#The tumblr houseplant series Prayer Plant
anulithots · 9 months
The Prayer Plant. Episode one - "Inspiration"
Thank you so much to all you internet people and to everyone who sent in a "seed", my spiral could've been a lot worse and I owe a lot to this and to you... so thank you <3
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A tumblr houseplant story from @awleeofficial
The seed post is here
Note - this is still a first draft, any feedback would be much appreciated. <3
There's a fine line between inspiration & desperation.
Dottie treated that line like a dance.
Inspiration? Dottie saw older plants helping sproutlings get accustomed to the harsh lights & constant dust. In return, the sproutlings were their constant companions. Dottie wanted to do that too... show someone else far could not only take care of faerself. but three littles: Fuzzy, Cream, and Pancake (what's a pancake?). Dottie found them very funny - even if they did try to hang from four roots and took up all the sleeping room beneath faer plant's leaves. How could fae say no to those sweet sleeping faces?
Desperation? Dottie's plant was in a new place, whisked away by wanderers, and with Dottie, came Fuzzy, Cream & Pancake... without their plants.
This was fine.
They were only pollywiggins and had plant counterparts necessary for survival... they could do without them. They would be fine.
Or they would hate Dottie and regret ever being friends with faer.
Dottie wished four leaf-cleaning skills were something more useful.
Faer fears lessened a bit as they were brought to the new wanderer's nest. There were so many other pollywiggins & dryads here, surely, they would know how to handle this whole situation...
Or they would say this was hopeless and the littles were doomed, and Dottie was the worst caretaker ever.... or they wouldn't want pollywiggins without plants and wouldn't accept the littles.
So Dottie smiled and internally screamed as a dryad named Puddles and another called Money Tree introduced themselves. Should Dottie tell them? Would that make it worse? How come all the plants with sproutlings from before were so so much better with responsibility?
Dottie wanted to take a nap.
Fae curled up next to the littles.
Cream tapped faer paw. "This place is loud. can we go home?"
"No... I'm sorry." Dottie felt faer insides squirm.
Fuzzy pounced on Dottie's arm. "Well, I love it. It's the best place absolutely ever."
Cream growled..." No its not. It has bugs."
"You have bugs"
Cream gasped. Dottie giggled.
Pancake sat under a leaf from Dottie's plant. "Did you know that Wanderers will get into these moving nests if they have a goal, like they just did? Isn't that interesting?"
Dottie nodded.
"No" Cream & Fuzzy said, as they tried to tackle each other.
Dottie had to tickle them out of their tussle. Fae sighed. At least they were safe under faer plant. It created a nest for the four of them. where they were safe and protected and-
Dottie's plant was wilting.
Faer plant was wilting???
Thankfully the others were asleep. Dottie could clean this all up before they woke up. Surely another houseplant was wilting too. They would be able to help -
They were all perfect.
Absolutely perfect???
Each and every plant was full with bushy leaves and even one with a pink flower. Dottie watched them for a few minutes. They all walked, talked, played, what were they doing differently? How was it so.... effortless to them?
What was Dottie doing wrong?
I hope you all like Dottie <3 I imagine faer to be the sort where fae wants a sort of life like the others, but that sort of life requires responsibilities and responsibilities are HARD but everyone else seems to be... absolutely okay with them. Weird.
Also also, I find it absolutely hilarious that the tumblr houseplant series is cute and light hearted, with simple names for each fairy. Meanwhile the Land of the Fallen Fairies has names with origins and purposes and Anuli is currently stuck in a fungal void because fae put faerself there and is telling angsty self-insert spider stories because fae thinks fae is the villain... and these are supposed to be in the "same universe." It's hilarious.
if you don't mind the little self-promo: reblog this with one kind statement to "water" Dottie, let's spread some wonder to this convoluted place <3
And spread the word to anyone else who would like to add their houseplant to the garden, perhaps we can fill tumblr with houseplants.
[next episode - desperation]
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gummybugg · 9 months
Asking all the writeblrs I love to grow a vast garden, apologies if I ask the same thing twice *
Hello! I'm attempting to grow a Tumblr garden, with input from people around here to make a series of short stories about' houseplant fairies. The hope would be to have a 'community tumblr garden' full of all the wholesomeness the internet can offer.
Here's the request/seed - do you have a prior worry' or 'stumbling block'. perhaps an event or a piece of advice others told you that didn't help much or simply an' obstacle that you overcame. To be honest, I'm unsure of how to accurately describe 'the seed' but something in the realm of 'society expectations versus what actually helped- or whatever you wish? Also also, favorite plant/houseplant/ flower to write the story about.
Here's the houseplants we have so far in case this was confusing.
The Venus Flytrap from @poetsandstuff
"I've had advice about 'getting out there' and just socialising lile im not dieing on the inside every time"
The Venus Flytrap episode one - Relationships
The Rose from @briarborealisart
"i could still be true to myself while valuing what others thought."
Episode one - Thorns
The Prayer Plant from @awleeofficial
"I worry about how I am percieved by the people in my life as well as the creative works that I choose to share, and I can be rather hard on myself when it doesn't come out perfect."
Episode one - Inspiration
Thanks for participating :)

I think my obstacle would be to begin a task or remember to do a task, which I have very clearly demonstrated with this very late ask (I am so very sorry)!
Some things that others have told me to do to combat this include "just set a reminder," "it mustn't have been that important if you forgot about it," or my favorite, "I don't think you have [diagnosis]." The last one is related to my experiences with forgetting certain symptoms or events that would be crucial to a diagnosis of whatever kind. Feels like gaslighting.
I think a forget-me-not would best represent my need/want to remember things (in a literal sense, disregarding the romantic connotations). Or any related plant.
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rainisawriter · 9 months
Asking all the writeblrs I love to grow a vast garden, apologies if I ask the same thing twice *
Hello! I'm attempting to grow a Tumblr garden, with input from people around here to make a series of short stories about' houseplant fairies. The hope would be to have a 'community tumblr garden' full of all the wholesomeness the internet can offer.
Here's the request/seed - do you have a prior worry' or 'stumbling block'. perhaps an event or a piece of advice others told you that didn't help much or simply an' obstacle that you overcame. To be honest, I'm unsure of how to accurately describe 'the seed' but something in the realm of 'society expectations versus what actually helped- or whatever you wish? Also also, favorite plant/houseplant/ flower to write the story about.
Here's the houseplants we have so far in case this was confusing.
The Venus Flytrap from @poetsandstuff
"I've had advice about 'getting out there' and just socialising lile im not dieing on the inside every time"
The Venus Flytrap episode one - Relationships
The Rose from @briarborealisart
"i could still be true to myself while valuing what others thought."
Episode one - Thorns
The Prayer Plant from @awleeofficial
"I worry about how I am percieved by the people in my life as well as the creative works that I choose to share, and I can be rather hard on myself when it doesn't come out perfect."
Episode one - Inspiration
Thanks for participating :)

Hmm, this is a tough one and I had to give it a lot of thought. I think one of the biggest things I struggle to overcome is taking things to heart. I'm quite sensitive, see, and I tend to take things personally even when it isn't personal at all.
I still have a long way to go, but I believe I'm getting better at learning how to let things just wash over me, like water off a duck's back. I know it's nothing personal so there's no reason to get upset over it. It's simply not worth the negative feelings I put myself through when I do this to myself.
I'm not sure if this is what you meant by a seed? If not, please let me know and I'll try to better understand what you're asking for :) I hope this helps, though! Thank you so much for reaching out.
As for the plant, I chose the Philodendron because it's supposed to symbolize a love and appreciation for nature, as well as be a symbol of growth.
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sm-writes-chaos · 9 months
Asking all the writeblrs I love to grow a vast garden, apologies if I ask the same thing twice *
Hello! I'm attempting to grow a Tumblr garden, with input from people around here to make a series of short stories about' houseplant fairies. The hope would be to have a 'community tumblr garden' full of all the wholesomeness the internet can offer.
Here's the request/seed - do you have a prior worry' or 'stumbling block'. perhaps an event or a piece of advice others told you that didn't help much or simply an' obstacle that you overcame. To be honest, I'm unsure of how to accurately describe 'the seed' but something in the realm of 'society expectations versus what actually helped- or whatever you wish? Also also, favorite plant/houseplant/ flower to write the story about.
Here's the houseplants we have so far in case this was confusing.
The Venus Flytrap from @poetsandstuff
"I've had advice about 'getting out there' and just socialising lile im not dieing on the inside every time"
The Venus Flytrap episode one - Relationships
The Rose from @briarborealisart
"i could still be true to myself while valuing what others thought."
Episode one - Thorns
The Prayer Plant from @awleeofficial
"I worry about how I am percieved by the people in my life as well as the creative works that I choose to share, and I can be rather hard on myself when it doesn't come out perfect."
Episode one - Inspiration
Thanks for participating :)

Oh yes I saw this on my dash before it's very cool! I'll try to see if I understand correctly. Since perfectionism was already talked about I'll do another struggle of mine.
I worry a lot about interpretation. In real life I think very hard about what I say and try to make it perfect so as to not offend anyone, or so that no one can take what I'm saying the wrong way. In my writing I feel as if I have to explain why I added each little detail before I realized that a lot of things are audience interpretation. They're not going to see it the way I do but I still worry that they'll get the "wrong" interpretation.
I'm held back in what I say and do because of this, and my writing as well. They say to "be yourself" but what if myself rubs them the wrong way? So I guess it's like feeling like you want to desperately speak your mind but your on mute.
I try to remember that people will always think differently than me and to not be afraid what people will say. I'm responsible for what I say, not for what people think I said.
And for plants...it's so hard to choose! I'll have to go with the California Poppy. It represents freedom which is something I'd like to feel more of when I want to speak. (and its pretty)
This is a really cool project thanks for involving me!
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Asking all the writeblrs I love to grow a vast garden, apologies if I ask the same thing twice *
Hello! I'm attempting to grow a Tumblr garden, with input from people around here to make a series of short stories about' houseplant fairies. The hope would be to have a 'community tumblr garden' full of all the wholesomeness the internet can offer.
Here's the request/seed - do you have a prior worry' or 'stumbling block'. perhaps an event or a piece of advice others told you that didn't help much or simply an' obstacle that you overcame. To be honest, I'm unsure of how to accurately describe 'the seed' but something in the realm of 'society expectations versus what actually helped- or whatever you wish? Also also, favorite plant/houseplant/ flower to write the story about.
Here's the houseplants we have so far in case this was confusing.
The Venus Flytrap from @poetsandstuff
"I've had advice about 'getting out there' and just socialising lile im not dieing on the inside every time"
The Venus Flytrap episode one - Relationships
The Rose from @briarborealisart
"i could still be true to myself while valuing what others thought."
Episode one - Thorns
The Prayer Plant from @awleeofficial
"I worry about how I am percieved by the people in my life as well as the creative works that I choose to share, and I can be rather hard on myself when it doesn't come out perfect."
Episode one - Inspiration
Thanks for participating :)
Hi!! I feel so grateful to be involved in this!
So, I hope this one isn't too much but the first thing that came to mind was anxiety and "pushing through". About ten years ago my world just about broke and I started suffering panic attacks, anxiety attacks, so badly that when they hit I literally couldn't move and often hyperventilated. I took years of trying to simply "push through" (to distill the unhelpful social response) the panic attacks - continue going to college, continue working, continue continue continue. Eventually it all fell apart and at the bottom of the barrel is when I figured out that, for me, that what I actually needed to do was to be still. To learn and accept this new version of myself and figure out what actually helped her. Taking it slow, having boundaries, different coping mechanisms for different triggers, learning and relearning that I'm not broken I'm literally just different than I used to be...and so on. It's been an uphill battle that I still fight and will probably continue to fight, but in the very least I haven't had a full-blown panic shut-down in...maybe three years? So progress! Whoo!
Anyway. I hope that's what you were looking for and I didn't overshare 😅 lol and for the plant...I know it's not a houseplant per say, but I've always loved the resilience and insane tenacity of my garden peppermint. I mean...I think it's a peppermint plant. I know it's in the mint family, lol (It kind just grew there one day and I didn't pull it out and now it's a fourth or fifth generation monstrosity right outside the door)
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Best shot I have of both the flower and the leaves of the tenacious minty beastie
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anulithots · 9 months
The Prayer Plant. Episode four - "The littles"
HELLLLOOOO non-plant beings. It has been a bit. So here's some news about Dottie's story... three parts to the ending. <3 I couldn't really figure out how to end this properly, and I guess that's the point of the tumblr houseplant series - growth, decay, but never an end, not really.
A tumblr houseplant story from @awleeofficial
The seed post is here
Episode one - "Inspiration"
Episode two - "Desperation"
Episode three - "Rose"
Note - this is still a first draft, any feedback would be much appreciated. <3
Also also, a picture of the littles' plants <3
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The first step is Pancake's. The second step is Cream's and the last one is Fuzzy's.
We don't talk about the third step.
"Dottie? You're being LOUD."
Dottie glanced to cream. Fae rested faer head on the pot rim and blinked faer half-lidded eyes.
Dottie cooed, faer head was fuzzy. "But this means we will be very clean"
"And we like clean."
"Yes." Dottie bit back a snap... and recoiled at the very thought of snapping at Cream. Why was fae so-
"But what's the point? Now you're all dusty."
Dottie looked to faer paws. "I'm all.... dusty."
The dust fae spend the past few... hours apprently, cleaning had caked onto faer paws and faer leaves and... eyes and nose and mouth.
Dottie wanted to nap.
Cream tumbled out of the pot to Dottie's feet. "I'll have to clean you now"
Dottie nodded.
Cream was in the open.
The others would see.
They would see and they would want Cream gone because fae didn't have a plant. None of them had plants and it was all Dottie's fault and fae couldn't even take care of faer own plant or dust it properly. Fae was getting worse and worse and cleaning was faer best trait and -
Why did fae think fae was good enough for this? Before the others knew exactly how to break up fights and not bore the littles and show them everything they needed to know. Here every plant grew fine and never showed any signs of distress, ever.
And Dottie?
Dottie found all of that - what was normal and easy for them - so incredibly difficult.
So here fae was, covered with dust, leaves wilting, littles exposed.
Dottie failed everything, everyon-
Cream patted Dottie's paw. "It's okay, it's okay, you don't need to cry."
Dottie was crying? When did that-
Faer breath hitched. Tears wiped away the layers of dust.
Dottie was crying.
Cream murmured, snuggling faer head against Dottie's paw.
Fuzzy came nest, followed by Pancake.
Fuzzy booped Dottie's nose and made silly faces. Pancake sat next to Dottie and leaned against faer side, a silent comfort.
It broke Dottie.
Fae collapsed into sobs, getting tears and dust all over the littles, crying all of it away.
Perhaps the others before were better at taking care of the littles. Perhaps they were better at keeping everything clean and healthy. Perhaps they were better at never making mistakes or needing time to rest.
Dottie tried faer best.
And Dottie had the sweetest littles ever. The others would agree, and if they didn't - if they wouldn't want plant-less pollywiggins - then Dottie would bite them. Fae would protect faer littles and give them as much love as fae could.
Dottie hugged Cream and Fuzzy - who were arguing on whether tickles would cheer Dottie up or annoy faer - and whispered 'thank you.' Fuzzy nuzzled into the hug and Pancake - who didn't like hugs - patted Dottie on the head.
And Dottie?
Dottie took a nap.
Okay. So I had written this a while ago, but the perfectionism came up and I was wondering if I should rewrite the whole ending because... well I had written better before and there were others who wrote a lot better than me... but wow, look. Tumblr houseplant series. Looking back on it now, it's probably my favorite things I've ever written.
Two more mini episodes - more of wrap-up ones - to go <3
if you don't mind the little self-promo: reblog this with one kind statement to "water" Dottie, let's spread some wonder to this convoluted place <3
And spread the word to anyone else who would like to add their houseplant to the garden, perhaps we can fill tumblr with houseplants.
[next episode- "Cream, Fuzzy, Pancake"]
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anulithots · 9 months
The Prayer Plant. Episode Six - "And Dottie"
Mini-episodes <3
Everyone gets a cameo <3
None of this in order <3
A tumblr houseplant story from @awleeofficial
The seed post is here
Episode one - "Inspiration"
Episode two - "Desperation"
Episode three - "Rose"
Episode four - "The Littles"
Episode five - "Cream, Fuzzy, Pancake"
Note - this is still a first draft, any feedback would be much appreciated. <3
"In the wild, everyone would've helped you take care of them. We're more of the communal sort."
"The wild sounds nice."
"It IS nice."
"Hello, my name's Fuzzy, why do you have a spikey mouth on your tail?"
Cream gasped. "Fuzzy! You can't just ask someone why they have a spikey mouth on their tail."
Venus swished said tail. "Well.. I eat bugs with my... 'spikey mouths'."
Pancake tilted faer head. "COOL"
Dottie stared at that one leaf from faer plant. The one that dust seemed to cling to and not let go. Fae JUST GREW that leaf, why couldn't faer leaves just come out nice like everyone els-
Dottie shook faer head.
"Your plant is growing in a dusty area, and its normal for some leaves to 'not come out right'" said inner Cream.
"Maybe we can make a dust bunnie" said inner Fuzzy.
And Dottie breathed, like Pancake would, letting the crumbling feeling fade.
Dottie lowered faer voice. "Thank you little on-"
"Are you talking to yourself?" Fuzzy chirped.
Dottie startled. "Noooo.... absolutely not... Just, cleaning, you know -" fae brushed dust off a leaf, "...cleaning"
Fuzzy nodded. "Well, Rose said you have to go to sleep. Cream and Pancake and Puddles also think you should go to sleep."
Dottie smiled. "And what do you think?"
"I concur"
Dottie laughed.
"You... wish for me to move your plant?"
"You're not afraid of me... doing something awful to it?"
"Huh. Most fairies look at.... this," Venus gestured to faerself, " and assume the worst"
"But you're so nice"
Venus blinked and half-smiled a toothy grin. "Thank you. You're the first fairy to acknowledge my everlasting nice-ness... and not be apprehensive about the bug eating."
"You eat bugs?"
"..... Yes?"
Venus tilted faer head. "You're.... you're one of the good ones."
Rose sat beside Dottie and faer littles, flicking faer tail. "You know, there might be a way to get Cream, Pancake, and Fuzzy a plant"
Dottie's ears perked. "Really?"
Rose nodded. "There's this.. abandoned tree - not Maidoe's, another one - that they can use as their own."
Cream sniffed, "Abandoned tree? That's weird... and creep-"
"The fairy could've been separated." Pancake muttered, "like us."
"It's still weird."
Dottie sighed and bonked Cream's muzzle. "Be nice.... and thank you Rose."
Rose fluffed faerself up. "It's the best I could do... they are crowding your plant and that isn't conducive to overall health."
Dottie squeaked, some small thought process worrying on how fae didn't catch that sooner....
'Because Fuzzy liked sleep piles and you can't say no, silly. But you have others, not to live up to, but to live with.'
Dottie sighed.
Fae loved faer dance.
Ta Da!!
Literally everyone got a cameo. Anuli's tree is the ghost story of the garden. Dottie is the first fairy to whole-heartedly trust Rose immediately and Rose likes that. Venus thinks littles are exhausting and doesn't know how Dottie deals with them, but they don't judge (except for Cream, but Cream judges dust specks, so it's fine.). Dottie does inspiration, desperation dances but the desperation is getting better and it's like 1 am and oh!
The Dottie Plant I gave to my grandma is still here <3 We went to her house today and I saw it by the window (leaves are wilting a bit but it's doing okay.) and I was like "DOTTIE DON'T STRESS PEOPLE ON TUMBLR LOVE YOU"
And someone explain to me how there are so many amazing people on this cite that have gotten me to THREE COMPLETED SHORT STORIES. I haven't written more than 100 finished words in years and these were written in months. I think that's (as Kamari would say) "absolutely wonderous."
Thank you thank you thank you so so so much.
And mark my words, one day I will make a library with all these plants in it and mayyybbeeee publish these in a short story book?
Reblog this with one kind statement to "water" Dottie, let's spread some wonder to this convoluted place <3
And spread the word to anyone else who would like to add their houseplant to the garden, perhaps we can fill tumblr with houseplants.
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anulithots · 9 months
The Prayer Plant. Episode Five - Cream, Fuzzy, Pancake.
A very epilogue-style epilogue. There are more plot-things to be resolved and I like characters and plot is just something I have to deal with, hence Anuli from the Land of the Fallen Fairies and hence this having WAYYY too many rhetorical devices. But, I mean, why not?
A tumblr houseplant story from @awleeofficial
The seed post is here
Episode one - "Inspiration"
Episode two - "Desperation"
Episode three - "Rose"
Episode four - "The Littles"
Note - this is still a first draft, any feedback would be much appreciated. <3
Cream helped clean Dottie up, and as the... not the oldest, but the more responsible one, offered to help take care of Fuzzy and Pancake while Dottie's plant adjusted.
Fuzzy took care of the introductions. It only took an hour before everyone in the garden knew about the new additions. And like Dottie expected, the others loved them.
Pancake talked to everyone and anyone about the wanderers. It turns out that there was a whole mini-community of 'Wanderer Watchers'. Dottie didn't understand it faerself, but Pancake jumped in excited bounces all the time now.
Dottie found inspiration everywhere.
The Money Tree and Puddles were recovering from leaf losses of their own, and Puddles had a friend who left a very dusty tree behind. They thought Dottie's cleanings were immaculate and (their words) "very relaxing".
Rose did like to give advice. A lot. But Dottie needed it, and ended up spending a lot of faer time listening to Rose talk as fae cleaned Puddle's leaves. Puddles told Rose to 'stop talking poor Dottie's ear off' but Dottie liked it.
Dottie liked this a lot actually.
The place before - filled with dust and harsh lights and very confused littles - needed everyone to constantly grow and never have a moment of weakness, lest the littles need help and Dottie couldn't provide it.
But Dottie wasn't there anymore.
The plants here grew, yes, but they all had peaks and valleys. Dottie was allowed to rest and let faer leaves regrow as the littles played with another plant. (Venus this time.)
And when Dottie got into another desperation phase...
Fae took a deep breath, murmured to faerself like Cream would, or told faerself silly jokes like Fuzzy would, or simply sat, resting in silence, like Pancake.
Dottie was okay.
I wanted to include more specific examples for the ending, hence the mini-episodes that come next. Letting yourself relax and just be is quite a nice part of the character arc.
if you don't mind the little self-promo: reblog this with one kind statement to "water" Dottie, let's spread some wonder to this convoluted place <3
And spread the word to anyone else who would like to add their houseplant to the garden, perhaps we can fill tumblr with houseplants.
[next episode - "And Dottie"]
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anulithots · 9 months
The Prayer Plant. Episode three - "Rose"
I think I'll schedule the posts from now on, and Rose gets a cameo! I think it's a nice point in both their arcs, Dottie's looking for the "answer" for why everyone else grows so much better than faer, and Rose is trying to be more considerate of others who don't know as much as fae does.
A tumblr houseplant story from @awleeofficial
The seed post is here
Episode one - "Inspiration"
Episode two - "Desperation"
Cameos: Rose
Note - this is still a first draft, any feedback would be much appreciated. <3
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"So your leaves are wilting?"
"Because you're a newcomer?"
"And the conditions have changed all of a sudden?"
"Well OBVIOUSLY your plant would wilt a bit, everyone's plants do that at firs-"
Rose smacked faerself on the head. "Be NICE Rose... what I mean is... you did a very good diligence. Always check up on your plant, very important. Also good job on coming to me for advice. -- but there's nothing to worry about... just rest for a while"
"You're sure?" That was it? No answer. Fae was just the same as everyone else, so fae had no excuse.
Rose nodded. "You can come back after about a week if it doesn't get better, or if you have any other questions. I'm ALWAYS willing to give advice"
"Will do, thank you."
Rose blinked. "Yo- you're welcome"
Dottie twirled around. Hardest part over. It was time to actually process that information...
. . .do nothing. It would get better with time.
With time??
Dottie didn't have time, fae only had six leaves, and two of them were already darkened & throbbing. If it happened to everyone, why didn't they show it? Dottie had to- had to wait for things to get better when everyone else was already better. The thought made faer throat feel dusty.
Fae wanted to nap.
But Fae couldn't nap now! If faer plant was anything less than perfect, the others would clearly see the plant-less littles fae had brought because Dottie was an awful caretaker who didn't know how to do anything-
Dottie grimaced. Nope. Fae couldn't think about that now. Fae just needed to wait....
for everything to go horribly wrong?
Dottie lifted faer leaves to check on the littles, and they were sound asleep. Fae sighed. They were okay, Dottie was okay... it would be fine.
Faer leaves were dusty again.
That wouldn't help, what if the dust made faer plant wilt entirely?
Dottie grimaced. The other plants showed no wilting leaves or brown spots or dust. They were all thriving and growing and laughing and didn't show any signs of struggle.
Not like Dottie.
Fae wiped the dust off in a few quick swipes. Fae needed to get faer plant healthy, and fae needed to do that immediately.
So Dottie kept cleaning.
Dottie get's the "answers were disappointing, they can't actually be the answer." part of perfectionism. It has to be great immediately, wdym there's a 'learning curve' and it 'takes time'????
In other news, we got to 6 seeds submitted so far! Once I finish these houseplants stories, we can do something special to celebrate <3
if you don't mind the little self-promo: reblog this with one kind statement to "water" Dottie, let's spread some wonder to this convoluted place <3
And spread the word to anyone else who would like to add their houseplant to the garden, perhaps we can fill tumblr with houseplants.
[next episode - The littles]
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anulithots · 9 months
The Prayer Plant. Episode two - "Desperation"
A tumblr houseplant story from @awleeofficial
The seed post is here
Episode one - "Inspiration"
Cameos: Rose and Venus
Note - this is still a first draft, any feedback would be much appreciated. <3
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Dottie didn't know what fae was doing.
Fae knew how to gather dust off faer leaves. The better caretakers from before said Dottie's leaves were immaculate. Dottie had that. Fae at least had that. Fae could depend on that.
But compared to the others?
Dottie had done a bit of 'research,' which basically meant: very sneakily watching everyone for clues on how they took care of their plants and hoping fae didn't look like a weirdo. Dottie made faer mental notes and began faer dance again.
Fae was inspired with how the money tree loved and savored water. Fae was desperate when faer own pot was dry.
Dottie was inspired by how Venus placed faer plant in a prime insect area, perhaps Dottie could move faer plant to a sunnier spot. Fae was desperate when Fae realized fae had weak fluffy arms, and the pot - filled with three littles - was very heavy.
Dottie was inspired by how regimented Rose was, and how fae seemed to keep everyone thriving. Perhaps Dottie could be regimented. Fae could be regimented now and wake up the littles. Fae was desperate when fae saw that Pancake curled around Fuzzy & Cream in their sleep. How could fae ruin that?
Dottie felt four insides wilting. crumbling. Fae wanted to curl up & sleep away the fact that fae just wasn't good enough to do this simple, simple thing. Everyone else did it without a second thought. They were all fine. Why wasn't Dottie?
Dottie gritted faer teeth. Well, there was only one way to find out.
Time to actually talk to others.
Dottie gets in the "ooh wow everyone else makes great things, I want to be like that" and "WHY IS ALL MY STUFF SO AWFUL" cycle. Then the desperation leads faer to a last resort... socialization.
Although I imagine that out of the three so far, Dottie is best at interacting with others, you have to treat them like littles.
if you don't mind the little self-promo: reblog this with one kind statement to "water" Dottie, let's spread some wonder to this convoluted place <3
And spread the word to anyone else who would like to add their houseplant to the garden, perhaps we can fill tumblr with houseplants.
[next episode - Rose]
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anulithots · 9 months
The Plant Care Guides Tag Game
Okie, so I wanted to try something out,
Starting up the unfiction 'imjusthereforeternity' was one of the most wonderous experiences ever. You fellow creatures of nonsense are the sweetest beans in the world. I sent Anuli on to the internet, thinking that perhaps it would be a plot-ish mystery to unravel, but to have people comfort and support the manifestation of my overthinking, obsessive, self-hatred was the most magical thing ever. You all have wonderous truths to share.
I wanted to try something similar for the tumblr houseplant series, for anyone who is similar to any of the seeds offered. This is a sort of "care guide" if you will, for any houseplant person who would find wonder in the worlds of tumblr (that rhymes :)
Soap! Here's the guidelines:
pick one of the seeds or make your own
The Venus Flytrap from @poetsandstuff "I've had advice about 'getting out there' and just socialising lile im not dieing on the inside every time" The Rose from @briarborealisart "i could still be true to myself while valuing what others thought." The Prayer Plant from @awleeofficial "I worry about how I am percieved by the people in my life as well as the creative works that I choose to share, and I can be rather hard on myself when it doesn't come out perfect." The Philodendron from @rainisawriter "I think one of the biggest things I struggle to overcome is taking things to heart. I'm quite sensitive, see, and I tend to take things personally even when it isn't personal at all."
What would you tell someone this applies to? It can be a sentence, an infodump, a little story, a picture, a quote, something silly, or whatever else you want
Tag the houseplant people
Thank you everyone for your truths <3
Tumblr media
Very gently tagging: @rainisawriter @awleeofficial @briarborealisocs @a-had-matter @sm-writes-chaos @forthesanityofstorytellers @digital-chance @gummybugg @holdmyteaplease @osbob-the-existent @yesireadbooks
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anulithots · 9 months
The Rose. Episode 5 - "Gone"
Trigger warnings for blood and sickness.
Welcome to the finale everyone <3. I hope you like Rose and how this ends, because guess what? Fae makes a cameo in the next houseplant series (Prayer Plant)!
Also also, I like the idea of beings who don't have "aha moments" and are suddenly... okay. Because growth is not a linear process, and there isn't a set rule as what counts as "better" or not. So Rose isn't suddenly amazing now but fae is getting better.
Maidoe is a reoccurring character btw <3 Fae is supposed to be a master navigator in Trinity Hollow, and for context, most fairies never leave their tree's side. So Maidoe is.... a bit famous around there. Fae also has this uncanny knack for telling the future, for better or worse.
A tumblr houseplant story from @briarborealisart
The info post is here
Episode one - "Thorns"
Episode two - "Maidoe"
Episode three- "Petals"
Episode four - "Wild"
Note - this is still a first draft, any feedback would be much appreciated. Especially for this one, this is a super interesting concept to explore, but my brain found it so difficult, and comments on if I got to the core of this would be appreciated. <3
Maidoe lost leaves.
Fae didn't have much to begin with. White sap fell off the wounds in droplets. Puddles had stains on faer hands from wiping it away. Maidoe - silly, observant, practical Maidoe - was reduced to a mumbling heap of little leaves beside a bare tree.
Rose. Tried. Everything.
Fae told Maidoe about all the wild ways: too much water absorption, not enough microbes, leaf angling, and Maidoe always slept during prime evening and morning sun hours. Rose was gentle & soft. Fae sat beside Maidoe and told faer everything... but all fae would do was nod. Nod and never change.
Puddles told fair that Maidoe was going through a 'rough patch' and needed utmost care. So Rose sat with Maidoe, measured faer words and made sure to never poke Maidoe with faer thorns.
Rose wondered if Puddles helped more. Puddles gave nowhere near as helpful advice - 'take it slow' fae said.... that was so general and not conducive to a speedy recovery - but Maidoe always smiled more and gave Puddles hugs. Fae never listened to Rose's advice. Puddles said Rose's instructions were "too much" to deal with while Maidoe was in pain. Rose didn't understand. faer advice would bring less pain. Why didn't they see that?
Perhaps it was the hugs.
Maidoe left the next day, white splotches over faer skin where the surprise hug punctured.
Rose had faer own matching splotches, all over faer thorns.
For a precious moment, fae forgot fae had them. But fae wouldn't forget again. If Rose had been more stern- more faerself - thorns & all, then Maidoe wouldn't have left. Simple as that.
Puddle's leaves drooped, darkening.
Rose bit faer tongue. Fae shouldn't say it unless Puddles asked. It would hurt Puddles more, but how could fae let it get that bad? It was probably just a wind issue - the indoor winds always smelled weird. It was such an easy fix -
"Maidoe's tree is doing better"
Rose glanced over, it had gotten bushier - full of sprouts and leaves.
Rose nodded. "Fae had to get rid of the dead ones and let faer tree get sun, simple changes."
"Not to Maidoe."
Rose blinked. Right. Fae had already poked the others, already caused damage. How could fae fix that?
" ... Sorry"
"Sorry? Who are you and what have you done with Rose?"
"Oh don't be fooled, we are still having our debates."
"For sure."
Puddles fluffed faer leaves. a few fell. Rose grimaced. Wait, wait... if it gets any worse, fae would tell faer anyways.
Puddles sighed. "Do you have 'simple fixes' for these?"
"YES. It's a wind issue, your leaves are delicate-"
"Without the insults."
"No one likes being insulted Rose, they want to know what they are doing right, THEN give advice."
Rose flicked faer ears. "Sooo... You did a very good job at - at -"
"It's that hard?"
"You're great at resting."
"Wow. Thanks."
"Love the sarcasm. But... really, both you and Maidoe let yourselves rest, maybe at the wrong times, but still... that's a good thing."
Puddles hummed. "Thank you. You should also try it."
"... Can I give you advice now?"
"Hold on... you need advice first."
"Me? Oh.. Ok-okay."
"Maidoe didn't leave because of you."
Rose blinked. "Wha - where did that come from?"
"You've been twisting your claws since you've gotten here."
Rose scowled at faer claws for their betrayal." That does not immediately mean that I think- I think... Maidoe left..."
Rose swallowed. Silly tears. Silly, silly tears that come for the smallest of things.
Puddles tapped Rose's snout in a supportive 'bop'. "Maidoe left because fae was losing faer leaves & wanted to see if there was more to the world."
"But... faer scars."
"I think Fae's quite proud of them actually"
"And fae wanted to see how great the wild actually was."
"It is great."
"I know Rose."
"Why didn't fae tell me.... before fae left?"
"You would make faer stay, say something like 'it isn't conducive for your health'"
"It wasn't conducive for faer health"
".... Faer tree is all bushy now. If we see faer again, I'll ask faer if fae has been a pollywiggin this whole time."
"I doubt that."
".... we'll have a debate on it later."
"For sure... and... Puddles?"
"Tha- Thank you."
"Of course, Rose."
".... Now can I give you advice?"
Puddles laughed. "Of course, Rose."
Rose smiled. Fae didn't have to hide faer thorns, but fae shouldn't poke others with them either.
They wanted to be cared for - like faer bloom - that's why they never listened.
And Rose? Rose would work on listening too.
That's the end <3
I hope you all like Rose's story. This houseplant series gives me so much joy, especially since I seem to be in a bit of a spiral again. (Listening to my favorite song "Agnes" by Glass Animals, non-stop to stop the throbbing static and the overwhelming heat and urge to cry but I just can't and it might get so so much worse and I thought I was doing better. This shouldn't hurt, this happened before, it shouldn't hurt.) And I guess that's the point, isn't it? I can't promise you hope for a happy ending, and it's okay to be broken now, it's a story, right? A constant cycle? And I know it's so so wrong of me to say it when I feel so awful, but... perhaps we can enjoy every stage of it? I love this song, I finally have the motivation to do schoolwork because my creative energy is sapped out, it will pass, it's okay right now. We'll take care of each other, and agnst is fun in stories right? All my little characters in my head are curling beside each other, murmuring comfort, because that's all I can really offer. I don't know the answer, but hey, growth is growth, isn't it? No matter if the plant is losing leaves or growing or living or dying, it's beautiful in a way. It seems so complicated and messy, but that's the web, full of dewdrops, catching the light.
Erhm... sorry for the rant, my thoughts are on the borderline of mean and I needed to sort them out.
But if you don't mind the little self-promo: reblog this with one kind statement to "water" rose, let's spread some wonder to this convoluted place <3
And spread the word to anyone else who would like to add their houseplant to the garden, perhaps we can fill tumblr with houseplants.
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