letraspal · 1 month
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Just blue//Deep-water grey
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Friends to lovers with hotch. Bau!Reader has been pining forever but is deciding to move in after seeing Aaron and Beth be with each other. New guy also happens to be a single dad with a boy in jacks grade. Jack is not happy about another boy stealing his mom figure yk? Father son duo working together to get the girl.
Tbh idc what you write coz its always good. And im a sucker for jealous hotch ALWAYS
okay can i just say that when i saw this ask i got obsessed with the concept immediately!!! like that’s so cute???? also while writing this i was thinking “jack is such a little sweetie he wouldn’t have an attitude” but then i thought of this tiktok and remembered he can actually be salty af <33 LMFAOO
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Buddy, what’s wrong?”
Jack hadn’t spoken a word the entire ride from school. Aaron was used to his bubbly sweet voice filling the car, telling him all about his day; so the silence was deafening.
“Nothing,” he replied, dropping his small bag on the floor and running to his room.
The truth was, Jack had been pretty moody lately and it was all because of you. Well, it wasn’t your fault of course, but it was your absence that had Jack throwing tantrums in a way he never used to before.
As Aaron’s best friend, your presence in his house, in his home, was a constant. Movies, dinners, board game nights…Jack had grown used to you. And he absolutely adored you.
When Beth came into Aaron’s life, though, things started to change. You were pulling away from him, from them. At first, Aaron thought that maybe you were jealous; and if that was true, he would drop Beth in a heartbeat and run into your arms. After all, she was only a distraction to him in order to get over you.
All those dreams of him were shuttered one day, when he had called to ask you if you’d join him and Jack for a movie night, only to be told you had a date: a date with the dad of one of Jack’s classmates. You told him the two of you met when you went to pick up Jack from school one day, and Aaron cursed the moment he had asked for your help. If he knew the dads there would be all over you, he wouldn’t have let you set foot into that damned school in the first place.
“Jack?” Aaron said, knocking on his door.
“Go away!”
“Jack, please talk to me. I want to help.”
There was a long pause before Jack finally opened the door and let his dad in.
“What did you do to her?” he asked with tears in his eyes.
“Buddy, what are you talking about?”
“Y/N. Why isn’t she your friend anymore?” Jack looked incredibly sad and it broke Aaron’s heart.
“We’re still friends,” he answered, softly. “What makes you think we’re not?”
“She’s never here anymore.”
“I know,” Aaron said. “But that doesn’t mean she’s not our friend anymore. We’ve just both been busier than usual.” He wasn’t technically lying, but he still felt bad.
“Why couldn’t you get together like they do in the movies?” Jack raised his voice. “Now she’s with Charlie’s dad. And she packs Charlie lunch and makes him sandwiches that look like dinosaurs like she used to do with me! It’s not fair, she was ours first!”
Well, that explained why he was so mad after school today.
Aaron couldn’t find any words to say, and how could he when he was just as jealous as his son? Jack was right; you were theirs first. And they’d win you back.
“And dad told me we’ll go get ice cream later with Y/N!” Charlie exclaimed, but Jack did not share his enthusiasm.
“Okay,” Jack answered, rolling his eyes.
“And maybe we’ll go to the movies after. She said she loves watching cartoons! She doesn’t think they’re boring like all grown ups,” the kid continued, not realizing he was making Jack upset.
“I know, we watch cartoons all the time together,” he replied.
Right next to them, their fathers had a separate conversation, but very much similar to theirs.
“The kid loves her already,” Charlie’s dad, Nick, said, watching you from afar. They were all waiting for you to finish your little chat with that teacher friend of yours, so they’d finally leave the school building.
“And how can he not, I mean she’s so great,” he added.
“She is,” Aaron agreed, though gritted teeth.
“I’ll take them for ice cream now so they can bond a little more. This girl loves ice cream.”
“Yeah, I know.” Who did that guy think he was? Thinking that any detail about you would be news to Aaron. Of course he knew you loved ice cream. He knew you better than anyone. Anyone.
“Sorry!” you said, walking fast towards their little group. “I hadn’t seen my friend in a while.”
“That’s alright.”
“It’s okay.”
Aaron and Nick talked at the same time, which ended in them sending annoyed glances to each other.
“Well, we better get going then,” you said with a smile.
As all of you walked out of the building, Aaron heard you telling something to Nick and Charlie. “Can you wait for me in the car? I’ll be back in a minute!”
To Aaron’s surprise you approached his car with one eyebrow raised. Oh no, you were mad.
“Y/N,” he said, but you cut him off.
“Why are the two of you being mean to Nick and his son?”
“We’re not mean to them,” Aaron said, but Jack’s voice was louder. “Because we hate them!” he said.
“What? It’s true. You said that Mr. Nick is ugly and a jerk!”
“Jack, language!” his dad scolded him.
You turned your gaze to Aaron. “Is this true?”
He sighed, in defeat. “Jack, can you please get in the car? I want to speak with Y/N.”
“Fine,” he said, and followed his dad’s request.
“So?” you said when you were finally alone.
“So…I may have said some things about Nick.”
“Why?” your soft voice asked.
“Because, I can’t stand the thought of him with you. God, Y/N, I can’t do this anymore. I want you. I want you to be mine. I wanna be the one who takes you for ice cream and the one who brags about you to the other dads.”
“I understand if you don’t feel the same way-”
“Of course, I feel the same way, you idiot,” you said. “But then Beth showed up and I thought it was one sided!”
“Beth’s in the past.”
“She is?”
“Yes. She didn’t mean anything to me. It’s always been you,” Aaron admitted.
“Wow…��� you said, placing your palm on your forehead.
“Well, I have two people waiting for me in the car right now. And I don’t want to just  blow them off.”
“I understand.”
“I’ll talk to Nick tonight. I promise,” you said, touching his hand. “Okay?”
“Okay.” Aaron smiled.
“She touched your hand,” Jack said with a smirk when his dad got back in the car.
Aaron stared at him through the rearview mirror with furrowed eyebrows, but Jack could read him very easily. So he just giggled.
“Ew!” Jack yelled, his face forming a disgusted expression at the sight of you and Aaron kissing.
“Hey, you got your wish!” Aaron told him. “You should be grateful.”
“You know what I think?” you asked.
“That our little Jack is jealous because he’s not getting any kisses.”
“No!” he giggled, as you and Aaron chased him, ready to cover his chubby cheeks with sweet kisses.
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ghostofwriting · 2 months
Kildare Split Part Four: in another life
Rafe Cameron x reader
Chapter 4: in another life
Note: Here's part four!! I'm still crying over TTPD. Down bad is so incredibly Rafeit's insane. Anyway!! I love you all so much, thank you for reading and being absolutely wonderful. This part covers the smau up until part 26. Good luck soldiers!!
Warnings: none, not edited, angst, swearing, sadness, julio, mentions of drugs, mentions of suicidal ideation.
Word Count:  6,722
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Synopsis: Everyone has noticed that there's been a shift in how Kildare Split acts around each other. Rafe and Y/N used to be so close, they were always pictured together, and always shared stories of each other and for the last few years, there has been nothing from them. A behind-the-scenes look at what went down between everyone's favourite band.
Chapter 4: in another life 
It’s a nightmare. Everything feels off. The walls are caving in. His mouth feels as if he had chewed on cotton balls for the past hour. It’s spinning. He’s lost control of himself and he doesn’t know how he’ll get it back. 
It started because of the thought of them together. Forever. Married. Having kids and living happily ever after clawed and his chest and ate him from the inside out. It was an ugly feeling. He wanted to be happy for her. There was no way he could be. Not when he was so deeply in love with her. Not that he ever stopped. 
It was just one blunt. He stole it from Barry. He was careful not to disturb any of the other drugs he had in there. Careful not to look at them too long. He’s been good. Has been clean for more than two years without any missteps. And here he is high once again. It’s just weed he tells himself. It’s fine. He’s fine. 
They’re about to go onstage when Sofia loses her mind. She goes absolutely ballistic. He’s pulling her off to the side away from prying eyes.
“Stop. Relax. Let me explain.” Everything comes out in a jumble as he’s trying to balance his damn guitar and get her to stop flailing her arms everywhere. 
“There’s no explaining anything. We are over. We are so done, Rafe. Holy shit I cannot believe I put up with your crazy obsession with your friend who by the way you didn’t even date. You’re insane.” 
“Can you calm down for a second?”
“No! For your information Rafe. She doesn’t want you! She’s moved on! And we could have too but no. You’re here still pining over something that doesn’t exist. You are so incredibly disrespectful to me. I have been nothing but supportive of you. And I have put up with so much shit from you so much hatred because what? Did I take you away from her? You chose me! You left her. And now I’m leaving you.” 
“The way you have treated me the last couple of months with your album release and hinting that it’s about her? Do you have any idea how that makes me look? How it makes me feel? You don’t care about anyone but yourself.”
“That’s not true.”
“Oh! Sorry! You and her! And barely even yourself, you know how I know?” She looks at him, volcanic ash in her eyes. “Because you’re fucking high right now!”
“Keep your voice down.” He pulls her deeper into the corner they’re standing in.
“Fuck you, Rafe. I loved you. I did. I thought that once she moved on, we would be okay. I was wrong. Do not sabotage this for her. She’s happy. You’re not good enough for her. And not for me.”
She does a 180 and storms off away from backstage and away from him. He looks up and Topper is staring at him from where he stands beside Sarah, her hand is on his arm, a look of concern on her face. He shakes his head at them and turns to the stairs that lead to the stage. He spots Y/N and Julio, they’re talking quietly to each other, he sees her laugh and touch Julio’s face, and he kisses the palm of her hand.
Fuck this. He runs back to the green room. He knows he left it around here somewhere and he knows where the lighters are. He digs through three of Barry’s jackets before he finds the blunt. Barry must have moved it. When he pulls it out, a plastic baggie with four white pills comes up with it. He thinks about putting them back. He wants to put them back. He hears the 5-minute warning, stuffs the baggie in his jeans and runs to find a lighter. 
There’s something off about Rafe. She notices when they begin their second song. He’s swaying more than usual, coming up and singing to her face a little too closely. 
It must be because they’re trying to be friends. And maybe the fight with Sofia. It was pretty nasty the way she went at him. She couldn’t make out what they were saying, the crowd and music drowning them out. Sofia looked upset. She must have cooled off because she’s in the audience standing next to Sarah. Not that their manager would allow her to leave even if she wanted to. It would cause too much speculation online and that’s something they don’t need more of. 
She hasn’t had to protect Julio from how Rafe and her used to act on stage, during their no-talking years, they still put on an act but it was nowhere near the level of how they acted pre-everything. They were pretty heavy on the PDA, without confirming anything of course. It was more like singing into each other's mics while staring longingly into each other’s eyes. A lot of heavy petting, she would drape herself around Rafe, Rafe would swing her around and carry her. They would practically make out on stage every show. They did everything but have sex. It’s no wonder the theories and rumours started. 
Post everything that went down, they tamed it and kept it to their side of the stage unless they were switching over. They didn’t share a mic and looking at each other too long was off-limits. And now, well now, it looks like Rafe wants to sing into her mouth with the way he gets closer and closer. Julio knows about their past and he knows that she would never do anything to hurt him but this is a little much. She doesn’t want to rub anything in his face or make him feel disrespected. She also can’t diss Rafe on stage. They have an act. They’re all best friends and nothing bad has ever happened between them. 
So she plays along. And she sings into his mic, she whips her hair in his face and he sings over her shoulder. They’re closer than they’ve ever been. This should be a fun one to look at online. At some point, her shirt comes off. She’s a little angry at Rafe’s immediate switch-up. She feels that since they’re just figuring out how to be friends, he could give it a rest and not go all out. So her shirt comes off. It got stuck on the mic stand, she got pissed off that it ripped a little and she took it off, throwing it into the crowd. At some point Rafe is not even fully on the stage anymore, he’s lying down looking up at her as he plays his guitar. She’s standing over him, singing into the mic and playing the bass all while wondering what the hell has gotten into him. 
Security is going insane over Rafe hanging off the stage and people are trying to grab his legs. Sarah is diving into the crowd trying to get a shot of what’s happening on stage. She kind of wants the show to be over but at the same time, it’s the most fun she’s had on stage in a while. 
Trying to find their footing after not being friends for three years, that much is clear. One moment he’s trying to make out with her onstage and the next he can barely look at her. It has been a little bit harder than she thought it would be. 
It’s strangely painful. The realization that they can’t go back to how they were before anything happened. She knew it wouldn’t be easy but these awkward silences might kill her. 
She’s sitting between Topper and Rafe, staring directly at Barry’s bored face as Ash explains who kows what. Something about which celebrities and important label heads are coming to tonight’s show. 
She didn’t care about the label heads. One of their most important shows had been the one two days ago. Their friends had all flown in from different places to see them. Now back in the city she calls home, that’s still all that matters. 
Cleo and Pope flew in from New York, John B and JJ had flown in from Hawaii. JJ would be leaving almost immediately after to continue training for the next big surf competition and John B would be staying at Sarah’s. Julio was at her house, she didn’t want him to have to spend the entire day at rehearsals so she told him to come by when he was ready. Ward was around somewhere too, probably with Sarah and John B. Kelce was at his hotel and would be arriving later with Kie after he got her from the airport, the only one that had missed the last show. It was an important show for them because of their people not because of some random celebrity they didn’t know. 
After the show, they would go to one of their favourite bars to celebrate and then she would be off to North Carolina for a week before moving to Madrid for the foreseeable future.
She was so excited to be there a bit before Julio started filming so they could visit his friends and family. 
After Ash is done running them through the guest list, they have some downtime before their private soundcheck and the fan soundcheck. Fan Soundcheck is her favourite because they get to play some deep cuts and answer some fun questions.
They’re standing backstage as one of their stagehands announces they’ll be out in three minutes. They’re standing in a circle making sure that their in-ears are on. Barry and Topper bickering about some random thing.
“Ready, buddy?” She looks at Rafe, her eyebrow raised as Barry laughs. 
“Buddy? Good one.” Topper laughs as Rafe’s face turns red. 
“Okay yeah, I’ll never say that again.”
“Please,” she laughs, “let’s go.” She leads the guys onto the stage as their fans start screaming. 
They play a song right off the bat and then sit down for a few questions. 
Everything is going fine, the mood is great, they’re all vibing with each other on stage, it’s great. Right up until it’s not. 
“Hi, my name is Sammy, my question is for Y/N.” She smiles at the girl and waves. 
“Hi Sammy, I remember you! You saw our last show too,” she speaks into the microphone. 
“Hi! Oh my goodness yes. I drove here from San Francisco after getting tickets last minute.” The girl rambles. “Okay, so I was wondering, what are you most looking forward to doing on your break?” She mulls over the question before answering. 
“I’m going to be semi-moving to Spain for a while so probably just exploring the city.” Sammy nods and thanks her as the mic is passed to the next person.  
Something shifts on stage after that question. She doesn’t know if she missed something or what, but suddenly the mood is tense. Barry’s in between her and Rafe and she can still feel the tension coming off him in waves. 
After the last question, they played one more song and bid the fans goodbye, telling them they would see them in a few hours for the show. 
Barry goes and does whatever Barry does before a show, Rafe storms off and Topper follows him. She looks over at her guitar tech who just shrugs his shoulders and takes her guitar from her. 
She texts Julio asking when he will be getting to the arena. When she doesn’t receive an answer, she sits in the green room, with no idea where the boys are. 
She dozes off for an hour before her phone blows up with texts from Rafe. She opens Julio’s message first, telling her that he would leave her house in an hour. Then she goes to Rafe’s texts, saying something along the lines of needing to talk to her. She sees that she has notifications from Twitter as well and opens those. From Rafe too. 
“I need you”
“Please don’t go”
What is he doing? They just talked about trying to be friends, she knows about his feelings but he can’t go around blowing up her phone. He’s just sad about Sofia, how could he expect her to stay after he confessed to her that he still had feelings for his ex who wasn’t really his ex? 
She asks him what he’s doing and he asks to meet her. She tells him no, and that it’s too late to d this. Too late in the day, too late because the show is about to start, and too late because she’s going and she doesn’t want him. 
After telling Cleo to haul ass to the arena. Needing to speak to her about the Rafe of it all. She runs to the bus to hide. She doesn’t want to see him so she’ll avoid the arena. 
She doesn’t think about how if he doesn’t find her inside, he’ll look for her on the bus. 
“Y/N?” She hears him call. She’s in her bunk, curtain drawn and holding her breath. He walks closer and stands in front of her bunk. She can see his shadow. 
“I know you’re in there.” She stays quiet still. “Please talk to me.” She sighs, not able to deny him when he sounds so sad. 
She draws the curtain open and meets his eyes. 
“We talked about this.”
“No, we talked about how I would try to be your friend. Not how you’re going to move away with your boyfriend.”
“What did you expect me to do? Sit at home alone for however long the break ends up being?”
“No, I thought we could hang out when we were both home and repair our friendship or whatever.”
“Rafe, I can’t do that. I won’t put my life on hold for you anymore.”
“Why are you doing this? Why can’t you just feel the same way? Why won’t you love me?” 
She’s surprised by his words. For the first time, she looks at him. Takes in his dishevelled appearance, his jittering hands, and the dilation of his pupils. 
“Are you high?” she swings herself off her bed to get as much distance between them as possible. 
“No.” He’s lying. 
“What the fuck Rafe? Why would you do this to yourself?”
“Because I’m fucking sad okay? And I don’t want to feel anything.” She can’t believe he would go down this road again,  after being clean for so long. She can’t believe he would be around her like this. Not when he knows how many bad memories it brings.
“You have to leave. You have to get away from me.”
“Y/N.” His voice cracks.
“No. You know my history, the shit I have been through because of drugs. You know it very well actually. I don’t need to be around your erratic behaviour. It’s triggering, it hurts me.” Her voice is firm. 
“Okay. I’m sorry.” he backs up turning around quickly and storming off the bus. 
She sits back down, her hands slightly shaking. If he’s using again, she doesn't know if she can have him in her life. 
He’s happy Sarah’s the one that finds him. He’s spread out on the floor. The curtain covers him from the fans' curious eyes. The stage is quiet, with only a few people coming and going. The rest of the crew’s at dinner. 
“What are you doing?” She stares from above him.
“Laying.” He mumbles
“Are you not going to come eat dinner?” She points behind her in the direction of the lunch room.
“Not hungry.”
“What’s wrong?
“Sad.” He sees the annoyance at his one-word answers cross her face. 
“Rafe, full sentences please.”
“Y/N told me to go away. That she couldn’t be around me.” She crouches down next to him. 
“I thought you two were trying to be friends?” she questions. 
“I ruined it.” He can feel himself well up. 
“By being high.”
“You are not.” she kneels left to him now, grabbing his face roughly and bringing it so his eyes are aligned with hers. 
“I am.” She looks angry at him. He feels tears start to gather. God, why does he make the women he cares most about in his life so upset?
“You can’t be high. You’re an addict.”
“Just weed. Nothing more.”
“I don’t care if it’s just weed. It’s not just weed for you. It’s a slippery slope. You go from weed to forgetting you’re sober, to cocaine.”
“I’m sorry.” The pity in her look makes his stomach twist.
“Let’s go get you cleaned up before the show. You need food and to sober up.”
“I’ll be sad though.” She stands up, extending her hand out for him to take. 
“You’re high and sad, I don’t think it helped.”
“That’s what the cocaine is for.” He jokes, it doesn’t earn him a laugh, just a scowl.
“Don’t even joke about that.”
Maybe he can get drunk after the show, then he’ll forget how sad he is. 
The show goes off without a hitch. They are all smiles, dripping with sweat as they take the final bow of the tour. Tears are prickling her eyes as she looks over at Topper. His smile was big and shining. She looks at Rafe and he’s messing with Barry’s hair, a burst of laughter leaving him as Barry jumps on his back. Barry waves to the crowd as Rafe piggybacks him off. Topper grabs her hand and pulls her off the stage, waving one last time before they can’t be seen anymore. 
Julio waits for her, a huge grin on his face and his arms wide open for her to run into. Once she lets go of him, she hugs Cleo and then Pope, and then she’s tackled by JJ, Kie, and John B. 
“You all killed it!” JJ yells in her ear, making her jolt back. 
“Fucking best show we’ve ever played!” Topper screams, coming up to her and hugging her. Barry joins the hug putting his sweaty arms around them both. Rafe hesitantly joins the group hug. 
“Another successful tour,” he says, his eyes catching hers in the huddle. She smiles softly. 
“Let’s go party!” Kie screams from down the hallway where she’s started to walk away. 
Everyone starts cheering and following her lead. She finds Julio’s hand as they make their way to gather their stuff and leave the arena. 
He spots Julio come in through the back doors of the club, Y/N hanging off his arm, her lips swollen. His eyes soften when he looks at her. He sees how much he loves her, and how he would never hurt her. He would go to the ends of the world for her. And he hates him. He can’t stand that she’s not hanging off his arm. That he’s not the one kissing her against a brick wall outside a sleazy bar. 
Sofia’s gone. They’re done. And he’s hurting for the relationship that he could have had if he had let go of Y/N. Not that he ever could have. It wasn’t in the cards for him. A world where he wasn’t irrevocably in love with her didn’t exist. 
“You okay?” Sarah comes up next to him, planting her hands on the table to steady herself. 
“I’m high again.” He confesses. 
“Rafe, we talked about this.”
“I get that I just can’t stop. Everything hurts.” They look of pity from earlier returns.
“You need to stop.” He looks past her to where Y/N is.
“It’s just weed.”
“You don’t get to do weed. It’s not just weed to you. Slippery slope remember?
“I know.” 
“I’m here for you. I think you need to go back to rehab. Either before you tour or after. It needs to be sooner rather than later.  I’ll drive you there myself.” She offers. 
The idea of going back to rehab irks him. He’s not as bad as he was last time. He has control over it. At least that’s what he tells himself. 
“I don’t know how to be okay watching her be with someone else.” Sarah looks behind her at Y/N with Julio. Her smile lit up the room. Her laugh was music to his ears. 
“You don’t get to break down about this. You made your choice. Let her be happy. you need to focus on staying sober, you heal, and you move on.” 
“How?” He can’t rip his eyes away from the couple. Wishing with everything in him that it was him with her.
“By being her friend, Rafe.” She pats him on the back. He watches as she follows Topper out the back door where Y/N and Julio had come through earlier. 
Everything he and Sarah talked about flies out the window when Julio of all people see him standing there with a little bag full of who knows what that Barry gave him. Barry’s drunk and high, that’s one of the only reasons he gave it to him. Barry would kill him any other time. 
He’s been toying around with the idea of just doing it. Taking all these pills and getting it over with. 
“You probably shouldn’t take those.” Rafe side glances at him but doesn’t speak.”
“If you’re doing that shit you shouldn’t be around her.” Rafe doesn’t like him and he likes him even less when he tells him if he can or can’t be around Y/N.
“Mind your business.” He barks out.
“This is my business, you know why? Because she’s my business. And she’s a recovering addict too, Rafe. Or did you forget?” He shrugs. 
“Look, I don’t care if you care about your sobriety. But we both know you care about her enough not to risk hers. So if you’re going to do that shit, don’t bring it around her. And stay away from her.” This is the angriest he has ever heard the dark-haired man. 
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do on my tour with my friends.”  Deep down he knows Julio’s right. Right now he doesn’t care what the man says. He wants to fight him. 
“Do whatever the hell you want with yourself, I’m asking you to please, stay away from Y/N if you’re going to do drugs.”
“So you’re isolating her now too.”
“What does that mean?” Julio looks at him, one eyebrow raised, lips tight.
“You’re going to take her away. You’re taking her away from her family and her friends, to live in a country where she knows nobody. What kind of boyfriend does that?” 
“I’m taking her away from you, right?” 
“Yeah, you are.” The words spill from him before he can even think of denying them. 
“She isn’t anyone’s to take away. She makes her own decisions and she chose to be with me.” Julio saying shit like that makes him feel like he thinks he’s the best option. The best man out there.
“Shut up. You’re not better than me just because you say that stuff.”
“I’m not better than anyone, just let her be.” He doesn’t say anything. Julio stands up.
“You had your chance. Let her go.” He stays quiet. Julio starts to walk away. 
“I can’t.” He sees as Julio’s steps stutter.
“I’m going to fight for her.” 
“There’s nothing left to fight for.” He walks away. Back into her arms. Where he wishes he could be.
The two weeks back home in Kildare were filled with press and interviews. Filled with people asking them when the next album was and when they would be back. He was scheduled to go to rehab after two weeks back home but due to scheduling, they had to move his tour up. Y/N was already in Spain. She spent a bit of time with her family, made sure everything was good and then flew off to Europe, taking his heart with her.
They were okay again, he had explained that he would go to rehab and try to get himself under control again. She told him that she was proud of him and that she wished him all the best. She told him that she wouldn’t be able to make it to his first show but that she would be there for his last. She hugged him goodbye on her last day on the island and told him that he would see her soon. 
The engagement scare still circulated in his brain. He’s so afraid that she would get engaged while she was away and he would truly lose her forever. Whenever he thought about it he felt like throwing up. 
One month. One month and he would see her again. 
She stayed with Julio’s family for three weeks in Madrid before they had to go to Valencia where he had to film. She liked being in Madrid the most because she knew how to get around and she could stay at Julio’s house. In Valencia, they’re staying in a hotel so she doesn’t have the comfort of her things. She’ll go to the set with him most of the time but other times they are such long shoots she’d rather do anything else. She wants to explore but she’s so directionally challenged she’s scared to get lost and never return, her map couldn’t even save her sometimes. 
Julio cooks for her every day, he teaches her how to cook some dishes he learned in his classes, they write songs together, and she runs songs by him which turns into them taking turns serenading each other. They drunkenly kiss under street lights and dance in the rain. She’s never felt happier, ever been so in love. 
A month in and she’s back in Los Angeles where Rafe’s playing his last show. She’s excited to be here for him but she’s counting down the hours until she can go back to Spain. 
When she gets home she checks to see that her house hasn’t been broken into and that all pipes are still in place. Her worst nightmare is returning to a flooded house. It all seems normal, she opens a few windows to air it out. Penny’s back in Spain with Julio so she feels extra alone. 
She texts Rafe that she’s back in town and he texts her back within a minute. 
“Thank you for coming, angel.” She smiles at the nickname and responds,
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
He sees her and his world stops. Her hair is in loose waves and it looks a little longer than when he had last seen her. His heart reaches out to her, begging to be in her presence. Sarah notices him there standing like an idiot and waves him over, the motion grabbing Y/N’s attention. 
“Hey,” he says walking over.
“Hi!” She says putting her arms out to him, she goes on her tippy toes to reach him. 
“How are you?” He asks her, slowly letting go. 
“I’m good! Jetlagg is kicking my ass, but happy to be here! Look at you, rockstar.” She has a wide smile on her face that makes him feel like he’s seeing the sun for the first time.
“Yeah,” he laughs a little, scratching the back of his neck, shy all of a sudden.
“I heard a little rumour that Sofia was around?”
“I invited her to a show, extending a branch and all and we talked but that ship has sailed.”
“Are you on good terms?”
“I think we could be better, but it’s okay, I’m not holding my breath.” She links her arm with his, he looks at where their arms connect and feels like he’s on fire. How is he ever going to get over her?
Rafe is amazing. He’s in a class of his own when he’s up on stage giving the show of a lifetime. It makes her tear up. She can’t help but think how he almost gave this all up when they were younger. She can’t imagine him anywhere but the stage. If he were working for his dad, his star would be caged. She’s so happy she could be a small part of his journey. He deserves the world. 
For the first time since they started talking again, she feels like they can go back to normal. She loves him. She can have her best friend back. 
She doesn’t know how fast everything can fall apart. It’s perfect. Too perfect. She should have known that the other shoe would drop sooner or later. That’s how her life goes. She should have known she couldn’t have everything she wants. Things get ripped away eventually.
Rafe and Topper had mentioned that there were rumours they might have to go on a festival run. She hasn’t heard anything from their manager or their label. She likes the idea of a festival run, it could get them playing in front of people who don’t know who they are and expose them to new crowds.
She misses performing, she knows this would cut her time in Spain short. Much shorter than anticipated. She’s supposed to be there for almost seven months, with a bit of travelling back and forth until Julio finishes filming and they can stay in New York for a while. 
She’s only been here for three months. It’s been so nice to be back with Julio full time, and get to do normal couple things after work. She doesn’t know how she’ll break the news to him. She chooses not to until she knows for sure. 
The peace is short-lived. 
“What is this?” Julio holds up the phone for her to take. She grabs his phone and looks at Boston Calling’s festival lineup. She reads trying to see what he’s talking about and finally finds what he’s asking about. Saturday, May 8th: Kildare Split B stage. 
“I promise I didn’t know anything about this.” She tries to reassure him.
“That’s in two weeks.” He says to her, she feels the emotion in his voice.
“I know. I’ll talk to them.” She gives him his phone back and wraps her arms around him. 
“I’m sorry.” They stay wrapped up in each other, silence overtaking them.
“Ash, no one told me. I just thought I had more time.”
“There’s nothing we can do, we have the contract, you’re expected here.” She slides her hand over her face and sighs. 
“Okay. That’s fine, but I’m leaving right after, no press.”
“Y/N, that’s not the only festival. You’ll be doing stops all spring and summer.” Her stomach drops. 
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?” 
“I’m sorry. The label will make no exceptions. You have to be here for every show.”
She cries in Julio’s arms about having to leave so soon. He tells her it’s okay and that it’s nothing that they aren’t used to. She hates being used to being so far from him. She already misses him. 
They try to get back to normal for the remainder of the time but something shifts. She can’t quite place it. She doesn’t know if it’s her or if it’s him. It feels off. For the first time since they met, it feels like they’re orbiting around different stars. 
They’re returning to their apartment from lunch with one of his co-stars when her world starts to crack. She knows what he’s thinking before he even says it out loud. His eyes are sad and she can read him. She’s never hated him a day since they met. Not until now. She tries to distract herself, tries changing the subject, she tells him she’s going to shower and get ready for bed. 
In the shower, she tries to scrub away the doubt and rubs at her skin to try and rid herself of the feeling. Impending doom. The world ending. A black hole fiding her universe and destroying it before she can do anything to stop it. 
When she gets out of the shower he’s sitting on the edge of their bed facing her, she’s still trying to avoid it, she kisses his cheek and turns away. He stops her from walking away by grabbing her hand and pulling her towards him. She doesn’t face him. She can’t.
“This is so hard.” His voice comes out hoarse.
“Then don’t do it.” 
“I love you so much it hurts.” It’s not supposed to hurt. He taught her that. 
“I don’t know how much longer I can do this.”
“You said we could get through it. You said that it was nothing we hadn’t done.”
“I know what I said. I thought I could.”
“And now you can’t.” He looks at her, shaking his head.
“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I wish things could be different.”
“No. No. No. Stop, no, you don’t get to break up with me.” She’s screaming, the tears already spilling from her eyes. She’s never felt so crazy. And her world falls apart. She doesn’t remember a time before her life was him and her.
“Y/N. You know I love you, I would do anything for you, and this is the right thing to do.”
“No. You don’t get to choose what is right for me. I do. And I choose you. I always choose you.”
“It’s not feasible. Being away from you. It hurts too much. It hurts you and it hurts me. I can’t do 
it. My heart breaks every time you leave.”
“I’ll do anything.” Tears fall from his eyes as he gulps.
“Moving here is not realistic for you, you were supposed to be here for way longer and look, you leave in three days. I don’t blame you. It’s everything you’ve worked for and I won’t be the person that holds you back.” She’s sobbing now, she can’t see him over her tears, she’s shaking and desperate to get him to listen. To keep him. 
“I’ll quit the band.” It comes tumbling out of her mouth before she can stop it. she grabs his face and makes him look at her. “I’ll quit.” He looks at her eyes wide. 
“Julio, please.”
“You don’t mean that, you’ll resent me and you won’t be happy and it’ll ruin us.”
“I won’t. I promise.” She’d never heard these sounds come out of her body before, so guttural and painful from somewhere deep inside her. 
“You will. You would never ask me to quit acting, would you?”
“No,” she whines, the tears flowing.
“Then how could I ask you to quit your dreams?” He’s right. She knows he is and it fucking hurts. She wants to rip her heart out. She’s never felt pain like this and she wishes she could have never met him. 
That’s not true, the thought of never having him in her life hurts. No matter how painful this moment is, the realization that their relationship is over is, she would never take back the years she spent with him. He showed her what it meant to be loved. How it felt to be seen and wanted. He taught her selflessness in love. She would never take it back. She needs to numb the pain. 
She falls into his arms, her face on his chest as she cries and cries. He holds her like he never wants to let go and cries with her. God how she wishes she could live another life. How she wishes they could be other people. In another life, she thinks. In another life. 
He’s what she wants, but she’s not what he needs. Because she���s hurting him. She’s been hurting him and he can’t put up with it anymore. She’s not worth it.
She books her flight for that night. Not wanting to prolong their inevitable goodbye. She watches as he closes the door to his apartment. The last time she’ll be here. They hold hands on the way down to his car and then as he drives her to the airport where he kisses her for the last time. Kisses her goodbye. And she gets on the plane and cries all the way home. The flight attendant keeps bringing her water and the people around her are whispering. She closes the curtains around her pod. Her eyes focus on the sides of the window as the frost builds like little spider webs reaching out to her.
She loves him. She loves him. She can’t believe this.
She gets to her house. Penny next to her. She sets her stuff down next to the door and collapses into a pile of skin, bone, and numbness. Her heart missing. Her heart was somewhere back in Spain with the boy he dragged her out of her isolation and brought her back to life. How could she ever be okay again?
She doesn’t leave her house or her bed until the day she has to be on a flight to Boston. She has about 100 missed calls and a billion unopened text messages. She doesn’t care to talk to anyone. Doesn’t want to explain the breakup. 
She can feel herself isolating. To the way, things were before him. She’s in a room full of people and she feels the most alone she’s ever been. She waves everyone off, not giving them a second glance. She marches on stage, she plays the show with a missing heart. Pretending she’s okay. The band sees right through her, the fans don’t know better. 
Everyone is worried about her. Ash forces her to come out with the band and crew. She’s probably scared she’ll overdose if she’s on her own. All the telltale signs of how she used to be. They’re keeping an eye on her. 
She doesn’t feel like she’s in her body, she’s floating through life right now. She walks out onto the balcony, needing fresh air. 
Everyone’s dancing as she sits on the balcony and stares at the night sky. The wind makes goose bumps rise on her skin. She feels another tear try and escape her eye. She blinks it away before it can. She’s so tired of crying all the time. 
“Hey, you.” Topper steps out into the crisp air. 
“Hey,” she whispers, trying to cover that she’s been crying. 
“You okay?”
“It’ll be okay. Sometimes love just doesn’t last. It happens and it’ll pass.”
“We didn’t break up because we didn’t love each other. If the distance didn’t exist I would still be with him. I would choose him over and over again but I was hurting him and in turn, I was hurting myself and neither of us expected or would accept the other quitting their dream jobs to move. So we’re done and it fucking hurts, Top. I saw forever with him. I haven’t felt that way about anyone ever. Part of me thinks that one day, when we’re both settled and not chasing the next best thing, we’ll be together.” She’s choking up, tears spilling over.
“Come here,” he opens his arms to her and she falls into them, “I’m here for you.” she looks over his shoulder to where Rafe is with their friends. 
“For now I just want to drink and cry and sleep for three weeks. I want the pain to stop. I don’t want to feel.” She pulls back from Topper, grabbing his arm and dragging him back inside. 
She would forget. At least for tonight.
Her head pounds in the morning. She would blame all the crying she’s been doing but it’s mostly the alcohol. Cleo would kill her if she knew how much she was drinking again. She opens her eyes and looks around the half-lit room, the morning sun peeking through the curtains. The curtains are on the wrong side of the room. She looks around some more and notices clothes thrown on the floor. Men’s clothes. This isn’t her room. 
She remembers bits of the night before, kissing and touching in the elevator ride, the fight to find his room key, looking into his blue eyes and forgetting the name of the man with the brown eyes. At least for a moment. She blinks as if that would stop the headache.  
“Shit.” She hears from beside her. She slowly turns her head until her eyes meet the blue eyes staring back at her. 
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missuswalker · 25 days
𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 || 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𐙚 summary: donnie asks you on a date, (to his room) and, of course, you can’t resist those eyes
𐙚 warnings: pointless fluff + brief smut because i love him, donnie being too cute, maybe too long + not proofread (aged up, obviously, let’s say seniors in hs) not proofread oops
𐙚 notes: i’m obsessed with him can somebody talk with me about this subject matter
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Donnie, while not shy, wasn’t the most courageous boy out there. At least, when it came to you. His brain stopped working when you were near and he’d overshare until there was nothing else to say. You stuck around, though. You liked his stories. You liked spending time with him. He liked spending time with you, too. He’d pass you a note in class, pretending to stretch so he could drop the folded paper on the desk behind him. He loved to hear the crinkle of the paper as you unfolded it, your quiet giggles following. Every time you would write back, he’d pocket the paper and take it home.
The teacher loved your little ‘budding relationship’ quite a bit less than the two of you did, though. In fact, Donnie had gotten detention twice now for his constant whispers and laughs he shared with you. He didn’t care. As long as he kept you hooked on him, he’d take any punishment. Besides, Ms. Dulwich was exactly what her name described her as. A dull witch. She was a miserable, lonely woman who had nothing better to do than move Donnie as far away from you as possible. He always managed to get a note back to your desk, despite the newfound circumstances of having a desk at the very front of the room.
It was today, though, that he decided he needed to finally step up to the plate. He couldn’t just wait around forever. You’d lose interest or someone else would get to you first. The thought plagued his mind more than Frank, it was a constant bother.
It was 11:05, his, and your, lunch period. After debating on whether or not he go through the lunch line, he ultimately decides he was too nervous to eat, so instead, he begins to search for you. He eventually spotted you at the end of a table full of girls, the lot of you laughing and gossiping, as one does. He rubs his sweaty palms on his pants, and begins his journey towards the crowded table. He didn’t believe you fit in with those girls. They were loud, obnoxious and so… plastic. You were real. They didn’t deserve you, but Donnie definitely did. At least that was what he believed.
“Y/n,” he interrupts, ignoring the girl who he’d just cut off, rubbing his hands on his pants once again. As soon as you look up at him with that smile, he thought he might as well just marry you. He just couldn’t seem to get his words out, his mouth falling open and closing, over and over. The girls around you began to quietly snickers, giving glances and eye rolls. “Do you wanna eat lunch with me?” He finally spit it out, finally asked. Now the hard part was over. The girls began to giggle, but you nodded, standing from your seat. “Okay,” you said, your voice so calm. Immediately your friend’s laughter stops, the snobby girls looking on in disbelief. There wasn’t anything inherently wrong with Donnie, the group just thought he was kind of a freak, to say the least.
You had never thought of Donnie as a freak. You saw him as the smart guy he was, which was a boost to his ego, considering he found you rather intelligent as well, though your smarts didn’t always show through a test. Maybe he just thought so highly of you because he liked you, but either way, he knew he enjoyed talking to you. “I hate them, I’m sorry. They’re just brats. They weren’t laughing at you, they were laughing at me,” you tell Donnie, sitting across from him at an empty table. Donnie furrows his brows, watching you pick at your lunch. “Why would they laugh at you,” he snorts, his eyes trailing back to the girls who were staring right back, poking each other and whispering. “I talk about you a lot,” you say vaguely.
Biting the inside of his cheek, Donnie decided he couldn’t take it anymore. If he didn’t ask what had been driving him crazy for so long, he’d never be able to sleep at night. “Do you wanna go with me? Like, do you wanna, like, I don’t know. Never mind, shut up. Not you, me,” he rambles, shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut in disbelief. You stare at him, seeming so bewildered for a moment, before you simply begin to laugh. “Yeah, I wanna go with you.” Donnie nodded in response, biting his lip. “I like you,” he says, eyes flickering all over your face. “I know,” you snort.
“Will you come over after school? We can just hang out, or I can read you this book, it’s… I think you’d like it,” he blurts, his heart pounding. He could hardly process everything happening right now, his mind going haywire. “Yeah, okay, that’d be cool,” you nod, leg bouncing under the table. “Okay. Cool,” Donnie sighs. The rest of lunch wasn’t so bad. The two of you just talked like you normally did and the awkward tension went away completely. It was like nothing changed, though both of you knew something did, indeed, change.
As the two of you stepped into his bedroom, successfully having gotten passed his mother’s questions and his fathers jokes, you dropped your book bag on the floor. “You can sit on the bed, I’m gonna grab that book,” Donnie tells you, kicking off his shoes. When he joins you on the bed, he hesitantly wraps his arm around your shoulder, opening the book. You look up at him, giving a grin. “What are you doing,” you ask, putting your hand on his elbow. “I’m not doing anything,” he says, looking down at you as he bites back his smile. After a moment of silence, he looks down at your lips. “You know, you’re my first girl,” he says, his voice quiet. “Oh, so I’m your girl?” You rest your head on his shoulder, Donnie giggling. You loved his laugh. It was so airy and silly. “I meannn,” he trails off, looking away for a moment.
“I think I like being your girl,” you hum, raising a brow. “That makes one of us,” he jokes, causing the both of you to laugh. Then, again, there was silence. He slowly moved down, his lips dangerously close to yours. “Donnie,” you snort, grabbing his face and pushing him away. He gently pulls your hand away, sticking out his bottom lip in a dramatic pout. “What?” You think for a moment, giving a shrug. “I dunno.” He scans your face for a moment, brows furrowing. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have tried anything. I’m not expecting anything from you, I just, I was thinking… I don’t know, I thought maybe you wanted to kiss me, so,” she begins, only to be cut off by your lips on his.
It didn’t take long for the kiss to get a little too passionate, your shirt on his floor and his hand hovering over your bra. You move his hand onto your tit to give him the extra push, and then he’s all over you. “I really didn’t plan this or anything, I swear. I really like you,” he rambles on, sliding his fingers under the white fabric of your bra, his inexperienced fingers playing with your nipple. “Stop talking,” you say softly, hand fiddling with the button on his pants. “Gotcha,” he mumbles, reconnecting your lips until your hand meets his hard cock, covered by his boxers. “I’ve imagined this before, actually not to long ago, but this is better,” he tells, not able to stay quiet because he just always had to say whatever was on his mind. You almost laugh against his lips. “Donnie, you’re really cute, but shut up.”
He nods, grunting at the feeling of your fingers grazing the skin of his stomach. “Sorry. You’re so pretty, can’t help it,” he huffs, pushing his nose into your hair. He pushes your hand away, pulling his dick out of his boxers, because he just couldn’t wait any longer. “You don’t have to do anything, I-” He’s cut off with a moan as your head ducks down to take him into your mouth, tongue flat against the head of his cock. “Oh, shit, you’re gonna make me cum,” he tells you. You look up at him, one hand moving to make a ring around the base of his dick, slowing moving it up and down, the other finding his balls, squeezing gently. His fingers fly to your hair, gripping at the roots. He rewards you with heavenly moans, twitching in your mouth. You slowly drag your tongue around his tip before moving down. As soon he dick his the back of your throat and you hollowed your cheeks, he cums down your throat, tossing his head back as if his soul left his body.
You make sure he’s looking at you as you swallow, pulling away to let him take a moment. “You never had your dick sucked?” You question, running your fingers through his hair. She shakes his head, putting his thumb in between your teeth, pulling your mouth open. Letting his finger trail back down to your lip, letting it bounce back, he places a sweeter kiss to your lips. “I think I just came into next year,” he breathes, hands finding your tits again. “You’re so romantic,” you say sarcastically, Donnie giving you a dopey smile. “What, you didn’t like it?” He moves his lips to your neck, testing the waters. “No, I liked it.”
“You wanna do it again?”
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𐙚 he’s such a virgin, idc, he’d be so awkward and chatty the very first time he did something slightly sexual and it would be so cute and annoying at the same time i want to kiss him
im so tired why’d i stay up so late writing smut about this man
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 2 months
Four times Simon wanted to kiss you, you're just so irresistible that Simon couldn't wrap it together why he's obsessed with you. The one sided feeling (from his point of view) that he tried to suppress always fail successfully cause what, you're existing and that's enough to make his knees weak. Something about the way your lips moving while talking, or the way they open when eating, and the way your lips are just there. The softness, plump and shape of your lips. Sometimes, your lips are glistening with lip balm, spit and water. Simon never feel this strong urge before and now he's going to take what he needs to claim — your inviting lips
Your Inviting Lips - Simon “Ghost” Riley*Reader
Hello! I hope you don’t mind having the last few words of your req as the title because they’re beautiful! and tyvm for the idea :D 💖
Simon wonders if you know how intoxicating you are.
He will fall to his knees if you chant praises, watching your plump lips move, tongue darts out and give it a swipe, like coating sugar to already juicy cherries.
He’s falling, deep and deeper, to this unknown abyss. Is it a honey trap? Is it worth him to become human? He has no idea.
Will he stop this expedition? No chance.
There’s no map leading him to your heart, so he just watches you from afar, observing how your lips open, take a bite at the strawberry.
If he takes you in his arms right now, and presses his chapped lips to your soft ones, will it taste as sweet as the strawberry? can he derive a hint of the sweetness when his tongue dances with yours?
The smile you wear on your lips, why is it so irresistible? The slight curl at the corner, he wants to caress it with his calloused thumb, hoping that won’t ruin the perfection. The shape of your lips is prettier than any model he sees on those lipstick posters.
He never dreams of reciprocating from you. The one side feeling will last forever, till he sees another man claim those lips that should be his.
Your existence is already enough for him, encouraging him to breathe, subsiding his anger.
Don’t be greedy, Simon tells himself, yet it’s difficult when you keep tugging at his heartstrings and staying oblivious.
Albeit he repeats the sentence as if it’s a motto, the screaming reminding him to make you his in his mind overshadows it when he walks into the room, and spots you having a lip balm in your hand.
“You should quit staring, LT.” Simon hears you chuckles, eyes meeting his through the mirror.
“Curious about how to put on lip balm?”
“Just a bit.”
“Well” With the lip balm in your hand, you stand up and raise an eyebrow at him. “How about you try it yourself?”
His eyes stick on your figure as you sway towards him. Every click of your heels only makes his heart pound harder against his chest.
Taking over the lip balm, and looking back at you, eyes closed and pouting a bit for him to spread the ointment on you.
Not now. Simon restrains the urge as he cradles your face in his palm, and carefully starts his mission.
“Not bad.” You take a glimpse at your pocket mirror.
“Thanks I guess.”
“Don’t you want to learn more?”
“About what?” He’s reading the tag on the lip balm as you ask.
“I’m sure you will be curious about the flavor of it, Sir.”
Snapping his head up in a blink of an eye, he is able to recognize it. The smirk spreading across your glistening lips, just few inches from his masked one.
Without a second thought, he shoves his mask above his nose, and pulls you into a passionate kiss.
He smashes his lips with yours, opening his mouth when you lick at his bottom lip to demand an entrance. Two famished people, finally get the things that are theirs since the start, avariciously drink in each other's essence, absorbing the nutrients deprived for too long.
If there are no barriers between the bodies, it won’t end until the fusion of both hearts.
Pulling back and panting, his spit provides a new layer of protection for your lips.
“How’s the taste, Ghost?”
“Need one more time to make sure.”
Lips touching again, moving at a tender pace this time, Simon realizes why there’s no map indicating the path to your love.
Because he’s already at the location hoarding the treasure.
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jobesbabe · 4 months
my forever valentine / TAA
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summary: trent surprises you after training with something that makes your valentines day that much more special
warnings: established relationship, fluff
a/n: hi! new to this still but please leave feedback and requests because they’re always appreciated
Trent had been training with Robbo when he told him the plan. He would propose. Tonight, in the most romantic, perfect moment. He had picked out a gold diamond ring that was still simple enough that you would wear. Trent’s nerves were at an all time high as he expressed his plan to Robbo. A few others gathered around to see what the scouser was so passionate about. As they listened, they began to understand the emotional intensity and admiration Trent was feeling.
Dominik grabbed his shoulders before quickly massaging them.
“You’ve got this man,” He said smiling his signature Hungarian smile that was straight out of a magazine.
Robbo nodded.
“I’ve seen you two together. That woman is smitten for you. I don’t understand it, but she is,” Robbo gushed earning a bashful smile and swat from Trent.
Training ended a few hours later and he couldn’t wait to open up his door and see your shining, adorable face grinning back at him like a little kid. He drove home in his audi smiling the whole time, The engagement ring boring a whole in his pocket. He was done with having it, he wanted it to be on your beautiful hands and not stuck in a box.
He opened the door to your home and the smell of food hit him in the face. You ran to go meet him at the door, apron on and flour stains on your face. You pulled him into a hug.
“Happy Valentine’s day baby,” You said.
He smiled and leaned into your warmth before pulling away and giving you pecks on the forehead and each cheek. Resting his head on yours, he brought you in for a deep passionate kiss neither of you wanted to end.
“Happy valentine’s” Trent replied.
His scouse accent made you crazy. the way he said simple words like happy or morning would make you smile and obsess for hours.
As you smiled he reached his hand up to your eye, brushing over the flour with the pad of his thumb to wipe it away.
“I love you,” He whispered and you both became engulfed in each other’s arms, lips on the other instantly. Your make out session was cut short by the ringing of the kitchen timer you had set for the handmade pasta you had spent hours crafting. You pulled away. “It’s ready!” You exclaimed and he laughed, and then his face got serious.
You turned to run to the kitchen but were stopped by the man you love’s voice.
“y/n, darling” he said.
“mhm?” you replied turned away from him.
“Turn,” He asks and as you do, you see Trent, on one knee, with a velvet box that he opens to reveal a ring that is so you, you swear you would’ve picked out yourself.
“Trent? Is this real?” You ask, hands over your chest.
“yes baby. I knew from a few months into our relationship that you would be the person. My ride or die, my soulmate. My one. My person. I want you. Forever. I love you, Please make me the happiest scouser on the whole planet and marry me?”
You gasp and nod your head, tears filling your eyes.
“Trent, Oh my gosh. Yes, Of course. I love you so so much.” you gush.
He slipped the ring on your finger before standing up and cupping your face with his massive hands.
He kissed you, and you kissed him back with more love than you had ever felt.
“my forever valentine,” he whispered into your ear before leaving a trail of kisses along your face and neck.
The two of you held hands as you ate the pasta you had poured your soul into making, taking moments to examine each other before smiling.
Every so often, he would take your left hand and kiss it just below your engagement ring. He was obsessed.
a/n Ahh thats it! kinda love this one, and heres the rings i think Y/N would love but obvi u are y/n so whatever you like &lt;3
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more 1 than two but idk
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agaypanic · 7 months
I saw that you were interested in lab rats requests, and I'm obsessed with that show and have like a billion thoughts in my head so can i request a chase davenport x reader, where the reader is perry's niece and shes kind of a grey character. Like she's mean to everyone who deserves it, especially those who are mean to Chase, which is honestly a lot of people. Similar to Jade from victorious but less intense lol. One day she just goes off and Chase is just so into it.
Chase Davenport With Principal Perry's Niece Headcanons
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A/N: fun fact, i know jade from clips on tiktok, but ive actually never really seen victorious aside from one episode that my ex made me watch years ago that i barely paid attention to lol
He’s a bit scared of you at first
He thinks you’ll be like your aunt, who’s a bit of a nightmare
But he’s quickly proven wrong when you’re left alone
“You! Dorky twerp!” Principal Perry pointed at Chase and his siblings, and they all looked at her confused.
“Think that means you, bud,” Adam said, pushing Chase towards the woman before running off, Bree and Leo hot on his heels. Chase hesitantly closed the distance between him and Perry.
“Yes, Principal Perry?”
“Meet my niece, Y/n.” It was then that he noticed you, standing beside your aunt. You wore a bored expression. “She’s new here, moved in with me because her parents are fighting for custody, and the judge thinks they’re both incompetent.”
“Aunt Terry…” You groaned, wishing she didn’t always feel the need to share such personal and unnecessary information.
“Anyways, I want you to show her to her classes.” Perry leaned in close to Chase, glaring at him. “Make a move on her, and you’re dead meat, Daven-dork.”
You and Chase watched her walk away, somewhat mortified. Then you looked at each other in an awkward silence. You were the first to speak.
“Sorry about her…” You laughed a little, trying to lighten the mood. “What’s your name?”
“Chase.” He responded, a bit taken aback. If he was being honest, he thought that there was something in Perry’s DNA that made her the crabby, mean woman she was. So it would’ve made sense if everyone related to her was similar. “Chase Davenport.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” You smile, holding your hand out for him to shake. He smiled back as he shook your hand. 
“Nice to meet you, too.”
You quickly become inseparable, much to your aunt’s chagrin
You’re a lot nicer than her, which surprises everyone
But that doesn’t mean you’re never mean
Luckily, it’s only to people who deserve it
Trent was quick to become a pain in your ass. Not directly to you; he was too scared of Perry’s wrath. But the way he treated Chase and his siblings pissed you off. Chase told you not to worry about it, that he was used to it, but you weren’t having it.
“Just because you’re used to it doesn’t mean you should be, Chase.” You say as he told you for the tenth time today to forget about Trent and his behavior.
“Aw, it’s cute that you care,” Chase said, laughing when you jokingly pushed him and told him to be quiet. But then he got pushed again, only this time much rougher.
“This kid bothering you, Y/n?” Trent asked with a flirty grin, getting close. You rolled your eyes, pushing past him to get back to Chase.
“No, but someone else is.” You say with a deadpan tone, staring intensely at Trent. He looked around the hall.
“Jesus.” You muttered, you and Chase snickering to each other as you walked away.
Sometimes, your anger gets the best of you
Like when Chase’s bullies start to get a bit physical
You fight back more than he does
After what felt like forever, you got out of your last class of the day and went to the main hall to wait for Chase. He was often waiting for you by his locker, ready to walk you home.
But today, he wasn’t the only person at his locker. A few guys from the football team surrounded him, pushing him whenever he tried to move away.
“Fellas, come on.” He laughed nervously. 
“Shut up, nerd!”
“Hey!” You shouted from across the hall, effectively grabbing all of the boys’ attention. You stomped over to them. “Leave him alone.”
The jocks all turned to surround you, looking amused.
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” One of them asked, leaning close to you. “You know, I’m not afraid to hit a girl.”
“I’m not either.” You responded before stomping on his foot and punching him in the stomach. He yelped in pain, and his friends backed away. You grabbed the boy by the ear, making him wince. “Considering football is probably the only thing you and your friends are good at, I suggest you apologize and get the hell out of here. Unless you wanna try to play with some broken fingers?”
The jock immediately shook his head, the others doing the same.
“I’m sorry.” He squeaked.
“I’m not the one you should be saying that to.” You let go of his ear and pushed him towards Chase. Chase stepped aside, watching the football player run into the lockers from the force of your shoving. 
“Sorry…” He said to Chase before looking at his friends and running away with them. The apology didn’t seem too genuine, sounding more scared than anything else. But it was a start.
“You okay?” You asked, looking Chase up and down for any possible damage. He stared at you in slight shock, slowly nodding. You smiled and held your hand out. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Chase swiftly grabbed your hand, walking out of the school with you.
“That was hot.” The short but serious sentence made you laugh.
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spacecowboyhotch · 5 months
In Plain Sight: Family Dinner
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summary: nathan meets your sisters— alternatively, you get grilled by your family (nathan joins in of course).
pairing: nathan bateman x f!reader
contents: this entire series is 18+, SIBLINGSSSSSS, talks of dating, bi!reader, teasing, food mention, mentions of caretaking/sick parent, kissing, nathan is so in love (so is reader)
wc: 1,465
an: back at it with these two again. i adore them. i love them. this is lowkey chaos. and nathan sort of fits in perfectly with her family’s chaos which i was expecting to struggle with a bit. thank you to @juneknight for always being there to listen and brainstorm, you’re too good to me!
in plain sight masterlist | tiana | planted | little hamlet
3 months post To Atomize
“If neither of you are ready he doesn’t have to come. But, he’s very excited to meet you.”
Emma and Phillipa are sat on the couch as you stand— more like pace— in front of them. You shouldn’t be nervous, it’s not like this is the first time they’ve met someone you’ve been involved with. Nathan isn’t just somebody is he though? Asshole boss turned slightly less asshole boyfriend. The word feels weird in your mouth, not just because 6 months ago you were calling him Mr. Bateman, but because he seems like so much more than that.
All of his talk of being obsessed, about being consumed, well you feel the same way. You aren’t sure that the term boyfriend really compasses that. But, who would you be to shut that down— saying it doesn’t feel right, or strong enough— when Nathan had the most smug, giddy look on his face when he called you his girlfriend for the first time?
“Oh my god, don’t be a chicken, we’re ready,” Phillipa gripes, leaning back against the couch to more easily fish her phone out of her pocket.
“Hey, don’t call me a chicken.”
“You’ve been dating Mr. Bateman forever,” She says, scrolling on her phone. “It’s been on Twitter.”
“Its been 6 months. Call him Nathan, he's not some stuffy old man.” You say. Well— he’s not old at least. “And please don’t mention Twitter, I’m perceived enough these days.”
Emma pipes up finally, “Phil says that’s a hella long time.”
You narrow your eyes at the older girl who’s giving your younger sister a similar look. “Phil says hella, does she?”
“Emma you swore you wouldn’t tell!”
“I didn’t! I used it in a sentence!”
“Okay, okay— we don’t yell at each other.. You’re both sure?”
“Yes!” They say together with different levels of eagerness, though they’re both excited.
You regard them with wary eyes. Nathan’s excited. They’re excited. Your nerves are certainly there, but you are too.
“Alright but I need you both to be on your best behavior. Be the sweet girls I know you are. And no more cussing. Either of you.”
Nathan’s been uncharacteristically quiet but you know that he’s just gathering information, feeling things out. But, Phillipa takes that as nerves and being the rebellious teenager that she is, she wants to have some fun.
She mixes up the pasta in front of her, examines it as she nonchalantly asks, “Nathan, where do babies come from?”
Nathan bites back a nervous laugh. “Don’t they teach you that in sex ed? I mean scientifically speaking it’s a bore but—“
“Nathan,” You grit out in warning, your eyes meeting his.
He gets the message straight away, going in for a different method of attack. “I could make a baby with my bare hands. Program it to never cry or eat, to sleep its 16 hours.”
Emma perks up. “Like a babydoll? Mine is broken.”
“Emma, a new doll is on your Christmas list. It's not broken, you just want the new one,” Phillipa says, reaching for the red pepper flakes.
“I could build her one that's better than anything you could buy on the market. Those things crap out, they malfunction.”
Your brow furrows as you look over at Nathan, this is not where you expected this conversation to go, though you’re not ungrateful. “You’re going to build my sister a doll?”
“Oh, please? Please, please, Mr. Bateman!”
“I told you to call him Nathan, Em.”
Phillipa leans in, “Hey, what about me? Emma gets a doll what do I get.”
“Nathan isn't here to give you thinks, Phil, he was just here to meet you.”
“That depends on what you like Philippa. I can do anything,” Nathan proclaims, leaning back against his chair and crossing his arms.
“Nobody can do anything.”
“That was before you met me. Name it.”
“I’m gonna think of something super impossible.”
“I look forward to proving you wrong, Phil.”
Phil studies him for a moment, trying to decide if she’ll say what’s on her mind. “You’re cooler than anybody she’s ever dated.”
“Oh really?”
“Phil, please,” You plead, completely abandoning eating in turn for twirling your pasta anxiously.
Phillipa ignores completely ignores you, grinning at Nathan’s interest. “Yeah, the last guy she brought looked like Goofy and sounded like Mickey Mouse.”
“Mickey Mouse, huh? You into rats, sweetheart?”
“What about the lady with the curly hair? I liked her,” Emma says softly.
Nathan’s brows raise as he trains his gaze on you. “The lady?”
You pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers. Your sisters and Nathan grilling you— together. This was simultaneously the best and the worst idea. They had to meet of course, what with you being pretty sure you want to spend the rest of your life with Nathan. But did they have to gang up on you like a well choreographed dance? Especially on the first go of it.
“We were friends. How do you even remember her, Em, you were a toddler?” You look at her with eyes that say back off but she’s 7, in her own world, having a great time.
Nathan’s building her a babydoll for gods sakes.
Emma grins, “She always gave me candies.”
“Wait a fuc—“ He stops himself, mindful of your sisters, repeating with just as much shock as before, “a lady?”
“Friends,” You emphasis again.
“I literally caught you two kissing,” Phil says, rolling her eyes.
Nathan throws his head back, laughing loudly, “Not much of an explanation for that, is there honey?”
“It never went anywhere— not that I owe to any of you to explain,” You give all of them narrowed eyes, your face feeling hotter than the surface of the sun.
“They were all nice at least,” Philippa muses, twirling some pasta around her fork.
“Like I would bring home somebody that would be mean to either of you.”
“Phillipa says people say Nathan’s a jackass,” Emma announces before stuffing more garlic bread in her mouth.
You fix Phillipa with an icy look, and she quickly looks away, suddenly very interested in the basket of garlic bread in front of her. “When I told you to spend more time with your sister, that really did not include teaching her swear words.”
“I like swear words!” Emma protests.
Nathan leans in, smiling wide, eyes glittering mischievously, “Emma, so do I.”
You lean closer to Nathan, whispering, “Honey, you’re not helping.”
“Right. Lips zipping,” He whispers back, straightening up.
You turn back to your sisters. “Less swear words, more dinner. Or are you finished?”
“I’m finished. Can we have the brownies Phillipa made?”
“Of course, little one. Phillipa? Nathan?”
Phil just gives you a nod, while Nathan says, “All good, sweetheart.”
Dessert is much more mellow, and afterwards Nathan offers to do the dishes for you so that you can make sure your sisters get to bed alright. Once you’ve said goodnight to them, you return to your room. You find Nathan there, fingers tracing the trinkets and family heirlooms that sit on your desk.
You shut the door quietly behind you, “I told you they were…”
“Like you?” Nathan suggests, his mouth sitting in that smug grin.
You scoff. “Nosy. I’m not nosy.”
“You’re pretty fucking nosy.”
“Am not.”
“I didn’t say I disliked it about you honey, don’t get your panties in a twist,” He reaches for you, crowding you against the wall near your bed.
“My panties are untwisted, Nathan,” You say matter of factly, unimpressed with him.
He grins, pressing a kiss to your cheek, your jaw, your neck. “Can I take them off then?”
“My sisters are down the hall, so is my mom,” You whisper, a little breathless and Nathan takes note of that.
“I thought you liked covering my mouth?” He asks, pulling away from your neck to wag his eyebrows at you. You stare up at him, eyes alight, mouth flat. He wants to kiss you until his brain melts out of his ears but digresses. “Alright, alright. I’ll behave.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bateman,” You say, your voice a little exasperated though there’s a smile pulling at your lips. You detangle yourself from him, starting towards the door. “I’ll get you some towels to shower and check on my mom.”
“You’ll let me know if she’s up for company?” Nathan watches you deflate, sorry that he even asked. But, he’s eager to meet the woman who raised you. He wants to ask questions and know more about the both of you.
“Yeah, I’ll let you know,” You murmur.
“If not, I’ll just write her a note. You know I’m good for it,” He murmurs, nodding head towards the note he’d written you that sits on your nightstand. “Come back here. Please.”
When you cross the room to him, he pulls in close, his mouth capturing yours in a kiss that makes you so dizzy you can’t remember that you were sad.
“What was that for?”
He raises a brow at you, “What, I can’t kiss my girlfriend whenever I want?”
“You and that word are really going strong?”
“You jealous?”
“Nathan, that would make a negative amount of sense, my love.”
He starts to kiss at your neck like before, using a little more teeth this time. “Oh that’s new. I like that. Say it again.”
“To the shower, Bateman.”
nathan taglist: @missdictatorme, @hon3yboy, @runa-falls, @campingwiththecharmings, @toracainz, @steven-grants-world, @clemdango04, @jdbxws, @crispysublimecupcake, @sub-aro, @faretheeoscar, @cupidysm, @whentheskyispinkandabitblue, @nova-ivy541, @sparkypantelones, @veritable-trash, @mangoslushcrush, @thhriller @tenderhornynihilist, @queerponcho, @redcake333
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sadesluvr · 6 months
Opposites Attract
You’re a self-obsessed sorority girl. He’s an enigmatic film freak. What more is there to say? (Mickey Altieri x Reader)
A/N: My first full Mickey fic! It’s loosely based off of my headcanons (linked HERE), but ofc it's not necessary to read first :) I LOVE him and this has been in the works for a while, so I hope you enjoy it! He is Ghostface in this, but it's only alluded to… 
Word count: 2.7K 
Tags: SMUT / Enemies to lovers / Oral sex, fem receiving / Flirting + Sexual tension / Safe sex! / Doggystyle / Spanking / Light choking + Asphyxiation / Allusions to murder / Relationship goals, kinda 
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You and Mickey Altieri couldn’t have been more different. He was a ‘Tarantino obsessed film freak’ from a seemingly regular (if not a little shady) background with a small group of friends. You, on the other hand, were a peppy architecture student; one of the top girls in your sorority from a rich family with a lawyer father. 
In theory, nothing about the two of you should work - Mickey thought that ‘people like you’ were phoney and self-obsessed, whilst guys like Mickey were essentially ‘nothing but trouble’. Still, it didn’t stop the two of you from being ‘frenemies’, even to the point of culminating in a secret relationship.
Even though you absolutely despised each other, there was something intoxicating about how you’d bicker; how Mickey would roll his eyes and smirk whilst you would get frustrated and brush him off, annoyed yet giddy on how you got under each other's skin. 
This was one of those times. 
You’d smuggled Mickey into your room as the two of you were off to join your respective friends at a party. He claimed he ‘hated’ being around posters of boy bands and unnecessary anthropomorphic stuffed toys, but there was something in his intense, greedy stare as he watched you preen and accessorise that told you otherwise. Of course you knew he wanted you. You wanted him too, but you refused to give him anymore gratification outside of that one night —
“Pink is so not your colour,” he scoffed, shaking his head as you fixed your bolero.
“Unfortunately for you, Mickey, I don’t care about your opinion,” you said sweetly, and you could hear him mutter under his breath. You always loved to get the last word.
“I prefer the baby blue,” he continued. “It brings out the pearls,”
You shrugged him off, fixing the string of beads around your neck. Everyone in Windsor knew that pearls were your signature accessory; the fragile beads sat elegantly around the base of your neck year round, as if you were a regular Jackie-O. Mickey always teased you for wearing them (like he did with practically everything else), but he couldn’t deny how beautiful they looked on you. There was certainly something to be said in the contrast of you; the  ‘righteous, innocent’ being, just like your necklace signified, being with him, a guy with a deep, dark pastime. He wondered what the pretty jewels would look like covered in blood; not necessarily yours (at first), staining the priceless material for good so that they were forever soiled. Your daddy would probably flip.
Good. He hated lawyers.
“…Why do you need to wear pearls anyway?” Mickey said, his voice low as he got up from where he was sitting, stalking over to join you at your dresser. “This is a college mixer, not Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” he finished, eyes locked on yours through the mirror as he stood behind you, his hands placed firmly on your waist as his fingertips threatened to travel elsewhere, likely towards your ass. 
“Because they’re pretty,” you said quickly, gathering yourself as you pushed him off slightly, spinning to face him as you leaned against the surface. “Daddy got them for me on my sixteenth birthday. I love him…” you finished wistfully.
“You love the things he gives you,”
“No. I love him,” you insisted, rolling your eyes as you clipped in your earrings. “He’s a very hardworking man, putting freaks and freeloaders like you in jail,” you said pointedly.
Mickey scoffed.
“I’m a freak now, hm?” he mused, leaning over you. He was tall, and you could feel his breath on your neck, lips grazing the sensitive skin ever so slightly. “Then why are you with me?”
“Obviously due to some kind of terrible head trauma,”
Mickey rolled his eyes for what felt like the billionth time that night, instead focusing his attention on your neck; his canines brushing against your collarbone as he nipped at you, his love bites turning into soft kisses. You fought your hardest not to fall apart under his touch as he pulled you into him, hands exploring your waist and thighs as you felt his hardening cock against your ass. His cologne; though likely nothing more than retail store bought, was intoxicating, and you forced yourself not to lose yourself into his touch. There was just something about him that was insatiable…
It certainly helped that he was a little dangerous.
Sighing, you pushed him off you to face him yet again, fixing your clothes as you flashed him a sultry look.
“How do I look?”
He paused, eyes raking you up and down.
“...Like a girl with a stick up her ass and a cock in her mou —“
“Don’t say that!” You cut him off, slapping his chest lightly before you picked up your bag.
“What?” He snorted. “That ‘Daddy’s Little Princess’ facade doesn’t fool me. You’re a slut,”
“I am not!”
“Are too,” he retorted, following you like a chihuahua. “Don’t you remember that night at the Halloween party? You were in that slutty little cat costume and you were very generous to me under the stairs —“
There was a distinct smugness in his voice, and it took you right back to the hazy-liquor induced moment; from the sloppy kiss that had united the two of you, to the cool metal of his belt on your hands as you undid his trousers, and the salty taste of his cum as he held your head to his base. A beautiful moment, yes, but one you’d agreed to never speak of again.
“And here you are hoping for round two,” you sighed sarcastically, pouting your lips and patting his cheeks affectionately. “Give it up Mickey, it’s never gonna happen,”
“Your call, Princess,” he shrugged, walking to your door and beginning to open it. “Just try not to go all ‘Single White Female’ on me when one of your little sorority sisters wants it more,”
You froze. You never considered yourself to be the stereotypical jealous girl, but as a spoiled only child you were definitely not used to sharing. Katie Lewman was one of the girls in your sorority who you knew had a definitive crush on Mickey, and had even gone as far as trying (and possibly succeeding) to hook up with him. You knew she couldn’t compare to you in the slightest, but Mickey was definitely a player and would sleep with someone if he pleased…Or to get under your skin. 
Mickey’s smirk was visible from the corner of your eye, and you slowly pushed the door back in, making sure it was locked.
You frowned.
“I hate you, you know that?”
Your lips were on each other’s in an instant, with Mickey pulling you in hungrily by your neck, barely giving you any time to breathe.
“I know…” he grumbled, voice broken as he came up for air. His gaze was focused intently on your lips, and his beautiful eyes made contact with your own, taking a moment to ogle your body.“ ‘Drives me crazy…”
Your hands found the sides of his slender waist, drawing him in closer so that you could feel his wanting cock against the thin material of your dress. Given that he wasn’t the typical ‘submissive’ guy, you were surprised when he teased you back, beginning to stumble back towards your bed.
Still kissing, you landed on top of him, and he wasted no time in assuming his position above you, hands pinned to either side of your body as he held your lower half in place with your own. He stopped and cocked his head at you, admiring the way your chest heaved and your eyes were wide. Apparently he could still surprise you.
Good to know.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, watching as Mickey began to strip. It was undoubtedly a godly sight, but you hated the way he made your pussy ache and stomach flutter with the smallest of movements.
“Why do we keep doing this?” you whined, and he grinned, baring his teeth as he stalked over you, taking your jaw in between his hands as he angled your head to stare at him. 
You always looked so pretty beneath him.
“I like the chase,” he uttered, and you began to make out once again, this time with you peeling off your bolero, and hiking up your dress so that it sat by your knees, unsure of how exactly he was going to take you. Mickey was a natural freak, and was always down to experiment when it came to sex…It was one of the many reasons why you liked him.
“Keep the dress on,” he whispered in your ear, nudging you so that you lay flat on your stomach. “Get that pretty ass in the air…” he finished, leaving a love bite on your neck before he pulled away, rubbing his hands along the curve of your spine, teasing you with what was to come. 
SLAP! A red, stingy feeling ran through your lower half, legs peppering with goosebumps as the sensation settled in. Eyebrows furrowed, you gasped and turned to Mickey, who only gave you a shit-eating grin in response.
“Ass. Up.” 
“You assho—“
“Ass. Up.” He repeated simply, staring at you knowingly. Glaring, you hiked your ass up in the air and he assumed the position behind you, pulling the material up over your thighs to rest on your waist. The thin material of your panties left your hot, aching cunt exposed to the cool air of the room, a sensation that was soon replaced with Mickey’s tongue.
He had quite literally buried his face in your ass; hands spreading your asscheeks apart as he delved into your folds, tongue lapping eagerly at your folds as he explored your pussy. You gasped, beginning to moan as you bunched the bedsheets up in your fists, subtly trying to fuck his face back, causing him to stick his face deeper into you.
You could practically see his smile from behind.
“Little Miss Sorority likes having her pussy eaten, hm? What would a girl like you know about giving?” he sneered, spreading your right cheek further and massaging the skin in his hands as the other remained firmly in position. 
“S-Shut up —“ you whined, balancing yourself on one hand as you tried to pull him in, desperate for some release as he found your clit.
“Nuh-Uh, Princess,” he smirked, swatting your hand away. “You don’t get to touch me,”
You groaned and resumed your wringing of the sheets whilst Mickey revelled in your audible pleasure, adding to your stimulation as he stuck his middle and index finger inside you, beginning to move them in and out. Your juices coated him instantly, and he took a moment to lick them up, savouring the unique taste.
He had to have you.
Retracting his face from your privates, he smacked your ass again, admiring how it immediately warmed in his hands.
“…Why’d you stop?” you whined, pouting your lips.
“Because I’m gonna fuck you,” he responded, taking out his cock and stroking it languidly. It was just how you remembered; peachy with a good five and a half inches in length. “This is real life, Princess, we don’t always get everything we want…” he admonished, beginning to line himself up with your entrance. His tip teased your cunt, head smearing dots of precum along your lips, threatening to penetrate.
As much as you needed it, you couldn’t let him win.
“Speaking of not getting what we want…You better wrap your shit up,”
Mickey pulled away and scoffed, his shoulders slumping in annoyance.
“Come on, Princess…” he said knowingly. “You know it doesn’t feel the same…”
You hummed in amusement, beginning to push down your skirt and gather yourself together when you heard Mickey groan, a weight slowly lifting off of the bed as he made his way over to your dresser.
“You are such a spoiled brat,”
“Then come over here and teach me a lesson,”
He slid the condom on in a quick motion and made his way back over to the bed, grabbing your neck as he kissed you, arching your back in the process. The pressure pushed the pearls of your necklace deeper into your skin, a telling reminder of who you were. Social hierarchy may have technically been dead, but the Romeo and Juliet romance would forever thrive.
With a spank of your ass, he wasted no time in entering you from behind, barely giving you time to adjust. As he began to move, you heard him mumble to himself, hands holding onto your hips as he focused on daggering you, your tight walls stretching perfectly over his cock. 
“What’d I say?” Mickey teased, another hand coming down on your ass as he watched your skin slap against his. “Doggystyle. Classic slutty position…What would Daddy think if he saw you now?”
“Fuck…” you whispered, grasping the edge of the bed as your legs tingled from the pressure and your back was being stretched out perfectly. Mickey always ran his mouth. Always. But he was so fucking good at it.
“M-Mick —-“
“That’s it, Princess. Say my name…I want the whole fucking house to hear—“ he growled, utterly feral at the way you moaned and whined for him, to the point of you being speechless. He ran his hands from the curve of your spine and up to the back of your neck, smirking to himself as he forced your face into the duvet, bringing your ass higher into the air.
His fingers played with your pearls, hooking them under his middle and index finger and tugging on them, causing the hard beads to press against your windpipe. He could’ve fucking choked you to death right there and then, and subsequently drowned himself in your screams and moans of pleasure and pain before indulging in your tight, wet cunt; burying himself to the hilt as he’d come. Sex with a condom just wasn’t the same. 
The skin of your ass bounced against his thighs, every bit of contact driving him to thrust deeper, wanting to hit the deepest parts of your core. He let go of your neck, snickering to himself as he heard you let out a desperate gasp for air, and began to rub your pussy as he fucked into you.
“ ‘Can’t believe you’re this wet for me,” he sneered. “Hm, if only you could see yourself!To think, this is one of the rare times I don’t have my cam…”
Your cunt clenched at the idea, and he let out a throaty chuckle. Mickey carried his camcorder everywhere; and the idea of immortalising your illicit affair on a tape filled with your sleazy, steamy antics was enough to send you over the edge. If it ever got out, you’d probably be kicked out of the sorority…Maybe even college. Whilst your father would certainly hate the infamy, there was no doubt Mickey would love them fame.
Mickey groaned as you came around his cock, your walls tightening as he began to reach his own release. Desperately wishing it were your raw pussy, he shot a healthy load of cum into the condom. His grip on your ass tightened as you teased him, grinding your hips against his pelvis so that his slowly softening cock revelled in the wet, spongy sensation.
After a few moments he pulled out of you, placing his hands on his thighs as he admired your aching, satisfied cunt. Smirking, he slapped your ass a final time before collapsing next to you, stroking your pearls and kissing you. This one was slightly different - sloppy, yet gentle. Affectionate, even.
“Whaddya say we stay in tonight, hm?” Mickey perked up, staring at your ceiling. “I’m not going to a party with this —“ he looked down at himself, “— On my dick. How about we rent a movie and get pizza…?”
Cocking an eyebrow, you turned to look at the brunette curiously, propping yourself up on your elbows. It wasn’t explicit, but you knew that this was Mickey’s way of asking you for a date - And to be fair it didn’t even bother you. You were the life of the party, it was likely that it’d be boring without you.
“Sure,” you smirked. “But I am so not paying!”
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girl-of-eye · 1 year
placements i like as an air dominant 。˚۰˚☽˚
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❍ taurus risings,
an easy going energy. unlike the libra rising, you know that they are genuine. they’re pleasing to be around but they’re genuine, and they aren’t synthetic. also, very aesthetically pleasing. they have an eye for beautiful things, and they take care of things properly. they may not have the most friends in the world, but they like to keep friends and lovers close. and they. are. loyal. you will never catch these people breaking trust. always dependable, and never complain about their problems.
❍ sun conjunct mercury,
they’re so easy to talk to no matter what sign or house it’s in. of course, each house will vary on exactly HOW these people communicate, for example sun conjunct mercury in the 3rd house would manifest into someone quite talkative and witty, whereas sun conjunct mercury in the 10th house would be someone more cautious and respectable. no matter the house or sign they’re placed in, they always seem to converse quite easily with people. it’s easier to understand their personality, especially when the two signs are in the same house and same sign. they convey themselves better than others can.
❍ mutable mars,
these mars signs are so fun lol. when it comes to in bed, they always know the right shit at the right time. they are chameleons, constantly changing for the moment around them, and are mostly switches. it’s so fun being around these people because they know how to please you.
❍ pisces venus,
I DONT KNOW WHY i’m so obsessed with this placement. they’re just so interesting and the way they love is deep and intrusive, but they tend to observe you at a distance. even though many parts of this placements scream red flag, they just know how to show you such magical and beautiful love. they’re always so kind and forgiving, seeing positives in all people whether good or bad. such a kind hearted, soft placement.
❍ sagittarius placements,
as much as i dislike sagittarius moons, sagittarius placements in general are probably the closest i have in my life. they balance me out so. well. there’s never a dull moment with these people, but its also never super stressful. they’re the type of friend to always be down to do whatever whenever. we’re always having interesting conversations together too. this is my favorite placement for a best friend.. matching my gemini energies!
❍ aries moon,
although i would not say it’s top 5 or even top 3 moon signs, i feel like aries moons always lift the mood. i look up to aries moons because they have the ability to let things go so easily. because of this, they can be slightly unpredictable, but also, grudges aren’t held by them forever. they’re honest, and straightforward and don’t lie to you, but that’s the best part. when i’m around these placements they always know how to lift the mood when others aren’t so happy.
❍ jupiter in the angular houses,
they’re so friendly. so kind, easy to approach. yes, these areas of their lives had been easier on them, but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve it! i rarely meet an unfriendly person with jupiter in these houses. always a good experience with them, even if it’s not safe lol.
please do not take these 100% to heart! these are just my opinion, and everyone views things differently
- ᥫ᭡ liv
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pimosworld · 10 months
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Pairing-Frankie Morales x f!reader
Summary-It only takes a little push for you and Frankie to stop dancing around each other.
CW-18+,MDNI,NSFW,Smut, horrible date, tf boys being protective, cursing,angst,comfort, fingering, unprotected piv,cream pie,soft-dom Frankie,sweet aftercare. Reader is not race coded and photo does not represent reader.
A/N-I wrote this as a procrastination for my actual wips. Please enjoy my obsession with the tf boys being protective and as always hints of fishben.
Not beta read
The bar is dark save for the few flashing lights of the music from the DJ booth. The thick humid air makes it hard to breathe as you belt out your favorite song while grinding on Santis flavor of the week. 
  It always went this way, you’d be the perfect wing woman for him, dancing with some person until you got tired and Santi would swoop in to take your place, and for a night or a few weeks you’d have a friend to accompany you on the dance floor while the boys nursed their beers. 
  You’ve been seeing this guy James casually for a few weeks that you met out one night on your own, but he wasn’t going to stop you from your weekly ritual of dancing out the stresses of your daily life. The guys seemed to tolerate him enough to invite him out, which is how you found yourself on the dance floor with ‘Francesca’ as they sat in the booth trying to look impressed with whatever your date was saying. 
  Pope was a Tom cat and had no issues picking up people but in his words ‘I love to watch you work your magic’. You couldn’t lie, it was exhilarating to be wanted by anyone. It’s not just a sexual attraction, it’s a rush when you can connect with someone on a different level. Inevitably once you introduced them to Santiago they would fall immediately but not before inviting you to join which you were adamant about not crossing that line with him-for now. 
  “She’s something else.” The sarcasm in his tone is completely lost on Frankie as he watches you and Santi’s soon to be hookup captivate the dance floor. 
  He can see it in their eyes, the way you make people feel like they're the only ones in the room with you. He thinks you’ve looked at him that way but he can’t be sure he wasn’t just seeing things. 
  “Ya she is.” It was supposed to be spoken in his head but evidently he said it out loud.
  Will shoots him a look but your date hardly notices the way he said it with such longing in his voice. He knows, they all know that Frankie has loved you forever. It seems the only one oblivious to this is you. 
  “I mean it’s hot if she’s not your girlfriend but if she is…” Suddenly all attention is on him and he doesn’t even notice. The tension starts to rise at the table like lions ready to pounce and he’s the innocent prey none the wiser. 
  “If she is then…what?” Will speaks first, the stoic one usually wanting to avoid confrontation for fear of losing his temper, except when it comes to you. 
  “Come on, you don’t mean to tell me you’d be ok with the way she’s acting in public if she was your girlfriend?” 
  “Did I miss something?” Ben turns to face James, seated conveniently next to him and Will subtly grabs his arm giving a light squeeze as a warning. This guy is not worth it. 
  “She’s just dancing right?” He looks around the table as Will scrubs his face with his hands and Santi is too enraptured with you and Francesca on the dance floor to notice Frankie’s hard set jaw and crossed arms staring daggers at your date.
  “Ya she’s dancing…she’s almost exposed half the room to her ass and it looks like they’re going to fuck right there on the dance floor.” Santi finally looks over at him tearing his eyes away from you and then to Frankie with a sly grin on his face. 
  “This pendejo got a problem?” 
  “No problem man,I just don’t know how comfortable you’d be with your girl acting like that.” Frankie digs his nails into his palm, sure to draw blood as he fights the urge to lunge across the table and teach this guy how to talk about women. 
  “If you’re upset about it you should definitely say somethin’.” The guys all turn to Will, mischievous grins on their face knowing what a massacre he was walking into. 
  You direct your gaze to the table completely oblivious to the conversation happening about you as Frankie smiles. His deep brown eyes look at you as if you’re the only one in the room. His signature cap turned backwards, encasing his curls. You’re locked in a trance almost forgetting about your date who you’ve left alone for quite some time with them. The guy wouldn’t even be here if you thought there was a chance with Frankie. 
  Most days you push those thoughts away, he was your best friend and if he wanted to be anything more he would make a move. 
  You grab Francesca’s hand to lead her over to the table, it is definitely time for a break and perhaps another drink while you rejoin Santi and the guys.
“You boys thirsty cause I am?” Will nudges Benny to move so he can slide out of the booth.
  “Next rounds on me sweetheart.” He kisses your forehead as he heads to the bar.
  You sit beside Frankie and you’re acutely aware of the dull ache in your feet, you groan as you rub your heel under the table. 
  “I take it you’re not joining us on the dance floor.” 
  “No Santiago, you go have fun.” Frankie resists the urge to rest his arm on the seat behind you as he always does when you’re next to each other. 
  Santi and Francesca head to the dance floor as you lean into Frankie momentarily forgetting your date.
   “It’s probably best if you take a break from embarrassing yourself anyway.” It feels like all the air has left your lungs as you glance over at your date in utter shock. 
  Benny gets a look in his eye you’ve never seen before as he leans across the table coming face to face with him. “I think the only one embarrassing themselves is you.” 
  James looks over at you now fully curled into Frankie’s side, his arm now draped across your shoulder with a gentle grip letting you know he’s there if you need him. 
  “Oh I see what’s happening here.” He gestures between the two of you and Ben. “Do you guys take turns or how does that work?” 
  Before you can blink Benny has his collar curled up in his fists as he pulls him out of the booth. 
  Will ditches the drinks at the bar to run over and grab Ben before you’re all kicked out. 
  “I was gone for two seconds, what happened?” Ben releases his collar shoving him into the table as Will stands between the two. 
  “Ben was just giving him a lesson in how to talk to women.” Frankie’s calm tone is a stark contrast to the feral look in his eyes as he stares him down just waiting for him to say something stupid again. 
  He hasn’t released his grip on you and you’ve all but melted into his embrace as you try not to focus on his calloused hand rubbing circles on your shoulder as the other picks nervously at the label on his beer. 
  “I’m out of here, you guys can have her.” He brushes past Will, not bothering to look in your direction. In true coward form he calls over his shoulder just far enough away from Benny. “She doesn’t put out anyway.” 
  “Fucking jackass.” They all turn to you as you’ve seemed to have found your voice again. 
  “Don’t worry about guys like that hermosa, they don’t deserve you.” His eyes have softened again as he looks at you, there’s a pull that you can’t resist forming between the two of you and you don’t want to fight it anymore. 
  He’s not sure if you're aware or if you were subconsciously rubbing your hand along his thigh to calm yourself. It’s having the opposite effect on him as a slow burning heat builds in his stomach, you’re inching your hand further and further and his cock twitches as his body betrays him. You take in a sharp inhale and he bites down hard on his bottom lip to suppress the groan threatening to spill out. 
  Will clears his throat getting your attention again as you glance at Benny with a wide grin on his face practically bouncing on his feet from the adrenaline. 
  “I’m gonna grab those drinks I left before I had to wrangle rocky over here.” 
  Ben slides in next to you caging you in against Frankie, personal space was not the boy's strong suit. 
  “Thank you.” He looks down at you with those big blue eyes. 
  “What are you thanking me for, sweetheart?” 
  “For defending my honor of course.” Frankie’s laugh reverberates through your body filling you with a warm fuzzy feeling. 
  “Don’t thank him, he loves doing shit like that.” Benny flips him off as Will returns to the table with the drinks, Santi and his date walk up still catching their breath from dancing. 
  “Fish should be thanking me for getting rid of him.”
  “Ben.” Will's warning has him throwing his hands up in mock surrender. You almost miss the look Frankie sends him, a silent conversation between the two that looked as close to thank you as it could get. 
  “For the record I do put out, he was just having some performance issues.” Santis eyes go wide at the comment as the rest of the table erupts in laughter. 
  “I definitely missed something cariño.”
  “Nothing much just Ben taking out the trash.” He finally notices your absent date and your close proximity to Frankie and claps his brother on the shoulder. 
  “Finally you two idiotas can stop dancing around each other.” Heat creeps up your neck at the thought of your crush being more obvious than you previously knew. 
  It relaxes you a little to see the redness on Frankie’s face as he’s been outed as well. He doesn’t deny it and that sends a rush of confidence through your body. 
  “I would never trust a man who didn’t like the sight of two beautiful women dancing with each other.” He looks at his date and she practically has hearts in her eyes for him. Some may say he laid in on a little thick but they fell for it every time. 
  Frankie adjusts again and your hand brushes against the bulge straining on his jeans. You give a light squeeze to test the waters and he leans down close to your ear. “You’re killing me right now, I hope you know that.”
  “Do you want to get out of here?” He nods at you and drops his arm from your shoulder to grab your hand to help you out of the booth. 
  “Where are you two going?” Benny looks like a wounded puppy as his brother leans back crossing his arms smiling sweetly at the two of you. 
  “My feet are killing me, Frankie’s gonna take me home.” Decent enough excuse not that it mattered, they all knew where you were going. 
  “You’re leaving without me?” 
  “Ben!” Santi and Will say in unison and you can’t help the giggle that escapes you at his incessant teasing. 
  “Maybe next time Ben.” Frankie shoots you a look as you shrug your shoulders. “He thought you two were sharing me anyway.” 
  “Ok I definitely missed something.” Santi and his date slide into your unoccupied seats as you and Frankie say your goodbyes. 
  You’re buzzing with nervous excitement as you walk through the bar hand in hand. He’s keeping you so close, a constant reminder of his protective nature.
  You’ve almost made it to the door before a large hand pulls you back slightly startling you. Frankie turns to see Ben holding your other hand placing a kiss on top.
  “I’m holding you to what you said.” You roll your eyes as you look up at Frankie whose patience is wearing painfully thin. 
  “Good night Benjamin.” He says through gritted teeth as he pulls you outside. You both laugh as you jog to his truck to try and make a break for it before he comes back for more. 
  He opens the door for you as he’s done a thousand times, you lift yourself up into the seat and before you can grab it he’s already buckling you in. He hesitantly pulls back as his hand brushes along your thigh. You instinctively close your legs but his hand gently pries them open as he runs his fingers higher under the hem of your dress. 
  His eyes haven’t left yours as he waits for you to tell him to stop but you don’t. Your chest is rising and falling and the slow drag of anticipation is building the heat in your core. You don’t care that you’re still in the parking lot as he touches his fingers to your soaked center. 
  He silences the soft whimper leaving your lips as he crashes his into yours. You swallow a groan as you bite down softly on his bottom lip. 
  “Are you this wet for me?” You nod against his lips as he moves your panties to the side dragging a finger through your slit. 
  “This is what you were doing to me hermosa.” He had a point but you definitely weren’t this graphic. It’s so depraved it shouldn't be turning you on this much. The thought of being caught has a fresh wave of slick coating his fingers. 
  “I want you to come right here.” He dips two fingers in pumping slowly at first as his thumb rubs circles on your clit. 
  You’re panting in his mouth as your hips try to leave the seat. The buckle restricts your movements and the heavy weight of his other palm on your hip.
  It would look to the outside like he’s talking to you with the door open as he uses his body to shield what he’s doing. 
  A familiar feeling is building in your center as he picks up his pace, coaxing you on with hushed words. You’re a whimpering mess while you grip his shoulder as he calls you his good girl.
  “Oh my god Frankie.”
  “That’s it hermosa come on, I know you can do it.” He’s growling in your ear as he rolls his hips into the seat for friction. 
  You don’t think anyone’s ever made you feel like this with just their hands as a wave of pleasure shoots through you. He presses down on that bundle of nerves that has you seeing stars and you’re stifling your moans into his neck as you come down from your high. 
  He kisses you soft and sweet as if he didn’t just take you apart in the parking lot of this bar. He pulls his fingers from you leaving an empty ache that you can’t wait to be filled. He brings them up to his mouth and drags them between his lips, humming at the taste. 
  “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” His confession and lust blown eyes have you momentarily flustered. 
  You grab his neck pulling him into you as you lick into his mouth tasting yourself on his tongue. After waiting so long the desperation for each other is seeping through every fiber of your being as he devours your lips like his last meal. 
  You pause for a moment as he rests his forehead on yours, both of you trying to catch your breath. 
  “If we don’t leave now we won’t hear the end of it from Ben.” He plants a chaste kiss to your lips before he pulls away and closes your door. You’re grinning to yourself at the thought of explaining to any of them why you were still in the parking lot. 
  The ride to your house is less heated than your previous exchange but it’s almost better than that. His hand hasn’t left your thigh as he focuses on the road occasionally glancing over to you. You can’t stop looking over at him and his backwards hat doing wild things to your imagination.
  The silence is filled with so much tension as you think about finally having something you’ve wanted for so long. 
  He pulls into your driveway, mirroring so many things he’s done before yet this time as he comes around to open your door and help you out you can feel the desperation. He’s crowding behind you as you make your way to the door, his hands caress your hips as you struggle with shaky hands to unlock it. 
  As you enter he spins you around pressing his body to yours against the door, his breath is hot on your neck as he trails kisses along it down to your collarbone and pulls at the fabric of your dress with his teeth. 
  You throw his hat somewhere behind him as you finally run your fingers through his soft locks, he moans into your chest as you tug him further into you. Every nerve in your body is on the edge waiting to be pushed over. 
  He lifts your leg over his hip as he grinds into you, his hard cock straining through his jeans as he rubs it against you. You reach between you to unbuckle his pants and dip your hand under the waistband of his boxers, desperate to feel the soft skin of his cock as you wrap your fingers around it. 
  “Fuck.” He’s panting into your neck as he cants his hips helping you stroke him over and over. He gently grabs your wrist stilling your movements. “I’m not gonna last if you don’t stop.”
  “Bedroom?” Your voice comes out more timid than you like but he insistently nods his head as he gets a look in his eyes that you’ve only seen a handful of times. 
  You withdraw your hand and step out of your heels, he thinks you’re going to lead the way as you lightly push against his chest trailing your fingers down to put some distance between you but he sees a moment flash in your eyes as you take off towards the bedroom. 
  You may have had the element of surprise but just briefly as you hear loud footsteps quickly approaching. You’re giggling like some teenager as you round the corner to your bedroom. His hands are on your waist pulling you hard into his chest. “You’re going to pay for that.” He’s growling into your ear, breathing heavy behind you as he pulls your dress over your head. 
  You turn in his arms and graze your fingers under the hem of his shirt, lightly brushing the soft skin of his belly. He shudders under your touch as you lift it over his head. 
  This dance you’re doing with each other feels practiced like you’ve done it a thousand times. You don’t think after tonight you’ll be able to walk away not needing and wanting this everyday. 
  He walks you backward until your legs hit the bed, he gestures his fingers for you to scoot back as he strips down to nothing. He’s standing hard and naked in front of you, eyes boring into you hungrily like he wants to devour you. 
  He dips his knee onto the bed as he trails his fingers up your calf, leaning down to place kisses along your thighs and your stomach as he works his way up. He pauses between your breasts and you can feel his cock twitch against your clothed core. A half whine leaves your lips as he sucks hard on your nipple while his hand teases the other. 
  “Patience…I told you I was gonna make you pay for that hermosa.” Surely chasing you a few feet down a small hallway doesn’t equal the teasing he’s putting you through but you don’t want this to be over quickly so you will yourself to relax. 
  He tucks his fingers into the waistband of your panties and you lift your hips as he slides them down your legs discarding them somewhere behind him. He leans back a little as he spreads your legs wide exposing your dripping folds to him. “Fuck you’re beautiful.” 
  He grips the base of his cock, the tip is red and angry steadily leaking precum as he pumps himself over you groaning at the way your pussy clenches in anticipation. He drags the tip through your slit without pressing in, the sensation is too much and not enough as you try to raise your hips. He presses you down hard into the mattress with his other hand as his lips crash into yours swallowing your whimpers of frustration.
  “I like those little noises you make…I might just keep playing with you for a while.”  He teases your entrance just barely pressing into your core and then slowly pulls away. He chuckles into your neck at the loud mewl you let out.
  He’s trying to kill you. If you died this way it would be worth it. 
  “Frankie…” Your attempt at begging is cut off as he buries himself to the hilt, he’s so thick and the stretch is almost too much but he slowly starts to rock his hips and you both let out a sigh of relief as your body finally relaxes. Your legs spread wider to wrap around his waist as your feet press against his ass to pull him in closer. 
  “Fuck this pussy feels like heaven.” He moans into your neck as he picks up his pace, you can feel every ridge of his cock through your walls as you clench down hard on him, the sounds coming from him only spur you on more as you lift your hips to meet his thrusts. 
  He grabs your hands placing them above your head as he looks between you watching where your bodies meet. You’re shaking beneath him as your climax quickly approaches, he leans down kissing you and swallowing every moan that leaves your lips. 
  His pace is faltering and you can tell he’s right on the edge with you. You lock your fingers with his still placed above your head as you whisper praises into his ear and chants of his name. 
  “Come with me Frankie.” The breathless tone of your voice and the lone tear falling down your face as you come hard, clenching down on him. It’s like a firework behind your eyes as he shouts your name into your neck grinding his hips once and twice before he collapses his weight on top of you. 
  You lay there a while rubbing soothing lines up and down his sweaty back as he tries to catch his breath. 
  “I’m crushing you.” He tries to slide off you but you cage him in with your legs not yet ready to face the moment where he might leave. 
  “Just a little bit longer please?” He kisses your lips as an answer. Swollen and puffy from the night's activities but so soft in his own way. 
  He eventually pulls away from you as he retreats to your bathroom, you can faintly hear the sound of running water as sleep tries to claim you. He returns with a washcloth as he delicately wipes your thighs and your folds with such care that you almost cry. No one’s ever cared for you like this after sex. It’s a shame how foreign it feels. 
  “It would probably be more comfortable if we slept under the covers.” He’s trying to tug them back as you register what he’s saying. 
  “You want to stay?” He pauses at your words perhaps a little forward in assuming you wanted him to.
  “Of course…only if you want.” You crawl under them faster than you realize and pat the spot next you where you normally have a mountain of pillows. 
  He slides in perfectly as he pulls you flush against him, his slow breaths fanning the back of your neck as he starts to fall asleep. 
  The unspoken rhythm of this dance finally finds its voice between you. 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
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fleetingvow · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS. you and anthony have settled it before. you couldn’t allow whatever it was that had been going on between the two of you to continue. so, that resulted to consistent longing looks and stolen glances, until you met someone new. lockwood didn’t like that, especially with the way this bloke flirted using the very language he used to communicate with you from far away. ( 4.5k words )
CATEGORY. angsty fluff. jealousy plot. will-they-won’t-they trope. written in second person’s point of view.
WARNINGS. unproofread. i don’t have beta readers, sadly. english is not the author’s first language. usual usage of profanities. tried my best to characterise anthony as he is, but he’s a little much of a challenge. — hopefully i did him justice. aged up to eighteen but without nsfw theme.
NAVIGATION. you can find more of my works about anthony lockwood and wednesday addams by clicking the link here! a fair warning, they’re all angsty!
DEDICATED TO. @obsessed-female @courtneyraeblogs1221 @philliam-writes ( apologies for the repeated tags - there was a malfunction with the previous one and i had to replace it with this one )
REMINDER. this fic is written by ©fleetingvow on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other platforms without my permission. inspiration is lovely, but plagiarism by paraphrasing is not, as well as stealing someone’s idea and claiming it as your own which is exactly what plagiarism is.
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𝗜𝗧’𝗦 𝗚𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗚 to be like this forever, isn’t it? Endless rounds of stolen glances and yearning looks from across the table, learning the art of composure and restraint to keep both your desires to be close to one another just solely in the back of your mind. Anthony always was a complex character, and there were times you couldn’t read his thoughts behind his eyes, but when you started to study him carefully, you started to understand that those looks he gave you were quite more interesting.
Not interesting per say, perhaps — perhaps interested.
You couldn’t deny Lockwood the fact that you weren’t immune to his charms. He was gentle and caring yet careless with other things that involved the agency’s line of work. Which was the irony of it all, really, because once you both have opened yourself to each other and came transparently clear of your feelings, he insisted that you both set it aside for the sake of the team.
And now here you are, months later, just glancing at each other briefly, smiling at nothing like idiots when no one’s looking, and pondering over the small moments when your hands would brush slightly. Your heart would constantly ache for him. This barricade he built between the two of you made it difficult for you to see him, but your feelings kept growing.
He was so close yet so far.
All you could get ahold of him was a view. That’s all you could do after all, look at him, admire him from afar, picture how he smiles proudly and smirk so smugly in your head.
Lockwood is an entire art, you thought.
And then, there were two lovesick arts looking at each other, which are, for clarification, are the arts they were looking at.
How could both be so active with their eyes yet be so blind from the fact that they wanted each other at the same level of intensity?
Sight was Anthony’s talent, and he was damn grateful it was that it was his pair of eyes that did all the work for him. He couldn’t communicate by words to you or else someone else would hear. He couldn’t touch you because someone else might see. It might be better that he’d learn the language of looks for you, and maybe then you’d know. You’d know how his tired eyes wouldn’t let him sleep as it worked with his mind, screaming for him to wake up and convince him to be selfish for once. Selfish enough just to get you all to himself.
But he couldn’t do anything about it, he just couldn’t. He didn’t want you suffering because of him. He knew you loved the idea of romance, and he knew how avid you were to find someone who would shout his undying ardour to the ends of the Earth. He couldn’t let you suffer, only holding hands with him behind closed curtains.
Lockwood wanted you, but you were someone he couldn’t have.
“Your tea’s getting cold, Y/N.” George commented as he noticed the untouched teacup set before you. You quickly snapped out of your trance when suddenly, there was a knock on the door. In an attempt to shake off the embarrassment you just caused, you stood up from your chair and mumbled, “I’ll get it.”
Anthony let out a chuckle under his breath as he flipped the page of the newspaper, casually appearing to read when his mind had entirely lost track of the article he was supposed to be absorbed in two minutes ago when you started zoning out while looking at him.
“What are you laughing at?” George questioned. My, he seemed to be in a bad mood today. Anthony lifted his head to meet his eyes with a shrug.
“The paper’s just a little ridiculous today,” he reasoned. It was truly because he found you amusing for a little while. The boy closed the paper and set it on the table. “Where’s Lucy?”
“Upstairs. Said she needs another hour to sleep in,” Karim replied, unbothered by the previous encounter. He took a bite of the cookie and passed the platter onto Lockwood who returned it, seeing as there was only one left, and George needed it to maybe lighten up his mood.
You laughed slightly, “You really shouldn’t have. Is this your mum’s recipe? It is, isn’t it?” You frowned in confusion as you examined the pastries inside the basket. It smelled so good. Cinnamon, just like —
“Hey, L/N. Who is it?”
— Lockwood.
You quickly turned to look at him with the basket clutched in your hands, “Oh, it’s Theo. He gave us his mum’s specials. Here, have a look at it. They look delicious.”
You noticed how his eyebrows furrowed as he caught sight of the boy in the doorframe. That wasn’t a good sign. “Theo?”
“Yeah, he’s the one stuffing us up with bread and pastries for the past few weeks.”
‘So this was Theo,’ Anthony thought to himself, scanning the guy from head to toe. He frowned even more. “Theo, it’s nice to finally meet you. I’m — ”
“Anthony Lockwood. It’s nice to meet you, too.” Theo shook his hand. There wasn’t an expression on Anthony’s face for a while before he caught himself and tugged a slight smile.
“Do you want a cuppa? It’s the least we can do in return,” you suddenly interjected, diminishing the tension that had been threatening to build up between the two. Oh, why did you have to be so nice all the damn time? Lockwood swore he could lose two of his toes right there and then.
You realised Anthony didn’t much meddle with the idea of Theo entering the house as he only stood there, waiting for an answer from your neighbour. Theo let out a breathy laugh constructed of fear, “Er, as much as I’d love to, I don’t think I have the time today — must go help my mum arrange the er, bakery.”
“Perfect! We’ll just deliver you a George special. Truly grateful for the gift.” Lockwood replied immediately after the end of Theo’s sentence. You didn’t even get to talk as Theo awkwardly stood.
“George special?” He asked, bewildered.
“Made by George — er, our researcher,” you answered. Lockwood flashed him a smile and held back a sigh.
“Any more questions? I think our agency’s quite busy. I can already hear the phone inside, it must be our third commission for today.”
“Okay, yes, I mean no. I — hey, I’ll just drop by tomorrow, yeah?” You could have sworn Theo gave you that look, his eyes gentle as they were fixed on you without a care for the fuming facade in Anthony’s face.
Lockwood slightly pulled you away from the doorframe.
“Thanks, mate.” Anthony found his grip on the door as he quickly shut it on the boy’s face, his hand lingering a little more while on the wood as he stared at you. You returned the gaze, arching your eyebrow. You almost said something, like why he was in a rush when she could literally hear no ringing from the phone, why he was examining Theo from head to toe, and why he shut that door on his face. But his eyes, they were staring right at your soul as if he was trying to figure out some kind of puzzle in the back of your head.
“Are we just going to stare at each other, or are we going to talk about what just hap—” You finally spoke up only to get cut off.
He quickly took a sharp inhale with a question that made his eyebrows furrow again, “Do you like him?”
“ — What?” You asked in response, your mouth ajar.
“Lockwood, Y/N! Your tea! It’s a waste of teabags, seriously!” George’s voice quickly cut the tension with his yelling, turning the atmosphere even more awkward to bear. You both turned your head to the kitchen’s direction with you recovering first when you cleared your throat. You then left without a word.
Throughout the next week, things have been like that. Theo comes knocking on the door, and you would be welcoming him, accepting his gifts . . . with Anthony closely standing a foot behind you. If it isn’t you that would answer the door, it was him, and you could ask Theo about how that went later on.
The visits have become regular and the gifts have become more in quantity and taste. There was a point that Theo got inside the flat and visited the library, much to Anthony’s dismay. He had to watch him closely tailing you in every corner of the chamber of books, his hands clasped behind his back. Anthony was reading the latest scoop, but then he had no choice but to pretend that he was occupied by it while he watched closely. Theo was making jokes, funny enough to you that it would earn a hearty laugh.
Lockwood almost rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“That’s hilarious!” You exclaimed.
‘Oh, you little liar,’ Anthony thought with a smirk. If you really found that hilarious, you would slap Theo lightly, but you weren’t. If there was something he was confident at, it was that he knew you better than anyone else.
You lightly tapped Theo’s hand as you let out yet another laugh. Anthony groaned mentally, resisting the urge to stand up and leave the room. His eyes peeked through the newspaper while listening intently.
“You mentioned before that you liked reading, so I thought maybe showing you the great Lockwood library would be enough to return the favour.”
“What favour?” Theo questioned.
Yeah. What favour? Anthony leaned in slightly.
“Delivering your gifts to the agency. The bread, pastries, and the er, . . . ”
The what?
“The flowers.”
The flowers?
He heard Theo laugh under his breath as he watched him bob his head with a gentle ‘you’re welcome.’
‘Are they quite done yet?’ Anthony thought. Theo’s eyes watched you, his eyes travelling from your eyes to your lips.
Lockwood didn’t like that. So, with much grace, he cleared his throat and closed the newspaper, finally getting the attention of the two of you from where you stood. Your breath almost hitched as you watched Lockwood walk out of the library with much haste.
You didn’t know what you did to him. You didn’t know exactly how that conversation affected him, and he wished you did. He wished you had a clue. Of course, you have. Could you? He was stupid to leave that library — what if whatever that conversation was leading to, happened? What if . . .
What if you walked out of that room completely and utterly unreachable? Your devotion truly untouchable and bound to that Theo?
No matter what had transpired, or what Lockwood thought, that seemed to be the inclusion after Theo left the house, wasn’t it? Because when the door closed and you turned back facing your team, Lucy and George looked at you quite expectantly.
Yet Anthony couldn’t meet your eyes.
No matter how much you searched for them.
You gave them a slight smile before walking past them without a word, rushing to your given room with a heavy heart weighing inside your chest.
You thought it was only you? Lockwood felt his heart shatter when he walked in that kitchen with Lucy and George indulging into the fresh biscuits Theo gave earlier that morning. They were chatting and betting away whether Theo would have probably made his move or chickened out. When they finally noticed his presence, they quickly stopped and looked at him.
“What?” Lockwood asked.
George cut off the awkward silence when he offered the boy the biscuits he shared with Lucy. When he left that library, he thought he already got away with the sight of that man who was persistent on having you, but guess he thought too early.
“Do you think Theo’s made his move yet?” Lucy questioned. It was odd, for sure. She was never the one to be so invested in something like this. That made his stomach churn. Could it be that you and Theo were both too compelling to have her trapped in this sort of spell?
“He’s a wuss. He’d probably walk out of that door with an awkward trip. I can already see it.” George, not you too.
“Do you think they’ll be together in any minute now, Lockwood?” Lucy, could you stop with these questions? It was making his tie almost choke him and take away his breathing.
“It’s obvious. Their awkwardness is not hard to miss.”
Oh, so you and Theo were obvious to Lucy and George, but when it was you and Anthony, it wasn’t? He didn’t know if he should be happy or not that no one knew. Because as much as he’d love to shout it, could he?
The sight of the goods was sickening, but he had to cover his traces desperately or things would only go downhill from here. He couldn’t have you, and that’s final. That was the very reason he lost his sense of planning, and all he had to resort to was just — be the Lockwood that’s always Lockwood.
The team before you. The agency above all else. The greater good before his feelings. The well-being of everyone in that house before him.
What’s the point? Theo had proven himself consistent — with gift-giving, he supposed. He just looks at you so perfectly, like he was taken with you. Lockwood used to look at you like that, and he still does, no matter how useless it has become. Theo’s body language didn’t display threat to you or anyone. He was just unapologetically himself, gentle and soft. You would probably want to live with someone like that.
He was your friend.
Lockwood? He was your boss.
He convinced himself that that was the only role he could play in your life as you grew further and further apart from that table. Who knew, right? That someone could be this close yet so so far.
Anthony began to take his morning tea rather faster than before and proceeded to keep himself locked in the library for the times that the team wasn’t out for ghost-hunting. He was still himself, still the same boy with witty remarks and had a subtle smugness about him. Still the same friend and boss who praised his team constantly and asked for George to make his specials just because.
Still the same old Lockwood with so many things different about him. Oh, please, spare us the irony, but goodness how much you sought for answers from his eyes that just wouldn’t stare at you for more than three seconds.
You couldn’t see him. Truly see him.
And you were sick of it. He acted so normal, like nothing happened. That he didn’t just watch everything that happened in that library, left without a word but with a sense of anger lingering, and stood with the two to ask for what happened.
There was something different about you. Your eyes stayed focused on your tea for an hour every morning, you went outside off-duty a lot, and you only spoke when you were spoken to. You smiled. Just occasionally. You opened the door to the agency’s home for Theo, but it never felt thrilling anymore ever since you found that Lockwood’s presence won’t be a foot behind you. Theo only brought bread now. No more flowers, no other gifts of romantic causes. He always put on a friendly smile like it was his favourite shoes.
And you wished you’d see that same smile but on a different face.
So, you did what you did best. Avoided Lockwood. You couldn’t afford to fall for this challenge. Every single day proved to be difficult as you saw his face. That was the reason you were out the door often. You also met up with Theo quite frequently.
There was this one time Anthony wished he never stared out the window. Just so he wouldn’t catch a glimpse of your figure, your hair, your eyes that looked up at Theo as you listened to what he had to say as you slowly walked side by side.
He looked away, shutting the accounting book in his hand. He’d suddenly lost interest in sorting out the bills when he knew he couldn’t even afford something intangible. He scoffed. ‘This was different.’
Anthony stayed in the library again tonight, watching the striking dance of the flame in the hearth, nursing a book in his arms. He sighed, looking away and turning his attention to the paperback he now settled on his lap. What was wrong with him?
He already had you, and he just had to ruin it, didn’t he? He couldn’t be with you because what? Because of Lucy and George’s predictable taunting?
He was sure he had a good reason, but now? Now that he’s successfully pushed you away into the arms of another guy, he couldn’t see it as a reason.
Only as an excuse.
Just so he wouldn’t hurt you, but being involved with him already did half of that. It was just when he lost you that it must have damaged you both.
Or maybe it was just him.
“Lockwood?” He heard his name spoken by a voice ever so gentle yet thought-provoking that one would doubt it came from a human but a siren. The boy looked up from the book and turned his head to you, catching sight of you again.
He looked at you for more than three seconds. You took note of that as it made you smile, yet that smile faltered when you felt your heart dropping to your stomach upon realising the reason why you knocked on the library door and faced him in your sleepwear.
“Yes, Y/N?” Your name always did sound like a melody in his voice. You almost got distracted, but took a step forward and closed the door behind you.
“I was wondering if we could speak.” That statement was firm.
It took him a while, but then, “Sure.”
“It’s about Theo.”
“And what about Theo?” He was quick to reply. You didn’t know if he wanted to talk about him or not, but you were slowly believing it was the latter when he looked away from you and stood up from his chair, putting the book aside on the table.
“I don’t think you like him very much,” you confessed. Your chest heaved up slowly as you sighed in relief of finally telling him the truth, but it wasn’t over yet. It wasn’t even just the beginning.
He paused for a while before resuming to ask gently, “Is that him saying that or is it you that wants to know?”
“No, Y/N. I don’t not like him.” You knew that. No, not the like part although that, you didn’t know whether to trust. You meant him not being gullible enough to believe that it wasn’t him that was asking him that question and you were only there to deliver the missive.
“Look, I only want the truth.”
Ah, so it is you asking that question.
“Why do you need this specific truth?”
Why is he asking you back? That wasn’t supposed to happen. You didn’t expect him to start turning the tables of who asks who. “I was just thinking, that’s all,” you replied in almost a whisper.
That’s when he crossed his arms and nodded his head, jaw clenching slightly. “We’re both not being truthful at all, are we?”
You lifted your eyebrows in return. “What?”
“It’s half the truth; What I said.” What was that supposed to mean? Your inhalation this time around was shaky. You tried not to crumble and appear as sturdy as possible, but you were close to knowing about the truth and Anthony who had been amiss for the past few weeks.
“Do you want to know the full truth, Y/N?” Lockwood questioned. His voice seemed to be coaxing you out of your trance, like he was taunting you, luring you in with that tone in his voice, but there was a different flavour to it.
Like it was soft, gentle, almost as if he was making it sound childishly alluring enough to show you innocence in which it is bliss in all its glory of the truth. Lockwood here before your presence was willing to be completely honest, and he was making your heart flutter with hope.
“I don’t like the way he looks at you,” he mumbled quietly, eyes glued to yours as you scanned his face for a sign whether he was cracking a joke. There wasn’t any readable hint at all, and you knew just how to handle a situation like that.
Play dumb. You painted a face of confusion, slowly settling your hands to your side after they went numb from clutching your hips. You replied, dragging the emphasis of the question along, “Looks at me like what?”
He took a deep breath and averted his gaze, buying his merry time as he appeared to be lost in thought, mesmerised by how utterly stupid he was starting to feel. This time, it was him that placed his hand on his hip, his other firmly placed on the table next to the chair he warmed with his presence earlier but completely ghosted as he stood. He lifted that hand and rubbed the nape of his neck. He shouldn’t be saying it. He shouldn’t even think it!
But by God, you were driving him mad!
“Like how I’m supposed to look at you.” He could have sworn his hand twitched in response to the urge to slap himself, but he had to keep his composure, especially in front of you. He had to appear better than the guy who had been the object of your attention this past week. Anthony mentally cringed — Why did he say that? He messed up, didn’t he? Ridiculously so!
“Lockwood,” you whispered.
His eyes furrowed, watchful gaze softening at you as if he was going to lose you forever and he was a dead man destined to just watch and watch until his time runs out.
“Anthony,” you corrected yourself. That gave him hope, but he wasn’t just about to rejoice either. You were, after all, Theo’s. Not his.
“But he’s doing it wrong.” Anthony continued without a care in the world. He just wanted this, if it’s the only thing he gets.
He was exhausted from just staring at you from afar, and what’s worse, having another guy in the picture doing all that wondrous romantic work for him.
He’s selfish, fine, but he once had everything when he communicated with your soul and now he had nothing.
Just fleeting hope.
“He’s supposed to see your soul in your eyes, not just his reflection in them. He’s supposed to notice every detail, the colour, the shape — and he’s supposed to remember it for when he thinks of it in sleepless nights.” He took short strides forward to meet you this close as he lifted his hand and brushed the loose strands off your face and tucked them behind your ears. “He’s supposed to tuck your hair like this when it gets in the way or else the message he’s trying to tell you won’t end up being clear.”
“But maybe he should have messages to give you before he looks at you like this at all,” he mumbled. “He should have learned the language of looks. You don’t just deserve words, you deserve the truth, the full picture, every inch of a canvas painted. The Devil knows just how much you like to watch yourself in someone’s eyes, how they perceive you, and you in mine, you’re perfect in every way. Does Theo know that? Is he aware? Do you like how he looks at you?”
You couldn’t talk. You were malfunctioning upon hearing his words. They were all being processed in your head but your understanding also kept shattering.
You felt like a girl again. Not like Theo never treated you like one, it’s just that only Anthony managed to make you feel this way.
“You said it before, Anthony; We can’t happen. We could never, because — ”
“Because I was a coward.”
“Because you had a duty to this agency, and you were thinking of everyone. I agreed on the matter with you.”
“And I had a duty to you.” Your world stopped. Is this the same Anthony? What was he doing being this close to you? Why did you like it?  Was he taking his words back from before? Could you possibly happen now? You didn’t know the answer to your own questions. You were in a haze and flurry of questions, but when you searched his eyes now, they were true, deep, lovesick and drunk at the sight of you.
“Theo and I aren’t together, Anthony.” You mumbled without blinking.
You just wanted his breath on your skin, his touch on your cheeks, his eyes all over you and his lips meeting yours. “So what’s holding you back now?” you whispered again, your hand leisurely finding its way on his chest.
His skin was hot underneath his shirt, but you could also feel the fast thumping in his chest. His smile before that didn’t quite reach his eyes now reached the sky and his eyes became starry with the news. For weeks, he thought he’d lost you, and what a fool he was to only know it now that you were there just waiting for him. How could he think that?
“Kiss me.”
You closed your eyes as you closed the vexing gap. Your hand roamed from his chest to his shoulders, looping your arms to hold him close. His hands made their way down to your waist, the other trailing your back and settling on the nape of your neck. His fingers were feather-light on your skin, making the hairs on your neck shiver to the touch.
You never thought you’d feel something like this. You thought it was just the books you read and the films you watched. Now, the boy you thought was a tense duty-first guarded eighteen-year-old was kissing you until the oxygen his body possessed gave out.
How relieved he felt, how soft you were under his touch. He thought of this a million times over when he couldn’t even look at you before, holding you close like this, having your lips on his like this.
He had to firmly shut his already closed eyes again just to make sure it wasn’t a dream, but no, he wasn’t in the midnight voyage of slumber. He was there in his library filled with books and the scent of you that lingered. Sweet and you. You always loved that room and so you’d linger every single day.
He thought it was the books you liked so much. It was, but the best part of it was Anthony Lockwood himself, and he can’t quite complain now, can he?
Meanwhile, Lucy was getting rich with George’s money, but who cares, right? Who knew you and Anthony thrived on angst and it took Theo the bread guy to bring you two together?
Oh, you thought no one knew? Even a kindergartner would know in five minutes.
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END NOTE. This is a repost because the original one was butchered by Tumblr's read more link bug that made the paragraphs of the fic disappear and get jumbled.
This paragraph is a test whether the read more link bug will destroy the fic again and make it disappear. Hopefully not, because I can't keep rewriting the last paragraph repeatedly.
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davidsons89 · 2 years
break the rules — b.h
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pairings: billy hargrove x female hopper!reader
summary: hopper comes home from work early and accidentally walks in on you and your boyfriend billy having sex. discovering that you skipped school and broke his rules, he decides to have a serious talk with you.
warnings: 18+, smut, oral (m on f), unprotected sex, hair pulling, spit kink, mild language, yelling, parent walking in, awkward encounter
authors note: i will forever be obsessed with billy. idk if i like this but it’s my first billy fic so i hope u enjoy 🫶🏻 i’d love hopper to be my dad lol
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You pretended to get ready for school all morning. While you told your dad you were waiting for Billy to pick you up, he left for work and dropped El off at school on the way. Less than 10 minutes later, you hear the roar of Billy’s car pull up outside.
You meet him at the front door, pulling him into a tight hug with your cheek pressing against his chest. “Someone missed me, huh” he chuckles as he wraps his arms around your waist. “I always miss you” a smile appears on your lips as you move your head to look at him.
You loosen your arms and move them behind his neck as his hands hold your waist. “You saw me yesterday” he grins. Billy has always had a soft spot for you, though he’s angry and violent with everyone else. You just had to accept that part of him.
“Doesn’t stop me from missing you… my bed feels empty without you in it” you bite your lip with a smirk. “Let’s go fill in that emptiness then, huh?” He suggests. That’s an offer you’ll never turn down. You grab his hand and drag him into the house, Billy shutting the door behind him.
You both instantly grab each other and start making out. You walk backwards as Billy guides you to your bedroom, kicking the door shut after him. You both start to practically rip each other’s clothes off while continuing to roughly make out.
“You sure no one’s gonna come home? Because I wanna make you scream” Billy tells you as he trails his kisses to your neck, making you close your eyes and softly moan. “I’m positive. My dad and El just left so we have nothing to worry about” you tell him.
Hopper has a strict rule of you and El keeping your bedroom doors open 3 inches when Billy and Mike come over. They’re not allowed to be in the house when Hopper isn’t home, but you like to break the rules sometimes.
Billy starts to passionately kiss your neck, using his teeth to leave a harsh hickey on your skin. You moan and dig your nails into his bare back. The only items of clothing you both have on is your underwear, but that’ll soon change.
Whilst Billy is focused on leaving marks on your neck, you reach your hand over to your record player to turn on some music. You and Billy loved to listen to music whilst having sex, anything from Metallica to Diana Ross.
He pushes you back until you fall onto the bed, getting on top of you once you’re down. Gripping your wrists to pin you down, he starts making out with you again. After kissing for a minute straight, Billy pulls away and slowly kisses down your chest before taking off your bra and continuing to kiss down your stomach.
You moan and arch your back, pushing your ass into the bed. He twists his fingers around either side of your panties, pulling them down your legs and dropping them on the floor. He wraps his hands around your thighs, pulling your knees up and putting his head between your legs.
He plants kisses on your thighs, looking up at you to see your pretty face moaning. His kisses eventually move to your pussy, making you softly moan and arch your back more. “I’m glad we skipped school for this” Billy says from between your legs as his fingernails dig into your thighs.
“Me too…” you gasp, sliding your fingers into his hair and tugging on it when you feel him using his tongue on your pussy. A moan followed by a curse word slips out of your mouth as he begins to properly eat you out. Your fingers pull on his hair harder, causing him to deeply hum.
He didn’t like you pulling his hair when you first got together. In fact, he didn’t like a lot of things you did back then, but now he loves it. He loves everything you do. He got so comfortable around you that he’s willing to do anything you like. You have him wrapped around your finger just as much as you’re wrapped around his.
With each tug you give his hair, his fingernails dig deeper into your thighs, deep enough to draw blood by now. He continues to eat you out until he can feel you squirming underneath him like you’re about to cum. He never lets you cum without permission.
Billy unexpectedly moves his hands from your thighs to your waist where he pulls you underneath him as he gets on top of you. Now towering over you, he reaches his head closer to yours. “Open your mouth” he demands. You do as he says.
He spits into your mouth, watching as you swallow his saliva full of your pussy wetness. “Kiss me. Taste yourself” he says, sticking his tongue out as you grab his cheeks, pulling him closer to make out with him.
During your make out, Billy uses one of his hands to pull his underwear down, then guide his already hard dick to your entrance. You two never use protection, you just pull out and hope for the best, which is once again going against one of your dad’s many rules.
Without warning, he pushes himself into you, making you pull away from the kiss to let out a loud moan. He smirks as he watches your head fall down onto the pillow, shutting your eyes tight. “No, look at me” he demands, grabbing your jaw with a bruising grip.
You peel your eyes open, looking into his eyes as his thrusts get deeper and harder. You’re uncontrollably moaning. You’re moaning so loud over the music that you don’t hear your dad’s cop car pull up outside.
Hopper fumbles with his keys as he approaches the front door. “Can’t believe I forgot my damn wallet” he curses to himself as he sticks the keys in the door, only to realize the door is already unlocked. He frowns, opening the door and hearing music coming from your room.
“This kid” Hopper shakes his head, angrily walking to your bedroom. “Y/n, why the hell aren’t you in sch—” Hopper barges your door open without knocking, only to see Billy on top of you. He immediately knew what you were doing.
“Oh my— Jesus Christ Y/n” Hopper quickly reacts by covering his eyes with his hand as you push Billy off you. “Dad!” You yell, swiftly pulling the blanket up to cover yourself. Luckily the blanket was already covering most of your bodies so your dad didn’t see too much.
“What the hell are you doing?” Hopper yells from outside your bedroom door with his hand still covering his eyes. “I’m kinda busy!” You yell back. “Get your clothes on and get out here. I’m not kidding Y/n!” Your dad yells before reaching in to pull the door shut. You can tell he’s super pissed.
“Fuck” you whisper to yourself, dropping your head into your hands. You know your dad is going to punish you for this. You’ve never been caught with Billy until now, and Hopper already dislikes him as it is. “You said he went to work” Billy says.
You slowly lift your head to look at him with a face full of annoyance. “Well obviously I didn’t fucking know he was going to come back” you say back in a sarcastic tone. He tuts and shoves his underwear back on.
You rush to put your clothes back on, sighing before you open your bedroom door. You really want to avoid your dad at all costs right now, but you don’t want to risk any more punishments. Whilst Billy is still getting dressed in your room, you head out.
The first thing you see as you enter the living room is your dad stress-smoking a cigarette on the couch. His stance is angry, his face is angry, he is angry. He sees you, giving you a look to tell you to sit down. “Are you gonna explain to me why the hell you’re not at school?” Hopper asks as you sit on the other couch.
“I didn’t wanna go…” you try to answer as innocently as possible but he’s not falling for that. “Right… so instead you invite your boyfriend over while I’m not here… to have sex with him?” He asks as he sees Billy coming out of your bedroom in the corner of his eye.
“Billy, get over here” he demands. Billy isn’t one to take orders from people, but when it’s his girlfriends dad, who’s also a cop, he obeys. Billy walks over and sits next to you. Now things are just more awkward. “Dad…” you whine but Hopper won’t stand for it.
“No, don’t you dad me” he points his finger at you. “You know the damn rules y/n, and you do too Billy” Hopper raises his voice, looking back and forth at both you and your boyfriend. None of you answer him. “That could’ve been El, not me” Hopper says.
“I think I’d rather it was El” you mumble under your breath, causing Billy to snicker. “What did you just say?” Hopper raises his voice and you shake your head to say nothing. “From now on I’m taking you to school. Not Billy, not anyone else” Hopper strictly tells you.
“But dad…”
“No, no buts”
Hopper cuts you off. He’s a really over protective dad which is understandable why he’s so angry. But you still think he’s treating you like a kid. “Grow the hell up Y/n. Skipping school to have sex. That’s such an immature thing to do” Hopper states, smacking his knees before standing up to walk to the kitchen.
He’s too mad to sit and look at you both right now. He pours himself a glass of whiskey. “Both of you go to school now” Hopper demands, swigging his glass before darting his eyes over at you. “I will call your principal in an hour to see if you’re there” he says.
You roll your eyes at him. “And if you’re not there, you are not seeing him for a week” your dad says, glaring at Billy. “Dad!” You raise your voice. “Don’t make it a month!” Hopper yells back. You angrily storm back to your room to grab the rest of your things.
“You. Know better. You know you’re not supposed to be here when I’m not here” Hopper says to Billy while they’re left alone. “Yes sir” Billy sighs, trying not to get on his bad side, though he clearly already is. “I’m letting you date my damn daughter, the least you could do is follow my rules, now go” Hopper says, shooing him out.
You come back out of your bedroom without talking to or looking at your dad. “Come on Billy” you huff, swinging your bag over your shoulder. Billy stands up, grabbing his car keys out of his pocket as you two head outside.
Hopper follows you to the door to make sure you get in the car safely. His hand rests against the door frame, watching as you both get in the car. “Drive straight to school, no funny business” he yells loud enough for you to hear him with the windows rolled down.
You shake your head and roll your eyes. “And put your seatbelts on!” He yells before slamming the front door shut. “Oh my god” you whisper to yourself as you put your seatbelt on. Billy begins driving to school.
“Guess we skipped for nothing” you scoff, looking out the window with pure annoyance as Billy’s hand creeps up on your thigh. “Don’t worry, we can always continue later” he smirks, gripping your thigh to make you look at him. “Billy…” you playfully roll your eyes at him. It doesn’t matter that you got caught, or the way your dad reacted. You’re teenagers. You’ll manage to find a way. A way that Hopper will never find out.
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guav · 2 years
Hello!☺️ Can you do a Yandere Rindou? So like Ayano is Rindou and the senpai is The reader, like the roles. The role of Rindou is Ayano but the role of senpai is The reader.
It's like Yandere simulator! :)
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ᥫ᭡ for haitani rindou, OBJECT OF OBSESSION
⚠︎⠀yandere themes; explicit descriptions of murder, blood, obsession, stalking, all that. he's in his last year of high school for plot purposes
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★ ⋆ . ⠀YANDERE! RINDOU, who starts acting weird
he says tenjiku rendezvous got tedious. swears up and down with a sneer that his time is precious, and there are more pressing matters to attend.
ran likes to think he knows his brother well-enough to know truth from lie. although it is pretty odd rindou’s bottom drawer now has a lock, or he rarely leaves his laptop in their living room anymore; doesn’t allow for prying eyes into his life.
perhaps it’s odd, but they’re old enough to not be joined at the hip twenty-four seven.
so the oldest haitani doesn’t think too much of it. it’s none of his business.
a little his business when he finds rindou to go missing for entire mornings and evenings. very much ran’s business when he starts showing up late to meetings and there’s a need to convince izana not to splat rindou’s brain matter on the sidewalk next time he shows his face.
ran makes the conscious decision to shrug his new behavior off.
whatever’s gotten into his younger brother can’t be worse than anything they get up to together. rindou much prefers to operate as a duo whenever there’s violence involved. his sudden change of attitude surely couldn't lead to anything that bad.
★ ⋆ . ⠀YANDERE! RINDOU, who at first is convinced you’re a stalker.
let’s rewind a couple months back.
hard as he tried, rindou haitani is unable to pinpoint the exact moment you started to bleed into his days.
in the mornings your footsteps would be so loud outside his apartment. desperation was not a good look, there were better ways to get his attention (note, you were just walking to school, minding your own business).
on evenings your saccharine voice would always get his attention when walking to the liquor store (second note, you were just trying to power through your part-time job in that same street).
and during nights, after exhaustive hours of branding a uniform and doing the dirty jobs on occasions, your presence in his dreams would be very hard to ignore. 
dreams where your lips would explore his own endlessly, charm forever sealed in his grasp. mewls that cried for each inch of skin he’d inspect. reveries where you’d be his. nightmares where rindou would be witness to someone else tasting what’s his.
you were stalking him, weren’t you? there’s no other explanation to your sudden prominent standing in his life.
the only sensible course of action was to tail you, too. just to make sure you’re not something he needs to be concerned about, of course.
★ ⋆ . ⠀YANDERE! RINDOU, who for the first time in years, sat through an entire lecture.
it took rindou about two hours to assemble all the pieces to his old uniform in one same place. some were under trash bags, others shoved deep inside his closet. a good clean later and he was ready to carry out an operation to find out what your true intentions are.
once upon a time the brothers had to enroll into a local high school to scope territory. never would rindou have guessed he’d be back doing rounds through the same halls, eyes scanning through each classroom. 
it was nauseating. so many people breathing the same air as him. unforgivable.
barely a couple seconds before he snapped someone in half, rindou caught wind of it. your light footsteps, a cheery giggle, an imaginary trail of thorns and roses in your wake.
rindou haitani was presented with two options. the schoolyard was spacious, so much to the point of a table having the perfect view to your classroom. staking out your every hour would be easy, and the risk of getting caught would be close to none.
“oh, are you new?” your voice tastes even sweeter when it’s directed to him. when your words belong to rindou the world feels right. “i didn’t know we could get transfers this late in the course—i can help you catch up if you’d like.”
the smile you flash at him is better than any bone he’s dislocated with his bare hands. better than anything he’s had.
everything about you is dangerous. from your clear intentions to captivate him, to the way you’re fucking good at it.
it’s a shame rindou’s better though. he’ll just have to stick around advanced calculus to have the upper hand and observe you from up close.
★ ⋆ . ⠀YANDERE! RINDOU,  who surprisingly caught word of a confession before you did, and saw red.
rindou’s come to the conclusion you’re not a threat. perhaps it’s everyone else he should be concerned about.
the wake-up call comes as a letter with a red stamp, left behind by some forgettable classmate with unbelievably clammy hands.
a stupid move for an amateur. clearly someone who doesn’t even deserve five minutes of your time if he was unheeding to the point of not knowing thursdays are the days you’re around fifteen minutes late to first period. wednesdays are laundry days, leaving you in a  frenzy to collect your unfolded laundry from the day before, consequently delaying your usual routine (wake up, shower with lukewarm water, hygiene, clothe, repeat). 
only an idiot would also leave a confession letter behind when rindou haitani was present.
it’s bothersome having to stand and throw the piece of paper away. so much that rindou feels like he deserves to at least see what the idiot had to write. unfolding carefully wasn’t something that existed in his head. the letter is ripped open, if not to satiate his urge to do the same to your daft suitor.
the letter is emptier than he’d imagined, only a vague request to meet after class on the rooftop adorned the white sheet.
“rin?” the paper is quickly tucked away in his pocket, though you’re ever oblivious to the movement. “i know i said we could go over some stuff before class, i really didn’t mean to be late!”
rindou scoffs, fixing his glasses. “if i fail it’s on you.”
the annoyance in his tone enters one ear and leaves through the other, rindou’s sass no longer fazes you. “let me make it up to you, how about a study session at my place after school?”
“and your parents are okay with a criminal in your own house?”
they’re out of town.
you shrug, “they’re out of town, plus i’m sure they’d be fine since we’re gonna be working.”
“should you really be telling that to strangers?” rindou is convinced you’re a danger to yourself.
“you’re not a stranger,” and the way you say it makes him believe it for a moment. the invitation is all-too tempting. voice luring him like a starved man, eyes making him feel like he owns the world.
a grim reminder rests in his pocket. “i can’t, i have stuff to do after class.”
somehow the hurt flashing across your face is something he can’t get enough of. a new emotion to add to his catalog. “is it gonna take long?”
rindou grins, “you’re cute when you’re desperate.”
it doesn’t hurt when you smack his arm, or when you call him mean—doesn’t sting because he is, and because rindou already knows you don’t mean it.
“i’ll wait for you so we can go, okay?”
guess he’s gonna have to make it quick.
★ ⋆ . ⠀YANDERE! RINDOU, who knows everything’s fair game as long as you don’t get caught.
“pathetic,” screams are silenced by rindou’s hand, muffled before they could ever alert another wretched soul. fear-stricken, twisting, and writhing like an animal at a slaughterhouse.
“gross,” it’s a messy crime scene. blood, exposed cartilage, and bone. unrecognizable by the time rindou is done.
“stupid,” this morning there were two people after your heart. now, only one remains, along with a mangled sight of student and cruor.
rindou haitani doesn’t care much for the pained wheezing coming from your suitor. he doesn’t savor it like every other injury he inflicts. this wasn’t anything but an execution, it would be unrealistic to even call him competition. 
there was never a rivalry. not even a chance for contesting an award rindou gained long before you came to meet him. it will be a cold day in hell before he allows anyone else to even indulge in such fantasy. kill count forever rising, roppongi home to bloodshed until there is an understanding that whatever he wants will inevitably he his, and only his.
an annoyed sigh is all that accompanies the dead. irritation overpowering the nonexistent guilt of taking a life. something primal begs rindou to leave the rooftop as is, it would be a good warning for anyone with underlying intentions to follow the same steps.
sadistic in nature, methodical in practice—he opts for cleaning instead.
two trash bags, a mop washing away sin, and spare change of clothes is enough erase all trace of murder. not a spot is left in his wake; nothing to indicate there was ever a dent or obstacle between the two of you.
forever forgotten are the days where he’d only allow himself to witness from afar. no longer will rindou have to do rounds through empty streets just to wait for your nightstand’s light to gift him your silhouette. 
he won’t have to worry for getting caught, not when you’re waiting for him a couple floors down; and most certainly not when the other fool chasing after your heart doesn’t even have blood pumping to his own any longer.
★ ⋆ . ⠀YANDERE! RINDOU, who is gonna go mad.
“i thought you were gonna take longer.”
rindou rolls his eyes, mindlessly reaching for your bag to carry. sarcasm in his intonation: “surprise.”
as much as his impudence is unwarranted, you can’t be mad. tutoring rindou is learning rindou, and he speaks through actions. there’s no other option than to bite back a smile when he’s already at the door, barking at you to hurry up.
a small detail makes you stop dead in your tracks. rindou raises an eyebrow, you simply stare.
it’s a small stain. easy to overlook, yet suddenly so prominent from the corner of his eye. rindou has no explanation for his erratic heartbeat.
all evidence was carefully disposed of, how could he have missed blood on his glasses?
such an obvious mistake. he’s already blocking the entrance to cut your escape route short.
“oh, rin,” your innocence speaks volumes as you lean over, hands coming to grip his glasses. “let me clean them for you.”
he really, really can’t explain the tint crawling up his face.
your movements are delicate, gentle as they cup his face. soft as you blow on the glass. hypnotizing as you tug on your shirt; white, pure, to clean the red smudge. effectively ridding any proof rindou is a threat by your own volition.
rindou feels his sanity slipping, the line between a careful plan blurring with his buried urges.
victim to dimorphous expression, rindou slips.
your wrist meets his own hand, grip so vicious for a moment you fear it intends to harm. chin raised by a single finger with way more force than truly needed.
as if seeking an explanation as to why the distance between your back and the nearest wall was completely erased within seconds, all you find is rindou’s own eyes. you swear they’re twitching—fighting something you were previously blind to.
rindou is gonna go mad. you’re stupid, so, so incredibly naive. ingenuos to all his advances and ties to crime, so unaware of the decomposing inside different plastic bags. you’re addicting in the purest sense of the word.
so when he leans in to kiss you, and you meet him halfway, rindou swears he’s already gone insane. 
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⠀⠀⠀⠀navi.⠀&⠀m.list⠀&⠀send me an ask!
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spatialwave · 8 months
Hi dropping on to say I’m so thankful someone else is currently as captivated with Limoreau as I am but is a writer and creates sweet sweet content. I think you’re doing amazing at writing them, thank you so much.
Obsessed with Jordan and Marie always trying to protect the other, always looking at each other even when they were rivals. I like to think that at some point Jordan notices Marie protecting them and at first doesn’t get why and tries to make sure they’re protecting her and not the other way around. And then a cycle of this until they finally just ask her why she’s putting herself in danger for them and then they both turn into queer mush idk I love them 💖
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you... are so sweet oh my god! i am so glad i can write them for you, it is a pleasure! 🩵 (warning: writing this little musing ficlet made me cry.)
protecting others was the reason why students wanted to major in crimefighting, or at least, that's what should have been the main reason. jordan li took that promise very seriously, and it showed when they had to fight luke. without any hesitation, then stepped between their friend and a girl they hardly knew - just to protect her.
that’s when jordan realized a pattern. maybe it was because either one of them hated the notion of owing each other a favour, regardless, the two of them seemed to be crazy protective of each other.
it was an unending cycle, jordan would protect marie, then marie would step in and protect jordan. it was weird, jordan couldn’t comprehend why she would want to step in like that.
the more jordan thought about it, the more it made them frustrated and angry. the last thing they ever wanted was for marie to get hurt because of them. they'd live with that regret and guilt forever.
it hurt especially when they got close, emotions rose and feelings bloomed. that fear of marie getting hurt was beginning to swallow them whole, and it was a complicated feeling. marie was her own person, she was strong... jordan didn't want to bring it up and come across like they didn't believe in her.
that just weren't used to someone wanting to protect them, too.
it wasn’t until after they got their memories back — when jordan remembered the fight with sam, where jordan had put themselves between marie and sam only after she jumped head first into battle. oh, how it rattled them. how could she have been so careless? to jump in without even as much of a plan?
it was eating them away when they returned to godolkin later that night. they had spent several hours sitting on their bed wondering how they were going to approach this without making it seem like marie was incapable, but they couldn’t take it anymore.
the confrontation started with jordan knocking on marie’s door with a heavy fist, five knocks for good measure. marie opened the door and her eyes widened, a smile spreading on her lips, “hey-“
“why are you so frustrating?” jordan questioned immediately, pushing past marie into her room. much like the time of their first kiss.
she was taken back, blinking a few times as if she was having deja vu.
“excuse me?” she asked, already offended by their verbal attack, “what did i do?”
jordan turned around, tucking back a few loose curls behind their ear as they looked at marie, “you… you’re always getting in the way! every fight you’re always running in head first and trying to protect me. why?”
“what?” marie shut the door, walking a bit closer to jordan with a confused look on her face, “you’re mad at me because i’m… helping you?”
this is exactly the energy that jordan was avoiding, but they didn’t exactly do a good job at positive communicating. they sighed as they ran a hand down their face, trying to take a moment to relax before they continued to run their mouth off like a maniac.
“look,” they started, taking a step forward and looking deep into marie’s eyes, “i’ve just- i’ve never had someone like you in my life before, alright? i don’t want to see you get hurt.”
those words made marie’s heart skip a beat, but she was hesitant to let it go, “i can take care of myself.”
“that’s not what i’m insinuating.”
“then explain it better. use your words better.” marie stood her ground, arms over her chest as she watched jordan with thinned eyes.
it sent a shiver down jordan’s spine. she was right.
a few moments of silence passed before jordan parted their lips, “i’m scared you’re going to get hurt because of me. when you put yourself in danger like that it fucking sucks, okay? i hate feeling like i’m the reason you’re going to get yourself caught up in something stupid just to protect me.” the words came out of their mouth easier than expected, their breath quickening and heart rate sky rocketing. their eyes shook with vulnerability as they stared at marie.
tears had began to well up.
“oh, fuck,” marie murmured as she saw the pain in jordan’s eyes, walking close to them and wrapping her arms around their shoulders tight, “i didn’t know.”
an awkward laugh bubbled up as a tear rolled down jordan’s cheek, “yeah, well, obviously i’m shit at communicating,” they said as their arms gently wrapped around marie’s waist, fingers curling into the fabric of her red hoodie.
she pulled back slightly so she could look at jordan, moving one of her hands to wipe away the tear that rolled down their cheek.
“i can’t promise that i won’t get hurt,” she spoke softly, the most gentle smile forming on her lips, “but i’m not going to stop. i care about you, jordan. i care about you so much that i would rather get hurt if it meant you didn’t. that’s what you did for me with luke… and i didn’t appreciate it until it was too late.”
jordan couldn’t speak, their eyes filling with more tears that dared to spill. they could only listen to marie, hearing those words that soothed their angry heart.
“i’m making it up to you.”
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odetodilfs · 1 year
Dating Javier Peña headcanons
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The obsession is hitting me hard so here it is. This was supposed to be for valentines but I didn't finish it in time lol
Pairing: Javier Peña x m!reader Warnings: Mentions and not much else, most of these headcanons are SFW.
-He would be very affectionate- the man has been living on hookups instead of actual relationships for a long time, so he would relish and bask in the feeling of having someone to love.
-Would also be very nervous, as opposed to how he usually is making the first move, he’d be very cautious as it’s his first time with another man and he loves you a lot, so he’d be afraid to fuck everything up. -You’d speak in spanglish, half of the sentence in spanish, the other in English, sometimes just full Spanish, or full English, overall, you really don’t give a shit.
-Lots of surprising you with hugging from behind and lots of neck kisses too, he can’t keep himself off of you.
-He’d love holding you in his arms but nothing beats the feeling of having your arms around him, knowing he can relax for once in the day.
-He’s by no means a cheesy guy, not the biggest fan of St. Valentine’s day, never makes cringy jokes, etc, but the good thing is that when he does crack a joke it’s actually funny, he also would take you to eat often and whenever he has free time he always tries to watch a movie with you, cuddle or maybe even have sex. 
-You would think a guy like him needs a lot of sex, but normally you just do it once a week, he’s had enough sex in his past and now prefers to cuddle you most evenings.
-But when he does have sex with you, he tends to be more on the submissive side, but he also enjoys dominating you a lot, he loves seeing you writhe beneath him, begging him to let you cum, jerking you off then stopping just as you’re about to cum.
-He’d never bottomed for anyone before other than you, and he was nervous at first, but as you guided him through and showed him how good it felt, he came to love it, but he does prefer being a top most of the time.
-Is very mature when you fight and you always manage to sort things out, and he’s a very big fan of makeup sex…
-He loves it when you pet his hair and just give him gentle touches in general, his favorite times are when you spend hours and hours kissing and cuddling each other. He also likes it when you wash his hair real gently, in general, the guy’s a sucker for getting his hair played with.
-Surprisingly a very romantic guy, not on the cheesy side but he gives you flowers when he can, always calls you at least once a day from work just to check up on you and stares into your eyes often, appreciating their beauty.
-He constantly says how you’re the prettiest man he’s ever seen, how he wants to be with you forever and if you can make dinner just a bit later so you can cuddle for 5 more minutes.
-He tries to smoke less because you keep telling him it's not healthy for him to smoke that much, and he’d accept the challenge and keep trying to smoke less and has succeeded at least a bit. 
-He’s more a of a surprise kind of guy, he isn’t particularly a fan of doing big things that require planning, he’d much rather bring you your favorite cookies or flowers every friday than take a week-long trip somewhere, considering his vacations are short too.
-Teasing each other would be like a game on who gets the other more horned up, he’d wear the tightest pants to make his ass and crotch stick out, or wear his shirt unbuttoned while you’d bend over a lot to pick things up or wear tight pants as well.
-He’d love banter surprisingly, at first he was a pretty serious man but as you got to know each other he opened up and became softer and more playful, you know to take this as a compliment as he rarely ever is like that with anyone.
-Just him being an absolute bisexual mess but also loving you, “Women, they’re great, so are men, but nothing beats you” he’d say as he roped you in for a kiss.
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