#This is the one where Klaus and Five are at a motel after their encounter with the Sparrows
glimmerglue · 2 years
Something’s waving in front of his face. How long has it been waving? Obviously not for very long if he is only noticing it now.
Five swats the hand away with a growl.
Klaus’ face stares down at him, contorting as his eyebrows relax, almost in slow motion. He is much too close, every crease line, every smudge, every stray hair visible in the dingy lighting.
“—was that?” Klaus asks, Five missing the first part. Five squints, attempting to decipher his words.
Something comes hurtling towards his forehead, and with a small burst of adrenaline Five manages to partially block it, heart hammering in his chest. He kicks out, nicking something big, and scrambles away before it can retaliate.
“I—hey!” Klaus exclaims.
Five blinks his eyes. Refocuses.
It’s just Klaus.
“—trying to check your temperature,” Klaus says. Five blinks again. Something is bashing into his skull like a particularly murderous jackhammer, the constant pounding squeezing his eyes into lemon juice and making his face warm. “Five?”
“I’m fine,” he grits out, clenching his teeth, as if that will do anything to stop the pain.
Five gathers the strength to glare at Klaus.
“Go away.”
Five starts lifting himself out of the armchair, moving away from Klaus. Standing up brings a new wave of dizziness, but one that is easier to ignore. What he can’t ignore is the ceaseless stabbing that has only grown more erratic, harsher and more present then ever.
“Woah, woah, hey, where are—”
Five ignores him, stepping forward, focusing on staying upright.
The first step is like his soul has ascended from his body, like his limbs are marshmallows that he can puppeteer from above. His limbs are stuffed with static, stuffed with cotton, like a balloon without a weight attached.
He takes another step, and something pins him, grabbing his arm. Five spins around, reaction time lagging.
He’s getting slower.
That probably isn’t good.
send me a 👀 and i’ll post a snippet of art/writing that i never got around to finishing this year (r.i.p)
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stupidcanofpeaches · 2 years
just a master post of all the whumpy five-centric plot bunnies and unfinished projects i have floating around my folders and ao3 drafts atm also bonus parts of those fics in case yall are into that stuff lol
1. sleepwalking five. sleepwalking is frequently caused by immense amount of stress and sleep deprivation, among other things, and is more frequent in children than adults. with the life five has it would be more surprising if something like sleeptalking/sleepwalking didn’t show up at one point, considering the amounts of caffeine he consumes on top of everything else and how anxious and overstimulated he has to be with everything going on.
Even when Luther is right in front of him - after climbing up the stairs thudding - Five doesn't say anything. "Five," Luther says again. Five blinks slowly, blearily, and then - moves. He raises his hand and clumsily rubs at his eyes for a long few seconds. "Shouldn't you... Be in bed?" Luther carefully suggests. "You, uh. Look tired."
Five doesn't answer, his eyes looking somewhere through Luther's mid-chest. He's so quiet through it all, it's startling when he suddenly turns sharply around, faltering as he does so.
Luther, completely and perfectly bewildered by the quiet yet bizarre encounter, is left staring after him as the boy shuffles away slowly, soft woolen socks masking his footsteps until there are no sounds anymore, like Five was never there at all.
2. the post s2 hotel fic. you know the one. the one where they escape the sparrows and regroup in some cheap motel where allison rumours them an uncomfortable tiny room and then they proceed to family bond and argue and try to figure out what to do next. at one point he gets punched bc whump is my lifeblood and i just want to hurt my boy.
Diego takes a swing at him.
He expects Five to jump away because that's what he always does when things get remotely physical - always did, unless Dad explicitly forbade him from jumps during sparring, and even then he'd try and sneak behind them instead of facing them head-on. He expects for his fist to fly through thin air, blank space where Five's head is. 
But his fist connects. Hard. He feels the resistance of flesh and bone connecting with his knuckles before he sees what happens, and hears Klaus's gasp before Five's muffled oomph.
It takes him one slow, thick, horrible second to comprehend the situation. No fucking way, he thinks, eyes wide, and then he blinks, and then the momentum sends Five full-on flying.
Diego's a grown man. He's a trained fighter, with a decent amount of muscle on him and a lot of practice punching the daylights out of other grown men, who are usually actively resisting.
Five's a trained fighter as well but he is also a kid - physically, at least. Skinny, five-foot-something kid who already had the everloving shit beaten out of him by the swede no more than a few days before. A kid who stood still and glared when Diego got in his face, and didn't move an inch when he swung, and so his hit landed painfully perfectly.
3. the one where five is incredibly stressed out but manages to keep everything bottled down right up until he trips and skins his knees and that tiny thing somehow pushes him over the edge into a sobbing breakdown that he hates but cannot stop because he is just so. tired. he is so tired and everything is wrong, nothing is going the way it was supposed to go and he’s managing but also he really can’t do this anymore. he is also very desperately touchstarved so when confused and also frankly a little terrified luther tries to comfort him with a pat on the shoulder the gesture just sends him spiraling all over again.
He stumbles, and he falls, and that's how it all unravels.
He only just manages to throw his hands out to catch himself, too distracted to do it correctly and in time, and his knees and palms scrub over the rough pavement as he tumbles down.
Luther is somewhere behind him, and he doesn't really feel the pain at first - he's more bewildered that he could be so out of it, so deep into his head, to fall over so stupidly. Then, the stinging comes, and he winces even though the pain is barely anything compared to a shrapnel wound or a bullet graze.
Suddenly, he's bitterly, unfathomably upset. It's completely disproportionate to the situation and the realization of that does nothing to make him feel better or calmer. No. It just makes him feel worse. Stupider. This is nothing - why would he be so - so -
His hands shake when he raises them up. The skin is half-scratched off his dirty, wet palms.
So he sits there, on the wet, cold pavement, with his scraped knees and skinned palms, staring at them - at the pink and red road rash, the burn of it across his skin, the dirt and the blood, and it hits him just how abysmally stupid all of this is - this, this whole thing, and it was just a touch, just a hug -
Just a hug. Was that it? A hug. A hug.
All he wanted.
The pressure in his chest grows unbearable. He doesn't recognize it, but it's a painful strain that's deeper than any muscle strain he experienced before. His lungs feel - squeezed. He inhales the wet, fresh air, and looks up from his scraped knees to the summery overcast sky, warm pink and timid dusty blue barely visible over the puffy dark clouds of that recent rain.
It's beautiful.
And he bursts into tears.  
4. milk carton kid or the one where five’s disappearance and then reappearance did not go unnoticed. five is unpleasantly surprised when he finds out that eventually all of his siblings stopped looking for him. he knows it’s stupid, unreasonable, and they couldn’t have found him even if they kept going - but the thought is upsetting. five being five, he doesn’t voice or even admit this until it snowballs into something a lot bigger than simply being upset and crosses over into a disappointment so bitter he cannot hide it anymore. 
Diego throws his arms up. “Just - Would you just fucking admit that you’re angry!”
And Five bares his teeth. The coffee steams on the table, forgotten. “You want it?” he hisses, “Fine! I’m angry! Because none of you, you stupid bastards, even thought I’d come back!” 
Diego immediately opens his mouth to fire back - something, something to protest, but nothing comes. “We - “ he starts anyway, but Five’s voice drowns him out. He takes a step closer, jabbing one finger into Diego’s chest viciously like he’s wielding a knife.
“Because you thought I left you on purpose!” he bites out, “Like I’d – Like I’d ever leave you all alone with him, and waltz off into the sunset! I almost killed myself so many times trying to get back to you – and all you could do was hang up a few sad posters and then shrug and say, well, that’s all I can do, guess he’s gone. Who the fuck does that?” 
Five’s voice cracks. It cracks and wobbles, like that of young child, and all they can is stare because there’s no safe way to say to alert Five to the fact that he’s openly crying now without completely unraveling the situation further. Five doesn’t notice the wet trails on his cheeks - doesn’t even notice that there’s anyone else in the room besides him and Diego who’s just standing there now, expression soft and a little lost.
“I know it’s unfair, I know, I know, I know you would’ve never found me, you couldn’t have if you tried. But you just - You just gave up. Sooner or later, but all of you, just - just, giving up, like I was never there, and - And a bunch of absolute strangers held vigils for me. They put up candles on their windowsills, you know that? They put up posters, after you guys stopped. Turns out, they searched the databases of unidentified, unclaimed bodies to see if any of them was me. That’s more than what you did. Because you gave up. You gave up.”
Five hides his face in the crook of his elbow as if that could hide his trembling shoulders or muffle the angry, choked whimper.
And then, it’s silent.
5. classic whump kidnapping and mild torture plot where klaus’s old acquaintance desperate for drug money realizes that klaus got a sizeable inheritance after a very widely publicized death of his millionaire father. his initial target is klaus; however, when he realizes that the hargreeves family also includes a harmless-looking, tiny kid, he switches over to him.
He pushes the backdoor open. They end up in a small, dark kitchen, the room unkempt and dusty; a couple of unsteady steps in, he heaves the boy up on a rickety old chair that’s a bit too big for him. His feet dangle in the air as the boy curls in with the force of Jay’s shove but quickly regains his rigid posture and glares at him. His head lolls a bit before he forces it back up. Jay would’ve very much liked to retie his hands behind his back, had planned to do it just to play it safe, but that was before he woke up. Now, he definitely wasn’t going to risk it, not after that complete failure of a kidnapping and how much grief the boy gave him.
The first thing the boy says after he pulls the tape off his mouth harshly is:
"This is a fucking disgrace," with a voice raspy and dry and full of such disdain Jay shrinks back a little. He stares at Jay darkly, with half-lidded eyes, in a way that makes him thankful for using more than one pair of zip-ties on him; the feeling of those clever little hands on his throat and punching the lights out of him is still fresh in his mind. It’s almost embarrassing, how quickly the boy puts the fear of god in him with one look, despite being so much smaller and also sporting a head wound.
After a second of bewildered silence from Jay, the boy jerks his chin up harshly. “Well?” he spits out, sounding impatient, like Jay is wasting his time.
It’s pretty fucking eerie, even, how composed he is, despite waking up in a car miles away from his home, hurt and probably disorientated. He does not sound like a terrified kid that Jay had waited for, only a bit dazed; granted, this whole thing went any direction but the one he’d expected. Is this not his first time being kidnapped or something?
6. as a result of some sort of paradox/superpowers hijinks, the siblings accidentally switch powers. it wouldn’t be so bad if five, of all people, didn’t end up with klaus’s powers. the resulting crowd of dead people following him around ends up being so completely overwhelming he shuts down in the corner of his room with a bottle of vodka and his hands pressed tightly against his ears in a futile attempt to block out the endless shouting. luckily, it’s temporary, and klaus is there to help him ride it out.
this one doesn’t have anything written for it yet lol cause i only got the idea like. maybe a few hours ago??
+ sequels i currently have in the works for the things that are already published
7. third chapter for cages where five is finally sober and distinctly unhappy about everything he unwillingly admitted to under the influence but avoiding the conversation simply isn’t an option anymore.
"Small sips," Grace says.
Diego pushes open the door.
Inside, the curtains are open and warm morning sunrays illuminate the room - highlight the paleness of Five's face as he half-sits in his bed, leaning against the pillows, muted tones of sickly eggshell-white of his skin and the watercolor dark blue of his bruised-exhausted eyebags. For a moment, Diego is apprehensive, reluctantly looking away from their mother's welcoming smile - afraid to see Five's expression from yesterday's night; the way his eyelids drooped, the blown out pupils only leaving a thin circle of green visible in a way that made his eyes look downright unnatural, plastic, doll-like; the drunken shift and shuffle of his limbs and features, uncoordinated dance of muscles moving of their own accord. He's afraid to see Five - absent, all but gone under the influence, wiped clean.
But Five's eyes are clear and hard when their gazes finally meet - his steely resolve fully back despite his limp, obviously tired body still openly showing the consequences of what he went through during that week in captivity. The way his body sags somehow makes Diego think of an empty tomato skin, all the pulp and juices squeezed out. He looks spent, a spool of wool unwound and messy, a little all over the place - hair sticking up, pajamas twisted, elbows and knees poking out sharply - but also present in a way he wasn't before.
8. sequel for in every dream home a heartache with the siblings’ reaction, recovery and some more pain on both diego’s and five’s part. this one is mostly completed but somehow i keep finding more things to edit and add so im not sure when i will actually finish this. the ending is already written, however, and considering the subject and overall tone of the fic it’s pretty hopeful. so yeah.
He can't take their pitying glances anymore - sticky, lingering, following him around, cautious and caring and absolutely unbearable. They reach out to touch him and then they don’t. They start asking questions and then they stop. Their hands are cotton wool soft; they lean back and away just as easily whenever he moves too quickly, afraid to touch. And they’re everywhere, all the time, night and day, sitting at his bedside all somber and sad, keeping vigil - he remembers their concrete still silhouettes even through the haze of painkillers - what, did they think Five was done for? That he was broken irreparably this time around? 
No. He survived worse.
Thankfully, he's an adult, and if he wants some peace and quiet, he can go wherever he wants whenever he pleases to do so. And he does want it. Some peace and quiet. So he does.
Five gets up slowly, finding his way in the dark carefully. His bedside is empty. Finally. He feels rusty, grimy, like a toy soldier left forgotten in the attic for years and years, joints disused and creaky after such a long time spent just lying around and sleeping and not doing much of anything else. His brain feels rusty. His mouth is full of cotton and tastes like vomit despite rinsing it out ten times over.
He's been standing up and moving around a bit, more so lately, now that mom was weaning him off of painkillers, but every step still stings - dulled though it is, the pain is there, stitches pulling tightly at his skin like glue. The bite of old bruises. The memory stings, too. His own weakness. The guilt in Diego's crumbling face. 
He should’ve known better. He should’ve stopped it. He had to protect them, and here, he failed completely.
And the worst thing is, somehow, is that Five feels - dirty. Dirty inside and out. Like something had gone off in him that night, and been rotting quietly ever since - mold growing through his ribs and softly eating through his internal organs, until all his blood is infected and curdled, like there was still something inside of him, something vaguely wrong, something filthy, slimy, spoiled, and he can't breathe quite right; the mold, he can almost feel it, feel its wet earthy smell, the wet smell of mud, of dusty concrete, and it hurts -
He heads to a shower. 
so uhhh. stay tuned folks, i guess?
ill be honest i was just dying to post something but nothing is finished so have this mish-mash of things instead.
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katgreeves · 3 years
a case of the biggest cards (a tua holiday fic)
Cards, muffins on the way, and a slightly tired (tipsy) family that have competitive and snarky written in their bones and running in their veins. A sure fire way for total absolute mayhem on earth. Oh this is gonna be fun. Klaus can't wait."
Or: The Hargreeves make the best of their royal fucking up of the timeline and spend Christmas Eve together at last.
heyyyyyyy @a-fucking-velociraptor it’s me your secret santa for @secret-santa-klaus!! wanted to do a little sibling bonding fic for you and then I went overboard LMAOOO I hope you like it anyways and happy holidays!!! I hope you’re having the best times this season!!
it’s also on ao3 to read for your reading pleasure!! (if you have an ao3 acc by all means lemme know so I can gift it to you on there!)
Fine hands move quickly to practiced motions. Long, nimble fingers sent cards flying as they shuffled around in the deck.
The five of them were all sitting on the floor, wrapped around a worn coffee table and leaning against the sofa and armchairs around them. Assorted pillows strewn about to comfort them, they were slowly going through the 3 bottles of whatever shitty drink they had trusted Diego with getting for the night. One of them was already empty.
Since the whole Dooms-didn’t/Apoca-nope-lypse/The Sparrow Academy timeline fuckery to the highest of degrees, they were all pretty much left in the dust. After a not so great first encounter with the “Sparrows” (none of them had even begun to comprehend the big emo looking elephant in the room, let alone address it to each other) they were promptly kicked our of the Hargreeves mansion. It took a while after that, but eventually they found a flat somewhere in the city for cheap to hide out in. The place wasn’t really cozy, totally not big enough for all of them together, but it was a roof over their heads to keep them safe enough till they could figure how to bring back their own timeline and finally have this behind them once and for all.
If that even existed anymore.
Klaus leered tiredly at the movements. Had it been himself dealing with the deck, he’s sure it would not be nearly as graceful, instead the cards would probably move clumsily with his fidgety hands and scrawny fingers, spewing all over the place. Then again, it might just be the signature “Rumor Charm.” Alli made everything look elegant, it was one of her best skills, one she gained with no powers, no rumors, that she did without even trying. It was just her.
“Allison. Darling sister of mine. While this in no means to rush you at all, I just want you to know that I’ve murdered entire Commision boards in shorter amounts of time that you’re taking right now.”
That, the source of the uncannily on cue quip, was Five. The grouch wasn’t letting up his smartass act up for one bit, even for the goddamn holidays. How predictable.
“First, you’ve only killed one commision board. Second, this is a Christmas Eve party, aka fun night party, aka we are not having discussions of our more colorful histories for one night party, please-”  
“Can we actually start the game? I hear Santa hates it when he's’ trying to do his job and sneak like a ninja or whatever only to see six idiots in a small dingy, dark as shit living room bickering over cards and oh wait- they've been at this since when?”
All eyes focused on whom that voice belonged to, which was Diego. While he was working at defrosting himself of his bitter and snarky facade, it didn’t really help that he was both tired and annoyed as shit at the wait right now.
“Quite a bold accusation that Santa wants to see any of us after all the shit we’ve pulled Di.”
“Even if he did, does he even know how to find us now? You know, technically not existing anymore and all-”
“What did Allison just say guys-”
“Hey Vanny, we’re just-”
“Okay, I think it’s time we get this show on the road shall we?” Allison pointedly interrupted with, brandishing the now shuffled deck of cards to veer the group to their original intentions (She does that a lot nowadays).
“Thank goodness. At the rate that we’re going it’s only a matter of time before we become itty bitty old grannies sitting on porches in rocking chairs.” Vanya crooned, scrunching up her face at the end to emphasize her point.
“Five’s essentially a grandparent already Vanya-”
“Well, he’ll just become a jurassic fossil I gue-”
“That-” he gestured to the pen in Vanya’s hand he has just whacked her in the face with (Klaus had admittedly, bursted out a sharp spark of laughter at the sight) “is what happens when you are the only one I tolerate slightly more than average and you use this weakness to lead me to a complete and utter betrayal.”
“You know, we actually promised Luther we’d let him bake in peace this time.”
Indeed, as Allison had oh so clearly reminded them, while the others were engaging in whatever was going on right now, Luther was trying baking some red velvet muffins (“No, don’t look at me like that, this is a totally normal amount of food coloring to put in the batter. They have to be the brightest red guys! Come on, it’s Christmas!”) in the kitchen close by. He was in there a lot nowadays, essentially becoming their new Grace in terms of their meals. He claimed it was a cathartic process for him, and in return they all just enjoyed the free meals.
“Jokes on Luther if he’s dumb enough to actually belive that.”
The last comment earned an eruption of laughs all around the table, a scandalized “Vanny!” here and there. Such was expected from their Vanya, the now youngest of the group (and isn’t that wild? Their entire lives were dictated by nothing else but the fact they were quite the peculiar, unlucky septulets and time travel and fucking Dallas took even that away from them). A complete contrast from the Vanya that was so long ago, sarcasm and laughter were her now weapons of choice as she’d talk and tease non stop about anything with a grin. Honestly, good for her.
With cards now flying across the table, it was time for the real shit. The game was one that Klaus had actually taught them. It was one of the many “souvenirs” that he had brought back from Vietnam. He had learnt it, along with the rest of his squadron from one Private Darren Teow. “T” for short, although the boys called him “Croc” after an embarrassing incident where he was the main star of a disaster march across a riverbank (oh boy was that a wild day).  
His parents had come to the United States back in the early 40’s for a chance of something new, and for their son, a chance of something better, a life of his own that could be so grand.
“And what a real great life this is, isn’t it?” He had said one night, a one in a kind night where the jungles were silent of the noises that shook them all for once and instead was filled with the laughter and cheering of the squadron as days old beer was being passed around like candy. Raising his can in the air, the bitter cynicism in his voice rang clear. “Trying to save my head from blowing up to bits everyday on the floor these fucking jungles. A goddamn blast if I’ve ever seen one. Three cheers for the Land of the Fucking Free-”
It wasn’t played as much as a usual game of poker, but whenever there was a fleeting moment here and there, or nobody had any cigs left to bet after Katz snatched them all (Rule Number 15 of the 173rd: Do not let that All-American face and charm fool you. That man will have your rations in his godly chiseled arms and the palms of his hands before you can even put down a card).
Sometimes, when he and Dave were cooped up in some motel room in Saigon during leave, trying to avoid another Sky Soldier who would try and drag them along for a night on the town,  they’d decide to play it together, just the two of them. And by that it meant Dave would offer to play a round of poker, and Klaus would beg to play this instead for a “fun change of pace, you know?”
“You mean, when you don’t want to eat utter shit at the hands of your awfully gifted beloved and can’t face the fact that you can’t keep a straight face for shit?”
“Be thankful you have a god gifted jawline from Adonis himself, or else I would have busted out of this motel aeons ago.”
“What can I say if I learnt it from the best?”
“Fuck you Kitty Katz.”
“I love you too, starlight.”
“That’s it, you are disqualified for hitting me with that sappy shit. I love you too.”
He smiled, chuckling softly at the memory as his hands reached for the familiar chain of cold steel around his neck, the motion second nature at this point. God, Klaus missed that dork so much.
Teow had called the game Big Two. At the very core of it, spades’ the best, then hearts, then clubs, and last and very least: diamonds. The bigger the better. Except for two. That little fucker gets you far. Put down as many as you can at rapidfire speed. First one to finish their cards in hand is winner winner chicken dinner!
Cards, muffins on the way, and a slightly tired (tipsy) family that have competitive and snarky written in their bones and running in their veins. A sure fire way for total absolute mayhem on earth. Oh this is gonna be fun. Klaus can't wait.
He wishes Ben were here. God knows how much that little shit would be enjoying this right now.
The cards were swiftly dealt. He inspected his hand, as the others were talking about theirs. On top were the first two cards, two threes.
The game carried on as a normal one, duets of cards spilling on the table. And then, a lull as yet again his siblings had started another feud. This time, Diego was convinced Five was cheating somehow. Hell, knowing the little menace, he probably was.
Klaus must have dozed off somewhere, because it was only when a hand slammed into his shoulder that his head whipped back to the table, about to mutter a quick apology to what he expected were a circle of tired faces. Instead, he saw a cacophony of grim expressions. Something was going awry.
“What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“You know, the last time I checked, I was the Seance around here-”
Klaus mocked a gasp, dramatically placing a hand on his chest as he feigned a look of shock on his face. “No! Don’t tell me you all are putting a Lila on me-”
“Five’s on his last card!” they all exclaimed, exasperated by Klaus’ usual antics.
Oh. Well, that's where the problem quickly emerged. Shit.
“Put something! Anything! Don’t let him win!” Allison shrieked.
“How can she? He’s got some damn strong cards there!” Diego added.
They had to be pulling his leg. Already? Things had just started getting good around here. Or you know, Klaus assumes it was before he was lost in wherever the fuck his mind went. But alas, a hesitant glance at the table and indeed, on the stack of cards, were two aces. Goddamn aces. Scouring through his hand, a sigh came over the medium. Those were some goddamn miracle cards.
Again, if only Benjamin was here. Sure, after their last poker fiasco, the little shit would probably decide to just screw him over again cause he had such a fun ride the last time around. But still, it was at least better than nothi-
Wait. Eyes perked up as Klaus saw a lifeline of a card in his hand.
Aces may have been big.
But they weren’t the biggest.
And with that a couple of two’s were places on the table, and Klaus, with a calm, low tone uttered-
“Last card.”
An array of sounds could be heard. Gasps, exasperated groans and sighs echoed across the table as cards were chucked in the middle in a show of surrender. Five glared daggers, as one would at the person who caused their defeat. It didn’t really matter to the medium anymore because-
“Victory is mine, bitches.”
A scoff, then an eyeroll before Five uttered “Beginner’s luck.”
“I’m the one who told you how to play you little shit.”
“Well, then it’s just a stroke of luck then. The game’s all chance anyways.”
“You goddamn pri-”
“Could it kill you all to be a bit quieter?” Luther asks, cutting the action as he finally stepped into the room.
“Big guy finally decided to show up huh?”
“My apologies Razor Boy, didn’t want to give you guys burnt shit now, didn’t I?” he says, placing a pile of whatever he had made on the table, which was met with an applause all around. Oh damn they looked good.
“You guys only love me for cooking, don’t you?”
“Well, now that you’ve said it-”
“Five!” With a whack on his shoulder, Allison chided the former assassin while scooting a bit into Diego, patting the empty space she’d just created for Luther to plop into.
“Think you could come in with a cute little apron, you know, really sell into the chef role you’ve set for yourself here? One with an abundance of frills, preferably.”
“No, absolutely not Klaus. Now pass me the goddamn cards to shuffle before you guys start some shit again.”
“Wow, our Numero Uno now joins in on the gambling fun? Whatever happened to our ever so righteous bro bro?
“Klaus, I worked with Jack Ruby for a year. You don’t wanna know half the things I’ve witnessed.”
And that was it. That was their breaking point. It wasn’t long before the whole room erupted into laughter and wow this is so good.
It isn’t perfect. They all struggled to fit, it was way too chilly for comfort even under assorted layers of tight knit sweaters. Their hearts still panged for what they had already lost and what they were afraid they could still lose.
But, they were all together, and they haven’t been able to say that for so long. So, they could set all those worries and lingering annoyances aside for a bit to just be. Right here, right now, enjoying the warmth and joy of each other’s presence in a way they never thought they’d be so lucky to feel.
Later that night, Klaus resolves that if ever found Teow again, he’d have to thank him.
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
Search and Rescue
Supernatural meets Law and Order, Part Three
You awoke early the next morning, and turned to face your future husband. You reached up and smoothed out his hair, then cupped his cheek with your hand. You gently ran your thumb over his lips causing them to part slightly. Raising up on one elbow, you leaned over and softly kissed his plump lips. You were about to pull away when Dean slipped his hand to the back of your head, holding you in place. You could feel his smile against your lips as he opened his eyes.
"Good morning, my love," you said.
"Good morning, sweetheart," Dean replied. "Did you sleep well?" he asked.
You nodded. "Especially because you were here with me," you remarked softly. Your phone rang on the nightstand, with the Caller ID saying it was Sam. "Good morning, Sam. Yes, we're awake, even though we don't want to be," you chuckled. "Well, thank you for calling first, we appreciate it. Give me five minutes to get into the shower, then come over. See you in a few," you finished.
Considering the previous evening's activities, you needed to cover yourself in a sheet to get to your bag across the room. You rummaged for some clothes, then stepped into the bathroom. First, you brushed your teeth and gargled with some mouthwash. At that point, Dean walked in and wrapped his arms around you from behind. He nuzzled your neck, which caused goosebumps to form from the ticklish sensations caused by his stubbled cheeks.
"And just what do you think you're doing in here?" you giggled.
"I need to shower too, you know. This way we can save water," Dean winked mischievously.
"Wow, so environmentally conscious," you smirked. You started the shower and adjusted it to the right temperature. "Coming in, my love?" you asked.
Dean didn't hesitate to step in and pull the curtain closed behind him. "We don't have much time, Sam will be here any minute. Now, let's get ourselves clean, but please to hang onto those dirty thoughts of yours for later, sweetheart," he said, reaching for the shampoo.
You were getting dressed when Dean called out to tell you that he and Sam were going out to get something for breakfast. About ten minutes after they left, you walked out of the bathroom and stuffed your dirty clothes into your suitcase. A knock on your door put you immediately on alert and you reached behind you for your gun. You looked through the peephole and noticed it was the man from the park last night.
With your hand on your weapon, you cautiously opened the door, the chain still in place. "Can I help you?" you asked.
"I'm so sorry to bother you, but I'm staying just a few doors down, and I saw your car here. My name is Thomas, and we met in the park last night, remember? I had my dog, Sarge with me. Well, Sarge ran off again, and I need your help to find him. Please," he implored.
"I really wish I could, but I'm waiting for my fiancé and his brother to come back. When they get here, maybe we could all go look for Sarge," you suggested, your senses on high alert.
"You're here alone? Well, isn't that too bad. For you," Thomas replied.
Without warning, Thomas had broken down the door, which knocked you to the floor. You recovered quickly and pointed your weapon at him. Two Siberian Huskies with piercing blue eyes bounded into the room. One lunged and as he bit your wrist, you heard it snap, making you drop your weapon. The other Husky kept you at bay, growling with hair standing on end.
You cried out in pain, which turned to panic as you saw the Huskies transform before your eyes into two men. They had blond hair, the same ice blue eyes, and their stocky but well-muscled frame made you unsure if you'd make it past them. You decided to try and talk your way out. "What do you want with me?" you demanded.
"Meet Ivan and Sergei, my bodyguards," he said gesturing to the men who were so recently Huskies. "Someone has some unfinished business with you. That's all I'm at liberty to say at the moment," Thomas answered. "You can come along quietly, or we can use more....persuasive methods," he grinned evilly.
At that moment, Sarge sauntered into the room and proceeded to transform into his human counterpart. "No," you whispered. "I already killed you, for kidnapping that family two years ago and trying to create more like you," you retorted.
"That was my twin brother, Klaus, that you killed. My name is Karl, and I'm only here to return the favor, by killing everyone you care about most. Then, when I've had my fun, I'll kill you. Simple as that," Karl explained.
"You realize that if you kidnap me, it won't go unnoticed. They WILL come looking for me and will end you in the process," you spat.
"I'm actually COUNTING ON IT!" Karl thundered. "You hunters think you can just go around killing things without consequence! Get her up and let's get out of here," Karl ordered.
Ivan grabbed your right arm and helped you to your feet. You took the opportunity to deliver a blow to his midsection, which doubled him over. You brought your knee up quickly, and you heard a satisfying crack as you knew you'd connected with his nose.
Sergei reached behind you and placed a cloth over your face. The fumes from the cloth had a sweet smell, and you knew it was chloroform. You felt yourself drifting in and out of consciousness, until you could no longer fight the darkness.
"Now look what she made me do. Take her outside to the van and secure her hands and feet. We have to get out of here and head to the rendezvous point before her friends get back. Come, Thomas. We have work to do," Karl commanded.
Dean called your cell phone to let you know that he and Sam were on their way back. He got concerned when you didn't answer, because that was unusual for you. He stepped a little harder on the accelerator, not wanting to waste any time getting back to the motel. "Dean, what's wrong?" Sam asked.
"Kenzie's phone went straight to voicemail, which is not like her," Dean replied grimly.
"Maybe she's in the bathroom and doesn't have her phone on her," Sam suggested.
"No, Sam, somethin's not right. Kenzie and I were talking last night. We both got the feeling that her encounter with the dog last night was not a random meeting. Could be our skinwalker making contact, but why would they choose her? I don't under--" Dean trailed off as they took in the scene in your motel room.
Dean was out of the Impala as soon as he removed the key from the ignition. The door had been busted through and your weapon was on the floor next to the foot of the bed. Then Dean noticed a small pool of something on the carpet. He knelt down, swiped his fingers in the sticky substance and they came back red. "Blood...Oh my god, what happened to you, Kenzie?" he whispered, looking at the ceiling.
Sam came rushing through the door and saw Dean sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. "Dean?" he said, concern for his brother etched on his face.
"Some-someone took her, Sam. They took my sweet Kenzie. That skinwalker tracked her here, and they took her. What the hell is going on here?" Dean growled, his voice getting louder each time.
Dean's phone rang, with the Caller ID showing it was you calling. "Kenzie?!? Baby, are you okay? Where are you?" he said.
"Mr. Winchester, I presume. So nice to make your acquaintance. My name is Karl, and your girl is my guest for the time being. She's unharmed, for the most part. How long she stays that way is really up to you," Karl drawled.
"Let me talk to her. I need to know she's okay," Dean demanded.
"Very well," Karl retorted. He held the phone up to your ear, and you couldn't help the tears that escaped.
"Dean?" you said in a shaky voice. His heart broke at hearing your voice so obviously frightened.
"I'm here, baby, and we're going to get you out of there. I love you, never forget that," Dean replied, trying to hold back his tears.
"I love you too, forever and always," your voice thick with emotion, fighting to hold back your own tears.
"All right, that's enough," Karl snapped. "I'm going to text you an address. Meet me there in two hours, or pick up her body," he snarled and disconnected the call.
"Dammit!!" Dean shouted. He sat on the side edge of the bed, slumped in defeat. "Sammy....I don't know what to do, how to get her out of there without her getting hurt," he said in a small voice. "I can't lose her, Sam. I just can't."
Sam went over to sit next to his brother and put an arm around him. "I know, Dean. Let's head over to the precinct and let them know what's going on. You know everyone we met over there is going to be extra motivated to help us rescue Kenzie," Sam pointed out.
"Yeah, you're right. Let's go," Dean said as he grabbed your bags and put them in the Impala with his bag.
"We'd probably better call and tell them we're coming over. Otherwise, they may not let us in," Sam remarked. "I'll do that, you focus on driving," he said. A ping sounded from Dean's phone to let him know that the text message had come through from Karl with the address.
On the way to the precinct, Sam was able to reach Lt. VanBuren to let her know what had happened. She was obviously concerned for your safety. She promised that she, Briscoe and Logan would do everything they could to get you back safe. After she hung up the phone from Sam, she motioned for Briscoe and Logan to join her in her office.
"What's up, LT?" Logan asked.
"Come in, you two. Close the door behind you, Lennie," she requested. After Lennie did as he was asked and took an empty seat, Lt. VanBuren took a deep breath. "I just heard from Sam Winchester. He said that Mackenzie Reed was kidnapped this morning from her motel room," she explained.
"WHAT? How in the hell did this happen?" Logan thundered.
"Take it easy, Mike," she replied. When she looked up, she saw the Winchesters making their way over to her office. She motioned for them to come in, and they squeezed into the room with grim looks on their faces.
"Why don't you guys tell us what happened?" Lt. VanBuren prompted.
Sam looked at Dean, who could only look at the floor in defeat. Sam cleared his throat before speaking. "Well, Dean and I went out to get some breakfast while Kenzie finished taking her shower and getting ready. When we got back, the motel door had been busted open, and Kenzie's weapon was on the floor next to the bed. And, there was a small pool of blood on the carpet," Sam finished.
"Was it hers? Was it Kenzie's blood?" Logan asked tightly.
"We don't know. Looks like there was a struggle, so we strongly suspect that Kenzie didn't go quietly," Sam replied. Everyone nodded in agreement, even Briscoe, who had only known you for a few days.
Dean finally spoke up. "While we were trying to figure out what happened, a call came in from Kenzie's phone. A man named Karl has her, and he said she was safe for the moment. I think he's somehow connected to the incident in the park last night, where the dog knocked Kenzie over. She and I talked about it last night after it happened. Sam and I suspect that Karl might be our skinwalker," Dean finished.
"And you didn't think that was valuable knowledge to share with the rest of the class?" Logan retorted. "Geez, Winchester, is this really how you guys solve cases? Withhold information till the last possible minute or until someone gets hurt?" Logan snarled.
"We had no hard evidence to act on, just gut feelings," Dean defended.
"Still, you should've said something. Maybe if you had, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in right now. And maybe Kenzie would be here with us trying to come up with a plan!" Logan shouted.
"You think I wanted this to happen? Are you saying I was being careless with Kenzie's life, because you'd better not. There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for her. She is my love, she is my life and now she's my fiancée, as of last night. We have both put our lives on the line for each other countless times, almost dying for each other in the process. Do not even THINK about questioning the way I do what I do or my devotion to Kenzie," Dean replied angrily.
"All right, you two, that's enough. This is getting us nowhere," Lt. VanBuren admonished. Turning to Dean, she asked, "Is there anything else Karl said on the phone that may help us?"
"He texted me the address where he's holding her, and said we have two hours. Will you help us? Please," Dean begged, his voice beginning to waver.
"What do you need from us?" Lt. VanBuren asked.
Dean turned to Sam, who took out his laptop. "Your WiFi password?" Sam said with a small smile.
"Briscoe, Logan? Take young Mr. Winchester out and get him set up so he can do whatever voodoo he needs to do on his laptop. Dean? Can I please have a word with you?" Lt. VanBuren finished.
Lennie and Mike filed out of the office, with Sam following behind. The lieutenant turned to Dean. "So, you and Kenzie getting married, huh?" she asked with a smile.
Dean smiled a little for the first time since he discovered you had been taken. "Yeah, I asked her last night. I bought the ring from a little shop in Lawrence, and brought it to New York with me. She cried when I gave it to her, but at least she said yes," he finished.
"Oh, believe me, that girl wouldn't have turned you down, Dean. We became good friends when she used to work for us, and I had a talk with her when she first got here. Her eyes sparkled the whole time she was talking about you, I saw it. She loves you as much as you love her. Don't worry, we've got the best guys working on this. We'll bring her back," she promised.
You awoke to find your wrists and ankles tied to a chair in an abandoned factory. Your left wrist felt broken and had dried blood on it from Sergei's bite marks. You also had a massive headache and needed some water to get rid of the feeling of cottonballs in your mouth. "Hello?" you called. "Is anyone there? I could really use some water, please," you requested.
"Well, well, nice to see you awake, Ms. Reed. You were out for quite some time. We were wondering if Sergei had used too much chloroform on you," Karl drawled.
"Where am I? What do you want with me?" you demanded.
Karl stormed over to your chair and didn't stop until he was nearly nose-to-nose with you. "I'LL ask the questions around here!" he thundered. "Answer them, and I'll let you go. No harm, no foul. Decline to answer them and there will be consequences," he threatened.
"You won't let me go even if I answer your questions. I've been at this game long enough to know that. You can ask me anything, but I'm not going to give up any information," you replied.
Your defiance was met with a slap across both cheeks. "Foolish woman. Look what you made me do. I really hoped we could be civilized about this," he chided.
"Civilized? You call me being tied to a chair 'civilized'?" you retorted, only to be met with a punch to your mouth and to your cheek. Your lip was split, as you found when you licked it and tasted blood. You could feel a bruise forming near your left eye.
"Let's think back a couple of years. My brother Klaus and I had a perfect plan to increase our ranks, only to have you kill him. I loved my brother, and you took him from me. Now, I'm going to take away from you those whom you hold dear," Karl remarked.
"Your brother had to be stopped, and so do you," you snarled. Karl walked over to a table and retrieved a dagger and slashed at each arm. Gashes opened and blood dripped down your arms and onto the floor.
"How many hunters are there in your organization?" Karl demanded. "What are their locations, and how many in each location?"
You laughed at his assumption that your fellow hunters were at all organized into any kind of union or tied to any reporting system. "I already said I wasn't going to tell you anything, so you're WASTING YOUR TIME!" you shouted.
Karl had raised the knife as if to cut you again, when Thomas broke in. "They're here, Karl." He lowered the knife and in your ear, he murmured, "We're not through with you yet."
You let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding. You wondered who "they" were, and hoped it was more than just Sam and Dean coming to your rescue. Not that they couldn't handle it, but it didn't hurt to have backup. Your head dropped to your chest, as you started to drift in and out of consciousness from fatigue and the blood loss in your arm.
Shots rang out, and your head jerked up wondering if it was Karl, his goons or worse yet, a member of the cavalry. You heard signs of a struggle, punches thrown and bodies hitting the floor. A couple more shots heard in quick succession, silence, then you succumbed to the darkness.
"Dean! She's over here!" Sam shouted.
Dean ran around the corner and saw you in the chair, your head lolled to one side. He rushed over to your chair and carefully tried to get you to wake up. "Kenzie baby, open your eyes. It's me, Dean. Come on sweetheart, please wake up," he pleaded. He swallowed the tears back that threatened to break loose. "All right, let's get her untied so we can get her to the hospital," Dean ordered.
He carried you up the stairs and out to the Impala. Dean carefully laid you across the back seat, then climbed in beside you. He wrapped his arm around you and rested your head on his chest. He rocked you back and forth, whispering soothing words into your ear.
With the police escort from Briscoe and Logan, Sam managed to avoid rush hour traffic and make it to the hospital in record time. He pulled up to the ER entrance, and opened the door for Dean. Once he got out of the back seat, he carefully eased you out of the car and back into his arms. "Help! We need some help here! Got a seriously injured woman and she's unconscious!" Dean shouted.
Nurses sprang into action, one of them taking you from Dean's arms and placing you onto an available stretcher. Dean watched as they wheeled you away to assess your condition. He stumbled into the waiting room to where his brother was standing. "Sam....I don't know what I'm gonna do if...." he trailed off.
"Dean, you know Kenzie's a fighter. She's not going to give up, not now, not ever," Sam replied. Then he put his arm around Dean and brought him in for a brotherly embrace.
"I know, Sam, I know. But....you saw what that bastard did to her....I'm just glad we took care of things. Our way," Dean said grimly.
Briscoe, Logan and Lt. VanBuren met Sam and Dean in the waiting room. "They've taken her in for treatment, that's all we know so far," Sam explained.
"The good news is, Karl and his associates are no longer a threat to the people of New York City," Dean declared. "Now we just have to wait for news on Kenzie," he replied.
Lt. VanBuren put a hand on Dean's upper arm. "Listen, Dean. From what I know of her, Kenzie's going to pull through this. That girl is tough as nails, and I know you know that," she said.
"I do. Thank you, Lieutenant," Dean put his arm around her shoulders.
Logan walked over to Dean after the lieutenant found an empty chair. "Listen, Winchester. I'm sorry about earlier. I care about Kenzie a lot, and I'll always love her. But, I can see you're the one she truly loves. All I want is for her to be happy, and she has that with you. I wish you only the best," Logan said as he extended his hand.
Dean took his hand and shook it. "Thank you, Detective. Once you get to know Kenzie, she's hard to forget. It means a lot to have your blessing," Dean responded.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for Dean Winchester?" a nurse stated.
"That's me. Is this about Mackenzie Reed?" he asked.
"Yes, will you please follow me?" the nurse asked.
Dean caught his brother's attention, and Sam excused himself to follow Dean. The detectives and their lieutenant took their leave, but asked the boys to keep them posted on your condition.
Sam and Dean took the elevator up to the third floor. "Ms. Reed has been admitted for observation at least overnight for the treatment of her injuries. She's in Room 361, if you want to go in," the nurse explained.
Nothing could have prepared the boys for the sight that greeted them when they walked in the door. You were connected to multiple machines that monitored various systems. One machine to help you breathe, one to take your blood pressure and yet another to measure your oxygen level. The gashes on your arm had fresh stitches, but were covered in gauze at the moment to avoid infection.
Dean's hand covered his mouth and unshed tears shimmered in his eyes. "Oh, Kenzie," he whispered. Sam grabbed a chair and set it up on the right side of your bed. Dean pulled up a chair next to the left side of your bed and carefully took your hand in his. He kissed the back of your hand, and his thumb traced circles on it as he tried to coax you to wake up. "Kenzie, baby, I need you to wake up. I'm so sorry this happened to you, my love. I'd give anything to trade places with you. Please, sweetheart. I need to see those gorgeous hazel eyes of yours," he pleaded.
At that moment, the doctor came into the room, your chart in his hand. "Mr. Winchester, I presume? My name is Dr. Collins, I'm on the team treating your fiancée," Dean stood and shook his hand. "Mackenzie has multiple contusions on her face, and a laceration on her bottom lip. We're trying to reduce the swelling on her left eye so it will be able to open again. She lost quite a bit of blood from the lacerations on her arms, which took 17 stitches each. Right now, they're covered in gauze to prevent infection. As bad as that all sounds, though, she's going to be fine," Dr. Collins explained.
Dean breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Doc, but when will she wake up?" he asked.
"Uncertain, but it should be sometime in the next few hours. The good news is, all of her blood work came back with no trace of any toxins. As is routine with women of childbearing age, we also ran a pregnancy test. It came back positive, so we did an ultrasound. Your fiancée is about two and half months along in her pregnancy. Congratulations," Dr. Collins finished and looked at his watch. "If you have any more questions for me, please let me know. I'm sorry, but I'm due on rounds. Excuse me," he stated.
Sam and Dean looked at each other in amazement. "A baby? Kenzie's pregnant," Dean remarked softly. A mile-wide grin broke out over Dean's face. "I'm gonna be a father, Sam," he said as he captured his brother in an enthusiastic hug.
A little while later, Sam informed his brother that he was going in search of the cafeteria. Dean remained at your bedside and kissed your forehead. He sat down in the chair again and clasped your hand in his. "I love you so much, Kenzie. You don't know it yet, but you've made me the happiest man on this earth. Again," Dean murmured.
You heard Dean's voice telling you how much he loved you. He had your hand in his warm one, and he kissed the back of your hand every so often. You wanted to see his face again, so your eyelids fluttered open for a few seconds. The sudden brightness caused you to blink several times to try and clear your vision. "Dean?" you said through your oxygen mask.
"Kenzie?!? Oh baby, you're awake!" he exclaimed. "I've missed you so much, sweetheart," Dean remarked, his eyes shimmering with tears. Sam left the room in search of your doctor.
Dean briefly moved your oxygen mask out of the way. "Missed you too, my love," you croaked. He handed you a cup of water to help with your scratchy throat. You reached up to cradle his cheek with your right hand. Dean closed his eyes and leaned into your touch. "Is everybody okay?" you asked.
"Everybody's fine, Kenzie. No injuries, except you of course," Dean replied softly. "How are you feeling?" he asked.
"I'll be all right, Dean. I'm just so glad to see you again," you said as your voice broke.
"By the way, the doctor ran a blood test on you. Turns out, in less than seven months, you're gonna be a momma, Kenzie," Dean answered, his eyes shining with love.
"I'm....pregnant?" you whispered. "I haven't been feeling any symptoms. I swear I had no idea, Dean. Are you okay with that?" you asked hesitantly.
"Are you kidding?? Sweetheart, I am more than okay with it. I am the luckiest man on the planet," he grinned, intertwining your fingers with his. "First, I get to make you my wife, then you get to make me a father. I couldn't ask for anything more, Kenzie my love," Dean replied.
Dean stood up and lowered the guardrail. His hand gingerly brushed your cheek then slid behind you to bring you up to a sitting position. "Hi," he said just before his lips tenderly kissed yours. He touched his forehead to yours. "I love you, Kenzie," he murmured against your cheek.
"I love you, Dean. I can't wait to be your wife and to be a momma to our little one," you said, rubbing your hand on your stomach. You didn't have a noticeable baby bump yet, but you knew it would only be a matter of time.
After a few days in the hospital, you finally were released. The swelling around your left eye had significantly improved, and the cuts on your arms were healing well. Before you left town, you asked Dean to stop by the 27th precinct to say goodbye to Briscoe, Logan and Lt. VanBuren. You also wanted to share your blood test results from when you were in the hospital.
You, Sam and Dean walked into the squad room of the Detectives Division of the 2-7. Logan saw you first, and grinned as he came over to give you a hug. Briscoe also offered his wishes for a speedy recovery as he put his arm around your shoulders for a side hug. Sam and Dean exchanged handshakes with Briscoe and Logan. Congratulations on the engagement were also offered.
Lt. VanBuren finished her phone call, then opened her office door. "Mackenzie Reed, in my squad room, as I live and breathe. Come over here, girl, and give me a hug," she grinned. You met each other halfway and threw your arms around each other. "Hey, LT. It's good to see you. Thanks for rescuing me," you remarked. "By the way....I'm two and a half months pregnant," you whispered in her ear.
She immediately pulled back in surprise, a huge smile on her face. "Congratulations, honey," she whispered in your ear. "You're going to make one hell of a momma, Kenzie," LT remarked.
At her announcement, Logan's eyes went directly to yours, then back to Dean. "You guys are having a baby?" he asked. You and Dean both nodded, then he stuck out his hand for Dean to shake, which he did. Logan then walked over to you and carefully wrapped his arms around you. "Congratulations, Kenz. I mean it, on the wedding, on the baby, all of it," Logan replied.
"Thank you, Mike. That means a lot to me, that we have your support. I hope you will be able to join us at the wedding," you added.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Logan responded.
After celebrating with Briscoe, Logan and VanBuren at a nearby restaurant for a quick lunch, it was time to start the long trip home to Kansas. Parts of you were still not fully healed yet, and you got tired easily. Had that not been the case, you might have stuck around a little longer to do some sightseeing. But, you wanted to go home, and you had full command of the back seat, in case you wanted to rest.
You kept watching out the back window until you could no longer see the friends you were leaving behind. You leaned your elbows on the front seat, resting your chin on your arms. Your placed your hand on Dean's shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze. He reached up and took your hand in his to bring it to his lips. "Let's go home, boys," you said before settling in for the long trip.
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aceofwhump · 4 years
Umbrella Academy fic recs? Please? Your recs are always so good!
Ahh I’m really happy to hear that! I wonder sometimes if my recs are good lol. I’m glad you like them! 
And oh boy do I! fyi these are pretty much all Klaus whump. Hope that’s okay.
Brothers by hanzoshimadas Summary:The next time he saw Klaus, he was different. Even more different than usual. His brother was always the eccentric one of the group, on or off drugs. He had his own style, his own Klaus-isms, none of which filled the expectations of typical gender norms, but he didn’t give a shit.Whether he was dressing up with Allison, walking around with painted nails and braids in his hair, or wearing dresses for real, all that made Klaus who he was, and he was proud of his little brother for being so unapologetically himself.This Klaus though, the one sat in the passenger seat, was a very different person, and he didn’t like that at all.
Hugs for Benjamin by Katydid_99 Summary: Klaus ODs. Again.Diego visits him in the hospital and learns more than he ever wanted to know.
Bloody Fingernails by Poshii Summary: “Klaus.” Diego says. But Klaus can barely hear him over the sound of his own heartbeat. Nausea creeps into his throat as he reaches up to rub at his face uselessly.He hits the door again this time with his fist, “LET US OUT!”((AKA: Diego and Klaus get trapped in a room together. It took EVERY ounce of my willpower not to title this ‘klaustraphobic’.))
Help! I Need Somebody! (Preferably My Family) by TonyStarkisababe1967Summary: Multiple Au’s where the Hargreeves siblings actually care about Klaus’ safety and well-being.
It’s Not Funny Anymore by Edens_Spilled_Ink Summary: Klaus is the lovable junkie-scamp of the Umbrella Academy, the one everybody cracks jokes about - until the Hargreeves siblings learn something about his life that he’s purposely hidden from them. Something impossible to laugh at.- In which Klaus is caught whoring himself for drug money, and his issues become impossible to make light of.
the visitation of the ghost by allthempickles Summary: Klaus is going through withdrawal. The apocalypse (and Luther) aren’t making it easy.
Sleepless Folk by shoelaces Summary: Klaus overdoses for the first time on a grubby couch in the tiny living room he’s just about managing to pay for, with Ben crying next to him on the counter.In which Klaus makes a mistake, Ben tries to help, and Klaus and Diego have a chat.Set several years before episode 1.
Emergency Contact by BlueFluffyDragon Summary: A somewhat short fanfiction because I need moreKlaus joins Diego on one of his vigilantes “missions” to gather some information in which Diego learns something that he really should have known before.Or:Diego becomes Klaus’s emergency contact
Encounters by Jay_Bird23 Summary: Klaus wakes up in a stranger’s house after ODing on the street (again) and can’t stop running into them. As it would seem, they have a lot of the same issues but different ways of handling them.Set after the season one finale with no age regression and a still looming end of the world scenario.This story includes and original character cause I love them
Everyone wants to feel safe in the dark by StarsAlignedinMisery (ADayDreamingDream) Summary: His gut dropped when he saw his brother laying in the tub, eyes wide with fright, pale skin littered with marks of torture and abuse. Duct tape wrapped around his wrists, ankles and across his mouth. He was naked and there were ruminants of blood in the bottom“Klaus.” Diego breathed, pushing Ryan back so that he could get to his brother. Surprisingly Klaus seemed sober, tracking his movements with watery doe eyes
Trying to be done trying. And failing by wolfypuppypiles Summary: “You cannot convince me that Diego’s heart doesn’t stop every time they announce on the police radio that they’ve found a dead junkie” - ealeczander on tumblrDiego listens to the police radio and prays the dead junkie in the gutter isn’t Klaus.
Mi Casa es su Casa by hanzoshimadas Summary: Klaus’ eyes widened as he tried to make sense of what was happening through the dizzy haze he was experiencing from the drug.“YOU PIECE OF SHIT! YOU DO NOT DO THAT TO MY BROTHER! YOU. PICKED. THE WRONG. GUY."He knew that voice.Did he know that voice?Klaus rested his head against the leather seat as he struggled to remain conscious, soon finding himself falling and falling and falling and…
a couple of band-aids won’t cover the pounds of flesh taken by cancerthecrabbo Summary: When everything is just a little bit different, Diego gets to the motel just a bit earlier, and Klaus is found before getting on the bus, things get a little bit better once the Hargreeve siblings come to realize that Klaus is in need of more help than they first thought.
Wild Eyed Boy by intheflowers Summary: Klaus dropped into Dave’s life with a flash of blue light.It was the first time Klaus suprised him, but it was far from the last, and while at first he’d wondered if Klaus was maybe a little mad, it wasn’t long before he was certain that he really, definitely was.Not that it mattered much. Klaus had stolen his heart long before then.
silent as the grave by orphan_account Summary: Diego gets involved in trying to break up a drug ring in the city, only to find that Klaus is a little more involved than he initially expected.
life’s but a walking shadow by SydneyCarton Summary: Here he is—a junkie with nothing to his name except used needles and few bags of pills and powder at the bottom of his coat pockets—mired in a bog of addiction into which he walked willfully. How easy it would be, to sink until a roof of water concealed him from everything he’s been running away from.***Klaus wanders to the edge and Diego pulls him back again.
Don’t you know it’s no good for you? by imabagofcats Summary: Klaus is not Okay, that should be obvious to everyone… Except why can only Ben (and Diego) see that?Set after their fathers death but before the day of the apocalypse.
Not Completely Forgotten Yet by Littlemissmimi Summary:  What if Patch didn’t find Klaus when she searched the motel?Her call had at least reminded the others that Klaus was missing, but, well, Five was adamant about focusing on the apocalypse instead of “The Junkie” (He had a name, you know) and Luther seemed inclined to follow.Diego may not have approved of his brother’s choices, but god dammit he was still their brother and he still deserved to be saved.
All the tears you never know about by WickedCinnamonRoll Summary: Diego wishes he didn’t live a life always worried the next dead junkie he hears about has his brother’s name and face
Scar Tissue by MzMarbles Summary: How the hell did Diego get that epic scar? A few years before Sir Reggie kicks the bucket. Set after they’ve all left the house and Luther has left the planet. One shot.
it’s not as good as it used to be by plingo_kat Summary: “The recovery position.” Klaus laughs to himself until nausea forces him to swallow rapidly and pant, sweating. Maybe he should turn onto his side, just in case. Drowning in his own vomit would be such an inglorious death.
I think we’re alone now by nishiki Summary: As Diego finds his brother Klaus on the brink of death in that crappy motel room, he decides that taking care of his brother is more important than saving the world.
Oh Brother, How I Missed You So by StupidGeniusSummary: “Don’t do this.” Luther begs. “Don’t do this.”He can’t let another brother die on his watch. He’s supposed to be number One. He’s supposed to be a good leader, a protector. He’ll admit he’s not the best at it, sometimes, but it’s not his fault Klaus left. Right? There’s nothing he could have done, back then.Is there?—The scene at the rave goes a bit differently.
Why do you only call me when you’re high? by Nerdygeekflower Summary: I found a tumblr promt by legendarywhump when looking through an Umbrella Academy tag and it ate my brain but the promt gives away a lot of the plot so…Klaus is kidnaped (again) and tortured (again). His Captor seems to know a lot. And have a lot of plans, not just for Klaus but also for his siblings.a heavy Klaus torture and recovery fic that I wanted so I wrote. + Some long ass author’s notes because that’s how I roll.NOW HAS SEQUEL
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evesbeve · 5 years
📖 Give all of your ideas
“Drop a 📖 in my ask box and I’ll tell you about a random story concept I have or have had in the past that I may or may not ever actually write.”
Also known as the “Ben and Klaus move out together but then Klaus dies and the two of them try to hide it from the rest of their family only to end up being disowned” AU.
This is turning out longer than expected, so I’m going to put it under a “Read More”, but it’s worth it, I promise
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(please read it, i put my soul into this lmao)
Ben is still labeled Number Six, and Klaus is still Number Four (I headcanon the numbers to depict the order in which Reginald found them) but Ben is The Seance, and Klaus is The Horror.
Let’s talk about Klaus first:
He hates his powers
No, he’s scared of them
He’s constantly being forced to summon this monster, ripping his stomach apart, and it hurts so much
He always shakes it off with comments like “Oh, the horror ripped apart my favourite shirt, that bastard!”
Everyone knows he’s in pain, but no one knows how to help him
So he eventually starts taking drugs
At first it’s painkillers, to ease the pain
But the more pills he takes, the more he realises that the horror hates them
So he changes to something stronger, and then something even stronger, eventually blocking the horror from being summoned in the first place
As for Ben:
The ghosts are a living nightmare
Ben is terrified of them, and has learnt 10 different ways to get from his room to the front door in order to avoid encountering them
Unlike Klaus, who has no desire to please Reginald, Ben wants their father’s approval (and Luther’s)
So he pushes himself to his limits, and becomes the master of his own powers
Of course, the mausoleum nights didn’t make that easy
He still has nightmares about them
In the end, even though he’s not all that good at making ghosts corporeal yet, he can choose which ghosts to see
They used his powers at interrogating a lot
The Story
Okay, this is where things get good, so stay with me-
Leaving the Academy:
Ben and Klaus had never really been close as kids
Ben spent most of his free time with Five and Vanya, but after Five’s disappearance, they drifted away
Meanwhile Klaus hanged out with Diego and Allison, but the more he got lost in drugs, the more they stopped taking
Both of them are two damaged kids with no plan whatsoever that want to leave
So what the hell, why not leave together?
First years away from home:
It’s a wild run
They know next to nothing about each other, but as time goes by, they get to know each other more
It doesn’t even take a year for them to become best friends
They lived in the streets and motels for a while, but Ben managed to get a job at a bookstore
Klaus made dirty money (Ben did not approve at all) but eventually he also got a job as at the coffee shop next to their apartment
They got an apartment!
It’s super small, but that’s all they need
An Unexpected Turn of Events:
Things are actually okay for a while
Klaus even gets himself into rehab
It’s on a Friday night, years after they’ve left the academy, that Klaus is late for their exit
Ben is waiting outside the arcade, and Klaus finally shows up
But something feels off
He’s standing right there, in front of him, but he looks… different.
“Are you high?”
“Depends on what kind of high you mean?”
Ben is so confused. His brother is looking at him in a way he never had before.
But then it hits him.
“Klaus, are you dead?”
Ding ding ding!
Klaus had overdosed
They walk to the hospital, which is at the other side of the city
They have a huge fight about how Ben thought Klaus was getting better
Ben doesn’t call the others
He needs to think on how to approach this
“How long do you think we can fool them into thinking I’m alive?”
And Ben is 100% in.
Allison’s Wedding:
They get an invitation for Allison’s wedding not even a year later
It’s perfect. The whole family will be there.
They’d run into Diego a few weeks back, and he hadn’t suspected a thing about Klaus, so what could possibly go wrong?
Remember when I said that Ben isn’t good at making people corporeal?
Well, it’s true, even years later
Ben is able to make Klaus visible to others, and even allow him to touch them for a bit, but only for a bit
It’s not like Ben had any use for his powers ever since they left the academy, so they’re a bit rusty
Everything was going great, until Diego handed Klaus a plate with the wedding cake, and it went right through him
Ben and Klaus just freeze
Diego screams
Telling the Family:
The wedding goes on hold
Picture this: Ben, a (dead) Klaus, a Diego so shook he can’t stop stuttering, Vanya shaking in her suit, Luther looking as if he’s about to explode, and Allison in her wedding dress looking more stressed than ever
“What the fuck,” Luther is the first to speak. Luther never swears. They’re so in-trouble
There’s silence for a while. What even is there to say?
“For how long?” Vanya asks in a shaky voice.
“Six months,” Klaus says.
Allison huffs, “You can’t be serious about this.”
“Does Dad know?” asks Luther after a while
Ben shakes his head. Of course Luther would ask about Dad
It’s only when Diego’s voice cracks as he speaks that the others realise he’d been crying. “Can we even hug you?” he asks, like a child
And Klaus cries too
Ben makes him corporeal, and they all share a long hug
When they tell Reginald, he only scoffs
There’s a ceremony, but it doesn’t have balloons and pink confetti as Klaus requested
He does get a statue though, which is pretty cool
The Book:
The siblings get out of touch after the wedding
Ben and Klaus have no idea what they’re up to
Until Vanya releases her book
She talks about how she was treated as a child
She talks about the day Five left
She talks about how Ben “gave up on her” after Five left
She talks about how Ben and Klaus hid Klaus’ death from everyone
She talks about how Klaus had always been lost in himself, and presents his death like a game
She doesn’t talk about the mausoleum
She doesn’t talk about the pressure Reginald put on Klaus
She doesn’t talk about whether she loved them or not
Ben just wants to disappear
The Funeral (aka when the show starts):
When Reginald dies, Klaus is scared
He’s scared that since he’s dead, he’ll be able to visit him in the afterlife
For better or worse, he doesn’t
Maybe it’s Ben’s doing, maybe it’s not
The point is, they head back to the academy, and things don’t turn out too nicely
Apparently Luther thinks one of them killed Dad
And apparently, Ben and Klaus (and Diego) are his top suspects
Klaus feels the need to be high again for the first time in years
He truly does hate the academy.
As much as I’d love to get into details about what happens during the show, imma stop here for now, beacause this is turning super long.
I’ve actually already written the funeral discussion scene! I’m quite proud of it, so let me know if you’d like me to post it!
If you have any questions about this AU, my ask box is always open! (please ask me questions about it, i love talking about it nsbdgd)
Hope you enjoyed!!
(Also I’ll be tagging everything about this AU as “Ben and Klaus Power Swap AU” in case you want to get back to it-)
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spiridium-a · 5 years
---   Klaus could almost never kill someone by his own hands, not because he’d be much too frightened, but because he’d be more terrified of being haunted by his victims. This fear is solidified after his encounter with the countless people both Hazel and Cha Cha have killed. Additionally, he probably has encounters with many of Five’s victims and wouldn’t want that for himself. Of course, the times he would manage to take another life would be to protect the lives of those he cares about, or if forced into a situation where he has to   ( war, being one ).
---   Klaus has several scars, mostly on his back, from several bullet wounds. There was a period of time during ages 21 - 23 where he drifted between living in trap houses with dealers he frequently bought from. It got him off the street, but eventually the two houses he often frequented got into a battle over territory. The house he was staying at, which was an abandoned motel, got shot up and he suffered from that despite not quite being the target. The bullets were strays when Klaus was trying to find a place to hide.
---   Klaus’ ability to levitate can happen only when he’s barefoot, and he has very little control over when it occurs. It’s often driven by how calm his mind is, meaning even the calmness of drugs can cause him to levitate even when he doesn’t mean to.
---   Klaus is in trouble with both of the city’s main drug cartels, mostly due to his patronage with each others’ enemy. Meaning he buys from two different cartels. He was also, at one point, involved romantically and sexually with both of the cartel heads   ( not at the same time ),   and was only spared when the relationship ended for his money, and for the occasional booty call when he didn’t have money to pay for his drugs during desperate times. Both people were extremely abusive.
---   Reginald Hargreeves mentally, emotionally, and physically abused Klaus. While this isn’t entirely a secret, a lot of Reginald’s so-called affections were empty and loveless. Klaus knew Reginald didn’t love any of the 7 as his kids, rather he loved what their powers could do for him. Due to being used to Reginald’s treatment, Klaus would often take the blame for his siblings’ actions to spare them the future damage physical abuse would do to them. Klaus knew that drugs and alcohol could numb him to the pain, and could wash away the memories for a little while.
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The Umbrella Academy Season 1 Episode 10
Many years ago, before the Umbrella Academy... Reginald was actually a younger person. He had a love, although I'm not sure if it's his lover or simply his sister. But anyway, she was dying, and urged him to go live his life, and leave her there to die. She gave him her violin, and made him promise to give it to somebody who would enjoy it as much as she did.
He left England, and moved to America, where he bought an umbrella factory. Because I think that we were all wondering “why umbrella?”
Back in the present, the others start to leave the academy as Vanya shakes the entire place apart. Luther takes Allison out around the back to avoid having another encounter with her. Diego and Klaus try to go find Grace, but they get knocked around a little. The ceiling starts to cave in, and Ben is the one who pulls Diego to safety when Klaus can't get him to wake up.
Vanya goes from bedroom to bedroom, and remembers how her siblings constantly pushed her away, and as she leaves each room, she blows them up. When she gets to the living room, she remembers how the entire family stood for a family portrait... except for her. Pogo appears then, and tells her not to blame her siblings for what happened to her. However, she does blame him. And at this point, I know that Pogo is more responsible than, say, four year old Allison. However, he's still a literal monkey, and probably needed to obey the whims of Reginald. Vanya kills him by throwing him up against one of the stuffed heads that hangs on the wall, where he's impaled on the horns.
The entire academy collapses, and Diego screams out as he and Klaus watch as Grace vanishes into the collapsing building. They agree to meet up at the bowling alley as they hear sirens and a helicopter approaching.
Meanwhile, the time traveler handler tells Hazel and Cha-Cha that they done fucked up. However, there's still a chance that they could set things right. She tells them to protect Vanya. (Oh, and the entire time, Agnes is still tied to the chair, although she's been set upright, away from the hot tub, and probably the handler put duct tape over her mouth. Poor Agnes.)
Vanya, meanwhile, goes to her concert. Because you could destroy the world... after the big concert. (Bitch, she has the fucking solo.) (Aside as a musician: mood.) Hazel and Cha-Cha follow her as she gets onto the bus like she didn't just attempt to murder her entire family.
However, once Vanya gets off the bus, Cha-Cha takes off her seat belt to get out of the car, but Hazel slams on the gas, goes speeding towards a cement construction barrier, and hits it head-on. Cha-Cha is ejected through the front window, and Hazel zooms away.
He later goes back to the motel, where he comes upon the handler as she's getting out of the shower. He murders her, and then apologizes to Agnes for putting her through literally everything. He gives her an out, but she kisses him.
Meanwhile, the other siblings meet up at the bowling alley. They try to determine what to do. There's a great scene where a bowling alley employee comes over to tell them that if they're not going to bowl, then they need to leave. Luther casually picks up a ball and tosses it over his shoulder, where it bounces over several lanes before knocking over some pins. They bowled!
Klaus also “accidentally” spills the beans about how Luther fucked the random raver chick. Allison gets all upset over this, and storms off. Luther follows her to try and smooth things over. She eventually asks him to “borrow his voice”. They go outside, where she calls Claire. She tries to write in the notebook she's been using since she woke up, but she drops it in the tiny phone booth. Luther then starts to ad lib, but his words seem more as if they're directed to Allison rather than Claire, but it does the job.
They then go to the concert hall, where the concert is currently going on by the time they get there. Luther sends Allison in to act as “bait”, while they try to go around from the backstage. However, they make a noise, and tip Vanya off, so she starts attacking everybody. The orchestra is too afraid to do much but sit back down and continue playing, but the audience all runs out in a complete panic.
They try to regroup and get Vanya again, but then some time-travel SWAT team comes in to stop them from stopping Vanya (and the apocalypse).
There's a very intense scene where Klaus summons Ben, who is solid enough to the point where the others can see him, too. He then uses his own powers of... being a tentacle monster in order to take out the guys with guns.
Then, the boys surround Vanya, who's by now the only one on stage. She's still playing the violin, since her powers revolve around hearing sound like that. But she grabs them as they jump out to stop her, and Allison sneaks up behind her with a gun. She hesitates in killing her sister, but when she notices that Vanya seems to be sucking the life-force from her brothers, she walks up closer and shoots a bullet past Vanya's ear. Which does the trick, and she's stopped.
However, a massive blast of energy shoots from Vanya, through the decorative glass dome ceiling of the auditorium, and straight into the moon. The others are all relieved that they've stopped the apocalypse... until Klaus notices that there's giant chunks of moon hurtling down towards earth. Oops.
Five says that he wants to try to time travel with all of them. Yes, even Vanya. He's never done anything like that before, but it's better than dying a fiery death. So they stand in a circle, holding hands (with Luther holding the unconscious Vanya), and Five starts to work his time travel powers. They all shift back to when they were thirteen. Just as a massive wave of fire washes over them to destroy everything around them, they vanish.
And with that, the season comes to a close.
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
Search and Rescue
Supernatural meets Law and Order, Part Three
You awoke early the next morning, and turned to face your future husband. You reached up and smoothed out his hair, then cupped his cheek with your hand. You gently ran your thumb over his lips causing them to part slightly. Raising up on one elbow, you leaned over and softly kissed his plump lips. You were about to pull away when Dean slipped his hand to the back of your head, holding you in place. You could feel his smile against your lips as he opened his eyes.
"Good morning, my love," you said.
"Good morning, sweetheart," Dean replied. "Did you sleep well?" he asked.
You nodded. "Especially because you were here with me," you remarked softly. Your phone rang on the nightstand, with the Caller ID saying it was Sam. "Good morning, Sam. Yes, we're awake, even though we don't want to be," you chuckled. "Well, thank you for calling first, we appreciate it. Give me five minutes to get into the shower, then come over. See you in a few," you finished.
Considering the previous evening's activities, you needed to cover yourself in a sheet to get to your bag across the room. You rummaged for some clothes, then stepped into the bathroom. First, you brushed your teeth and gargled with some mouthwash. At that point, Dean walked in and wrapped his arms around you from behind. He nuzzled your neck, which caused goosebumps to form from the ticklish sensations caused by his stubbled cheeks.
"And just what do you think you're doing in here?" you giggled.
"I need to shower too, you know. This way we can save water," Dean winked mischievously.
"Wow, so environmentally conscious," you smirked. You started the shower and adjusted it to the right temperature. "Coming in, my love?" you asked.
Dean didn't hesitate to step in and pull the curtain closed behind him. "We don't have much time, Sam will be here any minute. Now, let's get ourselves clean, but do try to hang onto those dirty thoughts of yours, sweetheart," he said, reaching for the shampoo.
You were getting dressed when Dean called out to tell you that he and Sam were going out to get something for breakfast. About ten minutes after they left, you walked out of the bathroom and stuffed your dirty clothes into your suitcase. A knock on your door put you immediately on alert and you reached behind you for your gun. You looked through the peephole and noticed it was the man from the park last night.
With your hand on your weapon, you cautiously opened the door, the chain still in place. "Can I help you?" you asked.
"I'm so sorry to bother you, but I'm staying just a few doors down, and I saw your car here. My name is Thomas, and we met in the park last night, remember? I had my dog, Sarge with me. Well, Sarge ran off again, and I need your help to find him. Please," he implored.
"I really wish I could, but I'm waiting for my fiancé and his brother to come back. When they get here, maybe we could all go look for Sarge," you suggested, your senses on high alert.
"You're here alone? Well, isn't that too bad. For you," Thomas replied.
Without warning, Thomas had broken down the door, which knocked you to the floor. You recovered quickly and pointed your weapon at him. Two Huskies with piercing blue eyes bounded into the room. One lunged and as he bit your wrist, you heard it snap, making you drop your weapon. The other Husky kept you at bay, growling with hair standing on end.
You cried out in pain, which turned to panic as you saw the Huskies transform before your eyes into two men. They had blond hair, the same ice blue eyes, and their stocky but well-muscled frame made you unsure if you'd make it past them. You decided to try and talk your way out. "What do you want with me?" you demanded.
"Meet Ivan and Sergei, my bodyguards," he said gesturing to the men who were so recently Huskies. "Someone has some unfinished business with you. That's all I'm at liberty to say at the moment," Thomas answered. "You can come along quietly, or we can use more....persuasive methods," he grinned evilly.
At that moment, Sarge sauntered into the room and proceeded to transform into his human counterpart. "No," you whispered. "I already killed you, for kidnapping that family two years ago and trying to create more like you," you retorted.
"That was my twin brother, Klaus, that you killed. My name is Karl, and I'm only here to return the favor, by killing everyone you care about most. Then, when I've had my fun, I'll kill you. Simple as that," Karl explained.
"You realize that if you kidnap me, it won't go unnoticed. They WILL come looking for me and will end you in the process," you spat.
"I'm actually COUNTING ON IT!" Karl thundered. "You hunters think you can just go around killing things without consequence! Get her up and let's get out of here," Karl ordered.
Ivan grabbed your right arm and helped you to your feet. You took the opportunity to deliver a blow to his midsection, which doubled him over. You brought your knee up quickly, and you heard a satisfying crack as you knew you'd connected with his nose.
Sergei reached behind you and placed a cloth over your face. You could tell that the cloth had been treated with some sort of substance, most likely chloroform. You felt yourself drifting in and out of consciousness, until you could no longer fight the darkness.
"Now look what she made me do. Take her outside to the van and secure her hands and feet. We have to get out of here and head to the rendezvous point before her friends get back. Come, Thomas. We have work to do," Karl commanded.
Dean called your cell phone to let you know that he and Sam were on their way back. He got concerned when you didn't answer, because that was unusual for you. He stepped a little harder on the accelerator, not wanting to waste any time getting back to the motel. "Dean, what's wrong?" Sam asked.
"Kenzie's phone went straight to voicemail, which is not like her," Dean replied grimly.
"Maybe she's in the bathroom and doesn't have her phone on her," Sam suggested.
"No, Sam, somethin's not right. Kenzie and I were talking last night. We both got the feeling that her encounter with the dog last night was not a random meeting. Could be our skinwalker making contact, but why would they choose her? I don't under--" Dean trailed off as they took in the scene in your motel room.
Dean was out of the Impala as soon as he removed the key from the ignition. The door had been busted through and your weapon was on the floor next to the foot of the bed. Then Dean noticed a small pool of something on the carpet. He knelt down, swiped his fingers in the sticky substance and they came back red. "Blood...Oh my god, what happened to you, Kenzie?" he whispered, looking at the ceiling.
Sam came rushing through the door and saw Dean sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. "Dean?" he said, concern for his brother etched on his face.
"Some-someone took her, Sam. They took my sweet Kenzie. That skinwalker tracked her here, and they took her. What the hell is going on here?" Dean growled, his voice getting louder each time.
Dean's phone rang, with the Caller ID showing it was you calling. "Kenzie?!? Baby, are you okay? Where are you?" he said.
"Mr. Winchester, I presume. So nice to make your acquaintance. My name is Karl, and your girl is my guest for the time being. She's unharmed, for the most part. How long she stays that way is really up to you," Karl drawled.
"Let me talk to her. I need to know she's okay," Dean demanded.
"Very well," Karl retorted. He held the phone up to your ear, and you couldn't help the tears that escaped.
"Dean?" you said in a shaky voice. His heart broke at hearing your voice so obviously frightened.
"I'm here, baby, and we're going to get you out of there. I love you, never forget that," Dean replied, trying to hold back his tears.
"I love you too, forever and always," your voice thick with emotion, trying to hold back your own tears.
"All right, that's enough," Karl snapped. "I'm going to text you an address. Meet me there in two hours, or pick up her body," he snarled and disconnected the call.
"Dammit!!" Dean shouted. He sat on the side edge of the bed, slumped in defeat. "Sammy....I don't know what to do, how to get her out of there without her getting hurt," he said in a small voice. "I can't lose her, Sam. I just can't."
Sam went over to sit next to his brother and put an arm around him. "I know, Dean. Let's head over to the precinct and let them know what's going on. You know everyone we met over there is going to be extra motivated to help us rescue Kenzie," Sam pointed out.
"Yeah, you're right. Let's go," Dean said as he grabbed your bags and put them in the Impala with his bag.
"We'd probably better call and tell them we're coming over. Otherwise, they may not let us in," Sam remarked. "I'll do that, you focus on driving," he said. A ping sounded from Dean's phone to let him know that the text message had come through from Karl with the address.
On the way to the precinct, Sam was able to reach Lt. VanBuren to let her know what had happened. She was obviously concerned for your safety. She promised that she, Briscoe and Logan would do everything they could to get you back safe. After she hung up the phone from Sam, she motioned for Briscoe and Logan to join her in her office.
"What's up, LT?" Logan asked.
"Come in, you two. Close the door behind you, Lennie," she requested. After Lennie did as he was asked and took an empty seat, Lt. VanBuren took a deep breath. "I just heard from Sam Winchester. He said that Mackenzie Reed was kidnapped this morning from her motel room," she explained.
"WHAT? How in the hell did this happen?" Logan thundered.
"Take it easy, Mike," she replied. When she looked up, she saw the Winchesters making their way over to her office. She motioned for them to come in, and they squeezed into the room with grim looks on their faces.
"Why don't you guys tell us what happened?" Lt. VanBuren prompted.
Sam looked at Dean, who could only look at the floor in defeat. Sam cleared his throat before speaking. "Well, Dean and I went out to get some breakfast while Kenzie finished taking her shower and getting ready. When we got back, the motel door had been busted open, and Kenzie's weapon was on the floor next to the bed. And, there was a small pool of blood on the carpet," Sam finished.
"Was it hers? Was it Kenzie's blood?" Logan asked tightly.
"We don't know. Looks like there was a struggle, so we strongly suspect that Kenzie didn't go quietly," Sam replied. Everyone nodded in agreement, even Briscoe, who had only known you for a few days.
Dean finally spoke up. "While we were trying to figure out what happened, a call came in from Kenzie's phone. A man named Karl has her, and he said she was safe for the moment. I think he's somehow connected to the incident in the park last night, where the dog knocked Kenzie over. She and I talked about last night afterwards, and we both suspected that Karl might be our skinwalker," Dean finished.
"And you didn't think that was valuable knowledge to share with the rest of the class?" Logan retorted. "Geez, Winchester, is this really how you guys solve cases? Withhold information till the last possible minute or until someone gets hurt?" Logan snarled.
"We had no hard evidence to act on, just gut feelings," Dean defended.
"Still, you should've said something. Maybe if you had, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in right now. And maybe Kenzie would be here with us trying to come up with a plan!" Logan shouted.
"You think I wanted this to happen? Are you saying I was being careless with Kenzie's life, because you'd better not. There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for her. She is my love, she is my life and as of last night, she is my fiancée. We have both put our lives on the line for each other countless times, almost dying for each other in the process. Do not even THINK about questioning the way I do what I do or my devotion to Kenzie," Dean replied angrily.
"All right, you two, that's enough. This is getting us nowhere," Lt. VanBuren admonished. Turning to Dean, she asked, "Is there anything else Karl said on the phone that may help us?"
"He texted me the address where he's holding her, and said we have two hours. Will you help us? Please," Dean begged, his voice beginning to waver.
"What do you need from us?" Lt. VanBuren asked.
Dean turned to Sam, who took out his laptop. "Your WiFi password?" Sam said with a small smile.
"Briscoe, Logan? Take young Mr. Winchester out and get him set up so he can do whatever voodoo he needs to on his laptop. Dean? Can I please have a word with you?" Lt. VanBuren finished.
Lennie and Mike filed out of the office, with Sam following behind. The lieutenant turned to Dean. "So, you and Kenzie getting married, huh?" she asked with a smile.
Dean smiled a little for the first time since he discovered you had been taken. "Yeah, I asked her last night. I bought the ring from a little shop in Lawrence, and brought it to New York with me. She cried when I gave it to her, but at least she said yes," he finished.
"Oh, believe me, that girl wouldn't have turned you down, Dean. We became good friends when she used to work for us, and I had a talk with her when she first got here. Her eyes sparkled the whole time she was talking about you, I saw it. She loves you as much as you love her. Don't worry, we've got the best guys working on this. We'll bring her back," she promised.
You awoke to find your wrists and ankles tied to a chair in an abandoned factory. Your left wrist felt broken and had dried blood on it from Sergei's bite marks. You also had a massive headache and needed some water to get rid of the feeling of cottonballs in your mouth. "Hello?" you called. "Is anyone there? I could really use some water, please," you requested.
"Well, well, nice to see you awake, Ms. Reed. You were out for quite some time. We were wondering if Sergei had used too much chloroform on you," Karl drawled.
"Where am I? What do you want with me?" you demanded.
Karl stormed over to your chair and didn't stop until he was nearly nose-to-nose with you. "I'LL ask the questions around here!" he thundered. "Answer them, and I'll let you go. No harm, no foul. Decline to answer them and there will be consequences," he threatened.
"You won't let me go even if I answer your questions. I've been at this game long enough to know that. You can ask me anything, but I'm not going to give up any information," you replied.
Your defiance was met with a slap across both cheeks. "Foolish woman. Look what you made me do. I really hoped we could be civilized about this," he chided.
"Civilized? You call this being civilized?" you retorted, only to be met with a punch to your mouth and to your cheek. Your lip was split, as you found when you licked it and tasted blood. You could feel a bruise forming near your left eye.
"Let's think back a couple of years. My brother Klaus and I had a perfect plan to increase our ranks, only to have you kill him. I loved my brother, and you took him from me. Now, I'm going to take away from you those whom you hold dear," Karl remarked.
"Your brother had to be stopped, and so do you," you snarled. Karl walked over to a table and retrieved a dagger and slashed at each arm. Gashes opened and blood dripped down your arms and onto the floor.
"How many hunters are there in your organization?" Karl demanded. "What are their locations, and how many in each location?"
You laughed at his assumption that your fellow hunters were at all organized into any kind of union or tied to any reporting system. "I already said I wasn't going to tell you anything, so you're WASTING YOUR TIME!" you shouted.
Karl had raised the knife as if to cut you again, when Thomas broke in. "They're here, Karl." He lowered the knife and in your ear, he murmured, "We're not through with you yet."
You let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding. You wondered who "they" were, and hoped it was more than just Sam and Dean coming to your rescue. Not that they couldn't handle it, but it didn't hurt to have backup. Your head dropped to your chest, as you started to drift in and out of consciousness from the blood loss in your arm.
Shots rang out, and your head jerked up wondering if it was Karl, his goons or worse yet, a member of the cavalry. You heard signs of a struggle, punches thrown and bodies hitting the floor. A couple more shots heard in quick succession, silence, then you succumbed to the darkness.
"Dean! She's over here!" Sam shouted.
Dean ran around the corner and saw you in the chair, your head lolled to one side. He rushed over to your chair and carefully tried to get you to wake up. "Kenzie baby, open your eyes. It's me, Dean. Come on sweetheart, please wake up," he pleaded. He swallowed the tears back that threatened to break loose. "All right, let's get her untied so we can get her to the hospital," Dean ordered.
He carried you up the stairs and out to the Impala. Dean carefully laid you across the back seat, then climbed in beside you. He wrapped his arm around you and rested your head on his chest. He rocked you back and forth, whispering soothing words into your ear.
With the police escort from Briscoe and Logan, Sam managed to avoid rush hour traffic and make it to the hospital in record time. He pulled up to the ER entrance, and opened the door for Dean. Once he got out of the back seat, he carefully eased you out of the car and back into his arms. "Help! We need some help here! Got a seriously injured and unconscious woman!" Dean shouted.
Nurses sprang into action, one of them taking you from Dean's arms and placing you onto an available stretcher. Dean watched as they wheeled you away to assess your condition. He stumbled into the waiting room to where his brother was standing. "Sam....I don't know what I'm gonna do if...." he trailed off.
"Dean, you know Kenzie's strong. She's not going to give up, not now, not ever," Sam replied. Then he put his arm around Dean and brought him in for a brotherly embrace.
"I know, Sam, I know. But....you saw what that bastard did to her....I'm just glad we took care of things. Our way," Dean said grimly.
Briscoe, Logan and Lt. VanBuren met Sam and Dean in the waiting room. "They've taken her in for treatment, that's all we know so far," Sam explained.
"The good news is, Karl and his associates are no longer a threat to the people of New York City," Dean declared. "Now we just have to wait for news on Kenzie," he replied.
Lt. VanBuren put a hand on Dean's upper arm. "Listen, Dean. From what I know of her, Kenzie's a fighter. She's going to pull through this. That girl is tough as nails, and I know you know that," she said.
"I do. Thank you, Lieutenant," Dean put his arm around her shoulders.
Logan walked over to Dean after the lieutenant found an empty chair. "Listen, Winchester. I'm sorry about earlier. I care about Kenzie a lot, and I'll always love her. But, I can see you're the one she truly loves. All I want is for her to be happy, and she has that with you. I wish you only the best," Logan said as he extended his hand.
Dean took his hand and shook it. "Thank you, Detective. Once you get to know Kenzie, she's hard to forget. It means a lot to have your blessing," Dean responded.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for Dean Winchester?" a nurse stated.
"That's me. Is this about Mackenzie Reed?" he asked.
"Yes, will you please follow me?" the nurse asked.
Dean caught his brother's attention, and Sam excused himself to follow Dean. The detectives and their lieutenant took their leave, but asked the boys to keep them posted on your condition.
Sam and Dean took the elevator up to the third floor. "Ms. Reed has been admitted at least overnight for the treatment of her injuries. She's in Room 361, if you want to go in," the nurse explained.
Nothing could have prepared the boys for the sight that greeted them when they walked in the door. You were connected to multiple machines that monitored various systems. One machine to help you breathe, one to take your blood pressure and yet another to measure your oxygen level. The gashes on your arm had fresh stitches, but were covered in gauze at the moment to avoid infection.
Dean's hand covered his mouth and unshed tears shimmered in his eyes. "Oh, Kenzie," he whispered. Sam grabbed a chair and set it up on the right side of your bed. Dean pulled up a chair next to the left side of your bed and carefully took your hand in his. He kissed the back of your hand, and his thumb traced circles on it as he tried to coax you to wake up. "Kenzie, baby, I need you to wake up. I'm so sorry this happened to you, my love. I'd give anything to trade places with you. Please, sweetheart. I need to see those gorgeous hazel eyes of yours," he pleaded.
At that moment, the doctor came into the room, your chart in his hand. "Mr. Winchester, I presume? My name is Dr. Collins, I'm on the team treating your fiancée," Dean stood and shook his hand. "Mackenzie has multiple contusions on her face, and a laceration on her bottom lip. We're trying to reduce the swelling on her left eye so it will be able to open again. She lost quite a bit of blood from the lacerations on her arms, which took 17 stitches each. Right now, they're covered in gauze to prevent infection. As bad as that all sounds, though, she's going to be fine," Dr. Collins explained.
Dean breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Doc, but when will she wake up?" he asked.
"Uncertain, but it should be sometime in the next few hours. The good news is, all of her blood work came back with no trace of any toxins. As is routine with women of childbearing age, we also ran a pregnancy test. It came back positive, so we did an ultrasound. Your fiancée is about two and half months along in her pregnancy. Congratulations," Dr. Collins finished and looked at his watch. "If you have any more questions for me, please let me know. I'm sorry, but I'm due on rounds. Excuse me," he stated.
Sam and Dean looked at each other in amazement. "A baby? Kenzie's pregnant," Dean remarked softly. A mile-wide grin broke out over Dean's face. "I'm gonna be a father, Sam," he said as he captured his brother in an enthusiastic hug. A little while later, Sam informed his brother that he was going in search of the cafeteria.
Dean returned to your bedside and kissed your forehead. He sat down in the chair again and clasped your hand in his. "I love you so much, Kenzie. You don't know it yet, but you've made me the happiest man on this earth. Again," Dean murmured.
You heard Dean's voice telling you how much he loved you. He had your hand in his warm one, and he kissed the back of your hand every so often. You wanted to see his face again, so your eyelids fluttered open for a few seconds. The sudden brightness caused you to blink several times to try and clear your vision. "Dean?" you said as you removed your oxygen mask.
"Kenzie?!? Oh baby, you're awake!" he exclaimed. "I've missed you so much, sweetheart," Dean remarked, his eyes shimmering with tears.
"Missed you too, my love," you croaked. Dean handed you a cup of water to help with your scratchy throat. You reached up to cradle his cheek with your right hand. Dean closed his eyes and leaned into your touch. "Is everybody okay?" you asked.
"Everybody's fine, Kenzie. No injuries, except you of course," Dean replied softly. "How are you feeling?" he asked.
"I'll be all right, Dean. I'm just so glad to see you again," you said as your voice broke.
"By the way, the doctor ran a blood test on you. Turns out, in less than seven months, you're gonna be a momma, Kenzie," Dean answered, his eyes shining with love.
"I'm....pregnant?" you whispered. "I haven't been feeling any symptoms. I swear I had no idea, Dean. Are you okay with that?" you asked hesitantly.
"Are you kidding?? Sweetheart, I am more than okay with it. I am the luckiest man on the planet," he grinned, intertwining your fingers with his. "First, I get to make you my wife, then you get to make me a father. I couldn't ask for anything more, Kenzie my love," Dean replied.
Dean stood up and leaned over the guardrail. His hand gingerly brushed your cheek then slid behind you to bring you up to a sitting position. "Hi," he said just before his lips tenderly kissed yours. He touched his forehead to yours. "I love you, Kenzie," he murmured against your cheek.
"I love you, Dean. I can't wait to be your wife and to be a momma to our little one," you said, rubbing your hand on your stomach. You didn't have a noticeable baby bump yet, but you knew it would only be a matter of time.
After a few days in the hospital, you finally were released. The swelling around your left eye had significantly improved, and the cuts on your arms were healing well. Before you left town, you asked Dean to stop by the 27th precinct to say goodbye to Briscoe, Logan and Lt. VanBuren. You also wanted to share your blood test results from when you were in the hospital.
You, Sam and Dean walked into the squad room of the Detectives Division of the 2-7. Logan saw you first, and grinned as he came over to give you a hug. Briscoe also offered his wishes for a speedy recovery as he put his arm around your shoulders for a side hug. Sam and Dean exchanged handshakes with Briscoe and Logan. Congratulations on the engagement were also offered.
Lt. VanBuren finished her phone call, then opened her office door. "Mackenzie Reed, in my squad room, as I live and breathe. Come over here, girl, and give me a hug," she grinned. You met each other halfway and threw your arms around each other. "Hey, LT. It's good to see you. Thanks for rescuing me," you remarked. "By the way....I'm two and a half months pregnant," you whispered in her ear.
She immediately pulled back in surprise, a huge smile on her face. "Congratulations, honey," she whispered in your ear. "You're going to make one hell of a momma, Kenzie," LT remarked.
At her announcement, Logan's eyes went directly to yours, then back to Dean. "You guys having a baby?" he asked. You and Dean both nodded, then he stuck out his hand for Dean to shake, which he did. Logan then walked over to you and carefully wrapped his arms around you. "Congratulations, Kenz. I mean it, on the wedding, on the baby, all of it," Logan replied.
"Thank you, Mike. That means a lot to me, that we have your support. I hope you will be able to join us at the wedding," you added.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Logan responded.
After celebrating with Briscoe, Logan and VanBuren at a nearby restaurant for a quick lunch, it was time to start the long trip home to Kansas. Parts of you were still not fully healed yet, and you got tired easily. You had full command of the back seat, in case you wanted to rest.
You kept watching out the back window until you could no longer see the friends you were leaving behind. You leaned your elbows on the front seat, resting your chin on your arms. Your placed your hand on Dean's shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze. He reached up and took your hand in his to bring it to his lips. "Let's go home, boys," you said before settling in for the long trip.
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