#Sunday Sci-Fi
Day 13 The human remains in medical care, although visitations by anyone except the Vitrichl are currently prohibited by the medicals, preventing me from gathering any further observations of human behaviour. I did, although, receive access to a sample the scientific unit had taken from the fluid that the human had regurgitated after her space excursion during the previous cycle, and the results of its analyzation are…rather alarming. The fluid itself is incredibly acidic, and managed to dissolve all test objects given into the fluid in a matter of moments. This obviously raised an even larger question: What was it? A bioweapon? A natural venom? Perhaps Dorag's tales were more credible than previously assumed? Assumptions that could not be proven certainly. But the most alarming aspect of this is rather another question raised by these discoveries: If humans naturally posessed such a bioweapon, perhaps naturally produced it in their bodies, what did they need it for? The existence of such an mechanism implied the probable existence of a predator strong and agile enough that it was vital for humans to develop such a mechanism.
Even if that assumption is proved to be untrue, this discovery still turns humans into a much bigger threat than we had previously determined.
(Further note: One of the medicals has reported the human had repeatedly protested against any advances to provide her with medical care, continuously insisting she was alright and in no need of medical care. Despite the known durability of humans, she will be kept in medical care for at least one more cycle.)
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thetatardis · 3 days
dot and bubble’s commentary on modern day upper middle/upper class corporate life is really interesting to me. like lindy’s “job” description and title not really making sense and having the most frilly fluffed up wording possible (like most corporate titles and descriptions), lindy not really being able to explain it outside of what is clearly the exact description she was told, spending her “work” time screwing around with her friends on her bubble, whining about her “long hours” even though she is clearly spending them doing nothing and was paid through to get the job by her mother/parents and is wealthy enough to just go out and party after just two hours of working, even dr pee telling her when to go to the bathroom like a scheduled work break. this episode man
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alphamecha-mkii · 8 months
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Sprint Interceptor by Sunday Punch
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thekristen999 · 4 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
I was on a roll today and felt like sharing early. Been a long time since I've had this feeling. :) Tomorrow's going to be a reading day, so I thought I'd share a snippet from my Sci-Fi of Doom fic.
The air felt different, recycled, tinged with metal and something Buck couldn't place. It was freezing, like there was no source of heat. His breath visible with every exhalation.
One thing was certain, they were inside a large underground structure with hallways leading to the east and west.
“Captain, maybe we should head back,” Chim said, shining his flashlight at the floor.
Buck pulled out his own light, scanning the ground, his lip parting in surprise. “Why are there bullets everywhere?”
Eddie put his medical bag down, crouching to study one. “They’re shell casings. Looks like an automatic rifle.” He bit his lip. “There’s hundreds of them.”
Buck swallowed past a large lump in the back of his throat. He was a first responder, having witnessed numerous accident scenes and his fair share of scary situations. But this was different. All the hair along the back of his neck stood on end, a queasy feeling of dread lodging in his stomach. 
He took a step back, looking from Eddie’s grim expression to the worried faces of his teammates, his gaze settling on Bobby, who was obviously struggling with the next decision. 
no pressure tagging : @mellaithwen @homerforsure @renecdote @eddiebabygirldiaz @shyaudacity @diazsdimples @exhuastedpigeon @hippolotamus @sherlockcrossing @spaceprincessem @ci5mates @andavs @spotsandsocks
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haunthouse · 5 months
between the salt and the superstitions and the haunted dolls and the goblins doctor who is going full weird folklore so i'm calling it now: changeling ruby sunday
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bestmothertournament · 2 months
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leaves-of-laurelin · 7 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
Thank you to @cha-melodius for the tag!
Me: “You just finished a multi-chapter, give yourself self a break before starting a new one.” Also me: “Ok, but what if…” lol. Anyway, this is still in its infancy but here we go:
“I don’t think that’s a very wise idea.”
“Come on, neither of us have to be on set tomorrow. Let’s go fucking live a little.”
“No,��� Henry says, his voice louder than before, his tone firm and final.
Alex’s ideas of what could happen that night—a reluctant smile from Henry and then Henry slowly loosing up after a few drinks, the two of them laughing and having fun playing wingman to each other—all evaporate in an instant and Alex is left with the silence of the room, with Henry’s stiff posture and slightly horrified eyes. A stark, cold reminder that they are very much not friends. They are co-workers, professional acquaintances who act civil for everyone else’s sake; it’s how it was during the last movie and Henry clearly has no interest in any of that changing now.
No pressure tags: @inexplicablymine @rmd-writes @dumbpeachjuice @daisymae-12 @cricketnationrise and anyone else who wants to share
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Breaking News Doctor Who Season 14 (1?) Episode 2 The Devil’s Chord Written Specifically For Me
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bruceawaynefrfr · 4 days
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wishingforloushair · 16 days
✂️Sunday Snippet✂️
Thanks @larry-hiatus for the tag 🥰
This is from my Sci-Fi fic for the next round of @1dastroficfest
“You know how it is. These corridors are massive, and no one wants to walk anymore.”
It wasn’t a lie. The network of sprawling metal tunnels connecting the four residential and commerce districts to Solara, and Solara to the Goods In and Out ports ran for almost ten miles. Astra was a different sort of civilisation. Louis had heard stories, of course he had, of civilizations where people lived directly on the planetary surfaces, farming from the land directly, able to be exposed to their solar source. Astra was different. Desperate for a new way of life, the settlers had left their home planet to settle Astra in a series of sprawling glass domes, eventually renamed to the districts, connected via metal tunnels. Astra’s planetary surface was inhospitable, the solar rays deadly with even the slightest exposure. Enclosed spaces and internal combustion engines didn’t mix well, so cars, and other automated modes of transport were banned within Astra city limits. In fact, anything that could cause a spark was outlawed outside of very strict regulations. There was one, fully electric tram that connected Astra to a second colony, or at least the worksite of a second colony. But other than that, everyone had to lump it with walking, unless they were rich enough to buy a bicycle. A crappy one with a flat tyre would set Louis back over a thousand Astra Credits, so obviously he wasn’t going to do that.
The good news was there was always someone looking for him to grab their deliveries from Goods In, take their deliveries to Goods Out, or even sometimes go grocery shopping for them. And yeah, sometimes his shipments contained illegal items, but he was just a courier, so it was really nothing to do with him. If people’s shipments arrived on time, delivered with a cheeky smile and discretely, his Credits would never drop low enough for him to be homeless, and that’s what mattered. Smuggler, courier, potato, potahto.
Tagging (but no pressure to share) @petitommo @justahappycloud @babyhoneyheslt @enchantedlandcoffee @harruandlou
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sundaysruby · 5 months
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— 𝑆𝑈𝑁𝐷𝐴𝑌𝑆𝑅𝑈𝐵𝑌 ; left at the church on ruby road , the girl with a hidden past. sunshine incarnate.
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melissaesme · 5 months
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Astrojelly - Mixed Media on Paper - 2023
And the progress pictures for it to! ✨
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reniadeb · 1 year
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team sleepy sunday
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thekristen999 · 9 days
Seven Sentence Sunday
Been struggling to find time to write with all the home vestibular therapy I've been doing, but I have managed a few words here and there! I'm at the climax of the Sci-Fi of Doom, so I won't be able to share much going forward, but here is a tease.
Other snippets here.
Buck wrapped an arm around Eddie's back, savoring the chance to support him as they limped together, aware that stopping even for a moment could jeopardize the others.
Each step intensified the burning, stinging sensation from Buck's wounds, clouding his mind further.
He could hear Eddie's labored breathing, see his unsteady steps, and notice the bandages turning more red than white.
Buck risked catching Eddie's eyes, the two of them communicating a thousand different thoughts in a single shared look.
Hold on. We can do this. We have to.
For those might enjoy or want to share words their own words.
@renecdote @ci5mates @spaceprincessem @thisissirius
@mellaithwen @renecdote @homerforsure @andavs
@the-likesofus @favouritealias @exhuastedpigeon @verylazyanimal
@spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @dangerpronebuddie
@diazsdimples @steadfastsaturnsrings @tizniz
@thebestbooksaround @elvensorceress
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stevebuscemieyes · 1 year
Blade Runner (1982) was released 41 years ago today.
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Blade Runner, June 25 1982
Dir. Ridley Scott
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Some art, public domain and homemade, from inc: The Podcast
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