c-hrona · 7 months
vashwood third mistletoe pic?
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moonspirit · 2 months
For that send a ship thing, I was hoping Levihan, but if you don't ship them then eremika??
(or maybe AruAni?)
And I definitely do ship Levihan haha xD So here goes:
Who said “I love you” first
The way I see it, Hange probably always says "I love youuuuu" in that casual unserious kind of way - and its not just Levi who hears it, it's everyone. She needs someone to do her a task? It's a "Hey will you please do this for me, oh you will? Great, thanks I love youuuu~~"
Similarly Levi gets "I love youuuu~s" every so often when she's being annoying and needs him to put up with her rambling.
But the Real "I love you" probably comes first from Levi himself. It's hard to get him to be vulnerable with words, simply because he's a man of few words in the first place, but he says it quietly, and from his heart, taking Hange by surprise. There's no doubt he means every bit of it, and suddenly, she can't really come up with any silly joke to laugh it off.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
Hange, lol. Levi looking grumpy and tired and cute, that's her wallpaper. He on the other hand, probably has a picture of the sunset (because he's secretly a sentimental man, but shhhh) with a shopping list widget stuck on the side so it's easy for him to see what he's got to do grocery runs for.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
Hange. And Levi fucking hates it because by the time he's reading it, the words are getting all runny and watery and blurring off, and asking her what the fuck she wrote on the mirror only gets him a "teehee! you're so slow, levi!" in response.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Listen, listen. I know it's easy to say Levi would get Hange very functional and useful gifts, but the man is a soppy romantic at heart. He's the one getting her a boquet of flowers, doing her a candle-lit dinner, and maybe a box of chocolates for valentines. It's his old-school gentlemanly side kicking in every time he goes gift-shopping. Hange on the other hand? Maybe a free-hot-springs gift voucher or a pair of boxers with rainbow ducks on them for him. She's a scientist, for god's sakes, don't expect her to spend time picking out the best gifts! (Secretly he finds them all cute).
Who initiated the first kiss
It was an accident. She meant to kiss him on the cheek, he turned, and smack, there it goes on the lips. She's shocked because that wasn't what she'd planned to do, and she's worried Levi will storm off, finding it to be crossing a line they've never spoken about crossing - and Levi would be disappointed inside, because that's not how he'd planned on kissing her, carelessly and without enough emotion put in. But accident it is, and now maybe they'll finally fucking talk about that stupid line - and cross it.
Once they recover, ofc.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
Levi. I did say he's a romantic at heart. Hange sleeps late and wakes late, she's all over the bed and drooling into her pillow, he's the one getting up early to get the coffee and breakfast going. So he gives her a kiss with a scratchy "it's morning. wake up." before heading to the bathroom (because brushing teeth and shower comes first before anything else).
Who starts tickle fights
Hange! And she always loses! Cuz she's all pomp and victory at first but she's the ticklish one, not him, so when he finds an opening and stops grumbling, it's game over for her.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
Hange. Because she's running late, she's got an experiment to get started on in her lab or a lecture to give, and she's got no time to wait until Levi finishes scrubbing himself spotlessly clean. So she asks him if she can join, and is stripping before he even says yes, prancing into the steamed-up bathroom shortly after.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
Levi. Because Hange forgets to eat when she's neck-deep in a lab-test or studying the results of a hypothesis. So he's there with all the food she hates, because she sucks at nutrition and whatnot, and she needs to get something in her system besides just junk. But he does have a very nice milkshake for her he thinks tastes like shit. But she loves it, and he loves her, and as long as she's polished off that broccoli piece she's trying to hide, then it's okay.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
Levi!!! Romantic at heart, didn't I say! Is secretly worried and bothered about making sure Hange has a good time! Genuinely wants her to really enjoy the date, and make it as memorable as possible!
Not that you could tell any of this from his "fuck-this-shit-I'm-out" face.
Who kills/takes out the spiders
Levi. No spiders are taking up residence in his house. Nu uh. He doesn't want the cobwebs and spider eggs. Besides, he feels bad shooing them off or killing them. Better not to have them in the first place.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
Hange. She does it even when not drunk. Need I say more?
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blondebxt · 6 months
Can you pls draw timsteph wearing each others super hero costumes. Have a nice day!
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they definitely would go on patrol like this and all of the criminals would be like ???
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tickletails · 8 months
hi yeas im so crying uh
in love with all your Prismo art,, on the floor sobbing
I’m so closeted with this tk stuff and also new to tumblr. so wah
but I think Prismo would definitely be the type to just become a puddle on the floor after being tkd for too long. Giggles and little spiral particles coming off of him, maybe even his little eyes would be spiral shaped. It’s just so !!
he’d also probably be very wiggly !!!!
yay yippie i did it I got the confidence to do this!!
YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW NORMAL I AM ABOUT THIS ASK .I wholeheartedly agree.. idk what else to say but yeahThank you this made my head explode🙏
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🖤 + ship of your choice?
kissing while crying / goodbye kiss / desperation
I keep thinking "I'm so bad at writing angst and anything upsetting, I hate leaving my stories as anything but lighthearted :/" but then I consistently end up writing angst into everything, including fic chapters that are supposed to be comedic and fluffy so uhhhh lets see how I do when deliberately going for emotional devastation :D !
And since I've been thinking about it lately we'll go with a premise of:
A Jason who knows he's come back from death many times but has no guarantee he'll come back from death again volunteering for a suicide mission and Tim knowing this might be his last chance to confess
There's nothing graphic, but this is all hurt no comfort, angsty as fuck sad shit with an ending that leaves it ambiguous as to whether or not this death sticks. Hope y'all enjoy!
Jason states in a flat, calm tone, "It needs to be me."
They all turn to look at him, their bodies backlit by the glow of the reactor's slowly worsening meltdown.
"What the hell are you talking about," Dick asks, while Tim's blood turns to ice in his veins.
"I didn't survive that plane crash into the meteor. I didn't survive that fall into the ocean. I didn't survive the warehouse. I've been killed over and over and come back from it every time, so if one of us has to die tonight it needs to be me."
"A terrible argument," Damian declares resolutely, standing firm despite his trembling, "We have no reason to suspect that those instances were anything other than circumstance. Random chance and dumb luck runs out. What we need is certainty, and... and Father would bring me back again. We all know it. I can take it."
"I did not come back just to throw another kid to their death! Maybe when you're gnarled and grey and about three hundred years too old to live without a lazarus pit we can talk, but until then I am not about to let you die in my stead."
Damian backs down quietly. He looks relieved, and guilty.
"Then let me do it," Tim demands, trying and failing to sound light and fearless, "Everyone else has had a turn with death, seems a little unfair doesn't it? Hogging all the afterlife experiences for yourselves?"
Jason says with quiet vehemence, "If that's how fairness works, then I will be as brutally unfair to you as I can be."
A long silence stretches between them as they stare each other down. Tim fights to keep the lump in his throat from spilling out into tears and Jason struggles between the need to see himself grieved and the yearning to comfort him and make this all easier somehow.
Finally Dick breaks the silence, "What would you like us to do for your funeral this time?"
"I want to be cremated on the bank of the Ganges with proper rites. Mild preference for a Shaivite or Shakta sect, but I'm not really picky."
And that was it. His fate was sealed.
Tim grabs his hand before he can step into the airlock leading to the reactor's emergency maintenance tunnels.
Jason glares at him, "You aren't stoppin-"
"I know!" Tim lowers his voice to a whisper, "I know..."
"Then what...?"
"I'm sorry if this isn't anything you want, but I can't let you go without saying it. I- I love you. I'm in love with you."
He looks stunned, shocked, almost hurt. Then he kisses Tim fiercely, pressing every bit of affection he can into him with the slim moments they have left. Salt stings their dry lips and they cling to each other with vain desperation until their arms ache.
When he finally pulls back Jason roughly scrubs the tears from his eyes, "Fucking cruel of you to give a dying man something to live for."
"Promise me, please, if you can, if you get a choice, if you're at all able to, please promise me you'll come back?"
"No. I love you more than bread and wine, but my death is mine and I utterly refuse to allow your feelings or anyone else's to sway me in this. However..." Jason's voice grows soft, and he lifts Tim's hand to tenderly kiss at his palm and wrist, "If I am brought back? I swear that it will be you I come back to. I swear that I will give you my heart and everything else you ask of me; this will be the only thing I ever deny you."
Tim grips him tight, squeezing his eyes shut, tears and sweat rolling down his cheeks as the reactor burns itself ever hotter. Then he shoves Jason away, into the airlock chamber.
"I hope it's quick," He knows it won't be, "I hope it doesn't hurt," He knows it will, "I hope you get what's best for you," Just as long as it's not the end you want.
"Goodbye Tim. I love you."
"I love you too. So, so much..."
The blast door swings shut between them.
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pinkinsect · 1 month
okay I LOVE your blue lock sociolect concept but I have to ask. where does the "devouring" thing fit into all of this. like in relation to blue lock's fostering of aggressive behavior the institutionalization of immense mental strain underlying that (blue lock is a psychological pressure cooker and that is entirely intentional) and of COURSE the homoerotic overtones I know that's getting its own dedicated section in the hypothetical in-universe linguistic studies at the very least
like. they really mainstreamed mid-match cannibalism threats. or not even threats like just the CONCEPT that overcoming someone as a player = consuming them physically. that was a thing that happened
oh certainly. they're studying the development and normalization of that sort of language for SURE.
i've actually been thinking about this for a while since i wanted to give an answer better than "the repressed homosexuality is emerging." i did a little skim-reread and unless i missed something, the first person to mention devouring is naruhaya, after isagi adopts his technique of getting in a player's blind spot, and uses that to score the winning goal.
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he doesn't actually say that out loud, though, so it really does seem like isagi also comes up with "devour" independently during his second 3v3 match.
leading up to this, while ego hadn't explicitly instructed them to "devour" one another the way he spoke of "chemical reactions," he did talk about how important it was that they were "hungry" for goals so they could become the best striker in the world (chapter 39), so the foundations were there, in my opinion.
before the 2v2 match against barou and naruhaya, nagi explains to isagi that this is a test of the "power of the individual," (chapter 49) something that isagi clearly hadn't realized prior to that point (because the first selection had a larger teamwork element, what with the full sized teams). already going into the match with the goal of self improvement, specifically to outclass barou, when faced with naruhaya telling him that isagi isn't a player who can play on his own (chapter 52), isagi becomes even more motivated to prove his power as an individual. that entire match is about using another's skill as one's own to improve; "devouring", as opposed to a "chemical reaction."
it's during the 3v3 match with nagi and barou on his team that isagi explicitly develops the mindset of devouring an opponent—until then, it had all been about chemical reactions and sparking with another player. but his inability to actually work as barou's teammate changed the question he asked himself for the sake of victory from "how can i make a chemical reaction with barou [to make use of him, to adapt]?" to "[in order to adapt, i don't need to make use of him,] i need to devour barou." (chapter 61).
isagi (great contributor to the blue lock sociolect) went from a mindset, and the associated terminology, with the imagery of individual molecules creating something new in their reaction with each other, to one where something new is created through the consumption, destruction, absorption, and use of another's pieces to continue building one's own form into something new.
i could say "devour" is a coincidental result of some masculine forms of japanese words gaining a sexual slang definition (perhaps because of the combination of these forms being used for dominance + the language's tendency for indirect mentions of such things).
i could also say it fits into the sociolect as part of a greater pattern of the phrases being ways to express individual dominance. cannibalism in most cases is a lot more one-sided than two volatile substances mixing is.
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hii sarah !! what do sherry and ishmael like to do together ? 🤔 are they the type to spend days off together, and what would they do ? - @dmclr
Goodness, I've left this in my inbox for several months--I apologize for making you wait so long for a response, Clara!!
As far as canon Limbus goes, the Sinners don't really get whole days off, but I like to believe that sometimes they make stops around the City for shopping (which has all but been confirmed to happen in Canto VI--love seeing my headcanons be canon) and the like! Sherry isn't big on leaving Mephistopheles, but usually someone will convince her to leave ... usually Don Quixote.
In such scenarios, Sherry will usually hang back with Ishmael, who I feel isn't big on shopping or sightseeing, either--she's here to do her job, not tour the City. This gives them plenty of time to catch up on what the other's been up to since they last saw each other!
I do think they browse a bit, though, and sometimes come across something interesting--little trinkets and accessories. Maybe Ishmael likes collecting ribbons for the little bows in her headband, and Sherry helps her with that. And Sherry could always use a new journal/pen, given how much she writes.
Also!! During downtime on the bus, Ishmael and Sherry help each other with their hair!! I actually like the idea that all the female Sinners (save a certain someone) get together and do each other's hair ... Ishmael braiding Sherry's hair and letting her try on different accessories is very cute to me (and Don Quixote and Rodya are there, too ... Ryōshū and Outis are also there, but more as critics /lh).
Oh, and at those little meetings, the girls love to tease Sherry about Heathcliff--sometimes they drag him in for his opinion on certain accessories, too, and he's confused, but also I can see him smirking because Sherry is visibly irritated about him being there as Rodya and Don Quixote put bows in her hair.
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sendinganew · 5 months
(@ask-a-wooper-n-mew) Bronx, not knowing the quarrel between Athena and Anew unknowingly went over in Anew's direction to chat it up with them.
"Bronx never seen a mon, especially a Mew, with clothing like that before- So cool! Is it for anything? To protect your eyes from the sun?? Is it to hide something?"
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“Mostly I wear it because I enjoy it. It has a pleasing texture and pleasant memories,” They as the flip the hood back up, “though I have been told some find my eyes to be ‘unsettling’”
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myfriendgoo94 · 2 months
18 and 23 for the music asks!
18 (a song that came out the year i was born): No Excuses by Alice In Chains (1994)
23 (a song i think everyone should listen to): Girl From The North Country by Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash. It’s so gentle, it’s so crazy beautiful, i think everyone could get something from it
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beedlemania · 2 months
what are some of your favorite Monkees scenes and/or episodes?
Oof, loaded question 😳
My favourite episodes; Monkee See, Monkee Die Mostly because of the scene where they’re all in the bed together, it’s so cute. And so is them in their jammies :3 Everywhere a Sheik Sheik, Too many girls, The Success Story, The Chaperone, Monkee Chow Mein, Monkees in the ring, Fairy tale, Some like it lukewarm, and wild monkees (all the davy centric episodes… shocker)
I love the scene in art for monkees sake where they’re tying Peter up so he can “suffer for his art” and then again when the guy tries to charge Micky for the “masterpiece” on his shirt. Maybe it’s just cuz I’m an art student that I find that episode so amusing.
I also love the scene in red shoes where she wants Peter because of his face and Micky turns the gun on her and Davy’s all like “oh god no!”
In find the monkees (i think) where Davy’s playing the (idk brass instruments my apologies everyone) the horn and he’s like “what’s the racquet?” And mikes like “your playing”. I love all their little banter moments where you tell they’re genuinely laughing like in monkees at the circus where mikes giving the farm report and peters losing it.
Hitting the high sea where Davy’s delivering the food to the captain and he’s pretending to be all wobbly on the boat, i dunno why but its so comedic to me
Lastly, I think the scene In Monkee Mayor when Mike goes through the complaints door and ends up outside is the funniest thing ever 😭
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yummyyummie · 10 months
Does Yummie taste especially good, or is that just a teasing name? Also, do they like sticking around for maw play, or do they prefer being swallowed asap?
Yummie's actual name is Yumi, but she's always referred to by her nickname as started by her girlfriends calling her Yummie just as a tease. So it's more that than anything. Yummie tastes just fine, but is often the subject of being prey because of their unnatural penchant for getting into situations and thanks to being practically indestructible (as well as just liking it, but you won't go seeing them bragging about that fact).
Mawplay for Yummie is neutral, they nor dislike it or love it, but will partake in it if either of her girlfriends feel inclined. Which Penelope often does, Sock sometimes, and Amira tends to just cut that out unless she feels particularly tease-y. When it comes to others though Yummie prefers to be swallowed right away, intricate rituals they are lukewarm about are for her selected loved ones only if possible.
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c-hrona · 7 months
Wolfwood + Livio + 2 ❤️
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purpleglitch · 3 months
post dethronement from c!dream's pov
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haroldherald · 4 months
confession when I was little before I realized I’m lesbian I had a crush on Harold but TBH it still fits because Harold is a butch lesbian according to me
you're goddamn right about butch harold but this is so fucking funny
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vossn · 19 days
first of all, love the new icon! I have that portrait hanging in my room lol! secondly, Engel for the the Rogue Trader flowers game!
Thank you!!! <3 I've had it for some years and I'm too attached to it now to ever change my icon, love the funky IKEA fox :D
For Engel I was kind of torn between two choices, so you're getting both!
Lily of the Valley / Cornflower
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Lily of the Valley is simply a gorgeous plant, it smells divine, it is poisonous what is there not to love about it? I recently tried to impress Niko by explaining to him the difference in identifying lily of the valley vs. wild garlic, but only with moderate success..
As for why i chose it, I think it simply would look nice on her, either pinned to her psyker robes or later worn in her hair. Generally the symbolize sweetness, joy, and a return of happiness. It just lodged itself in my head completely based on vibes, and this is a vibe-based assignment after all ;D
As for cornflower, I got inspired by the mention of blue flames in her profile. Looking at the individual petals, don't they look like flames? The cornflower is underrated and one of the few vibrant-blue blooms you'll often see in the fields here, so it is dear to my heart. Above all, it means hope. It would certainly create a sweet contrast with her red-gold armor!
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sleepknoot · 2 months
Can you tell us more about Cici please?
Of course :3. This is going to get really long because I'm going INTO IT, so we're going under the cut!
Cici's actually one of my oldest OCs ever! She's existed in some way, shape, or form for around fifteen years now! She's only recently been introduced into WoD but in her main writing, she's actually the archdemon of decay! The actual spawn of Lucifer!
Her full name is Carolina-Medorah Warren but her loved ones simply call her Cici. Her second first name is meant to be a little touch of irony as it means "mother's gift" and her mother/Sire is listed as her enemy on her character sheet.
Within her VTM canon, she's currently 203 years old and essentially the matriarch of her household despite being the third oldest. She lives with her older brother Ruben, older sister Rhiannon, and younger sister Fausta, all of whom are also Kindred. Though they have a lot of other siblings and half-siblings running around. All of them were raised in a cult that was led by their mother, Ursula-Morgana.
Ursula was Embraced further along in life but she'd been around Kindred for a long time, so Cici grew up around them as well, witnessing various horrors as she did. Being made to participate in her mother's occult rituals left a major impact on her, being put on a pedestal greatly influenced her personality for the worse. This instilled an overinflated ego within her
Ursula went on to Embrace the rest of her favored children, but she didn't treat her favorites any better than she treated her un-favorites. She'd always had a temper and a need for control. After all, her hoard was her following which included her children. She never responded well to them exercising their autonomy and Carolina being who she is really started pushing back against her mother.
By the time Ursula had been Embraced, Carolina had become "too old" for her mother's ideal ritual setting anyway. She was Embraced at 26 and married off to a Toreador known as Gideon Green who Carolina disliked because "He had an extremely unattractive cry and cried incessantly". This marriage happened because Gideon worked under Ursula and she intended to use him as surveillance.
Fausta replaced Carolina in ritual and was unfortunately Embraced at 16 for the sake of "preserving her youth". She received similar treatment, inflating her ego but being stuck as a teenager, she doesn't have the full mental capacity to check herself. None of the siblings liked this and when she got the news Carolina left her husband high and dry, to go collect her little sister and skip town which spearheaded the majority of her siblings following suit.
Rhiannon and Ruben tagged along with her. This landed her right on her mother's shitlist and whenever their paths cross again, Ursula makes a point of trying to trip her up, hence being Enemies.
There are various Coteries of the Warren children scattered across the globe, each branching off into their own dynamics, ways of unlife, and politics. Carolina's Coterie left for San Francisco and things went smoothly for a while, save for her second husband, a Ventrue named David Lee came into the picture. He became a massive pain in the ass some time after the wedding. He simply disappeared one night, though nobody can prove he was killed, but Carolina disappeared for a while after he did. :)
Smooth sailing again for a long time after that until Fausta had a Masquerade slip which resulted in them leaving for New Orleans. This is a recent development. While she's got her hands tied up in the fashion industry, she does do "plastic surgery" on the side with her brother Ruben. Primarily on other Kindred, Ghouls, or her hoard of models. From this point on, her story is still currently developing!
She's a lot grosser and meaner than she looks. Her primary motifs are pearls, rubies, serpents, black widows, and she-devils.
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