#This kills the man
ghostalservice · 3 months
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widogasm · 7 months
[lying awake in bed][gnawing on the blankets] he was hopelessly in love with her. not a little crush, not something easily entertained and dismissed, but hopelessly in love. and he just never said it. to anyone
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vegaseatsass · 4 months
I really think it is the familial version of the word "romantic" that New dosed himself with his own murder drug just to see Non again.
Like when Phee snaps him out of it, New doesn't say he wanted to punish himself, or stew in his grief, or even be accompanied in his grief. He says he wanted to escape reality and see his brother again. He begs the accusing hallucination of his brother not to leave.
I'm just. This achingly, beautifully brutal story.
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despazito · 11 months
Screaming crying throwing up these kinds of writers and boarding rooms are just so rare in the industry now, everyone lives 200 miles apart working remotely and scripts arrive mostly locked in and you can't just shoot the shit anymore
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dougielombax · 26 days
Let me make something clear.
Anyone who still supports child labour in this day and age should be violently berated and then promptly beaten to death with frying pans and exploding hammers by a mob of angry Bengali factory workers!
No I don’t think Tiny Tim should have “just gotten a job” disregarding that he’s a fiction, you fucking shite-coated-flint-hearted spineless shitgibbon poltroon!
You servile, bootlicker, corporate fucking DICKWIG!!!!
Get in the bin with that shite!
Get SHAT ON!!!!
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teex · 2 years
G’s teary POG speech after his last game as a Flyer
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bonewhiteglory · 4 months
probably the most haunting comment I’ve seen on Reddit was some dude arguing that “men are loved for what they do for others, like their sense of humor, and women are loved for who they are, like their curves” 🙃 like dude, I don’t think we’re in the same reality
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prettyflyshyguy · 1 year
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It’s imperative that you all understand that these scenes have an absolute iron vice grip on my psyche right now and every time I think about them I want to start screaming like a feral animal.
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defilerwyrm · 2 months
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thirstyvampyr · 3 months
my honest reaction to last picture
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strawberry-metal · 3 months
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This kills the Sheva
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inundatae · 6 months
Birthday's were perhaps never a concern of the chief justice, but they were very much something that Sigewinne took great pride in celebrating. Particularly, other people's. No matter how small the gift, she always went out of her way to hand craft something unique. It made it more special, in her opinion. And Neuvilette's birthday was a very important one indeed! What could she possibly make that could encompass all the love she held for this man... were schedules more in her favor she'd have delivered the gift herself, but in her stead, she sent a melusine friend to hand it off. A neatly wrapped box in azure wrapping paper with an over the top tinsel bow in sparkling silvers. Two sky blue streamers to match his hair coming out of the top. A little note tied on with careful hands. "Dearest Neuvillette, the years pass by so fast, it's a joy to share and celebrate another one with you! I hope you take the time to revel in all the good you do and the wonderful things you've accomplished. I am proud of you every day! With love, Sigewinne" Inside the box is a confetti assortment of stickers and candies to ensure that the delicate gifts are kept safe in transit. A small glittering glass ornament that looks like a melusine on a swing and sways on it's own stand, it's easy to imagine how it might cast a beautiful ripple of light through the room in the midday sun in the same patterns as the waves across the shore. With it is a gorgeous pen in beautiful blue with silver accents and a deep aquamarine ink bottle of the finest caliber to accompany it. And lastly, nestled beneath it all, is a handstitched hair bow with little wave embroideries and tiny stars sewn into the fabric. For the end of his hair, where long ago she'd tied the last one. A folded drawing, much more amateurish then the gifts, is tucked in next to it, of herself, neuvilette, and wriothesley holding hands and smiling. She's clearly put a lot of effort and time into the whole package. A long little life of many hobbies and skills she has little time to practice anymore put to good work, with a whole lot of love to tie it all together.
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𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚, 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 while others merely for a social call. Regardless, Neuvillette never tires of their presence. Each visit is a delight, filled with their new discoveries as they share their findings with such exuberance that he cannot help but share in their joy. Aeife knocks upon his door, skips through with a package held aloft and gently deposits the beautifully wrapped gift atop his desk.
Normally he would have urged her to set the parcel amongst the many that he has received through the week. Gifts form dignitaries, from coworkers and persons of interest alike, some more ornate in their wrapping while others are simple and plain. All are of little note to him and he leaves the assortment for the Melusines themselves to peel through once he’s received the last of the gifts. Even if he has no care for material objects, there is at least the consolation that Sedene and Kiara and the rest would take joy in ripping through the packages, making a mess of his usually pristine office.
But it is with a word from Aeife that he learns of the sender and allows the gift to remain, taking a place of honor upon the center of his desk. This is not her usual touch when he’d expected pastel colors and stickers adorned to nearly ever surface of the package. The change is unusual enough that his curiosity is piqued. Carefully, without ruining the delicate wrapping, he starts to work gift free, huffing with fondness at the intended resemblance. She is ever so mischievous and he laments that having spent so much time in the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide’s company, that she most certainly have acquired many of his bad habits.
The paper set aside, he lifts the top of the box and though he is aware of the stickers and all the small baubles no doubt are all crafted with such care, his attention is pinned immediately to what is undoubtedly meant to the centerpiece of the entire affair. As though the ornament were made of the most fragile glass and indeed, it could perhaps be precisely that, Neuvillette carefully lifts the figure from the box and sets it directly into a shaft of sunlight. The effect is instantaneous, a dozen motes of shattered stars glitter upon his desk.
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And though the thrill and novelty of the gift fades, his case files once more what draws his attention for the day, still his gaze drifts time and again to Sigewinne’s gift. And he finds himself imagining not for the first time, of doing something like the icon is meant to represent. Taking her to a playground and allowing her to experience the simple joys of being on a swing, echoes of her imagined laughter remain even as he locks his office for the day, the little Melusine upon the swing glimmering beneath the moonlight.
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I have got to stop reading the entirety of fics where the writing/characterization annoys me, just to see where the author is going with things.... the answer is always, to a conclusion that will also annoy me 🤦
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adr1025 · 7 months
shifts suck its past midnight i haven't had dinner yet and im cold and want to sleep and
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gatoraid · 1 year
Thinking about Chris and Minami and how they would kill for each other, die for each other, protect each other…. just how tender they are together, despite being professional killers……..
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dougielombax · 28 days
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So I saw that picture of the baby adult skeleton from the Fallout TV show and I HAD to make this!
It made me wheeze with laughter. Damn near killed me!
That shit was way more funny than it had any right to be and I genuinely can’t tell if it was intentional. (What with the games having bizarre skeleton proportions, at least the Bethesda ones)
Either way it prompted me to make this meme.
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