sydneysageivashkov · 5 months
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it and/or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thank you for the tag @retiredficwriter! my wips folder is a mess though 😭only including fics I have worked in in the past year
bs silverflintmadi
bs silvermax lavender marriage
bs soulmates maxanneeleanor edition
bs soulmates silverflintmadi edition
ghost of lucy grey
rhaenicent timeloop
victor kidnaps rose and lissa
you are a horrible soul goose
honourable mention for just having a plotting document and no actual writing:
flint as the morally ambiguous queer guy in madi's head
five cigarettes in the life of pyrrha dve
tagging @thegoldenlily @hiccuppedstudio @gravedangerahead @itmakesssenseincontext @howdybesties @vikingsong @xoverworkedandunderpaidx @queenlissa @gins-potter
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anomalocrisis · 2 years
Hey. You. I want to know about your characters please? 🥺
I--,, Ok i dont know on which one to start,, so i'll do like quick bios and shit with pics of my boys (lies)
I just want to say these dudes are from waaayy back to when i was 12, and im still building on them, so,,
First ONE!, my sweet little angel,, FL-11X Aka. Felix!
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This poor motherfucker used to be a basic af model mainly used for costumer service, he was being deployed as a receptionist for the main building for his creator company, until The Incident happened, the day he lost all his limbs and a big chuck of memory.
He was thrown in the trash, deemed as unusable and nothing more than scrap, until an old lady found him still barely functioning, she took him with her and took him to her local repair shop and the mechanic did what she could to save him, his limbs were replaced with obviously lower quality ones and they don't match well with what remained from his old frame but they work! (kind of)
When i say that the lady took him with her, i really meant it. FL-11X became like,, his adopted grandchild, not son, grandchild. Once FL-11X was repaired, he had nowhere to go, so the lady just let him stay with her, after a while she did the needed paperwork so FL-11X, now called "Felix", could legally live with her as her "caregiver", you know, since old age, just so they hadn't to take him away.
She really spoils him, she lets Felix try anything that catches his eyes optics? sensors?
The Next one is my literally sweet boy man, Sayvius!!
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This man has nothing to do with Felix! This man is made of honey and he fucking hates humans!
A literal living Mellified Man, yes he's based on Lemon demon Sweet Bod if you want.
This motherfucker, man. I love him. He has like 3 jobs, dude. he barely has money despite of that, he lives in a fucking abandoned house that he acclimated.
I don't know what to tell you bc i ABSOLUTELY LOVE EVERYTHING I MADE UP ABOUT HIM, His limbs produce healing honey (he sells it), he's practically a dead person, but not really? He needs to constantly eat meat so the honey he produces doesn't consume his body, He's a waiter in the local Tavern on the only-monsters commune where he lives, His Mom (who i also adore) is a human-fucker, making his dad a human DESPITE he hating humans.
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[OLD AF DRAWING] SLITES!! a local fisherman that has a broken dream about being a pirate... so he buys in the aesthetic! also he's one of, if not THE BEST FRIEND of Sayvius.
He's really a fish aficionado, so he fishes and cooks them and he sells the fish raw or cooked. mf goes to the beach and then comes back to tell Sayvius about his new fish findings and asks him if he can use the kitchen to cut them open and cook them and then slap Sayvius hand when he wants to taste the fish raw.
He also carries super sharp knives with him everywhere he goes.
Slites is way more chill about humans than Sayvius and he usually tells him to relax about them, since his brother, Kridate, lives in the city and he constantly goes to visit him. He also gets annoyed when people confuse him with vampires bc he isn't one, or so he claims.
Either way, these two love to sit in the "porch" and talk bad about life.
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Now, My boy Glyzer!! He has nothing to do with the prior ones!
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He was supposed to be the heir to the throne for his planet, but he said "haha nope" and ran away! now he's wanders through the cosmos and he's a proud single father of a kid who saw alone and that wanted to join him in his adventure.
Glyzer is quite a mf, since he's kinda used to a life of luxury, but that doesn't stop him from wanting to learn how to do stuff, he's also quite stupid and doesn't know how to manage money (he tries)
The kid in question
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Vip, They used to live with his uncle and aunt who treated they more as a tool than a person, They encountered Glyzer one day in the market and practically became his guide for his whole stay, one day Glyzer saw how their family treated them and decided to stand up for them, and then they pulled an "Adopt me, Miss Honey! You can adopt me!"
Glyzer was reluctant but in the end Vip joined his journey with no destination.
Vip is cute, and they know that, so despite looking clueless most of the time, they're really smart, so Glyzer and them use eachother for getting free stuff once they end up with no money and have to look for a temporary job.
Another one, Kamaleon!
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Tokusatsu inspired as you can see. he's a robot made from scratch by a dude, who then, with his roomie teach him how to function.
He usually goes out and does the functions a local hero would do, people think he's a human in a suit instead of a robot, so they roll with it.
When he interacts with people for almost anything he gets a little stiffy and doesn't know how to move or what to say. He has also stopped some robbery attempts totally accident, gaining some following online and shit.
Kamaleon's "Team" also got into making stage shows because, why the fuck not, so they have this whole thing where Liam, the roomie was the og villain for him, but then he became a sidekick to Kamaleon when someone else started to show up to the stage shows as a bigger villain to be defeated. the fun thing is that no one knows who that guys is but they keep showing up at shows and making tweets about how "evil" they are and how are going to defeat kamaleon and challenging him, and the kids love it, so yay!!
also, since Kamaleon is a robot i can retcon him to Felix story and i can make him a Kamaleon fan, big win for me.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
Shag anon but im putting on a warrior cats mask rn. THERE STUFF U MISSED!! First off, Cats cant taste sweet stuff, but im pretty sure medicine cats use honey to hide food bc its sweet. And i wanna actually expand ur reach rq bc we have Midnight and Rock hanging out who just feel extremely weird even in the context of the series. Maybe its just power creep but theres a whole fuckin badger that is meowing out there. Theres even foxes!! Im still pissed about hollyleaf and the fox cub bc she 100% couldve raised the cub BUT theres a short story out there i swear. where graystripe is in charge while firestar is gone and a fox is hunting prey so the clans get together to chase it out, but by the end graystripe realizes the fox A) understands them, B) has cubs, and C) sorta tells the fox to leave and the fox NODS and leaves??? Idk if im imagining it i could be. I thought ivypool met a cat who speaked wolf for the LONGEST time but it was kid me reading fanfic and taking it as fact and my friends had to tell me that, no, there was no cool wolf cats. Anyways i am gonna touch on cat behavior real quick, arent male cats suuuuper aggressive about mates? Also there is a throwaway line about leafpool getting plump so she did grow a stomach while pregnant but ig everyone just thought thunderclan was eating well (theres problems with THAT too since theres be other signs but, like you said. no cat sex ed). Theres also the fact that humans would 500% find out about the clans some way or another. You're telling me that no one thought it odd that literally hundreds of cats were in the forest? Or that they made structures and dens? or saw then travelling and grouping up and shit??? Anyways cats are aliens thats why cat heaven is called StarClan
SCOOB AND SHAG ANON U AND I ARE BROTHERS IN ARMS- unless you don't like that term in which case I will respectfully high five you and say we are Besties. Or something. The point is that I think you're cool and I love reading your thoughts-
I'm going fucking feral holy shit you're so right about all of this. I've always been so intrigued and confused by Midnight tbh--it's been a while since I read the books, but there's never any real.... canon confirmation on like Anything about her. I enjoy her existence for narrative reasons, but what's happening here. Millie speaks dog, Midnight speaks cat.... whadda hell
Also that Greystripe story and Hollyleaf with the fox cub.... there's a lot of potential for interesting dynamics with this series regarding the idea that the cats aren't the only sentient animals, but the series just doesn't address that most of the time. Though honestly that's kind of just a point with the series as a whole--lots of interesting concepts get brought up that are just never elaborated on.
(Also as a side-note, this reminds me of a story arc we did in a Warriors RP group I used to be part of. Long story short, it was about the foxes fucking unionizing to take out the clans, and it was really intense but also super interesting and had a lot of interesting fox NPCs who showed up. My favorite was the one-eyed vixen and her gay son <3)
AND ALSO ON THE NOTE OF THE HUMANS FINDING OUT, THAT ALSO BOGGLES MY MIND... THE CATS LIVE SO CLOSE TO CIVILIZATION. HOW HAS NO ONE FUCKING NOTICED. This was actually one thing that was addressed in that rewrite I mentioned that I liked--it suggested the concept of the humans being aware of the clan cats and like... making the clans' territory a protected national park of sorts, b/c imagine how amazing it'd be for tourism to show off these wild cats living in societies and having complicated rules and religions.
God what I wouldn't give to be an anthropologist in the Warriors universe studying cat societies
Anyway on the note of behavior as well, that was actually the thing in the rewrite that put me off reading it ASDFJKL;. It had a moment where Firepaw was super aggressive towards a kit b/c Instincts and it established like... a canon thing that toms aren't allowed nearthe nursery b/c they will try to harm kits that aren't theirs. I don't know how true that is to cat instincts, and I can definitely see that as an interesting concept to explore, but child death is like one of the three things that actively puts me in a really bad headspace when I encounter it without warning so I noped the fuck outta there.
Also man. Fireboy wouldn't do that. Not my orange man. He's built different.
Anyway I think you're 100% correct and I'm going to stand by this theory forever actually. Gonna rewrite Warrior cats but with the context that the cats are aliens (I am not going to do this).
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presdestigatto · 3 months
daniil medvedev professional yapper
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ask and you shall receive! @spiderwebd and whoever else takes intrest in this au!
Starting off explaining what I have so far for the Insane Subspace au we have the start of it all: Rusted Boombox!
“Oh so YOUR the one Medkit finds soooo annoying huh? Typical of you playgrounds really, in that case I’m sure Meddy won’t mind if I take you off his plate and ears :)”
Subspace had targeted and cornered Boombox somewhere while enlisting the help of Hyperlaser to wound him, he also decided that this annoying little brat whould be his test subject of choice for a thing he cooked up with the help of the power of his crystals: rust that eats away at the demon as if they were metal (it does stop after a bit, it’s made to make SURE the target stays down if they manage to live)
after that was said and done the two left with Subspace cackling like the maniac he is, taking out one of the two most annoying phighters was just one step of his plan. Feeling cockier then ever and more confident that the world will bend and break to Blackrock. Hyperlaser, however, felt a small bad feeling about Subspace. He brushes it off as just being the usual Blackrock feelings though
back to Boombox, he laid motionless against the wall. The rust had stopped by now, leaving lasting damage to the gear and the demon that fell victim to the organic material destroying rust. Seemingly dead by then from the injuries
…. However. Despite better judgment, and judgement of his fellow deities, a certain ghost looked around to see if the coast is clear. Walking over to the playground phighter and kneeling down as if to check out the damages.
“hm…. I hope you know, I usually place myself as neutral no matter the demon or faction…” he gave a sigh despite having seemingly no way to “however, I can sense something brewing deep down and your team will be needing your help. Your death will only bring Crossroads to its knees, and the others- or at least I- will not allow this to go on.”
he stood back up
“I don’t usually do this, never found the reason to myself, but each of you have a role to play… and you are the catalyst to doing so.”
The deity raised up his broken spectral sword
“May you use it well, it will keep you alive if you ever were to succumb to your grave wounds agian before you get help or help find you. Mabey you can find some extra use for it who knows. Just keep in mind your the only one I’m doing this for.”
The ghostly deity brings the sword down into the ground in front of the fallen demon and then disappears with the sword, leaving small flecks of white lingering in the air…
…. A single twitch.. then another, until the phighter awoke with a huge gasp of air and a flicker of a large white X going into all corners of his visor before it flickers back off again- well- or at least he thinks he’s awake. He’s not sure as something was clouding his visor, making everything almost a dark orangish brown void. “S..SLING?… SKATE?… A-ANYONE?…” … not an answer. That’s… that’s ok, he could find them soon, right? That or they find him, where ever he is.
He tries to push himself up, having almost little success. Pain shot through him, causing him to give a yelp and almost collapse back onto the ground again. Limping it is he guesses!.. “H..hah, n-nothing.. I-i can’t handle..”
He picks up his boombox with a little bit of a struggle, at least all of them came with the instinct to use the gear thier given! He dosnt need to see his boombox to know how to use it, that he’s thankful for… although it feels… wrong. Almost uncomfortable to hold, some kind of scratchy metal-like surface covered the boombox in various degrees.
He just has to hope it still works.
If your wondering how he gets around, Rusty Boombox ends up using music to get a hold of his surroundings, basically letting the beat guide him in a very literal way
The boombox… not AS powerful as it once was (and bearly even plays a song properly sometimes) But it still works, and hits HARD
If I was going slightly off of Canon Compliance for skins (which I doubt have any lore except for ones like Biograft) I whould say the boom box could cause a area attack similar to Pulse wave attack but it goes all the way around him (and also has spikes added onto the visual), like a sour note
Also one of Rusty’s horns had snapped off from the rust on him! Which is… fun.
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My (Maira's) fics!
A handy list of my fics, for anyone who is interested.
If you'd like to be notified when I post tidbits, snippets, or full fics, interact with this post! 😊
9-1-1 (Buddie)
when deeds and words are in accord (my whole world is transformed) - Or, the one where Eddie sings his feelings, and Buck loses his mind.
hard kick, slow burn - Or, the one in the bar with the dancing.
Buddie Flufftober 2023 Collection - accidental kiss, answering the wrong phone, proposals, idiots in love... We have it all, folks
i opened my eyes (and all i saw was you) - the Meddie friendship fic inspired by a Tumblr post.
paradise under a pine tree - speed run friends-to-fiancés Valentine's Day 2024 fic - why, yes, I based this one-shot around a pun, thank you for asking.
take my hand (take my whole life too) - magical realism fic. Contrary to what he believes, Buck is not actually allergic to Eddie.
take this life and make it yours (take this heart and let it love again) - . . . or, the one where Buck finally figures out he's in love with Eddie, only for things to not go as planned. (inspired by A Scene from s4 of Supernatural (IYKYK)).
wild again, beguiled again - or, the one after the (7.04) Buck/Tommy kiss. Nothin' but fluff. 💖💜💙
take this life sequel - Eddie's POV. A truly ridiculous level of angst.
Oblivious!Buck fic - short fic, based on an incorrect quote that is legitimately Buddie bc of course it is.
Star Trek quote + indulging my hatred of the Elder Buckleys
Past Lives Soulmates AU
locked room fic - inspired by That Kiss from New Girl. Partially drafted.
Gravedigger - fans of Bones will know all about this one. In planning stages.
apocalypse fic - snow. so much snow.
deeds and words sequel - partially drafted, established relationship cuteness
And so many more
Schitt's Creek (Davrick)
saving patrick - inspired by the Saving Grace episode from 9-1-1: Lone Star. Almost complete.
The Rookie (Chenford)
you're in my arms (and all the world is calm) - inspired by the dance scene from Enchanted, with a Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker cameo. POV Tim. 9k.
you're in my arms sequel - POV Lucy. Almost complete.
lullaby - Tim realises some stuff. Partially drafted.
mystery spot - a.k.a Tim's very bad, no good day. Partially drafted.
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formerchaoslord · 2 months
It's been a while since he was captured by this strange people, he even couldn't move him own limbs every time trying to move ends with horrible pains what that person done to him. Upon hearing the battle near he could only say with a low wick voice. "H...Help me ... it hurts." (For Gunvolt)
After Elise freed Roy from Asimov's grasp, she and the others tried their best to help him.
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"His body is still trying to adjust to his new Adept powers..."
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"How long must he be in pain like this?!"
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"The time varies depending on the individual. Some of the people who were experimented on didn't even service the procedure..."
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"Are you telling me Roy is going to die...?!"
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"No, he should be fine. The fact that he held up for this long is a good sign that he's going to make it. All that's left is for his body to adjust to being an Adept..."
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"Oh... Well, I'm glad he's going to make it, but I don't want to watch him suffer like this..."
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"I'll try healing him to reduce the pain. Roll, Meddy, Atoli, may I have your assistance, please?"
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"Yes, of course."
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"Please, feel better, Roy. LaPha Repth!"
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"I hope this helps, Roy. Recovery 300!"
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"Don't leave us out. I know we're new here, but we can lend a hand. ToadMan, give Roy a Healing Song."
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"You got it, Ribbita. Ribbit, ribbit."
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"Roy...Once you've adjusted to being an Adept, let me train you. I'll help you control your new powers..."
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"Normally, I'd object since training Roy is my job... But since you're an artificial Adept yourself, you're the best option to help him with this, Gunvolt."
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"Um... I'd like to help, too... I may not be an artificial Adept like you, Gunvolt, but I'm still an Adept."
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"I'd appreciate the help, Elise. Thank you."
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"You're welcome... Um... This is all alright with you, right Luna?"
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"Like I'd object to you helping someone! Go ahead, Elise. Do everything you can to help the Edgelord's apprentice."
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"What was that? Did you just 'thank' me, Edgelord? Can I hear that again?"
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"Don't push it, Drill Hair!"
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"I was joking... But in all seriousness, Solo... We'll do everything we can to help Roy. I promise."
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"...I'll hold you and everyone else to it, then. Take good care of him."
Solo walked off after that. The medics continued the healing afterwards.
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"How're you feeling, Roy? Any better?"
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fallenclan · 9 months
THANK YOU FOR EXTRA SUNWISH BITS... OBSESSED WITH HER. GOD. Ohhhhhgh. (Laying on the ground) she had to learn everything about being a medicine cat HERSELF... And it IS her knowledge passed from cat to cat in an unbroken line, now....... Ue ue ue . (Said to the tune of "of course you have blue hair and pronouns" but a little tearfully) of course you're a tragic meddie and a little bit in love with your best friend whos wife died..
I can't think of Sunwish getting to be a warrior finally for too long or I'll explode. Getting to go back to serving the clan how she wanted from the start, finally free of the role she had to learn from scratch, that she did so much to define for all of Fallenclan's future. To watch her apprentice - Silverbelly, who got to choose this path, and took so well to it - take up the mantle with steady paws, take on an apprentice herself. I wonder if she'd miss it, sometimes. Find herself noticing every herb she passes while on patrol, bringing some home or just letting Silverbelly know later. Would she have ambitions, maybe, of being the deputy? Not Scorchstar's - no, they'll never see eye to eye - but Goldenflare's, maybe, once the old molly's too worn out to go on. I wonder if she'd feel torn. I want to think she'd feel confident enough, though, to take the new rank in stride. However long it lasted her.
(^ and I can't . I can't think about that. Because then I'll think about HER thinking about that after Silverbelly graduated, in canon. Considering asking for warriorhood. Thinking about what it'd be like, only to be murdered by her leader before she could. And I shall simply have to BLOW UP!)
(btw. Unrelated and this is so long already (apology) but I think what keyed me in on her so much at first was that she hoped golden would notice her right before she was murdered. And in reviewing I've realized there was like a year between but for a bit I thought she might've known Something Was Up and had some sort of dread about what was to come and wanted him to be aware. WHICH PROBABLY IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED given the time but it's still. Gesturing wildly)
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thomase1 · 9 months
Two broken make a whole; chapter 5
Series masterlist Main masterlist
What should I say, it has been a while. An eternity. But I finished this chapter finally. Took me a sec to even remember how all this works-
I would advice to re-visit chapter 4 before reading this one, I had to do as well.
Thanks to everybody sticking around 💜 This one's a bit of a wild and chaotic one. I just hope it doesnt come across as rushed.
This is not proof read so sorry for any errors.
Warnings: talks of abuse and rape, reader struggling with facing her fears, overthinking, anxiety
Wordcount: ~2150
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After a very long shower, watching your comfort show for the millionth time and sleeping in as long as possible, you left the comfort of you own four walls.
Admittedly, you still felt like shit.
Sad, reminded of everything you tried to leave behind, ashamed and just utterly overwhelmed. Not to mention embarrassed. Had it been Nat, Clint, hell even Tony that witnessed it all, it would only be half as bad. But luck, per usual, was not on your side.
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The review of yesterdays mission went differently than you thought. Your emotional outburst wasnt even mentioned, the thing that actually took up most of the meeting was Loki and Thors absence.
"Ok guys. I'm really starting to worry now. What if they ran?", Cap sighs. "It surely wouldnt look good when mentioned to Fury, thats for sure.", Nat says bluntly. Tony leans back in his seat with a cocky but sour expression, "Would it be too soon for an 'I told you so!'?". "Oh come on, do you really have no faith in them? There is no reason why they'd have to run after that mission, THEY," you emphasize, "made no mistakes. I'm sure they will be back soon.", you try to defend them even though you start to worry yourself. "You do know who we are talking about, right?", Clint raises one sceptical eyebrow.
The meeting was thankfully cut short. Without the brothers, you couldn't possibly remember everything that went down, especially since you were zoned out though most of the mission. It made no sense to continue without them.
Just as you threw yourself on the sofa with some pasta, you heard the elevator ding and the booming voice of Thor. "Hello there Y/n. How are you feeling?", Thor greets you with a hug. He smells odd, like an old basement, smoke and dust. Sceptically, you hug him back. "Welcome back. I'm feeling much better thank you. I think you should speak to Cap though. Your solo operation has caused quite the drama.", you grin, patting his shoulder. Thor sighs and turns back around to the elevator, "Norns, they really have no trust in me. I will speak to them, thank you Meddy."
Meanwhile Loki sat down on the sofa eyeing your food. You now eye him eyeing your food. And suddenly your eyes meet as his green ones snap up at yours. You hold his gaze, "If you want you can take some pasta you know. I bet your hungry after being gone that long.". He scoffs, "Correct. A thank you would be in order.".
He must be shitting you, right?!
"Excuse me, what? What am I surpossed to thank you for? Your solo trip? Ive had to listen to the others complain all day because of that!", you agressively fork your pasta. "Yes, precisely, it was to help you! Hel if Shield knew about it I'd rot in a cell for all of eternity!", his voice raises and his arms cross. "Ok, rewind. Lets start over. Where were you and what did you two do?", you stop eating and pause your show. "And why should I tell you?", Loki teases. You scoff, "So I know what I am surpossed to thank you for of course." So he started to explain.
"After Thor and I brought you to the tower, we did not hand that imbecile over to Shield or any other authorities. We took matters into our own hands.", he says with a proud smirk. "What did you- did you kill him?", you ask nervously. "Ultimately yes, but do you remember for how long we were gone?" Oh god. Oh fuck. "Ages, what like 16 hours? The others were getting nervous you somehow escaped Thor or something.", you nervously bounce your leg. "As expected... But no actually, we took our time to extract every bit of information regarding the weapons from him. Lets just say healing is a big asset in torture.", his eyes glimmer bright green as his grin becomes almost devilish. "I dont think I understand...", or more like, dont want to. "We hurt him as badly as we wanted, he couldnt die. I just healed him any time he came close.", he states flatly. "Oh my god-", your breath catches in your throat. "You're welcome. So, dont worry about him anymore and- This stays between us, officially we had to kill him when we first arrived at the warehouse." "Noted."
An awkward silence fell over the room when you sigh heavily, "Look, I am deeply ashamed over my emotional outburst yesterday. Could we maybe just forget about it? Please?". His eyes flutter as he gives you a once over, then the faintest of smiles crosses his lips, "I dont even know what you are talking about, Agent.". Did my nether regions just clench-
Oh lord-
Your cheeks blush as you clear your throat and nod, "Very well, thank you.".
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After that, the problem got solved with Thor telling the team they just followed a lead on a location possibly holding even more weapons. And that wasnt even a lie since they did destroy the remaining weapons they found out about in the torture. So the weeks went on.
Loki became kind of weird. Well, weird for Loki. He started talking to you, randomly and not just in necessary situations. Never anything personal really, but still. But today really topped it all off.
You went to the common room to grab some cold water after your training but insted were greeted with the dark haired god sitting on the sofa, reading an ancient looking book.
"So, Medusa, interesting. I have to admit, I have been thinking what could be linked to such an extraordinary name. There has to be a story behind it.", Loki asks, weirdly curious all of a sudden. You take a few blinks to realize he actually asked you about something personal. "Uh, I cant tell you.", you say a bit too distracted by the tight shirt he is wearing. He tilts his head, raven locks revealing his neck, "Oh do tell darling.". D-darling? You feel heat rising to your cheeks, beeing an assasin you usually dont get nice pet names from others. And coming from Loki? You got butterflies from only that. Oh, youre in trouble...
You shake your head, "No, I mean I really cant tell you, I would if I could.". Now you just fired up his curiousity even more. Damn. That was not your intention but forming words, let alone logical sentences, isnt that easy right now. He sits up, propping his elbows on his thighs, brows tightly knitted trying to figure out what you mean. You planned on going to your room, but you wont walk away from the god of mischief asking you something other than work related. You sit down too, grabbing a pillow from the couch. "Would you please be so kind and elaborate a bit further.", he looks over to you with his brows still furrowed. You sigh, a little louder than you intended, "It is rather complicated I guess. I was captured by Hydra. As you may know, they have inhumane and horrible ways to make people complay. They erased my memorie, wiped us, as my fellow captured and I used to say. I just know that I was 16 when it started, was an assasin pre hydra, my real name is y/n l/n and my cover name Medusa. Those are the informations I have.", you explain as shortly as you can.
His gaze over you shifts a little, its an expression you have never seen before. Not on him at least. He looks as if he has empathy for you?
"That is a rather troublesome past, I appreciate you telling me. However, I still have one more question if you dont mind." Now you furrow your brows, what is there left unanswered? You quickly cover your confusion. Force of habit.
"Oh well, it is what it is. What else do you want to know?", you play cool but lose your shit internally. He nods, "I presume you have not just made that name up, so if there is, I would like to ask the backstory to the name itself." Oh, well thats innocent enough. Still your heart races. Its a subject you spent many sleepless nights over. A weak spot. You know damn well what Medusa is a symbol for, but you dont know if that was your Inspiration too.
"Oh, I see, of course you dont know about that myth. Well, it is really hard to explain since there are a lot of other events that led up to her story. You like to read, right?", you ask him with a shy smile. Maybe you can make him research it on his own. Save yourself the heartache of overthinking again. He raised his brows in a playful manner, holding up the book in his hand, "I would say 'like' is an understatement, but yes. I do.". You huff out a laugh, "Then you probably found the library already. Look for books on greek mythology. My summary would lack a lot of important context." "I have a lot of time on my hands, how about both? Tell me roughly and I will read up on it later.", he smiles sheepishly. It seems luck is not on your side today, so you give a small nod and get it over with.
"There are many versions of her story. However the one I think is my Inspiration, which is not the original but also is mentioned in a few books, is Medusa beeing a priestress to Athena, the goddess of wisdom and battle. The women serving her had to remain virgins and give their life to her. Because of Medusas beauty, the god of sea, Poseidon, took interest in her. Athena and Poseidon were rivals, so he used Medusa to get back at Athena. He humiliated Athena by raping Medusa on the steps of her temple.", you stopped for a second to swallow the lump forming in your throat. "That is a rather gruesome story.", Loki mumbles, not having expected for the story to get that dark, that quickly. You swallow your fears and continue quickly. "Oh yes, but its not over. Poseidon left his victim on the steps, now any normal thinking beeing would expect for Athena to help Medusa." He nods. "That was however not the case, Medusa got cursed by Athena and banished to a far away island. She now looked like an abomination, eyes of stone, chicken legs, metal wings and hair made of snakes. Any beeing who would look upon her would turn to stone. Men traveled the island, chasing and trying to kill her. At some point, her fear turned to anger, she took her revenge on all the men that tried to harm her, turning them to stone. The only way those men could be freed was if Perseus, son of Zeus, beheaded her. As that day came, her blood gave birth to Pegasus, the winged horse, and Chrysaor. Athena used Medusas head as a trophy on her shield, protecting against her enemies. The rest of medusas body was layed to rest in the underworld."
You shifted into story telling mode, like you did when you looked after Clints kids once.
"That... You mortals sure have a lot of fantasy for storys like this. Do you think-", he stops, looking up at you, knowing exactly what he is trying to ask. The universe really hates you, your throat closing from surpressing the feeling daring to take over. "That is the question Ive had for years now. I dont know. I dont know if I want to know. I guess it would make sense if I... sympathized with that character. God, I dont know.", you exhaled deeply, gathering yourself. Its hard to talk about this topic, the uncertenty has been eating away at you ever since you rediscovered the story of Medusa. "You do not know, so it is best not to worry. It wont do any good either way. Is this, greek I think you said, mythology an interest of yours?" "Kind of, yes. I have read a lot about it since researching about my name, its really interesting. Confusing sometimes, but very capturing. I suggest you read about Pandora too, its a very fascinating story. Another one is the story of Icarus.", you smile, knowing he purposefully changed the subject. But you are unspeakably grateful he did. "Sounds promising, thank you for the suggestions.", he smiles warmly. You smile and slowly get up. "I have a date with my bed now, I'm exhausted. Have fun reading." "Pleasent dreams, Y/N.", he gives you a nod.
You bite your cheek as you turn around and leave the room. Your knees weak and hands shaky.
You just dont know if you feel this way because of the uncomfortable topic or because of who you were speaking to. All you know is that your in for a ride.
You just know it.
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Tbmaw: @fictive-sl0th @vbecker10 @fictional-hooman @mischief2sarawr @maple-seed @mochie85 @holdmytesseract @theaudacitytowrite @gigglingtiggerv2 @marygoddessofmischief @goblingirlsarah @oceandeepthirst @lokisgoodgirl @fallenlostarchives @kalinaselennespeaks @sid-prescottx @assemblingavenger @loki-n-hvitserk @crzyplantladyvibes @yoongissidebitchh @cakesandtom
Everything: @slytherclaw1227 @their-love @vickie5446 @buttercupcookies-blog @peaches1958
Wifey: @plushcrushdoll
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kalibabysworld · 4 months
Alright Meddy I need to you to play the match of your life right now please and thank you
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zootycutieart · 5 months
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Time for the next Kazoom Kid pairing I have concepts for, along with her partners! This was an interesting challenge, since I've seen other medical-based ones in the fandom!
Time for the next Kazoom Kid pairing I have concepts for! This was an interesting challenge, since I've seen other medical-based ones in the fandom!
Meddie "The doctor will see you now!" Get Well Soon Older than most of the other Kazoom Kids, Meddie wasn't a healthy child when she was young. Getting lucky in getting a chance to be healthy, she soon wanted to make sure she was as healthy as possible through her life...and Kazoom Blast accidentally caused that to come true! Now with a healthy mind, she wants to make sure everyone in the city stays healthy, hero and villain alike! Sure, her abilities mean she can administer doses to any issue, but she does it a little roughly. Just because you're getting your prescribed doses often means "take by mouth", not "take thrown in your face".
Vitamana "Power pump up!" Pill Punch Meddie's transformation partner. She has a lot of brothers and sisters that never transformed, so she's very dedicated to making sure she gets a bit of spotlight now! Very dramatic and very energetic, she's a natural cheerleader. With her abilities, she can give a vitamin boost to herself or to others, letting them power through a tight spot. Her only downside is how attention-craving she can be, which doesn't help in every single situation for her, and can often make things worse.
Caseaid "Need something?" First At Hand Need something specific for healing? Caseaid's got you covered! With every lotion, potion, ointment, or medicine you could think of, he's got it all! Scraped knee, heartburn, feeling blue? He's got it to help! He carries so much and cares so much, that he makes sure to store anything he finds, because "they might be useful later"! Of course, this means that it can take a little bit for him to find exactly what he needs, but he'll always have it, no matter how weird or obscure it might be!
Coughick "Swallow your pride!" Grape-Like There's nothing that tastes as wrong as fake grape medicine. Unfortunately, when you're Coughick, that's all you can taste. Sure, his throat might be perfectly coated and he has great vocals, but that's such a minor boon to what's an annoying punishment. Thankfully, he doesn't have to be alone in the misery thanks to his ability. Using his handy spoon staff, he can dip into his contents and splat them towards his enemies, leaving them in a sticky mess that tastes wrong.
SuperThings, Kazoom Kids, and Kazoom Blast (mentioned) © Magicbox Meddie, Vitamana, Caseaid, Coughick, and artwork © ZootyCutie (that's me!)
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spacetotbby · 7 months
Little concept POV
You wake up feeling poorly, your tummy is cramping you wake your cg/s up and ask them if they are able to get you something for your tummy, they turn and ask what’s up.
You explain and they kiss your forehead, “oh my sweet little angel, I will be right back.” They quickly get up and go to get you some meddies.
They come back with a hot water bottle, some meds, your favourite snack, a nice hot drink and cold drink. Some water and your favourite stuffie.
“Okay baby, take these.” It’s pain meds to help the tummy pains, they sit the other stuff at the bedside table.
Your favourite stuffie is sat beside you and you get a really nice gentle hug after you take the meds “well done kiddo.” They ruffle your hair as they sit back to get you some food in your tummy after a while you finally eat when the pains ease.
“Thank you, (cg/title)” you smile and they put on your favourite cartoon you both stay in bed together snuggled as you rest up for today.
It turned out you had a little tummy bug, a day after and your cg gets sickie just the same way they did you make sure to help them rest up, you get them meddies, their favourite food and all. Which is something just easy and okay to eat with a bug.
You both take time to recover together staying in bed together for the next few days ofc up and about for water bathroom food etc,
You both recover well but you both make sure to make to most of your time together and you’re able to be small and help your cg. While they’re able to be taken care of and take care of their baby.
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ggebba · 7 months
Hello just wanna say thank you for translating svech and pyotr’s interviews🫶🏼 I also saw you posted about andrey rublev and meddy in your Twitter haha I love those 2
Do you know why Rublev following a lot of Tampa’s Russian players? Is that his fav nhl team?
Thank you so much 😊 Just wanted the NHL fans to get to know our guys a little better. Language barriers and stuff like that ✌️
Yes, I like tennis very much. Rublev personally knows and is friends with Sergachev. Same with Svechnikov. I will say more, both Medvedev and Rublev often meet Russian hockey players at the US Open. Not just from Tampa 😉🤗
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ngtskynebula · 4 months
Fic ask game: 3, 4, 19, & 20!
Oh! Hi! 👋☺️
3. What is your absolute favorite kind of fic to write?
I'm a hopeless romantic and fluffy enthusiast, so: slowburn romance and its hurt/comfort aspect. I love working out the fluffy counterparts of all angsty moments, especially mundane, domestic scenes 🥺💘
I have a deep relationship with loneliness and, at times, not feeling at home with my own family, so I work these themes in my writing. I haven't got my Happy For Now ending yet, so I bestow it on my characters.
I tend to write high fantasy, and sometimes I do write only angst, but the first isn't mandatory and the latter is rare. I do like gen-fic, but haven't got great plot ideas to work it into a fanfic, making most of my fics romantic ones.
4. Are there any other fic writers you admire? If so, who and why?
I've got my Grand Chase ficwriters squad, but the three other parties don't use Tumblr 👁..👁 They're Dips, Meddy and Hikari, known in the tight-knit gctwt circle.
Other than them, I only ever read Seventeen fanfiction, and I could name a few writers whose writing I'm in love with: dandelion_shua, shuanime, badge, wtfkovah (I think they've abandoned their longfic... everybody's moved on, but I'm still here 😭), darlingshua, natigail (I've reread their longfic so many times and commented on them so many times, AO3 is tired of notificating my spamming), tohubohu (current favourite author and human being), and, at last, authormin. All of them on AO3.
(So many joshushushu writers! I'm sensing a pattern...)
As to why... I just... I don't really know? I guess I could highlight shuanime, badge, wtfkovah and tohubohu — they're marvellous writers, I love their projects and writing styles sooooo much. I want to write as greatly in English as they do, one day. I'd read their groceries lists, should they ever publish it. I'm serious.
19. Why did you start writing?
When I was 12 years old, I had this colleague called Vitória that showed me an interesting website where I could read free stories: Social Spirit. Gringos probably won't recognize, it's a brazilian site; almost all br fic readers know about it, though.
I read many fics, thinking it was official stories about my favourite mangás, and then I discovered my profile also had a text editor and publishing options.
And the rest is herstory.
20. 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of.
My laptop isn't around and I don't write on the cellphone 😭 But, to be honest, I can't even recall the last time I've written, so I guess I couldn't answer this anyway or another... 🤡
Thank you so much for the ask! That was lovely, and much fun! 🤗
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welcome back meddy!! also squishing ur beans. if u didnt want ur beans 2 be squished ur beans shldnt have been so squishable
🩺 — “ ... Please do not call me ‘Meddy’. It reminds me too much of him. ”
“ And I appreciate the welcome back, anon. Thank you. ”
“ ... I suppose that I will not question why people keep choosing to ‘squish my beans’, or whatever- ”
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accidental-spice · 9 months
Oh and book recs? I love mystery and circular fantasy :)
Oh, absolutely!!! My number one FAVORITE mystery is Greenglass House, by !!! It's set in an inn during Christmas time, and all the guests are kinda trapped there by the snowstorm. Milo, the innkeepers son, and his friend Meddy, are trying to figure out why these five mysterious people choose this inn, and then, someone starts stealing from the guests
It's much better than I make it seem🤣 it's got fantasy vibes, and has a lot about folklore and story telling in it. HIGHLY recommend!!
There's also Nooks and Crannies, by Jessica Lawson which is kinda Charlie and The Chocolate Factory meets Clue, complete with 1980s England vibes (that may be the setting, I forget)
I admit, I'm not totally sure what circular fantasy is, I assume it relates to a circular narrative? Regardless, I bet Moonscript by H. S. J. Williams applies!! It's about an elven prince who was captured by the forces of evil 70 years before the book starts, and the girl who finds him!!! LOTS of found family vibes. It's not subtle, I love it. Also, there's a pirate. And redemption
I'm not sure if this is circular or not, but Valiant by Sarah McGuire is SO GOOD. It's a retelling of the fairy tale The Valiant Little Tailor, which you would not expect to be one of the best books I've ever read, but it IS. If you want more details on it, send @kanerallels an ask. She ADORES it, and would absolutely love a chance to talk about it!!!
Thanks for the ask!!! I hope you like the books!!😊
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