#Stephanie Cotta
sandydgreen · 5 months
THE CONJUROR'S CURSE: A YA/Upper MG Book Review by Georgie Bartlett
REVIEW **The following repost is from Carol Baldwin’s wonderful blog where she discusses all things literary! Thank you, Carol, for letting me share Georgie Bartlett’s great reviews of THE CONJUROR’S CURSE: A YA/Upper MG Book! The Conjuror’s Curse (Monarch: 2022) by Stephanie Cotta is an epic fantasy set in the fictional world of Mestria. We follow seventeen-year-old Rowan as he struggles with…
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californiahq-archived · 8 months
Hello! I am very interested in joining, but would like to know if there are any faceclaims you all would really like to see join the rp? There are just so many great faces that I wanted to ask before sending in an application. Thank you!
hi, thank you for your interest! here are some fcs that came to mind! mason gooding, harris dickinson, pedro pascal, oscar isaac, manny montana, rudy pankow, jonathan daviss, andrew garfield, lorenzo zurzolo, arón piper, manny jacinto, evan mock, aaron tveit, thomas doherty, archie renaux, brenton thwaites, casey deidrick, avan jogia, maxence danet fauvel, logan lerman, keith powers, raymond ablack, rahul kohli, andy samberg, joseph quinn, xolo maridueña, tanner buchanan, clayton cardenas, mario casas, bill skarsgard, zethpan smith gneist, bradley cooper, joseph morgan, alberto rosende, emilio sakraya, tom holland, manu rios, luke grimes, kedar williams stirling, regé jean page, andré lamoglia, henry zaga, chay suede, elias kacavas, josh heuston, nico tortorella, felix mallard, jamie dornan, chris wood, justice smith, luka sabbat, alex fitzalan, jeff satur, herman tømmeraas, carloto cotta, ander puig, froy gutierrez, charles michael davis, george sear, darren barnet, jon bernthal, ben barnes, anthony ramos, corey mylchreest, anthony keyvan, sinqua walls, cody christian, eddie redmayne, jaehyun, hugh dancy, michael evans behling, elliot fletcher, emre bey, joe keery, chance perdomo, ross lynch, gavin leatherwood, richard madden, alex aiono, shiloh fernandez, chris evans, chris wood, jacob elordi, danny ramirez, drew starkey, havana rose liu, davika hoorne, lalisa, lulu antariksa, christina hendricks, zion moreno, jennie kim, danielle rose russell, kaylee bryant, anya chalotra, simone ashley, charithra chandran, maia mitchell, cierra ramirez, melissa barrera, hailee steinfeld, diane guerrero, stephanie beatriz, melissa fumero, greta onieogou, maia reficco, alisha boe, paris berelc, camila mendes, bruna marquezine, camila queiroz, anne hathaway, lauren tsai, rachel hilson, inbar lavi, lesley ann brandt, giorgia whigham, antonia gentry, katie douglas, melisa asli pamuk, margot robbie, jenna coleman, halston sage, chelsea clark, brianne howey, cindy kimberly, chloe bennet, halle bailey, sara waisglass, jessica alexander, christian serratos, phoebe tonkin, claire holt, isabella gomez, courtney eaton, madelyn cline, madison bailey, abigail cowen, jessie mei li, blu hunt, auli’i cravalho, anya taylor joy, annie murphy, mila kunis, simary barlas, mimi keene, aimee lou wood, emma mackey, samantha logan, natalia dyer, megan suri, maya hawke, coco jones, jasmine tookes, ana de armas, chase sui wonders, priscilla quintana, maris rascal, keke palmer, angelique boyer, rachel sennott, benedetta porcaroli, valentina zenere, ludovica martino, joey king, fivel stewart, adeline rudolph, natasha liu bordizzo – hope these help!
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courseone · 5 days
Baby's First Year Plan with Stephanie Cotta Welcome to Baby's First Year Plan. An in-depth tutorial that documents Stephanie Cotta's approach to photographing & retouching 5 day, 4 month, 8 month, and 12 month old babies. In this tutorial you will learn the planning, production, lighting, marketing, pricing, and retouching to create an experience your clients will love. It's time you became the leading newborn photographer in your market! This tutorial includes over 60 videos that cover 5 day, 4 month, 8 month, and 12 month old shoot ideas, poses, family poses, unique tips and tricks for a smooth shoot, and Stephanie's entire workflow in Photoshop with actions included.  We created this tutorial to be a continuation from our first tutorial with Stephanie that focused on a posing guide to an indoor session with 5 day old newborn babies. This tutorial includes in-studio and on-location poses where you see Stephanie interact with clients, direct families, and bring images to life using her comprehensive workflow.
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weirdesplinder · 10 months
Podcast amiche di drama e trama: Le coppie nei drama asiatici: Lo fanno o non lo fanno?
Parliamo di scene d'amore e molto altro in questa puntata. Anche di libri naturalmente. 
File mp3 scaricabile del podcast in modo possiate ascoltarlo quando e dove volete: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dwulpknfjvub0th/Lo%20fanno%20o%20no..mp3?dl=0 
Ed Ecco l’elenco dei drama e dei libri che citiamo nel videopodcast con i link che vi permetteranno di acquistarli o guardarli:
-Cheese in the trap, K-drama
Link per guardarlo:https://www.viki.com/tv/23141c-cheese-in-the-trap
Trama:  Il drama racconta il rapporto tra la studentessa universitaria Hong Seol  ed il suo anziano di corso Yoo Jung. Hong Seol è una  studentessa laboriosa, che è tornata all’università dopo una lunga  pausa e che lavora part-time per via del fatto che la propria famiglia  non se la passa molto bene. Yoo Jung, invece, è uno studente anziano  conosciuto con il soprannome di “Mr. Perfezione”. E’ bello, ha ottimi  voti, è atletico ed ha anche un bel carattere, ma nasconde anche lui un  lato oscuro…  
- Well intended love, C-drama
Link per guardarlo: Netflix
Trama: La sfortunata attrice Xia Lin riceve una diagnosi di leucemia, ma si imbatte nell'amministratore delegato di un consorzio di controllo, Ling Yi Zhou che sarebbe un donatore di midollo osseo compatibile.Lei chiede di aiutarla e lui è d'accordo, ma solo a condizione che lo sposi!
- You are my glory, C.drama
Link per guardarlo: https://www.viki.com/tv/38684c-you-are-my-glory
Trama : Qiao Jing Jing   è una star di successo che vanta da sempre una reputazione impeccabile.  Tutti sono convinti che non farà mai un passo falso e che eccella in  qualunque cosa faccia, e lei è ben lieta che il suo pubblico la veda  così. Ma questa illusione di perfezione rischia di andare in frantumi  quando inizia a circolare online un video in cui gioca a un videogioco.  Il video la ritrae mentre gioca in maniera pessima. Da un giorno  all'altro, si ritrova nei guai quando una società inizia a riconsiderare  il remunerativo contratto di sponsorizzazione con gli sviluppatori del  gioco.Come mossa disperata per salvare il contratto,  decide di dimostrare le sue abilità videoludiche iscrivendosi a un  rinomato torneo di videogiochi. Per assicurarsi un buon risultato, è  costretta a cercarsi un allenatore, il che la porterà infine a  ricongiungersi con il suo vecchio compagno di classe Yu Tu ,  diventato ingegnere aerospaziale. Ai tempi della scuola, aveva una  cotta per lui, ma ora ha bisogno del suo aiuto. Riuscirà, con il suo  aiuto, a salvare il contratto? Ed è possibile che il loro  ricongiungimento abbia conseguenze inaspettate?
- Nevertheless, K-drama
Link per guardarlo: Netflix
Trama: Storia d’amore tra due universitari, lei dal cuore  spezzato che non crede più nell'amore, e lui che ama flirtare e non  vuole impegnarsi seriamente in una relazione.
- My Neighbour Can't Sleep, C-drama
Link per guardarlo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6SUdLLBsic
Trama: Una dolce storia d'amore inizia quando un pianista che soffre di insonnia trova conforto in una bizzarra ragazza.  Song Mi Duo, single dalla nascita, è un'aspirante scrittrice di romanzi rosa che sogna di sfondare. Durante l'estate dopo il diploma di scuola superiore, incontra Xi Song, un pianista diventato famoso in giovane età. A causa delle pressioni che deve affrontare, Xi Song soffre di insonnia ma è sorpreso di rendersi conto che può dormire quando Song Mi Duo è accanto a lui.  Usando Xi Song come modello, Song Mi Duo diventa determinata a scrivere una storia d'amore che conquisterà il mondo. I due escogitano un accordo di cui beneficeranno entrambi, iniziando così  a dormire insieme mentre inseguono i loro sogni.
Link al mio video Lista di libri romance storici con matrimoni di convenienza: https://youtu.be/z1C401ULYq0
- Un contratto conveniente (A Civil Contract) di Georgette Heyer Link: https://amzn.to/3IY5XaC (reperibile nell’usato)
- Innamorarsi all’altare (All about passion) di Stephanie Laurens Link: https://amzn.to/3sdxG0d
- Sposa per contratto (The temporary wife) di  Mary Balogh Link: https://amzn.to/3ARDBfq (disponibile anche in ebook)
- Una paziente conquista (Ravishing the Heiress) di Sherry Thomas Link: https://amzn.to/3J62qat (disponibile anche in ebook)
- Un azzardo per il conte (An Earl Like You) di Caroline Linden Link: https://amzn.to/3s73fIU (disponibile anche in ebook)
- Non ti sposo per amore (Love with the Proper Husband) di Victoria Alexander Link: https://www.comprovendolibri.it/cercatitolo200.asp  (reperibile nell’usato)
-Un principe senza trono (The accidental prince) by Michelle Willingham Link: https://amzn.to/3omeAE3 (Disponibile anche in ebook)
- Sposare un’ereditiera, di Lorraine Heath, romanzo
Trama:  Devon Sheridan, sesto conte di Huntingdon, vuole sposare Georgina  Pierce, figlia di un ricco texano, per accedere al suo patrimonio e  rimettere così in sesto i conti della propria famiglia. Un matrimonio  d'interesse, insomma, per coprire l'abisso in cui Devon è precipitato,  dopo la morte della moglie, nel tentativo di salvare la proprietà. Pur  sapendo di rinunciare al sogno di tornare in America, Georgina  acconsente per compiacere il padre, che però muore subito dopo le nozze e  dopo aver perso al gioco tutta la sua fortuna. Tuttavia, il destino non  ha ancora smesso di travolgere le vite e i cuori dei due novelli  sposi...  
- Mi appartieni, di Madeline Hunter, romanzo
Trama:  Per anni Moira Falkner lo ha creduto morto in Crociata, ma quando  lo vede entrare con passo deciso nel suo modesto cottage non ha alcun  dubbio. Addis de Valente, che da giovane scudiero era stato il suo eroe,  adesso è il suo signore: temprato dalla vita e tornato a reclamare il  proprio feudo usurpato dal fratellastro. Ma se Moira non può ignorare la  passione che sta germogliando in lei, è nel contempo consapevole  dell'ostacolo insormontabile della loro diversa condizione sociale.  Preferirebbe affrancarsi da quell'uomo piuttosto che diventarne l'amante  all'ombra di una legittima sposa. E mentre Addis non può permettersi  alcuna distrazione, il desiderio di Moira si insinua in lui come il più  pericoloso dei nemici...  
- Era scritto nel destino, di Madeline Hunter, romanzo
Trama: Nell'istante in cui posa lo sguardo sulla bellissima ragazza che  vende vasellame al mercato, Rhys capisce che non ha scampo. Certo non  immagina di rivedere Joan, pochi giorni dopo, ingiustamente punita con  la gogna, e per salvarla decide di riscattare il suo contratto dal  piastrellaio presso cui lavora. L'attrazione fra i due scocca immediata,  tuttavia nel cuore di lei non sembra esserci posto per l'amore, ma solo  per la promessa di vendetta pronunciata sulla tomba del padre nei  confronti di chi ha causato la rovina della loro famiglia. Eppure quella  barriera di determinazione non potrà che vacillare di fronte alla dolce  e paziente insistenza di quell'uomo tanto affascinante quanto nobile  d'animo...
- Because this is my first life, K-Drama
Link: https://www.viki.com/tv/35630c-because-this-is-my-first-life?locale=it
Trama: Cosa possono fare un uomo che ha a malapena i soldi per pagare  il mutuo e una donna con grosse difficoltà finanziarie? Nam Sae Hee è un single di poco più di 30 anni che è riuscito a comprarsi casa. Il  mutuo però assorbe tutto il suo reddito disponibile e gli rimane ben  poco per fare qualcos'altro. Yoon Ji Ho  è una single poco più che trentenne, che riesce a malapena a guadagnare  abbastanza denaro per sopravvivere e che ha rinunciato agli  appuntamenti a causa della sua situazione finanziaria.Per  una serie di circostanze fortuite, Ji Ho diventa affittuaria nella casa  di Sae Hee e i due si ritrovano così ad essere coinquilini. Riusciranno  ad aiutarsi l'un l'altra ad affrontare i propri problemi finanziari?
- Perfect and casual, C-Drama
Trama: Noto tanto per la sua intelligenza quanto per il suo aspetto, il professore di statistica Zhang Si Nian è considerato da molti perfetto in ogni senso. Uomo che persegue la  perfezione in ogni aspetto della propria vita, Si Nian è sempre stato  felice di essere all'altezza delle voci che lo circondano. Ma il suo  mondo perfetto precipita nel caos quando lui incontra Yun Shu , una studentessa di statistica iscritta a uno dei suoi corsi.Giovane  donna ottimista, anche se semplice, Yun Shu non ha mai voluto ceare  alcun problema; ma quando il cugino le porta via una grande somma di  denaro con una truffa, lei si ritrova presto senza casa. Per  coincidenza, Yun Shu incrocia Si Nian che, in un insolito momento di  debolezza, fa a Yun Shu un'offerta che lei non può rifiutare. Spinto dal  nonno malato a sposarsi, Si Nian vede Yun Shu come un mezzo per un fine  e le offre un posto per vivere, e in cambio lei dovrà fingere di essere  la sua ragazza. Purtroppo, il nonno di Si Nian non accetta niente di  meno del matrimonio.Accordandosi per un matrimonio  contrattuale, Si Nian e Yun Shu si ritrovano in una situazione che  nessuno dei due avrebbe immaginato. Però, con il tempo e l'intesa, dei  sentimenti crescono naturalmente tra loro. Questo matrimonio di  convenienza mal combinato potrebbe trasformarsi in un matrimonio  d'amore?
- Tharn Type, Thai drama BL
Link per guardarlo: https://www.viki.com/tv/38170c-tharntype?locale=it
Trama: .Type frequenta il  primo anno dell'università ed è pronto ad abbracciare totalmente questo  nuovo capitolo della sua vita. Avido tifoso di calcio, amante dei cibi  piccanti, non ha mai avuto alcuna  difficoltà nello stringere amicizie ed è sicuro che l'esperienza  universitaria sarà fantastica. Ma quando nella sua vita compare il nuovo  compagno di stanza Tharn Kirigun, ogni sogno  di esperienza spensierata all'università va in frantumi. Dichiaratamente  gay, Tharn rappresenta tutto ciò che Type è arrivato ad aborrire nel  corso degli anni. Il ragazzo, così, si intestardisce a cacciare Tharn  dal dormitorio e fa tutto ciò che è in suo potere per riuscirci, ma  inutilmente.Rifiutandosi di cedere all'aperta ostilità  di Type, Tharn mantiene la propria posizione. Senza alternative e  costretti ad accettare il loro comune destino, i due si sistemano nello  spazio che si sono trovati a condividere. Il trascorrere più tempo  insieme basterà ad alleviare la tensione tra di loro o non farà altro  che peggiorare le cose?
- My Fated boy, C-drama
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADgzXJKiNWM
Trama:  Da piccoli Lin Yang e il suo vicino di casa Lu Zheng An erano  inseparabili, nonostante lei fosse più  grande di lui di sette anni, e ne combinavano di tutti i colori, per la  disperazione dei loro genitori anch’essi grandi amici. Ora trentunenne,  Lin Yang lavora in un ufficio e vive in  affitto. La sua vita non è andata proprio come sperava, ma riesce  comunque a  barcamenarsi. Tuttavia un giorno, i suoi ricordi del passato tornano   con prepotenza quando Lu Zheng An, ora 24enne, ritorna a casa dopo essersi laureato  all’estero. Lei non lo sa, ma lui la ama da sempre e ora che è adulto è  intenzionato a riaccendere la loro  amicizia e a far nascere una storia d'amore tra loro, inserendosi a  forza nella sua vita con ogni sotterfugio possibile. Lin Yang lo vede  ancora come il ragazzino con cui giocava da piccola, ma più tenpo  passerà con il ragazzo che ora è diventao un uomo molto attraente più la  sua propsettiva cambierà, anche perchè lui farà di tutto per  conquistare il suo cuore.
- The Heirs, K-drama
Link per guardarlo: https://www.viki.com/tv/12699c-heirs
Trama: I figli delle famiglie più ricche e in vista della Corea del sud sono sì dei privilegiati, ma portano sulle loro spalle il peso di essere gli eredi degli imperi commerciali  delle rispettive famiglie, sebbene siano solo dei liceali. Kim Tan   è l'erede dell'Empire Group, un conglomerato imprenditoriale, ma vive costantemente all'ombra del suo  fratellastro più vecchio, Kim Won,  che riveste già il ruolo di giovane e talentuoso dirigente  nell'impresa. Nonostante sia già fidanzato con l'altezzosa Rachel Ryu, una ricca ereditiera di hotel, Tan si innamora di Cha Eun Sang,  la figlia della governante di famiglia.  Eun Sang viene invischiata in  un triangolo amoroso con Tan e Choi Young Do ,  il paternalistico erede di una multinazionale che gestisce un resort di  lusso, mentre Chan Young il suo migliore amico, si innamora dell'ex ragazza di Tan, Lee Bo Na,  la figlia di un importante dirigente nell'ambito dell'intrattenimento,  spesso dedita alla vita mondana. Una storia d'amore tra ricchi e poveri  può però sopravvivere alle pressioni sociali?
- Oh my Venus, K-drama
Link per guardarlo:https://www.viki.com/tv/28538c-oh-my-venus?qId=4bac1c453147466281905fa9471c44c0
Trama:  È facile ignorare la propria salute quando si è impegnati a realizzarsi e  ad attraversare le sfide che ci presenta la vita. Kim Young Ho  è cresciuto in una famiglia benestante, ma ha subito un infortunio  devastante durante la sua infanzia, con pazienza e un po’ di  testardaggine ha superato quell’infanzia difficile e ora lavora come  personal trainer per le celebrità.  La sua amica d’infanzia Kang Joo Eun ha lavorato  duramente per sostenere la sua famiglia, ora è un avvocato di successo,  ma è in sovrappeso e non ha il tempo materiale per pensare al suo  aspetto personale. Quando Young Ho e Joo Eun, si rincontrano sono ormai  due adulti, e decidono di motivarsi l’un  l’altro per condurre una vita più sana. In particolare lei vuole l’aiuto di lui per dimagrire, ma la vicinanza farà forse sbocciare tra di loro un nuovo sentimento.    
- Tempted, K-drama
Link per guadarlo:https://www.viki.com/tv/35783c-tempted
Trama:  Il drama è una rilettura del famoso romanzo francese "Le Relazioni  Pericolose" di Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, in cui una coppia di  aristocratici inizia un pericoloso gioco di seduzione. Kwon Shi Hyun  e Choi Soo Ji sono migliori amici e lui è innamorato di lei. Soo Ji è  molto possessiva nei confronti di Shi Hyun, il quale le ha chiesto di  sposarla per evitare che i loro genitori si sposino. Vedendo in ciò  un'opportunità per vendicarsi dell'uomo che ha osato rifiutarla, Soo  Ji fa una proposta a Shi Hyun: se Shi Hyun riesce a far innamorare Eun  Tae Hee, il primo amore dell'uomo che l'ha rifiutata, e le spezzerà il  cuore, lei lo sposerà.  Eun Tae Hee, d'altra parte, è una ragazza fredda  che crede che le persone influenzate dall'amore siano patetiche.  Shy  Hyun, abbastanza sicuro delle sue capacità di seduzione (tanto sicuro  che ormai vede la seduzione come un passatempo),  accetta. Ma quando  questo gioco di seduzione e vendetta si trasforma in qualcosa di reale,  tutti gli interessati si ritrovano in una situazione più seria di quanto  avessero immaginato.  
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annwritesthings · 1 year
Inspirational Journeys Presents: The Conjurer's Curse with Stephanie Cotta
Inspirational Journeys Presents: The Conjurer’s Curse with Stephanie Cotta
Today, In honor of her debut book launch, Stephanie Cotta and I had a fun conversation about her writing process and her debut novel entitled The Conjurer’s Curse. Grave a cup of your favorite beverage and come join the fun. INSPIRATIONAL JOURNEYS PRESENTS! The Conjurer’s Curs with Stephanie Cotta Hello: I’m proud to announce the following guest for your listening pleasure. Please be sure to…
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jenlowrywrites · 1 year
8 more days … Stephanie Cotta’s Debut Fantasy - The Conjurer’s Curse
8 more days … Stephanie Cotta’s Debut Fantasy – The Conjurer’s Curse
8 more days … Thanks to our high school volunteer, Molly Roth, for creating our book trailer for The Conjurer’s Curse! Molly loved TCC, and we can’t for you to share this clean read – AMAZING FANTASY – with the readers in your life. It’s on preorder right now! Head over to where you buy books online, stop by the bookstore and order copies for Christmas gifts, and ask your local librarian can they…
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feed-my-reads · 2 years
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rainie-minnie · 3 years
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Strawberry panna cotta.
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incoherentbabblings · 4 years
An Endless Hope (1/9)
After a horrendous blizzard falls over Gotham, Tim undergoes a sharp change in character before disappearing. Upon discovering what has become of him, Stephanie sets off on a solo journey in a magic realm to bring him home, meeting some faces which seems awfully familiar along the way.
New fic time! Archive Of Our Own Link Click Click!
“Can’t believe he’s gonna be forty-five.”
“I know, right?”
“Bruce’ll be an old man soon.”
Tim tutted, herding Stephanie down an aisle with the metal cart he was pushing. “Don’t tell him that.”
Stephanie scoffed. “What? Has he got a younger clone of himself in a giant egg somewhere ready to pop when someone utters those words?”
Tim stopped pushing the cart, turned ninety degrees, and gave Steph an indescribable look.
“I was being sarcastic, Tim.”
Tim said nothing, then slowly rotated back to push the empty cart, Stephanie trailing behind.
They’d gone to the garden centre because Stephanie was willing to look everywhere and anywhere for inspiration for Bruce’s upcoming birthday. Tim, ever dutiful, followed along. It was a rubbish time of year to go to a garden centre – late January – as the entire place was filled with on sale Christmas decorations and half dead flowers that would no doubt complete their journey to the grave if buried in the frigid soil. The poor choice of plants was reflected in the number of customers, of which there were maybe three others trailing up and down the greenhouse aisles.
“I guess that’s not fair,” Stephanie continued to voice to the relative silence, only the distant tinny music and the dodgy wheel squeaking as they rolled along filled the lulls in conversation. “That would make Alfred positively decrepit.”
“And that he is not.” Tim said very firmly.
“No…Oooh?” Stephanie became distracted. “Oh, Tim look at these!”
Heaving the cart round the corner after her with an almighty sigh, he found her standing next to small potted flowering plants. Stephanie was pilfering through them, looking for particular colours.
Tim peered at one of the little cards slotted in the soil and chortled.
“Roses? Really? Steph I’m not sure roses are gonna cut it for Bruce’s forty-fifth.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that you big baboon—”
“’Scuse you.”
“– I’m looking at these for us, not him.”
Tim gazed at Stephanie. Stephanie, in her bright blue hand knitted beanie that she had made for herself over the Christmas break to distract from finals. Stephanie, in an oversized fluorescent plastic jacket (the kind that belonged in an early episode of Power Rangers) that somehow managed to make her look twice as wide than she truly was. Stephanie, with her flushed cheeks from the cold and little pearly teeth showing off in a big grin, golden hair bunched up into two pigtails that fell down her back.
Tim couldn’t help it; he melted a little at the sight of her.
“You’re staring.” She murmured, not looking away from her task.
Tim sucked on his teeth. “Maybe I want to. That allowed?”
“Sure. You have my permission.”
Tim pecked her on the cheek, causing Stephanie to laugh like a snorting pig. With a little happy noise, she found the two plants she wanted. One lilac and one deep red bunch. They didn’t look like ordinary roses to Tim, not like the kind you would pick up from a convenience store in a small bundle for an anniversary. No, these roses were flatter and broader, and he could see a number of buds on both sets of plants.
“I want these.” Stephanie said. “Help me pick two nice boxes to put them in?”
“Do we have space on the windowsill?”
They didn’t have a garden. Not truly. Though Tim’s apartment did allow roof access, it was not really the place to be growing a little garden. They also didn’t really have a balcony to fill with plant pots. Places for greenery were limited in their home.
“They’ll fit.”
Tim nodded, and she sat them down in the cart. A moments silence passed, and she pouted.
Sighing, Tim breathed, “What is it?”
“Ask me why I want them.”
Nodding with his entire torso, Tim moved off, heading towards glazed plant pots and boxes.
“Why do you want them?”
“’Cause they’re pretty.” She skipped after him and saw as he ran his tongue along his teeth, amused at her glib nature. “Aaaaaand, I wanna do an experiment.”
“Yes. I gathered you like those.”
“Steph.” His tone was a gentle warning.
“’Kay, ‘kay. Sorry. I just thought…” She paused, tapping her nails against a terra cotta pot. The sound was nice to listen to. “Well, you know how people say you should live together before you get married? To make sure you can actually stand being around each other twenty-four-seven?”
Tim clenched his jaw and nodded. “Yes?”
Stephanie said nothing, gnawing her lip. Tim tried to comfort her, to reassure her, by smiling, but even he felt it come across more like a grimace. Setting the empty pot back down, Steph leaned over and selected two narrow glazed boxes, ones long and slim enough to slot on their windowsill.
“It’s the same with kids. You gotta do a test run first. A proper test run. And I don’t mean what I did when I was fifteen.” She laughed uncomfortably, then looked very sad. Tim went to grab her hand, but she snatched it back and snorted, bravado back in place. “It’s a challenge. We can’t have a kid until we can keep a pet –”
Tim couldn’t help it, he finally butt in, exclaiming, “Who said we’re having children?”
But Stephanie soldiered on, “—And we can’t keep a pet until we can look after a plant. Both of us.”
“I… I’m nineteen Steph. We can get a plant in ten years or so.”
Weird conversation.
Stephanie sighed, setting the plant pots in the cart. “I feel old. Much older than twenty sometimes.”
“We’ve been through more than what some people experience in a lifetime.”
She patted his cheek. “I guess so.”
“You can still be a kid.” Tim said later as they loaded up his car. No luck with finding anything for Bruce, but at least their living room windowsill would look nice. “There’s no timeline for this kind of stuff. Well, in your own head at least… society may side eye it but honestly –”
Stephanie slapped the trunk down with a loud slap and changed the subject. “I’ll think of something else. Don’t suppose he’d want a scarf or anything?”
“If you made him one Steph, I’d think he’d like that.”
“Huh.” They both got in the car, Tim in the driver’s seat, Stephanie googling nearby craft stores. “There’s a thought. I can pick up some nice wool round campus on Monday.”
Tim paused after he lit the ignition, eyebrows furrowed in thought. A moment passed, then he turned the car back off, and rotated to look Stephanie in the eye. Warily, she watched him.
“You mean it,” He asked, “about the whole plant thing?”
She growled, growing defensive. “I want to look after something and do it well. Sue me that it’s just starting off with a plant.”
“No, no. I get that. I mean do you not feel like a kid anymore?”
The bubbling anger melted away, and she cooed sympathetically. “Do you?”
“Did I ever?” Huffing, he tapped the steering wheel, then he looked distinctly guilt ridden. “No. That’s not fair. I did. Especially compared to you.”
“My childhood was mediocrely bad, Tim, but I did have one.” She tugged his earlobe. Tim frowned at her downplaying her pain, as always. It was impossible to get her to be serious about herself nowadays. Tim’s pain she took seriously. Cassandra’s pain she took seriously. Damian’s pain she took seriously. Her own pain though… “No comparing hurt. How does that help you or me?”
“I know, I know,” He conceded. Then he was silent, musing something still.
Stephanie’s hand moved from his ear to his jaw, cradling it. Lowering her tone, she asked,
“Where’s your head taken you?”
“I’m gonna be twenty this July.”
“Mhhmm! It’s a big one. The end of your teenage years.”
“I just… don’t know if we’ve got to do everything we should have done. I mean, so much of our adolescence was taken up with…” He trailed off. “And what makes an adult an adult anyway? I mean, look at Bruce.”
“I try not to.”
Tim actually giggled. “I just mean, he has the emotional maturity of a ten-year-old.” A sudden idea came to Tim, and he perked up in his usual manner once hit by his clever notions. “Hey, how about we travel over the summer?”
Tim started the car back up and began the drive to his apartment on Park Row.
“It’s your final year at college, and you’ll be turning twenty-one in August. I’ve got my twentieth in July. Let’s do one last hurrah. Go to Disneyland.”
As they exited the parking lot Stephanie burst out laughing.
“Is that what childhood is? A trip to Disneyland?”
“No!” He exclaimed, face red. “No, that’s not what I meant… I just mean… I just mean…”
“Be selfish for a while. Forget all those responsibilities for a few weeks?”
“Yeah. You deserve that.” Breathing a sigh of relief, he smiled. Stephanie had a knack for cutting through to the bone of an issue. She understood what he was trying to say.
“So do you.” She smiled and tapped his cheek fondly, then settled in for the drive.
They got stuck for twenty minutes trying to cross from one island to another, but it didn’t bother either of them. Stephanie playfully being bad at singing at whatever nineteen eighties anthem came on over the radio. Tim knew she was just playing. She was as good a singer as she was a pianist – unpractised and a little clumsy – but it caused Tim to stop and watch every time. Her screeching to Take on Me was not her best effort, but it made Tim smile all the same.
She snatched the keys and rushed inside when they got back, leaving Tim to trundle behind her, balancing pots and flowers in his arms.
“I seriously have to look after this plant?” He moaned. With a grunt he got down on the floor by the window, setting everything out in place.
“Yes,” muttered Stephanie, throwing towels on the floor and reading instructions online of how to transfer plants from pot to pot. She had thought ahead – for once – and realised that maybe flinging dirt around would damage the living room rug.
Stephanie had moved into his apartment last August, about four months after they had returned to being a couple. For honest and goodness for real this time.
Dick and Babs had made many a teasing (but fond) comment. Cassandra and Duke had been happy, but largely unaffected by the decision. Damian had not been impressed. Jason really didn’t care.
Bruce had said nothing, which was somehow more worrying than his usual disapproving grunts.
So they had, for the most part, been left to it. Stephanie had swiftly turned the apartment (and the Nest) into as much her space as Tim’s. He didn’t mind, as she had a knack for clutter which made the town house feel less like a base and more like a home. Nothing made him feel more happy than coming home from Wayne Enterprises to see Steph sat on the floor, battered laptop on the coffee table, highlighted pages and mugs scattered everywhere, as she screwed up her face trying to write another essay on John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s theories on social contracts. The normality was an anchor, one he had so desperately needed in recent years.
Stephanie, meanwhile, had relished the chance to have her own space. To leave her mother had been hard, harder than she had realised at first, but it wasn’t like she wasn’t on the phone with her twice a week, and still compelled to attend scrabble night every Friday (Tim semi reluctantly in tow occasionally). She just hadn’t realised how difficult it would be to leave again. Even if it was, this time, under totally normal circumstances. Every kid has to move out, right? And it’s not like she’d never see her mother again, right? Stephanie’s mother was an adult, she could take care of herself. Steph wasn’t needed to watch her night and day.
But still, there were days when she craved her mother’s morning waffles, or warm shaky hugs.
Tim was a pretty good substitute though.
Speaking of, Tim crawled over to her, snuggle bug that he was, not so subtly looking for affection. He grabbed one of her pigtails and tugged the elastic off so he could braid her hair. She really had let it grow to a ridiculous length, long enough for Bruce and Babs both to chide her. One day it would get caught, or someone would grab it, or it would catch fire or something. The honest reason for letting it grow was…well it was embarrassing and shallow.
Steph sat quietly, letting Tim very carefully and methodically Dutch braid her hair, as she read. Even now, after several months reunited, she could tell he was still testing boundaries. Not just with what she was comfortable with, but also himself. Casual intimacy. Frightening stuff. Well, maybe for him. Steph adored the attention and giving attention in return. Tim’s affections were not to be tolerated, or even endured. They were something to enjoy and indulge in. They were something to grow obsessively fond over, especially after the dry spell of their late teen years. She had got it back and was not going to let it go again so easily.
So, she let him hold her hand whenever he reached for it. She let him lean against her during long hours of stakeout during patrol. She let him kiss her whenever he wanted. She wanted it too. Constantly. Like she was playing catch up with the last three years.
Tim finished one braid then shuffled around so he could start the second. Stephanie sat still until he finished his task, then signalled for him to pay attention as she moved her lilac roses into their new home. He observed carefully, as Tim never half-assed anything, then he cautiously began to pack fresh soil into his glazed box. Stephanie watched him and his concentrated face. Furrowed brows, chewed lips, unsure but steady fingers. Very slow. Very methodical. Textbook job.
He looked at her when he was done though, expectant of some sort of comment. Still desperate for approval.
“Good.” She said, raising her eyebrows. She sat the two boxes on the windowsill, slotting them into place. “Now don’t let it die.”
“Before you all head out for the night, I believe you have some gifts that require opening Master Bruce.”
Bruce peered over the half-eaten slice of cake Alfred had baked yesterday evening and swallowed dryly.
Tim could tell Bruce was just a little disappointed at the showing for his birthday. He would never admit it, no, no, but still. Dick, Jason, and Babs’ absence was noted. They had been good though and posted their presents ahead of time. Well, Dick and Babs had. Jason had sent a card. Which was both more than he had done some years and less for others, so the family all took a card as a good thing. Babs had wrapped up a large basket of bat memorabilia that would unironically get usage up and downstairs.
Dick had forwarded a photo album. Bruce’s lower lip had wobbled (once) on the first page, then he did not look any further into the album and shut it. Probably would cry over it at four am later this morning bundled up in bed. Or at least that’s what Tim imagined he would do.
Cassandra had made an actual teapot during her day classes. It was very cute, albeit just a little lumpy. Damian had done a painting. Duke had bought a pair of nice cufflinks. Tim had been as subtle as a brick to a glass greenhouse and had bought two vouchers for a fishing trip. Bruce had noted to check his diary tomorrow, hearing the pleading in the present for alone time.
Stephanie rested her present reverently on the table in front of Bruce. He eyed it and her a little suspiciously, which Tim tried not to get offended over on Steph’s behalf. He knew she had worked stinking hard on the present. Harder than anything she had ever made for herself. Not as hard as the gloves she had made Tim late last year though. No, he had seen her cursing up a storm trying to get those black and red fingerless mittens right, but she had – just in time for Christmas.
Point was, Stephanie worked hard when she sewed/knitted/embroidered, and Tim hoped Bruce wouldn’t do anything too callous when he opened the gift.
She had indeed knitted a grey-blue zig zag patterned scarf. It was thick, warm, and long. She had carefully embroidered the edges with golden thread. It was nothing short of a labour of love.
Bruce saw this, did the thing where his lip quivered, and quietly thanked Stephanie.
“Happy Birthday!” She replied, smiling brightly.
“It’s very well made.”
“I tried.” She teased gently. Tim squeezed her hand.
“Can I see?” Duke asked, to which Bruce handed it over. Duke whistled. “Can I get one too?”
“Sure.” Stephanie shrugged, still grinning. “It will cost you though.”
“Aw, no fair.”
The wind picked up then, howling louder than it had all day. The windows of the manor creaked, and even in the dark, everyone could see the sudden blizzard that had begun.
“Snow?” Cass asked. “Since when?”
“The weather does that. It changes.” Duke noted with a shrug. Even so, he seemed to regret speaking the more the wind screamed.
“No. Not like this. Rain sure. Sleet sure. Not a blizzard.” Tim peered out the window. “That doesn’t come from nowhere.”
Tim watched as there was already a solid layer of ice on the floor, the snow less like fluffy crystals and more like hail. The skies above churned rolled up clouds. It was harsh and ugly.
“No way.” Duke murmured, seeing the weather deteriorate.
Stephanie did not miss Bruce silently sigh at his pile of presents, the physical proof of how fortunate his life had become in recent years, despite the sometimes oppressive setbacks. It was just a moment, then the Bat was in place.
“Let’s head out. This doesn’t look natural. Split up and hunt for causes. Manmade or otherwise. Help anyone who seems stranded.”
Damian finally piped up. “Are we splitting into pairs?”
He crept towards Stephanie. Without Dick in Gotham she remained the person he was most keen (if Damian could be such a thing) to work alongside. Bruce notwithstanding.
“Damian go with Duke. Cassandra with me. Stephanie and Tim.”
Well never mind.
Stephanie pinched Damian’s cheek, and he groaned and twitched away, running downstairs.
They all made their way to the cave, Alfred opening up the clock, when Stephanie looked back, seeing Tim was still stood, still as a statue, watching through the glass.
“Tim?” She called.
His right hand twitched, hanging limp next to his thigh, at the sound of her voice. Almost reluctantly, he replied,
“Ready to go?”
She held out her hand for him to take, though he was still looking out the window. Slowly he turned at the hips, head remaining still, staring at the storm. When her hand found his, he shuddered, like the warmth of her fingers and palm shot straight through his arm and up through his chest and head. He finally whipped round to look at her and smiled tightly.
“Ready. Sorry.”
Stephanie said nothing and pulled him away from the window.
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businesschicstyle · 6 years
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I HAVE: Andreas H. Bitesnich, Stephanie Cotta, Joakim, David Dubnitsky, SUE BRYCE - THE LIGHTING SERIES, Elena Shumilova, Irina Sapronova, Irina Chugunova, Karina Kiel, David Dubnitsky, Maxim Gustarev via /r/PresetHeaven2 http://ift.tt/2hZustC
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tachyonpub · 6 years
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My Rating: ⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤
THE LAST UNICORN: THE LOST JOURNEY is a look at the beginnings of Peter S. Beagle’s beloved novel The Last Unicorn and what paths the unicorn could have taken on her journey to find the other unicorns. Reader’s meet a cast of old and new characters as well as a new journey that is just as enticing as the one fans of The Last Unicorn are familiar with.
I’m really not surprised that I loved THE LAST UNICORN: THE LOST JOURNEY, I love everything I’ve read of Beagle and this is no different. I loved seeing what parts of Beagle’s original story of the unicorn made it into the final novel, what changed, and what characters and aspects were given to others and which aspects were dropped all together. Probably the most interesting thing about THE LAST UNICORN: THE LOST JOURNEY is how different the journey of the unicorn is from the book we know and love, not in terms of the new characters we meet but in the setting.
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I loved the new characters that were introduced as well as the old familiar butterfly. Though different in many ways from the final product, The Last Unicorn: The Lost Journey reminded me again of why I love this book so much, and it still held that charm and beauty despite all the differences.
And the illustrations! If the cover alone wasn’t enough to get you excited for this book then Stephanie Law’s illustrations will! They add a whole new kind of magic to the story and are absolutely stunning to look at.
THE LAST UNICORN: THE LOST JOURNEY is a must-read for any fans of The Last Unicorn who want to see the bones of the story they love and a journey and experience like no other. The magic is still there, as is the love for this amazing story, only in a different way.
The style of the author is sublime and magical. The way Beagle describes the unicorn is unique and breathtaking. Not effective or clichéd. The unicorn is not portrayed as something special, but as something that is one with the world. On the contrary to the unicorn, man seems to be something out of the ordinary, something peculiar. The magic is clearly in the descriptions of the unicorn.
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Cover illustration: Velcro-Cotta
It's hard for me to connect the story with this word, but the story is romantic. By that I do not mean that she is cheesy or could be equated with romance novels. The romance goes deeper, is more complex, pure and sublime. The story covers many things: love and longing, criticism of people, of his dealings with nature, of society. There are elements of the uncanny and just as fantastic as supernatural elements. Again, the story seemed to me to be strongly based on the literary-scientific concept of Romanticism.
What also made me enthusiastic was that the author captured the mood of southern Italy very well and put it on paper. He draws an authentic picture with beautiful and ugly pages. What baffled me when I read was about to end as Claudio plunges into a daredevil fight.
With the help of the timeless and magical narrative style, I felt really comfortable and in good hands while reading.
I love the stories of Peter S. Beagle. A reading recommendation goes out to all unicorn fans of the old school.
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Translation from the German courtesy of Google
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Iain Nicholas Mackenzie on THE GREEN MAN REVEW recounts an encounter with Peter S. Beagle.
Yeah that’s Peter Beagle — author of such delightful works as the above-quoted  SUMMERLONG along with IN CALABRIA, Tamsin and of course The Last Unicorn to name but three of his many works — over in the sitting area in the Kitchen here at Kinrowan Hall.
Reynard and he have been talking about ales and he says that ‘When I can get it — and I only know one pub in Berkeley that stocks it — I’ll take Blackened Voodoo, which is really a dark ale (as is the Brazilian Xingu, which is even harder to find). Blackened Voodoo is a Dixie Beer product; I think Katrina almost put them out of business — anyway, I couldn’t find it for quite a while. Sierra Nevada’s always a reliable bet, but BV’s worth the extra searching…’
He’s just been offered a particularly decadent chocolate bar and the Several Annie is asking him if he wants it: ‘Whatever you may have heard, it is not true that I have ever killed for really good chocolate. Trampled … well, sort of.  But only when the person was directly between the chocolate and me.  I mean, after all …’ and I see the chocolate is indeed to his liking.
DRAWING TUTORIALS offers Easy The Last Unicorn Drawing Tutorials for Beginners and advanced.
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For more info about THE LAST UNICORN: THE LOST JOURNEY, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thorsten Erdt
Illustration by Stephanie Law
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more info about IN CALABRIA, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
For more info on SUMMERLONG, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Magdalena Korzeniewska
Design by Elizabeth Story
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lisboabeat · 3 years
22.10.21 5A CLUB JOE DELON
23.10.21 5A CLUB CRUZ
24.10.21 NADA TEMPLE   20:00 - 0:00⁠ ⁠ Diário de Raver  Fábio Amaral  Cuca Rafa Filip Dahlqvist 
0 notes
livingcorner · 3 years
The History of the Garden Gnome
Jami has been an online writer for several years. Her articles focus on everything from pet maintenance to ear piercings.
Have you ever wondered about the history of garden gnomes?
You're reading: The History of the Garden Gnome
Running via Wikimedia Common, Public Domain
What Is a Garden Gnome?
A garden gnome (also known as a lawn gnome) is a figurine of a small humanoid creature, typically wearing a tall, pointy, red hat, that serves as decoration for gardens and/or lawns.
The gnomes are believed to protect the owner from evil. The figurines originated in Germany in the 19th century and were called Gartenzwerg, which literally translates to “garden dwarf.” It wasn’t until the 1930s that the English term “gnome” came to be.
Garden Gnome Typology
There are many different types of garden gnomes. They appear in different positions, and they can be made from different types of materials.
Typically, the gnomes are male dwarfs with long, bushy white beards who wear tall, pointy red hats. They are typically smoking (or holding) a pipe. They are seen in various positions, including standing, lying down, sitting, etc., and they engage in various activities (fishing, napping, etc.). Garden gnomes can be made from wood, porcelain, ceramic, or terra cotta.
The History of the Garden Gnome
Garden gnomes have always had a unique history in Europe, and they have even wedged their way into American pop culture, becoming quite the craze. Now, they are seen everywhere, from the lawn next door to the lawn across the world.
Garden decorations, especially statuary, have been common throughout Europe since the Renaissance. It was believed that these small human-like beings would ward away evil from the owner.
In 1616, the statues only depicted Gobbi (an Italian hunchback). By the late 18th century, porcelain “house dwarfs” were created and produced on a wide scale (at this time, Switzerland was also producing wooden statues of dwarfs and gnomes, as well). Soon enough, gnomes became a very popular house, lawn, and garden ornament and this popularity steadily grew throughout the 19th century.
They have been manufactured, produced, and distributed for centuries, but the “title of manufacturer of the first garden gnome is hotly contested,” according to Wikipedia. It is possible that their first manufacturer was in 1841, when these early gnomes were being produced by Baehr and Maresch of Dresden. However, there is evidence suggesting that they were being produced by many other countries as early as 1860, as well.
“Philip Griebel made terra cotta animals as decorations, and produced gnomes based on local myths as a way for people to enjoy the stories of the gnomes’ willingness to help in the garden at night. The garden gnome quickly spread across Germany and into France and England, and wherever gardening was a serious hobby.” (Wikipedia)
Ever since gnomes came onto the hobby scene in the 19th century, small manufacturers have popped up all over Germany. Their manufacturing has spread all across Germany, and each manufacturer had their own style and design.
Germany was the first (or one of the first) countries to manufacture and produce gnomes for collectors since before the 19th century. They became very popular in Germany (there are an estimated 25 million gnomes spread across German lawns).
Gnomes are also considered to be a huge part of eastern and western European culture, and were even seen in the tales written by the Grimm brothers.
“The Brothers Grimm featured gnomes in ‘The Gnome’, a series of short stories detailing the lives of gnomes. These stories depict gnomes in benevolent and malevolent lights, but the first one is perhaps the most important: in it clothing is given to two helpful gnomes and they decide to serve a cobbler and his wife for the rest of their days. Other stories exist of gnomes’ helpfulness in the oral tradition and relate the willingness of gnomes to assist in gardens.” (Gnomefrenzy).
Garden gnomes were first introduced into the United Kingdom when Sir Charles Isham came home from his vacation in Germany and brought 21 of the terra cotta figurines with him, displaying them in his home and lawn in 1847.
In recent history, they have made a resurgence in the United States and Western Europe. They have popped up in films, television shows, commercials, books, advertising, etc.
Today, garden gnomes are seen across the lawns and garden of many all over the world. Their popularity continues to grow and the production of garden gnomes continues.
Pranks have even been created around the stealing of garden gnomes (most commonly referred to as gnoming). Some have even begun to travel all over the world collecting (stealing) gnomes from gardens in different countries.
Garden gnomes even have their own holiday; International Gnome Day was instituted in 2002 and is celebrated on June 21st by over a dozen countries.
The history of garden gnomes is unique, long, interesting, and even comical. They may always be popular and will likely survive and live in peoples’ gardens for centuries to come.
Fun Facts
The traveling gnome prank later became the basis for Travelocity’s “Roaming Gnome.”
In 2008, a 53-year-old French man was arrested on suspicion of stealing upwards of 170 garden gnomes.
A garden gnome plays an important role in the 2001 French-German film, Amélie.
How to Make Your Own Garden Gnome
Read more: Gardening tips for raised beds
Marlene Bertrand from USA on June 27, 2019:
This is interesting information about gnomes. I saw a gnome at a home improvement store about 10 years ago and could not resist buying it. They are adorable little “creatures.” Knowing the history of them adds to my enjoyment. Thank you for providing such an in-depth article.
William Grant from Wisconsin on April 06, 2013:
What about the garden gnomes inner-city cousin: the metro gnome?? I’ve seen them growing along the road-side near construction zones… I think they live underground… All I usually see are their hats.
Or maybe that’s where they bury them when they die…. Not sure.
Adrian Palmer Edwards from Valley, Anglesey UK on March 26, 2013:
Not a gnome lover myself, but my parents liked them and had some in their garden, I grew up with them. Nice job keep it up.
summerberrie on March 25, 2013:
I love garden gnomes. We have a copy of the gnome book by Gnomes by Poortvliet and it is a favorite. Love sticking those little garden gnomes on fun places around the yard. Great hub.
Jenna Estefan from Seattle, WA on March 25, 2013:
super cute hub!
Bishop55 on March 25, 2013:
Love this! Voted up. Creative, cute, funny.
Brenda Durham on March 25, 2013:
I don’t like garden gnomes either. They seem silly and creepy at the same time to me; and are a symbol of superstition that I disagree with. Like keeping a rabbit’s foot for good “luck”.
But I think your hub is well-written.
Mary Hyatt from Florida on March 25, 2013:
Congrats on HOTD. Very interesting article. My neighbor has about 10 of these little guys in her yard. I think they are adorable.
Voted UP, etc.etc.
Stephanie Bradberry from New Jersey on March 25, 2013:
I have a bog book about gnomes. When my niece saw it a few weeks ago, she wanted to take the book home. As a bibliophile it was tough to part with it, but I did not want to be a hypocrite as an English professor by not promoting and encouraging the love of reading and books. So I made my 7 year old niece sign a contract to return the book to me. She loved the pictures so much and kept asking everyone to fill in the words she could not read that she was driving them crazy. She has a garden gnome coming in the future as a present!
Sheri Dusseault from Chemainus. BC, Canada on March 25, 2013:
Well now I have learned something today. I didn’t know anything about gnomes. But someone in my hometown took the local pubs gnome traveling. Then it just showed back up one day. Congrats on the hub of the day! You deserve it as this is great. Love the pictures!
Jennifer Brummert on March 25, 2013:
There was a newstory on NPR recently about gnomes in Oakland, CA. Should check it out..Aah, gotta love a gnome really.
Dawn from Canada on March 25, 2013:
Congrats on the Hub of the Day! I too am not a fan of gnomes, ewwww I say! Great hub on them though and I enjoyed the history!
Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on March 25, 2013:
Congrats on HOTD!
Very interesting history. I have a few ceramic molds for gnomes, and can make as many or as few as I want. LOL Until recently, I had a small, wholesale ceramics business, and the gnomes were never ordered much at all. I guess you have to live in a “gnomy” area. I don’t see them displayed around here.
Suzette Walker from Taos, NM on March 25, 2013:
What a charming hub and congratulations on HOTD! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this as I love these little guys. I have had some of these gnomes at different times, but I did not know the history behind them. And it is quite a history. Thanks for a really fun and informative hub!
Your Cousins from Atlanta, GA on March 25, 2013:
Hey, I remember the story about the cobbler and the gnomes! This was an interesting feature. Voted up and interesting. Great HOTD.
Subhas from New Delhi, India on March 25, 2013:
Through your fantastic hub only I got an enriched knowledge about this figures. Very nice of you!
Edmund Custers on March 25, 2013:
I played a garden gnorm screen game sometime ago. Now I know where those guys came from.
Thanks for sharing!
Read more: Vertical vegetable garden ideas
Melvin Porter from New Jersey, USA on March 25, 2013:
I always wonder where these guys came from. Thanks for the interesting information.
Marites Mabugat-Simbajon from Toronto, Ontario on March 25, 2013:
I have a fascination on gnomes, dwarves, elves, to name a few of these characters in their own worlds, but I have no collection of any of them, or in my backyard garden. I do wish in some moments that they come visit me *smile*. I read about them and this is one nice read here. Thank you, JamiJay, and congratulations to Hub of the Day!
Heidi Thorne from Chicago Area on March 25, 2013:
I gotta get me an army of gnomes… especially if they actually do help out in the garden at night as reported. That’ll save me a whole bunch of time.
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mr-veg from Colorado United States on March 25, 2013:
I love the concept and also the movie Smurfs
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… Good One and Congrats for being hub of the day !
Cindy A Johnson from Sevierville, TN on March 25, 2013:
I love to put stuff in my garden but have never used a garden gnome. I might have to look into that if they are supposed to bring good luck. I need all I can get with my plants!
newusedcarssacram from Sacramento, CA, U.S.A on March 25, 2013:
I think garden gnomes are fascinating. Thanks a lot for sharing so much interesting information about them. Congratulation on becoming Hub of The Day, this is surely a deserving Hub.
Toy Tasting from Mumbai on March 25, 2013:
Lovely Hub, Jamijay! Brings back memories of the Grimm fairy tales. Extremely visual post, love the pictures
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Kristi Patrice Carter from Chicago, Illinois on March 25, 2013:
I didn’t know anything about Garden Gnome until I read your article… I remember when I was a kid, I used to watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs…Now, I am loving more to recreate my backyard and put some Gnomes on my garden…Thanks for this wonderful idea that I can do this Springtime…
Ashok Goyal from 448 Dalima Vihar Rajpura 140401 Punjab India on March 25, 2013:
Beautifully Beautiful Hub indeed. I showed the photos to my grandchildren and they insisted we want it.. we want that….!
Thelma Alberts from Germany on March 22, 2013:
I love this hub. I like gnomes in the garden although I don´t have even one gnome in my garden. Seeing these photos inspire me of buying one or two from Germany and bring them with me to the Philippines. My garden would be the talk of the town because no one has a gnome in their garden. Besides that, I might put the gnomes inside the house at nighttime to avoid being stolen, lol. Thanks for sharing;-)
Laura Brown from Barrie, Ontario, Canada on March 21, 2013:
I don’t have a garden of my own. But I still like the garden gnomes. https://ift.tt/3jvpjZw
Martin Kloess from San Francisco on March 20, 2013:
Thank you for this. As I get older, I see no harm in allowing fantasy back into my life.
RodNapeda on March 20, 2013:
haha! Actually I not a reader guy, but this one got me.
Jami Johnson (author) from Somewhere amongst the trees in Vermont. on March 20, 2013:
billybuc, haha. I have never anyone who willing admitted they did not like garden gnomes
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I have always liked them and I have a lot of friends who make them themselves, but I do not own any myself, because here in Vermont there are a lot of gnomenappers. I had friends in high school that were involved with gnomenapping and they even created a special place in the woods (off trail) where they set all of them up, “releasing them back into the wild” lol.
Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on March 20, 2013:
I have a confession to make….I don’t like garden gnomes. LOL Having said that, the history you shared was pretty interesting, so thanks. If this ever comes up in Trivial Pursuit I’ll be ready to score.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/the-history-of-the-garden-gnome/
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courseone · 2 months
PRO EDU - Newborn Photography & Retouching Part 1 Posing The Ultimate Newborn Photography & Posing Tutorial The Ultimate Guide to Newborn Photography is a fantastic class to take on the entire process of building a business around newborn photography. Taught by award winning photographer Stephanie Cotta, this comprehensive guide to lighting, posing, managing, marketing, and retouching newborns is the ultimate tutorial for photographers looking to master newborn photography. This Newborn tutorial is unique in that we cover 15 poses that Stephanie Cotta accomplishes within 45 minutes at every one of her newborn sessions. After taking this course you will have a deeper understanding of the approach to natural studio lighting, lens selections, camera choice while shooting on manual, and the tips and tricks behind posing a sleeping baby for a seamless photo shoot. Posing a 5-Day old baby can be a challenge if you do not have the tools and tricks that Stephanie has developed over the past 5 years of shooting newborns. Come on location in this comprehensive tutorial to elevate your newborn photography and post-production workflow.
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
Ten Small But Important Things To Observe In Black Kitchen Wall Art | Black Kitchen Wall Art
If you adulation adequate affable spaces abounding with rustic elements, you’re not alone. According to a 2019 trend address from the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA), farmhouse is one of the four best requested kitchen styles, and experts ahead it to abide growing in acceptance over the abutting few years. Although farmhouse kitchen acrylic colors about angular neutral, these blush schemes aren’t all about whites and copse tones. Alike bolder hues such as fleet blue, terra-cotta, or blooming can be advised farmhouse kitchen colors in the appropriate context. The key to creating a bright, affable amplitude is a aloof abject that lets you add personality with attenuate hues and accustomed textures. Follow these tips to accept the best farmhouse kitchen colors and add an agreeable vibe to the affection of your home.
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SURELIFE Herbs Poster Botanical Kitchen Wall Art Canvas Prints Paintings Black and White Letters Pictures Gift Home Decorations – black kitchen wall art | black kitchen wall art
James Nathan Schroder
Whites, grays, and beiges are the foundation of farmhouse kitchen colors. Acrimonious the appropriate aloof acrylic color is an important aboriginal footfall to accomplishing the absolute farmhouse style. This aloof will act as the abject blush in your space, accoutrement either the cabinetry, walls, or both. Although air-conditioned whites and grays accept bedeviled recently, abounding homeowners and designers are now alive against an earthier palette, says Stephanie Pierce, administrator of architecture and trends at MasterBrand Cabinets. “Stark whites are abatement into biscuit creams, woodsy tones that are ablaze to medium, and nature-based colors,” she says. 
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Personalised Family Kitchen Wall Art Quote Sticker Vinyl Decal PVC Black Large 11cm wide x 11cm high 11 – black kitchen wall art | black kitchen wall art
Suggested gray chiffonier acrylic color: Silver Cloud 2129-70, Benjamin Moore
James Nathan Schroder
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Kitchen Wall Decor Set of 11 • Vintage Crates in Black and White .. | black kitchen wall art
If you’re planning a farmhouse kitchen makeover, aboriginal accede if you accept any absolute elements (like countertops or flooring) to assignment with. Be abiding to argue those surfaces afore acrimonious a aloof acrylic color. Your new acrylic blush should accompaniment the tones of your kitchen’s surfaces, so attending for hues of the aforementioned temperature. For example, a air-conditioned biscuit will accord with a abysmal gray countertop, while a chrism acrylic will draw amore from copse flooring. Blush temperature is appropriately important if you’re starting from blemish because the abject aloof will access the added colors you accompany into the space. 
Story continues
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11 Kitchen Free Printables • Wall Art Roundup | Printables .. | black kitchen wall art
To amount out if your neutrals are balmy or cool, argue the darkest adumbration on the acrylic sample strip. Typically, warmer hues embrace reds, yellows, oranges, while acknowledgment shades tend against blues, greens, and purples. Alternatively, analyze the aloof with added colors, such as dejected and red swatches: What undertones do you ascertain in the neutral? Does it about-face added appear one blush back placed abutting to anniversary other? 
Suggested white acrylic color: White Veil OR-W14, Behr
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Fun Food Black & White Typography Gallery Kitchen Wall Art Prints – black kitchen wall art | black kitchen wall art
Marie Flanigan Interiors LLC
Traditionally, corrective cabinets are one of the best style-defining elements of farmhouse kitchens, behindhand of
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US $11.111 11% OFF|Nordic Minimalist Canvas Prints Posters Black and White Kitchen Wall Art Canvas Paintings Pictures Dining Room Home .. | black kitchen wall art
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Modern Black White Kitchen Quotes A11 Posters Nordic Living Room Wall Art Picture Home Canvas Painting – black kitchen wall art | black kitchen wall art
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black and white kitchen art – Free printables | Decoración de unas .. | black kitchen wall art
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Black Kitchen decor, Kitchen wall art, Kitchen prints, Set of 11 prints, Kitchen poster, Black and White, Kitchen Prints, Kitchen decor art – black kitchen wall art | black kitchen wall art
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US $11.11 110% OFF|Black White Minimalist kitchen wall art Canvas Painting picture Food Wine Kitchen Decor cooking Posters Prints for Living .. | black kitchen wall art
The post Ten Small But Important Things To Observe In Black Kitchen Wall Art | Black Kitchen Wall Art appeared first on Painter Legend.
Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/surelife-herbs-poster-botanical-kitchen-wall-art-canvas-prints-paintings-black-and-white-letters-pictures-gift-home-decorations-black-kitchen-wall-art.jpg
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frenchshark · 4 years
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Using an old prompt infograph from last year and posting a bit later than I'd hoped, bit I've decided to try the "Sims-A-Thon" this month! *** Choose a Household: "Anne's House of Dreams" by L.M. Montgomery *** Build a House: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling *** Perfect the Layout: "If You Find This Letter" by Hannah Brencher *** Interior Design: "Peter Pan" by J.M. Barrie *** Get a Job - Entertainer: "Twilight: The Official Movie Companion" by Mark Cotta Vaz *** Making a Friend: "Holes" by Louis Sachar *** Get a Promotion: "Back to the Future: The Ultimate Visual History" by Michael Klastorin, Randal Atamaniuk *** Fall in Love: "Love à La Mode" by Stephanie Kate Strohm *** Get Married: "Another Day" by David Levithan *** Have a Baby: "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" by John Boyne *** Change Your Career: "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien *** Become a Ghost: "Chosen" by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast *** Reach the Top of Your Career Track: "The Last Star" by Rick Yancey *** Eat a Cookie: "Know Your Cat" by Bruce Fogle *** Pay Your Bills: "Midnight Beauties" by Megan Shepherd *** Cook French Toast: "Around the World in 80 Cliches" by Laura Lee *** Have an Affair: "Daisy Jones & The Six" by Taylor Jenkins Reid *** Burn Down the Kitchen: "The Hunger Games: Official Movie Companion" by Kate Egan *** Meet the Grim Reaper: All that You Left Behind" by Erin Lee Carr *** Take a Bubble Bath: "Emergency Contact" by Mary H.K. Choi *** Age Up: "Severance" by Ling Ma *** #currentlyreading #tbr #simsathonreadathon #harrypotter #potterchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/B9OGA7ug8ki/?igshid=1at952kvp61uz
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