#Takasugi so mean! then he turns around and says 'you need to get better means of protecting yourself. here.'
s2pdoktopus · 2 months
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From @tamanone's fic "saudade" because I have this sketched out for a while now and I wanted to draw a sad Tatsuma.
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lilac-5ky · 2 years
Hi, I was wondering if you could write a bit about Oboro having an S/O but it's kinda hard to deal with him because of his behaviour and how he's afraid of showing his feelings and needs because of what happened in the past 😭
A/N: Hi! I finally progressed enough in Gintama to do this request woo! I'll sort of do it in a headcanon-y way, since I've never written anything about Oboro before :p Hope I don't mischaracterize him!
Oboro Headcanons
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Being in a relationship with a wretched man as Oboro certainly doesn't come easily. To others, he might look as someone completely ruthless and unemotional, but in reality, he is just someone who was once overtaken by emotion and now has to live with the consequences of his actions.
Most likely he wouldn't get involved with anyone in the post war era. He'd think of feelings as distraction from his goals, a reminder of his own weakness. But if you were someone who showed him kindness both before and after he turned into the man he is? That would certainly make him waver.
Of course, he wouldn't want to open up about it. Of course, he'd try to hide his feelings from you, the world, and even his own self. If he lingers around you, it simply means you are of use. If he offers you help and protects you, there's gotta be a reason behind his actions. He'd do anything to rationalize something that simply can't be rationalized.
I wouldn't put it past him to straight up threaten or fight you in an attempt to make you hate him. It's easier if people resent him, for he can never erase his past sins.
However, if his actions aren't enough to dishearten you, then he'll avoid you as best as he can. Oboro doesn't show his love with gestures, words or acts of kindness. He shows it in his distance. Because he knows that each step bringing you closer to him, brings you closer to your own demise, and he can absolutely not stand to watch that.
A chance for him to show his true colors would be in the face of danger. For example, if you are in danger then he wouldn't mind sacrificing himself for you. It's a stupid habit he can't shake off, yet he'd always choose to save the one he loves over his own self.
In that moment, those hazy eyes of his wouldn't be so empty anymore, the love he kept hidden spilling at the sight of you being alive and well. It doesn't matter if he dies once more, as long as the blood that stains your hands is his and not yours.
And when he reopens his eyes and finds you still cradling his face? When you hold him close and smother him in kisses? When the tears dropping to his face are meant for him and him only? Then maybe, just maybe, he has a moment of weakness and lets himself rest in your arms.
He never thought anyone could ever shed tears for him. That someone could genuinely spare him something other than hatred, which is exactly what he feels he deserves. And then he realizes, he was never meant to wallow in abnegation and regret. That, the love you offer him, is something he selfishly wants to grab for himself.
He thought he'd changed. That after what happened with Shouyou, he knew better than to let himself be consumed by such emotions. But people don't change and he is the very same boy he once were. That very same selfish and jealous boy who ruined everything; that very same selfish and jealous boy who will ruin you. And knowing that, he caves in.
A/N: Honestly, I always struggled to like Oboro because I feel like he did something veeeeery uncalled of and was the catalyst for everything that went down during and after the Joui wars. I don't applaud his actions, but at the same time I find him interesting as a character and can't say I dislike him. I just wish he got a better chance at life and he could also be one of Joui 4 ;-;
Besides, writing this made me realize, he'd probably resemble Takasugi when it comes to dating :p But, getting him to actually open up would be even harder ;-; His opening up would mostly be to see him more often and feel him watching over you even when he doesn't show himself. Pretty fitting for a crow. The things he did are unforgivable and he wouldn't ask for forgiveness, but you know he likes you because of how selfishly he acts.
Oh and, I mentioned how he'd truly show his emotions at the face of danger, BUT that could also be when seeing you with someone else. If his jealousy won him over, then who knows what happens...👀
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pwapuri · 3 years
"After rain"
Okay, I’ve never wrote a fanfic in english but I would like to try. I’m sorry about the mistakes, here we go, a GinTsu x Kontae oneshot. 
It was a rainy day across Edo. The weather forecast was a storm and the recommendation was to seek shelter. In the Yorozuya, the noise was concentrated in the Otose’s snacks. Kagura and the bar staff were making a mess with the customers who came forward in the late afternoon.
"How is my lucky day if its going to rain? My hair has started to look bad"
Upstairs, Sakata Gintoki remained watching the news along with the prediction of Kestuno Ana who at times seemed to speak to him: "you from Libra with curly hair, today is your lucky day!"
-Excuse me is anyone at home?
From the door, he heard a familiar voice
Upon leaving the cabaret 'Smile', Otae noticed that the rain was starting to fall. She thought that would not be able to get home in time, just when she promised to her brother to come with a treat, beef for the yakiniku. As she had worked during the day was dismissed during the night and could go home. However, the rain would hinder her plans.
-Otae-san? Needing an umbrella?
The voice was that of the Shinsengumi commander. Her stalker gorilla.
-Not your umbrella gorilla
-Ah, too bad. I don't have another one with me. As I was on the way home, I thought of accompanying you...
-Oh for god sake, so why don't you give me the umbrella and go alone? I heard that gorillas look good in the rain
-Otae-san… - he said in a serious and unusual tone- you know I would do it anyway, but today I need to get to the shinsengumi HQ on time, I understand that you don't want to accompany this gorilla, so...
Strangely, the gorilla left without insisting. The first thing the young woman thought was "go with the gorillas". However, they had known each other for so many years, went through so many problems together and even today that without any status they could say that there was a bond between them.
-Well... - Otae interrupted Kondou's farewell - since our path is the same maybe, I may accompany you.
Kondou let his plan slip. Maybe Otae already imagined that it was a plan based on some crappy movie that the gorilla fantasized about, but what harm would it do? Her home was far away and she was tired. In addition, the gorilla knew that at first nastiness she could blow his brains out.
-Ah, it's you ... - said the man sitting in the chair with a discouraged tone
-As you can see. Where is everyone? - said the death courtesan Tsukuyo, who entered the room with a bottle of apparently expensive sake wrapped in a bow as well as a box of sweets and some flowers in a small bouquet. She placed the items on the coffee table while entering the yorozuya store. She had been to that place very few times, in fact only once. Before the war against the tendoushuu they were usually the ones who sought her and after it was over, she no longer visited the saviors of yoshiwara.
-What do the winds bring? Who are these things for? Is the business in yoshiwara that bad? going to sell door to door?
-If I were to sell something like this it wouldn't be for a loser like you. These are Hinowa's New Year gifts, she apologizes that she can't come because of physical therapy, the children's otoshidamas are here with the sweets. Where are they?
-They're downstairs, at the bar. Leave it there and they'll take it.
Gintoki's speech was interrupted by thunder followed by the abrupt fall of the heavy rain that started to make a huge noise.
- Damn, it started raining. I need to hurry. -Tsukuyo made the comeback in order to leave
-Where are you going with this rain?
-Come back home.
-I think it is better to wait, I was leaving for the Otose’s bar too but now I’ll have to wait. Gintoki got up and went to the sofa, Tsukuyo who was near the exit door turned again
-It won't hurt to wait, sit here, I won't bite you
Tsukuyo thought twice before accepting, but she heard the doors slamming in the wind and heavy raindrops came along wetting everything; perhaps it would be prudent to wait at least a little while. On the other hand, being alone with Gintoki seemed even more dangerous. It had been literally years since this happened, since the battle at the terminal ended they only met in the smile once and with everyone. They haven't been able to talk since then, this would be a good opportunity.
-Well, maybe I expect the storm to subside.
She sat on the sofa next to Gintoki, the front sofa had a bunny-decorated cover and a series of debris that probably belonged to Kagura and it seemed impolite to move it. Even so, she sat far enough away that she didn't smell so much of Gintoki's male scent that makes her dizzy.
-Well, we haven't been alone like this for a long time. What happened to you in yoshiwara in that time? Although I saw it with my eyes ...
Tsukuyo arranged the tobacco in the kiseru and lit it with a match, puffed the first smoke and began to tell about the small problems she faced for two years.
-Kondou-san, your shoulder is wet.
-Ah! Er. - Kondou couldn't take Otae's concern and immediately blushed - it's okay Otae-san! Getting me wet in that rain with you doesn’t hurt - and he made the face of a romance protagonist with confidence, which only made him look more like an idiot.
-I knew you had read some shoujo and started fantasizing to make this scene.
-Otae-san. I actually read shoujos, but it doesn't change the fact that I want to accompany you anyway.
Otae stopped and thought: of course, she was angry at Kondou-san's constant harassment; she wanted to live in peace with her privacy. Even so she know about the goodness in her pet's heart.
Seeing the commander's shoulder completely wet, Otae passed her right hand under the arm that held the umbrella, thus reducing the distance between the two and allowing the space in the umbrella to increase. Kondou was caught by surprise, his eyes widening when saw Otae-san timidly clinging to his arm, being able to feel her warmth and her tiny hand resting on his haori. He thought of shouting for joy or grabbing the rest of his lover's body in a hug, but he thought better of it, any strange movement and that moment was over, any joke and not only that moment but the rest of his life would pass in front of his eyes. Of all the options he did the right thing, kept silent and blushed his face involuntarily.
-Don't get it wrong gorilla, in case you get the flu I will not accept you in my house or anywhere. Not that I accept normally. -Otae spoke in the tone of threat common to her with the sadistic smile of someone who is not kidding, but the cheeks did not deny that the situation was embarrassing in any way.
-So they didn't come back?
-Not until today, I believe they still exist, they may be waiting for the first opportunity to return but I will not allow it, as soon as it happens again I will have no mercy
-Saying like that even I would be afraid.
As the rain gradually subsided outside, Tsukuyo told Gintoki every detail of the two long years that had happened in Yoshiwara without the presence of the samurai. She told of the countless abused men, the children who could be born in this new era, the renovated tourist spots like Hosen's mansion and the traffickers and mercenaries who defied the power of women.
–How about you? - Tsukuyo changed the tone to a certain melancholy -What the hell happened to you?
- It's a long story, too long. I am not good at summaries, it is better to take the last volumes of Gintama and reread
-It had to do with your master, right?
-Yes and no. I prefer to keep it with me.
-Well, I understand, that's what I would do. I mean, what I tried to do. But you know what happened anyway.
The silence returned and they could hear the rain falling more gently now, wetting the plants, the sidewalk, hitting the roof and the gutter, running down the window glass, making everything around it damp. The noise, although much smaller than when it started, was now unbearable because it was accompanied by the subject that neither of them liked to talk about: the past.
-You said it was light ...- Gintoki broke the silence minutes of Tsukuyo's thoughts that went to the night that Gintoki had fought with Jiraia.
-The weight of taking your master ...
She did said that and in the end for Tsukuyo that was what it felt like, the weight of her master who was so giant and strong in the end had become light. All because she became a person strong enough for that.
- It wasn't my case. - Gintoki said thinking to himself about Takasugi's death and goodbye to Shouyou - But then, when it was over, that's where I understood why lightness. I think I was the one who got light after all. It feels like I've carried that weight my whole life.
-It seems so. But regardless of what happened in the past, you managed to carry not only that but all of us together. So when you laugh, we will laugh with you, when you cry we will cry even more with you. Just don't pretend to be a stranger again, don't be mean.
-It seems like something I said to someone a long time ago - he said with a slight smile
-Gintoki - interrupted Tsukuyo in a serious tone, with teary eyes - I know that maybe we are a weight, but, please ... don't disappear. We just need to be on your side, I just need you to be here. I ... I mean, we'll be here to support your nose when you cry. So ...- and in the end who started to cry was the courtesan of death, two tears leaked from her face that was now turned in the opposite direction of Gintoki, so he would not see her face flushed with sincerity along with the sadness of that request that it was choking on her throat for so long.
Gintoki remembered when he said that he would support that woman's runny nose when she cried, that he would make a face worse than hers if that happened. He couldn't see her face but he knew it was time to offer his shoulder and so he unconsciously moved towards her, the movement caught her eye and made her turn to follow the man who was approaching subtly. Gintoki hugged her slowly, holding only one hand up to her back and squeezing a little. He could feel the girl's tears wetting a little of her shirt and neck.
Tsukuyo who was taken by surprise kept her hand down, felt the warmth of Gintoki and his scent of curly hair shampoo, it was simple but it reminded her of how strong he was, made her think how safe she was in those arms. Gradually, she got used to that strong body that embraced her, she felt the big and strong hand on her back squeezing and descending, pulling her body even closer. She felt the man's deep breath next to the heat it transmitted and so, the woman raised her right hand and returned the hug, passing over the broad back that Gintoki had and squeezing, praying that she could belong to him just for that moment.
-Tsukuyo - the samurai breathed deeply, resting on the courtesan's shoulders, causing an instant shiver - I'm sorry.
Gintoki would like to apologize to everyone. He did not think in what order these excuses would be, even though he knew that he did nothing wrong, he wanted to keep everyone away because of the danger; He was afraid of losing any of them. But when he saw Tsukuyo he remembered why he should ask for forgiveness. He ended up not acting as he believed, he didn't let others participate of his life, he didn't let anyone help him. He then thought to himself, smelling the innumerable female perfumes of yoshiwara mixed with the tobacco that the kiseru produced, that if he could lessen their suffering at least a little, if he could ease the sadness of all his friends he would do. ..and the person who came to remind him to do this was one of those who needed him most, she was someone who never asked for anything in return for his company. The woman for whom Gintoki felt an attraction that had not changed over time, her body and her lines were in front of him, with the hand that hugged he also felt the waist well marked, against the chest he felt the heat and the shape of the breasts, on his shoulders he felt that woman's small but strong hand. At the same time, he remembered that he couldn't make her happy, even with his body wanting her so bad.
Tsukuyo in other hand felt her heart explode, even after so long it was him, no matter how, he was the one that she loved. She didn't ask for anything in return for that love, just by knowing he was okay it was enough. She wished that moment would last for eternity, that she would merge with him and live there. She wanted to feel his breath with each oxygen exchange; she wanted to keep that smell for the rest of her life. First, she wanted to kiss him, she wanted him to love her right there on that couch; she wanted this dream not to end. She could not fight that feeling only reinforced when they met.
The two began to contour each other's body with the hand they embraced. Gintoki sank his hand deeper and deeper into Tsukuyo's curve until he reached her hip, the other arm that had previously been in the white kimono showed up and took the other part of the courtesan's back up to her head and taking possession of her body. He couldn't avoid to thinking about the danger that was there in that room, but his blood began to flow and the heartbeat accelerated, he remembered when he went to bed with the courtesans during the war and knew that state, things would not end  well. Tsukuyo also started to lose control and sank her breath into Gintoki's neck that stood on end; her left hand was now in his curly hair, squeezing it gently in the urgency of belonging while her right hand went through the back muscles making it clear the will to rip that black shirt. With both noses and mouth exhaling hot air on each other's necks and rubbing against each other, with eyes closed and breathing deeply. The desire was now the biggest noise in the room.
Kondou felt the rain tightening, accelerated his steps but enough so that Otae could keep up.
-Kondou-san, I think we should stop for a while.
-If we stop, it may not be on time.
-I think I am slowing you down, please go ahead.
-No, please! I will not leave you here in this rain.
-Well, then there's no way.
They stopped under the eaves of a cafe. Kondou closed the umbrella while Otae removed the water droplets from his yukata.
-Who would say that in Edo it would rain like that again.
-Again? - Otae said curiously
-It looks like that day when I left Edo, when you loaned me the umbrella. You probably don't remember ... I always thought about when I could return that gesture, so much happened later and even if the normal had returned I had no hope, after all I was the stalker anyway, there was no reason for me to show up and you want to follow me.
Kondou turned around smiling gently, expressing no second intention or hysterical tone.
-But apparently, miracles do happen. Maybe that's why it's raining today.
Otae was not carried away by the gorilla's words; she knew too well that he was fantasize about the beginning of a romance. But she knew there, from her experience with men, that Kondou-san was being sincere and above all kind. That was why she hates him, such a kind man had decadence as his destiny. Moreover, that's why she adores him, only such a kind man was able to love her that way.
-I already said there is no miracle. I just thought it prudent to accompany the pet gorilla ... and by the way, you got wet and haven't dried yourself yet.
Otae took her handkerchief from her pocket and passed the gorilla's shoulder that made the happiest face in the world. Perhaps it was not a miracle at all, nor was it something of fate. Just a coincidence, a happy coincidence. The Shinsengumi commander thought to himself that this rain could last forever, that that moment could never end. You would get wet forever in that rain.
-Ah, Kondo-san, the rain is already passing!
-Sis, the rain has not passed. Now it's a rain of blood that started ...
Blood came out of Kondou-san's buttocks thanks to the killing blow that Shinpachi took with his sword from the lake toya. Shinpachi witnessed the two there at the eaves and soon understood: the gorilla attacked again. It was up to the brother complex to speak up and defend the honor of the Shimura.
-Ah! Kondou-san, it looks like Shin-chan has finally caught me up, so I'm going with him. See you later gorilla.
-Goodbye Kondou-san.
Therefore, the gorilla's sweet illusion lasted a rain and ended with a bokuto tucked into his ‘kestuno ana’. Which for him was enough to dream the rest of those days with his beloved Otae.
Delirious and rolling eyes, feeling their breathing increasingly wheezy and close to each other's faces, when their noses brushed their faces looking for their mouths along the cheekbones, the world stopped at Yorozuya. There were two people there who knew that they would not be together and become a family, dying next to each other, but what could they do with the feeling that was left?. One was the body and the other the heart. A combination that would never work. Without hearing the world outside as they almost became one in that embrace, the front door slamming suddenly interrupted them.
-Gin-chan, Catherine's old gag wants to know if you're not going to show up because if you're not she’s going to eat your share...
Gintoki and Tsukuyo were each at the end of the sofa now, the separation was as fast as possible. Gintoki gave a fake laugh as well as Tsukuyo, as if they had been in conversation for a long time, but the faces red as a tomato did not deny the previous scene.
-Tsukki !! you are here! Is everything all right?
-Oh! Kagura! It’s been a while! Everything is fine, I've just arrived, I came to leave these gifts from Hinowa. Sweets are for you eat as you please. Seita misses you, you could visit us ... -Tsukuyo started to speak trying to cool the blood and forget Gintoki's breath and smell
-Tsukki, is everything okay? Hey Gin-chan, you didn't do anything to her, did you?
-How would I do anything? Didn't you hear what she said? That she just arrived?
-Good! This is my home and my establishment, now I’m the president, any lack of respect with my customers is unforgivable!
Tsukuyo completely forgot what had happened, forgot the two years that they spent away from each other and could remember why Gintoki was so special, why he was a man who would not make a family. He already had one, without wanting to use a title for it, those were the people he fought for and she was naturally part of that family.
-Gintoki, Kagura, I'll be back with more time. The rain has subsided and I need to get back to work.
-But Tsukki you didn't even stay! Wait until the rain passes
-It's okay, I really need to go.
So she went to the door, put on her boots without looking back, without saying goodbye, without facing the man she loved again. She thought to herself: the rain had finally stopped.
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gintokissilverbells · 4 years
Who from the joui boys would say i love you before their s/o? And if their s/o says it first, how would they react?
Headcanons (Joui 4)
A/N: Thank you for the request! I loved it and I hope you enjoy reading it!! Sorry for any grammatical mistakes. When I finish with all my requests, then I will look over them and get them fixed for better reading experience. 
Happy reading!!
~Mrs. Sakata
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Katsura Kotaro
He is a man that wears his heart on his sleeve, but that doesn’t mean he will be the first one to tell you that he loved you.
But hypothetically speaking, if he was the one to tell you first that he loved you, it will be in one of those moments were the light bulb in his head turns on with the realization that he loved you.
Probably during one of his escapes, or when he seeks refuge at your home for a few days.
He would most likely be sharing some green tea with you and spending some silent moments together while you are busy with your hobbies or other things.
He would probably think out loud.
“I love you.”
“Hehehehehe… oops?”
Before he retracts those three words, you will grab his hand and proclaim with the biggest smile you can muster.
“I love you. I love you too.”
If you say I love you
He will stare at you for a few seconds before it finally registered in his head.
He would pull you in a hug, and if you are in your home, he will definitely dive in to give you a sweet chaste kiss.
“I love you too.”
For the first time you saw the tips of his ears and his eyes starting to water.
“Please don’t cry.”
“But you love me!”
You smiled and brought him down for another hug, kissing his head sweetly.
Ah, you really do love this man. This must be love.
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Sakamoto Tatsuma
I’m going to start by saying that from all the Joui four, Sakamoto is the one who is most likely going to tell you that he loves you before you do.
He doesn’t hold back with his emotions or affections if he has them for someone special, and this is especially true when it comes to you. 
He would probably tell you in a spontaneous manner. Like probably grabbing you by your waist and hugging you with all his might.
He will tell you how much he missed you even if you went to the store that was only five minutes from your meet up place, and right there he will beg you not to leave him because he loves you.
Like so much.
You will be the one who is in shock rather than him.
“Pleae don’t leave me!!”
“I just went to get some snacks.” You will sigh as you patted his back. People looking at you weird.
“It felt like an eternity! Don’t leave me behind! I LOVE YOU!!”
If you say I love you
If you say that you love him first, then make sure to be prepared to be crushed to death by him. 
He will dive in for a huge hug and pepper you with affections, kisses, and telling you repeatedly that he loves you as well and to never leave him.
That won’t stop him from being a huge flirt afterwords, but he’s a loyal man, and he knew where his loyalties were.
Which brings me back to telling you that you should prepare yourself. He will show off that you had admitted that you loved him.
Gintoki will probably look at you with disappointment, only because you caused the mess that is Sakamoto coming into his house only to annoy him with his laugh and PDA with you.
Poor Gintoki, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Gintoki looked over at you, “I f*cking hate you so much right now. Why couldn’t you wait until he was in space or something?! GET OUT OF Y HOUSE YOU LOUD BEAST!”
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Sakata Gintoki
He definitely won’t be the one to utter those words first.
Nope, not gonna happen. Gintoki will probably have a hard time telling you to begin with.
Unless if you are injured or went through a near-death experience. That’s a whole different thing.
He will expect you to get it with his actions.
Want some of his parfait? He will give you ¼ of it.
Want to spend some money for shopping? He will give you a discount coupon he snatched from the employee earlier. At the thrift store.
Plus 300 yen.
It’s the little things. He will even let you sleep on his favorite couch. Just use Gin-sans lap. He won’t move, but you got plenty of space.
“Give me some of your cream.” You said reaching over.
“…Here? In public? Kinky. Gin-san likes it.”
“I meant the cream of the parfait! Don’t be nasty! Kids are around!” You immediately sat back down onto the shops booth with your face flaming red.
“Oh… what a shame. I would’ve tot-”
If you say I love you
Gintoki.exe not working
He short-circuited. 
You probably told him during a conversation after leaving the convenience store.
You had casually mentioned it, and he stopped in his tracks.
“-and I love you, but you really need to work on-”
You smiled after stopping a few paces in front of him. Slowly you said, “I. Love. You.”
Gintoki will probably panic by now and started looking for a time machine.This was a bit sudden, he didn’t know how to react.
“You mean you love parfaits. Right?! HAHAHAHAHA I love them too!” You just watch him panic a little more. Just for your enjoyment.
“You don’t have to say or feel the same thing. I just wanted you to know.” You gave him a cute smile before continuing your way to your house.
“Idiot woman.” He pulled you back and before you knew it, he had kissed you deeply in front of stray men too drunk to care what was going on.
“Idiot.” He looked at you with such intensity. He didn’t have to say anything for you to know what was reflected on those maroon eyes.
You smiled at him before pecking his lips again,
“I know. Let’s go.”
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Takasugi Shinsuke
Like Gintoki, this man will not be the one who will tell you that he loved you first
He probably let you into his life because you were useful to him.
But he definitely had something there when he gazed at you.
He sometimes stared a little longer than necessary. And will check you over. For whatever reason it was just him doing so.
Sometimes yo wondered if he was checking you over because he cared for your safety… or for something else?
He definitely treated you a little more softly than the rest, but you always got the same yelling than the rest.
But it was always in reference to your health and safety.
He was weird about it, but you could tell how much he cared for you.
If he did explode in anger and yelled at you for doing something that he did not order or such,
 He would yell that he loved you and that’s why he wanted you to take more care about yourself and how you shouldn’t have joined them.
You will probably kiss him in the middle of his tantrum.
If you say I love you
He was busy, and you were finally able to speak to him after a week of constant running and negotiations with the Harume pirates. 
You knocked on his door, “It’s (Y/N). May I come in?”
No response. Good, that was a good sign. It meant he wasn’t bothered or busy. Or he wasn’t there.
You were just going to leave this bento for him and bwala, no need to bother him more than it was necessary. 
You walked in and saw him calmly sitting on the floor with his instrument out. He seemed he was ready to play a tune.
“Takasugi. I bought you something. You should rest some more before you decide to play a tune.”
“Hmm.” He looked over at you with one green eye, and then looked down at the bento.
“A bento?”
You shyly looked away and mumbled under your breath, “This is… for you.”
He stood and approached you with the intent of looking into the bento, but you quickly shoved into his arm before running out, only saying, “Gotta blast, IforgotIpromisedKawakamihisreport-”
He looked down at the bento and opened the lid. The first thing he saw was a piece of paper.
“These are my feelings… I love you”
He smirked, and took a bite out of the rice ball.
“They could’ve just waited for me to finish this.” The tips of his ears and neck were a pretty color of blush.
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dropintomanga · 5 years
G Is Not Only for Gintama, But Also Gratitude
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So it really is over, huh?
Gintama was everything I wanted despite its shortcomings near the end. The final chapter was a toast to what made the series a cult hit to many fans - blunt humor, hilarious characters, touching interactions and lessons on how to live in a world that doesn’t hesitate to beat you down.
One of the funniest things about the final chapter was Hideaki Sorachi’s awareness of the final chapter shams he was pulling off. Most of the major characters tried to come up with some silly endings of their own. Yet in the end, the status quo still remains the same in a joyful way.
There’s a moment I want to focus on in the final chapter and it’s the final interaction between Gintoki Sakata and his master, Shoyo Yoshida. While teaming up to save Edo and the rest of the world one last time, Gintoki tells a revived but dying Shoyo that he wanted to let him know how much he’s grown. He tells him that he found people of his own, Kagura and Shinpachi Shimura, to help people in need. What makes this scene memorable is that the Yorozuya are all together helping Shoyo. Shoyo replies by telling Gintoki that he turned out to be a great man after being born a “demon child.” In a way, it speaks to how much people want notable approval from peers and mentors.
When you’re a parent/teacher/caregiver/guardian or any person that has some sort of hierarchical relationship with someone below you, you try your best to set them on a path where they’ll do just fine. You might worry about how they’ll turn out as obstacles pile up. You hope your advice rings through to the end even if you might be suffering inside.
And when you’re on the other end, you want to make your mentor proud. They helped to change your view of the world when it was limited. They gave you opportunities that probably no one could/was able to give you. You understand that it’s possible you wouldn’t be here today without their support.
I feel the strongest lesson of Gintama is gratitude towards anyone who’s been with you along the way - even the people who may not be the best of friends. All the Gintama characters aren’t super-close (i.e. the Yorozuya and Shinsengumi have a somewhat testy bond), but they know and respect each other to the point where they’re visibly appreciative of whatever help they get from one another over the years.
People always talk about how working hard will make all your dreams come true when it’s not totally true. I feel that Gintama is in some ways, a stand against the idea of meritocracy. The residents of Kabukicho have all been cast aside by alien rulers who felt justified that only their success matters. If your life sucks, then you didn’t put enough effort or so they say.
Throughout Gintama, there’s no training arcs. In a series like this where most of the characters’ problems stem from situations beyond their control, it makes sense. No amount of physical training can help you completely process guilt and trauma. That’s what Gintoki, Katsura Kotaro, and Takasugi Shinsuke had to deal with when Shoyo died in the first place. Time and time again, Gintoki made it clear throughout the series that the one person he fights against the most is himself.
It takes a group of mutual peers to help get through whatever pain you’re going through. Gintoki not only had Shinpachi and Kagura, but he had Tae Shimura, the Shinsengumi, Otose, and a whole slew of people to list. They all gave him renewed faith in humanity when he was about to give up. Sure, everyone was judgmental from time to time, but they knew the right things to say/do when times got tough. They were good enough and that’s important to note as we sometimes get too caught up about the types of people we want to be around.
There’s a notable speech by Gintoki way back in Volume 2 of the manga when Kagura and Shinpachi were kidnapped by space pirates. He tells Katsura that he’s determined to rescue them much to the former’s dismay. For a while, Gintoki was hesitant to take on the burdens of other people. He felt that he’s just standing on a pile of dead bodies when it’s all said and done. Gintoki was tired of it, but out of of the blue comes two kids who would later help him overcome his guilt 75 volumes later. He remarks that being around people (even if unwanted at first) makes life a lot more fun.
It really takes a village for someone to grow, though in the case of Gintoki’s, it took an entire town. Just look at the cover comparison of Volume 1 and the final volume, Volume 77.
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Practicing gratitude (the right way, of course) can help you a better person in the end not just for yourself, but the people around you. That’s the grand lesson of Gintama. Groups of solidarity matter. I try to take this lesson to hand as I know that without the help of a bunch of people to help me handle my mental illness, I wouldn’t be here.  Overcoming mental health issues should never be a solo journey, but it more often than not, is that way. I wish Gintama’s ending to happen for those having a rough time right now because that’s the kind of ending will give the soul a nice silver gleam.
Thank you, Hideaki Sorachi, for 15 years of utter zaniness and showing readers what it means to be a human being with all the beauty and ugliness that makes one. I’m forever grateful for having followed Gintama and finding fellow fans along the way. I’m grateful for realizing that even though the good things in life eventually end, the least we can do is move forward and perhaps celebrate what made them good to the world for our sake. 
That’s what a certain naturally-wavy haired samurai would want, wouldn’t he? 
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sparda3g · 5 years
Gintama Chapter 699 Review
After 10,000 years, this series is free. It’s time to conquer Earth! But seriously, it felt like it has been years since we last have a new Gintama chapter. The last one wasn’t truly the final chapter, but only final to be released in Weekly Shounen Jump. Today, Sorachi is on a mission to finish the series for good with a proper sendoff. What way to make a comeback than delivering a chapter that define Gintama perfectly; hysterical parody, emotional driven characters, and action-packed ride with a gut-wrenching cliffhanger.
By the time you see the color spread, you’ll know we’re off with a great start with Silver Ball Z. It’s remarkable how accurate Sorachi captured the visual work of Toriyama. From the character’s angle to design, it’s well deserved achievement to capture the sensation. Kondo didn’t need alteration though; he’s already a gorilla, so only the style has changed. To make the parody even better, the good portion of the beginning is a recap done in Dragon Ball style.
This is one of the best “previously on” segment that I have ever seen. It’s quite brilliant to take advantage of switching from one magazine to another and start off with a recap to remind the fans what happened while have a good laugh. It’s not only the artstyle that has changed, but even the narration reflects the same way how Dragon Ball has done in the past. All it was missing was the soundtrack. It is gold, or silver, however you want to call this moment. I laughed so hard at Katsura designed as Yamucha, and Takasugi designed as Vegeta. Strangely enough, it captured their character too well. Before the chapter truly begins, Katsura strikes Gintoki with Wolf Fang Fist.
The comedy doesn’t focus only on Dragon Ball parody, but also on Sorachi himself. Apparently, because of more time and switch to Jump Giga, Sorachi is now putting effort to his work with great quality of art, even if it does resort to Dragon Ball. Oddly enough, this seems to be low-key true to other Mangaka, but I digress. Hilarious that Katsura buries Yamucha by calling it a loser role. Rest in Peace, Yamucha. The best part is the ending of the parody. I seriously think Sorachi believes all of it.
Now that Gintama is in another magazine, Gintoki has nothing to worry about. No more worries about One Piece overshadowing him and no more worries about the rising suns that are Black Clover, My Hero Academia, and Haikyuu!!! to overshadow him. He can now overrun the world of Jump Giga, starting with Akira Toriyama’s power. So much so, he pulls the exact same ending shot from Dragon Ball. That is pure gold. Could you imagine if the series did end the same way? We’re going to need Gintama Super then. Takasugi brings the scene back to reality with Galick Gun. Oh how I missed this series.
He does have a point though. If there were silver balls, why bother planning this ambush in the first place? There wouldn’t be any need to sacrifice and nothing will be at stake. Well, thank goodness, it doesn’t exist. We can’t ruin the excitement now. Of course, what Sorachi does best is to segue to a more serious matter from a gag. It’s true with silver balls, life would be much easier on them, but Takasugi has no regrets. He’s thankful that they made it this far with their own hands; no tricks, no magic, just pure talent. All thanks to Shouyo. This is the type of writing I missed from this series. From there on, it’s all action-packed with many things to offer.
I assume with all the time Sorachi has with Jump Giga, he has enough energy to add plenty of details and sequences to the action scenes without wasting so much spaces. Unlike Boruto, it uses the panels wisely for tension and suspense. It’s why the action starts with a bang, literally and figuratively. It’s the Disciples against the cult followers. That panel with all three kicking asses while feeling the excitement is great. Thankfully, it’s not all of the story that was being told here.
Although they reached to the Altana Terminal, the ship that crashed is absorbing the altana. That means Shouyo’s body is absorbing it and soon, Tendoshu will gain a new way for their immortality plan. This does raise the tension higher, now that we establish that they’re on a ticking time bomb. They have to rush all the way up there and when you look at the scene, it’s incredibly difficult. It’s baffling how much people truly desired for immortality this badly. That’s where we receive a really heartfelt moment during the heated action.
While the action goes on as it becomes intense, Katsura begins a heartfelt speech that is shared with others that ties in the morale of immortality and cherish the life you’re given. Even if they were to die, he will have no regrets. It’s hard to say if their reunion was joy or sorrow, but it’s certain if one outlives another, it would be impossible to find another person like them. They have ups and downs, trying to kill each other. Despite all of the troubles, their bonds can’t be severed. It’s the bond that’s worth limiting to. Honestly, I can’t do it justice without the mention of its sequences.
The reason why this was so heartfelt isn’t just because we know their friendship is truly one of the kind or how well-written the dialogue is. It’s the action set piece that drives the emotion home with great sincerity. Not only it was entertaining, but you can grasp the words’ meaning at its best, leaving you feeling really good and emotional. It has great effective use of the flashback panels and the focus view to leave a strong impact. Like how Takasugi holds Gintoki’s hand to show the comradery, the unbroken friendship. It’s so damn good to see this series back again.
Gintoki can relate to the followers on one thing: not wanting to die. He can understand their wishes because he too wants to live long and enjoy the sensation with his friends. The others have their own wish to meet Shouyo. They want to vent out their frustration, but they may never know how much of a beating they will give until they feel satisfied. Not even eternity would do. Those panel shots with all of them enjoying are sublime. That’s how you do friendship. Those three are the best. The one major downside is the old friend of mine: darkness and it raised death flags.
Katsura spots a rocket launcher and push everyone back to dodge. Only he takes the damage from the impact, weakened enough to slow them down. They then gets trapped by both sides of their pathway, which seems like the end for them. While I didn’t think of that, I was a bit worried on what’s about to happen with Katsura injured. Anything goes and that’s what happens next. The explosions erupt from the wall, essentially saving the three from their certain doom. That’s where the other best part of the series comes in: the characters.
It was clear that it was too much for the three to handle all of the enemy alone, which is why it’s a great time to bring back all other characters to the fray. I like how Shinseigumi orders them to comply and if they don’t, then more power to them, because they would love to show their power. It’s not just them, it’s every character that has been around for a long time. It’s like witnessing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Gintama Edition; everyone is here! All it was missing was that theme song from Be Yorozuya Forever. Book it, anime staff!
What makes the scenario even better is how they are reflecting the long grueling journey after being ruled by Amanto for 20 years. They went through hell many times, but the result is paying off greatly. After the war, it made them stronger than ever. It’s no wonder earlier in the arc, it emphasized the growth of the Samurai. No more they will feel fear from them; it’s time to take Earth back. It’s a message that reads, “It’s been a long journey for your favorite characters, but they learn and grow, and when they show the result, the journey ends.” It’s already building for the closure that we have been waiting for.
You can’t do this justice without the beloved main characters. Just when Otae blocks the attack, which by the way is the same shot from the anime preview back in Jump Festa, the two come to save the day. Most importantly, after for so long, they can finally say, “Welcome to the country of Samurai.” The monthly release schedule really pays off for the quality panels like the one with Shinpachi and Kagura. So great to see them again. I got to remind myself how heroine is treated as well as a main character that doesn’t overshadow the protagonist. Yorozuya’s reunion is so close. I can almost taste it.
Characters aren’t great without amusing interactions. Matsudaira and Kondo are cooperating from sky and ground, like the good old time. Despite their political differences, mainly on the marriage, they are great friends. No matter what timeline they’re in, it will always be the Era of Samurai. Hijikata and Sougo work alongside with Shinpachi and Kagura, while she rubs in that Yorozuya is better than Shinseigumi as Sougo denies that claim. Some things never change, but that’s the way we like them.
There is an interesting development regarding with Utsuro. Tendoshu are in the process of gathering the Altana, but they are on the verge of losing their cult. The head leader however is fine with the way things are going. Shouyo’s body is slowly gaining a new heart. That will leave his disciples carrying a spare that wouldn’t destroy Tendoshu’s plan. Now the question comes in: why would the head leader needs to revive Shouyo completely? That’s where things get twisted.
If you have watched the preview from Jump Festa, there was a very strange scene with Utsuro mixed with Tendoshu’s body. It turns out that was true and not only true, but Utsuro has stolen their will. All this time, the plan isn’t for the sake of immortality, but instead, to revive Utsuro under his will. It makes sense considering that they consumed so much blood that they just so happen to control it like it belongs to them. The blood is like a virus, soon it will overpower you and a new mind will be inserted; case in point, Utsuro’s. In short, he has returned. This begs the question. Will Shouyo return as Utsuro with a new heart? It’s quite freaky to see three Utsuros in one setting.
The elevator scene is like a checkpoint for Gintoki and others to cool down and talk for a moment. Katsura does the talking while the other two stay quiet. It’s due to what Katsura said about their people and friends; everyone has grown stronger. They aren’t weak to ask them for a favor, rather fighting to help them. You can say they grew accustomed to be the one helping, not vice versa. Jumping ahead for a bit, Takasugi asks Gintoki for the heart; influenced by Katsura’s words, but not really all bright. They have enemies waiting for them, essentially, this scene become calm before storm.
Shinpachi and Kagura are assisted by Kyuubei and her clan, preventing reinforcements to barge through. It is the series’ way to have certain character to say their words or blessing, starting with her. She wishes to fool around a little longer with Gintoki and others like the good old days. She would be happy if they ruin her marriage interview. How charming.
In the midst of tensed action scene with Gintoki and others at the elevator lobby, Tsukuyo and others fight off the reinforcements to open path for Yorozuya. She gets shot through her leg. Damn. Luckily, Sacchan and Zenzou are there to back her up. Interesting though fitting for Sacchan to encourage Tsukuyo to not to die, unless she is with her lover. Strange use of context about the crotch spot, but the meaning holds the significant value. She’s not planning to die; she will live to see Gintoki again. Sorachi sure knows how to please the pairing fans; I’ll take it. I like Zenzou’s words for him as well. If he doesn’t return, then say goodbye to Jump issues. That’s funny yet heartwarming.
It’s hard to review the segment with great justice with its transition between Gintoki and his friends. It’s worth mentioning because how the scenes greatly complements the segment about what Gintoki has lost and gain. Takasugi wants the heart because he wants him to enjoy the life he can still take back. While that is seriously nice of him, Gintoki’s response is even nicer. He is fine with the way things are, because he doesn’t need to take it back. He got everything there. That includes Takasugi; when they fought alongside, when they fought against each other. That’s Gintoki’s reason to be there; never to lose anything. God, I’m going to miss this series.
The ending is crazy, especially the cliffhanger. Just when we got a teary sentimental scene, shit hits the fan when the explosion erupted by the lobby door. Damn you, Michael Bay! The heart slips out and Katsura is the only guy that can grab it. I was struck when his hand almost reaches it, only to get stabbed by the staff. Damn, that looks bad. Hitsugi sends him down crashing. I don’t know where they landed, but if they are fine more or less, I sense a new battle.
The intensity doesn’t stop as Gintoki trying to hold on the rope, which is ripping his skin. Cringe. Takasugi has to make an opening for them to land, so he jumps towards the door and breaks it, badass style. Wow, that was close. That elevator breakout scene was so damn good. Another scene from Jump Festa happens with Takasugi holding his hand out for Gintoki to grab onto. A couple of panels are used for heartfelt friendship scene as well as tension. It’s all fine and well, until Takasugi’s hand weakens. Tendoshu stabbed him with a sword. That’s where the chapter ends. Dammit, Gorilla…
I know Takasugi is semi-immortal, but the fact is he’s running out of time. If anything, this lessen the time even further. For all we know, this could be his last extra life, so if he were to die again, that’s it. Not to mention, it’s Tendoshu or Utsuro behind him, so the battle will be tough for him, even if not killed. This chapter has set up a death flag for each disciple, one in which has the highest. That’s Takasugi. Will he die here? I honestly don’t know.
This chapter was long but that’s expected for a month worth of content. With that said this was a hell of a return. There was a hilarious parody that this series is known for. There were tons of great action with plenty of fun moments. Characters were stellar as usual with believable motivations and relationships. The art is very solid, worth taking a time off. The ending was jarring with a cliffhanger that can make a person skip a heartbeat. It’s Gintama. I don’t know how many chapter we have left, but I will savor this as long as I can. The next chapter can’t come any sooner.
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citruspeel · 6 years
undercover [6/6 (end)]
Lazy afternoons were Gin’s favorite. Especially when he’s drinking strawberry milk and lazing around reading JUMP. ...what? Did you expect some action with undercover courtesan Tae? You probably did, didn’t you? Gin did too, but lazy afternoons were all he got...
...so far.
[gintama fan fiction]
[gintoki x otae]
[2k++, final part]
Intro + Illustrations | Part 1 + Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tae tried not to stare at him as she continued folding her way through their pile of freshly laundered clothes. The amount was more than usual - Gin and Kagura had been staying over at their house for a week, and were to stay for one more for what Hijikata had described as ‘post-op detailed security.’
After the ruckus that was her undercover oiran stint, she understood how anyone would want to get her killed. 
Tae blinked; Gin’s voice brought her back to the present. It was hard to believe how he could calmly slurp up strawberry milk while reading JUMP, with nary a care, when just the other day he was stuffing a wig down Takasugi’s throat.
She felt her cheeks redden. Memories of that night always made her stomach hitch.
When Gintoki had barged into the room, she was still reeling from thinking about him as Takasugi had his way with her. He looked irritated, to say the least. An unspoken history between him and Takasugi also seemed to intensify this irritation. He addressed their target with utter contempt – maybe she wasn’t the only reason Gin was so incensed.
“Look, you fucking edgelord,” she remembered him starting. She found it hard to concentrate with her heart wanting to leap to her throat. She knew Gin had said something before he unceremoniously threw his wig to Takasugi’s face, but in the resulting brawl, she never did hear it. Tae did, however, as she fished behind a divider for her naginata, catch what he said afterwards.
“See, this is why that courtesan before said you weren’t fun,” Gin said, meeting Takasugi’s sword blow after blow. The floor creaked under them as they maneuvered throughout the room. “You can’t even tell when a girl likes what you’re doing or not!”
Takasugi smirked as he parried. “Why? Would you know how our courtesan here likes it?”
Gin scoffed as he swung, his foot stomping down on the pristine futon to ground himself. “Of course I do! When she likes it, she doesn’t freeze – she melts into you – ”
Takasugi had staggered backward as Gin’s shoulder received the full blunt end of Tae’s naginata. Gin lost his balance and landed on the futon, eyes widening in surprise as Tae pinned him down with her weapon and a foot on his chest. She had done it out of anger (what did he mean, melt?!), but the sight of him gaping up at her, now also blushing beet red at remembering what he said, made heat flood all the way to her fingertips.
“Oh, I see,” Takasugi coughed out. Gin and Tae both prickled at his voice. They turned towards him, ignoring the small, tinny chorus of protests coming from Gin’s earpiece.
But before they could silence him, Takasugi stumbled backwards, falling to the floor with a thud.
“The alcohol, it’s –”
She never got to finish her sentence. Gin took the chance to slither from her grasp and pin down Takasugi, trying to shove the itchy wig down his mouth.
A rumble soon followed. As Gin and Takasugi fought over the wig, Kagura had appeared and yanked Okita out of the panel at the back of the room. The captain had been idly sitting, ever the spectator, chewing gum as he watched the ‘live show’ unfold. However, before Hijikata and Shinpachi could arrive, Takasugi’s liaison agent had entered, knocked Gin out with his guitar and immobilized them all with strings.
She couldn’t forget the last look Takasugi had thrown her way before his assistant led him away. He looked amused, even interested, as he glanced from her to the unconscious Gin.
What did he say…?
“Eeeh,” Gin’s voice again snapped her back to the present. She looked up from Shinpachi’s clothes and saw him eyeing her, head propped up on a hand, body splayed out on the ledge like a cat basking in the sun. He pushed around the milk carton’s straw across his lips with his tongue. “What’s the matter with you?”
She watched him let go of the straw and lick the corners of his mouth clean of strawberry milk.
Tae bristled.
He raised his eyebrows as he scanned her from head to toe. “You’re red.”
Tae pursed her lips together and went back to folding.
“Don’t tell me…were you thinking of Takasugi?” Gin sat up and scooted next to her, unabashedly studying her face.
“What?” Tae avoided his eyes and reached for another shirt to fold. “Of course I’m not.” If you only knew who I was thinking about –
“You did kiss that shorty.” He clucked his tongue. “Don’t tell me he’s better than me. He even asked us once if kissing was like drinking out of a Yakult bottle.”
“Well, how should I know if you’re better?” She shrugged. “All you did was a…peck.”
“A peck?” Gin narrowed his eyes. “How was that a peck?”
Tae didn’t know what she was saying, but she let it all spew out anyway. “You did leave after just one kiss, Gin-san. You’re lucky Takasugi-san didn’t push further, or else he would’ve known you were a terrible teacher.”
Gin said nothing. He only propped his elbow on the table, rested his head on his hand and stared at her in disbelief. She could tell he was waiting for her to look at him, but she resisted. A part of her feared what he (she?) might just do.
“Terrible, huh.”
Tae took a deep breath; an unease was starting to settle over the two of them, a tension that she didn’t know how to resolve. It didn’t help that she couldn’t remember what it was that Gin had said when he had barged in. Was it linked to that? He did know she was just teasing, right? 
“Yes.” She gulped a lump in her throat. Why was she still going along with this? “You were absolutely terrible, Gin-san.”
Gin nodded slowly to himself as he watched her. 
“Oh well, maybe I should take back what I said.” He then leaned back on his hands and shrugged.
“What did you say?”
He raised his eyebrows in disbelief. 
“…you didn’t hear me?”
“No. You threw your wig and it whizzed past me, so I never heard it.”
“Sucks to be you. I’m not going to repeat it.” He crawled on his arms halfway to reach his unfinished JUMP, which he left out on the ledge, but her hand clamped down immediately on his wrist.
“Ahh!!” Gin yelped. “Just what the hell are your hands made of?!”
“I’m just giving you a little massage,” she smiled as kneeled beside Gin, tightening her hold on Gin’s wrist. His hands were just a few inches shy from getting the magazine. “A little thank you for repeating what you said.”
Gin writhed against her grip, but she didn’t relent. He looked up at her, shrugged, then used his full strength to flip their hands and trap hers under his. The movement caught her unaware and sent her toppling over him as he laid on his back on the floor, hand still pinning hers.
“I said,” he murmured, voice low. He knocked his head back to look her fully in the eye as she loomed over him, her brown hair glowing gold in the sun as it cascaded over her shoulder. “You were something I didn’t want to share.”
Tae didn’t know if it was the sunlight or his words that made her nerves flood with warmth. She felt her hand go limp in his as Gin’s eyes bored into hers. She was at a loss on what to do; her heart was raging against her chest, her mind going blank, her face blushing bright.
Words left her as he cupped her cheek and pulled her down to him. His lips were soft and warm, like the afternoon sun. His kiss felt like a memory she’d want to relive over and over again.
At their parting, his eyes were on her, dazed, astonished. His thumb grazed the edge of her lip and rested at the corner of her mouth. Tae felt like there were thousand thoughts behind his gaze; it was strange, for she only had one.  
His eyes locked into hers, searching, asking. His lips were slightly parted, as if he had a question he couldn’t voice out. She blinked at him, once, twice, slowly, her free hand holding her up over him as she breathed in to calm herself. It was impossible; the lack of distance between them made electricity thrum across her skin. She could feel him tense under her, his muscles bristling under his clothes as he watched her, waiting with bated breath. Words wanted to tumble out of her mouth, but before she could speak, her body answered for her.
She leaned down and placed a feather-soft kiss onto his lips. It was light, shy, curious – an answer to his silent question. She felt him relax under her, felt him smile against her lips. He broke away from her but kept his forehead on hers.  
 “Terrible, huh?” he murmured.
 “Yes,” she replied, her mouth a hair’s breadth away from his. “Very terrible.”
He took his time when he kissed her again. She was taken by surprise as to how his leisurely pace, claiming her lips with his own in repetition, was awakening a want inside her. It was a need that crackled dangerously down her spine. His fingers were lost into her hair as he reached up to tilt her head. Her heart quickened as he pressed the tip of his tongue against her lower lip, begging entry; her hand grasped at what she could as he slowly, tortuously, ran his tongue against her own. Tae didn’t know how her body withstood – he ignited her nerves in a way they had never been before.
Strawberry milk would never be the same, now that the taste of it in his mouth was spreading a heat that invaded her to her fingertips. It was a wonder how he made her feel both weak and invigorated at the same time. Soon, she learned his trade and met his kiss with matching fervor. She let herself melt into him again as he pulled her close, clutching loosely at his arm and shoulder as his hand found purchase by her waist.
He broke away. In a rustle of fabric, he moved to trap her between him and the floor. Their breathing sounded loud in the silence of the afternoon. Tae wondered if they should stop - the door was wide open, after all - but Gin wasted no time in taking her breath away. Soon, his lips were on her again, peppering her jaw with soft, lingering kisses.
She aimed to say his name, to make him pause, to help her regain her sanity, but only a small gasp escaped her. He had brought his attention to the base of her ear and was gently dragging his lips across her sensitive skin. Her grasp on his arms tightened; she was surprised at the touch. She felt him grin at his discovery, which he teasingly repeated to his desired reaction.
Gin’s hand gently held her nape to keep her accessible as he went on with his ministrations. His other hand covered hers, large, warm, comforting, grounding her back down to earth as his mouth took its time. Her heart rallied, beating fast, seemingly unable to keep up with the whirlwind of sensation. Her mind wheeled to and fro as her hand traveled up to his hair, grasping, as if he was her remaining hold on reality.
This is bad.
She could hardly think of anything else. The sliver of afternoon light that crossed into the room gave him a glow, making him unearthly – almost devilish – as he rose from the crook of her neck and held her gaze with heavily-lidded eyes. He traced her lower lip with his thumb before kissing her again - soft, warm, deep, slow - somehow unlocking a thirst within her that she felt only he could satisfy – 
“Anego! Gin-chan! We’re home!”
In the weeks afterward, it was decided that Operation Oiran was a failure. 
Hijikata assured her that it was his bosses’ fault that the operation had failed, and that she shouldn’t feel bad about the loss. It was their lack of foresight that brought the mission down. Okita jokingly said that it was entirely Gin’s fault, which led to Kagura kicking his ass for even daring to say that about Gin, even if he was right. Shinpachi went straight to Kondo and reprimanded him for even trying to pull Matsudaira’s crazy plan off, while Kondo cried and begged for forgiveness.
“We never should have agreed, Aneue,” Shinpachi said as he and his sister climbed up the steps to the Yorozuya. “The danger they put you in! I swear, that Gorilla will have to pay for this…”
 His words went in one ear and out the other. Tae found that it was hard to concentrate when, as they entered, Gintoki was sitting by his desk, feet up and crossed, drinking strawberry milk straight from the carton.
“Yo,” he said lamely, mouth still on the carton’s lips. Shinpachi shook his head, disappointed, saying his usual greetings out of habit before going to the kitchen to find Kagura.
Gin’s eyes gleamed at her.
“So, do you regret it?” He asked, placing his feet back on the floor and leaning forward onto his desk. Tae loomed over him as she placed her hands on the corners of his table. “Going undercover, and all that?”
Tae reached over and took the carton from his hands, taking a sip. The milk was sweet and tart, every drop a trigger.
“You know what?” she said, licking her lips. Gin smirked. “Not at all.”
“Shinpachi, calm down, Anego and Gin were just...eyefucking -”
“Kagura-chan! Where did you learn that?! We, we weren’t - ”
“Not just with the eyes, Kagura, but we’ve also  - UOGH!”
A/N: Finally! Haha. What started out as a hurried piece of fanart became a ficlet, then became a 4-parter, which evolved into 6. Haha! It’s been a while since I wrote borderline smut LOL a chaptered fic. Was deciding against it at first but when you’ve got that nagging feeling, you just can’t let it go. It just badgered me to finish it. Here it is, lots of mistakes and 12k+ words later. :D
Huge thanks to the GinTae peeps for the encouragement and keeping the GinTae flame burning! Huhu you’re all too kind. 
Hope you enjoyed! Til the next fanfic, I guess? :D 
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ohtomatotome · 6 years
These are a few of my favorite things
I am preparing to grieve the loss of two elderly people who are very close to me. 
I wondered what it would be like to have a few of my favorite otome suitors trying to comfort me as I wept.
I was slightly surprised at who my heart was telling me to stay. Poor Makoto. I didn’t 100% expect Robert or Al, but now I know they belonged there. Kind Mitsunari’s presence just made sense. Of course I knew Sasuke would be there, without a doubt.
I stood alone on a featureless plane. Sadness weighed heavy on my heart. I was soon going to lose two important people in my life. My throat clenched, dry and tight, as a soundless sob choked its way out of my chest. My eyes, already red and puffy from hours of crying, stung once more with fresh tears as memories of these two wonderful people swam to my consciousness.
I had had enough enough of sobbing alone. I wanted a hug. I wanted to be held and soothed. I wanted comfort.
Every suitor from Midnight Cinderella and Ikemen Sengoku slowly took form in front of my swollen eyes. There was even some characters from other games I play, such as Rei from Several Shades of Sadism, Takasugi from Destined to Love, and Makoto from Decoding Desire. 
A nervous giggle escaped me as I mentally shook my head at my overactive imagination. No, no. This was NOT going to turn into a smut fic. LOL
There were so many of them. Only half of them looked as if they actually wanted to be there.
A doorway materialized on the plane. I nodded politely to the most obvious ones who needed to leave. Out walked Alyn, Yukimura, Nico, Hideyoshi, Louis, Masamune, Byron, Ieyasu, Leo, Kenshin, Kennyo, Mitsuhide, Rayvis, Takasugi, and Rei. “No offense, boys.” I thought to them kindly. The door closed behind them
The remaining men looked at me expectantly.
Sid was the first to speak up. “Eh, what she usually wants from me ain’t comfort, I’ll tell ya that.” He looked at me with tenderness and understanding. “I’m not worried, princess. I know yer in good hands. I want ya to feel better. These fellas are pretty good at that. Well -- “ He shot a warning glance at Nobunaga and Giles, and raised an incredulous eyebrow at Makoto. “-- Most of ‘em are, anyway.”
He opened the door and walked out, leaving it open for more to follow as if a hint to the others.
Giving a disgruntled “Hrmph” and coming close to me, Nobunaga said in a low rumble so only I could hear, “In order for me to comfort you, I would need further explanation to understand what you need. This … soothing you require is too new to me. Only recently have I learned how to please you, tease you, get you to laugh, and make you cry out in delight. I have never once had to stop your cries of distress or tears of sadness. You seem in need of ... immediate relief. This I cannot give.” His proud eyes were washed over with a look of regret and pain for a moment before placing his hands on either side of my head and bending down to kiss the top of my hair gently. It was the most gentle kiss I had ever received from that man. It made my tears flow harder. For the briefest instant, he looked uncomfortable and out of his element. He turned and swept out of the room before he exhibited any further unfamiliar and weak emotions.
Giles cleared his throat. “Farewell, your highness.” He bowed gracefully and walked towards the door. He turned back and gave me an achingly sweet smile. “I am aware that I am not the best man for the task at hand. It grieves me to leave, but it would pain me further to stay and watch another man comfort you.” With that, he left the room.
Makoto had his arms folded and I could see his knuckles had turned white from gripping his lab coat sleeves so tightly. He stared hard at the floor while he stammered, “I d-d-don’t want to leave, ______. B-b-but I have no way to c-c-comfort you that isn’t selfish f-f-feeling. That’s not what you need right now. I d-d-don’t want to see you hurt …. but I c-c-can’t make you f-f-feel b-b-better, either. You d-d-don’t like it when I’m ... jealous ... and I d-d-don’t want to give you any other reason to be s-s-sad or angry. So I’ll leave. Unless … you want me to s-s-stay, ______.”  He dropped his arms to his sides, turned towards the door and slowly walked away.
I sighed and called out to him, “Makoto. You don’t have to leave. Your hugs do make me feel better. I promise you that I like them as much as you do. But if you feel like you’d be uncomfortable or awkward, then don’t force yourself to stay. I’ll still love you no matter what.”
Makoto turned back to look at me, his eyes shining bright through that unruly mop of hair. “Really? You’d s-s-still love me after b-b-being with these … “ His gaze swept the room, taking in the four gorgeous men. I could tell he was comparing himself to them and felt he didn’t measure up. “... these g-g-guys?” He gave me a sad smile. “I’ll c-c-come ch-ch-check on you later. When you’re alone. I love you, ______.” He shuffled out the door slowly, in a defeated way.
The door softly swung closed and dematerialized from sight.
I looked around at the men still present. I wiped my eyes and sniffed. The tears seemed to have stopped for the moment.
Robert was looking at the floor, his eyebrows pulled together -- whether in concern or thought, I wasn’t certain. His hands were one moment folded in front of him, and then rubbing the back of his neck the next moment. He raked a hand through his hair and let out an nearly imperceptible sigh.  He never looked up from the floor.
Sasuke was as still as a tree, every muscle ready to come to my side and embrace me in a crushing hug. But he stayed rooted to his spot, his body tense, his face taut but expressionless. His eyes never left my face. He waited for something.
The corners of Mitsunari’s mouth were curved up slightly in the tiniest saddest smile I had ever seen. His eyes were begging at me to let him near. It almost broke my heart to look at him. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, a bit restless and wishing to be useful.
Albert stood at attention with his hands clasped behind his back. His fingernails bit into his palm as he clenched and unclenched his fists. His face was the very picture of discomfort. He stared straight ahead, only once ever looking my way. He immediately blinked, cleared his throat and returned his steadfast gaze in front of him.
I hadn’t been looking in Robert’s direction, so I didn’t notice that he had moved to stand behind me. He wrapped his long arms around the front of my chest and pulled my back gently into his chest. “We’re here, ______.” He propped his chin on my shoulder and leaned his head against mine. “We are all here for you, my dearest.”
I sunk into the warmth of his chest and let my head rest against his. “Oh, Robert,” I sighed his name.
Mitsunari couldn’t wait any longer. He bounded forward and extended his arms as if he wanted to hug me, but he looked perplexed. Stopping a hand-span from me, he looked behind me, “Ah, Mr. Branche? Can you adjust a bit so I can also hold her, please?” He pointed to Robert’s arm around my left shoulder.
Robert looked slightly bemused at Mitsunari’s suggestion, then acquiesced and removed his arm. I felt the absence of its warmth. He snaked it in front of my torso and hugged me around my waist. The sensation made me close my eyes in contentment.
Mitsunari moved in close and looped his arm around my left shoulder where Robert’s hand had just been, bringing back the warmth. Then he slid his other arm around my back, in between Robert and me. He gave me a somewhat triumphant look and his smile grew wider. “Is that okay, ______-sama?”
I opened my eyes to see Mitsunari’s vivid violet eyes peering earnestly into mine. I nodded. “Mm-hmm. It’s fine, Mitsu-kun.”
There was a twinkle in his eyes as he said, “You know, _____-sama, a hug received is only as good as the hug given in return.” He tapped my left arm which was hanging loose at my side.
I took the hint and placed it around his back. He stepped in closer and laid his head on my left shoulder. Giving a feather-light sound somewhere between a sigh and a whimper, he said “Ahhhh, that’s so much better, hm?”
With Robert’s head on my right shoulder and Mitsunari’s on my left, being hugged from front and back, I felt cocooned in warmth and love.
I felt Robert move his right hand from my shoulder and trail it down my arm. He intertwined his fingers in mine and gently closed his hand around mine. He brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed each knuckle one at a time. I relaxed even more and exhaled the breath I didn’t even realize I had been holding.
Sasuke was suddenly in my line of sight, standing a couple of feet behind Mitsunari. When had he moved? I had never heard him. That’s a ninja for you, I guess.
His face, usually devoid of expression, was now tight with emotion. His lips were pulled in a thin line and his eyes looked pained. “______.”  His voice. My name. All it took was one word spoken by my beloved, and my tears leaked out my eyes and trickled down my cheeks. My left arm had been hugging Mitsunari. I let go of his jacket and extended my hand out to Sasuke in a silent plea to have him hold it. I desperately needed his touch, too.
Sasuke moved swiftly forward and grasped my hand in both of his. He caressed it and then brought the back of my hand to his lips, all the while never breaking eye contact with me. My crying continued, but it seemed more bearable now that he was touching me. I gripped his fingers and mouthed the words “I love you.” He held up my hand so that my palm was against his cheek. He nodded. That was enough for me. I closed my eyes against the flow of tears and tried to enjoy the moment of bliss that was surrounding me.
“Hmm, _____-sama? Your arm is no longer around me. That means this is only half a hug.” I heard Mitsunari say in a plaintive tone.
When I opened my eyes, I saw that Sasuke’s gaze had hardened a bit in annoyance at Mitsunari’s whining.
Suddenly, an authoritative -- but strained-sounding -- voice spoke up. “Stop being childish and selfish. We are all here because Princess _____ wishes our company. If you are going to act out of jealousy, you can leave just as that sad unkempt man did. You will either provide the comfort necessary or you will move aside so another may attempt to soothe her.”
After Al’s admonishment, Mitsunari nuzzled my shoulder with his cheek and tightened his embrace around my lower back. “Please forgive me, _____-sama, for being selfish. I only want to make you feel better. But I get carried away when my body is this close to yours. I’m sorry.”
I couldn’t turn my head to look at Al, so I had no idea what sort of expression he had on his face. But I wanted to know how he was feeling. He had been standing so far away this entire time.
“Al? I am relieved you stayed. But why did you, if all you were going to do is stay over there?”
I heard boots softly make there way towards our little cuddle huddle. He stayed obstinately out of my view, but I heard his voice come from just a couple of feet away. “Princess ______, you are already being …. embraced by two gentleman, and a third is holding your only free hand. Where would you suggest I fit in?” He scoffed.
The emotion and longing I heard behind his words made new tears sting my eyes. It was then that I felt my knees buckle. I hadn’t realized how long we have been standing until then. I sagged a little bit as Robert held me more tightly against him to help support me. I regained my balance just as I heard him suggest from behind me. “Perhaps we should let her rest.”
A large bed materialized beside us.
“Oh no. It’s not turning into THAT sort of story.” I silently scolded myself.
Robert kissed my temple while gently squeezing my hand. “My dearest loveliest ______. You had better sit down or lie down. We’ll watch over you so you can get some rest.” He slid his arm away from my waist and let go of my hand.
Mitsunari took the absence of Robert as an opportunity to give me a proper two-arm bear hug. He squeezed me and hummed softly as he rocked me a moment before releasing me. As he pulled back, he kissed my cheek. His expressive eyes were saying so many things all at once, I couldn’t keep up with the silent conversation he was trying to have with me. All he said out loud was “I’m here for you whenever you need me, ____-sama.” He took a step back, but bumped into Sasuke. “Oh, I beg your pardon, Sasuke-dono.” He bowed his head and moved out of the way.
Sasuke was still firmly holding onto my hand. Looking at our joined hands, I broke out into the first big smile I’ve worn in days.  He silently closed the distance, dropping his grip on my hand. He wrapped one arm around my waist, and gently held his other hand around the back of my neck. He pulled me to him and cradled my head to his chest. He gave a wordless murmur so soft I could feel the vibrations of his vocal chords more than hear any actual sound. He looked to Al and gave a slight nod.
Both of them simultaneously adjusted their glasses.
Sasuke softly said “_____.” Again, I melted at the sound of his voice saying my name. “We’ll hold you until you fall asleep. Come.”
I lifted my head and reached my arms around his neck and kissed his perfect mouth. I pulled away a sliver of an inch and mumbled against his lips “I can’t think of anything else I’d like better at this moment. Thank you, Sasuke. I’d love to rest.”
I looked over at Al, who had removed his bulky uniform coat and boots. He was standing near the bed, ready to lie down after me.
Sasuke had let go my waist and went to the other side of the bed.
I looked around for Mitsunari and Robert, but they had left the room.
Sasuke was lying on his left side and holding the sheet up for me to get in next to him. I looked down at myself and saw I was now wearing the most comfortable pajamas ever. Not sexy lingerie by any stretch of the imagination. But romance was the furthest thing from my mind right now. I simply wanted to be held and comforted by these 2D men who had built a place for themselves in my heart.
I climbed into bed, snuggling up to Sasuke and nuzzling my cheek against his chest. His warmth and scent were exactly what I craved right now.
Behind me I could feel Al inching towards me on the mattress.
My heartbeat started to increase as this situation was opening up new ideas in my imagination.
I repeated to myself in my head “No. This is NOT going to be one of THOSE stories.”
Al slid his hand around the front of my stomach and come to a stop where it was comfortable for the both of us. I could feel his warm breath washing over my neck and ear in a measured rhythm.
Sasuke slung his arm around my hip and moved his body closer. He put his lips to my forehead and didn’t move them for many seconds. I felt a drop of wetness spill onto my forehead. Was he crying on my behalf? My arm shot out from where it had been resting between us, and I quickly wrapped it firmly around his back and hugged him tight.
“I love you. Thank you. I love you so much.”
I thought I would start crying all over again. However, the tears didn’t fall. Perhaps I was all cried-out for the time being. All I knew is that I was feeling thoroughly comforted, and right now the only thing I wanted was to fall asleep surrounded by this delicious feeling of love and support.
...It could turn into one of the THOSE stories when we woke up, I lazily thought as I drifted off to sleep.
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unidentifiedpie · 7 years
Happy birthday @love-and-partner!!!!!! Sorry this is so late!! I hope this is ok - haven’t watched/read gintama for a while, I’m a little out of touch with the characters. I hope your birthday was amazing just like you!!!!
“I’ll be your general,” Gintoki says, maybe nine years old. His eyes, dull and steady and kind, are fixed on Katsura. “When I’m around, you can just be Zura.”
And that’s it. Some (most) part of him is Zura for the rest of his life.
Gintoki keeps doing that, worming his way into people’s lives without knowing he does it. Katsura asks Shouyou, once, where he picked Gintoki up; and Shouyou laughs, says, I’m not sure who picked up who, now.
He’s Katsura’s general and Takasugi’s rival. In the war, he’s a saviour and a killer, a hero and a monster. Salvation and damnation all in one bloodstained package, Katsura wants to laugh.
How funny, he thinks, that it’s Gintoki’s way of showing that he cares.
Never something as simple as you’re my friend. Gintoki doesn’t know how, the idiot. He says it in other ways - in the way he’ll face down an army to keep them safe, the way he stays up to pen letters to the soldiers’ families in shitty hiragana, careful not to get bloodstains on the paper. The way he snatches sake from the soldiers, snapping at them that guilt has no place on the battlefield, do they want to get killed?
But Katsura’s busy, too, being the a leader and general and strategist and warrior and, when there’s finally, finally breathing room, just Zura. They’re so busy all the time. There’s no time to be children, or friends. They’re thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and Katsura can’t breathe anymore. He doesn’t know how to inhale without tasting rust on his tongue. They’re sixteen and generals and they’ve fought armies, don’t know if they’ve won. Don’t know what victory is, when people just die, and die, and die.
They’re seventeen and Katsura messes up, makes a bad plan, fails. And they’re lying on hot ground and Gintoki’s knuckles are white around a shaking sword, and Takasugi screams.
Katsura doesn’t scream. Katsura doesn’t have the breath to scream. There’s ice in his chest, blood in his heart. The ropes binding him are tight enough to choke.
Shouyou’s head flies and Katsura presses his face against the rocky ground, teeth chattering even though the hard-packed dirt is hot enough to burn.
Three weeks later, Gintoki suggests that they split up. He smiles when he says it, smiles like shattered glass, like it hurts. Not Katsura, not Takasugi - Gintoki suggests it, Gintoki who should’ve wanted them to stay the most, them who he killed Shouyou to save.
(Just like he should have wanted to save Shouyou the most. It hurts to think on it, so Katsura doesn’t.)
But Gintoki smiles, and says that he’ll go. Katsura thinks, later - when he’s in a cold, dilapidated shack, wondering if Gintoki and Takasugi are alive or dead; wondering if he’ll ever be just Zura again - that the idiot was probably trying to be kind. Spare them the pain of looking at the boy who killed their teacher.
It’s pointless, though. Gintoki thinks he’s the murderer, but he’s wrong. Katsura’s the genius, here, he would know. And he sees Shouyou’s true killer every time he looks into the mirror.
But time keeps moving, even when it feels like their worlds have stopped.
Soon, five years have passed, and Gintoki is doing Odd Jobs. Moving on, he calls it, even though Katsura never sees him with the same people for more than six months running. Even though it’s been weeks since he’s seen Gintoki smile and months since he’s seen him really laugh.
Doesn’t it hurt, Katsura wants to ask, but of course Gintoki wouldn’t give him a straight answer if he did. Why don’t you just join me? Revolution may be hard, but at least I wouldn’t just leave.
“Join us,” Katsura says instead. Over and over and over.
And each time, Gintoki says no.
His leaving back looks smaller, colder, more lonely each time.
Ten years, and there are children.
Shiroyasha, Katsura calls Gintoki, once, right in front of them. Because he is so sick and tired of watching people leave. Because so many people have walked out of Katsura’s life, and so many have left Gintoki’s, and Katsura can’t take it anymore. They should just get it over with, he thinks. Like ripping off a bandaid - do it fast, so that there’s no time to really feel pain. 
Shiroyasha, but the kids just look at them with wide eyes.
They don’t leave.
No matter how hard Gintoki tries. No matter how many times he doesn’t pay them. No matter how often he snaps, or complains, or bullshits his ass off. They stay.
Two months in and Katsura sees them on the street. Kagura, bright-burning brilliance and bursting at the seams with life, and Shinpachi, solid stable warmth, kindness a fierce spark in his eyes. Gintoki between them, looking content and warm, looking like he belongs.
And Kagura says something, Shinpachi nags, and-
-and Gintoki laughs.
Really, honestly laughs. His eyes go soft and bright and he doubles over, grinning like an idiot and shaking with the force of his laughter, and Katsura thinks, oh.
Kagura is a Yato girl whose family tore itself apart and Shinpachi is a samurai boy in an age where samurai are all but dead.
They’re not meant to keep going but they do, anyway, Kagura blazing like a war flag and Shinpachi surging forward, step by step, as unstoppable as the rotation of the Earth.
Stubborn, the both of them, and fierce, and heartbreakingly kind. And they’re just kids, but when Kabuki-cho is invaded, when Nobunobu takes over the shogun’s seat, when the Amanto threaten to blow up the Earth, they stand by Gintoki’s sides, weapons in hand, and fight with him against the end of the world.
Katsura wants to laugh, wants to cry. He thinks Gintoki wants to do more than that.
But Gintoki watches the children, and teaches them to live, and he heals.
Katsura stops asking Gintoki to join the joui. Gintoki doesn’t need that, now. He’s not alone anymore.
(And neither is Katsura. And the Amanto still rule Japan, and there are battles every other day, but...
...this feels like peace.)
After the shogun’s funeral, there is this:
Katsura finds Shinpachi and Kagura sitting empty-eyed by the river. Their eyes are blank and wide, and they’re tucked by each other’s sides.
They are so young, Katsura thinks. Sixteen and fourteen and so damn young.
He feels so old. So tired of these pointless wars.
“It will end,” Katsura says. They turn to him, eyes wide, and he squats beside them, fixing his gaze on the horizon. The sun is setting, and the sky is ablaze. “For better or worse, this war will come to an end. And you will find a way to live.”
Kagura pulls her legs up to her chest. “But a person never stops fighting,” she says, tucking her chin against her knees. Her hair is gold beneath the setting sun.
“Yes,” Katsura says, easy as breath, though the knowledge did not come easy. “Life is a war. You may lose a battle, but that does not mean you’ve lost the war.”
Shinpachi’s hands are balled into tight white fists. “But,” he says. “If you lose a battle, you lose something. And we’re idiots, so it feels the same.” His eyes, solid and warm and brown, are glassy with tears.
“Yes,” Katsura says, “but it isn’t.” He’s learnt that many times over. “This battle will end, and win or lose, the war goes on.”
“It was all for nothing,” Shinpachi grits out. “Everything we did.” His jaw is clenched tight, so tight, and he’s shaking. Kagura just looks at them, eyes big and blue and bleak.
Katsura sighs. He reaches out, resting his hand in Shinpachi’s soft hair. He knows what Shinpachi is feeling. He knows it so well.
“Sometimes you have to move,” Katsura says, “regardless of the risks. Wasn’t that what you did?”
“We couldn’t just stand there,” Kagura says. Her voice is small and guilty, like she thinks that maybe they should. Should’ve stood there, and burned, and bit it down. Should’ve watched a man suffer and said nothing.
Who knows? Maybe they should. Maybe then the shogun would still be alive. Maybe then they wouldn’t be here today, battle-scarred and weary-eyed.
Or maybe the tendoushuu would’ve moved anyway, and the shogun would still be dead, and they’d have lived with a different regret for the rest of their lives.
“Didn’t Gintoki tell you? Sometimes there are things you must do to protect your soul.”
Kagura pulls her knees to her chest, looking young and tired and very small. “Yeah,” she says. Then she swallows, and says, “Don’t close your eyes, Zura.”
Katsura blinks at her. “What?”
“Don’t close your eyes.” Her eyes, blue and burning, are fixed on the blazing sky. “Gin-chan says it’s always darkest before the light.”
Glancing over, Katsura sees that Shinpachi, too, is staring out at the horizon, like the fire of the sky will burn the tears and pain away. And Katsura…
Katsura remembers Gintoki, always, always staring out into the distance, eyes narrowed and fierce, at something the rest of them could not see.
(Or maybe… Maybe Takasugi could. Some days he’d bitch Gintoki out, or throw a rock at his head when he wasn’t looking. But on others, he’d stand by Gintoki’s side and look out and out, hands fisted, refusing to shut his eyes. Like they were looking beyond the sky.)
Kagura and Shinpachi look at the horizon, hands fisted; stare out and out like the Earth is expanding before them, even when they’ve been pushed to a corner, backs against the wall. Refusing to shut their eyes.
He’s brought them up just like him, Katsura thinks, looking back at the setting sun, the burning sky. “I know,” he says.
They’ve lost the battle, but something in him is fiercely, fiercely proud.
We’ll meet at dawn, Katsura tells Gintoki later, and smiles.
Remembers the kids looking out at the burning sky. Remembers it’s always darkest before the light.
You remember, Katsura thinks, looking at Gintoki’s wide eyes. This is not self-sacrifice. This is a temporary concession, a false retreat; leaving an opening so that they can strike the enemy in the heart.
Katsura will break out, and Gintoki will come. This is how it has always been.
And then.
The Tendoushuu and Utsuro and Shouyou and when Katsura hears it he goes cold all the way down to his core.
His teeth are chattering even though his blood burns. Panic is hot, cold, numb in his buzzing, trembling bones. He is so tired of this old routine.
“Katsura-san.” Shinpachi finds him, eyes big and worried, soft and warm. Strange that a boy that seems so soft could be so strong. Strong enough to fight for the world, to stand by Gintoki’s side.
Katsura nods at him, sitting against the wall, one arm thrown over his drawn-up knee. “Shinpachi-kun.”
Shinpachi looks at him with soft, piercing eyes. “Gin-san said that he- he was your-”
“Yes.” Katsura wants to smile, for the boy’s sake. Finds that he cannot. “He was our teacher.” He was our father.
Katsura shuts his eyes. Keep your eyes open, Gintoki had said, but right now, Katsura cannot bear to even look. He is certain that his hands are sticky and slick with blood.
Cloth brushes cloth, and there’s warmth at his side. Katsura forces his eyes open, turns to see Shinpachi settling beside him.
There are shadows beneath the boy’s eyes, and bandages beneath his clothes. Shinpachi looks tired, too, and unsettled; scared, uncertain in his skin.
“I’m sorry,” Shinpachi says, ever polite. There’s understanding in his voice, too deep for a boy his age. Katsura remembers Obi-one, and self-sacrifice, and Shinpachi landing an ippon that must’ve felt like a killing blow, even if it was not. Gintoki had told him the whole sorry tale, eyes haunted with the ghosts of yet another he could not save.
Katsura wants to laugh, wants to cry, is too tired to do either. He waves a bandaged hand, taking a breath that tastes like metal against his raw throat. “How is Gintoki?”
Because this is a living nightmare, and Gintoki is taking the brunt of it. Gintoki, who cut Shouyou down once, twice, three times, more times than he can count, now, as he landed killing blows over and over on a man who would not die. Shouyou, who Gintoki would have gladly died to save, and Katsura wants to be sick.
Shinpachi looks at the ground. “He’s not sleeping. And he hardly eats.”
Just like the first time around, Katsura thinks. Gintoki had gone for days not sleeping, not eating, trying to fake composure while his hands shook beneath trailing sleeves. Would spend ages washing his hands in the river, scrubbing at blood that no one but him could see.
“He is an idiot,” Katsura says, just as Kagura arrives. She looks tired and old, irritation and exhaustion pulling at her eyes.
She drops at Katsura’s other side, less careless than she usually is, with the slowness of a person whose whole body hurts.
“Everyone’s acting like- like Gin-chan’s killed Shouyou before,” she says. She’s trying to sound annoyed, but her voice is just frustrated and very young. “But he wouldn’t- Gin-chan wouldn’t-”
Katsura looks up, trying to see the light. All he can see is the ship’s metal ceiling, and blinding fluorescent white. “He had to.” And his voice sounds bone-dry, brittle and exhausted.
He can feel their stares on him, and casts about for an explanation. It comes hollow, comes broken-cold. “Our teacher was captured in the war. Years later, so were we. And Gintoki was offered a choice: kill us, or kill our teacher.” Katsura fists one hand in his clothes, jaw tightening. They had been such idiots. Young and blind and willful and stupid, and Shouyou had died for it. Gintoki had killed Shouyou, Takasugi had lost an eye, and Katsura had been left alone. “Shouyou died. There was no mistake. Gintoki would not have made such a mistake, and we all saw Shouyou die.”
They’d watched Shouyou die. Right before their eyes, he’d died. “The Tendoushuu left us his head. We buried it beneath a pine tree, a few miles from Edo.” Katsura stares numbly at the ground. “He died by Gintoki’s hand. It is impossible that he survived.”
It is impossible. The dead do not come back to life. So why? Why was he-
-Katsura shuts his eyes. He wants to puke.
But Gintoki can’t take this anymore. Katsura remembers that young, scarred kid from sunlit dojos, who was terrified of ghosts because he’d made too many of his own. Who followed at Shouyou’s heels, always, and who cared so much, so deep.
Remembers, too, that cold, tired back, as Gintoki cut through Shouyou’s neck. Remembers a thin, shattered smile and tears in the eyes of a boy who never cried. Remembers the look on Gintoki’s face, broken to bits.
And then Shinpachi and Kagura had come, and Gintoki had finally, finally started to heal. Started to live, and laugh, and there’s only so many times you can be cut to the bone before you never heal again.
Katsura doesn’t want to hurt Shouyou. Doesn’t want to be left alone again, wants to grip tight to the sleeve of his teacher and beg. (Please. Please don’t leave.)
But Gintoki didn’t want to hurt Shouyou, either. Gintoki didn’t want to choose. Gintoki didn’t want to but he had to and it was Katsura’s fault anyway and-
-and Katsura knows that it’s his turn. Time to step up to the plate, because he can’t make Gintoki do that again. Can’t, won’t, it’s not right, not fair, Gintoki was only just starting to heal.
(Katsura hasn’t spoken to Gintoki since they boarded the ship. He only woke up from the treatment of his new belly button a few hours ago, and he’s torn between going to Gintoki and staying far away. Wants to offer comfort, and, at the same time, doesn’t want to see the look on Gintoki’s face, the broken exhaustion in his eyes. Something old - a reminder of the past.)
A bandaged hand wraps around his. Katsura looks up, sees Kagura biting her lip, looking at the floor with glittering, glassy eyes. A warm weight lands on his shoulder, and Katsura flinches. Then he realises that it’s Shinpachi, cheek on Katsura’s gi, looking determinedly forward. His expression is fierce, even as tears trace lines down his pale face.
“It wasn’t your fault,” Kagura says. “You and Gin-chan, it wasn’t your faults.”
And how, Katsura wonders, would she know that?
Shinpachi nods, soft hair brushing against Katsura’s neck. “Don’t blame yourself, Katsura-san.”
“I-” Katsura stares at them. Wonders how they know exactly what to say.
But he knows, doesn’t he? Kagura’s family tore itself apart. Shinpachi landed an ippon on Obi-one, and it wasn’t a killing blow, but it must have felt like one. They know exactly what to say, because they know how it feels.
Katsura wonders if Gintoki told them the same thing. When he found out about Kagura’s family. When Obi-one died. This is exactly the sort of thing Gintoki would say, offered like a lungful of air to a drowning man.
These children are just like him. So different, and yet. Exactly the same. Gintoki must be scared to hell.
“Join us for dinner,” Kagura says, not waiting for a response. “Shinpachi cooks good rice, uh-huh.”
“We’ll make rice balls together,” Shinpachi adds. Quiet and soothing and this time, when Katsura shuts his eyes, it feels like rest instead of breaking.
When Katsura sees Gintoki’s face, his heart breaks a little in his chest.
Gintoki has bruises beneath his eyes. He’s covered in bandages, limping and tired, and his shoulders are slumped with exhaustion that goes deeper than his bones.
And his eyes are everything Katsura was afraid of. Old, and hurting, and so achingly exhausted, just like they were so many years ago and Katsura’s breath catches in his lungs, bile rises in his throat, Gintoki can’t do this again and neither can Katsura, they can’t, once was tears and blood and shattered glass on the floor. Twice will cut them deeper than they know how to bear.
“Gin-chan!” “Gin-san!”
Shinpachi catches Gintoki’s hand and Kagura barrels into him, beaming like twin suns, like the dawn Gintoki was always looking for. Kagura chatters about everything and nothing, about how big the ship is, how Shinpachi dropped an entire bowl of rice, and Gin-chan do you think we can still watch Ladies Four in space? Do they have better connection in space since we’re closer to the satellites? Gin-chan- And Shinpachi nags at Gintoki because Gin-san, the food’s getting cold, and Kagura chan, you weren’t supposed to eat the rice off the floor- it’s the five second rule, not the five minute rule, Gin-san-
And looking down at them, Gintoki’s eyes go warm, and a little more light. He blinks, and it’s like he’s waking from a nightmare - one hand coming to rest in Kagura’s hair, the other curling solidly around Shinpachi’s, and he doesn’t smile, but his eyes are a little less worn.
Then, so fast and smooth that Katsura isn’t quite sure how it happens (he’s starting to sympathise with Gintoki, these children are good-) there’s a bandaged hand around his - Kagura’s - and he’s swept up in a sea of chatter and laughter and warmth. Shinpachi’s hand is on his back, and there is inane, constant chatter drowning the silence ringing in Katsura’s ears.
Katsura meets Gintoki’s eyes over Kagura’s bright head, sighing in exasperation-
-and Gintoki’s lips curl up in a smile.
It’s small, and tired, and nothing like wide, shattered grin he’d worn all those years back. It’s tiny and a little lost and real, and Katsura grins in response, even though, a minute ago, he’d thought that they’d never smile again.
(Somewhere in his chest, a broken, aching piece of him begins to heal.)
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dondake · 7 years
[gintaka] call pump blow
rating: k summary: Takasugi goes to the beach.
“Y’know, in all my years of lifeguarding at this beach, this is the first time I’ve seen someone look so sour about being here on such a nice day.”
Finding the implicit challenge, Takasugi twisted his face to look even more disagreeable. The effect was slightly dampened by one of Katsura’s large, floppy sun hats on his head. “There’s always a first time for everything.”
“Well, you’re entitled to be a moody brat, but don’t ruin it for everyone else!”
Takasugi would have come out swinging but he had his arms full of towels, his bag, and a large red and white folding umbrella under one armpit. Sensing the animosity, Katsura increased the wattage in his grin. “It’s been nice running into you, Gintoki, but the beach is filling up and we won’t get a good spot if we don’t hurry and claim one! We’ll be in your care today, then.”
“I’d rather drown,” Takasugi spat 
The lifeguard grinned back at Katsura, though it became more of a smirk when he regarded Takasugi. “You know where to find me before you sink completely under then,” he said, gesturing at the tall, white platform in the middle of the sand. “I’ll try to look more handsome so burn that image in your mind as you meet your ancestors.”
“I purposefully won’t die so my last moments won’t be soiled by something as unpleasant as you!” But the lifeguard was walking away and laughing, judging by the way his shoulders were shaking. Takasugi narrowed his eyes looking at the lifeguard’s shoulders, thrown back to strut across the sand like a puffed up peacock. In the sun and at his angle, he could see the lifeguard’s back flex to match the resistance from walking over sand, defined muscles honed from swimming in the ocean and probably lifting weights like a typical gym rat to prepare for hauling a sinking body from the water. Takasugi might have given him an iota of respect, if only for putting up with shrieking children and humid weather to save lives, but anyone deserving of his respect wouldn’t be wearing awfully gaudy strawberry print swim trunks 
“Shinsuke? If you don’t follow me you’ll lose me in the crowd.”
Takasugi jogged up to Katsura, almost slipping on the sand in his haste. “Let’s get out of here. I’m sure there’s a ton of other beaches around here.”
“Really? But this one’s the best. And you were so excited to come when I asked if you wanted to come with me!”
“I was excited, until I realized this was all just a scheme for you to make me meet up with the weirdos you befriend here and there. I said I wasn’t interested.” Katsura opened his mouth to refute but closed it again at the sight of Takasugi’s glower. Instead, he pointed at an open spot in the sand; Takasugi speared the umbrella in with a sickening crunch. A little girl nearby looked up at him fearfully and returned to her mother’s side. Katsura had switched recently from cajoling him to watch the teen romance dramas Katsura enjoyed so much in the evenings to speaking vaguely about someone who Takasugi ‘just had to meet’ who was insisting that they all get dinner together or some equally questionable idea. It didn’t take a genius to see the direction the gears in Katsura’s head were spinning.
“Gintoki’s a good guy,” Katsura said airly, laying out the beach towels. “And anyway, it wasn’t my intention to introduce you two today, but when you actually accepted my invitation to go outside and spend time in a busy public place, I thought it would be good to utilize this time.”
“I thought we were friends,” Takasugi grumbled. “Friends wouldn’t do this to each other.” Even under the umbrella and in the midst of a mob of bodies in colorful swimwear, Takasugi thought he caught Gintoki’s gaze from the lifeguard’s seat. He turned his glare back to Katsura.
“If you’re not interested, you’re not interested,” Katsura shrugged, although he didn’t seem bothered that his attempt at matchmaking had gone so horribly awry. Tucking his hair underneath his large sun hat, he began applying sunscreen. Takasugi was big enough of a person to admit that his friend was conventionally attractive and well-built and was already drawing the attention of the women nearby who had come with their friends or alone. The thought of Gintoki’s perverted eyes on Katsura made his skin crawl and he made sure to angle himself to block that view. “You really should put sunscreen on; you’re never outside and you’ll burn to a crisp.”
Takasugi snatched the bottle from Katsura’s hand. “Don’t make it sound like I’m a hermit. I go outside.” It was true he preferred to gaze at the world from behind a window and carry out his machinations at night. Going out during the day increased the chances of him encountering nuisances, like the lifeguard whose eyes he could feel boring into his back. A glance over his shoulder confirmed his suspicions. The lifeguard was leaning forward, his chin resting on his palm, and he gave Takasugi a cheeky grin with white teeth. “Where did you find that guy anyway?”
“He hangs around this area a lot, so I’ve seen him around. I think he also babysits since he usually has kids tagging along with him.”
“Who’s to say they’re not his illegitimate children?”
Katsura threw his head back and laughed. “Why are you so opposed to him, Shinsuke? He greeted you normally enough.”
“It’s because I knew you were trying to set me up. Sure, you know a lot of people here and there, but when your friends are looking at me in a certain way and you’re trying and failing to be nonchalant, I know what’s going on.” Takasugi rubbed at his arms a little more forcefully, the stickiness of the sunblock feeling irritable on his skin when it was already so humid. “What did you even tell him about me? Why would you ever think this would be a good idea?”
Shedding his shirt and throwing his hair back like a ridiculous model, Katsura slid on a pair of large sunglasses and lounged elegantly on his towel. Takasugi rolled his eyes. “I only mentioned that you are a fan of Shouyou Yoshida’s weekly column and apparently he’s Gintoki’s father or uncle or something-”
“He’s his what!”
“...so he suggested we could all meet up or something. I thought you’d want that opportunity!”
Takasugi scowled, not missing the way Gintoki had continuously angled himself toward their section of the beach. “Obviously I want to meet Shouyou, but you didn’t need to try and match me with his son or whoever that guy is. I mean, he keeps looking at me; what do I have to do to force him to see I’m not interested in the least?”
Katsura peered at him over his glasses. “I never thought to set you and Gintoki up romantically; that never came up at all.” When Takasugi gaped at him, he gasped. “How do you know he’s been looking at you? Are you being aware of him?”
“It’s so hot,” Takasugi announced, standing abruptly. “I’m going to go for a swim.” Not waiting for Katsura’s reaction, he rushed over to the water. He hadn’t imagined Gintoki watching him, but it mortified him to think he had misconstrued the situation. It didn’t mortify him that he wasn’t being led into a blind date, because that actually made him happy - he would rather die than entertain the thought of Gintoki taking his hand or something disgustingly sappy like that. Plunging into the water, Takasugi cringed at the very thought of running his hands through that messy mop of silver hair. It looked soft, like something that would feel good to the touch, but it was probably ill-kept and imagining Gintoki doing something like leaning into his hands was making his stomach upset. Resurfacing, Takasugi decided that it was all good in the end - better for him to have just assumed Gintoki had been interested in him than the opposite be true. He wasn’t at all charmed by sleepy eyes, even if they made his skin prickle when he was the one being looked at.
There was a commotion happening on the beach, and Takasugi turned, treading water all the while. Gintoki had come down from the lifeguard tower and was making his way toward the ocean. “Excuse me!” he called. “Coming through, drowning person in need of help!”
Glancing around him, Takasugi couldn’t see anyone struggling; the tide was out and the water wasn’t particularly choppy. Looking for a note of panic in any of the nearby swimmers’ faces, he registered Gintoki diving in through his peripheral vision and noticed the lifeguard was swimming toward him. By no means did Takasugi want to play being a hero, but the thought of letting someone just drown near him didn’t sit well with him.
“Where are they?” Takasugi asked when Gintoki was in earshot, a floatation device under his arm. But Gintoki said nothing and looped his hands underneath Takasugi’s armpits and grabbed onto him. “Wait! Hold on, I’m not drowning!” Looking around again, he noticed that all the swimmers who had been around him had floated away to give Gintoki a wide enough berth; there was literally no one else in the vicinity that Gintoki could have been swimming toward. “I wasn’t drowning! What’re you doing?”
“I got you, don’t panic,” Gintoki said, pulling him close so he felt Gintoki’’s chest against his back. This was embarrassing; he hadn’t been any danger and now everyone was looking over at him as if he had just been a fool who didn’t know how to swim and still wandered into the sea. “Let yourself go limp and I’ll pull you to shore.”
“I’m literally not drowning, and I can swim just fine,” Takasugi protested, although his struggling had made Gintoki hold him even tighter and he was now fully aware of how it felt to be embraced by him. As they approached the shore, he saw Katsura standing there staring at them. He knew he should have stayed at home.
Dragging Takasugi onto the beach, Gintoki practically laid him out on the sand despite how he had walked almost unassisted out of the water and was wide awake and very aware. Takasugi was about to swat Gintoki’s hand from his shoulder and berate him for causing a false alarm when Gintoki announced, “It looks like I need to perform CPR.”
“No, you don’t,” Takasugi said. Gintoki put his other hand on Takasugi’s other shoulder and leaned down. He was hovering and his face was very close.
“Are you sure?” Gintoki asked, quietly so that the small crowd that had gathered did not hear. His breath was hot on Takasugi’s cheek. His eyelids were still droopy, but his eyes were clear.
“Uh,” Takasugi said. “Maybe, I don’t know. To be safe?” Gintoki pressed his mouth onto Takasugi’s. This was not CPR. CPR involved rhythmic chest compressions, and also Gintoki was licking at his bottom lip. CPR definitely did not involve tongue-on-tongue activity. “Wait,” he said, pushing Gintoki away for a moment. “What if there are actually people drowning right now?”
“My shift was over when I dove in after you. There’s someone else doing the lookout now.” Takasugi peered through the people on the beach to the lifeguard tower, where someone else with equally bushy hair and a pair of sunglasses was now perched. The crowd that had gathered was now dispersing, though Katsura now had a smug look on his face. “You’re good now? You can breathe easy?”
Takasugi coughed. “I think I might still have some water in my lungs, actually.”
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oh-my-otome · 7 years
Otome Sitch: Pregnancy Scare
Prompt brought to you by this Precious Anon. Here we go!
Rank: You’re sorry you even bothered
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What you said: “...a little late, I think.” What they heard: "Baby on the way!”
Before you can explain that you’re not sure yet, they’re already cartwheeling around the room in ecstasy. You exchange an exasperated side-eye with Nanny (Kanetsugu/Giles/Kirisato/Tadatsugu) and throw your hands into the air. They’ll figure it out eventually. 
Kenshin has thrown himself head-first into his room of requirement storage room, and started digging around, looking for the most beautiful of his treasures. To set aside as heirlooms, of course. He’s even sorting things properly so that he can accomplish his task. You start to say something, but find that Kanetsugu has snuck up behind you and clasped his hand firmly over your mouth. “Don’t you dare!” he breathes. “I’ve been trying to get him to clean this junk out forever!”
When you told him that you had something to talk about, Nico held you in his arms and told you not to worry-- you’ll figure this out. As you left to go to your lessons, he walked back to his room. He looked over his shoulder as he went, the better to make sure the coast was clear. Closing the door behind him, he settled his slender frame against it, and waited a beat-- just to make certain that it was absolutely silent --before shouting “Yeeeeeeees!” You can hear him from the ball room. 
Yuki is already threading a needle and is surrounded by various baby-sized patterns. The two of you are happily chatting away about fabrics before you realize that you’ve been swept up in his enthusiasm. “Dammit, Yuki! Now is not the time!”
“You’re right,” he replies, “we should knit booties first!”
Ieyasu’s half-eaten daifuku rolls out of his hand as he stares at you in amazement. The next thing you know, you’re flat on your back, inexplicably tucked into his bedding. He sits by your side happily grinding away with his mortar and pestle, dipping into his medicine chest occasionally. Curious, you start to sit up, but he nudges you back down, eventually thrusting a bowl of...something...right under your nose. 
’ugh...swamp water? That’s definitely swap water...’ you try not to grimace.
“You need your vitamins at a time like this!” he says, looking quite proud of himself.
Kyo was finding it hard to keep the corners of his mouth from curving up. He never even thought that he would be in a position that might result in your pregnancy to begin with. You can tell that he’s trying to remain calm and be supportive, but his excitement is leaking out into his voice, and he’s practically bouncing on his toes with glee. You remind him that he has patrol and should get going. You lied.
You feel a little dizzy as Kondo places you back on the ground, after having spun you around. You remind him again that you’re still not sure yet, but his happy expression doesn’t change as he takes you into his arms once more. You thought he was bad at making sure all of his swords had names. Now, you’re trying to talk him out of suggesting them for a potential bun.
Rank: To the book shelf! And Beyond!
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They’re covered in dust from reading. You don’t even try to clean around them anymore; you just start drawing shapes in it, as it collects on the floor. While they admit that their pull-out game wasn’t exactly top-notch the last time, they vow to read every last bit of information available from predicting luteal phases to choosing a midwife.
“Hideyoshi, of course!” says Mitsunari, right before you calmly set aside the manju and whack him on the back of the head with the tray. 
Albert now knows your cycle like the back of his Byron obsession and appears at your bedside every morning with a basal thermometer. 
Okubo is still quiet as a mouse. You get the feeling that he is silently filing away every detail, as he glances at you now and then. On occasion, though, he will ask you things that reveal his true intentions, his voice unusually halting. “Which one of us do you suppose a baby might look like?”
Rank: Craaaaap!
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Flipping tf out, pacing the floor, berating themselves. They were careful. Meticulous, even. They look calm enough on the outside, but inside, they’re a mess.
Each of them has a job that affords them little free time, and little control over their own schedule. Also, they all have enemies...which means you and your potential bun have enemies. They’re cautiously supportive while they tear their remaining hair out.
Saizo and Katsura are beside themselves. There’s just no way they can accept the missions that they were just given at this point. If there was a time to disobey orders, it was right now.
You had come to them near tears. Without hesitation, you were pulled down into their lap, their hand smoothing your hair rhythmically until you fell asleep. You hadn’t even realized how exhausted you were. 
They look down at you, their hand pausing on its path. Instead of bringing it back across the silken trail of your hair, they stroke your cheek instead. Leaning their head back against the wall, a broken sigh cuts through the dark. “We’ll get through this.”
Robert and Giles each listen calmly. As you make your way back to your room, they turn resolutely toward their bathroom door. It’s time for “that.”
This is definitely a three-capful problem, they decide, as they push aside their fluffy towels, reaching all the way to the back to retrieve a thick glass bottle marked “For emergencies.”
Adding the scented bubble bath to the water, they slip under the bubbly surface and consider how to have their cake and eat it too. They’ve already conquered their career path of choice. The only thing left was figuring out how to meld it with the family life of their dreams.
Hijikata is lying face down in the pile of papers on his desk. He bolts up abruptly, looking around in bewilderment, a piece of parchment sticking to the side of his face. He stayed up all night trying to figure out what to do. How would he tell Kondo? Scratching the back of his head, he turns toward the door. “Together,” he decides. “We’d tell Kondo together.”
Remembering that you’ve often talked about how cooking relaxes you, Kojuro finds himself in the kitchen, trying to ease both of your worries in one fell swoop. The “soup” was...not entirely inedible interesting. And he certainly kept you on your toes, wondering just how many bones he forgot to pick out of the fish.
Kirisato was pulled to the side again by one of the guards. The complaints of unsatisfied customers seemed to have increased and she found it hard to focus. Throwing off his disguise at the end of his shift, Haru slips into his regular clothes and makes his way to your place. He is surprised to hear you say that he looks flustered. He thought he was handling it pretty well. 
“But you came here with a face full of makeup,” you reply with a laugh. 
Masamune and Keiki straight up pass right tf out. As clan heads, both face the reality that there is someone trying to poison them daily, so now they have to really be on high alert. They follow you everywhere and hire extra security. 
Byron has been on autopilot since you told him. He continues on like normal, or so he thinks. He’s taken to chanting every show-tune that he’s come across that even remotely resembles a soothing mantra. The servants have caught him singing “just keep swimming, just keep swimming” under his breath. They don’t dare say a word.
Typically brazen Sid sneaks a copy of What to Expect When You’re Expecting out of the palace library and reads it diligently each night. When he sees you during the week, the two of you compare notes like you’re on a secret mission. You’ve both found an entertaining way to pass the time while you wait.
Rank: True Pacifist Route
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They can sense that you’re nervous before you even open your mouth. Rather than worry about all of the what-ifs while you wait, they launch into spoiling you rotten to keep your mind busy. No use making yourself sick with worry.
Random foot rubs and massages? Hideyoshi’s on it. He’s got the right touch to keep you relaxed and happy. 
“It’s not exactly the fanciest thing, but...” Alyn trails off as he sheepishly dusts off his violin. You’re amazed at how quickly he lulls you to sleep with his playing. 
Your back fits snugly into Saito’s chest as you recline in his lap on the engawa. He leans back against a pillar, as the two of you take in the starry night sky, pointing out constellations here and there, feeling like the only two people in the world.
Louis and Takasugi both have the same idea. Each would clear their schedule and come to pick you up early the next morning. They were surprised, but undaunted, when you told them you might be “late.” Deciding that this was not the time to show you their flustered side, they stayed up well into the night, planning a day trip to ease your worries.
Unlike the previous two, Inuchiyo and Yamazaki sat in quiet thought after you finished speaking. Each stared down at your hands, clasped tightly in their own, their mouths a taut line of contemplation. You call their name, unsure of their response, and they look up, leveling you with a gaze of such love and devotion that you go still. Neither says anything, drawing you into a firm embrace, instead. Their hands, gently stroking your back, say everything: “Rely on me. I’m here for whatever you need.”
Every evening when you’re both free, you and Leo settle on the couch for a game of “Guess the foreign phrase.” You’re not entirely sure he’s not making some of them up, but his sense of humor keeps you laughing all the same. 
You go for relaxing morning strolls along the shore with Sakamoto. Your sandals clink against each other as you hold them in your hand. Sakamoto looks over at you as you drag your feet through the sand. Suddenly, you find yourself hoisted into the air in a princess carry as he makes his way to the breakers. Splashing as he goes, you can’t help but giggle along with him. Without any words at all, you know everything is going to be all right.
Rank: Foot-in-Mouth Disease
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These derps.
Nobunaga found himself on the other end of his iron war fan when he flippantly asked why you didn’t just get here sooner, then. If he weren’t absentmindedly munching away on konpeito, he would have been able to pay attention to context.
“Nobuyuki told that joke last time. Remember? With the poison needles and the...oh.” Yukimura’s voice trails off as he realizes that this is definitely not like the last time. In fact, Nobuyuki is nowhere to be found. Leading you to a secluded place, Yukimura stammers out an apology, having long since gone from rosy pink to beet red. 
In retrospect, wondering aloud if pregnancy sex is as good as the rumors say, was not the brightest of Mitsuhide’s ideas, he concedes. You can hardly hear him, as he has bent himself into a bow so low that he is almost laying on the floor.
“That was the plan all along,” was definitely not what you expected to hear from Shingen, after you gathered up the courage to talk to him. He even had the nerve to look smug about it, his hearty laugh booming through the grassy field. However, you could almost map the course of his changing emotions as he gazed at your incredulous face.
Pride, uncertainty, regret. 
You turn away from him in a huff, continuing to brush his mare. Gently, he stops your hand and takes it in his. “That was unnecessary. I’m really sorry.”
At Okita’s feet lie the unfortunate soldiers who have sparred with him. Against the wall, a fresh group of “sparring partners” try desperately to not make eye contact with their captain. He’s been in the training hall since you took him aside earlier and told him that you were “late.”
“Why? Did you have an appointment?” he asked with a grin, as his head tilted automatically to the side. He could tell by the way you gaped at him that there must be some other meaning to what you said, but he couldn’t figure it out on his own.
“You,” he grumbles out, brandishing his wooden sword at one of the soldiers still trying to slink away. “If someone is late, what does it mean?”
“Late, captain?”
“But not...to a place. At least, I don’t think.”
“Is this ‘someone’ a woman, sir?” When Okita nods, the soldier explains, his eyes on the floor as the tips of his ears turn red.
The practice sword he had been holding clatters to the ground as Okita bolts out of the training hall, calling your name.
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gintokissilverbells · 4 years
The First Time
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Pairing: Kawakami Bansai x Female Reader
Warning: A little angsty and a bit of fluffy/semi-romantic?? moments. A bit of a sad past, but I promise it gets better! I think...
TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of family death and grieving (break down??).
Summary: When misfortune befell on you; you were given a chance to seek revenge against those who wronged you, but you got a bit more than what you bargained.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: AAAHHH!! My first request!! I’m not gonna lie, I panicked a little when I got this request. (I deleted it by accident, but hey I got a screenshot of it). Sorry that I took a bit of time. I got carried away when writing this request. It was supposed to be short but I ended up getting into it, and I ended up editing some things out because this WASN’T MEANT TO BE SAD WTF... Anyhow, my writing is still improving and my grammar isn’t the best, but I will definitely edit this out for any grammar mistakes on a later date.
To the Anony: Thank you sweet pea for your well wishes!!! It makes me happy knowing someone out there is looking forward to this request. I hope this lived up to your expectations, or at least grazed your expectations a little. I hope to hear more of your asks if you wish to send some more.
- Mrs. Sakata
Life has a funny way of turning sour things to sweet, and vice-versa. You never know when the wrong side of the coin will land on top, or when misfortune befalls on you.
You lived a comfortable life as the daughter of the shogun’s top general. Your upbringing and education were of the best quality, and your family were loving and supportive. As your family tradition dictated, every direct descendent of the family’s main branch were required to learn the art of the sword and martial arts.
You excelled at whatever given tasks, and even advanced to learning strategy and war tactics from your father himself. You were the perfect only daughter of the (y/l/n) clan, and the one who was given the hope of surpassing your father’s intellect and strategy. Your growing connections with the wealthy, the politicians, and influential people were making you a reliable future head of the family.
Until the day misfortune befell on your family, and ultimately on you.
The greatest and exemplarily man of your life had slipped up, and he and all of your family paid for it. The man who you called your father was found guilty of treason against the Bakufu by aiding various Jouishi extremist groups with supplies, investments, and most importantly, weapons. The most notable extremists of them all, the Kiheitai. The Army of the Demon Soldiers. By aiding these extremists, your father was taken and executed along with most of your family and servants.
Escaping with only your father’s precious sword, the (y/l/n) clan’s former glory and status had all but plummeted. You were all alone and being persecuted, with only a sword to really call your own.
Then you stumbled on the very people your father was helping with overthrowing the Bakufu. You don’t know what really happened, or how you became to join the Kiheitai officially. It was all a blur, a lot of noise, and a lot to process. Yet, you found yourself sitting amongst the dangerous leaders of the group instead of being forced to death by your family’s killers.
You found yourself quickly introduced into the ranks before you had completely assimilated the absence of your family. It was too much all at once, and to add to it, the mastermind behind her rescue was no other than the Kiheitai’s leader: Takasugi Shinsuke.
It was no secret to you—or to anyone—for the reason of your recruitment. He knew he had lost a valuable backer and spy with the death of your father—and he made it known that even if this setback their plans slightly—he still intended on using you and your connections amongst those who are willing to back the Kiheitai. And you willingly allowed it to happen. After all, the Bakufu were the reason for you losing everything that was dear to you, and you were not going to rest until you saw the corrupt organization burned to the ground.
Of course, ideals are all good and pure up until the dirty work came around. It wasn’t all sunshine and daisies, nor was it easy to work with experienced soldiers, tacticians, and assassins. Being second-guessed, fighting for your position, and defending yourself against the toughness of ral life; you were quickly maturing to a level you never imagined you will reach. Where once you were amongst the rich, now you were there amongst real people, real suffering, and real pain. You weren’t the spoiled brat that was able to defeat your father in a game of war anymore. You were someone else now, and you weren’t quite sure what that meant beyond the revenge you seek for your family, and for your father.
Amongst everything that happened; there was a silent supporter amongst some of the opposition you faced. He was quiet, always hearing his music and seemingly ignoring his surroundings. When listening to something he particularly liked, he will bob his head to the beat and make his teal green hair flutter with the movement. When you first arrived at their main base of operation, he was the one who silently guided you through the Kiheitai ranks and guided you to a new beginning for a new you. Your first impression of him did not go beyond that of a good-looking man and wondering what type music he was listening to. Now, he was a mentor of sorts, and you often accompany him in negotiations and transactions made between the extremists and Amanto mercenaries.
Now, in your current present, you were sitting by yourself in one of the observatory rooms of the ship. You saw the stars pass by you as the ship sailed into the black void. As you looked on, you held the last memento of your family close to you. Scattered around you were products that you needed to clean your father’s sword, and you ceremonially cleaned it with respect and care.
You hadn’t noticed there was someone else in the room.
Going on about your business, the man you thought about lately stood next to you. Looking up in surprise, you saw him keep his gaze on the sparkling stars. There was silence between you two, not awkward, but pure and simple silence. As you were about to go back to your cleaning and maintenance, you saw him settle down next to you after taking off his shamisen from his back and holding the instrument on his lap. At first, there was a pregnant pause before he spoke,
“Have you’ve gotten used to life here?”
It was a random question and so very out of the ordinary for him. He wasn’t a shy man, and he had no trouble speaking, but often enough he just chose not to. You knew him as being quiet and usually did not initiate any conversation unless he found some interest on what he saw or heard. Most of the time, when it was just you two, you will be the one to start the conversation. It was always work related though.
“You can say that… It is better than what fate and the Bakufu had in store for me back then,” You answered as you ran a soft rag over the long blade of your father’s katana.
“­­Are you comfortable?”
You looked at him quizzically, but you indulged him with an answer,
“…You sound unsure.”
Bansai looked at you through his maroon rimmed shades. His light brown eyes staring right at your soul and maybe your inner thoughts. You sighed, looking away from him in hopes he took the hint and dropped the future topic. You really did not want to talk about your state of comfort to him with his weird interrogation/caring questioning. Instead, you decided to busy yourself looking at the stars and questioning him,
“Bansai-sama, with all due respect, what brings you here? I doubt you came to question me about trivial things as the state of my comfort.”
You didn’t mean to be rude or trying to get rid of his presence. You were merely questioning his motives. After all, this was extremely out of his character.
Without missing a beat, the man ignored your question and repeated his statement,
“You sound unsure.”
You sighed and turned to look at him. He seemed to have not moved at all from the position you last saw him in. His staring became a bit more intense, and finally you gave in after having a small staring match with him. With a sigh, you looked down at your sword and found your face being reflected on it.
“It’s not that I’m unsure. I am comfortable. I have food, a place to sleep, and a roof above my head. There is no need to worry about that. It’s just… I guess I just miss what I had…”
You paused. This is the first time you had ever talked to him about a personal matter… or to anyone to begin with. You were always busy with something else or making meetings with potential backers and the such. There was no real time to worry about comfort, or to remember. To remember what you took for granted, and how much you missed it. 
Clearing your throat, you smiled forcefully and looked towards the man next you,
“Do not worry about me, Bansai-sama. I will be alright. You don’t have to worry about my performance or my ability to complete my duties. I will follow through our goal to my very end.”
Bansai stared back, and for a few moments the emotions in his eyes shifted into something soft before going back to being passive. Observing her as if she was something hard to understand.
Looking away with an embarrassed soft blush, you returned to cleaning your sword. At this point, you were just trying to make yourself busy rather than cleaning the sword. It was already clean to begin with.
A soft sigh came out from the man next to you before he spoke up,
“I had passed by to see if the room was empty. I was wrong, obviously… When I saw it was you… You held a sad expression.”
You almost didn’t catch the last part of his sentence, but for some reason it still rang in your ears loud and clear. A little stunned, you stared at him with a slightly confused face; mouth slightly agape. 
This was the first time he had expressed any concern for you. Ever.
He looked down on his instrument and prepared himself to play it. Ignoring your existence for a moment, he started to play a tune. This was also the first time you heard the instrument being played in such proximity. Almost like a private concert. You were entranced by it at first, the movement of his skilled calloused hands and the concentrated expression he held on his face made him look different to you.
This was different from his usual demeanor.
Finishing up, he finally opened his eyes and looked at you. A little mesmerized you complimented him,
“That was amazing... so beautiful.” 
He widen his eyes and his cheeks only so slightly turned pink, but he didn’t turn away from you. 
“Thank you.”
You smiled a little before looking at the glass window, the black nothingness outside peppered with stars. The silence that transpired between you two stayed liked that for a few moments, and you decided to speak again, 
“Father would’ve thrown a fit if he saw me following his footsteps. He would’ve for sure locked me in my room and tell me to study instead of playing with fire.”
She smiled down on your sword with a wistful expression. Raising it up, you let the light gleam on it’s sharp edge, “He often told me stories of the Joui wars, the amanto invasion, and how he served the Bakufu despite everything... The look on his eyes... they were those of a guilty man in a nightmare. I should’ve guessed his intentions from the very beginning.”
Your eyes started to water, and you let the sword rest on your lap. Biting your lips, you hid from the gaze of Bansai as you spoke again, “He wanted a different future for me... Ah dang it, I’m sorry... it’s been a few months and it still hurts so much... I don't even know what I am saying anymore. Forget-”
His voice interrupted you, “Instead of forgetting... and pretending to be strong in front of a man who also has known lose, you should remember the good and the bad times and let the tears flow. Do not pretend that it did not happen, it will only hurt more and for a longer time than what you will wish for. Instead, take it as the driving force to what makes you now, and what drives you to move forward. As twisted the path is, it is still forward. That is what (Y/Father’s/N)-dono would’ve said, I daresay.”
You were biting your lips so hard, you were sure to draw blood from them if you kept on trying to hold back the tears. A few traitor ones slipped by and finally a gasp for air was heard from you. Then there it was, you felt the few awkward comforting taps on your shoulder. You slowly turned your head to the only other person in the room, your eyes meeting slowly, a small hiccup leaving your lips before...
“... Bansai-sama? Are you alright?... You look... constipated.”
The man’s expression looked like it was in that sort of pain when you know it’s there but you can’t push it out because you think your whole existence will go with it. You know, THAT pain? Well that’s the look he had. 
Bansai looked at you with a dangerous glare as you mentioned it to him. Removing his hand quickly, you couldn’t help but snort before starting to laugh even with the snot clogging your nose.
The tears you tried to hide became those of laughter, and the look that Bansai gave you was enough for you to die down a little. Cleaning a tear away, you sighed when you finally completely stopped.
“I needed that. Thank you Bansai-sama.” You gave him the brightest smile you could and he returned a semi-soft one in return.
“This is the first time I see you smile like that...” You gave him a surprised look, cheeks flushed, but nevertheless you gave him another one. You felt lax, and a little lighter. The hurt was still there, but the pain was easier to bear today than yesterday.
He held a smile as well, not as expressive, but definitely reached his passive eyes. This was the first time you saw him show so much emotions to you, and you felt a different connection to him from the one that had transpired earlier.
There was always a first time for everything, and that time in the observatory was the first time to a blooming relationship.
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dropintomanga · 5 years
Gintama - Finding a Time Machine to Move Forward
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Back in February 2018, fans of Gintama were expecting a resolution of what was/is one of the funniest manga titles ever and one that outlasted both Naruto and BLEACH. The Silver Soul arc was set to be the finale of the adventures of the beloved Yorozuya who’ve touched many fans’ hearts for 15+ years. But beneath any cover, you shouldn’t always judge by it. The manga went into its climax instead and a long one where readers experienced a wide mix of emotions as it’s become apparent that Gintama will end on the terms of creator Hideaki Sorachi himself.  On September 17, 2018, Gintama ended in Weekly Shonen Jump. But due to Sorachi being unable to end the story on time, it was to get its true ending starting on the Jump GIGA magazine in December 2018. Three chapters and months later, Gintama is now done on Jump GIGA and Sorachi still hasn’t finished the series. The manga is now aiming to have a proper sendoff by June 2019 (which is the release month of the proposed last volume, Volume 77) as its subsequent final chapters will be released via a mobile app in Japan.
While reading through this lengthy epilogue, I wonder about the significance of this true finale as it focuses on how one’s past can either get in the way of life or lead to a future that helps everyone.
The climax takes place 2 years after the ending of the final battle with Utsuro, the enemy who’s been a big part of Gintoki Sakata’s life since he was a child. Kabukicho is now at peace, but the Yorozuya have broken up. Shinpachi Shimura has become the only Yorozuya to defend his hometown. What starts off as a funny epilogue to Gintama takes a dark turn as it’s revealed that Gintoki went off on a personal mission to visit natural energy sources throughout Japan. Remnants of the Tendoshuu, the alien government that once controlled all of Edo and thought to have dissolved after the final arc, have been plotting a resurgence and hope to revive Utsuro to become immortal. Gintoki wants to prevent that by searching for any physical remnants of Utsuro at the energy sources themselves as they were what gave Utsuro life. The conclusion is now setting up to be one where Japan looks to properly transition into its own “Meiji Era” through the actions of a silly samurai who feels that he has to do everything he can to protect his friends and those who want him around to see what he accomplished.
Gintoki decides to handle everything himself out of his promise to his master, Shoyo Yoshida, who was an alternate persona of Utsuro. Shoyo, out of sympathy for Utsuro, wanted Gintoki to put an end to a cycle of abuse where power-hungry individuals continued to take advantage of Utsuro for their own needs. It was so personal that Gintoki couldn’t rely on anyone who didn’t experience what he went through. His former comrades, Shinsuke Takasugi and Katsura Kotaro, are also trying to save Shoyo in their own way. At first, Gintoki traveled all over Japan to ensure the friends he made throughout Gintama weren’t targeted by assassins who knew what he was up to. However, the Tendoshuu have plans to use Kabukicho as a newfound base and Gintoki ends up having to go back to the friends he left behind (in hilarious fashion as the series is known for). 
A lot of us are defined by our pasts. They shape how we behave, what we believe, and what we may become. Childhood and adolescence are often the roughest period of growing up for many people. Those experiences do become them. Of course, it doesn’t mean life-changing moments don’t happen when we’re past adolescence. Yet we’re always moving forward and not taking much time to reflect on what was.
This seems to be the case with the Yorozuya. Gintoki made the decision to disband the group, saying that everyone involved had a personal job to do. However, Shinpachi and Kagura didn’t feel that they accomplished anything during the 2 year time-skip. Shinpachi thought he was trying too hard to live up to Gintoki’s shadow. Kagura went on a journey to help Sadaharu, the pet dog who became trapped in a tiny ball due to his sacrifice to stop Utsuro back then. The only changes she felt were of the humorous kind (turning into an old lady at random). You can say Gintoki didn’t achieve much either since his promise to “save” Shoyo/Utsuro took up his time.
While the Yorozuya eventually do reunite in Chapter 701, it’s really hard to move on sometimes. Yes, you can let go of people, but there’s always that nagging feeling in your mind that makes you go “What if..?” There’s a part inside your head that sort of demands some proper closure. It’s a hard-wired feeling. The entire cast of Gintama characters that rush to help the Yorozuya admits that they missed seeing Gin’s charming idiocy in full display.
Although he didn’t die, Gintoki going off on his own personal journey affected everyone in Kabukicho. While there was some closure due to the world being saved, it wasn’t simple to get over or move on from someone who changed the lives of many. All the characters could do was talk about Gintoki and what he did, which is important to process any kind of loss in your own life.
This also applies to the other side. The Tendoshuu couldn’t get past their own desires for power and Utsuro’s immortality. Utsuro wanted humanity to die after being taken advantage of for hundreds of years. There’s a good reason why he wanted to do so as people do get easily corrupted from vices. The addictive nature of certain vices and their immediate relief to pain reinforce a mind that serves like a bully to someone who’s depressed and anxious. You can say Utsuro was an innocent resource who suffered from people chasing a past to grab their own closure for the worst. They couldn’t deal with an uncertainty where they’re not able to control the world. 
After arriving in Kabukicho before the final battle, Gintoki made some comments about running back to his past. He felt he had no right to talk to anyone he knew as he was trying to save the enemy that tried to destroy the world. At the same time, Gintoki felt as if he didn’t change at all as he missed Shinpachi and Kagura in his life. He subtly wanted them to stop him from disbanding the Yorozuya for personal reasons.
As Gintama fans may tell you about the general theme of the series, it’s about dealing with your past and going forward from there. But good god, does the past catch up to you in ways you don’t expect. I think that’s what Sorachi is trying to say with bringing back Utsuro as a plot point. Humans don’t always learn from history well. We do repeat the same mistakes. A book I once read about anxiety said this as a quote, “Sometimes, taking a step back is the best way to move forward.” Take a look at your past and process it for the better, not suppress it for the worst.
I often wonder if another lesson from Gintama right now is that closure can be a myth to many people. Some may need it more than others especially if they go through significant events. For everyone in Gintama involved, the Silver Soul arc was that event.
However, as I noticed while reading, the Yorozuya had a certain kind of mentality to handle the ambiguity of their separation at the time. Maybe they’ll reunite, maybe they won’t. Whatever happens won’t mean the end of the world. All 3 members just kept going despite their inner pain. People can both be absent and present at the same time. This realization can do wonders if someone accepts it.
Maybe Gintama will end this year, maybe it won’t. All we can do is just enjoy this long ride as much as possible. Then we’ll look back with all kinds of mixed feelings like the characters themselves do. Gintama is about messiness in all kinds of ways, but that also means it’s a series about us - humans struggling with conflicting thoughts every day and managing to hustle along to the beat of their souls the best they can.
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sparda3g · 6 years
Gintama Chapter 680 Review
Gintoki can’t catch any break for the past 2 years. It’s apparent that we have two separate scenarios with the present with Shinpachi and Kagura and the past with Gintoki. Clearly, the latter is nothing but a path of depressing outcome. After the remarkable chapter that got fans all riled up, it’s back with a dark conclusion with Gintoki continue to find no closure but the old problem is back to resume the cycle.
It was a gut-wrenching experience to witness Gintoki’s struggle to put an end for the sake of his master Shouyou. It’s as personal as it can get. Sadly, it doesn’t seem like nothing would come to his favor when it comes to settling the past mistakes. As if he is better off to leave it behind and just live to the fullest with the present that is Yorozuya. However, it has been in his mind for so long that he felt the need to be the guy to put an end not only Utsuro but his past nightmare.
The chapter has the usual recap moment in the beginning that you may be aware of how Sorachi writes after a historical twist. Fortunately, it doesn’t take a lot of time away as it still contains enough content to be satisfied and more. Another plus side is how Sorachi evaluated the moment to be monumental, acknowledging the revelation as a huge shock for the fans, and it goes without saying, it was very well received. Lastly, the way how Sorachi recaps to this moment usually boost the hype greatly before the story resumes. It’s a winning formula.
I know we have seen Gintoki being stunned or sentimental before, but the mood of the setting between him and little Utsuro is devastating. Gintoki looked in disbelief to believe that his old master is revived as a newborn. I could already imagine the anime capitalize the scene really well. The fans were waiting for the kid to be confirmed as Shouyou. However you see it, it’s not Shouyou but it’s another kind version that closely resembles him. Honestly, it’s the right call to avoid a bit of cheap ploy, and good enough to be pleased for Gintoki to interact like old times.
For now, I will call him Shouyou until say otherwise. He acknowledges his life to be an endless cycle of many names, many lives, and many deaths. Even though it’s not truly him, it’s satisfying to see him connecting with Gintoki. It’s strikingly deep that no matter how many personas Shouyou goes through, the one that remained connected is Gintoki for he has fond memories of one name. That is enough for him to show his trust. It’s actually pretty tragic the more I think about it.
The part that shocked me from the flashback is how Shouyou once again met his tragic fate. His words were convincing enough that he’s no Utsuro of terror, but his quick action to save Gintoki was heartbreaking. While it may not be the actual Shouyou, his heart resembled very closely to give Gintoki a reaction of shock, fear, and lost. It’s gritty and disturbing to see a child getting stabbed through the heart; if you look outside of the context, this would look like a Seinen manga scene.
I was shocked for a moment because it was Naraku that tried to kill Shouyou, but if they want Utsuro back, why kill him. Granted, he won’t be killed entirely because of immortality, but it felt strange to comprehend the moment. It also reminds me of Oboro’s backstory, which was grim itself. Naraku doesn’t play around, even without their leader. The really messed up part is Naraku was trying to kill him in order to restart his life and hopefully obtained Utsuro of Naraku back again. Yeah, Shouyou’s life is an endless tragedy…
Another grim scene appears with Shouyou removing his heart from the staff. It’s covered with Altana crystal; at least it avoids an actual heart design in motion. It’s sort of distracting to look at a kid trying to say his last words with a dying expression. Seriously, reading this without context will leave you feeling uneasy. It was this moment that Shouyou gave his heart literally to Gintoki because this one wants to put an end to his endless cycle. Out of all people, Gintoki, the man who would love to see his master again, was given this task; his life is becoming an endless suffering.
He now holds the key to end everything including his own nightmare. No heart means Utsuro, Shouyou, or whoever you want to call him would not recover; possibly the only way to stop the cycle. It doesn’t kill him but at least it would stop. I just wish it didn’t have to end in a heartbreaking way. Shouyou before he dies once more said his farewell to Gintoki; probably harmed him than anything. It was short lived but just for a moment, they bonded like the old days. Even if it was paralleled and opposite of their former positions, it was close enough for Gintoki to feel remorse to his death.
Dammit, I knew it was going to end tragedy. Thank God, Gintoki wasn’t the one to remove his heart, but the thought of a kid’s death before him is depressing. It’s a grim moment with or without context. They connected like a new master-disciple relationship and even if it was for a short time, it was heartfelt. With the past connection of the original Shouyou to the newborn self, it made it harder to feel any less sympathetic.
Gintoki has a rough, no matter how much he tried to make it right for his past. The flashback ends as Gintoki closes it with a short recap of what’s the situation now. No heart means Utsuro won’t be revived. Naraku wants the heart to revive him. Most importantly, Gintoki has gone for two years to save Shouyou. That panel with him coming to kill a baby is still powerful. It’s telling how upset he is when he feels that he can only be saved by him, but unable to return the favor. Eventually, he will solve it, but at what cost is what haunts him.
I thought the way how Takasugi more or less taunts Gintoki’s mindset was pretty interesting. Although his words can be seen as mockery, he does have a good point. If Gintoki has the task to end Shouyou’s cycle, why spent two long years carrying it like a precious baby. This compels to me because not only Takasugi can read Gintoki’s mind but we can possibly see where his feeling lies in today.
All of Takasugi’s questions didn’t any answer, so it left us wondering if Gintoki even try to find an end to the problem. Was there really no way to destroy the heart completely? Does Gintoki not want to kill it because of Shouyou? Does he really want to live forever running away from his enemy? Two long years of running and not able to do anything more than carrying the heart is a sad way to live.
It’s worth mentioning how Gintoki got really pissed off when Takasugi suggests that he might as well return it to the body. That was a clear indication that he is most likely aware of Gintoki’s actual desire. He press on further when he is acting like gambling a chance for Shouyou to return would be a great idea. He stops to segue to another piece of revelation, but again, it does interpret that Gintoki may want to save his master and probably keep him around alive and well. Hopefully, there will be a clearer motive on Gintoki’s behalf, even if it is another road of depressing time.
The worst part of Gintoki’s journey is he has been roaming around for so long, believing that Naraku is aiming for the heart, but the real story comes out that all this time, Shouyou’s body is still alive. Good God, give Gintoki a break already. All this time, he has been running for nothing because the problem remains at large. His body was recovered on that very day and placed in a tube where his body remains in suspended animation. While Naraku does continue to hunt for the heart, the real problem lies behind the scene.
There’s still many questions left up in the air and one of them is what happened to Takasugi and the final scene with him and the area with Tendoshuu. Sadly, that continues to be a mystery but it’s highly likely that we will learn more about it very soon, especially now we can say it holds a huge key and reason why this arc or part 3 of Silver Soul exists. The most distraught feeling is Takasugi coughing blood. That made me uncomfortable. I know the characters and such is loosely based on actual history, but please, you don’t have to kill him on panel, Sorachi. It’s not a good sign at all; hopefully, it’s just intended for tension.
The ending is chilling. All this time, the cycle continues for not only Shouyou but humanity itself. Again, it was bold and pleasing that Sorachi didn’t make an end to a war equals happy ending. Now the main story is becoming clearer because the one part of the cycle is Shouyou to be enslaved by people; only this time is Tendoushuu. Now we know what Takasugi’s goal is; get the body back from them. Everyone has a rough. It’s amazing how Sorachi is really going to tie all loose ends and to think Tendoushuu would have remain as nothing after what happened before, now they got in control once again.
It was a very interesting chapter with an emotional end to the backstory. I would love to think Shouyou is innocent without any bad history, but no doubt, he can’t live anymore. It’s upsetting how Gintoki had a chance to relive the old days, even if it’s not truly him, but life can’t go to his way of living. Even when he wants to end it, it’s uncertain on how he will accomplish it. The visual is really good with heartfelt expressions and the dark tone of a kid getting killed before his eye is chilling. The last half of the chapter had a dark turn with the twist to the backstory and establishment of the main villains. The cycle repeats the same mistakes, Yeah, this cycle is awful…
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dietarysalad · 7 years
Street War – Chapter 14
Sougo stood in the middle of Hongou’s hospital room, eyes wide and head racing. He doesn’t like China?
“You… Huh? What?” the older boy stuttered, not quite sure of what he had just heard. “I really respect her,” Hongou stated, smiling gently as he turned to look out his window. “She’s so much stronger than I could ever be and I really wish that I could quickly become strong, just like she is. Even though she’s a year younger than me, she manages to hold her own against bullies and she can even fight against you in those street wars between the Yorozuya and the Shinsengumi.”
Before Hongou could continue any further, Sougo decided to interject. “But… the hoodie string?” he questioned, his voice getting louder and more and more high-pitched as he spoke. “And the paper cranes? And the blushing?” Hongoue chuckled. “Ah, well, I can’t forget the sight I saw when Kagura-chan first helped me out with those bullies. I hold onto this as a memento of that, though,” Hongou looked down at the fabric, a little upset. “It is starting to get super frayed, though.” Sougo looked at the string, and he could only agree. It had reduced to mostly a ball of tangled thread and fluff, with only a small portion of the string still intact.
“And the wish with the paper cranes… I was going to wish-“ “For China girl to like you?” Sougo guessed. However, his words prompted Hongou to almost double over with laughter. “No!” he exclaimed through his chuckles. “I wanted to lose this weak personality of mine. I wanted to become a little more like Kagura-chan.” “Please don’t become like that China gorilla,” Sougo immediately stated.
“As for the blushing… Well,” Hongou pouted. “Wouldn’t you at least blush a little, too? She’s pretty cute, y’know.” Sougo momentarily thought back to Kagura’s sleeping face as she laid in his bed, he hair haloed around her. He shook away the image, a little flustered. I am most certainly not into little piggies who are two years younger than me. Hongou watched as Sougo battled with his inner turmoil. “Gee, Okita-san,” he teased. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re jealous.” “J-jealous?!” Sougo stuttered. “Hah, that’s a laugh.”
Sougo made for the door, ruffling the hair at the nape of his neck in nervousness. “If you hurry, I reckon you’d be able to catch up to her!” Hongou called out, his voice purposefully contained a little sing-song tone. Sougo twitched. “I don’t need to catch up to nobody!” With that, he left Hongou’s room as the younger boy watched in amusement.
When Sougo had escaped the hospital, he breathed in a breath of fresh air and sighed. He was fond of Hongou, he really was, but he did not like the feeling of being played by the boy. Though, I’m surprised that he isn’t into China. Guess I’m not too good at reading these things. Sougo sighed and started to walk in the direction of his apartment when he saw a blob of red-orange hair in the distance.
Hongou’s words made their way back into his head. “If you hurry, I reckon you’d be able to catch up to her!” But Sougo hesitated. He should not be going through with Hongou’s suggestion, and he knew that. If a Shinsengumi or Yorozuya member caught them, there would be way too much confusion to deal with. Plus, there was no reason for him to do it. Kagura was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. As Sougo spent more time deliberating, Kagura continued to walk further from the hospital. In the end, he convinced himself not to go. Instead, he went home to sleep off the weird sick feeling in his stomach that only seemed to arise whenever Kagura was around.
Meanwhile, Kagura had arrived home to find Gintoki cooking dinner. “I see my little girl has come back.” He left dinner for a moment to ruffle Kagura’s hair as she took her shoes off in the foyer. “Kamui’s crashing at Takasugi’s place tonight. There was some heavy-lifting work that needed finishing and the two of them are handling it.” Walking back into the kitchen to fix dinner, Gintoki shooed Kagura off to get changed. I guess he’ll tell me whatever it is he needs to tell me over dinner.
Sure enough, after Kagura had slipped into some more comfortable clothes, Gintoki gestured for his daughter to be seated at the table. He had made curry tonight, and the smell of the curry had definitely stirred Kagura’s appetite. “Thanks for the food-!” “Wait a second, young lady,” Gintoki commanded, halting Kagura’s attack on her dinner plate. “Hm?” Kagura asked, a little unnerved by Gintoki’s serious gaze. “Um, is there something wrong?”
“Well, I’m sure you’re old enough to know about the sorts of things I’m about to ask you about,” Gintoki began. “But it’s still a little awkward. This really isn’t a father’s place to lecture his daughter…” “Then marry Tsukky and get her to do it,” Kagura stated, giving her surrogate father a serious look. Gintoki’s face coloured slightly. “Don’t get funny with me,” he grumbled. “Listen, last night when you were at the Shinsengumi’s place, he didn’t do anything… strange to you, did he?” “Strange?” “Like, indecent strange.” “Indecent strange?” Kagura repeated again.
Gintoki stared holes into his daughter’s forehead, desperately wishing for her brain to understand what he was talking about. Kagura furrowed her brow in concentration. Then, a lightbulb went off in her head. “Ah! Indecent as in, like, those video tapes that you hide under your bed and watch late at night?” she announced, triumphantly pointing her index finger in the air. “Yes, exactly like- wait, what?!” “Don’t worry, Gin-chan,” Kagura waved her father off, grabbing her chopsticks. “Nothing like that happened.” “Huh?” Gintoki asked, his brow beginning to sweat profusely. “Wait, Kagura-chan, how do you know about-?” “Thanks for the food!”
And without any further discussion, Kagura began attacking her curry like a voracious beast. Sighing, Gintoki picked up his chopsticks and also began to eat his portion of curry, albeit at a slower pace. I really need to find a better hiding place for those things. I’m almost sure that Kamui’s stolen a couple of them, too! Ah, that boy.
When dinner finished, Kagura moved into the kitchen to do the dishes while Gintoki turned on the television, aimlessly flicking through channels. “Ketsuno Ana isn’t doing the weather today,” he announced, lying like a potato on their couch. “What a shame.” Kagura hummed. “You know that Tsukky will get mad if she heard you say that,” Kagura stated bluntly. “Ah, unless that’s what you’re hoping for?” “Oi, kid. I did not give birth to you for you to become my love counsellor. Since when did you get so privy into my love life, ah?” “You mean your imaginary one?” “Funny. Listen, Tsukuyo and I don’t have a thing going. And what about you – what’s going on with that Shinsengumi brat?”
Kagura almost dropped a plate. “Nothing is! Besides him being annoying, that is.” It was Gintoki’s turn to hum and he drawled it out for as long as possible. “It’s true!” she yelled. “And I can’t have something going between me and my rival. We’re meant to fight each other, and not anything else!” As she spoke, Kagura could feel her heart race with a strange feeling. Ever since Soyo had brought up that whole thing concerning ‘crushes’, Kagura had been unable to get Sougo’s face off her mind. Gintoki smirked at his daughter. He could practically hear the cogs in her mind turning despite being in a different room. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” “Shut up, you don’t even read Shakespeare!”
After a moment of respite, Gintoki spoke to his daughter again. This time, though, his tone was a bit more serious. “Live your life the way you want, Kagura,” he said, turning off the television and walking down the hall to pop his head into the kitchen. “But do be careful of those Shinsengumi. The Yorozuya are as laidback as they come, so no-one will blame you for feeling the way you do. The Shinsengumi, on the other hand… Well, that mayo-freak has been as stubborn as a mule since I first met him. The Shinsengumi are really set on upholding their gang rules – to hate us. I don’t really mind the whole rivalry thing, so I play along. Their gang, though – I don’t know how seriously they take it, but I suggest you watch yourself. Don’t get too involved with that brat unless you can handle the backlash.” Kagura paused, a spoon in hand. “Who said that I’m involved with anyone…?” she mumbled, vigorously rinsing and drying the spoon so as to take her mind off her father’s words. Gintoki smiled. No-one said that you’re involved. But things happen, my idiot daughter.
Author’s Note
Whoopie, yeah! Another chapter is done! I believe we’re just about two-thirds through the story, now! I also really like Dadtoki – seeing father-daughter Gintoki and Kagura makes me so happy. Bonus if Dadtoki is a clumsy idiot who doesn’t actually know how to be a dad and just makes it up as he goes. You feel?
Hmm, but… Next chapter… Well, I usually have a plan for how my chapters are gonna go, but the next chapter kind of has no real plan. I just kind of have it set out. Well, let’s see how it goes! xD Apologies in advance if next chapter has super bad flow.
Also, dear guest Loginder who left me a review in my last chapter – I’m so sorry, but my chapters have already been written! That’s why I can’t do much about Tsukky’s role in this story. (´•ω•̥`) Well, she has a pretty small role so hopefully it won’t bother you too much.
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dietarysalad · 7 years
Street War – Chapter 2
Kagura bounded along the sidewalk, her brother in tow. It was her first day of school at Gintama High and she would be joining the first-year classes. During both elementary and middle school, she had been too busy training with her brother to give much thought to making friends or anything of the sort. It was amazing how she had managed to scrape past all of her classes despite never actually spending a single second studying any of her class materials. However, now that she was in high school, she had decided to put in some effort to making a friend or two. I know that Gin-chan is always worrying about me never going out with friends or anything. I’d better put him at ease before he goes bald.
As they neared the school, Kagura suddenly stopped her overly energetic hopping and paused to let her brother catch up to her. “You know, Kamui,” she began. “I’ve never actually asked you why you don’t go to school.” Kamui’s eyes looked up from his phone and gave his sister a sly grin. “School doesn’t have much to offer me.” Kagura tilted her head. “Is that why you have nothing in your brain, idiot big brother?” “I don’t need very many brains to do heavy lifting,” he replied, yawning. “And it isn’t like I have nothing in my brain. I at least know my seven’s times tables.” “Oh, yeah?” Kagura stuck her nose up. “Well I know all the way up to my ten’s times tables.”
Kamui placed his phone in his pocket and amiably applauded her. “Well done, little sister!” he beamed. “But you’d better hurry up, now. Don’t wanna be late on your first day, right?” After quickly patting Kagura on the back, Kamui jogged away from the school to join Takasugi on their next job together. Though Kamui enjoyed fighting on his own, he was much more open to company when it came to the odd jobs in Tokyo that the Yorozuya gang found themselves involved in. Takasugi, in particular, had become one of Kamui’s favourite Yorozuya members to annoy. Kagura shook her head as her brother zig-zagged through the crowd of students entering the school gates. I wonder how Takasugi manages to not kill him every day.
Turning from her older brother, Kagura pulled on the shoulder straps of her school bag and power walked her way to the school’s notice board. After quickly locating her class number and location, Kagura made her way to the first-years’ wing. Gintama High was relatively large for a public high school. It had three departments – one for each year level – with about four storeys for each building. Each building had its own student office and infirmary, as well as seven homeroom classes. Dotted between the three buildings were the music and art classrooms, as well as a number of other elective-type classrooms.
As she ran through to the first-years wing, Kagura passed by the third-years’ building and noticed the school’s cafeteria. Hmph, of course the third-years get the closest access point to the food. Grumbling under her breath, Kagura looked away and continued towards her classroom. Along the way, she was able to take a quick look at the school’s gymnasium and swimming pool. Separate from the gymnasium was what appeared to be a training hall for martial arts. I guess Gintama High must have a martial arts club or something similar. Kagura momentarily entertained the thought of joining, before shaking her head. She had lost the opportunity to make any friends in elementary school and middle school because she had always been busy fighting her brother. She could not allow a repeat of that.
Finally, Kagura made it to the first-years’ building. She quickly located her shoe locker and swapped out her outdoor shoes for the provided indoor shoes, all the while she had managed to strike up a conversation with a group of other girls. After learning that they would all be in the same class, they all began walking towards their classroom. “So, what’s your name?” one of the girls had asked Kagura after they had all introduced themselves. She gave Kagura a pretty smile, her lips glossed with a light pink lip-gloss. Kagura absently wondered if the group of girls would teach her how to use make-up, too. Gin-chan is so stupid about these kinds of things. He needs to get himself a wife. “Ah, my name is Sakata Kagura,” Kagura beamed back. “Pleased to meet-!”
“Sakata?!” a brunette at the back of the group repeated, incredulous. “Like, as in the Yorozuya’s Sakata Gintoki?” Kagura gave the girl a strange look. “How do you guys know about Gin-chan?” “Everyone who goes to Gintama High knows about the Yorozuya and the Shinsengumi!” she replied. “The gangs originated from here, after all!” “That’s right,” agreed the girl who had asked for Kagura’s name. She turned shakily towards Kagura. “So, that means you’re a member of the Yorozuya…?”
Kagura’s confused look disappeared, replaced with a proud grin. “Yeah! Gin-chan let me join just yesterday,” she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. “I totally whooped Shinsengumi ass in my first street fight.” At the thought of the Shinsengumi member from last night – Okita Sougo – Kagura’s bright smile fell. “Well, I mean I would’ve kicked their butts if it wasn’t for the stupid sadist that got in my way…” she grumbled. However, when she received no reply from the other girls, Kagura turned around. When her eyes met with theirs, the girls gave Kagura a shaky smile. “Um – actually, Kagura-chan,” the first girl began. “The four of us have something that we need to do quickly before we get to class. Why don’t you go ahead and we’ll meet you there when class starts?” Her suggestion was met by vigorous agreement from the rest of the girls. “Sure!” Kagura said. “I’ll see you guys later, then.”
However, Kagura never did see those girls again. Unbeknownst to her, they had all requested to be moved to another class in fear of the Sakata name. Though she was initially confused as to why she did not see her ‘friends’ during homeroom, there was no time for her to dwell on it. “Next!” called Kagura’s homeroom teacher. The class had been doing self-introductions during homeroom and it was finally Kagura’s turn. She stood up from her seat, pushing her chair out with a loud screech, and began her introduction. She did not get very far into it.
“Hello, my name is Sakata Kagura and I-!” “Sakata?!” Kagura glared at the boy who had interrupted her and he did his best to slouch as far into his seat as possible. “Yes, that’s right. I’m Sakata Gintoki’s daughter and I’m a member of his Yorozuya. Is there a problem with that?” She directed her last sentence to the boy who had previously interrupted her, but the intimidating effect from her words held influence over the entire class. Everyone turned from her and did their best not to make any eye contact with her. Everyone – except for the girl who sat in front of Kagura, who turned in her seat with bright eyes and rosy cheeks. “Did you just say that you’re a member of the Yorozuya?!” she asked, a poorly concealed squeal of delight in her voice. “Now, now,” their homeroom teacher interrupted, prompting Kagura’s classmate to turn back towards the front of the class. “We have time for chit-chat, later. If that is all, Sakata-san, then you may be seated.” “Yes, sir.”
Kagura slowly sat back down into her seat, oblivious to the scared faces of her classmates, and watched in anticipation as the girl in front of her stood up for her self-introduction. “Hello, my name is Tokugawa Soyo. I enjoy taking photos and shopping. Pleased to make your acquaintance!” she said, her voice chipper. “Thank you, Tokugawa-san. Next.” As she sat down, Soyo turned around and shot Kagura an airy smile. When she turned back towards the front of the class, Kagura noticed her bounce in her seat with excitement. Well, I’m glad someone is happy to see me. Kagura smiled as she looked out the window. Tokugawa Soyo, huh? Why does that sound familiar…?
When the bell rang, signifying the end of homeroom, Kagura did not even have the time to collect her books for their next lesson before she was tackled with a hug from Soyo. She gave a muffled yell of surprise as Soyo relinquished her tight grip on Kagura and fixed her long, dark hair behind her shoulder. “Thank you and the Yorozuya so much for what you did for my elder brother!” Soyo exclaimed, her hands placed delicately on Kagura’s shoulders. “You all were such a big help!” “’Elder brother’?” Kagura asked. “Yes! Tokugawa Shige Shige, my elder brother!” “Ah!” Kagura’s face held recognition and Soyo nodded in encouragement.
It was not too long ago that Tokugawa Shige Shige had been held hostage for ransom by one of the other street gangs, the Kada gang. The Tokugawa family were of vieux riche, having descended from royal bloodline. The family had continued to uphold their monetary status through an enterprise that the Tokugawa group had presidency over. In Tokyo, their family was considered a big deal and their mansion was easily discernible as one of the largest homes in the city. However, their social status also made them big targets for kidnappings and robberies. The Yorozuya gang found themselves involved in one of these hostage situations through a complete coincidence and had ended up freeing Tokugawa Shige Shige from the clutches of the Kada gang.
The reward from that incident – which Gintoki had reluctantly accepted – allowed the family of three to move from their old, 1R apartment to their current 3LDK apartment. Though it was not the best of homes, Kagura held much more love for their current apartment in preference to their previous, cockroach infested 1R. She quickly bowed to Soyo in gratitude. “We should be the ones thanking you,” she stated. “That really was way too much money…” “Oh, you mean the reward?” Soyo giggled and Kagura decided that she much preferred the tinkling of her laughter than the cacophony from the girls she had met in the morning. “It was nothing compared to having my big brother home, safe and sound.” Kagura made a choking noise with her throat. “Well, at least one of us loves their big brother…” Kagura mumbled. “Hm?” “N-nothing. Shall we head over to our next class together, then?” “Oh, yes, of course!”
Kagura spent the rest of her day talking to Soyo, who seemed to be the only person that wouldn’t shy away from her when she mentioned the name ‘Sakata’ or ‘Yorozuya’. When Kagura had asked for the reason as to why Soyo was not afraid of the Yorozuya, Soyo had simply smiled and stated that ‘there isn’t anything scary about a group of people who would help save a stranger’. Kagura gave her an amazed look and jumped Soyo with a hug, almost squeezing the life out of her. Not that Soyo particularly minded.
After school, when the bell for the end of afternoon homeroom had rung, Soyo suggested that they join one of the extracurricular club activities together. Kagura jumped at the idea, but made doubly sure to not mention any of the possible martial arts clubs that she had seen being advertised. I don’t want Soyo’s beautiful, angel face getting damaged in any way. Eventually, the two of them opted to join the Photography Club. It was a budding interest of Soyo’s and Kagura had deemed the activity passive enough that not much work was needed, but still interesting enough to not become a chore.
The two girls, after obtaining a school rental camera each, took a trip around the school. They both took a myriad of photos of anything and everything including flowers, the school’s infrastructure, a couple of photos of some of the other students in the school and way, way too many selfies. Kagura found it the most fun when the girls passed by the gymnasium, courts or swimming pool and were able to snap a few action shots of the sporting clubs during their practise sessions. They tried their best to angle their shots and time their photos perfectly, aiming to obtain photos that looked as if they were meant for a sports magazine.
While they were having fun, giggling to one another about the nice show of abdominal muscle from one of the older boys in the Basketball Club, an upperclassman girl noticed the two girls with their cameras and approached them. “What’s this? Two new members of the Photography Club?” she smiled, fixing her glasses upon her nose bridge. “That’s right!” exclaimed Soyo. “First day on the job!” “That so? Can I take a look?”
Soyo happily handed both cameras over to the older girl, who peered at the shots and flicked through them with an impressed expression on her face. “Well, barring a couple of these shots,” she gave an amused look to the girls, who giggled at the upperclassman’s reference to their selfies. “Most of these are actually really well done. You girls have a talent!” Kagura and Soyo grinned at one another before turning back to the upperclassman for their cameras. She smiled as she returned them, a glint upon her glasses. “Actually, would you girls mind doing me a favour?” she asked. Her request was met by confused looks from both of her juniors. “I’m the president of the Newspaper Club, you see. I was just heading over to the Photography Club right now to get someone to help me, but I think you two will do just fine!” Her words elicited a positive response from both Kagura and Soyo, so she continued. “In a month or two, our school’s Kendo Club will actually be participating in an inter-high competition,” she announced, flicking her short, bobbed hair over her shoulder as she readjusted her glasses. “They’re show-ins to win, you see? So, the Newspaper Club was hoping to do a story on them. How’s about getting us a couple of action shots of the club during one of their practise sessions, right now? They’ll be over in the school’s training hall – over there, next to the gym.”
It did not take very long for Kagura and Soyo to agree and, with the speed of two swallows, they quickly raced off. “Oh!” called the Newspaper Club president. “Make sure-y sure sure that you both get a photo or twenty of the Kendo Club captain!” Kagura turned, mid-step, and ran backwards next to Soyo. She called back to the senior student. “What’s his name?” “Don’t worry, you’ll know him when you see him. He’s the best looking one, after all!” With that, she turned to walk back to the third-years’ building as Kagura spun back around to race Soyo to find the Kendo Club.
Ten minutes later, Kagura and Soyo would arrive at the Kendo Club’s training hall.
Ten minutes later, Okita Sougo would receive a fly kick to the face.
Author’s Note
Thanks so much for waiting for this update…! Though, I suppose a day’s wait isn’t all that much, ahah. I really wanted to at least get to this part of the story before I became busy again. Although, I did put off a little bit of studying to finish this chapter. Oops. I’ll get to that now, because I’m responsible. So responsible. Yeah!
Also, thanks to the people who have reviewed my story thus far. I’m glad you think that it’s worth reading, so I’ll do my best to continue. Don’t worry about me ever not finishing ‘Street War’! The entire story is legitimately already planned out in a word document totalling just under 30k words. I’m not putting all that to waste!
Love you all, ‘til next time!
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