#The Wolves At Bay
xxmissrosearts · 2 years
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Made Another Variant for @/doekawaii and @/wuffkawaii ‘s TWAB story 👁👁
Her name is Scarlett Carter. An outlaw and gang leader in life, now in death the simple care taker of horses. ✨
⚠️please do not repost⚠️
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arcadepop · 11 months
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I can finally post these here now!
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garretthegator · 11 months
Well been a while since I’ve tried to use this place.
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montereybayaquarium · 8 months
Just a wolf-eel ready to howl at the moon jelly 🌑
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save chloe // save sean
(inspired by this)
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wereyeena · 3 months
I love being in a non human relationship!!!
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this is literally me and him!
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its great, i can really be myself around him. he's really my soulmate. we can do anything with eachother and it could never be considered weird because we're just two wolves in love!!!! I LOVE BEING NON HUMAN!!!!!!!
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slothpoth · 9 months
“Sloth where’s the next chapter of the domesticating knives fic” have you ever considered how fuckin hard it is to write dryhumping from both angles when you haven’t done it in years??? Huh?? Cut me some fucking slack
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littlx-songbxrd · 1 year
I got spoiled and im just gonna say it. Christopher Lightwood and David Kostyk dying the same year will and IS my villain origin story
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devilmass · 8 months
rodrick is so guardian dog coded. he's the graveyard grim. he'll keep watch over you your entire life and then clean your body when you're dead. he'll light a candle for your soul every single night of life for the rest of his life and think of you daily. he'll also die for his flock. he'll sacrifice a lamb to stave off the wolves. he's here to keep the natural order and the natural order isn't always beautiful, but he's there and he'll always be there.
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you-me-we-04 · 6 months
There are two wolves inside of you. One wolf knows it makes the most thematic senes out of anyone for Kyle O'Reilly to be the aew devil. The other wolf wants him to be a devil one of the devil masked men because reDRagon: 4 times ROH World Tag Team Champions has a lovely ring to it............................ Both wolves are gay.
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writerfae · 1 year
oc picrew tag
I was tagged by @angelicminds, thank you so much!
I’m leaving an open tag for all the fans of oc picrews out there who might want to do this🙈
Rules: use this picrew to make yourself/ some of your OCs
Didn’t make myself with this but I did make the main character of each of my wips! Hope you enjoy ^^ (especially because I don’t talk much about most of them)
From left to right in order of how old their stories are:
Nalia (P:SW), Aiden (Knights of the Alder), Ben (Study of Lambs and Wolves), Will (Summer at Cotton Bay), Emma (The Valet’s Daughter) and Marie (Sonntagskind)
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xxmissrosearts · 2 years
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I’d like to officially introduce y’all to this fellow named Andrea 👁👁
Another one of my TWAB variants, he’s an Italian gardener, whom of which Died in the 1920s and ended up in The Burrow (TWAB belongs to DoeKawaii and WuffinKawaii)
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austenwazright · 2 years
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There you go, partners, soul mates, mates, husbands, alpha and wtv is the opposite of that
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 month
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"SAFE FROM WOLVES IN SPIKED SUIT," Sault Star (Sault Ste. Marie). May 8, 1934. Page 10. ---- Designed by Fort William Man; Seen in Sault Yesterday ---- Sault Ste. Marie citizens were treated yesterday to a view of a novel suit designed a few years ago by a Fort William man, H. Veale, as protection during a wolf hunt.
Mr. Veale appears to have believed, contrary to the experience of all northern woodsmen, that the wolves would attack a human being and the suit, which is of heavy leather, has projecting from it about 1,000 two-inch spikes, which would be a nasty mouthful for any animal that attempted to attack the wearer. It is also fitted out with a wire mask and a leather hood.
The suit, which caused considerable discussion when Mr. Veale first wore it, was displayed yesterday as part of the advertising for the Walt Disney Silly Symphony "The Big Bad Wolf." which is being shown at the Algoma Theatre.
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caligasolus · 4 months
Apple a day keeps the wolves at bay - Week 1
So... I decided to get this 12 day advent gift giving thing from etsy by this person. It's a bit on the witchy side of things, and I'm starting to fully dabble in it.
I've always been a christian but leaning more agnostic because how can we really know everything. I just think everything is more complicated then the traditional sense. It's an awkward spot because those who are christains would say I'm not, but those who are true agnostic/atheist would call me christian.
ANYWAY, I ordered this thing and figured I would use tumblr as my introspection point for each gift and document my last 12 weeks of grad school.
So I open the first gift...
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And I already feel great! I got a cute mug, spoon to stir, amazing smelling tea mix, a diffuser, a blank valentines day card, a pen, and instructions.
Light a candle Brew a cuppa and write a love letter to yourself
So I do just that. The tea is called "Cocoa, apple, cinnamon, rosehips & black tea." I'm usually not big on loose leaf tea but... this is so good! I wrote a letter to be opened when I'm done graduate school.
So week 1? Success!
Overall thoughts? I feel like this was crafted with me in mind lead by some sort of divinity/ good energy.
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something something episode 1 of lis2 being a condensed version of all lis1/lis2 starting where lis1 ends.
in the beginning we've got the dates--both games begin in october, with lis1 kicking off on Oct 28, a couple weeks after Storm Day on October 11. lis1 is (technically) contained within a week, while lis2 is spaced out over months on end, unfurling outward from a similar jumping off point as lis1.
both games begin with a powered character whose abilities are trigged by witnessing an act of deadly gun violence against a loved one. in both cases, this reaction in turn brings about further destruction (Daniel's immediate, but smaller scale, and Max's delayed, but much stronger) which shapes the rest of the game's narrative
in lis1, however, that violence is only the beginning of a much larger conspiracy of murder and manipulation, with the question of Chloe Price's shooting bleeding into the disappearance of Rachel Amber and a much larger conspiracy. In lis2, Esteban's death is a brutally simple case of all-American bigotry, kicked off by Brett Foster's casual racism/ableism and culminating in Officer Matthews' police brutality. The whole point is that there's no reason to make it a mystery, because shit like this happens every day.
and yet ep1 of lis2 is still a mystery, in its way, because Sean doesn't know why there was an explosion in Seattle, and Daniel doesn't know where his father is. Both boys pick up on signs that something is off, in a more restrained reflection of Chloe and Max's search for the truth throughout lis1, before both secrets comes out during the final confrontation in the motel room.
There are other visible parallels with Episode 5, like Sean/Max being restrained in a darkened office/Dark Room by a violent man with a brutal ideology and requiring help from an outside source (Daniel/David) to escape. And of course, there's the climatic storm (or "storm") at the end of the episode, with Daniel/Max violently losing control of their abilities with only Sean/Chloe to guide them through it.
unlike Chloe, Sean is able to calm Daniel's storm--but the Diaz brothers are still left with the worst of both lis1 endings, involving both the dead loved one who can't be rescued from Save Arcadia Bay and the destruction and exile left behind from Save Chloe Price. like Chloe and Max in the latter ending, they're seen riding into an unknown future together, overseen by animal guardians--the deer glimpsed in the ruins of Arcadia and the wolves in Sean's story.
the next four episode of lis2 provide an opportunity to answer all the questions we only get glimpses of in a Save Chloe Price reality--what it means to live on the run with havoc in your wake, what it means to really live with/love a person capable of such devastation, what it means to deal with the long-term effects of your own powerlessness in the face of such supernatural forces (which I really want to explore more later).
tl:dr ep1 of lis2 provides a spiritual recap of lis1 to expand and build upon everything discussed in that game in the process of becoming its own powerhouse. it's awesome to witness and I love it so much and I'm glad there are other people out there who do, too.
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