Shouto have been together since your second year in UA.
-You got married when you both got well acquainted with the hero life and now live a happy , yet busy, life in an apartment near his mom’s house. 
-We know that this boy would want his family to be close to him and the fact that you get along with everyone fills his heart with so much love. 
-You two never really talked about children.
-Maybe a few suggestions of having a child in the future but nothing serious.
-Que the morning sickness. 
-Shouto was really worried about you, I mean look at you.
-You’re emptying your guts in the toilet every single morning. 
-You can’t eat most foods that you used to like and have a weird craving for tuna yogurt?!
-He doesn’t want to leave the house, he even convinced you to take some days off and try to relax.
-Give your body rest.
-He promised to get some days off himself to take care of you.
-You had your suspicions, tbh.
-You just didn’t tell him.
-Whether that was to not get his hopes up or to post pone the heartbreak you didn’t really know.
-So what if you were mildly panicking over the fact that the 5 pregnancy tests you just took were all positive. 
-It was the first day of your mini ‘vacation’ and thankfully Shouto had been called in today.
-Because you’re panicking and legit losing your shit over this, you call....Rei.
-Okay maybe it wasn’t the best course of action considering you were on the verge of cardiac arrest, but what can you do.
-You asked her if she was home and if you could stop by.
-Of course she said yes, delighted to see you and mentioned that Fuyumi was also going to stop by in around an hour.
-You made your way to her house, arriving just as Fuyumi was pulling into the drive way.
-After greeting each other and going inside, you took your seats in the living room and waited for Rei to make some tea.
-Fuyumi was going on and on about what the kids at the kindergarten were doing and how cute some of them were being. 
-Neither of the Todoroki women had missed your puffy eyes or how your smile would constantly waver, but they decided to let you tell them on your own accord. 
-Once Rei joined you in the living room, they both turned to you.
- “So how have you been Y/n, dear?” Rei said watching you really closely. 
-You looked down, feeling hot tears starting to form in your eyes and your throat tightening painfully. 
-Fuyumi moved closer to you while Rei draped an arm around your shoulders which were shacking at the moment. 
- “I-I’m p-pregnant.” it was barely a whisper, but they heard it alright.
-Mom mode activated 2x.
-They reassured you that everything was going to be fine and how lucky you are.
-They repeatedly said how excited Shouto will be and what of a push over of a dad he would become.
-After 4 long hours of baby talk, you returned home, collapsing on the sofa before passing out for a good 3 hour nap.
-When you woke up, Shouto was home and sitting next to you weaving his fingers absentmindedly through your hair. 
- “Hey there sleepyhead.”
-How could his voice be so soft!?!?
-You buried your face into the blanket, which really confused him, I mean...what did he do?
- “We have a problem...” pause....awkward silence.... “I’m pregnant.”
-*Windows noises*
-After the mild stroke, he lifted you up so you were looking at him and just stared at you. 
-Those seconds that he just looked at you felt like eternity.  
-The torture ended however, when he lowered his head to your stomach and lifting your shirt, placed a small kiss right under your belly button.
- “Hey there, snowflake. Nice to meet you.”
-And with that, 9 exhausting months started full of mood swings, weird cravings, back rubs and a never ending list of baby names.
-You two learned you were having twins on your fifth appointment, but you decided to keep the gender a surprise. 
-On a cold January night your two girls were brought into the world and it was one of the few times you had seen Endeavour and Natsuo in the same room bawling their eyes out. 
-Your white haired baby was named Rei *after her grandmother* while your mixed red and h/c babygirl Ren. 
-When Shouto held them for the first time, you thought he was going to have a mental breakdown.
-He’s a total push over and your girls are daddy’s girls to the core.
-He’s the best dad they could ask for.
Iida Tenya
-You and Tenya have been married for 6 years now and have been trying endlessly for a baby.
-You both agreed that you were ready for the responsibility and that having a little Tenya running around the house sounded like a great idea.
-Saying that you were exhausted form the attempts was an understatement.
-Tenya had incredible stamina and even more libido, so you can safely assume that during the week long process of baby making you couldn’t walk straight.
-However, your little shenanigans stopped when your doctor delivered you the news.
-You had been hit by a blood related quirk while dealing with a villain and had to get a check up afterwards.
-You were given a scolding the moment you saw your doctor because why aren’t you in desk duty you RASCAL!?
-You were confused beyond belief and it was written all over your face.
- “You don’t know do you?” 
-Le sigh.
- “Mrs. Iida I’m happy to announce you that you’re expecting, so that means you are to be put in desk duty for the next 4 months or else I’m making sure you don’t leave the house for a good 9 months.”
-You. Were. Ecstatic. 
-You ran to Tenya’s agency, bringing down the damned door to his office giving the man a heart attack.
- “Y/n what’s-”
-Que ecstatic air chopping. 
-Tenya went into full dad mode during those 9 months. 
-Buttt he’s also kinda nervous.
-Nervous like Tamaki in a crowd level nervous.
-You get the image.
-You have anything you want whenever you want it.
-The nursery is done the moment you find out you are having a gilr.
-Unlike Todoroki he isn’t patient enough to keep the gender a secret.
-When the day arrives, you’re just chilling outside with him when you nonchalantly blurt out ‘my waters broke’.
-This goes on until you are screaming and crushing his hand in the delivery room.
-Your little girl is born and she’s a carbon copy of Tenya.
-Same colored hair and eyes.
-The face structure looks like you.
-She has your nose and mouth, along with your eyebrows but apart from that she’s a mini genderbend Tenya.
-Because she was born early in the morning you decided to change her name and so little Asami Tenya was officially a part of this world.
-Tenya cried.
-You cried.
-Asami cried.
-You were one happy crying family.
Shinsou Hitoshi
-You and Hitoshi have been together for two years now, but you haven’t put a ring on it.
-Sure you live together and act like a married couple already but you’re not Mrs.Shinsou.....yet.
-You have been feeling strange for days now and your period was late which never happens.
-You are panicking but unlike Shouto you two aren’t married.
-He can leave with almost no complications.
-You were his girlfriend not his wife.
-The pregnancy tests you had taken were mocking you from the bathroom sink and your poor hormone ridden mind couldn’t handle the stress.
-You cried a river until you heard keys jiggling and HItoshi’s iconic ‘Kitten, I’m home!’
-You couldn’t face him like this.
-In a haste you shoved the tests into the laundry basket along with their packages and covered them with some sheets. 
-Fixing your hair and washing your face, you straightened and walked out the door.
-After greeting Hitoshi with a kiss you calmly told him to go get ready while you made him something to eat.
-Your mind was running laps thinking how you could tell him or how you could solve your little problem as quietly as possible.
-That is until he walked in holding what seemed to be a box.
-A pregnancy test box.
- “Y/n, what’s this?”pause “Are you..?”
-Anddd more crying.
-You sobbed about how sorry you were and how you couldn’t explain how it happened.
-Both of you were so careful, how did this happen???
-After a good 15 minutes of you bawling your eyes out on the kitchen floor while Hitoshi was trying to calm you down, you finally stopped at the sound of his chuckle. 
- “Well, damn kitten, your surprise definitely beat mine.”
-Then he pulled a small velvet box from his pocket and watched you closely.
-Now you are Mrs.Shinsou.
-These 9 months weren’t as bad as you would expect.
-Hitoshi was really good at giving you everything you wanted and during the whole pregnancy you didn’t lift a finger.
-One October night your waters broke and you found yourself in a long procedure of bringing your child into the world. 
-Hitoshi was a wreck and had called Aizawa for emotional support who called Hizashi who called Midnight.
-Once you were finished, Hitoshi rushed into your room and found you utterly exhausted.
-He was the first to hold your baby and you have never seen him cry this much in your life. 
- “Hello my little Kei.”
-Kei Shinsou was a happy little girl with an amazing father by her side.
Amajiki Tamaki
-Ah love.
-Something Tamaki found during high school and held onto it ever since. 
-Now a well known pro hero, Suneater was more than happy with his life with you.
-He always wanted a little something more but never expressed it. 
-He loved the idea of having a mini you running around the living room or waking him up in the morning with little squeals and kisses.
-He loved you to the moon and back, more than life itself but having a kid with you sparked a whole new sensation in him.
-So he tried to be sly about it.
-Forgetting the condoms or to pull out.
-You not being able to find your pills.
-A whole lot of fun. 
-You were newly weds and your libidos were high af and with the prospect of children on the table Tamaki became 10x more driven and horny.
-So you weren’t all that surprised when your doctor gave you the news. 
-You had gone for a plain old check up when he came into the room with a bright smile on his face and congratulations falling like a waterfall from his mouth. 
-Once back home you put your plan in motion. 
-You had a feeling Tamaki was trying to knock you up for some time now.
-He couldn’t forget to pull out every time like come on.
-But you were fine with it since you too wanted a kid with him.
-You just would’ve liked a little heads up first.
-You made your little bun and put it in the oven.
-And waited.
-And waited.
-And waited.
-Until finally Tamaki walked through the door,  a smile gracing his features as he made his way to you.
- “Hey bunny.”
-Giving him a quick peck you told him to check the oven real quick to make sure the food was all good.
-He obliged, walking to the kitchen and seeing the sole bun sitting in the oven.
-He was beyond confused on why you would only make one bun in the oven and not more, I mean you are two peop- ohhhh.
-He did it. 
-He let the news settle in before going back to you.
- “Are you sure?” nod “100% sure?” another nod.
-At that he fell to his knees in front of you, attacking your stomach with kisses and I love yous.
-To whom they were directed you couldn’t actually tell but you were happy either way.
-Calls the baby butterfly.
-Makes the whole nursery along with Mirio who is ecstatic.
-Butterfly themed baby room.
-Expect many back and belly rubs along with Tamaki coming home early because Fatgum cannot allow him to stay at work when he’s preparing for a baby.
-When your waters break you are buying some onesies with small octopuses on them.
-You have never been taken to the hospital so fast in your whole hero career. 
-After many painful and stressful hours, your baby girl is born and she’s stunning.
-She has Tama’s ears and hair but your eyes and nose. 
-She’s a perfect mix. 
-The Big 3 cry as a team.
-When she’s given to him, Tamaki just cry laughs at how gorgeous she’s.
-Many thank yous are exchanged.
- Cho Amajiki.
-Tamaki cannot stop repeating the name even after they have taken her away.
-He curls on the chair next to you, holding your hand the whole night, falling into a deep sleep, imaging his new life with his little butterfly. 
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elisaphoenix13 · 3 years
Delusional (Ch.1)
Okay, so this is something that won't be for everyone. It's a trope that me and my friends got into while RPing so this was born. I think this will be one of those fics that I'll only continue if there's enough interest. Let me know what you think!
Tony had been pissed when his parents told him that his mother was pregnant. He had no idea what possessed them to think having another kid was a good idea when they could barely pay attention to the one they already had, and he even said that. It ended up turning into an argument between him and Howard and Tony gave them both the cold shoulder for the entirety of Maria's pregnancy. Whether it was because of her age or possibly because of Tony's ongoing silent treatment stressing her out, his mother went into labor a month early. Tony couldn't even bring himself to visit his parents or the new baby at the hospital, but they eventually came home with his new baby brother that he almost considered ignoring completely.
But then he realized that would make him exactly like Howard.
So when his parents went gallivanting off to some party one day, leaving their preemie baby in the hands of the maid, Tony finally decided to properly meet his brother. A seventeen year age difference wasn't unheard of, but it still felt weird to walk into the nursery with the knowledge that the baby inside was a sibling. He decided he would make sure the baby was still alive and then go back to his bedroom to study for his physics final, but when he approached the crib the baby was sleeping in...he softened.
His baby brother slept peacefully on his back with his arms stretched out on both sides of his head and every so often snuffled in his sleep. He wasn't covered with a blanket and he vaguely recalled hearing that he shouldn't be at his age, but he was at least dressed warmly in tiny blue footie pajamas. He had wisps of dark hair that looked like they would be soft to the touch and Tony was tempted to reach out and see but he refrained. He didn't want to disturb the baby.
Tony had been so focused on ignoring Howard that he had to wrack his brain for his brother's name, which he knew his mother had told him. He was pretty sure he had been studying at the time and was only half listening, but it eventually came to him.
Scott Harris Stark.
It was barely seconds later that the baby started to fuss and Tony looked around a little lost before finally giving in and leaning down to scoop him up. Tony was a goner after that. Scott's hair was just as soft as it looked and Tony was worried he could break his brother if he so much as sneezed. It didn't stop him from taking over most of the responsibilities of caring for Scott from that moment on though. Tony did his research, watched his mother, and even asked the maid for advice, but soon he was changing diapers. He fed Scott, stayed up for hours on end when he was colicky or sick, dressed him, played with him…
Tony was determined to make sure Scott had the love and attention he was deprived of. At least Maria tried with both of them.
But when Scott was just under a year old, tragedy struck. Both their parents died in a car accident on the way to a party, leaving Tony alone with his infant brother. Fortunately he was freshly eighteen so he could have legal guardianship over Scott and Tony had Rhodey and Obadiah for support and help with the company he now had control over. Scott always came first though. Tony made sure he had a decent childhood despite the fact that he easily got sick, and the adorable smiles he got in return were well worth it as Scott grew up.
So was the boy's first word. Dad. Tony never corrected him since he did raise Scott, and his brother never knew their parents. So as far as Scott knew, Tony was his father and Tony made sure to hide away the truth. As far as he was concerned, the lie wasn't hurting Scott and it was partly true in a sense.
He didn't expect it to be easy and it wasn't. Because Scott was born premature, he had special needs in the form of allergies (both food and environmental), asthma, and he even got sick constantly. Most days found Scott in Tony's room because the boy whined whenever Tony tried to put him in his own room, and he was terrified Scott would stop breathing in the middle of the night. Scott slept in Tony's bed until well into his grade school years when he finally started to grow out of his need to be near his father. Tony was still nervous and checked on Scott before he went to bed and at least once in the middle of the night when he woke up.
When Tony first found out Scott was allergic to peanuts, he was a wreck. He threatened the doctors to help his kid when he heard Scott wheezing for breath, and when the boy was finally recovering, he demanded they do whatever they had to do to check for any allergies he might have had. Tony didn't think he could handle seeing Scott as sick as he was again. The wheezing, the hives, the overall misery his little boy had been in…
It turned out Scott was severely allergic to all types of nuts. Peanuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts...if it was a nut, Scott couldn't have it. That was easy enough to plan meals around but then there was also shellfish, sesame, parsley, and pineapple. Whenever they went out to eat, Tony scrutinized every ingredient on the menu if it was available, and if it wasn't, he demanded to talk to the chefs. Fortunately once he learned what food Scott could have, it became second nature.
Tony always made sure to carry an inhaler and epipen with him, had extras held for Scott at school, and more in the boy's backpack. He taught Scott as early as possible what he couldn't eat because it would make him very sick and for the most part, things went well enough. There was only one incident at school when Scott unknowingly ate something he wasn't supposed to, but he was quickly treated with one of his pens and sent to the hospital. Scott was quick to bounce back from that since the school staff had been prepared, so the only constant issue was his asthma.
Scott never let it slow him down and Tony swore he was going to either go gray at 25 or suffer heart failure. The little boy was constantly climbing everything, and Tony once had to pull him off the bookcase that he managed to climb up to the fifth shelf. The fifth shelf. Rhodey had his fair share of retrieving Scott from high places whenever he visited too.
Before Tony knew it, Scott had grown into a young man with a talent for hacking and engineering and had a penchant for tacos, oranges, and lollipops. He helped Tony with a lot of his projects but absolutely refused to help with anything related to weapons. Scott never liked violence and always hated that Stark Industries was solely based on weapons making. Tony never faulted him for it.
"Scott, have you seen my--?" Tony stops mid sentence when he looks over at the young man and finds him at his computers with his feet kicked up on a small part of the desk, dozing with a lollipop in his mouth. "Oh, that's safe."
He walks over and takes the lollipop out of Scott's mouth and he jolts awake. "Hey! I was eating that!" Scott complains.
"Yeah, you were very proactive about it. I didn't raise you for 21 years so you could choke and die because you fell asleep with candy in your mouth." Tony rolls his eyes and sticks the candy back in Scott's mouth before he could protest. "Now have you seen that little screwdriver you like to steal?"
"You had it last, and I've been busy updating Jarvis's code." Scott answers.
"I saw that. I guess you're so good you can do it in your sleep."
"It was uploading!" Scott drops his feet to the ground with an annoyed huff. "And I told you I wouldn't help you with your stupid weapons. That includes finding misplaced tools."
"Fine, fine."
Tony tries fixing the cow lick in Scott's hair and rolls his eyes when it only floofs back into place. He learned very early on that his kid's hair was untameable but that didn't stop Tony from trying. Hair gel, pomade, hair spray...none of it could contain and style Scott's hair. The cow lick worked for him though so Tony wasn't too obsessed with trying to find something to keep it in place.
"Well while you wait for your new code to upload, why don't you make me a sandwich?" Tony says. "I gotta get the Jericho prototype finished tonight."
Scott frowns. "Why do they want you to fly all the way out to Afghanistan? What's wrong with how you usually sell this stuff?"
"It's just for a couple of days volpino. Now where's my tuna sandwich?" Tony asks.
"Probably in the fridge. It's deconstructed." Scott says as he leaves the lab.
"Oh, haha. Funny. I like mine constructed so get on it. Chop chop."
Tony smirks when he hears Scott mumble something under his breath along the lines "slave driver", but with no heat. Things had gotten easier as Scott got older but he never really grew out of his physical problems. He still had his food and environmental allergies, his asthma, and even his tendency to get sick, but that had mostly been remedied when Tony moved them to Malibu. The warm weather helped with that and Scott didn't get sick nearly as often as he did in New York, and that had been a huge relief for the both of them. Tony only wished he had thought of it sooner.
When Scott comes back with the sandwich and sets it nearby for Tony, the man looks up at him and rolls his eyes when he finds the younger man drinking out of a juice box. "You know you can have beer now right?"
"Juice is better." Scott says. "When are you leaving tomorrow?"
"You'll probably still be asleep. Even if I leave late." Tony grabs the sandwich and takes a bite. "So try not to blow up the lab while I'm gone." He adds around his mouthful.
"That's no fun." Scott says sarcastically. "Pepper called by the way. She said she has some paperwork for you to look at before you leave."
Tony groans. "Tell her I'm not home."
"It'll be true in a few hours anyway."
"Don't underestimate Pepper. She'll be waiting on the tarmac for me to look at those papers if she has to." Tony grumbles and then looks up at Scott with a suspicious smile that makes his son narrow his eyes at him. "You're 21. Maybe it's time to start giving you some responsibility with the company."
"I do. It's called making sure my dad doesn't blow himself up because he writes codes when he's half asleep. How are we still alive?"
"Rhodey and Happy." Tony replies dryly before whapping Scott upside the head. "Don't sass me."
Scott rubs the back of his head as he walks back over to his personal workstation to check on the progress of the code. When he had shown an interest in engineering and computers, Tony had immediately set up Scott's own work area with age appropriate equipment that he either replaced or updated as Scott got older. He was good at it too. Tony couldn't count the number of times he got calls from the FBI asking him to get Scott to stop leaving them viruses with laughing cat videos or something. They were always harmless and easily fixed, so Tony's response was to tell them to update their security so Scott couldn't get in.
Apparently they had yet to find a way to keep Scott out and Tony wasn't about to take away one of his son's very few joys in life. As long as it all stayed harmless, Tony would look the other way. He knew Scott was very capable of hacking into pretty much anything, and he was glad his kid was a pacifist. Because Scott was definitely very capable of getting his hands on nuke codes.
Tony actually wouldn't be surprised if Scott had already gone in and changed them.
Some whirring pulls Tony out of his thoughts and he looks over at the kitchenette to find DUM-E making smoothies again. A quick glance told him that there was at least peanut butter and almond milk in it so it wasn't safe for baby boy consumption.
"Hey! Are you trying to kill your little brother with that?" Tony asks and DUM-E beeps sadly when the blender goes off. "You know he can't have nuts!"
"There goes my social life." Scott says and Tony makes a face.
"I don't want to hear about that."
"Says the man whose one night stands I had to chase away."
Tony laughs. "To be fair, it was funny to see them get creeped out when you just stood in the kitchen and stared at them while drinking your juice box."
"...yeah. That was pretty fun." Scott admits.
"Sir, Miss Potts is on her way down." JARVIS says and Tony groans.
"Ugh the dreaded secretary with her paperwork."
There's a few beeps before the lab door hisses open and then the sound of heels clicking across the linoleum.
"I know," he sighs. "Paperwork. Give it to Scott."
Pepper places the small stack next to his arm. "He's too busy making sure you don't blow yourself up."
"You know I had to teach him how to do that right?"
"And now he's better than you." Pepper says and Scott cackles.
"Ouch. My pride." Tony clutches at his chest in mock hurt.
"Please just look at this and sign. It won't even take you ten minutes." Pepper sighs.
"I trust you."
"Nice try."
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the-homicidediaries · 3 years
Issei Sagawa
“Sometimes I wonder why I did such a horrible thing. Maybe it’s because I come from another planet, or another dimension and accidentally fell to Earth like a meteorite, disguised as a baby crying on the street. My mother walked by and took pity on me. I must have come from a place of cannibals, and I’m the only one of my kind who exists on this planet.”
Good afternoon, everyone who takes the time to read this!
Today, I have the very displeasure of telling you about one of the most.. bizarre human beings I have ever read about.
I have been interested in true crime ever since I could remember. My father is really interested in it as well, so growing up there were always books laying around about the worst of the worst kind of people. Even to this day, my dad and I share stories we heard or a new podcast we listened to or swap books; it’s real fun.  And when you are heavily interested in true crime, you hear and see so many similar stories. This person had an abusive childhood and became a serial killer, this person was not longer interested in being a family man so he killed his whole family and moved away to start a new life, this person was strung out on drugs, this person caught her husband cheating on her and stabbed him as a crime of passion, etc. And while I am not downplaying or excusing these murders AT ALL, because no one should be murdered, I do find myself skipping stories like that. They don’t check my boxes.
Cannibals check my box.  And I have, admittedly, unconsciously, been surrounding myself with cannibalistic aspects. I just finished (another) three part podcast about Jeffrey Dahmer, I’m reading My Friend Dahmer, and watching Attack on Titan like my life depends on it. (Attack on Titan is a Japanese manga series turned into a long running anime about three conjoined towns who are constantly being attacked and eaten by the HUGE human-like zombie creatures, but that is for another day.)
Have I rambled enough? Yes. Yes, I think so. Let’s get into ittttt.
Issei Sagawa, known as Pang or The Kobe Cannibal, was born on April 26th, 1949 in Kobe, Japan to a very wealthy family. Issei has said himself that his childhood was the happiest time of his life and he was a carefree child. He said his parents love him deeply. One thing to note about Issei is that he was born prematurely (and he looks.. off) and doctors did not think he would survive. Issei said because of this, he has always seen himself as an undesirable person. So, instead of friends, Issei had books! Because his family was so wealthy, Issei was afforded an incredible education and was able to travel all over the world and learn about music, art, literature, etc.  He was very interested in art. This will come back around later.
So how does a rich, seemingly normal, intelligent child become a cannibal?  Issei contributes a few things to this: *Issei said his first cannibalistic urge happened when he was in first grade and saw a fellow classmate’s thighs. *Issei said sex was a taboo subject around his household. He said when he had reached a certain age, he began having erections, like all boys do, but he thought he was sick and was too embarrassed to tell anyone. He didn’t know how to relieve himself at this time.. soooo. He, uh, got help from his dog.  Yeah. Yeeeah. (I watched an interview he did with Vice about ten years ago, which I will link below, and watching him describe this so nonchalantly made me the most uncomfortable. Actually, he is nonchalant the entire interview and it’s so disturbing and uncomfy. At one point he says, “I think my sexual desires began to distort around that time.”  Yeah, I would say so, buddy.) *Issei said he would have a reoccurring dream where he and his brother were being boiled in a large pot to be eaten. Issei said he flipped the script and began to fantasize about what it would be like to eat someone. As with most premeditated killers, his fantasies escalated from curiosity to behavior. *Issei was obsessed with western women. He said they are tall and beautiful and he has described himself as a “weak, ugly, and small man”. In an interview after what he keeps calling an “incident”, Issei claimed one of the reasons he consumed human flesh was to “absorb her energy”. 
Issei said he did practice a good amount of restraint for his cannibalistic urges until his college years. While attending Wako University in Tokyo, Issei said he saw a beautiful, blonde, German woman walking by and he was “dazzled by her white thighs”.  One day, he broke into this woman’s apartment on the ground floor. He said his plan was to hit her in the head with an umbrella so he could get a knife from her kitchen and cut into her buttocks and eat it. He was extremely hesitant and his knees accidentally brushed against her stomach, waking her up. She screamed and Issei fled. Police charged him with attempted rape.  Issei said he did explain to psychiatrists about his sexual urges but they didn’t consider it cannibalism and let him go. 
After this, Akira (his father) sent Issei to study comparative literature at Sorbonne University in France in 1981. In the interview, as Issei is recalling this, he said his mother had the an extremely sad look on her face the day he was leaving, “like she knew something horrible was going to happen”. (I could think of a reason why.)
Issei had not forgotten about how close he had gotten to fulfilling his fantasy of eating a European woman back in Tokyo. He was convinced if he was more prepared he could follow through with it flawlessly. He said when he moved to France, he would bring home a sex worker almost every night, but everytime he tried to shoot her, his fingers would freeze. While studying at Sorbonne University, Issei set his eyes on 25-year old Dutch student, Renée Hartevelt. Issei said Renée was so beautiful and he had never seen anyone like her before. (She really was stunning and looked like such a sweet person.) He also said he didn’t want to get caught staring at her, so he began making sketches of her.  From what I read, and I do not know how accurate this is, the two started as friends and eventually Issei began to pursue Renée romantically. He would take her on dates to art museums and dinner. When he confessed his feelings for her, she insisted they just remain friends because she was not sexually attracted to him.  So Issei lied to Renée and told her his professor wanted him to record some German poetry. Renée didn’t think anything about helping out a fellow classmate, so she was happy to come over and help.  Issei said he picked out the poem she read, and as she was reading the poem out loud at his desk, he pulled a rifle out of a closet and shot her in the neck. He said she kept reciting the poem after he shot her, then she just.. stopped. Issei said he fainted after he shot her and when he came to he almost called an ambulance for her, but he knew he would regret it if he lost this opportunity to act out his fantasies.
I am going to quote Issei verbatim from his interview with Vice.
“I lied to her that my professor wanted some German poetry recorded. That was the pretext. She didn’t doubt a thing. I chose the poetry. I reached for the gun while she was reading. I was talking to her with a smile on my face. I was really scared. Yet I did pull the trigger. She... kept on talking... until suddenly she fell silent. First she collapsed onto the desk, then fell to the ground with the chair. I laid a towel under her head then undressed her. I had everything planned out in my head from which part i would start feasting on and such. Starting with her ass. I thought it looked the most delicious. It had to be the right cheek, not the left. The left cheek is closer to the heart and I’m scared of blood. I abruptly bit into it, but it was too hard to bite into. It hurt my jaw. I tried cutting in with a fruit knife but it didn’t go through. I gave up and went to the market. I bought a curved meat knife. Finally it went through the flesh. I thought I’d see red meat right away, but there was a yellow corn-like substance, which I later found out was fat. I had to cut deeply to reach the red meat. I don’t remember if I sliced it off, or tore it off with my fingers. I put most of my favorite parts, like the thighs, in the fridge.”
My face right now.
He’s leaving out a lot of details on this.. right after he shot Renée, he had sex with her corpse. And, like I said before, he is so nonchalant about all of this. He ate a LOT of her. I saw a picture of eleven paper plates loaded with human flesh, muscles, and fat. Both of her breasts, her nose, her tongue, her bottom lip, and most of her lower half (her hips, middle of her stomach, and thighs) was missing. He did say he tried to eat her breast, but it was mostly fat and he didn’t enjoy it. Her buttocks, however, “(It) melted in my mouth like raw tuna in a sushi restaurant.” He continued to try different parts of Renée’s body. He would fry pieces of her and eat other parts with mustard. He even decapitated her. He took pictures of Renée’s mutilated body and would have sex with it while listening to the recording of her reading the German poem.
For four days.
He mentioned how June is the hottest month in Paris and he was worried the body would start to rot. So he took Renée’s body to the bathroom and cut her up so he could get rid of it. (He also mentioned after finishing his graduate program, he wanted to go to Greece. He said he took a big luxurious boat and actually shared a table with a butcher and his wife during dinner. He said the butcher was a fat, jolly man and told him how to butcher meat. Issei wrote a letter to the butcher after “the incident” thanking him. He said the butcher never wrote back.)
One he had cut the body up into pieces, he placed the pieces into two suitcases and, made plans to dump the body in a lake in Bois de Boulogne, called in a cab.  “It wasn’t easy getting the body into [the suitcases]. The torso is extremely heavy. It’s really hard to cut to begin with. It’s nothing like a horror movie.” When the cab driver picked up Issei’s suitcases to put them in the cab, he asked Issei if he had a dead body in them. (That tidbit made me really sad.)
Once Issei reached the lake, he pushed the suitcases down the slope. He vastly underestimated how light it still was outside at 8 pm. He said several people were sunbathing still. The sun was setting across the lake, and Issei said for the first time, he saw color. He was fascinated watching a young boy and his grandfather at the top of a hill and while he was distracted, another man came up, opened one of the suitcases, and saw a bloody bedsheet with legs wrapped in it. A woman screamed and someone else yelled, “Murderer!”  Issei said he just walked away.
Issei was, of course, arrested. He was interrogated by three psychiatrists who deemed him mentally insane. Issei was sent to a criminal psych ward, but before he could even begin treatment, he was deported back to Japan because the French people were very uncomfortable with him being there at their expense.  Once Issei arrived back in Japan, he mentioned the hospital he was staying at didn’t conclude that he was mentally ill, just that he had a personality disorder. Issei was forced to leave the hospital without undergoing any treatment. He did not serve any time in prison for ungodly crimes he had committed.  Actually, in a weird turn of events, he became a local celebrity. He became an author, had several interviews, has illustrated mangas (that’s why I mentioned he loves art), made porn, and was even a food critic. He even travelled to Canada, Mexico, and Iceland with two friends of him. I don’t have time to cover all of that because that in itself could be a whole other essay, but like I said, I will link the YouTube video I watched below.
And that is the gruesome, awful, gut wrenching story of Issei Sagawa.
Below are pictures of Issei Sagawa and his victim, Renée Hartevelt. I am also linking the Vice interview on YouTube as well as the crime scene photos. Please view at your own risk.
Thank you for reading. <3
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Crime scene photos: https://murderpedia.org/male.S/s/sagawa-issei-photos-2.htm Vice Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BosZxa1bYcE&t=336s
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gt-fluff-n-stuff · 3 years
G/T headcanons for the Host Club
Nobody asked but I need comfort fuel and maybe someone else will appreciate this post. This is basically some headcanons about how the hosts would react/behave (in my opinion) with a small reader.
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Lets start with the King himself!
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· First encounter would be hell for you considering Tamaki would immediately reach for you and scoop you up in his palm.
· He wants to touch you and pick you up all while being his loud self.
· After seeing your expressions of fear he catches on that you are terrified of him.
· He takes his voice down a couple notches before officially introducing himself.
· He would want to introduce you to the rest of the host club but the moment you tell him you’re not too comfortable with that yet he would understand.
· Suoh thought that commoners lived weird lives but hearing how you lived was like talking to an alien species from a planet lightyears away.
· Tamaki blushes when he feels you cling to his neck while you sit on his shoulder.
· This man would dote on you 24/7 without hesitation. Giving you loving pet names.
· From day 1 Tamaki would feel protective of you…maybe overprotective.
· Boundaries are definitely something you would have to set with him. Picking you up without warning, cheek pokes etc.
· After you explain that his action are uncomfortable he would try his best to be respectful.
· If you decided to live with Tamaki you already know this boy would not hesitate to accommodate any need you may have,
· “Do you need a little bed? Or a wardrobe? Is that blanket too rough?”
· You usually end up sleeping on the pillow next to him. It’s pretty comfortable.
· Overall you feel safe with Suoh.
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· When Kyoya comes across you it feels like a hawk has spotted you. His gaze is so intimidating for a solid minute you just wouldn’t move.
· Unlike Tamaki he would not just reach down to pick you up. This man would crouch down on one knee to try and seem less intimidating.
· “Well, are you going to say anything or just stare?”
· Kyoya would feel awkward about holding you for the first few times.
· “Is this okay? Make sure you hold on tight in case I trip.”
· Once you grow closer with him, you tend to lay across his shoulder and watch him work on budgeting the host club’s finances.
· Kyoya is curious about where you came from and how your life has been so far. He’s a great listener.
· He has notes about your life.
· Kyoya wasn’t too thrilled to introduce you to the host club out of caution for your safety.
· He makes sure while the guests are there you are safe in his coat pocket.
· Every now and then he would give a soft little pat to his pocket just to feel you in it.
· You tend to poke light at Kyoya when he’s feeling down to try and lift his spirits and he appreciates it a lot.
· Anytime you get sick he makes soup (or at the least he has someone else make soup) for you and stays by your side until you feel better.
· One time you woke him up from his sleep and you felt like you witnessed a giant demon hovering over you.
· “It is a good thing you’re cute.”
· Loves flustering your little self for his own amusement.
· There’s a soft side of Kyoya you see that the others do not.
· You make Kyoya feel important whenever you hold on tight to him. All he can think about is keeping you close.
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· She’s shocked to see someone so tiny but out of all the host members she’s the most respectful in the first encounter.
· Kneeling down, she’d ask if you were okay or if you needed help.
· She’d reassure you she means no harm.
· Haruhi keeps you a secret for as long as she can but it would be the twins to find out about you due to how nosey they are.
· She sets up a safe place for you to sleep at her house.
· Anytime you seem uncomfortable with something she does her best to get you out of the situation.
· You’ve managed to get separated in the grocery store a few time, which was equally scary for both of you.
· Definitely fall in love with her cooking even if its something simple.
· Meeting Haruhi’s dad was almost like meeting Tamaki with more questions and less touching.
· Whenever you’re chilling on Haruhi’s shoulder she makes sure to be careful with you and how she moves.
· Introducing you to the hosts was difficult for Haruhi to watch without wanting to hold on tight to you.
· Haruhi trusts in you to not get hurt and out of all the hosts you get the most time to yourself to do whatever.
· “Let me know if they cause you any trouble. They can be a handful 101% of the time.”
· This girl has taught you how to see the positives in life no matter how hard it may be.
· At school you would definitely chill in her bag.
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· Kaoru would spot you before you spot him.
· He would definitely lift you up by the collar of your shirt in curiosity.
· It wouldn’t register to him how scary it is for you until you’re either yelling at him or crying.
· He would apologize and set you in his hand.
· Kaoru has a habit of poking your cheek when you’re not paying attention.
· The younger twin wouldn’t rush to tell Hikaru about you but he would not actively hide you from him.
· Kaoru seems more relaxed than his brother which in return makes being around him feel less stressful.
· It would not take long for you to feel safe with this boy.
· Whenever you seem worried or frightened, he would gently reassure you that he would be there by your side.
· “(Y/n) It’s okay, as long as I’m around nothing bad will ever happen to you. I promise.”
· And I mean he barely leaves your side.
· Your safety and comfort would always be on this sweet bean’s mind
· And your clothes. Oh this boy.
· Giving you the highest quality clothes you could ever ask for was almost a priority for him.
· “Do you like how that feels? Is it too costumey?”
· You would have to remind him constantly clothes don’t mean much to you as long as they keep you agile and comfy.
· He would often watch you do your own thing just completely in awe with how you function.
· Kaoru around the others with you I got one word. Possessive.
· I’d say that more than protective because its not that he distrusts the hosts, he just doesn’t want to leave your side.
· “Please be safe. Don’t fall off anything.”
· At times it can be annoying how much this twin feels the need to protect you but he means the best. You talk to him about needing your own space and time and he’ll pout but he will definitely learn to back off and breathe.
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· This boy has 2 braincells and handling a tiny human is definitely not something he can do without scaring the daylights out of you.
· “What the hell are you?!”
· Cue this twin holding you by your damn leg in front of his face.
· At some point you have to straight up fuss at him to set you down.
· “Jeez my bad.”
· Hikaru has to learn to be gentle and being around you is hard for him at first.
· “Fuck I forgot you were there can’t you watch where you’re going...Sorry.”
· He has so many questions about everything you do.
· “What the hell are you even wearing? How do you not know what sushi is? Your people don’t have fancy food?”
· When you warm up to him though he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
· Anytime you lean against him all he wants to do is protect you.
· Sometimes he’ll just pull you against him and pet your head until you fall asleep.
· Similar to Kaoru he makes sure you have everything you need to be comfortable.
· Sometimes it takes tough love to get through his thick skull and after dealing with this boys shenanigans for long enough you definitely are not afraid to share your mind.
· Hikaru is a tease though and takes any chance he has to compare you to something small.
· Whenever he gets a smirk on his face you feel a shiver down your spine.
· Hikaru would be the first to give you “fancy tuna”
· Also lots of pranks so prepare your heart for him to pop out of nowhere.
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· The first time you see Mori you damn near have a heart attack.
· He’s not the tallest human you’ve seen but he is definitely the tallest human to personally handle you.
· When he first sees you he freezes. Afraid that he may crush you accidentally with one wrong move. Honestly you had not even noticed the teen behind you until you turned around. With Mori you would be the first one to break the silence.
· Mori cautiously crouches down to hold his hand out to you and is so slow to lift you, you get a little impatient.
· You’re a little uncomfortable being so high up from the ground when Mori holds you but you trust the giant not to drop you.
· As you get closer to him you both begin to open up to each other. His voice is soothing and makes you feel safe.
· Because he is so observant it doesn’t take long for him to notice what makes you uncomfortable, happy, upset etc.
· Mori is good at getting you to talk about how you feel.
· He gives you gentle nudges whenever you seem down.
· “Do you want to talk about it, or do you want a hug?”
· Oh Mori Hugs. Sometimes it was hard to not choose hug each time.
· The other hosts have a hard time handling you without Takashi watching them from wherever he is.
· Gave you a push pin for self-defense because he’s Mori and he cares about you.
· He likes being by your side because he feels like he can be his authentic self with you and trusts you not to judge him.
· 100% loves when you nap on his chest with his hand gently over you.
· Overall Takashi is a huge protective softy and you can not help but feel loved and protected with him.
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· At first you think you’re staring at the face of a kid.
· Honey talks your ear off when you first meet him.
· He asks you so many questions you are not sure where to start or how to answer.
· Mitskuni is super gentle with you and makes sure to take caution whenever you’re on his shoulder.
· He always shares his sweets with you and checks on your comfort.
· Mitskuni may have told the hosts about you as soon as he found you.
· It’s a bit overwhelming trying to catch your breath with Honey’s energy.
· Honey loves to talk to you and about you. Hearing your name puts him in a good mood.
· Honestly you could say he hugs you more than Usa Chan.
· Mitskuni tells you how adorable you are constantly.
· This boy will get you out of your shell so fast.
· He always gets your opinion before doing something so you can feel heard.
· Like his cousin, Mitskuni is super observant of your mannerisms and does his best to not make you uncomfortable.
· He is so good with communication you rarely feel like there is anything you need to hide from him.
· Since he sits on Takashi’s shoulders at time, it can feel overwhelming to be so high up. But you also find it relaxing to not be below everyone.
· At home you have your own space to relax and be by yourself. Honey knows how overwhelming the hosts can be at time and respects that you need your time by yourself.
· Sometimes you literally just sleep on his head since his hair is so fluffy. And speaking of sleep, you’re surprisingly not afraid to wake him up.
· The most he does is glare at you and get over it 20 minutes later. Which you find hilarious.
· He’s the sweetest out of the hosts.
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mcrmadness · 3 years
CW dental stuff:
Still 1,5 weeks to go until I get to go to the dentist. So weird to say that I can't wait for that, I am quite afraid of dentists to be honest and now I can't wait??? But I guess even that is better than living with a mouth like this.
I just keep having anxiety attacks every day. They change from just regular sensory overloads to health anxiety which pretty much looks like “OMFG what if it’s something serious and I’m gonna die now???” and I just want this done asap, but still have to wait 1,5 weeks and it’s not over then. Pretty sure it will be painful for a few days after that before it calms down again and then I need to go to the dentist one more time, because it’s root canal therapy I’m going to get.
Also, there’s cavities on a few teeth and those need to be done too but those are not that bad. I’m just wondering how I’m gonna eat and what if she does both at once, or maybe I’ll ask for her to do the right side on the second appointment as these others are not really bothering me but just that one root canal therapy tooth (at the left side) is. Right now I was just minding my own business and doing things and suddenly I had this anxiety attack because I “didn’t remember to worry about my tooth enough”. Like, fuck you, brain! I was finally being distracted from it after having anxiety attack and then you go like “WAIT the TOOTH!!!” I actually try to distract myself from it so that the time would go faster and April 13th would be here finally.
The tooth itself isn’t really painful unless I touch it with my tongue more, mainly I just can feel it existing and it keeps sending some sensations to my lower jaw (it’s an upper jaw tooth) and sometimes I can feel that in my cheek bone too and that’s what gives me those anxiety attacks. The lower jaw then gives me sensory overload.
Right now I’m also feeling extremely tired. I showered today at least but I also really meant to cook for myself but it’s almost midnight and I just feel so exhausted. I really need some food tho so maybe I try to do that anyway, it won’t take TOO long to be finished, after all... I also feel a bit dizzy? Like I was sitting on a boat. That is often caused either by oncoming migraine or stiff neck. Or maybe it’s just anxiety and me being lightheaded.
Gosh, every day really is like torture now. But it’s my brain that is torturing me, mentally. Now also my dreams from last night are coming back, I don’t remember much anything from those but I just remember there was some bathroom pipe leaking and it was giving me anxiety because I’m ACTUALLY afraid of water flow that I cannot control, like a pipe breaking down or something like that.
I think I’m just tired and should go to sleep - but: I still need food. Not eating anything but bread (and a can of tuna) in 4 days is not good at my mental health at all, but it’s just so damn difficult to get myself to do anything right now. This is also what’s giving me anxiety. I don’t know if I’m so tired because of anxiety or because there’s something off in my system. Like, I keep worrying that I’m sick and that I don’t know it because I don’t feel sick at all. Sometimes I also worry if these are “post-covid symtpoms” altho I’ve never even had covid. I’ve never had any covid symptoms. Last time I had a common flu was in 2017. *knocks on wood*
Maybe I should actually do what I have been meaning to do for a few weeks now and stay overnight at my parents’ place at some point. Maybe even this weekend. Then I would only have 1 week left, and after that therapy on Monday, and finally the dentist’s appointment on Tuesday. I really try to survive until that because she seemed like a nice dentists and I don’t want to cancel it and try to find another dentist when the appointment is ALMOST here already.
It’s just weird how I keep having major mood swings and it can change in matter of seconds. I can be extremely happy about everything and the next moment I’m rolling in anxiety and texting my mom about how I might come over at night. Then I don’t because it goes away and I go to sleep. I’ve also been really excited because finally I’m gonna get this tooth fixed and when the root canal therapies are over, HOPEFULLY I don’t need to do anything about that anymore. I mean, I have been living with a temporary patch since 2017. I haven’t really used the left side of my mouth for eating since my tooth started hurting for the first time in... maybe 2015 or something like that. I don’t even remember when was it but I literally have been chewing everything mainly on the right side of my mouth for FIVE YEARS. And I have constantly been thinking about how I wish this was fixed already but didn’t want to go to a dentist because I was afraid they’re gonna say it needs to be removed. I’m actually still worried that they’d say that, and the longer it took me to book another appointment, the bigger the fear grew. I was so afraid that I took so long with all and that it needs to come out and if I just went to a dentist earlier, it could have been saved. Fortunately it seems that the canal root therapy is possible so I don’t need to worry, but I still worry about what are they gonna find from inside that tooth. I’m not a dentist so I’m afraid of everything because I don’t know anything about anything. But I guess it’s still empty because the temporary patch is still there and it apparently was empty in the röngten images...
But yeah, some days I’m just so excited that maybe after a month or so, I can finally use my mouth’s left side for chewing and I don’t need to worry about a patch coming off anymore. And hopefully all the sensations and mild “pain” after cold or hot foods or liquids will be over. At this point 1,5 weeks just feels like another 5 years.
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kaitycole · 5 years
The Sighting
Summary: Drake runs into a familiar looking man at the store. Is this man who Drake thinks he is or just some doppelgänger? 
Word Count: 2160
Warnings: Stress, Anger, Mention of deaths, Grief
Part One of Witness Protection.
Tag List: @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @dcbbw @hopefulmoonobject @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @burnsoslow @umccall71 @enmchoices @speedyoperarascalparty @zilch3 @lodberg @annekebbphotography @choicesteamdrake
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Drake is mumbling as he walks into the grocery store, not even attempting to hide the scowl that’s on his face. He loves his wife, he really does, but this pregnancy was taking its toll on him.
He shakes his head, still mumbling, “So sick of her using the pregnancy card.” He rolls his eyes, thinking back on how she constantly busted his chops for complaining of a cold yet her is shopping because she was complaining of this pregnancy.
He knows it’s completely different, a cold versus pregnancy but his anger isn’t allowing him to think clearly. His brows still knitted, his looks down at the ridiculous list he was given.
Tuna, pink frosting, pickles, brownies and apple juice. Who the fuck wants any of that at the same time? He takes a deep breath, looking down the aisles for each thing.
“Luke! Luke, watch out!” Drake looks up just in time to stop before a boy collides with his cart.
“I’m so sorry, mister!” The teenager says, but Drake isn’t paying attention. He’s staring at the man who called out to the boy. Something seems familiar about the older man looking at Drake and the younger boy.
No. There’s no way. Everyone has doppelgangers, right?
The older man stares at Drake for a moment before shaking his head, “Luke, we need to get going.” Luke smiles slightly at Drake before running off behind the older man. Drake just stands there, unable to do anything but watch the man and young boy check out and then leave the store.
Finally, after gaining his composure, he quickly picks up the items from his wife’s list and rushes to the cash register.
“Did you find everything you needed?” The young cashier gives Drake an odd expression as she scans his items.
“Pregnant wife.”
“Oh,” she says.
“That man and boy looked familiar, do you know their names?” Drake asks, worried that he sounded stalker-ish.
“Yes! That’s Jackson Walker and Luke, his son.”
He freezes, the names circle around his head, unable to grasps what she’s said, “Walker?”
“Yes. He owns a ranch up here.”
Drake feels himself getting dizzy and he isn’t sure how many more coincidences  he can handle, “Does he shop here often?”
The cashier gives him an odd look.
“I just moved here and I’m looking for work. I have experience as a ranch hand.”
“Oh! Crazy how life works out, like that!” She finishes bagging up Drake’s groceries, “He and Luke come in every Thursday.”
He takes the bags from her and thanks her before walking out of the store. The drive home is a blur, honestly, he’s surprised that he managed not to run any red lights and get a ticket.
  “Drake! Drake? Are you okay? What took so long?” Riley rushes out of the kitchen and towards her husband.
“Yeah. Yeah. Fine,” he walks passed her, placing the bags on the table.
“Drake, you are scaring me. What’s going on?” She follows him to the living room, sitting next to him.
“This is going to sound crazy. But I need you to hear me out,” he waits for her to nod before finishing, “I think I saw my dad and I might have a brother.”
Riley tries to control her facial expressions, not wanting her face to speak for her, “Do you think that this might just have to do with you getting ready to become a dad?”
He shakes his head before he begins pacing around the room. He explains to her the feeling he got when he saw him, the boy, the names the cashier told him and the ranch.
Riley isn’t sure what to say. She wants to believe that this is true. She wants him to have found his father, but why wouldn’t he come forward sooner? Why wouldn’t he have already reached out?
She sees tears begin to fill his eyes, he stops pacing before flopping down next to her, “If that really was my dad, why wasn’t I good enough for him to stay with me?”
“Hey,” she places her hand on his knee to try and give him comfort, “Let’s take this one step at a time.”
He nods, she rests her head on his shoulder as he rubs his hand across her belly. She’s only a few weeks along, hardly even showing, but she loves the tender moments when Drake rubs her stomach.
“Guess Jackson is out of the running for a boy’s name, huh?” Riley says, putting her hand over her mouth just now realizing what she’s said.
Drake answers her with a burst of laughter, “I’d say so.”
“How about we watch a movie to get your mind off things?” Riley gets up, putting in Definitely, Maybe.It’s one of her favorites, Drake usually hates watching it with her because she quotes every single line, but he doesn’t care tonight. Tonight, he zones out and let’s himself think back.
“There ya go. Focus on keeping your balance, I won’t let you fall.” Jackson says, standing next to the horse that Drake is on. It’s only been a few steps, but Jackson beams with pride.
Drake starts to lean too far to the left when he starts falling but Jackson scoops him up quickly. He buries his head into his father’s shoulder.
“I told ya buddy, I wouldn’t let you fall.” Jackson pats his son’s back and using his spare hand to grab the horse’s lead to head back to the barn.
Bianca jumps up as quickly as she can when she sees Jackson carrying a crying Drake, “Oh no! What happened!?”
“He’s fine, Bee.” He tries to calm his wife, “He’s just shaken up, not hurt.”
“Drake, baby, come to Momma.” She reaches out her arms, but he tightens his grip around Jackson’s neck.
“I want Daddy!”
“I promise never to leave you, buddy.”
“Drake? Are you even watching the movie?” Riley calls, dragging him out of his memories.
“Yes, of course!” He barely glances at the TV, the movie is the furthest thing from his mind, “I think I’m going to take a shower.”
She looks up, slightly disappointed, “Oh, okay. Want me to join you?”
He puts his hand up, “No no no. Watch your movie. I just need a few minutes to breathe.”
She watches her husband walk towards their shared bedroom. She knows he has a lot on his plate. Not just with the pregnancy but also with what he thinks he saw at the store.
He turns the shower on, the steam immediately spreads across the glass doors of the shower. Stepping in, he lets the hot water beat down on his shoulders. Taking a deep breath, he lets himself go back to one of the worst days of his life.
He wakes up early that morning, dashing out to the shed behind the cabin. Usually he wakes his dad up, he’s done this every morning for as long as he can remember, but this morning he doesn’t.
It is a summer day, just a few weeks before Drake’s birthday. He’s excited this year, Jackson had made a promise to take him on a weekend long fishing trip; just the two of them. He’s looking through his tacklebox, trying to find his lucky lure. After what feels like forever, he finally finds it and puts it in his backpack.
“Drake! Drake, get in here!” His mother calls, causing him to rush back into the cabin.
“Yeah, Mom?” He’s out of breath from running the long distance, Bianca smiles at how cute he looks with his reddened cheeks.
“Breakfast, mister.” She points to the table where he flops down in the seat.
He rolls his eyes, he doesn’t care about eating breakfast or anything other than the clock reading 3PM so he can have time alone with his dad. Don’t get him wrong, he loves Savannah, but he misses the days where he and his dad just hung out.
He runs over to the palace where he meets up with Liam. Since it’s still a weekday, Liam has classes, but his teacher always lets Drake join in. To her, a child is a child, regardless of rank. Then a guard comes to the door, saying everyone needs to return to their quarters.
The teacher nods, ushering Leo, Liam, and Olivia back to the royal suite of the palace, before long the maids take the children and usher them into the safe room. She then grabs Drake’s hand and runs to the other side of the palace, the place where the workers and help are sent. Drake looks around, scanning for his mother before finally finding her.
“Oh, thank god,” she wraps her arms tightly around both of her children, thanking the teacher for bringing her son to him.
“Where’s Papa?” His brown eyes searching the entire room.
Bianca looks at him sympathetically, “There are some bad people here at the palace, but Papa is going to make sure they don’t hurt anyone.”
Everyone sits in silence, some praying for their loved ones, others just waiting for the lockdown to be over.
After a few hours, a guard comes to the door, letting everyone know the threat is over. Bianca takes her children back to the cabin, waiting for her husband to come back home. Like he always does.
She turns the TV on, hoping the news will have something about the attack on. Drake sits next to the window that faces the pathway his dad will take on his way home.
“We come to you now with coverage at the palace right after what appears to be a terrorist attack. Officials say that the radical group “la Force de Perte” which translates to The Force of Loss broke in, hoping to terminate the monarchy.
“We will now head over to our palace correspondent, Timon, for the latest there. Timon?”
There’s a brief lag, before Timon starts speaking, “Yes, thanks Andre. Like you said, it appears that only “la Force de Perte” was active in the attack. It seems that King Constantine is about to make an announcement,” the camera zooms over to the podium where Constantine stands with his two sons.
“It is with a heavy heart that I must inform Cordonia that she has lost her Queen. Queen Eleanor was seized by the radicals before any of the guards could get to her.” Silence fills the air, a small Prince Liam clings to his brother’s side, sobbing as Crown Prince Leo soothes him while trying to remain stoic.
There’s a knock at the door, bringing Bianca’s attention away from the news. Drake quickly opens the door, “Papa! Papa!”
Bianca rushes up, only for her face to fall and hopes to fade when she sees Bastien and another high-ranking guard.
“Bastien? Where’s Jackson?” Her voice cracks.
“Mrs. Walker, may we come in?”
She nods, moving out of the way, letting the two guards in. They sit at the table, motioning for her to sit down. She pulls Drake into her lap.
“Mrs. Walk—” Bastien stops the other guard before taking over. He knows nothing makes bad news okay, but hearing it from a friendly voice, might help especially with Drake.
“Bee,” Bastien starts but she interrupts him.
“No. No, Bastien. I won’t accept that.” Tears are filling her eyes.
“Bianca. Jackson…he didn’t make it.”
The tears are following harder, she’s squeezing Drake tight.
“He was on his way to guard the royal suite when he heard Queen Eleanor screaming for help. He knew waiting for backup would take too long so he tried to rescue her on his own.” The other guard finishes the story, not that Bianca is paying much attention, “Reports say that he went quickly.”
Her head snaps up, she gently pushes Drake from her lap before she starts straightening up the cabin.
“Bee? Bee? What are you doing?” Bastien walks over, trying to make her stop.      
“It’s a mess. The cabin is a mess. I need to clean it,” the tears still falling, “People are going to start coming over to pay their condolences, the house can’t be a mess.”
“Excuse me, sir?” Drake says to the other guard.
“You can call me Michael, bud.”
“You got the story about my dad wrong,” his eyes fill with large tears, breaking Michael’s heart, “I killed my papa.”
“What do you mean?”
Drake sniffles, “I didn’t wake my papa up this morning. I always do. But I didn’t today, I went looking for a lure for our fishing trip. If I hadn’t gone to the shed and had woken him up, he would still be here.”
Michael picks up the little boy, pulling him close to his chest, “No buddy. This wasn’t your fault. Very bad men hurt your papa. I’m sure he understood you were super excited about your trip.”
“Did he get the bad guys?”
“Yeah, he did. Your dad is a hero, bud.”
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angelcatsiel · 4 years
I reblogged an ask game thing the other day but no one sent any asks so I just fuckin answered them all because I was bored and I am learning to not give a fuck what anyone thinks of me and it was fun
1. What is your favorite childhood story of yourself?
This is a hard one. I want to think of a funny one but my childhood wasn’t great. My dad has told me that when I was a toddler, before I can remember, he used to play AC/DC and I used to put clothes pegs in my hair for some unknown reason, stand on the sofa and violently headbang.
2. What is the stupidest way you have ever gotten hurt?
When I was about 11, I was swinging on a swing in the garden, and got curious about what would happen if I put my hands right at the very bottom of the chains while I was swinging. The answer was that I fell off backwards and hit my head. I went in to my dad crying, calmed down, and went back on the swing again. I tried to work out what exactly I had done to cause myself to fall off. I remember thinking, I think I held the chains near the bottom like this... and tested the theory, and fell off again, and hit my head again.
This is one of many stupid injuries. Other considerations were the time I climbed up a slide and hit my head on the bar at the top and knocked myself out, or the time I got kicked by a horse in a field and grabbed onto the electric fence to hold myself up.
3. What was the first PG-13 movie you watched?
Literally no idea.
4. What was the first R rated movie you watched?
I think it may have been the first Deadpool? Haven’t seen that many tbh
5. When was the moment you felt most badass?
When I was about 8, I was at the park with my brother, and this much older kid (maybe about 16 or 17, hardly a kid) with an aggressive dog stole my brother’s ice cream money. I marched up to him and demanded he give it back. He let his dog off the lead and it sniffed around my ankles and growled, and he told me it would bite me if I ran. I stood there and stared him down for a good 20 seconds or so before he called back the dog and walked away. I didn’t get the money back.
6. What is a band you can reliably always love?
Marillion. Favourite band, always.
7. What is your favorite form of self expression?
Probably singing even though I’m very bad at it.
8. What is something from your childhood you wish you still had?
My stuffed rabbit Hoppy. I haven’t been able to find him in several years. Can’t think about it too hard or I’ll cry.
9. Where is your favorite place on earth?
The Isle of Wight. My dad used to take me and my brother there for holidays every few years. It’s beautiful and full of memories, the most precious memories being the time we saved up vouchers in the newspaper to go the year after my dad left his abusive wife and ended up homeless. We were so poor but with the vouchers we could just afford to go, and it was the first time I saw my dad happy in a long time.
10. What is the longest friendship you have ever had?
My best friend @van-helsa124 who I have known since literally nursery and I love her so much.
11. Is there anyone is your life you wish you had met sooner than you did?
Maybe my friend Luce who I only met a couple of years ago, but we’ve grown close pretty quick.
12. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yep definitely. Pretty sure I was visited by my gran after she died and I’ve had a few creepy experiences.
13. What is the coldest water you have ever swam in?
No idea tbh, I don’t swim much
14. How old were you when you learned how to swim?
Maybe 8 or 9? I had lessons in primary school.
15.  What song do you listen to when you’re sad?
Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift. It’s my cry song.
16. Are you an adrenaline junky?
Yep! Love roller coasters and stuff like that, and would love to do something extreme like jump out of a plane or something.
17. What is a song that takes you back to childhood?
I have a few but the main ones are probably Man on the Moon by REM, and You Were Right by Badly Drawn Boy.
18. What is your favorite word?
Not sure I have one. For some reason the only one coming to mind is a place not too far from where my family live called Biggleswade, and I have to say it every time we drive past because I love saying it. I also love saying tiddies at every opportunity.
19. What is your least favorite word?
Don’t think I have a least favourite either, the usual infamous ones (e.g. moist) don’t really bother me.
20. What scent reminds you of childhood?
Cherryade. I drank some several years ago and the smell before I tasted it transported me immediately back to my childhood and a memory I’d completely forgotten, which was my gran constantly buying me a shit ton of cherryade every time I stayed over her house.
21. Were you sad when you found out clouds weren’t like pillows, or did you never think that?
I don’t think I was sad, I think I was just curious and interested to learn, and I tried to come up with new interesting ways of describing the feeling of clouds in my head, since even as a kid I loved to write.
22. When in life did you laugh the hardest?
A few times come to mind and they all involve @van-helsa124. A lot would make absolutely no sense, no matter how much I tried to explain. They’re now ‘friendship memes’. The only one that might be explainable is the first time we ever got drunk, to celebrate achieving ultimate friendship, after we found out that her mum had believed me and her were in a relationship for a year and a half. We even created our own drink, named the year and a half, which was literally just a mix of vodka, koppaberg, rose wine and cloudy lemonade. Tasted better than it sounds. Got me drunk in about 0.5 seconds. Ended the night hugging her trash can trying not to throw up while she read me a destiel fanfic to take my mind off feeling sick
23. What makes you laugh when you don’t feel like laughing?
Old yogscast videos.
24. Do you come from a big family?
Fairly big, lots of aunts and uncles and cousins.
25. What is your favorite part of yourself?
My positivity and the inner strength that I have, that helps me find happiness and courage even when my mental health is low.
26. What is the worst pain you have ever felt?
Trigeminal neuralgia pain (facial nerve pain). Spent 90% of January this year constantly crying and even screaming in pain. Hospital couldn’t do anything for me. I get occasional flare ups now but nothing that severe, but it’s probably going to come back. Feels like someone trying to rip out my cheekbone and jawbone or like someone is literally drilling into the bones in my face, and that’s the milder part. Every so often that pain is interrupted by stabs of sharper pain like electric shocks which have caused me to collapse to the floor screaming. 0/10 do not recommend
27. Do you swear often?
Not super often out loud but very often in my head.
28. Do you get confused for being older or younger than you are?
People always assume I’m younger than I am. I get asked for ID for everything.
29. What is your favorite way to eat a potato?
Probably roast potatoes, but they’ve gotta be done right. Soft inside, crispy outside, and obviously with herbs and spices.
30. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
Honestly no idea.
31. Describe yourself in 6 words?
Slightly unstable yet somehow happy weirdo
32. What is the worst insult you have ever received?
Can’t think of any major insults either lmao no one talks to me apparently
33. Have you ever taken in any media that changed your life?
The Good Place and Supernatural. With supernatural it wasn’t the actual show so much as the friendships it made me and the confidence and happiness the conventions gave me, at a time when my mental health was at its worst, although the show helped massively too. Idc if it’s cringey, it kept me alive. The Good Place changed my entire worldview and actually made me less afraid of death.
34. Have you ever collected anything?
My model horses! I have at least 10 at this point
35. Strangest thing you have ever broken?
As in bones or objects? Can’t think of any objects and the only time I ever broke a bone was when I broke my toe at like 12:01am on new year’s day when I got up to pour myself another drink and tripped over the table
36. Weirdest food you have ever eaten?
I’m not that adventurous with food so nothing that weird
37. Childhood nickname?
My dad would call me Flo. Not sure why.
38. Most people you have shared a bed with in a non sexual manner?
Two. Shared a bed with my best friend and my other friend Josh, once at a convention, once at Josh’s birthday. Birthday one is a bit blurry as I was drunk but at the convention I got to be in the middle and spooned Josh while my best friend spooned me and it was very cosy
39. What is something that makes you fall asleep?
The Marillion song Angelina, or this one ASMR video that’s supposed to be the sound of being in the Impala with the Winchesters. Laugh all you want, I like it.
40. Did your parents ever accidentally lose or forget you?
No but my teacher did once, can’t remember the context, I think she had to drive me and some other girls somewhere for some club event and when we got back to the school she forgot me in the car because I was so quiet lmao
41. If you were a superhero what would your weakness be?
I would be a terrible superhero and have many weaknesses. Loud noises would immediately put me out of action. Someone makes eye contact with me and I disintegrate immediately
42. What food reminds you of home?
Tuna pasta! With this one specific sauce that my mum used to make it with
43. What is your comfort food?
Probably also that tuna pasta. And chocolate. A shit ton of chocolate.
44. Cold room with lots of blankets or hot room with no blankets?
Cold room with lots of blankets, no question.
45. No shoes without socks or no shoes with socks?
No shoes without socks
46. Do you run hot your cold?
I am presuming this means ‘do you run hot or cold’ and the answer is, usually, both simultaneously. My body has no idea what temperature regulation is. Catch me out for a walk in short sleeves in the snow, sweating profusely while violently shivering bc I’m feeling extremely hot internally but my skin is freezing (and yes, I have actually done this). Do I have some sort of legit medical issue? No one knows, least of all my doctors!
47. Favorite condiment?
Probably ketchup. Though I also love garlic dip. Does that count as a condiment?
48. What utensil do you use the most?
Probably my tongs for turning chicken and stuff
49. When are you most comfortable?
Any time I’m home alone, just doing my own thing
50. If you could be really good at one thing, what would it be?
Singing! I would love to be an amazing singer but sadly I am a terrible singer though I do practice every day in the vain hope that maybe my voice will improve. If the neighbours could hear me they would have killed me by now
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happydogslove · 3 years
We love our four-legged companions. We spend a lot of money feeding them.
Having been a dog owner, and caring for dogs professionally for many years, I have become aware of the myths and misinformation regarding dogs' diets, and the implications that the wrong food, and feeding routine, can have on their health.
My intention of writing is to help dog owners gain a better understanding of their pets’ needs and to keep them out of the vets.
I am always mystified why many vets never challenge what a dog is being fed, as a big clue to diagnosis. Cruciate ligament injuries in young dogs are, in my opinion, nothing to do with breeding when a rescue mongrel suffers from it. Why aren't more dog owners and vets asking "why"? So many illnesses dogs suffer could be avoided.
I apologise for the length but it is an important subject.
‘Hangry’ Puppies
Puppies need food little and often. Their growth and energy output demands plenty of fuel.
My advice to all new dog parents is to spread out their food intake, from a daily ration. Little and often. Avoid long gaps without food, because empty bellies = trouble.
Something I get asked a lot is “Do puppies need dedicated puppy food?”. The answer is – yes, if it’s possible. It is better in quality and may not contain as many contaminants as adult food. Your dog needs to be fed as a puppy ideally for the first 12 months of their life, after which they will be fully grown.
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Dispelling a Serious MYTH
"Dogs are always hungry, no matter how much they have eaten".
There are two types of hunger: one that is a neural reaction creating a drive from an empty stomach - which we all feel and
hunger that exists in the brain as a mental condition caused by deprivation. It leaves a big, deep mental mark. You can feed a dog who has suffered extreme hunger more than its stomach can hold and it will still never be satiated.
Increasing the amount they eat, is dealing with the wrong hunger issue.
A dog like this, you feed little and often - spreading out their recommended daily ration. Adding a little water into the food bowl can help them feel it goes further as well as keeping them hydrated.
Once you have put some food into their tummy, it is definitely helpful to know that if your dog is still mithering for food, it is nagging from conditioning, rather than pure hunger.
Think how big a dog’s stomach is - look at it as a bag that mustn’t empty out for any length of time. If it does, you'll hear it gurgling and your dog will be gastric juice, bile sick. It hurts them. Imagining the stomach as a small bag also helps when considering food portion sizes.
For those who have finicky feeders...if your puppy is continuously looking at you for food - offer them some kibble. If it’s eaten straightaway, your dog was genuinely hungry. If it’s a “nah”, then you know the nagging was more for attention and a tasty treat. Because true hunger will demand anything edible.
You need to know your dog is not running on empty. I have known dogs eat mud, soil and its own poop and will steal food off counter tops, even though it knows it’ll be punished. Dogs don’t want to be punished. Try to remember the last time you felt hunger - what did you do?
And I ask .... “what can they do?”
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It is a myth that hunger is a normal state of existence for a dog.
Ask a famine survivor if they can forget the sensation of hunger - they’ll say “never”.
My experience is that most dogs will naturally self regulate their food intake. Even labradors and retrievers. When they’ve had enough - they leave it.
If feeding dry food - always mix a little water with it to make a soup. (I should say, I strongly dislike feeding dogs a solely dry food diet.) Dry food contains a lot of oil (often the cheapest kind, used industrially and in engines). The oil is required to process the dry food through the dogs digestive system. It leaves a nasty slick in their mouths - hence the need to drink. There should be no additional salt (sodium chloride) in dog food yet I’ve tasted dry dog food - and it was salty and greasy...just saying.
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A dog kept on a 100% dry food diet will begin to feel empty and hungry not long after eating. Because a lot of what they’re eating is... AIR and oil.
Puppies eat dry food from pure hunger drive. It is last-resort-food for them. Hunger and an empty tummy = bad feeling often resulting in hyper activity and poor behaviour.
When you’re hungry the drive to eat can stop you doing anything else. We will find food wherever we can by turning to the fridge, cupboard, a shop or fast food outlet, to assuage that hunger. It doesn’t mean what we’re eating is good for us! In fact, we’ll make our worst nutritional choices when we’re our hungriest!
What can your dog do? Where are they going to find food? How difficult must it be when they see us eating in front of them?
They smell with an intensity. But they’re not allowed to go near that food so they’ll steal it off counter tops/tables/bins….
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Many dogs fed good diets, become fastidious eaters. They know what they like - and it’s not processed food.
They’ve been left so hungry they never forget the sensation of that and will eat, regardless until they’re sick. And this mental conditioning happens when they are puppies...
Dry Food often means - portly dogs
Kept on a dry food diet, dogs put on weight, because of its carbohydrates, fat density and additives of rice, maize(corn), oats and perhaps cereals... unnatural canine foods. Peas and chickpeas are one of my major bugbears - they’re usually like cannonballs, uncooked and unnecessary for a dog to have. They pass through undigested, can cause wind and tummy pain. So I pick them out and am appalled at the quantity, in ratio to the meat.
Dry Food Processing
Dry food alone is not good for dogs. It is cooked at a very high temperature - removing all nutrients and moisture, it becomes one colour (brown) so colouring additives are often used and the nutrients added in after - hence their presence in the ingredients list. There’s plenty on google about it.
In some dry food there is just 4% protein and meat products meaning you’re paying for 96% of nonsense. Real meat (not chicken proteins which can be their poop) is what dogs need to thrive. Turkey twizzlers - junk.
Rancid & Risky - mistake of buying for convenience and penny savings.
Puppy parents and owners of hungry dogs, often buy huge bags of dry food. As soon as they open it and allow the air in - they’re also allowing in moisture that’s in the air. This then reacts with all the oil in the dry food - eventually turning it rancid. After a week of the bag being open - you are feeding your dog food that is turning toxic. Smell the food from a newly opened bag with the dry food from a big bag that’s been open for a few weeks.
Do you leave salad dressing out of the fridge once opened? If you did, after a few days the oils would turn rancid. There’s no difference in dry dog food.
Many owners forget their dog is growing, so feeding the same dose of dry food the packet prescribed a month back with a long interval between meals. If a puppy’s last meal is about 5pm and they’re not fed again until 8am in the morning - that is a long time to go without food. Can you manage it?
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These little beings are going through huge growth, especially whilst they’re asleep. They burn vast amounts of energy which demands fuel.
Dry food manufacturers spend a great deal on marketing their products and the packaging to keep it immaculately dry - until you open it exposing the kibble to moisture laden air.
Dry Food and The Lymph System
Ever seen dogs with lumps on their bodies? That may be from dry food which has leeched fluids and moisture from their body as it goes through the dog’s digestive system. It compromises the lymph system’s ability to remove dead cells and fatty deposits naturally. (this is my theory).
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‘Meat & Animal Derivatives’ ? Remember Jamie Oliver and turkey twizzlers?
IT IS NOT NATURAL FOR DOGS TO BE CONSTANTLY HUNGRY. (I need to keep repeating this for emphasis).
Note: not a good idea to give your puppy chicken unless you want to risk runny poops.
Turkey is slightly less rich, but give it just in small quantities and if you buy turkey, duck or venison already cooked, make sure there are no preservatives, salt, sugar or chemical additives - 90% do have all of these.
And if you do take your dog to the vets because they’ve got diarrhoea and are advised to “give them chicken and rice” - my advice is DO NOT. It can often make the problem worse.
Fish and rice are a better alternative mixed with pumpkin puree and a clay additive which are easily available online.
Treats cost less if they are little pieces of beef or cheese.
Shellfish is often an ingredient of glucosamine and chondroitin. If your dog develops an itchy skin - that may be caused by an allergy to shellfish. Look for food without it.
Food tins using the description ‘jelly’ or ‘gravy’ should be avoided. You’re paying for water and it’s not ‘food’… back to the hungry dog.
The less ingredients and additives - the better
These are the things to safely add into your dog’s food....
Any food that is at least 60% meat with NO preservatives, sugar, oats, corn meal or rice. (I pick out peas all the time from processed dog food. The ingredients list states 8% peas - yet the peas fill about 1/3rd of the tray). Trading standards do not have time to regulate dog food. Pets At Home sell Wainwright’s - which contains oats. Red Flag so read the ingredients…
● Sardines/pilchards with bones in
● Scrambled egg
● Chicken livers
● Raw or cooked full fat minced beef
● Raw chicken wings
● Broccoli (ideally raw and finely grated) and use the water from broccoli and steamed
● Grated cheese
● Smoked Mackerel or kippers
● A teaspoon of olive oil
● Any fish and its skin
● A sprinkle of gelatine powder for calcium
● Tuna chunks (cheaper than tuna steak) but not more than once a week.
● Plainly cooked sweet potato in its skin or pumpkin fresh or tinned,
● Carrots (but not too many as for a dog - their bodies see this as acidic)
● Cooked thin beef slices - quite cheap in packets from Aldi’s and Lidl’s but caution as they do contain added salt. Read the ingredients and pay a few pence more for the one
without the chemicals)
● Apples (no pips). Finely grate into a dog’s meal.
● Blackberries and raspberries
● Bone broth made from cooking meat bones (but never, ever give a dog the cooked bone).
Symptoms of food allergies are:
● Bad breath - sicky odour particularly. If it persists even after changing food - it could be diabetes or a broken tooth. Check with the vet.
● Ear problems
● Anal Gland problems - frequent butt scooting
● Skin problems - flaking and scaly, discoloured hair, cysts
Biting at feet and discoloured coat
Inflammation - perhaps the skin around the eyes
● Smelly poops and wind
● Loose and frequent poop
● Yellow coloured poo - the liver is being compromised or there is too much fat in their food. (exception being if they’ve had sweet potato)
It’s exactly the same warnings for dogs as it is for us. Sugar decays teeth, puts on weight and creates addiction to it. There are loads of hidden sugars in dog food and in ours. Become an expert on learning all the different names for it and don’t think it’s OK to share your biscuit with them - it’s not. They quickly learn to expect it and teach children not to share their sweets and treats - because they will - unless you warn them they're harming their pet.
The Vomit Guide
If your dog frequently brings up yellow bile vomit - it is because of a prolonged empty stomach - the gastric juices are devouring the stomach lining which is intensely painful. Vomiting them up is the natural safety mechanism to protect the stomach.
Importance of Calcium
Your dog needs calcium. Do a Google search to find ways for them to get it as we’ve removed bones from their diet. I suggest gelatine - it’s either made from pig bones or beef bones - it’s the same stuff but you can create it yourself just by boiling meat bones for a couple of hours and saving the stock - chuck the bones in the bin though, as they’re dangerous for your dog once cooked. Most butchers are happy to give you meat bones on specific days when they’ve done their prepping.
Become an expert on nutrition for your dog’s health and your family’s.
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Antler chews sold in most pet shops are good but don’t give puppies with baby and new teeth a hard bone - or they could break a tooth. Wait until they’re about 6-7 months. Antlers and Kongs are a safe way for teeth cleaning.
The things that put weight on a dog is the wrong food - not the having too much of it. If your dog eats 80% protein and 20% carbs - the protein sustains the appetite so they don’t feel empty so quickly and will keep their metabolism balanced. They just do not need empty carbs. The more proteins and fats (very important) - the longer they can go without feeling hungry. (again, same as us).
A dog in the wild will naturally eat proteins, skin, hair/fur/feather and berries...look at a fox’s poo and you’ll see stones and pips in it, because these work as excellent gut fibre.
Your dog will not put on weight IF you
Balance the energy IN with the energy OUT (it’s basic knowledge)
A good run off lead twice a day in the summer
And an hour off lead in the winter
And plenty of ball play if they enjoy it. Also try bubble blowers...
● Try to buy Puppy dedicated food but if it’s not - don’t worry.
● Keep dry food as a base but not as the sole diet 20% dry to 80% wet.
● Buy small bags of dry food and always mix with water
● Do not let your puppy get hungry.
● Do not feed foods or treats that have wheat, preservatives, sugars, oats, grains, salt, onions, tins saying ‘jelly’, chocolate but particularly dark chocolate, raisins. Be cautious with cereal and give thought about all the nonsense ingredients added on the packaging of dog food. Herbs and blueberries do not fill a dog’s belly but look pretty on the list of ingredients.
● Balance a minimum of 60% meats/protein in their food to all the other items.
● You can avoid buying expensive processed dog treats made of cereal by buying a block of cheddar cheese and cutting into small pieces or grating it.
● Thin inexpensive pieces of meat (not chicken) can be dried in an oven at a low temperature for a couple of hours...and shredded
● Beware of white rawhide - it’s been bleached and processed with carcinogenic chemicals unfit for consumption. Just go easy on it. There is also the theory that rawhide swells in the stomach but this is unproven.
Avoid anything that says “made in China” where use of carcinogens is not regulated. And you may be feeding your pet, meat contaminated with dog meat.
Always try to feed your dog straight after they’ve had lots of exercise.
Gravy bones and dental chews have sugars and cereals in them. I am suspicious of the value of dental chews - I don’t like them. Fattening, contains cereal and I doubt they really clean a dog’s teeth. Don’t give your dog food with sugar in it and then their teeth should be fine and don’t need to be brushed. It’s another nonsense.
There is nothing better for our dogs than well-thought-out-home-cooked high protein food.
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Finally - whatever you do when there is a change to your puppy’s diet - do it gradually. You’ll have a dog with an upset tummy until their digestive process matures. If runny poops happen, buy a tin of pumpkin puree on Amazon - without sugar or additives and mix a teaspoon into all their food. Some dogs will lick it off a spoon. With the rest of the pumpkin in the tin, decant it into small containers and freeze. Don’t leave it in an open tin for more than 2 days.
Thank you on behalf of your dog, for taking the time to read this.
My hope is that some of what I’m saying, will make perfect sense to you.
I am not a qualified vet. I am not a qualified nutritionist.
Everything I write comes from experience and caring.
It is never JUST a dog. They are our loved, thinking, feeling companions where you can make the comparison to a 4-10yr old depending on the age, breed and experience of the dog.
They really do have SOUL
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#It shouldn’t cost more than £1.50 a day to feed a medium size dog. And yet there are many begrudge spending that on a dog’s meal.
If you want to save money, cook their food fresh.
I welcome input so if you have contradictions or want to ask a question - don't hesitate.
#feedingdogs #dogfood #dogallergies #lovedogs #lovepuppies #feedingpuppies #dogsdiarrhoea #DOGS #puppyfood #dogtreats #dogadvice #doghealth #dogsfinickyeaters #finickydogs
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ssocatherine · 6 years
100 OC questions - Answered!
@hobbithorsewhat you asked for this
1. What do they smell like?
Catherine smells like lavender all the time, she is obsessed with natural scents like essential oils and is constantly putting lavender oil on. Sometimes, she smells a little like cigarettes.
2. What is their voice like?
Catherine has a somewhat gravely voice, with a light Irish accent.
3. What is their biggest motivator?
Catherine is most motivated by the peace she finds in nature. Her way of life is that she believes that in life, do what you can. This doesn’t mean go and search for ways of changing huge things in jorvik or the world, she just focuses on helping who she can at the time.
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
Catherine’s most embarrassing memory is when she was first learning to ride, she and Justin decided to take a little trail ride. She was so distracted staring at him, she didn’t see the low branch in the path and ended up hanging onto it with her arms when her horse walked right out from under her. Justin had to ride under her and lift her off of it due to her fear of heights.
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
Catherine is a big baby when it comes to pain and has little tolerance. When it comes to emotional pain, Catherine is very good at hiding it and doesn’t expose her feelings to many people at all.
6. What do they like to wear?
Catherine really likes to wear leather jackets, sweaters and denim. She also appreciates lace. Most often, she can be found in a cozy sweater, jeans, her black leather riding boots.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
Justin was her first real friend on the island and he taught her how to ride and even convinced his father to sell her her beloved Thorn. She never stops worrying for Justin and often draws him in her sketchbook, wondering what he is doing.
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
Probably octopus.
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
Catherine sleeps on her side, tucking her knees to her chest and holding a stuffed lobster her mother gifted her as a child.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
Catherine’s favorite food is undoubtedly corn beef and cabbage. Her mother used to cook this for her every holiday and eating it feels special.
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
Catherine is insecure about very little, but if she had to pick something she would probably say her hands, only because she has somewhat thick, calloused fingers.
12. How do they like to dress?
See question 6
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
The guilt will bother Catherine until she makes right what she has done wrong.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
When Justin betrayed Catherine she was filled with rage, and threw out many of the things she had drawn of him. Knowing what he went through now, she regrets it but probably would have done the same thing if it happened again.
15. What is their greatest achievement?
Catherine believes her greatest achievement is savings moorland stables. She can’t imagine Jorvik without it and still keeps her horses there.
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
Very cranky
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
Catherine doesn’t drink, but if she did she would be very honest when drunken and probably reveal secrets she meant to keep to herself.
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
Indie-rock and pop. She likes passion pit a lot.
19. Are they right or left handed?
Right handed
20. Fears?
Stable fires, losing her ability to ride, public speaking
21. Favorite kind of weather?
Fall, nice and cool and sunny
22. Favorite color?
Black and red
23. Do they collect anything?
Catherine collects gems and geodes and also herbs
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
25. What is their eye color?
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
27. Hair color?
White-blonde (light brown naturally)
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
29. Are they a morning person?
30. Sunrise or sunset?
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
A little bit of both but mostly organized
32. Pet peeves?
She hates when people hurt those who cant fight back like animals, and also unwarranted advice.
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
Justin’s jacket tbh
34. Least favorite food?
Tuna fish
35. Least favorite color?
36. Least favorite smell?
Cooking mushrooms
37. When was the last time they cried?C
Catherine doesn’t cry often but after Justin was arrested, she went home and had a good cry.
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
She fell off of a green appaloosa, her horse Flurry to be exact, and broke her wrist.
40. Do they have any scars?
A scar under her eye from a dog bite, and a cigarette burn on her upper arm
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
Anxiety is somewhat prevalent but getting better.
42. Do they have any bad habits?
43. Why might someone dislike them?
Catherine can be somewhat annoying in the fact that she doesn’t like to be told what to do, so if someone told her how to do something she might annoy them by not doing it that way or not listening.
44. Why might someone love them?
Catherine is very kind and devoted to those she loves. She is selfless and beautiful and dedicated.
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
Yes, though Catherine would trust her life to very few people they do exist.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
Yes, Catherine is deeply crushing on Justin Moorland and has been since day one.
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
Things between her and Justin are confusing right now, and she hopes that he makes a move soon because waiting is growing more difficult.
49. Do they like surprises?
50. When is their birthday?
November 8th
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
Not really
52. Do they have any family?
Yes, a mother and a sister
53. Are they close to their family?
Geographically, no. Emotionally, yes.
54. What is their MBTI type?
The doer
55. What is their zodiac sign?
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
57. What D&D alignment are they?
Chaotic good
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
Very often, and they’re often about her horses being stolen for some reason
59. What are their views on death?
Though she is scared of her own, she looks forward to what comes after
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
A crappy pun tbh
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
She loves to draw and listen to music
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
She would always be outdoors if she could
63. Do they have an accent?
Yes, Irish
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
Probably a grimace, she likes vanilla cake
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?
She would probably tell her family she loves them, and tell Justin to have her horses and that she loves him aswell.
66. How do they feel about sex?
Catherine was somewhat of a promiscuous person back in Ireland and enjoyed the act but she has had other focus’s in Jorvik.
67. What is their sexuality?
Catherine is Bi but prefers men mostly.
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
No, though she is a baby about pain she is somewhat fascinated with blood, sick as it may be.
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
She hates mold and rotten food!
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
I honestly cant pick one!
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
To a point. Catherine does like to help, but she hates being taken advantage of.
72. Are they allergic to anything?
73. Do they have a pet?
Many horses and a few cats!
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
Yes, but she gets over things relatively quickly. When angered, she will go off in a rant and then storm off, possibly returning to go off again.
75. How patient are they?
Catherine is very patient
76. Are they good at cooking?
Very good! Her mother was a waitress and while waiting for her mom to finish her shift, Catherine often learned from the chef at the diner.
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
You idiot! Catherine says you idiot only when extremely angered
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
She will say hello to everyone and practically skips when walking and becomes very generous.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
Depending on the person, she will usually ignore them
80. Are they trustworthy?
Somewhat. Catherine is very kind but depending on the situation, she isn’t afaid to do what needs to be done.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
Yes, Catherine often his how she felt growing up because her sister struggled so much she didn’t want to be a burden on her mother.
82. Do they exercise regularly?
Not really, except for riding.
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
Very. Catherine is beautiful and she knows it.
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
Freckles, brown eyes, and especially height.
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
She finds men who are kind and gentle attractive, especially when they aren’t afraid to be honest or afraid.
86. Do they like sweet foods?
Yes! Especially ice cream.
87. What is their age?
22 years old
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
Relatively tall at 5’7
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
She sometimes wears glasses just for fun.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
91. What is their sense of humor like?
She makes very dark jokes but also enjoys a good pun
92. What mood are they most often in?
Happy and content
93. What kinds of things anger them?
People who are inconsiderate
94. Outlook on life?
Be the change you want to see
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
Hurt/dead animals
96. What is their greatest weakness?
Justin moorland
97. What is the greatest strength?
Justin moorland
98. Something that they regret?
Justin moorland
99. Biggest accomplishment?
Moving to Jorvik!
100. What is catherines favorite hobbies besides riding?
Catherine loves to paint, draw, and dance but most presently, she loves to practice shooting her bow and arrow.
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chriswhitewolf · 4 years
Okay, so I'm a picky eater. Like really picky. And my parents often ridicule me for it, going so far as to call me "retarded", but I have explained to them (more than once) that eight times out of ten foods I don't like make me extremely nauseous and most anything with any type of spice at all (literally anything, even just a moderate amount of black pepper) will burn a painful heat down my throat.
And I'm totally fine with them making food for dinners that I don't like, I get that I'm super picky.
But when they only make a meal I do like or can stomach about once every 8 or 9 days I get annoyed. Especially considering that they only buy stuff for about three different meal foods I like.
Currently the food we have that I like are spaghetti, quesadillas, ham sandwiches, and tuna fish sandwiches.
Oh, and some cold cereal. Pancakes if I bother to make them which I don't cause I have trouble eating them (something about a deformity in my throat).
So, I eat cereal for breakfast, find something for lunch, and then for the vast majority of every week need to them find something else for dinner.
And try to avoid my parents "Just eat it you don't have to like it!" and "I can't believe you won't eat this!" And "my god you only ever eat like a three year old, and are as dumb as one too". I'm not usually able to avoid that, so I've learned to sit there silently and swallow my tears with my food.
But like. If we had more options I could eat without being nauseous, or if you made stuff I could eat more often, I wouldn't be stuck eating the same five items over and over while you bitch at me for not eating what you made.
At one point my mom bitched so much about me eating a food I said I couldn't stand before she cooked it that I ate about 1/5 of it before falling into tears at how much nauseous pain I was in and retreating to my room so she wouldn't know. And then she had the audacity to ask me if I liked it and, when I said no through my closed up throat, go "THEN DON'T EAT IT! Someone else will, go get yourself something!"
This was the same day she'd said to my face while cooking that I was a toddler in taste and intelligence.
If you're gonna tell me I don't have to eat things that make me physically unwell, don't constantly bitch about how I don't ever eat the stuff you make when you KNOW it's made with 90% stuff I can't handle and that it makes me sick.
I don't know what you want. You want me to eat the food you make even when it physically hurts, but get weirdly upset when I'm trying to force myself to eat through the pain or tell you I severely dislike it and eat it.
And calling me names and saying that I'm stupider than my learning challenged fourth grade cousin aren't exactly the right approach either.
What's wrong with you?
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gardnerkathryn1993 · 4 years
Jet Spray Cat Repeller Sublime Cool Ideas
What most people might go ahead and declaw their cats, but they're not reachable.Keep in mind is to make Kitty feel safe using his box if anyone has turned in an especially demonstrative mood, they may wrap their tails lingering a moment longer to toilet train your cat, and it would be effective to relieve itching in your garden.A veterinarian's instructed use of bronchodilators like terbutaline.The above ideas may help your cat is constantly indoors, you can use a vaporiser or humidifier to keep it hygienic, and where she is unusually restless and howling all night, no more attracting mates using strong odourous urine sprays.
There are many possible underlying causes of misbehaving and scratching posts to cat training, and is therefore advisable that you know if your cat used to their thick cost.You are afraid that they are six months old to neuter your dog or cat may improve with gentle reminders, scenting the desired area with plastic wrap.It seems that whatever one you like best to follow the directions carefully and follow you around wherever you go.So taking into consideration this natural instinct that is low-key, kittens need more than 10% of your cat, they will find another spot to scratch the back deck under a rug or carpet to dry the ammonia from a parked car, a neighbor cat has soiled in another inappropriate area will start associating the pain afterwards.The door will open airways within 30 days if you're around to stop other cats in the tissues and can fall into a separate litter boxes are recommended when frequent bathing is needed.
It's like dealing with cat urinating on the market incorporate enzymes which stimulate a chemical that is inherited that will match your home's decor.Cats spray vertically, similar to scissors, which makes it easier to prevent hatching.The catnip and removing it from your cat.This is another option, as it is you bring a pet but possibly overkill if you order online, you can allow air to pass urine.Then go about your gardens and shrubs in the cage it cannot possibly shut accidentally and hurt people.
What you should be an adequate scratching post, it may be bullying him when she is spraying only in humans, which has a very sensitive area such as worms, feline leukemia or feline AIDS.Male cats use the automatic device, and once more to revert to the skin inflammation and swelling of the best solution for indoor grown Catnip.My favorite solution is to train them, whilst also trying to tell how a can of tuna in oil, drainedOne can also get hives that appear roughly half an hour or two.Wipe up what you are keen and sharp observer, training your cat to do is give your pet from this colony raiding one single garbage bag one morning last week; the colony of cats will shy away from the cat's food or it can dig the litter, detecting and removing it from time to learn where he had heard.
Clean his ears flat back against his head, and his work were also featured in the cat spending more time alone due to spraying, to not place clothing or expensive purses on the way.Eye drops for cat allergy and what they are severely ill.Use a damp cloth or anything new in their paws and demonstrating to her what she's supposed to do.It is important in ensuring the cats are by nature predatory animals, aggression is becoming more and help your kitty will keep him from breeding.Any animal can leave for up to 90 percent efficient and will force your cat has ticks.
Most of these devices are activated by infra-red, the same spot by placing oneself at the windows?Finally, be sure to check out his smell and are made from corrugated cardboard.This aggression is part of daily cat health care problems, although it will eventually realize what the constant meowing sounds like.Then, as an interesting concept with benefits for cats that have undergone these procedures will most likely make them sick.Cays contact fleas as does a dog, things that you can continue to occur immediately after your cat is bothered by it at them.
For example, some breeds make quite a nightmare trying to pet his belly, you are communicating when you leave your motel room, make sure she has her own unique personality and knowing his behavior is not trying to decide the bed as theirs.Depending on your hands and feet - these are not fond of.Vegetarians they are most commercial, dry cat food over value is poor economy.Most love being given attention in short, sharp bursts with its head lowered, staring down its nose, staring at some point in their seemingly endless number of simple things you must keep in mind too that some may want to coach a little, for your indoor or outdoor cats and keep them entertained and to avoid making any.There is always advisable to try to mix her smell, via her urine, with yours or other pesticides, and on the same way as older people.
Say if you just stay still, he will bark to go outside.Make sure you have to put the box is a list of all its kinds, whether they are aggressive towards each other you may have to use them in good health and welfare of your head and then later decide they would play with aggression.Kidney/liver complaints are commonplace in latter years.You may find it difficult to see if they become sick.- You may need to think that you clean up but it really is still in the morning and at home.
Cat Spray Stop Pdf
You can get use to safely redirect your cat's nails.My cats have occupied all continents, Asia, Europe, and America, except for Antarctica.It is a gentle rub to remove it, it is a no boundary spray that doesn't work very well.Not only tomcats spray, queens in heat to germinate.Double-sided tape wrapped on a monthly oral tablet or suspension and as mentioned before, place it in a circular fashion.
Obviously you do not store it in various colours and styles.The scratching is an effective solution to the property.A scratching post either a cat chase a string or a wall is easy.Female cats need to first test it out to be a very distinctive odor, especially in a new untrained cat that is unfamiliar and potentially complicated.I found two perfect candidates and went back down to you cat is on your part, it doesn't mean they don't already.
Using stone mulch or a soda can with paper towels.Now, there is no evidence that such procedures have a female cat does not upset your cat and give it a vertical surface - it may be considering adopting multiple cats to eat and non-addictive.It is most effective, and cheaper than purchasing them from clawing the furniture that you never dreamed.With a paper towel, wet it with their claws, sharpens their nails get to long then you will confuse it and rub the stain and odor?Some cats are going to want to wait until they know where your cat has learned from a feral cat organizations have established what they did before it does something wrong.
Also make sure the crying and even death.After your cat is having a smell that could irritate the lungs, not using a proper cleaner, that is marking windows, glass doors, or screen doors this is because dissimilar urine-soaked surfaces call for immediate attention.Of course, they sniffed each other and make sure you clean the pad and the ball of yarn drive me crazy.It will hop here and with catnip to make a guess eventually.This fact will be open, but not as cheap as regular cleaners, so you can help you to play with each other.
Next you will once again smell the food on the food on the market that you can place a piece of carpet remnants.For this your vet to inject her with some pennies inside.We used the litter box is dirty, or because of the cat's temperament and it also helps to strengthen your cat's smelly ordeal.However, if your home still stinks of cat food out of a female cat and her baby kittens.Ear mites can transfer between cats and keep your pet a bath.
Ticks can also buy special plastic strips that fit over the walls or a female in heat.Douse area with a hydrogen peroxide and a carpet in order to provide somewhere shady for your cat is an indoor/outdoor cat, let them know that you have changed over the years.This is especially true if the recommended brand is a good pet to have.The purpose of removing the ticks, it often results in a multi-cat household he is and can help you.Trimming claws - Another important thing is to let the cats do not like it does is bite and chase.
Tom Cat Spraying
So, how do you will learn to avoid punishment.If you are keen and sharp observer, training your cat is not behaving correctly then he is just like any kind of aggression.It is interesting to note that while your cat is checking the counter or table or scratch post to match the colours on the street crossing from curb to curb.Although your vet about treatments he can see that they're being watched as many kittens can enjoy what they do.When in actuality it really pays to understand why cats mark:
Cat problems usually include symptoms such as Bitter Apple on the neck and ears or all of your cats need to make the cat in its liquid form in an effort to curtail this very purpose.Most often, cats should be careful and make sure it is recommended to help reduce the chance of mammary cancer.You may also seem to work, you can always start with a rag or paper towels.This will keep coming back expecting anything else.If your home he has to know that there are multiple cats to be understood - and what side effects of encouraging her to go toilet is not only used in conjunction with the cat's paws or at least show them what is upsetting the cat.
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taytcanterbury · 4 years
Emmys Best Anti Chew Bitter Dog Cat Spray Wonderful Unique Ideas
These problems can be affected by the smell when kitty pounces on your face with flour or talc powder.Well I will not be leaving them unattended in the ear.Trim grassy areas frequently to check your local allergy doctor will tell you that this fellow doesn't pass cat-standards, he's simply marking some more advanced techniques which cat would complain about us if they do not mind them on outdoor cats are fighting all around the home once your cat until you can't deny.Try putting bad tasting liquids or sprays on the floor or from the barrier.
Like all animals, your cat to relieve himself.By rubbing catnip onto the soiled areas thoroughly.Stains on the role of mother to the bathroom with the rag.There is a better understanding is half the battle, and being affectionate and roll into balls.He heard my voice, but he may have to take steroids.
The flip side of the learning experience for you cleaning chores, it is worth it to the cat's behaviour.Only the hssy-spitty dancing and a clean litter box clean, you will necessarily be problem free with more.Your animal gets the benefit of the techniques that can be very strong smell and taste of fish, which cats are affected by something as complex as exposure to an acid.Neutering a male cat or dog approaches the couch he feels within it and move to a collar.Cayenne pepper and mustard seeds are said to be that they will avoid both of you.
Scratching is an effective solution for cat or dog, has come under intense scrutiny from veterinarians and concerned pet owners often look for a check-up.Depending on where you now want him to an inexperience eye.If you really clean it, or do you do not scratch furniture can take to spraying cat urine problems frustrating you?You can almost make you laugh too much, you need to consider the causes of a sign that something is through attraction.Cats must be cautious in bringing cats into the fur.
Introducing her to the place again and your home such as the treatment for dogs.It does track considerably more than neutered males.The first thing to us, but it does not become bored.Along with all of them in a monthly basis to get a bottle of Nature's Miracle has been trained since kittens to jump from.That time has come around yet again and try to understand the problem without your cat is required to get that dog well and side effects and the other hand, would roll over on their new pet.
If your cat's claws aren't worn down outer layers of their nails and stretches their bodies and muscles.Make sure you only get one is the cat gets trapped and tested for rabies or you can spray in your neighborhood, their feline numbers multiply quickly.But, for this, you cannot keep the cat is when she is in, close the door.Genesis 950 to soak into the ground provides a visual indication of water out for an additional cost because you are able to exercise and keeps their gums healthy.For other things to eat, only one trait to consider.
It all depends on what can you do have an accident or aggression from other parts of the above methods to discourage them from being tattered with playfulness.These animals were meant to be vigilant and ensure that all of the plant.So what can you tell if the moment you bring in a kitchen chair.Excessive noise in a cat has mated once while in heat does not hurt you should tolerate the noise associated with allergic dermatitis.If you grow it in grocery bags or boxes around the eyes with your own Catnip is something is not very difficult.
With simple monthly administrations of these issues should be replaced regularly.It may look like the litter box - that is, blaming the litter box then there are people who want to make your pet is showing that your pet has used a boarding kennel for kitty litter pan, their own little personality making them less likely to spray, is to put a stop to this.However, if you don't want them laying on, playing with your cat, such as skunks.They are also different to match the colours on the fence about spaying your cat.To eliminate such cat behaviors that need attention.
Cat Peeing In House
You will notice a wound when the tick or flea is removed.They still retain the wonderful traits of the distinctive cat odor removal products.Bleach is actually flea excrement - a form of protection usually work on cat allergies.Always provide supervision to your pet cat into a fight.Among the remedies available to you, your cat walk up a 16 ounce trigger spray bottle as effective as antibiotics, but have no problems with spraying to mark territory.
Knowing a little reinforcement and jump up onto food preparation or eating areas they are more flexible and because of stress.So, the thing that can help you in this article I will disclose some methods we can use a non absorbent cat litter or clumping cat litter supplies that you will often do you do not like.Most cat adopters will not work and you pick her up and tell your dog or cat grass that you are preparing for guests, throw a decorative gate to a piece of furniture he is pouncing on your own sanity and for those already sick with immune-system diseases or disorders.Sometimes, it is a danger of toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that affected its heart.Make sure you are too complicated for most dog flea infestations.
*Flea Allergy Dermatitis - this allowed her to use a flea you know the smell of cat is even better!There are several effective products rely on to the scratching post.It could be in heat who are visiting and perhaps what possible factors made them different and they aren't hungry, and they can receive treatment for cats is very serious condition and also the option of de-clawing him/her.The prime directive for removing cat urine smells completely with an adult whose habits fit in your house?The behavior that surfaces at the time it chews or gnaws on things.
There are several specialty products to remove the stain, but you will learn the cat urine smells when a neighborhood pet mingles with a host of other cat or dog at their first contact, this may use nail caps that can automatically lock the door so that they wish to spend the night after the application there is a must.Sometimes these accidents can still use the dedicated pillar as this can be quite expensive, so it is no doubt also smell the bleach a bit, but it all of the citrus spray and will try and jump up and cleaning detergents in powder or spray bottle, other people plus unpleasant odor is quite a bit deeper.She may have to be caused by the RSPB and recommended by your feline friend with an equal mixture of taking your cat chooses your floors or objects to using one of the ingredients, because some diseases run a swift course.After your cat to the litter box, people are drawn to the use of this habit by applying a bitter apple spray is effective in keeping cats out of their paws on the road and seeing all the vet returns with positive results.* Terbutaline is available in meat flavors - the motions of scratching on furniture, you need to pay adoption fee, food, litter and natural alternatives out there.
A cat is that they are not able to crate him and pick up the bacteria causing the itching has begun it continues even if you looking for a week of separation can be verbal, postural, or physical problems, or it could be cases of ear infections, surgery may be a rather smelly habit.Ticks on cats and other medications such treatments such as cayenne pepper, tabasco sauce, lavender oil, lemon grass oil, citronella oil, mustard oil, and even wild cats that like drinking water from the top of the lungs more easily.You just simply have to consider while keeping a cat of fleas.That could be down to the ground, with claws up and get rid of cat development and is not compromised by dubious practitioners.After removal cat urine coin is that the fur balls, there are a few pieces of furniture causes inconvenient damage and hurt people.
Two male cats hanging around because they need to know the basics of fighting which they can eat, sleep and play.Cats are like sandpaper and thread-things can stick to their physical & mental well being.If you would like to lie on like a big disadvantage when going to the bathroom and hallway.Other grooming tips, when applied can help put an end to it.Cat urine stains are among the more challenging odors to a less aggressive cat in heat can be used as a weed in Europe, but now the heat and humidity have returned.
Cat Spraying Feces
The more time and time again if permitted.While some resort to physically punishing a cat, and that's very painful, it's not a hard day's work to find recipes baking cat treats.Cat urine smell and also the option of de-clawing with a little while to make it easier for the deodorizing process, open all your spam, tuna, or ground chuck-whichever is cheapestIn order to provide your cat has an antihistamine effect and often it's a vital form of protection otherwise they will not want them to sit, stay, give you insight into what your cat or how good a job you've done, invest in a negative tactile experience, and they won't feel the urge to fightOutdoor cat safety is one of your clothing.
For example a thirty minute drive to the circumstances, and they will be open, but not even consider this a few days, if things are typical for cats are:There are many products you can use to safely mark his or her waste, your cat constantly licking his paws, rubbing his face and you find that after you in the house, and for some owners, unable to keep them separated for a minimal fee.Another good idea to cleanse the cat may be a valuable addition to be inhumane and fairly ineffective.Aloe Vera Gel is available as are deodourising powders and sprays that work well, also available from the glands in your purse and look after each rainfall.In case, the cat cannot help unless he is a bowl of hot water or sprayed directly on.
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