#Treasure of the Blind Swordsman
weirdwyvern · 2 years
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Xiaolin Showdown background aesthetic, “Treasure of the Blind Swordsman” (part 2/2)
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Will you rank Kimiko's different cowgirl outfits from best to worst pls?
Hm! Ok, but remember it's my top list and other people are free to have their own favs!
I'm obsessed with Kimiko's look in the 'Treasure of the Blind Swordsman' episode. Maybe it's because blue is my favorite color? But apart from that, I appreciate how unique she looks. In the show there are more brownish cowboy hats and Kimiko surprises us with other possibilities! What is more, all the accessories are in tune with everything else! The belt? feather on the hat? Hair ribbons? Even the red elements dangling from her boots match the kerchief and the skirt!
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Also, I think mixing blue, red, and brown clothes makes for the classiest outfit!
2. Kimiko's cowgirl outfit from Jesse episode is my second best!
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The best thing about this look is her braids! Kimiko has beautiful hair! Maybe this outfit is more modest but this is why it's so cute. Sometimes less means more! And I must admit I am entranced with Kimiko's shorts! Pats for a badass little fire lady! And it seems these shorts have laces on the turnups so yet another cute element to gush about! Love how the shape of the hat is different from those we've seen. Checkered top and magenta-red boots my beloveds <3
3. The 'Big as Texas' outfit is also close to my heart although for me there is too much pink. Still cute 9/10!
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Lace gloves are the best accessory here!
4. And my least favorite outfit belongs to Chronicles!Kimiko.
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It's... decent. I appreciate we finally got Kimiko in long skinny jeans. However, if we compare this outfit to clothes we got to see in the original series, the xc look is rather... lacking. Kimiko is known for her good taste in accessories and XC!Kimiko has only a belt. I'm also disappointed with her cowboy hat because there is nothing special about it :(
But maybe if we add a fitting (idk maybe dark purple) vest and do something with the hat, we could fix that look! I get the impression Wuya and Kimiko would look great as a cowgirl duo if they were outfitted with clothes in similar color palettes! (this idea originated from my assumption XC!Kimiko's outfit is somewhat similar to Wuya's. If they stood next to each other I would dare to say they're dressed similarly lol)
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aspureasamelody · 3 months
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leventart-den · 7 months
Interactive ZoSan fanfic. Ch.01
Hello dear Straw Hearts!
So here we begin our journey with the first chapter of the interactive ZoSan fanfic. Please remember that I am not a writer and English is not my native language. But I will try and I hope we all have fun. I have some ideas but your choices are what decide where the story goes. In the vote, you chose that our story will take place in the canonical One Piece setting. But since I have not yet seen many events and am not familiar with all the characters (I only just met Brook in the anime at the time of writing this but I happily spoiled some things for myself so I know roughly Sanji's story), my vision may conflict with canon. There may also be spoilers here, so be careful. This first chapter is just setting up the scene.
 If you prefer to read on AO3, then the first chapter is here.
This is also beta-readed by wonderful @dad-cahoon ! Thank you so much for your help!
So, without further ado, buckle up and let our journey begin!👀
-= My 4am Sun =-
Ch.01 "Distraction and consequences"
Sanji really thinks that Zoro will be the end of him one day. One way or the other. He's such a distraction. And he doesn't even know about it. And Sanji would never tell him. His sword work is blinding. Every time it catches the light and the glare hurts his eyes and Sanji hates it. He hates how it makes him freeze and silently demands “look at me.” 
Look at me. 
And Sanji looks.
Because he can't not.
And he stares.
Because no one really knows but Sanji loves.
He loves endlessly all the big and small things in this world that he finds beautiful. And now he loves how the 4am sun embraces the swordsman and grazes the steel of his swords. It stole the breath away from him in the same way it did on that momentous day when Zoro took a blow from Mihawk with his arms open and his gaze determined. Something shifted in him that day. Something sparkled and he treasures it still, keeps safe deep in his heart. Sanji will never admit it but Zoro became someone special to him that day. Someone he looked up to and strived to become in some way. Zoro was strong, passionate, and a man of his word. He was ready to follow his dream no matter what. Sanji was the same in some parts. Objectively speaking he was strong and passionate himself, but he always lacked self confidence. He always sought so much less of himself. Although It was always compensated for by him trying his best. And actually doing his best no matter what circumstances he was in (no, we are not talking about his weakness for women in this house). But nevertheless, Sanji was almost always blind to his own achievements. He never praised himself, even a little, and took the praise of others as if it was the biggest treasure. He never thought of himself as deserving anything good but still he dreamed of kindness and love and friendship.. 
And he always wanted to be friends with Zoro. And after all these years, he kind of thought they were. Even though from an outsider's view their friendship looked more like hatred, in reality it was just rivalry and they both loved it, at least Sanji thought Zoro liked it too. 
Sanji enjoyed their bickering and fights, he truly did. But there were times when he could get tired of it. In those moments he really wished they could have a “calm” friendship. Sanji tried from time to time to guide their relationship in that direction, but Zoro never got the message. It always ended up with sharp jokes, insults, or fights and every time Sanji–with an inner sigh–followed Zoro's lead. 
But also Zoro sometimes surprised Sanji by looking weirdly happy, or even proud when seeing the cook coming to the fight scene. It really throws Sanji off every time because he doesn't know what to think of it. It is too weird. And other times Sanji thinks that Zoro may even care for him. Like that time on the sea train when Zoro screamed at him to not go along further and wait for them because it was too dangerous. Of course it was turned into a joke in the end, but nevertheless. And if Sanji would be honest it drives him crazy every time. Every time he thinks they may have their “ordinary friendship” moment, Zoro snatched it away as fast as his swordwork. And once again Sanji sighs and goes along. Although to be fair, Sanji himself often starts the fight or bites first so he has nothing to complain about, really. Right?
So, he's completely okay with not having a normal friendship with the stupid mosshead.
It's only fair, he thinks. And dives down at the last moment, barely avoiding a killing blow from the enemy. It's a really bad idea to be distracted right now, in the middle of the battle on the deck of their ship. Sanji was actually starting to feel tired, and not only him, judging by the way others were fighting. The attack happened suddenly, late at night. A huge ship appeared as if out of nowhere, fortunately Zoro, who was on watch, quickly raised everyone. Their opponents were fast and tiring. And there were many of them. Although the entire attack was strange, as if they had a specific goal unknown to the Straw Hat Pirates. And their captain hasn't even shown up yet. They were also terribly silent, making the atmosphere of the battle sickeningly depressing and oppressive. Sanji and everyone else were used to the fact that their opponents were usually loud, demanding attention to their person, no matter how deadly, the atmosphere was almost always like a chicken coop fight. Noisy, bright and reckless. That's probably why Luffy loved these moments so much. He had a lot of fun, of course, when the situation wasn't life-threatening for his nakama. But now even their captain looked out of place. 
Suddenly, Sanji felt a long-forgotten but familiar chill running down his back. That kind of dark anxiety that cannot be explained because there is no reason for it.. But nevertheless, something inside begins to scream heart-rendingly, “run!”
And perhaps Sanji would have run, if in the next moment he had not felt a firm push of someone's palm to his back. Everything around seemed to freeze for a moment, for one painful heartbeat. The place where palm touched felt numb, but after a moment there was a tingling spreading throughout his body along with an increasing ringing in his ears. His head started to hurt. For a second he thought something had snapped inside him and a terrible heat exploded. He couldn't even scream.
He took a breath.
And blinked. 
And time seemed to rush forward again, drowning him in a cacophony of sounds
He felt confused. What just happened? Where was he? What was he doing?… Why is it so light already?
He almost jumped out of his skin when he heard a familiar voice next to him.
"Hey Sanji! I'm terribly hungry, can you cook something? No, not something, meat! A lot of meat!" Luffy slapped him on the shoulder as he passed by, making him step forward from the force of the impact. He shouldn't have though. Of course, their captain was many times stronger than any of them, but such a movement should not have moved Sanji so easily. He almost lost his balance. He felt shaken.
He blinked again, gritting his teeth and realizing that there was no cigarette in his mouth. He couldn't light a new one though. Not now, when his hands are shaking so much, hastily hidden in his pockets.
He looked around. Everyone went in different directions. The battle was over, they were moving away from the smoking ship of the unknown pirates behind them. Judging by the sun, it was now about eight in the morning. He lost time.
He lost time.
Sanji swallowed nervously. He should think about something else. He can't spiral  now. He can't fall apart. Not here where everyone can see him. He must be just tired... There is no reason to worry and especially no reason to give others reasons to worry. It sounded stupid even in his own head, but he has no choice but to persuade himself like this at such moments. He has a lot of practice. He just needs to hold on a little longer. 
And he will. 
He always does.
He exhaled, glad that Luffy did not wait for his answer and apparently did not notice his confusion. He will think about everything later, but now he needs to get to breakfast. Everyone is probably terribly exhausted and needs to replenish their strength. Sanji would make them the best breakfast he could. Something from rice. And not at all because the stupid Marimo loves rice dishes. Again. Sanji will never admit it, but he loves to surprise that stupid swordsman. He feels it as a small victory and grins proudly every time he sees that he likes his food.
He thought to himself as he walked to the kitchen and desperately tried to ignore the trembling which threatened to take over all of him. Nervousness was creeping through his entire body and as soon as the door to his personal temple slammed shut, hiding Sanji from prying eyes, he leaned against it wearily, hastily taking out a new cigarette and lighting it. It took him several attempts before a small flame touched the tobacco tip. He took a drag and exhaled, closing his eyes and resting the back of his head on the wooden surface.
He lost time. A few hours. What happened at that time? Has he passed out? Is he even awake now? No, no. He can't go there. He will drive himself crazy. He can't afford it. He must trust his crew. If he's passed out and it's a dream, they'll wake him up. If not, then to hell with it. Whatever happened during the lost time is not so important if no one asked him about it. 
As if in mockery, the hand mark on his back reminded him of itself with an already familiar numbness, as if someone else's palm was still touching him. It was disgusting.
"Fuck." His hand hit the wall before he even thought about what he was doing. He desperately tried to convince himself that everything was okay, but the truth is that he is scared to the guts. Sanji takes a breath and relaxes the fingers that he hadn’t noticed he had clenched into a fist.
Taking another drag from his cigarette and exhaling through his nose, Sanji determinedly headed to the countertop, gathering the necessary ingredients as he went. After washing his hands, he took out a cutting board and a knife, forcing his hands to stop shaking, feeling the pressure in the back of his head starting to build up again. It made his ears ring disgustingly. He ignored it, clenching the cigarette between his teeth and starting to chop the vegetables. He will do what he should do. For what he became a member of this crew. Sanji would not allow himself to be a burden or a problem for this team. For his team, he corrected himself. Because he's part of it. He should not forget or deny it, even if at times he considers himself unworthy. 
His knife made the first “knock”, cutting through the vegetables and connecting with the board. 
It sounded oddly muffled.
He blinked.
Sanji watched dumbfoundedly as something was burning in a frying pan. He choked on his breath, dropping the extinguished cigarette from his mouth and hurried to turn off the heat, putting the frying pan aside. Feeling the world shift from the sudden movement, he hurried to grab the countertop to steady himself. A cold shiver ran through his body, his heart was pounding wildly, and his bones and muscles ached as if he had just taken a severe beating. Sanji sucked in a raspy breath, watching with incomprehension as dark blood dripped onto the surface of his precious kitchen, staining it. He touched his face, feeling the warm stickiness running down his lips and chin. 
This was wrong. 
He never bled out of the blue.
Sanji heard laughter coming from somewhere outside and winced. He hurried to the sink, washing the blood from his face and then wiped the countertop with a napkin, tossing it in the trash and throwing the scraps on top. 
He almost sank to the floor after that, but kept himself on his feet, making an incomprehensible quiet whining sound through his teeth, full of anger and something deeply painful. 
He felt weak. 
He didn't understand what was happening or why. 
He will be a burden to them. 
He did not want that. 
Fucking hell. 
He didn't want it.
His eyes stung, but he took a breath. He must stop.
He looked around the kitchen. Everything was ready, all that remained was to set the table.
Whatever happened to him during the lost time, his body apparently continued to work. That was good.
A small mercy.
He took another breath and lit another cigarette. His body ached, but felt calmer. It felt as if it was healing. Maybe it was. 
He will set the table, get through breakfast and then decide what to do.
He's not weak. Not anymore. He can handle it.
Sanji felt something was torn somewhere in his body, he felt cold. He spat the blood into the sink and washed it off with water. 
He'll get through this, damn it.
If you made it to the poll you probably read the chapter, so thank you for that!
It's time to decide where the story will go next! Keep in mind that some choices may lead to similar results just in a different way.
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baby-germany · 2 months
Heart theft
I sat alone on deck, enjoying the beautiful evening. The stars were shining bright, but still, there was no happiness in them. “Oye, Zoro. It’s dinner time. You better hurry, or Luffy will eat your food, including the plate!” Usopp called me, but I wasn’t in the mood to answer him. Why should I? 
Ace was on board. But
Ace’s presence on board wasn’t the issue. The real problem lay in the fact that he had pilfered something profoundly significant from me—a treasure, if you will. It was the very essence of what I aspired to become, and he snatched it away without hesitation. But then again, what else could one expect from a pirate?
My mind swirled with thoughts, each one echoing a single name, conjuring an image of a radiant smile warmer than the sun itself. That hand—her hand—reached out to me. Yes, I had fallen for y/n. There was no denying it. She embodied perfection in every way. Her intuition guided her actions, and she had saved my life more times than I could count.
I fought relentlessly to suppress these futile feelings. I didn’t want them. How could I ever hope to become the greatest swordsman if I couldn’t rid myself of these pathetic emotions? Yet, the cruelest twist of fate was that it was now too late. Y/n had grown up alongside Luffy, which meant she had also grown up with Ace. She harbored a fondness for him—I was just too blind to see it. And Ace, well, he seemed to reciprocate those feelings. They had announced their relationship three days ago, and since then, I’d tried to ignore her presence. I avoided looking at her, stopped trying to impress her, and refrained from eliciting her laughter.
I sat there, my mind a tempest of despair. Laughter echoed from the others, each peal like a blade thrust into my chest. How could I have dared to dream of becoming someone y/n would love? I was a fool, lost in my own tangled thoughts.
And then, as if fate itself conspired against me, someone approached. My heart clenched—too late to retreat, too late to hide. Damn me, for my heart had betrayed me, and now I stood defenseless before the storm of emotions.
“Zoro,” she said with a hint of worry. I winced at her words. I loved to hear her voice, but I wished she would understand that I needed time for myself. “Is everything alright?” you asked, and if I could, I would have started to cry, explaining what I felt. But that wouldn’t be graceful. It wouldn’t be how a swordsman should behave. “Yeah,” I simply said. “I’m alright.” “You don’t seem to be.” Knowing she cared for me like she cared for everyone on this ship was bittersweet. “Really, y/n, I’m just tired.” I tried to wave it off, but she just didn’t let go. “If there’s something bothering you, you can tell me, you know?” I grimaced at her. If only she knew what I would tell her. I was ready to raise my voice once again, but I got cut off by none other than the Fire Fist Ace himself. “Hey, y/n. I wanted to show you something cool—” he cut himself off as he saw me. “Oh, hi Zoro.” He gave me a small wave with a heartwarming smile, but as I saw him, my blood ran cold. I wanted revenge because he stole my girl, but there was no way I could get it. Y/n hesitated to answer. She looked between me and Ace, wary, not knowing what to do. “Actually…” she wanted to say, but Ace grabbed her hands. “Pleaseee, it’s really important!” he whined. Without anyone noticing me, I rolled my eyes. What a drama queen. “O-okay,” you said slowly. “But Zoro, we’re going to discuss this tomorrow. I want my friends to be happy.” She gave me a reassuring smile before she followed Ace into the ship. “Sadly, there’s no way for me to be happy without you by my side…” I whispered, wondering where this longing, embarrassing side of me came from and how I could get rid of it.
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Today, February 2nd, is TwinTail Day! Rank Kimiko's top 5 TwinTail-based hairstyles pls!
Oh, Happy Twintails Day, then! And it's apparently a Japanese holiday, so Kimiko would know about it, huh?
At first I wondered if Kimiko did twintails in enough ways for a whole list, but who am I kidding, of course there were more than enough distinct twintail styles for me to rank them.
5. This one from Dream Stalker
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It's just her usual hairstyle, but with cute little yellow bows that match her pajamas and her comforter set, which bumps it up above her default look and earns it a spot on this list.
Very adorable how she's even color coordinated in her sleep.
4. This one from Treasure of the Blind Swordsman
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I definitely have to include one of her cowgirl looks since all of them sport twintails! And I think this is my favorite cowgirl Kimiko set!
These colors really suit her, and the low twintails curled under the blue hat are very pretty.
3. This one from The Emperor Scorpion Strikes Back
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I love the sharp angles, and I love how it looks when she's in action. A very... techy sort of vibe to this look, I think it suits Kimiko's personality especially well.
2. This one from The Life and Times of Hannibal Bean
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It's very simple and casual, but effective. I like the thinner-than-usual twin tails on her, it looks a bit plain but sporty and cute. They bounce nicely while she's running around fighting Wuya, too.
1. This one from Like a Rock
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I love the colors, this is personally one of my favorite palettes in existence. I like the bright blue scrunchies in the bright pink hair, I like the way it flares out on either side, I love that the ends are lighter.
(Also, fun fact that I only realized while I was making this list: Kimiko's outfit from Omi Town is a palette swap of that outfit from Like a Rock. I prefer the pink version of these twintails over the black one, though!)
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gravity-what · 2 months
In your opinion, why was the Shimo Staff the only weapon that wasn't guarded by anything?
The Big Bang Meteorang was guaded by living cacti monsters, the Arrow Sparrow was guarded by the unsealed spirit of a warrior from a portrait, the Blade of the Nebula was guarded by very badly animated rattlesnakes.
So why was the Shimo Staff just out in the open for the taking?
So I have a headcanon that the Wudai weapons were placed in their respective locations literally either that day or a few days before the kids went on their quest to get them (along with finding the treasure of the blind swordsman) so it was either Fung himself or the blind swordsman that placed them where the kids found them.
If it was Fung then I’m sure there is some specific lesson that each kid was meant to gain for the obstacle put in the way to their weapon, and in Omi’s case, the Shimo Staff having no obstacle was likely meant to be a means to humble the kid.
If it was the Blind Swordsman who was tasked with laying all this stuff out though my headcanon is that he legit just got lazy at the end and stuck the staff in a rock and went ‘eh. It’s fine.’
I think Fung is the most likely culprit though…but the second one is just funny to me.
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writerkatsblog · 2 years
A few things I'd change about Xiaolin Showdown Season 3 (besides more episodes) because I'm still petty
No Shoku Warrior Leadership competition. These kids spent the second season learning to work together and the competition tore them apart again in a lot of ways. And reduced Master Fung to a one note character.
Clay! Solo!! Episode!!! Maybe finally wrap up his family drama and let us see his dang mom!!
Give Kimiko her fire back, she kinda gets reduced down to The Girl in this season and I don't care for it.
Keep the Raimundo and Guan having a secret plan episode, but make Rai face consequences for it. The others have difficulty trusting Raimundo, maybe keep a secret plan from him. Have Raimundo apologize for beating up Omi and have Omi apologize for what he said during the training.
More Chase appearances! Give some build-up to the finale when Omi decides he's going to go to the past to return him to being good. Show more of the Chase and Hannibal rivalry. Also maybe cut the weird romantic tension subplot it felt like they were trying to squeeze in between Chase and Wuya because that kinda came out of left field.
Show us what Bean actually planned to do!!!
Stop waffling on Jack Spicer. Finish up the arc of him questioning between good and evil.
Add some pair team episodes to show off the Dragons individual dynamics. Show how much they've learned from each other.
Spread out the Wudai Weapons finding journey throughout the season for markers of personal growth.
Make the Heylin Eclipse episode a 2 parter. Cause it was a cool concept and felt wasted lasting only a few minutes.
Either cut the Treasure of the Blind Swordsman thing or make it a longer-term goal. Don't just use it as a Deus Ex Machina as convenient.
Just some of my late night ideas, but I stand by em.
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scoingun · 4 months
Sir Francis Drake
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Name: Sir Francis Drake
Humanity’s Navigator
Master of the Maritime
Light Shining in the Storm
King of the Seven Seas
Tamer of the Wild Waves
Humanity’s Greatest Explorer
Sir Drake
Greedy Bastard (by Christopher Columbus)
Heartthrob of the Ocean (by Queen Elizabeth I)
Daredevil of the Seas (by Marco Polo)
Species: Human
Height: 6’5”
Age: 480+
Origin: Devon, England
Status: Deceased
Navigator (former)
Explorer (former)
Voice Actor:
J Michael Tatum (English VA)
Toshiyuki Morikawa (Japanese VA)
“Greatness, always comes from small beginnings, you should know that better than anyone else, Storm god.”
Drake is a tall, handsome man with long pink hair and turquoise eyes, a scar across his nose, and a ring necklace.
Drake dons a long red jacket, white button up shirt, multiple brown belts, black pants, brown boots, and a cutlass on his hip.
Drake is a fearless, bold, determined, and confident individual, he is also quite greedy, doing anything for money, lastly, Drake often times operates outside of the chain of command, taking any treasures he finds on enemy ships and other voyages, he is more like a pirate than a Captain and Navigator on England’s flagship.
This daredevil and pirate like attitude has earned him a reputation all around the world, and when he was on his last legs, he never backed down, instead he stood up and attacked again and again, this unwavering will and spirit had given him a reputation as well.
Master Sailor
Master Swordsman
Master Navigator
Supernatural Abilities:
Golden Age
Shining Compass. Drake will pinpoint any and all openings in his opponent’s defense, and his sword will strike them at blinding speeds, allowing more opens to be seen for him to strike, but if used too much, will cause him to go blind.
Drake wields a rapier with a vine like design engraved on the blade.
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the-chokey · 2 years
 These are  for manga. 
Xiaolin Showdown: 少林対決 「しょうりん・たいけつ」 Omi:  大水  「おおみ」 Kimiko: 渡保美紅 希光子 「とほみこう・きみこ」 Raimundo: ペドロサ・ライムンド Clay: ベイリ・クレイ Jack Spicer: スパイサ・ジャク Master Fung:  風 老師 「フォン・ろうし」 Chase Young: 顒潔蘇 「やん・ちぇいす」 Wuya: 烏夜 「うや」 Dojo Kanojo Cho: 道場可能情緒 「どうじょう・かのう・じょうちょ」 Hannibal Roy Bean: ハンニバル・ロイ・ビーン Heylin:  弊倫「へいりん」 Dude-bot: イケ���ット Grandmaster Dashi:  大师師範 「だし・しはん」 Sibini:  鏽唲 「さびに」 Katnappe:  ネコババ Master Monk Guan:  グアン和尚 「グアン・おしょう 」 Treasure of the Blind Swordsman: 盲目な剣聖の宝物  Jiji:  芝実 「チージ」 Jermaine: ジャメイヌ Jesse Bailey:  ベイリ・ジェッシ Fearsome Four:  四天王 Raksha: ラクシャ Chameleon-bot: 仮面ボット Chi Creature:  神気食漢  Cyclops:  キュクロープス Dyris: 戴鯉巣 「だいりす」 Vlad: ヴラヅ Klofange: クロファング Le Mime: レロ・ピエロ Bird of Paradise:  浄土の鳥 Tubbimura:  デブムラ Ying-Ying <Bird>: 陰蔭<鸚> 「いんいん<いん>」 Pandabubba: パンダババ Mala Mala Jong:  魔羅眞覶全  「まら・まら・じょん」 魔羅摩羅尊 「まら・まら・じょん」 悪慝全  「わる・わる・じょん」 悪魔全  「あくま・じょん」 <Different names of a demon>
Shen Gong Wu: 聖功武 「 lit. シェン・ゴン・ウ」
Mobi Morpher: 模擬モーファ Star Hanabi: スター花火 Denshi Bunny: 電子バーニ Gills of Hamachi: はまちのギル Glove of Jisaku: 磁石のグラブ Hoduku Mouse: 解くマウス Jetbootsu: ジェトブーツ Ju-Ju Flytrap: 呪術フライ・トラップ Kuzusu Atom: 崩すアトム Mikado Arms:  帝アーム Orb of Tornami: 津波のオーブ Wings of Tinabi: たなびのウィング Shimo Staff: 霜スタッフ” Sphere of Yun: 云のスフィア Kaijin Charm:  海神チャーム Ying-Yang Yo-Yo:  陰陽ヨーヨー
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The Protector of the Throne
Fandom: Togainu no Chi
Characters: Shiki, Akira
Pairing: Shiki x Akira
[This story set in ED3 aka Slut!Akira ending]
[The b-day fanart was done by David]
''The head controls the entire body, but the neck makes the head turn the way it wants. So, if the neck is cut, the head will perish too.'' Or so one security guard decides before striking into Shiki's most vulnerable spot.
However, a certain silver-haired man is not so fragile and weak as he looks, and if provoked, will be ready to protect himself and whom he holds dear.
AO3 Link
It is one of the days when Shiki is supposed to be gone for days. However, for some, it’s a perfect opportunity to end the menace of the evil drug lord and take over his throne. Or so one security guard decides while patiently waiting for the right time to act.
All it will take to distract this cruel swordsman is striking into his most vulnerable spot. Then, killing him would be as simple as child’s play.
Besides, the head controls the entire body, but the neck is the one that makes the head face the way it wants. So, if the neck is cut, the head will cease to function, and it will die as well.
Unfortunately, it’s easier to say than do it. After all, the red-eyed swordsman protects his adored pet more than anything. That’s right, even someone as cruel as Shiki has a soft spot for one silver-haired man who is treated as a sacred treasure or worshiped as a goddess.
More so, his most precious prize possession may commit the most atrocious crimes imaginable he would get away with it. On the other hand, even if a single strand of hair falls from his head or anyone dares to lay a finger on him, one will be executed on the same spot by Shiki.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s Akira’s fault or he is the one who lures men into a deadly trap. Overall, no one can escape the death sentence for lusting after the merciless swordsman's pet or upsetting him.
Too bad that even someone powerful and fearsome as Shiki is completely wrapped around the bewitching creature’s finger and blinded by him. So, this arrogant fool should not reveal his most sensitive and vulnerable spot.
Although, it’s surprising how no one has attempted to kill the supreme ruler’s pet in the past. After all, when Shiki leaves, Akira throws his arms around his next prey and leads them to the bedroom. So, how come no one used such a perfect chance like this before?
More important, taking down a stupid whore should be an easy task. It’s nothing that the silver-haired creature can defend himself. Even if he wanted, he is probably too fragile.
And thus, it is decided! As soon as nightfall comes, it will be time to act. Or so one new security guard decides.
Unfortunately, this foolish, naive man doesn’t realize he is the one doomed to drown in these mesmerizing blue eyes. And how at first glance, stunning Shiki’s pet is more cunning and dangerous than jorogumo.
It is already late evening. Strangely, the silver-hair man hasn’t fooled anyone around today, nor even set his eyes on a new potential target.
Besides, nothing may top the previous incident, which was getting caught playing not with one but a few men at once. Apparently, such a view didn’t please the red-eyed swordsman, who immediately revealed the naked blade and dyed the bedroom and Akira in warm, iron-reeking red.
As Shiki pushed away the corpses, he approached his precious pet, who was covered in blood and semen.
Meanwhile, Akira only delightfully smiled and warmly greeted the ruthless drug lord with the usual hug. However, he could tell from the menacing and murderous aura in the air alone that Shiki was mad.
Although, he knew that the dark-haired man would never raise his hand against him and threaten him. The worst thing such an intimidating man could do was punish him by asserting his dominance and relieving his carnal desires. So, what the irony! The same man, who calls Akira a small animal on heat, also behaves like one, if not worse.
However, even someone as a merciless tyrant as Shiki is addicted and desperate for the silver-haired man’s attention and love. Yet, the blue-eyed man understands that the only reason why Shiki keeps him in the luxurious bird cage and treats him as a princess is that he is the only one who hasn't been broken yet.
Yes, the red-eyed swordsman deformed Akira’s body and turned him into nothing more than a lustful creature who threw away his morals and stripped his dignity and pride. Yet, he hasn’t completely killed his spirit and will. These were only dimmed but never taken away.
More so, the silver-haired man only needs to play a new role and be a stress reliever. Besides, after being locked in the golden bird cage for a long time, Akira noticed that Shiki was nothing more than a pathetic, insecure man with brute force but easily blinded and manipulated.
More importantly, if the dark-haired man has broken his body, the silver-haired man is allowed to break his spirit and heart. At least it would be fair and an equivalent exchange, right?
But for now, all Akira needs to do is to look like a hurt puppy or shed a tear, and the red-eyed swordsman will move like a chess figure in any wanted direction. Only if the dark-haired man knew how many times his beloved pet used him as a tool to kill his enemies by using him. Yet, Akira suspects his dear man-toy is aware of this game but plays along.
Even during this time, when the blue-eyed man was bored, he overheard how a group of guards plotted Shiki’s assassination. Of course, Akira could alert Shiki or his servants. But it would be a quickly solved issue, right?
Therefore, the silver-haired man only had to use his seductive gaze and chirp in an adorable voice to make his prey fall on their knees and lure them into the lair where no one returned alive. After Shiki returned, he killed these men and punished Akira. Later on, the silver-haired man told about his plotted demise as if it were a silly, innocent prank.
But this time, the blue-eyed man is determined to stay like a good boy until the evil drug lord returns home and greets him with open-wide loving hands. After all, sometimes, it’s nice to let Shiki relax before crushing his heart and soul again if he leaves for too long. Although, it might be challenging to wait for a few days before his partner returns, and he might feel lonely and bored to tears.
Perhaps, in the meantime, he can keep the maids and servants busy by any demand or a whim. Or so, with such thought, Akira delightfully closes his eyes and falls asleep. Unfortunately, he has no idea that the night is still young and it will be far away from a serene one.
Eventually, Akira starts slowly waking up by the sensation of someone being on top of him and a pair of hands around his neck. Instead of opening his eyes, he smiles and speaks up in a half-sleepy voice ‘‘Shiki…’’.
Suddenly, he gets alerted as the grasp around his throat becomes tight. As these blue eyes glare at the impostor, the silver-haired man shakily holds into his wrists ‘‘I… I didn’t ask you… you to come… Get… Get out!…’’.
However, the man on top of him only grins like a maniac, staring at the struggling creature below him.
Soon this little slut will let his final gasp, and then all left is patiently waiting for that bastard to show up and stab his back. Or so the security guard thinks while enjoying this little creature's suffering.
Meanwhile, Akira closes his eyes and concentrates his strength on one leg.
One sudden hit by his knee into the stomach, and that man groans while grimacing in pain.
As he loosens his grasp, he growls “You little bitch!” and harshly smacks Akira's face. Soon enough, he clenches a fist and punches the resisting male.
Despite the burning pain on his cheek and warm blood running down his nose, the silver-haired man curves a strangely sleepy smile while his eyes are burning with hatred and disgust for his enemy. A second later, he begins to chuckle.
“You shouldn't have done this~” Akira comments while holding into his foe's uniform jacket. Lastly, he takes a deep breath and smashes his forehead against the impostor.
While the security guard is dizzy, the silver-haired man crawls back and reaches the night lamp. As Akira tightly holds it, he smacks with it his opponent knocking him out of bed. When he leans to the edge of the bed, he notices that his enemy is not moving.
‘‘Is he dead already?’’ Or so Akira wonders by staring at the lying body on the floor. However, the weak breathing partially doesn’t make him happy. After all, this pestering fool will ruin Akira's surprise for Shiki how he can behave well if he wants to.
Speaking of which, the opening door alerts the blue-eyed man. Instead of rushing to greet whoever it is, he hides under a blanket while letting a pitiful cry ‘‘DON’T COME HERE!’’.
Meanwhile, the red-eyed swordsman immediately freezes in the same spot after hearing such a begging. However, he doesn't take long to figure out what is happening.
On the other hand, why only now his precious pet is ashamed of getting caught behaving like a low-life on heat?
Either way, it only proves that Akira still lacks discipline and needs to be reminded of what happens when someone lays a finger on him. And thus, with such thought, Shiki storms in.
Instead of being greeted by the same view of his dear possession being defiled again, the first thing that catches his eye is the bloody crime scene.
Although, the lying man on the floor and the shattered night lamp next to him don't affect Shiki in the slightest.
That's right, the certain someone covering under the blanket and holding tight to it, takes piques his interest.
After the blanket is removed, Akira’s eyes are bewildered, and without realizing it, he shakily asks in a barely hearable voice ‘‘… Shiki? You were supposed to be gone… What are you doing here?’’.
While Shiki stares at the bruises and blood traces on his lover, his face darkens. When he lowers his head, he comments ‘‘Just turn my back for a second, and you end up like this…’’.
However, instead of using the words, the silver-haired man leans close to his partner. After wrapping his arms around his neck, he closes his eyes. After he places his hand behind Shiki’s head, he sinks his fingertips in his hair. Lastly, as Akira opens his blue loving eyes, he comforts while gently stroking his hair ‘‘You silly… I didn’t ask that man to come. At least not this time.’’.
When Akira’s palms trace to Shiki’s cheeks, he softens his gaze and continues ‘‘That man came here uninvited and tried to kill me while I was asleep. Of course, I had to defend myself. ’’. After an innocent chuckle, he continues ‘‘Don’t worry. He is just unconscious. So, it’s up to you what you want to do with this person.’’.
‘‘If that is so? Or are you lying?’’ Or so the dark-haired man asks as he cracks a smile.
After hearing such a question, his partner puts his acting skills and uses his big blue eyes ‘‘Me? Lying? That’s too mean, Shiki~’’. When he hugs the swordsman’s waist and buries his head in his chest, he lowers his gaze ‘‘I may only remind you what happens if you make me feel lonely. But to lie to you? Never~’’.
Suddenly, the dark-haired man wraps one arm around his partner while the other one gently tilts his chin and softens his gaze “What should I do with you?”.
“To love and pamper in attention~” Or so Akira playfully replies in an almost singing voice.
In the end, Shiki lifts his partner in his arm and carries him like a wounded princess.
Definitely, it doesn’t take long enough for Akira to hug the red-eyed swordsman’s neck while enjoying being spoiled. It doesn’t matter where he will be taken. As long as it means having Shiki only for himself, he is fine. Even if it is going where the sun is taken by the forest, it should be fine.
Some time passes. After they reach the bathroom, Shiki carefully sits his partner in the bathtub and removes his white, oversized shirt.
After he removes his black leather coat and long gloves, he tosses them aside. When the red-eyed swordsman takes the shower head and brings it closer to his wrist, he turns the hot water. Soon enough, he asks ‘‘Give me your arm.’’.
Without hesitation, the silver-haired man more than gladly do as he is told. Besides, being washed by Shiki after their intense playtime is one of the most enjoyable things and the proof that even a cruel man like himself shows affection and care towards someone he has a soft spot.
More importantly, this time is even more special. After all, Shiki shows genial concern. When he checked in the infirmary whether his beloved pet had any other wounds or even a single broken bone, the dark-haired swordsman prioritized Akira over finishing the impostor.
‘‘Perhaps next time Shiki is gone for his usual business, I’ll patiently wait for him. After all, he earned it and deserved a little reward~’’ The blue-eyed man delightfully thinks to himself while relaxing and getting washed by his beloved hands. And thus, without realizing it, he lets out quiet purring-like noises.
After the red-eyed man finishes cleaning his partner, he plugs the bathtub and leaves the water running.
Meanwhile, Akira waits for the right moment to act and surprise Shiki. Gladly, it doesn't take much time, and the bathtub is filled.
As the dark-haired man turns off the running water, he cracks a smile “What are you up to now?”.
“Lean closer and I tell you~” Or so Akira replies in a playful tone.
When his partner makes such a face, it doesn't sound promising. Yet, Shiki's curiosity wins, and he ends up listening to this request.
Suddenly, the wet arms raise from the water and wrap around him, and the water loudly splashes.
After the silver-haired man releases his partner from the hug, he observes and chuckles at how Shiki looks nothing more than a soaked feline.
As he gently brushes the wet bangs from his partner's face, he comments “You are not allowed to leave. Because you may get sick if you run around like a wet cat.”. Lastly, the silver-haired man proudly adds in a nearly singing voice “Therefore, you need to take a bath with me.’’.
Even if the red-eyed swordsman understands that he is a time-pass for Akira than Akira to him, or how his beloved partner has a bad habit to smile while a loving gaze at anything he says, he doesn’t mind it.
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weirdwyvern · 2 years
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Xiaolin Showdown background aesthetic, “Treasure of the Blind Swordsman” (part 1/2)
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Monks + cowboy outfits
feat.: Daddy and Jesse Bailey, Dojo, Wuya, and Jack (with the Blind Guardian of the Treasure Chest)
The screencaps are taken from the following episodes:
Big as Texas The Black Vipers The Treasure of the Blind Swordsman Magic Stallion and the Wild Wild West - Xiaolin Chronicles
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klutetr · 2 months
Sukiyaki Western Django - Miike
Out of all the movies we have seen so far, “Sukiyaki Western Django" is definitely the most audacious attempt at a blend of eastern and western culture. This 2007 film is a high-octane fusion of Japanese and Western cinematic traditions, presenting a unique interpretation of the spaghetti western genre that incorporates elements of Japanese history and culture. 
This movie (obviously) pays homage to the spaghetti westerns of the 1960s and 70s, particularly drawing inspiration from Sergio Corbucci’s "Django". However, Miike’s version transports the dusty, sun-baked settings of the American West to the "Genpei era" — a time of civil war in Japan between the Minamoto and Taira clans. This historical backdrop is ingeniously woven into the film's narrative, replacing the typical cowboy feud with a samurai-led gang war.
One thing that caught me completely off guard while watching this movie is its use of language. Despite its entirely Japanese cast, the film is performed in English. This bold choice serves as a nod to the Italian directors of classic westerns, who often worked with multilingual casts. However, it also adds a layer of alienation effect, slightly stranding both Western and Japanese audiences, while also pulling both of them deeper into this world and its story.
The story revolves around a lone gunman, reminiscent of Clint Eastwood's "Man with No Name," who arrives in a town, literally torn apart by two rival gangs. The gunman, played by Hideaki Ito, finds himself courted by both sides, each desiring his support in their quest to find a hidden treasure. The plot progresses with escalating violence and visually stunning set pieces, which are trademarks of Miike’s direction. The film explores themes of honor, betrayal, and the quest for power, all classic elements of both samurai tales and Westerns.
Visually, "Sukiyaki Western Django" was a treat to watch. Miike uses a VERY vibrant color palette that contrasts sharply with the more muted tones typical of traditional Westerns. The color palette of this film is almost blinding as the film seems so saturated at points that it's almost hard to see characters' faces as they blur from the saturation. The costumes and sets are an eclectic mix of cowboy and samurai gear, further emphasizing the film’s cross-cultural mashup. The action sequences are choreographed with the flamboyance and precision typical of Japanese cinema, yet they carry the gritty, brutal overtones of Western shootouts. The final battle was the classic juxtaposition of a swordsman vs a gunman and, while it was very corny, was one of the coolest fight scenes I’ve seen in this class so far. 
A notable cameo by Quentin Tarantino in the opening sequence of the film underscores the global and intertextual dialogues that "Sukiyaki Western Django" engages in. Tarantino’s presence links Miike’s work with the broader genre of Western films, particularly those that have embraced and reinterpreted the legacy of the spaghetti western in contemporary cinema.
In conclusion, "Sukiyaki Western Django" is not just a simple homage to the spaghetti western films it was based on; it is a bold reinvention. It challenges the boundaries between East and West, past and present, through its stylistic choices and narrative innovations.
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kimikoscloset · 3 years
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looney-swooney657 · 4 years
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