#Stephanie Paul
nerds-yearbook · 3 months
In 1945, the Nazis go to the moon and set up a secret base on the darkside to wait and prepare a second attempt at world domination in the future. (Iron Sky, flm)
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cinemacentral666 · 10 months
Iron Sky (2012) & Iron Sky: The Coming Race (2019)
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Movies #1,108 & 1,109 • TWO FOR TUESDAYS
"August Sky" month continues here on TWO FOR TUESDAYS.
[[[ NOTE: add link to this in GERMAN CHAINSAW review when you post it to other site ]]]]
These movies are A LOT. But that is by design. You don't put Hitler riding a T-Rex on the moon by accident. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
These two B-movie-ass-looking are somehow Finland's most expensive films ever made, which somehow just adds to the hilarity of the whole endeavor. I definitely liked the original one more so let's start there.
It's all the way in the distant future (2018) and the Nazis, having secretly escaped earth at the end of WWII, have set up shop on the darkside of the moon. A Sarah Palin-like American President is vying for reelection and so she sends an African-American model on a "BLACK to the MOON" promotional gimmick. There is satire and then there is this: something so goofy and overt that it nearly renders any/all commentary moot. But I did find the humor in this amusing to a degree. This was a nice Dr. Strangelove homage? Sure...
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I mean, it's a little different because it features a Black man who has been cosmetically turned white against his will and now looks like nearly identical to that Wayan Brothers movie...
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The plotline surrounding the idea that the Moon Nazis' discovery of this guy's iPhone and its computing power allowing them to complete their ultimate War Machine weapon is legitimately good satire. (Although the subsequent continuation of this thread in The Coming Race is one of that movie's worst ideas, and it's a real race to the bottom there.)
Look, I hesitate to say too much about either of these. I feel like just knowing the baseline plot is enough for anyone to decide whether or not they want to take the plunge into the Iron Sky Universe (apparently a third installment — featuring Andy Garcia (?!) — is coming out soon?) or not. Who knows. Look, I could appreciate both the humor (to a degree, not everything hits for sure), and the aesthetic (which is very bad! but bad in a way that I liked) but maybe I'm just a freak.
SCORE 6.5/10: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️½
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The crowdfunded direct sequel, Iron Sky: The Coming Race came out seven years later and despite featuring Udo Kier as Vril Adolph Hitler, it is easily the lesser effort. Also, somehow, despite being crowdfunded, it led to the bankruptcy of the Iron Sky Universe production company. I love the hubris that is attempting to turn this bonkers idea into a Marvel-like cinematic universe and I also love that it's completely imploded (but again: The Ark: An Iron Sky Story is apparently real so what is dead never truly dies?).
The main issue of this one is that is simply not funny at all. And that's a humongous problem when your movie is so clearly geared to function in that vein.
The legend Udo K. — reprising his role from the original in addition to playing the reptilian Hitler (this is loosely based on the Vril novel and ensuing conspiracy theories which is a whole 'nother can of worms) — has a ton more to do here which is one of the only things going for it. The only other real positive is that the action is ramped up to the nth degree, so you get stuff like Vril Osama bin Laden and Vril Pope Urban II riding wagon-pulling Triceratops off a cliff into a pit of lava and the aforementioned T-Rex/Hitler combo getting karate kicked to death by a blonde lady...
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Even though they had a half decade to make this one, the writing is far more shoddy in every single way and there's no bigger example than the Tom Green subplot.
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On the remnants of the partially destroyed Nazi Moonbase in 2049 (after nuclear war ruined the earth at the end of the first one — sorry, forgot to mention that detail), he leads a cult called the Jobsists formed around the teachings of Steve Jobs. It's like "remember the interesting stuff we did with Apple/iPhones in the original movie? Well here's some more 'satire' on that only it doesn't make any sense and isn't funny." It's a shame too because I was excited to see Green was in this. It just doesn't work at all.
Anyway, those are the two Iron Sky movies. The pride of Finland! I need to go take a shower.
SCORE: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️½
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closetnerd62 · 7 months
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The holy quintuplet of dynamics
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edsearring · 5 months
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riverfelloff · 7 months
ive seen so many people wondering how starkid makes such good straight couples (lautski, paulkins, etc), but i think we really need to talk about this.
in a lot of todays modern media, shows centered around straight couples are heavily focused on the sexuality of it. while they may take a few episodes to flesh out a small pining story, starkid takes that to a whole new level.
let's look at lautski for example; our first introduction (I KNOW HE WAS IN TGWDLM AND BF I DONT CARE HE WASN'T TRULY INTRODUCED UNTIL NMT) to pete and steph was nmt2's episode, 'abstinence camp'. sure, we know that sexuality played a big part in this episode, but if you pay close attention, you know that nothing ever actually happens between steph and pete, they get caught by lumberaxe and then boy jerry before they can do anything.
before then, though, we get a back story of them meeting, it's shown how steph likes him for his little quirks and oddities, and how pete is happy that someone took the time to get to know that about him. before they join showers, they talk for what feels like forever, going back and forth.
however, in nerdy prudes must die AND the guy who didn't like musicals BOTH, neither of the couples even kiss, they get close but they don't. even npmd which centers around two high school seniors over the course of a few months, not even a peck on the cheek. HOWEVER, in scenes like the summoning, we can see steph and pete both trying to hide the other behind themselves.
in tgwdlm, paul sends himself into the theater to go take down the meteor so emma has some hopes of a life.
while it's implied that they love the other in a romantic sense, it's never outright said, because you don't make romantic bonds in the situations they were in!! they made the romantic connections before the actual plot of the musical gets started!! they're so close and care so much because of the shit they went through together!!
the reason why we're so captivated by straight couples from starkid is that they don't have to be couples to show how close they are and how much they care, because at the end of the day the lang brothers know that a bond is deepest when it's pure. if you care for someone enough, you'd do anything to keep them happy, even if it isn't with you.
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oniomn · 5 months
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apologies for the lack of art recently, my family has been hella travelling but here’s some sketches i made on the plane hehehe
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baldchristianborle · 8 months
starkid has such a talent for writing straight couples. like they’re really getting me invested in a man and a woman. i respect them so much.
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Ok but the Beanie's scene in NPMD is so fucking funny. Like "If I Loved You" is all good fun, but zoom out into the full context of the scene and it's SO funny. Picture it- You're Emma Perkins, and this dude who comes in basically every day has finally found an excuse to give you his number. It's clunky, but it's cute, and the guy seems nice enough, so you start chatting and then this fucking kid yells at the top of his lungs at you about his hot chocolate. Asshole takes it and nervously thanks you, then he sits down with who you're pretty sure is the mayor's kid? Whatever, none of your business, so you turn back to Paul and try to have a conversation but you can't focus because these fucking teenagers won't shut up this is not a very big shop they know they are very audible right??? Cut back over to the teens in question and they are INSISTING, VERY LOUDLY, that they DO NOT like each other and in fact they're NOT even real friends and the other one should GO AWAY! But also every time they start trying to intimidate or prove a point they immediately have to turn around in the middle of the argument because they're beet fucking red, and the girl is literally fanning herself and the dude is doing a double take at the wall every time they make eye contact But NO!!! THEY DON'T!! THEY DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER EVEN A LITTLE BIT!!!
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petes-5yr-cocoa · 7 months
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Just some general friends & family memes
+ everyone seemed rlly fond of curtwen grandparents last time sooooo
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hilacopter · 1 month
fuck it I made these when I was bored
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bwaybby09 · 22 days
TGWDLM: What Do You Want, Paul?
Audience Reactions: 😂😅😳
NPMD: What Do You Want, Steph?
Audience Reactions: 😰😨😭
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i can’t stop. more hatchetfield incorrect quotes.
bonus TCB ones;
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theziggystardustt · 5 months
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the beanies employees call each other bitch during shifts.
emma has to check the rota pretty much day to find out Bitch #4’s actual name.
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skylarksof · 8 months
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Take me away from here to where our love’s still strong, take me away from here to where we’re on and on
I’ll find you in the next timeline
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of-the-faerie-folk · 8 months
Big fan of how starkid has really sweet and believable romances without having to make them kiss
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januscorner · 1 month
Hatchetfield Textposts Pt 1
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Update: Finished the image descriptions
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