#The Spine x reader
Good Company Makes Everything Better
So I really liked the fic I wrote in point form and I would like to try writing some more! This time, dear reader, we leave Middle Earth and join our favourite steam-powered automatons! 
So I imagine that life in the Walter manor can get pretty chaotic and that even a rambunctious robot would need a day to recharge. So dearest reader, let us ask the question, how would different automatons try to help you when you’ve had a rough day and need some relaxation time?
Gender-neutral!Reader (no use of y/n)
Characters included: The Spine, Rabbit, Zer0, Hatchworth
Relationships: They can all be read as platonic or romantic
Total word count: around 1.6k :)
Warnings include: 
Feeling overwhelmed 
Robot panic attack (basically)
Seeking comfort place (You hide out under a table because it's safe ya’ know?)
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The Spine:
The automatons always annoy The Spine, but as much as they fry his circuits, he hates to see them truly upset.
Especially you. You’ve managed to worm your way into his metal heart and no matter how many updates he goes through, the soft spot he has for you remains. 
So when you ran away during a lively Monopoly game, he jumped up to follow you. While it was true you loved to play with him and the other automatons, he knew that the volume and chaos could be a little too much for some (many).
He would poke his head into every room while searching the manor and when he found you, he would sit beside you for as long as you needed.
The Spine would try offering comfort by telling you different dinosaur facts and just listening to you.
You felt the steam rising from your inner boiler, and your circuits were working double time to keep up with the conversation, the music, the game, your moves, their moves, and of course, the spilled and melted ice cream that was beginning to stick to the smooth metal of your hands. It was too much. Before you could process your own movements, you had left the media room and made your way to the kitchen.
The Spine scolded Zer0 for knocking your ice cream over and quickly followed after you, wanting to ensure you were alright. He found you in the corner of the kitchen trying (and failing) to clean the melted mess from in between your metal plates. 
“Hi there,” he slowly approached you, as though afraid to startle you.
You looked back and allowed a small smile to slip as you returned the greeting. The Spine stepped closer to you and took the cloth from your hand gently. 
“Let me help.”
“Thank you,” you sniffed. The Spine carefully began helping clean the mess out of your arms all while reassuring you and telling you about the latest book he read.
“I think you might like it! Did you know the Nigersaurus had 500 teeth?”
“No,” you chuckled, “Maybe I will give it a read.”
The Spine smiled at you and after a few deep breaths, you felt ready to go back and win the game. 
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Rabbit is all go, go, go, and it can be hard to keep up at times. So when her favourite fellow automaton was worn out from games, music, dancing, ice cream socials, talks with the mayor of music, etc. Rabbit knew it was time for a break.
She would most definitely build a fort for you two to hang out in all day. It would be made of stolen pillows and blankets (even robots like to be comfortable) and feature comfy spots to sit down and watch movies. 
She would blindfold you and lead you through the whole manor and into the sitting room (you fell multiple times on the way). Once in the fort, she would pull out your favourite things like movies and the two of you would spend the day hidden away from anything overwhelming.
Rabbit would be happy to have a day to recharge with you so the both of you could get back to causing chaos right away. 
“I’m sorry Rabbit, I’m just really tired at the moment.”
“Oh c-come on, it will be-be be fun!” She held a blindfold out to you and you sighed in resignation as you took it from her. You loved Rabbit’s schemes but you had been feeling so worn out recently, pushing away those thoughts, you rose from your seat and agreed to follow her. You had stumbled into tables and walls four times as she directed your way through the manor. You were nearly ready to give up when she yelled at you to stop!
“Take off-of-off the bli-blindfold NOW!” Rabbit said with a great deal of excitement in her voice. You did as instructed and your ocular sensors widened when you saw the fort in front of you. 
It was a gorgeous amalgamation of soft blankets and pillows, it featured lights of all types (was that Zer0’s lamp?!) and as Rabbit lifted a blanket that you assumed to be the door of sorts you gasped. The cozy space was filled with some of your favourite things and items for hobbies! The fort was set up so you could view the television and a stack of both yours and Rabbit’s favourite movies sat ready and waiting. 
“I thought we could u-use a day to relax-relax and re-re-r-recharge!” Rabbit smiled brightly but it was twinged with nervousness over your reaction. The look was quickly dispelled as you smiled widely and told her how wonderful it was.
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Zer0 knew you were upset as soon as you walked into the room. You had this huffy look about you and there was steam rising from where you now stood.
Our boi doesn’t want to be on anybody's bad side so he would cautiously approach you and ask what was up. He isn’t pleased to hear that you’ve had s a rough day where nothing has gone right in your eyes.
He is now determined to make sure something goes right so that your day isn’t completely sour. Cue Zer0 pulling out the Wii and turning on Just Dance
I think Zer0 would definitely want to dance out any bad feelings, what self-respecting robot wouldn’t? So he would pull you into the game and you two would dance for hours beating high score after high score.
Zer0 just wants to see you smile and he’ll be up for all sorts of fun or silly activities to see that happen.
Nothing could go right for you today. It seemed to be the cosmic joke of the day that everything you did was doomed to go poorly. You were ready to burst, to cry, to yell, to implode. Your wiring was fried, and your joints were stiff due to your gloomy mood. You felt so awful. You walked through the house like a swirling storm and when you walked into the media room, you could see Zer0 sitting looking quite frustrated at a puzzle.
He looked up at you and his happy smile faltered when he took in your tense form. “Are you okay?” He asked tentatively.
With a mechanical sigh, you shook your head and dropped onto the nearby couch. Zer0 tilted his head and seemed to take a moment to think. He perked up suddenly and raced toward the game consoles.
“What are you doing?” You winced at the sharp tone of your voice. But Zer0 seemed to pay it no mind as he moved to pull the coffee table away to clear the room in front of the television.
“What we need is some music to groove to!” Zer0 stated proudly as the tell-tale sounds of Just Dance sounded from the speakers.
You couldn’t help the smile that spread over your face as you stood to join Zer0 who passed the controller to you to pick a song.
Hours had passed, but you and Zer0 just kept dancing, laughing the whole time. At this rate, you would both break down before you were too tired to continue. The Spine had walked in at some point but swiftly turned around, leaving you and Zer0 to enjoy the afternoon Just Dancing.
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Hatchworth would find you randomly, most likely in the kitchen. He planned on gathering some sodas for the human members of the household when he found you under the kitchen table.
Hatchworth would be concerned but also confused. You would have to explain yourself somewhat but it would come out garbled and interrupted by sniffs.
Without another word, he would join you under the table and pull out a sandwich from seemingly nowhere. 
While you couldn’t really eat it you still held it close and thanked him. He would smile and simply ask you to tell him what made you hide under the table.
Hatchworth doesn’t know much about some emotions (I think some robots might be upgraded to comprehend more emotions than others) so he would gladly listen to you for as long as you needed.
Your thoughts were swirling and your gears ground uncomfortably but at least your hiding spot under the kitchen table felt safe and comfortable. At this point, you didn’t really know what had triggered the want to be here. It seemed that one minute you were struggling to move and then in a flash, you found yourself under a table.
Your thoughts were interrupted when the heavy steps of an automaton came in contact with the tiled floor. You could see Hatchworth’s legs as he moved to the fridge gathering a tray worth of pop cans. He muttered something under his breath as one fell to the floor and began to roll towards you. You began to panic slightly, you didn’t want to be seen like this by anyone, especially not Hatchworth. But you accepted your doom as Hatchworth bent down to grab the can and made eye contact with you.
“What are you doing under the table?”
“I-I don’t know.” You sounded rather dejected at that and lowered your head only to raise it once more as Hatchworth suddenly moved to sit beside you.
“It is quite nice down here,” he smiled at you but when you did not return the gesture he frowned slightly, “But it seems rather unusual.”
You could only shrug and look down into your lap. The silence seemed terribly loud, and you couldn't seem to think. And that is when you noticed a sandwich coming into view. Hatchworth held out one of his famous sandwiches, and you accepted it gladly, a smile tugged at your lips as you held it close.
“So, what is down?”
“Don’t you mean up?”
“No, because we are on the floor.”
Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it!
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um um um i saw the prompt you got about the jon comforting the reader through heartbreak and was wondering if youd do the same for the spine? 🫣 its totally ok if you dont want to tho!!
Of course!!! I am so sorry at how short this is but I hope you enjoy it!!!
It was a slow day and you and The Spine were relaxing in one of the many living rooms of the Walter Manor. He was relaxing on one of the sofas and you were seated in You had started showing up to library #32 alongside him, usually with a book or something else, around a month ago. At first The Spine ignored you, but he had grown to like your presence.
He didn’t know exactly why he liked your presence, but it had gotten to the point where he couldn’t focus on his book or whatnot if you weren’t there. Today was no exception. There was a small ping and The Spine repressed a sigh.
Your significant other usually texted you during these little pockets of peace, breaking it with that annoying little ping. What was worse was that you would sometimes giggle and text back and it would happen over and over and over… Why was you giggling at whatever they said such a big deal to him?
He pushed the thought to the back of his mind as you fished your phone out of your pocket, turning it on and reading the text message. You inhaled sharply, attracting The Spine’s attention. Was something wrong? No, he needs to respect your private life and leave well enough alone.
You tapped a reply and another ping sounded as your partner texted back. Your heart rate had elevated and your breathing was slightly erratic, The Spine’s sensitive ears picking all this up. He also heard your breath hitch slightly and the dull thunk of your phone hitting the couch.
…Maybe he shouldn’t leave well enough alone. This was you he was talking about; you deserved more than to be ignored. “Y/N? Is everything alright?” He asked, lowering his book.
Your head snapped up, your eyes wide. You wiped at them before mumbling, “…Yeah, ‘m fine.”
“Are you sure?” The Spine asked, closing his book and resting it on his lap.
You nodded, rubbing your eyes. The Spine frowned, concern evident on his face. “Y/N… please don’t lie to me,” He said softly.
You nodded, hunching your shoulders as you curled into yourself. “M’kay,” You said quietly, your voice quivering.
“Do you want to talk about it?” The Spine asked.
You shook your head no. “Alright then. Is there anything I can do?” He asked.
“...can I have a hug?” You asked quietly.
The Spine nodded and you got up, sitting down right next to him and leaning against his shoulder. He hugged you gently, holding you close. He felt how you were trembling, how your hands fumbled before wrapping around his chest. He heard how you sniffled softly, how your breath trembled with each inhale.
A sudden angry feeling enveloped him and made him hold you a bit tighter. He had an idea what had gotten you like this and he made a mental note to “Talk” to your (probably past) partner.
“Th…Thank you, The Spine,” You mumbled, pushing him away gently.
“You’re welcome,” The Spine said, struggling to keep his voice neutral.
You still looked miserable, though. “Is there anything else I can do?” The Spine asked, feeling his worry come back and hit him in the face like a wave.
“I don’t think so, Spine. Thanks for letting me hang out, though,” You said, standing up and retrieving your phone.
You walked silently out of the library and The Spine mentally cursed himself. If only there was something else he could do… Suddenly, an idea sprang to mind.
“Y/N, wait!” The Spine called, throwing his book to the side and running to the hall.
You looked up from the floor, wiping your eyes. “I have the perfect thing for you to do!” The Spine said, smiling in a way that he hoped was reassuring.
You sighed, rubbing your eyes again. “What is it…?” You asked, though you seemed reluctant.
“Most of the humans I know try to distract themselves when they’re not feeling good. As I can see, you’re not feeling good, so how about we do something? The Spine said.
You were quiet for a split second before replying, “Sure, fine. What would we even do?”
“We could bake, read, run experiments, act out Shakespeare, act out Shakespeare poorly, discuss different types of media, watch movies, do-” The Spine started to ramble, but you shut him up with a finger to his lips.
“A movie sounds nice…” You said, already seeming less miserable.
The Spine smiled, kind of giddily as you had yet to remove your hand from his mouth. Now, what to do about that probable ex of yours…
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ghouljams · 11 months
Happy no more ban!!!! Fae!König and Liebling's first time having sex is here. I've been sitting on it for a while because I didn't know how to do it other than just jumping right in.
We all remember how König got in trouble for biting? Well... here's the biting.
You can't look at him like this. You think that might be for the best. You press your face further into your pillow, whining as his hand splays across your back pushing your shoulders firmly against the mattress. It's huge, he’s huge, as he grinds his cock into you, your hips held aloft by another huge hand. His fingers press into your skin, pumping you full of his magic, keeping you pliant and relaxed for him.
His cock stretches you impossibly, filling you fuller than you have ever been. He is monstrous, carving out space for himself where you didn’t think there was any. You clench around him, enjoying the indulgent way he drags his cock out of you. Slow and purposeful, letting you feel every inch just so he can slam it back in. You can feel him in the air, vibrating with excitement, filing your senses with him.
You peek at him over your shoulder, at the giant that hovers over you, around you, thrusts inside of you. He is awful in a biblical sense. Bigger than you can fathom, and hunched against your ceiling, his long limbs at odd angles to keep him close to you, he wasn’t this big when you started. You turn back to your pillow, burying the memory of his spines somewhere that doesn’t have him groaning at how wet it makes you.
“Do I scare you, liebling?” He asks, misreading your whimpering. You nod into your pillow and he hums. “Es tut mir leid, Liebling, lass es mich reparieren,” His voice whispers in your ear, you don’t understand it but it’s comforting.
You feel him butt his head against yours and your thoughts are filled with him. Filled with you, his adoration echoing through your mind, bouncing praise against your skin with each bruising thrust of his thick cock. As if he could fuck your brains out any better. You can feel yourself clench around him your gooey walls trying to hold onto his cock, just as you can feel him hit that lovely spongy spot that makes your toes curl and your hips buck.
Pretty, he repeats it over and over, mine to keep, mine to love, my pretty, pretty, pretty.
His fingers stroke over your stomach, pressing against the bulge of his cock. You keen against the pillow, feeling his fingers and his cock and you cunt and every little sensation that he can pump you full of sparking up your spine. The tips of his claws just kiss your skin as you shudder and try to push back against him for more.
“You’re taking me so well,” he tells you aloud, as his thoughts echo the sentiment, “made for me, gemacht für mich, meine liegender kleiner Schatz.”
You're starting to think he might be right. Your skin buzzing with his magic, making you sensitive to each brush of his fingers as he drags them over your stomach and circles your clit. Heat licking hot in your veins as his tongue rolls over your shoulder. You sink your teeth into your pillow, brows drawing together as you try to keep yourself from begging. He's holding his cock still in you, cockwarming himself as his fingers trace maddeningly over your clit. He's waiting, you don't know what he's waiting for.
For you, you think, for you to ask for him. You're wound so tight, just clenching desperately around him, trying to entice him to fucking move already. Doesn't he know? Do you have to say it?
"Sag, dass du mich willst, Liebling." He breathes, "Sag, du willst meinen Schwanz mehr als das Blut in deinen Adern." You whine and his claws dig into your skin, as he growls, "Say it."
"Please König, please," you shake just at the edge of not enough, "I want you, want your cock more than blood, more than any-" you squeak as his teeth sink into your shoulder, your skin hardly puts up a fight before letting him through, but you barely notice the pain past the snap of his hips. Your eyes roll back, the short desperate thrusts pushing you over the edge. He growls at the taste of your blood, teeth held firm as you gush around his cock. The tip of his cock slams against your cervix, every thick splitting inch of him dragging inside your squishy cunt. The sound of it wet and pornographic as the moan it forces out of you.
You are made for him, you want to be made for him. You think that should be enough. It feels like enough when you can clench on his cock and feel every vein, as he fucks you through orgasm. He presses firmly into your fluttering cunt, and you feel the heat of his cum fill you. Should you be worried about that? He gives a shallow thrust, releases another thick spurt into you, and you don't care. God you really do not care.
König's tongue collects the blood spilling from his bite, you can hear his voice in your head. "Good girl," you press back against him, sensitive but still wanting, "we'll keep going until you're full, until you're mine inside and out."
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jesterwriting · 8 months
reacting to you getting kidnapped and being grievously injured. both recovery and death routes
pairing: trafalgar law x reader, crocodile x reader, doflamingo x reader (separate)
contents: kidnapping, blood, death, grief, general angst, and a little but of toxicity from doffy because let's be real here.
word count: 1.9k words
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The stench of iron clouded your senses. Despite the heat, you shook uncontrollably, barely able to curl in on yourself. Numbness spread from your chest outward until the pain you had once been so intimately acquainted with felt like nothing more than a distant memory. You could barely hear over the blood rushing in your ears. There were voices above you, but they were far too muffled for you to make out anything aside from sharp, jeering laughter. A kick to your ribs made pain bloom from your abdomen before it tapered off into nothingness. It was supposed to hurt. Why weren’t you hurting anymore?
It had been a long time since you had been so afraid. She was an old friend, one you hadn’t been visited by ever since you met your partner. You were a weak little thing, especially in comparison to them. It had never been more obvious than now, left more of a pile of meat and bone rather than a person on the rickety floor of the old shack you’d been dragged into.
All it took was a distraction. Today was your birthday, and you were so focused on thinking about your special day, that you were taken by surprise. A sob rattled from your chest as your terror faded away, slipping from your grasp, just as your blood spilled from the wound on your belly. As if to catch the fleeing emotion, you clenched your fist tight enough for your fingertips to bury themselves into the meat of your palm. All you felt was a dull pressure.
I think I’m dying.
Whether you wanted to or not didn’t matter anymore. Another weak sob shook your body. Looking down, you acknowledged that you could reach out and touch your insides. All it would take was an exploratory hand and an insatiable curiosity, neither of which you thought you were capable of at the moment. It wasn’t until you looked up did you realize one of your eyes was swollen shut. Or missing, you thought tiredly. It wasn’t like it would matter anymore. There was no surviving this.
Acceptance did not come easy. You wanted to fight, you wanted to scream, beg, cry, anything, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move. As one last act of defiance, you flexed your toes in your boots. Even that minute task felt monumental, like you were at the last stretch of a marathon.
“I don’… Wanna-” You didn’t want to die.
There was someone waiting for you. Someone strong, someone who protected you, who loved you. Someone whose notoriety got you in this position in the first place. If you were a lesser person, you would blame them for what happened to you.
Where were they when you needed them most? You did nothing to deserve this. It wasn’t fair. You inhaled a sharp breath as tears poured down your face, mixing with your blood to create a pinkish puddle on the floor. The fact of the matter was: it wasn’t their fault, and as easy as it was to blame yourself, you knew it wasn’t yours either. Those who were at fault were above you, drinking and laughing over your battered body like they weren’t soon to follow. Your lips twitched upward at the thought. At least you would be avenged. It was a small mercy, but one you indulged greedily.
You didn’t hear the door open, nor did you see who entered, but judging by the horrified faces of your assailants, you could wager a guess. Your body moved as if on autopilot, unbroken arm sliding across the floor towards your lover, smearing gore across the wood as you reached for them. It was a shame that this was it. You only hoped they would move on without you.
If only you got to say goodbye. If only you were able to tell them not to hide from your bones, but build something new with them. As if they could bury your spine in the ground and you would sprout anew, whole and intact again.
As your vision faded to black, you caught your lover's expression. It was…
Trafalgar Law
Fear. It was only there for a second before blue light filled the enclosed space and the men who surrounded you were diced into tiny little pieces. Law would not allow his emotions get the better of him, not when you were in critical condition. Your heart was still beating. That meant he had time, he wasn’t too late. Steady hands — but, oh, how they shook when he was done with you — stitched you back together, piece by agonizing piece. Even when he was done, Law wouldn’t rest. He would spend his days watching you, counting your breaths with the rise and fall of your chest.
Recovery would be slow, made even slower by his insistence to treat you as if you were made of glass. He would be more irritable than usual, especially if you went against his orders as your doctor. If he had to strap you down to keep you from moving and reopening your wounds, so be it. As long as you were alive by the end of it to scold him for it, he didn’t care. Law could not fathom how close he was to losing you, and it will take a while to process. He might come off as wishy-washy, some nights holding you as tight as your injuries would allow, breathing in your scent as if it was the last time he would see you. Other’s, Law would throw himself into his work, so as not to allow himself to think, avoiding you when he wasn’t treating you.
If Law lost you, he would close himself off entirely. Whatever walls you had managed to tear down would return stronger than ever. He wouldn’t allow himself to mourn properly, rather, he would throw himself back into his plans full force. Barely eating, barely sleeping, barely living. The crew can tell he’s not handling your loss well, though whoever attempts to bring it up is subjected to a brutal verbal lashing from their captain. It isn’t until night comes and Law finds himself in a cold, empty bed would he allow himself to cry.
Sir Crocodile
Disbelief. Whatever Crocodile expected, it was not this. While he certainly did not expect you to single handedly beat your attackers into submission, he certainly didn’t expect to find anyone stupid enough to so brutally harm someone that belonged to him. Crocodile did not trust easily. Many said that he did not trust at all. The fact that the one person that he allowed in was inches from death was enough to make his stomach churn. He would waste no time with the fools who attacked you, dispatching them swiftly before he contacted the best doctors at his disposal to treat you. As much as he would love to whisk you away into his arms, Crocodile knew moving you while you were so injured was not a good idea. Instead, he would crouch next to you and keep you awake until the doctors arrived. As if you would break, he would hold your smaller hand in his, gently brushing your blood-smeared hair from your forehead with his hook.
Recovery would be spent in the lap of luxury, showered with not only gifts, but more of your lover’s attention than ever before. That wasn’t to say Crocodile usually neglected you, it was the fact that he was a very busy man. Normally, he would be in meeting after meeting. Now, with you laid upon silk sheets and covered in bandages, Crocodile was by your side twenty-four/seven. He would spend his days relaxed in a plush chair by your side, either reading the newspaper or filling out paperwork. The doctors who treat you would never be alone with you, always under Crocodile’s threatening stare, as if daring them to slip up in some way.
If Crocodile lost you, he would be numb. He would attempt to go back to his life before you. While he knew it wouldn’t be easy, he didn’t realize how your ghost would haunt him. Your pillow still carried the scent of your shampoo, the sweets you kept hidden in his desk would crop up from time to time, and the indent on the cushion of your favorite chair would not fade no matter how many times he flipped the cushion. On busy days, Crocodile found himself looking for you in his office, always ready with a silly quip or observation he would huff at, only to be met with hollow disappointment when he found nobody there. He goes full scorched earth, ridding himself of all your possessions, attempting to cut you from his life entirely. Even then, he still dreams of you.
Donquixote Doflamingo
Rage. You were his. The threat of his wrath should be enough to guarantee your safety. But it didn’t, and here you were, barely breathing at the feet of scum that were worth less than the mud on his shoes. Doflamingo kills them swiftly — it was a shame he couldn’t take his time punishing them, you, however, took precedence — before he finds himself by your side. He prods you, as gentle as he is capable of, with the tip of his shoe. When you squirm, he releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding. A good partner was hard to come across, and while Doflamingo was not picky with his flings, he did prefer someone with a little more substance to rule beside him. You would be hard to replace. Doflamingo calls for the best doctors in Dressrosa to attend to you. While he waits, he allows you to dirty his pink jacket with your blood, draping it on top of you so he doesn't have to look at your battered form for longer than he has to. While he would never admit it, not to himself and never aloud, seeing you so broken left a pit in his stomach.
Recovery would be tedious. Without you around to terrorize tease, Doflamingo finds himself bored with his daily comings and goings. More often than not, he’s beside your bed, frowning down at your sleeping form, waiting to get your reaction to some ridiculous, teasing notion he had in store. He hates seeing you so unresponsive. Doflamingo is used to your laughter, your stuttered words, your shy expressions, not whatever this is. It isn’t until now that he realizes just how attached to you he has gotten. For the hundredth time since Doflamingo found you, he regrets not torturing the scum who hurt you more. Once you awake, you will be confined to the palace until further notice. You will only be safe if you are within his grasp, and he knows now more than ever, that he will never let you go.
If Doflamingo loses you, he will be furious. The doctors who were supposed to save you are unceremoniously killed in his rage. And so is anyone unlucky enough to cross his path for the next few days. It isn’t long before Doflamingo is looking for your replacement. The palace is empty without your presence, and there is a you-shaped hole he intends to fill before he can think too hard as to why he misses you so much. No one is good enough for him. No matter how many applicants he gets, no matter how many new playthings color his life, none of them will ever be you. Doflamingo finds himself discarding people from his life quicker than usual, especially if they did something you would never do.
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nonranghaes · 10 months
heads up! reader is mentioned to be close to chris in age, give or take :)
chris chuckles at the groan you let out as he massages your back. you'd been complaining about your back for the past few days (without thinking about it--just a passive 'ah, fuck, that hurts' and he'd almost always offered a massage when he heard it), and he's finally told you to lay down and let him take care of you for a bit. he kneads at your back. "that bad, huh?"
"i'm old," you whine back. "don't make fun of me."
"oh, you're old?" he chuckles. "really?"
"i'm ancient. i'm withering away." you can hear him snort a little as he kneads at a knot in your back, earning another whimper. "i found a gray hair last week."
"wooow... i guess we're both ancient, huh?" he chuckles. "we're almost the same age, you know."
"did i lie?"
he gently swats at your side, giggling as he kneads your back. "i'm telling seungmin you're old, too."
"i mean it, chris," you turn your face. "i feel like i'm wasting away to nothing. my old, brittle bones are turning to dust--"
he ducks down, pressing a kiss against your shoulder. "did you really find a gray hair?" when you don't answer, he plants another kiss right next to the first. "aw... you're old."
the way he says it, all teasing and sing-song-y, makes you giggle. "nah... can't be," you muse aloud, eyes fluttering shut as chris's hands are heaven against your spine. "gotta grow old with you first."
"yeah?" he leans around to press a kiss against your cheek. "i like that idea, actually."
"yeah... i figured you would."
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rukunas · 2 months
thinking about taking in villain!bakugo, finally catching him in cuffs and dragging him into questioning.
you haven't seen him since his hero years. he's bigger— much more than he ever was. his muscles bulge under his full-black suit, the cuffs looking like mere toys around his wrists. but the look in his eyes is the same, a sharp red glare filled with confidence and determination.
you stand behind the one-sided glass, analyzing his bored expression. he scans the room lazily, scoping silently, before looking up at the mirror.
he can't see you. but somehow, he meets your eyes and grins.
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ddarker-dreams · 8 months
lock... i currently feel like shit bc IM SO SICK how do u think chrollo will react if i poked at him and asked if he has some power to heal my sickness *cue slow speaking with blocked nose
he'd get this boyish grin and hit you with a,
"would the power of love suffice?"
then proceeds to look very satisfied with himself as your brain mentally reboots from having processed such cursed audio stimuli. he'll leisurely flip through bandit's secret while you stare at him with wide, semi-hopeful eyes. much to your chagrin, he shakes his head, and closes the dematerializing book.
"i did have an ability that could alter one's immune system," he'll reveal. "however, if the person whose ability i've stolen dies, their nen goes with them."
"huh. i wonder how they died," you frown.
"i checked their city's newspaper. they died from a cold, ironically enough."
"... seriously? that's messed up."
he shrugs.
"such is life, dear."
while you're fresh out of luck in that department, chrollo's rather adept at taking care of the sick. it wasn't uncommon for people to fall ill in meteor city. he'd often go days at a time without rest to nurse his friends back to health. he'll readily admit that he finds you endearing in this helpless state, but he also doesn't want you to suffer. how very generous of him.
he'll get his hands on the best medications there are to treat your ailments. there is a cost that comes with this, naturally. he informs that your co-pay will be giving him a kiss on the cheek when you feel better.
and no, he is not joking.
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wildechildwrites · 3 months
Lucky Charms
Looney Tunes Part Two
Word Count: 1.4k
No use of Y/N
Summary: You have some more encounters with König, the mysterious man who lives in your apartment building.
A/N: König being unintentionally terrifying is so funny. He’s shy and he’s a giant murderer for hire, excuse him for constantly throwing off the vibe. Let me know if you want to be tagged in part three!
AO3 Link: Looney Tunes
You've got bags of groceries hanging from your arms, pinching at your skin, precariously balanced, a white knuckle grip on the laundry detergent that's determined to slip through your fingers before you reach your apartment. The man steps on the elevator with you, and you can feel your face heating up as he looks at you.
You haven't seen him since the night he'd kissed you, and you wondered if he thought of you everytime he rode the elevator. You certainly thought of him.
He makes no effort to disguise his staring, looking down at you with a flat expression, taking in your overflowing arms.
"I hate making more than one trip to my car," you say, answering the question he didn’t ask, shrugging as much as you can with your arms full. You swear you see his eyebrow twitch.
Amusement? Irritation? It's impossible to read him. Instead, you drop your gaze, feeling his eyes still on you.
"My name is König." He says abruptly. Your eyes jump back up to his face, and it's his turn to look away as you grin, introducing yourself.
When you go to get off the elevator, he plucks the detergent out of your hand, gesturing silently for some of the bags you carry. He follows you to your apartment soundlessly, placing the bags down outside of your door. You throw your 'thank you' at his retreating form, and he doesn't acknowledge it.
Later, when you're putting away your groceries, you say his name out loud, tasting it on your tongue.
One of the lights in the parking garage is flickering again, and you sigh in annoyance as you look up at it. The apartment complex took months to fix the last broken bulb, so you’re unenthusiastic about the prospects of a quick repair. It puts you on edge, affecting the visibility and giving the garage an eerie feeling.
“It’s just like a horror movie,” you mumble to yourself, attempting to break the tension you feel as you head towards the exit. It’s late, your workday running longer than it should’ve, and you can’t help the itch of anxiety crawling up your spine.
You pass an unfamiliar man, standing still in between some of the cars. His eyes are on you, and you grip your keys tighter in your hand, speeding up. You hazard a glance over your shoulder and find he's disappeared, and your eyes search the parking lot behind you.
Distracted as you are, unfocused on where you're going, you slam straight into a solid wall of a person. You let out a shriek, head whipping back around and nearly fall backwards as you attempt to scramble away. Two solid hands firmly grip your shoulders, preventing you from tripping. König is standing in front of you, and you sag against his hold in relief.
“You scared me!” you exclaim, a hand going up reflexively to your chest.
“You should be more cautious, häschen,” König responds, and you swear there’s the faintest trace of a smile on his face, the subtle quirk of scarred lips. “Most people look where they are walking to, not where they are walking from.”
You let out a sigh and roll your eyes with a smile, the anxiety seeping out of your body. “The stupid flickering light really freaked me out,” you say, gesturing at the ceiling. “And then there was a man staring at me, but he disappeared.” König nods thoughtfully. His hands are still on your shoulders, and there’s a beat as you both stare at each other.
König clears his throat. “I will speak to the complex maintenance about repairing the light. As for your mystery friend–” König pulls back and slides one finger across his throat. You laugh at the joke, even though he’s not smiling.
König insists on walking you back to your apartment despite your objections, and although you know you were just being silly, you’re touched by the gesture.
“Thank you, König,” you say, lingering in the doorway, and something in his eyes seems to sharpen when you say his name.
You're eating cereal on your couch, watching cartoons when you should be sleeping. It's a childish habit, but after a long day, you're feeling sentimental and too burnt out to process anything with substance. Scrolling through your phone, half paying attention, you almost miss the soft knock on your front door.
König is standing outside, his face obscured by something that looks like an executioner's hood. The gear he's wearing makes him seem even more massive, a mountain of a man standing in front of you.
"May I come in?" He asks, his accented voice low, and you're so caught off guard by the request that your jaw drops.
König stares at you and you stare back, contemplating the matter.
You probably shouldn't let him in, this hulking monster in a mask. You don't even know him really, only interacting a couple of times. He's kissed you, and it was a knee buckling, eye rolling kiss, but does that necessarily grant him access to your apartment?
Your logistical side loses when he lets out a sigh, a huff of air that borders on a whine. You step aside, waving him to the couch as you go to the kitchen to grab another bowl of cereal for him. You want to know why he's here unannounced, but you're unwilling to disturb the delicate balance between the two of you, so you say nothing. He pulls off the mask, eyes on the TV.
“Looney Tunes?” he asks, his voice amused. Daffy Duck lets out a shriek in the silence between you two, and you snort.
“Call it a guilty pleasure,” you reply. König’s eyebrow twitches. You offer him the bowl, and his large fingers brush against yours, shockingly warm and rough. His eyes seem to glint at the contact, an almost avian intensity that makes your skin flush.
You sit down a measured distance away from him, and go back to eating your cereal, attempting to display a level of casual that you do not feel. König seems unaffected, sprawled on your couch, crunching away like he does this every night. He's got his boots on still, tacky with a dark liquid you think could be blood.
"Uh… not that I don't appreciate the company…" you begin after a beat of silence, turning to face him. It's the first time you've seen him really smile, and a part of you is unsure if you like it, the almost predatory glint of teeth.
"I just wanted to see if you'd invite me in." He responds to your unspoken question, his voice rumbling deep from his chest, and there's a sharp edge to his words that make the hairs on the back of your neck prickle.
There's a beat, and your expression must tip him off to your discomfort because his eyes widen.
"I didn't mean– I am sorry I misspoke– sometimes my translations are–" he's stammering, and you instantly relax, feeling guilty for your involuntary reaction.
"No! No it's okay I was just… surprised. I'm glad for the company" You say in a rush, your voice unnaturally high. "You're always welcome to come over."
He smiles again, softer than before. His eyes haven't quite lost the cutting focus, but you smile back, relaxing a little as he takes another bite of cereal. You fall back into companionable silence.
It's late, and you're starting to fade, eyes drooping, curled up into yourself. König hasn't moved from his post on the end of your couch, his empty bowl still cupped in one hand, and you drowsily wonder if it's a military habit, the way he sits with perfect stillness. You stifle a yawn, and he glances over at you without moving his head.
"It's getting late," he says quietly. You watch as he rises in one fluid motion, large strides leading him with a seemingly practiced familiarity to your kitchen. He places his dish in the sink and reaches for the soap. You sit up.
"It's alright, I'll wash the dishes tomorrow," you call out, wiping your eyes, and he nods. You stand as he heads towards the door, your legs slightly unsteady.
"Thank you for the cereal," he says quietly, a hand on the doorknob. You think there is a light dusting of pink around his ears, but it's too dark to really tell.
You smile at him. "You're welcome."
König pauses, turning towards you.
You idly wonder if he'll kiss you again. He looks down at you with an inscrutable expression, bringing a large hand slowly up to your face, the ghost of his fingertips skimming your jaw. You let out an involuntary gasp at the contact, your skin electrified, and he drops his hand.
He opens the door, and you notice his fingers are still curled, as if he's cupping the sensation of your skin against his, holding it in his palm.
"Good night little rabbit," König whispers, a silhouette in your doorway. "Catch you later."
All for you @whos-fran my beloved (the first person to ever ask to be tagged)
If anyone else would like to be on the taglist for part three reply or reblog this post :)
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teastainedprose · 3 months
I want to ramble about Homelander in bed. 
Blah blah "Homelander is a sub!", "NO, he's a Daddy Dom!", "No, he's!" He's whatever you want to fap to, who the fuck cares
He's none of the above. I don't think any D/s dynamic roles encapsule Homelander, not even Switching. (It's not his scene, bondage is a waste of time, this collar look stupid, don't call me that, that's weird...)
He's simply not into sticking to any set kink dynamics. (The vibes are off, fam. He'd be the vanilla boy within the BDSM dungeon. Confused and bemused.)
He doesn't have some innate desire to give up control to someone constantly, or to lead someone with a firm or gentle hand. Switching, yeah but he doesn't care enough to begin with. He's too insecure and uncertain of what he is as a person to even understand slipping into a role in the bedroom. Too volatile and what he wants and needs switches depending on his mood and/or partner.
What he is, is a starving man and his partner is the feast.
Poor idiot doesn't even know how to do intimacy properly and has gotten all of his sexual education from someone grooming him, someone paired with him for publicity, and porn.
The dude is lost. What he in bed I feel like boils down to three specific things:
Sadistic - He's a bully, he's mean, he likes watching others suffer in some form or another. (Giving pain play, orgasm denial, edging, forced orgasm, overstimulation)
GGG - Good, game, giving. He'll try anything and be up for whatever as long as his partner is into it. The dude can't be harmed in conventional ways, what's he got to fear?
Attention whore - Craves positive attention in any form (wanting to please his partner, praise kink to the MAX, receiving worship play, demanding attention, bratting, pestering and teasing, topping from the bottom)
-and then how those three things manifest depends wholly on his partner.
With Madelyn Stillwell, he wanted to be her good boy. He craved her praise and affection and he was restrained because she wanted him to be. He's a brat, he's petulent. He's needy. He's picking a fight with a toddler. She's his Mommy Dommy. I suspect she denied and teased Homelander endlessly and he took whatever scraps she gave him because he was starving for it.
With Maeve, they would have been two equals that he was horrifically territorial of. She was his and he had no issues broadcasting that to the world while emotionally intimidating her, but never getting physical. No, she's a god just like him. You can't hurt gods so why would he try?
With Stormfront, she encouraged all of his bad behavior, so Homelander was reckless and hungry. Break shit and fuck like animals, push and pull and playing with their combined strength. They're primal and at war and it's fun.
Soyeah, Homelander is going to fill whatever role suits his partner best. He's going to pay attention to what gets his partner off because he wants that positive response from them. It can be a good thing, or it can lead to the most toxic relationship possible. The man is fucked so it can go sideways fast. You're gonna need a strong constitution, a steel spine, and willpower to survive Homelander at the start else you'll get steamrolled and dropped by the plot like Becca AUGH.
Is it the fear mingled with arousal that gets them all hot and bothered like I imagine poor Hughie would feel with Homelander? Fuck, he's going to exploit that. He's gonna make that twink jump in fright every chance he gets.
What about little Starlight getting a spine and trying to play his game? Yeah, he's going to push those buttons and show her how good he can actually be for her. The gnawing need for the praise from the girl next door would eat him alive.
With Butcher? Scorched earth, baby. They're going to destroy each other in the most toxic, hate-fuck filled fest. Just tearing chunks out of each other to show the other that they can still feel. Raw and painful.
Until Homelander actually figures out who he is without his powers, status, or fame? He's going to play whatever role his partner needs, be that god, perfect gentleman, monster, or sweet boy. Then again, he's all of that and then some at once. He'll want to devour his partner in one moment, consume them wholly and just taketakeTAKE and the next he wants the intimacy that comes with being inside them/them inside him and he's so so so soft and gentle and reverent when he strokes them, and then he's a bastard who wants to twist the knife and make them beg and cry and scream and just tell him what to do, he'd do anything just to know he's loved.
-and anyway, this man is broken and the perfect putty for anyone to mold sexually consciously or subconsciously.
Not a Dom, not a sub, or a switch, but a chameleon.
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thesexydancingcrepe · 10 months
When Somebody Loved Me 🌸
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Back when it was Jttw days & they were ⤴️ traveling with the group
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Modern day & maybe reincarnated Crepe ⤵️
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So naturally...
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EDIT: it's fixed now 😊
The more things change to more, they stay the same (at least that's something I hear often enough 🤷‍♀️)
Ramblings below
This is my own interpretation of modern day!Sun Wukong and what he became after the events Jttw. He's still the same powerful Sun Wukong we all know, & love (despite questionable morals), but He has full dad bod underneath his depressed, "but totally over it" single man pajama sweats. The blue bead on the end of his braid was made from Crepe's blue glass bead earring.
He lives almost entirely on Flower Fruit Mountain, only occasionally coming down & and amazingly, he ended up finding an extremely familiar face 🤔✨️
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empresskadia · 3 months
I feel like Spartans would also be attracted to someone who can give them competition. Like, if Kelly had her fastest time at the Infinity's track tied by a medic in full kit, or Linda having her high score at the firing range beaten by another sharpshooter with unorthodox firing positions.
Oh, 100% and no one can convince me otherwise. Like the Spartans love a good challenge and I believe this causes some of them to obsess because they get overly excited, especially since this is out of the norm. Granted for this to work and be true, that someone would have to be at least Spartan-IV or have augmentations.
The words 'oh no,' would come out of Fred's mouth when Linda saw the leaderboard and she had been bumped into second place for the third time that week. First, all of Blue team was surprised but none of them were prepared for how excited Linda got, someone had beaten her? At shooting? Her? For the first time in her life? None of the other Spartan IIs could come close to making the shots she could, but here her name was, right above Fred's and finally, finally below someone else's. Linda has to know who it is, she is grilling Roland for information; she wants this Spartan's mission record, she wants their full profile and I believe this might be where Linda's obsession starts. Linda herself makes shots from unorthodox firing positions and to find another person who does it? She'll be asking Captain Lasky to pull some strings to get onto a mission with this Spartan and their team. And for the first time in the UNSC Infinity's history, the number one spot keeps bouncing between Spartan-058 and Spartan [L/n].
The day Kelly sees her record time tied with someone else, she stands there for a solid minute unmoving. She even goes to grab John or Linda and points asking if she's finally going insane and seeing things. Kelly wants to race. Who is this person and where can she find them? Fred has to hold her back from sprinting around the ship to find who the hell this other Spartan is. The longer this question goes unanswered, the more unraveled she gets, she's always been the fastest, and no one in the Spartan II program could catch her but here someone was with the same speed as her? This has got to be a lie, and she doesn't believe it until she sees a spartan playing rabbit for their team on the field and she immediately knows this bitch person is them. And when she finds out that they're the team's medic, Kelly wants to know more. She'll ambush them in the middle of the hall or in the medical facility, Kelly has question and you will answer them. Honestly, a part of her is excited to run full speed with someone matching her pace.
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Rainy Days (and Cowboys)
So this is the direct consequence of a post I made earlier. I just think The Spine would love cowboy movies haha! I listened to Rex Marskley rather obsessively while writing this, and I must say, no regrets.
So my dear reader, imagine you are a human who works at the Walter Manor, mayhaps as a housekeeper/caretaker and it’s a rainy day you spend with the automatons, and you watch a cowboy movie with The Spine.
(Also, I totally made up a cowboy movie although I’ve seen dozens~~)
(Also, Also, its late and I didn't edit this super well so my apologies for any huge spelling mistakes or grammar issues, I just really wanted to post this)
Human Gender Neutral!Reader (Who has the nickname “Sparks”) who enjoys Western movies
Relationships: The Spine x reader 
None really
Dark room?
A smidge of mutual pinning
It’s just really fluffy guys
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The rain had been pounding against the manor for nearly the whole day. The clouds were a deep gray and the only light came from rapid flashes of bright spider-webbed lightning. Inside the manor, the pounding of footsteps echoed like the rain. Every occupant of the manor was confined to the house and forbidden from taking a single step outside during the storm. You had spent most of the day trying to keep the automatons busy, but with spotty wifi and flickering power, it proved more difficult than anything.
Board games had been a wonderful idea, and you had spent a couple of hours playing different games with Rabbit, Zer0, and The Spine. During a game of chess, Rabbit decided that they were indeed boring and that chess around the house, without rules was much more entertaining. She had leapt from her seat in the media room and ran out calling for everyone to follow. So there you were, trying to chase Rabbit through a hall. Her newly invented game had held everyone's attention for the past half hour or so, and she showed no sign of slowing down. Rabbit abruptly turned down another hall and suddenly collided with The Spine yelling “Checkmate!”
You gasped and hurried forward to ensure the both of them were alright. Rabbit looked to be perfectly fine as she began to bounce through the Manor once more but Spine was leaning against the wall looking slightly dazed. The closer you got, the clearer it was that he might require some attention. His arm hung unusually at his side and you began to worry the whole limb had been knocked loose somehow. As you reached him, his metallic face dawned a smile.
“Howdy, Sparks! How are you?” He said, his tone was light and he seemed to perk up as you approached. You couldn't help but laugh at the nickname and his good-natured greeting, “The real question is how are you?” You exclaimed, gesturing to his arm. He looked down as though just realizing that something had gone wrong.
“Well,” he began as he attempted to move it but his relaxed face faltered as his arm seemed to stutter in its movements, “I think I would consider myself a little worse for the wear.” He frowned slightly as his left arm failed to comply with him.
“Well let's take you down to the lab and we’ll have a closer look.” You announced. The Spine shifted his weight, so he was no longer leaning against the wall, he managed to raise his right arm but his left refused to move in the same automated way, instead, it twitched at his side while his right gestured down the hall you came from. “Lead the way then!”
The route to the lab was long and elaborate, like much of the house, you observed. The lights flickered above you as you passed. Their glow could be ominous at the best of times but paired with their flickering and the heavy metal steps close behind you, it could be described as terror-inducing. However, you felt no fear. The curves of the hall were familiar to you and your automaton companion provided a sense of comfort as you both weaved your way through the old manor.
Uncountable twists and turns and one flight of stairs later, you reached the entrance to the lab. The room itself was large and sterile, though clean wasn’t exactly a word you would use to describe it. There were stacks of paper, tools, and scrap metal everywhere. The clutter was both new and old, it seemed that nothing was ever really thrown out, just moved around. Generations of Walters and their employees had used this room, and you suspected the trend would continue for many years to come. The Spine moved toward a medical table and took a seat, jarring you from your wonderment over the room.
Following him, you gathered various repair tools onto a cart and rolled it towards The Spine, who was attempting to remove his shirt revealing metal plate after plate. It was clear that he was struggling with his malfunctioning arm, so you helped pull his sleeve down so you could assess the damage.
“Well, it doesn’t look too bad,” You began, “How does it feel?” His arm seemed to hang loose from where it should attach to his shoulder as though the bolts had managed to come loose. “It doesn’t hurt, but I wouldn’t describe it as pleasant, Sparks.” he sighed while looking over his arm.
“We will see what we can do to help then!” With an optimistic note, you grabbed a wrench from the cart and moved to his arm to see what could be done. As you began to work you let your mind wander.
The Spine had always been nice to you, but you found that recently, you both seemed to become closer, you could not place your finger on the reason or cause but it seemed that he would seek you out to spend more time with you. You could not ignore the fact you truly enjoyed his company and may have developed a small crush on the automaton in question. He listened to you and in turn, you listened to him as he would talk about dinosaurs or songwriting, the sound of his voice was melodious and one could become lost in its sound throughout one conversation.
“Sparks?” The Spine questioned much to your shock, “Are you alright?”
Jumping back, you looked at his face and saw that he wore a concerned look, his eyes met yours and both your metaphorical and his literal gears turned in thought. Looking over his arm, it seemed to no longer hang loose and the longer you stared the more aware you became of the cramping in your hands. “Oh, well, I’m fine!” you began, almost too quickly, “And how are you, I mean your arm, more specifically?”
Slowly, The spine raised his silver-coloured arm and found very little resistance, he smiled and turned to face you once more, “It seems to feel much better, thank you, Sparks!”
“I’m glad I could help, though suppose we should go find Rabbit before we all end up in here again today.” You sighed as you thought about the possibility of another messy collision.
“You look like you could use some rest Sparks, humans are supposed to get at least 8 hours of sleep and-”
You cut The Spine off with a chuckle and stated, “I’ve had enough sleep but this day has been a little stressful if I am entirely honest.” The Spine raised a brow as he looked at you before opening his mouth to speak but then abruptly closing it. With a sigh, he prepared to speak once more. “I think so relaxation is in order, how do you feel about watching a movie?” The Spine asked with a hopeful air as you thought over his words.
“You know what, that sounds like a great idea, besides, if Zer0 and Rabbit need me, they’ll come to get me!” you rationalized both to the silver automaton in front of you and yourself. The Spine clapped his hands together, looking rather pleased that his left functioned properly during the action and quickly got up to accompany you to the media room once more.
Another trip through the maze-like manor led you to the empty media room where bored games were still left scattered, books were left on side tables and opened on chairs, and video game cases were laid all over the coffee table opposite the TV. You sighed deeply as you looked over the mess and your fingers twitched to begin cleaning on a reflex. However, The Spine seemed to ignore the disaster and strolled to the movie cabinet and began looking through the many boxes.
“What would you like to watch?” The Spine said as he thoughtfully ran his finger over title after title.
“Hmm, good question,” you began, stepping over a brachiosaurus that lay forgotten on the floor, you joined The Spine in the hunt for a movie. Your eyes scanned the shelves, and you stuck out the corner of your tongue as you leaned in close to see the more obscure titles, you stopped abruptly when you saw it.
A plastic DVD container stood in the corner of the shelf with the tell-tail emblem of Sheriff John McColt, it’s blue cover seemed to shine as you gazed upon it and with careful movements, you took the case from the shelf and held it up to The Spine as though it were made of gold. “Look!” You whispered with reverence, “Thieves of The West!”
The Spine raised his brow but cracked a smile as he took in your awed visage. “Have you picked a movie then?” His voice was soft but held the baritone cadence you had grown to admire, you nodded your head and quickly turned to the DVD player to put the disc on the tray. As you clicked it out of its case, you blew gently on the disc and allowed the machine to take it away.
Turning to face the antique couch, you found The Spine observing you closely, “Was the disc dusty?” He asked with a slight hesitancy as though afraid that the movie would not play. You chuckled and told him it was for good luck which only seemed to further his confusion, but it seemed to wash away as you dropped onto the aging couch beside him. You turned to him and excitedly told him that you loved this movie before asking if he had seen it. He shook his head and your face split into a brilliant smile. “You’ll love it!” You said quickly before turning back to the TV and turning up the volume and then, pressing play.
You were nearly 30 minutes into the film and The Spine seemed to be on the edge of his seat as he watched McColt slowly reach for his pistol as the bandit grabbed hold of Lucy, Sherif McColt’s love interest. Since the opening scene, he had barely looked away from the screen and you could barely seem to look away from him. A sense of wonder infected his whole being as he watched McColt on the screen and you couldn’t help but laugh, “So are you enjoying it?” 
“It’s amazing, Sparks!”
“Say, I’ve been meaning to ask, why do you always call me Sparks?” The question seemed to tumble from your lips and the hissing of steam could be heard as he reluctantly pulled his green eyes away from the screen to stare into yours. 
“Well, I- I-, You see-” He began and you started to worry as it was so rare for him to stutter. He looked away once more but when the hissing of steam quieted he met your gaze and with a gentle voice said, “Because you add a certain spark to my life, something I thought had been missing for a while.”
Your mouth dropped into the shape of an “o” as his words sunk in but slowly you began to smile and so did he. 
Forgotten on the TV, John McColt was joined by Lucy on the screen and they embraced one another while you leaned closer to The Spine and he copied your actions. His smile was almost timid, which was a look that did not often cross his handsome features. As you gazed into his eyes the crashing of thunder interrupted and the room went dark.
The blackness enveloped you both and you sat silently for a moment processing what had happened when you heard a nervous voice call out from the hall. “Hey guys, I think the power is out!” The crashing of metal could be heard as Zer0 must have tumbled over something and The Spine let out a small chuckle followed by a laugh, you found yourself in the same predicament. In the dark, you leaned close to The Spine, the both of you laughing as you agreed to watch more Westerns together. 
“What are they doing, Zer0?”
“I don’t know! They just started laughing!” “Jeez, and everyone thinks I’m looney!”
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wait so can you do like spine x rex x reader poly headcannons? uhh if you can uh can ya make the reader trans masc? you dont have to do dat last part i also just wanna say i really liked that one fic of rex and the headcannons you made of him
Of course! This is one of my first times writing a trans reader (I think? Or it's just been a long time) and I didn't really know what to do with it, so I just tried to sprinkle things in. I hope you like it!
-Cuddle piles are quite common with you three
-The Spine’s on the bottom, You’re squished in the middle, and Rex lays on top
-Rex likes to fiddle with your hair while he cuddles with you, pressing his cheek to the back of your head and giving you lil kisses
-The Spine just stares at you
-He’s just always in awe that he managed to get a boyfriend so handsome
-These cuddle sessions can last hours, as The Spine and Rex could never get bored of you❤
-These two are just so touch-starved that they’ll take any physical affection they can
-You brush your hand across Rex’s cheek and he’s swooning, practically heart-eyed
-You touch The Spine’s hand and he grabs your hand, some steam hissing from his cheeks in embarrassment at how much he likes your touch
-Telling them you were trans was surprisingly easy
-The Spine obviously knows a lot abt it because of Rabbit
-Rex knows a bit about it bcs there’s no such thing as a cishet in the Wild West™
-Both of them love you for you and don’t really care that you’re not cis
-You are their moon and stars- their night star
-They love you too much to let who you are drive them away
-The Spine has no problem picking up you and Rex and tossing you over his shoulders
-You both weigh nothing to him, so it’s ridiculously easy
-Sometimes he picks the both of you up for no reason
-Rex can kinda(??) pick you up, but trying to pick up The Spine is a lost cause (He weighs as much as a car I think, but his canon weight is 1.2 tons)
-If you’re having a bad dysphoria day, they’re there for you
-They take care of you, doing their best to keep you going
-Neither of them like seeing you sad :(
-Rex would 1000% beat up any person who even TRIES to be transphobic to you
-The Spine can’t hurt people, due to his Oath of Peace, but he’ll be terrifying and then ruin their online social life
-Rex and The Spine are both book nerds
-Of course, Rex isn’t very good at reading, but he tries!
-He and The Spine like to snuggle up around you, reading quietly
-Rex likes to throw his legs across your lap while The Spine pulls you into his lap, so he can hold you while he reads
-And (yep, you guessed it) this eventually turns into a cuddle pile
-The cuddle pile is inevitable
-So. Many. Kisses.
-They can’t help but litter you with little smooches, pressing small kisses to your forehead and cheeks and face just to see you smile
-Sometimes, they double up and give you all these kisses in the cuddle pile
-They smush you between them as they cuddle and kiss the ever-living daylights out of you
-Like I said, the cuddle pile is inevitable
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ghouljams · 9 months
Does Liebling ever get possessive or jealous if people flirt with Konig? Maybe of other fae or seers?
The short answer is yes absolutely, but the long answer is König makes sure she knows they aren’t threats, by getting rid of them.
You always wonder what other people must see, or not see, when they look at König. You know roughly how his hood works, the slippery feeling of not being able to quite look at it, but surely someone sees something. They must, the way he draws attention. You can’t walk down the street without someone staring at him, and it’s sort of fun to know people are scared of the menacing figure that follows you. It’s a lot less fun when he’s noticed for other reasons. 
Reasons like now, when you sidestep a woman who purposely bumps into König. He stops, and blinks down at her. As surprised as you that a human is going out of their way to notice him let alone interact with him. You’ve been told that some people are too magically inert for obscura to work on, just seeing whatever human shapes their brain wants to fill in. You assume it’s related to intelligence, the way she bats her lashes at a man that’s so clearly with someone.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there,” The woman touches his arm, and you can see a shiver go through the obscura. You roll your eyes, you've always thought this song and dance was sort of demeaning.
"It's alright," König tells her, attempting to step away. The woman keeps her hand on his arm, squeezes his bicep.
"Oh my god, is that your muscle? You must be super strong." She strokes a hand down his arm, König's eyes dart to yours. You raise your brows, and give a quiet 'wow'.
"I am," he nods. The woman coos over your boyfriend, measuring her hand against his and running the gamut of flirting techniques. König doesn’t seem eager to tell her to fuck off, which is bothering you more than you thought it would. He almost seems curious as to what she’ll try next, studying her movements and reactions.
You aren’t really the jealous type, or you didn’t think you were, but you’re getting agitated standing around waiting for this woman to… fuck, notice you? She must know you’re standing right there.
“Excuse me,” You cut in, the woman glances at you, and continues talking to König. You feel your brain stutter, overloaded with the sheer amount of question marks that it conjures. You have never been so thoroughly or efficiently brushed off.
You know what? You don’t have to stand here and wait for your dumbass boyfriend to turn her down. You’re out, you’re gone, you are going home. König can show up when he’s done with whatever the fuck he’s doing. Maybe he’ll follow her home and be out of your hair for a while. Stupid bastard.
You turn and stalk down the street, resuming your walk home. You don’t know why you stuck around so long, but the next time this happens you’re leaving him high and dry.
“Oh. That’s too bad,” König sighs, looking over her head at your storming off.
“What’s too bad?” The woman asks, clearly thrown by the immediate loss of interest from König.
“You’ve upset my, hm,” He thinks for a moment how to quantify his relationship with you, future wife? Beloved? Pet? He supposes you call him your boyfriend, it’ll have to do. “My girlfriend,” He finishes.
“What? She doesn’t trust you?” The woman purrs, obviously trying to say something. König isn’t particularly interested in whatever game she thinks she’s playing.
“No,” König wraps a hand around her throat, the lustful surprise in her eyes turning to terror as his grip tightens and he lifts her off her feet, “but not for the reasons you think.”
He squeezes hard, let's his teeth bleed through his hood, to call him threatening would be an understatement. This isn't a threat, this is a period on the end of a promise. The woman's voice dies on her crushed larynx, her hands scrambling against his wrist, nails digging into his skin. It's really too bad she'd stuck around so long trying to get his attention. Well she had it now, whether she wanted it or not. Her feet kick out at him, trying to land a blow with the last bit of fight pumping through her blood. König can smell it, hear it, her blood rushing through her veins, fear tainting the meat. Heart, lungs, liver, so many snacks, so little time.
You're walking further away from him every second he spends squeezing the life out of this stupid person. He'll cut the thrill short. His claws sharpen and drag, digging into the woman's neck before he tugs sharply, ripping the carotid and severing the windpipe. The twitching. Hm. He should've severed the spinal column, he hates the twitching.
König crouches next to the soon-to-be-corpse and drags his tongue over his teeth for the corpse’s viewing pleasure, her eyes wide and fearful in the last seconds before death. He likes killing the humans that can’t see him properly. There’s always that wonderful moment at the end when they realize the world holds horrors they’d never imagined, a sickening pallor comes over them every time, and sweetens the meat.
Humming, he makes a neat Y incision, and pulls free the pieces he wants. Heart, lungs, he eats the liver as he catalogues what else might be good. He can't exactly take it to go, but he doesn't want to leave you to sulk too long. König feels his spines twitch in the cool evening air, his claws clicking as he spears kidneys to pop in his mouth. You're going to be upset anyway he may as well finish his meal.
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refiwrites · 1 year
whenever this song plays its just-
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i feel like im at ease- most of the time i just want to cry but- its so enchanting
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itsnotgray · 5 months
how the team finds out they’re dating
cassie leaves a note hidden in his gear when they go to indianapolis to play iowa. he’s in the locker room getting ready to warm up and he goes to put on his cleats and starts to smile as he unfolds and reads a piece of paper, so blake reaches over to snoop. “what girl is leaving you love notes jj?” he questions teasingly, thinking jj found a random worksheet or something. but when jj tucks the note to his chest, blake’s mouth drops, and he loudly questions “when did you get a girl?” and the whole locker room goes silent.
the next day when they’re back in ann arbor, colston dramatically slams cassie’s office door open, eyes wide. “when did you and mccarthy get together- better yet, when were you going to tell me?”
because yeah, when the whole locker room hears blake’s exclamation the day prior, they all start firing questions. and jj, sweet lovesick jj, can’t contain himself and starts to ramble about cassie. he never says her name, but roman speaks up from his locker across the room, and looks at him bewildered. “wait- you mean you and cassie?” which causes even more chaos to erupt when they realize jj and their favorite athletic trainer are together.
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