#Taste Saga
thelucidduchess · 13 days
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Unpopular opinion but Wouldn’t You Like is really good and people should pay more attention to it
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not-daryll · 4 months
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie, posting to Tiktok: Sometimes, I look at Steve and I think, how’d I get so lucky. He’s literally perfect. But then. I remember…
*cut to a video of Steve and Dustin from a couple years ago when Dustin moved back to Chicago. They’re doing their handshake that has only gotten more elaborate.*
Eddie: And I’m like…Yeah, totally fucking perfect, huh? But then, I remember….
*Cut to a video of Eddie asking Steve what his favorite Star Wars movie is and Steve answering. Teddy bear noises and all*
Eddie: And I think, perfection is boring anyways. I want a man with great hair, a great ass, and objectively bad taste in movies.
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art history playlist moodboard – twilight soundtrack vibes but it's the indie/alt rock bit
Vale (Farewell) – Arthur Hacker // Morning Mist in the Mountains – Caspar David Friedrich // Countess Mordvinova’s Wood – Ivan Shishkin // Wilds – Ivan Shishkin // Temptation – William-Adolphe Bouguereau // Norwegian Highlands at Sunrise – Hans Gude // April Showers, Napa Valley – Jules Tavernier // The Dark Wood – Ivan Shishkin // Fawn – Josef Schmitzberger
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velvetjune · 3 months
one of my main takeaways from the alan wake games is that alan/alice/barry should exist and they all love each other so much.
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thestormlightnetwork · 5 months
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
ironic // george russell
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summary: george and y/n are finally tying the knot, but trust everything to go wrong that weekend, in all of the right ways. inspired by a selection of verses from ‘ironic’ by alanis morrissette
it’s like rain on your wedding day
pairing: george russell x wife!reader
warnings: dramatic irony, mentions of omens from the universe. I do a little bit of projecting. alex and charles are the reason george is almost late for his wedding. ive only ever had a proper manicure once so its probably unrealistic as hell.
authors note: welcome to the end of the cozy collection 2022 !! i hope you enjoyed it, and im really looking forward to bringing you guys the christmas collection later in november.
reference points: (wedding dress) (george's suit) (the altar)(the song she’ll walk down the aisle to)(engagement ring)(blanket station)(wedding cake)
kings lynn, norfolk.
george russell was on top of the world.
it was a feeling better than winning the formula 2 championship, or getting pole position in hungary, or even when he was signed to mercedes. because in just forty-eight hours, the love of his life would become mrs. russell.
what he was not looking forward to, was when she would leave. keeping with radition, the bride and groom were to spend forty-eight hours apart, sleeping in different beds and not allowed to see each other under any circumstance, until they saw each other again at the outdoor ceremony.
"baby, lily's here." y/n murmured softly against george's lips. "i have to go."
"i don't want you to leave." the mercedes driver responded, chasing the kiss. "i want to stay here with you, for the rest of my life."
y/n giggled, pulling away and gently tapping geroge on the end of his nose with the pads of her finger. "its just two days, and then we have three whole weeks together on the french coast."
"two days is too long."
"but you'll be with charles and alex, having a bros weekend."
"it's a bros weekend every time i go to a race, darling." george persists, trying to get his bride to be to stay with him. "do you have the dress?"
"lily has it, and alex has your suit. i really need to go, georgie."
"okay." the brit relented, giving y/n a tight hug before letting her go. "i miss you already."
"see you soon, husband."
its a black fly in your chardonnay
they were in a pub in norfolk, a secluded table by the back, large bottle of chardonnay in the middle of the table. lily he and charlotte sine sat at the head of the table, left in charge of planning the entire schedule while their boyfriends kept george occupied. a few of y/n's college friends were there as well, but just for the dinner rather than the whole weekend.
"i propose a toast!" charlotte proclaimed, popping the bottle open. "to the future mrs. russell!"
the girls around the table echoed that sentiment, y/n hiding her face in her hands as she laughed. "go ahead and tell the whole pub, won't you."
"so," taylor, one of her roomates in college was the first to ask "are you nervous for the wedding."
"a little. it's a little scary, you know. the whole 'commitment for life' thing. not that i see george and i ever having problems, im just thinking 'but what if we do'?"
"sweetie, if i can deal with charles for as long as i have, you can spend the rest of your life with george." charlotte joked. "i've never seen two people more made for each other."
"can i get an amen?" lily quipped, raising her glass to the ceiling.
"amen!" the table chorused, also raising their glasses.
"to y/n and george!" taylor added, clinking glasses with the bride-to-be.
when y/n brought the glass to her lips, a small shape floating in the chardonnay stopped her. scrunching up her nose, she lowered the glass, eyes zeroing in on the the dark shape in her wine.
"there's a fly in my drink! this is an omen." she panicked, placing the glass back down on the table. "something is going to go wrong at that wedding, i can already tell."
"sweetie, i think you're overthinking this." lily frowned, rubbing her hands up and down y/n's arms. "let's just get you another glass and get shitfaced."
"that sounds like a really good idea."
it's the good advice that you just didn't take
george could be a moody bastard when he wanted to be, and alex and charles were learning that very quickly as they stood at the tee of the golf hole, waiting for charles to hit the small white ball.
"you guys have been apart for six hours. it's not a big deal, george. goddamn, are you whipped." alex remarked, clapping the groom on the shoulder.
"i can't remember the last time we were apart for more than a normal workday. or woken up without her in the bed next to me, inhaling the scent of her shampoo." george whined as charles finally took the shot. "i miss her like hell, give me a break."
"i told you this was a bad idea." alex insisted. "i knew that you couldn't stand to be away from her for this long."
george rolled his eyes. staying apart hadn't been his idea. after enlisting his mother to help with the wedding planning, mrs. russell had insisted on good old british tradition, and he was too much of a mama's boy to say no.
he figured that it was the least he could do, and that it would all be worth it when he got to hold y/n again, or when he saw her walking down the aisle to the song they had picked together, an acoustic cover of ‘mr brightside’, the song that was playing in the pub the night that they had their first kiss.
"even when she's at work, we still text each other. we've grown attached."
"as all couples do." charles agreed. "but she has you wrapped around her finger tighter than that engagement ring, mate."
"if you hadn't told charlotte to confiscate her phone for the weekend, i wouldn't be so miserable right now."
"may i remind you that i also have your phone? no contact, remember? not until the wedding."
"not until the wedding." george mocked in a high-pitched whine as he stepped up to take the shot, balancing the small plastic golf ball on the metal tee. "you're evil, charlie. pure evil."
the mercedes driver swung the golf club, using it like a walking stick to rest his weight on as he watched the golf ball soar across the course.
behind him, still leaning against the cart, alex checked his phone, reading through a message from lily.
"i bet you're going to wish you took dear old dad's advice and decided to move the ceremony indoors."
panic shot through geroge's veins. "what?"
"lily just said that the chance of rain on saturday just shot up from 10% to 25%. if it rains during your outdoor ceremony, it's not gonna look good."
"fuck! does y/n know?"
alex shook his head. "lily hasn't told her."
"she's already worried enough, tell lily not to say anything. besides, there's still only a small chance of rain, right?"
"whatever you say, buddy." charles laughed, clapping george on the shoulder
life has a funny, funny way of sneaking up on you
the salon had an airy, yet energetic feel to it as y/n sat perched in the white leather chair, a table between her and the esthetician as the young woman delicately painted her tan french tips.
"this still feels so unreal." she remarked, one hand still underneath the blue light fan that would dry the clear base coat on her fingernails.
"i guess life has a funny way of sneaking up on you, doesn't it?" charlotte said knowingly, around the same time as an alanis morrissette song began to play in the background.
'ironic', which was ironic since the sine girl had just inadvertently quoted one of the lyrics.
"seriously, guys. i didn't think that this was ever going to happen for me, that i was going to go through life not knowing what romantic love was, what it felt like to love and be loved, so to speak. never on earth did i imagine that i'd meet someone like george. because i didn't think little old me was the kind of girl that would attract someone as incredible and beautiful and sweet as him."
"stop selling yourself short, sweetheart." lily said softly. "the past is in the past, and george is everything you ever wanted."
y/n sighed. "i just feel like tomorrow i could wake up and realize that this has all been some cruel dream, that i'm going to wake up alone and miserable."
lily took her hand out of the blue light machine and reached across to y/n's seat, with the golfer pinching the bride's skin between her fingers. y/n jumped, the esthetician tsking as she used a q-tip coated in acetone to fix the nail design.
"lily muni he, what was that for!?"
"to make sure that you're not dreaming and remind you that this is real, and you're allowed to be happy now."
y/n's face softened, some of the anxiety subsiding as she grounded herself in the moment.
this is real. i've found the one.
"thanks, lily. you truly are the best bridesmaid i could ever ask for."
"hey!" charlotte shouted in mock hurt, a smile on her face. "what about me?"
a traffic jam when you're already late
george russell was woken up by harsh sunlight and yelling. and then hitting, as alex albon ran around the bad, battering the groom's body with a pillow as he encouraged ( well, more like threatened ) the mercedes driver out of bed.
"what the hell is wrong with you guys?" george said groggily, looking over at charles, who had just ripped the drapes open
"we overslept." the monegasque said simply, striding over the the walk in closet. "alex, where did you put the suits?"
george sat up, exhausted and still half asleep. falling asleep the night before had been hard. after just forty-eight hours, y/n's side of the bed had already started to lose her signature scent, the smell of warm vanilla and cinnamon in the bath and body works lotion that she lathered on before bed. they had spent so long together that it had been two years since the driver had slept in a bed alone.
"how did we oversleep? you wankers were supposed to wake me."
alex shrugged. "that couch you have in the den is mighty comfortable."
"so is the guest bedroom." charles agreed, exiting the closet with three garment bags in his arms. "put this on before we go, we can do your flowered pin thingy and your hair in the car."
approximately half an hour later, after a rushed breakfast and some spilled coffee as charles tried to keep everybody organized, the wedding party was on the road.
until they weren't.
"bloody hell, alex!" george shouted from the backseat of the mercedes. "we've been stuck in traffic for forty five minutes! y/n is probably pacing the altar, scared half to death that i've left her there!"
"the gps said there wasn't any traffic!"
"what have i said about trusting that thing! half the time it doesn't even work! google maps said there was traffic, the news said there was traffic! but because the gps system said there wasn't, you thought 'why the fuck not'?"
"stop moving or you'll ruin your hair!" charles scolded the brit, trying to work the hair gel through geroge's amber locks
alex switched gears on the car, reversing slightly and pulling off of the country road onto the grass, tentatively pulling ahead of the traffic while other commuters who were stuck in the fray turned to look at the sports car pulling off the road with anger, shock and a little bit of envy.
charles looked around nervously "alex, mate, what the fuck are you doing?"
"getting georgie boy to his wedding on time." alex grinned. "hold on to your seats, this is going to be unpleasant." he said simply before gunning the engine.
it's like meeting the man of my dreams, and then meeting becoming his beautiful wife
"stop pacing, you're going to ruin your shoes!"
"my shoes are the last thing i care about right now, taylor! where the fuck is george?"
they had been waiting at the venue for almost and hour for george to show up. the guests were sitting in their outdoor chairs, humming nervously with each other as they wrapped themselves in the blankets from the baskets placed at the end of each row. susie wolff was sitting near the front with her husband toto and their son jack, and she turned around to look at y/n sympathetically, the entire wedding wondering where the groom's half of the wedding party was.
"i'm sure he's on his way." charlotte insisted. "he's with alex and charles."
"forgive me if that doesn't instill me with a lot of confidence."
"alex isn't answering his phone." lily frowned. "knowing him, that means the radio in his car is on the fritz again. he probably listened to the gps and got them stuck in traffic."
"why don't i call charles?" charlotte offered
y/n opened her mouth, about to charlotte that it was a wonderful idea, when lewis hamilton's shout carried across the setup. "they're here!"
eyes widening, lily ushered y/n back into the tent where they had spent the morning getting ready, and where the reception for the outdoor wedding would be held, despite her insistence that she wanted to see her husband-to-be, with lily claiming that she would see her groom soon enough, after her father had walked her down the aisle.
soon enough, after some floundering around from the groom's part of the ceremony, as well as the time it took to get the audience to quiet down, the ceremony began, with the acoustic version of mr brightside echoing through the field, none other than lando norris behind the table, cell phone in hand as he tried his hardest to be a dj given the limited supplies that were outside of the tent.
george walked down the aisle first, followed by charles and alex, with the four boys taking their place at the altar. lewis hamilton stood behind the lectern, honored to be asked to speak at his teammates ceremony.
the bridesmaids came out first: charlotte, lily and taylor. george sucked in a breath, nervously smoothing the front of his earthen brown suit as y/n came out of the tent, arm linked through her father's. the audience promptly rose to their feet, and george's eyes were glued to his bride as she walked down the aisle, nervousness evident on her face as her father looked like he was holding back tears.
her mother took the bouquet from her as her parents sat down in the front row, music fading out as y/n stood in front of her bridesmaids, resisting the urge to reach for geroge's hands.
she'd only been to three weddings in her lifetime, she was the first of her friends to get married, so how was she supposed to know what she was supposed to do on her special day, standing in front of the man she loved more than anything.
george broke first, taking his bride's hands in his. her hands were cold, probably from being outside in the cotswold cold. as lewis began to speak, he locked eyes with her, mouthing 'i love you'.
she smiled, blowing him a kiss back.
it's like rain on your wedding day
two hours later, the ceremony was over, and everyone had gone into the tent to thaw out for the reception, space heaters turned on and lando behind the dj booth, while the wedding party plus lewis all stayed outside for wedding photos, trying so many arrangements and configurations that they were all fed up with the photographer by the time it was time to just take portraits of the bride and groom, with the sun dipping behind the clouds.
geroge twirled his bride around, pulling her in close for a sweet kiss, a stupid grin on his face.
"my beautiful mrs. russell." he said dremaily, holding her close as they stared lovingly into each other's eyes, the photographer snapping pictures behind him.
"i love you." she smiled, kissing him softly as the photographer took another shot. "and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life loving you more and more every day."
and that's when the first droplet fell, hitting y/n right in the forehead. she recoiled, george following suit as a droplet broke apart on his skin.
"is that rain?"
"you said it wasn't supposed to rain!"
alex cleared his throat, already stripping out of his suit jacket to hold over lily's head as a shield. "yeah, about that.."
the rain just kept coming down, the happy couple too stunned to really do anything until susie came bounding out of the tent, blazer in hand, eager to get the bride inside before her tulle dress was ruined.
they ran across the field, y/n bunching up the dress in her hands as she stumbled along on her heels, giggling and laughing as george followed, laughing equally as hard and using his own suit jacket to cover his head.
the photographer was behind them, snapping pictures all the way.
it’s like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
once they were safely inside the tent, space heaters warming up their insides, a cream coloured hoodie with the date embroidered on the hood and ‘mrs russell’ printed on the back pulled over the upper half of her body to keep y/n warm, it was time to divvy up the wedding cake.
they stood in front of the triple-tiered cake, y/n carefully removing the two ceramic owl toppers that were on the top of the cake, gently setting them down on one of the ikea plates. she kissed george gently, and lando began to play my chemical romance’s ‘bulletproof heart’ in the background as the groom began to look for the knife.
“toto!” he shouted, turning his head to try and find the mercedes team principal. “you were with the caterers when they set up, have you seen the knife?”
the austrian looked up from the table he was sitting at with his son. “is there not a knife up there already?”
“would I be asking if there was?”
susie shook her head, smacking her husband in the shoulder as she got up, rushing over to the rolling cutlery cart behind the table where the cake was set up.
she rooted through the cutlery for a good five minutes before turning back to the shoulder couple. “there aren’t any knives, loves!”
y/n rolled her eyes. “susie, just give me a spoon. nothing else has gone right today, so I’m just gonna say fuck it at this point!”
the tent cheered, and susie smiled as she brought over a large golden spoon. george stood behind his wife, his warm hands over hers as they used the edge of the serving spoon to make the first cut into the soft pastry of the cake, camera flashes going off in front of them as they laughed.
“I love you, mrs. russell.” george said softly, kissing her cheek.
“I love you even more, mr. russell.”
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lacunafiction · 11 months
I'm politely begging for more S snippets, I'm on my knees with a bouquet in hand for some crumbs. My touch starved MC is popping a vein with the amount of restraint she has endured but no more. She's now flailing and wailing for a sliver of S' attention
Hi Anon,
I will gladly accept your bouquet before offering a hand to help you up in addition to providing you with something more than crumbs:
a promise 💙
Instead of writing you some gentle S snippets, allow me to share a section with your beloved that shows how you are never without S's attention despite their collected nonchalance. Also, rings are hot. 😳
A cool whisper of metal grazes the back of your hand as S straightens up, only covering your hand with theirs for a fleeting second before adjusting how their denim vest lays. It could almost be written off as a mistake or a glancing touch, except you know better, and S's many rings made the contact stand out.
This is a section from Book Two! It can be discovered within the alpha content release (July 6th). I hope it gives you something to look forward to with the next book! It's a very soft moment with S.
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thegengarprincess · 3 days
*Mii! Jere beam* ^_^
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✨BIG JERE BEAM✨ XDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ik it’s been 3 days I am *SO* SRRY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
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ramssby · 14 days
ok so I just watch the first Planet of the Apes movie and damn Taylor is such an idiot, he really was a faithful representative of the pedantic human, also that kiss was not what I expected (idk what i expected), why did he ask to kiss her? djsjsj its seem so random and infront of cornelius and nova too, i love this movies.
Was it just me or did the plot of the cave with the ancient human artifacts remind me of the plot of proximus and the vault in kingdom? i mean i bet it was intentional but i haven't seen anyone talk about it
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morhath · 1 year
encountering Gen Queensthief at an early age did something terrible to my psyche I fear and now unfortunately I cannot be normal about Miles.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie responding to comments that are like ‘lol, you’re not Steve’s celebrity crush’ in the middle of band practice with a video of his own where he’s like, “Guys, Steve forgot that I am a celebrity because he-“
Gareth: Has brain damage?
Eddie: No, he-
Jeff: Thinks of you as more of an idiot?
Eddie: Jesus H Christ, no! It’s because he knew me before the band made it and I’m humble as fuck so fame didn’t change me.
Jeff: Yeah. So humble.
Eddie: it doesn’t matter anyways because Steve loves me. He’s loves me so much that it’s embarrassing. Dude agreed to marry me. I was a third year senior in high school on the run from the police and threatened him with a broken bottle when we met and he still agreed to date me.
Gareth: I hate the direction this conversation went
Eddie: So I’m not threatened by a little crush on Ripley from Alien. I’d be threatened if he had said Nancy Wheeler. She shoved a gun in his face. I can’t compete with that.
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fictionadventurer · 9 months
I am pleased to find that all the people who said that Book 2 of The Wingfeather Saga was much better than Book 1 were very right.
#books#the wingfeather saga#it's still a bit too cutesy/jokey in places for my tastes#but now that the characters and world are unfolding it's becoming a much better story#i especially like its awareness of sin#not sure i've seen another christian children's fantasy handle it with this much nuance#it's not a simple good vs. evil or even a 'you did bad but it's okay there's mercy and you're better now'#people have character faults that they struggle with#that cause them to make mistakes#you can be forgiven#you can improve#but you're still going to struggle with the tendencies that led to the mistakes#and you still have to deal with the consequences of the sins you committed#and that doesn't invalidate the forgiveness#mercy and justice both exist#there are natural consequences and supernatural grace#and it feels surprisingly real for this wacky children's fantasy#also i can see why peet dominated the favorite character poll#i knew the spoiler and guessed why he had the fanbase#and at first i was like 'okay i get it but it's not quite that great for me'#but it's pretty great#after that spoiler the book flew by#and he embodies that courtly fantasy character type without falling into parody#and it really works#(though i do think you guys might be underrating the florid sword)#(the swashbuckling pimpernel-ish idiot whose silly avasting pulp hero persona is the secret identity)#(while his day job is gruff and serious rebellion leader?)#(it's great)#(i've never seen that before)#(it's batman in reverse)
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art history playlist moodboard – bella in new moon type of sad
Forest Reserve, Pine Grove – Ivan Shishkin // In the Bedroom – Peter Ilsted // Puyallup River Valley and Mount Rainier – Albert Bierstadt // South Side of Mount Rainier with Tree-Filled Valley in Foreground, Washington, 1920 – Asahel Curtis // Helgoland – Robert Russ // Carola Sitting on the Sofa – Gustaf Cederström // Interior in Paris – Harriet Backer // Pine Trees – Maksymilian Gierymski // Rainy Evening on Hennepin Avenue – Robert Koehler
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duckapus · 3 months
A Slice of Orange Regret
Some of the crew is hanging out in the castle foyer as usual, when Meggy trudges in, a haunted look in her eyes and some sort of poster in her hands. Tari's the first to notice her.
"Hey, Meggy! Are you...okay?"
Meggy doesn't answer at first, which draws the attention of the rest of the room, "...I messed up. I messed up real bad."
"What do you mean?"
"You know how Mario's been trying to recreate that orange spaghetti Domain and I made?"
There's a scattering of gestures and noises of general acknowledgement, a few of them a bit annoyed. It had been a bit hard to miss, given how obsessed and desperate he'd been getting, and more than a few of them had gotten caught in the crossfire of his more chaotic attempts, especially recently. And with Mario being who he is, it isn't likely that he'll be stopping his crusade for the perfect spaghetti any time soon, no matter how much some may have wanted him to.
"Well, the other day I was grabbing lunch with Desti and we ended up talking about it, and-and I wasn't thinking about where we were or who would overhear even though I really should have, and now..." she trails off and stares down at the floor, holding out the poster for someone to take.
Bob's the one to grab it, and when he sees what's on it his eyes bulge out in shock, "Sweet holy tits, you're completely fucked."
She lets out a pained whimper, and the rest of the crew crowds in to see what it says for themselves. There's several shocked gasps, a nervous 'mama-mia' from Luigi, and Saiko even clasps at her chest and says some things under her breath that go untranslated.
Finally, the poster is revealed in full...as an advertisement for a new Orange Pizza at Peppino's Pizza.
Anyone who knows both men is aware that, despite their friendship when off-the-clock, when it comes to food Mario "Jumpman" Mario and Peppino Spaghetti are bitter rivals, always seeking to one-up one another and claim the Mushroom Kingdom as their pizza restaurant's turf and theirs alone. Of course this would be how the eternally anxious pizza chef reacted to hearing about Mario's struggles with his signature food. And this was Peppino, so there was no way he'd ever be willing to tell anyone, especially Mario, how exactly he pulled it off.
Finding out that his culinary arch-enemy had accomplished what he could not no matter how hard he tried would be bad enough, but finding out that his closest friend was partially to blame for it?
SMG4 is the first to recover, shuddering at the possibilities before grinning nervously, "N-now let's not be too hasty guys. Maybe it's not exactly the right orange. I mean, restaurants make their food look better on ads and menus all the time!"
Meggy shakes her head, eyes still vacant, "Already tried it. It was just as good and orange as the spaghetti." She sighs the sigh of the damned before finally looking up again, "I have to tell him."
"Are you nuts!?" 3 grabs her by the shoulders, "Do you have any idea just how pissed he's gonna be!?"
"Well, it'll be worse if I try to hide it and he finds out himself! And that will happen, you know as well as I do there's no way to keep this from him forever." She brushes him off and starts pacing, "Look, I already texted him to come over so we could talk, he'll be here any minute, I just needed to tell you guys first to psyche myself up."
They all look around at each other nervously, then Saiko gets up, "I'll start planning the funeral."
Meggy deadpans at her, "thanks for the vote of confidence."
It's at this point that Mario bursts in, his usual stupid grin on his face, "WADDUP, PARTY PEOPLE!"
There's some scattered greetings which sound a bit nervous rather than annoyed like usual, but he doesn't notice the difference. He also doesn't notice Meggy snatching the ad back from Bob.
He hops over to Meggy, "So, you needed to talk to Mario?"
She very decidedly does not gulp in terror, thank you, "Y-yeah, uh, 4? Could we use the game room for this."
"Sure thing." As they head that way, he frantically mouths 'soundproof' to Emulator. She gets what he means and does so, reinforcing the room with Invisible Walls as well for good measure.
They enter the room, the door left slightly open for now to gauge what might be happening, and after a minute or so Lily speaks up, "maybe he's taking it well?"
This, of course, is when Mario shouts "YOU DID WHAT!?", voice rapidly taking on an eldritch echoey quality as an eerie red glow appears through the doorway-
Tari, being the closest, quickly shuts the door the rest of the way so Emmy's protections can actually...well, protect them, "That's a no, I think."
Everyone else had gone back to what they'd been doing before, albeit now with a tense atmosphere and the occasional nervous glance at the game room.
A few hours in, Lil Coding's the first to address it, "Do you think they're done yet?"
"Let me check," Tari gets up and opens the door a bit to-
-she slams it shut again just as the air starts to ripple around her, "Nope."
"Were those some kind of demonic plumbing instructions?"
Luigi shrugged, "Yeah, we've actually been studying to finally renew our plumbing licenses now that our lives and his sanity are somewhat stable again."
"And that involves damned souls?"
"Have you seen what the sewers are like in the Mushroom Kingdom? Plumbing around here isn't just clogged toilets and leaky faucets."
"Fair enough."
Boopkins lets out a nervous whine, "This is kind of overboard even for Mario, isn't it? I mean, Meggy just made a mistake."
3 juts his thumb towards the door, "hey, you wanna go in there and try telling him that, be my guest."
Everyone looks over at Tari.
"Sorry! I figured it would be a good idea to check in every few minutes in case anything changes."
They all settle into the nerve-wracking, now slightly painful for their mortal minds routine for another 30 minutes or so, until finally...
The eldritch shouting and reality warping and red glow die down, and after a long few seconds Mario stomps out of the room in his Baked color scheme, each footstep leaving a glowing red boot-print that quickly dims to a scorch mark.
"I need to cool off. Do not follow me." His voice, while no longer as loud, is still just as intense, and everyone gives him a wide berth as he leaves.
Meggy's the next to come out, clearly exhausted and emotionally wrung-out but unharmed and un-"The-Abyss-Stared-Into-Me-And-Found-Me-Wanting." Tari pulls her into a side hug in case she loses her footing.
Her voice is small and shaky when she finally says something, "Well, he took that better than I expected."
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queenlua · 3 days
i leave a bunch of fun logical/physical puzzle-type-things out in the common area whenever i have a guest crashing at our place
(e.g. ThinkFun, Hanayama, that book of Puzzle Baron logic games, etc)
y'know, just so there's something you can fiddle with while shooting the shit and catching up and whatnot
and i think it says something amusing about my median guest that, without fail, they either leave (1) with one of those puzzles in their suitcase b/c they were clearly having so much fun i was like Bro Please Just Take It With You, Please Consider It A Gift From Me, or (2) with one of those puzzles ordered & actively shipping to their home address as we say our goodbyes
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