disabled-not-dead · 7 months
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paraplegiclady · 5 months
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Ayuerveda provides an effective holistic approach towards managing symptoms relatedto paralyses without any side effects making it an ideal choice when comparedwith other available treatments
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wheelzoffortune1 · 2 years
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New YouTube video tomorrow!
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kevinwalkerattorney · 1 month
West Virginia Truck Accident Lawyer
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Accidents involving large trucks weighing up to 80,000 pounds often result in catastrophic or fatal outcomes due to their immense size and weight. The injuries sustained in these crashes can be severe, including head trauma, broken bones, whiplash, back injuries, cuts, burns, and internal organ damage. These injuries can have life-altering consequences such as paralysis, traumatic brain damage, and disfigurement requiring extensive medical intervention.
Given the complexity of determining negligence and liability in truck accidents, it is crucial to seek legal representation knowledgeable in handling such cases.
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themobilitysolution · 3 months
Wheelchair Accessible CARS for Spinal Cord Injured People and Elderly/ Old People in India | Ramps
Mobility Solutions is a Karnal, Haryana based company who works all over #india for the #accessibility , #independence and #inclusion of #disabled people. We aim to deliver and not to make, the make word is only relevant in our dictionary when it comes to innovate. We believe in working at the least rates possible, so that everyone could afford to #travel with dignity. Our services are available all over India. So, book your appointment today - (+91-9215401100,+91-8398901100) or Email - [email protected]
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drbsrajputclinic · 3 months
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Empower your journey to recovery from spinal cord injury with the pioneering expertise of Dr. B.S. Rajput at Stem Cell India. Explore the possibilities of healing and hope.
Click for more details - https://www.stemcellindia.org/stem-cell-therapy-for-spinal-cord-injury.html Book appointment - +91-9820850187 or email us at - [email protected]
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memyself024 · 7 months
Scientists Find Methods to Heal Spinal Injury in Order to Reverse Paralysis
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mirecalemoments01 · 8 months
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disabled-not-dead · 3 months
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https://rdbl.co/47gppMi Rebubble
https://bit.ly/3uBt9JG Teepublic
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paraplegiclady · 4 months
New videos ☺️
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symptomfinder · 11 months
🧠 Pseudomeningocele is a rare condition that occurs when cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks from the meninges, the protective layer surrounding the brain and spinal cord. This leakage can cause a cyst-like structure to form, which is known as a pseudomeningocele. While the condition is uncommon, it can cause a range of symptoms that can significantly impact a person's quality of life. 🤕 The symptoms of pseudomeningocele can vary depending on the location and size of the cyst. Common symptoms include headache, neck pain, back pain, and numbness or tingling in the arms or legs. In severe cases, pseudomeningocele can also cause vision problems, seizures, and difficulty walking or standing. 💉 Treatment for pseudomeningocele typically involves surgery to repair the leak and prevent the formation of the cyst. In some cases, a lumbar drain may be used to drain excess CSF and relieve pressure on the brain and spinal cord. With prompt and appropriate treatment, most people with pseudomeningocele can expect to make a full recovery and return to their normal activities.1. Understanding Pseudomeningocele: Definition and CausesA pseudomeningocele is a collection of cerebrospinal fluid that forms outside the spinal cord. It can be caused by spinal surgery, trauma, or infection. Symptoms include pain, numbness, and weakness in the back or legs. 🔬 The cause of pseudomeningocele is the disruption of the dura mater, which is the outermost layer of the spinal cord. This can happen during surgery or as a result of trauma. 💉 Spinal surgery is the most common cause of pseudomeningocele. It can occur when the dura mater is accidentally punctured during the procedure. 🤕 Trauma to the spinal cord can also cause a pseudomeningocele. This can happen in accidents or falls, and can lead to a tear in the dura mater. 🦠 Infections such as meningitis can also cause a pseudomeningocele. This is because the inflammation can weaken the dura mater, causing it to tear. 💊 Treatment for pseudomeningocele depends on the severity of the symptoms. It may include rest, pain medication, or surgery to repair the tear in the dura mater. 🧘‍♀️ Prevention of pseudomeningocele includes proper surgical technique, avoiding trauma to the spinal cord, and prompt treatment of infections.2. Common Symptoms of Pseudomeningocele to Look Out For🔍 Some common symptoms of pseudomeningocele include: Headaches: Severe or persistent headaches that worsen with sitting or standing. Neck Pain: Pain in the neck that radiates to the shoulders and arms. Nausea: Feeling sick to your stomach or vomiting. Dizziness: Feeling lightheaded or dizzy when standing up. Weakness: Weakness or numbness in the arms or legs. 🚨 Seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms. 💊 Treatment may include rest, pain medication, or surgery to repair the cerebrospinal fluid leak. 👀 Early detection and treatment can prevent serious complications.3. Diagnostic Tests for Pseudomeningocele: What to Expect Imaging tests: CT and MRI scans are used to diagnose pseudomeningocele. These tests provide detailed images of the spine and surrounding tissues. Myelography: A specialized imaging test where a contrast dye is injected into the spinal fluid to highlight any leaks or abnormalities. Electromyography: A test that measures the electrical activity of muscles and nerves. It can help diagnose nerve damage caused by pseudomeningocele. Lumbar puncture: A procedure where a needle is inserted into the spinal canal to collect cerebrospinal fluid for testing. It can help diagnose infections or other conditions. Physical exam: A doctor will examine the spine and surrounding areas for signs of swelling, tenderness, or other abnormalities. Neurological exam: A doctor will evaluate nerve function, reflexes, and other neurological symptoms. Expect: A combination of these tests may be used to diagnose pseudomeningocele. They are generally safe and non-invasive. Results may take a few days to process. Treatment options will depend on the severity of the condition. 💉🩺🧪4. Treatment Options for Pseudomeningocele: Surgery and Non-SurgicalThere are two main . Surgery: Involves repairing the dural defect and reinforcing the area with a graft or patch. Non-surgical: Includes bed rest, pain management, and monitoring for any changes in symptoms. The decision to pursue surgery or non-surgical treatment depends on the severity of the pseudomeningocele and the patient's overall health. Surgical risks: Infection, bleeding, nerve damage, and recurrence of the pseudomeningocele. Non-surgical risks: Progression of symptoms and potential need for future surgery. Patients should discuss the benefits and risks of each treatment option with their healthcare provider and make an informed decision. Recovery: Patients who undergo surgery may need to stay in the hospital for a few days and may require physical therapy. Long-term outlook: With proper treatment, most patients experience a full recovery and return to their normal activities. 🎉 Remember, early detection and treatment can improve outcomes and prevent complications. 🎉5. Recovery and Rehabilitation After Pseudomeningocele TreatmentAfter treatment, patients may experience headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. It's important to rest and avoid strenuous activity for several weeks. Take pain medication as prescribed. Avoid bending, lifting, and twisting. Gradually increase activity level. Physical therapy may be recommended to improve strength and mobility. Patients may also benefit from counseling to manage anxiety and depression. Attend all scheduled appointments. Communicate with healthcare providers about progress. Follow recommended exercises and activities. Recovery time varies, but most patients can resume normal activities within 6-12 weeks. It's important to follow up with healthcare providers regularly to monitor progress and address any concerns. Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Report any new or worsening symptoms immediately. Remember, recovery is a process. Be patient and take care of yourself. 🌟6. Preventing Pseudomeningocele: Tips and Strategies for Avoiding RecurrencePreventing Pseudomeningocele 🧠 Pseudomeningocele is a common complication after spinal surgery. Here are some tips to prevent its recurrence. 🏋️‍♀️ Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for at least six weeks after surgery. 🍎 Eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight to reduce pressure on the surgical site. 💊 Take medications as prescribed to manage pain and prevent constipation, which can increase pressure on the surgical site. 🧘‍♀️ Practice gentle stretching and low-impact exercises to improve flexibility and reduce tension in the back muscles. 🚭 Quit smoking to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of infection, which can increase the risk of pseudomeningocele. 🏥 Follow up with your healthcare provider regularly to monitor your recovery and address any concerns. 🛌 Rest and avoid prolonged sitting or standing to reduce pressure on the surgical site. 💧 Stay hydrated to promote healing and prevent constipation. 🧼 Keep the surgical area clean and dry to prevent infection. 🙅‍♀️ Avoid activities that involve bending or twisting the back, such as golf or tennis, until cleared by your healthcare provider. 👨‍⚕️ Talk to your healthcare provider about any concerns or questions you may have regarding your recovery and preventing pseudomeningocele recurrence. In conclusion, pseudomeningocele symptoms can be debilitating if left untreated. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned in this article. With proper diagnosis and treatment, you can alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with this condition. 💊💉 Remember, the causes of pseudomeningocele can vary, but it is often a complication of spinal surgery. If you are planning to undergo spinal surgery, make sure to discuss the potential risks and complications with your doctor. 🏥👨‍⚕️ Lastly, early detection and treatment are crucial in managing pseudomeningocele symptoms. Don't hesitate to seek medical attention if you suspect that you may have this condition. With the right treatment plan, you can improve your quality of life and get back to doing the things you love. 🙌💪 https://symptomfinder.com/pseudomeningocele-symptoms-causes-and-treatment/?_unique_id=6480eeaf676ba
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sushrutbrainandspine · 11 months
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Causes of Vascular Malformations of The Brain:-
👉 Congenital abnormalities of blood vessels occur in younger patient population.
👉 Subarachnoid hemorrhage.
👉 Increased venous pressure.
👉 Progressive damage to the spinal cord.
👉 Trauma in older population.
Contact for more information:-
• Phone: +91 9810324401
• Website :- www.thebrainandspine.com
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gaylordnantais · 1 year
An Overview Of Workers’ Comp For Spinal Cord Injuries Victims In California
Spinal cord injuries are some of the most serious and scary injuries that workers in California can get on the job. A serious spinal cord injury can cause paralysis, coma, and even death. It can also limit a person’s ability to function, lower their quality of life, and cause constant pain. The spine is both important and fragile. Even a small injury to the spine can keep a person from doing their job for weeks or months. If an employee hurts their back badly, they might not be able to work for months, years, or even forever.
How Do Injuries To The Spinal Cord Happen?
Spinal cord injuries can happen in many ways, both at work and while doing work-related tasks outside of the office. Most spinal cord injuries are caused by sudden hits or other traumatic events. Gaylord and Nantais experienced workers’ comp injury lawyers help injured California workers get compensation for spinal cord injuries caused by things like:
Accidents on the road, including those on or near the job site or while doing work-related tasks like making deliveries
Slips, trips, and falls at the workplace or on a construction site
Falls from support beams, stairways, or other high places, such as when scaffolding, ladders, stairs, or elevators that are broken or unsafe collapse or stop working.
Machines and other products that don’t work
Accidents caused by things that fly, roll, or fall
Accidents caused by things that fly, roll, or fall violent acts at the workplace
Spinal Cord Injuries Compensation
Victims of spinal cord injuries in California are entitled to compensation for injuries caused by the negligent behavior of another individual or business. Compensation includes:
Reimbursement for past medical costs incurred because of the injury.
Compensation for future medical costs incurred because of the injury.
Wages lost while the injured person recovers.
Loss of future earnings potential if the injury discourages the victim from going back to work or discourages the victim from earning the same wages.
The expense of dealing with the injury.
When a victim is unable to live independently, the cost of institutional care is incurred.
Pain, suffering, mental anguish, and a loss of happiness in life are all possible outcomes.
Different Types of Severe Spinal Injury
Every injured worker will have varying degrees of injury, varying symptom severity, and varying rates of recovery.
Cervical spine injuries – These can cause numbness from the neck down.
Thoracic spine injuries – This injury may cause chest and upper back numbness.
Lumbar spine injuries – It causes lower spine damage
Sacral spine injuries – Paralysis and leg weakness may occur.
Coccygeal spine injuries – These causes numbness near the tailbone area
Some of the most frequent signs and symptoms of a spinal cord injury are:
Problems with Coordination
Pain and shortness of breath
Involuntary Bladder or Bowel Movements
Call us for help with a spinal cord injury claim at work
If you were hurt on the job in California and need help getting quick and complete workers’ compensation benefits, call Gaylord and Nantais at (562) 561-2669 to speak with a workers’ compensation lawyer.
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How Can I Receive Workers’ Compensation For A Spinal Cord Injury?
Workers’ compensation is a system in the United States and numerous other nations that provides benefits to employees who are injured or become ill on the job. Typically, state governments administer the program as part of their social welfare initiatives. A spinal cord injury (SCI) is a tragic event that can occur at any time to anyone. If you have sustained an SCI in a work-related accident, you may wonder if you qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. The answer is it depends.
This blog explains how to receive workers’ compensation for a spinal cord injury. We will also discuss some of the obstacles you may encounter when applying for SCI benefits.
What Is Workers’ Compensation For Spinal Cord Injury?
You may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits if you sustained a spinal cord injury on the job. Workers’ compensation is a system of laws that provides benefits to employees who become injured or ill on the job. These benefits may include medical expenses, disability payments, and income replacement.
To be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, you must meet certain criteria. You must have sustained an injury or illness directly as a result of your job duties, and you must file your claim within the allotted time frame.
If you have suffered a spinal cord injury and would like more information on your eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits, please contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible.
What Benefits Does Workers’ Compensation Provide For Spinal Cord Injury?
If an employee sustains a spinal cord injury on the job, workers’ compensation benefits may be available to assist in their recovery. Among the key advantages are the following:
Financial Assistance
Employees who have sustained a spinal cord injury may receive financial assistance through workers’ compensation. This assistance can be used to cover medical costs, rehabilitation costs, and other essential expenses.
Medical Coverage
Employees who sustain a spinal cord injury will be covered for all necessary medical treatments and procedures. This includes both hospitalization and outpatient treatment.
Mental Health Support
Employees with a spinal cord injury may be eligible for mental health support services. These services can assist individuals in coping with the physical and emotional effects of their injury.
Eligibility For Workers’ Compensation
To be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, you must meet certain eligibility criteria. These consist of the following:
You cannot be an independent contractor but must work instead as an employee of the company.
Your injury must have been a direct result of the tasks that you were expected to perform in your job.
You were required to make a report about the injury within the first thirty days after it occurred.
You should have gotten medical attention for the injury that you sustained.
In the event that you or someone you know has sustained an injury to the spinal cord, the workers’ compensation attorneys at Pistiolas Law are able to assist you. We have extensive experience litigating these types of cases and are prepared to fight for you to receive the benefits to which you are entitled. Get in touch with us at this very moment by calling (844) 414-1768 to set up a no-cost consultation.
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themobilitysolution · 3 months
Wheelchair Accessible Cars in Delhi/India | Wheelchair Ramps | Accessible Vehicles Car Modification
Get yourself a Wheelchair Ramp today - 9215401100, 8398901100 or 9812520759.
The solution for the accessibility of a Wheelchair user in a car is this customization of a wheelchair ramp with roof extension for head comfortability. This modification is Beneficial for a wheelchair user who might have spinal cord injury, polio, old age, or any other problems with shifting. This modification delivers independence to a person in terms of their own confidence, dignity and comfort of not being carried by someone else. It reassures to their ability of being independent with proper accessible infrastructure and technology. For instance a person with a power wheelchair doesn’t even require a push, which makes them more self-reliant. By the way which is the case with our client. With proper advancement in technology and infrastructure disability doesn’t exists. With comfort and easy this modification also fulfils the medical needs.
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