rhythm-of-space · 11 months
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I don't care that he's a 27 year old grown ass man, he's my sweet little guy who I want to protect and care for
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rubyroses222 · 12 days
that moment when one of your favourite blogs reblogs your post
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baura-bear · 1 year
“Yes exactly 😃🤳🏻👉exactly!”
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monstersandmaw · 26 days
[gently dumps my very ridiculous Jack Russell onto your lap - she loves you a lot]
There aren't enough 'heart eyes' gifs and images for me to use for how lovely that idea is. I love doggos so much, and I'd just explode if you put one in my lap that wanted to be there (especially if they're delightfully ridiculous too!). Thank you!!
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so-very-small · 1 month
Hey, just wanted to tell ya how much I love and enjoy seeing your posts. Every little snippet and tidbit of get content that you throw out at random warms my heart throughout the day and I really appreciate you as a creator. Keep up the good work 👍☺️
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fowlaroundtown · 1 year
I love the way you draw Donnie he's such a scrumblo!!
Have some assorted doodles pulled from my sketchbook ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I wish I had more but the art brain was NOT working today FBSNDNSKSM
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ygodmyy20 · 5 months
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Ignore the bad image quality but I’ve been slowly reading through chapter 5 today and this is all I’ve been able to think about regarding Ritsu and Shigeo
also this chapter is so so good can’t wait to finish it
omg @sickvacuum holy crap this is amazing. Thank you for sending this i love it heheeh And thank you for reading and also never any rush take all the time you need to read!! I am so glad you are enjoying it!!
also if you want more fun memes, this is the image my beta @sodasexual sent me after reading through the chapter which is basically Teru:
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Teru is....doin his best hahaha and if you haven't gotten there yet, this meme will make sense maybe later heh
Also in a similar boat, I have been working through chapter 3 of Ecology too! And ough Ritsuuuuuuu. I am just like "Ritsu I want to hug you." My boy.
(I just had to edit this because i was like opps wait you posted another chapter so I am double behind haha See yea I have been on this dang site for nearly a decade and I still don't know how to use it either haha)
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zeynatura · 6 months
zey you may be the only person i've ever met who actually has anything remotely not-negative to say about chronos 😂😂😂 please continue to be not normal about him, im fascinated
yooooooo, that is sad, Chronos deserves LOVE!! But i guess i will be the only one to give it to him and for that i am happy~
i will continue to be not normal about him, he's so *inhales* yeah...
you have no idea how i felt when i found out somehow he is in Tales of Arise, my desire to play that game increased exponentially
I swear the next chance i get, and the game is preferably on sale, i'll be buying it
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khaire-traveler · 7 months
your devotion to hermes greatly moved me today, thank you for posting ❤️
And thank you for such a kind ask! I'm glad you enjoy my content. I had a really difficult day, and it was very nice to see this in my inbox. I hope you are well, Nonny, and if you wish it, I hope Hermes brings you lots of good luck. 🧡
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hi! i just wanted to let you know that i am having a ton of fun with this and i appreciate you putting it together. your descriptions are excellent and as a non-rock science person i am learning a lot! go rocks! go minerals! go Tungsten W. Wolfram!
HELLO! I just want to let you know that messages like this add years to my life.
I’m actually struggling pretty bad with anxiety and depression right now (I took a leave of absence after my first semester of my geoscience grad program in the fall because I messed with my meds and it went poorly) and it’s making me think a lot about what actually makes me happy and what I want to do for the rest of my life.
Comments like this affirm that I really like teaching and sharing this stuff, in any capacity. And it gives me hope for my future career prospects. So seriously, THANK YOU. So much.
And yes please vote Tungsten W. Wolfram I fear what will happen if they lose.
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kimjunnoodle · 1 month
🚂💛🧡❤🧡💛 it's a love train! send this to all the blogs you love! don’t forget to spread the love! 💛
🫶💕💕 Thank you so much!!
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hoonvrs · 9 months
you’re my fav hoon writer on here i swear i love how you characterise him
what if we kissed
i rmb when i got blr all i seen was mean doom hoon and though NO✊🏼 need to show everyone what a LEWSER he really is
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1-800-helltalia · 2 months
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hi reblogger i didny mean to put you on blast but idk how else to respond to these. i’m so hapyp you love him i wasn’t sure what kind of reception he’d get since he isn’t a real country
and yes you can draw him if yuo want :)
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larrysballetslippers · 7 months
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look at this cutie baby
OMG LOOK AT THE LITTLE TROOPER 🥺🥺🥺 DOING ITS BEST OMG😭😭💕💕💕 So adorable, little one☺️💗
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
Sun/Moon gays symbolism but it's Sun/Moon/Earth polyamory with WhamsephQ-
Joseph being the sun symbolism one, all bright smiles and full of energy and lighting up with joy that radiates outward for the other two. When Whamuu, wondering what to do with his life now that he is no longer bound to his family and has no battles to fight, tries poetry, he keeps being drawn back to the concept of Joseph being the sun he sought just as much as Kars sought the literal sun. His jokes and smiles light up and inspire Suzie's own, and he's the center that drew them both in together to him. And what is the sun if not a star seen from closer anyways?
Suzie having the moon symbolism, being the softer subtler one in some ways, reflecting Joseph's own mischief and humor in her own way, with her cooler color schemes, seeming like the least integral of the trio at first but she balances out the other two, reflects back Joseph's joy when he's too exhausted to light up as he always does, is the smallest physically of the trio, the one who keeps Whamuu holding on to hope when Joseph isn't there.
Whamuu as the earth symbolism, the solid sturdy one, the one who doesn't glow like the others but is no less vital for it, inspired to make his own path in life by the light of HIS sun, gentle and caring and protective of the other two (and oh so frightened of what will become of him once his sun inevitably burns out, the cold loneliness and loss he will inevitably face.)
Oh my gosh this was so adorable and wholesome to read and then that small pinch of angst at the end 🤌✨✨✨
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bucktommmy · 3 months
every time you compliment my gifs I cry a little because you're literally one of my absolute favourite gifmakers. 🥺🫂💝 giving you the biggest hug through the screen!!!
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vivi !!! YOURE SO SWEET 😭 thank you so so much !!! this is so kind of you to send, with how beautiful your gifs are it’s such a compliment for you to say this and it means a lot💗💗💗 lovely, you make such stunning gifs with the most beautiful coloring and i love seeing them everytime, i’m returning that hug x100
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