#Trading pairs
deeva-arud · 5 months
Tadaaaa~ my part of the art trade I did with @ashipiko !!! Annoying best friends to lovers?? SIGN ME UP FOR IT!!!! Ashace took over my brain so quickly.... my beloveds 😭🫶💕​💕​
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You can see her part here!!
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axoqiii · 10 months
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hi 👋
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mossy-paws · 1 month
2am Doodle(????) (PHIGHTING!)
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Calling this a doodle since it only took like 1 hour and I speed ran it while sleep deprived at 2am absolutely blasting ano’s cover of god-ish
Anyways I don’t really draw this kinda stuff too often out of sheer personal preference but when I do it’s honestly kind of fire (+ it’s just fun to draw angsty stuff like that)
enjoy your food for the time being I’m going back into my hole
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illuminaryart · 5 months
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Finished 6"x9" watercolor gecko commission. Lots of room for improvement (and better brushes) but I'm satisfied. Featuring Hera the gargoyle gecko, Banana the crested, and Porpax karikouyensis on the left and Dendrobium ngoyense on the right, orchids that are native to New Caledonia where the geckos are from. (Not sure if the orchids are native to the geckos' specific islands buuuut whatever).
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oh-gh0st · 8 months
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my part of an AT with @vampthropologist ! I HEART IRUICHI SO MUCH <3 thank you for trading! ^-^
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
it never gets old to me that out of all the cardassians we see, garak has some of the roundest shape language to him while being y'know. himself! it's like a bouba kikills you situation.
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amandaleveille · 3 months
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hollenka99 · 1 year
The funniest thing about Scott’s tendency to finish in the top 3 is that the only time that didn’t happen was 3rd Life. When he was paired with Jimmy. 
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foxgirlplushie · 1 month
I think for crack ships one of my favorites has to be Angelina/Utage
HUGE fan of angelina/utage hashtag justgirlythings
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meownotgood · 11 months
imagine if blind!reader got blinded by a devil and started to forget what aki looked like after a few years…
when I was in my blind reader brainrot I thought about this too... just you not wanting to forget what he looks like... running your fingers through his hair to feel how it's gotten longer... clinging so desperately onto his voice because it's all you have. sighs
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hella1975 · 10 months
CHUUYA IS HERE!!!!! IM LOSING MY MIND!!! he and dazai are so fun they hate each other they’re in love they’re married they’re divorced “‘you haven’t changed one bit chuuya’ ‘WHAT ARE YOU SAYING???’” ‘where do you get your embarrassing hats?’ and now they’re fighting. great. also did dazai intentionally get caught to see chuuya? bc that’s the vibe I’m getting and I will not be accepting criticism
he quite literally did get caught to see chuuya im not joking
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icantalk710 · 1 year
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I need time to stop moving
I need time to stay useless
I need timeeeee
Busy day ultimately running down to see Cloud Nothings play live and get this fine addition to my band shirt wardrobe 😌 ear ringing aside
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coffee-at-annies · 3 months
Chad 😭
You were an inspiration to Chad’s everywhere I hope you know that
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oathwilled · 6 months
he frequently wears anywhere from 1-3 rings per hand, depending on how he feels and what they've found lately, etc. plain bands, usually on thumb, forefinger, middle finger. they don't have any particular significance; a couple of them are usually the enchanted sort, the other ones are usually plain gold and silver and he's not shy about pulling them off and using them for trade. he plays with them a lot, too, especially when forced to be sitting still.
any amulets he wears are stuffed down the front of his armor because he doesn't wear things he can get snagged on things.
he doesn't have that much of any sort of personal significance, but that doesn't mean he doesn't value it when he has it. whoever he gets with in the end, if he ends up marrying them in the end? that band will be his most prized possession.
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king-dra · 8 months
i think engineer should have more alternate buildings
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daincrediblegg · 2 months
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why? Ah there it is. Pandora's box. The Atom Bomb. It's Fitzier. You know it's Fitzier, I know it's Fitzier, we all know it's Fitzier. So here I will air my grievances. Because listen. Canon stuff? I love that shit. I eat that subtext up for breakfast. I cry about the cairn scene just like anyone else and it really is such a sacred scene to the show and I'm always going to be in love with it. It's really wonderful how well Francis and James' relationship holds up a mirror and a beautiful foil to Hickey and Gibson and in more of a queerplatonic way that I really deeply admire David Kajganish for putting all of this thought work into this series because it is so vital to the deconstruction of colonialist ideas that the historical event represents, not to mention the modern day implications on masculinity, and really pays homage to the gothic literary subtextual queer men who came before them. My main issues with it are how fanon has spun it into the end-all be-all of queer romance (which I've always been chronically allergic to since. forever), and admittedly (obviously) I'm a little bit more biased towards Francis in a way that is against a lot of the tropes that folks tend to spin in fitzier fics and art that I just can't get behind.
And before I go further, I want to preface the rest of what I'm about to say with this, because I know I have a lot of friends, mutuals, and followers who do ship it and I want them to know that this isn't reflective of them and that what I say I should hope to only be taken as pissing in the wind : because the world is hard enough to fucking live through right now as it is, and finding joy in anything they can is what I want for everyone. This one just isn't for me tho, and that's ok. But I've been given the opportunity to be a hater publicly and you will pry that out of my cold dead hands. Like ok. The main issue I have though is that I just want nice things for Francis, ok? James always gets all the emotional attention in this pairing and I'm sat here like... Emotional support for Francis, king? Mutual love and support during the breakdown of identity for Francis? Attentions to Francis' oppression as an irish man living in victorian england tonite??? Like. Call me crazy but I think he deserves to be with someone who doesn't fundamentally misunderstand him from the outset, someone who can still challenge him of course, and can challenge him in a lot of ways that he hasn't considered being challenged before, but still with an undercurrent of love beneath it, and someone he can be outwardly affectionate with as a result (because I KNOW he's capable of that). Like fighting for each other with love, rather than being outright antagonistic the way James is with him (and then subsequently the way it is woobified into enemies to lovers hate sex tropes. which again, sure. fine. can be fun sometimes. but. I'm sorry I have more wholesome gothic romance tastes in my own writing I guess. and that I also want better things for Francis. like. having sex with someone who isn't going to call him daddy or hates him. Like sorry has anyone -other than blanky of course- made him guffaw with laughter? made him comfortable enough to be truly honest with himself and raw and emotionally vulnerable? where he's not *just* giving someone else space to do that? that's what he deserves to me, and this ship just ain't hitting. case closed.)
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think? Edward Little. he's got that racial panic rizz that everyone else but me seems to like, but I haven't forgotten about the whole 'but what if they seek retribution' shtick that he had going on that contributes to why he lets toze get away with handing out arms later in terror camp. (I say this fully aware that my own blorbo has his own issues regarding the inuit folks that they interact with, but also he has a much more nuanced position in the narrative that makes it fun to get introspective about and it's much more complicated than just a flat line of typical time period shit. Ed is just. a bloke in an un-fun way. who needs to quit his job and go home. and also I would really like to think the real guy was much less of a wet rag irl than he was in the show (and from what I've read from may we be spared to meet on earth crozier actually respected him lmao). All this to say, it just doesn't turn me on)
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like? Oh I have a lot of niche bastards that I really enjoy. Idk if we would call it super niche but Francis/Blanky I enjoy a lot. And there are TONS of others, a lot of which were pondered at the behest of the no longer with us kittensmctavish (RIP, but their fics are still on ao3 and I cannot recommend them enough), but we were talking a lot about a really cool Irving/Gibson canon re-write concept at one point that I thought was really neat and I still think about it every now and again. Also Irving/Koveyook. I think that it's really class.
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