#Team Nathaniel
melodyalanaroster · 1 year
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Nathaniel Dakimakura by Drachea Rannak
I am so happy to have sides of my custom Dakimakura that match all 3 seasons! I am well aware that the HSL side has a minor mistake (his earrings)... But, even with that, he’s perfect!
I went with his work uniform for the Love Life side because I love that outfit more than his casual outfit. 
I’m also very happy that each side tells part of his story. HSL showing that he’s a very sweet soul, but a little mischievous. UL is very much the sexy bad boy. LL showing more sweetness, and calmness. We all know that in LL, he’s still sexy and mischievous, but he is more at peace with himself and sensual.
It will be a while before I have the updated Dakimakura case on my bed. As of right now, I have the original (HSL and UL) on my bed... But, once my savings replenish from the work I’ve had to get done on my truck, I will be ordering a new case with the UL and LL sides! I’m not gonna lie, I commissioned the LL side for 2 major reasons... 1, to complete having sides for all 3 seasons. And 2, because I’m nearly 30 and I’m now feeling awkward having an 18 yr old in my bed, even if I keep the HSL side down 100% of the time....
If you don’t know Drachea Rannak, he is one of the top Sailor Moon fan-artists in the world. Years ago, up until Flash was destroyed, he partnered with Doll Divine to make the Sailor Scout Maker. He’s my all time favorite digital artist. I’ve had him do 2 tattoo designs and my Dakimakura designs. He is also doing an image for my IRL wedding, as well as my fiancé's custom Nami (One Piece) Dakimakura designs. His work is expensive, but DEFINITELY worth it! You can find him on Facebook and Instagram!
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nikkiepou · 2 years
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Family Popuer -Nikkie and Nathaniel
mrs Nikkie has two children with nathaniel her children's names are ''Cassie and Thomás'' They live in california they love happy family holidays credit by edit @nikkiepou Credit to @candysweetposts for the Kids' pack foundations and hairs etc...
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margalcazo · 1 year
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fanarts des streams de ultia qui m'ont fait retomber dans la nostalgie amour sucré à 1000%
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magnusthepuppet · 7 months
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i scratched out all the embarrassing bits :/
fem!medic design inspired by @takisyak !!!
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aganyan · 4 months
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Outfits were originaly made by @pelagobin on Insta!
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hc that despite other (shitty) teams trying to psych Neil out by calling him Nathaniel or Wesninski or butchers son on the court they actually find Neil terrifying for the exact reason they’re shit talking. They try to play it off like they’re not scared and that’s why they taunt him but in reality, when they’re off the court, they constantly discuss how scary Neil kinda is. There’s rumours about Neil and the ravens and Riko, and what Neil did and who he was before he joined the foxes and then with the added obvious evidence of what he endured? The man LOOKS tortured and still comes out on the court with a wicked smile, he’s terrifying.
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
If I had a nickel for every time I was in a tumblr fandom where an evil guy with a blue aesthetic and complicated relationship with his siblings wanted to take over the world by uniting humanity under a singular mind that he controlled while also being a hard-core theater kid and drama king, I’d have two nickels.
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…which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice right?
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lillypuppetchild · 9 months
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"I dont think im alone in here"
(teaser for @rejections-medics)
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zukkaoru · 2 months
an opportunity to ask about grace wips.......... i'd be a fool to miss it
12 and 13 please!!
hehe ily <3 these two are both ideas i'm plotting for fyodor ship week in june!!
midnight baptism (12) is a no-powers au that is. pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. fyodor nathaniel and nikolai sneak into a church in the middle of the night because fyodor wants to be re-baptized after coming out as trans
fyothaniel communion (13) takes place the night before nathaniel's brainwashing/lobotomy/whatever in which he comes to fyodor and says he wants to partake in communion one last time before the procedure, and asks fyodor to do the sermon for it.
see. okay so the thing is. people are always like "omg i love writing fics as an excuse to infodump about my non-fandom related knowledge from non-fandom related interests" but the non-fandom topic i have spent literally my entire life studying and memorizing is The Bible. and i can't just make any random characters bible quizzers or send them to youth group or whatever. so now that i finally have characters who are canonically religious that gives me the perfect opportunity to write fics about things i'm very familiar with but have never had a chance to explore in fics before. like baptism and communion. maybe i'll even make nathaniel a bible quizzer at some point. you never know what could happen next.
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phoenix-onfire · 1 year
I'm so glad we can get friendship scenes with every member of UB, regardless of whose BFF path we are on! I love these genuine friendship moments with Adam☺️
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rejections-medics · 9 months
The third Cloned Medic
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His name is Nathaniel. He is supposed to be half animal and half human. He also has other black teeth and claws. Even though this Medic doesn't look half-human. He still has some parts that show his humanity. And at the end of his tail has some fur.
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For example, the eyes on his face look so human which is terrifying.
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Another example is his front paws which have five fingers with claws. But his back paws are animal normal feet... I also gave him beans...
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This his name tag... But some reason... It doesn't show his human form...
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When he is on the ground he is 3'9 feet long and when he is standing up he is 6'1 feet tall.
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When his pupil isn't white. That means he isn't feeling threatened. But when his pupil does turn white... You are dead...
He mostly acts like a dog! He likes to play a lot. He does try to talk but it sounds more like growling. He always loves to cheer up his other fellow cloned medics... He is a sweetheart.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Here's a request
Monarch and Prince Paon start doing the Team Rocket intro every time they fight the heroes. Scarlet thinks it's iconic, Ikati can't help but be a massive Pokemon nerd and is like "the games are better than the anime."
*Prince Paon’s debut*
Monarch: Prepare for trouble!
Prince Paon: And make it double!
Monarch: Our goal is not to bring devastation.
Prince Paon: But to invite the people to our nation.
Monarch: To denounce those who say we feel no love!
Prince Paon: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Monarch: Monarch!
Prince Paon: Prince Paon.
Monarch: Team Akuma/Amok blasts off at the speed of light!
Prince Paon: Sureender now, or prepare to fight!
Alya: *Happy flapping* Tell me you got that on film, girl!
Marinette: Every last second!
Scarlet Beetle: Fucking. Icons!
Ikati Black: The games are better than the anime, but I like their spirit.
Prince Paon: Prepare for trouble, and a dance!
Monarch: I’m wearing tights instead of pants!
Scarlet Beetle: We didn’t need to know that!
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altruistic-meme · 7 months
cue Kevin being a snarky shit <3
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lemonadebombery · 10 months
sometimes a team for a very hard stage is one UR+, two SRs+, and whatever guest thats there
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pen-guin-writez · 6 months
the day greg serreno says "i ship them so hard" is the day he leaves the show.
rachel why.
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josephinekhawaja · 1 year
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These 2 are gonna be the death of me. I should temper any expectations of shipping success for Phase 5, but I still keep tossing theories down here like pennies in a well.
(...Jonathan Majors pic taken from this post, and Kathryn Newton pic taken from the Facebook page of Marvel.)
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