#Supernatural season 1
hilelnabil · 2 days
I am Nabil, the owner of the donation campaign. The campaign aims to get my family out of Gaza, my wife and my daughter's four children, because their mother and father were martyred in the bombing. The children's condition is difficult. Please help and participate. Thank you 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸♥️🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸😭😭https://gofund.me/b5897455
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archive-folder · 8 months
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getooine · 3 months
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Sam Winchester S1
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your-unfriendlyghost · 4 months
how the pilot of supernatural probably went idk
context: Dean arrived at Stanford to see that Sam's transitioned. He's ftm in my head but you can interpret it however lol
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Yup 100% how it went on the drive to California. i think.
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woundlingus · 10 months
I’ll never get enough of Gabriel’s one sided beef with Sam. He offers his mercy deal to Dean in tall tales, but then arguably equally kicks the shit out of both of them. The next they see him he traps Sam in an inescapable time loop of torture, then fakes out an ending where Dean stays dead just to get Sam to chase him around the country for six months. Sam let’s him go after this. The next time they see Gabriel he kicks Sam in the balls, gives him herpes, and turns him into a car. Sam STILL LETS HIM GO. Jump a few years and Gabriel is broken in the bunker being gently and tenderly cared for by Sam, Sam helps him get his revenge, checks in with him after to see if he’s feeling okay. And what does Gabriel do? HE FUCKS HIS GIRL. He’s insane. He’s deranged. I’m in love with him. What’s his problem???!!
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samssluttybangs · 1 year
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his best hair seasons are very clearly 1 and 12 everyone stop lying
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underground-secret · 10 months
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The Hunter and the Witch ~ Dean Winchester x fem! reader
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Description: y/n l/n (aka reader) has known the Winchesters ever since they helped her family start anew, away from a town that hated them for being witches. Or more specifically for y/n being a witch and accidentally causing mayhem. So when Dean comes knocking at her door asking for help she obviously complies, even if it means being stuck on the road with the man she’s secretly in love with.
Or it’s basically just y/n following the adventures of Supernatural
warnings: cannon violence, most likely poor representation of witch craft, everything written is fiction and should not be taken seriously
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Season 1
Chapter 1: The Woman in White
Chapter 1~ Continuation
Chapter 2: Wendigo
Chapter 3: Dead In the Water
Chapter 4: Phantom Traveler
Chapter 4.5: Can you Promise Me?
Chapter 5: Bloody Mary
Chapter 6: Skin
Chapter 6.5: You’re not him
Chapter 7: Hook Man
Chapter 7.5: A fool in love
Chapter 8: Home
Chapter 8.5: Reunion
Chapter 9: Asylum
Chapter 10: Scarecrow
Chapter 10.5: Rest
Chapter 11: Faith
Chapter 12: Route 666
Chapter 13: Nightmare
Chapter 13.5: Words mean more at night
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SPN 1X6 | Skin
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girl-bateman · 7 months
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Supernatural 1:5 Bloody Mary.
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itsjustmorgana · 7 months
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That’s it. That’s the show.
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thesunoficarus1 · 16 days
the biggest tragedy of supernatural wasn't any of the deaths. it was dean's leather jacket being stolen. whoever stole it you are my number one enemy. why rob the rest of us of jensen ackles in that jacket. save me leather jacket dean. save me.
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iheartdean · 1 month
what vibe do I bring to the function? obviously supernatural season 1
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spn-circa-2012 · 6 months
there’s an exchange at the end of 1x18, something wicked, that’s been haunting me.
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when sam expresses how he wishes he had a normal, innocent childhood… dean says this:
“i wish you could too.”
not i wish i could have, not even i wish we could have—he has no existing framework in which his innocence is preserved, not even in idealistic fantasies or what-ifs. because dean never got to be a child, even as an adult he can’t imagine a childhood where he maintains childlike qualities.
even in this utter fantasy sam is confessing to, this wish to have had normalcy or stability… dean cannot imagine a universe in which he is included in that. in this ideal world of make-believe where sam keeps his innocence, dean still does not. because he doesn’t even know what that degree of safety or comfort would look like.
dean’s loss of innocence was so young he can’t recall a time before it, and he’s spent his entire life protecting the fractured remains of sam’s at any cost.
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pendragonsclotpole · 8 months
I need to preface this post with the fact that I’ve been aware of Supernatural for as long as I’ve known what the terms fanfiction and fandom mean. It’s one of those pop culture moments that’s existed on the periphery of my mind as something really beloved and bemoaned about by people on the internet, but it’s never been something I really cared about outside of some iconic memes.
For the past four days, I’ve been watching Supernatural non-stop in my free time. I think I sat through eight episodes straight on one of those days, and I just have to say, the show is phenomenal.
I don’t know where to start, I could make a dozen of these posts about various points throughout the first two seasons and it still wouldn’t be enough. I’ve now taken a break at episode one of season three, because now that it’s a weekday I have work and can’t dedicate the time I could on the weekend.
First, Jared Padalecki’s acting is so beautiful and poignant and emotional. He really makes Sam Winchester into the bleeding heart of the whole show, and the entire time he’s on screen I worry about Sam. His portrayal of Sam’s heartbreak and desperation at Dean’s impending death after the car crash, as well as Sam’s horror at the reveal of what John told Dean before dying held a tragic desperation and denial that really embodied what the character represented in the first two seasons. Even as a hunter and with his special abilities, Sam felt like a quasi self-insert for the audience. I don’t mean that in a bad or overly tropey way, but in the way that he felt robbed of a proper childhood in favor of his father’s crusade. Sam is the angry, indignant younger sibling who never bore the brunt of responsibility like the older sibling did and it shows. In some ways, it makes him more entitled—I don’t mean that Sam does not have the right to be angry with John Winchester. He does. Fuck John Winchester. I mean entitled in the unintentional, coincidental way that your little brother or sister always demands the things you never had or rebels against the authority of the parent without ever dealing with the consequences you did as the older sibling. It reveals the veneer of freedom he had and the protection he received by virtue of his place in the Winchester Family. For me, it made him unbearably real, and this feeling of realness was made worse by the genuine naivety and innocence he keeps even as he continually gets screwed over by the demons. There’s a steadfast belief in the goodness of others within Sam that often conflicts with the sense of goodness he believes he lacks.
Sam trusts so easily, but he understands people in ways that should be antithetical to his upbringing. It took me forever to reconcile why he seemed so familiar, until I realized that Sam Winchester, for all that he was one of John Winchester’s son, had received the unconditional love of an older sibling for his entire childhood.
I don’t mean the perfect, kind, healthy love that often exists between fictional siblings. Too often I’ve watched media that makes me wonder how siblings like that even exist, or conversely, made me glad my siblings weren’t so fucked up.
I mean the kind of platonic love that exists between siblings living in the liminal space of love and hate thanks to the single fucked up connection that draws them back together continuously out of some sense of duty or commiseration or the need to be understood.
I mean the kind of love between siblings that would wither away when in a perfect world that does not stake their survival on their codependence of each other, but that in an imperfect and real world is equated to familiarity. Sam and Dean against the world—against John Winchester.
Out of all of the episodes I’ve watched in the last day and a half, perhaps the one that struck me most was episode 20, Season 2. What is and What Should Never Be. Not only was the title a bit of emotional whiplash—the juxtaposition of Should and Never lending a finality or a sense of wrongness that can’t be replicated by the words “Could Never—but we see Dean and Sam in a world where their one connection, hunting, has completely vanished and at a high cost to all the people they’ve saved, but mostly to Sam and Dean themselves. They’re connection as ride or die brothers is gone, replaced by an ostensibly better, healthier, more normal future liberated from the expectations of the rest of the world.
Without the death of Mary Winchester, Dean and Sam are no longer Dean and Sam. They’re just two people, connected by the two people that raised them, and likely to drift apart after that connection dies—frayed ends of a tapestry pulling apart and unraveling. Dean gains a mom and a normal life, but metaphorically loses a brother and a sense of purpose. Who is Dean Winchester if he’s not a hunter and Sam’s brother? And the sad thing is, neither of these are traits Dean ever chose. They are conditions foisted upon him, perhaps not intentionally, such as in the case of Sam, but ultimately placed on his soul until they tethered themselves to the very core of what being Dean Winchester is supposed to mean. The end of the episode, and Dean’s choice to return to the real world, regardless of Sam waking him up, is Dean fully giving up his dream in order to save Sam and be a hunter. The fallacy of the episode is in the choice Dean makes, which the more I think about it, feels less like a choice and more of an inevitability but one compounded by Dean’s readiness and willingness to go with it.
This is where I get to the crux of my surprise with these first early seasons of Supernatural: Dean Motherfucking Winchester.
I don’t know what I was expecting from early seasons of Supernatural, especially with the context of the later seasons. Maybe an overly cheesy, early 2000s ode to roadtrip Americana with a self-reverential take on the classic gun slinging frontiersman of the Wild West and bad supernatural CGI. Not to say it isn’t that (shout out to Sam’s comment on Dean’s particular brand of butch), but what surprised me was how real the connection between the characters was manifested on screen and how much good will the show built up in the audience. There came a point where I sided with Dean so much in the events of the show that I felt like I was riding shotgun in the impala. I saw it with every compliant “yes, sir” he gave to John, with every teasing comment he threw at Sam, and with every act of selflessness he exhibited by protecting other people. This isn’t to say that Dean is perfect. Sometimes he doesn’t take things seriously enough, or he’s willing to sacrifice people for some misguided greater good, or he’s obsessed with saving Sam even when he wouldn’t be if it were anyone else, but Dean has a conviction so many people lack. He has the capacity to love at a great cost to himself, either because he believes himself unworthy of being loved or because he’s not used to anything else.
Jensen Ackles does such a good job at this portrayal and with such a different technique than Jared Padalecki. Ackles embodies the desperate need for self-assuredness that Dean breathes, as well as the genuine fear he has of being seen. I love laughing with Dean as much as I love screaming at him for how stupid he’s being. If Sam is the self-insert, then Dean is the tragic hero, although that comparison feels like a poor facsimile for what Dean Winchester truly is because I don’t particularly feel an overwhelming sense of pity at his state or at his hinted downfall with that demon deal. If anything, I feel a sense of indignation mixed with understanding and frustration that Dean can’t catch a break but at the end of it all, is just how he prefers it.
It shouldn’t be a shock to admit that even without knowing what happens from seasons 3 to 15, I know how Supernatural ends. Just thinking about the ending makes me wonder if I should even continue it past season 5, but that’s a decision for another time.
For now, there’s something unbearably tragic in seeing Dean Winchester so close to a chance of a normal life and apple pie happiness (something he really seems to desire no matter how much he denies it) and then having to give it up, not just because it’s not real, but because he believes it should never be real.
Dean Winchester deserves better.
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piersthesniper · 1 month
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Was finally able to draw something and OH MY GOD I COOKED 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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