the thing about pro-life is...
even if an abortion was murder, the right to bodily autonomy overrides that
i know i worded that weird so let me explain
a fetus or embreyo is using the pregnant person's organs in order to survive, it can't live by itself
it is dependent on the pregnant person's organs in order to live
therefore if the person does not want that fetus there, if they do not want to carry that baby to term, they have a right to get that fetus out of their body
if something is using your body, living thing or no, without your PERMISSION and without you WANTING it to be there, bodily autonomy gives you the right to get rid of it
doesnt matter if that thing is a human
if it could be a human
if it could cure cancer
if it could end poverty
bodily autonomy gives YOU the right to CHOOSE
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I originally posted this on twitter exactly 2 years ago.
4/26/24 edit:
TERFs and other transphobes read my bio, and DO NOT INTERACT with this post or my blog.
5K notes · View notes
doberbutts · 1 year
I think, honestly, the thing that gets me about The Collection of Posts from last night is:
“Trans men would rather be misgendered than admit any culpability or power”
1: culpable for what? What exactly did we do? I’m not talking individuals. Individuals of any demographic can be bad people. What are we, as a demographic, culpable for?
2: what power? Seriously, outside of some social power in individual interactions, which can change on a day-to-day or even scenario-to-scenario basis, what power to trans men have?
3: you know, it really sucked to be called a gender traitor by someone who I once held as a friend before they went full mask-off TERF. I was so incredibly hurt by it and I didn’t speak to that person for several years, nearly a decade, before they approached me to apologize and extend an olive branch. Even now, our relationship is strained at best because I cannot get over the amount of pain I felt at their words. We talk... maybe once a month or so, where we used to videocall every night and chat for hours about everything and nothing. And... this type of thing now coming from other trans guys is really not any better.
“Trans men have transition goals that match their Anime Boyfriends while refusing to break up with cishet men who won’t let them even cut their hair”
1: it’s now funny to joke about transphobic abuse in romantic relationships?
2: you know every single abused person in a relationship has heard “just leave” and “it’s your fault because you didn’t leave sooner”, yeah? Victim blaming is okay when it’s trans guys though? Is that the lesson from this?
3: again, TERFs and TEHMs say this. “You just want to look like an anime boy” and “you’re trans because you watch too much yaoi” and “you’re not really a gay man since you’re trans” are nothing new and having it come from other trans guys is, shockingly, not better.
Can you hear yourselves? Do you really think you’re doing anything but being outlandishly cruel, mean-spirited, and, yes, transphobic? Who are you helping by doing this?
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jojo-oliver · 7 months
my terf+transphobe blocklist
Every terf I've found. For your blocking pleasure! Under the cut
Oh fuck there's a terf in my notes! What can I do? 1. Flag on shinigami eyes browser extension. You've probably heard of this, but it's free, available on desktop. Also available on firefox mobile I think. Has been used to improperly flag people before. Trust but verify. 2. Look through "Blogs like this one" to break the reblog chains and effectively block a whole circle of them. You could also just look through who they're reblogging from. 3. Have a quick scroll for any posts that are reportable. This takes a lot more time than the other steps, but if enough people report them, and if you're reporting something that breaks tumblr's guidelines, then their account could get taken down. Win. 4. Lastly, block. OR Block first and save yourself the psychic damage. If you're on mobile, you could block first and go back later on desktop, finding them in your blocked tumblrs list, to do the rest. Do not interact! Do not send anons! Don't even give them that. Just flag, report, block, move on. Movements don't go anywhere in silence.
Please know that there aren't actually that many of them. I've noticed from going through so many, and from how they interact in my notes... I don't want to say too much because I'm starting to feel like someone's going to read this eventually. But it can be pretty clear that they have multiple accounts. Some of them are making this their full-time jobs. Just sitting on the computer and finding trans people to bully. It's pathetic and sad. If you block all of them, they just... stop existing. Because it's a small group of people. But they do make new accounts once too many people have blocked them, every... 3-9 months? Or, I imagine, once they start to notice that the site feels empty to them and they've been blocked by too many people? It's easy to block enough of them, but I do recommend setting aside some time to do this. I also recommend taking care of your mental health afterwards. When I encounter a block list from someone else, I always check out the blog before blocking, because tools like these can be used against us as well. Shinigami eyes has been used to incorrectly mark trans people before. Trust but verify. No tool is perfect. So I'm assuming you're going to check some of these blogs out too, because that's what I would do. Set some time aside to take care of yourself afterwards please. Love you.
How to put these in your blocklist quickly
The way I do it uses desktop and your phone at the same time. Or 2 tabs on desktop. The second part is to reference the usernames or look them up. Click on your own profile picture icon and on the right hand side of the screen should be this:
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Click on "blog settings" at the bottom. You'll be brought to a new screen, where you'll scroll all the way to the bottom, and see this:
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Click on the writing thing there and then you'll finally see your block list:
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I'll find this post and reblog with more of them whenever I find them. I've never made a block list before, if I could do something better let me know <;3 If someone's changed their username DM me and I'll edit it Accurate as of 2023-10-04 ----------------------------------- -Row 1- prettyrad-ical thefemalejoker42069 sirona-ryan hard--headed--woman modernamericanbreakfast meowfem uter-us mala-santa-radfem nightdepthss radfemtiktok radfem-rage glitter-soda cordycepsfem burningtheroots meanevilandcruel floradfem radsplain terf-hands gougarfem freckled-radfem radrevoltz a-toast-to-womanhood radmista -Row 2- gentlyriseandfall acidbathcat chubbyraccoonman julzlex28 kweerphobique female-prince antiyourwokehomophobia2 quinntheestallion antiporn-activist blueipa angela-anaconda-was-a-lesbian ellaacadia opabiniawillreturn coochiequeens raccoonjesus redheddebeauty nonenosome2 gendiebrainrotreceipts cornedbeef101 kaleiddie bolshefem -Row 3- irresponsiblebirdowner 1-888-narcolepsy terfytingz strozzaprete raidenfem capricorn-season cloud-enigma-blog rad-fem-r-us butch-reidentified terf-tea antigender1 the-rad-menace paperlunamoth femailment patronsaintofvulvas goyangii femmessias2 chadradfem filianongrata -Row 4- i-eat-boiled-eggs-for-breakfast conmigonoeh daughterf radishpanda adult-human-gc-female nansheonearth ilistened2transwomen magnetictapedatastorage demonlizard noncompliantbi transmisogynyiscool goblinous radbutches radicalfembabey frankenawus femmesandhoney lavendertruffles etesienne lavendeerlesbian latina-and-rad punishthegods -Row 5- shes-unforgettable blackswallowtailbutterfly iceyrukia womantichrist faxroux femgoddess-hecate radicalitch radicalblunt chocobbunnii finnishrogue cheesyradfem the-land-of-women transwomenarestillmen catsthemewsical butchlesbianz sowhatnotcreative womens-suffrage-revival-squad -Row 6- back-not-broken friendlymathematician vulva-lacking-losers lilleisak misandristdiarist lookupmedicalmisogyny irisintel womenshallrise creatorisawoman mint-fem large-gamete-maker wordsfromthewick feministfairy libertarian-princess rad-claid-plaid cisthoughtcrime powerfem feral-radfem -Row 7- lizaganderson gynoids-over-androids localbisaster tubularfem there-are-4-lights realisticflyinglesbian femjerma earwigeater destroyerofgender scumbhag clytemnestra-was-right kronkk eternal-echoes kafkaesqueneet xrgl maleswillbemale aspiringfalseidol old-school-butch radafayscage -Row 8- makeyourownopinion gcdk ex-schizo zombierightsadvocate buildingmode2fromthesims1 sofuma feministclassicist radfemlands scumlafeccia son-of-hemera terra-feminarum natures-imperfection atmospherings belastrenchcoat sublimeobjectperson wawaenjoyer feministhetic sparklypinktutu1 -Row 9- kittens2000 spacemonkeyg78 princessterf hidetothink nobleelfwarrior ancientdriftwood 10reallybigants radfemsilv elfyprincess meetmebythe1ake genderatheist religion-is-a-mental-illness s34b4ss kurwaii zlatan-dreams radradmarivy impawsterette if-you-see-gay-me lethalyellowallele dyke-chytilova molagrunda gruncheon victoriassecretagent
-Yippee you made it to the bottom! Check to see if I've added more since, if you'd like. Practice some self care. Love you.-
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fantasiees · 2 months
About me
25 y/o university student
Do not interact
Minors. This is an 18+ blog, I will block ageless blogs as well as blank blogs.
Homophobes/transphobes/terfs/racists etc. (basically don’t be a rude person).
What I like
Basically I have a giant praise kink and everything else falls under that. Like yes, choke me and spank my tits, but also tell me I’m a good girl while doing it. Also have discovered a massive oral fixation, so also yes please put things in my mouth.
Hard no’s for me
Anything piss related
Knife play
Degradation (degradation with praise is okay)
Rape play
I don’t show my face or share my name on here and will not interact on any other type of social media (snapchat, discord etc.). Don’t send me nudes without asking me first.
Asks and DM’s
Asks are open! Dm’s open for mutuals 💕 I am periodically inactive in dm’s, so it’s probably nothing personal if I’m not answering you 😙
Follow my backup @fantasiees2
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littlest-bugz · 5 months
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. introduction post .
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My name is BUGZ ! I am a bodily 21 year old [polyfragmented] DID system. We collectively have ADHD, Autism, OCD and a few other comorbid disorders. They all affect our day to day, but we will likely only post about our experiences as a DID system. Collectively we use they/he/she pronouns!
Get to know us more below the cut!
[ byf and dni also below cut ]
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About Us !
Things in our system change frequently!
Currently, we collectively identify as transmasc, bigender, panalterous, omni oriented DemiAroAce, and ambiamorous ! This is an agreed upon identity the entirety of The Crew and Co. and is essentially for the body itself. Names, pronouns, genders and sexualities all vary from alter to alter individually.
On our page, you will find. . .
Lots of reblogs on random topics and hyperfixations
System Content [Mostly Text Posts and Half-baked Memes]
Original userboxes, blinkies, stamps. [The link to my hoards are below!!!]
Stimboards and Moodboards
Worldbuilding and OC talk
. . . and more!
Layout, Stimboard, and Userbox requests; Closed until current reqs finished!!!
Before you interact. . .
Our account may not be fully SFW, but we never reblog or post explicit material. I have a bad swearing problem, and due to my trauma, I have a hard time telling what is socially acceptable in regards for entirely being SFW. It's something I'm working on, so please be weary! We don't mind agere and petre engagement, just please know my blog is more skewed for mature audiences.
We almost never tag who is posting! We try, but it causes a lot of anxiety for a good amount of us. Please don't ask us to sign off our posts, as we feel it invades our boundaries. We're willing to give pronouns, but we generally try to keep our names more private.
We are endo apathetic. We honestly do not care if endos exist or not, we are just vibing in our own space. We only care about the misinfo on CDDs that is being spread. PLUS anyone is welcome on our blog as long as they don't drag us into any discourse/syscourse, aren't promoting misinformation, and/or being a generally bad or gross person.
We block liberally and without telling the blocked party. It's a force of habit that proves handy on the world wide web. We also ask you don't bother us to be unblocked.
BPD/NPD/HPD/ASPD havers are all welcome on our blog! If u believe in narc/histronic/borderline abuse, leave!!
Do not interact. . .
Basic DNI Criteria [this is a link.] [note: some of the items on this list are repeated for ease of identification]
If you intend to ask about stances on discourse. [note: I'm always willing to be open to new lines of thinking and new ideas, as well as be corrected for any misinfo I may accidentally spread, but if you're going to talk down to me because I don't know or don't believe what you believe, I will block you. Speak to me as an equal or don't speak to me at all.]
pro/comshippers and pro/comship supporters.
transid/transx/radqueer or supporters [transRAMCOA/transProgrammer blocked on sight]
“cringe culture” supporters
ageplay/ddlg [again sfw agere/petre fine, but please know this account has mature themes.]
MAPs/Pedos and Zoos
Transphobes, TERFs, Radfems, Transmeds and the likes
pro-forced birth (“pro-life”)/ anti-abortion
More will be added as time goes. . .
#important - important posts to us!
#littlest_bugz og - my original posts,,, may not be very original tho LOL
#reblogs ?! on my feed ?! /lh /j - My reblog tag!! Everything that gets reblogged should be under this tag, but I don't always remember
#you asked we answered - My ask tag! Feel free to send in asks at anytime
#so real for this - I don't know how to describe this properly, but these posts are so real.
#original userboxes/layouts/stamps/deco/art/ect - All of our original content divided into specifics! [ note: they are not all lumped together like that, just putting them all together for the sake of space, you can find most of them tagged in this post ]
#system posting - Our experiences on system hood as well as reblogs and other stuff! Was formerly 'system stuff'
#kinito posting - I am obsessed with an axolotl virus [mostly kinitopet fanart]
#stardew posting - I'm an avid stardew valley fan!!! I reblog fanart and post abt it sometimes
#lps posting - I am/was an avid lps collector!! I reblog fanart and post original content [sometimes,,, but usually text posts]
#cat posting - I reblog a lot of cat pictures and art!! cats r a huge comfort for me
#the hoard - I hoard and collect deco. If the links don't work for some reason, just click this tag
more tba . . .
Deco Collection - A hoard of all our deco, which includes stamps, blinkies and userboxes WARNING; FLASHING IMAGES, BRIGHT COLORS, AND MORE! PROCEED WITH CAUTION
pronouns.cc - has [some of] the frequent fronter's pronouns, names, and sign-offs. Only the peeps that are safe to say
personal blog - a wip but where I will post a ton of journal entry stuff! but not rn, unfortunately
art comms website - two of our hosts are artists and take comms- this is their site! comms are currently closed, except for the demented chibi heads [link]
my ko-fi - commission payments go here! The chibi head listing is on here! you can also donate if you feel inclined to, but it's 110% not expected
[note: you will probably see a linktree on some of these because I get freaked out by so many links on a page, but this is different bc tumblr is like my hub, if that makes sense?]
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genderkoolaid · 11 months
hey! if you have the spoons, would you happen to have any posts/anecdotes refuting this thread? https://www.tumblr.com/neondyke/719263498717233152/nonhoration?source=share
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so. one of my big problems with how we talk about TERFs is the sort of conspiratorial energy some people have towards them- not in that TERFs don't lie about their beliefs, but the idea that all radical feminists are part of this huge conspiracy where none of them actually believe any of what they say. The idea that no TERF actually, genuinely cares about women, or gender non-conforming people- or that none of them hate men.
Just because TERFism is misogynistic, harmful to GNC people, and often allies with conservative men, does not mean every TERF hates other women, GNC people, and likes men. Its vital to be critical of what TERFs say vs what their actions say- but we do ourselves and them a disservice by shoving our fingers in our ears and essentially saying that no TERF can be genuine, and I actually know what they really believe in their hearts. This is especially important when you aren't interacting with high-level TERFs (especially those making bank off public appearances & books & shit), but like. regular smegular everyday women who got radicalized, or people who are on the verge of being radicalized and are put-off by people who seem to be incapable of seeing TERFs as having genuine beliefs.
I say that all because the idea that TERFs aren't misandrists, that they don't really hate men, is just straight-up ridiculous. It assumes that radical feminism was born exclusively as a reaction to trans women, that none of its theorists or activists were genuinely trying to apply Marxist analysis to gender/sex dynamics and create a better world for women. Which ignores other parts of radical feminism, like their anti-sex work rhetoric/whorephobia. (If you have access to JSTOR, I recommend reading "Radical Feminism and Feminist Radicalism" by Ellen Willis, a former radfem; it dives into the problems with 60s radical feminism from an inside perspective).
I absolutely think TERF hatred for trans women is not exclusively a result of their misandry. This is because all transphobia is systematic, and everyone born and raised in transphobic society has transphobia woven into their thinking. So if you are a cis woman, probably one who has had traumatic experiences with misogyny coming from cis men- probably one with some interest in leftism, who is annoyed by liberal #girlboss feminism which feels lackluster, who is envious of the subversive, direct-action, "tear the system down" feminism of the past- and you have an unexamined, ingrained bias against trans people, well. TERFism will provide explanation and affirmation for your trauma and the promise of the radical feminist action of your dreams to allow you to lash out at your oppressors with the logic of the guillotine. Your unexamined bias against trans women will mean you don't see their transmisogyny as unreasonable, and even if you never really thought about trans women before, its gonna be real easy for you to accept them as a threat to Real Women.
But to assume that every time a TERF says "men" or "male," she means "trans woman," is just ignorant. TERFs are surrounded by cis men, because they live in the same society as us. They see cis men acting misogynistic, many of them have been personally hurt by cis men, they very much mean "cis men" when they say things like "all men should be castrated" or "all male babies should be aborted"- how exactly can you talk about males as a sex and never refer to cis men? When they talk about how using dildos or any sort of penetrative sex is patriarchal and Bad, that's not because they hate trans women, its because they see anything that could be associated with maleness as bad.
Here's a quote from Sylvia Riveria's very important work "Queens in Exile, The Forgotten Ones":
"Oh, yeah, we mixed with lesbians. We always got along back then. All the division between lesbian women and queens came after 1974 when Jean O'Leary and the radical lesbians came up. The radicals did not accept us or masculine-looking women who dressed like men. And those lesbian women might not even have been trans."
TERF hatred for transmasculinity goes back far before ROGD and the idea of transmasculinity as a social disease affecting "innocent young girls." Here's a quote from Leslie Feinberg's Transgender Warriors:
"A view that the primary division of society is between women and men leads some women to fear that transsexual women are men in sheep's clothing coming across their border, or that female-to-male transsexuals are going over to the enemy, or that I look the same as the enemy."
If TERFs have no real hatred for men or masculinity, why did/do they attack butches & transmascs? Why, before ROGD was the trendy way to attack transmasculinity, did they specifically attack us for being too masculine and therefore imitating the oppressor? The idea that trans women are the only ones blamed by TERFs for ROGD is also false- adult trans men, especially those with any public influence, are frequently blamed for "preying" on young "girls." (Also, fun fact: that last quoted paragraph ends with: "Trans people of all sexes and genders are not oppressors: they, like women, rank among the oppressed.")
Lastly, I feel like we- all trans people- have an issue of trying to match our genders & the way our genders do impact how we are treated, with the way our sexual/gendered misgendering also impacts how we are treated. For example, I am often frustrated by trans men who are resistant to talking about how trans men face misogyny because "it feels like misgendering." I don't think we can really deal with transphobia unless we cope with the fact that we are trans people- we are socially placed between genders and punished for that, and that means that we will be attacked because of our relationship to our gender assigned at birth (although not exclusively). See this post for more of my thoughts on that.
Obligatory "please don't harass any of the people in the screenshot above, just block them & move on" notice
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bemusedlybespectacled · 4 months
Vaspider is a huge zionist just so you know
Normally I wouldn't interact with this but I want to make something extremely clear:
I have not seen anything from them suggesting they remotely condone the genocide in Gaza, and I have only seen posts that indicate to me that they are against it, including just now when I re-checked their blog.
I have, however, seen a lot of their posts about converting to and practicing Judaism.
"Zionist" is a hugely loaded term because it has both legitimate meanings (all of which are, from my understanding, heavily debated within the Jewish community) and antisemitic meanings (e.g. as a dogwhistle for "Jew"). Unlike, say, "TERF," which has a very specific meaning ("this person subscribes to radical feminist theory and is also a transphobe"), "Zionist" has such wildly different meanings that, absent any other context or examples of, like, actual things they have done or said, I have no idea what the fuck this is talking about.
This is not a unique problem. The term "groomer" has a legitimate meaning (a person who cultivates an emotional relationship with a child in order to sexually abuse them) and is also used as a dogwhistle to mean "queer person." If anon were to send me an ask that said, "tumblr user so-and-so is a groomer" and nothing else, I would have no idea what they were talking about. One of those is definitely a bad thing that I wouldn't want to support, but, out of context, I have no idea which it is!
If there is a specific behavior or espoused belief that vaspider (or anyone else I reblog) has demonstrated, then say what that is and give me a source. "vaspider believes that Israel needs to exist in order to fulfill the prophecy of Jesus' second coming, check the pinned post on their blog" (not that I believe that about them, but that is one of the potential meanings of "Zionist") is an actual concrete thing that I can then look at and go, "Oh, yeah, they definitely do think that!" or "Yeah, nah, I'm pretty sure that's not what that post is saying."
Otherwise, if I can't completely rule out the possibility of a term being a dogwhistle and not a legitimate criticism, I'm going to err on the side of caution and ignore this kind of shit.
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max--phillips · 4 months
Hey, @staff @support @wip @engineering @changes @humans it’s me again. Do you have a second? I would like to draw your attention to something.
So, you know how when you start typing in a tag, it’ll list tags to choose from based on what you’re typing in? Y’know, you start typing “star” and the list will populate “Star Wars” and “Lego Star Wars” among a few other tags you can tap on to auto-complete what you’re typing if you want? Yeah, it’s about that function.
I assumed that these tags populated based on popularity or number of uses. But when I saw some weird shit populate that read more like a clickbait article headline than a tag an actual human being had used at some point, I did some experimenting.
To preface, the tags that I'm about to list here have never once been used on my blog, and are not suggestions from my history. They are purely on tumblr's side.
Did you know that if you type in simply “I need,” the following tags auto-populate?
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“I need to lose so much weight,” “I need to lose this weight,” and “I need to ⭐️ve.” Yikes. Knowing this, out of curiosity, I typed in "I want" next. Guess what I found?
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"I want to ⭐️ve," "i want to cvt," and "i want to be skinnier." Again, yikes.
But perhaps this is a bit too leading. What if I just type in "I w" instead?
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It auto-populates with some repeats, PLUS some more concerning shit. we got "i want to ⭐️ve," "i wanna lose weight," "i will reach my ugw," "i wanna be skinnier," "i wanna be tiny," "i want to cvt," "i want to be skinnier," "i wanna be perfect," "i will lose weight," and "i wish i was weightless."
Let's try just "i n" too, for fun.
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We get "i need to lose so much weight," "i need to lose this weight," "i need to ⭐️ve," and "i need to be weightless."
With this in mind, I typed in "ana" because I recognize all of this as stuff people struggling with anorexia have historically said on this platform. Once again, we have some concerning things auto-populate:
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"ana meal," "ana bllog," "ana tricks," "tw ana diary," "ana trigger," and "ana rant."
Here's my question: how and why are these auto-populating? This kind of thing literally goes against your own community guidelines. Here's a screenshot from those community guidelines:
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I highlighted the text that reads "Don't post content that actively promotes or glorifies self-harm. This includes content that urges or encourages others to: cut or injure themselves; embrace anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders;"
I realize that monitoring tags like this isn't going to be perfect, some things inevitably slip through the cracks. But this many tags? Someone somewhere is dropping the ball.
That also leads me to another point.
I, as with many other people on this website, the self-proclaimed "queerest place on the internet," occasionally tag posts with something to the tune of "terfs do not interact" because... well, being a terf is to be inherently transphobic and anti-queer. I noticed something peculiar recently while tagging a post as such.
I'm willing to bet real actual money that the tag "terfs dni" gets used significantly more than the tag "terfsafe," so... why does the auto-populated tag list look like this when you type in "terf?"
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We get the auto-populated tags "terfblr," "terfsafe," and "terfism." But not a sign of "terfs dni" or "terfs don't touch." Why is that?
So, again out of pure curiosity, I typed in "rad."
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"radblr," "radical feminists do interact," "radical feminist safe," "radqueer" (which isn't radfem related but also shouldn't be on that list), "radical feminism," and "radical feminist community" auto-populate. Considering radical feminism and being a terf are literally the same thing, this is further concerning.
For shits and giggles, I typed in "lgb" to see what I'd get.
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Why on EARTH is "lgb drop the t" the second auto-populated tag?
Let's try just the word "gender."
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"gender critical" is the second auto-populated tag. Another transphobic term.
I'm sure this has nothing to do with the fact trans women can't post entirely safe for work selfies on this website anymore without their post getting flagged as mature content, or the swath of trans women who have had their blogs entirely terminated for no reason recently.
Also, interestingly enough, in your community guidelines, under the hate speech guideline, you have written "Don't encourage violence or hatred. Don't post content for the purpose of promoting or inciting the hatred of, or dehumanizing, individuals or groups based on race, ethnic or national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, disability or disease." You may be interested to know that terfs and other transphobes do, in fact, encourage, promote, and incite hatred of, and dehumanize, individuals or groups based on gender and gender identity.
Perhaps what you have auto-populate for tags should reflect things that are popular and inclusive on this website, not... whatever this is. If this is truly the queerest place on the internet, and you want to continue to cultivate it as such, you should probably at least act like it.
Anyway, it'd be cool of you to address these things. Toodles.
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puppygrldrool2 · 6 months
backup: @puppygrldroolbackup
tips: $puppygrldrool
OR check out my wishlist!!!
- you can call me puppy/pup orrr if you really want to call me by a name you can call me bug!!!
- im 22 and i use she/they/dog pronouns (afab but NOT cis) !!
- im small (5'2), use this information how you will..... :3
- im a doggirl/puppygirl sub and also kind of a pillow princess !!
- im single but NOT looking for a relationship/committed master, just some funsies
- i might disappear for days or months at a time so if i do DONT WORRY. THATS NORMAL.
- pls dont talk to me sexually if you are over 30 or a cishet guy (queer men r ok)
- horny replies/asks r always welcome as long as my bio says horny asks r currently open!!!
- i love attention, so please describe everything you want to do to me/make me do in detail 😵‍💫 especially if i am hornyposting in which case im pretty much always begging for someone to come use me
current anons: ⚠️, 😈, 💙, 🦌, 😼, 🍓
- TERFs, bi lesbians, minors, 40+ yr olds, z**philes, 4geplayers, pedo/map/nomaps, transphobes/homophobes etc., misogynists, raceplayers, HARD KINKS LIKE R@PE AND INC3ST. DO NOT INTERACT.
- sexual dms are off limit. normal dms are ok !!!
- puppyplay💞, knotting/ruts/heat💞, overstim, bd/sm, exhibitionism (specifically in front of groups of ppl like friends or ppl my dom knows)💞, degradation, praise, a LITTLE dumbification, orgasm denial and teasing, being used by friends💞/sharing/group sex, spit, breeding, humping, COLLARSSS, manhandling, size kink💞, cnc
- anal (penetration OR oral, giving or recieving), vore, feet, puke, piss, and scat, noncon, forced detransitioning, misogynistic degradation, face slapping, being called "little girl", ageplay, inc3st, raceplay, diapers, mommy/daddy kink in any way other than just the title (and even then i sm uncomfortable actually calling people mommy/daddy), see dni for more
i will not call you master unless i want to. show some tact. you do not immediately own me.
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anarchywoofwoof · 6 months
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Hello, Thank You For Being Here (Pt. 2)
backups: bluesky | neocities
in just a few short weeks, it will be a new year, so why not a new pinned post. old pinned post can be found here.
for those of you who have never visited my blog and for those who have been following me over the last few months, welcome to the jungle, baby.
my name is biddy. that is a nickname that i earned by being known for accidentally pushing the wrong button at a previous job... many... many times. my pronouns are literally whatever i do not care. by default, i go by he/him/his but feel free to use whatever floats your canoe.
here's the rest of the basics:
Name: Biddy [nickname]
Pronouns: Any [default: he/him]
Age: 33
Relationship Status: Taken [@thatcrazywitch]
Political Affiliation: Anarchocommunist
Occupation: Technology
Hobbies: Writing, Poetry, Graphic Design, Digital Archival, Movies & Television, Video Games, Photography, and many more.
Neurodiversity & Health: ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Contamination OCD, Depression, Dyspraxia, Chronic Fatigue & possibly EDS (undiagnosed, suspected)
if you fall into one of the following categories, do not interact with my blog or expect a fair amount of hostility, as well as a report + block:
Science Denier (Anti-Vax, Climate Skeptic, Flat Earther, etc.)
Intolerant Religious Zealot (Hardline Christian, Hardline Muslims, Hardline any religion, etc.)
here are some things that you can expect to find on my blog. tagging is an ongoing work in progress, but you will consistently find the following posts in my archive:
My thoughts and various ramblings: #text, #bork bork thoughts Ask Responses: #borking back Tumblr/Blog related: #meta My dog: #sweet princess peregrine Other dogs: #anarchodogism Cats: #cats on the bork blog Movies/Television: #borking at the movies, #movies Anti-Capitalist sentiment: #fuck capitalism, #anticapitalist, #anticapitalism Anarchoposting: #anarchy, #anarchism, #anarchist OC Graphics: #oc, #learning photoshop through play OC Poetry: #oc, #poetry, #poetry on main Non-OC Memes: #memes, #not oc Wholesome Posts: #happy borks if i fail to tag something appropriately or reblog from someone detestable, please message me or send me an anonymous ask and let me know. do not reblog my posts with passive aggressive tags or comments. you will be publicly addressed as a nincompoop and then blocked. this is the only warning i will give.
my sense of humor is also very deadpan/sarcastic, so please forgive me ahead of time if i make you feel unwelcome. feel free to reach out and chat or send asks if you feel inspired to do so. i love every one of you, and thank you for visiting.
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bananonbinary · 1 year
a weird association ive started making is terfs and old ass greek poetry. that sounds insane but it's because when i find a blog i suspect is transphobic, i naturally search it for the term "trans," and the only thing that comes up is dozens of lines of poetry or theater or literature that have been translated and thus have a little (trans [author]) note at the end.
the weird thing is, its like. a LOT of poetry. like wayyy more than you'd usually expect to see, even on an aesthetic blog. and before anyone comes in saying its a lesbian thing, no it's not all sappho fragments either. its just...tons of really really horny but really generic like single lines from random-ass greek plays like "her lips were honey" or something with no other context or commentary.
and like, obviously an interest in greek poetry/literature isn't an actual red flag; it's a perfectly normal thing to like. but it reminds me of those guys that are REALLY into the roman empire, but in a really boring and ahistorical way where they wax poetic about an imagined utopia where everyone was exactly the way they want them to be. men were masculine and women were submissive and everyone was white.
and i just feel like, without actually saying it directly, terfs tend to do the same thing. in some mythological past that only existed between lines of fictional dialogue here and there, women were all cherished (but weirdly hyper-sexualized) tradwives, and men and trans people never interacted with them ever.
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
On this Trans Day of Visibility
Just a reminder that this blog is run by a Transgender/Non-binary Chemist.
I’m not sure if I feel comfortable sharing a post of myself here, but I want everyone to know that Trans people are everywhere, and our contributions are important. If you don’t know a trans person, now you do. There are many of us in STEM fields and in all other aspects of society.
I will continue to make this blog a safe space for everyone under the LGBTQ umbrella. TERFS, transphobes and fascists are not welcome here, and will be blocked immediately. If you do not respect my identity and existence as a person, you have no right to interact with my blog.
Its a very scary time for Trans people right now. So please be kind and loving.
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professional-termite · 7 months
drawing requests are currently closed on this blog (with a few exceptions)
BANNER BY @corvidovis TYSM SILLY!!!!
wahoo, new introductory post since ive been getting a lot of new followers lately!
hi, im Vanilla Extract (aka Van, Termite, or Termy), formerly E.W.W. Morningstar (Eddie is now hosted solely on @e-w-w-morningstar)! i am an aspiring artist and writer who just wants to be silly goofy online. send me asks, fool around, and have fun on my blog!! i love interacting with people :3 im e_w_woodson on ao3 if you wanna check me out
yes, i am the lightning mcqueen hater (i-hate-mcqueen). please stop sending me lightning mcqueen (send him in if you want, its funny lmao)
dni (not a lot tbh)
a bigot (homophobic, transphobic, aphobic, racist, TERF, mysogynist, etc)
a pedophile or zoophile (if you support pedophilia or zoophilia i will be blocking you immediately)
if i dont like you i will block you. sometimes i do this on vibe alone
shows/movies im planning on watching:
bbc sherlock (watched up to s3)
psych (watched eps. 1-3)
murder she wrote (yet to start)
only murders in the building (yet to start)
ted lasso (watched eps 1 and 2)
the afterparty (watched s1 a while ago, yet to watch s2)
dead end: paranormal park (watched eps 1 and 2)
bbc ghosts (yet to watch)
red dwarf (yet to watch)
and blogs im involved with/admin for under the cut
my (platonic, gender neutral, we get divorced a lot lmao) CURRENTLY ex-EX-husband, stick, is @/stickbug32
my daughter, tailz, is @/ouppypio
my other other daughter, cherry, is @/cherrysdeadd
my son, squid, is @/five-nights-at-squids
my other son, pine tree, is @/pin3-tr33
my soulsister, lee, is @/creative-soul-22
my internet sibling, toast, is @/iceeericeee
my dad, satan, is @/morningbloodystar
one of my siblings, jay, is @/helphowdoiusethis
my other siblings are echo @/echosghoast, violet @/violet-yimlat, abby @/janeway-lover, eric @/ask-eric-the-disposable-demon and probably more but im too lazy to count
my tags for rp as eddie (before i moved him to @e-w-w-morningstar) are #e.w.w. morningstar and #eddie lore, the tags for casual-wood (derry) are #casual-wood and #d.c.c. and the tags for rping as van the void dweller (the character, not me) is #van lore or #vans void
my art stuff is under #writing adventures with van and #drawing adventures with van (when i remember to tag djgk)
most of my original posts are under #random
star trek posting is under #trek adventures with van
oc posting is under #oc adventures with van
i am the admin for:
@vans-ghost (van the void dweller)
@jessica-woodson-morningstar (jessica, eddies daughter)
@e-w-w-morningstar (eddie himself)
@novaspacoz (my oc nova)
@tyler-the-destroyer (my oc tyler)
@i-hate-mcqueen (pixar cars sideblog)
@the-real-number-one-van (joke sideblog, was gonna be a personal blog but i havent really used it)
@backup-ominous-threats (but thats a secret if youve read this far shhhh)
@termys-trek-art (trek art blog)
@ensign-navh (star trek oc rp blog)
@captainluckysstuff (second trek oc rp blog)
@cptnjeanlucpicard (picard rp blog)
@lt-cmdr-geordilaforge (geordi rp blog)
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mrmillipede · 3 months
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usually, I post JJBA!!! my blog is centred around JJBA and mostly Stardust Crusaders!!! I do post from other Jojo parts too!! It’s also of note that I may post random thoughts or ideas because I like to be silly!!!
i will post other stuff I like!!! Things like SAW, MLP, Homestuck and Neon Genesis Evangelion may come up on my blog too!! ALSO!!!! I STATE THIS CONTINUOUSLY…..I am a MINOR!!!! please do not interact w me if ur a freaky deaky weirdo that ISNT COOL!!!!
sometimes, i post horror-related stuff and gore!! I DONT use tws because they aren’t effective in my eyes, and if u don’t like any of that stuff, just don’t interact w my blog :3 i also have very different headcanons that usually go against the canon character and their design, and if you don’t like that you can ALSO get off my blog :D
i do Not really believe in dni’s because they are ineffective, but I’ll state right here what will get you blocked :3
FIRST AND FOREMOST…you will be instantly blocked if ur an nsfw/kink/smutfic blog. I am totally serious about this and I do NOT want those sorts of blogs to interact with me at all. This includes reblogging my stuff to an nsfw blog even if the tags are innocent.
SECONDLY….proshippers, comshippers and step-incest supporters will get an instant block. these ships are actually disgusting and I mean it when I say I do not want your vile blog interacting with mine. Do not even like my posts, but I can’t enforce that cuz I’m not your dad.
THIRDLY…..terfs and homo/transphobes will also get an instant block. my blog is a safe space for me, mutuals and people who enjoy what I post, and if you want to say nasty shit, I’ll block and also report you. as a queer and trans guy, i will absolutely not tolerate that kinda shit and any stupid asks will be deleted.
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killerchickadee · 2 years
Why does gender critical mean some transphobe bullshit and not like... being critical of gender and gender roles and their impact on society?
First time I saw a reference to it I was like hell yeah gender is stupid and then I realized it was some terf shit.
Edit: I didn't expect my jokey post to blow up but 1. The explanation I've been given repeatedly is that gender and gender rolls are bad things and/or do not exist, except most of you guys are like, "I am a WOMAN and I hate MEN," and also don't believe a person can be nb or agender? No idea how you think that works but lol. 2. I'm struck by how young most of you are. I guess I had stupid opinions when I was a kid too but it's sad to see so many young people with so much anger and hatred in their hearts. 3. The thing is a lot of responses have been that I need to get out of my internet circle and I'm like.... I spend most of my time in the real world talking to real people. In fact I've been working with the public since before some of you were born. I actually interact with other human beings face to face, and maybe perhaps you should try that too.
You probably shouldn't bother reblogging or responding to this, because I'm not engaging with any of you, just immediately blocking anyone who likes or reblogs it. I've blocked well over 300 at this point, so actually thanks for helping me keep terfs off my posts in the future!
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