#The Neuron Doctors
thefiresofpompeii · 1 month
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happy stimming like crazy right now because he wrote some of his best episodes while rtd was the showrunner and now we’ve got that combination again!
sorry for being annoying. it’s not parasocial to be delighted that a writer’s coming back to a show right
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“it’s doing just fine without me” me when i LIE. rule #1 etc
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mochiiniko · 3 months
rain with cappuccino
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remember when i said i was done with cocole hanahaki
yea me too
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shitpost comic to compensate for the angst im sorry 😭
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science-lover33 · 8 months
Delving Deeper into Neuron Anatomy and Brain Functionality (Part 2)
Welcome back, Tumblr enthusiasts! In Part 1, we took our first steps into the neuron and brain universe. Now, let's journey further into their astonishing anatomy and intricate physiology. 🌌💡
Now that we've dived even deeper into the neuron's inner workings and explored more brain regions, I hope you're as captivated as I am by the wonders of neuroscience. Continue to feed your curiosity and stay tuned for more brainy adventures! 🧠
Neuron Anatomy (Continued)
Myelin Sheath: Wrapped around many axons, this fatty insulating layer is like the neuron's protective armor. It speeds up the transmission of electrical signals by allowing them to "jump" from one gap in the myelin sheath, called the Nodes of Ranvier, to the next. Think of it as a high-speed neural highway.
Schwann Cells and Oligodendrocytes: These specialized cells produce the myelin sheath. In the peripheral nervous system (PNS), Schwann cells individually wrap around axons. In the central nervous system (CNS), oligodendrocytes extend processes to multiple axons, forming myelin sheaths around them.
Sensory and Motor Neurons: Neurons aren't one-size-fits-all; they come in different shapes and sizes. Sensory neurons (afferent) bring sensory information from your body and surroundings to your brain and spinal cord. Motor neurons (efferent) carry commands from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands, allowing you to move and react.
Neuron Physiology (Continued)
Neurotransmitters: These chemical messengers are the key to communication between neurons. When an action potential reaches the axon terminals, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synapse. These molecules bind to receptors on the neighboring neuron, initiating or inhibiting a new electrical signal, depending on the neurotransmitter type.
Synaptic Plasticity: Neurons can change the strength of their connections through a phenomenon called synaptic plasticity. This allows us to adapt and learn. Two important types include long-term potentiation (LTP), which strengthens synapses, and long-term depression (LTD), which weakens them.
Brain Functionality (Continued)
Thalamus: Often called the "relay station," the thalamus acts as a switchboard, directing sensory information (except for smell) to the appropriate regions of the cerebral cortex for further processing.
Hypothalamus: This small but mighty structure regulates many essential functions, including hunger, thirst, body temperature, and the body's internal clock (circadian rhythms).
Frontal Cortex: Located in the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex, this region is responsible for higher cognitive functions like decision-making, planning, reasoning, and personality.
Temporal Lobes: These are crucial for auditory processing and memory. The hippocampus, nestled deep within the temporal lobes, is essential for forming new memories.
Purves, D., et al. (2017). "Neuroscience." Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Kandel, E. R., Schwartz, J. H., & Jessell, T. M. (2012). "Principles of Neural Science." McGraw-Hill Education.
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aq2003 · 6 months
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give me your gender AHHHHHHhhhhhhHH
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starleska · 5 months
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i'll be honest: since yesterday i've watched the Toymaker's Spice Up Your Life scene (...and all of his other scenes) an unhealthy amount 🙈💖 anyone else? i've known since the second the trailer announcing his character dropped that he would cause a unique kind of brainrot, but the camp and glamour is not something any of us were prepared for!! i'm going to be extrapolating his fascination for humanity as far as i can for self-indulgent purposes 😉
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 6 months
im in class right now and my professor just fucking quoted house please help me. THIS IS A DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CLASS
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comraderoscoes · 3 months
christ we’ve got the w15 launch on the 14th lmao
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isadibus · 4 months
I think I like this site because it's as chaotic as me.
Here, you want to see some of your Good Omens daily content? Wanna see some more? What about this cute GO art? Awww look! It's a kitty!
Let me explain to you the history of the clothing with every detail possible and expand your brain in ways you didn't knew you could.
Hey look! It's doctor Who being silly! Look how he runs around the TARDIS :)
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burnedself · 4 months
Doctor 'falling in love' with his companions as a byproduct of him romanticizing being human / essentially 'cosplaying as a mortal' and the ensuing repercussions of it
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perelka-l · 6 months
i wanna draw lance and gio and silver cuddling but i also want to draw nanu and archer and i can't do all 5 so all i can consider with my barely functioning is archer using nanu as place to put laptop for work (it's nicely warm so nanu doesn't protest much and at least that moron is distracted)
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trenchcrows · 1 year
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science-lover33 · 8 months
Unveiling the Marvels of Neurological Development 🧠✨
Hey, Tumblr fam! 👋 Today, let's embark on an exhilarating journey deep into the captivating realm of neurological development. 🌟 Buckle up because we're about to delve into the intricate science of how our brains come to life! 🧠💡
Embryogenesis Essentials:
Our journey begins during embryogenesis, the magical phase when the neural tube takes center stage. This seemingly simple structure holds the key to the brain's future complexity, as it gives rise to the brain and spinal cord. 🤯 Picture it as the canvas upon which the brain's masterpiece is painted. 🎨
But here's where it gets truly extraordinary—neurogenesis. Think of it as the birth of neurons, those remarkable cells forming our nervous system's building blocks. They multiply and differentiate, creating a neural orchestra that will play throughout our lives. ⭐️✨
Synaptic Wonders:
Fast forward to synaptogenesis—the symphony of the developing brain. Neurons extend their tendrils and engage in a breathtaking ballet of connection-making through synapses. 💃🕺 These connections aren't just beautiful; they're the basis of our cognitive abilities. These intricate connections that evolve with us make every memory, skill, and thought possible. 📚🧠
As if that's not mind-blowing enough, consider this: By the time you're a toddler, your brain has formed trillions of synapses! 😲
A Lifetime of Adaptation:
What's truly remarkable about the brain is its resilience and adaptability—neuroplasticity. This is the brain's way of staying forever young, constantly reshaping itself in response to experiences, learning, and even injuries. It's like a never-ending renovation project, sculpting our brains according to life's blueprint. 🏗️💡
So, whether you're fascinated by the intricacies of embryogenesis, the enchanting dance of synapses, or the resilience of neuroplasticity, remember that our brains are living works of art in constant creation. 🧠✨
Feel free to dive into these references to explore the scientific wonders behind neurological development! 📖🤓 Got questions? Drop 'em in the comments! Let's unravel the mysteries of the brain together. 🌌🤝
Kostović, I., & Judaš, M. (2010). Embryonic and fetal development of the human cerebral cortex. Brain Structure and Function, 213(6), 111-128.
Huttenlocher, P. R., & Dabholkar, A. S. (1997). Regional differences in synaptogenesis in the human cerebral cortex. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 387(2), 167-178.
Thompson, B. L., & Levitt, P. (2018). The clinical-radiological spectrum of perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. The Journal of Pediatrics, 192, 16-19.
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bubble-you · 15 days
happy birthday peter dougan capaldi king of my heart <3 (yes it was yesterday but an official doctor who post activated me just now) you're so special to me what you made is so special to me the part of you that you craft to tell fantastic stories with is so special to me thank you for being weird and confident
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risenwraith · 6 months
#160 Found you!
Cancer is a taboo subject. I say this because in my experience, in day to day life, no one ever mentions it.
If you look at mortuary lists and statistics through the ages you will see which diseases deal the most damage. In the 17thC it was plague, in the 18thC it was syphils, in the 19thC it was tuberculosis, and in the 20thC-now, it's cancer.
I looked up the current US stats: cancer is the main cause of death between 40/45-55/60 year olds.
And no one bloody talks about it.
Unless... Well, unless you are being treated for it. Because then the metaphorical flood gates open and every person you meet is obligated to tell you their story or opinion about the disease whether you want them to or not.
Usually this results in very meekle interactions. For example, someone compliments your hair, you say it's a wig, they nod knowingly and say, 'I had breast cancer too, ten years back. - I'm still here!' That's a lovely interaction - they like your pretend hair, also they kicked cancer's arse so you definitely can too.
100/10 very much recommend.
I just wish there weren't the other interactions. I don't need to be told how your best friend died of cancer. I don't need to be told how you hate doctors and think they're all quacks. I definitely don't need your weird homeopathic remedy that will 'cure' me. I don't need to know how your mother suffered and how the morphine rotted her brain.
-100/10 very NOT recommended.
The wonderful thing about medical science is that it's always evolving and refining itself. Procedures and medicines are readily available now that weren't as little as five or ten years ago.
Give it another ten years and I'm sure that oncology medicine will have moved on even further, perhaps to the point where surgery or chemo is only a last resort and there are simpler and kinder treatments available. And when that eventually happens, I personally will not be banging on about the failure of medical science to save my traitor tit and how tragic it was to be poisoned.
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once-was-muses · 10 months
[ and now that they're both on the blog, I can share the most Herman and Drua video for their tags ]
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suvidhahospital · 11 months
Rehabilitation for those with neurological problems is a focus of neurological physiotherapy. Problems affecting the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves are referred to as neurological conditions. The physical functions of affected individuals, such as mobility, muscle strength, range of motion, and balance, may be compromised.
The neurological physiotherapy treatment facilities at #suvidhahospital seeks reaching developmental milestones, rehabilitation, improve muscle improvement and muscle strength. This improves a person's quality of life.
Contact us for more information: Suvidha Hospital Hno 6-3-347/11/H/1 Plot no11, Dwarakapuri, Punjagutta, Hyderabad, Telangana 500082 Send us an email with your specifications at [email protected]. Visit: www.suvidhahospital.com Mobile: 077998 88444 . . . #follow us for more: @suvidhahospital_
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