#Tina Kotek
hillaryisaboss · 2 years
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“In the last two + years we have witnessed an assassination attempt on Vice President Pence.
An assasination attempt on Vice President elect Kamala Harris.
And TWO assassination attempts on 2nd in line to the Presidency - Speaker Pelosi.
An attempted kidnapping and assasination of Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer.
Countless numbers of death threats aimed at election clerks, school board members, other elected officials (both Democrats and Republicans)
Rising incidents of hate crimes against the Asian community, Jewish community, Black community, LGBTQ + community etc.
All by white nationalist terrorists incited by, encouraged and supported by Trump, Putin, and lots of dark money.
All with a wink wink nod nod by the majority of Republican leadership.
It shouldn’t matter your political leanings - this should terrify anyone, as this is a crisis.
And because it comes from angry violent white people, it’s dismissed and characterized as misguided “economic anxiety.”
Please vote. Please don’t cede an inch of political power to the forces of hate and division and violence.”
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mrcranks · 2 years
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schraubd · 2 years
"Dems" Who Endorse Third Party Candidates Are Monsters. Zero Exceptions.
"Dems" Who Endorse Third Party Candidates Are Monsters. Zero Exceptions. Back in 2018, when I was still living in Berkeley, I was really having a difficult time deciding who to vote for in a D-on-D assembly race between Buffy Wicks and Jovanka Beckles. Both seemed like solid people I'd be happy to have representing me in Sacramento, and I struggled to find much distinguishing the two. Until I learned that Beckles had voted for Jill Stein in 2016. Suddenly, a hard choice became very easy. Wicks gets my vote (and she went on to win the election). Fast forward a few years, to 2022. I now live in Oregon, a pretty reliably blue state. Except this year, our gubernatorial race includes not just the standard D-R matchup between Democrat Tina Kotek and Republican Christine Drazan. It also includes a well-financed "independent" candidate -- former Democratic State Senator Betsy Johnson,* well-known as among the most conservative Democrats in the caucus. Johnson, who has called Portland a "city of roaches", ran expressly because she couldn't tolerate a more liberal Democrat being the party's standard-bearer. Polling suggests an extremely tight race, and Johnson 's presence on the ballot could let the Republican slip into the governor's mansion with barely 30% of the vote. The very thought makes me livid. The idea that in Oregon, in 2022, we might have a Republican Governor because some egomaniacal blue dog Dem just couldn't back her party's nominee is outrageous. Among Johnson's endorsers is outgoing Democratic Rep. Kurt Schrader, in an obvious sore-loser move after he lost his primary to challenger Jamie McLeod-Skinner. I couldn't vote in that election -- I now live in Schrader's district, but I moved here a few weeks after the election -- and I certainly understood the pragmatic argument in favor of Schrader in a swing-y district. But Schrader himself? Absolutely dead to me. I shed zero tears for his demise. There is nothing I have more contempt for than a nominal Democrat supporting a third party in a contested general election. It is terrible if it is a "from the left" protest vote for a middle-of-three-evils like Jill Stein. It is terrible if it is a "from the center" chin-stroker vote because the Democrat is "just too radical".  The current iteration of the Republican Party is a hairsbreadth away from being actual fascists. Stopping them from attaining political power is a moral obligation of the highest order. Very, very few things can trump that obligation. I can think of essentially no significant Democratic figure whose views or practices are so noxious as to trump that obligation. Yes, that includes every single member of the Squad. Yes, that includes Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema and Henry Cuellar. I don't care how annoying you find them. I don't care how valid your grievances are against them. None of them are worse than your typical 21st century Republican. If they are the general election nominee, and they're running against a Republican, you vote for them, and you do it with a smile. * In researching this post, I learned the ultimate terrible fact: Johnson is a Carleton College alum. She also got her J.D. at Lewis & Clark. I am devastated. via Blogger https://ift.tt/wk9Q5jO July 24, 2022 at 04:43PM
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violetreminder · 11 months
Genuinely too mad to go to bed because our governor said she’s going to veto legislation that would *look into the benefits of* decriminalizing prostitution as well as a plan to investigate the feasibility of adding streetcars to *THE STATE’S CAPITAL* where all we have for public transport is a chronically underfunded bus system where youre lucky if a stop gets visited more than once per hour. Her and her ilk will probably deflect to “Oh well we have bigger issues right now like the homeless crisis” well hey yknow what drastically helps people of low income?? and overcomes barriers relating to homelessness??????? BETTER PUBLIC TRANSPORT. Biggest insult is that she says shes for decriminalizing sex work but then says any study into the idea should instead be PRIVATELY FUNDED PORTLAND IS A MAJOR HUB FOR PROSTITUTION AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING, THIS SHIT NEEDED TO HAPPEN YESTERDAY Fucking libs man, cant even get them to fund a committee to look into the idea of solving a problem without fellating the notion of the private sector doing everything for them. AND OF COURSE THE ONLY THING THE MEDIA IS FOCUSING ON IS THE IDEA WE’LL HAVE TO PUMP OUR OWN GAS! I DONT CARE!!! GIVE US STREETCARS!!!!!!!!!!!
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As election season draws nearer, just your friendly reminder to only vote for the candidate you actually believe in (or at the very least believe in the most) and not the one people will inevitably try to fearmonger/guilt trip you into voting for.
If Democrats are losing votes because of third parties, all that means is that Democrats need to demand better representation, that’s all there is to it. It’s not your fault in the slightest.
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1968bullittmustang · 2 years
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kp777 · 2 years
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hillaryisaboss · 2 years
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Prayers for the Pelosi family ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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schraubd · 2 years
"Dems" Who Endorse Third Party Candidates Are Monsters. Zero Exceptions.
Back in 2018, when I was still living in Berkeley, I was really having a difficult time deciding who to vote for in a D-on-D assembly race between Buffy Wicks and Jovanka Beckles. Both seemed like solid people I'd be happy to have representing me in Sacramento, and I struggled to find much distinguishing the two.
Until I learned that Beckles had voted for Jill Stein in 2016. Suddenly, a hard choice became very easy. Wicks gets my vote (and she went on to win the election).
Fast forward a few years, to 2022. I now live in Oregon, a pretty reliably blue state. Except this year, our gubernatorial race includes not just the standard D-R matchup between Democrat Tina Kotek and Republican Christine Drazan. It also includes a well-financed "independent" candidate -- former Democratic State Senator Betsy Johnson,* well-known as among the most conservative Democrats in the caucus. Johnson, who has called Portland a "city of roaches", ran expressly because she couldn't tolerate a more liberal Democrat being the party's standard-bearer. Polling suggests an extremely tight race, and Johnson 's presence on the ballot could let the Republican slip into the governor's mansion with barely 30% of the vote.
The very thought makes me livid. The idea that in Oregon, in 2022, we might have a Republican Governor because some egomaniacal blue dog Dem just couldn't back her party's nominee is outrageous.
Among Johnson's endorsers is outgoing Democratic Rep. Kurt Schrader, in an obvious sore-loser move after he lost his primary to challenger Jamie McLeod-Skinner. I couldn't vote in that election -- I now live in Schrader's district, but I moved here a few weeks after the election -- and I certainly understood the pragmatic argument in favor of Schrader in a swing-y district. But Schrader himself? Absolutely dead to me. I shed zero tears for his demise.
There is nothing I have more contempt for than a nominal Democrat supporting a third party in a contested general election. It is terrible if it is a "from the left" protest vote for a middle-of-three-evils like Jill Stein. It is terrible if it is a "from the center" chin-stroker vote because the Democrat is "just too radical". 
The current iteration of the Republican Party is a hairsbreadth away from being actual fascists. Stopping them from attaining political power is a moral obligation of the highest order. Very, very few things can trump that obligation. I can think of essentially no significant Democratic figure whose views or practices are so noxious as to trump that obligation. Yes, that includes every single member of the Squad. Yes, that includes Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema and Henry Cuellar. I don't care how annoying you find them. I don't care how valid your grievances are against them. None of them are worse than your typical 21st century Republican. If they are the general election nominee, and they're running against a Republican, you vote for them, and you do it with a smile.
* In researching this post, I learned the ultimate terrible fact: Johnson is a Carleton College alum. She also got her J.D. at Lewis & Clark. I am devastated.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/wk9Q5jO
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geekwriter · 2 years
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The article from LGBTQ Nation is the most recent example of lazy journalism. They reported that the newly elected governor of Massachusetts is the first out lesbian Governor in the U.S. She is one of two in this landmark historic moment with the other being Tina Kotek of Oregon. Her career and accomplishments are much more impressive.
Just a few examples are... She was the first openly lesbian person to serve as a speaker of a state house in the U.S., and the longest-serving speaker of the House of Oregon.
Tina Kotek's wiki, when read in depth, is admirable and astounding. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tina_Kotek
Thanks for letting me rant.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving that is devoid of family drama & full of delicious food!
The article - https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/11/maura-healey-shatters-lavender-ceiling-become-nations-first-lesbian-governor/
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I also wish every Democrat who says shit like “Now is not the time to vote on principle!” every single ‘now’ in existence, a very eat shit you pathetic robot. Never have I seen a bigger bunch of bots than the Vote Blue No Matter Who crowd.
Sorry if I post about this a lot, it’s just Oregon’s governor race is heating up and all of the assclowns are coming out of the woodwork to tell me that Besty Johnson is the second-coming of the antichrist (after Trump, of course), here to rob Tina Kotek of her rightfully deserved votes! No, fuck you, and fuck Tina Kotek.
I was done with it in 2020. I was done with it in 2018. I was done with it in 2016. Y’all will just continue to scream up and down that now is not the time to vote for things that matter, and instead we need to vote for the faceless Blue candidate (because let’s be honest, they could run a fucking chicken in a tutu for Democrat and they’d still vote for it) because, and this is the funniest part, “we can’t let the Republicans destroy our beautiful state!”
News flash, jackass, the state is a complete shithole at the moment, courtesy of Kate Brown. Homelessness has literally never been worse and only gets worse by the day. Cops have been all but physically bound, gagged, and thrown in a locked supply closet. Crime, including murder, theft, and destruction of property is rampant. Riots happen unabated every other weekend. Businesses are moving out of the city in droves. It’s getting so bad that it’s actually spreading beyond just Portland. Remind me again why I should give a single shit about having a Democrat in office?
Quite frankly, as much as I am not a Republican, I literally have no other choice but to assume that a Republican in office stands a far better chance of actually doing something, literally fucking anything, more so than another useless Democrat. So if we have to suffer 4 years of Drazan, so fucking be it. Y’all have no one to blame but yourselves for not demanding better representation.
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msarielknox · 2 years
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Oregon's next Governor - Tina Kotek!
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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conandaily2022 · 2 years
2022 Oregon governor election results: Tina Kotek, Christine Drazan, Betsy Johnson
2022 Oregon governor election results: Tina Kotek, Christine Drazan, Betsy Johnson
election date: November 8, 2022 country: United States state: Oregon position: governor incumbent senator (party): Kate Brown (Democratic) ELECTION RESULTS (Oregon governor) PARTYCANDIDATE VOTESDemocratic Tina Kotek661,452RepublicanChristine Drazan646,661Independent Betsy Johnson127,832Constitution Donice Smith005,818LibertarianLeon Noble004,797
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kp777 · 2 years
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hillaryisaboss · 2 years
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