#kieran matthews
thinking about how one way that lis2 breaks the life is strange mold is that the other lis games are all mystery stories to one extent or another, where a big part of the conflict is catching the bad guy and achieving justice for a character's murder. i've mentioned before how lis2's mystery elements get resolved by the end of the first ep, and the inciting murder gets (accidentally) avenged by daniel within like a minute. instead, the game overall works as more of an anti-mystery story, where a huge part of the plot is about trying (and inevitably failing, but at least you tried) to evade police attention and conceal daniel's power. you don't spend the game trying to figure out what's going on as you do figuring out who's between you and your basic objective of deception/survival.
you could really say the diaz brothers are the mystery: they're the shadows come out of the woods, they're the secret the reynolds are keeping in their house, they're the hidden endsource of chaos on the farm, they're the strangers blowing through haven's point like a hurricane, and for many other characters in the story, they are the criminals with the rising body count and the mysterious motives. kindred matthews' death is an accident stemming from him being being a racist dickhead, but in lis2 he's kind of a warped rachel amber or gabe chen figure as the search for his "killers" consumes the narrative. there's no ending where the truth gets revealed on a big enough scale to help matters; the brothers either get failed by this idea of justice or reject through it entirely.
which means there's no long-term search for justice like you see in the other games, however hopeless or grim those searches are, no big bad who'll be confronted and brought down, despite the cost, at the end of the road. not that you don't have opportunities to punish individual villains along the way, quite brutally in fact, but those are on-the-spot choices that usually feel more like revenge, whether pranking the dickhead from ep 2 or kicking the shit out of hank or executing lisbeth. none of these options are technically necessary to keep the boys alive and none of them are decisions to avenge esteban's murder, but they feel fucking amazing. mechanic-wise they're also necessary for the low mortality path, which is the only route where you have even a chance to make it over the border with daniel, so you could even say the game rewards players for that kind of behavior.
the diaz brothers have been failed by the system, like the other lis games, but unlike those games there's no longterm, concrete plans of doing that work of justice for it. you 'win' at general lis games in part by identifying and catching a murderer, whatever it takes, and you 'win' at lis2 (in my opinion, anyway) by avoiding being caught for murder, whatever it takes. on the whole the game's just a fascinating portrayal of what's left over when more commonplace understandings of justice get taken so completely out of your equation, and it deserves so much more credit for that.
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venka · 5 months
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MATTHEW MACFADYEN, SARAH SNOOK, & KIERAN CULKIN pose with their Golden Globes for Succession (January 7, 2024)
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littlecarmine · 1 year
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roman, tom, shiv, and kendall final scenes
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hihomeghere · 3 months
Rdr2 guys reaction to “I want a baby.”
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Honorable mention
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thiagodasilva · 5 months
I can live and die in peace knowing that Jeremy, Kieran, Sarah, and Matthew have all won Emmys during their run in succession…cast of all time…
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lovetgr76 · 8 months
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Spooky Season 2023
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hellcourt-v · 1 year
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Family portrait
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elainiisms · 1 year
i cannot take succession seriously that is literally the gay guy from scott pilgrim and mr darcy like
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birdmans · 1 year
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succession x booth by bryant
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brookheimer · 5 months
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golden globe winners (!!) sarah snook, kieran culkin, and matthew macfadyen
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cryptidcr3ature · 1 month
I notice things about rdr fans and it’s 4 am and I don’t give a fuck anymore about quality. Here’s what your fav says about you.
Arthur: you’re either a twelve year old boy who only plays low honor or you’re a horse girl who thinks Arthur can do no wrong.
Charles: Most dedicated fans. You know you killed those poachers because Charles was mad. You know you keep his requests locked and loaded for when he asks for them. You know you kick your feet every time he says hi. Y’all’s fav went through all that and yall still stuck with him. Either that or yall are just horny.
Javier: y’all are horny and want a well dressed bf
John: you like your men stupid
Kieran: you like your men pathetic
Dutch: you either write essays about him and his complexities or you just have bad taste in men. Seek help either way. You have daddy issues.
Hosea: Daddy issues and you wish your dad was more like Hosea (or you saw the young picture and said DAMNNNN)
Molly O’Shea: I know she deserves better, we all do. Please save Molly please.
Sadie: You want women to step on you.
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something something episode 1 of lis2 being a condensed version of all lis1/lis2 starting where lis1 ends.
in the beginning we've got the dates--both games begin in october, with lis1 kicking off on Oct 28, a couple weeks after Storm Day on October 11. lis1 is (technically) contained within a week, while lis2 is spaced out over months on end, unfurling outward from a similar jumping off point as lis1.
both games begin with a powered character whose abilities are trigged by witnessing an act of deadly gun violence against a loved one. in both cases, this reaction in turn brings about further destruction (Daniel's immediate, but smaller scale, and Max's delayed, but much stronger) which shapes the rest of the game's narrative
in lis1, however, that violence is only the beginning of a much larger conspiracy of murder and manipulation, with the question of Chloe Price's shooting bleeding into the disappearance of Rachel Amber and a much larger conspiracy. In lis2, Esteban's death is a brutally simple case of all-American bigotry, kicked off by Brett Foster's casual racism/ableism and culminating in Officer Matthews' police brutality. The whole point is that there's no reason to make it a mystery, because shit like this happens every day.
and yet ep1 of lis2 is still a mystery, in its way, because Sean doesn't know why there was an explosion in Seattle, and Daniel doesn't know where his father is. Both boys pick up on signs that something is off, in a more restrained reflection of Chloe and Max's search for the truth throughout lis1, before both secrets comes out during the final confrontation in the motel room.
There are other visible parallels with Episode 5, like Sean/Max being restrained in a darkened office/Dark Room by a violent man with a brutal ideology and requiring help from an outside source (Daniel/David) to escape. And of course, there's the climatic storm (or "storm") at the end of the episode, with Daniel/Max violently losing control of their abilities with only Sean/Chloe to guide them through it.
unlike Chloe, Sean is able to calm Daniel's storm--but the Diaz brothers are still left with the worst of both lis1 endings, involving both the dead loved one who can't be rescued from Save Arcadia Bay and the destruction and exile left behind from Save Chloe Price. like Chloe and Max in the latter ending, they're seen riding into an unknown future together, overseen by animal guardians--the deer glimpsed in the ruins of Arcadia and the wolves in Sean's story.
the next four episode of lis2 provide an opportunity to answer all the questions we only get glimpses of in a Save Chloe Price reality--what it means to live on the run with havoc in your wake, what it means to really live with/love a person capable of such devastation, what it means to deal with the long-term effects of your own powerlessness in the face of such supernatural forces (which I really want to explore more later).
tl:dr ep1 of lis2 provides a spiritual recap of lis1 to expand and build upon everything discussed in that game in the process of becoming its own powerhouse. it's awesome to witness and I love it so much and I'm glad there are other people out there who do, too.
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meowingalong · 2 months
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More 🙏
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garfieldblunt · 3 months
Okay but the Van der Linde Gang playing Uno while drunk would be more than just funny.
Sean is yelling in his thick Irish accent
Javier is shouting at Sean in Spanish
The two of them think they are speaking the same language
Arthur is quietly placing down a card and keeps saying “Uno” after he places a card
Bill is upset because he never has the right color
Kieran is sitting there with 30 cards in his hands
John doesn’t know how to play and is trying to play poker with his cards (doesn’t know how to play poker either)
Dutch keeps telling himself he has a plan to get rid of his cards
Micah some how has nothing but uno reverse cards
Charles won a long time ago but everyone was too drunk to notice
Hosea is sipping his red wine and watching the chaos
I just think this is exactly how it would play out.
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hihomeghere · 3 months
Fishing in the dark | Arthur Morgan / Reader
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Word Count : 1.3k (a little guy) Summary : You and Arthur have a private evening away from camp on the Dakota River. Warnings/tags : Cursing, unprotected piv, talk of nudity (both male and female), cursing, reader can swim, s3x in the river, established relationship, set in chapter 3
The Dakota River was now your favorite place to be at sunset. The cool breeze coming off the sparkling water, your body cushioned by the bed of grass. The way the setting sun cast a golden light over everything it touched.
Getting away from the gang for a while had been Arthur’s greatest idea yet. After all that mess in Valentine had led you to Clemens point. Sat on the east coast of Flat Iron lake, near the town of Rhodes. Getting eaten alive by mosquitos while the heat of the Scarlett Meadows sun beat down on you.
And although you thought maybe a room in Rhodes would have been a better way to keep each other company, you couldn’t beat this view.
Arthur stood on the shore, fishing pole in hand. His tall silhouette dark against the golden light, his shadow growing longer on the rocks. What a sight, every subtle flick of his wrist, his bicep tensing and he pulled on the pole. You didn’t even know why he was still fishing so late. He had already caught dinner, which you had prepared over a small fire. While along the shore you had picked some burdock root and common bulrush for camp, knowing that Miss Grimshaw could find some use for the plants. At long last the sun fell below the horizon, a sliver of burnt amber spreading across the sky before being enveloped by a dark blue. The moon slowly rose above you. A beautiful yellow spotlight peeking through the trees.
Arthur stood, still as a statue, as though he was carved of marble. A wicked thought entered your head, slowly you moved to unlace your boots. Pulling them off until you could dig your toes into the grassy floor beneath you. Then you untied the strings to your skirt. Letting the fabric fall, along with your shirt. Leaving you standing in only your chemise, and it wasn’t long before that was discarded as well.
Arthur had heard the slight rustling of fabric behind him, but he was honestly too preoccupied with the pole in his hands. Enjoying the quiet serenity of the river. That was until you ran butt ass naked into it.
“Darlin!” He yelled his eyes widening in shock as your laughter joined the sound of water splashing.
“Come on cowboy!” You called submerged to your waist, your breasts above the water for any passersby to see. Maybe it wasn’t your best idea yet, the freezing water chilling your bones.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He chuckled, unfortunately amused by your actions even though he knew he shouldn’t be.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” You called back, teeth chattering by the sudden drop in temperature.
“It looks like you’re giving anyone that passes through a free peep show.” He called his hand resting on his gun belt as he not so casually adjusted himself. You stepped back further into the dark water until only your shoulders and up were visible.
“When did you become such a prude?” You chided a teasing smile on your lips.
“When someone could lay eyes on my woman.” He said laying down his pole, crossing his arms over his chest. You felt a shiver run down your spine, whether it was from his words or the cold water you couldn’t tell.
“Well get in here and claim your woman before someone else does!” You called, a shit eating grin spreading across your face.
Arthur sighed, looking down as the brim of his hat shielded most of his face from you. Your grin only grew as he unbuckled his gun belt, letting it fall to the ground. He pulled his suspenders off his broad shoulders. He shook his head, his own grin growing on his face as he began to pull off his clothes.
“You’re gonna get it girl.” He warned, his eyes taking on a dark haze. His lips pulling back into a smirk, looking down at you like prey. An electric shock of anticipation ran up your body as he finally pulled off the last layer, his cock springing up against his stomach. He stepped forward, wading into the water. “Jesus!” He yelped, a shiver running through him.
“It’s not that bad!” You called with a laugh.
“Not that-“ He shook his head, “Christ I can’t feel my toes.” He muttered swimming over to you, his arm wrapping around you pulling you close. You wrapped your legs around his waist as you held onto his shoulders
“Hey there.” You grin, watching the water droplets run down his face.
“Howdy.” He muses, you place your hands on his chest, feeling his heart beat against your palm.
“Still cold?” You ask sweetly.
“Very.” He chuckles.
“I think I could warm you up.” You say biting your lip.
“Please do.” He says softly as you lean forward. Your nose bumping against his as you stare him down. He leans forward pressing his lips against yours. His tongue swiping along your lower lip as he pressed you down onto his pelvis. Clenching around nothing as his cock bumped against the nub of your clit, a soft moan leaving your throat.
“I can feel that.” You said softly, biting your lip as you looked into his eyes.
“I’m sure you can.” His chest rumbling as he chuckled. He moved his hand from your waist and reached down between your legs. The tip of his length catching against your entrance. “Think you’re wet enough?” He teases, his teeth glinting in the moonlight as he smirks.
You bite back a rebuttal as he slips inside you with ease, he swallows your gasp as his mouth covers yours. Groaning into your mouth, a deep almost primal noise. One that sends pleasure shooting through your body. You whine as he pulls out slightly, only to press your body down onto his pelvis. His cock rubbing against that spot inside you.
He knows this dance like the back of his hand, how to make you tick, more specifically how to make you scream. The hand that’s not holding your hip with a vice like grip moves up your body, his hands splayed against your stomach. Before reaching up to cup your breast, pinching your nipple.
“Arthur.” You gasp, feeling him rut against you, growling against your neck like a wild animal.
“Feel so good darlin’.” He huffs against your neck, nipping and kissing as he continues his attack on your pussy. His cock thrusting deep strokes against your walls. Your body is buzzing, your toes curling as he brings you closer and closer to your peak. He can feel you flutter around him, his lips quirk up. He moves his hand down to between your legs, rubbing your clit.
You cry out, a pitiful noise as you cum around him. Your nails dig into his shoulders, your brows knit together as your jaw hangs open. He smirks, tilting his head back as a low, shit, leaves his mouth.
His hips start to stutter as he pounds into you, trying to reach his orgasm while you’re still working through yours. He’s quick behind you, his hands holding you so close against him you’re sure you’ll have bruises. He thrusts into you one last time, a choked groan rumbling in his chest. You hold onto him as his dick twitches inside of you. Painting your insides with his seed. You smile up at him lazily, watching his face contort in pleasure.
“Shit darlin’.” He huffs, his chest rising and falling rapidly against your own. The bite of the water is no longer a thought as his warm body presses against yours.
“You warm now, cowboy?” You tease brushing your nose against this neck, pressing a kiss over his pulse point.
“Very.” He chuckles, “But I’d like to get my beautiful girl out of these waters now.” He says grabbing a handful of your ass before throwing you over his shoulder. “I ain’t done with you yet.”
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venka · 5 months
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Matthew Macfadyen, winner of Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series, Sarah Snook, winner of Best Actress in a Drama Series and Kieran Culkin, winner of Best Actor in a Drama Series for 'Succession' pose in the press room during the 75th Emmy Awards at the Peacock Theatre at L.A. Live in Los Angeles on January 15, 2024.
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