#Tell Donald Trump
sher-ee · 12 days
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Fact Check. Do you see Trump Tower? The reason for the crowd is a visit from President Joe Biden! This is President Biden’s motorcade in April.
This video isn't from today. The barricaded area for Trump supporters in front of the Manhattan Courthouse was empty. So was the area in front of Trump Towers. Eric Trump is lying.
Big tip off: No sea of red hats. No Trump flags or signs. No altered American flags. No screaming weirdos.
They will lie and lie to their base.
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odinsblog · 8 months
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Trump’s own legal team elected to have a trial without a jury. (source)
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republicanidiots · 2 months
Trump, of course, went all out to offer Israel anything it wanted, in love with Israeli power, violence and repression. Recognised the Golan Heights annexation, Jerusalem annexation, supported settlement policies all in violation not only of international law but of US policy. US had supported the Security Council resolutions that banned the Israeli takeover of Golan Heights and of Jerusalem. Trump reversed all that. … -- Noam Chomsky, 4/9/23
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 11 months
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(via GIPHY)
Trump - always the victim and never responsible - has been telling those lies for eight years now. The legal troubles he’s facing are due to his own words and actions.  But since he was never held accountable by the Republicans for anything, and surrounds himself with sycophants and yes-men, he thinks he’s above the law.  
He found out there are truly non-partisan people who will put the United States and its citizens first. They are judges and lawyers who uphold the law with evidence, facts and truth.  They’re impartial, not motivated by special interests,  or beholden to any organization or persons, and are not corrupted by the pervasive, legalized bribery from the rich and powerful.  
Jack Smith, the Special Counsel is one of those people.  And Trump will relentlessly attack him with smears, lies, baseless accusations, and probably even threaten him.  Because Trump has always been able to use lies, threats, the legal system, and money to weasel out of his troubles in the past.  Not this time.  
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To all US citizens who see this: please fucking vote.
I get it, in so many ways the Biden administration sucks, and yes that’s an understatement. However, the alternative is infinitely worse.
Do you really think that racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, convicted felon is going to be better?
Because those are, unfortunately, the only two options for now. No, not voting is not some grand gesture or revolutionary thing. It is voluntarily giving up your voice in the democratic process and handing the reigns over to the opposition on a silver fucking platter so they can ruin millions of lives.
If you are really upset about voting for Biden then get involved in politics at a local level (AND STILL FUCKING VOTE.) You should be doing that anyway, but that’s the way you actually can enact sustainable systemic change. It’s hard. It’s slow. It takes a lot of fucking work.
I get that it’s tempting to ‘burn down the system’ but the very people you are claiming to want to protect would likely be those who suffer most if things were to suddenly collapse. Dismantle, don’t burn.
Anyway, today’s rant brought to you by ‘please don’t make us all collectively live through a nuclear fucking war’
#am I furious with the current US government for supplying weapons to enable a genocide?#you fucking bet I am#do I think things would be infinitely fucking worse if Trump were to be in charge?#YES I FUCKING DO#especially with international tensions at one of their highest points since the fucking cold war#that man winning again would be a death sentence to so so many people#anyway all this to say#please fucking vote#if you say you’re not voting because you morally object to supporting Biden#but aren’t literally in the streets protesting and participating in local politics as a regular thing in your life#then you don’t have a leg to stand on#grit your teeth and do the thing that will cause LESS suffering so we have MORE time to enact REAL change#yes I know some people will be upset with me for this and I believe there are a lot of shared values I likely have with those people#but this is a hard line for me#personal#US Election#Donald Trump#Joe Biden#Vote#politics#can you tell I’m stressed and low key spiraling?#and yes I know the election is months away#but there is a hell of a lot going on politically in the world rn#tumblr is usually my least political platform bc I need my little escape#and yes I recognize I should be doing more#but my efforts and limited energy are going to where it’s best used:#educating myself and people in my life and donating what little bits I’m able to financially#I’ve been off work for the last two months bc of my health#that’s not an excuse but it is why I’m strategic with my activism
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
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What would it take for major news media to quit normalizing Nazism in the Republican Party?
Of Course They Do: Texas Republicans Say Associating With Nazi Sympathizers Is Fine
Trump’s insane language concerning his opponents
Historian Meacham links Trump ‘vermin’ comments to ‘most ghastly kinds of crimes’
When Trump tells you he’s an authoritarian, believe him He's talking like a fascist. He's planning fascist policies. He's staffing up with fascists.
Commentary: With ‘vermin,’ Donald Trump crosses fully into Nazi territory
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sher-ee · 10 days
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Everything about Trump comes down to size.
And how to lie about it.
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odinsblog · 8 months
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Hey, waitaminute! Are you telling me that Trump really isn’t concerned with the safety of whales, and is really trying to kill a green renewable source of energy?
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But why would Trump dO that? Why would he lie?
The only people who this disinformation helps is Big Oil companies, and everyone knows that Trump doesn’t have a history of lying his ass off, right? I mean, everyone knows how much Trump hates big business and loves nature. Surely Trump, the person known for his great love of animals, isn’t lying about windmills killing whales, right??
BUT SERIOUSLY: Trump is lying about everything again.
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👉🏿 https://www.factcheck.org/2023/03/no-evidence-offshore-wind-development-killing-whales/
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shinobicyrus · 1 year
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Tag yourself if you’re a Misfit, Mutant, Marxist, or Communist.
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I refuse to get my hopes up. I refuse to believe anything will come of this yet. We'll know how serious this is by how he reacts; if he bitches and moans about a witch hunt and corruption and radical leftists, then it means nothing, because he already acts like that every single day, so this raid couldn't have been any worse for him than usual, it's no big deal. If, however, he starts getting REALLY UPSET, like he syarts filing suit after suit after suit against the government and different officials or he makes an indefinite international trip or he starts throwing his own people under the bus, then we know the feds have him by the balls. He's an invertebrate and it's in his nature to squirm, so all we can do is gauge whether he's squirming moreso than usual. We'll know if he's going down because he'll know he's going down. If his petulance ramps up, if he starts acting erratic or announces he's running again, then the heat is on for real.
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womanwithahotdogstand · 7 months
Megan Rapinoe deserves so much more 🤧 the hate she's getting right now on top of a torn achilles is a Nightmare scenario and everyone's treating it like business as usual
Getting mad at someone for coping with tearing their Achilles 2 minutes into the last game of their 20 year career with a very obvious joke is SO fucking dumb.
But also, hi, even if Megan wasn’t joking and doesn’t believe in G*d — that is her right as a cognitive fully grown adult human being who resides in a country where religious freedom is protected in our country’s constitution.
My genuine question for the people who seem to really care about this:
How does Megan Rapinoe’s relationship, or lack their of, with G*d affect your life in any capacity?
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stephen-barry · 20 days
U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson assailed the U.S. judicial system on Tuesday as he became the highest-ranking Republican to attend court with Donald Trump, echoing unsubstantiated or disproven arguments made by the former president and his allies...
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at this point the way donald trump has seemed to get one indictment after another after another after another is like. a cinematic parallel to how pro-life fuckfaces think people who have had abortions get abortions
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fancyfungal · 6 months
I'm gonna say this as simply as I can, it does not matter who the president of the USA is they are not immune to criticism. I had one comment that said I was advocating for Trump because I called out Biden on his bullshit. No matter who you are voting for always, and I mean ALWAYS call them out when they do something bad Trump, Biden, Obama if they are committing war crimes you get on their ass and you never let go until they stop. Presidents and Government officials and big companies are the people that hold the most power and are also the ones that are the most out of touch. Don't make these people the subject of your admiration just because of whatever political party they're from always view them critically, none of them are perfect.
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stoolghoul · 9 months
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If Donald Trump is allowed to be Donald Trump without getting arrested, you are allowed to be your own glorious self without having imposter syndrome.
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