#Thomas Joly
slut4slytherinss · 29 days
Are you ever totally okay and having good day and then you think about that one tragic couple from your book and want to throw your phone across the room?
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jolie-goes-downton · 2 years
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"When was this?" Thomas asks, turning the pages of the photo album on his lap. The garden in the background looks unfamiliar.
"Aunt Enid's seventieth birthday," Richard explains.
"Ah. And what are you smiling at in this one?"
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Richard leans across for a better look. "My new niece, Julie. She was clinging to my leg at the time, demanding 'Up! Up!'" He chuckles. "When you're the youngest of five, you learn quickly how to hold your own."
"I can't believe how much I've missed while I was away," Thomas says quietly, thinking of the births, deaths and marriages both in York and at Downton he only heard of later and from afar.
But Richard is already turning to the next page. A little too quickly, maybe. "Oh, you'll meet her at Christmas. This is during Uncle Fred's interminable speech ahead of the birthday dinner, I think..."
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"You look quite happy," Thomas says without thinking, then instantly feels ashamed. As if Richard had somehow been obliged to be miserable, too, just because Thomas had been. "I mean - "
"Of course I was happy. I'd just got a letter telling me when to be on the quay in Liverpool, to pick up a weary traveller and take him home. Look at this one, if you want proof of how happy exactly."
Thomas stares at the final picture from the birthday party. "Christ, are you saying you told them about it?"
But he has his answer already. Richard is grinning like a Cheshire Cat, exactly like he is in the photograph. "Can you blame me, Thomas?" he asks, his eyebrows dancing with delight. "Can you blame me?"
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Thomas Barrow's Photo Album
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Also a late contribution to @barris-week-2022 for the Day 3 prompt: Fix-it!
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musingsofkriti · 1 year
BAFTA 2018
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The Corruption of Earth Main Characters
General Info: the Academy is the name for any of the schools in the secret society called the Agency, and it is primarily for wards of the Agency and children sent away by their parents (often for financial reasons); the main Branch of the Agency referenced in this story is the English Branch
Infinity Weir: a god in a mortal body whose powers fluctuate based on how "human" she feels and how connected she feels to those around her; ran away from the Agency at age 13; her nickname is Finny and that's how I'll usually refer to her; currently works at a bookstore in Massachusetts; married to Sola Vagari; overachiever with a vaguely innocent demeaner; avoids using her powers; values loyalty to a fault
Sola Vagari: works as an Agent and Doctor for the Agency, but lives with wife Infinity in MA; extraverted and eccentric, dichotomy between angry/calculating and cute/friendly; he converted their basement into a laboratory; also escaped the Agency with Infinity at age 13, but he was recruited as an Agent at age 18
Biola Ace: online magazine editor who has known Infinity since age 14; doesn't feel listened to by those around her and tends to be the voice of reason; in a relationship with Abby; tends to be monotone and unimpressed by the world around her; prone to anxiety; ambitious; wants to be an author
Jo Bijou: local coffee shop barista who met Infinity and Biola when they moved to MA for university; struggles with feeling left out and connecting to those around her; lived in France until she was 4-6 years old; grew up with her mother and aunt and inherited their trauma; strongly connects with the color pink but is not particularly feminine
Abby Thomas: lawyer who began dating Biola a few years before the start of the story; grew up with her father and half-sister but is not close with either of them; the closest relative she has is her uncle that she visits once or twice a year; did ballet as a kid/teen; compulsive liar; confident and arrogant but warm and loving; has basically built a persona around herself that even she believes
Kai Redburn: he's Finny and Sola's childhood friend who they abandoned when they ran away and Stuff happened; he was initially in the Training Track at the Academy but was transferred to English at age 15 or 16; dated Sola for a while when they were 18-20 and Sola had just started working for the Agency
Wilbur Lamprey: absolute scum of the Earth, actual main antagonist; Headmaster + English Professor of the Academy and later the leader of the Agency; has an obsession with the color blue; wants to be the most important person ever, terrified of the idea that he does not matter because he was forced to compete for affection as a student at the Academy
Henry Angiel: Philosophy Professor at the Academy; completely devoted to the Agency and its mission; adoptive father of Infinity, also in charge of exploring her abilities when she was a child; Infinity accidentally injuring him (she believed to a fatal extent) is what ultimately caused she and Sola to run away; his color association is either black/white or indigo; partner of Gregor and Rowen
Gregor Thymes: Science Professor at the Academy (yep, all science for all ages, they are comically understaffed); partner of Henry and Rowen; was very close with Sola; genuine sweetheart forest man who wants to protect all of his students; former friends with Wilbur; his color association is yellow
Rowen Delivar: Social Sciences Professor at the Academy and Diplomat of the Agency; partner of Henry and Gregor; one of the most loving and self-loving people to exist; has a relaxing aura; part-goddess, but it's so far down the line that it mostly just means he has a REALLY good immune system; his color association is orange
Altheia Reed: childhood friend of Finny, Sola, and Kai who died during their early teens; control freak, ambitious, and caring; was sort of like a big sister to Finny; worried the most about the Agency and their futures; English Track
Simon Byrd: Mathematics Professor at the Academy; since the story is set a little in the future, he is the only Gen Zer on this list; his family became a part of the Agency through his stepdad when he was 11; he was a maths prodigy who was pulled out of the Academy during his teens to do Math Stuff for the Agency, then given the Professor position without having to do all of the stuff other students/applying teachers had to do; lot of anxiety, caffeine addiction, and fear of birds; has a antagonistic relationship with young Kai but is also the pseudo-parent of young Kai; he passed away shortly after Finny and Sola ran away; his color association is red
Thomas Lovell: Head Training Instructor (aka he teaches PE) at the Academy; it's like PE but with weapons and combat; hates his job for understandable reasons; best friends with Simon; kind of a himbo, major Labrador Retriever energy; he dies shortly after Simon; his color association is violet
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adamwatchesmovies · 20 days
Wanted (2008)
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If Wanted is your favorite film, it might be because you’re the kind of person who dreams of shooting up a school. You think I’m exaggerating. “Come on Adam; sure this film might glorify violence and gunplay, but don’t most action movies?” Yes, but Wanted takes it a step further. The film has such a hard-on for firearms and is so mean-spirited its nastiness will be obvious to everyone. Or it would be if it weren’t drowned out by an idiotic plot with no identity of its own, Maxim Magazine-like titillation, and admittedly dynamic action scenes.
Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) is a nobody loser. He has no money, no future or aspirations and worst of all, no will to do anything about it. Everything changes when he crosses paths with Fox (Angelina Jolie). She reveals to him his identity as a member of The Fraternity and the son of the world’s greatest assassin. His crippling panic attacks are actually superhuman killer instincts trying to break out. Daddy’s been murdered and only Wesley can avenge him. Leaving his cheating bitch of a girlfriend, his crummy job and the boss he hates behind, he begins training and prepares to take his revenge.
I am not a fan of the comic book that inspired Wanted. While I admire writer Mark Millar’s vision of a world secretly ruled by supervillains - actual supervillains who gleefully indulge in crimes even the most evil and demented monsters our history has ever produced could dream of - six issues about a rapist who does nothing but shoot innocent people in the face and then laugh about it loses its appeal pretty quickly. In theory, this means I should like the softened-up movie more than the mini-series… but I don’t. Gone are the costumes, the references to well-known works and the amorality of the protagonist. This film has so little in common with its progenitor it’s almost unrecognizable. Instead, it’s a rather by-the-book leather-clad gun-wielding assassin movie… until it becomes so dumb you can’t believe it was written by adults.
To its credit, the film firmly establishes itself as taking place in a world that's not ours. Guns can shoot around their targets if the wielder swings their arm the right way. The chases and stunts prove Wesley and the other members of The Fraternity are indeed the world’s greatest killers. The climax is an orgy of mayhem and bullet holes so well done it makes you forget everything you hated about this movie, if only briefly. Say what you will about Wanted, but it's not boring.
While Wanted may seem like nothing but harmless escapist fantasy, certain aspects make it more than a little distressing. When we meet Wesley, his life belongs at the bottom of the trash can. His girlfriend is having an affair with his best friend so he’s got no friends and no sex life. His boss, an overweight woman (Lorna Scott) has no redeeming qualities (they couldn’t make her just overweight or unbearable, she had to be both). His mother is unimportant and Wesley doesn't know his father. Everything changes when he picks up a gun. Suddenly, Wesley’s looking up Angelina Jolie’s skirt, he’s got millions in the bank, he’s respected, and he’s saving the world… by killing people in ways no one else could. The better he gets at killing, the more fortunes are heaped onto his lap. Even when he loses everything, he has learned to kill and that makes his existence better than ours. He breaks the fourth wall to tell us so.
Perhaps I’m looking too deeply into the importance of the gun in Wanted. I’m sure you’ll nonetheless grant me that this whole Fraternity thing is pretty dumb. Mr. Sloan (Morgan Freeman) interprets the “Loom of Fate”, which weaves a fabric that - once in a while - contains errors. If a strand is misplaced in this way, it’s a 0. In another way, it’s a 1. Through this binary system, the Fraternity has been finding targets for 1,000 years. You read that correctly. At some point in history, some bored weaver looked at a piece of cloth through a microscope, decided - for yucks - to write down the errors in the fabric and realized it could tell us who would turn out to be evil. Wesley just accepts this without batting an eye. Now, when Mr. Sloan is revealed to be corrupt and we learn he’s been lying to our protagonist the whole time, you might think the whole thing’s been made up, but no. In fact, he’s something that’ll bake your noodle: At one point, Fox is assigned to kill Wesley because he will cause the death of thousands… and he does. In his quest for vengeance, Wesley causes a train full of innocent people to derail and fall down the deepest canyon you’ve ever seen. Every single person on that train except for him and Fox dies. Of course, our lead character is too self-obsessed to even think about that tragedy.
Wanted might have some stylish elements in that “curving the bullet" thing and this might also make it memorable in a way, but once you start thinking about this movie, it becomes more than a little uncomfortable. Not helping is the supremely unlikable protagonist. Wanted barely even makes an attempt to emulate the work that inspired it. Some people might say that's a bad thing. Some might not. It just means any way you look at it, this film is dreadful. (June 24, 2022)
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streamondemand · 1 year
Angelina Jolie is a holy assassin in 'Wanted' on Peacock
After a career of serious British dramas, James McAvoy took his first steps as an action hero in Wanted (2008), a wildly absurd and just as wildly entertaining action fantasy about a secret society of assassins who take their instructions from a supernatural loom. We meet Wesley (McAvoy) as an office drone with a soul-sucking job, a cheating girlfriend, and crippling anxiety attacks. Faster than…
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streetsofdublin · 2 years
Harcourt Terrace is a well preserved Regency and Victorian terrace located in Dublin City, Ireland. It links the Grand Canal at Charlemont Place with Adelaide Road, near the National Concert Hall.
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vintagewarhol · 2 years
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ernestinee · 5 months
Lectures 2024
A lire
L'assassin royal - Époque 1, Robin Hobb
Jusqu'au bout de la peur, Geoffrey Moorhouse
Batman, Année un, Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli
La Passe-miroir, Livre 1, Christelle Dabos
Petit traité des grandes vertus, André Comte-Sponville
Le clan des Otori, tomes 3 à 5, Lian Hearn
La patience des traces, Jeanne Benameur
Arbos Anima 3,4 et 5
Kafka sur le rivage, Murakami
Chroniques de l'oiseau à ressort, Murakami
1q84, tomes 2 et 3, Haruki Murakami
La danse des damnées, Kiran milwood hargrave
Rocky, dernier rivage, Thomas Gunzig
Les déraisons, Odile d'Outremont
Envol, Kathleen Jennings
Fables livre 1, Bill Willingham et Mark Buckingham
Un apprentissage ou le livre des plaisirs
La belle famille, Laure de Rivières
Le fardeau tranquille des choses, Ruth L. Ozeki
L'été où tout a fondu, Tiffany Mc Daniel
Mon mari, Maud Ventura
Et toujours les forêts, Sandrine Collette
Une bête au paradis, Cécile Coulon
Le livre d'Eve, Meg Clothier
L'heure du retour. Christopher M. Hood
La femme gelée, Annie Ernaux
Lus: (les tags ci dessous pour retrouver mon petit mot pour chaque livre)
1. Tant que le café est encore chaud, Toshikazu Kawaguchi ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 01/01
2. Prométhée et la boîte de Pandore, Luc Ferry (BD) ⭐⭐ - 17/01
3. La maison aux sortilèges, Emilia Hart. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 21/01
4. Le chant d'Achille, Madeline Miller. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 25/02
5. Accident de personne, Florence Mendez. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 27/02
6. L'été de la sorcière, Nashiki Kaho ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 08/03
7. 10000 litres d'horreur pure, Thomas Gunzig ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 09/03
8. Les jolis garçons, Delphine de Vigan ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 14/03
9. Là où les arbres rencontrent les étoiles, Glendy Vanderah ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 24/03
10. Patients, Grand Corps Malade. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 20/04
11. Le passage de la nuit, Murakami ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 29/04
12. Un miracle, Victoria Mas ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 12/05
13. Le dernier jour d'un condamné, Victor Hugo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 20/05
14. Acide sulfurique, Amélie Nothomb ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 30/05
15. Croire aux fauves, Nastassja Martin ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 31/05
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jolie-goes-downton · 2 years
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Tea and Roses (You, For Me)
Downton Abbey | Barris
July 1967. Detective-Sergeant Felix Livingstone takes a trip to North Yorkshire that broadens his horizons in more than one way.
"Introduce yourself, if you like."
"My name is Richard Ellis, I'm a pensioner, a self-taught pastry maker, a semi-successful gardener, a member of the local village council, and I've been in love with the same man for forty years."
Tea, roses and domestic bliss. 🫖🌹💙
Read on AO3
Also a fit for the Day 4 prompt of @barris-week-2022 - Domesticity.
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huggybug · 2 years
can you do cuddling bordy late at night and he’s just whispering french things to you
“I’m glad you’re home” Thomas had just been on a two week long road trip, your least favourite thing about his schedule.
“Me too” He grins, tightening his arms the slightest bit around you. “Tu es l’amour de ma vie”
“What?” You weren’t very good at understanding French, you knew the basics: Bonjour, Oui, Merci but you were nowhere near being able to understand full sentences.
“Nothing mon amour” He smiles lazily and you shake your head. Thomas loved doing that. He would speak French, knowing full well you didn’t understand. You thought he did it just to piss you off but he always denied it.
“Je ne supporte pas d’être séparée de toi” Thomas gently brushes a loose strand of hair away from your face. “Je t’adore”
“Thomas! English!” You whine and he laughs.
“I just love you” He grins, pressing his lips to yours. “Tu es très jolie” He’s back to speaking French when he breaks away.
You huff, rolling over to grab your phone, ignoring Thomas’ whimper as you move away. Typing furiously on your phone, Thomas is watching you and wondering why you’re doing.
“Je t'aime davantage” You say finally, reading the translation off of google translate.
“You love me… further?” Thomas asks confused.
“What?” You show him the screen and he laughs.
“You mean ‘Je t’aime plus’ but nice try baby” Thomas grins as you pout, tossing your phone behind you.
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etdraconis · 4 months
Updated Muse List
Italics denotes tertiary/low muse, * denotes request only
Dragon Age Canons:
Cremisius Aclassi
Zevran Araini
Eleanor Cousland
Fergus Cousland
Bethany Hawke
Carver Hawke
Nathaniel Howe
Thomas Howe
Anora Mac Tir
Loghain Mac Tir
Josephine Montilyet
Dorian Pavus
Cassandra Pentaghast
Cullen Rutherford
Varric Tethras
Alistair Theirin
Cailan Theirin
Maric Theirin
Varric Tethras
Dragon Age OCs:
Arden Aclassi
Hissera Adaar
Sereda Aeducan
August Amell
Elizabeth Amell
Julian Amell
Oliver Amell
Rosalie Amell
Pyke Brosca
Macaria Cadash
Amara Cousland
Brennon Cousland
Lauryl Cousland
Victoire Ducet
Callum Hawke
Kenton Hawke
Leanore Hawke
Hava Lavellan
Theron Mahariel
Kalva Sabrae
Alim Surana
Aurelia Tabris
Rowan Theirin
Claire Trevelyan
Declan Trevelyan
Evelyn Trevelyan
Everett Trevelyan
Gabriel Trevelyan
Maxwell Trevelyan
Persephone Trevelyan
Greek Mythology
Percy Jackson/Riordan Verse
Annabeth Chase
Nico Di Angelo
Jason Grace (potentially)
Percy Jackson
Piper McClean (potentially)
Will Solace
Leo Valdez (potentially)
Elaine Archeron
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Lucian Vanserra
Crescent City
Hunt Athalar
Ruhn Danaan
Danika Fendyr
Ithan Holstrom
Bryce Quinlan
Throne of Glass
Aedion Ashryver
Sam Cortland
Lysandra Ennar
Aelin Galathynius
Dorian Havilliard
Fenrys Moonbeam
Chaol Westfall
Kaz Brekker
The Darkling
Jesper Fahey
Inej Ghafa
Matthias Helvar
Nikolai Lantsov
Zoya Nazyalensky
Alina Starkov
Wylan Van Eck
Nina Zenik
Good Omens
Zodiac Academy
Geraldine Grus
Lance Orion
Max Rigel
Darcy Vega
Tory Vega
Fourth Wing
Imogen Cardulo
Ridoc Gamlyn
Aaric Greycastle
Sloane Maori
Rhiannon Matthias
Brennan Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Violet Sorrengail
Other Book Muses
Alexander Clairemont-Diaz
Star Wars
Poe Dameron
General Armitage Hux*
Kylo Ren
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Yennifer of Venderberg
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
Jaime Lannister*
Sansa Star*
Aemond Targaryen*
Daemon Targaryen*
Daeron Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen*
Brienne of Tarth*
Jacaerys Velaryon
Lucerys Velaryon
Chevalier de Lorraine*
Louis XIV*
Philippe d'Orleans*
DnD/Fantasy OCs
Jalana Astorio (human warlock
Tarquin Auglathia (sea-elf rogue)
Nedri Autumnblaze (half-orc ranger)
Azure (water genasi monk)
Anders Brightwood (human bard)
Caerlin (tiefling arcane trickster rogue)
Drake (Wild Hunt shifter ranger)
Elianis Galonodel (half-elf druid)
Naivara Galonodel (half-elf mastermind rogue)
Talon Galonodel (wood elf bard)
Makaria (tiefling paladin)
Reya (tiefling storm sorcerer)
Alwyn Sulian (sun elf paladin)
Auryn Sulian (sun elf fighter)
Cerys Sulian (sun elf celestial warlock)
Emrys Sulian (sun elf shadow magic sorcerer)
Hollis Tremaine (human fighter)
Other/modern OCs
Hyun-Soo Joly (medical student)
Destin Michaels (merman)
Novah Michaels (mermaid)
Cassian Sage (werewolf)
Sophie Sage (werewolf)
Reina Solace (werewolf)
Hazel Thatcher (werewolf)
Nicolai Voss (vampire)
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madamebaggio · 1 year
Expose your fictional crushes
Thank you @sillyliterature for tagging me.
I feel like this will be very telling, but... Oh well...
Nine fictional crushes, and I’ll try to put a bit like early teens, late teens and now.
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Lara Croft (At the time I thought Angelina Jolie was my ‘girl exception’, until I realised I had many exceptions)
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Hatake Kakashi
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Prince Nuada Silverlance
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Darth Maul
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Susan Pevensie
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Thomas Shelby
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Choi Moo-Jin
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Agent 47 (very especifically this one, played by Rupert Friend)
I feel... Like there’s a theme here... Is it just me? lol
Anyway, I’ll tag @vixenofcourse​, @nemesis729​, @911nmg​, @thedreadandthefugitivemind​, @kiaraalexisklay​ and @lala-bunny​
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Kinda of a random question but what do you imagine the characters voices sounding like?
Hi! Thanks for the question. I actually worked out most of the voice claims of the characters, and I plan to make a video of it someday when I've updated all their character art! (Mainly for the main cast.)
For now, I'll just list them down with links:
Main 8 + Luna
Sun - Neuvillette (EN CV: Ray Chase)
Mercury - Firion (EN CV: Johnny Yong Bosch)
Venus - Tigress (EN CV: Angelina Jolie)
Earth - Thoma (EN CV: Christian Banas) | Makoto Tachibana (JP CV: Tatsuhiza Suzuki)
Mars - Yuri Lowell (EN CV: Troy Baker)
Jupiter - Kokushibo (EN/JP, EN: Jonah Scott, JP: Okiayu Ryotaro) [MAY CONTAIN DEMON SLAYER SPOILERS!]
Saturn - Marth (EN CV: Yuri Lowenthal)
Uranus - Douma (EN/JP, EN: Stephen Fu, JP: Mamoru Miyano) [CLIP CONTAINS SOME GORE! And out of context KNY spoilers.Watch at your own risk.]
Neptune - Giorno Giovanna (EN/JP, EN: Phillip Reich, JP: Kensho Ono)
Luna - Aerith Gainsborough (EN CV: Briana White)
Dwarf Planets:
Pluto - Scaramouche / Wanderer (EN CV: Patrick Pedraza)
Ceres - Amber (EN CV: Kelly Baskin)
[URANUS V] Miranda - Terra Branford (EN CV: Natalie Lander) | Mipha (JP CV: Mayu Isshiki)
[NEPTUNE I] Triton - Diluc (EN CV: Sean Chiplock)
[PLUTO IV] Kerberos - Cyno (EN CV: Alejandro Saab)
Comets and Asteroids:
Halley - Talking Tom (EN CV: Colin Hanks)
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kiliklarsmeyrin · 4 months
Ah que coucou !
Je remercie parfois mes insomnies qui me font découvrir de très jolis tumblr, ta patte graphique est tellement belle, un réel coup de cœur pour tes crackship **
Est-ce que tu penses pouvoir faire des crackships d'Antonia Thomas et Michiel Huisman ? Ce serait vraiment formidable. Je te remercie infiniment et bonne journée/soirée ❤️
Bonsoir, bonsoir !
Merci d'être passé par ici, j'apprécie beaucoup tes compliments qui me font très plaisir, vraiment. J'espère que ma contribution te fera autant plaisir, merci de ta confiance en tout cas ! ♥
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La Nature ne pense qu’à ça ! – Concours littéraire
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Félicitations à tous les participants !
La 12e édition du concours de nouvelles du Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Toulouse a connu un beau succès ! Le Muséum a, en effet, enregistré à la clôture des participations, le mardi 2 janvier 2024, près de 150 contributions en provenance de la France métropolitaine, mais pas seulement. Une sélection de jolie facture qui continue de s’ouvrir à l’international en transitant par des pays tels que la Belgique, le Cameroun, l’Italie, le Québec ou la Suisse !
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Un grand bravo aux lauréats !
Le jury s’est réuni le jeudi 11 avril 2024 afin de tenir sa délibération désignant les 6 lauréats auxquels s’ajoute un Prix spécial du jury. La sélection a été âpre et les débats animés !
Mais c’est sans compter sur le professionnalisme du jury, heureux d’annoncer les résultats suivants, dans les 2 catégories adulte et jeunesse :
1. Palmarès dans la catégorie auteurs adultes :
1er prix : « À l’abordage» de Gérard BASTIDE (81240)
2e prix : « Un si bel endroit » de Pierre-André MARTIN (14000)
3e prix : « Le goût du blanc » de Philippe FRÉMONT (31400)
Les 19 autres nouvelles pré-sélectionnées dans la catégorie adultes étaient : “L'été sans cigale" de Zoé AUBRY (24000), "Ah ! Le bonheur" de Chloé BAHUAUD (44000), "Transes-positions" de Jean-Pierre BEAUFILS (30250), "Romance anti-cafard" de Marlène BERTRANINE (92600), "Beaux et fragiles" de Sébastien BOULADE (31400), "L'échappée belle" d'Emmanuel BROC (32600), "L'homme d'en face" de Marie-Christine DELAUCHE (75005), "Je suis la Vouivre et je le resterai" de Sabine GENTY (11420), "Mille millions de Figaro" de Thomas GHIBAUDO (13580), "La Trompette des anges" de Jocelyn HÉRITIER (07400), "Ondine" de Jacques LAGNEAUX (Belgique), "De rerum natura" de Raphaël LE MAUVE (17000), "L'Homme de la montagne d'en haut" de Jean-Luc MERCIER (66160), "Jean-Calude Gasoil ne pense qu'à ça" de Monique NICQUE (34110), "Prendre son pied par les cornes" de Pierre POISSON (81000), "Tchechihila" de Nathalie QUQUE (31140), "Sex machine" de Chantal REY (82000), "Thisbé et Pyrame, les amants légendaires" d'Anne-Marie RICHOU (31770), "Les escarpins" d'Anne RODES (93100).
2. Palmarès dans la catégorie auteurs de moins de 18 ans :
1er prix : « Dead Flowers » de Louise CONFAIS (31560)
2e prix : « Marrante l’amante » de Marius SANTRAN (33800)
3e prix : « Un amoureux transi » d’Abel PAPAIX (31410)
Les 3 autres nouvelles pré-sélectionnées dans la catégorie auteurs de moins de 18 ans étaient : "Les Pasiphaés" de Juliette GORIAUD (31460), " Au fil des fourmis" de Maïa HELFER (Suisse) et "Félin pour l'autre" de Margaux POQUET-BELLELE (31130).
3. Le Prix spécial du jury :
« Romance anti-cafard » de Marlène BERTRANINE (92600)
Retrouvez le billet d’annonce des résultats sur le Facebook du Muséum : Facebook du Muséum de Toulouse
Le muséum va très bientôt e-publier le recueil des nouvelles lauréates. Les premiers prix des 2 catégories (Gérard Bastide et Louise Confais) seront lus à voix haute le samedi 8 juin 2024, dans l’auditorium du Muséum, lors de la rencontre littéraire et de la remise des prix aux 6 lauréats et au Prix spécial du jury.
Un grand merci au jury !
Jessica Arduin (Psychologue clinicienne), Laëtitia Bartholome (Service Expositions, Muséum), Audrey Bonniot (Service Bibliothèque & Documentation, Muséum), Caroline Chevalier-Galant (Service Bibliothèque & Documentation, Muséum), Évelyne Cocault (Comédienne de Théâtre amateur), Astrid Conan (Relation Visiteurs-Billetterie support qualité, Muséum), Christel Dubois (Professeure d'anglais, auteure), Lucie Ferlet (Pôle jeunesse, Médiathèque José Cabanis), Nelly Faria (Service Offre Commerciale, Muséum de Toulouse), Caroline Goursat (Étudiante, libraire), Marie-Noëlle Jornat (Philosophe, lectrice), Florence Lamotte (Directrice commerciale chez Piktos), Lolita Lorenzon (Pôle jeunesse, Médiathèque José Cabanis), Gaëlle Mahé (Lectrice et auteure), Sylvie Marquez (Association Toulouse Polars du Sud), Bernard Meyer (Docteur en Philosophie, enseignant, comédien), Serge Nicolo (Écrivain, Régisseur des Collections, Musée Paul Dupuy), Cristina Noacco (Auteure, maître de conférence en littérature médiévale), Cédric Pignat (Écrivain, enseignant, lecteur), Julien Philippe (Professeur-documentaliste) et Emmanuelle Viguié (Graphiste, dessinatrice, lectrice).
Au plaisir de vous retrouver et d’échanger avec vous samedi 8 juin, au Muséum de Toulouse !
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