#The Princess Diares
puppiesandnightlock · 8 months
I was reading my copies of the princess diaries series and I found the list where they ranked “that guy from smallville” as like the third hottest guy on the list and I started laughing so hard especially cause I started watching it two weeks ago (I’m barley on s2 they so long 😭)
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mrwhittaker · 6 months
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Clarisse Renaldi x Joseph (Young Au )
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lixzey · 9 months
The Story of Us.
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Best Friends
Timothée raised his eyebrows, his green eyes sparkling as he looked at me.
“That's not too far from where I live. I live in Hell's Kitchen.” He leaned in a little, making sure I could hear him in the crowded room “I live in the federally subsidized apartment building, Manhattan Plaza, you know.” He chuckled softly, scratching the back of his head.
“Yeah, just twenty minutes away. I heard famous artists live there.” I chuckled
He chuckled. “Yeah, some do.” A faint blush covered his face, “I'm gonna be a big actor someday, like Leonardo DiCaprio.” 
He leaned closer to me and whispered softly so that only I could hear him. “I'm gonna be the star of the next big blockbuster movie when I’m all grown up.”
“I bet you will.” I chuckled, patting him on his hand. He looked at me with sparkling eyes, his head slightly tilted to the side.
“What are you gonna be when you grow up, Y/n?” He asked. “Are you gonna be a big famous actor like me someday?” He chuckled softly. “Maybe you'll star with me in one of my movies.”
“I don't know, I guess a writer? I mean I love to write poems and stories. Though, I love to act too.” I shrugged. I didn't really know what I wanted to be. My parents always wanted me to become an actress, they made me attend workshops, and made me apply to LaGuardia, but I wanted to be a writer. 
“Maybe you can write one of my movies someday?” Timothée shrugged, a big smile on his face. “Or I could be the star of a movie you wrote. How about that?” He chuckled softly, his green eyes sparkling.  It's making it hard not to stare at him when he looks at me like that.
“Maybe.” I chuckled. 
A big smile covered his face. “I know it sounds silly, but I know it's gonna happen. I can feel it.” He sighed, his eyes glittering.
“I really wanna be someone like Leonardo DiCaprio or, like, Johnny Depp, you know?” He seemed shy talking about it, his voice was soft.
“If I'd be an actress, I want to be like Anne Hathaway.” I smiled as I thought about my favorite actress. I absolutely loved her in The Devil Wears Prada and in the Princess Diares made me fall in love with her. 
He raised his eyebrows. “Anne Hathaway?” He looked over at me, “I bet you'll be even better than Anne Hathaway when you grow up, Y/n.” He smiled softly.
“But I'm not pretty enough to get roles.” I shrugged. He seemed surprised I said that, “Oh please, you're beautiful!” He chuckled and giving me a small wink. “With your talent and your looks, you will be a star someday just like Anne Hathaway, I'm sure of it.” He seemed confident I was going to be the next big actress.
“You don't even know if I'm talented,” I  chuckled, “I mean we only just met.”
He placed a hand over his heart, his eyes twinkling. “I have a pretty good instinct when it comes to people, and I just have a feeling about you.” He smiled, his voice was sweet and calming. “Besides, you won't know unless you try, right?” He looked over at me, his head slightly tilted to the side.
“When's your birthday?” I asked, changing the subject. 
He looked surprised that I suddenly asked him that question. “You want to know when I was born?” He chuckled softly. “Um, it's December 27, 1995. Why?” He seemed curious, a faint smile on his face.
“I'm older, October 19th 1995.” I smirked.  
“Oh really?” He chuckled, looking at me with a curious expression. “I didn't realize I was talking to a big, older girl!” He teased, his smile growing wider.
He raised his eyebrows. “Does that mean you can boss me around?”
“Maybe,” I giggled, “Do you want me to boss you around?”
He looked at me, his head slightly tilted to the side. “Yes please.” He said, his voice being cheeky and playful. “I love being bossed around by older, powerful women.”  A smirk covered his face.
“How do you even pronounce your name?” I asked with a cheeky smile. 
“Oh, my name…” He scratched the back of his head. “You say it like ‘tee-moh-tay’.” He chuckled softly. “It's French, so it's a little tricky for some people.” 
He looked at me apologetically, his smile returning. “I know it can be a tricky name to say, I mean my last name is Chalamet.” He laughed softly.
“So, you're french?” I raised my eyebrows at him.
“Yes, yes I am.” He nodded and smiled confidently. “My dad is French and my mother is American.”
He smiled proudly as he mentioned his parents, “Um… yeah, that's why I speak a little bit of French too.” He chuckled softly, his green eyes glittering.
“French boy, huh? Do you like escargot, since you know, you're french?” I teased. 
“Escargot?” He chuckled before shaking his head, a grin covering his face. “No thank you. There's no way I'm going to eat those slimy snails.” He shrugged. “I mean I'm French but I'm still a New Yorker after all. But, I do like croissants though.” 
“You're funny.” I giggled. 
“I know.” He smirked. “You wanna hear a joke?” He chuckled. 
“Go on, frenchie.” I chuckled.
“Don't call me that.” He laughed
His eyes twinkled with humour. “Do you want to know why you should never trust stairs?” He looked over at me with a cheeky expression, his head slightly tilted to the side. “Because they are always up to something.” He laughed softly, thinking he was hilarious. I giggled, it was a bit corny but in a silly, fun way.
“I know, I know, silly joke, but still funny.” He chuckled softly and brushed his hair out of his face.
I like this side of him, I thought as I studied his face.
“I think we're going to be best friends.” He chuckled. 
“Oh, yeah? You want to be like besties?” I raised my eyebrow at him.
He looked at me with a wide grin on his face. “I thought we already were besties.” He smirked and tilted his head to the side with a hint of playfulness.
“Yeah, um, I guess we are.” I nodded, feeling my heart race a bit when he said that. “I mean I don’t mind if we're best friends. It's cool!” I chuckled nervously. 
I liked the sound of his voice, it was so soft, it was calming. It's no wonder why so many girls were looking at him, I couldn't help but stare at him when he looked at me. 
I laughed, looking back at him, “Yeah, I guess you're right.” I nodded. “You're the first person who actually acknowledged me when I walked in the classroom today.” I suddenly felt my cheeks heat up again.
“I mean… I just feel… comfortable talking to you.” I said sheepishly, “Do you believe people are put into your life for a reason?” I asked.
“I think so.” He nodded. “If there is a God, or a higher power, or whatever, then yeah I believe we are meant to meet people for a reason.” He looked over at me with a wide grin on his face. “Do you believe in destiny?” He asked.
“Um…” I looked down at my hands as I nervously fidgeted with my fingers, “I've never really thought much about it.” I shook my head.* “Maybe that's just me being a realist. I don't know…”
“Do you believe in destiny?” I returned his question, looking at him with curiousity. “Do you think that everything that happens was always meant to happen? Or that some things just happen and we should not question it?”
His head was slightly tilted to the side as he started to think about my question. “I mean, if everything is already set in stone then I guess it would mean there's no free will.” Timothée shrugged, his eyes were glittering with curiosity. “But I believe in free will, and I'm able to choose where I'm going in life.” He sighed and looked at me, his voice calm and collected.  
“Well, then I guess that means we meet people for a reason.” He shrugged, thinking about it for a moment. “I know that my dreams of being famous and an actor are gonna happen, that's my fate because I want it to be.” He smiled, his green eyes sparkling in the sunlight. 
“I've already made up my mind on it, just like you were meant to be my best friend.” He smirked and winked at me. “Some things just happen, some things don't, and some thing you chose to, you know? We learn something from them or something happens from them and they shape us for the future.”
“You do make a good point,” I nodded. “I mean there's times in my life that I've thought, ‘man, do I really believe in destiny?’ Or ‘what if this is just a big coincidence?’” I chuckled softly, still smiling. “But then, I think maybe, you know, I shouldn’t think about it too much and just enjoy what’s happening now.” I shrugged.
“Like us, for example.” I laughed and looked at him. “And just like that, we're best friends.”
He looked at me, a genuine smile on his face. He nodded, “Best friends…” He let out a small sigh as his eyes twinkled. “It's so funny because when I woke up this morning, I didn't think that by the end of the day that I would meet a new best friend.” 
He looked over at me and then looked out the classroom window. “It's like everything happens as it's meant to… you know what I mean?”
I nodded, “You're right. Sometimes I think about that too. Like maybe I met you for a reason?” I paused, looking at him hesitantly, “Um, not that you’re some kind of divine being or anything…” I chuckled nervously.
I looked back at the classroom window, then back at him. “But maybe… you know, you were meant to meet me.” I muttered softly.
“It's like the universe knew what to do.” Timothée looked back at me, smiling softly. “I mean, what are the odds of meeting you in this exact moment? This exact place.”
He raised his eyebrows, “I mean… what if we went into different classrooms?” He chuckled, “Then we might not be talking right now. Might not have become best friends.”
I giggled at his theory. “I guess the universe knew it was the right time to put us in this classroom together.” I placed my hand on my chin, thinking about his question.
“What if we sat in different seats?” I thought out loud, “Maybe I wouldn’t have caught your eye?” I smiled. I liked talking to him, I liked these hypotheticals. “I guess we'll never know.” I shrugged.
“This is true.” He looked over at me with a grin on his face.
He chuckled and brushed his hair from his face. “And if I didn’t sit next to you in this class, maybe I wouldn't have noticed you in the hallways either?” He thought out loud. He took a deep breath as a realization hit him. “I might never have been friends with the most amazing person I’ve ever met in my life, and that’s kind of hard to imagine.” He smiled, nodding. 
“From now on, I'm calling you Timmy. Timo-TAY is too obnoxious.” I chucked
“So you're giving me nickname, huh?” He asked with a smirk. He laughed, placing his hands together. “I guess you can call me Tim, or Timmy, or whatever you like.” He was trying to hold back laughter. “Just don't call me Frenchie.”
“Nope, still going to call you Frechie.” I chuckled, “Frenchie Timmy.”
Timmy let out a soft groan, looking at me, he then burst out laughing at my comment. “Frenchie Timmy.” He shook his head. “Why must you do this to me?” He teased playfully. 
He laughed again, smiling softly. “Well, if the Frenchie nickname sticks around, I'll just have to find something to call you then." He smirked.
“Good luck with that, Frenchie.” I giggled.
“Y/n, you’re such a dork.” He tilted his head to the side and smiled. He placed a hand on his chin. “Hey, maybe I could come up with a special nickname for you, you know?” *He smirked.
He leaned back and thought for a moment. “Hmm... Y/n/n.” He nodded, chuckling as he did. “Yeah, you’re Y/n/n now.” He grinned at me. 
“Whatever you say, Frenchie.” I giggled.
Who would've thought I'd be friends with the boy I just met?
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randymarshiszaddy · 5 months
Mario - first off he is 4, 11 which is pretty obvious that he is of shorter stature, but you know what good for him. Another thing this man is plus size ok, or at the very least not thin. Trust me we need more postive bigger body rep ok . Also, he is a trans dude and realised it at the young age of 12. With his family being supportive. Hes very smart but also dumb at the same time. Like good with smarts of knowing how to comfort people and to be able to help at any point no matter the issues. yet dumb with actually planning things out like knowing where the fuck you're going. ADHD THIS MAN IS. Also sweetest boyfriend ever. He abslouty makes little gifts for peach and he abslouty brings joy into a once mundane life for her .
big fan of bands/ artists like Foo Fighters, Beastie Boys, Soundgarden, Pharrell. and Ice cube ( you know dad music)
Fav movies. All the Back to the Future, Princess Bride ( It reminds him of Peach and him) and Ferris bullers day off.
Luigi - She is transfem but was really scared to come out as she thought it would ruin her whole twin matching thing that she and Mario had for a while. Turns out Mario doesn't need Luigi to be his exact green counterpart and fully supports her. AUTISTIC AND ANIEXTY does this woman have. She somewhat dislikes the toads because of how they act towards her as the lesser Mario sibling. Would make an insta all about her dog Polterpup! She and Daisy dated pre-transition but broke up on good terms . Luigi would probably date Peasley as the dashing "Prince Charming" always had a crush on Luigi.
She definitely has scars around the chest area from the time Dimento and Natasha pretty much controlled her to be mr L. The memories of Mr L were also placed back into her head after they left the exploding dimension okay. Cause I love that angst
Her fav music ( this is so self projecting) Laufy, Chase petra, Queen, Left at london , Elton John and hoizer
her fav movies are .
Moonrise Kingdom , princess diares , and Rocket man
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mirabella96 · 11 months
Hidden Agenda ep 3
Is this Princess Diares, will he make him wore contact lenses insted of glasses next?
He is not wearing glasses, I am not impressed. But the look of his hair is more bothering XD
I aspire to wore black my question is - how does he not died of sunstroke. Boy where is your hat at least (they are at the park and it seems like it windy)
This is cute but their bikes are clearly too small for them and it shows even more when they are riding one. But also it kinda look like the more realistic riding togethe scenes in shows
I was thinking about Zo's white clothes being dirty, but you can see Joke/Joong microfone pretty clearly when they are running XD How come it make it's way to the final cut.
That was pretty nice tension
Zo is so funny and poor Nita is so confused ahhahahahahha
Zo went gone XD
And Joke went do hug
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lowkeyanakin · 2 years
sbsbsbsbsnnddh OKAY SO i was watching the princess diares and my mind went "huh, you know what?" and this happened:
basically shmi was the heir of a kingdom but she had to flee because dear old sheev wanted to take over it and tried to murder her. now shmi's dead (ops) and good old anakin is the only rightful heir (he of course woks a mechanic and has no fucking clue about any of it). sheev is hellbent on finding him because he knew shmi was pregnant and wants to kill him, surprise suprise, to strengthen his claim. cue: obi-wan gets hired by yoda to find the # boy who lived and claim the throne for himself
spoiler: he will, gaining a husband in the process as one does
bonus: a random snippet from the prologue!
They flickered from time to time, electricity surging when the wind moved the wires outside, and their cold, dead glow was still enough to cast deep, dark shadows on the Emperor’s face. Emperor. A title he had never earned and was never officially used.
Outside, he was known as the kind King Sidious the First, regent, who kept bending back over backwards to ensure the peace of their growing realm. If only the people knew.
Not that Dooku particularly cared. As long as money kept financing his armoured fleet and the renovations of his mansions, all was good for him. After all, nobody was immortal, and he was known to be a patient man.
Coming to a stop in front of the throne, he swiftly went down on one knee, despite the protests from his joints. Indeed, nobody was immortal.
“My lord,” he intoned, never looking up from the perfectly polished point of the older man’s shoes. “I bring news.”
“Rise, Count Dooku, my loyal servant,” Sheev Palpatine said, not bothering to use the soft, kindly tone reserved for his subjects. Had Dooku not known better, he would have thought that he was actually speaking to a demon, and not its mortal incarnation.
bsabsbzbf there she is, in all her work-in-progressness
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Just found out I've been confusing the princess bride with the princess diares
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[running to catch up Olivia and Abby]
Quinn: [screaming] WAIT FOR ME, WAIT FOR ME!
[Two others people stop, and look at her]
Quinn: Wait, wait. No, not you - I don't even know you!
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tisdalejunior · 3 years
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CANDICE KING as herself on “Candice King and Kayla Ewell on How Vampire Diaries Fans Helped Inspire Their Podcast”
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romanticize /rə(ʊ)ˈmantɪsʌɪz/
verb deal with or describe in an idealized or unrealistic fashion; make (something) seem better or more appealing than it really is.
honestly, i cant wait to go back to school just to romanticize it. like reading your book in the library during lunch and annotating it with love is like a violin- ken dodd repeating over and over again.
also just keeping to yourself, and keeping on top of everything seems fun this year. doing your homework on time, and keeping quiet seems so fun.
i've started to read twilight, and its so much better than the films. theres so much more description in it. im about a third through the book and we have not even met edward's family (officially) yet. i love the films because they are so bad they are good, but the book is good.
recently these past few days i've been watching films to do with romanticisation of schools. so wild child, st. trinian's, angus, thongs and perfect snogging and also the first princess diaries film. might also watch barbie princess charm school because that is a classic and i love it!
bye for now!
a ♡
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𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤.
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mrwhittaker · 6 months
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Clarisse x Joe - Christmas AU
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nulla-cambia · 3 years
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dxxnl · 5 years
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That's me ,someday :)
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angeltelekinesisel · 5 years
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theroomofreq · 3 years
can you give me muggle jily recs pleaaseeee <3 :D
HOW MANY HIGH-QUALITY MUGGLE JILY FICS ARE THERE?? TOO MANY TO COUNT. *cracks knuckles* BUT I am here for the challenge. Jily AUs are my JAM.
Again, shoutout to our amazing @jilyarchive friends who tag every wonderful muggle jily au they come across. here is the link that will take you to their tags page. You'll find links to specific tropes and AUs :')
I've searched through my own AO3 bookmarks and history tabs, and I present to you 28 jily muggle fics that I LOVE. I am THRILLED thinking about all the good things in store for those that read these wonderful stories. This list took me ages to make because I went through and reread most of these brilliant fics. Happy reading !! xx
properly improper by @lizardcookie
“Marry me,” Mr. Potter repeats, closing the distance between them by striding back up towards the sofa, only to stop and crouch to one knee right there at her feet, looking up at her. Burning. “Pick me,” he elaborates. “Pick me, choose me, love me instead.”
- this fic is the reason why I comment the way that I do (spoiler it's because it's amazing)
The Wedding Ring by @mppmaraudergirl
What is undeniably worse than attending your sister's wedding looking as desolate and forgotten as a wilted houseplant? Drunkenly ringing your ex-boyfriend and asking him to be your date.
Oh my god, they were ROOMMATES by @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world
Silly one-shot, Muggle AU with Fem!Jily as pining roommates and Marlene as their matchmaker.
- the fic that brought me back to jily and inspired my deep obsession of fem!jily
Swipe Right, Swing Left by @downn-in-flames
The unspoken rule of using dating apps in D.C. is that you always start with where you work.
James Potter, it seems, never picked up on that one.
- giddy just thinking about this gem
'Tis the Damn Season by @petalstofish
It doesn't feel like Christmas for Lily Evans, not after losing her parents to COVID before the Holiday season. She anticipates spending Christmas all alone until a boy from her past shows up and offers her a mutually benefiting deal that has her calling him 'babe' just for the weekend. 'Tis the damn season, after all.
- cries in respect for lyrical writing
Watch Me Unwind by @maraudersftw
Lily Evans hates her job, hates the bigoted customers she has to serve as a bartender at the richest club in the city. But the one person who makes bearing all of it worth it has someone else in his arms tonight. (Rated: M)
- obsessed with the way the plot jumps around the time line in this
oil be there for you by @abby10fanfic
Texting/Social Media AU: Lily and James haven't spoken for 2 years. But that's all about to change thanks to Peter and his involvement in an essential oil pyramid scheme. Featuring boss babes, toxin-free lifestyles, binding contracts, and a very oily journey.
a matchmaking mission by @downn-in-flames
James Potter has a mission: get Sirius Black and Remus Lupin to finally admit that they both fancy the pants off each other by Valentine's Day.
His partner in crime? Lily Evans, Remus' flatmate, who he also happens to be slightly in love with
- DOUBLE the amount of pining idiots in love :")
about time by @jilyss
'sure, yeah, I can accompany you to that black tie event for your work tonight. wait. why are we on a red carpet?'
- this is my emotional comfort fic, your honor
whiskey business by @elanev91
Sirius Black has a (bad?) habit of picking up hobbies that take over his and James' flat -- this most recent one? Homemade vodka that James now has to try and peddle to everyone in the building.
- hysterical! must read!
Fashion Disaster by @maraudersftw
James Potter is roped into an awful dare by his best-mate, which involves him wearing atrocious pieces of clothing for all days until Christmas as dictated by Sirius. If this wasn't terrible enough, he now has to contend with his maddening crush on the beautiful saleswoman at the clothing store.
- classic hijinks that I live for
it wasn't a pity invite by @elanev91
Part of the December "Winter Tropes" Jily challenge. Prompt: my family invites you to join our holiday meal as an obvious setup and omG i’m so sorry
- awkward Christmas date that owns my heart
spice and honey by @clare-with-no-i
tagging along with her food reporter sister to profile James Potter, London's hottest young chef, is not how Lily Evans pictured her Monday going - especially if he's anything like Petunia’s described.
needless to say, she's in for a whirlwind at Chez Maraudeur.
- I'm one re-read away from printing this out and putting it on my bookshelf.
Waffle Wars by @elanev91
There's only one waffle maker in the dining hall and it literally always breaks. So, naturally, the only reasonable course of action is to meticulously map out when it's working and, ultimately, do a heist.
- the witty narration in this fic can not be matched
You Can Hear It In The Silence by @alrightginger
Lily is non-verbal and deaf in a world where the things your soulmate says about you end up written on your skin. She has known about her soulmate since she was seven, but knows they don't have a clue she exists and possibly never will.
- exquisite, cue me sobbing forever
out the window by @displayheartcode
A new family moves to Ottery St Catchpole.
- everything I could ever want in a fic, forever in my mind rent free
The Christmas Guest by @thegodmachine
An Evans Family Christmas: Petunia is bringing her fiancé and Lily is bringing her…Friend…
- petunia pov that gives me WINGS
Football, Calculus, and Cappuccinos by @moonawrites
At eighteen years old, James Potter has a lot going on. He's a rising star navigating the politics of professional football, the pitfalls of sudden fame, the fallout from choosing his dream over his father's company... and a serious crush on the red headed new barista at his favourite coffee shop.
- I'm still working my way through this fic, but trust me when I say its a GEM
if u like pina coladas by @zephyrcove
Lily is desperate for a date to Petunia's wedding, James has been pining, and their friends meddle ;)
- explain to me how characters can be so perfect via texting fics?
Shelf Awareness by @ghostofbambifanfiction
It's too far out of her way and she's wasting so much money, but Lily can't help but return to the bookstore every weekend, where her passion for good literature has, perhaps, been unexpectedly reignited by the messy-haired, pun-making, rather handsome bloke who works there.
- you absolutely must know that I binge read this and then immediately REREAD it
How to win a witch in 10 days by @adenei
“She’s going to find some unsuspecting wizard, get him to fall for her, and then do all the things that turn men away to get him to break things off! Won’t it be the best way to see what witches do that drives men crazy?” But what happens when the man in question is a blast from Lily Evans's past? A Jily Magical AU based on the romantic comedy "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days."
- fic based off of a rom com? YES PLZ :’)
The Fight Before Christmas by @ghostofbambifanfiction
The heartwarming Christmas tale of Lily Evans and James Potter - two plucky kids who hated one other, until the day they really, really didn't.
- complete sucker for this one
All This Time by @thejilyship
James and Lily grew up next door to one another. Their bedroom windows giving them glimpses into the others life, and also offering prime opportunities to argue with each other over every little thing. They never figured out how to be friends when they were kids, but now that they've graduated from college and are home for the summer, they have a second chance to get things right.
- one of my favvvv tropes
Let Me Love You by @thejilyship
With only a month until she's set to take the throne of Gryffindor, Lily is informed that she'll have to get married or choose to give up her throne. She never thought she'd have to even entertain the idea of an arranged marriage. Enter, James Potter.
- cries in princess diares AU
The Fabulous Baker Brothers by @frustratedpoetwrites
Lily walks a different route home from work and stumbles upon a cute little Bakery with an even cuter baker in the window.
- yes yes yes to embarrassed pining.
Marigold Mornings by @mppmaraudergirl
This is a fun game she thinks, as she removes her hand from his side and reaches up to run it down his chest.  He catches her hand in his own, takes a step forward so that her nose nearly brushes against his shirt. She can feel the heat radiating off of him—or maybe it’s from her. He licks his lips and her eyes are drawn to the motion.  She knows it is a bad idea, absolutely knows it.
- incredible storytelling featuring dynamic characters :') a favvv
Welcome to Pettyville by@women-inthe-sequel @alrightginger
When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn’t expecting to find the right person behind it. She can’t stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can’t stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number?
The Kiss a Stranger Project by @alrightginger
“What’s your name, then?” she asks, realizing they haven’t even properly introduced themselves yet. She nervously crosses her arms.
You shouldn’t kiss a guy without knowing his name first.
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